Allan Kardec-THE Spirit's Book_ The Principles of Spiritist Doctrine (1989)

Entre los anos 1830 y 1857. Allan Kardec fue un hombre que amaso las mas grandes riquezas de "Material-dado por espiritus" que jamaz se hayan asemblado. El compilo y organizo esta vasta cantidad de informacion que se relaciona y toca con el aqui y hora, cuan inmensos son. Divinas y terrenales leyes , los reinos de los espiritus. El despues y el mas alla. Estos forman sus escrituras y son la fundacion para el " Movimiento Muldial-Internacional Espiritista." El libro de los espiritus. He aqui la version de 1989.

Entre los anos 1830 y 1857. Allan Kardec fue un hombre que amaso las mas grandes riquezas de "Material-dado por espiritus" que jamaz se hayan asemblado. El compilo y organizo esta vasta cantidad de informacion que se relaciona y toca con el aqui y hora, cuan inmensos son. Divinas y terrenales leyes , los reinos de los espiritus. El despues y el mas alla.
Estos forman sus escrituras y son la fundacion para el " Movimiento Muldial-Internacional Espiritista."

El libro de los espiritus. He aqui la version de 1989.


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We must not lose sight <strong>of</strong> the fact that a spirit, after the death <strong>of</strong> his body. is not suddenly transformed. If<br />

his life have been reprehensible, it has been so because he was imperfect. But death does not render him<br />

perfect all at once he may in his wrong-doing, his false ideas, his prejudices, until he has become<br />

enlightened by study, reflection, and suffering.<br />

998. Is expiation accomplished in the corporeal state, or in the spirit-state?<br />

"Expiation is accomplished during the corporeal existence, through the trials to which the<br />

spirit is subjected; and, in the spirit-state, through the moral sufferings belonging to the<br />

spirit's state <strong>of</strong> inferiority."<br />

999. Does sincere repentance during the earthly life suffice to efface the faults <strong>of</strong> that life,<br />

and to restore the wrong-doer to the favour <strong>of</strong> God?<br />

"Repentance helps forward the amelioration <strong>of</strong> the spirit, but all wrongdoing has to be<br />

expiated."<br />

- That being the case, if a criminal should say, "Since I must necessarily expiate my past, I<br />

have no need to repent," what effect would it have upon him?<br />

"If he harden himself in the thought <strong>of</strong> evil. his expiation will be longer and more painful."<br />

1000. Can we, in the present life, redeem our faults?<br />

"Yes, by making reparation for them. But do not suppose that you can redeem them by a few<br />

trifling privations, or by giving, after your death, what you can no longer make use <strong>of</strong>. God<br />

does not value a sterile repentance, a mere smiting <strong>of</strong> the breast, easily done. <strong>The</strong> loss <strong>of</strong> a<br />

little finger in doing good to others effaces more wrong doing than any amount <strong>of</strong> self-torture<br />

undergone solely with a view to one's own interest. (726.)<br />

"Evil can only be atoned for by good; and attempts at reparation are valueless if they touch<br />

neither a man's pride nor his worldly interests.<br />

"How can his rehabilitation be subserved by the restitution <strong>of</strong> ill-gotten wealth after his death,<br />

when it has become useless to him, and when he has already pr<strong>of</strong>ited by it ?<br />

"What benefit can he derive from the privation <strong>of</strong> a few futile enjoyments and <strong>of</strong> a few<br />

superfluities, if the wrong he has done to others is not undone ?<br />

"What, in truth, is the use <strong>of</strong> his humbling himself before God, if he keeps up his pride before<br />

men?" (720, 721.)

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