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Cozumel…………………………………………………………….3<br />

Fort of San Miguel Campeche……………………………………6<br />

Cabo San Lucas…………………………………………………….7<br />

Aqueduct of Morelia………………………………………………9<br />

Sumidero Canyon………………………………………………….10<br />

Women Island………………………………………………………11<br />

Las Pozas de Xilitla…………………………………………………13<br />

The Basaltic Prims of Santa Maria Regla………………………...15<br />

Scualows Basement………………………………………………...17<br />

Waterfalls of Cusarare………………………………………….....18<br />

The Veracruz Reef: The largest in the Gulf of Mexico…………20<br />

Acapulco Guerrero………………………………………………....22<br />

Oaxaca………………………………………………………………24<br />

Manzanillo………………………………………………………….26<br />

Vallarta Port………………………………………………………..28<br />


Cozumel (in Mayan language: Kosom, Lumil, “Swallow, Land of<br />

the Swallows”) is a Mexican island, the third largest and the<br />

second most populated in the country. It is located to the east of<br />

Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, sixty-two kilometers from Cancun<br />

and constitutes (next to the continental enclaves Calica and Xel-<br />

Ha) one of the 11 municipalities of the state of Quintana Roo.<br />

Geography<br />


Demography:<br />

Min Locations: according to figures from the 2010. Population<br />

and Housing Census, there were 79535 permanent residents in<br />

the municipality, of whom 40357 are men and 39178 are women,<br />

10.<br />

Localities: in the territory of the municipally there are a total of<br />

135 localities; the population of the main ones is the following<br />

one:<br />

Town Population<br />

Total Municipality 79535<br />

San Miguel de Cozumel 77236<br />

The Fars 746<br />

Four and a Half Kilometer 211<br />

The Star 154<br />

El Cedral 15<br />

4 Things to do on Cozumel Island<br />

Explore Chankanaab National<br />

Park: This is an outdoor park with<br />

of activities on the beach to meet<br />

the dolphins and go scuba diving.<br />

The Chankanaab National Park is<br />

generally pleasant and its facilities<br />

are perfect for both exploring and<br />

relaxing. The park is a haven for<br />

families with young children and amateur divers looking to<br />

grow their experience.<br />


The Ruins of San<br />

Gervasio: This sanctuary<br />

used to be a meeting point<br />

for women and pay homage<br />

to the goddess of fertility<br />

and love, Ixchel Take a brief<br />

tour of this ruin, this is a<br />

magical place and the guides will tell you all the history that<br />

this ancient Mayan ruin has.<br />

Explore the ecoparque or Punta<br />

Sur: If wildlife and nature<br />

amazed you, then a trip to Faro<br />

Celera in should be on your list.<br />

Another name for this place is<br />

Punta Sur Park which houses<br />

about 2500 acres of local<br />

species, including fish and exotic birds, crocodiles and more.<br />

Museum in Cozumel: Cozumel is not only Hollywood-style<br />

island paradise, it is also a place enriched with history. In the<br />

center of San Miguel you will<br />

find one of the most interesting<br />

things to do in Cozumel. The<br />

Museum of the Island of<br />

Cozumel is an old luxury hotel.<br />


San Miguel Fort is a fortification built in the city of San Francisco<br />

Campeche.<br />

Campeche, Mexico and due to its size and history, is one of the<br />

most representative buildings of the city. Together with the fort of<br />

San Jose El Alto and the wall, it forms part of fortified buildings<br />

built between the 17 th and 18 th centuries for the defense of the city<br />

against a possible attack by the pirates.<br />

For of San Miguel<br />

Period of construction<br />

Built Juan Jose de Leon and Zambrano Current<br />

Use Archaeological Museum of Campeche<br />

State of conservation Good state of conservation<br />


The Cabo San Lucas Arches a rock formation, specifically a<br />

natural arch, in Cabo San Lucas, which is the southern tip of the<br />

Baja California Peninsula Many, argue that it looks like a<br />

triceratops drinking water. The arch separates the California Gulf<br />

from the Pacific Ocean. It also bears a strong resemblance to the<br />

Hvittserkur arch in Iceland.<br />

It attracts many tourists to Los Cabos since every four years the<br />

beach of love is formed because you can pass underneath.<br />

Cabo San Lucas Arch is the most representative icon and image of<br />

Los Cabos. The arch is a rock formation that comes out of the<br />

ocean at the tip of the peninsula. Also called “The End of the<br />

Earth”, this spot is a popular tourist attraction and the focal point<br />

of a large number of photographs. The name of “The end of the<br />

earth” is because, if from this point you draw a line towards the<br />

