CD is a bi-lingual, independent and impartial magazine and is the medium of communication between foreign representatives of international and UN-organisations based in Vienna and the Austrian political classes, business, culture and tourism. CD features up-to-date information about and for the diplomatic corps, international organisations, society, politics, business, tourism, fashion and culture. Furthermore CD introduces the new ambassadors in Austria and informs about designations, awards and top-events. Interviews with leading personalities, country reports from all over the world and the presentation of Austria as a host country complement the wide range oft he magazine.
CD is a bi-lingual, independent and impartial magazine and is the medium of communication between foreign representatives of international and UN-organisations based in Vienna and the Austrian political classes, business, culture and tourism. CD features up-to-date information about and for the diplomatic corps, international organisations, society, politics, business, tourism, fashion and culture. Furthermore CD introduces the new ambassadors in Austria and informs about designations, awards and top-events. Interviews with leading personalities, country reports from all over the world and the presentation of Austria as a host country complement the wide range oft he magazine.
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Summer <strong>2017</strong><br />
Nr. 2 | Juni – August | June – August<br />
International Affairs Global Business Exclusive Lifestyle<br />
cercle-diplomatique.com<br />
Niederösterreich<br />
16 Seiten<br />
extra<br />
Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser! | Dear Readers,<br />
Der 300. Geburtstag von Kaiserin Maria Theresia<br />
wird heuer ausgiebig gefeiert, aber die<br />
Reformerin betätigte sich auch als Stifterin:<br />
So wurde die Theresianische Militärakademie 1752<br />
in Wiener Neustadt gegründet. Heute ist sie die älteste<br />
noch bestehende Militärakademie der Welt.<br />
Die Stiftung Theresianische Akademie wurde 1746<br />
in Wien in der Favorita, der ehemaligen Sommerresidenz<br />
der Habsburger, als Ritterakademie am heutigen<br />
Theresianum-Campus eingerichtet. Die Diplomatische<br />
Akademie Wien ist seit 1754 die weltweit<br />
älteste Institution ihrer Art. Mit dem internationalen<br />
Amtssitz der UNO verkörpert Wien auch weiterhin<br />
eine pulsierende Drehscheibe internationaler<br />
Diplomatie.<br />
Als Herausgeber dieses Magazins ist es uns ein<br />
besonderes Anliegen, diplomatische Vertreter zu<br />
Wort kommen zu lassen. Mit Stolz und Freude erfüllt<br />
es uns, dass es uns mit unserem hervorragenden<br />
Redaktions-Team immer wieder gelingt, exklusive<br />
Interviews zu bekommen. Diese finden dann<br />
gerne an den schönsten Locations Wiens statt, was<br />
auch dank unserer Partner in der Top-Hotellerie<br />
möglich gemacht wird. Die ganz persönlichen Eindrücke<br />
und Ansichten der diversen Gespräche verarbeitet<br />
dann Rainer Himmelfreundpointner als<br />
Autor der Themen Politik und Wirtschaft, u.a. zu<br />
lesen im Exklusiv-Interview mit UNODC-Direktor<br />
S.E. Yury Fedotov, ab S. 54. Unsere Autorin Evelyn<br />
Rois entlockt in exklusiven Interviews kulturellen<br />
Botschaftern – wie Oksana Lyniv als neue Chefdirigentin<br />
an der Oper Graz – aktuelle Details (S. 118).<br />
Unsere Cover-Story dreht sich diesmal um Belgien,<br />
das inmitten von Europa, weit mehr zu bieten<br />
hat als Schokolade und das weltberühmte Manneken<br />
Pis, zu lesen ab Seite 30. Unser Bundesland-<br />
Special zeigt diesmal Niederösterreichs vielseitige<br />
Facetten (ab S. 76). Und für eine sommerliche Auszeit<br />
verraten wir Ihnen Tipps für lukullische Genüsse<br />
am Wasser (S. 94).<br />
Wir wünschen angenehme Lektüre und einen<br />
wunderbaren Sommer!<br />
This year marks the celebration of Empress<br />
Maria Theresa‘s 300th birthday. The reformer,<br />
however, was also a benefactress, which<br />
led to the foundation of the Theresian Military Academy<br />
in 1752 in Wiener Neustadt, the oldest remaining<br />
military academy in the world. The foundation<br />
Stiftung Theresianische Akademie was established<br />
in 1746 in Vienna in the Favorita, the former summer<br />
residence of the Habsburg family, as a knight<br />
academy at today‘s Theresianum Campus. And the<br />
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna has been the oldest<br />
institution of its kind since 1754. With the international<br />
headquarters of the UN, Vienna thus continues<br />
to embody a pulsating hub for international diplomacy.<br />
As the editors of this magazine, it is of particular<br />
importance to us to give diplomatic representatives<br />
a platform to express their views and thoughts. We<br />
are filled with pride and joy as our excellent editorial<br />
team manages to land the most exclusive interviews<br />
time and again. These then often take place in<br />
some of Vienna‘s most beautiful locations, which is<br />
also made possible by the top hotels that we count<br />
among our partners. The very personal impressions<br />
and perspectives gained from the various talks are<br />
then processed by Rainer Himmelfreundpointner as<br />
our politics and economics author and can be read,<br />
for example, in the exclusive interview with UN-<br />
ODC Director H.E. Yury Fedotov, see page 54. Another<br />
one of our authors, Evelyn Rois, gathers new<br />
insights from her exclusive interviews with various<br />
cultural ambassadors such as Oksana Lyniv, the new<br />
chief conductor at the Graz Opera (p. 118).<br />
Our cover story this time is all about Belgium<br />
which, with its central location in Europe, has way<br />
more to offer than chocolate and its world-renowned<br />
Manneken Pis – read about it on page 30. Our<br />
province special focuses on Lower Austria‘s immense<br />
diversity (from p. 76). And if you are on the look<br />
for a summertime getaway, we‘ve got a few tips for<br />
delightful treats by the water in store for you (p. 94).<br />
We hope you enjoy your reading and wish you a<br />
fantastic summer!<br />
Herzlichst, | Yours,<br />
Andrea Fürnweger<br />
Herausgeberin | Editor<br />
Mag. Alexander Bursky<br />
Herausgeber | Editor
<strong>CERCLE</strong> <strong>DIPLOMATIQUE</strong> –<br />
Nr. 311<br />
Ausgabe | Issue <strong>02</strong>/<strong>2017</strong><br />
June – August<br />
Cover story<br />
Seite | page 30<br />
Nach den Terror-Anschlägen<br />
in Brüssel 2016, bemüht sich<br />
Belgien sehr, den jahrhundertealten<br />
Zwist zwischen<br />
seinen Haupt-Gebieten,<br />
Flandern und Wallonien, zu<br />
überwinden.<br />
After the 2016 Brussels<br />
terror attacks, Belgium is<br />
working hard, to overcome<br />
the centuries old struggle<br />
between its main parts,<br />
Flanders and Wallonia.<br />
8<br />
12<br />
30<br />
42<br />
48<br />
50<br />
54<br />
60<br />
62<br />
66<br />
72<br />
74<br />
76<br />
Die neuen Botschafter | The new Ambassadors<br />
Akkreditierungen durch Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen. Accreditations by Federal<br />
President Alexander Van der Bellen.<br />
Offizielle Empfänge | Official Receptions<br />
Die großen Empfänge der vergangenen Wochen. The great receptions of the last few weeks.<br />
LE MONDE<br />
Coverstory Belgien | Cover story Belgium<br />
Im Herzen Europas. In the heart of Europe.<br />
Gipfeltreffen der Botschafter | The Ambassadors‘ Summit<br />
Palästina trifft Jordanien. Palestine meets Jordan.<br />
Ukraine<br />
Eine heiße Sache für Europa. The next hot thing for Europe.<br />
Ukraine<br />
Botschafter Olexander Scherba im Interview. Interview with Ambassador Olexander Scherba.<br />
Interview<br />
Executive Director Yury Fedotov, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)<br />
Essay<br />
Europas Zukunft – gibt es eine? The Future of Europe – is there any left?<br />
News<br />
Neuigkeiten aus aller Welt. Latest update from around the globe.<br />
Umwelttechnologie | Green Technology<br />
Schnell wachsende Industrien aus Österreich. Fastest growing industries from Austria.<br />
Zukunftslabor | Future Lab<br />
Gerhard Wölfel über das Team von BMW Steyr. Gerhard Wölfel on BMW‘s team in Steyr.<br />
Wirtschaftsnews | Business news<br />
Neues aus Österreich. News from Austria.<br />
Über Technologie, Internationalität und Kultur. On technology, internationality and culture.<br />
118<br />
120<br />
124<br />
130<br />
134<br />
138<br />
140<br />
144<br />
146<br />
148<br />
152<br />
168<br />
Botschafter der Musik | Ambassadors of Music<br />
Chefdirigentin Oksana Lyniv. Chief conductor Oksana Lyniv.<br />
Kunst | Arts<br />
Kulturelle Highlights im Sommer. Cultural highlights in summer.<br />
Immobilien | Property<br />
Wohnen am Wasser. Living by the water.<br />
Lifestyle<br />
In- & outdoor Trends für den Sommer. In- & outdoor trends for the summer season.<br />
Ambassador‘s Drive<br />
Tschechiens Botschafter auf CD-Testfahrt. The Czech Ambassador on a test drive.<br />
Motor<br />
Highlights vom Genfer Automobil-Salon. Geneva Motor Show Highlights.<br />
Weekender<br />
Romantisches Bled. Romantic Bled.<br />
Upcoming<br />
Wo es uns gefällt. Where we love to be.<br />
Buchempfehlungen | Must read<br />
Lesenswertes über Österreich. Book tips about Austria.<br />
Mein Wien | My Vienna<br />
Der Botschafter von Ungarn. The Ambassador of Hungary.<br />
Veranstaltungen | Events<br />
Exklusive Veranstaltungen im Fokus. Exclusive events in focus.<br />
LE GUIDE<br />
Adressen | Addresses<br />
Nützliche Adressen für die internationale Gesellschaft.<br />
Useful addresses for the international community.<br />
94<br />
100<br />
1<strong>02</strong><br />
104<br />
106<br />
110<br />
114<br />
Locations mit ganz speziellem Flair | Locations with special flair<br />
Essen am Wasser. Fine dining by the water.<br />
Connaisseur | Connoisseur<br />
Essen und trinken mit Stil. Wine and dine in style.<br />
Suite Dreams<br />
Die Präsidentensuite im Hilton Vienna Plaza. The Presidential Suite at Hilton Vienna Plaza.<br />
Hideaways<br />
Tipps für Ihre wunderbare Sommer-Auszeit. Tips for your great summer timeout.<br />
Reise | Travel<br />
Top-Hotels und -Restaurants aus aller Welt. Top hotels and restaurants around the world.<br />
Österreich im Ausland | Austria abroad<br />
Kultur ist Politik. Culture is politics.<br />
Klassik-Sommer Burgenland | Classical summer Burgenland<br />
Pannonische Sommerklänge. Pannonian summer tunes.<br />
3<br />
4<br />
169<br />
Titelbild | Cover<br />
Ein außergewöhnlicher Blick auf das Atomium in Belgiens Hauptstadt Brüssel. |<br />
An extraordinary view on the Atomium in Belgium‘s capital Brussels.<br />
Editorial<br />
Inhalt | Contents<br />
Impressum | Imprint<br />
Das Schloss Belœil steht in der Gemeinde Belœil in der Provinz<br />
Hennegau, Belgien. | The Château de Belœil is situated in the municipality<br />
of Belœil in the province of Hainaut, Belgium.
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Neue Botschafter bei Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen<br />
Newly accredited Ambassadors met Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen<br />
H. E. H. E. H. E.<br />
Alena Kupchyna Ivan Sirakov Renu Pall<br />
Ambassador of the Republic<br />
of Belarus<br />
Ambassador of the Republic<br />
of Bulgaria<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Republic of India<br />
Credentials: March <strong>2017</strong> Credentials: March <strong>2017</strong> Credentials: March <strong>2017</strong><br />
Thomas<br />
Hanney<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Republic of Ireland<br />
H. E. H. E. H. E.<br />
Sheikh Ali Bin<br />
Jassim Al-Thani<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Monarchy of Qatar<br />
Bakyt<br />
Dzhusupov<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Kyrgyz Republic<br />
Credentials: March <strong>2017</strong> Credentials: March <strong>2017</strong> Credentials: May <strong>2017</strong><br />
Born on August 14, 1965 in Minsk<br />
Has one son<br />
Born on December 27, 1950 in Plovdiv<br />
Married<br />
Born in Dublin, Ireland<br />
Married, three daughters<br />
Born on January 1, 1969, Doha, Qatar<br />
Married, four children<br />
Born on January 1, 1981, Chui region<br />
Married, two daughters and one son<br />
Education<br />
1991: Doctor of Law<br />
Professional Career<br />
2016: Ambassador Extraordinary and<br />
Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus<br />
to the Republic of Austria and to the<br />
Republic of Croatia<br />
2012-2016: Deputy Minister of Foreign<br />
Affairs of the Republic of Belarus<br />
2006-2012: Ambassador Extraordinary<br />
and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of<br />
Belarus to the Republic of Hungary and to<br />
the Republic of Slovenia<br />
2004-2006: Director of Department for<br />
Humanitarian Cooperation and Human<br />
Rights, MFA<br />
20<strong>02</strong>-2004: Director of Department for<br />
Humanitarian, Ecological, Scientific and<br />
Technical Cooperation, MFA<br />
2001-20<strong>02</strong>: Consultant, Department of<br />
International Organizations, MFA<br />
1995-1998: Counsellor, Deputy Permanent<br />
Representative, Permanent Mission of<br />
Belarus to UN Office<br />
1992-1995: Second Secretary, Head of<br />
International Treaties Division, Deputy<br />
Director, Legal Department, Ministry of<br />
Foreign Affairs of Belarus (MFA)<br />
1990-1992: Research Fellow, Institute of<br />
Philosophy and Law, Belarusian Academy<br />
of Sciences<br />
Education<br />
1976: Sofia University ”Kliment Ohridski“ -<br />
Master‘s degree in German Philology<br />
1987: PhD in Philosophy<br />
1989-1991: Diplomatic Academy – Moscow,<br />
specialised in International Relations<br />
Professional Career<br />
2016: Ambassador Extraordinary and<br />
Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria<br />
to the Republic of Austria, Vienna<br />
2013–2016: Ambassador Extraordinary and<br />
Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria<br />
to the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana<br />
2012–2013: Permanent Secretary of MFA<br />
2011–2012: Director of Consular Relations<br />
Directorate, Ambassador<br />
2007–2011: Ambassador Extraordinary and<br />
Plenipotentiary of the Republic Bulgaria to<br />
the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb<br />
2005–2007: Director of Consular Relations<br />
Directorate, Minister Plenipotentiary<br />
20<strong>02</strong>–2005: Consulate General of Bulgaria<br />
in Munich, Counselor, Chief Consul<br />
2000–20<strong>02</strong>: Consular Relations<br />
Directorate, State Expert<br />
1998–2000: Consular Department, Senior<br />
Expert<br />
Education<br />
1985: Bachelors (Honours) degree in<br />
Political Science from Delhi University,<br />
Masters in International Relations<br />
Professional Career<br />
2015-<strong>2017</strong>: Joint Secretary (Indian Ocean<br />
Region) in the Ministry of External Affairs<br />
in New Delhi<br />
1988-2011: Joint Secretary (ASEAN<br />
Multilateral) in the Ministry of External<br />
Affairs, New Delhi<br />
Counsellor (Political) at Embassy of India<br />
at Paris, France; and Second Secretary<br />
(Political & Information) at the Embassy of<br />
India in Moscow, Russian Federation<br />
Director for relations with United States<br />
and Canada, Director in the Foreign<br />
Secretary’s Office and Under Secretary &<br />
Deputy Secretary for relations with US and<br />
Canada in the Ministry of External Affairs<br />
in New Delhi<br />
1985-1988: Assistant Controller of<br />
Accounts in the Ministry of Finance at New<br />
Delhi<br />
Professional Career<br />
<strong>2017</strong>: Ambassador and Permanent<br />
Representative of Ireland, Vienna<br />
2011-2016: Deputy Permanent<br />
Representative of Ireland, Brussels<br />
2013: Chairman of Committee of<br />
Permanent Representatives<br />
2010-2011: Ambassador of Ireland to the<br />
Kingdom of Belgium and Ireland’s<br />
representative to the Partnership for Peace<br />
at NATO<br />
2006-2010: Joint Secretary, North South<br />
Ministerial Council, Armagh, Northern<br />
Ireland<br />
2004-2006: Counsellor, EU and<br />
International Affairs Division, Department<br />
of the Taoiseach<br />
1999-2004: Counsellor, Irish Aid,<br />
Department of Foreign Affairs Dublin<br />
1995-1999: First Secretary, Permanent<br />
Mission of Ireland to the UN at Geneva<br />
1978-1995: Third Secretary, First Secretary,<br />
Department of Foreign Affairs, Dublin<br />
Postings at Embassies in Stockholm,<br />
Riyadh and Bonn<br />
Education<br />
2000: Master in International Service<br />
American University, Washington DC, USA<br />
Double Major in Political Sciences<br />
University of Arizona, USA<br />
1995: Bachelor of Science in Business<br />
Administration with University of Arizona<br />
Professional Career<br />
<strong>2017</strong>: Ambassador Extraordinary and<br />
Plenipotentiary to the Republic of<br />
Austria, Permanent Representative to the<br />
UN Office and International Organisations<br />
2012-<strong>2017</strong>: Dean of the Arab Diplomatic<br />
Corps, Arab League, Brussels, Belgium<br />
Ambassador of the State of Qatar to the<br />
Kingdom of Belgium; Head of the Mission<br />
of the State of Qatar to the European<br />
Union; Non-resident Ambassador of the<br />
State of Qatar to the Grand Duchy<br />
of Luxembourg<br />
2007-2012: Counsellor and Minister-<br />
Counsellor, Minister of Foreign Affairs at<br />
the American and European Affairs Department,<br />
Doha, Qatar<br />
1996-2006: Third, Second, First Secretary,<br />
Embassy of the state of Qatar in<br />
Washington D.C.<br />
1996: Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign<br />
Affairs at the American and European<br />
Affairs Department, Doha, Qatar<br />
Education<br />
1997-20<strong>02</strong> Kyrgyz National University,<br />
Faculty of International Relations<br />
Professional Career<br />
<strong>2017</strong>: Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic<br />
to the Republic of Austria, Permanent<br />
Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to<br />
the International Organisations in Vienna<br />
2014–<strong>2017</strong>: Deputy head, Foreign Policy<br />
Department of the Office of the President<br />
of the Kyrgyz Republic<br />
2012-2014: Head, Analytical Division of the<br />
Foreign Policy Department<br />
2011–2012: Expert, Foreign Policy<br />
Department<br />
2011: Expert, Foreign Policy Department<br />
2010-2011: Expert, Foreign Policy<br />
Department of the Administration of the<br />
President of the Kyrgyz Republic<br />
2007–2010: Referent, Attaché, Third<br />
Secretary, Eastern Countries Department<br />
of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the<br />
Kyrgyz Republic<br />
2005–2007: Researcher, Institute for<br />
Strategic Analysis and Prognosis, Kyrgyz<br />
Republic<br />
8 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Dong-ik Shin<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Republic of Korea<br />
H. E. H. E. H. E. H. E.<br />
Gankhuurai<br />
Battungalag<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Republic of Mongolia<br />
Nicole Jocelyn<br />
Roberton<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Monarchy of New Zealand<br />
Songsak<br />
Saicheua<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Monarchy of Thailand<br />
Credentials: March <strong>2017</strong> Credentials: May <strong>2017</strong> Credentials: May <strong>2017</strong> Credentials: May <strong>2017</strong><br />
Born on March 27, 1958 in Seoul<br />
Married, two daughters<br />
Born on December 31, 1972, Undurkhaan<br />
Born on November 29, 1971, Auckland<br />
Married, one daughter and one son<br />
Born on June 16, 1958<br />
Married<br />
Education<br />
1981: B.A. in Political Science and<br />
International Relations, Yonsei University,<br />
Seoul, Korea<br />
1983: M.A. in Politics, Yonsei University<br />
1985: M.A. in International Relations,<br />
University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA<br />
Professional Career<br />
2016: Ambassador and Permanent<br />
Representative, Korean Embassy and<br />
Permanent Mission to the United Nations<br />
and International Organisations, Vienna;<br />
President of the Institute of Foreign Affairs<br />
and National Security, Korea National<br />
Diplomatic Academy (KNDA), MOFA,<br />
Seoul, Korea<br />
2013: Deputy Minister for Multilateral and<br />
Global Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,<br />
Seoul, Korea<br />
2011: Ambassador and Deputy Permanent<br />
Representative, Korean Permanent Mission<br />
to the United Nations, New York, NY, USA<br />
2010: Advisor, United Nations Foundation<br />
and UN Peacebuilding Support Office, NY<br />
2008: Director-General for International<br />
Organisations, MOFAT<br />
2005: Minister-Counsellor, Korean<br />
Permanent Mission to the United Nations,<br />
New York, USA<br />
Education<br />
Moscow University of International<br />
Relations, Russia; Victoria University,<br />
Wellington, New Zealand; John F. Kennedy<br />
School of Government, Harvard University<br />
Professional Career<br />
<strong>2017</strong>: Ambassador Extraordinary and<br />
Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the<br />
Republic of Austria, Bosnia and<br />
Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia,<br />
Montenegro, Republic of Slovenia and<br />
Permanent Representative to the United<br />
Nations Office and other International<br />
Organisations in Vienna<br />
2015-2016: Director-General, Department<br />
of Multilateral Cooperation, MFA, Mongolia<br />
2012-2015: Deputy Permanent<br />
Representative of Mongolia to the United<br />
Nations, New York<br />
2010-2012: Deputy Director-General,<br />
De part ment of International Organisations<br />
2005-2010: Second, First Secretary,<br />
Counsellor, Department of Multilateral<br />
Cooperation, MFA<br />
20<strong>02</strong>-2005: Third Secretary, Permanent<br />
Mission of Mongolia to the United Nations<br />
1997-20<strong>02</strong>: Attaché, Third Secretary<br />
Department of International Organisations<br />
1997: Attaché, Consular Department, MFA<br />
1996–1997: Attaché, Protocol Department<br />
Professional Career<br />
<strong>2017</strong>: Ambassador to Austria, Hungary,<br />
Slovakia and Slovenia, Permanent<br />
Representative to the International<br />
Organisations New Zealand Embassy and<br />
Permanent Mission, Vienna<br />
2015– 2016: New Zealand Special<br />
Representative for United Nations Security<br />
Council Issues (Africa) New Zealand<br />
Embassy, Addis Ababa<br />
2012–2014: International Foreign Policy<br />
Consultant<br />
