fédération internationale de gymnastique workplan fig ... - sportcentric

fédération internationale de gymnastique workplan fig ... - sportcentric

fédération internationale de gymnastique workplan fig ... - sportcentric


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Madrid (ESP)<br />

12-14 December, 2008<br />

as of 10.12.2008<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 1 10.12.2008


1. General Information ....................................................................................... 3<br />

2. Competition Venue ........................................................................................ 3<br />

3. Competition Dates ......................................................................................... 3<br />

4. Responsible Entities and Coordinates .............................................................. 3<br />

5. General Provisional Programme ....................................................................... 4<br />

6. Welcome – Official Language ........................................................................... 5<br />

7. Transportation ............................................................................................... 5<br />

8. Visas ............................................................................................................ 6<br />

9. Board and Lodging ......................................................................................... 6<br />

10. Entry Fees and Procedure – Confirmation of Participation.................................... 6<br />

11. Competition Format ....................................................................................... 7<br />

12. Inquiry ......................................................................................................... 8<br />

13. Accreditation ................................................................................................. 8<br />

14. Insurance ..................................................................................................... 9<br />

15. Starting (Bib) Numbers .................................................................................. 9<br />

16. Information Desk ........................................................................................... 9<br />

17. Drawing of lots and Starting Or<strong>de</strong>r ................................................................... 9<br />

18. Orientation Meeting ...................................................................................... 10<br />

19. Opening and Closing Ceremonies .................................................................... 10<br />

20. Equipment ................................................................................................... 10<br />

21. Training – Podium Training – Warm-up............................................................ 10<br />

22. Competition Attire ........................................................................................ 10<br />

23. Judges’ Instructions and briefings ................................................................... 10<br />

24. Judges’ Panels and Jury of Appeal ................................................................... 10<br />

25. Seatings for the Delegations .......................................................................... 10<br />

26. Ticketing ..................................................................................................... 11<br />

27. Publication of the Scores ............................................................................... 11<br />

28. Medal Award Ceremonies and Prize Money ....................................................... 11<br />

29. Media, Publicity and Press Conferences ............................................................ 11<br />

30. Television Broadcast – Kiss and Cry ................................................................ 12<br />

31. Vi<strong>de</strong>o Recording ........................................................................................... 12<br />

32. Medical Services and Physiotherapy ................................................................ 12<br />

33. Doping Controls ............................................................................................ 12<br />

34. Farewell Party .............................................................................................. 13<br />

35. Important Notes ........................................................................................... 13<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 2 10.12.2008


This Workplan has been <strong>de</strong>veloped in accordance with the following FIG regulations and<br />

rules (as valid in the year of the competition):<br />

� Statutes<br />

� Technical Regulations<br />

� Judge’s Rules (General and Specific per discipline)<br />

� MAG and WAG Co<strong>de</strong> of Points<br />

� Rules for the FIG World Ranking Lists<br />

� Rules for the FIG World Cup Competitions and World Cup Final in ART<br />

� FIG Apparatus Norms<br />

� FIG Advertising and Publicity Rules<br />

� FIG Rules for Accreditation<br />

� Medical Organization of the Official FIG Competitions<br />

� Doping Control Rules<br />

� Regulations for Award Ceremonies<br />

� FIG Media Gui<strong>de</strong>line<br />

and subsequent <strong>de</strong>cisions of the FIG Executive Committee and Technical Committees.<br />


Telefonica Arena Madrid<br />

Recinto Ferial Casa <strong>de</strong> Campo / Avenida <strong>de</strong> Portugal S/N<br />

28011 – Madrid / http://www.telefonicaarenamadrid.com/<br />


13-14 December 2008<br />


FIG<br />

Fédération Internationale <strong>de</strong> Gymnastique<br />

Contact Person : CACHEMAILLE Céline<br />

Avenue <strong>de</strong> la Gare 12<br />

1003 Lausanne, Switzerland<br />

Tel : +41 21 321 55 10 - Direct : +41 21 321 55 14 / Fax: +41 21 321 55 19<br />

E-mail: ccachemaille@<strong>fig</strong>-gymnastics.org / Web site: http://www.<strong>fig</strong>-gymnastics.com<br />

FIG Authorities<br />

Prof. GRANDI Bruno FIG Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Dr. LEGLISE Michel FIG 1 st Vice-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

TAKIZAWA Koji FIG 2 nd Vice-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

CORN Slava FIG 3 rd Vice-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

BUECHE Norbert FIG Honorary Vice-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

GUEISBUHLER André FIG Secretary General<br />

FIG MTC<br />

STOICA Adrian MTC Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

KARACSONY Istvan MTC 1 st Vice-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

MARCOS FELIPE Julio MTC 2 nd Vice-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

