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Thursday, <strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017<br />
News: (043) 702-2048; Advertising: (043) 702-2043 / 702-2031; Classifieds: (043) 702-2280; E-mail: goexpress@timesmedia.co.za<br />
Big derby goes pink<br />
Old Boys, Queens fixture’s<br />
tribute to cancer patients<br />
I<br />
N A bid to help fight cancer<br />
and also help raise funds for<br />
Choc, the Selborne College<br />
versus Queens College derby<br />
day on May 6 will be turned into a<br />
pink affair.<br />
Special pink caps with the<br />
Selborne dog logo and pink<br />
ribbons will be on sale at the<br />
gate, with all proceeds going to<br />
Choc (Childhood Cancer<br />
Foundation South Africa) – as<br />
part of the “Selborne Scrums<br />
Cancer” i n i t i at i v e .<br />
The initiative is the brainchild of<br />
Peter McLoughlin, who has a<br />
relative who was diagnosed with<br />
cancer last year. Because he is an<br />
Old Selbornian himself,<br />
McLoughlin decided to partner<br />
with the school.<br />
“There are people I know who<br />
have been diagnosed with<br />
c a n c e r, ” he said.<br />
“It dawned on me then that we<br />
can do everything on earth but<br />
we are unable to beat this<br />
disease, but we can unite in<br />
raising funds in making sure that<br />
we assist those who are battling<br />
with it,” McLoughlin said.<br />
“We need to make noise about<br />
it because one way or the other,<br />
we are all affected,” he said.<br />
It is not the first time that a<br />
Buffalo City school has “gone<br />
pink” to support cancer. Dale<br />
College have worn pink rugby kit<br />
in support of cancer<br />
The trees will be wrapped in<br />
pink, referees will be dressed in<br />
pink and youth who will be<br />
working on the day, will also be<br />
also kitted out in pink.<br />
Executive director at the Old<br />
Selbornian Association, Alan<br />
Parsons, said: “Selborne has<br />
always supported the community<br />
and we are planning to have this<br />
annually. We as the school have<br />
always had the belief that we<br />
need to support our community,<br />
and Choc is our community and<br />
we will always strive to give back.<br />
“It’s our community, we must look<br />
after it”<br />
Choc Eastern Cape regional<br />
manager, Debbie Kleinenberg,<br />
PRETTY IN PINK: Selborne College will use their rugby derby with Queens College next month to raise funds and awareness<br />
for cancer by having ‘a pink day’. Their ‘Selborne Scrums Cancer’ initiative will be an annual one. The school grounds will<br />
be covered in a sea of pink as fans watch top schoolboy rugby talents like Selborne centre, Sibabalwe Xamlashe<br />
said they were overwhelmed<br />
because it was an incredible<br />
gesture from Selborne College<br />
and local businesses. “It’s<br />
fabulous. What is more exciting,<br />
is that we have a relationship with<br />
Selborne. We feel privileged and<br />
honoured that they appreciate the<br />
work that we do,” she said.<br />
If you want to be involved,<br />
contact McLoughlin on<br />
peter@biztec.co.za.<br />
Offer ends Sat 6 May<br />
Open Monday 1st May<br />
8:30am -12pm
Page 2 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2048. Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017<br />
Hiles’s knitting project<br />
keeps Frere kids warm<br />
WITH the winter season<br />
approaching, you can just<br />
image how cold the hospital<br />
wards are for the little<br />
children admitted there.<br />
That is why <strong>Go</strong>od<br />
Samaritan, Sue Hiles, has<br />
knitted soft toys and jerseys<br />
for children at Frere<br />
Hospital’s oncology ward.<br />
She has been knitting<br />
jerseys for charity until she<br />
had to undergo an<br />
operation in November. That<br />
is when she noticed the<br />
plight of small children with<br />
cancer who had long stays<br />
in hospital.<br />
“I have been knitting for<br />
many years and I enjoy<br />
knitting and I’ve always<br />
done home craft. “For quite<br />
a long time, I had a craft<br />
workshop where people<br />
came to learn how to make<br />
Help couple to adopt sick boy<br />
CHAPUT<br />
AFTER years of battling<br />
with her body, 12<br />
miscarriages and one<br />
ectopic pregnancy,<br />
Kimble Genis and her<br />
husband, Gideon,<br />
decided to adopt.<br />
The adoption<br />
process in South Africa<br />
is a costly and tedious<br />
one. The couple, who<br />
have been married for<br />
six years, were<br />
matched, mismatched<br />
and unmatched to<br />
babies numerous<br />
times, each time<br />
“I miss our kids. We<br />
called those toys our<br />
kids because they were<br />
like our children and we<br />
gave them away and<br />
everyone had a name.”<br />
home crafts with me While<br />
in hospital I thought I<br />
should just knit some toys<br />
and jerseys for the<br />
children,” she said.<br />
When the GO! & Express<br />
visited her home she was<br />
busy knitting new toys.<br />
Hiles even names the<br />
items she knits. Some of<br />
them go by the name of<br />
Chichi the panda, Bobo,<br />
Teddy and Pink Panther.<br />
Apart from knitting, she<br />
also finds time to bake<br />
homemade meat pies for<br />
the <strong>Go</strong>nubie Bowling Club<br />
Support fundraising for medical bills<br />
getting their hopes up.<br />
Eventually, the<br />
couple became<br />
parents to a little boy,<br />
Micah. Several months<br />
later, it was discovered<br />
that Micah was very<br />
sick and had been<br />
since birth.<br />
“My mom, who’s a<br />
qualified nurse,<br />
detected some<br />
inconsistencies in his<br />
clinic card and alerted<br />
us to her concerns<br />
which lead us to<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />
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having Micah checked<br />
out. We were called<br />
the day after he turned<br />
two last month,<br />
informing us of his<br />
situation and the<br />
results of his medical<br />
check,” Kimble said.<br />
Micah was<br />
diagnosed with a<br />
l i fe - l o n g ,<br />
l i fe - d e b i l i t at i n g<br />
disease. Due to the<br />
high costs involved<br />
with Micah’s medical<br />
treatment, Kimble and<br />
Gideon could not<br />
afford to keep him.<br />
“Micah’s needs<br />
came first. We needed<br />
to get him immediate<br />
medical help which on<br />
our own would cost<br />
that she sells for her<br />
m at e r i a l s .<br />
Her husband Roly, who<br />
likes bowling said he<br />
missed their kids – the toys.<br />
“I miss our kids. We<br />
called those toys our kids<br />
because they were like our<br />
children and we gave them<br />
away and everyone had a<br />
name. So now this is the<br />
new generation starting,” he<br />
said. Sue said she uses<br />
whatever scraps she could<br />
to help with her craftwork<br />
and would appreciate it if<br />
people donated some wool,<br />
as she hopes to carry on<br />
with knitting jerseys for the<br />
children. “I’m not doing this<br />
because I want letters of<br />
thank you, I just want to see<br />
a smile on those children’s<br />
faces when they get toys<br />
and jerseys,” she said.<br />
about R50 000 just to<br />
start. We honestly<br />
don’t have that kind of<br />
m o n e y, ” Kimble said.<br />
“Knowing that the<br />
state would look after<br />
his medical needs and<br />
legally being obligated<br />
to give him the care he<br />
needed, we signed the<br />
consent form to have<br />
him returned to the<br />
children's home so he<br />
could start him<br />
medical treatment with<br />
immediate effect.”<br />
From the beginning<br />
of the adoption<br />
process, Kimble and<br />
Gideon requested a<br />
healthy child with no<br />
special needs as they<br />
Open Thursday<br />
<strong>27</strong>th <strong>April</strong> 2017<br />
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Asst Gloves...........................from R 25<br />
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FOR THE LITTLE ONES: Sue Hiles with the soft toys and jerseys she knitted and donated to the<br />
children’s oncology ward at Frere Hospital<br />
can not afford the<br />
costs required for a<br />
special needs child.<br />
Micah was returned<br />
to the children’s home,<br />
with Kimble and<br />
Gideon’s consent as a<br />
result of this original<br />
r e q u e st .<br />
Micah’s adoption file<br />
was therefore incorrect<br />
and an investigation<br />
needed to take place<br />
as to why his health<br />
problems were never<br />
detected or dealt with.<br />
This process could<br />
take months, if not<br />
years.<br />
Kimble and Gideon<br />
are desperate for a<br />
child of their own and<br />
while they'd love to<br />
bring Micah home, his<br />
medical bills,<br />
throughout his life will<br />
be astronomical.<br />
“Should we take on<br />
WANTING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Kimble Genis and her husband, Gideon,<br />
are looking for your help to adopt young Micah and to be able to afford his<br />
treatment<br />
Picture: SUPPLIED<br />
Micah with his illness<br />
we’d need around<br />
R30 000 every three<br />
months to cover his<br />
needs,” Kimble said.<br />
Kimble and Gideon<br />
are attempting to go<br />
through the adoption<br />
process again and are<br />
asking friends, family<br />
and the public to help<br />
them raise the funds<br />
needed.<br />
The couple, through<br />
their good friend Cate<br />
Bonthuys, have started<br />
a <strong>Go</strong> Fund Me page,<br />
dedicated to telling<br />
their story and urging<br />
the community to help<br />
in any way possible.<br />
“We tried going<br />
through [child]<br />
welfare, but for two<br />
years we were<br />
matched and<br />
unmatched various<br />
times and never got<br />
anywhere. Within a<br />
week with a private<br />
social worker, we were<br />
matched with Micah<br />
and the adoption<br />
process was started,”<br />
Kimble said.<br />
“Though the <strong>Go</strong> Fund<br />
Me page has raised a<br />
bit already, we'd need<br />
at least R30000 to go<br />
through the adoption<br />
process again,” Kimble<br />
said.<br />
Despite going<br />
through the adoption<br />
