Stone Crest May 2017

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S tone<br />

rest<br />

COfficial Newsletter<br />

2<br />

0<br />

1<br />

7<br />

Important Numbers... 2<br />

School News... 6<br />

Sports... 8<br />

Community & Church Events... 10<br />

Houston Area Events... 13<br />

Library & Parks Events... 16<br />

Crafts, Hobby Groups... 20<br />

Recipes, Classified Ads... 22-23<br />

Published courtesy of Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, Texas 77095 • 281-463-8649<br />

Advertising: ads@krenekprinting.com • News: news@krenekprinting.com • www.krenekprinting.com<br />

<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> Find | <strong>May</strong> us on <strong>2017</strong> FACEBOOK for more news & events! Find Businesses easier on our BIZFINDER at www.krenekprinting.com!<br />


Araoz Painting &<br />

Remodeling<br />

Painting Exterior & Interior<br />

Sheet Rock Repairs • Carpentry & Siding<br />

Fences • Decks & Patios • Roofing<br />

Kitchen & Bath Remodeling<br />

Enrique Araoz<br />

Owner<br />

281-733-3830<br />

enriquearaoz44@gmail.com<br />


National Military Appreciation Month (NMAM) is celebrated every <strong>May</strong><br />

and is a declaration that encourages U.S. citizens to observe the month<br />

in a symbol of unity. NMAM honors the current and former members of<br />

the U.S. Armed Forces, including those who have died in the pursuit of<br />

freedom. The month of <strong>May</strong> is characterized by six national observances<br />

which highlights the contributions of those who have served.<br />

The 6 National Observances during National Military Appreciation<br />

Month<br />

Loyalty Day<br />

Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 1, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Kicks off our Nation’s month-long celebration of military appreciation. It<br />

is a day set aside for the reaffirmation of loyalty to the United States and<br />

to reflect on the proud heritage of our American freedom.<br />

Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW)<br />

Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 7 - Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 13, <strong>2017</strong> (Celebrated the first full week<br />

in <strong>May</strong>)<br />

A time set aside to honor the men and women who serve our nation as<br />

federal, state, county and local government employees and ensure that<br />

our government is the best in the world.<br />

Victory in Europe Day AKA V-E Day or VE Day<br />

Monday, <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2017</strong><br />

<strong>May</strong> 8, 1945 is the day the Germans throughout Europe unconditionally<br />

surrendered to WW II Allies.<br />

Military Spouse Appreciation Day<br />

Friday, <strong>May</strong> 12, <strong>2017</strong> (Traditionally set for the Friday before Mother’s<br />

Day)<br />

A day to honor military spouses with appropriate ceremonies and<br />

activities. Recognizes the important role our military families play in<br />

keeping our Armed Forces strong and our country safe.<br />

“We work as unto<br />

the Lord”<br />


Geyer roofinG<br />

Specializing in<br />

Re-Roofing<br />

Ron Geyer<br />

713-462-3898<br />


Armed Forces Day<br />

Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 20, <strong>2017</strong> (Celebrated the third Saturday in <strong>May</strong> every<br />

year)<br />

A single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military<br />

members for their patriotic service in support of our country. This day<br />

honors everyone serving in the U.S. Military branches; Air Force, Army,<br />

Coast Guard, Marines, Navy.<br />

Memorial Day<br />

Monday, <strong>May</strong> 29, <strong>2017</strong> (A Federal holiday observed on the last Monday<br />

in <strong>May</strong>)<br />

A remembrance of our veterans. Commemorates the men and women<br />

who died while in military service.<br />

History of NMAM<br />

In 1999, Senator John McCain introduced legislation to designate the<br />

month of <strong>May</strong>, National Military Appreciation Month. Both the Senate<br />

and House of Representatives adopted resolutions calling for Americans<br />

to recognize and honor U.S. Service Members during NMAM. These<br />

proclamations also urge the President to issue a proclamation calling on<br />

the people of the United States to observe NMAM.<br />

Source: Military Benefits.info<br />


• Kitchens • Bathrooms • Windows / Doors • Floors • Hardi Siding<br />

• Rooms Additions • Complete Renovations • Patio Covers<br />

Rob Geyer<br />

281-477-3456<br />

Visit our website Geyerremodel.com<br />

2 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>



MANAGEMENT COMPANY: High Sierra Management<br />

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 940267, Houston, TX 77094<br />

Physical Address: 722 Pin Oak Rd., Ste. 230, Katy, TX 77094<br />

FAX: 281-391-7913 • ASSOCIATION DIRECT LINE: 281-391-7914<br />


**Please visit the High Sierra website and register your account to have<br />

access to all of the <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> CA news and announcements as well as<br />

other general information**<br />

Manager: Nicole Ginardi,<br />

Ext: 3162, nginardi@highsierramanagement.com<br />

Administrative Assistant: Claudia Martinez,<br />

Ext: 3169, cmartinez@highsierramanagement.com<br />

Maintenance Coordinator: Tiffany Adamson,<br />

Ext: 3167, tadamson@highsierramanagement.com<br />

Accounting Rep: Carol Stockton,<br />

Ext: 3109, cstockton@highsierramanagement.com<br />

Association Attorney: Lori Alderson, 281-395-2637<br />

Fire, Crime & Medical Emergency: Dial 911<br />

Report City Violators to City Services: 281-391-4800<br />

(Report cars stored on the street or lawns and heavy trash out too early)<br />

Please call High Sierra to report Deed Restriction Violations<br />



Emergency 911<br />

Harris County Sheriff’s Dept. Pct.5:<br />

(non-emergency) 281+463-6666<br />

Poison Control 1-800-222-1222<br />

Utilities:<br />

A.E.P. Light Outage 713-207-7777<br />

Gas - Centerpoint 713-659-2111<br />

Water Services:<br />

Harris County MUD #5 281-347-8686<br />

Trash Services:<br />

Republic Waste 713-635-5555<br />

Trash Days are Wednesday & Saturday<br />

Cable/Internet/Phone<br />

Xfinity 832-763-0170<br />

Consolidated Communications 1-866-989-2255<br />

Utility Lines Marked or Located 1-800-545-6005<br />

Schools:<br />

Robert King Elementary 281-237-6850<br />

Katy Jr. High 281-237-6800<br />

Morton Ranch HS 281-237-7800<br />

H.C.A.D 713-957-7800<br />

DISCLAIMERL <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> Community Association does not endorse any article,<br />

services or products mentioned in this newsletter that do not correlate in<br />

accordance to our community’s compliance or covenants.<br />

Published by Krenek Printing Company<br />

www.krenekprinting.com • 281-463.8649<br />

Board of Director Meetings are held quarterly at the High Sierra office.<br />

Please visit the association website and view the calendar for dates and<br />

times. If you wish to attend the open session of the meeting to discuss a<br />

concern you may have; please contact Nicole Ginardi a week in advance<br />

in order to be added to the agenda.<br />

*<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> Community Association is a deed restriction enforced<br />

community*<br />


• 1 st Letter: Friendly reminder<br />

• 2 nd letter: notifies the owner and/or resident the violation still exist and<br />

a certified letter will be mailed if the violation is not cured within 30 days.<br />

• 3 rd letter: Is sent certified which assess a $25 fine to the owner’s account<br />

and has statutory wording.<br />

• Attorney Warning: if the violation is still not corrected the Board of<br />

Directors will be forced to turn the account over to the attorney for<br />

further enforcement and/or legal action. Attorney fees will be assessed<br />

to the owner’s account.<br />

Welcome to the <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> Community. All homeowners & residents<br />

living in the community must abide by the Covenants, Restrictions<br />

and Regulations in accordance with the governing documents. A list<br />

of community contacts & information are found in the last page of the<br />

newsletter. For more information about the community or any concerns,<br />

you may contact our association management.<br />

Homeowners Responsibility<br />

1. Read and comply with the governing documents of the community.<br />

2. Maintain their property according to established standards.<br />

3. Treat association leaders honestly and with respect.<br />

4. Vote in community elections and on other issues.<br />

5. Pay association assessments and charges on time.<br />

6. Contact association leaders or managers, if necessary, to discuss<br />

financial obligations and alternative payment arrangements.<br />

7. Request reconsideration of material decisions that personally affect them.<br />

8. Provide current contact information to association leaders or<br />

managers to help ensure they receive information from the community.<br />

9. Ensure that those who reside on their property (tenants, relatives &<br />

friends) adhere to all rules and regulations. Homeowners can learn more<br />

living in a HOA Community at caionline.org.<br />

It’s that time of year our annual assessments will be due. These fees are<br />

very important part of the HOA’s function. In order for the association<br />

to perform the many tasks and duties for which it is responsible, the<br />

association must have operating funds. These funds are used to pay for<br />

landscape maintenance, sprinkler repairs, utilities, administration and<br />

help to keep an adequate reserve fund for major repairs or replacement<br />

of common property elements. The requirement upon an owner<br />

for paying assessments is mandatory and therefore, legally binding<br />

according to the association’s governing documents. The amount of the<br />

annual assessment is established each year by the association’s Board<br />

of Directors based upon the Board’s adoption of the annual budget. If<br />

a situation arises that you are unable to pay this assessment, please<br />

contact the Management Team as soon as possible for details about<br />

payment and collection procedures. Accounts that become delinquent<br />

may receive a fine, a late fee or other charges added to the assessment<br />

which can be more costly if not paid in a timely procedure.<br />

<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> | <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 3


Please be mindful of children walking<br />

or riding bikes, school zones and school<br />

buses. When entering a school zone be<br />

sure to obey traffic signals and crossing<br />

guards. Do not “go around” or “pass”<br />

stopped school buses. Our children<br />

safety is always a priority.<br />


A year ago, one of our volunteers established this free newsletter as a<br />

way keep our community informed and share information at no cost to<br />

the community. Today, the Communication’s Committee is looking for<br />

a volunteer(s) to continue writing our monthly newsletter, The <strong>Stone</strong><br />

<strong>Crest</strong> Crier, for the coming year. If you are interested in doing so, you may<br />

contact our association manager.<br />


Let’s make our community a friendly & great place to live. We ask your<br />

assistance in ensuring that everyone enjoys living in our community.<br />

Please join us and help us in doing this by abiding by the community’s<br />

guidelines and regulations.<br />

• Always be neighborly & considerate to your neighbors.<br />

• Become involved in the community. Keep our community thriving &<br />

beautiful.<br />

• Do not block driveways or sidewalks that may inconvenience neighbors<br />

& pedestrians.<br />

• Refrain from parking on the grass or curbs - inform your guest(s) about this.<br />