FIG WTC<br />

KIM Nellie WTC Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

YAN Ninan WTC 1 st Vice-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

BURDA-ANDRIANOVA Liubov WTC 2 nd Vice-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

DOWDELL Kym WTC Member<br />

SACCHI Donatella WTC Member<br />


HARINISHI Yoshie WTC Member<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 3 10.12.2008

All day<br />

All day<br />

FIG Staff, Swisstiming, and Consultants<br />

BUOMPANE Nicolas FIG Deputy Secretary General<br />

CACHEMAILLE Céline FIG Sports Manager<br />

TERRIER Zina FIG Secretary General Assistant<br />

SILACCI Philippe FIG Press Operations Officer<br />

ATKINSON Vera FIG Editor<br />

MINKUS Volker FIG Official Photographer<br />

EVARD Cédric FIG Technology & Internet<br />

STREBEL Olivier FIG TV Operations Officer<br />

ROSSE Jean-François FIG TV Coordinator<br />

HUMBERT Didier FIG Producer<br />

FENNER Mitch FIG Producer<br />

PATTHEY David FIG Cameraman<br />

PITTET Christophe Swisstiming<br />

BOURQUIN Raymond Swisstiming<br />

BOVY Raphael Swisstiming<br />

ISARN Daniel Swisstiming<br />

COMBE-DUTHEIL Patricia Swisstiming<br />

PIERRE Cyrille IRCOS Technician<br />

GRANDCLÉMENT Benoît IRCOS Cameraman<br />

Organizing Committee<br />

Real Fe<strong>de</strong>racion Espanola <strong>de</strong> Gimnasia<br />

Contact Person : GARCIA ALCAZAR Sergio<br />

C/Ferraz, 16-7° dcha<br />

28008 Madrid, Spain<br />

Tel: +34 91 5401078 / Fax: +34 91 5400990<br />

E-mail: sgarcia@migimnasia.com-wcfmadrid@me<strong>de</strong>land.es<br />

Web site:http://www.migimnasia.com<br />

OC Responsible Persons<br />

MADROÑAL FOLPINI Angelo Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

ALFARO ESPINOSA Ignacio Secretary General<br />

GARCIA ALCAZAR Sergio General Coordination<br />

MUÑOZ RODRIGUEZ Miguel A. Finances<br />

CARBALLO MARTINEZ Jesús Technical Director<br />

SAN MARTIN María José Sports Department<br />

FLORES VERA Rafael Marketing / Publicity<br />

DIAZ VILLALTA Antonio Logistics / Technical<br />

MARRON MOYA Ignacio Protocol<br />

DIAZ DEL CASTILLO Emilia Accreditation<br />

TRANCHE Yaiza Press / Media Operations<br />

TEJEDOR SASTRE Oscar Accommodation / Transport<br />

FLORES VERA Celes Ticketing<br />

GARCIA PASTUR Santiago Security<br />

FERNANDEZ POSADAS Andrés Medical Service<br />

ESTEBAN GRAU Esteban Doping Control<br />


Arrival of the WTC<br />

Accreditation<br />

09 December, 2008<br />

Accordingly<br />

Hotel Colon<br />

10 December, 2008<br />

09.00-13.00/14.40-18.00 WTC meeting Hotel Colon<br />

All day<br />

All day<br />

09.00-13.00/14.40-18.00<br />

14.00<br />

16.00-20.00<br />

18.00<br />

11 December, 2008<br />

Arrival of the MTC, <strong>de</strong>legations, judges, FIG authorities & staff<br />