south, the next portion of mainland distant about 12 thousand<br />

kilometers is Antarctica”.<br />

The best view that one can have<br />

of walk in sea surrounded by<br />

peses of thousands of colors<br />

depending on the time of the year<br />

sighting of whales and dolphins<br />

besides the sea lions.<br />


Geography:<br />


The aqueduct of Morelia is one of the most beautiful and<br />

important aqueducts of Mexico located in the city of Morelia.<br />

Michoacán Raised during the colonial period, throughout its<br />

history suffered from numerous renovations and constructions.<br />

This is perhaps the most important civil construction in the city.<br />

Geography<br />


The rocks that we see today in the walls of the Sumidero Canyon,<br />

began to form about 136 million years ago based on sediments<br />

and calcium minerals (limestone), which is formed by the action o<br />

some marine animals such as corals. This supposes that, in<br />

antiquity, this region of Chiapas was submerged by a shallow sea.<br />

The Canyon as such began to form 70 million years ago thanks to<br />

the action of tectonic movements called tectonic pillar and<br />

tectonic fossa respectively 15 million years ago the marine waters<br />

withdrew from this region thanks to geological movements that<br />

formed the important mountains of Chiapas, including the<br />

Sumidero Canyon mountains, which began to suffer dissolution<br />

and erosion due to the same water, here was born the Canyon<br />

and began its formation which continues today.<br />

Geography:<br />


The Municipality of Women Island is one of the 11 Municipalities<br />

that make up the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. It is constituted<br />

by Women Island and continental<br />

sector.<br />

Attractive:<br />

‣ Mundaca Estate<br />

‣ Soth Point<br />

‣ Contoy Island<br />

‣ Cross of the Bay<br />

‣ The Farito<br />

‣ Tortugranja<br />

‣ Garrafon Park<br />

‣ Arrecife Manchones<br />

‣ Cave of the sleeping sharks<br />

Underwater Art Museum<br />

(MUSA)<br />

‣ Whale Shark<br />


Geography:<br />


Las Pozas, its official name is dwarf James Sculpture Garden. Las<br />

Pozas is a surrealistic architectural and sculptural ensemble<br />

created by Edward James in the municipality of Xilitla (San Luis<br />

Potosi Mexico). It was built between 1960 and 1970 as its home by<br />

the English poet and patron, on a 40-hectare site where he built 36<br />

structures. They<br />

predominate in<br />

them influences of<br />

diverse artistic<br />

currents and in the<br />

majority the<br />

structures do not<br />

fulfill a utilitarian<br />

end, and are<br />

integrated to<br />

waterfalls and<br />

natural pools (pools). It has an area of 320000 m2; it is located<br />

seven hours by car from Mexico City and four hours from the<br />

capital of Potosi. Some famous artists have recorded their music<br />

videos in this set, as is the artist Nicole Scherzinger with the song<br />

“Try with me”, the Australian group Empire of the Sun with the<br />

song “We are the people”, the Mexican soloist Yuri, with the song<br />

“Invincible”, The teen pop group EME 15 with “Wonderland”,<br />

among others.<br />


Geography:<br />


Located in the municipality of Huasca the Ocampo in Hidalgo,<br />

use an hour and a half from Mexico City, the Basaltic Prims of<br />

Santa Maria Regla are rock formations unique in the country<br />

considered as one of the most beautiful and impressive natural<br />

wonders of Mexico. This natural<br />

formation was created millions of<br />

years ago by the rapid cooling of<br />

lava and they are characterized<br />

have variations of color gray and<br />

blank, besides owning hexagonal<br />

forms, pentagonales or<br />

quadrangular.<br />

The columns of igneous rock from a canyon which they call<br />

Alcholoya, which seems to have<br />

been erected by some ancient<br />

civilization already forgotten. The<br />

geometric prims rise up to 40<br />

meters high and are struck by<br />

several cascades of water that flow<br />

from the San Antonio dam and the<br />


springs of an estate adjacent to the area.<br />

Geography:<br />


The Basement of Swallows Basement is a natural abyss located in<br />

the town of Aquismon pertaining to the Mexican state of San Luis<br />

Potosi.<br />

It is a protected natural state area of San Luis Potosi, declared on<br />

March 15, 2001 as “Natural Monument” The Basement”, with a<br />

protected area of<br />

285 ha. It is<br />

administered by<br />

SEGAM<br />

(Secretariat of<br />

Ecology and<br />

Environmental<br />

Management).<br />

Geography:<br />


The waterfall of Cusarare is a permanent drop of 30m, considered<br />

one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Mexico. It forms from the<br />