2009–2011: University of Limerick, Ireland<br />
20<strong>02</strong>–2007: Head of Political Section<br />
New Zealand Permanent Mission to the<br />
UN, New York<br />
1999-20<strong>02</strong>: Second Secretary (Trade and<br />
Economic) New Zealand Embassy, Moscow<br />
1998: Acting Deputy High Commissioner<br />
New Zealand High Commission, Apia<br />
1997: Pacific Division Ministry of Foreign<br />
Affairs and Trade, Wellington<br />
Education<br />
Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand<br />
B.A. Economics; Vrije Universiteit, Brussels,<br />
Belgium; M.A. Industrial Location and<br />
Development; Thai Institute of Directors<br />
Association Bangkok, Thailand,<br />
Anti-Corruption for Executive Program<br />
(ACEP); University of the Thai Chamber of<br />
Commerce Bangkok, Thailand Top<br />
Executive Program in Commerce and Trade<br />
Professional Career<br />
<strong>2017</strong>: Ambassador & Permanent<br />
Representative Royal Thai Embassy &<br />
Permanent Mission of Thailand, Vienna<br />
2013–<strong>2017</strong>: Director-General Department<br />
of American and South Pacific Affairs,<br />
Bangkok, Thailand<br />
2011–2013: Minister Royal Thai Embassy<br />
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia<br />
2010–2013: Deputy Director-General<br />
Department of American and South Pacific<br />
Affairs<br />
2009–2010: Director Policy and Planning<br />
Bureau, Bangkok, Thailand<br />
2004–2008: Minister Counsellor Royal<br />
Thai Embassy Washington DC, USA<br />
2003–2004: Director ASEAN 3 Division,<br />
Department of ASEAN Affairs Bangkok,<br />
Thailand<br />
THEFirst District,<br />
AprojectofSORAVIAGROUPandWERTINVEST|EstateagentIVV--<br />
10 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Official receptions<br />
Find more<br />
photos online<br />
cercle-diplomatique.com<br />
March <strong>2017</strong><br />
Presentation of the spring <strong>issue</strong> of ”Cercle Diplomatique“<br />
at the Ritz-Carlton, Vienna<br />
Many Ambassadors, officials and company representatives gave the editors, Andrea Fürnweger and Alexander Bursky,<br />
the honour to welcome the first <strong>issue</strong> of <strong>2017</strong> with the cover story on Malta, enjoying delicious food and pleasant encounters.<br />
The Ambassador of Malta, H.E. Keith Azzopardi (2nd l.) was<br />
welcomed by Christian Zandonella (2nd r.), the new General<br />
Manager of the Ritz-Carlton, Vienna and CD´s editors, Andrea<br />
Fürnweger and Alexander Bursky.<br />
Guests enjoyed a pleasant stay with great food and drinks<br />
at the Presidential Suite of The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna –<br />
a place, where many celebrities have already stayed over<br />
night.<br />
12 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
February <strong>2017</strong><br />
Kosovo<br />
The House of Austrian Industries at Vienna‘s Schwarzenbergplatz was the venue of the<br />
Independence Day celebration.<br />
February <strong>2017</strong><br />
Kuwait<br />
Independence Day and the 26th Anniversary of<br />
Liberation were celebrated at Hotel Imperial Vienna.<br />
H.E. Sadiq M. Marafi (left) with<br />
the Austrian Minister of Justice,<br />
Wolfgang Brandstetter.<br />
Top: H.E. Sami Ukelli (very right)<br />
and his wife, Brikena Keco Ukelli<br />
(2nd right).<br />
February <strong>2017</strong><br />
Salzburg<br />
Doyen Elections of the Consular Corps Salzburg<br />
The newly elected doyen<br />
is Karl Winding, for 20<br />
years Honorary Consul of<br />
Latvia (r.), pictured with<br />
Salzburg‘s Governor<br />
Wilfried Haslauer (l.),<br />
Daiga Krieva and the<br />
Latvian Ambassador in<br />
Austria, H.E. Edgars Skuja.<br />
SINCE 1836<br />
www.jse.wien<br />
1010 Vienna, Austria<br />
Weihburggasse 27<br />
14 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong> 15
February <strong>2017</strong><br />
Russian Federation<br />
The Day of the Homeland Defenders was honoured with two wreath-laying<br />
ceremonies, followed by a reception at the Embassy.<br />
March <strong>2017</strong><br />
Lithuania<br />
Independence Day was celebrated with a<br />
reception at the Diplomatic Academy.<br />
Left: H.E. Dmitry<br />
Lyubinskiy (middle)<br />
MOZART<br />
WOCHE<br />
2018<br />
26. JÄNNER – 4. FEBRUAR<br />
The Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania, H.E. Loreta<br />
Zakarevičienė (pictured right) and Chargé d’Affaires Lina<br />
Rukštelienė<br />
March <strong>2017</strong><br />
Bulgaria<br />
On the occasion of National Day, a reception was held at the Embassy.<br />
H.E. Ivan Sirakov (right) with H.E. Svetoslav Spassov (left).<br />
16 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Tickets: T. 43 662 873154 www.mozarteum.at<br />
RenéJacobs, Andrea Moses, Jan Pappelbaum,<br />
Adriana Braga Peretzki. Mit Robin Johannsen,<br />
Sunhae Im, Sebastian Kohlhepp, Julian Prégardien,<br />
David Steffens, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin,<br />
Salzburger Bachchor Dirigenten Altinoglu, Gardiner,<br />
Gergiev, Jacobs, Manning, Minasi, Poska, Schiff,<br />
Schmid, Ticciati, Widmann Orchester Akademie<br />
für Alte Musik Berlin, B’Rock Orchestra, Camerata<br />
Salzburg, Cappella Andrea Barca, English Baroque<br />
Soloists, Mozart Kinderorchester, Mozarteum -<br />
orchester Salzburg, Sinfonieorchester der Universität<br />
Mozarteum, Wiener Philharmoniker Sänger<br />
Im, Johannsen, Kohlhepp, Mühlemann, Petersen,<br />
Prégardien, Richter, Stagg, Steffens, Vermeulen,<br />
Villazón Solisten Anderszewski, Armstrong,<br />
Barenboim, Birsak, Capuçon, Fray, Gilmore, Karls,<br />
Kircher, Levin, Lindsberger, Lio, Lucke, Mayer,<br />
Neugebauer, Obregón, Radicke, Rinaldy, Schiff,<br />
Schmid, Weithaas, Widmann Ensembles & Chöre<br />
Hagen Quartett, Salzburger Bachchor, Schumann<br />
Quartett u. a.<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong> 17
March <strong>2017</strong><br />
Ireland<br />
Green was the colour of the day, when St. Patrick‘s Day was celebrated at<br />
the residence.<br />
March <strong>2017</strong><br />
Pakistan<br />
National Day was celebrated with a reception at the<br />
InterContinental Vienna.<br />
Left: H.E. Tom Hanney and his wife<br />
Paula Fitzmaurice Hanney<br />
H.E. Ayesha Riyaz (right)<br />
March <strong>2017</strong><br />
Peace concert for Europe<br />
On occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome,<br />
a concert was held at the Embassy of Italy.<br />
March <strong>2017</strong><br />
Bangladesh<br />
On the occasion of National and Independence Day a reception<br />
was held at the Park Hyatt Vienna.<br />
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H.E. Giorgio Marripodi with the artist Ryoko Tajika Drei (middle)<br />
who gave a piano concert.<br />
Top, middle: H.E. Mohammed Abu Zafar (middle) with his wife<br />
Salma and CD editor Alexander Bursky.<br />
18 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
RELAX 2000<br />
Natural sleep. Healthy life.<br />
April <strong>2017</strong><br />
The new Governor of Lower Austria<br />
Johanna Mikl-Leitner, former Austrian Minister for Interior from 2011-2016, is since<br />
19 April, <strong>2017</strong> officially the new Governor of Lower Austria.<br />
April <strong>2017</strong><br />
A Royal visit to Vienna<br />
His Royal Highness, Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall visited<br />
Vienna in spring and had a dense programme in only two days.<br />
After the farewell of Governor Erwin<br />
Pröll (picture left, 2nd right) and the<br />
election of Johanna Mikl-Leitner, a reception<br />
was held in the evening to welcome<br />
the new “Landeshauptfrau“.<br />
The Prince and the Duchess met Federal<br />
President Alexander Van der Bellen and<br />
his wife Doris Schmidauer at the<br />
Hofburg. Prince Charles also took part in<br />
a discussion at OSCE, regarding the<br />
combat of modern slavery.<br />
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Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
April <strong>2017</strong><br />
Ukraine<br />
The establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Austria 25 years<br />
ago was honoured with a concert, followed by a reception at Palais Trautson.<br />
April <strong>2017</strong><br />
Armenia<br />
25 years of diplomatic relations between<br />
Armenia and Austria were celebrated musically.<br />
Top: H.E. Olexander Scherba enjoyed with his wife<br />
Yaroslava and many guests the performances of the<br />
Philharmonic Orchestra from Luhansk/Ukraine under<br />
the Austrian conductor Kurt Schmid.<br />
Top: H.E. Arman<br />
Kirakossian and<br />
Susanna Nazaryan<br />
(left) at the jazz<br />
recital at the renowned<br />
Viennese jazz<br />
and music club<br />
“Porgy & Bess“.<br />
April <strong>2017</strong><br />
Uzbekistan<br />
A reception was held at the Vienna Marriott Hotel to honour the establishment<br />
of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and Austria 25 years ago.<br />
Rustamdjan Khakimov, the Chargé d‘affaires of the Republic<br />
of Uzbekistan to Austria (middle) and his wife.<br />
Auktioneum GmbH<br />
Spiegelgasse 19<br />
1010 Wien<br />
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22 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
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Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong> 23
April <strong>2017</strong><br />
South Africa<br />
On the occasion of National Day a reception was held at the Vienna Marriott Hotel.<br />
May <strong>2017</strong><br />
Poland<br />
National day was celebrated with a reception<br />
at the Embassy.<br />
Top: H.E. Artur Lorkowski<br />
(right) and H.E. Adam<br />
Bugajski (2nd left).<br />
Top: H.E. Tebogo Seokolo and his wife<br />
Moipone enjoyed the festivities with<br />
music, dancing and food at the ballroom.<br />
C<br />
M<br />
Y<br />
CM<br />
MY<br />
CY<br />
CMY<br />
K<br />
24 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
May <strong>2017</strong><br />
Israel<br />
To commemorate Independence Day, a reception was held at the atelier house of the<br />
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.<br />
May <strong>2017</strong><br />
Russian Federation<br />
The end of the Second World War 72 years ago was honoured with<br />
a wreath-laying ceremony, followed by a reception at the Embassy.<br />
Top: H.E. Talya Lador-Fresher<br />
The bottom left: Health Minister<br />
Pamela Rendi-Wagner<br />
T H E W O R L D O F P R E C I O U S M E T A L S<br />
May <strong>2017</strong><br />
Europe Day <strong>2017</strong><br />
The highlight of the Europe Week was the Europe Day<br />
on 9 May <strong>2017</strong>, when a young student gave a speech.<br />
Investment in Gold<br />
Austria´s market leader in precious metal processing and recycling<br />
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Leyla Kamyabi gave e speech of her views on Europe (middle). Ulrike Lunacek<br />
(2nd right), Vice President of the European Parliament, and Michael<br />
O‘Flaherty, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights,<br />
were the other speakers. Pictured left: H.E. Jörg Wojahn, Representative of<br />
the European Commission in Austria.<br />
26 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
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Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
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Distinct contrasts, unexpected riches, local rivalry – welcome to the Kingdom of Belgium,<br />
which is sharing deep historic ties and astonishing similarities with Austria. After the 2016<br />
Brussels terror attacks, Belgium is working hard, to overcome the centuries old struggle<br />
between its main parts, Flanders and Wallonia, which threatens to hold the country in custody.<br />
BELG IUM<br />
Text: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
The famous Atomium, originally<br />
constructed for the Expo 1958,<br />
today is the undisputed<br />
landmark of the unofficial capital<br />
of the European Union. It<br />
actually depicts the formation of<br />
the nine iron atoms, magnified.<br />
30 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2 /<strong>2017</strong><br />
One of the famous chocolate<br />
shops (right) and a modern<br />
installation in the center, both in<br />
Brussels (below).<br />
BRUSSELS. The heart of the European Union, the place of unity in Belgium.<br />
The gothic Town Hall, located<br />
on the famous Grand Place,<br />
right in the center, is the major<br />
meeting point of the city of<br />
Brussels.<br />
There is a world record held by the Kingdom of<br />
Belgium, but for most of the Belgians this is<br />
not their favourite smalltalk topic. Its story<br />
goes back to the second last Parliamentary elections<br />
in Belgium, on June 13th, 2010. During the legislative<br />
period before, the country already had seen nearly<br />
four years of political crisis. One government after<br />
the other had offered its resignation to the then King<br />
Albert, some only after a few months in office.<br />
But the elections of 2010 – in which the nationalist<br />
New Flemish Alliance became the largest party in<br />
Flanders, and the Socialist Party PS the largest in<br />
Wallonia – resulted in total gridlock. All negotiations<br />
for a new government lead to no results. Not a<br />
single consensus could be achieved, and the country<br />
was run by a caretaker government until December<br />
2011, when a new government was sworn in. Already<br />
by March 30th, 2011, this set a new world record<br />
for the elapsed time without an official government,<br />
previously held by war-torn Iraq.<br />
”Well“, says Willem Van de Voorde, Ambassador<br />
of the Kingdom of Belgium to Austria in an eye-opening<br />
interview with “Cercle Diplomatique“, ”we have<br />
a tradition of long government formations and that<br />
was probably a record.“<br />
Visitors travelling the country in the months before<br />
the 2010 elections, must have experienced<br />
two Belgiums. The one Belgium, beloved by millions<br />
of tourists who enjoy driving from prosperous village<br />
to prosperous village, where the houses are solid without<br />
being grand, tidy but somehow higgledy-piggledy,<br />
ordinary, with a touch of the surreal. ”The people<br />
on the streets are neither aggressively neat, like the<br />
Dutch, nor self-consciously elegant, like the French“,<br />
a report of the British ”Guardian” reads. ”They are something<br />
in between. They are triumphantly and typically<br />
Belgian.“<br />
The other Belgium showed a picture of a divided<br />
nation. In the French-speaking villages, every second<br />
house had a red, yellow and black tricolour flag,<br />
draped at a window or flying from its roof. And the<br />
householders were making a self-conscious political<br />
statement: ”We are Belgians and we want to remain<br />
Belgians.“ But as soon as one entered an officially<br />
Dutch-speaking village, the Belgian tricolours almost<br />
vanished and no such proclamation was to be heard.<br />
All road signs there are in Dutch (or in English), what<br />
was an “Avenue“ in the last village, becomes a “laan“<br />
in the next, “rue“ becomes “straat“, and a “deviation“<br />
A fisheye‘s view on the European<br />
Parliament building in Brussels<br />
(above). The St. Michael and<br />
Gudula Cathedral (right) is named<br />
after the patron saints of<br />
Belgium.<br />
Building complex at the National<br />
Corporation KazMunaiGas<br />
Round Square.<br />
32<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
The Bourla Restaurant & Brasserie (top left),<br />
the spectacular reef aquarium at the<br />
Antwerp Zoo (top center) and the<br />
Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal (Cathedral of<br />
Our Lady), home to several triptychs by<br />
Baroque painter Peter Paul Rubens.<br />
ANTWERP. The capital of Flanders, famous for its huge port and diamond district.<br />
FACTS &<br />
The Port House. This<br />
construction, made of glass<br />
and steel, and designed by<br />
star architect Zaha Hadid, is<br />
one of the new landmarks of<br />
Antwerp.<br />
becomes a “wegomlegging“. Messages were in Dutch<br />
only, the language of Flanders, the bigger northern<br />
half of the country. Visitors were told, sometimes unquestioned,<br />
the size of Flanders in square kilometres<br />
and its population density, but there was no mention<br />
of Belgium. That did not exist. This was a country<br />
called Flanders. That does not exist either, but for<br />
many of the politicians in this divided society, it was<br />
only a matter of time. ”Long live free Flanders, may<br />
Belgium die“ – so was the battle cry in the northern<br />
province of Belgium, just a month before the elections.<br />
Even today, Belgium seems to be full of deviations<br />
and wegomleggings. Ask an average person on the<br />
street, what‘s typical for this country, you may hear, of<br />
course, Brussels, the unofficial capital of the European<br />
Union with its landmark, the “Atomium“, and<br />
about the endless quarrels between Flanders and<br />
Wallonia. Ambassador Van de Voorde is trying to put<br />
this into perspective: ”If you have different languages<br />
cultures on your territory, that generates a certain<br />
complexity of life. How to share influence and power,<br />
how to develop a vision of how to organise society?<br />
BRUGES. Where the heart of Emperor Maximilian I of Austria is enshrined.<br />
Belgium is not the only example for this. Given the<br />
complexity and the challenges of that situation, I<br />
think, we have managed pretty well up to until now.“<br />
Stephaan Missinne, the President of the Austrian-Belgian<br />
Society (see box page 37) even regards Belgium<br />
as a “test laboratory“ of living together in a unified Europe.<br />
As anywhere, the social tension – with separate<br />
educations, separate languages and even separate<br />
governments – between Flanders, Belgium’s northern<br />
part, and Wallonia, its southern part, are deeply rooted<br />
in history. Much like with the Catalan independence<br />
movement in Spain, language is at the core of it all.<br />
Belgium‘s division rests mainly upon the fact, that its<br />
Walloon inhabitants mostly speak dialects of French<br />
and its Flemish inhabitants mostly speak Dutch or a<br />
slight variation, also called Flemish. The language gap<br />
can actually be traced back all the way to Roman<br />
times, when a battle for influence raged between the<br />
Franks (Germans) and the Romans over Gaul (the<br />
area Belgium was originally part of). For a long time,<br />
the two groups pushed up against each other at a line<br />
The Museum aan de Strom.<br />
Literally, the museum by the<br />
river, certainly is one of the<br />
main attractions of the<br />
docks in Antwerp.<br />
formed naturally by connected forests, a line that<br />
roughly corresponds to the modern border between<br />
Flanders and Wallonia.<br />
When the tiny country of Belgium claimed its independence<br />
in 1830, after being occupied by about<br />
every large empire under the sun, including the<br />
Austrian Habsburgs, a Flemish movement was already<br />
on its way in trying to reverse the “enfrenchement“<br />
of the upper classes or beau monde of Belgian society,<br />
which had taken hold during the French rule in the<br />
18 th and 19 th centuries. Soon, the Dutch-speaking part<br />
of the population began fighting tooth and nail for<br />
equal status for their language, which was recognised<br />
as a state language alongside French, two years before<br />
the start of the 20 th century. Subsequently, Flanders<br />
outpaced Wallonia, which formerly had been the industrial<br />
heartland of Belgium, in economic growth<br />
and since the 1960s, official internal borders are dividing<br />
Belgium into four parts: Flanders, accounting for<br />
half of the population of some 11 million inhabitants,<br />
the roughly equally large Wallonia with a third of the<br />
population, the legally bilingual capital of Brussels,<br />
and the small region of East Cantons where German is<br />
spoken.<br />
Actually Brussels, a city of about two millions,<br />
home to the EU and the NATO, with tens of thousands<br />
of affluent foreign professionals and a large immigrant<br />
community, mainly with Turkish background<br />
and from Africa, is trying to make up the balance. But<br />
still, there are no national political parties, no national<br />
newspaper, no national TV channel, no common<br />
school curriculum or higher education. There is,<br />
however, the national debt, running at around 80 percent<br />
of GDP. So, like a couple trapped in a loveless<br />
marriage, eyeing divorce, but unable to agree on the<br />
mortgage liabilities, the Flemish and the Walloons, to<br />
outside observers, seem to be stuck together because<br />
of the cost of splitting up.<br />
Broadly speaking, the Walloons vote for the left,<br />
the Flemish for the right. Flanders is rich and prospering,<br />
contributes about 60 percent of Belgium‘s GDP<br />
of about 420 billion Euro (2016, nominal) and and its<br />
cities such as Antwerp – home to Europe‘s third-biggest<br />
port – are the beating heart of the country‘s economy.<br />
On the other hand, Wallonia – which was<br />
among the first regions in northern Europe to industrialise<br />
in the 19 th century, with industries such as<br />
glass making and coal mining – is nearly depressed,<br />
with twice the unemployment rate (more than 10<br />
percent) of the north, especially in the region‘s faded<br />
Official Name:<br />
Kingdom of Belgium<br />
Capital: Brussels<br />
Languages: Dutch, French,<br />
German<br />
Area: 30,528 sqkm 2<br />
Population: 11,250,585<br />
(2016 census)<br />
Parts of Country:<br />
Brussels (bilingual)<br />
East Cantons (German<br />
speaking)<br />
Flanders (Dutch speaking)<br />
Wallonia (French speaking)<br />
Currency: Euro (EUR)<br />
GDP: 470.179 billion $<br />
(nominal 2016)<br />
GDP per capita: 41,491 $<br />
(nominal 2016)<br />
Government: Federal<br />
parliamentary constitutional<br />
monarchy<br />
- Monarch: Philippe<br />
- Prime Minister:<br />
Charles Michel<br />
Formation:<br />
4 October 1830:<br />
Independence from the<br />
Netherlands declared.<br />
19 April 1839: Independence<br />
from the Netherlands<br />
recognised.<br />
1 January 1958: Founding<br />
Member of the European<br />
Union (formerly EEC).<br />
The famous fountain figure<br />
Manneken Pis in Brussels.<br />
From left to right: The statue of Jan van Eyck<br />
at the Jan van Eyckplein; the Bonifaciusbrug,<br />
the city‘s smallest bridge; Cuberdons, the<br />
local sweets of Bruges, attracting children; a<br />