Accreditation<br />

WTC meeting<br />

Apparatus Controls Training Hall<br />

Free Training as per schedule<br />

Apparatus Controls Competition Hall<br />

Accordingly<br />

Hotel Colon<br />

Hotel Colon<br />

TH Telefonica Arena<br />

TH Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 4 10.12.2008

09:00-10:00<br />

09:30-10:30<br />

10.00-13.00/17.00-20.00<br />

10.30-12.30<br />

12:00<br />

14.30-17.00<br />

08.30<br />

09:00-13:30<br />

09.00-11.30<br />

15.55-17.15<br />

17.00<br />

17.30<br />

18.00<br />

18:00-18:30<br />

18:30-18:40<br />

18:45-19:15<br />

19:15-19:45<br />

19:45-20:00<br />

20:05-20:35<br />

20:35-21.05<br />

21.05-21.20<br />

21.20-21.50<br />

21.20<br />

08.30<br />

09.00-11.30<br />

09:00-13:00<br />

15.30-16.50<br />

16.30<br />

17:00<br />

17:00-17:30<br />

17:30-17:40<br />

17:45-18:15<br />

18:15-18:45<br />

18:45-19:00<br />

19:05-19:35<br />

19:35-20:05<br />

20:05-20:20<br />

20:25-20:40<br />

20.40-21.10<br />

20:45<br />

22.00<br />

12 December, 2008<br />

Orientation Meeting<br />

WAG Judge’s instruction meeting<br />

Training-Podium Training as per schedule<br />

MAG Judge’s instruction meeting and Judge’s draw<br />

Opening Press Conference<br />

WTC meeting<br />

13 December, 2008<br />

Apparatus Control<br />

WTC meeting<br />

Training-Podium Training as per schedule<br />

Warm-up and Podium Training Warm-up as per schedule<br />

Judges’ Briefings<br />

Opening Ceremony<br />

Finals Day 1 - Competitions<br />

MAG Floor exercise<br />

Medal Award Ceremony MAG Floor exercise<br />

WAG Vault<br />

MAG Pommel horse<br />

Medal Award Ceremonies WAG Vault / MAG Pommel horse<br />

WAG Uneven bars<br />

MAG Rings<br />

Medal Award Ceremonies WAG Uneven bars / MAG Rings<br />

MAG and WAG Judges’ analysis<br />

Press Conference<br />

14 December, 2008<br />

Apparatus Control<br />

Training-Podium Training as per schedule<br />

WTC Meeting<br />

Warm-up and Podium Training Warm-up as per schedule<br />

Judges’ briefings<br />

Finals Day 2 - Competitions<br />

MAG Vault<br />

Medal Award Ceremony MAG Vault<br />

WAG Balance beam<br />

MAG Parallel bars<br />

Medal Award Ceremonies WAG Balance beam / MAG Paral. bars<br />

WAG Floor exercise<br />

MAG Horizontal bar<br />

Medal Award Ceremonies WAG Floor exercise / MAG Horiz. bar<br />

Closing Ceremony<br />

MAG and WAG Judges’ analysis<br />

Press Conference<br />

Farewell Party<br />

Telefonica Arena Press Conf. Room<br />

Telefonica Arena/TC Room<br />

FOP/ TH Telefonica Arena<br />

TC Room<br />

Town Hall<br />

Telefonica Arena/TC Room<br />

FOP/ TH Telefonica Arena<br />

Telefonica Arena/TC Room<br />

FOP/ TH Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP/ TH Telefonica Arena<br />

TC Room / Press Conf. Room<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

TC Rooms<br />

Press Conf. Room<br />

FOP/ TH Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP/ TH Telefonica Arena<br />

Telefonica Arena/TC Room<br />

FOP/ TH Telefonica Arena<br />

TC Room / Press Conf. Room<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

FOP Telefonica Arena<br />

TC Rooms<br />

Press Conf. Room<br />

Hotel Colon<br />

15 December, 2008<br />

All day Departure of All Accordingly<br />


The Delegations will be welcomed on behalf of the Organizing Committee upon their<br />

arrival in Madrid Barajas Airport or Madrid railway station. The official language will be<br />

English. Interpretation from and into other languages will have to be organized by the<br />

<strong>de</strong>legations. All announcements and documents will be ma<strong>de</strong> exclusively in English.<br />

During the competitions, the announcements will be ma<strong>de</strong> in Spanish and in English<br />


The members of the participating fe<strong>de</strong>rations must pay for their international<br />

transportation.<br />

The Organizing Committee will take care of the local transportation of all accredited<br />

persons from Madrid Barajas Airport or Madrid railway station (at the choice of the<br />

participating member Fe<strong>de</strong>ration) to the respective official hotels and back provi<strong>de</strong>d that<br />

notification of the Delegations’ travel schedules will be communicated to the OC by no<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 5 10.12.2008

later than December 01 st , 2008, and that the Delegations have booked their<br />

accommodation through the OC.<br />

A shuttle bus will be scheduled between the respective official hotels and the training /<br />

warm-up / competition halls on a daily basis as nee<strong>de</strong>d for the Delegations who have<br />

booked their accommodation through the OC.<br />

8. VISAS<br />

Please verify immediately with your travel agent or the Spanish Embassy or Consulate in<br />

your country if a visa is required for your travel to Spain. Visas cannot be issued upon<br />

arrival into Spain. The Organizing Committee will be happy to assist each Delegation<br />

member with an official invitation letter, provi<strong>de</strong>d that the request is ma<strong>de</strong> in principle<br />

before November 18 th , 2008. The request must inclu<strong>de</strong> the full name, date of birth,<br />

gen<strong>de</strong>r, function, passport number, passport expiry date, and the arrival and <strong>de</strong>parture<br />

dates of every Delegation Member.<br />


The Official Hotel will be:<br />


Calle Pez Volador,1-11<br />

28007 MADRID<br />

Tel : + 34 91 400 99 00 / Fax : + 34 91 573 08 09<br />

e-mail : colon@ayrehoteles.com / web : www.ayrehoteles.com<br />

The Organizing Committee will pay accommodation and full board from 11 December,<br />