• Refrain from parking your vehicle in front of neighbor’s homes, which<br />

may inconvenience them.<br />

• Do not impede the flow of traffic or cause street congestion. Always<br />

utilize your driveways and garages to park your vehicles - narrow roads<br />

may block access for emergency vehicles.<br />

• Pet owners remember to clean up after your pet. Control barking & use<br />

a leash when walking.<br />

• Keep all music & noise levels to a minimum and abide by the County’s<br />

ordinance.<br />


Join the Harris County Sherriff’s office by reporting any suspicious<br />

activity that you observe. They believe that with a simple observation, a<br />

single report can help solve or prevent a crime. Imagine if one person can<br />

make a difference consider what an entire community can do. We would<br />

like ask the community, if you See Something, Say Something.<br />

• Report online at WatchHarrisCounty.com<br />

• Text a tip 1-855-427-6492 • Call 1-855-HCSO-iWatch<br />

• Download the app found on iWatchHarrisCounty.com<br />

Call 911 if you have an emergency.<br />


Remember to submit your email address to our Association Manager at<br />

High Sierra Management to receive the community’s announcements,<br />

any special alerts and the latest association news.<br />


Please report any lights that may be out by going to<br />

our community website at www.stonecresttx.com or<br />

notify our association management about the outage.<br />

Remember to get the pole’s location, street and the<br />

six-digit number that is along the side of the pole.<br />

Report this outage to Centerpoint through a direct link<br />

in the resident’s section of our website and follow the<br />

directions that are posted on the site.<br />


Warm weather means our gardens and landscapes are growing fast. Here<br />

are some tasks to keep your landscape beautiful and productive:<br />

Flowers: Time to plant summer blooming perennials and annuals<br />

including plumbago, zinnias, angelonia, purslane, lobularia, sunflowers,<br />

yellow bells, pride of Barbados, duranta and bat-faced cuphea.<br />

Vegetables: <strong>May</strong> is a great time to plant, from seed or nursery plants,<br />

okra, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, winter squash, pumpkins, basil,<br />

peppers, lima beans, eggplant, garlic chives and Malabar greens. If you<br />

don’t want to dedicate an area of your yard, consider planting here and<br />

there in your flowerbeds. Edible landscaping is a popular new trend!<br />

Lawns: Water 1/2 to 1” of irrigation per week. A rain gauge or straight<br />

sided container (such as a tuna fish can) will help you know how long to<br />

run your irrigation system to apply 1/2”.<br />

Weeding: Hand pull or hoe weeds while they are still young or better<br />

yet, maintain a 3” layer of mulch in all vegetable and flowerbeds to deter<br />

weeds from getting a start.<br />

Pruning: Remove spent blooms on spring and summer annuals to<br />

promote new blooms.<br />

Fertilizing: Fertilize flowerbeds and vegetable gardens w/slow release<br />

organic fertilizer.<br />

Water: Deep soakings between rain events is better than frequent light<br />

sprinkling.<br />

Birds: Spring migration continues until mid-<strong>May</strong>. Clean bird feeders!<br />

Replace water in bird baths to avoid creating mosquito breeding spots.<br />

Submitted by Robert “Skip” Richter, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension<br />

Horticulture Agent in Harris County<br />


If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the<br />

teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form on our website (www.<br />

krenekprinting.com, click submissions and choose Jobseekers) with<br />

your name, birthdate (mo. & yr.), phone number, year you will graduate<br />

and the name of your newsletter/subdivision. Check the list of jobs you<br />

want on your form. Please make sure your email is correct, we send<br />

emails in the summer to make sure all the info is still good and that<br />

you want to stay on the list. If we do not hear back from you after 3<br />

tries, we will remove you from the list until we do. Must have parent(s)<br />

permission.<br />

DISCLAIMER: Neither <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> HOA nor Krenek Printing is responsible<br />

for those listed on the Teenage Job Seeker List. Please ask for and check<br />

out references if you do not personally know those listed. This is just<br />

a list of teenagers from <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> who wish to find part time jobs.<br />

Responsibility for any work done by these teenagers is between those<br />

seeking helpers and the teens and their parents.<br />






4 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>


We’re weeks away from sweltering temperatures, hurricane warnings<br />

and bug invasions. Before summer hits at full force, make sure you and<br />

your home are prepared:<br />

Give Your Air Conditioner a Checkup<br />

• Replace your air filter to make sure the whole system runs smoothly.<br />

• Clear debris on or around your vents or exhausts and clean off any dirt<br />

from the main unit outside.<br />

• Install programmable thermostats.<br />

Test for Ventilation Leaks<br />

• First, look for actual leaks: drafts in your windows and doors.<br />

• Check your attic insulation for leaks and gaps.<br />

Set Up a Barrier for Bugs<br />

• Check caulking around windows and doors, fix any drafts/gaps with<br />

new weather stripping and caulking.<br />

• Spray outdoor perimeter with a pesticide, along with baseboards, sinks,<br />

windows and doors.<br />

Discount Fence Company<br />

“When a good job really matters.”<br />

Residential and Commercial Fences<br />

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• Water Heater Install • Repipe and Water Leak Repair<br />

info@petersplumbingtx.com<br />

Follow me on Angie’s List<br />

e<br />

y<br />

Change Your Ceiling Fan Direction<br />

• Run Ceiling Fans Counter-Clockwise for Summer Savings.<br />

Prevent Water Damage<br />

• Make sure your windows and doors are properly sealed and caulked,<br />

too.<br />

• Test gutters to look for water coming out of any places it shouldn’t.<br />

• Inspect your roof (remove any debris and leaves while you’re up there).<br />

Courtesy of http://lifehacker.com/five-things-to-do-now-to-prepareyour-home-for-the-summ-1776114244<br />


Mother’s Day has its roots in ancient Greek festivals honoring Rhea, the<br />

Mother of the Gods. The modern American holiday officially began in<br />

1914, when President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in<br />

<strong>May</strong> a day to honor all the mothers. Here are some tips on celebrating<br />

Mother’s Day on <strong>May</strong> 14th!<br />

1. Deliver the classic Mother’s Day treat: breakfast in bed on an oldfashioned<br />

wicker tray table. Cook her favorite morning fare, mix her an<br />

eye-opening mimosa and tuck her favorite flowers into a small crystal<br />

vase. If the tray has slots on the sides, fill them with small presents (or big<br />

presents in small packages).<br />

2. Take your mother on a trip with Mother’s Day sandwiched in the<br />

middle. Make it as simple as a long weekend at the beach or as elaborate<br />

as a trip across the States.<br />

3. Surprise your mother with a visit if she lives far away.<br />

4. Deliver her present by way of a treasure hunt. Lead her on as long a<br />

trail as you think she’ll find amusing, with her present waiting at the end.<br />

5. Honor your mother’s memory if she’s no longer living. Send a donation<br />

to her favorite charity or spend the day working for her favorite cause. Do<br />

things she taught you to love.<br />

6. Thank the women who produced your favorite people - send cards,<br />

flowers or notes to the mothers of your friends, even if you’ve never met<br />

them.<br />

7. Throw a Mother’s Day party for your mother, your friends and their<br />

mothers. Consider a festive spring brunch.<br />

8. Best tip: tell mom you love her.<br />

Courtesy of: www.ftd.com/mothers-day-celebration-ideas-ctg/occasionmothers-day-ideas<br />

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21218 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, Texas 77450<br />

<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> | <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 5

School News<br />




<strong>May</strong> 29 th - Memorial Day Holiday<br />

June 1 st - Early Dismissal and Last Day of School<br />

Teacher’s Appreciation Week: <strong>May</strong> 1st-5th<br />

Spring Graduation<br />

DATE<br />

<strong>2017</strong> GRADUATION CEREMONIES<br />

CAMPUS<br />

START<br />

TIME<br />



REPORT<br />

TIME<br />


OPENS<br />

FOR<br />

PUBLIC<br />

Friday, June 2, <strong>2017</strong> OTHS 2:00PM LMC 12:45PM 12:45PM<br />

Friday, June 2, <strong>2017</strong> SLHS 7:00PM LMC 5:45PM 5:45PM<br />

Saturday, June 3, <strong>2017</strong> MCHS 9:00AM LMC 7:45AM 7:45AM<br />

Saturday, June 3, <strong>2017</strong> THS 2:00PM LMC 12:45PM 12:45PM<br />

Saturday, June 3, <strong>2017</strong> MRHS 7:00PM LMC 5:45PM 5:45PM<br />

Sunday, June 4, <strong>2017</strong> CRHS 2:00PM LMC 12:45PM 12:45PM<br />

Sunday, June 4, <strong>2017</strong> KHS 7:00PM LMC 5:45PM 5:45PM<br />

Monday, June 5, <strong>2017</strong> RHS 7:00PM<br />

Summer Graduation<br />

OTHS<br />

PAC<br />

6:00PM<br />

6:00PM<br />


Monday, August 28, <strong>2017</strong> KISD Summer Graduation KHS PAC 7:00PM<br />

LMC - Leonard E. Merrell Center • 6301 South Stadium Lane • Katy, Texas 77494<br />

OTHS PAC- Obra D. Tompkins High School Performing Arts Center • 4400 Falcon Landing Blvd. • Katy, Texas 77494<br />

KHS PAC - Katy High School Performing Arts Center • 6331 Highway Blvd • Katy, Texas 77494<br />

GRADUATION QUOTES & SAYINGS FOR <strong>2017</strong><br />

Graduation day is a roller coaster of emotions for grads and their<br />

families alike. It’s a moment of celebration, achievement, hope<br />

for the future and reflection on the past. Whether your student<br />

is in high school or college, ‘choosing’ the perfect advice for<br />

a speech or wishes for a graduation card can be a challenge.<br />

If this exciting time has you at a loss for words, here are some<br />

quotes that will help you share wisdom and knowledge with your<br />

graduate.<br />

High School Graduation Quotes<br />

High school graduation is exciting - it sparks hope for the future<br />

and invites graduates to dream big. Encourage them with these<br />

optimistic high school graduation messages.<br />

“Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.”<br />

~ Senator Orrin Hatch<br />

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”<br />

~ Arthur Ashe<br />

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”<br />

~ John Dewey<br />

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”<br />

~ C.S. Lewis<br />

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also<br />

dream, not only plan, but also believe.” ~ Anatole France<br />

“Your life is your story and the adventure ahead of you is the<br />

journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential.”<br />

~ Kerry Washington<br />

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters<br />

compared to what lies within us.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson<br />

6 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>

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At Benjamin Franklin Plumbing ® we offer the following services:<br />

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Some restrictions may apply.<br />

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Coupon must be presented at<br />

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If there’s any delay, it’s you we pay! ®<br />

©2016 Clockwork IP, LLC<br />


The fifteenth annual summer band camp, offered to next year’s 7 th , 8 th and<br />

9 th grade KISD band students, will be held at Tompkins High School from<br />

July 10 th to July 14 th . The camp will include daily section rehearsals, full<br />

band rehearsals and fun music based electives. Lunch is also part of the<br />

camp. The cost of the camp is $130 and will include a t-shirt if registered<br />

by June 5 th . All registrations after that date will need to include a late<br />

registration fee of $25 totaling $155. All registrations must be postmarked<br />

by Friday, June 23 rd . The camp concludes with the Grand Finale Concert<br />

on Friday morning at 9 AM. After the concert, those students wishing to<br />

extend the fun a little longer can join in the group’s optional trip to Typhoon<br />

Texas for an additional $35 (park admission, meal, bus transportation and<br />

drinks are included in price) for a total camp cost of $165 ($190 after June<br />

5 th ). The KISD JH Summer Band Camp has been a huge success each year<br />

and we anticipate a large enrollment again this year.<br />

Camp participants will audition for summer band camp placement as<br />

soon as they arrive for the first day of camp. Students should prepare<br />

major scales and chromatic scales specific to the student’s instrument,<br />

as well as a band camp audition etude, which can be downloaded from<br />

the webpage below. Students will be ability grouped with the number of<br />

bands being determined by total enrollment for the camp. Registration<br />

Form, Audition materials and Travel/Emergency Treatment Consent<br />

Form can be downloaded by campers from the Katy ISD Fine Arts<br />

Webpage www.katyisd.org/dept/finearts. An email confirmation is sent<br />

out upon receipt of registration and follow up reminders from the camp<br />

coordinator will be sent before the camp begins, so make sure your email<br />

address is clearly printed on the registration form.<br />

The camp provides an economical and convenient alternative to those<br />

who may not have had a chance to attend another band camp over the<br />

summer due to scheduling and/or costs. Participants will receive top<br />

quality instruction on their instruments from our own great KISD and<br />

Houston area Band Directors. Join us for the fifteenth annual Katy ISD<br />

Junior High Summer Band Camp and keep your playing skills sharp for<br />

the year! Camp brochures, with the registration form, will be distributed<br />

to KISD band students by their schools’ directors. Camp brochures can<br />

also be downloaded from the Katy ISD Fine Arts webpage above. Plan<br />

to register early in order to guarantee a spot! Again, registrations must<br />

be postmarked by Friday, June 23 rd . If you have already registered and<br />

have not received your confirmation email, contact kisdbandcamp17@<br />

gmail.com to make sure your registration has been received.<br />

Katy Area Retired Educators at Taste of Texas<br />


On March 6, <strong>2017</strong>, The Katy Area Retired Teachers (KARE) went on their annual field trip to the Taste of Texas Restaurant. Taste of Texas Restaurant<br />

owner, Nina Hendee hosted a luncheon for the Katy Area Retired Educators (KARE). The Taste of Texas opened in 1977 and has become a Houston<br />

landmark steakhouse. Hendee is an expert historian and has an amazing passion for Texas history. Her passion for history was ignited by her 4 th grade<br />

teacher. For more information about the Katy Area Retired Educators check out our website at http://www.localunits.org/KARE/.<br />

