NR505 Advanced Research Methods Evidence-Based Practice

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<strong>NR505</strong> <strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Methods</strong>: <strong>Evidence</strong>-<strong>Based</strong> <strong>Practice</strong><br />

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<strong>NR505</strong> <strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Methods</strong>: <strong>Evidence</strong>-<strong>Based</strong> <strong>Practice</strong><br />

NR 505 Full Course<br />

<strong>NR505</strong> week 1 discussion<br />

Write a quantitative research question using the PICO(T) model about a health or safety issue observed in the<br />

Ironridge or Summerville community or your practice setting.Conducta search of the literature for the quantitative<br />

research question. (Remember you can use this topic and quantitative research article as part of your <strong>Research</strong><br />

Summary Table assignment).Provide a brief summary of your quantitative research article.<br />

You will not be able to see other’s posts for this forum until you have posted your response to the threaded<br />

discussion thread.<br />

<strong>NR505</strong> week 2 discussion<br />

Review the differences in predictive and prescriptive studies and select a predictive or prescriptive article that you<br />

found in your literature search. What are the independent variables (IV), dependent variables (DV), and mediating<br />

variables (MVs) that you find in the article? How do determining IVs, DVs, and MVs help you discern the theory<br />

tested in the research? In your particular article, what risk factors are identified, or what recommendations are<br />

provided?<br />

<strong>NR505</strong> week 3 discussion<br />

Plan a Qualitative Study (graded)<br />

Write a qualitative research question using the PICO(T) model using the P (population), I (abstract concept), O<br />

(outcome), and T (time) from the PICO(T) model about an issue from your practice setting.Conduct a search of the<br />

literature for a qualitative research article that would answer your qualitative research question. What qualitative<br />

research design (Phenomenology, Grounded Theory, Ethnography) did you select and why? Provide a summary of<br />

the study. How will you make sure that the information you obtain is trustworthy? How is trustworthiness in qualitative<br />

research similar and different from reliability and validity?<br />

<strong>NR505</strong> week 4 discussion

What are the various types of sampling, along with their advantages and disadvantages? As we think about sampling<br />

and ethical practices, review these two documents on ethical issues in research:<br />

Tuskegee syphilis study at.cdc.gov/tuskegee/”>http://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/<br />

An overview of questionable studies: Resnik, D. (2012). <strong>Research</strong> ethics timeline (1932-present). Retrieved<br />

from.niehs.nih.gov/research/resources/bioethics/timeline/index.cfm”>http://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/resources/bio<br />

ethics/timeline/index.cfm<br />

What are the implications of this information with respect to the recruitment of human subjects in a study related to<br />

your chosen issue?<br />

<strong>NR505</strong> week 5 discussion<br />

Inferential Statistics (graded)<br />

Complete a PICO(T) search on a topic that pertains to your practice setting. Select one of the articles from your<br />

search. Identify the descriptive statistics. Then describe the inferential tests that were used in the article (in other<br />

words, t-tests and chi-squares). Given the p-values related to the tests, how do you interpret the results? Are they<br />

statistically significant, also clinically significant? What are the recommendations based on this paper? Share some<br />

alternate explanations (mediating or intervening variables) for the results of the study. If your chosen study does not<br />

contain inferential tests, then choose a different article that does contain inferential tests so you can participate in the<br />

discussion.<br />

<strong>NR505</strong> week 6 discussion<br />

<strong>Evidence</strong>-<strong>Based</strong> Models (graded)Read the box above about Mr. Lowell and his facility. As an advanced practice<br />

nurse, you will looking at various evidence based practice models and choosing two of them to compare and contrast<br />

here. After you compare and contrast them, discuss which one you would recommend to this facility and why?<br />

Remember to support your posts with scholarly research in APA 6th ed format.<br />