look at the historic center by night and<br />
aprons with parts, made of lace.<br />
34<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
GHENT. The city that knows how to celebrate.<br />
WALLONIA. The southern part of Belgium.<br />
A panorama view over Dinant,<br />
the Walloon city, famous for<br />
its cathedral and as the<br />
birthplace of Adolphe Sax, the<br />
inventor of the saxophone<br />
(very left). A unique look at<br />
the Gare TGV de Liège-Guillemins,<br />
designed by the<br />
celebrated Catalan Architects<br />
Santiago Calatrava.<br />
Clockwise, from top left: The<br />
Gravensteen Castle; the<br />
Graslei, one of the most<br />
scenic places in Ghent‘s old<br />
city centre, with its guildhalls<br />
on the waterfront of the river<br />
Leie, and masked dancers of<br />
the Ghent Festival (Gentse<br />
Feesten), which is held every<br />
year and attended by about<br />
1–1.5 million visitors.<br />
industrial cities like Liège and Charleroi.<br />
However, Belgium as a whole, has managed to<br />
overcome the financial crisis quite well despite the<br />
unsolved differences between Flanders and Wallonia.<br />
According to the recent EU country report 2016, it<br />
has settled at a economic growth rate of around 1.3<br />
percent in the last three years, and the forecast for<br />
<strong>2017</strong> lies at 1.7 percent.<br />
”Companies start reaping the benefits of improved<br />
competitiveness, and employment growth provides<br />
broader support to household spendings“, the report<br />
states. Also ”Belgian companies are deeply integrated<br />
in the global economy, trading actively in intermediate<br />
goods. Intermediates account for two thirds of<br />
domestically produced value added, among the<br />
highest in the EU.“<br />
Furthermore, as Michael Berger, the Austrian<br />
trade commissioner in Brussels for the last years,<br />
points out, ”The negative effects of the terror attacks<br />
in 2016, have nearly completely been compensated by<br />
higher consumer spendings, increased public investments<br />
mainly in security measures and a very dynamic<br />
export demand“.<br />
As a result of this positive economic performance,<br />
Belgium even has advanced one rank in the statistics<br />
of Austria‘s most important trade partners to number<br />
16, beating countries like Japan, Turkey or Norway.<br />
Imports from Austria account for some 1.6 billion<br />
Euro and exports to Austria are well over 1.9 billion<br />
Euro. Also, some 100 Austrian companies are heavily<br />
engaged in Belgium with production sites or<br />
distribution subsidiaries and Austrian direct investment<br />
in 2016 – which has increased by impressive<br />
22.6 percent to around two billion Euro in 2016, trade<br />
commissioner Berger reports. ”And there are many<br />
new opportunities for Austrian companies doing<br />
business in Belgium“, Ambassador Van de Voorde<br />
points out. ”We still invest a lot in our port infrastructure.<br />
I always use to say: What Austria spends<br />
for its tunnels through the Alps, we spend in docks<br />
infrastructure.“<br />
Having arrived at this aspect during the CD-interview<br />
(see page 38), Baron Van de Voorde –who<br />
served as the Secretary to H.M., the Queen Paola, at<br />
the Royal Palace in Brussels between 1994 and 2000<br />
– jumps up and embarks for a tour through his just<br />
newly renovated Embassy building in Vienna‘s Schönburgstraße.<br />
This impressive Palais has originally been<br />
constructed in 1880 by Rosa Fürstin Hohenlohe-Bartenstein.<br />
It came under possession of Rudolf Freiherr<br />
von Drasche-Wartinberg in 1919. Since 1922, it is serving<br />
as the home of the Embassy of the Kingdom of<br />
Belgium, which bought it in 1934. During November<br />
2015 and April <strong>2017</strong>, the Embassy, housing some 24<br />
employees, has undergone a complete renovation<br />
which swallowed nearly six million Euro. ”There is no<br />
single square meter unused“, the Ambassador laughs.<br />
With its numerous paintings and works of art,<br />
making it a real treasure house in the heart of the 4th<br />
district, the Embassy seems to be the perfect corresponding<br />
site of the multiple cooperations, Belgium<br />
has reached with Vienna‘s Kunsthistorisches Museum<br />
– the Museum of History of Art – which is full of<br />
works dating back to Belgium origin, like the world‘s<br />
biggest collection of Brueghel paintings. Since the<br />
reopening of the Kunstkammer in 2013, also a permanent<br />
“Flämischer Saal“ is showing one new Flemish<br />
masterpiece each year.<br />
And for the outstanding upcoming mega-show<br />
”Peter Paul Rubens – Kraft der Verwandlung“ (17<br />
October, <strong>2017</strong> to 21 January, 2018) as well as for the<br />
big Brueghel exhibition (2 October, 2018 to 13 January,<br />
2019) the Embassy is heavily involved in background<br />
work and contributing to the deep and historic<br />
ties between Austria and Belgium.<br />
It is worth to visit one of the exhibitions, for getting<br />
a better picture of what the two countries have<br />
in common. Everybody will see it at once, Ambassador<br />
Van de Voorde says: ”Because there is a kind of<br />
unspoken understanding between Austrians and<br />
Belgians.“<br />
”What<br />
started as a<br />
tiny gentle<br />
flower, is now<br />
a strong tree“<br />
– with these<br />
words, Stefaan Missinne sums<br />
up the first quarter of a<br />
century of the Austrian-<br />
Belgian Society (Website:<br />
oebg.at), which he is presiding.<br />
The official celebration of its<br />
25 th anniversary will take place<br />
at the former Schloss Coburg<br />
in Ebenthal on 3 June, <strong>2017</strong> –<br />
a location with strong ties to<br />
the Belgian Royal family. ”With<br />
our more than 250 events“,<br />
Missinne proudly reports, ”and<br />
close relations to the Embassy<br />
of Belgium, our Society also<br />
serves as a helpful platform for<br />
Belgian companies in Austria.“<br />
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H.E. Baron Willem Van de Voorde<br />
“The opposition of our different regions, Wallonia and Flanders, is exaggerated.“<br />
In a completely refurbished salon in his newly renovated Embassy-Palais, the Ambassador of the<br />
Kingdom of Belgium to Austria talks about the striking similarities between these two countries and<br />
explains, why the different cultures of Wallonia and Flanders generate a certain complexity of life.<br />
Interview: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
CD: Ambassador Van de Voorde, starting with the<br />
Habsburg Emperor Maximilian in the late 15th<br />
century, whose heart is enshrined in Bruges, there<br />
are endless ties between Belgium and Austria.<br />
Can you give us a short roundup?<br />
Willem Van de Voorde: Indeed, the marriage<br />
of Maximilian to Mary of Burgun, back<br />
in 1477 in Gent, is a wonderful story of how a<br />
boy from here, Austria, and a girl from the<br />
north found each other. In that time, the relations<br />
between Austria and our region have<br />
been created. It was a fantastic match between<br />
two cultural circles. It brought a kind of Central<br />
European leadership, that of Habsburg,<br />
which was in fact a kind of knighthood, in<br />
contact with a tradition which pays a lot of attention<br />
to a high quality of life. Still today we<br />
say ”You live like a Burgundian“ – which means<br />
living with a love for good food, for the<br />
arts, for nice houses and for a high quality of<br />
our environment. Something, both of our<br />
countries, still share today.<br />
Actually in the 18 th century, with the peace treaty<br />
of Utrecht, the territories of today‘s Belgium<br />
came under the reign of Austria ...<br />
...and you can still see the traces of that time<br />
in the Albertina in Vienna which was the<br />
residence from where our country was<br />
governed from for nearly 90 years until the<br />
French troops chased the Austrians away.<br />
Let‘s look at the similarities, Belgium and Austria<br />
are sharing today. Both countries have roughly<br />
the same amount of population and size of GDP, a<br />
social market economy and strong export industry<br />
or a federal structure of state. How would you<br />
refer to these similarities?<br />
Also our location is interesting. Belgium is<br />
on a crossroad between the Germanic and<br />
the Romanic Europe. It is a passage place.<br />
You go to Great Britain, you go to the north<br />
of Europe or further south. You can see that<br />
on the motorways, where sometimes people<br />
just rush through our country. Austria has<br />
something a little bit similar. It is on the<br />
border of the Germanic and the Slavic<br />
cultures. And it is also a very strategic passage<br />
place between the northern part of Europe<br />
and the southern Mediterranean. That<br />
gives you a sense of exchange, of communication,<br />
of exposure to a lot of different influences.<br />
And we also have strong neighbours.<br />
Belgium is located between France, Germany,<br />
the United Kingdom and the Netherlands,<br />
lives with their languages, cultures<br />
and our main groups of population – the<br />
Flemings and the Walloons – have strong<br />
cousins just across the border. And Austria<br />
has got the strong other German speaking<br />
neighbour, Germany. This sometimes gives<br />
you a certain way of looking at things. People<br />
are looking for an original point of view<br />
and trying to show how different they are<br />
from their neighbours and how specific they<br />
are in their culture or their language.<br />
In Austria, we sometimes say that it is the<br />
common language we share with Germany which<br />
sets us apart. Is that so in Belgium, as well?<br />
Oh, yes, we have the same phaenomena.<br />
Even as we have the standard languages like<br />
French or “Niederländisch“, many continue<br />
to speak their own dialects and are very<br />
proud of that. That is maybe one of the<br />
underlying reasons for the kind of unspoken<br />
understanding between Austrians and<br />
Belgians. They go on really well with each<br />
other and that‘s why some 500,000 tourists<br />
from Belgium are visiting Austria each year.<br />
Which are the recent milestones in the bilateral<br />
relationship between Belgium and Austria?<br />
Definitely the year of 1995, when Austria<br />
became a member of the EU, has been a major<br />
date. For the first time since centuries, we<br />
came again together in a sort of supra-state<br />
structure, the EU. That created, apart from<br />
the facts that also before we had a very good<br />
relationship and many cultural ties, a close<br />
dialogue again. In 1995, we have found each<br />
other again in the European family. Since<br />
then, our relations have intensified manifold<br />
on all levels and also the interest for each<br />
other‘s societies has increased.<br />
In which respect?<br />
What struck me, after I arrived in Austria as<br />
Ambassador back in September 2014, is the<br />
keen interest both countries share in certain<br />
matters, for which we sometimes struggle to<br />
find the right solutions in our own societies.<br />
For instance how to deal with the asylum<br />
crisis and the integration of foreign<br />
immigrants. We have the same pressure of<br />
an aging society and the challenges this puts<br />
on our economies and public finances. How<br />
do we confront the terrorist threat and are<br />
there certain clever approaches for exchange<br />
of data from which we can learn from?<br />
More recently, one maybe surprising similarity<br />
was the rejection of CETA by both countries –<br />
although they are heavily dependent on trade and<br />
exports. How would you row that in?<br />
Maybe part of the explanation is, that both<br />
of our countries have a strong social market<br />
economy. And many people had the fear<br />
that certain deeply infringed patterns of<br />
dealing with labour and capital would be<br />
endangered. This is a very strong feeling, but<br />
the overall answer is still lacking.<br />
Since most of the CETA-opposition in Belgium<br />
came from the Walloon region – some say, this<br />
was more of a sign of the old internal political<br />
struggle between Wallonia and Flanders. Is that<br />
correct?<br />
Well, it could be. In Belgium not all of the<br />
people were opposing. But a certain part of<br />
the country, the Walloon region in the south,<br />
has been largely against CETA. The Flemish<br />
government was rather unhappy about that<br />
because they are the strongest exporters of the<br />
country. But according to our constitution,<br />
this question lies in the competence of the<br />
regions. It brought the federal government<br />
into a complicated situation and internal policies,<br />
like so often, played a role in foreign policy<br />
in this question. In the end, the federal level<br />
did what it had to do: it coordinated the positions<br />
and found a solution which allowed Belgium<br />
to agree. This said, the elements raised<br />
by the Walloon region were important elements<br />
which had nevertheless been raised in<br />
many EU Member states.<br />
Can you please explain these strong differences<br />
between Wallonia, which is populated by some<br />
3.5 million people, and Flanders, which has about<br />
Since September 2014, Baron Van de<br />
Voorde serves as Ambassador of<br />
Belgium to Austria. Prior to that, he held<br />
high positions in the Ministry of Foreign<br />
Affairs, in the Belgian Embassies in Berlin<br />
and Tokyo and as Secretary to H.M., the<br />
Queen Paola.<br />
38<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Ambassador Willem<br />
Van de Voorde and his<br />
wife, Kristin Van de<br />
Voorde-Heidbüchel, in a<br />
newly refurbished salon<br />
at the Belgium Embassy.<br />
Belgium – an excellent test<br />
market for Europe<br />
Peter Fuchs, Commercial Counsellor for the Benelux countries<br />
6 million inhabitants. Many even think, this makes<br />
the country unruleable.<br />
There are a couple of countries – and you<br />
don‘t have to go very far, only to Spain or<br />
Switzerland or Canada for example – which<br />
happen to have on their territories different<br />
languages cultures. That generates a certain<br />
complexity of life. How to share influence<br />
and power, how to develop a vision of how to<br />
organise society? Given the complexity and<br />
the challenges of that situation, I think, we<br />
have managed pretty well up to until now. If<br />
you compare that with another interesting<br />
but complicated country, which is also under<br />
my jurisdiction – this is Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />
– there you can see, what a civil war<br />
brought about only some 20 years ago. Look,<br />
how difficult it is for this country, with its<br />
groups who clearly identify themselves differently<br />
from others, to come to peaceful solutions<br />
for living together and sharing a common<br />
destiny. Over the last decades, we<br />
developed a couple of legal or constitutional<br />
techniques for this in Belgium, and they help<br />
us quite well to live together in peace.<br />
For example?<br />
We have internal treaties, which are signed<br />
between the federal government and the<br />
regional governments, for expressing a certain<br />
position, Belgium takes in the European<br />
Union. So even when the representatives<br />
of the Walloon or the Flanders region<br />
are taking part in European negotiations,<br />
,<br />
“Belgium is not the only country<br />
with regions of opposing language<br />
cultures. We have developed a<br />
couple of techniques to deal with it.“<br />
they express a Belgian point of view, which<br />
has been reached by a rather complex process<br />
of discussion. This procedure has been<br />
established 20 years ago, actually one year<br />
after the regions received their constitutional<br />
right to conduct their own external policy,<br />
in some areas in 1993. This practice of<br />
internal treaties functions rather well and<br />
has become entirely part of our daily diplomatic<br />
life. But it is true, that there was a kind<br />
of temporary breakdown for the CETA agreement.<br />
But it did not work after the 2010 parliamentary<br />
elections, when it took Belgium nearly one and a<br />
half years to agree on a new government.<br />
Well, that‘s a point, although the composition<br />
of a government includes many other questions,<br />
too. We have a tradition of long<br />
government formations and that was<br />
probably a record. I will not name other<br />
countries, but some are not doing much better<br />
either. Our last government formation<br />
went much quicker.<br />
After last year‘s terror attacks in Brussels, some<br />
critic have been remarking that the competition<br />
between the regions might have undermined or<br />
complicated the investigation after the attack<br />
because of competing police forces or a lack of<br />
exchange of data. Is there any truth in this?<br />
I have also heard of that sometimes, but I<br />
must definitely say: this is wrong. Why? We<br />
have at the federal level a magistrate, which<br />
is tasked with the coordination of all the investigations<br />
regarding terrorism. It is specifically<br />
done at the federal level, because this<br />
magistrate must have access to all leaders of<br />
power and be able to coordinate all the different<br />
complex investigations. Even if the police<br />
forces are, like in many countries, deeply<br />
rooted in local structures, there is a unitary<br />
line of command. So, the opposition between<br />
different power level in the regions is<br />
exaggerated. This is certainly not the case in<br />
the fight against terror. Maybe in other cases<br />
of administration – when it comes to building<br />
permits for an airport, for example.<br />
When one region has different interest than<br />
the other – we have these regional oppositions,<br />
but this is not the case in the justice or<br />
internal security sectors – so it does not<br />
hamper investigations against terror, for instance.<br />
After the attacks some have expected an<br />
economic decrease because of the shock. But<br />
instead, Belgium‘s GDP even has shown a strong<br />
growth rate last year, mainly because of heavy<br />
investments in security.<br />
Also the arrival of the migrant wave, like in<br />
Austria, has increased the GDP. But we<br />
have seen a small decrease of Austrian<br />
exports to Belgium in 2016. Then again –<br />
our volume of trade is not bad ...<br />
...it is even one of the best in the latest Austrian<br />
trade statistics, ranking Belgium as number 16 of<br />
our most important trade partners with an overall<br />
trade volume of more than 3.5 billion Euros.<br />
Yes, and it has been on this level for years<br />
constantly, even if it does not develop spectacularly.<br />
And there are many new opportunities<br />
for Austrian companies, doing business<br />
in Belgium. We still invest a lot in our<br />
port infrastructure. I always say: What Austria<br />
spends for its tunnels through the<br />
mountains, we spend in docks infrastructure.<br />
And this, after all, is also important for<br />
a highly industrialised country like Austria.<br />
It may look far away, but Belgium‘s ports can<br />
play an important role for the Austrian industry.<br />
In terms of international trade, our<br />
ports, actually, are not so far away.<br />
Peter Fuchs<br />
is currently Austria’s<br />
Commercial Counsellor<br />
for the Benelux<br />
countries, working<br />
from The Hague. Prior<br />
to coming to the<br />
Netherlands in 2014,<br />
he held posts in<br />
Brussels for 11 years,<br />
Vienna, Paris, Osaka,<br />
Singapore, Karachi and<br />
Frankfurt am Main.<br />
The country is perfectly located and offers an excellent infrastructure.<br />
Alittle bit more than a month ago, eight<br />
innovative Austrian companies participated<br />
for the first time in the Austrian<br />
Showcase ”Bio goes Belgium“. They learned that<br />
11.3 million consumers with high purchasing<br />
power live in this densely populated country,<br />
which is divided into three regions (Flanders,<br />
Wallonia and Brussels-Capital) with three official<br />
languages (Dutch, French and German) in<br />
the heart of Europe. If you wish to sell your products<br />
to Belgian consumers and to avoid being<br />
fined by Belgian inspectors for wrong product labeling, forget<br />
about English and use Dutch and French.<br />
Ideally located between the United Kingdom, Germany, the<br />
Netherlands and France, the Port of Antwerp is the second busiest<br />
port in Europe, contributing to the excellent infrastructure and<br />
logistics that Belgium has to offer. Counting on the interconnected<br />
transport network between road, train, sea, waterways or air,<br />
numerous distribution centers are located in Belgium. It also has<br />
outstanding research institutes and the quality of universityindustry<br />
collaboration is ranked 6th worldwide. Spin-offs and<br />
incubators are set up nationwide, boosted by the network of<br />
internationally renowned university research centers. As a center<br />
of excellence, Belgium really delivers in crucial domains such as<br />
life sciences, nanotechnology, biotechnology and renewable<br />
energy. Contributing to Belgium‘s economic success is a highly<br />
qualified, multilingual and flexible workforce in addition to<br />
financial incentives and tax incentives, affordable property prices,<br />
legendary hospitality and excellent health care.<br />
In <strong>2017</strong> and 2018 the Belgian economy will grow by 1.4%.<br />
With just 7.4% unemployment it is at the lowest level since 35<br />
years. Investments will increase by 2.3% this year and by 2.7% in<br />
2018. Consumer prices rose by 1.8% in 2016 and are predicted to<br />
rise by 2% in <strong>2017</strong> and by 1.8% in 2018. According to the WTO,<br />
Belgium is the 10th largest exporting country in the world with<br />
exports of EUR 359.5 billion, some 84% of its GDP. Antwerp is<br />
the diamond capital of the world with 80% of the market in<br />
rough diamonds and 50% in polished diamonds. Last year, Belgium<br />
was Austria‘s 16th most important economic partner with<br />
excellent opportunities for the future. Sectors with high potential<br />
will be: transport & logistics; medical care & health; environment<br />
& renewable energy; mobility and automation.<br />
40 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
The Sustainable Development Goals<br />
are our common objective,<br />
Belgium is fully engaged.