<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> | <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 7

Sports<br />

Katy YMCA<br />

Katy YMCA Summer Program Registration is NOW in progress. Limited<br />

Space available. Plan ahead so your child doesn’t miss out on summer<br />

fun! Contact the Y for details at 281-392-5055 or check out our website:<br />

ymcahouston.org/katy.<br />

SUMMER DAY CAMP: Ages 6-12. No one does camp like the Y! Held at the<br />

YMCA’s 220 acre Camp Cinco, located behind Creech Elementary. Drop off<br />

as early as 7 AM, pick up as late as 6:30 PM. Swimming, field trips, rock<br />

wall, ropes course, zip line, archery, nature trails and more. Reserve your<br />

space today!<br />


at the YMCA’s premier facility in Trinity, Texas, campers will enjoy<br />

nature exploration, creative arts, fishing, hiking, horseback riding,<br />

spiritual development, sports, adventure courses and more! Visit www.<br />

ymcacampcullen.org for more information. Space is still available for<br />

weeks later this summer.<br />

SWIM LESSONS: The Y has been teaching swim lessons for over 100<br />

years! All ages and ability levels welcome. Morning, evening, group and<br />

private sessions available.<br />

SUMMER SPORTS & SPECIALTY CAMPS: Basketball, NFL Flag Football,<br />

Soccer, Volleyball, Tennis, Cheer, Dance, STEM and Lego Engineering<br />

camps are offered for ages 6-14. These camps are available various<br />

weeks throughout the summer and focus on a child’s specific interest.<br />

SUMMER YOUTH SPORTS REGISTRATION: Ages 3-14. Choose from T-ball<br />

or Track. Registration ends June 12 th .<br />

YMCA CHILD CARE <strong>2017</strong>-18 REGISTRATION: Child Care provided at<br />

most Katy ISD elementary schools until 6:30 PM. Some schools offer<br />

both before and after school care. Please call or check online for specific<br />

school offerings and prices.<br />

AHFC Soccer Summer Camp Series <strong>2017</strong><br />

AHFC is pleased to offer the Summer Camp Series at multiple campuses<br />

in and around Houston. The club invites all interested players to the<br />

Canes Fundamental Camp (Ages 5-9) or the Canes Skills & Drills Camp<br />

(Ages 10-16). Please visit albionhurricanes.org to register and for more<br />

details about each particular campus. The camps will be offered in New<br />

Territory, Cy-Fair and Katy locations. All information can be found under<br />

“Camps” at albionhurricanes.org.<br />

Katy Area Running Club<br />

The Katy Area Running Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation which<br />

exists to serve people living in and around Katy, Texas who have<br />

an interest in running. We are a community of people of all ages,<br />

backgrounds, heritages and abilities who share a common interest -<br />

running! Our focus is on group runs, having fun, socializing and sharing<br />

our knowledge and experience with our members and the public. We<br />

welcome all who are interested in joining us. We have a full calendar of<br />

runs, events and socials. We hold group runs every Saturday morning<br />

at the Sergeant Hatch Sports Park off the south I-10 feeder road just east<br />

of Barker Cypress Rd. On Tuesdays (5 AM and 6:30 PM) we meet at the<br />

Cinco Ranch Junior High Track for speedwork and on Thursday (6:30<br />

PM) we meet at Crosspoint Community Church for tempo runs of various<br />

distances and paces. To find out more and to join our club, visit www.<br />

KatyAreaRunningClub.com.<br />

Tennis Organization for the Katy Area<br />

Katy Area Tennis (KAT) is the newest, non-profit tennis organization<br />

meeting the needs of all tennis players in the Katy area. Our goal is to<br />

provide a wide range of programming for tennis players as well as to<br />

promote the game in the Katy area. Registration is currently open for a<br />

variety of leagues, ladders and tournaments that include singles, doubles<br />

and mixed doubles for all ages and skill levels. For more information,<br />

visit our website at http://katyareatennis.org.<br />

Track Houston<br />

Youth Track Club<br />

Track Houston is the nation’s largest and most successful youth track and<br />

field organization. Our goal is to assist interested boys and girls ages 6<br />

to18 years old in improving their physical fitness and mental stamina. We<br />

have 2 Cross Country practice sites in the greater Houston area. Memorial<br />

Park and Mary Jo Peckham Park in Katy. Go to www.trackhouston.com to<br />


Katy Canoe & Kayak Club (KC/KC)<br />

Join a non-profit club - free of charge. We meet every 3 rd Wednesday of<br />

each month at 24638 Kingsland Blvd., Katy TX 77494. We post different<br />

water trips and outdoor adventures on the Meet Up Group Website. Don’t<br />

know if you prefer to canoe or kayak? Don’t buy something just to buy<br />

8 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>

it… try out different boats. These trips will help you decide what you<br />

like or if you even like to paddle. We can help! We have years of water<br />

sports adventures under our belts. We don’t sell boats or boat gear, but<br />

we do have kayaks and canoes and/or we know people who have kayaks<br />

and canoes. Must be at least 21 years of age to borrow a kayak or canoe<br />

(ID Required). Must be at least 18 years of age to join (ID Required). No<br />

minors allowed in this club.<br />

For more information, call Philip or Tisha at 713-826-5705 or 281-782-<br />

7252. Email: mantarayinfo@mantaraydivers.com.<br />

Netball Clubs<br />

Katy Swifts Netball Club invites people to come and learn about netball<br />

and have some fun playing a great team sport. Open to everyone from<br />

eight years and up including adults. Contact katynetball@netballamerica<br />

for further information.<br />

Houston Shooting Stars welcomes ladies, men and youth to join in, play<br />

and learn netball, Tuesday nights at The British School of Houston.<br />

Contact houstonnetball@netballamerica.com for further information.<br />

You can also “like” the Texas Netball Association on Facebook to see<br />

regular announcements about netball in the Lonestar State! Also visit<br />

netballamerica.com for general information about netball in America.<br />

Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby<br />

Southwest Houston’s own brand new women’s flat track roller derby<br />

team is now forming. This isn’t the old school roller derby you’ve seen<br />

in the past. We train derby athletes to compete according to the rules<br />

and guidelines set forth by WFTDA, the Women’s Flat Track Derby<br />

Association. We are actively recruiting skaters, referees and volunteers.<br />

Skaters must be female and 18 or older. Referees and volunteers must<br />

be 18 or older. Email us at yellowrosederbygirls@yahoo.com for more<br />

information. You can also find us at www.yellowrosederbygirls.com<br />

and on Facebook. Join up now to become an integral part in founding<br />

and building our league.<br />

Volleyball<br />

Please contact Dean at volleyballkaty@yahoo.com if you are interested<br />

in playing volleyball. You must be at least 18 years old and be able to<br />

play at intermediate level. We play at different locations in and around<br />

Katy area.<br />

Katy Rugby Club<br />

Want to learn the newest Olympic Sport - Rugby? All ages welcome - boys<br />

& girls, Training every Sunday 2-4 PM at Cinco Ranch High School, For<br />

more information, please visit www.katyrugbyclub.com.<br />

Katy Cavalier Lacrosse Club<br />

The Katy Cavalier Lacrosse Club invites you to come and see what Lacrosse<br />

is all about. Join us as we continue to bring one of the fastest growing<br />

team sports in the United States to the youth of Katy. Katy Cavalier<br />

Lacrosse Club offers lacrosse for boys and girls from Kindergarten thru<br />

High School. No experience needed. For more information visit our<br />

website, www.katycavalierlacrosse.org.<br />

Did you play Lacrosse in college, coached lacrosse or just love the sport?<br />

We are looking for Coaches for boys and girls. Please contact us for more<br />

information if you would like to volunteer and be a part of the Katy<br />

Cavalier Lacrosse Club, 281-942-8822.<br />

Westside Golf League<br />

Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite<br />

you to join us every Tuesday morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our<br />

purpose is to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and have fun<br />

while improving golfing skills. For more information, contact the Pro<br />

Shop at Cinco Ranch, 281-395-4653.<br />


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<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> | <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 9

Community Events<br />

Walks/Runs<br />

Registration Open for 13th Annual Impact a Hero 5K<br />

An event that brings the community and combat veterans and their<br />

families together. Registration is now open for the 13 th Annual Impact a<br />

Hero 5K, one of Impact a Hero’s major fundraising events of the year. This<br />

year, the race will be held <strong>May</strong> 20, <strong>2017</strong> at the Constellation Field and<br />

will feature the traditional 5K Run/Walk/Wheel and Kids 1K beginning at<br />

7 AM.<br />

The 5K registration is $25 for untimed and $35 for timed. The 5K wheel<br />

is $25. The Kids 1K is $15. Prices increase on <strong>May</strong> 13 th and again on<br />

race day. Cash prizes will be awarded for the Men’s Open, Men’s Master,<br />

Women’s Open and Women’s Master categories. Top fundraisers will<br />

also be awarded prizes. Every registration will include an Impact a Hero<br />

5K shirt, free fundraising page and entry to the post-race party. Online<br />

registration is available on their website: www.impactahero5k.com.<br />

For more information about our organization, registration or<br />

sponsorship opportunities, please contact: Laurel Goodroe at lgoodroe@<br />

impactahero.org.<br />

Craft Shows/Festivals<br />

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Spring<br />

International Food and Cultural Festival<br />

Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 6 th , 5-11 PM and Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 7 th , 10-5 PM<br />

Games, Inflatables, Food and FUN!<br />

Raffle etc.<br />

Vacation Bible Schools<br />

Living Word Church VBS<br />

Join us for the best week of the summer at Living Word Church’s<br />

Vacation Bible School. Enjoy the “Maker Fun Factory” where kids<br />

learn they are created by God and built for a purpose. A week<br />

filled with new friends, amazing experiments, creative games,<br />

lip-smacking snacks, surprising adventures and incredible music.<br />

For children that are ages 4 through those going into grade 6 at<br />

Living Word Church, 16607 Clay Road, Houston TX 77084, just<br />

west of Highway 6. The fun begins June 12 th -16 th , 6:30-8:30 PM<br />

and June 18 th , 9-11:45 AM. $5 per student. Discounts available.<br />

Register at www.LivingWord.Church. Call 281-500-8913 for more<br />

information.<br />

Theater/Arts<br />

Houston Horizon Chorus Good Times Show<br />

Mark your calendars now for the annual Houston Horizon Chorus Good<br />

Times Show! This year, we’ll feature music from the 60’s in our “Peace,<br />

Love and Harmony” show. The Houston Horizon Chorus is a women’s<br />

acapella chorus and a premier chapter of Sweet Adelines International<br />

and will be competing this fall at the International Competition in<br />

Las Vegas. This year, our show will be held on Saturday, June 10 th at<br />

4 PM at the Memorial Church of Christ Family Center, 900 Echo Lane,<br />

Houston, Texas 77024. Tickets are $15 for general admission and $10<br />

for seniors and children under 12. Come see a fantastic show and bring<br />

your friends! Please visit our website to order your tickets online www.<br />

houstonhorizon.org.<br />

10 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>

Air Conditioning Contractors of America<br />

Katy Visual & Performing Arts Center (KVPAC)<br />

www.kvpac.org<br />

2501 S Mason Rd., Suite 290, Katy, TX 77450<br />

June 2-4, <strong>2017</strong>: “Gingerbread Lady” by Neil Simon<br />

Tony-award winning Broadway play about lost misfits.<br />

July 14-16, <strong>2017</strong>: Don Zolidis’ “Empowered: How One Girl Scout Nearly<br />