2008 to 15 December, 2008 exclusively for the following persons:<br />

� All qualified gymnasts (full board and lodging)<br />

The OC may help judges make meals reservations at the Official Hotel or in other<br />

restaurants, but judges will be responsible for paying for their own meals.<br />

Board and lodging must be booked with the OC with the enclosed form by December<br />

01 st , 2008, at the latest.<br />

The price per person and per night for accommodation is as follows:<br />

Single Room Double Room<br />

With breakfast 130 € 110 €<br />

With breakfast and dinner 150 € 130 €<br />

With full board 170 € 150 €<br />

100% of the accommodation costs must be paid to the OC by December 01 st , 2008. The<br />

accommodation expenses are only refundable, provi<strong>de</strong>d cancellations are ma<strong>de</strong> at least<br />

by December 05 th , 2008.<br />

The bank coordinates for the accommodation payment (in €) are as follows:<br />



C/ Fernán<strong>de</strong>z <strong>de</strong> los Ríos, 63<br />

28015 MADRID<br />


IBAN: ES86 2013 0677 6202 0074 2112<br />


The participation of the best eight athletes per discipline and apparatus is based on the<br />

results of the World Ranking List as established at the completion of the last competitions<br />

counting for the 2007-2008 season (i.e. the Asian Championships and the Wold Cup<br />

Series Event in Stuttgart ). In case of a tie at the 8th place of the World Ranking List, the<br />

tie will be broken as follows: higher number of World Ranking List Points received at the<br />

last World Championships, if there is still a tie, the points received at the last World Cup<br />

Finals.<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 6 10.12.2008

In case that the Organising Member Fe<strong>de</strong>ration has not qualified any gymnasts at all for<br />

the Finals, it may nominate 1 man and 1 woman at an apparatus of its choice. The<br />

respective Gymnasts must have participated in the World Cup Series 2007-2008.<br />

According to the preliminary information sent to the Fe<strong>de</strong>rations by the FIG, the <strong>de</strong>adline<br />

for the confirmation of the athlete’s participation is December 01 st , 2008 at the very<br />

latest.<br />

Should the FIG not receive the nominative entry duly completed by December 01 st , 2008<br />

(including the payment of the entry fee), the reserve gymnast will then automatically be<br />

invited by the FIG.<br />

The maximum size of Delegation is as follows:<br />

Function Mixed<br />

Head of Delegation 1<br />

Coach max. 1 per gymnast<br />

Doctor 1<br />

Physiotherapist 1<br />

*Accompanying person 1<br />

*Guest 1<br />

Transferable access card zone 1 for coach Max. 2, but not more than 1 per gymnast<br />

Transferable access card zone 3 for coach<br />

As per the number of coaches + 1<br />

Transferable access card zones 1 medical staff 1<br />

Transferable access card zones 3 medical staff 1<br />

Transferable access card zone 3 team manager or head of <strong>de</strong>l.<br />

* Accreditations at the charge of the Fe<strong>de</strong>ration<br />

1<br />

The entry fee of CHF50.- per gymnast and per apparatus is not refundable and must be<br />

paid to the FIG by December 01 st , 2008 for all qualified participants to the following Bank<br />

account:<br />

UBS SA<br />

2501 Bienne<br />

Suisse<br />

Compte : 272-56301649.0<br />

IBAN : CH40 0027 2272 5630 1649 0<br />

Co<strong>de</strong> SWIFR : UBSWCHZH80A<br />

or by credit card (Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, or American Express) mentioning the card<br />

number, expiry date and <strong>de</strong>tailed cardhol<strong>de</strong>rs name and address.<br />

Late registrations and registrations without the appropriate payment of the entry fees will<br />

be consi<strong>de</strong>red as invalid. In both cases, the next gymnast(s) according to the ranking list<br />

will be automatically invited by the FIG.<br />


FIG Rules for Competition III will apply. In case of ties in the Apparatus Finals, the tied<br />

gymnasts will all have the same rank, but subsequent ranks will be skipped.<br />

e.g.<br />

1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8<br />

1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8<br />

1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 7, 8<br />

Tied gymnasts will receive the same medal and World Cup Points.<br />

e.g.<br />

1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (two gold medals, no silver medal, one bronze medal)<br />

The Prize Money will be ad<strong>de</strong>d and divi<strong>de</strong>d by the number of gymnasts.<br />

e.g.<br />

1, 1, 3 (Prize Money for Rank 1 and 2 is ad<strong>de</strong>d and divi<strong>de</strong>d by 2)<br />

1, 2, 2 (Prize Money for Rank 2 and 3 is ad<strong>de</strong>d and divi<strong>de</strong>d by 2)<br />