<strong>NR505</strong> week 7 discussion<br />

Quality, Safety, and Costs (graded)<br />

Class, this week I would like for you to think about a patient scenario related to our Summerville scenario. Mr. Lowell<br />

is especially concerned about a costly high infection rate in surgical patients at St. Louis Medical Center, along with a<br />

lack of concern about patient’s psychological needs. He has read about the efforts of the QSEN Institute<br />

(.org/”>http://qsen.org) to promote quality and safety. He was surprised to see that patient concerns are inherent in<br />

the quality improvement conversation. Place yourself in the role of nurse educator to help the new staff education<br />

director and the clinical practice council study both problems. How would you explain the relationships among quality,<br />

safety, and costs to the director and staff? How would you demonstrate the importance of nursing care in addressing<br />

this issue? What outcome variables would you recommend?<br />

<strong>NR505</strong> week 8 discussion<br />

What specific skills and knowledge that you gained through this course will be most important as you plan and<br />

implement your practicum project? Describe a concrete way in which you anticipate using these skills and knowledge.

<strong>NR505</strong> week 3 <strong>Research</strong> Summary Table<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Summary Table<br />

Guidelines with Scoring Rubric<br />

Purpose<br />

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to learn to assimilate, analyze, critique, and summarize original<br />

research articles. In other words, select a report of a single, original study.<br />

Course Outcomes<br />

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:<br />

(CO 2) Formulate and analyze nursing/clinical problems related to nursing and other disciplines. (PO 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8,<br />

9, 10)<br />

(CO 3) Synthesize for dissemination the research findings from nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,<br />

11)<br />

Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3<br />

Total Points Possible: 165 Points<br />

Requirements<br />

Through this assignment, the student will<br />

1. 1. Conduct a systematic search of relevant databases to find research-based evidence related to a nursing<br />

problem (CO 2);<br />

2. 2. Construct a summary table of four peer-reviewedquantitative single original studies, indicating the<br />

purpose, sample, design/level of evidence, findings, and limitations of each (CO 3); and<br />

3. 3. Summarize the findings of the four studies as a whole (CO 3).<br />

Preparing the Table<br />

Conduct a PICO(T) search on the nursing problem related to your practice setting.Select the four most recent peerreviewed<br />

studiesthat describe original research in a single study (do not select a meta-analysis, systematic review of<br />

research, or integrative literature review). Refer to the Types of Articles Found in the Nursing and<br />

Healthcaredocument in the Course Resource section to make sure that you are using the correct document.<br />

Construct a table summarizing the four most credible and recent studies, using the <strong>Research</strong> Summary template on<br />

the next page (also found in Course Resource Section). Analyze each article and provide the following information in<br />

brief format: purpose of the study; type of sample and number of participants; design of the study, along with the level<br />

of evidence; findings of the study; and limitations of the study.<br />

Preparing the Summary<br />

Briefly (2-4 pages; not including cover page and reference page(s)) summarize the results of the four studies as a<br />

whole. Follow this outline:<br />

1. I. In a short paragraph, restate your research question and describe your search strategy. (10 points)<br />

2. II. Analysis of the designs used in the studies presented in your research summary table. (10 points)<br />

III. Where do these studies fall on the Levelsof<strong>Evidence</strong> table? What is the significance of this information?(10 points)<br />

1. IV. <strong>Based</strong> on these studies, what are the findings? What is the answer to the research question?How well do<br />

the studies answer or fail to answer the question? Provide rationale to support your answer.(10 points)<br />

2. V. Howwas eachsample selected and how many participants in the studies. Is this number adequate? Why<br />

or why not? (10 points)

3. VI. Overall, what are the limitations of the study, and how can these limitations be overcome in subsequent<br />

studies? (10 points)<br />

VII. <strong>Based</strong> on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in<br />

practice or an idea for practice? Why or why not?Please provide a rationale for your answer.(10 points)<br />

