Annual Report
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OutReach<br />
LGBT Community Center<br />
2015 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>
OutReach mission statement:<br />
To promote equality and quality of life for LGBT people.<br />
2015 was a very successful year for OutReach LGBT Community Center!<br />
In 2015, we served 2,731 clients, for whom we provided 5,167 services. These numbers<br />
serve as a reminder that our clients<br />
continue to need us, even as the political<br />
climate around LGBT issues has begun to<br />
shift.<br />
Similarly, we have continued our<br />
commitment to provide supportive peer<br />
groups for LGBT people of all ages, from<br />
the OutThere program for those aged<br />
18-24 to the LGBT Senior Alliance, which<br />
had its 15th anniversary in 2015. We are<br />
proud to help provide the infrastructure<br />
for over 20 support groups, which<br />
combined held over 250 meetings in 2015, and had over 2000 attendees.<br />
In addition to our ongoing services and group meetings, we also put on events that are<br />
more one-off in nature. From celebrations to conferences to Speakers’ Bureau panels,<br />
OutReach hosted dozens of exciting and impactful events this year, reaching a wide<br />
audience of people.<br />
We also continue to work with an ever-growing list of partners to ensure that our<br />
programming can reach as many members of our diverse community as possible. For<br />
example, this year we collaborated with the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault to<br />
host the third annual Paths to Healing conference, focusing on male survivors of sexual<br />
assault.<br />
Part of this mission of collaboration is recognizing others working towards our same goals:<br />
we were honored to present awards to Rev. Everett Mitchell, Z! Haukeness, the LGBT<br />
Campus Center, and others at our annual awards banquet to recognize the inspiring work<br />
that they did in 2015. We look forward to honoring similarly passionate and effective<br />
individuals and organizations at the 2016 banquet.<br />
Steve Starkey<br />
Executive Director, OutReach Community Center<br />
2015 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2
Program Highlight: Willma’s Fund<br />
LGBT individuals are disproportionately likely to<br />
experience homelessness. One study from UCLA’s<br />
William’s Institute showed that up to 40% of homeless<br />
youth identified as LGBT. Family rejection and gender<br />
identity are two the main obstacles facing LGBT people<br />
in need of permanent housing. One in five transgender<br />
people has experienced discrimination based on their<br />
gender identity when looking for housing.<br />
Additionally, agencies serving the homeless are often illprepared<br />
to meet the specific needs of LGBT people. As<br />
a result, LGBT clients are at higher risk of experiencing<br />
violence and discrimination. This is especially true for<br />
transgender clients, who are more likely to be turned<br />
away based on their gender identity, housed in facilities<br />
that do not align with their gender, or abused.<br />
Through Willma’s Fund, OutReach is working to keep LGBT individuals off the streets and<br />
to educate homelessness service providers about the needs of LGBT people.<br />
Willma’s Fund<br />
Willma’s Fund is a fund dedicated to supporting clients who are at risk of<br />
becoming homeless. In 2015, Willma’s Fund provided $9,400 in small<br />
grants to 26 clients who sought support. These funds were used to keep<br />
them in housing or to help them get off the street. Those clients were<br />
also connected to counseling and other social service agencies. Many of<br />
them were subsequently able to find jobs and permanent housing.<br />
Willma’s Fund<br />
provided $9,400 in<br />
small grants in<br />
2015<br />
Over 100<br />
people attended<br />
the conference on<br />
homelessness<br />
Willma’s Fund conference on homelessness<br />
In 2014, OutReach hosted a day-long conference on the topic of LGBT<br />
homelessness to educate community partners on the specific issues<br />
faced by LGBT individuals. Over one hundred participants attended. The<br />
feedback received was very positive and over 98% of participants rated<br />
the conference as either “worthwhile” or “very worthwhile.” OutReach<br />
held a second successful conference on LGBT homelessness in April<br />