process again, it is not<br />
guaranteed that they<br />
will be able to adopt<br />
Micah again, they may<br />
have to adopt another<br />
child.<br />
“Gideon and I have<br />
found out through the<br />
whole process that<br />
R30 000 is not even for<br />
the most expensive<br />
private social worker<br />
out there. We were<br />
once quoted<br />
R120 000,” Kimble said.<br />
For anyone<br />
interested in helping<br />
Kimble and Gideon<br />
please visit their <strong>Go</strong><br />
Fund Me page at<br />
w w w. g o f u n d m e . c o m /<br />
please-help-gideon-kimble-adopt<br />
or contact Kimble at<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Jill on (043) 702-2043. Find us on Facebook<br />
GO & EXPRESS Page 3<br />
STEPPING OUT: The Checkmate dance group from the Jo Jackson Dance Company are ready to battle<br />
it out in Sun City Battle of Giants All Styles Dance Championship. The dancers are, from left back row,<br />
Nikita Naidoo, Jayson Jegels, Justin Jooste, Jasmine Scriven, Dana Dupreez, Jo Jackson Hand,<br />
Caitlyn Young, Tyla Fegan, Kayla Jade Whelan, Cassidy Petzer, Kayla Swanapoel and Sueyen Brauns<br />
Front: Kyle Nienaber, Candice Krull, Iviwe Bam, Abigail Bolton, Emma Jane Victor and Emma Van<br />
Heerden. Absent: Bailey Williamson and Danielle Struwig<br />
Checkmate out to sweep<br />
boards at Sun City champs<br />
IT’S READY, set, Jo as the Jo<br />
Jackson Dance company gets<br />
ready to compete in the 2017<br />
Battle of the Giants<br />
competition at the Superbowl<br />
in Sun City.<br />
The competition is an allstyles<br />
championship held<br />
annually at Sun City for dance<br />
groups from around the<br />
country. Dancers taking part in<br />
the competition will compete<br />
in all dance styles including;<br />
hip hop, popping, street dance<br />
show, freestyle – and much<br />
more.<br />
The East London dance<br />
group and winners of the<br />
Ultimate performer, Jo Jackson<br />
Dance Co, in their section for<br />
three consecutive years, will be<br />
battling it against some of the<br />
best dance crews in South<br />
Africa.<br />
The company has been<br />
running since 2001 and took a<br />
break from the competition<br />
scene but started again three<br />
years ago, coming back with<br />
some great wins and making<br />
history by having the highest<br />
score to be ever awarded in the<br />
Ultimate Performer<br />
competition.<br />
The Ultimate Performer, held<br />
recently with GO & Express as<br />
a partner, is an East London<br />
talent show held every year to<br />
showcase the gifts that the city<br />
have and to give them some<br />
needed stage time.<br />
“We are leaving on<br />
Wednesday 26th <strong>April</strong> [today]<br />
for the prestigious Battle of the<br />
Giants competition where we<br />
are hoping to come back with<br />
some great results. We<br />
practice for about six hours a<br />
week on our hip hop large<br />
group routine. We are hoping<br />
to qualify again for the World<br />
Champs with a top three<br />
placing,” dance group founder<br />
Jo Jackson said.<br />
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Page 4 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2048. Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017<br />
GO! IN KING<br />
E-mail: goexpress@timesmedia.co.za<br />
William’s Town Lions club<br />
member Desmond Coetzee<br />
handed over clothing to<br />
Prescilla Stoffels and other<br />
needy people in Breidbach<br />
last week Thursday. The<br />
Lions also handed food to<br />
Kings Park residents the<br />
following day Picture: DEIDRE<br />
Hellenic winger,<br />
Rivaldo Madden<br />
(blue jersey), tries<br />
to get past his<br />
opponent during<br />
their King East Local<br />
Football Association<br />
league game against<br />
Violets in Breidbach<br />
over the weekend.<br />
The game ended in a<br />
goalless draw.<br />
Results of other<br />
league games<br />
played are:<br />
Extension Utd 4 FC<br />
Chox 2; Aces 2<br />
Celtic 7; Barcelona 2<br />
Nerina 0; King Spurs<br />
5 Gunners 3 Picture:<br />
Brumbies impress with Collegians win<br />
KING Brumbies Rugby<br />
Football Club made<br />
home ground<br />
advantage with a<br />
convincing 43-12 win<br />
over Old Collegians at<br />
the weekend.<br />
The<br />
Breidbach-based side<br />
sent out a stern<br />
warning to the rest of<br />
their opponents with<br />
their dominant<br />
performance in their<br />
first match in the<br />
Border Rugby Football<br />
Union Premier League.<br />
The one-sided game<br />
saw the home side run<br />
in six tries, with five<br />
successful<br />
conversions and a<br />
penalty to the two<br />
tries and one<br />
conversion by the<br />
Komani visitors.<br />
Starting the game,<br />
after a gruesome<br />
Easter Weekend<br />
Tournament which saw<br />
many of their key<br />
players injured and<br />
not available for the<br />
clash, Collegians<br />
fielded most of their<br />
second-team players<br />
against a side which<br />
they knew would not<br />
be a walkover.<br />
“It was a good<br />
game. It’s just a pity<br />
that most of my key<br />
players could not have<br />
featured due to<br />
injuries,” Collegians<br />
coach Simphiwe<br />
“Rose” Roji said.<br />
“We were outplayed<br />
in all departments but<br />
I’m impressed with my<br />
young players’ gutsy<br />
per formance.”<br />
However, Collegians<br />
rugby director Brian<br />
Williams criticised<br />
their performance fo r<br />
“making too many<br />
unnecessary errors”<br />
and allowing their<br />
opponents to<br />
“dominate the game”.<br />
“We can only put<br />
the blame on<br />
ourselves after some<br />
poor decision-making<br />
in the first half, some<br />
inexplicable errors and<br />
poor defence, as well<br />
as allowing the<br />
Brumbies to dictate in<br />
all departments. So<br />
it’s back to the<br />
drawing board for us,”<br />
Williams said.<br />
Their counterparts<br />
were impressed by<br />
their chargers’<br />
o u t st a n d i n g<br />
performance but<br />
warned the players not<br />
to become too<br />
complacent as it was<br />
only their first game of<br />
the season.<br />
Brumbies player<br />
coach Mario<br />
Noordman dotted two<br />
tries in the first half<br />
and attributed their<br />
victory to a positive<br />
approach, good<br />
communication, unit y<br />
and good refereeing,<br />
as well as the good<br />
spirit and<br />
spor tsmanship<br />
displayed by their<br />
opponents.<br />
"We started with an<br />
attacking mindset and<br />
we just gelled as a<br />
unity. We are hoping<br />
to take this<br />
momentum into our<br />
next encounter when<br />
we travel to meet<br />
Ngqamakhwe in the<br />
former Transkei this<br />
coming weekend. We<br />
will be taking it one<br />
game at a time,”<br />
Noordman said.<br />
The Brumbies points<br />
came after two tries<br />
by Noordman, one<br />
each by Renaash<br />
Brecht, Elridge<br />
Plaatjies, Keegan<br />
Christian and Bruzine<br />
Fourie, with Christian<br />
succeeding with five<br />
conversions and a<br />
penalt y.<br />
The Brumbies led<br />
15-7 at half time and<br />
camped in their<br />
opponents half<br />
throughout the game.<br />
KEEP IT COMING: King Brumbies player coach Mario Noordman releases the ball from the scrum during<br />
their Border Rugby Football Union Premier League game against Old Collegians in Breidbach at the<br />
weekend. Brumbies won 43-12<br />
Pictures: DESMOND COETZEE<br />
FIGHTING FOR POSSESSION: Africans Hockey Club centre forward Abigail Thompson (blue jersey)<br />
battles for ball possession with a Buffaloes third team opponent during their Border Hockey<br />
Ladies B-League game played at the Bunkers Hill Astroturf in East London over the weekend.<br />
Africans won 2-1. <strong>Go</strong>als for the Schornville-based side come from Thompson and Cheteem Ellis.<br />
Africans meet Buffaloes seconds in their next encounter at the Buffalo Flats turf
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Jill on (043) 702-2043. Find us on Facebook<br />
GO & EXPRESS Page 5<br />
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Rosé 750ml Each<br />
R109<br />
Black & White<br />
Blended Scotch<br />
Whisky 750ml<br />
Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.<br />
R209<br />
Castle Lite<br />
24 x 500ml Cans<br />
Promotion valid at Pick n Pay Supermarkets and Hypermarket in Eastern Cape including Fraaiuitsig, Garden Route Mall, George, George (Pre Cap Centre), Groot Brak, Hartenbos,<br />
Knysna, Langeberg Mall, Oudtshoorn, Plettenberg Bay, Sedgefield and York Street. Excluding Express, Pick n Pay Local Atrium and Beaufort West. Promotional stocks are limited.<br />
Prices include VAT, where applicable. Smart Shopper terms and conditions apply. No traders. E&OE. Selected products may not be available at all stores. Selected products have been<br />
styled for photography Visit www.picknpay.co.za, or call 0800 11 22 88. Cellphone rates apply.<br />
Shop online at www.picknpay.co.za<br />
Page 6 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2048. Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017<br />
E-mail: goexpress@timesmedia.co.za<br />
CRICKET FEVER: The Selborne College first cricket team recently returned from a successful tour of Sri Lanka. The boys gained valuable experience playing on very different pitches than the ones we play<br />
on in South Africa. The team are, back from left, Andrew Dewar (headmaster, manager), Thomas Bursey, Josneil Long, Matthew Ferrant, Sebastian Denison-Brown, Aiden van Wyk, Luke Schwulst, Stuart<br />
Els and Chris Nevay (coach). Front from left, Challen Watson, Tristan Alexander, Matt Dewar (vice-captain), Jason Raubenheimer (captain), Ethan Boucher and Adrian Wright. Absent: Grant Pretorius<br />
CLEAN SWEEP: The Merrifield U11 girls hockey team that participated in the<br />
Six-a-Side Mini Hockey Festival on Saturday ended the day unbeaten. They<br />
also won the award for the team with the most spirit. In the centre is<br />
Jacques Nel, one of the school’s hockey coaches, and to his right, Merrifield<br />
executive head and parent coach of the team for the day Dr Guy Hartley. On<br />