Provide your references, formatted in APA style, after the summary. Include the doi number for each article. Submit a<br />

permalink of each article you have chosen for this assignment (directions on how to obtain a permalink are located in<br />

the Course Resource section).<br />

Instructions for setting up your paper in APA 6 th edition format.<br />

Look at the example document for this assignment. Start your paper as you would other APA 6 th edition format<br />

professional papers. Copy and paste the table into your APA paper. This should allow your paper to remain in a<br />

vertical format. Your paper should be one document.<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Summary Table (template provided in separate document)<br />

<strong>NR505</strong> week 5 Critique of Systematic <strong>Research</strong><br />

Review<br />

Critique of Systematic <strong>Research</strong> Review (SRR)<br />

Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric<br />

Purpose<br />

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with practice in identifying, reading, and critiquing systematic<br />

research reviews related to nursing. A systematic review is defined as “A summary of evidence, typically conducted<br />

by an expert or expert panel on a particular topic, that uses a rigorous process (to minimize bias) for identifying,<br />

appraising, and synthesizing studies to answer a specific clinical question and draw conclusions about the data<br />

gathered (Melnyk&Fineout-Overholt,2011, p.582).<br />

Course Outcomes<br />

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to<br />

(CO 3) Synthesize for dissemination the research findings from nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,<br />

11)<br />

(CO 4) Compare and critique quantitative and qualitative designs and methodologies for research studies. (PO 4, 7,<br />

9, 11)<br />

Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 5<br />

Total Points Possible:175 Points<br />

Requirements:<br />

1. 1. Choose an SRR that pertains to your practice setting.Describe the relevance of the nursingresearch<br />

problem addressed in a SRR to practice. (CO 3, 6)<br />

2. 2. Critique the levels of evidence of the studies used in the SRR, specifically the designs of the studies<br />

included. (CO 6)<br />

3. 3. Critique the clarity with which the studies are presented and critiqued. (CO 6)<br />

4. 4. Describe the overall findings of the studies, as summarized in the SRR. (CO 3, 6)<br />

5. 5. Critique the conclusions of the SRR, with implications for your current practice andfuture research. (CO 3,<br />

6)<br />

6. 6. Utilize the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews to locate a true SRR for this assignment.<br />

7. 7. Paper length should be between 4-6 pages (not including cover page and reference page(s).<br />

Preparing the paper

Consult your faculty member if you are uncertain about whether your article is a true SRR. If it is not, your grade will<br />

be affected because you will not be able to address all of the above objectives.<br />

Important: Submit a copy of the systematic research review that you are critiquing as a separate document<br />

before submitting your paper.This will help Turnitin from returning a high similarity percentage on your<br />

written work. Remember to keep Turnitin similarity to 24% or less or you will be deducted points on APA.<br />

References<br />

Melnyk, B.M., &Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011).<strong>Evidence</strong>-based practice in nursing &healthcare(2 nd ed.). Philadelphia,<br />

PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams,& Wilkins.<br />

Turnitin®<br />

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.You learned about Turnitin in your NR500 course, so you should be<br />

familiar with how to access it. Additionally, you will find an instructional announcement about Turnitin® in the course<br />