Destroyed the World’s Economy”<br />

Season Tickets, including all new FLEX Packages, are on-sale now to<br />

lock-in the best price and choice seat. Pre-Sale Show Tickets are $15<br />

Adults and $12 Seniors. Tickets increase by $3 at the door. Group rates<br />

are available at www.kvpac.org or in person. For Katy audience members<br />

who seek an evening at the theater, they can look to Encore Players<br />

as a source to enjoy the theater in their own home town without the<br />

long commute or high cost involved with heading to one of downtown<br />

Houston’s theaters. Katy Visual & Performing Arts Center (KVPAC) is a<br />

non-profit arts education organization helping artists find their light<br />

since 2001.<br />

The Houston Choral Society<br />

2016-<strong>2017</strong> Season<br />

Music Fit for a King: Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 6 th , 7:30 PM<br />

For more information, please visit the HCS website at www.<br />

houstonchoral.org.<br />

Mildred’s Umbrella Theater Co.<br />


All Shows at Studio 101,<br />

1824 Spring Street #101, Houston TX 77007<br />

MUSEUM OF DYSFUNCTION IX By: Various Playwrights<br />

June 15 th -17 th , June 22 nd -24 th : 8 PM<br />

MORE INFO/RESERVATIONS: www.mildredsumbrella.com, info@<br />

mildredsumbrella.com or 832-463-0409.<br />

Stageworks Theatre<br />

PETER AND THE STARCATCHER - April 28-<strong>May</strong> 21, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Call or visit our website to learn about our summer camp programs.<br />

Stageworks Theatre is located at 10760 Grant Road, Houston, Texas<br />

77070. Website: www.stageworkshouston.org.<br />

The Landing Theatre Company<br />

The Docks Theatre, 1119 Providence Street, Houston, TX 77002<br />

The Landing Theatre Company presents the Regional Premiere of IN<br />

DARFUR by Winter Miller<br />

through <strong>May</strong> 13 th .<br />

Thursdays-Saturdays, April 27 th -<strong>May</strong> 13 th : 8 PM<br />

Saturday Matinees, April 29 th -<strong>May</strong> 13 th : 3 PM<br />

TALKBACKS NIGHTLY with members of the relief community about the<br />

Darfurian conflict and efforts to impact those effected by it.<br />

Special Performances:<br />

INDUSTRY NIGHT: Monday, <strong>May</strong> 1 st , 8 PM<br />

LGBQT NIGHT: Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 6 th , 8 PM, Reception at 7 PM<br />

Tickets:<br />

All Performances Pay-what-you-can ($25 suggested)<br />

Gold Reserve starts at $35<br />

Special Offer: For $75 you’ll purchase your ticket and donate a ticket to<br />

a Houston refugee<br />






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12 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>

<strong>May</strong> 5 th -<strong>May</strong> 7 th - Middlelands Festival. Hear ye, hear ye!<br />

Insomniac and C3 Presents shall bring forth the adventure of<br />

Middlelands, the brainchild of the two global event companies.<br />

This “Adventure for the Ages” will come to the Texas Renaissance<br />

Festival Fairgrounds in Todd Mission, TX from Friday, <strong>May</strong> 5 th to<br />

Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 7 th . Middlelands will be the first music festival to ever<br />

be hosted at the Fairgrounds, with five uniquely designed stages<br />

hosting eclectic, world-renown artists as well as handpicked local<br />

talent. Middlelands will also feature an extensive, four-day camping<br />

program that includes multi-level tiers and Renaissance-era group<br />

activities. For more information, visit www.middlelands.com.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 6 th -7 th - Keels & Wheels Concours d’Elegance is a weekendlong,<br />

nationally acclaimed classic car and vintage wooden boat<br />

show that takes place each spring at the Lakewood Yacht Club in<br />

beautiful Seabrook, Texas. Founded in 1995, today Keels & Wheels<br />

welcomes approximately 200 cars and 100 boats and has raised<br />

more than $1.6 million for local charities, while drawing thousands<br />

of participants and spectators from all over the U.S. and Europe.<br />

It is from 10 AM-5 PM and visit www.kneel-wheels.com for ticket<br />

information.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 6 th - The UTHealth Stomp Out Stroke Festival at<br />

Discovery Green is open to the public featuring stroke and brain<br />

health education, free health screenings, nutrition and fitness<br />

demonstrations and Q&A with physicians and other healthcare<br />

professionals. Our Children’s Zone will showcase educational<br />

activities that promote stroke awareness, brain education and<br />

health empowerment to children. We also feature family friendly<br />

entertainment, activities, music, door prizes and giveaways. The<br />

event is free and from 9 AM-3:30 PM. For more information, visit<br />

www.strokefestival.org.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 6 th - The Katy Doggie Derby will bring the fun and pageantry<br />

of the Kentucky Derby to the Katy Dog Park at 5414 Franz Road.<br />

We will have games and activities for dogs and their companions,<br />

and we encourage everyone to arrive in their best Derby attire.<br />

We’ll also be hosting local pet related businesses that can pass out<br />

information and samples. The Katy Doggie Derby will be from 9<br />

AM until noon and we will be accepting donations to support our<br />

local shelter. For more information, visit www.cityofkaty.com/<br />

departments/parks/special-events/.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 6 th - Houston Dragon Boat Festival - The Texas Dragon Boat<br />

Association, in collaboration with Buffalo Bayou Partnership,<br />

presents its 17 th Annual Houston Dragon Boat Festival. The festival<br />

will showcase 30 teams competing along the banks of Buffalo<br />

Bayou at Allen’s Landing and will feature Asian cuisine, music, arts<br />

and crafts and cultural performances for the whole family. For more<br />

information, visit www.texasdragonboat.com.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 6 th -7 th - Japan Festival - This annual event in Hermann Park’s<br />

beautiful Japanese Garden draws more than 20,000 people. The<br />

Japan Festival celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Japan with<br />

two stages showcasing music, traditional and folk dance and martial<br />

arts, as well as demonstrations of Ikebana flower arrangement, tea<br />

ceremony, origami and bonsai. For more information, visit www.<br />

houstonjapanfest.org.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 7 th - Houston Family Fun Run. Fly Movement, working in<br />

partnership with Houston Wellness Project, invites you and your<br />

family to participate in our free family fun run. Children 9 and<br />

under can participate in a 1-mile fun run and adults and older kids<br />

can participate in a 5K race immediately following. Participation is<br />

Houston Area Events<br />

not about being the fastest, but empowering children to try their<br />

best, learn the benefits of striving to reach a goal and encouraging<br />

siblings, parents and friends to run with them. The free fun run is<br />

not only a great way for families to spend quality time together,<br />

but running is an exercise that parents can regularly do with<br />

their kids. The event will be held at the University of Houston-<br />

Downtown, Naylor Parking Lot, 1115 Naylor St., Houston, TX<br />

77002 and starts at 8 AM. For more information, visit www.<br />

flymovement.org/houston-kids-run/.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 12 th -14 th - Comicpalooza. What makes Comicpalooza the<br />

largest pop culture festival in Texas? 3,000 hours of entertaining<br />

activities over 1.2 million square feet of event space at the George<br />

R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX. For three days,<br />

attendees have access to sessions covering popular trends and<br />

obscure topics, a film festival, gaming competitions, a cosplay<br />

contest, live art auction and much more. The exhibit hall is filled<br />

with specialty retailers for comics, popular artists and exciting<br />

games. In addition, the Maker’s Space and NASA Showcase<br />

features innovative technology from today and year’s past, while<br />

the kid’s area is both fun and educational. For more information,<br />

visit www.comicpalooza.com.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 13 th - Houston Crawfish, Crab & Grill Festival. The Houston<br />

Crawfish, Crab & Grill Festival held at the Hobby Event Center,<br />

9906 Gulf Fwy., Houston, TX 77034 from 2 PM-11 PM is a family<br />

event that celebrates the tastes and cultures of southern cooking,<br />

featuring scrumptious crawfish, crab, grilled foods and more from<br />

local restaurants, caterers and food trucks. Live performances<br />

by zydeco, R&B, soul and reggae bands and some of Houston’s<br />

most popular DJs. Bring the young ones to have fun and enjoy<br />

the games in the Kids Zone. Check out the arts and crafts vendors<br />

displaying their handmade merchandise and original designs.<br />

For more information, visit www.hccgfest.com.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 19 th -21 st - Galveston Island Beach Revue. During the 1920s<br />

and early 1930s, Galveston was host to the Pageant of Pulchritude<br />

(predecessor to the Miss Universe Pageant), which was<br />

resurrected in 2009 as a two-day, family friendly event dubbed<br />

the Galveston Island Beach Revue. New this year, the event is<br />

featuring a speakeasy themed Friday Revue Prevue featuring<br />

live music with Dandy Wellington and His Band from New York<br />

City and the official introduction of the <strong>2017</strong> Bathing Beauties<br />

at Hotel Galvez. Friday events are at Galvez Bar & Grill at Hotel<br />

Galvez while Saturday events are adjacent to the hotel at Beach<br />

Central and events are free to the public. On Sunday, Brunch at<br />

Hotel Galvez is continuing the vintage theme with music by the<br />

Matt Tolentino Band from Dallas. Brunch is served from 11 AM to<br />

2 PM. The weekend concludes with special vintage baseball game<br />

played between the Gulf Coast Sugar and Texas Playboys from 2<br />

to 4 PM, at Hooper Field, 3110 83 rd Street. For more information,<br />

visit www.galvestonbeachrevue.com.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 19 th -21 st - Pasadena Strawberry Festival - Did someone<br />

say strawberries, strawberry shortcake? Yum! The 44 th Annual<br />

Pasadena Strawberry Festival will include 128 teams playing Mud<br />

Volleyball, 70 BBQ cook off teams, Specialty Act- Pig races, Swam<br />

master Alligator show, Magic acts, stunt shows, Children’s area,<br />

Teen area, Washer Pitching Contest, Wine Tent, 2 stages of Live<br />

entertainment and the World’s Largest Strawberry Shortcake!<br />

There are 300 vendors with everything from food to arts and<br />

crafts, Beauty Pageant, Carnival and much, much more! For<br />

more information on events, tickets and parking, visit www.<br />

strawberryfest.org.<br />

<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> | <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 13

Trinity Baptist Church Senior Adult News<br />

Trinity Baptist Church Senior Adults get together on Monday afternoons<br />

from 1-4 PM for a time of fellowship, prayer and games... Come join the<br />

fun! Trinity Baptist Church is located at 10000 Spring Green Blvd. (corner<br />

of Spring Green and Fry). For more information, visit www.trinity-katy.<br />

org or call the church office at 281-579-6724.<br />

News<br />

Katy Christian Women’s Connection (KCWC)<br />

KCWC is part of <strong>Stone</strong>croft, a ministry for women which provides Bible<br />