1, 2, 3, 3 (Prize Money for Rank 3 is divi<strong>de</strong>d by 2)<br />

1, 2, 3, 3, 3 (Prize Money for Rank 3 is divi<strong>de</strong>d by 3)<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 7 10.12.2008

12. INQUIRY<br />

Inquiries for the difficulty scores are allowed, provi<strong>de</strong>d that they are ma<strong>de</strong> verbally<br />

immediately after the publication of the score or at the very latest before the end of the<br />

exercise of the following gymnast. The person <strong>de</strong>signated to receive the verbal inquiry<br />

has to note the time of receiving it and this starts the procedure. Only the accredited<br />

coaches in the competition area are entitled to submit an inquiry. Late verbal inquiries<br />

will be rejected.<br />

A fe<strong>de</strong>ration is not allowed to complain against a gymnast from another fe<strong>de</strong>ration.<br />

Inquiries for all other marks (i.e. Execution) are not allowed.<br />

The inquiry must be confirmed as soon as possible in writing, but within 4 minutes at the<br />

latest after the verbal inquiry and requires an agreement of payment of USD 300.-- for<br />

the first complaint; USD 500.-- for the second complaint and USD 1'000.-- for the third<br />

complaint. Should the inquiry not be confirmed in writing within 4 minutes, the procedure<br />

becomes obsolete.<br />

Should the inquiry prove correct and is accepted, this sum will be reimbursed. Otherwise,<br />

the sum will be transferred to the FIG Foundation.<br />

Every inquiry must be examined by the Superior Jury and a final <strong>de</strong>cision (which may not<br />

be appealed) must be taken at the very latest before the score of the following gymnast<br />

is shown.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>tailed procedure is laid down in the respective Co<strong>de</strong> of Points.<br />


Accreditations will be distributed in the AYRE GRAND HOTEL COLON upon arrival.<br />

At accreditation, the Heads of Delegation must check the correct names of their complete<br />

Delegation, verify the accommodation and meal requirements, make the necessary<br />

payments (insurance, etc.), hand in their national anthem, their national flag, and the<br />

WAG competitors’ music CD (if any). A copy will be taken of all competitors and judges<br />

passports for proof of i<strong>de</strong>ntity, control of Nationality and age as well as for anti-doping<br />

purposes. The <strong>de</strong>finitive <strong>workplan</strong>, starting or<strong>de</strong>r, and schedules will be given to the Head<br />

of Delegation by accreditation as well if nee<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

In or<strong>de</strong>r to accelerate the accreditation procedure, please send in to the Organizing<br />

Committee a photo of each of the <strong>de</strong>legation member (if possible in electronic format or<br />

a passport photo) together with the Nominative Registration. €10.- will be charged for<br />

each photo the OC has to make at the arrival of the <strong>de</strong>legation.<br />

The accreditation i<strong>de</strong>ntifies individuals in good standing from FIG affiliated fe<strong>de</strong>rations<br />

participating in the event. It indicates and <strong>de</strong>fines their right to access to the different<br />

zones. All participants and officials are required to wear their Accreditation Cards at all<br />

times.<br />

The accreditation is personal, non transferable and compulsory to have access to the<br />

training and competition halls, the functions and the official transport system of the<br />

Organizing Committee. The accreditation card is also necessary to pass the security<br />

controls and have access to lunches and dinners. If lost, a new accreditation card can be<br />

purchased for €150.-<br />

The access in the Warm-up Hall is strictly limited to the gymnasts participating in the<br />

specific competition and according to the warm-up schedule, with their coaches / medical<br />

staff with transferable access card.<br />

The Accreditation Rule will be strictly applied, notably as far as the number of<br />

accreditations per fe<strong>de</strong>rations is concerned. No further accreditations may be issued. Any<br />

additional person is consi<strong>de</strong>red as a spectator and must buy entry tickets.<br />

The members of the FIG Executive Committee, the FIG Technical Committees, the FIG<br />

and former (FIT) Honorary members listed in the FIG Directory, and the Presi<strong>de</strong>nts of the<br />

FIG affiliated fe<strong>de</strong>rations are entitled to one accompanying person at their discretion,<br />

e.g., to accommodate the presence and accreditation of a spouse or a close family<br />

member. The accompanying person is only entitled to accreditation if the person who has<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 8 10.12.2008

the right to invite attends the event, and only for the period during which the “host” is<br />

present. This accreditation may not be transferred during an event. The members of the<br />

FIG Executive Committee and the FIG and former (FIT) Honorary members listed in the<br />

FIG Directory are entitled to one free accreditation for an accompanying person, but the<br />

