MGT 455 ProductionOperations Management Entire Course

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<strong>MGT</strong> <strong>455</strong> Production/Operations <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Entire</strong> <strong>Course</strong><br />

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<strong>MGT</strong> <strong>455</strong> Production/Operations <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Entire</strong> <strong>Course</strong><br />

<strong>MGT</strong> <strong>455</strong> Full <strong>Course</strong><br />

<strong>MGT</strong> <strong>455</strong> <strong>Entire</strong> <strong>Course</strong><br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 1 dq 1 & dq 2 latest<br />

dq 1<br />

Research the definitions of various production and operations management terms used in Lecture 1. Perform a<br />

literature search on one of these terms. Discuss how this term can impact the ability for an operation to be<br />

competitive in the 21st century. Do not use a term posted by another student.<br />

dq 2<br />

Describe the differences between productivity and its subcomponents (total measure productivity, partial measure<br />

productivity, and multifactor measure productivity) related to production and operations management success.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 2 dq 1 & dq 2 latest<br />

dq 1<br />

Discuss an example of a work-related project that is able to be broken down into structure, tasks, subtasks, and work<br />

packages, and why project management in the form of a CPM/PERT chart would be cost effective.<br />

dq 2<br />

What are two reasons project management is not well done in corporations? Why? What are some specific<br />

examples?<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 3 dq 1 & dq 2 latest<br />

dq 1<br />

Describe the various types of time-series and associative forecasting models. Which types of organizations are each<br />

of these most applicable to, and why?

dq 2<br />

Why is forecasting important in organizations, especially as related to understanding the relevant time horizon to<br />

develop a forecast against? What are some examples from industry?<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 4 dq 1 & dq 2<br />

dq 1<br />

Describe the similarities and differences between TQM and Six Sigma quality-management techniques.<br />

dq 2<br />

Discuss the aspects of Total Quality <strong>Management</strong> (TQM) and how they apply in service- and product-based<br />

businesses.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 5 dq 1 & dq 2 latest<br />

dq 1<br />

Discuss the four types of process strategies and give an example of each. Also, please share any personal industry<br />

experiences (if any) with each process strategy.<br />

dq 2<br />

Discuss the differences between utilization and efficiency as measures of system performance. Which (if any) is the<br />

most useful measure for an operations manager? Why?<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 6 dq 1 & dq 2 latest<br />

dq 1<br />

Discuss the key factors that impact location decisions. As an example, if locating a facility in India, what location<br />

decisions would a fast-food chain have to consider as compared to the location decisions of a software company?<br />

dq 2<br />

Discuss the strategic importance of layout decisions. How important as these decisions in terms of a company’s longterm<br />

profitability goals? What are some examples?<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 7 dq 1 & dq 2 latest<br />

dq 1<br />

Evaluate various supply chain strategy considerations for managers moving products or services to the consumer.<br />

dq 2

Discuss the advantages of using work sampling to understand how employees allocate their time among work<br />

activities.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 8 dq 1 & dq 2 latest<br />

dq 1<br />

Discuss several advantages of linear programming; clearly explain the reasons for your choices.<br />

dq 2<br />

Discuss several disadvantages of linear programming; clearly explain the reasons for your choices.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 1 Chapter 1 Problem Set assignment latest<br />

Details:<br />

Complete problems 1.1, 1.9, and 1.13 in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 2 Chapter 3 Problem Set assignment latest<br />

Details:<br />

Complete problems 3.11 and 3.17 (parts c, d, e, and f) in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 3 Chapter 4 Problem Set assignment<br />

Details:<br />

Complete problems 4.1, 4.3, 4.5, 4.25, and 4.27 in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 4 Chapter 6 Problem Set assignment latest<br />

Details:<br />

Complete problems 6.12, S6.11, S6.20, S6.23, S6.27, and S6.35 in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.<br />

GC <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 5 Benchmark Chapter 7 and S7 Problem Set assignment latest 2016 july<br />

Details:<br />

Complete problems 7.5, 7.7, and 7.11 in the textbook.<br />

Complete supplement problems S7.3, S7.5, S7.7, S7.11, S7.15, and S7.28 in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 6 Chapter 10 and E Problem Set assignment latest<br />

Details:<br />

Complete Problems 10.25, 10.29, E.3, E.5, and E.6 in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 6 Chapter 9 Problem Set assignment latest<br />

Details:<br />

Complete problems 9.11, 9.13, and 9.15 in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 7 Chapters 11, S11, and 12 Problem Set assignment latest<br />

Details:<br />

Complete problems 11.5, S11.4, S11.9, S11.15, 12.1, 12.4, 12.13, and 12.17 in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed,<br />

refer to the Student Success Center.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 7 Christian Worldview/Operations <strong>Management</strong> Integration Paper assignment<br />

Details:<br />

For this assignment, you will discuss how Christian principles can be applied to an operations management dilemma:<br />

Select one of the ethical dilemmas below from the text:<br />

1. Managing Quality (Chapter 6) (page 227)<br />

2. Process Strategy (Chapter 7) (page 291)<br />

3. Layout Strategy (Chapter 9) (page 379)<br />

4. Supply Chain <strong>Management</strong> (Chapter 11) (page 453)<br />

5. Inventory <strong>Management</strong> (Chapter 12) (page 502)<br />

Brieflysummarize the issue. Note that only a small portion of your paper’s content should be devoted to summarizing<br />

the issue.<br />

Respond to the following question(s) in the text:<br />

How can this issue be addressed from a Christian worldview? In other words, what guidance from a Biblical<br />

perspective could be applied to understand and possibly resolve the dilemma? The following GCU websites may be<br />

helpful: Doctrinal Statement (.gcu.edu/About-Us/Doctrinal-Statement.php”>http://www.gcu.edu/About-Us/Doctrinal-<br />

Statement.php) and Mission and Vision (.gcu.edu/About-Us/Mission-and-Vision.php”>http://www.gcu.edu/About-<br />

Us/Mission-and-Vision.php.)<br />

In addition to addressing the questions, the student may also optionally frame the issue using ethical theories<br />

(Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, Distributive Justice, Virtue ethics and Covenantal ethics). Note however that the<br />

questions provided must be addressed.

Use external citations. Your paper should have at least six external citations (in additional to any Biblical citations) to<br />

help frame the issue. No Wikipedia citations are allowed.<br />

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success<br />

Center. An abstract is not required.<br />

Format: use Times New Roman (font size: 12) with 1-inch margins.<br />

Submittal<br />

Submit your file in a Microsoft Word document. Ensure that your last name is in your file name.<br />

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore,<br />

students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria<br />

and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 8 Chapter B Problem Set assignment latest<br />

Details:<br />

Complete problems B.1, B.5, B.7, B.11, and B.21 in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 8 Chapter D Problem Set assignment latest<br />

Details:<br />

Complete problems D.1, D.3, D.6, and D.8 in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.<br />

Grand Canyon <strong>MGT</strong><strong>455</strong> week 8 Chapter 14 Problem Set assignment<br />

Details:<br />

Complete problems 14.8 and 14.9 in the textbook.<br />

Submit one Excel file. Put each problem result on a separate sheet in your file.<br />

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

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