his right is his daughter, Shaelyn Hartley. Picture: TRACEY MANGOLD<br />
FUN AND GAMES: The popular Beaconhurst School games evening was<br />
held recently to the amusement of all the children and parents in<br />
attendance. ‘Well done to all who were involved in the preparations for<br />
and running of the games evening – your hard work is greatly<br />
appreciated! Thanks to our Beaconhurst family who supported the<br />
evening by bringing their children to join in the fun,’ the school said in<br />
SPLASH OF FUN: Hudson Park Primary’s Grade 2s<br />
a statement<br />
recently spent a fun day at the beach<br />
SCHOOL<br />
Beaconhurst has created a<br />
unique and exclusive high<br />
school community where<br />
every learner is part of a<br />
very special family.<br />
(Cnr of Delta Rd & Central Ave)<br />
Wednesday, 3 May 2017<br />
Time: 18:15 for 18:30<br />
Prospective Grade 8 learners<br />
and parents<br />
(Learners from other grades also welcome)<br />
COLOURS: There was<br />
great excitement<br />
among the pupils for<br />
Selborne Primary’s<br />
Foundation Phase<br />
Sports Day
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Jill on (043) 702-2043. Find us on Facebook<br />
Page 8 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2048. Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017<br />
M AT R I C<br />
FA R E W E L L<br />
THERE WAS excitement galore<br />
at the Selborne College on<br />
Saturday as the class of 2017<br />
walked in to celebrate their<br />
matric farewell. Their family<br />
and friends were there to<br />
cheer and take pictures and<br />
videos of them on a night of<br />
high glamour Pictures:<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Jill on (043) 702-2043. Find us on Facebook<br />
GO & EXPRESS Page 9<br />
GO!<br />
sorry<br />
for<br />
e r ro r<br />
IN THE GO! &<br />
Express on <strong>April</strong> 13,<br />
we ran a photo on<br />
the front page under<br />
Bright and Beautiful<br />
that read: GARDEN<br />
WONDER: Annabel<br />
Ramsey and<br />
India-Bella<br />
Schlimper, both 6,<br />
had fun at the<br />
Miniature Fairy<br />
Garden show hosted<br />
at three gardens<br />
around Beacon Bay<br />
r e c e n t l y.<br />
We unfortunately<br />
got the names<br />
wrong and we<br />
apologise for it.<br />
The two girls in<br />
the photo is in<br />
actual fact Isabella<br />
Churchill, 6, and<br />
Sophia Schlimper, 7,<br />
who enjoyed the<br />
Miniature Fairy<br />
Garden show.<br />
The GO!<br />
apologises for the<br />
mistake and any<br />
inconvenience<br />
caused.<br />
Call BELINDA<br />
on 043 702<br />
2043 or<br />
CHERYL on<br />
043 702 2031<br />
if your<br />
business<br />
is about to<br />
celebrate<br />
special event/<br />
anniversary.<br />
Call now<br />
and find<br />
out more<br />
about our<br />
advertising<br />
Page 10<br />
For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Jill on (043) 702-2043. Find us on Facebook<br />
Buckaroo helps township pets<br />
THREE years ago<br />
well-known local fine<br />
art photographer<br />
Marlene Neumann<br />
started the Buckaroo<br />
Initiative in aid of<br />
assisting animals in<br />
dist ress.<br />
The <strong>Go</strong> & Express<br />
teamed up with<br />
Neumann as the main<br />
media partner.<br />
Neumann and her team<br />
spent two years<br />
revamping the kennels<br />
and grounds at the East<br />
London SPCA<br />
(ELSPCA), with the<br />
project at the animal<br />
sanctuary ending last<br />
y e a r.<br />
For the past year<br />
every Monday,<br />
Neumann and her<br />
Buckaroo volunteers<br />
along with the ELSPCA,<br />
go into townships and<br />
sterilise dogs.<br />
The Buckaroo project<br />
funds the sterilisation<br />
drive and, to date, over<br />
200 dogs have been<br />
spayed and neutered.<br />
For the past five<br />
months, the project has<br />
been working in the<br />
Chintsa East township.<br />
“The township is<br />
small enough for us to<br />
make a difference. The<br />
local people are<br />
receptive to the help<br />
and appreciate it,”<br />
Neumann said.<br />
“We have sterilised<br />
75 dogs there with the<br />
help of the ELSPCA.<br />
They have been<br />
fantastic and dedicated<br />
to making a difference.<br />
“Every week we collect<br />
dogs, sterilise them and<br />
PET OUTREACH: Marlene Neumann teaches needy people in the<br />
townships how to take care of their dogs and how to feed them<br />
take them back the<br />
following week. We<br />
have also placed<br />
kennels for the<br />
township dogs who<br />
have absolutely no<br />
shelter from the rain or<br />
cold. The Buckaroo<br />
project also funds their<br />
medication should they<br />
need treatment,”<br />
Neumann said<br />
"As you can imagine<br />
we see all sorts; [and] I<br />
have had to toughen up<br />
a lot. We have also<br />
managed to rescue a<br />
few dogs and find<br />
homes for them. I<br />
remember one in<br />
particular was a puppy<br />
who was on death’s<br />
door. The SPCA treated<br />
the puppy and<br />
Buckaroo fed it special<br />
food for three weeks.<br />
“Fortunately it was<br />
adopted by Sonja<br />
Williams, the pup<br />
named Leo now lives in<br />
paradise,” Neumann<br />
said.<br />
Thank you to the<br />
Buckaroo project. Each<br />
time there is a drop off,<br />
Neumann hands out<br />
food to the owners and<br />
they are taught how to<br />
feed and take care of<br />
their animals.<br />
“Sometimes they call<br />
me now when they see<br />
something not right<br />
with their dogs. They<br />
slowly understand the<br />
value of their dogs and<br />
cats. The need to help<br />
these animals is so<br />
g r e at , ” she said.<br />
Neumann and her<br />
Buckaroo team are<br />
dedicated to raising<br />
funds and generating<br />
awareness to assist the<br />
dogs that have no one<br />
to care for them. It is<br />
important to get to the<br />
root cause of the over<br />
population of these<br />
animals. Sterilisation is<br />
the only way.<br />
Neumann has sent<br />
out a plea to the public<br />
for food, blankets,<br />
collars and old kennels<br />
that can be dropped off<br />
at her centre at 8 Kent<br />
Road, Vincent. Or you<br />
can call 083-321-3391.<br />
GO & EXPRESS<br />
CAFFEINE KICK: The <strong>Go</strong>! & Express and The East London Coffee Company are giving away great<br />
weekly prizes for the next three weeks. Owner of The East London Coffee Company, Alan Hawkins,<br />
believes his freshly grounded coffees will have you coming back for more<br />
Picture: FILE<br />
Coffee hamper<br />
prize to be won<br />
As a coffee roaster, I disagree strongly with<br />
American author David Lynch who stated that<br />
“bad coffee is better than no coffee at all”.<br />
I stopped for a cappuccino last week at a<br />
local fuel station and watched incredulously<br />
as the barista scorched the milk. My fears<br />
were confirmed when I eventually tasted the<br />
tongue-scalding and distasteful brew.<br />
Milk, if heated more than the 65/70°C<br />
maximum, can completely overpower a good<br />
quality bean and spoil your coffee.<br />
Unlike with instant coffee, extracting the<br />
maximum flavour from ground pure coffee is<br />
complex. There are only a limited amount of<br />
dissolvable solids (TDS) in pure coffee and<br />
one needs to extract as much flavour as<br />
possible from these in order to optimise the<br />
taste. The cheaper automatic machines<br />
usually achieve extraction levels of 3-5%,<br />
stove-tops and better machines reach 4-7%<br />
with the traditional style machines achieving<br />
7-10%, when skillfully operated.<br />
In the coffee world, the “third wave” r e fe r s<br />
to a movement with its origins in North<br />
America which focuses on coffee as an<br />
artisanal foodstuff – rather than a mere<br />
commodity. From the farm through to the<br />
moment of serving, the third-wave<br />
encourages participants to strive for culinary<br />
quality. While there are many individual<br />
steps which combine to achieve these<br />
artisanal goals, there can be nothing sadder<br />
than seeing all the work being undone by an<br />
untrained barista.<br />
Looking backward in the process, the<br />
third-wave focuses on artisanal roasting<br />
where each bean is roasted according to its<br />
individual characteristics and, most<br />
importantly, not over-roasted or roasted to a<br />
point, where the bean flavour is<br />
indiscernible. Sorry Mr Lynch, but stale and<br />
over-roasted coffee which is poorly extracted<br />
coffee and mixed with scalded milk is<br />
certainly not “better than no coffee at all”.<br />
Times Media Community Newspapers as<br />
represented by the <strong>Go</strong>!&Express and the EL<br />
Coffee Company have joined forces to give<br />
you the chance to win prizes of freshly<br />
ground coffee in our Winter Warmth<br />
Competition. EL Coffee Company owner Alan<br />
Hawkins believes that “fresh Coffee rocks”<br />
and it is this type of coffee that GO! readers<br />
stand to win. There will be four monthly<br />
winners, two from East London and one each<br />
from Queenstown and Port Alfred, each<br />
receiving three x 250g packs of speciality<br />
coffee valued at R200 each.<br />
There will be one primary winner and one<br />
secondary winner (a hamper valued at<br />
R300).<br />
All you need to do is answer a simple<br />
questions: Who owns EL Coffee Company?<br />
Entries must be e-mailed to<br />
gocontests@timesmedia.co.za.<br />
Winners will be notified. Prizes can be<br />
collected at The Daily Dispatch offices in<br />
Beacon Bay, Penny Farthing Bistro in Port<br />
Alfred and Freshly Roasted in Station Street,<br />
Q u e e n st o w n .<br />
Alan Hawkins is the chief roaster of<br />
Cutman & Hawk Coffees and founder of the<br />
East London Coffee Co. w w w. e l c o f f e e . c o . z a
GO & EXPRESS<br />
For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Jill on (043) 702-2043. Find us on Facebook<br />
Page 11<br />
Film explores ‘A Narrow Path’<br />
Epic story of<br />
Christian and<br />
Muslim unity<br />
A NARROW Path is a Christian<br />
documentary film that looks at the<br />
relationships between Muslims and<br />
Christians in Africa and the Middle<br />