and in the Student Handbook.<br />

Category Points% Description<br />

Describes the<br />

Fully describes<br />

relevance of the<br />

the relevance of<br />

research problem 25 14.28<br />

the research<br />

addressed in the<br />

problem<br />

SRR to practice.<br />

Critiques the<br />

research rigor of<br />

Fully critiques the<br />

the studies used in<br />

rigor of the<br />

25 14.28<br />

the SRR (see<br />

studies used in<br />

lesson’s levels of<br />

the SRR<br />

evidence).<br />

Critiques the<br />

levels of evidence,<br />

specifically the<br />

designs of the<br />

studies included in<br />

the SRR.<br />

Critiques the<br />

clarity with which<br />

Fully critiques the<br />

levels of<br />

25 14.28evidence of the<br />

studies included<br />

in the SRR<br />

Fully describes<br />

the clarity with<br />

the studies are<br />

presented and<br />

critiqued.<br />

25 14.28which the studies<br />

are presented<br />

and critiqued<br />

Fully describes<br />

Describes the<br />

the overall<br />

overall findings of<br />

findings of the<br />

the studies, as 25 14.28<br />

studies<br />

summarized in the<br />

summarized in<br />

SRR.<br />

the SRR<br />

Critiques the<br />

Critiques the<br />

conclusions of the<br />

conclusions of<br />

SRR, with<br />

the SRR, with<br />

implications for 25 14.28implications for<br />

your current<br />

current<br />

practice and future<br />

practiceandfuture<br />

research<br />


Grammar,<br />

punctuation, and<br />

spelling reflect<br />

format written<br />

work.<br />

10 5.71<br />

APA formatting 10 5.71<br />

Submit a copy of<br />

the systematic<br />

research article<br />

5 2.85<br />

you are critiquing.<br />

Grammar,<br />

spelling, word<br />

usage, and<br />

punctuation are<br />

consistent with<br />

rules for formal<br />

written work.<br />

APA formatting is<br />

correct<br />

Submits a copy<br />

of the permalink<br />

of the systematic<br />

research article<br />

that you are<br />

critiquing<br />

A quality<br />

assignment will<br />

175 100% meet or exceed<br />

all of the above<br />

requirements.<br />

<strong>NR505</strong> Analysis and Application of Clinical <strong>Practice</strong><br />

<br />

Analysis and Application of Clinical<br />

<strong>Practice</strong> Guidelines & Scoring Rubric<br />

Purpose<br />

The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for students to apply and disseminate information based<br />

on practice summaries. The most common type of practice summary in healthcare is the clinical practice guideline<br />

(CPG).<br />

Course Outcomes<br />

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to<br />

(CO 3) Synthesize for dissemination the research findings from nursing and related disciplines (POs 1, 3, 4, 5, 9); and<br />

(CO 6) Utilize the principles of evidence-based practice to propose strategies that can address nursing issues (POs<br />

1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9).<br />

Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7<br />

Total Points Possible:200 Points<br />

Requirements:<br />

Through this assignment, the student will<br />

Develop summary of a clinical practice guideline. (COs 3, 6)<br />

Preparing the paper<br />

You will develop a summary that you could use within an evidence-basedpractice (EBP) committee or related venue<br />

to share with your colleagues. This paper will be 2-4 pages in length.<br />

Select a clinical practice guidelines that addresses an issue pertinent to your practice setting.

Search the literature and evidence-based practice websites and databases to find a recent clinical practice<br />

guideline (no more than 5 years) related to the issue you select. The course Webliography provides websites where<br />

you can find clinical practice guidelines, but there are many others available in specialty-organization websites.<br />

Analyze and critique the clinical practice guideline. Use the Clinical <strong>Practice</strong> Guideline Summary Template in<br />

Course Resources to develop your paper. Components include:<br />

o scope and purpose of the clinical practice guidelines;<br />

o stakeholder involvement;<br />

o rigor of development;<br />

o clarity and presentation<br />

o applicability<br />

o editorial independence<br />

Attach URL address of the Clinical <strong>Practice</strong> Guidelines on the reference page of your paper.<br />

Note: Thetemplate isan outline to assist you in setting up your paper so you will be sure to address those<br />

topics in your paper in addition to other information to meet the criteria for this assignment. Your paper should be in<br />

APA 6th ed format. Do not copy and paste the template into your paper.<br />

The summary sheetis amended from the AGREE instrument on page 200 of Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2015). Your<br />

summaryshould be approximately 5–6 pages long (Paper lengths do not include cover page or reference page(s).<br />

