5ways to wellbeing
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The 5 way app has been designed <strong>to</strong> get people thinking about ways of using each of the Five<br />
Ways <strong>to</strong> Wellbeing by offering practical examples as well as links <strong>to</strong> services or activities<br />
available in cities such as Birmingham.<br />
The Five Ways <strong>to</strong> Wellbeing Programme, commissioned by the Joint Mental Health<br />
Commissioning Team, the application which has been developed by Caron Thompson of<br />
Common Unity <strong>to</strong> challenge stigma and discrimination experienced by people with mental<br />
health issues <strong>to</strong> address stigma and discrimination associated with poor mental health, and<br />
explore how individuals can use the five ways <strong>to</strong> improve their own mental <strong>wellbeing</strong>.<br />
Using the Five Ways <strong>to</strong> Wellbeing doesn't have <strong>to</strong> be difficult or costly, there are many<br />
simple things you can do <strong>to</strong> include the Five Ways <strong>to</strong> Wellbeing in<strong>to</strong> your daily life. Being<br />
active doesn't have <strong>to</strong> mean joining a gym or joining a football club <strong>to</strong> join, although it could.<br />
There are plenty of other things we can do <strong>to</strong> be more active, for example, walking instead<br />
of using the car or public transport, gardening or exercising at home.
In 2008, nef was commissioned by the UK Government’s Foresight Project on Mental<br />
Capital and Well-being <strong>to</strong> review the inter-disciplinary work of over 400 scientists from<br />
across the world. The aim was <strong>to</strong> identify a set of evidence-based actions <strong>to</strong> improve <strong>wellbeing</strong>,<br />
which individuals would be encouraged <strong>to</strong> build in<strong>to</strong> their daily lives. As an illustration<br />
of how Government action can be explicitly directed <strong>to</strong>wards improving well-being, this<br />
page briefly sets out the five evidence-based ways <strong>to</strong> well-being and the sorts of policy<br />
interventions which could help <strong>to</strong> enable them.<br />
The 5 ways app gives a basic list of activity you can do <strong>to</strong> aid in your health and <strong>wellbeing</strong>,<br />
from reading a book, going for a walk or saying hello <strong>to</strong> a friend, the app has a design as a<br />
base point for individual <strong>to</strong> start incorporating his own goals <strong>to</strong>wards the five ways <strong>to</strong><br />
<strong>wellbeing</strong>.<br />
you can DOWNLOAD The 5 Ways To Well Being here