Organising Committee is entitled to charge €150.- for the accreditations of accompanying<br />

persons of the FIG Technical Committees Members and the Presi<strong>de</strong>nts of the FIG<br />

affiliated fe<strong>de</strong>rations.<br />

Each fe<strong>de</strong>ration has the right to one Guest accreditation at their discretion, e.g. for<br />

sponsors, important fe<strong>de</strong>ration’s officials, etc. The Organising Committee is entitled to<br />

charge the following costs for Guests accreditations: “Guests” who have accommodation<br />

booked through the Organising Committee have access to the <strong>de</strong>legation seats, transport<br />

system (T3) and are invited to the Banquet. The price to be paid to the OC is €150.-<br />

.“Guests” who do not book accommodation through the Organising Committee have<br />

access only to the <strong>de</strong>legations seats (no transportation system or Banquet). The price to<br />

be paid to the OC is €300.-. Upon request of the member Fe<strong>de</strong>ration, the “Guests” may<br />

be accredited as VIP which inclu<strong>de</strong>s access to VIP seating and the VIP lounge. The price<br />

(which must be approved by the FIG) for this upgra<strong>de</strong> is fixed by the Organising<br />

Committee.<br />

The Presi<strong>de</strong>nts of FIG affiliated fe<strong>de</strong>rations in the function of Head of Delegation will be<br />

accredited as “Head of Delegation”. Their function will be <strong>de</strong>scribed as “Head of<br />

Delegation and Presi<strong>de</strong>nt”. Presi<strong>de</strong>nts of FIG affiliated fe<strong>de</strong>rations who are not in the<br />

function of Head of Delegation will be accredited in the cat. “GT” Their function will be<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed as e.g. “Presi<strong>de</strong>nt xxx gymnastics”. The OC may charge €300.- for this<br />

“additional” accreditation.<br />

As this event represents the last FIG ART World Cup Final, no observer accreditation (i.e.<br />

as observer) will be <strong>de</strong>livered.<br />

14. INSURANCE<br />

The Host Fe<strong>de</strong>ration, the Organizing Committee and the FIG will not be held responsible<br />

for any liabilities in case of acci<strong>de</strong>nts, illness, repatriation, and the like.<br />

The FIG Technical Regulations (i.e. Section 1, article 12.10) foresee that all participating<br />

Fe<strong>de</strong>rations are responsible for making their own arrangements to have the necessary<br />

valid insurance coverage against illness, acci<strong>de</strong>nts and for repatriation for all the<br />

members of their Delegation. The OC will verify the insurance upon arrival of the<br />

<strong>de</strong>legation members (e.g. cover note or photocopy of the valid policy).<br />

Delegation members with insufficient coverage must inform the OC in advance. The OC<br />

will subsequently offer insurance at the Fe<strong>de</strong>rations own’s charge as follows: €30.- per<br />

person / day.<br />


All gymnasts will be given a starting (bib) number upon their arrival. This number must<br />

be fixed in the gymnast’s back and must be worn during the entire duration of the<br />

competitions. The advertisement on the starting (bib) number must be clearly visible.<br />


Every <strong>de</strong>legation will have a mail box located in the TELEFONICA ARENA MADRID. All<br />

information requests and correspon<strong>de</strong>nce should be addressed to the Organising<br />

Committee. An information <strong>de</strong>sk for the <strong>de</strong>legations will also be set-up at the Hotel AYRE<br />



The drawing of lots was ma<strong>de</strong> on October 17 th , 2008 in Helsinki (FIN) during the FIG<br />

Congress. The starting or<strong>de</strong>rs are herein enclosed as well as posted on the FIG web site<br />

for your kind consi<strong>de</strong>ration.<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 9 10.12.2008


The Orientation Meeting will take place on December 12 th , 2008 at 09:00 (morning) in<br />


The Orientation Meeting is compulsory for all Heads of Delegation, coaches and judges.<br />

Unjustified failure to attend this meeting will result in a sanction of CHF 1’000.- to be<br />

paid by the Fe<strong>de</strong>ration (as per TR Reg 5.14). Important information or documents about<br />

the organization of the competition will be given by the OC and the FIG during this<br />

meeting. The meeting will be conducted in English only.<br />


While the Opening Ceremony will take place on December 13 th , 2008, at 17:30 in the<br />

TELEFONICA ARENA MADRID, the Closing Ceremony will be scheduled on December 14 th ,<br />

2008, at 20:25 in the TELEFONICA ARENA MADRID,<br />

20. EQUIPMENT<br />

The official apparatus suppliers will be Gymnova.<br />


Access to the competition hall as well as the training and warm-up locations will be given<br />

only to the members of the <strong>de</strong>legations wearing the appropriate accreditation. The<br />

Training, Warm-up, and Competition Schedules are herein attached as well as posted on<br />

the FIG web site for your kind consi<strong>de</strong>ration.<br />


Please refer to the Co<strong>de</strong> of Points and the Rules for Advertising and Publicity for <strong>de</strong>tails<br />

on this matter.<br />


The Judges’ instruction is compulsory for all the judges and will take place as follows:<br />