The Ambassadors‘ Summit #4<br />
“We want Europe not only to be a payer. We want Europe to be a player.“<br />
In Cercle Diplomatique‘s fourth Ambassadors‘ Summit, H.E. Hussam A.G. Al Husseini, the Ambassador<br />
of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and H.E. Salah Abdel Shafi, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine,<br />
take a deep dive into the historic roots and many facets of the war in Syria, discuss the dangers of collapsing<br />
states in the Middle East and try to outline a blueprint for the near future of the region.<br />
Interview: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
CD: Ambassador Hussam A.G. Al Husseini,<br />
Ambassador Salah Abdel Shafi, can the new<br />
secure de-escalation zones in Syria, proposed and<br />
partly implemented by Russia just recently, really<br />
be seen as one major step towards a peaceful<br />
future in the country, maybe the whole region?<br />
Salah Abdel shafi: It is still too early<br />
to say, if this is going to be a game changer<br />
or not. But it is a very important step towards<br />
solving the humanitarian situation.<br />
Because what is happening in Syria, is a humanitarian<br />
disaster. That‘s why it is extremely<br />
important to lessen the burden on civilians.<br />
What is needed in Syria, are<br />
gradual confidence building measures between<br />
the regional and international players.<br />
There can be no military solution for<br />
the Syrian crisis. There can only be a political<br />
solution. The Syrian people should decide<br />
about the fate of their country.<br />
Hussam A.G. Husseini: I totally agree<br />
that there can only be a political solution.<br />
Military solutions in our area have so far<br />
The Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of<br />
Jordan took his post in Austria in September<br />
2013. Before that, he has been serving as<br />
Jordan’s Representative at the Co-Presidency<br />
of the Union for the Mediterranean and as a<br />
high ranking diplomat in Brussels, Switzerland<br />
and South Africa.<br />
The Ambassador of the State of Palestine<br />
took his post in Austria in 2013. Shafi,<br />
who studied in Germany, also serves as<br />
Ambassador to Slovenia and the UN<br />
organisations in Vienna. Prior to that, he<br />
was Palestine‘s Ambassador in Stockholm<br />
and Berlin.<br />
42<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
The Ambassadors‘ Summit took place at ”The<br />
Private Dining Room“ of „The Bank“ at Vienna‘s<br />
Park Hyatt Hotel. The discussion between H.E.<br />
Salah Abdel Shafi, the Ambassador of the State of<br />
Palestine, and H.E. Hussam A.G. Al Husseini, the<br />
Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,<br />
was conducted by CD‘s author Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
(from left to right).<br />
not ask for more boots on the ground from<br />
Europe. We are not asking for a military<br />
intervention from Europe. We are asking<br />
for more soft power, and that is economic<br />
power. Look at migration today. The vast<br />
majority of refugees today are not anymore<br />
Syrians and Iraqis, they are Black Africans<br />
escaping poverty. All strategic thinking<br />
tells us, that this emigration out of poverty<br />
will increase. So the challenge of the future<br />
is social-economic stability. Europe should<br />
wisely use resources, so that people could<br />
live in dignity, have jobs and build a future<br />
in their own countries. Let Europe invest<br />
the money it is intending to spend for fences<br />
and border controls against refugees,<br />
into economic development in Africa and<br />
the Middle East. This would make much<br />
more sense.<br />
Husseini: Of the total needs of the Syrian<br />
refugees in Jordan, my country is hardly<br />
receiving one third in terms of international<br />
support. Only one third. And half of<br />
this one third is through loans. We have to<br />
borrow money to finance our efforts, to<br />
support the refugees and to facilitate life of<br />
the Syrians in Jordan, most recently a 300<br />
million dollar loan was made from the<br />
World Bank to this effect. And even though<br />
Jordan is one of the poorest countries in<br />
the region, with nearly no natural water resources,<br />
we decided to give the Syrian refugees<br />
access to our labour market, because<br />
you just cannot let these people stay jobless<br />
and hopeless. And still, in the international<br />
community, there is a lack of engagement<br />
to really look into the roots of the overall<br />
crisis of the region.<br />
proven to be a total failure. Look at what a<br />
military solution brought to Iraq, Libya<br />
and Yemen. In Iraq, it has now been 15 years<br />
of chaos and destruction. The seizure of<br />
Mossul from IS is only a recent example of<br />
how much destruction the military solutions<br />
have brought and nobody is learning<br />
from history. Everybody is jumping into<br />
the forefront with a military solution as<br />
way to fix the problem. But you cannot call<br />
that a solution.<br />
But in regard to the IS or Daesh, can there be an<br />
alternative to a military solution?<br />
Husseini: A solution in Syria should be<br />
depending on the Syrians themselves, so<br />
that the Syrians are in charge of their own<br />
fate. I believe, that the only base which<br />
could provide a sustainable solution, is the<br />
agreement of the Geneva peace talks. An<br />
implementation of this agreement should<br />
really be the priority now.<br />
Abdel Shafi: If we look at the reality in<br />
Syria as it is today, we definitely cannot<br />
speak anymore of a central state exercising<br />
sovereignty and control over its territory.<br />
There is the government, there are<br />
oppositon groups, there is the IS. The<br />
question is: Will this become a permanent<br />
situation? Or will the Syrian people engage<br />
in a process that will reverse this sad reality<br />
so that there is one central authority that is<br />
elected and accepted by them. This is the<br />
real challenge, not only to the Syrians, but<br />
to the international community and the<br />
whole Middle East as well. What we have to<br />
answer is: How can we reverse the strand of<br />
collapsing national states going back to a<br />
central state that is legitimised by the people?<br />
So, general elections in Syria with the participation<br />
of whom? Including Assad?<br />
Abdel Shafi: Of course, that should be<br />
part of the political process. There have<br />
been demands that Assad should not be<br />
part of a political solution. With the Russian<br />
intervention the equation is changing.<br />
The only way is to let the people decide<br />
what the fate of their state should be. And<br />
this is something that cannot be decided on<br />
the ground by military force. There is no<br />
other way than a political solution. By delaying<br />
it, you are only increasing the suffering<br />
of civilians. Europe should have a vested<br />
interest in the stability of our region,<br />
because Middle Eastern problems are becoming<br />
internal European problems. Look<br />
at the threat of terror and migration.<br />
What would you recommend Europe?<br />
Abdel Shafi: Europe should finally realise<br />
that the solution of the refugee crisis is<br />
not by erecting fences, it is not by tightened<br />
border controls. No. It is by contributing to<br />
a political solution to the problems of the<br />
Middle East. What is needed in our region<br />
is stability. If there is stability, the economy<br />
would thrive and people would not want to<br />
leave their country. This is a major responsibility<br />
of Europe, given the geographic<br />
proximity. We are neighbours, we are next<br />
door. If my neighbour feels safe, I feel safe.<br />
If my neighbour feels threatened, I will also<br />
be threatened as well.<br />
Husseini: Coming back to Syria, I agree<br />
that the crisis is not solved in the best<br />
interest of the Syrian people. The implications<br />
will be a catastrophe not only for the<br />
region, but the whole world, including Europe.<br />
The raise of terrorist groups was be-<br />
PHOTOS:<br />
PHOTOS:<br />
cause of the lack of a political solution in<br />
Syria. Daesh was never here three, four years<br />
ago.<br />
Abdel Shafi: Even if the members of<br />
the European Union have different foreign<br />
policies, there are some areas of consensus.<br />
For example, there is an existing consensus<br />
about solving the conflict between Israel<br />
and Palestine, according to the Two-States<br />
solution. This is a common European position<br />
– a State of Palestine next to the State<br />
of Israel. But when it comes to this conflict,<br />
Europe has always taken a backseat, politically<br />
speaking. But we want Europe not<br />
only to be an economic payer. We want Europe<br />
to be a political player as well. Europe<br />
is a major trading and direct investment<br />
partner of the Middle East, so it should<br />
have a big interest to get more involved politically.<br />
Europe should do more in the<br />
Middle East.<br />
Once again: How exactly?<br />
Abdel Shafi: Each government has so<br />
many, many instruments at its disposal to<br />
influence the course of events in the region.<br />
First diplomacy, second economy. We do<br />
Let us take Jordan for example. Jordan is lacking<br />
oil and water but nevertheless has taken millions<br />
of refugees. Is Europe engaged enough in your<br />
country, Ambassador Husseini?<br />
Husseini: Jordan is one of the countries<br />
suffering most from the many crises in the<br />
Middle East, beginning with the Palestinian-Israelian<br />
or the Lebanon conflict. We<br />
have, at one stage, received close to one million<br />
refugees from Iraq and still currently<br />
have some 500,000 Iraqis. We have around<br />
1.4 million Syrians and some 80,000 people<br />
from Yemen plus 35,000 from Libya and it<br />
goes on. It is not the responsibility of Jordan<br />
to host all of these people. We are doing this<br />
on behalf of the international community.<br />
But we are at the end of our capacities. Look<br />
at the debate in Europe, of how many refugees<br />
they received in this or that country. It<br />
is nothing compared to Jordan, and yet they<br />
are building fences and closing their borders<br />
against certain numbers of refugees<br />
whom we in Jordan have received in a<br />
couple of days. Just because we are in the<br />
middle of this human crisis, does not mean<br />
that we have to bear it all. We did not create<br />
this problem.<br />
In terms of money, how does international<br />
support look like?<br />
What do you mean?<br />
Husseini: They are – take the Palestine<br />
problem for example – a prolonged crisis<br />
with a solution that is overdue for a long<br />
time now. It became a slogan for the radical<br />
groups. This lack of solutions for the misery<br />
of the Palestine people, for example, is a<br />
ticket for recruiting among extremist<br />
groups.<br />
Abdel Shafi: It all is a question of a political<br />
alternative for the people. The Americans<br />
went to Iraq with the slogan of regime<br />
change. Then they went back home<br />
and left a mess. When the communist states<br />
collapsed, the Nato and the EU offered<br />
an alternative instead and started integrating<br />
these countries. Why did Europe manage<br />
to quickly stabilise the situation after<br />
the Balkan War? Because it had offered an<br />
alternative and packages of economic and<br />
financial help. What happens in the Middle<br />
East is quite the opposite. A regime change<br />
without an alternative. For example, you<br />
get rid of Gaddafi, and what is left is only<br />
chaos and anarchy. These are the root<br />
causes of the crisis. It is a man made human<br />
catastrophe. Europe should realise the link<br />
between terrorism and migration with the<br />
social-economic problems of the Middle<br />
East and not only think of border control.<br />
44 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
FACTS &<br />
Jordan, burdened<br />
by refugees<br />
Jordan, one of the top ten<br />
driest states, is hosting<br />
some 1.4 million refugees<br />
from Syria. Only 20 percent<br />
are living in refugee camps<br />
like Za‘atari and most of<br />
them have access to labor<br />
markets. It also received<br />
millions of refugees from<br />
Palestine and Iraq.<br />
As a result, Jordan’s<br />
infrastructure, like<br />
provision of water<br />
supplies, sanitation<br />
facilities, housing or<br />
energy, is heavily under<br />
pressure.<br />
“Europe and the Middle East are<br />
neighbours. If my neighbour feels<br />
safe, I feel safe. If my neighbour is<br />
threatened, so am I.“<br />
“What are the recruits of Daesh<br />
going to do, after Daesh is defeated?<br />
They only know how to kill.<br />
There has to be a rehabilitation<br />
programme focused on education<br />
and job creation.“<br />
WEIL NUR 0,<strong>02</strong>1347 %<br />
Palestine, the<br />
crisis hotspot<br />
The State of Palestine<br />
declared independence in<br />
1988 and claims the West<br />
Bank (bordering Israel and<br />
Jordan) and Gaza Strip<br />
(bordering Israel and Egypt)<br />
with East Jerusalem as the<br />
designated capital. Since<br />
most of these areas have<br />
been occupied by Israel<br />
since 1967, during and after<br />
the Six-Day War, there is no<br />
sign of end to that ongoing<br />
conflict, even more after<br />
US-President Donald Trump<br />
has recently questioned a<br />
widely accepted Two<br />
State- solution.<br />
So what would be needed in the near future of the<br />
Middle East?<br />
Abdel Shafi: I assure you, if the Syrian<br />
people would be living in dignity in their own<br />
country, they definitely would not become<br />
terrorists and they would want to emigrate to<br />
Europe. These people are not coming because<br />
they are bored, but because their life in their<br />
own countries is not bearable anymore. Even<br />
if you destroy Daesh or ISIS, without addressing<br />
the deeper roots why it was created in the<br />
first place, there will be a new Daesh. So you<br />
have to defeat them first and then offer the<br />
young people an alternative.<br />
Husseini: If you destroy Daesh, their<br />
recruits will go back to the people. Then<br />
how are you going to deal with them? The<br />
first thing we need, is a strong institution<br />
that will be able to deal with these people<br />
after the dismantling of Daesh. And history<br />
has proven that nothing other than a national<br />
institution, a local authority, can deal<br />
with this. We have to empower such an institution<br />
for the future to rehabilitate these<br />
people, through education for example.<br />
Half of the Syrian people under Daesh have<br />
been prevented from education. Second,<br />
what are the people going to do after Deash<br />
is defeated? They only know how to kill and<br />
how to fight. So there has to be focus on<br />
education and job creation in order not to<br />
have them going back to another Daesh. A<br />
rehabilitation programme is needed now<br />
and has to be planned immediately. Otherwise,<br />
we will have to deal with the impact<br />
of the lost generation.<br />
Abdel Shafi: If you want a blueprint or<br />
roadmap for solving the problems of the<br />
Middle East, you have to engage on multiple<br />
tracks. The first thing is to end the Israeli-Palestine<br />
conflict with the Two-State solution.<br />
Second, in Syria you have to end the hostilities<br />
immediately, start a ceasefire and prepare<br />
general elections, maybe with an interim<br />
government until they take place. Parallel to<br />
this, there has to be an economic aid package<br />
for the huge investments into the destroyed<br />
infrastructure and to create jobs for hundreds<br />
of thousands of people. And Europe has to<br />
engage heavily in this reconstruction. This is<br />
much less expensive than providing tanks<br />
and weapons and the only way to win back<br />
this lost generation. The same can be applied<br />
to any other country in the Middle East. So<br />
let us hope, the agreement on the secure zone<br />
is working. This might be a major test.<br />
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46 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Ukraine – the next hot thing for Europe<br />
Left: Impressions from the<br />
Yalta shores.<br />
Right: An Ukrainian beauty<br />
in the country‘s traditional<br />
costume.<br />
FACTS &<br />
Despite the conflict in the Donbass region and the loss of Crimea peninsula, the<br />
Ukraine remains one of the most promising countries in Eastern Europe.<br />
Text: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
If there was no war in the Ukraine, what an outstanding<br />
country this is. Once in history, its influence<br />
and powers were dwarfing that of the<br />
Russian Empire. Now, its 42 million people, alas burdened<br />
by the Soviet legacy, after the “Orange Revolution“<br />
in 2004 and the “Euromaidan“ in 2014, are reaching<br />
out for a new, self-determined, dignified life,<br />
destined to turn their motherland into the future of<br />
Eastern Europe.<br />
Some fall in love with Ukraine‘s patchwork of traditions.<br />
Others go for its eclectic cityscapes and farflung<br />
horizons. There are those, who will never forget<br />
the star-dusted, blacker-than-black nights in the<br />
spa-town of Myrhorod or the “Nutcracker“ at the<br />
opera house in snow-bound Kiev. And anyone having<br />
visited the empty churches on a rainy autumn<br />
day in Lviv, or having crossed the steppe towards the<br />
magical Slavic hinterland, while reading a bit of Nikolai<br />
Gogol or the Ukraine-born Austrian writer Joseph<br />
Roth, will probably return time and time again.<br />
Most of all, visitors are left with an overwhelming<br />
impression of the sheer vastness of the largest country<br />
which is entirely within Europe, which packs a lot<br />
of diversity into its borders. You can be clambering<br />
around the Carpathians in search of Hutsul festivities,<br />
sipping Eastern Europe‘s best coffee in sophisticated<br />
Lviv and partying on the beach in Odessa, all in<br />
a few days. Ukrainians are also a diverse crowd; from<br />
the wired sophisticates of Kiev’s business quarters to<br />
the Gogolesque farmers in Poltava, from the Zaporizhzhya<br />
steelmaker to the Hungarian-speaking bus<br />
drivers of Uzhhorod, few countries boast such a<br />
mixed population.<br />
The complete variety of the Ukraine just recently<br />
has been laid out to a multi-million audience during<br />
the Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev last May. ”The<br />
ESC was an exiting possibility to show Ukraine in<br />
the best of lights“, says Olexander Scherba, the Ambassador<br />
of the Ukraine to Austria in an interview<br />
with “Cercle Diplomatique“, following the celebrations<br />
of the 25 th anniversary of the Ukrainian-Austrian<br />
diplomatic relations (also see page 50). ”We wanted<br />
to have this ‚Wow‘-effect that most of the tourists<br />
have, when they come to Kiev and see a vibrant modern<br />
European city.“<br />
The ESC might indeed have ”changed the tone“, as<br />
Scherba hopes, pointing to the fact that the conflict<br />
in Eastern Ukraine in the regions of Luhansk and<br />
Donetsk only effects six percent of the country‘s territory.<br />
And that it not only has to offer an impressive<br />
cultural heritage – which, by the way, is deeply rooted<br />
in a period, when the Western Ukraine has been<br />
part of the Austrian monarchy with cities like Lviv<br />
(Lemberg) or Chernivtsi (Czernowitz), known as<br />
“Little Vienna“ – but a lot of promising economic<br />
opportunities as well.<br />
After years of contraction and thanks to the Association<br />
Agreement with the EU, which went into action<br />
on 1 January, 2016, Ukraine‘s GDP is on the rise<br />
again and could grow at a rate of 2.4 percent over 100<br />
billion dollar in <strong>2017</strong>, analysts predict. As a sign of<br />
recovery and a stronger purchasing power of the population,<br />
Austrian exports to the Ukraine have increased<br />
for nearly 20 percent in 2016, placing the<br />
Ukraine at rank 33 among Austria‘s trade partners.<br />
”The best business opportunities for Austrian companies<br />
definitely can be found in the agricultural sector<br />
and in the food industries“, explains Michael Angerer,<br />
Austria‘s trade commissioner in Kiev. „But<br />
there are still some factors of uncertainty.“ Meaning<br />
the turbulent and sometimes aggressive situation of<br />
the Ukraine‘s internal politics, which even has featured<br />
members of parliament fist-fighting each other.<br />
And the country is also facing a difficult demographic<br />
development, with a tendency to lower birth<br />
rates and many young emigrants leaving the country,<br />
thus posing a future threat of a diminishing labor<br />
force. On the other hand, Ambassador Scherba<br />
points to the fact that the Ukraine has one of Europe‘s<br />
best educated population and especially in the IT<br />
sector, the Ukrainians are enjoying a reputation of<br />
computer wizards.<br />
To put it into a nutshell: the Ukraine seems to be<br />
up. Frequent visitors to the country, who maybe, after<br />
having slurped borshch, invited by a complete<br />
stranger, have known this for long and are returning<br />
with cheers about one of Europe‘s most open and<br />
hospitable nations. Ambassador Scherba is confident<br />
that politicians and business people all over the continent,<br />
will soon discover the many facets of his<br />
country as well. ”The Ukraine will be the next hot<br />
thing for Europe“, he says. If there was no war.<br />
Ukraine<br />
Official name:<br />
Ukraine – Ukrajina<br />
Capital and largest city:<br />
Kiev<br />
Official language:<br />
Ukrainian<br />
Ethnic groups:<br />
77.8% Ukrainians<br />
17.3% Russians<br />
4.9% others<br />
Government:<br />
Unitary semi-presidential<br />
republic<br />
• President:<br />
Petro Poroshenko<br />
• Prime Minister:<br />
Volodymyr Groysman<br />
• Chairman of Parliament:<br />
Andriy Parubiy<br />