2016. While the first conference was focused on educating community<br />
partners on the issues faced by homeless LGBT people, the 2016<br />
conference emphasized helping community partners create concrete<br />
action plans to better support their LGBT clients.<br />
2015 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 3
2015 By The Numbers<br />
274<br />
support group<br />
meetings<br />
2,000+<br />
support group<br />
attendees<br />
3,500+<br />
volunteer hours<br />
2,700+<br />
clients called or<br />
stopped in seeking<br />
services<br />
12<br />
events<br />
46<br />
Speakers Bureau<br />
speaking events<br />
2015 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 4
2015 Financials<br />
$400,000.00<br />
Recent Revenue and Expense Trends<br />
$300,000.00<br />
$200,000.00<br />
In 2015, OutReach<br />
spent 80% of its<br />
budget on direct<br />
services!<br />
$100,000.00<br />
$0.00<br />
2013 2014 2015<br />
Revenue<br />
Expenses<br />
2015 Revenue by Source<br />
2015 Events Revenue By Type<br />
11%<br />
19%<br />
29%<br />
29%<br />
42%<br />
71%<br />
Donations<br />
Grants (Government and Foundation)<br />
Events<br />
Publication and others<br />
Corporate<br />
Individual<br />
2015 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 5
Long Term Planning<br />
340,000<br />
Historical Revenue<br />
297,500<br />
255,000<br />
212,500<br />
170,000<br />
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015<br />
Reserve fund<br />
In 2015, OutReach started a reserve fund to help ensure the<br />
financial sustainability of the organization in the short term.<br />
The reserve fund contained $14,099 at the end of 2015.<br />
Endowment<br />
In 2014, OutReach started an endowment to begin planning<br />
for longer term financial security. As of December 31, 2015,<br />
the endowment stood at $12,577.<br />
2015 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 6
OutReach Board of Directors<br />
Executive Board<br />
Other Board Members<br />
Roger Hansen<br />
President<br />
Angie Alcorta<br />
Darla Lannert<br />
Ginger Baier<br />
Vice President<br />
Tom Neal<br />
Larry Kneeland<br />
Treasurer<br />
Katherin Parsons<br />
Paul Garza<br />
Secretary<br />
Ryan Schroth<br />
2015 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 7
2015 Corporate Event Sponsors<br />
Banquet<br />
Diamond ($5,000)<br />
Madison Gas & Electric<br />
Wartmann Chandler<br />
()Appraisal Assoc.<br />
Platinum ($2,500)<br />
Alliant Energy<br />
Gold ($1,000)<br />
First United Methodist<br />
()Church<br />
Meriter Health Services, Inc.<br />
Gateway Associates<br />
UW Health & Unity<br />
Dean & St. Marys<br />
WORT FM Radio<br />
Diverse & Resilient<br />
BMO Harris Bank<br />
Silver ($500)<br />
Journey Mental Health<br />
First Choice Dental<br />
Summit Credit Union<br />
CUNA Mutual Group<br />
David Bohnett Foundation<br />
Our Lives Magazine<br />
Community Shares<br />
Woof’s<br />
Bronze ($250)<br />
Car Care Clinic<br />
State Farm, Patrick Marsden<br />
QTI Human Resources<br />
Balisle & Roberson, S.C.<br />
Plan B<br />
Gordon Flesch Company<br />
ACLU Foundation<br />
First Congregational UCC<br />
Think Ink & Design<br />
Boardman & Clarke<br />
State Farm, Jim Hartman<br />
Wegner CPAs<br />
New Harvest Foundation<br />
Michael's Frozen Custard<br />
Five Nightclub<br />
Collingwood Design<br />
Pride<br />
Diamond ($3,000 or more)<br />
Five Nightclub<br />
Madison Gas & Electric<br />
New Harvest Foundation<br />
Woof's<br />
Our Lives Magazine<br />
Platinum ($2,000)<br />
Wisconsin Gazette<br />
Isthmus<br />
Gold ($1,000)<br />
Capitol Centre Market<br />
Diverse & Resilient<br />
Shamrock Bar & Grille<br />
Greater Madison<br />
Convention & Visitors<br />
Bureau<br />
Madison Area Sports<br />
()Commission<br />
ARCW<br />
Best Western Inntowner<br />
WORT FM Radio<br />
US Bank<br />
Silver ($500)<br />
Visuwil<br />
Pride cont.<br />
Bronze ($250)<br />
Fred Astaire Dance Studio<br />
First United Methodist<br />
First Congregational UCC<br />
PFLAG<br />
The Old Fashioned<br />
OPEN<br />
Madison Media Institute<br />
Friends of Pride ($100)<br />
The Kitchen Gallery<br />
BID<br />
Think Ink<br />
Opus Lounge<br />
Dykes on Bikes<br />
Cardinal Bar<br />
Whole Foods<br />
Bandung Restaurant<br />
Blue Lotus<br />
Shoo<br />
Roast<br />
It’Sugar<br />
VOX<br />
American Family Insurance<br />
Delta Airlines<br />
Goodman Jewelers<br />
2015 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 8