stream with the same name and is surrounded by a pine forest,<br />

being part of the Sierra Tarahumara.<br />

Located in the Municipality of Guachochi, Chihuahua<br />

approximately 25 km southeast of the city of Creel Chihuahua<br />

and 2 km<br />

from the<br />

mission and<br />

with the<br />

To get there<br />

the<br />

the Pacific<br />

(CHEPE) to<br />

Chihuahua to<br />

community<br />

same name.<br />

you can take<br />

Chihuahua to<br />

Railway<br />

Creel or the<br />

Creel road,<br />

then take the road from Creel to Guachochi and at the end you<br />

have to walk a path of 2 to 3 km (there are many tours from Creel<br />

That make the route).<br />

Even though it can be see all year, the east season to see it is from<br />

July to September, when the flow has the most water.<br />

Cusarare comes from the Raaramuri and means “The eagles”.<br />


Geography:<br />


In the Gulf of Mexico, 27 coral reefs form an underwater<br />

mountain range that stretches for miles between six islands.<br />

Hundreds of species of goldfish, sea grasses, sea urchins and<br />

starfish, share the reefs with others of life. Fishing, scuba diving<br />

and beach tourist thrive along the coast. This is the magnificent<br />

Veracruz reef, the largest coral ecosystem the Gulf.<br />


Geography:<br />


Acapulco is one of the most important and famous beach<br />

destinations in Mexico. It is located on the Pacific Coast, 395 km<br />

from Mexico City. Among the many attractions that you can<br />

enjoy in this portage: the beauty of its bay, one of the most<br />

beautiful in the world, the soft waves of its beaches; the comforts<br />

offered by its important hotel infrastructure, which, during the<br />

last years. Has been revitalized with the modern tourist<br />

developments of Punta Diamante; as well as its incomparable<br />

nightlife, the best that can be enjoyed in any holiday destination<br />

in the country. For those who do not know Acapulco, we<br />

recommend visiting the island for La Roqueta, ideal to rest or to<br />

practice scuba diving in its surroundings, and La Quebrada, a<br />

spectacular cliff where every day you can witness the “jumps” of<br />

the brave local divers.<br />


Geography:<br />


Oaxaca is one of the most beautiful colonial cities in the country,<br />

and cultural heritage of humanity, alone with the rest of the<br />

Central Valleys, are the most important tourist center in the state.<br />

It is located in a fertile valley of the south of Mexico and still<br />

keeps its ancestral traditions with its crafts man ship and way<br />

offline.<br />

They have archaic logical zones, convents of century XVI,<br />

baroque temples, civil buildings of the colonial time and<br />

museums. As well as important collection of cultural events,<br />

especially its religious festivals with typical calendas and<br />

mayordomias.<br />

The tourist services that the capital city of Oaxaca provides,<br />

compete with the best of any other international destination.<br />

Oaxaca offers for the first time through the internet, so that you<br />

can plan from your home or office and enjoy your experience in<br />

Oaxaca and its Central Valleys.<br />


Geography:<br />


Oaxaca is one of the most beautiful colonial cities in the country,<br />

and cultural heritage of humanity, along with the rest of the<br />

Central Valleys, are the most important tourist center in the state.<br />

It is located in a fertile valley of the south of Mexico and still<br />

keeps its ancestral traditions with its craftsmanship and way of<br />

life.<br />

They have<br />

archaeological<br />

zones, convents of<br />

century XVI,<br />

baroque temples,<br />

civil buildings of<br />

the colonial time<br />

and museums; As<br />

well as an important collection of cultural events, especially its<br />

religious festivals with its typical calendars and mayordomias.<br />

The tourist services that the capital City of Oaxaca provides<br />

complete with the best of any other international destination.<br />

Oaxaca offers excellent hotels, restaurants, transportation, travel<br />

agencies and many other services, which we offer for the first<br />

time through the internet, so that you can plan from your home<br />

or office and enjoy your experience in Oaxaca and its Central<br />

Valleys.<br />


Geography:<br />


Vallarta Port is ideal place for weddings and honey moons,<br />

couples and families, as well as being very suitable for senior<br />

travelers and eco-adventures. Vallarta Port is located in Bahia on<br />

Banderas, the second largest in the America continent, 352 km.<br />

from Guadalajara. A among its many attractions we recommend<br />

to visit Mismaloya Beach, where the famous film “La noche de la<br />

Iguana” was filmed in 1963. In Vallarta Port you can enjoy the<br />

services of<br />

boutique<br />

and Tourist<br />

hotels,<br />

savor the<br />

exquisite<br />

dishes that<br />

identify the<br />

Jalisco<br />

cuisine and<br />

admire, from the open-air restaurants, the arrival of cruises or the<br />

incredible sunsets, which have given it fame world.<br />

The most famous beach in Vallarta Port in Muertos Beach and is<br />

located just south of the boardwalk and the Caules River. It is<br />

outlined with several hotels and restaurants on the Beach and is<br />

usually very active.<br />


Geography:<br />


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