Area: 603,500 km 2<br />
Population: 42,550,000<br />
GDP: 88.3 billion $ (2016,<br />
nominal)<br />
GDP per capita: 8,291 $<br />
(2016, nominal)<br />
Formation:<br />
• 882: Kievan Rus‘<br />
• 1199: Kingdom of<br />
Galicia–Volhynia<br />
• 17 August 1649:<br />
Zaporizhian Host<br />
• 7 November 1917:<br />
Independence from<br />
Russian Republic;<br />
Ukrainian People‘s<br />
Republic<br />
• 1 November 1918: West<br />
Ukrainian People‘s<br />
Republic<br />
• 10 March 1919:<br />
Ukrainian SSR<br />
• 8 October 1938:<br />
Carpatho-Ukraine<br />
• 15 November 1939:<br />
Soviet annexation<br />
of Western Ukraine<br />
• 30 June 1941:<br />
Declaration of<br />
Ukrainian Independence<br />
• 24 August 1991:<br />
Independence from<br />
the Soviet Union<br />
A view of the breath-taking<br />
Kiev Pechersk Lavra, the Kiev<br />
Monastery of the Caves.<br />
Left: The modern South<br />
Bridge over the Dniepr River.<br />
Right: The Golden Domes<br />
of Saint Andrew‘s Church<br />
– one of the many famous<br />
landmarks in Ukraine‘s<br />
capital Kiev.<br />
48 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
H.E. Olexander Scherba<br />
“Europe should listen very carefully to the tones that come from Russia.“<br />
The Ambassador of the Ukraine offers a fresh view of why Crimea might be reunified with the Ukraine again,<br />
how the conflict in Eastern Ukraine could be ended soon and why the Ukraine is the next hot thing for Europe.<br />
Interview: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
CD: Your Excellency Ambassador Scherba,<br />
congratulations for the succesful European Song<br />
Contest, recently hosted by your country. How<br />
would you estimate the importance of a major<br />
international event like the ESC for your country?<br />
Olexander Scherba: First of all, it is very<br />
important for us how this all began – with<br />
an impressive victory of our Ukrainian singer<br />
Jamala in Stockholm. A victory in a<br />
face-off with the Russian contestant, during<br />
a war with Russia, with a song referring<br />
to the fate of Crimean Tatars under<br />
Stalin – it was a victory that we needed,<br />
perhaps the most among other nations. It<br />
felt good and meant a lot. I have to admit:<br />
after the announcement of the result, I was<br />
cheering up so loudly, I might have woken<br />
up my neighbours. The same was happening<br />
all over Ukraine. This was a moment<br />
of joy and happiness in a rather dark and<br />
unhappy time. But with this win, came a<br />
new honour and responsibility: to host the<br />
next Song Contest. We took it up right<br />
away, as an exiting possibility to show Ukraine<br />
in a better light, than it happens in<br />
the everyday press. Which is far from building<br />
any kind of “Potemkin villages“. You<br />
might have heard the positive words from<br />
people visiting Kiev over the years. Many<br />
tourists coming to Kiev, describe their feeling<br />
as “stunning“. After reading all the negative<br />
press, after all the bad headlines,<br />
they immerse in a positive, friendly and<br />
beautiful city. We wanted more people to<br />
experience it, to show what a vibrant, modern<br />
European city Kiev is. I hope we<br />
reached this ”Wow!“-effect this May.<br />
Does the ESC have any further implications, apart<br />
from presenting your country as a touristic<br />
destination?<br />
Of course. The Contest is a change of<br />
pace, a change of tone, switching from the<br />
negative headlines to a deeply joyous event.<br />
We do expect more tourists, but first of all,<br />
we do expect the world to realise, the war is<br />
only effecting six percent of Ukrainian territory.<br />
Other than that, it is a peaceful<br />
country that has plenty to offer to the rest<br />
of the world – business-wise, tourism-wise<br />
and culture-wise. And the last but not least:<br />
we took the motto “Celebrate Diversity!“<br />
seriously. Ukraine is a very diverse nation,<br />
which still has to come to terms with things<br />
like homophobia, xenophobia, nationalism.<br />
The Contest helped to raise the flag<br />
and to remind Ukrainians, what a positive<br />
thing diversity is. It also reminded us, that<br />
a truly European state – and we want to become<br />
one – isn‘t possible without a deep<br />
respect to all minorities.<br />
Maybe the ESC might even strengthen the<br />
pressure on Russia, to pull back from the Crimea,<br />
which is has annexed in March 2014. Do you have<br />
any signs, that there might be a reunification of<br />
Ukraine and the Crimea?<br />
I am absolutely confident about that.<br />
You just need to consider the facts. A territory<br />
like Crimea is like a human being. You<br />
have to get your supplies and water from<br />
somewhere. You can probably get some<br />
over the so-called Kerch bridge that the occupants<br />
are building (although many don‘t<br />
think it would hold). But what about the<br />
water? How would you get the irrigation<br />
water over a bridge? Without Ukraine‘s water,<br />
Crimea turns into a desert. So, it‘s probably<br />
about time that decision-makers in<br />
Moscow, instead of indulging their imperial<br />
instincts, once in a while think about<br />
what is legal and what is right for Crimea.<br />
One thing is clear to me: the annexation is<br />
illegal and wrong for it.<br />
So the next negotiations would be about that<br />
water?<br />
I don‘t know, what the negotiations will<br />
be. But there can be only one premise of<br />
negotiations: restoring international law.<br />
Which says: Crimea is Ukraine. On the top<br />
of that, the simple truth is: no one was standing<br />
in anyone‘s way in Crimea before<br />
Putin‘s “green little men“ popped up. No<br />
human rights violations, no ethnic purges.<br />
The annexation was an unnecessary, dumb<br />
tour de force that damaged everyone‘s interest<br />
– including Russia‘s. To fundamentally<br />
destroy the relationship with Ukraine, to<br />
deal a heavy blow to Europe‘s security, to<br />
become a global problem – and for what?<br />
Just to tickle the imperial ego of some? That<br />
was a dumb and unnecessary move that the<br />
whole Europe, the whole world pays for.<br />
Is there any feeling in the Ukraine that your<br />
country is in danger of – at the most extreme – a<br />
Russian occupation?<br />
Oh, let‘s try to stay on a more positive<br />
side (smiles). But you are right in one<br />
thing: we, in the Ukraine, and all other European<br />
countries, are at a point where we<br />
should listen very carefully to the tones and<br />
moves that come from Russia and Moscow.<br />
And they aren‘t very encouraging. Yet, the<br />
chance for peace and law isn‘t completely<br />
ruined yet. All it takes, is some change of<br />
attitude on Russia‘s side.<br />
Before we get the curve to the many more<br />
promising aspects, can you please give us an<br />
overlook about the current situation of the<br />
conflict in the region of Lugansk and Donetsk,<br />
where a peaceful solution does not seem in sight.<br />
Is there any chance, to implement the Minsk<br />
Agreement soon?<br />
The Minsk Agreement can be implemented<br />
very fast if Moscow makes the decision<br />
to steer clear of Ukrainian territory.<br />
Once its soldiers (“on vacation“ or not) are<br />
withdrawn – the war is over. Thousands armed<br />
Russian citizens in the Eastern Ukraine<br />
must go. The Ukrainian border must be<br />
under Ukrainian control. Once that happens,<br />
there is no obstacle for peace. But I<br />
have a feeling that official Moscow is still<br />
waiting for something.<br />
What for?<br />
It seems at times, they are looking forward<br />
to the moment when the United Europe<br />
falls apart, when the anti-EU moods<br />
and political forces take over. They call it<br />
”the coming conservative revolution“. I also<br />
hope, that after the presidential elections in<br />
Austria and France, after the recent local<br />
elections in Germany, they will finally realise:<br />
Europe isn‘t about to collapse, Europeans<br />
will hold to all the positive things<br />
that the United Europe brought in the last<br />
Born in Kiev , Mr. Scherba serves as the Ambassador<br />
of the Ukraine to Austria since December 2014. He<br />
started his diplomatic career in 1994, with posts in<br />
Germany (1996-2000) and in the USA (2000-2008).<br />
After a period of being adviser to Arsenij Jazenjuk, the<br />
former Prime Minister of the Ukraine, he acted as<br />
Special Envoy for Ukrainian diplomacy.<br />
50 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Olexander Scherba, the Ambassador of<br />
the Ukraine, during the interview with<br />
Cercle Diplomatique, at the beautiful<br />
Embassy in Vienna‘s 18 th district.<br />
half a century. And one more thing: if Russians<br />
look forward to a new division on the<br />
continent and in the world – I think they<br />
are in for a bitter disappointment. It won‘t<br />
happen. And at any case, Ukraine surely<br />
won‘t put up with being a Russian zone of<br />
influence again.<br />
How would you judge the recent death of the<br />
OSCE observer there?<br />
This is a terrible tragedy which is the responsibility<br />
of the occupants and their proxies<br />
who control the place, where the incident<br />
occurred. To my knowledge, the<br />
explosion happened in the afternoon,<br />
when the monitors where heading back after<br />
completing their mission on that day.<br />
Which means: the explosive wasn‘t there in<br />
the morning, but someone put it on their<br />
way in the afternoon. What would be the<br />
motive of that, other than scaring them off<br />
and keeping this part of Ukraine under a<br />
100 percent Russian control, as it is the case<br />
now? Still, I do hope that it won‘t weaken<br />
the determination of the OSCE SMM monitors<br />
to help bringing peace back to Ukraine.<br />
We want peace – and, by all accounts, it<br />
won‘t come without international help and<br />
pressure on those who came to our land<br />
and created these so-called “people‘s republics“.<br />
Because of Austria‘s Presidency of the OSCE, does<br />
this incident have any implications for the<br />
bilateral relations between Austria and the<br />
Ukraine?<br />
On the contrary. We very much appreciate<br />
what Austria does in the OSCE. Austria<br />
took the right tone from the very beginning:<br />
put the ordeal of civilians above other<br />
aspects of the war – and try to help. This<br />
applies for political decisions, just as much<br />
as for rendering humanitarian help and<br />
upholding the sanctions on Russia.<br />
So how would you paint the current bilateral<br />
relations between the Ukraine and Austria, which<br />
actually date back deep to the monarchy?<br />
Those memories are alive and rather<br />
warm. Western Ukrainians call Austria<br />
“babtsja Avstrija“ – “Grandma Austria“.<br />
You still can find portraits of Emperor<br />
Franz Josef I in some homes, and a Maria<br />
Theresa monument stands in Uzhgorod.<br />
However, even more than “the Grandma<br />
Austria“ we like today‘s vibrant, modern,<br />
young and future-oriented Austria. You<br />
might be a small European country, but<br />
you are a giant among our partners. The<br />
most obvious example: Raiffeisenbank International<br />
has become one of the biggest<br />
foreign banks and one of the biggest investors<br />
in the country. In the insurance industry,<br />
we have a very healthy competition<br />
between Uniqa and the Vienna Insurance<br />
Group which lead the market. Fischer<br />
Sports is for years very successful, produ-<br />
cing sport equipment in Ukraine‘s west. I<br />
can go on and on with these positive examples.<br />
Yet, Ukraine has much more to offer.<br />
The agriculture sector, which is booming.<br />
Look at the IT-Sector, with Ukraine<br />
increasingly dominating the outsourcing<br />
market in Europe. On the one hand, we<br />
have one of the highest proportions of the<br />
people with a university degree to the overall<br />
population. On the other hand, the labour<br />
costs are rather low. The latter point is<br />
unfortunate for us, but a timely point for<br />
investors to enter the market.<br />
Coming to the European perspective, which would<br />
be the next milestone after the Association<br />
Agreement went into action in 2016?<br />
We are extremely appreciative about the<br />
upcoming visa-free regime. As a point of<br />
appreciation and recognition of our effort<br />
on the European way, this step is of utmost<br />
importance – most of all psychologically.<br />
Europe stands for freedom. And this newly<br />
acquired freedom of movement for our citizens<br />
means, that we are on the right way<br />
and that European decision-makers do appreciate<br />
our immensely difficult transformation.<br />
And as to the economic advantages<br />
of the Deep and Comprehensive Free<br />
Trade Area with the EU – it bears fruit. The<br />
European Union is already our economic<br />
partner number 1. We are very much aware<br />
that we live in a new economic reality. After<br />
Russia decided not to be our friend anymore,<br />
we have to be looking out for other markets.<br />
In Europe, Asia, Africa. Clearly, the<br />
EU market is extremely competitive. But<br />
not impossible to compete. Europe is our<br />
inspiration and our future. And we think it<br />
is obvious that Ukraine, as a new developing<br />
market, will be instrumental for<br />
Europe‘s economic future as well. Mark my<br />
words: Ukraine will be “the next hot thing“<br />
for investors and for Europe as a whole.<br />
“Austria might be a small European<br />
country. But it is a giant among the<br />
Ukrainian economic partners.“
H.E. Yury Fedotov<br />
“Today, criminals are clever and highly adaptive. We underestimate them at our peril.“<br />
FACTS &<br />
In an eye-opening interview, Yury Fedotov, the Executive Director of the<br />
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, offers a deep look into how the<br />
UNODC is fighting the world‘s multi-trillion-dollar crime business.<br />
Interview: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
CD: Director Fedotov, how do we have to picture<br />
organised crime today?<br />
Yury Fedotov: The old image of the<br />
mobsters who sat at a kitchen table planning<br />
their latest criminal act has changed.<br />
Today, they are just as likely to sit around a<br />
boardroom table, alongside bankers, accountants<br />
and lawyers, authorising the global<br />
movement of hundreds of millions of<br />
dollars. Trans-border criminals are clever,<br />
sophisticated and highly adaptive. We underestimate<br />
them at our peril. Modern criminal<br />
networks are capable of swiftly changing<br />
routes, locations and personnel.<br />
In regard to the upcoming 20th anniversary of<br />
UNODC, which balance would you draw regarding<br />
the goal of your agency?<br />
Making the world safer from drugs, organised<br />
crime, corruption and terrorism is<br />
a tremendous responsibility, especially due<br />
to the rapid evolution of these threats. It is<br />
not easy to achieve all these objectives and<br />
build a system of priority because all challenges<br />
must be handled to improve the life<br />
of people everywhere. We are trying to do<br />
our best with limited resources. UNODC‘s<br />
goal is threefold: bring together government<br />
and other partners, to discuss trends<br />
in transnational organised crime; agree solutions<br />
based on our extensive capacities in<br />
research and analysis; and deliver these solutions<br />
at the grassroots level through our<br />
global field network and in close cooperation<br />
with civil society. I am justifiably proud<br />
of UNODC‘s successes in helping to make<br />
the world safer – and which will be celebrated<br />
at our 20 th Anniversary in September.<br />
Can you give us some examples?<br />
UNODC has assisted millions of prisoners,<br />
thanks to the adoption at the UN<br />
General Assembly of the revised “UN Standard<br />
Minimum Rules for the Treatment of<br />
Prisoners“. It is one of the most significant<br />
developments in modern international law<br />
and a blueprint for 21 st century prison management.<br />
As a tribute to Nelson Mandela,<br />
the standards are called the “Mandela Rules“.<br />
Our mandate on terrorism prevention,<br />
coupled with our lengthy experience on justice<br />
and the rule of law, ensures, that we are<br />
leading the way on tackling radicalisation of<br />
prisoners and violent extremism. This is a<br />
necessity. The case of Anis Amri, shot dead<br />
before Christmas by Italian police after killing<br />
12 people in a terrorist attack in Berlin,<br />
was, like many others, radicalised in prison.<br />
And what are the main achievements of UNODC‘s<br />
fight against illicit drugs?<br />
In the area of illicit drugs, our work in<br />
Colombia, but also in Peru and elsewhere,<br />
has lifted tens of thousands of farming families<br />
out of the clutches of the criminal groups<br />
by encouraging the cultivation and production<br />
of licit crops such as coffee and cocoa.<br />
This is helping people not just to escape<br />
crime, but also to ensure that livelihoods are<br />
sustained and development strengthened.<br />
And together with the World Customs Organisation,<br />
UNODC manages the Global<br />
Container Control Programme (GCCP). In<br />
its first ten years of existence, Port Control<br />
Units established under the programme<br />
have been instrumental in seizing more<br />
than 100 tons of cocaine, nearly three tons of<br />
heroin and 60 tons of cannabis, as well as<br />
over 1,200 tons of precursor chemicals.<br />
UNODC has also made advances in the<br />
area of human trafficking. We manage the<br />
UN Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of<br />
Trafficking in Persons which has supported<br />
thousands of human trafficking survivors<br />
all over the world. And our Maritime<br />
Crime Programme has built prisons in the<br />
region for Somali pirates and helped to<br />
train coastguard. So far, 1,300 Somali people<br />
have been processed through the courts<br />
of 21 states. UNODC helped in the freeing<br />
of 150 hostages, including last year‘s release<br />
of 26 crew members from the FV Naham 3.<br />
Despite of this impressive work worldwide, crime<br />
in economic terms is estimated to have grown to<br />
some 2.1 trillion US-Dollar cash flows each year.<br />
What would you regard as the main reasons for<br />
this growth?<br />
I think, there are several narratives at<br />
play. There is the story of how crime grew<br />
The UNODC was established in 1997 in Vienna<br />
by combining the UN International Drug Control<br />
Programme and the Crime Prevention and<br />
Criminal Justice Division – two commissions<br />
which still provide the governing guidelines of<br />
the agency. It has an estimated biannual budget<br />
of some 760 million US-dollar, which for 90 %<br />
is funded by voluntary contributions, mainly<br />
from governments, and a stuff of some 2,000<br />
people worldwide. Mr. Yury Fedotov, the<br />
Executive Director of UNODC since 2010, is<br />
head of some 70 offices worldwide, including<br />
21 field offices and two liaison offices in Brussels<br />
and New York.<br />
The main goal of UNODC is to better equip<br />
governments to handle drug-, crime-,<br />
terrorism-, and corruption-related <strong>issue</strong>s, to<br />
maximise knowledge on these <strong>issue</strong>s among<br />
governmental institutions and agencies, and<br />
also to maximise awareness of said matters in<br />
public opinion, globally, nationally and at<br />
community level.<br />
To achieve this, UNODC operates in 4 divisions.<br />
There are the field offices network to directly<br />
fight crime and illicits drugs. The Division for<br />
Policy and Public Affairs runs drug laboratories,<br />
provides training to local law enforcement<br />
authorities and is engaged in research and<br />
analysis. The Division for Treaty Affairs is<br />
packed with lawyers and liaison officers in<br />
charge of government relations. And finally<br />
there is a division mainly dealing with<br />
organisation, management and finance.<br />
According to David Dadge, the voice of UNODC,<br />
there is one main narrative of the agency; ”The<br />
growth of crime goes hand in hand with the<br />
growth of UNODC.“<br />
A UNODC security officer at its<br />
Vienna headquarter where it has<br />
been located for 20 years.<br />
Born in Saratov, Russia, Mr. Fedotov is one of the<br />
highest ranking diplomats of the Russian Federation.<br />
He was appointed to Executive Director of the United<br />
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and<br />
Director-General of the United Nations Office in<br />
Vienna (UNOV) on 9 July 2010.<br />
54 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
“Crime is a transnational business<br />
worth USD 2.1 trillion, so powerful,<br />
that no single state can deal with it.“
into a transnational business worth USD<br />
2.1 trillion. The growing perception among<br />
member states that trans-border crime is<br />
so large, so powerful, no single state can<br />
deal with its deadly impact. And there is<br />
the overlapping story of how crime came to<br />
be recognised as an obstacle to sustainable<br />
development. Weave into these storylines<br />
illicit drugs, the rise of violent extremism,<br />
spreading terrorism, the phenomenon of<br />
foreign-terrorist-fighters, maritime crime<br />
and stubborn piracy off the Horn of Africa,<br />
as well as endemic corruption, and you<br />
have a powerful story of how drugs and<br />
crime moved centre stage to become a major<br />
global trend. Tragically, this is before<br />
you even include paralysing cybercrime,<br />
dire human trafficking and the tide of misery<br />
caused by migrant smuggling. Today,<br />
drugs and crime are a chronicle of our modern<br />
world and the global thief of development<br />
and human opportunity stealing<br />
wealth and hopes from families and communities.<br />
Crime aggravates inequality and<br />
violence, particularly in vulnerable countries<br />
seeking to escape bloody conflicts. It is<br />
for all these reasons that UNODC‘s role<br />