East and also encourages churches<br />
to reach out to their Muslim<br />
neighbours.<br />
Jeff and Anneen Davies decided<br />
early in 2004 that they were led by<br />
the Holy Spirit to take a year off to<br />
travel and shoot a documentary.<br />
They felt that a film would be a<br />
powerful tool to convey their<br />
message.<br />
Since the start of their journey,<br />
they have travelled through 17<br />
countries collecting stories from<br />
people in the field, scripted, shot<br />
and edited the short film and put<br />
together the final product.<br />
They started making a list of<br />
topics that were close to their<br />
hearts, looking at current world<br />
events to see what was happening<br />
around the world.<br />
After sifting through about 20<br />
possible topics they narrowed it<br />
down to two potential topics. These<br />
were discussed with friends, family<br />
and leaders and that is how the<br />
concept for A Narrow Path wa s<br />
ACROSS THE DESERT: Anneen Davies, centre with blue bandana, and her husband,<br />
Jeff, shot the documentary ‘A Narrow Path’ which depicts relationships between<br />
Muslims and Christians during their travels through Africa Picture: SUPPLIED<br />
born. “We really had fun travelling<br />
through Africa on motorbikes to<br />
film the project but there were<br />
obviously challenges involved with<br />
filming in that manner. Some of the<br />
biggest challenges were finding<br />
studios in rural Africa to film<br />
inter views.<br />
“Sometimes we were able to find<br />
a studio but at other times we used<br />
hotel rooms with white walls and<br />
even in one case a white sheet<br />
strung across a room in someone's<br />
house,” director Anneen said.<br />
“It was also challenging keeping<br />
our equipment safe from dust and<br />
rattling while travelling on<br />
corrugated gravel roads. Finances<br />
were also a challenge. We financed<br />
the project ourselves, so managing<br />
our money and raising extra income<br />
when we needed to was<br />
challenging. Finally, we also had to<br />
spend time finding contributors and<br />
connecting with them,” she said.<br />
The documentary follows three<br />
different storylines. The first is a<br />
scripted fictional story about two<br />
friends David and Khabil, a Muslim<br />
and a Christian who met at<br />
university. David is keen on<br />
convincing Khalid that his religion<br />
was the right one.<br />
The second storyline is a<br />
non-fictional travelogue following<br />
Jeff and Anneen as they attempt to<br />
ride motorcycles from South Africa<br />
to Israel, shooting a documentary<br />
along the way. The final storyline<br />
consist of interviews with experts<br />
who were interviewed by Jeff and<br />
Anneen on their journey.<br />
“We really hope that the film will<br />
inspire people not to be afraid of<br />
Muslims, to set fear aside. We also<br />
hope that it will make people<br />
GETTING ALONG: ‘A Narrow Path’ is a Christian documentary looking at<br />
relationships between Muslims and Christians in Africa. It will premiere in East<br />
London next month<br />
Picture: SUPPLIED<br />
interested to make friends with a<br />
Muslim or anyone from a different<br />
culture for that matter. We all<br />
sometimes need to step out of our<br />
comfort zones,” Anneen said.<br />
The documentary will premier in<br />
East London at Downtown Christian<br />
Centre on May 13 and tickets are<br />
available at Computicket at R40<br />
each.<br />
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R4.99 per kg<br />
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R7.99 per kg<br />
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Queen Pineapples<br />
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R7.99<br />
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Coconut Oil 1 L<br />
Food Lover’s Cheese 800 g<br />
3 FOR<br />
R25<br />
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Food Lover’s 1 L Long<br />
Life Milk 6 Pack<br />
Specials Valid: Thursday <strong>27</strong> <strong>April</strong> - Sunday 7 May 2017<br />
Main Road, <strong>Go</strong>nubie, East London, Tel: (043) 732 1155<br />
Sunrise Large Eggs 6’s<br />
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Page 12 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2048. Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017<br />
advertising feature<br />
Turning passion<br />
for hops into profit<br />
Taste of success for Emerald Vale<br />
THE story of a craft<br />
brewery is bound to<br />
be romantic. It speaks<br />
of passion and<br />
authenticity. It speaks<br />
of patience and<br />
determination. It<br />
speaks to the heart of<br />
beer: that which<br />
brings people together<br />
and creates bonds.<br />
For Chris Heaton,<br />
microbrewer<br />
extraordinaire at<br />
Emerald Vale Brewery,<br />
it was the whisper of<br />
the promise of<br />
brewing beer that<br />
captured his<br />
imagination at a very<br />
early age. Chris<br />
started concocting his<br />
own brews in the<br />
hostels of boarding<br />
school.<br />
His keen interest<br />
was more than<br />
teenage curiosity, it<br />
was something that<br />
sparked a fire in him.<br />
Fast-forward a bit<br />
and friends and family<br />
will attest to the fact<br />
that when Chris<br />
married his wife,<br />
Noeline, she<br />
accommodated his<br />
passion for hops and<br />
barley and their<br />
kitchen was filled to<br />
the brim with home<br />
brews.<br />
It was not<br />
uncommon to find the<br />
kitchen table stacked<br />
with ingredients for<br />
the next batch. So for<br />
those who know Chris<br />
well, it was inevitable<br />
that he would find a<br />
way to turn his<br />
passion into profit and<br />
make it work for him.<br />
When the Heatons<br />
moved to their Chintsa<br />
East family farm,<br />
Emerald Vale, the<br />
scene was set for the<br />
development of the<br />
microbrewer y.<br />
Chris is known to<br />
bury his nose in a<br />
good book or doing<br />
online research, so<br />
when he declared it<br />
was time to expand, it<br />
marked a turning<br />
point.<br />
What started out as<br />
a “homemade”<br />
brewery in the old<br />
shed, constructed with<br />
plastic chicken<br />
feeders, hosepipes<br />
and the kitchen fridge,<br />
soon became a<br />
fully-fledged<br />
microbrewer y<br />
equipped with flashy<br />
stainless steel tanks.<br />
When the brewery<br />
eventually arrived in<br />
three massive<br />
containers, it had to<br />
be unloaded in pieces<br />
to get them on small<br />
enough trucks to get<br />
over the bridge to the<br />
fa r m .<br />
It was then found<br />
that certain tanks<br />
were too large for the<br />
space, so building<br />
alterations had to be<br />
done to allow for<br />
them.<br />
Undeterred, Chris<br />
moved forward and<br />
Emerald Vale Brewery<br />
started taking shape.<br />
The long journey<br />
from liquor licence<br />
applications to<br />
microbrewer y,<br />
restaurant and<br />
conference facility has<br />
taken five years.<br />
Along the way, Chris<br />
met Hans and Petra<br />
Trunkenpolz who<br />
became instant<br />
friends.<br />
Sharing the vision<br />
and the passion, they<br />
became business<br />
partners and together<br />
KEEP CALM AND BREW ON: From the humble beginnings of a homemade brewery constructed with<br />
chicken feeders, hosepipes and the kitchen fridge, soon became a fully-fledged microbrewery<br />
equipped with flashy stainless steel tanks<br />
they have created the<br />
Emerald Vale Brewing<br />
and Events Company.<br />
The unique<br />
branding was<br />
developed with the<br />
help of his<br />
sister-in-law, Lynette<br />
Howe, who worked<br />
with designers<br />
through LaMont<br />
Marketing to create<br />
the look and feel for<br />
the brewery. Chris and<br />
Noeline had a very<br />
clear vision for the<br />
brand and together<br />
they selected the logo.<br />
At first, Chris<br />
attended auctions and<br />
bought up bottles and<br />
crates to get started,<br />
but over time, the<br />
labelling and bottling<br />
has become more<br />
refined.<br />
In fact, Chris<br />
commissioned Tony<br />
Diplock to develop a<br />
bottling machine for<br />
the brewery and it<br />
was then that Tony’s<br />
factory burnt down.<br />
Of everything that<br />
could be salvaged<br />
from the fire, it was<br />
only the bottling<br />
machine that made it<br />
out and so a new<br />
partnership arose and<br />
the Emerald Vale<br />
family expanded.<br />
Part of the original<br />
agreement with the<br />
local community was<br />
that Emerald Vale<br />
would create jobs and<br />
currently the brewery<br />
employs eight people<br />
and the restaurant, 18.<br />
Malibongwe Mfalasi<br />
is Chris’s right-hand<br />
man and assistant<br />
b r e w m a st e r.<br />
Their range includes<br />
pale, gold, amber,<br />
dark ales and an<br />
Indian pale ale (IPA),<br />
available bottled or<br />
on-tap.<br />
In addition, Noelene<br />
has created an<br />
Emerald Vale Ice-Tea<br />
for the ladies. The tea,<br />
which is carbonated,<br />
contains no<br />
preser vatives.<br />
It is exceptionally<br />
refreshing and sells in<br />
500ml bottles, as well<br />
as being available<br />
on-tap.<br />
Emerald Vale<br />
remains true to the<br />
authentic craft brew<br />
experience and a trip<br />
to the brewery is a<br />
m u st - d o .<br />
Enjoy one of the<br />
guided tours or come<br />
along to one of the<br />
mountain bike trails.<br />
Well done, 5 years in business<br />
and still going strong!<br />
We congratulate Emerald Vale Brewery’s<br />
on their 5th Anniversary<br />
Congrats Emerald Vale on<br />
5 years, wishing you many,<br />
many more years of success!<br />
Congratulations<br />
Emerald Vale Brewery<br />
on your 5 years in business!<br />
T: 043 738 5000<br />
T: 043 738 5226<br />
Best wishes to<br />
Emerald Vale<br />
on your<br />
5th birthday<br />
Phone (043) 722 6650<br />
Congratulations to<br />
Emerald Vale on your<br />
5th Anniversary<br />
Congratulations on your<br />
5 year anniversary,<br />
wishing you all the<br />
success for the future.