Men’s Artistic Gymnastics:<br />

December 12th, 2008, at 10:30 in the TC ROOM<br />

Women’s Artistic Gymnastics:<br />

December 12th, 2008, at 09:30 in the TC ROOM<br />

Judges’ Briefings will also be held prior to the start of the competitions. The judges’<br />

instruction and Briefings will be conducted exclusively in English.<br />


The apparatus jury will be composed of the Supervisors, 2 A, and 6 B judges, nominated<br />

by the MTC and WTC. In principle, none of these judges may be from the same country<br />

as that of the participating gymnasts. The TC Presi<strong>de</strong>nt will serve as Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the<br />

Superior Jury.<br />

MAG and WAG jury of appeal:<br />

1) TAKIZAWA Koji FIG 2 nd Vice-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

2) CORN Slava FIG 3 rd Vice-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

3) To be <strong>de</strong>signated (see TR section 1, Reg. 7.8.3)<br />


Reserved seatings will be allocated to the <strong>de</strong>legations.<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 10 10.12.2008

26. TICKETING<br />

Tickets for the World Cup Final can be bought by directly contacting the OC as follows:<br />

Real Fe<strong>de</strong>racion Española <strong>de</strong> Gimnasia<br />

C/Ferraz, 16-7° dcha<br />

28008 Madrid, Spain<br />

Tel: +34 607264959 / Fax: +34 91 5400990<br />

E-mai: wcfmadrid@me<strong>de</strong>land.es / Web site: http://www.migimnasia.com<br />


The <strong>de</strong>tailed scores, including the judges’ scores, will appear on the scoreboards located<br />

in the competition hall. A list of results will be distributed to the Heads of Delegation after<br />

the finals. These results will not contain the <strong>de</strong>tailed judges’ scores.<br />


The medal award ceremonies will take place as per the schedule. Only the medal winners<br />

will be invited to participate in this Ceremony. They will be requested to wear their<br />

competition attire.<br />

The FIG will transfer the amount related to the prize money by bank once the doping<br />

control results are received. The Prize money per apparatus is as follows:<br />

First place – gold medal and cup: CHF7’000.-<br />

Second place – silver medal: CHF5’000.-<br />

Third place – bronze medal: CHF3’000.-<br />

Wild Card gymnasts (if any) will receive Prize Money and medals, but will not receive<br />

World Cup points. Diplomas will be distributed as well to all the participants.<br />


Professional Medias Media representatives (journalists, photographers, television<br />

commentators) must clearly wear their press cre<strong>de</strong>ntial (E co<strong>de</strong> –<br />

yellow colour), <strong>de</strong>livered by FIG and available at<br />

http://www.fedintgym.com/mediamanager/<br />

Medias<br />

representatives of<br />

the National<br />

Gymnastics<br />

Fe<strong>de</strong>rations<br />

Biographies<br />

For Medias representatives of the FIG affiliated participating<br />

Fe<strong>de</strong>rations, the FIG grants one ES-F and one EP-P cre<strong>de</strong>ntial, on<br />

request of the Fe<strong>de</strong>ration only at<br />

http://www.fedintgym.com/mediamanager/, attesting in good faith<br />

to the i<strong>de</strong>ntity and the position of the Media <strong>de</strong>legates.<br />

The national Fe<strong>de</strong>rations are responsible for the creation and update<br />

of the biographies of their gymnasts. These biographies are available<br />

on the FIG Intranet website, in the FED MANAGER section.<br />

FOP (Field of Play) Interviews and mobile phones are strictly forbid<strong>de</strong>n on the FOP.<br />

Mixed Zone<br />

The Mixed Zone will usually be located on the exit of the FOP, on the<br />

path to the locker rooms. During competitions, as well as podium<br />

trainings and qualifications, athletes must exit through the Mixed<br />

Zone. As they enter the Mixed Zone, journalists will collect flash<br />

quotes. There is no obligation for an athlete to stop in the Mixed<br />

Zone, but cooperation with the press is most appreciated.<br />

Training halls<br />

The media is welcome but kindly requested to follow and respect the<br />

specific rules for Training Halls. A temporary access card will be<br />

<strong>de</strong>livered. The permission of Head of Delegation / Coach will be<br />

requested.<br />

Warming Up halls This is a No Go Zone area. No access for media at all.<br />

Press conferences Since a press conference is planed, the participation for gymnasts is<br />

compulsory according to TR 2008, Reg. 4.11.14. In the case of a<br />

gymnast selected for a doping control, he or she must, prior the<br />

control, attend the award ceremony and the press conference.<br />

Beverages are prohibited at press conferences.<br />

No Go Zone The purpose of this policy is to ensure that photographers and<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 11 10.12.2008