Category Points% Description<br />

Describes the<br />

scope and<br />

purpose of the<br />

document.<br />

Scope and Purpose 25 12.5<br />

Includes the<br />

health question(s)<br />

covered by the<br />

guideline<br />

Describes the<br />

stakeholder<br />

involvement in<br />

Stakeholder<br />

25 12.5 the development<br />

Involvement<br />

of the document.<br />

Identifies the<br />

target population.<br />

Critiques the rigor<br />

of the<br />

development of<br />

the document.<br />

Describes the<br />

systematic<br />

Rigor of<br />

25 12.5 methods used to<br />

Development<br />

develop the<br />

guideline. Include<br />

level of evidence<br />

of the studies<br />

used to develop<br />

the guideline.<br />

Clarity & 25 12.5 Provides thekey

presentation<br />

(Recommendations)<br />

recommendations<br />

of the document.<br />

Discusses<br />

different options<br />

for managing the<br />

condition or issue<br />

in the guideline.<br />

Application 25 12.5<br />

Identifies<br />

facilitators,<br />

barriers, costs,<br />

and outcome<br />

measurement for<br />

application of the<br />

document..<br />

Identifies key<br />

monitoring and/or<br />

auditing criteria<br />

(outcomes)<br />

Discusses conflict<br />

of interest and<br />

how competing<br />

Editorial<br />

interests of the<br />

25 12.5<br />

Independence<br />

CPG group<br />

members<br />

recorded and<br />

addressed.<br />

Summarizes how<br />

the CPG answers<br />

the key clinical<br />

questions<br />

presented in the<br />

Summary 25 12.5 CPG. Discusses<br />

how the student,<br />

as the advanced<br />

practice nurse,<br />

would apply the<br />

CPG in practice.<br />

No more than 2<br />

Uses appropriate<br />

errors in<br />

grammar, syntax, 10 5<br />

grammar, syntax,<br />

and spelling<br />

or spelling.<br />

No more than 2<br />

APA 6 th Edition 10 5 APA 6 th edition<br />

errors.<br />

A pdf copy of the<br />

Attach pdf file of the<br />

Clinical <strong>Practice</strong><br />

Clinical <strong>Practice</strong> 5 2.5<br />

Guidelines<br />

Guidelines<br />


Total 200<br />

A quality<br />

assignment will<br />

100% meet or exceed<br />

all of the above<br />

requirements.<br />

Grading Rubric<br />

Needs<br />

Exceptional Exceeds Meets<br />

Developing<br />

Improvement<br />

(100%) (88%)<br />

(80%)<br />

(0)<br />

(38%)<br />

Assignment Criteria Outstanding or Very good or high Competent or<br />

Unsatisfactory<br />

Poor or failing<br />

highest level of level of<br />

satisfactory level<br />

level of<br />

level of<br />

performance performance of performance<br />

performance<br />

performance<br />

ContentPossible<br />

Points = 175 Points<br />

Scope and Purpose 25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points<br />

Describes the Describes the<br />

Describes the scope<br />

Does not include<br />

scope and scope and<br />

and purpose of the<br />

Weakly describes the scope or<br />

purpose of the purpose of the<br />

document. Includes<br />

the scope and purpose of the<br />

document but has document with a<br />

the health question(s)<br />

purpose of the health question<br />

occasional minimal amount of<br />

covered by the<br />

document. covered by the<br />

missing information<br />

guideline<br />

guideline.<br />

information. presented.<br />

Stakeholder<br />

Involvement<br />

25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points<br />

Does not Does not<br />

Describes the Describes the<br />

describe the describe the<br />

Describes all of the stakeholder stakeholder<br />

stakeholder stakeholder<br />

stakeholders involvement in involvement in the<br />

involvement in involvement in<br />

involvement in the the development development of<br />

the development the development<br />

development of the of the document the document with<br />

of the document of the document<br />

document. Identifies with occasional a minimal amount<br />

OR does not AND does not<br />

the target population information of information<br />

identify the target identify the target<br />

missing. presented.<br />

population. population.<br />

Rigor of<br />

Development<br />

25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points<br />

Critiques the rigor of Critiques the rigor Critiques the rigor Does not critique Does not critique<br />