Studies, Prayer Connections and fellowship luncheons around the US.<br />

Katy Christian Women also sponsors monthly Prayer Coffees. These are<br />

held on the second Thursday of each month. New Bible Studies started<br />

in January. Please visit our website at Katycwc.org for locations or call<br />

Janet Collins at 281-762-8252.<br />

For more information or to RSVP for the luncheon, please email Nancy at<br />

Katycwc@gmail.com or call 281-232-8338.<br />

Katy Women’s Aglow<br />

Katy Women’s Aglow, a part of Aglow International, is a local, spirit-filled<br />

women’s ministry fellowship. We meet monthly, usually on the fourth<br />

Saturday 10-11:30 AM. We come together for fellowship, to worship and<br />

to hear inspirational speakers and testimonies, as well as for special<br />

events. Katy Women’s Aglow is a great place to make new friends! View<br />

our website for information about current Bible studies. Prayer meetings,<br />

special events and speaker biographies, www.katyaglow.com.<br />

Prophetic Bible Study from the Torah<br />

Prophetic Bible Study from the Torah starting with Leviticus chapter 23,<br />

“the feasts of the Lord,” using authentic Hebrew Scrolls and the New<br />

Testament. The lessons are in English, Chinese and partially finished<br />

in the Russian language. Lessons are web based until a group study<br />

is formed in Katy http://scrolls4all.org. Contact: Gary Zimmerman<br />

scrolls4all.org@gmail.com.<br />

Epiphany Bingo<br />

Epiphany conducts their bingo games every Friday night except<br />


GAMES. They have security, lighted parking, big screen color monitor,<br />

computerized bingo equipment, snack bar and large cash prizes. Profits<br />

benefit charitable outreach programs. Epiphany Catholic Church, Church<br />

Community Center, 1530 Norwalk Dr. (between Fry and Mason Roads,<br />

south of I-10 behind Nottingham Subdivision) off Highland Knolls. Early<br />

bird games begin at 7:30 PM and regular games at 8 PM. For more info,<br />

call the bingo hall number at 281-578-3905.<br />

St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church BINGO<br />

At St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church in downtown Katy,<br />

“BINGO” is being played in our Parish Hall every Friday evening except<br />

Holidays. Doors open at 7 PM, games start at 7:15 PM with four Early Bird<br />

games. Regular games start at 7:30 PM. All profits will benefit community<br />

outreach and Religious Education programs. The Church is located in<br />

downtown Katy at 5356 Eleventh St. You can get to the church if traveling<br />

west on Hwy. 90 to Katyland Rd. Turn right at the light, go to the second<br />

stop sign (at the stadium) Eleventh St., turn left and the Church Hall will<br />

be on your right one block down. For more info., call 281-391-4758.<br />

Saint Edith Stein Catholic Church Friday Night Bingo<br />

Friday night BINGO is held the first Friday of February, <strong>May</strong>, June and<br />

August. This will be a fun evening for the entire family. Everyone can play<br />

including children. We offer a smoke and alcohol free environment. Cash<br />

prizes awarded for Regular BINGO and Special Games will range from $15 to<br />

$100. Snacks and refreshments will also be available. Doors open at 6:30 PM<br />

for BINGO card presales. Early Bird BINGO starts at 7 PM, Regular BINGO starts<br />

at 7:30 PM. All BINGO events at Saint Edith Stein Catholic Church are operated<br />

under a license issued by the Texas Lottery Commission. Location: Carmel<br />

Hall, Saint Edith Stein Catholic Church, 3311 N. Fry Road, Katy, TX 77449.<br />

14 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>

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<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> | <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 15

Libraries & Parks<br />

Maud Marks Library<br />

1815 Westgreen Blvd., Katy, TX 77450, 281-492-8592<br />

LIBRARY HOURS - Mon. 1 PM - 9 PM, Tues. 10 AM - 9 PM, Wed. 10 AM - 6<br />

PM, Thurs. 10 AM - 6 PM, Fri. 1 PM - 6 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM, Sun. closed.<br />

We will be closed for Memorial Day <strong>May</strong> 29 th .<br />

To register online for any of the programs at the library’s website<br />

(www.hcpl.net), click on “Events Calendar” and select “Maud Marks.”<br />

Participants may also register by calling or by visiting the library.<br />

ADULTS<br />

• BOOK SALE - The Friends of the Maud Marks Library will hold their next<br />

book sale on Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 27 th at 10 AM until 4 PM. There is a large<br />

selection of hardback fiction and nonfiction, as well as children’s books<br />

and paperbacks all at rock bottom prices! All proceeds will benefit the<br />

library.<br />

• MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU-ON THE 2 ND - Join us for an evening of<br />

crafts and a movie on Tuesday, <strong>May</strong> 2 nd beginning at 4 PM. School-age<br />

children and middle schoolers are invited to build their own lightsabers.<br />

Arrive at 3:50 PM to get for the first session or at 4:30 PM for the second<br />

session to get a ticket to become a Jedi Knight. Each session is limited<br />

to only 35 participants. Then, at 5:30 PM, we open the doors to everyone<br />

for the movie. Bring a blanket, your dinner and grab a spot on the floor<br />

as we find out how the rebels REALLY got their hand on that first Death<br />

Star’s plans.<br />

• VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION - Volunteer opportunities abound at the<br />

library. Volunteers are needed to help shelve, count patrons and more.<br />

We will be holding our next volunteer orientation on Thursday, <strong>May</strong><br />

4 th at 4:30 PM. Students should be in high school and must be able to<br />

commit to two hours a week. If you would like to help in any way, please<br />

contact Elizabeth Herndon at 281-492-8592.<br />

• SUMMER VOLUNTEERING AT THE LIBRARY - Volunteer opportunities<br />

abound at the library during the summer. Volunteers are needed to help<br />

shelve, count patrons, coordinate summer programs, hand out certificates<br />

and more. We will be taking applications beginning on Monday, <strong>May</strong> 1 st<br />

at 1 PM. Students should be going into the 7 th grade or older and must<br />

be able to commit to two hours twice a week. Please bring your summer<br />

vacation plans with you when you come to apply. Applications will be due<br />

back by Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 20 th at 5 PM. If you would like to help in any way,<br />

please contact Elizabeth Herndon at 281-492-8592.<br />

• TEENMAKERS - It’s Asian Pacific Heritage Month. This month we will be<br />

celebrating at TeenMAKERS. Join us on Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 11 th at 3:30 PM as we<br />

practice the art of origami. This is a ticketed program. Tickets will be available<br />

at 3 PM the day of the program. Come have fun and MAKE something!<br />

• YOGA DEMONSTRATION - You asked for it, you got it! The library<br />

hosts classes twice a month. Yoga can be a very relaxing and centering<br />

exercise program. Join us on Saturdays, <strong>May</strong> 6 th at 10 AM and <strong>May</strong> 20 th<br />

at 3 PM, as we learn about the benefits and basic how-to of yoga. Join us<br />

as we exercise our minds and bodies. Registration required.<br />

• VETERAN’S FAIR - Are you a veteran or related to a veteran? The library<br />

would like to thank you for your service and sacrifice. We would also like<br />

to make sure you are well taken care of. There are dozens and dozens<br />

of services and benefits provided by the Veterans Administration, which<br />

go unused every year. On Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 6 th at 1 PM, the library will be<br />

hosting a Veteran’s Fair. Come learn all about the many benefits veterans<br />

and their families are eligible for.<br />

• CITIZENSHIP TRAINING WORKSHOP - Harris County Public Library<br />

provides citizenship programs for adults at several of its branch libraries.<br />

The next training for tutors in the west Houston area will be at the Spring<br />

Branch Library (930 Corbindale, Houston Texas 77024) on Monday, <strong>May</strong><br />

8 th from 9 AM- 12:30 PM. There is no charge for attending this training<br />

or materials. Those enrolling in the workshop are requested to actively<br />

16 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>

support the citizenship program for at least five months. Citizenship<br />

tutors are needed throughout the Katy area. If you are interested in<br />

becoming a tutor, please call the library at 281-492-8592 to register.<br />


Heritage Month! Here at the library, we will be celebrating by making<br />

cherry blossom paintings. Join us on Tuesday, <strong>May</strong> 9 th at 2 PM as we<br />

create Japanese style cherry blossom paintings and bits of origami.<br />

Seating for this is extremely limited.<br />

• KATY MAKERSPACE - Did you know that the Katy area has its very own<br />

MakerSpace? We’ll be learning all about this special place for creators<br />

and inventors at the library on Tuesday, <strong>May</strong> 9 th at 7 PM. Harry Krueger<br />

will be here to give us an introduction to Katy MakerSpace and all you<br />

can do there. Makers of all ages and disciplines are encouraged to join us<br />

as we learn everything our new MakerSpace has to offer.<br />

• PEOPLE’S LAW SCHOOL-FAMILY LAW - Do you have legal questions but<br />

don’t even know where to start? The Maud Marks Library is pleased to<br />

host The People’s Law School presented by the Katy Bar Association. On<br />

Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 13 th at 10 AM we will be covering the topic of family law.<br />

Alex Hunt and Sarah Springer will be here to discuss various family law<br />

topics such as divorce, child custody, adoptions, termination of parental<br />

rights, name changes and more. Come learn how to ensure your family is<br />

safe and happy under the law.<br />

• DEMYSTIFYING THE REVERSE MORTGAGE - Senior citizens and their family<br />

members are invited to join us for a new series at the Maud Marks Library.<br />

Every 3 rd Friday of the month, experts will be here to discuss various topics<br />

pertinent to senior living. On <strong>May</strong> 19 th at 3 PM, we will learn all about reverse<br />

mortgages. Learn whether or not you really need one and how to make it<br />

work for you. Come discover what kind of life is best for you or your loved<br />

one. For more information, contact Linda Jordan at 713-826-5145.<br />

• GREEN THUMB GARDENING - Master Gardeners of Harris County will<br />

once again be bringing their Green Thumb series once a month where<br />

they will discuss various topics unique to gardening in the Houston area.<br />

This month, on <strong>May</strong> 20 th at 10 AM, learn all about insects in your garden.<br />

Seating is extremely limited for this class.<br />

• COLOR ME RELAXED - What is the newest way for adults to relax and<br />

have a good time? Coloring! The library now has an adult coloring hour on<br />

the 4 th Tuesday of every month at 2 PM. We color, chat, have a snack and<br />

listen to relaxing music. We will provide plenty of pages for coloring and<br />

colored pencils, although, you are more than welcome to bring your own.<br />

• TIMELESS TRAVELERS: RIENZI - Seniors 55+ are invited to join the<br />

library’s Timeless Travelers program for a trip to Rienzi, the Museum<br />

of Fine Arts Houston house for European decorative arts, courtesy of<br />

the Friends of Maud Marks Library and Precinct Three Transportation.<br />

Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 4 th at 9 AM, the bus departs from the library for a funfilled<br />

day at Rienzi. We will have a docent-led tour of the house and art<br />

collection followed by lemonade on the lawn. This program is for senior<br />

adults only- no exceptions. Seating is extremely limited. Registration is<br />

required. Although the tour is free, participants are responsible for their<br />

own lunch. The bus will arrive back at the library at approximately 5 PM.<br />

• BOOK DISCUSSION CLUBS - The Library hosts book clubs that meet<br />

monthly. The Evening Book Club normally meets on the second Monday<br />

of the month at 7 PM. The Afternoon Book Club meets on the second<br />

Thursday of the month at 1 PM.<br />

• JUST DESSERTS MYSTERY BOOK CLUB - Meetings held the third<br />

Wednesday of the month at 2 PM. You are encouraged to bring your<br />

favorite dessert to eat while we discuss whether our villains get their just<br />

desserts.<br />

• COMPUTER CLASSES - The library offers a variety of computer classes<br />

each month. You must know how to use a mouse and a keyboard.<br />

Seating for this is extremely limited. Registration is required. To see<br />

this month’s classes go to the library’s website www.hcpl.net, click on<br />

“Events Calendar” and select “Maud Marks.”<br />


•WEDNESDAY WONDERS - Let imaginations soar as you explore the<br />

world around you with crafts and activities on Wednesdays at 4:45 PM,<br />

for ages 6-11. These programs normally last about one hour. All necessary<br />

materials are provided. This is a ticketed program. Tickets are available<br />

15 minutes before the program begins.<br />

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<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> | <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 17