has expanded as countries have come to recognise<br />
the importance of partnership, cooperation<br />
and coordination in their efforts<br />
against the criminals and the terrorists.<br />
Where do you draw the line between what is not<br />
yet a crime and what is one? For example, when<br />
certain forms of financial transactions might be<br />
legal in some jurisdictions but would be<br />
considered as money laundering in others?<br />
Concepts of crime are not static or set in<br />
stone. They evolve just as societies develop.<br />
Certain activities, once considered as normal<br />
and acceptable, become unacceptable<br />
and are established as criminal offences.<br />
Taking or offering bribes is now criminalised<br />
in many countries as a form of corruption,<br />
but it is only a few decades ago –<br />
prior to the adoption of the UN Convention<br />
against Corruption – that these were considered<br />
as a normal business practise. The<br />
acceptance of violence against children or<br />
violence against women was likewise much<br />
higher in the recent past. Now, these forms<br />
of violence have become a priority for criminal<br />
justice systems with the adoption by<br />
the Crime Commission – and then the General<br />
Assembly – of standards outlining<br />
strategies to prevent and combat them. I<br />
view this movement positively. You mentioned<br />
money laundering. The UN Conventions<br />
against Corruption and Transnational<br />
Organised Crime clearly oblige<br />
Member States to criminalise it. There are<br />
also FATF Standards that oblige any State<br />
that wishes to be a part of the global financial<br />
system, to criminalise money laundering.<br />
There are no “legal forms“ of money<br />
laundering. The real problem is not in a legal<br />
definition, but the practical application<br />
of anti-money laundering legislation.<br />
What does that mean in practise?<br />
Banks must know their clients, they<br />
need to report suspicious transactions to<br />
the Financial Intelligence Units. UNODC<br />
assists countries in conducting so called<br />
“mystery shopper“ exercises. This is, where<br />
an anti-money laundering officer goes to<br />
the banks and pretends to be a person asking<br />
for very suspicious transactions.<br />
Banks should suspect money laundering<br />
“20 percent of drug users buy their drugs on the<br />
Internet. And they do not pay with credit cards –<br />
they use cryptocurrency. A teenager with a computer<br />
can run a drug business worth millions.“<br />
UNODC‘s Executive<br />
Director Yury Fedotov also<br />
holds the rank of<br />
Under-Secretary-General<br />
of the United Nations.<br />
Prior to this, he served as<br />
Ambassador Extraordinary<br />
and Plenipotentiary of the<br />
Russian Federation to the<br />
Court of St. James‘s in<br />
London for five years.<br />
Before that, from 20<strong>02</strong> to<br />
2005, he was the Deputy<br />
Minister of Foreign Affairs<br />
of the Russian Federation<br />
for International<br />
Organisations.<br />
“Concepts of crime are not static or set in stone. They evolve as societies develop.“<br />
and alert government agency. Thirteen<br />
banks in the jurisdiction either politely declined<br />
the request or reported the suspicious<br />
behaviour. But one bank said: ”Oh,<br />
you need some professional services. We<br />
can advise you how to do the things properly<br />
so that you will not be detected“. Such<br />
behaviour is deeply worrying, especially<br />
when criminals control financial institutions<br />
and facilitate money laundering. UN-<br />
ODC, through its Global Anti-Money<br />
Laundering Programme, is helping countries<br />
to address these problems.<br />
How do you support them?<br />
UNODC helps governments to train<br />
their financial investigators, and it brings<br />
results. After several years of trainings, last<br />
year, the South African countries seized<br />
USD 23 million of crime proceeds. The<br />
only “gray“ area, where money laundering<br />
is not adequately criminalised, concerns<br />
cryptocurrencies. The Bitcoin market is<br />
growing and now has a capitalisation of<br />
some USD 30 billion. But there is no uniform<br />
legal definition of cryptocurrencies: is<br />
it a monetary instrument, currency, commodity<br />
or an entirely different animal altogether?<br />
Is it, for instance, taxable? Can it be<br />
a tool for the purposes of money laundering?<br />
These questions remain open. I would<br />
even say, that many law enforcement agencies<br />
have limited knowledge on bitcoin<br />
operations and how to conduct investigations.<br />
But criminals know it well. The recent<br />
World Drug Report 2016 shows, that<br />
over 20 per cent of drug users buy their<br />
drugs on the Internet. And they do not pay<br />
with credit cards – they use cryptocurrency.<br />
A teenager with a computer can run a<br />
drug business worth millions by receiving<br />
orders on the Dark Web, obtaining payment<br />
in bitcoins, and sending the illicit<br />
drugs by mail.<br />
How is UNODC addressing terrorism and violent<br />
or criminal extremism?<br />
These are two of the world‘s greatest<br />
challenges. Both threaten international<br />
peace and security and are connected to information<br />
technologies, including the Internet,<br />
to spread violent and extremist<br />
ideologies. It is also closely related to the<br />
movement of foreign terrorist fighters across<br />
borders. The speed of these changes is<br />
evidenced by the rise of ISIL. This group<br />
has been joined by large numbers of foreign<br />
terrorist fighters with significant numbers<br />
from Europe, South Asia and South-<br />
East Asia. Some are returning from conflict,<br />
and they have the ability and intention to<br />
conduct further terrorist attacks. UNODC<br />
helps through its Global Programme on<br />
Strengthening the Legal Regime Against<br />
Foreign Terrorist Fighters in the Middle<br />
East, North African and Balkan Regions.<br />
Our portfolio on countering terrorist financing<br />
in relation to FTFs is also growing<br />
and UNODC has a new project, supporting<br />
States to specifically target ISIL-related<br />
funding. There is a direct connection between<br />
conflict and human trafficking. One<br />
of our most important messages is, that<br />
conflict makes people, especially women<br />
and children, vulnerable and fragile. Armed<br />
groups view civilians as a potential<br />
source of funding. ISIL has apparently sold<br />
women and girls or coerced them into<br />
marriage with fighters. The Nigerian group<br />
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56 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Yury Fedotov, the Executive Director of the<br />
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,<br />
took his precious time to sit down for an<br />
in-depth-interview with Cercle Diplomatique‘s<br />
author Rainer Himmelfreundpointner.<br />
“Is the world sufficiently prepared<br />
and equipped against cybercrime?<br />
No. Cybercrime continues to grow<br />
borderless at an alarming rate.“<br />
Boko Haram has been involved in enslaving<br />
women and girls through trafficking<br />
in person. All of this creates a grim cycle of<br />
terror and tragedy. Conflict creates instability,<br />
forcing millions of women, children<br />
and men to flee. And defenceless people<br />
vulnerable to exploitation by migrant<br />
smugglers and human traffickers. Profits<br />
are then funnelled back for the commission<br />
of further crimes and terrorism.<br />
UNODC‘s work, along with its partners,<br />
including Interpol and Europol, but also<br />
many others, is about breaking into this<br />
cycle, helping victims, while bringing the<br />
criminals and terrorists to justice.<br />
In the light of the recent global cyber-attack and<br />
the immense growth of cybercrime, is the world<br />
sufficiently prepared and equipped against it?<br />
What would be the UNODC’s to-do-list?<br />
Organised criminals and terrorists seek<br />
to exploit every available opportunity to<br />
further their objectives. Cybercrime, in<br />
particular, continues to grow at an alarming<br />
rate and, even more so than other<br />
crimes, is borderless. In 2016, as an example,<br />
689 million people in 21 countries experienced<br />
cybercrime. We see cybercriminals<br />
on one continent, launching attacks on<br />
websites on another. Children are sexually<br />
exploited online irrespective of their geographic<br />
proximity to the offender, and<br />
businesses are defrauded globally through<br />
phishing scams. Is the world sufficiently<br />
prepared and equipped against these threats?<br />
No. But at UNODC, we are playing<br />
our part in responding to cybercrime and,<br />
crucially, preventing it. In El Salvador, for<br />
example, UNODC has built and mentored<br />
the National Cybercrime Unit within the<br />
National Civil Police. We also train prosecutors<br />
and judges. Working across Government,<br />
we have explained and sensitised key<br />
policy-makers to the threat ensuring a nuanced<br />
and threat-based response.<br />
Around the world, we are actively working<br />
to build capability to detect, investigate<br />
and disrupt cybercrime. In Tunisia we‘re<br />
delivering a cross-government programme<br />
to counter cybercrime – the first of its kind<br />
in the country. In Eastern Africa, we‘re<br />
about to provide new, specialist, countercybercrime<br />
support to local agencies, and,<br />
in South East Asia, we are using our specialist<br />
in-house counter-cybercrime mentor<br />
to ensure that our local partners make the<br />
best choices when investigating complex<br />
cybercrime. In 2016 alone, our Global Programme<br />
on Cybercrime, whilst relatively<br />
modest in size, trained investigators, prosecutors<br />
and judges from over 50 countries.<br />
Our work is having a direct, positive<br />
impact on the cyber landscape in regions<br />
that are highly vulnerable.<br />
But at the end of the day the user has to care for<br />
his cyber security. How does UNODC reach them?<br />
At a policy level, UNODC Vienna has<br />
continued since 2011 to host an Intergovernmental<br />
Expert Group on Cybercrime:<br />
a forum, where experts from around<br />
the world can meet to initiate often-challenging<br />
discussions on cybercrime and<br />
current developments, including international<br />
cooperation and best practices to<br />
counter cybercrime. The “human element“<br />
is often described as “the weakest link“ in<br />
defending cybercrime. People can, and<br />
should, however, be our strongest link.<br />
With education from an early age, and ongoing<br />
mentoring, support and sensitisation,<br />
people can make cyberspace a hostile<br />
environment for those who wish to exploit<br />
it. Cybercrime is, as I said, truly borderless<br />
– all countries are harmed by it and cybercriminals<br />
intentionally exploit investigative,<br />
legislative and policy gaps. At UNODC,<br />
we‘re playing our part in countering this<br />
rapidly evolving threat and we encourage<br />
everyone to play their part in this effort.<br />
Together, we are making communities safer,<br />
promoting prosperity and, ultimately,<br />
saving lives.<br />
Last but not least: Has Vienna proven to be the<br />
right place for UNODC?<br />
I do not believe there is a better place in<br />
the world for UNODC to have its headquarters.<br />
Not geographically, and certainly<br />
not diplomatically. Austria is a champion<br />
of multilateral diplomacy, and a leading<br />
supporter of both the wider United Nations<br />
and UNODC. We have benefited tremendously<br />
from the Austrian government‘s support,<br />
its wisdom and its willingness to encourage<br />
our broad mandate. In terms of<br />
how cooperation works, shared responsibility<br />
is the driving force. Still, it can always<br />
be enhanced and made more effective and<br />
efficient. Information sharing, joint operations<br />
and mutual legal assistance are all pivotal.<br />
These cannot be achieved without<br />
countries ratifying and fully implementing<br />
the drug, crime and corruption conventions,<br />
as well as the international terrorism<br />
instruments. Austria is often at the forefront<br />
of these activities. Cooperation is also<br />
essential in stopping opium, moving from<br />
Afghanistan to Western Europe using the<br />
Balkan route, or being trafficked down to<br />
Australia and the Pacific using the Southern<br />
route. Elsewhere, cooperation and<br />
coordination is vital regarding the smuggling<br />
of migrants and human trafficking<br />
from North Africa, across the Mediterranean,<br />
to southern Europe, or to confront<br />
wildlife crime that sees animal parts trafficked<br />
from Africa to Asia. Being in Vienna,<br />
at the heart of Europe, we are close to so<br />
many of these routes, and perfectly situated<br />
to take on these multiple and interconnected<br />
challenges.<br />
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Ulrike Guérot<br />
is a political scientist and<br />
founder and Director of the<br />
European Democracy Labs<br />
at the European School of<br />
Governance in Berlin.<br />
In April 2016, the Danube<br />
University Krems appointed<br />
her as Professor for<br />
European Policy and the<br />
Study of Democracy and<br />
also as head of this<br />
department.<br />
The EU: Squeezed between external threats and domestic populism<br />
What Europe, what future? Barely something has<br />
been as uncertain as Europe‘s future these days, more<br />
precisely: the future of the EU. Yesterday‘s most impressive<br />
peace project seems gone: it is squeezed between<br />
external threats, stemming from Putin, an ever<br />
more authoritarian Turkey or the IS. In addition, Europe<br />
now needs to confront all these changes in the<br />
international security architecture without its former<br />
leader, the US, which has left classical features of Western<br />
foreign policy and, with President Trump, has<br />
become unpleasantly unreliable und no longer trustworthy.<br />
Notwithstanding, the EU is also under domestic<br />
stress, stemming from the biggest social crisis as a<br />
consequence of a drastic mismanagement of the Euro<br />
crisis on the one hand, and the tech revolution of the<br />
robotics, liquidating classical employment en masse,<br />
on the other. Both threats together should bring about<br />
the emancipation of the EU, should bring the European<br />
countries closer together, in the aim to secure<br />
Europe’s position in the world. Yet, the opposite is<br />
happening. The EU seems helpless, nearly inexistent<br />
in these entire crises. Following the Pew Review of<br />
2016, only 47% of people still have trust in the EU and<br />
its institutions. The EU seemed already overwhelmed<br />
with the refugee crisis; and whether there will be another<br />
showdown with the Greek debt crisis in the summer,<br />
spilling over onto Italy remains to be seen. It<br />
could be the end of the EU, shortly after the 60 anniversary<br />
has been celebrated with pomp in Rome last<br />
March.<br />
Europe is under deep strain of right-wing populism<br />
and nationalism, now eroding the democracies of<br />
many of its member states. On top, Brexit will most<br />
likely not be a success, as Theresa May keeps repeating,<br />
but more a move eyes wide shut into disaster. The<br />
country that wanted to secure its nation against the<br />
European continent has gotten the quite opposite: the<br />
nearly-implosion of this nation, now being divided<br />
into the Youth and the City of London, the industrial<br />
regions of Northern England or Scotland and North-<br />
Ireland.<br />
Nationalism and populism are not only on the rise:<br />
they have already conquered substantial parts of Europe.<br />
In Hungary, newspapers and universities are<br />
closed, there as well as in Poland, independent justice<br />
is threatened. This has triggered protest in the streets,<br />
but civil society, as active as it is in Hungary, Poland or<br />
Romania, unfortunately can‘t change things.<br />
Sure, Norbert Hofer has been avoided in Austria,<br />
Geert Wilders and his PVV didn’t succeed becoming<br />
strongest party in the Netherland, and Marine Le Pen<br />
will probably not become next President of France,<br />
but Europe is deeply entrenched with populist movement<br />
and parties that make politics dysfunctional on<br />
both national and European level.<br />
Five Scenarios which won’t help<br />
Early March, President Juncker has announced<br />
Five Scenarios on the Future of the EU, 29 colourful<br />
pages. They were announced as the basis for a deep<br />
and sound discussion about the future of the EU after<br />
Brexit. Yet, not even a month later, the proposals have<br />
vanished of the public sphere. There is not much, not<br />
to say any official discussion about them. Admittedly,<br />
the five scenarios are not sexy by any standard. One<br />
could even question whether all the five could be<br />
called scenarios.<br />
The first is to keep everything as it is: is this a plausible<br />
“scenario“, when everything is breaking down?<br />
The second is to go back to a single market. But what<br />
about the single currency then, which was made to<br />
ease out a single market? The third scenario is “differentiated<br />
integration“ but which can already happen<br />
under existing treaties, yet never used. And if so: are<br />
we really to save the EU with differentiated integration<br />
in the field of electro mobility? Is this the way to secure<br />
our children’s future on the European continent?<br />
One would guess that not.<br />
So, the only debatable scenarios are scenarios four<br />
and five: the EU should do fewer things together<br />
(four), but then better, or should do all things together<br />
(scenario five), but then also “right“. The question is<br />
thus what “right“ means. Hasn‘t the EU done things<br />
“right“ so far? The suggestion is that it has not, as the<br />
EU has never answered to the question of sovereignty<br />
– who governs – properly. But is seems as if it is about<br />
time for the EU to sort out of its ambivalence: either<br />
Europe decides, but then the member states of the EU<br />
are no longer sovereign in the classical sense. Or there<br />
is no Europe. The question of legitimacy in the European<br />
policy space must be revisited with urge!<br />
Everything must change so that everything remains as it is in<br />
Europe<br />
If we want to maintain democracy and peace, freedom<br />
and rule of law in Europe, nearly everything must<br />
change in the EU. For long, political science has<br />
thought that the way democracy functions in national<br />
democracies cannot be applied to the EU. That‘s why<br />
the EU was given its specific institutional trilogy made<br />
out of Commission, European Parliament and the<br />
Council, called sui generis. Time has come to call this<br />
system into question. Europe, especially the Eurozone,<br />
needs a profoundly redesigned basis of legitimacy. In<br />
short: as everywhere, the European people must be the<br />
sovereign of the political system, there must be division<br />
of power and European citizens must be equal in front<br />
of the law. The EU offers none of this. The principle of<br />
political equality is yet the condition sine qua non for<br />
all democracies, starting with voting equality (”one person,<br />
one vote“), passing by tax equality and ending with<br />
equal access to social rights. If there is still the aim to<br />
engage in a political project on the European continent<br />
– which might be out into question – then there is no<br />
other way than striving, over time, for political equality<br />
of all European citizens in a newly defined European<br />
citizenship. Beyond Junckers‘ mere scenarios, this<br />
should be penned down and put into action.<br />
Since a couple of month, there is #pulseofeurope, a<br />
civil society movement, demonstrating all Sundays for<br />
Europe. Thousands of people are in the streets in many<br />
towns across Europe, because the sentiment is growing<br />
in the public that there is a lot to lose, if Europe fails and<br />
does not remedy itself. The moment is thus appropriate,<br />
public support is there, in order to engage into a paradigm<br />
change about the EU, which would place the<br />
people in the middle of the project!<br />
Der neue Bürgerkrieg<br />
(The New Civil War)<br />
Europe is in deep crisis. Ulrike Guérot<br />
calls for a radical new beginning:<br />
Finally, after a common market and a<br />
common currency, a common<br />
European democracy has to follow -<br />
the only way to preserve the<br />
cosmopolitan Europa which the<br />
majority of Europeans still desires.<br />
Hardcover ISBN: 978 354 907 4916<br />
ePub ISBN: 978 384 371 6307<br />
published in May <strong>2017</strong>, Ullstein<br />
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60 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Latest update from around the globe<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Life Science<br />
Prime location<br />
Vienna<br />
Around 480 organisations are<br />
active in the life science sector<br />
in Vienna, approximately 10<br />
billion euro in turnover is<br />
generated per year. The Vienna<br />
Biocenter in Neu Marx will soon<br />
also be the home to various<br />
new start-ups. In total, there<br />
are 72 flexible laboratory<br />
spaces and 32 office spaces<br />
available across an area of<br />
1,100 m2. As the European<br />
Medicines Agency (EMA) will<br />
have to leave its seat in London<br />
due to Brexit, Vienna has now<br />
positioned itself as a candidate<br />
for the organisation’s subsequent<br />
base.<br />
viennabiocenter.org<br />
ema.europa.eu<br />
Airline<br />
Internet on board<br />
Austrian Airlines launches Internet on board in real time operation. All 31 Airbus aircraft of the fleet have been<br />
technically upgraded. Accordingly, passengers will also be able to use the Internet on short-haul and medium-haul<br />
flights as they fly above the clouds, and choose between the rates: FlyNet Message for three euros, FlyNet Surf for<br />