the development of<br />

the document.<br />

Describes the<br />

systematic methods<br />

used to develop the<br />

of the<br />

development of<br />

the document.<br />

Describes the<br />

systematic<br />

of the<br />

development of<br />

the document.<br />

Describes the<br />

systematic<br />

the rigor of the<br />

development of<br />

the document.<br />

Does not<br />

describe the<br />

the rigor of the<br />

development of<br />

the document.<br />

Does not<br />

describe the<br />

guideline. Includes methods used to methods used to systematic systematic<br />

level of evidence of develop the develop the methods used to methods used to<br />

the studies used to guideline. guideline. Includes develop the develop the<br />

develop the Includes the the levels of guideline. guideline.<br />

guidelines. levels of evidence evidence of the ORDoes not ANDDoes not<br />

Elaborates on rigor of of the studies studies used to include the levels include the levels<br />

development. used to develop develop the of evidence of the of evidence of the

the guidelines. guidelines. studies used to studies used to<br />

Some occasional Provides a develop the develop the<br />

important minimal amount of guidelines. guidelines.<br />

information is<br />

missing.<br />

information.<br />

Clarity &<br />

Presentation 25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points<br />

(Recommendations)<br />

Provides thekey<br />

Provides thekey<br />

Provides theall key<br />

recommendations Does not provide Does not provide<br />

recommendations<br />

recommendations of<br />

of the document. or provide thekey or provide thekey<br />

of the document.<br />

the document.<br />

Discusses recommendations recommendations<br />

Discusses<br />

Discusses different<br />

different options of the document. of the document.<br />

different options<br />

options for managing<br />

for managing the ORDoes not ANDDoes not<br />

for managing the<br />

the condition or issue<br />

condition or issue discuss different discuss different<br />

condition or issue<br />

addressed in the<br />

addressed in the options for options for<br />

addressed in the<br />

guideline. Elaborates<br />

guideline. Briefly managing the managing the<br />

guideline. Missing<br />

on the clarity and<br />

elaborates on the condition or issue condition or issue<br />

some occasional<br />

presentation of the<br />

clarity and addressed in the addressed in the<br />

important<br />

recommendations.<br />

presentation of the guideline. guideline.<br />

information.<br />

recommendations.<br />

Application 25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points<br />

Identifies<br />

facilitators,<br />

Does not<br />

Does not Identify<br />

barriers (real or Briefly Identifies<br />

Identifies<br />

facilitators,<br />

Identifies facilitators, potential), costs, facilitators,<br />

facilitators,<br />

barriers (real or<br />

barriers (real or and outcome barriers (real or<br />

barriers (real or<br />

potential), costs,<br />

potential), costs, and measurement for potential), costs,<br />

potential), costs,<br />

and outcome<br />

outcome<br />

application of the and outcome<br />

and outcome<br />

measurement for<br />

measurement for document. measurement for<br />

measurement for<br />

application of the<br />

application of the Identifies key application of the<br />

application of the<br />

document.<br />

document. Identifies monitoring or document.<br />

document.<br />

ORDoes not<br />

key monitoring or auditing criteria Identifies key<br />

ANDDoes not<br />

identify key<br />

auditing criteria (outcomes). monitoring or<br />

identify key<br />

monitoring or<br />

(outcomes). Some occasional auditing criteria<br />

monitoring or<br />

auditing criteria<br />

important (outcomes).<br />

auditing criteria<br />

(outcomes).<br />

information is<br />

(outcomes).<br />

missing.<br />

Editorial<br />

Independence<br />

25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points<br />

Discusses conflict Discusses conflict Briefly discusses Does not discuss Does not<br />