Award Ceremony<br />

Kiss and Cry corner<br />

Gifts, leaflets,<br />

promotional material<br />

cameramen respect a certain area in the FOP where they cannot<br />

enter. The limits of the area known as the “No Go Zone” will be clearly<br />

marked on the floor. Further No Go Zones will be <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d by FIG,<br />

<strong>de</strong>pending on the venue.<br />

After the national anthem, Gymnasts are requested to face all<br />

directions, together, to wave to the spectators and to allow the<br />

photographers to take pictures of all medallists.<br />

Gymnasts are kindly requested to reach the Kiss and Cry corner as<br />

quickly as possible. Coaches and choreographers are invited NOT TO<br />

STOP the gymnasts before they are seated in the Kiss and Cry.<br />

Any kind of distribution of the above mentioned items to Gymnasts,<br />

FIG Officials, Media, without written approval by FIG, is strictly<br />

forbid<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Publicity Publicity on attire and equipment must be strictly respected.<br />

FIG Media on site<br />

Slava Corn FIG Vice Presi<strong>de</strong>nt/Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of Media Commission slava.corn@senecac.on.ca<br />

Philippe Silacci FIG Press Operations Officer (ES – EP - ENR) psilacci@<strong>fig</strong>-gymnastics.org<br />

Olivier Strebel FIG TV Operations Officer (HB – RT) ostrebel@<strong>fig</strong>-gymnastics.org<br />

Volker Minkus FIG Official Photographer agentur@minkusimages.<strong>de</strong><br />

Cédric Evard FIG Technology & Internet cevard@<strong>fig</strong>-gymnastics.org<br />

LOC Press Operations<br />

Tranché Yaiza LOC Press Chief /LOC Photographer Department prensa@migimnasia.com<br />

Media conferences with the medal winners will take place as follows:<br />

December 13 th , 2008 at 21:20 in the Press Conference Room<br />

December 14 th , 2008 at 20:45 in the Press Conference Room<br />

The participation is compulsory for all medal winners. The national track suit and the<br />

medal won must be worn by the athletes. Late or no participation in the Media<br />

conferences with the medal winners will cause substantial fines as per Technical<br />

Regulations, Reg. 4.11.14.<br />


A live production of the finals will be guaranteed. The competitors will be requested to<br />

strictly follow the instructions of the organisers and to go to the kiss and cry corner<br />

immediately after their performance in or<strong>de</strong>r to wait there for the scores with their coach.<br />


Only the Host Broadcaster’s cameras and the IRCOS cameras will be allowed in the<br />

Competition Hall. Vi<strong>de</strong>o Recording will not be permitted in the Competition Venue from<br />

the spectators’ seating. The official FIG IRCOS footages will be available (for sale) to all<br />

FIG member Fe<strong>de</strong>rations.<br />


Medical Services and physiotherapists will be provi<strong>de</strong>d by the Organizing Committee and<br />

medical personnel will be present during training, podium training, and competitions.<br />

Physiotherapy rooms for massages and ice will be available.<br />


Doping controls will be conducted by the Organizing Committee during the World Cup<br />

Final as per the FIG and WADA Regulations, un<strong>de</strong>r the supervision of the FIG. The doping<br />

controls may take place at any time during the training, podium training, or competition<br />

times.<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 12 10.12.2008


A Farewell Party will take place on December 14 th , 2008 at 22:00 in the Hotel Ayre Grand<br />

Colon. All accredited <strong>de</strong>legations members will be invited to participate, provi<strong>de</strong>d that<br />

they have booked their accommodation through the OC<br />

All tickets for additional persons (50 €) must be booked and paid to the OC by December<br />

12 th , 2008 at the latest.<br />


Fe<strong>de</strong>rations which have not fulfilled their financial obligations towards FIG (annual<br />

membership and unpaid invoices) and the OC will not be allowed to participate in the<br />

World Cup Final.<br />

All participating Fe<strong>de</strong>rations commit to respect the Statutes and all FIG Regulations.<br />

Especially the age and nationality of the gymnasts as well as the respective Regulations<br />

concerning “Insurance’’ art. 12.10 of the Technical Regulations.<br />

André F. Gueisbuhler Adrian Stoica Nellie Kim<br />

Secretary General MTC Presi<strong>de</strong>nt WTC Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Enclosure:<br />

Drawing of Lots (Starting Or<strong>de</strong>r)<br />

Training-Warm-up-Competition Schedules<br />

Nominative Registration Form<br />

Travel Details<br />

Visa Request<br />

Accommodation Form<br />

Inquiry Form<br />

WAG Music Form<br />

Workplan – WCF ART_Madrid / CC 13 10.12.2008

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