Expo big on eco-friendly<br />
alternatives for greenies<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Jill on (043) 702-2043. Find us on Facebook<br />
GO & EXPRESS Page 13<br />
IF YOU want to learn more about the<br />
environment or find out how to live<br />
“greener”, don’t miss this year’s The<br />
Big Green Expo that will be held at<br />
Vincent Park on June 3 and 4.<br />
The expo, in its third year, aims to<br />
showcase products, services and<br />
innovations which provide green<br />
a l t e r n at i v e s .<br />
“The first year we had it at the<br />
Lavender Blue Market and last year<br />
at Stirling High School. This year we<br />
decided to take it to the public at<br />
Vincent Park shopping centre,”<br />
organiser Richard Patten said.<br />
“This year’s expo will be bigger and<br />
better with various talks,<br />
demonstrations and the expo stands<br />
giving people the opportunity to<br />
display their products or services.”<br />
Vincent Park marketing manager<br />
Mariaan Hartwig said Vincent Park is<br />
excited to host this year’s The Big<br />
Green Expo. The expo will be held on<br />
the upper level of the mall, with an<br />
exhibitor hub just off the Food Court.<br />
“The expo aims to showcase<br />
products, services and innovations<br />
which provide ‘green’ a l t e r n at i v e s .<br />
Environmental responsibility and<br />
awareness of ways in which to<br />
conserve and better use our scarce<br />
resources is increasingly important,”<br />
Hartwig said.<br />
GO GREEN: Exhibitors are called upon to display their environmentally friendly and<br />
sustainable goods at The Big Green Expo. DNF Waste and Environmental Services<br />
was one of last year’s exhibitors, showcasing their glass sand manufacturing and<br />
how they make tiles from recycled glass. The stall was manned by Palesa<br />
Makhetha-Tolobisa, right, and her niece Paballo Masilo Picture: ETHIENNE ARENDS<br />
According to her, Vincent Park<br />
strives to be more resource efficient<br />
and has put numerous “green”<br />
measures in place, including<br />
rainwater harvesting, cardboard<br />
recycling and 90% of all mall<br />
illumination provided by<br />
energy-efficient LED lighting.<br />
Inquiries or to book a stall, contact<br />
Patten on 082-924-8320.<br />
Meier enjoys<br />
100th birthday<br />
milestone<br />
OLGA Auguste Victoria Meier (born<br />
Hempel) celebrated her 100th<br />
birthday last week Monday. Olga<br />
was born on <strong>April</strong> 17 1917 in the<br />
Maclaentown area.<br />
In 1940 she married Kenneth<br />
Meier and they moved to<br />
Welcomewood (between King<br />
William’s Town and Kidds Beach).<br />
Olga had two children, a son<br />
Hubert Meier and a daughter,<br />
Eunice Hein. Sadly, her son passed<br />
away in March 2015. Her daughter<br />
married a farmer and still lives in<br />
the area. She has seven<br />
grandchildren and 15 great<br />
grandchildren.<br />
They lived on a smallholding and<br />
started growing fruit and flowers<br />
which they sold on the German<br />
market. She also had a great love<br />
for animals. Olga’s hobbies were<br />
herbs which she grew and studied<br />
for their medicinal uses. She<br />
always loved knitting, crochet and<br />
music in her spare time and up to<br />
two years ago, she still made<br />
blankets for charity at her much<br />
loved Lutheran Church. She worked<br />
at all their fund-raisers and<br />
bazaars. After they were bought<br />
out by the government in 1964,<br />
they shifted to Bon Ami in the Fort<br />
Grey area, where they continued<br />
their gardening. Unfortunately, this<br />
STILL GOING STRONG: Olga Meier of<br />
Nahoon is 100 years old<br />
came to an end when they were<br />
victims of a horrible armed robbery<br />
in June 1978. Both she and Ken<br />
were beaten and tied-up. Olga<br />
managed to cut herself loose with<br />
a piece of glass and ran for help.<br />
The family moved to Greenfields<br />
where Ken died in June 1998.<br />
Thereafter Olga moved in with their<br />
son and daughter-in-law in Nahoon<br />
where she still resides today.<br />
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Page 14 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2048. Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017<br />
46L<br />
R99<br />
KILLER<br />
DEALS<br />
R59<br />
ROUGH<br />
TOTE<br />
45l<br />
32L<br />
R89<br />
SAVE R30<br />
SAVE R140<br />
Quality<br />
WATER<br />
WISE<br />
DOG<br />
R139<br />
SAVE R60<br />
on the widest<br />
R39<br />
SAVE R30<br />
KILLER<br />
DEALS<br />
4 DRAWER<br />
R299<br />
3 DRAWER<br />
WHITE &<br />
SMOKEY<br />
LARGE<br />
R949<br />
SAVE R350<br />
MEDIUM<br />
R699<br />
SAVE R250<br />
WARM GESTURE: The kind women of the Vincent Methodist Evening Ladies Fellowship Group recently<br />
handed over a donation of knitted and crocheted blankets, beanies, socks and other items to the<br />
Rising Sun Daycare in Duncan Village. The items will be appreciated by the children of the creche<br />
ahead of the coming winter<br />
Picture: TARALYN MCLEAN<br />
Table etiquette a<br />
mouthful for some<br />
‘Distasteful’ manners give food for thought<br />
IF YOU were caught using your<br />
finger or tongue to clean your<br />
plate when I was at school as a<br />
boarder, you were instructed to<br />
report to the master on duty,<br />
given four of the best and told in<br />
no uncertain terms not to do it<br />
again.<br />
Okay, I draw the line at licking<br />
my plate but do I clean my plate<br />
with my finger? Of course! How<br />
can you let that lovely gravy be<br />
washed down the sink? What’s<br />
more there is nothing wrong in<br />
the privacy of your own home to<br />
eat with your fingers too. Mind<br />
you, I wouldn’t pick up a piece of<br />
fish from my plate in a<br />
restaurant but isn’t breaking off<br />
a piece of hake and dunking a<br />
fat chip into tomato sauce a<br />
normal part of a fish meal at<br />
home?<br />
And I don’t hesitate to pick up<br />
a chop or a drumstick and gnaw<br />
at the bone when I can’t get the<br />
last of the meat off with a knife<br />
and fork!<br />
But lest you think I’m a<br />
complete bumpkin, I do place<br />
great store on good manners.<br />
When our kids were growing up<br />
... with Charles Beningfield<br />
we did our best to instil a certain<br />
level of socially acceptable<br />
behaviour at the table, such as<br />
holding the knife in the proper<br />
way instead of like a pencil with<br />
the top of the shaft resting in the<br />
crook between the thumb and<br />
index finger; sitting up straight;<br />
elbows off the table; no talking<br />
with your mouth full and no, you<br />
may not leave the table until<br />
everyone has finished – t h at<br />
type of thing.<br />
Reflecting in later years<br />
however, while there is no<br />
substitute for good manners;<br />
does it really matter if we tilt our<br />
soup plates towards instead of<br />
away from us? And is it really<br />
that bad to eat pizzas with your<br />
fingers? After all, it saves on the<br />
washing up.<br />
Mind you, it’s hardly surprising<br />
that so many young people these<br />
days talk and<br />
chew with<br />
their mouths<br />
full, sprawl<br />
across the<br />
table to grab<br />
the salt and in<br />
the process<br />
swish their sleeves through the<br />
soup. Let’s face it, a large<br />
number of them have no table<br />
manners at all because they’ve<br />
hardly ever eaten a family meal<br />
at a table but slumped on the<br />
floor or the sofa in front of the<br />
t e l l y.<br />
So to them, let me explain: the<br />
rules against eating with your<br />
fingers – or licking your plate –<br />
when in company, have little to<br />
do with the finer points of social<br />
etiquette. They are there simply<br />
because the great majority of us<br />
find the lack of consideration for<br />
others revolting. And talking of<br />
food, the word is that one of the<br />
local television dealers is giving<br />
away a bag of onions free with<br />
every television set sold – to go<br />
with the tripe!<br />
R25<br />
5L BLEACH<br />
R35<br />
R35 5L<br />
DISH-<br />
WASHER<br />
HEAD OFFICE: 021 911 5555 WESTERN CAPE: RETREAT: 021 701 0566, GREEN POINT: 021 418 7805, SOMERSET WEST: 021 852 1605, KENILWORTH:<br />
021 671 3114, BELLVILLE: 021 948 3767, GEORGE: 044 887 0476 EASTERN CAPE: PORT ELIZABETH: 041-368 6551, BAYWEST: 041 492 0372, EAST LONDON:<br />
043 726 3679, MTHATHA: 047 531 1969, FREE STATE: BLOEMFONTEIN: 051 421 0029, LANGENHOVEN PARK: 051 446 0023<br />
GIFTS OF HOPE: East London-based Palace of Hope non-government organisation chairperson, left,<br />
Riaz Poovan and members Jevano Plaatjies and Jocelyn Christian hand over bags of clothing to the<br />
excitement of children at Salem in East London<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Jill on (043) 702-2043. Find us on Facebook<br />
GO & EXPRESS Page 15<br />
What’s on the GO?<br />
Contact News Desk on (043) 7022048 or e-mail: goexpress@timesmedia.co.za by Monday 4pm on publication week<br />
To d a y<br />
ýThere are times you just need someone to<br />
talk to, to laugh and meet new people.<br />
MasithetheCounselling Services are hosting a<br />
Live, Love, Laugh Support Group to create a<br />
space where people can talk about issues that<br />
are affecting them, spread awareness, educate<br />
and encourage each other. Masithethe<br />
(formerly LifeLine) will provide the space and<br />
facilitate the process. This support group is<br />
open to all. To be held every third Wednesday<br />
of the month at 6pm at the Masithethe Centre<br />
at 3 St James Road, Southernwood. Inquiries:<br />