• INFANT STORYTIME - This program will meet each Tuesday morning<br />

at 10:15 AM and 11:15 AM. This is an interactive program for children,<br />

ages 0 to 12 months and their caregivers. Each session will last about 20<br />

minutes, featuring nursery rhymes, songs and finger plays.<br />

• STORYTIME - Storytime for preschool-aged children is held each<br />

Wednesday at 10:15 AM. Stories, fingerplays and songs are featured. This<br />

is ideal for children ages 3 to 5, but all children and their caregivers are<br />

welcome.<br />

• PRESCHOOL EXPLORERS - Is your preschooler ready to explore the<br />

world? Children ages 2 ½ to 5 are invited to come on Wednesdays at<br />

11:15 AM as we learn about the world. There will be plenty of stations for<br />

science and sensory exploration.<br />

• TOTALLY TODDLER STORYTIME - Toddlers, ages 18 to 36 months, are<br />

invited to participate in our Totally Toddler Storytime, which will be held<br />

on Thursdays, at 10:15 AM and 11:15 AM. Tickets are required for Toddler<br />

Storytime. Tickets are given to the first 30 toddlers the day of the event.<br />

“Like” us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/maudmarkslibrary.<br />

Katherine Tyra (Bear Creek) Public Library<br />

16719 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084, 281-550-0885<br />

Our hours are: Monday - 1 PM - 8 PM, Tuesday/Thursday - 10 AM - 6 PM,<br />

Wednesday -10 AM - 8 PM, Friday - 1 PM - 6 PM, Saturday - 10 AM - 5 PM.<br />

We will be closed for Memorial Day <strong>May</strong> 29 th .<br />

Adults<br />

• CPR/AED TRAINING - Wednesday, <strong>May</strong> 3 rd , 3:30 PM. Come to this<br />

free CPR/AED class to learn what to do in the event of an emergency.<br />

Instruction provided by PartnERs Emergency Centers. To sign up, contact<br />

832-230-1284.<br />

• NEW VOLUNTEER ORIENTATIONS - Wednesday, <strong>May</strong> 3 rd . 6:30 PM.<br />

Interested in volunteering at the library? We have periodic orientation<br />

sessions to introduce you to our library and what kinds of work you could<br />

do. Applications are available at the Information Desks (must be signed<br />

by guardian if volunteer is under 18). Volunteers under the age of 14 must<br />

volunteer with a parent or guardian.<br />

• YOGA - Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 6 th , 1 PM. Learn more about yoga, the ancient<br />

art based on a harmonizing system of development for mind, body and<br />

spirit. Gain a sense of well-being, learn more about the origins of yoga<br />

and learn some new poses!<br />


Wednesday, <strong>May</strong> 10 th , 4 PM. Come to this free class to learn more about<br />

heart attacks and strokes. Learn how to recognize them and what to do<br />

in the event someone you know experiences one. Instruction provided<br />

by PartnERs Emergency Centers. To sign up, contact 832-230-1284.<br />

• FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY MONTHLY MEETING - Wednesday, <strong>May</strong> 10 th<br />

at 6:30 PM. Did you enjoy a program or service at the library? Support<br />

us and show your appreciation by joining the Friends of the Library!<br />

The Friends of the Library meet monthly to plan fundraisers and other<br />

activities to help support the library’s programs and services.<br />


<strong>May</strong> 11 th , 4 PM. Come to this free cooking class to learn how to make<br />

delicious Asian dumplings. We are celebrating Asian American Heritage<br />

Month. The class will consist of both a demonstration and a hands-on<br />

portion. We will be making a Korean style dumpling, also known as<br />

Mandu. Afterwards you can sample this tasty dish!<br />

• FINANCIAL PLANNING WORKSHOP - Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 13 th , 10 AM. Learn<br />

more about a wide variety of financial topics at our free financial planning<br />

workshops. Please RSVP to Madelin Ramos, mramos@2020fa.com.<br />

• KAMINARI TAIKO DRUMMING PERFORMANCE! - Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 20 th ,<br />

11 AM. Join us at the library for an amazing and entertaining Taiko<br />

drumming performance. Kaminari Taiko of Houston will display the<br />

Japanese art of Taiko in our library’s parking lot. We are celebrating Asian<br />

American Heritage Month! The performers will be in traditional Japanese<br />

costume and the drumming will combine traditional instruments with<br />

modern rhythms. This program is free and open to the public. Free<br />

refreshments served!<br />

• PASSPORT PROCESSING SERVICE – Tuesday, <strong>May</strong> 23 rd , 12-4:30 PM,<br />

Wednesday, <strong>May</strong> 24 th , 1-6:30 PM and Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 25 th , 1-4:30 PM. Come<br />

to the library to apply for your passport. The person receiving the passport<br />

must be present. Call the District Clerk’s Office at 713-755-1674 for more<br />

information or to make an appointment. Walk-ins are also accepted.<br />

• FIRST AID CLASS - Wednesday, <strong>May</strong> 31 st . Come to this free class to<br />

learn how to properly provide first aid. Instruction provided by PartnERs<br />

Emergency Centers. To sign up, contact 832-230-1284.<br />

• COMPUTER CLASSES - These classes will cover a range of topics! Call<br />

the branch for specific class information.<br />

• THE BEAR CREEK BOOK CLUB - 2 nd Monday, 7 PM.<br />

• THE BEAR CREEK MYSTERY BOOK CLUB - 3 rd Thursday, 11 AM. The<br />

Library is hosting a mystery book club! All sleuths and amateur Sherlocks<br />

heed this call! Come to this lively group and share your passion for<br />

mysteries!<br />

Weekly Programs<br />

• ADULT COLORING - Mondays at 3 PM. Take a break from your hectic<br />

schedule and relax with adult coloring. Coloring sheets are complicated<br />

and fun to color at the same time. Supplies provided. Stop by the library<br />

and give it a try!<br />

• SAVVY STITCHERS - Every Thursday, 4 PM. The Bear Creek Knitters<br />

Club is a place to share ideas, to learn new knitting techniques or to<br />

teach someone else a new knitting skill. Don’t miss out on the weekly<br />

fun!! Make sure to bring your needles and yarn.<br />

• COMPUTER CLASSES - Every Friday at 1:30 PM and 4 PM and Saturday,<br />

April 1 st at 3:30 PM. These classes will cover a range of topics including<br />

Computer Basics, Internet Basics, Microsoft Office Classes, Intro to<br />

eReaders, Social Networking, Technology Toolbox and more! Call the<br />

branch for specific class information.<br />

• CHESS GAMES - Every Friday at 3 PM. Adults can come to the library to<br />

play chess. Join us for an afternoon of strategy and fun!<br />

• LILY’S LIBRARY TALES - Every Saturday at 2 PM. Come to the library for<br />

a family friendly storytime with Lily, a certified therapy dog! This library<br />

program is in partnership with Tender Loving K-9s. All ages welcome.<br />

• ESL CONVERSATION - Saturdays at 12:30 PM. Join our free<br />

Conversational ESL class. Emphasis will be placed on verb tenses.<br />

Attendees will need to fill out an application. Everyone is welcome!<br />

Teen Programs<br />

• TEEN PROGRAMS - Mondays at 4 PM. Want to do something fun and<br />

interesting after school? The library is hosting weekly Teen events. You<br />

can watch an anime, take part in a book or movie critic club and so much<br />

more!<br />


• MIDDLE SCHOOL SPOT – Tuesdays at 5 PM. Come join the fun of<br />

Middle School Spot, a rotating program for ages 10-12. Activities include<br />

Gaming, Writing Workshop, Read Anything Book Club and Puzzles.<br />

• Tuesdays, 10:15 AM - Preschool Story Time for children ages 3-5 years.<br />

• Wednesdays, 10:15 & 11 AM - Toddler Story Time for children ages 18<br />

months-3 years.<br />

• Thursdays 10:15 AM - Infant Story Time for children ages 0-18 months.<br />

• SMART FOR KIDS! - Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 4 th , 4:30 PM, 4:30 PM. Kids can come<br />

to this program to have fun playing and creating SMART activities! These<br />

activities are centered around themes of Science, Math, Art & Technology.<br />

Kids can come to learn, create and innovate at the same time!<br />

• COASTIE’S WATER SAFETY FOR KIDS - Wednesday, <strong>May</strong> 31 st , 10:30 AM.<br />

This program is presented by members of the Auxiliary, the civilian arm<br />

of the Coast Guard. It is a recreational boating safety program. Coastie<br />

teaches children and their parents how to be safe around the water. Be<br />

sure to pick up a ticket in the children’s area at the library the morning<br />

of this event.<br />

All programs are free and open to the public. For more information call<br />

281-550-0885 or log on to www.hcpl.net.<br />

18 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>

Peckham Park Activities<br />

These classes are free with priority to Harris Co. residents.<br />

5597 Gardenia, 281-391-4482 - web www.pct3.hctx.net<br />



AMERICAN RED CROSS CLASSES - Community Lay Responder:<br />

Cost is $27, check or money order only & no refunds. This class<br />

is on Friday, <strong>May</strong> 5, <strong>2017</strong>, 1 PM-5 PM. Includes Adult CPR with<br />

AED, Infant/Child CPR and Standard First Aid. Registration<br />

began 4/3/17.<br />

MARY JO PECKHAM PARK FISHING LAKE: The lake is a stocked.<br />

Rules are posted out by the lake. Park hours are 6 AM-10 PM. If<br />

you have questions, please call the Parks Office at 281-531-1592.<br />


LAND -<br />

PILATES - Mondays and Fridays - 10:30 AM-11:30 AM.<br />

YOGA – Yoga postures exercise every part of the body, stretching<br />

and toning the muscles and joints, the spine and the skeletal<br />

system. It also reduces physical and mental tension, leaving you<br />

feeling calm and refreshed. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:30 AM -<br />