seven euros and FlyNet Stream for 12 euros for each leg of the journey. The digital entertainment programme for<br />
mobile devices will also start this summer.<br />
austrian.com<br />
European Forum Alpbach<br />
Between two poles<br />
European Union<br />
Years of recovery<br />
In its Spring Economic<br />
Forecast published in May,<br />
the European Commission<br />
expects euro area GDP<br />
growth of 1.7% in <strong>2017</strong> and<br />
1.8% in 2018.The European<br />
economy has entered its fifth<br />
year of recovery, which is now<br />
reaching all EU Member<br />
States. This is expected to<br />
continue at a largely steady<br />
pace this year and next.<br />
europa.eu<br />
Award<br />
Lifetime achievement<br />
Suleiman J. Al-Herbish, Director-General of the OPEC Fund for International<br />
Development (OFID), was awarded the <strong>2017</strong> Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah<br />
International Energy Award for Lifetime Achievement for the Advancement of<br />
the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) at the<br />
Sheraton Hotel, Doha in May. Mr Al-Herbish dedicated the award foremost to<br />
his family, without whose constant support, he said, he would not be<br />
receiving the honour and he further dedicated the award to the staff of OFID.<br />
ofid.org<br />
From August 16 to September 1, <strong>2017</strong>,<br />
hundreds of people from the worlds of<br />
science, politics, business, culture and civil<br />
society will gather at the European Forum<br />
Alpbach in Tyrol to debate ”Conflict and<br />
Cooperation“. This international<br />
symposium will focus on approaches for<br />
strengthening democracy and science, the<br />
rise of artificial intelligence and social and<br />
ecological innovations. Its international<br />
guests include Michael Ignatieff, Rector of<br />
the Central European University of<br />
Budapest, which is threatened with<br />
closure, Marcia McNutt, President of the<br />
US National Academy of Sciences, and<br />
Baron Thomas of Cwmgiedd, Lord Chief<br />
Justice of England and Wales, whose<br />
ruling brought Brexit before the British<br />
Parliament.<br />
alpbach.org<br />
Lebendige Geschichte erleben, stilvoll Wohnen im Herzen Wiens<br />
und Kulinarik auf höchstem Niveau – seit genau 125 Jahren<br />
steht das Hotel Bristol Vienna, a Luxury Collection Hotel,<br />
für sehr persönlichen Service und den Charme Wiens.<br />
Living history, stylish living in the heart of Vienna, and supreme<br />
cuisine – the Hotel Bristol Vienna, a Luxury Collection Hotel,<br />
has been a synonym for finest personal service and<br />
Viennese charm for exactly 125 years.<br />
62 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
#bristolvienna<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
PARKETT.<br />
NEU<br />
AB<br />
APRIL<br />
Los Angeles<br />
Mit myAustrian fliege ich mit herzlichem Service nonstop ins spektakuläre Los Angeles.<br />
Dort finde ich zwischen Wellen und Strand meinen persönlichen American Dream.<br />
the charming way to fly
Wer Green Tech sagt, muss Österreich sagen<br />
Green Tech is just another word for Austria<br />
Andritz. Letzte<br />
Qualitätskontrolle für<br />
hochmoderne<br />
Kraftwerksturbinen.<br />
Andritz. Last quality check for a<br />
high tech power plant turbine.<br />
Umwelttechnologie aus Österreich<br />
genießt einen weltweiten Spitzenruf<br />
und zählt zu den am schnellsten<br />
wachsenden Industrien des Landes.<br />
Green Tech made in Austria enjoys a<br />
remarkable reputation worldwide and<br />
is one of the fastest growing industries<br />
of the country.<br />
Text: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
66 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Umwelttechnologie<br />
in Österreich.<br />
Green Tech in<br />
Austria.<br />
Trotz Krise, ist der Sektor in den<br />
vergangenen Jahren immens<br />
gewachsen. Die internationale<br />
Nachfrage ist enorm.<br />
The sector is growing despite<br />
of the crisis and international<br />
demand is extremely high.<br />
Best Water Technology: Das<br />
Unternehmen, das Wasser in das<br />
reinste Vergnügen verwandelt.<br />
Best Water Technology. An<br />
Austrian company, turning even<br />
waste water into a fountain of joy.<br />
Haben Sie schon mal von der Firma Brantner<br />
gehört? Grundsolider Familienbetrieb aus<br />
Krems in Niederösterreich, 1936 gegründet,<br />
etwa 2.500 Mitarbeiter, knapp 240 Millionen Euro<br />
Umsatz – sozusagen ein Juwel des österreichischen<br />
Mittelstands. Doch außerhalb ihrer Branche ist die<br />
Firma kaum bekannt. Vielleicht auch deswegen, weil<br />
sich Brantner um den Mist der Menschen kümmert,<br />
und darüber sprechen die Leute nicht so gerne. Aber<br />
für Experten sind die 14 Deponien und neun Sortier-<br />
und Kompostieranlangen, die das Unternehmen<br />
in Österreich betreibt, wie Pilgerstätten für moderne<br />
Abfallentsorgung. Infrastruktur-Manager aus<br />
vielen Großstädten der Welt stehen für die Brantner-<br />
Technologie Schlange, und in fast allen Metropolen<br />
der osteuropäischen Länder sowie der Türkei, sorgt<br />
die Gruppe ebenfalls längst dafür, dass der Müll dort<br />
nicht auf der Straße liegen bleibt.<br />
Brantner ist einer der vielen „Hidden Champions“<br />
einer Industrie, die eine der Kernkompetenzen der<br />
österreichischen Wirtschaft mehr und mehr in die<br />
Welt trägt – Umwelttechnologie oder Green Tech<br />
made in Austria. Wenn es eine große Konstante in<br />
den vielen Gesprächen, die „Cercle Diplomatique“<br />
mit hochrangigen Vertretern der diplomatischen<br />
Gemeinde in Österreich führt, gibt, dann ist es das<br />
immense Interesse an dieser Vorzeigebranche. „Tatsächlich<br />
ist die Nachfrage nach österreichischer Umwelttechnologie<br />
und diesem Know-How – von<br />
erneuerbaren Energietechniken wie Solar- oder<br />
Wasserkraft bis hin zur gesamten Abfall- und<br />
Abwasserwirtschaft – extrem groß“, bestätigt der<br />
zuständige Minister Andrä Rupprechter. „Heimische<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Milliarden Euro.<br />
Marktvolumen der Umweltindustrie in Österreich. Ziel 2<strong>02</strong>0:<br />
über 40 Milliarden.<br />
36Overall revenues of Green Tech companies in billion Euro.<br />
185.000<br />
Beschäftigte im Umweltsektor.<br />
Die Zahl der Green Jobs hat sich in Österreich seit<br />
Mitte der 90er Jahre verfünffacht.<br />
The number of ”green jobs“ in Austria.<br />
1<br />
3<br />
5<br />
2<br />
1 Voith: Kaplan-Turbine im<br />
Wasserkraftwerk in<br />
Wanapum, USA.<br />
Kaplan turbine at Wanapum<br />
hydro power plant, USA.<br />
2 Voith: Doppelendfähre mit<br />
Schneider-Windkraft-<br />
Propeller am Bosporus.<br />
Double-ended propellerferry<br />
at the Bosporus.<br />
3 Voith: Wasserkraftwerk<br />
Kartell in St. Anton.<br />
Kartell small hydro power<br />
plant in St. Anton, Austria.<br />
4 Siemens:<br />
Wasseraufbereitungsanlage<br />
Guaraú, São Paulo.<br />
Waste water facility.<br />
5 Windpark-Installations-<br />
Hubschiff, made in Austria.<br />
Windpark Installation Vessel.<br />
6 Altpapier-Recyling als<br />
Green-Tech-Schwerpunkt.<br />
Recovered paper is recycled<br />
into new raw material.<br />
4<br />
6<br />
Umwelttechnologie-Unternehmen sind auch sehr<br />
stark exportorientiert und führen bis zu 90 Prozent<br />
ihrer Produkte und Dienstleistungen aus.“<br />
Laut Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut umfasst die<br />
österreichische Umwelttechnikindustrie rund 400<br />
hochspezialisierte Betriebe, die mit etwas über<br />
31.000 Beschäftigten knapp zehn Milliarden Euro<br />
Umsatz erwirtschaften (2016). Davon stammen zirka<br />
sieben Milliarden Euro aus dem Export, und dieser<br />
Sektor wächst jedes Jahr um nahezu zehn Prozent.<br />
Zu den Top-10-Unternehmen zählen recht<br />
bekannte Firmen wie Best Water Technology (BWT)<br />
oder Saubermacher, aber auch weithin unbekannte<br />
wie Loacker Recycling, oder eben Brantner. Und natürlich<br />
haben auch etliche österreichische oder hier<br />
produzierende Großunternehmen von Andritz über<br />
Siemens bis Voith Green-Tech-Produkte und Entwicklungen<br />
inzwischen zu einem zentralen Pfeiler<br />
ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit gemacht.<br />
Darüber hinaus hat sich das Leitprinzip des<br />
Umweltschutzes sowohl bei Konsumenten als auch<br />
bei Herstellern und Dienstleistern inzwischen derart<br />
tief eingegraben, sodass ressourceneffizientes und<br />
kreislauforientiertes Wirtschaften heute zum<br />
Schlüsselfaktor und Zukunftsmodell geworden ist.<br />
Kurzum: Wer hierzulande auf Green Tech pfeift, ist<br />
megaout – bei den Kunden und im Business. Daher<br />
wird dieser Begriff in Österreich deutlich breiter<br />
gefasst, sei es nun in den Geschäftstätigkeiten oder<br />
auch am Arbeitsmarkt.<br />
Anders gesagt: Durch umweltorientierte<br />
Produktion und Dienstleistungen bringen es<br />
heimische Unternehmen auf einen Umsatz von rund<br />
36,5 Milliarden Euro oder deutlich über zehn<br />
Prozent des BIP. In diesem Green Business sind<br />
Green Energy – Österreich ist Weltmeister<br />
Renewable Energy – Champion Austria<br />
Österreich<br />
Schweden<br />
Portugal<br />
Spanien<br />
Italien<br />
Deutschland<br />
Frankreich<br />
Großbritannien<br />
16<br />
12<br />
32<br />
30<br />
24<br />
Dank des Wasserreichtums, ist Österreich globale Nummer<br />
eins in nachhaltiger Stromproduktion (in Prozent, 2012).<br />
Thanks to its natural water resources, Austria is the leading<br />
sustainable electricity producer. QUELLE: ÖSTERREICHS ENERGIE, EUROSTAT<br />
44<br />
59<br />
76<br />
mehr als 185.000 Menschen beschäftigt, damit hat<br />
sich die Anzahl der heimischen Green Jobs in nur 20<br />
Jahren in etwa verfünffacht. Außerdem sichert der<br />
Umweltsektor laut Wifo indirekt rund 60.000 weitere<br />
Arbeitsplätze sowie dadurch induzierte Umsätze in<br />
der Höhe von etwa 8,4 Milliarden Euro in anderen<br />
Branchen.<br />
Letztere Zahlen beziehen sich auf das Jahr 2014,<br />
doch neuere, allerdings noch nicht abgeschlossene<br />
Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass sich das<br />
Öko-Geschäft trotz der Wirtschaftsflaute in den<br />
vergangenen Jahren prächtig entwickelt hat und<br />
weiter wächst. „Unser Ziel ist es“, sagt Minister<br />
Rupprechter, „bis 2<strong>02</strong>0 bei der Beschäftigung die<br />
200.000er-Grenze zu überschreiten und einen<br />
Umsatz von mindestens 40 Milliarden Euro zu<br />
erreichen.“ Allein sein „Lebensministerium“ hat<br />
daher etwa im Jahr 2015 knapp 2.200 Projekte zur<br />
Vermeidung von klimarelevanten Gasen und<br />
Verbesserung der betrieblichen Energieeffizienz mit<br />
knapp 70 Millionen Euro gefördert, insgesamt sind<br />
aus dieser öffentlichen Hand in den vergangenen 20<br />
Jahren etwa 7,3 Milliarden Euro Fördergelder in<br />
knapp 150.000 Umweltprojekte und -entwicklungen<br />
geflossen.<br />
Nicht zuletzt deswegen, gilt Österreich als Umweltmusterland<br />
mit hochentwickelter Industrie im<br />
Bereich Umwelttechnik und erneuerbare Energie.<br />
Darauf spezialisierte Unternehmen sind weltweit<br />
Frontrunner im Wasser- und Abfallmanagement<br />
und Pioniere bei Technologien für die Erzeugung<br />
von Bioenergie sowie in zukunftsorientierten<br />
Bereichen wie nachhaltiges Bauen, ultraleichte<br />
Fahrzeuge oder vernetzte Smart Cities. Und die enge<br />
Verzahnung von Forschung und Wirtschaft in<br />
regionalen Clustern und Kompetenzzentren versteht<br />
sich von selbst.<br />
Fazit: Österreich liegt wegen dieser starken<br />
Konzentration auf Umwelttechnologie bei „grünen“<br />
Patenten weit über dem OECD-Durchschnitt und ist<br />
in allen internationalen Umwelt-Rankings unter den<br />
Top 10 platziert. Im Nachhaltigkeitsranking der Zürcher<br />
Kantonalbank belegt das Land beispielsweise<br />
Platz 7 und der Environmental Performance Index<br />
2014 Yale & Columbia University reiht Österreich<br />
auf Platz 8 von 178 Ländern. Auch wenn es ein<br />
bisschen wie ein leerer Slogan klingt: Wer Green<br />
Tech sagt, muss Österreich sagen.<br />
Vorzeige-Sektor<br />
Wasserwirtschaft<br />
Best practice: water<br />
Gerade wenn es um Wasserund<br />
Abwassertechnologien geht,<br />
sind Österreichs Green<br />
Tech-Unternehmen laut einer<br />
Studie der ETH Zürich<br />
Weltspitze. Das liegt natürlich<br />
auch am immensen natürlichen<br />
Vorkommen der Ressource<br />
Wasser in Österreich, wodurch<br />
das Land weltweit auf Platz eins<br />
bei der Stromerzeugung aus<br />
nachhaltigen Energiequellen<br />
liegt. Dennoch ist es<br />
bemerkenswert, dass Österreich<br />
etwa im „Global Cleantech<br />
innovation Index 2014“ bei der<br />
Anzahl der Patente sogar<br />
Deutschland auf die Plätze<br />
verweisen konnte. Allein der<br />
Bereich Abwasserbehandlung<br />
bringt es auf fast drei Milliarden<br />
Euro Umsatz und ist einer der<br />
wichtigsten Exportträger des<br />
Landes.<br />
When it comes to water and<br />
waste water management,<br />
Austria‘s green tech companies,<br />
according to a recent study of<br />
the ETH Zurich, rank amongst<br />
the best worldwide. This<br />
expertise is mainly due to the<br />
natural richness of water Austria<br />
enjoys and because of which, it<br />
is the global number one<br />
country in sustainable energy<br />
production. But nevertheless, it<br />
seems remarkable that Austria<br />
even managed to overtake<br />
Germany in the ”Global<br />
Cleantech Innovation Index<br />
2014“ in the segment of patents.<br />
Just the sector of waste water<br />
management also acounts for<br />
some 3 billion Euro in sales and<br />
is one of Austria‘s most<br />
important export pillars.<br />
68 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
7,2<br />
Milliarden Euro<br />
Die Summe der Umwelttechnologie-<br />
Fördergelder in den vergangenen 20 Jahren.<br />
Billion Euro of public Green Tech investments.<br />
Seestadt Aspern – das<br />
Smart-City-Vorzeigeprojekt<br />
der Stadt Wien für 20.000<br />
Bewohner.<br />
The newly erected<br />
”Seestadt Aspern” is one of<br />
the most prestigious smart<br />
city-projects of Vienna<br />
where some 20,000 people<br />
shall find their new homes.<br />
Ever heard of the Brantner Group? Founded in<br />
1936, this solid family company in Krems in<br />
Lower Austria is running a 240-million-Eurobusiness<br />
with some 2,500 employees, but hardly<br />
anyone knows it. That‘s also because they take care of<br />
people‘s waste, something they hardly talk about. But<br />
for international experts in waste management,<br />
Brantner‘s 14 dumpsites and 9 composting plants in<br />
Austria are sort of a pilgrimage destination.<br />
Brantner is part of Austria‘s “hidden champions“<br />
which make up a core industry of the country‘s economy<br />
– environmental technology or Green Tech. If<br />
there is a fixed constant, characterising the many<br />
talks “Cercle Diplomatique“ conducts with highranking<br />
diplomats from all over the world, it is the<br />
immense interest they share in this Austrian showcase-industry.<br />
”International demand for Austrian<br />
know how in Green Tech – from renewable energy<br />
technology like solar oder wind power to waste and<br />
waste water management – is indeed extremely<br />
high“, Andrä Rupprechter, the minister in charge of<br />
this sector, says. ”Also, Austrian Green Tech companies<br />
are heavily active in international markets, some<br />
of them are even exporting up to 90 percent of their<br />
products and services.“<br />
According to the Austrian Institue for Economic<br />
Research (Wifo), the Austrian Green Tech industry<br />
consists of some 400 highly specialised companies<br />
which are employing some 31,000 workers and<br />
technical experts and sharing revenues of some 10<br />
billiion Euro (2016), of which 7 billion Euro are generated<br />
in exports. There are some well known companies<br />
like Best Water Technology or Saubermacher,<br />
featuring the top-10-list, but most of them like<br />
Brantner or Loacker Recycling prefer to act behind<br />
the curtains. Additionally, many big Austrian companies<br />
like Andritz, Siemens or Voith have turned<br />
Green Tech products and services into a central pillar<br />
of their businesses.<br />
It is fair to say, that protection of environment has<br />
become a guiding principle in Austria, not only for<br />
consumers, but for the production and services sector<br />
as well. Whoever does not take care of it, may be<br />
out of business very soon. So, environmental orientated<br />
productions and services all over Austria‘s economy<br />
account for some 36.5 billion Euro in sales, or<br />
well above 10 percent of its GDP, and are providing<br />
some 185,000 green jobs – which is five times the figure<br />
of 20 years ago. Plus, according to a recent study<br />
of Wifo, the green sector also is securing some 60,000<br />
additional jobs in other industries, thus inducing<br />
further revenues of some 8.4 billion Euro. Most of<br />
these figures date back to 2014, and new research<br />
indicates solid growth rates despite the recent<br />
economic stillstand. ”Until the year 2<strong>02</strong>0“,<br />
Rupprechter says, „we want to break the 200,000<br />
jobs-barrier and Green Tech revenues shall settle<br />
over 40 billion Euro.“<br />
To achieve these goals, Rupprechter‘s ministry in<br />
2015 alone, has subsidized nearly 2,200 projects aiming<br />
at the reduction of climate-relevant gases or<br />
the increase of energy efficiency with some 70 million<br />
Euro. All in all, Austrian environmental technologies<br />
have been supported by the taxpayer with some<br />
7.3 billion Euro over the last 20 years.<br />
As a result of this massive public investment, Austrian<br />
Green Tech companies enjoy an excellent reputation<br />
worldwide. Both companies and research organisations<br />
can boast a high level of specialised<br />
know-how in sustainable construction, waste management,<br />
innovative energy solutions and resource<br />
efficiency. Furthermore, the number of environmental<br />
patents which have been granted in Austria, is particularly<br />
high compared to OECD-average. And<br />
thanks to this green expertise, Austria is ranked as a<br />
top-10-country in most of the international sustainability<br />
indices like the one of the Kantonalbank Zürich<br />
(Nr. 7) or the Environmental Performance Index of<br />
Yale University (Nr. 8). That is why Green Tech is just<br />
another word for Austria.<br />
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Life close to the Water!<br />
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9 Appartements and<br />
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from 64 till 160 m 2 .<br />
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Wa g ra m e r Straße 22, 1220 V i e n n a , Ph +43 1 2 0 93777-0, office@hart-hart.at<br />
www.hart-hart.at<br />
70 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Gerhard Wölfel<br />
„Die Menschen machen den Unterschied.“<br />
“It is the people who make the difference.”<br />
Mehr als 30 Jahre Erfolg<br />
More than 30 years of success<br />
Der Geschäftsführer des BMW Group Werk Steyr über jene Maßnahmen, die den besten Arbeitgeber<br />
Österreichs ausmachen. The Managing Director of the BMW Group plant in Steyr about the measures<br />
he took to make him Austria´s best employer.<br />
Gerhard Wölfel studierte<br />
Kunststofftechnik/Chemotechnologie<br />
an der FH Würzburg und trat<br />
1982 in die BMW AG im Werk<br />
Dingolfing in der Qualitätssicherung<br />
ein. Seit 2009 ist er<br />
Geschäftsführer der BMW<br />
Motoren GmbH in Steyr (OÖ).<br />
Gerhard Wölfel studied plastic<br />
technology/chemotechnology at<br />
the Würzburg University of<br />
Applied Sciences and joined the<br />
BMW plant´s quality assurance at<br />
Dingolfing in 1982. He has been<br />
the Managing Director of BMW<br />
Motoren GmbH in Steyr (Upper<br />
Austria) since 2009.<br />
Das Wirtschaftsmagazin „Trend“ ermittelte<br />
gemeinsam mit Statista,<br />
Xing und kununu die besten Arbeitgeber<br />
Österreichs aus 70.000 Bewertungen<br />
zu mehr als 1.000 heimischen Unternehmen.<br />
Diese Auszeichnung für unser<br />
Motorenwerk – gepaart mit der Tatsache,<br />
dass wir im Jahr 2016 das beste Ergebnis<br />
aller Zeiten erreicht haben - ist für mich<br />
ein Beweis, dass es für Produkte in Premiumqualität<br />
vor allem erstklassige Mitarbeiter<br />
braucht.<br />
Jedes zweite, neue Fahrzeug der BMW<br />
Group weltweit hat mittlerweile einen Motor<br />
aus Steyr. Bei uns produzieren rund<br />
4.500 Mitarbeiter bis zu 6.000 Diesel- und<br />
Benzinmotoren am Tag. Damit das funktioniert,<br />
braucht es nicht nur ein Produktionssystem<br />
am Puls der Zeit, sondern auch<br />
und vor allem Mitarbeiter, die motiviert,<br />
gesund und fit sind.<br />
Wir haben dazu ein Gesundheitsmanagement<br />
entwickelt, das auf zwei Säulen<br />
basiert:<br />
Zum einen auf der Optimierung des Arbeitsumfelds:<br />
Das umfasst sämtliche ergonomische<br />
Aspekte aber auch Themen wie<br />
Lärm oder Licht. In vielen Bereichen der<br />
Motorenmontage wurde der gesamte Deckenbereich<br />
schallisoliert. Das unterstützt<br />
die Mitarbeiter bei der Konzentration, reduziert<br />
den Lärm und Stresspegel und fördert<br />
damit die Qualität der Arbeit. Die<br />
Mitarbeiter können durch den Einsatz von<br />
Hängebahnen individuell die Arbeitshöhe<br />
einstellen und im Sitzen oder im Stehen arbeiten.<br />
Zusätzlich wechseln die Kolleginnen<br />
und Kollegen regelmäßig den Arbeitsplatz,<br />
um einseitige Belastungen zu<br />
vermeiden.<br />
Zur Gesundheitsprävention gehören<br />
auch innovative Arbeitszeitmodelle und<br />
gute Vereinbarkeit von Familie, Freizeit<br />
und Beruf. Wir bieten flexible Arbeitszeiten<br />
inklusive der Möglichkeit zur Mobilarbeit<br />
und eine Kinderferienbetreuung. Wir<br />
versuchen, dies auch soweit möglich in den<br />
produzierenden Bereich auszudehnen. So<br />
haben wir gerade ein Schichtmodell getestet,<br />
das sich durch sehr kurze Schichtblöcke<br />
auszeichnet. Diese werden von den<br />
Mitarbeitern als weniger belastend empfunden.<br />
Der zweite Schwerpunkt liegt auf der<br />