(043) 722-2000 or Whatsapp: 084-091-5410<br />
and Facebook.<br />
ýNarcotics Anonymous meet every<br />
Wednesday and Friday from 7pm-8pm at St<br />
Nicholas Church, Pell Street, Beacon Bay.<br />
Inquiries: 082-796-3699.<br />
To m o r r o w<br />
ýThe East London slot car club hosts racing<br />
every Thursday evening from 7pm. Come and<br />
see the little miniature slot cars on a new<br />
repainted 42m track. All welcome. Inquiries:<br />
Hennie, 082-448-3221.<br />
ýMeals on Wheels are in dire need of<br />
volunteers. They are looking to have volunteers<br />
available either mornings only or a full day<br />
once a week. They work around your schedule,<br />
so you tell them when you’re free! Volunteers<br />
need to have their own transport to and from<br />
the centre, situated at 19 Smartt Road in<br />
Nahoon. If you can help, please contact Jeni<br />
on (043)735-2166 or e-mail<br />
jeni@mealsonwheelsec.org.za<br />
ýA warm welcome is extended to all people<br />
over the age of 21 who love dancing. Please<br />
join the EL Dance Club on Thursday nights at<br />
the EL Bowling Club – entrance is between the<br />
new Jumbo complex and the big sports fields.<br />
Live music by top entertainers.<br />
ýThe Nahoon Estuary Nature Reserve is a<br />
must for those who love beautiful places, river<br />
views, bird watching, a mangrove swamp and<br />
Moosa’s comedy<br />
show set for Guild<br />
THEY say, “Life begins at 40”.<br />
Riaad Moosa invites the<br />
audience along to his brand<br />
new one-man show, L i fe<br />
Begins, to join him in figuring<br />
out whether life really does<br />
begin at 40. Life Begins comes<br />
to East London’s Guild Theatre<br />
on May 13.<br />
“Even though I am turning<br />
40 this year, in many ways, I<br />
feel like I’m still crawling and<br />
I’m looking back at my journey<br />
from being an aspirational<br />
doctor, coming from a<br />
relatively conservative Muslim<br />
background, where both my<br />
parents were doctors, and how<br />
I actually journeyed to<br />
becoming a stand-up<br />
comedian,” Moosa said.<br />
As an award-winning<br />
comedian, actor, writer and<br />
presenter, Riaad Moosa is one<br />
of South Africa’s most popular<br />
and acclaimed funnymen and<br />
he happens to be a qualified<br />
medical doctor too. Known as<br />
the “Comedy Doctor”, he<br />
certainly seems to have the<br />
remedy for the nation’s ills – a<br />
healthy dose of laughter,<br />
straight up – and hold the<br />
aspirin!<br />
Life Begins is a snapshot<br />
into the life of Riaad Moosa –<br />
being a father of three kids, a<br />
husband, comedian, actor and<br />
with all the current cultural<br />
and political issues thrown in<br />
too.<br />
“The show is very<br />
philosophical and existential. It<br />
involves the normal issues of<br />
getting older, while at the<br />
same time experiencing, a<br />
maturity where I’m supposed<br />
to be wise, a world that is<br />
COMING SOON: The ‘Comedy Doctor’ Riaad Moosa is back in East<br />
London next month to bring some comic relief Picture: HERALD FILE<br />
completely turned on its head<br />
– with Trump, with Brexit; In<br />
South Africa, the ‘S t at e<br />
Capture’, ‘Fees Must Fall’,<br />
‘DOOM’,” he said.<br />
“ And it’s about how I<br />
negotiate all these things<br />
happening around me, while<br />
trying to maintain a positive<br />
attitude. Through my comedic<br />
lens, I hope to put a different<br />
spin on that and, hopefully, I<br />
forest walks. New members of Nahooners,<br />
which supports the reserve, are welcome to<br />
join and are given a gate key that allows them<br />
to visit 24/7. The reserve is off Beaconhurst<br />
Drive. Turn at the Dassie Trail sign. Inquiries:<br />
Celia, (043)73 5 - 1 8 3 3 .<br />
ýIf you are interested in becoming a<br />
volunteer at the <strong>Go</strong>nubie Community Policing<br />
Forum, please contact Dewald Knoetze on<br />
082-822-1035 or Fred Minty on 072-515-8646.<br />
ýAlcoholics Anonymous <strong>Go</strong>nubie meet at<br />
the Baptist Church in Watsonia Crescent at<br />
7.30pm. Contact Jan on 082-850-6918 or Nick<br />
on 072-831-7663.<br />
Thursday to Monday<br />
ýCCSA Provincial Caravan Rally at Yellow<br />
Sands. Visitors/tenters welcome. Inquiries:<br />
Sharonne, 083-318-3853 or e-mail<br />
sdewing@telkomsa.net<br />
Fr i d a y<br />
ýDinner dance on Friday evenings at<br />
Comrades Club with live music by Quentin<br />
from 8.15pm. Kitchen and bar open from 6pm.<br />
Entry R20. Call 083-255-3468 before 2pm for<br />
table bookings.<br />
S at u r d a y<br />
ýThere will be a Hobo Dance to the music<br />
of Donovan at Cambridge Sports Club at 7pm.<br />
Entrance is R30. There will be a cash bar and<br />
food on sale. For bookings call Janine<br />
076-453-2372 or buy your tickets at the door.<br />
ýThe Centenary Tennis Club hosts social<br />
tennis every Saturday from 1.30pm. All ages<br />
welcome. Inquiries: Maurice, 082-676-9708 or<br />
Deon, 082-443-8995.<br />
ýThe <strong>Go</strong>nubie Saturday flea market takes<br />
place every Saturday morning in front of the<br />
municipality from 8am to 1pm- weather<br />
permitting. All stalls and car boot sales<br />
welcome. For enquiries please contact Glenda<br />
on WhatsApp or call 082-714-3390.<br />
ýYellowwood Forest in Morgans Bay will<br />
have their Forest Fare Farmers Market every<br />
Saturday morning, regardless of the weather<br />
can enter my next 40 years<br />
with renewed vigour and<br />
excitement,” Moosa added.<br />
The show is rated PG for<br />
language. Tickets cost R150<br />
and are now open at<br />
Computicket online and<br />
various outlet stores. The show<br />
starts at 8pm.<br />
Follow Riaad Moosa on<br />
Twitter (@RiaadMoosa) and<br />
Facebook (Riaad Moosa).<br />
from 9am. You can find a selection of local<br />
farmfresh veggies, meat, cakes, eats,<br />
pancakes, much loved secondhand treasures,<br />
books, nuts, flowers, clothing and other<br />
interesting goodies. Every Saturday morning,<br />
so come and do your weekly grocery shopping<br />
at the forest. For more information or to book a<br />
stall call (043)841-1 598/084-5822-601 or<br />
e-mail i n f o @ y e l l o w w o o d f o re s t . c o . z a<br />
ýThe Lavender Blue Pineapple Walk takes<br />
place every Saturday morning at 6.30am<br />
(weather permitting). Meet Yvonne in the<br />
Lavender Blue parking lot every Saturday at<br />
6am for a lovely 10km walk and enjoy<br />
breakfast afterwards. Take the usual goodies<br />
with and some money for a hearty breakfast<br />
afterwards. The walk is two hours and a bit.<br />
ýCome and dance the night away with Time<br />
is Tight at the East London Bowling Club from<br />
8pm. Entry is R25 and a cash bar is available.<br />
For bookings or information call Gladys on<br />
083-968-1069 or Janita 072-385-4360.<br />
Sunday<br />
ýTea in the Trees have a market on the first<br />
and last Sunday of the month from 9am to<br />
2pm. all arts, crafts and home produce<br />
welcome. Only R50 to have a stall, all welcome<br />
to set up from 7.30 onwards. Inquiries: Kate,<br />
072-611-2367, www.teainthetrees.com or on the<br />
Facebook page teainthetrees.<br />
ýThe Flea Market Esplanade (in front of<br />
Hotel Osner) now on every weekend weather<br />
permitting from 8am to 2pm. All new stalls<br />
welcome.<br />
Monday<br />
ýThe East London Group of Alcoholics<br />
Anonymous, founding group, meets at The<br />
Catholic Church Hall in Caxton Street, Quigney<br />
at 7.30pm every Monday. Inquiries: Morris,<br />
073-870-4486 or Pieter, 082-094-0959 or<br />
(043) 72 2 - 4 0 3 3 .<br />
ýAlcoholics Anonymous Kayser’s Beach<br />
Group meets at the Chapel Hall at 7.30pm.<br />
Contact 082-714-9400.<br />
ýIf you are living with someone who is<br />
drinking, and this is affecting you, or perhaps<br />
you are experiencing problems from having<br />
lived with an alcoholic, relative or friend, there<br />
is help available for you at the Al Anon Family<br />
Group Meeting held at Cambridge Methodist<br />
Church Hebbes Street every Tuesday at<br />
7.30pm. Contact Elsie (043)721-0483 or<br />
078 - 6 2 8 - 6 3 1 1 .<br />
Tu e s d a y<br />
ýAlcoholics Anonymous Cambridge Group<br />
meets at the Methodist Church, Hebbes Street,<br />
Cambridge, at 7.30pm. Contact Jumbo on<br />
(043) 741 - 3 6 8 5 .<br />
ýThe pipe band meet at 6.30 at Hudson<br />
Park High School music block. Tuition given.<br />
For bagpipes call Robert on 082-897-8571 and<br />
drumming: Stephen on 082-560-0247.<br />
ýThe Beacon Bay Bridge Club is looking for<br />
players interested in playing social bridge<br />
every Tuesday and Friday between 1.30pm and<br />
4.30pm. They meet at the Eden Worship<br />
Centre at 10 Coad Road, Beacon Bay. Inquiries:<br />
Olga, 083-650-6653 or (043)735-1736 or<br />
Heather, (043)74 8 - 1 4 6 5 .<br />
ýThe EL Bridge Club welcomes all who wish<br />
to play Duplicate Bridge. Provision has been<br />
made for new players to begin at a “star ter<br />
table” in order to be guided in the use of<br />
bidding boxes. Come along with a partner on<br />
any Tuesday and/or Saturday at 1.15pm to the<br />
Berea Gardens Dining Hall. Inquiries: Jean<br />
(043) 735-4893, Karen 082-856-0400 or Kathie<br />
0 8 3 - 6 51 - 0 41 8 .<br />
ýJoin the Scottish Country Dance Club. No<br />
experience required. They meet every Tuesday<br />
from 4pm to 5.30pm in the Ham’s Club. Free<br />
lessons given. R10 per person per session. For<br />
queries call Nookie Middleton 084-693-2836<br />
or Merrylees Burgess (043)72 1 - 0 375 .<br />
May 11 to 13<br />
ýDale College’s 156th reunion will be held<br />
with festivities daily throughout the week.<br />
Watch the GO! & Express for details.