10:45 AM & Mondays & Wednesdays, 5:30 PM-6:30 PM.<br />

ZUMBA - Tuesdays - 11 AM-12 PM (HC & KCL residents call<br />

Tuesday starting at 7 AM for reservations, other counties call<br />

Tuesday starting at 10 AM) & Thursdays 5 PM - 6 PM (HC & KCL<br />

residents, call Thursday starting at 7 AM for reservations, other<br />

counties call Thursday starting at 10 AM) and Saturdays - 8:15-<br />

9:15 AM (HC & KCL residents, call Friday starting at 7 AM for<br />

reservations, other counties call Friday starting at 10 AM).<br />

MEDITATION - An ancient Chinese art of mind-body relaxation<br />

and healing. Its benefits include increased energy, enhanced<br />

concentration, stress reduction. Saturdays, 9 AM - 10:30 AM.<br />

FITNESS MACHINES – This is a time when you can work out on<br />

your own on the fitness equiPMent. You must be 16 year and up<br />

& bring a full size towel and wear atheletic shoes. Various times<br />

available daily. The machines are closed during class times.<br />

Graham & Theander<br />

(281) 940-3000<br />

•Medicaid<br />

•Elder Law<br />

•Estate Planning/Wills<br />

•Guardianship<br />

•Probate<br />

•Contested Matters<br />

•Special Needs Planning<br />

Kerri Graham<br />

Attorney at Law<br />

Christy Theander<br />

Attorney at Law<br />

POOL -<br />

DEEP WATER AEROBICS - This hour class is a high cardio<br />

vascular workout. A flotation device is advised. Monday -<br />

Friday, 8 AM - 9 AM.<br />

WATER AEROBICS - This one hour class is low-impact, which is<br />

easy on the joints. Monday-Friday, 9:05 AM-10:05 AM. Monday<br />

& Wednesday 5:45 PM-6:45 PM.<br />

ARTHRITIS AQUATICS - This class consists of range of motion,<br />

muscle strengthening and endurance-building activities.<br />

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 11 AM - 12 PM.<br />

RECREATIONAL SWIM (call to reserve a spot) - There is no lap<br />

swimming at this time. Friday, 5 PM-6:30 PM - Saturday &<br />

Sunday, 2:30 PM-4 PM.<br />

SPLASH TIME - This time is by reservation only and for families<br />

or individuals to come play in the SHALLOW END of the pool.<br />

Children must be 5 years and under and must be accompanied<br />

by an adult or parent. Reservations may be made 1 day in<br />

advance for Harris County residents & those who reside within<br />

the Katy City Limits. Other counties may call the day of the<br />

Splash time. Monday-Thursdays - 2 PM-3 PM.<br />

LAP SWIM/WATER WALK - Various times daily.<br />

LAP SWIM FOR AGES 8-11 Fridays, 4-4:45 PM, Saturdays and<br />

Sundays, 11:30 AM-1:30 PM( in 30 minute increments). Call to<br />

reserve a lane. Reservations may be made 1 day in advance for<br />

Harris County residents & those who reside within the Katy City<br />

Limits. Other counties may call the day of.<br />


Adults. Call or come in to get schedule for lessons.<br />

21559 Provincial Blvd., Suite A, Katy, TX 77450, www.gtkatylaw.com<br />


Tree Trimming<br />

Tree Pruning<br />

Tree Removal<br />

Stump Grinding<br />

Tree Planting<br />

Palm Tree Pruning<br />

Root Barriers<br />

Tree Fertilizations<br />

Spring & Fall Clean-Ups<br />

Mulching<br />

Firewood<br />



281-642-7824<br />

<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> | <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 19

Craft & Hobby/<br />

Just for Fun Groups<br />

Grace Notes<br />

Singers and instrumentalists are invited to join “Grace Notes” a women’s<br />

performing group which shares music in the community at retirement<br />

homes, Alzheimer’s and nursing facilities and various community events.<br />

We sing once a month for the congregation of St. Peter’s during Sunday<br />

worship services. Grace Notes sings a combination of secular, sacred and<br />

patriotic music and rehearse during the school year in E106 from 9:30 AM<br />

to 11:30 AM. Tuesday mornings are also our “outing” days to perform in<br />

the community. Babysitting is provided. Come and join this wonderful<br />

music ministry. Regular rehearsals began in August. Please contact Gail<br />

Shipley at 281-782-1598 or gshipnote@live.com for more information.<br />

Decibelles - A Barbershop Chorus<br />

LET US ENTERTAIN YOU! We are the DECIBELLES (a Barbershop Chorus) performing<br />

around the Houston area and nearby towns. We prepare two shows each year<br />

complete with costumes, narratives and choreography. Our regular show this<br />

year features songs from 1900 through the current year. Brighten your meeting,<br />

gathering or any type get-together with a half hour of four-part harmonies and<br />

cheerful narratives. You will have as much fun as we do preparing our show. We are<br />

a (ladies only) daytime chorus rehearsing every Friday morning from 10:30 AM to<br />

12:30 PM, at the Treemont Retirement Center, 2501 Westerland, near Westheimer<br />

and Gessner. Come visit any Friday we are not performing. We would love to see<br />

you and if you decide to join us, we would be delighted. For more information,<br />

please call Pat at 281-497-4904 or visit our website, www.Decibelles.org.<br />

Katy Vocal Express<br />

Katy Vocal Express, the newest prospective Sweet Adelines Chorus has arrived<br />

in the Katy area. The name honors the history of the Katy railroad while<br />

looking forward to the barbershop harmony that is now being made in Katy.<br />

Ladies from the Katy/West Houston area are invited to attend chorus rehearsal<br />

any Thursday evening, 7-9 PM at Holy Covenant United Methodist Church,<br />

22111 Morton Ranch Road, Katy 77493. There are signs guiding you to the<br />

correct place on the east side of the property. To reserve your spot or for more<br />

information, please email katyvocalexpress@gmail.com. Singers of all ranges<br />

of experience make up KVE. Some have years of chorus singing while others<br />

have very little singing experience. The ability to read music is helpful but not<br />

required; you just need the desire to sing and the ability to carry a tune.<br />

Nottingham Country Garden Club<br />

Monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month from<br />

September through <strong>May</strong>. Meet and greet begins at 9:30 AM and the program<br />

will begin at 10 AM, followed by the NCGC business meeting. Please join us at<br />

the Municipal Utility Building #81 at 805 Hidden Canyon Dr. in Katy (77450). For<br />

more information, see our website at www.nottinghamgardenclub.org or call<br />

979-885-6199. We welcome everyone interested in gardening and gardening<br />

related topics. We serve the West Houston and Katy areas. You do not have to<br />

live in the Nottingham Country neighborhood to belong to our group! NCGC<br />

is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Houston Federation of Garden<br />

Clubs, the Texas State Garden Clubs and the National Federation of Garden<br />

Clubs. The purpose of the club is to promote beautification of our community,<br />

support local and national educational and civic organizations and educate<br />

the community about our environment. Donations from the NCGC are funded<br />

by various projects throughout the year.<br />

Harris County Master Gardener<br />

Upcoming events (all events are free and at 3033 Bear Creek Dr. unless<br />

specified elsewhere): Call for information on events.<br />


<strong>May</strong> 16, <strong>2017</strong>: 6:30 PM-8:30 PM. Spring Branch Memorial Library.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 20, <strong>2017</strong>: 10 AM-Noon. Maud Smith Marks Library.<br />

Call 281-855-5600 to register or access http://harris,agrilife.org/hort for<br />

more information. Join us on Facebook - Harris County Master Gardeners.<br />

20 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>

American Sewing Guild In Katy<br />

Do you like sewing? Would you like to meet other sewing enthusiast in the<br />

Katy area? Then check out the Katy Neighborhood Group of the American<br />

Sewing Guild’s Houston Chapter. We meet on the 3 rd Wednesday of<br />

every month from 1 PM to 3 PM, at Quilt & Sew, 829 Mason Rd., Katy. For<br />

more information, please check out our website at www.asghouston.org.<br />

Pride of Texas Decorative Artists<br />

The Pride of Texas Decorative Artists (a division of National Tole Society)<br />

would like to invite all decorative artists to our monthly meeting on the 2 nd<br />

Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM. We meet at Bear Creek Community<br />

Center off Patterson Rd. in Bear Creek Park. Our monthly “make it & take<br />

it” programs are taught by local artists. Please join us for fun and new<br />

ideas. For more information, call Gloria Ware 281-492-0246.<br />

West Houston Quilter’s Guild<br />

The West Houston Quilters Guild would like to invite all quilters and quilt<br />

lovers to our monthly meetings. The meetings are held at 6:30 to 9 PM,<br />

on the 3 rd Wednesday of each month, at Bear Creek Community Center,<br />

3055 Bear Creek Dr., Houston, TX 77084. We have many good programs<br />

lined up this year for both the beginner and the more experienced quilter.<br />

Everyone goes home with new tips. For hands on experience, join one of<br />

our ongoing “bees”. Guests are welcome! For more information, check<br />

our website at www.whqg.org.<br />

Katy Quilters<br />

FREE Introduction to Quilting. If you thought that you would like to<br />

learn to quilt but have never sewed a stitch in your life... then this<br />

short introduction is for you. If you have sewed on and off all your life<br />

but have never attempted to quilt... then this is for you. <strong>May</strong>be you just<br />

want a hobby... this is for you. Take 2 hours out of your day to listen and<br />

view what it takes to start this new adventure. Time and place will be<br />

scheduled in the Katy Area. Call the Katy Quilters, Shari Medford at 281-<br />

635-3000.<br />


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FREE<br />

Estimates<br />

281-345-9800 Cell: 281-650-2825<br />

Estimates@CustomPaintingHouston.com<br />

www.custompaintinghouston.com<br />

Katy Area Artists<br />

Katy area artists is a member league of the lone start art guild. Through<br />

this our members are connected with a wide array of artistic opportunities<br />

throughout southeastern texas. If you are interested in attending any of<br />

kaa’s artist workshops or becoming a member, please visit our website<br />

at katyareaartists.org for dates and times as well as the membership<br />

information.<br />

The Bluebonnet Stencilers Of Texas<br />

The Bluebonnet Stencilers of Texas, a non-profit group serving all of<br />

Houston, meet each 1 st Monday of the month from 6:30 PM - 9 PM at the<br />

Tracy Gee Community Center, 3599 Westcenter (one block east of Sam<br />

Houston Toll Road West). This chapter is actively seeking new members<br />

in the Houston area. Membership is open to anyone who is interested<br />

in stenciling and the related arts of faux finishing and decorative<br />

painting. For more information concerning meetings, email blmrducks@<br />

sbcglobal.net.<br />

The Houston Pond Society<br />

The Houston Pond Society was formed in 2004 to meet a need for pond<br />

owners to meet and interface with other pond owners about the use of a<br />

pond as a landscape feature.<br />

Family Owned<br />

& Operated<br />

Over 25 years<br />

of experience<br />

A pond should be a part of the overall back yard habitat and landscaping,<br />

and that pond construction; water lilies, plants, fish, patios, decks,<br />

lighting and other landscape features should be some of the topics<br />

discussed at the meetings.<br />

Meetings are held the first Saturday of each month at a member’s<br />

home. For more information, please visit our website www.<br />

houstonpondsociety.org.<br />

Any Repair<br />

with this ad<br />

• Toilets • Re-pipes • Remodels • Pipe Leaks • Water Heaters • Drain Services<br />

• Fixture Replacement • Gas Tests & Gas Lines • Sewer Camera Inspections<br />

• Sewer Repair & Replacement • Water lines & Water Main Yard Leaks • and much more<br />

www.PolsgrovePlumbing.com<br />

J. Russ Polsgrove RMPL#38482<br />

<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> | <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 21