of interest of of interest of<br />

group members. group members.<br />

Discusses how Discusses how<br />

competing competing<br />

interests of the interests of the<br />

CPG group CPG group<br />

members are members are<br />

conflict of interest conflict of interest discuss conflict<br />

of group of group<br />

members. Briefly members. Does<br />

discusses how not discuss how<br />

competing competing<br />

interests of the interests of the<br />

CPG group CPG group<br />

of interest of<br />

group<br />

members.<br />

Does not<br />

discuss how<br />


ecorded and recorded and<br />

addressed. addressed.<br />

Addresses how Addresses how<br />

the views of the the views of the<br />

funding body are funding body are<br />

kept from kept from<br />

influencing the influencing the<br />

content of the content of the<br />

guideline. guideline. Some<br />

occasional<br />

important<br />

information is<br />

missing.<br />

members are members are<br />

recorded and recorded and<br />

interests of the<br />

CPG group<br />

addressed. Briefly addressed. members are<br />

addresses how ORDoes not recorded and<br />

the views of the address how the addressed.<br />

funding body are views of the AND<br />

kept from funding body are Does not<br />

influencing the<br />

content of the<br />

guideline.<br />

kept from<br />

influencing the<br />

content of the<br />

address how<br />

the views of the<br />

funding body<br />

guideline. are kept from<br />

influencing the<br />

content of the<br />

guideline.<br />

Summary 25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points<br />

Does not<br />

summarize the<br />

Summarizes the Summarizes the<br />

Briefly<br />

Does not paper. Does<br />

paper. Discusses paper. Discusses<br />

summarizes the summarize the not discuss<br />

whether or not whether or not the<br />

paper. Briefly paper. Does not whether or not<br />

the CPG answers CPG answers the<br />

discusses discuss whether the CPG<br />

the key clinical key clinical<br />

whether or not or not the CPG answers the<br />

question(s) question(s)<br />

the CPG answers answers the key key clinical<br />

presented in the presented in the<br />

the key clinical clinical<br />

question(s)<br />

CPG and CPG. Discusses<br />

question(s) question(s) presented in<br />

elaborates. how the student,<br />

presented in the presented in the the<br />

Discusses how as the advance<br />

CPG. Briefly CPG. ORDoes CPG.ANDDoes<br />

the student, as practice nurse, will<br />

discusses how not discuss how not discuss<br />

the advance apply the CPG in<br />

the student, as the student, as how the<br />

practice nurse, practice. Some<br />

the advance the advance student, as the<br />

will apply the occasional<br />

practice nurse, practice nurse, advance<br />

CPG in practice important<br />

will apply the will apply the practice nurse,<br />

with specific information is<br />

CPG in practice. CPG in practice. will apply the<br />

examples. missing.<br />

CPG in<br />

practice.<br />

Content<br />

Subtotal____/175<br />

points<br />

FormatPossible<br />

Points = 25 Points<br />

Uses appropriate<br />

grammar, syntax, 10Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points<br />

and spelling<br />

No errors in 1-2 errors in 3-4 errors in 5 or more errors 6 or more errors<br />

grammar, syntax, or grammar, syntax, grammar, syntax, in grammar, in grammar,<br />

spelling<br />

or spelling or spelling syntax, or spellingsyntax, or spelling<br />

APA 6 th edition 10Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points<br />

No APA 6 th edition 1-2 APA 3-4 APA 6 th edition 5 APA 6 th edition 6 or more APA

errors 6 th edition errors errors errors 6 th edition<br />

errorsORTurnitin<br />

similarity<br />

percentage on<br />

student written<br />

work is higher<br />

than 24%.<br />

Attach pdf copy of<br />

the Clinical <strong>Practice</strong> 5 Points 0 Points<br />

Guideline<br />

No pdf file of the<br />

Pdf file of the Clinical<br />

Clinical <strong>Practice</strong><br />

<strong>Practice</strong> Guideline<br />

Guideline<br />

attached<br />

attached<br />

Format<br />

Subtotal____/25<br />

points<br />

Total<br />

Points_____/200<br />


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