Page 16 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2048. Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017<br />
Win R150 meal voucher for Café Felix, Latitudes Action Bar or<br />
Key Largo<br />
KnitWits need help<br />
with blanket drive<br />
THE KnitWits for Madiba are<br />
getting ready to spread love,<br />
warmth and comfort this winter<br />
as they gathered at Nelson<br />
Mandela statues across the<br />
country on Sunday to contribute<br />
to the 67 blankets for Mandela<br />
i n i t i at i v e .<br />
In East London, they gathered<br />
at Heroes Park in Quigney – a<br />
memorial for people who fought<br />
against apartheid and for the<br />
freedom of our country.<br />
Founded three years ago by<br />
Carolyn Steyn in response to<br />
Zelda la Grange's challenge to<br />
knit 67 Blankets for Nelson<br />
Mandela Day, the NPO has grown<br />
from 67 Blankets to <strong>27</strong>000, which<br />
have been donated to needy<br />
people around the country.<br />
The ambassador for 67<br />
Blankets in East London, Debbie<br />
Kleinenberg, said they enjoyed<br />
what they were doing and had<br />
donated scarves, beanies and<br />
blankets to needy people and<br />
organisations in and around East<br />
London.<br />
“We are in need of a venue. We<br />
meet once a month between 9am<br />
and 12pm [noon]. All we need is<br />
to be able to plug in a kettle. We<br />
are asking people or churches to<br />
accommodate us so that we are<br />
able to do the great work we do,”<br />
she said. Volunteer Kusum Harry<br />
who is a member of Braelyn<br />
Ladies Quilting Club, said they<br />
read about the initiative in the<br />
<strong>Go</strong>! & Express two years ago and<br />
got involved.<br />
“We need wool as well, people<br />
must come on board and help us.<br />
For now, we have been buying<br />
our own wool,” she said.<br />
To assist the ladies in any way<br />
or to help them with a venue, call<br />
Bouwer on 084-744-7304.<br />
SEND in a completed,<br />
correct crossword #1016 #1028 for<br />
a chance to win a R150<br />
meal at one of Hemingways<br />
Casino and Hotel’s<br />
restaurants. Either drop off<br />
the crossword solution<br />
before 10am on <strong>April</strong> May110 at at the<br />
the Daily Daily Dispatch Dispatch building buildingin<br />
in Beacon Beacon Bay, Bay, or or scan scan a copy a<br />
copy and e-mail and e-mail it to it to<br />
gocontests@timesmedia.co.za .<br />
Please include your contact<br />
number and full name on<br />
the copy. Terms and<br />
conditions apply.<br />
Justin Kristin Ward, Krull, winner of<br />
puzzle #1024. #10<strong>27</strong>.<br />
BRINGING WARMTH: KnitWits group members and other knitters met up at Heroes Park on East London<br />
beachfront to make their contribution to 67 Blankets for Mandela initiative Picture: QHAMANI LINGAN<br />
WELL DONE: The Agency for Refugee Education, Skills Training and<br />
Advocacy (Aresta) held their graduation ceremony last week Thursday. The<br />
graduates all successfully completed the Aresta vocational training course<br />
in English and Xhosa<br />
Language of success for Aresta graduates<br />
THE Agency for Refugee<br />
Education, Skills Training and<br />
Advocacy (Aresta) held their<br />
graduation ceremony last<br />
week Thursday.<br />
Graduates successfully<br />
completed the Aresta<br />
vocational training course in<br />
English and Xhosa.<br />
“Aresta believes language<br />
plays an important role in the<br />
promotion of tolerance for<br />
diversity and a peaceful<br />
coexistence between South<br />
Africans and refugees,” A r e st a<br />
training officer Elijah Osei<br />
said.<br />
In order to help refugees<br />
build a new life and participate<br />
in South African communities,<br />
Aresta tries to overcome the<br />
language barrier which<br />
separates and limits refugees.<br />
“Language plays an impor tant<br />
part in the promotion of peace<br />
and tolerance within<br />
communities,” Osei said.<br />
The Aresta vocational<br />
training course, however, also<br />
focuses on other training<br />
courses through the<br />
Livelihoods office, including<br />
ICT and computer training,<br />
business and entrepreneurial<br />
training, home-based care<br />
training, nail and beauty<br />
therapy training and<br />
hospitality training.<br />
The training courses offered<br />
by Aresta assists refugees and<br />
asylum seekers to integrate<br />
and participate in the<br />
communit y.<br />
“We are so proud of all our<br />
graduates who have achieved<br />
so much while making it<br />
through so many challenges,”<br />
Osei said.<br />
“We are extremely proud of<br />
Flavio <strong>Go</strong>mes from Angola<br />
who, through the vocational<br />
training programme, has<br />
finally been enrolled into<br />
Grade 9 at Ariston Christian<br />
School after being rejected<br />
from all the mainstream East<br />
London schools for his inability<br />
to speak English.”<br />
Aresta's next vocational<br />
training course will commence<br />
on May 8. Anyone interested<br />
can visit Aresta's offices at 15<br />
St Matthews Road, Belgravia<br />
or contact Osei on<br />
(043)72 2 - 1 8 5 3 .
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Jill on (043) 702-2043. Find us on Facebook<br />
GO & EXPRESS Page 17<br />
END OF AN ERA: After 30 years of business, Music Mix in Vincent will be closing down in June. The store is currently having a 30% off sale on all stock<br />
Music Mix to close<br />
after 30 years<br />
Digital era leads to store’s demise<br />
CHAPUT<br />
AFTER recently<br />
announcing the<br />
closing down of<br />
Music Mix, owner,<br />
Mark Conradt and<br />
his wife have<br />
received<br />
phenomenal<br />
customer response<br />
expressing sadness<br />
at the news.<br />
After 30 years of<br />
business, it is tough<br />
to see this local<br />
gem disappear. “I<br />
have been<br />
inundated with<br />
requests from our<br />
fantastic East<br />
London supporter<br />
base calling for<br />
Music Mix to<br />
somehow remain<br />
open. Many<br />
customers have<br />
offered assistance<br />
in so many different<br />
ways to help Music<br />
Mix continue<br />
trading. I wish it<br />
was that simple,”<br />
Mark said. Starting<br />
out selling CD's out<br />
of a suitcase, Mark<br />
built up what is now<br />
known as Music<br />
Mix; the first store<br />
opening at Lock<br />
Street Jail in East<br />
London in 1988.<br />
The business grew<br />
and gained loyal<br />
customers that have<br />
served Mark and his<br />
wife, Louise, well<br />
over the years, but<br />
after the rise of<br />
digital downloading,<br />
this music hub has<br />
been forced into a<br />
c o r n e r.<br />
Slowly Conradt<br />
and his wife closed<br />
down the various<br />
stores throughout<br />
the country, while<br />
still holding on to<br />
the East London<br />
Store at Vincent<br />
Pa r k .<br />
“It is with a heavy<br />
heart and deep<br />
regret that I am<br />
forced to make the<br />
sad decision to<br />
close our doors at<br />
Music Mix,” the<br />
music- loving owner<br />
said.<br />
The store is<br />
offering a 30%<br />
discount on all their<br />
stock in preparation<br />
for their closure.<br />
“Flip through our<br />
CDs and find that<br />
long lost title that<br />
may never be<br />
available again,” he<br />
said.<br />
“There are no<br />
“It is with a heavy heart and deep<br />
regret that I am forced to make the<br />
sad decision to close our doors at<br />
Music Mix”<br />
words to describe<br />
the honour I feel by<br />
the incredible<br />
out-pouring of well<br />
wishes that we have<br />
received. Once<br />
again thank you all<br />
so much,” Mark<br />
said.<br />
Music Mix has been an icon in East London for 30 years.<br />
The loyal support to my business, over the<br />
years is greatly appreciated.<br />
DEE & DERYN<br />
VOGEL<br />
A HUGE loss for<br />
EL music lovers.<br />
All the Best for<br />
the future Mark.<br />
LOYAL SERVICE: Music Mix staff, from left, Sibulele Jeke, Nokathula Mde,<br />
Sinazo Sikwebu, Suzanne Mercer<br />
30 Years of making great music<br />
available to East Londoner's.<br />
Sorry to see you go,<br />
all the best for the future.<br />
30 Years<br />
1987 - 2017<br />
To Mark & Louise<br />
An end of an era.<br />
All the best going forward.<br />
Tel: 043 732 1164<br />
Fax: 043 732 1165<br />
After Hours: 083 282 8546<br />
<strong>27</strong> Devereux Avenue | T: 043 726 4567<br />
All the Best for the future Mark.<br />
Sorry to see you go.<br />
30 Years in the Music Business.<br />
A sad end to an era.<br />
Find us at TentsGaloreEastLondon<br />
www.tentsgalore.co.za | info@tentsgalore.co.za<br />
Tel: 083 289 0709
Page 18 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2048. Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017<br />
Hollywoodbets’ gift of garden<br />
have gotten on board to<br />
support the Siyakhana<br />
Agricultural Co-operative.<br />
The S i ya k h a n a<br />
community garden project<br />
has been in existence for<br />
four years. Their mission is<br />
to help find solutions for<br />
the Ngqinisa community's<br />
major problems including<br />
hunger, poverty and<br />
unemployment.<br />