Like What You See?<br />

Enjoy reading your<br />

newsletter?<br />

Looking for a local<br />

business or service?<br />

Contact:<br />

www.krenekprinting.com<br />

281-463-8649<br />


Please support the businesses within this<br />

newsletter. It is because of their support that<br />

you receive this paper at no charge to you or<br />

your HOA.<br />

Share your community news with us.<br />

Non-profit, scouts, school, dated events, etc.<br />

send to news@krenekprinting.com<br />


Want your ad to be placed in this newsletter<br />

and mailed to the homeowners every month?<br />

For more information, pricing or to view<br />

newsletters online please visit<br />

www.krenekprinting.com or email<br />

ads@krenekprinting.com<br />


Search for businesses in your local area<br />

and find great deals on the goods and<br />

services you are looking for!<br />


View your newsletter online! You can<br />

read your community news on our website or<br />

download it to take with you and print.<br />

Archived issues are also available.<br />

MOBILE:<br />

You now have access to our full website<br />

optimized for your mobile device, making it even<br />

easier to find the things you need on the go!<br />

MORE:<br />

Find information about advertising<br />

opportunities, article submissions, our<br />

company, frequently asked questions, and<br />

submit your classified ads online.<br />

Monthly Featured Recipes<br />

Please submit your recipes to<br />

recipes@krenekprinting.com<br />


1 (12oz.) package Vermicelli, cooked and drained<br />

4 Tbsp olive oil<br />

3 Tbsp lemon juice<br />

½ Tsp Allspice<br />

On first day, combine cooked Vermicelli, olive oil, lemon<br />

juice and allspice. Cover and refrigerate overnight.<br />

2 Cups mayonnaise<br />

1 bell pepper, chopped<br />

1 cup chopped celery<br />

½ cup chopped onion<br />

1 4ounce jar pimiento<br />

1 ( 6-8ox) can pitted ripe olives chopped<br />

1 5 oz can water chestnuts, drained and sliced<br />

Salt and pepper to taste<br />

Optional: 2 ½ cup canned ham, cooked chicken breast,<br />

shrimp, or cooked hambuger<br />

Second day, add the rest of ingredients<br />

and mix well refrigerate.<br />


2lbs cooked shrimp<br />

1.5 lbs. cooked white fish (cod)<br />

Pico<br />

6 tomatoes<br />

1/2 red onion<br />

2 cloves garlic<br />

cilantro to taste<br />

1 minced jalapeno<br />

juice on one lime<br />

salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste<br />

Mix pico and shredded fish. Marinate in the juice<br />

of 4 to 6 limes. Better if you make ahead one day.<br />

Serve on tostada with jalapeno ranch dressing,<br />

avocado, minced jalapeno.<br />


1 box butter pecan cake mix (Betty Crocker)<br />

or Choc. cake mix<br />

1 cup softened butter<br />

3 eggs<br />

1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened<br />

1 tsp. vanilla extract<br />

1 pound box powdered sugar<br />

1 1/2 cups chopped pecans<br />

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Grease and flour a 9 x 13<br />

inch cake pan. Mix cake mix, 1/2 cup butter and 1 egg.<br />

Press into pan. In a separate bowl, combine softened<br />

cream cheese, 1/2 c. butter, remaining 2 eggs, vanilla and<br />

powdered sugar until smooth. Pour over cake mixture.<br />

Sprinkle top with pecans. Bake about 55 minutes or until<br />

filling appears set when pan is gently shaken. Cool<br />

completely on wire rack. Cut into bars of desired size.<br />

22 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong>

FOR SALE<br />

Two spaces in Houston’s most beautiful and<br />

prestigious burial site, Glenwood Cemetery,<br />

resting place of Houston’s founding families<br />

and most prominent business, political and<br />

professional leaders since 1871. Each space<br />

holds up to three family members. Location: Lot<br />

126-A, East Avenue, close to the Howard Hughes,<br />

Wortham and Hobby families. Current market<br />

value of the two spaces combined (housing<br />

up to six members): $36,000. However, we will<br />

accept any reasonable offer above $15,000.<br />

Google “Glenwood Cemetery” for pictures and<br />

roster of those interred. Call Lisa for details:<br />

713-816-6777.<br />

Pro-form Hybrid Trainer Elliptical Recumbent,<br />

$269 OBO. Text 469-525-5539.<br />

Whirlpool Washer/Dryer, set excellent condition,<br />

used 12 times, $300; Executive Office Desk<br />

Chair, excellent condition, $75; Dell 715W Allin-One<br />

Printer/Fax/Scanner with cartridges,<br />

$45. Contact Rod Walker at 706-244-0894 or<br />

rodwalker2010@gmail.com.<br />

Trico Sports Iron (Bike) Case, measures 47” x<br />

30.5” x 10.5”. Almost new condition only because<br />

it was used once, $200. Call 832-713-0856.<br />

Brand new, never worn 3” heel Capezio closed<br />

toe T-strap character shoe with brace, black,<br />

size 7, $150. Regular price without brace, $250.<br />

713-459-7792.<br />

Strasburg children’s flower girl dresses, NWT,<br />

discontinued, in white (size 3) and ivory (size 3),<br />

new $109.99, selling for $50. They all have loops<br />

for a sash. Also have 2 with embellishments,<br />

ivory (sizes 4, 6), matching ivory sash included,<br />

new $136.99, selling for $75. 281-770-6928 or<br />

jaclynchale@gmail.com.<br />


Apply Now! Cornerstone Church (1351 S<br />

Mason @ Park York) is in need of loving adults<br />

to provide care for our infants and toddlers<br />

on Sunday mornings/evenings, Thursday<br />

mornings/evenings and for occasional special<br />

events. Looking for: experience with children,<br />

servant attitude, cooperative/team players,<br />

willing to follow the policies and procedures<br />

provided by Cornerstone Church. References<br />

will be required upon application. Please<br />

contact Carol for more information at: info@<br />

CornerstoneKaty.org.<br />


Register Tapes Unlimited is looking for Inside<br />

Sales/Telemarketing reps to work in our<br />

corporate office call center in the Houston/Katy<br />

area. We have a contract with over 10,000 major<br />

grocery chains in 47 states and Western Canada.<br />

Heavy Cold Calling to Business Owners to set<br />

appointments for top producing outside reps,<br />

$10/Hour plus unlimited Comm. & Bonuses.<br />

Our team’s average $15-$30/hour w/ comm. Full<br />

Time M-F. No Late nights or weekends, great<br />

environment. You will be eligible for Medical/<br />

Dental/Vision & Life insurance after 60 days,<br />

401k after 1 year. No experience needed: www.<br />

rtui.com. To apply, send resume to jamelyn.<br />

brown@rtui.com.<br />

Classified Ads<br />

Looking for people to work in the field services,<br />

crew workers and helpers to work on servicing<br />

irrigation systems for growing Irrigation<br />

Company, no experience needed, will train.<br />

Must have own transportation and clean driver’s<br />

license. Growth opportunity, Northwest Houston<br />

area. Email: sprinklerworkers@gmail.com.<br />

Katy Memorial Power Washing is seeking a<br />

power washing and roof cleaning technician.<br />

Requirements: must be a self-starter, flexible, team<br />

player, willing and able to work multiple jobs with<br />

minimum supervision; must be able to work on max<br />

height 2 story roofs; have a good driving record;<br />

must have experience towing a 12’ trailer and be<br />

proficient at backing trailer; no prior experience<br />

power washing or roof cleaning necessary, we train;<br />

live in the Katy, Texas area. Submit your resume via<br />

email to support@k-mpw.com.<br />

Plumbers or Apprentices for repair. Bilingual<br />

preferred. Please call 281-256-2239.<br />

Housekeepers needed. Great hours for moms<br />

with school age children. 281-861-0394.<br />

Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of<br />

experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-<br />

0900.<br />

Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman<br />

or helper/apprentice. Have experience,<br />

references & contact info. ready, beginners<br />

last employment info. Send resume to randy@<br />

westhoustonelectric.com.<br />


2 - one/half acre connecting lots (total one acre)<br />

on Grand Harbour Island on Lake Conroe in<br />

Montgomery, Texas. Excellent location on water.<br />

Will sell together or separate. $150,000 each<br />

OBO. 281-858-4422.<br />


Vacation Home in Galveston, TX located<br />

beachside, 16 miles from downtown Galveston,<br />

2 nd row gulf view home with cargo lift, sleeps<br />

19 people, 6 bedrooms with 3 master suites,<br />

large 2-story deck. Great family getaway! Book:<br />

https://www.sandnsea.com/booking/seapearl/SEAPEARL<br />

phone: 409-797-5500.<br />

Furnished ocean view vacation rental available<br />

in San Diego California. Looking for a vacation<br />

spot in San Diego? Look no further. This one or<br />

two bedroom, two bath, fully furnish unit is a<br />

3 minute walk to the sand in beautiful Pacific<br />

Beach. Here are some other highlights: 1,113<br />

sq.ft., 1 or 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, Ocean views,<br />

High speed internet, Fully furnished with full<br />

kitchen, Heated pool and hot tub and did I<br />

mention that it’s a 3-minute walk to the beach?<br />

Contact Art Bennett for more details: Art.<br />

Bennett@sbcglobal.net, 713-247-9507.<br />

Ocean view vacation rental in San Diego, 1,1OO<br />

SF corner unit facing the Pacific. For details text<br />

your email address to: Art Bennett 713-247-9507.<br />

Vacation home for rent in Playa Del Carmen,<br />

Mexico. 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, beach, pool, tennis,<br />

golf, <strong>May</strong>an Ruins. For more info, Google VRBO<br />

136406 or call, 281-236-2107 or 713-896-1234.<br />

Timeshare: Rent a lovely condo for a full week in<br />

Hawaii! I have one week reserved in Maui, resort<br />

name is Kauhale Makai. Sleeps 4, one bedroom,<br />

fully stocked kitchen. The resort charges $200<br />

per day if not with timeshare. What else needs<br />

to be said... It’s Hawaii! $795 per week. For<br />

information contact Cheryl at 281-855-7427.<br />

Las Vegas Timeshare: On the Strip near the<br />

airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living.<br />

Jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s, 2 Phones, 2 pools<br />

outside building, fitness room, washer/dryer/<br />

safe in room, 4 days, $465 or 7 days, $595. No<br />

added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409.<br />

Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation<br />

home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new 2/2 with loft,<br />

fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV,<br />

beautiful views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at<br />

Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call<br />

866-7CON-CAN or go to www.frioman.com for<br />

more information.<br />


<strong>May</strong> the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored,<br />

glorified, loved and preserved throughout the<br />

world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus<br />

have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles,<br />

pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray<br />

for us. Say Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It<br />

has never been known to fail. Publication must<br />

be promised. Thank you St. Jude – CS<br />

Due to the amount of space involved and the response<br />

of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude,<br />

a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a<br />

list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are<br />

sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5 Charge for<br />

each Novena per area. Please specify which area you<br />

would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing.<br />

DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter<br />

express the opinions of their authors and do<br />

not necessarily reflect to opinions of Krenek<br />

Printing Co. or its employees. Krenek Printing<br />

is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts<br />

stated in articles submitted by others. The<br />

publisher also assumes no responsibility for<br />

the advertising content with in this publication.<br />

All warranties and representations make in<br />

the advertising content are solely that of the<br />

advertiser and any such claims regarding its<br />

content should be taken up with the advertiser.<br />

The publisher assumes no liability with regard<br />

to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place<br />

advertising in this publication except for the<br />

actual cost of such advertising. Although every<br />

effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints<br />

in this publication the publisher assumes no<br />

responsibility for any errors of information or<br />

typographical mistakes, except as limited to<br />

the cost of advertising as stated above or in the<br />

case of misinformation, a printed retraction/<br />

correction. Under no circumstances shall<br />

the publisher be held liable for incidental or<br />

consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of<br />

business or services, or any other liabilities from<br />

failure to publish, or from failure to publish in<br />

a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities<br />

stated above.<br />

Published by: KRENEK PRINTING CO.<br />

7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX, 77095<br />

281-463-8649 • news@krenekprinting.com<br />

<strong>Stone</strong> <strong>Crest</strong> | <strong>May</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 23

Dance your way fit with Country’s Top Hits!<br />

• 6 Smokin’ Workouts and one bonus workout<br />

• Workout to your Favorite Country Music<br />

• 7 Portion Control Containers<br />

• Eating Plan & Quick Start Guide<br />

• 30-Day Workout Calendar<br />

Country Heat is so fun, it’s almost hard<br />

to believe it’s a workout! Order now!<br />

www.LauraGreenFitness.com<br />

A.A.A.<br />

Tree Services<br />

& Landscaping<br />

925 South Mason Rd. P.M.B. 239<br />

Katy, TX 77450<br />

281-798-5224<br />

a.a.a.landscaping.2005@gmail.com<br />

• Tree Removal<br />

• Tree Trimming<br />

• Palm Tree Trimming<br />

• Stump Removal<br />

• Lots Cleaned Up<br />

• Landscaping Designs<br />

15% OFF<br />

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