Hollywoodbets Quigney<br />
team members helped<br />
these hard workers to<br />
expand their community<br />
garden by donating<br />
sprinklers, watering cans, a<br />
tank and various other<br />
gardening implements.<br />
Bulelwa Ngcungwa from<br />
Siyakhana thanked the<br />
company for their help.<br />
“Hollywoodbets helped<br />
Siyakhana by donating 10<br />
sprinklers, five<br />
wheelbarrows, five hand<br />
hoes, five spades, a<br />
2500-litre tank, one garden<br />
hose and fittings. Thanks<br />
to their help we are able to<br />
expand our garden and<br />
help the community of<br />
Ngqinisa to access fresh<br />
vegetables at an affordable<br />
price. Hollywoodbets also<br />
contributed to improving<br />
the lifestyle of the Ngqinisa<br />
communit y,” she said.<br />
WELCOME DONATION: The Siyakhana Agricultural Co-operative<br />
received a welcome donation from Hollywoodbets Quigney<br />
recently which will help feed the needy community. Salvanna<br />
Bellairs and Mzukisi Beki (in purple Hollywoodbets shirts)<br />
pose with members of Siyakhana<br />
Shotokan Circle of<br />
Karate members do a<br />
beach clean-up at<br />
<strong>Go</strong>nubie beach after<br />
their morning beach<br />
training on Earth Day,<br />
<strong>April</strong> 22<br />
STERLING JOB: The Stirling High Girls’ Hockey XI remained unbeaten at the Union High Tournament in Graaff-Reinet in the<br />
holidays and came third in the Fairmont Tournament in Cape Town. Congratulations to the girls on their performances<br />
MEETING A LEGEND: Stirling Primary School hosted the 17th annual Andre Vos Rugby Tournament this past weekend. Andre Vos,<br />
a former Stirling Primary past pupil, captained the Springboks for three years until he retired in 2002. Seen here alongside Vos<br />
at the event is Dustyn du Preez and Asher Hoare. Du Preez and Hoare attend Stirling Primary and were recently selected to<br />
represent the Border U13A team. Proud of what the school and those associated with it, have accomplished over the years, in<br />
various sectors, Vos commented that it was ‘not always about success in sport, but also in life’. Picture: WENDY KRETSCHMANN
<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Jill on (043) 702-2043. Find us on Facebook<br />
GO & EXPRESS Page 19<br />
Junior motorcross<br />
riders rev up track<br />
IT WAS great to see the<br />
dedication and spirit among a<br />
small group of true motocross<br />
riders at the weekend.<br />
You could notice people<br />
prepping the track, putting their<br />
heart and soul into it, doing the<br />
best they can with what was<br />
available. Evident was the true<br />
spirit of motocross; a bunch of<br />
like-minded people getting<br />
together and having a blast.<br />
It was fantastic to see the<br />
memory of Zane Howard is still<br />
alive and to see his picture on<br />
the wall. There were new junior<br />
riders racing and it was good to<br />
see girls dominating some of the<br />
classes.<br />
Keagan Hanekom got first<br />
place in the 65cc and showed<br />
the 85cc how it’s done, beating<br />
his brother and taking home<br />
another first in this class as well.<br />
In the MX1 we had a great race<br />
between the top riders. Wow,<br />
Chad Howard ...what an<br />
awesome race. He has really<br />
upped his game giving him a<br />
first in the class.<br />
Keagan Hichson-Mahoney<br />
racing on a 125 in the MX 1 class<br />
had two front washouts in the<br />
first heat, coming fifth and first<br />
respectively in heat one and two,<br />
giving him a second overall.<br />
The most improved rider of the<br />
day award was won by a girl,<br />
Nicole Behrens receiving the<br />
Zane Howard Floating trophy.<br />
If you have a motorbike, come<br />
ride at Border Motocross, next to<br />
<strong>Go</strong>nubie Farmer’s Hall. For<br />
information please call them on<br />
082-372-0066 or e-mail<br />
ra c e d o c s @ b o r d e r m o t o c ro ss . c o . z a .<br />
The next race date is on the<br />
May <strong>27</strong>. It’s a must see event.<br />
Food and refreshment will be on<br />
sale.<br />
RACE RESULTS 22/04/2017<br />
Name Position:<br />
50cc PRO<br />
Coby Korte 1<br />
65 cc<br />
Keagan Hanekom 1<br />
Kyle Phillips 2<br />
Seth Whittington 3<br />
Jaden Boucher 4<br />
85 cc<br />
Keagan Hanekom 1<br />
Nicole Behrens 2<br />
Chase Hanekom 3<br />
85cc PRO MINI<br />
Breece Romans 1<br />
KYLIE Kotze 2<br />
Savannah van Vuuren 3<br />
Jayden Bruce-Alexander 4<br />
MX 1<br />
Chad Howard 1<br />
Keegan Hickson-Mahony 2<br />
Wade Wright 3<br />
David Canning 4<br />
Gareth Green 5<br />
MX2<br />
Riley Naude 1<br />
Ross Botha 2<br />
Zander Hampson 3<br />
MX3<br />
Anton Bezuidenhout 1<br />
Wayne van Vuuren 2<br />
JUMPING AHEAD: Keegan Hickson Mahony came<br />
second in the MX 1 Class at a motorcross event<br />
held at the weekend Picture: DEAN HOLMES<br />
Service<br />
Guide<br />
GO!<br />
Assist<br />
BELINDA: 043 702 2043<br />
CHERYL: 043 702 2031<br />
Bate, Chubb and Dickson. Attorneys,<br />
Notaries and Conveyancers<br />
Tel: 043 701 4500<br />
ALL THE SPOILS: Selborne Primary’s U13A and B and U11A rugby teams travelled to Bloemfontein on<br />
<strong>April</strong> 2 to 6 to participate in the Grey Super Series Rugby Tournament. Both the U13 teams won three<br />
out of five matches and the U11s got to play in the final against Grey Bloem U11. Selborne U11 lost 14-0<br />
to Grey in the final<br />
DK Quaity Lifestyle<br />
57 Pearce Street Berea<br />
Tel: 043 726 8462 / 083 459 7905<br />
Jean Paul Photography<br />
All types of Photography<br />
Tel: 043 721 1157 / 083 611 0007<br />
Border Towing and Recovery<br />
91 Thornycroft Road, Summerpride<br />
Tel: 043 745 1641 / 082 551 0719<br />
Sure - The Travel Agent.<br />
61 Devereux, Ave, Vincent, East London<br />
Tel: 043 726 5323 | www.suretravel.co.za<br />
BETTY<br />
–Loveable and<br />
ŶĞŐĞĐ<br />
would suit an<br />
ĂĐĞĨĂŵŝů<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
NIKARA<br />
- Young small breed<br />
pup, very sweet<br />
and just wants to<br />
be loved.<br />
FSP: 6558<br />
AND HAVE<br />
A LOOK.<br />
ZUSE<br />
- Bouncy &<br />
& Tan Medium<br />
sized dog.<br />
-The eyes tell a<br />
ŽŽĨŵŝĐŚŝĞĨ<br />
STEVE<br />
- I need some<br />
ůĂŵĞŝŚ<br />
you.<br />
BELLA<br />
- There’s a Tiger<br />
hiding<br />
somewhere.<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
Please give these pets a good home.<br />
Interested persons please phone 043 745 1441 and ask for Reception.<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
Photo’s by<br />
Shendl Rewitzky
S P O RT<br />
Selborne take the spoils - see page 19<br />
Newsdesk: (043) 702-2048<br />
Advertising: (043) 702-2031<br />
(043) 702-2043<br />
Thursday, <strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2017<br />
Doing a Stirling job - see page 18<br />
Transplant athlete on track<br />
EL woman to represent SA at world games<br />
E<br />
AST Londoner<br />
Robyn Emslie<br />
will be one of<br />
the South<br />
Africans representing<br />
the country at the<br />
21st World Transplant<br />
Games to be staged<br />
in Malaga, Spain<br />
from June 25-July 2.<br />
The objective of the<br />
games is to visibly<br />
demonstrate the<br />
benefits of successful<br />
organ transplantation<br />
to create public<br />
awa r e n e s s and<br />
thereby increase<br />
organ donation rates,<br />
as well as promote<br />
and reinforce the full<br />
rehabilitation and<br />
wellbeing of the<br />
par ticipants.<br />
Emslie will be<br />
playing petanque,<br />
with five other<br />
participants from<br />
Port Elizabeth and St<br />
Francis Bay.<br />
She encouraged<br />
people who had<br />
transplants to join<br />
them (in playing<br />
sports) as it is a<br />
great way to meet<br />
other people who<br />
have walked the<br />
same path.<br />
“When approached,<br />
some say they don’t<br />
There are m o re<br />
than 50 events to<br />
suit all<br />
c ap ab i l i t i e s<br />
have time or they are<br />
not fit and I always<br />
tell them that I am<br />
also not that fit. You<br />
don’t need to be fit<br />
and active.<br />
“It’s just something<br />
to go there, you build<br />
that camaraderie.<br />
Just to have that<br />
experience of being<br />
among about 2000<br />
others who don’t find<br />
it annoying when you<br />
talk about symptoms<br />
and pills as normal<br />
people usually do.”<br />
The games<br />
embrace all ages –<br />
from four- to<br />
80-year-olds – who<br />
qualify to participate.<br />
There are more<br />
than 50 events to suit<br />
all capabilities,<br />
including athletics,<br />
tenpin bowling,<br />
swimming, racquet<br />
sports, golf,<br />
volleyball, lawn bowls<br />
and cycling.<br />
Should you wish to<br />
join the SA<br />
Transplant Sports<br />
Association (SATSA),<br />
contact Emslie on<br />
ro b y n e m s l i e @ ya h o o . c o m<br />
or 082-491-2462 or<br />
SATSA secretary<br />
Heilie Uys on<br />
huys@ibi.co.za or<br />
082-465-0935.<br />
for<br />
T Shirts,<br />
<strong>Go</strong>lf Shirts,<br />
Polar<br />
Fleeces, Caps<br />
742 1696<br />
G2185@34<br />
AIMING HIGH: Robyn Emslie will represent South<br />
Africa for petanque at the World Transplant<br />
Games to be held in Spain in June