Förderung des Gesundheitsbewusstseins.<br />
Unser Angebot umfasst unterschiedlichste<br />
Schulungen für die jeweiligen Zielgruppen:<br />
von sportlich bis untrainiert, von der Produktion<br />
bis zur Verwaltung, vom Lehrling<br />
bis zum langjährigen Mitarbeiter. Daneben<br />
haben wir ein betriebseigenes Fitnessstudio,<br />
wo wir neben Gerätetraining auch viele<br />
Kurse wie Pilates, Rückenfit oder Zumba<br />
anbieten. Als einziges Unternehmen in Österreich<br />
bieten wir seit kurzem auch eine<br />
Boulderwand für unsere Mitarbeiter, die<br />
unter anderem für therapeutisches Klettern<br />
genutzt wird.<br />
Unser Ziel ist es, mit unserem Gesundheitsmanagement<br />
und vielen weiteren Initiativen<br />
heute jene Maßnahmen zu treffen,<br />
die uns helfen, morgen und in Zukunft gesund<br />
und fit zu sein. Dabei ist uns die Meinung<br />
unserer Mitarbeiter – die wir regelmäßig<br />
einholen – sehr wichtig.<br />
Der Erfolg gibt uns recht: Das zeigt<br />
nicht nur die kürzlich erhaltene Auszeichnung.<br />
Die Arbeitszufriedenheit bei uns im<br />
Werk ist sehr hoch. Es ist sehr schön zu sehen,<br />
mit welcher Leidenschaft und mit welchem<br />
Stolz unsere Mitarbeiter hinter unserem<br />
Unternehmen stehen.<br />
Together with Statista, Xing and<br />
kununu, the business journal<br />
„Trend“ determined the best employers<br />
in Austria from 70,000 ratings on<br />
more than 1,000 domestic companies. This<br />
award for our company – coupled with the<br />
fact that we have achieved the best results<br />
ever since 2016 ¬– is proof for me that producing<br />
premium-quality products needs<br />
first-class employees.<br />
Currently every second new vehicle<br />
made by the BMW Group around the<br />
world has a motor made in Steyr. About<br />
4,500 employees produce up to 6,000 diesel<br />
and petrol engines per day. In order to<br />
achieve this, you not only need a cutting<br />
edge production system but also, above all,<br />
employees who are motivated, healthy and<br />
fi t .<br />
For this reason, we have developed a<br />
health management system based on two<br />
pillars:<br />
The first one focuses on the optimisation<br />
of the work environment: this covers all<br />
ergonomic aspects but also topics such as<br />
noise or light. The entire ceiling area has<br />
been sound-proofed in many areas of the<br />
engine assembly. This helps the employees<br />
to concentrate, reduces the noise and stress<br />
levels and thus promotes the quality of<br />
their performance. The employees can individually<br />
adjust the work height by using<br />
lifting rails enabling them to choose if they<br />
want to work while sitting or standing. In<br />
addition, the colleagues regularly exchange<br />
their workplaces to avoid unilateral strain.<br />
Health care prevention also includes innovative<br />
work time models and a good balance<br />
between family, leisure and work. We<br />
offer flexible hours including the possibility<br />
of mobile work and childcare during holidays.<br />
We try to extend this as far as possible<br />
into the production area. We just recently<br />
tested a shift work model which features<br />
very short shifts. These are perceived as less<br />
strenuous by the employees.<br />
The second one focuses on the promotion<br />
of health consciousness. We offer a wide<br />
range of training for each of the target<br />
groups: from athletic to untrained, from<br />
production to administration, from apprentices<br />
to long-term employees. In addition,<br />
we have a company-owned fitness studio.<br />
Besides the basic equipment training,<br />
we offer many courses such as Pilates, back<br />
fitness or Zumba. We are the only company<br />
in Austria to offer our employees a boulder<br />
wall which is also sometimes used for therapeutic<br />
climbing.<br />
Our goal is that with our health management<br />
and many other initiatives we<br />
take the necessary measures today that will<br />
help us to be healthy and fit tomorrow and<br />
in the future. The opinion of our employees<br />
– which we regularly seek – is very important<br />
to us.<br />
Success proves us right: this is not only<br />
shown by the recent award. Work satisfaction<br />
at our plant is very high. It is very pleasing<br />
to see the kind of passion and pride<br />
our employees back our company with.<br />
Das BMW Werk Steyr ist das weltweit größte<br />
Motorenwerk und Dieselmotoren-Entwicklungszentrum<br />
des Konzerns. Hier werden 3-, 4- und<br />
6-Zylinder Benzin- sowie Dieselmotoren gebaut,<br />
welche in den internationalen Fahrzeugwerken<br />
der BMW Group in BMW und MINI Automobile<br />
verbaut werden. Das BMW Group Werk Steyr<br />
zählt mit seiner über 30-jährigen Erfolgsgeschichte<br />
zu den größten und wichtigsten<br />
Industriebetrieben Österreichs.<br />
The BMW plant in Steyr is the world‘s largest<br />
engine and diesel engine development centre.<br />
Here, 3-, 4- and 6-cylinder petrol and diesel<br />
engines are built, which are then installed into<br />
BMW and MINI vehicles in the international<br />
BMW Group‘s assembly plants. With more than<br />
30 years of success, the BMW Group plant in<br />
Steyr is one of the largest and most important<br />
industrial companies in Austria.<br />
bmw-werk-steyr.at<br />
72 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Neues aus Österreich<br />
News from Austria<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Kongresse | Congresses<br />
Wiens Top-Platzierung | Vienna’s top ranking<br />
In der im Mai von der International Congress and Convention Association<br />
(ICCA) publizierten Zählung der weltweit abgehaltenen internationalen<br />
Kongresse 2016, nimmt Wien den 2. Platz ein. Mit 186 einschlägigen<br />
Veranstaltungen wurde die Stadt nach Paris (196) und vor Barcelona (181)<br />
gereiht. In der Länder-Statistik erreichte Österreich mit 268 Veranstaltungen<br />
den 12. Platz. Auf Platz 1 liegen die USA, gefolgt von Deutschland und<br />
Großbritannien.<br />
In the census of the globally held international congresses in 2016,<br />
conducted in May by the International Congress and Convention<br />
Association (ICCA), the city of Vienna managed to take the 2nd place.<br />
With 186 pertinent events, the city was listed after Paris (196) and before<br />
Barcelona (181). In the country statistic, Austria reached 12th place with<br />
268 events. First place was taken by the USA, followed by Germany and<br />
the United Kingdom.<br />
wien.info<br />
Amuse Bouche<br />
Engagierte Lehrlingsinitiative | Committed apprentice initiative<br />
Das Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW) ehrte<br />
anlässlich des zehnjährigen Jubiläums von Amuse Bouche die Gesamt-Koordinatorinnen<br />
Piroska Payer und Barbara Payer im Rahmen einer Festveranstaltung. Geehrt wurden auch<br />
zahlreiche namhafte Unterstützer, u.a. aus Österreichs Top-Hotellerie, sowie das Magazin<br />
Cercle Diplomatique (im Bild CD-Herausgeberin Andrea Fürnweger, 3. v. l.).<br />
The Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economics (BMWFW) has honoured the<br />
project coordinators Piroska Payer and Barbara Payer on the occasion of the initiative’s<br />
10-year-anniversary in the form of a festive event. Many notable supporters, such as<br />
various members of Austria’s first-class hotels as well as the magazine Cercle Diplomatique<br />
(picture: CD publisher Andrea Fürnweger, 3rd from left) were also honoured.<br />
amuse-bouche.at<br />
Wiener Sängerknaben | Vienna Boys’ Choir<br />
Neues UNESCO-Kulturerbe |<br />
New UNESCO World Heritage<br />
Auszeichnung | Accolade<br />
Zwischen Thailand und Tirol<br />
| Between Thailand and Tyrol<br />
Mit einer hohen Landesauszeichnung<br />
wurde kürzlich in Innsbruck die thailändische<br />
Prinzessin Maha Chakri Sirindhorn<br />
ausgezeichnet. Mit dem „Großer Tiroler<br />
Adler“- Orden werden Personen geehrt,<br />
die von besonderer politischer,<br />
wirtschaftlicher oder kultureller<br />
Bedeutung für Tirol sind. Die Prinzessin<br />
setzt sich seit 35 Jahren als Brückenbauerin<br />
zwischen Thailand und Tirol ein.<br />
The Thai princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn<br />
was recently awarded a high national<br />
accolade in Innsbruck. The order of the<br />
“Great Tyrolian Eagle“ is awarded to<br />
individuals who are of special political,<br />
economic or cultural significance to Tyrol.<br />
The princess has built bridges between<br />
Thailand and Tyrol for the last 35 years.<br />
tirol.gv.at<br />
74 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Historisch | Historic<br />
Dienstauto als Museumsstück | Official car<br />
as museum piece<br />
Anlässlich des Jahrestages zur Unterzeichnung des Österreichischen<br />
Staatsvertrages am 15. Mai 1955 nahm Landeshauptfrau Johanna<br />
Mikl-Leitner ein ganz besonderes Objekt in Empfang. Der<br />
Dienstwagen des ehemaligen Außenministers und Landeshauptmanns<br />
von Niederösterreich Leopold Figl wird ab 10. September <strong>2017</strong><br />
im Haus der Geschichte im Museum Niederösterreich zu sehen sein.<br />
To mark the occasion of the anniversary of the signing of the<br />
Austrian State Treaty on 15 May 1955, provincial governor<br />
Johanna Mikl-Leitner had the opportunity to receive a truly<br />
special object. From 10 September <strong>2017</strong>, the official car of the<br />
former foreign minister and provincial governor of Lower<br />
Austria, Neopold Figl, will be presented in the House of History<br />
in the Museum Niederösterreich. museumnoe.at<br />
Die Wurzeln der Wiener Sängerknaben reichen über<br />
500 Jahre zurück. Zunächst musizierten die Knaben<br />
am Hof des Kaisers zu kirchlichen Anlässen. Konzerte<br />
und Tourneen in alle Welt gehören zum Alltag des<br />
Traditionschors. Der Schulcampus wurde mittlerweile<br />
erweitert und bietet auch eine Volksschule und ein<br />
Oberstufengymnasium. Dadurch ist die Ausbildung<br />
auch Mädchen zugänglich. Derzeit gibt es ungefähr<br />
100 aktive Sängerknaben, die in vier Chöre aufgeteilt<br />
sind. Jährlich gibt es über 300 Konzerte. Kürzlich<br />
haben die Wiener Sängerknaben eine hohe<br />
Auszeichnung bekommen: Sie sind nun Teil der<br />
UNESCO-Liste des Immateriellen Kulturerbes in<br />
Österreich.<br />
The roots of the Vienna Boys’ Choir go back 500<br />
years. Initially, the boys were called in to perform<br />
music at the Emperor’s court for ecclesiastical<br />
purposes only. Today, concerts and tours throughout<br />
the world are part of the choir’s everyday affairs.<br />
Meanwhile, the school campus has been expanded<br />
and now also provides a primary school as well as an<br />
upper level secondary school. Education has thus also<br />
been made accessible to girls. Currently, there are<br />
around 100 active choir boys, divided into four choirs.<br />
More than 300 concerts are held annually. Recently,<br />
the Vienna Boys’ Choir has received a high accolade<br />
— they have been added to the UNESCO list of<br />
Austria’s immaterial cultural heritage.<br />
Special<br />
Grußworte<br />
Greetings<br />
Bilder: Kästenbauer/Ettl<br />
Physik trifft Medizin: Teilchenbeschleuniger bei MedAustron |<br />
Physics meets medicine: particle accelerator at MedAustron<br />
Winzige Teilchen zur Krebsbehandlung<br />
Tiny Particles for Cancer Treatment<br />
MedAustron in Wiener Neustadt (NÖ) ist eines der modernsten Zentren für Ionentherapie und Forschung. Patientinnen und Patienten<br />
profitieren dort von einer innovativen Form der Strahlentherapie. | MedAustron in Wiener Neustadt is one of the most cutting-edge<br />
centres for ion beam therapy and research. Patients benefit from an innovative form of radiation therapy.<br />
Bei der Ionentherapie erfolgt die Bestrahlung<br />
mittels geladener Teilchen. Diese Therapiemethode<br />
verdanken wir der Teilchenphysik: die besonderen<br />
Eigenschaften dieser Teilchen ermöglichen<br />
es, die Strahlendosis präzise im Tumor zu<br />
platzieren und dadurch das umliegende Gewebe<br />
besser zu schonen. Das macht diese Methode optimal<br />
zur Behandlung von Tumoren in der Nähe<br />
von strahlungsempfindlichen Organen. Außerdem<br />
können die Nebenwirkungen und Langzeitschäden<br />
der Strahlentherapie reduziert werden.<br />
Komplexe Technik<br />
Um diese Form der Bestrahlung zu ermöglichen,<br />
ist ein komplexer Teilchenbeschleuniger nötig,<br />
der bei MedAustron in enger Zusammenarbeit<br />
mit dem Europäischen Kernforschungszentrum<br />
CERN entwickelt wurde. Ein sogenanntes Synchrotron<br />
beschleunigt die geladenen Teilchen<br />
auf bis zu zwei Drittel der Lichtgeschwindigkeit,<br />
Sorgfältige Planung ist nötig.| Thorough planning is necessary.<br />
bevor diese in die Bestrahlungsräume und dort<br />
millimetergenau auf den Tumor gelenkt werden.<br />
Therapie und Forschung<br />
Mit der Ionentherapie steht den Medizinern eine zusätzliche<br />
Option in der Krebstherapie zur Verfügung,<br />
die neue Perspektiven für bisher schwer behandelbare<br />
Tumore eröffnet. Seit Ende 2016 werden bei<br />
MedAustron Patientinnen und Patienten mit dieser<br />
innovativen Therapie behandelt. Das Zentrum wird<br />
nun sukzessive ausgebaut und wird im Vollbetrieb<br />
etwa 1.000 Patienten jährlich behandeln können. Neben<br />
der Therapie wird die österreichweit einzigartige<br />
Anlage auch für Forschung genutzt, um im Interesse<br />
der Patienten die Therapie stetig weiterzuentwickeln.<br />
◆<br />
Ion beam therapy uses charged particles for irradiation.<br />
This form of treatment is based on particle<br />
physics: the special physical properties of ions allow<br />
to focus the maximum radiation dose exactly<br />
to the area of the tumor while mostly sparing the<br />
healthy t<strong>issue</strong>. Thus, this form of therapy is optimal<br />
for treating tumors close to radiation sensitive<br />
organs. Side effects and long-term effects can be<br />
significantly reduced.<br />
Complex Technology<br />
To facilitate such a kind of irradiation, a complex<br />
particle accelerator is necessary – the one at Med-<br />
Austron was developed in close cooperation with<br />
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear<br />
Research. A so-called synchrotron accelerates the<br />
Einzigartig in Österreich: Ionentherapie bei MedAustron |<br />
Unique in Austria: ion beam therapy at MedAustron.<br />
charged particles up to two thirds of the speed of<br />
light before they are directed in the treatment<br />
rooms, where they emit their radiation directly to<br />
the tumor volume down to the millimeter.<br />
Therapy and Research<br />
Ion beam therapy offers an additional option for<br />
cancer therapy and provides new prospects for<br />
tumors that have been difficult to treat so far. Patients<br />
are treated with this innovative method at<br />
MedAustron since late 2016. The center will now<br />
be expanded step by step, offering a capacity of up<br />
to 1,000 patients per year in full operation. Additionally,<br />
MedAustron offers the possibility to conduct<br />
translational research in order to continously<br />
improve the treatment method.<br />
Vorzüge und Stärken Niederösterreichs präsentieren<br />
Presenting the strengths and advantages of Lower Austria<br />
Das Magazin „Cercle Diplomatique“<br />
ist seit 1971<br />
das führende Magazin<br />
Österreichs für das diplomatische<br />
Corps, für internationale Organisationen,<br />
für Wirtschaft, Kultur<br />
und Tourismus. Schon allein aus<br />
diesem Grund freut es mich sehr,<br />
dass in dieser Ausgabe unser Bundesland<br />
Niederösterreich eine bedeutende<br />
Rolle spielt und der Berichterstattung<br />
über unser Land<br />
sehr viel Platz eingeräumt wird.<br />
Es freut mich aber auch deshalb<br />
sehr, weil damit unsere Vorzüge<br />
und Stärken, wie etwa unsere<br />
dynamische Wirtschaft, unsere<br />
innovative Wissenschaftslandschaft<br />
oder auch unsere international<br />
anerkannte Kulturszenerie,<br />
weit über die Grenzen unseres<br />
Landes hinausgetragen werden.<br />
Als Landeshauptfrau von Niederösterreich<br />
bedanke ich mich<br />
dafür sehr herzlich bei allen Verantwortungsträgern<br />
des Magazins<br />
und wünsche allen Leserinnen<br />
und Lesern eine spannende und<br />
aufschlussreiche Lektüre!<br />
The magazine ”Cercle Diplomatique“<br />
has been<br />
Austria‘s leading magazine<br />
on the economy, culture and tourism<br />
for the Diplomatic Corps and<br />
various international organisations.<br />
For this reason alone, I am<br />
delighted that Lower Austria plays<br />
a special role in this edition and<br />
that plenty of space has been dedicated<br />
to our wonderful province.<br />
I am particularly excited about<br />
this because our strengths and advantages,<br />
such as our dynamic<br />
economy, our innovative scientific<br />
landscape and our internationally<br />
recognised cultural scene will be<br />
disseminated far beyond the borders<br />
of our province.<br />
As Governor of Lower Austria,<br />
I would like to thank all those bearing<br />
responsibility in the production<br />
of the magazine and wish all<br />
readers an exciting and enlightening<br />
read!<br />
Ihre | Yours sincerely,<br />
Johanna Mikl-Leitner<br />
Landeshauptfrau von<br />
Niederösterreich<br />
Governor of Lower<br />
Austria<br />
Die studierte Wirtschaftspädagogin<br />
war von 2011<br />
bis 2016 Innenministerin.<br />
Seit dem 19. April <strong>2017</strong> ist<br />
sie die neue amtierende<br />
Landeshauptfrau von<br />
Niederösterreich.<br />
Mikl-Leitner studied<br />
Business Education and<br />
was Interior Minister<br />
between 2011 and 2016.<br />
Since 19 April <strong>2017</strong>, she is<br />
the new incumbent<br />
Governor of Lower Austria.<br />
www.medaustron.at<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong> 77
Volle Kraft voraus!<br />
Full speed ahead!<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Wäre Niederösterreich ein Raumschiff, würde es sich wohl gerade mit der TV-bekannten Warpgeschwindigkeit<br />
fortbewegen. Denn die neue Landeshauptfrau Johanna Mikl-Leitner will, neben technologischen<br />
Vorzeigeprojekten, Österreichs größtes Bundesland nun auch zum schnellsten machen.<br />
If Lower Austria were a spaceship, it would undoubtedly be travelling via warp speed as made famous on<br />
TV. After all, Lower Austria‘s new governor, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, now intends to turn Austria‘s largest<br />
province into the fastest as well, and additionally seeks to impress with several technology-related<br />
flagship projects.<br />
Um eine leistungsfähige Infrastruktur für alle<br />
zu erlangen, wurde daher die erst für Ende<br />
2018 geplante Evaluierung der Breitbandoffensive<br />
bereits auf diesen Sommer vorgezogen. Der<br />
„Masterplan Digitalisierung“ mit 92 konkreten Maßnahmen<br />
zielt in Niederösterreich auf alle Bereiche ab:<br />
von der Arbeitnehmer-Förderung über Schulen bis<br />
hin zur Landwirtschaft. Auch im Bereich der Verwaltung<br />
soll die Digitalisierung eine große Rolle spielen.<br />
Zur optimalen Koordinierung aller Maßnahmen im<br />
Land wird auch eine neue Stabstelle für Technologie<br />
und Digitalisierung eingerichtet werden. Bis Ende<br />
<strong>2017</strong> wird das „Haus der Digitalisierung“ entwickelt,<br />
die Umsetzung ist für das Jahr 2018 vorgesehen. Insgesamt<br />
werden rund 60 Millionen Euro für die landesweite<br />
Digitalisierungsoffensive bereitgestellt.<br />
Neues Forschungszentrum<br />
Technopole werden in Niederösterreich Standorte<br />
genannt, an denen Forschungsinstitute, Ausbildungseinrichtungen<br />
und Unternehmen eine Einheit<br />
bilden, um international anerkannte Spitzenforschung<br />
zu betreiben. Nun kommt ein neuer hinzu:<br />
In den kommenden Monaten errichtet ecoplus, die<br />
Wirtschaftsagentur des Landes Niederösterreich, auf<br />
rund 9.400 m2 das Technologie- und Forschungszentrum<br />
Seibersdorf. „Insgesamt wurden über 100<br />
Millionen Euro in die Technologie- und Forschungszentren<br />
Krems, Wiener Neustadt, Tulln und Wieselburg<br />
investiert. Nun kommen weitere rund 32 Millionen<br />
Euro hinzu, die dem Forschungs- und<br />
Wirtschaftsstandort Niederösterreich zugutekommen“,<br />
so ecoplus-Geschäftsführer Helmut Miernicki.<br />
Davon entfallen 17 Millionen Euro auf Seibersdorf<br />
und 15 Millionen Euro auf das geplante Technologiezentrum<br />
‚IST Austria PARK‘ in Klosterneuburg,<br />
dessen Baustart noch heuer erfolgen wird.<br />
Noch in der Testphase und<br />
zum Abheben noch nicht<br />
bereit.<br />
Still in the test phase, yet not<br />
ready for take-off.<br />
Schnelles Internet<br />
für alle.<br />
Fast internet for all.<br />
Satellit greift nach den Sternen<br />
Die Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt mit den<br />
Studienrichtungen Technik, Wirtschaft, Gesundheit,<br />
Sport und Sicherheit zählt zu den Top-Fachhochschulen<br />
des Landes. Nach Jahren intensiver Forschungs-<br />
und Entwicklungsarbeit wird in der Fachrichtung<br />
Technik nun ein langjähriges Projekt diesen<br />
Sommer in den Orbit befördert. Der Nanosatellit<br />
Pegasus wurde im Rahmen des europäischen Projekts<br />
QB50 mit viel Herzblut von Mitarbeitern und<br />
Studierenden des Master-Studiengangs „Aerospace<br />
Engineering“ in Zusammenarbeit mit der FOTEC,<br />
78 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Die Breitband-Initiative,<br />
geplant für 2018, wurde<br />
in Niederösterreich auf<br />
den heurigen Sommer<br />
vorverlegt. In Lower Austria,<br />
the broadband initiative was<br />
moved forward from 2018 to<br />
this summer.<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Hoch hinaus: Der QB50 ist<br />
eine Weltpremiere und soll<br />
nähere Informationen über<br />
die Thermosphäre bringen.<br />
Flying high: The QB50 is a<br />
world premiere and is<br />
supposed to bring additional<br />
information of the<br />
thermosphere.<br />
Seibersdorf on an area of approximately 9,400 m 2 .<br />
”Altogether, more than 100 million euro have been<br />
invested into the technology and research centres in<br />
Krems, Wiener Neustadt, Tulln and Wieselburg.<br />
Now, around 32 million additional euro will be added,<br />
which will benefit the research and business region<br />
of Lower Austria,“ says ecoplus director Helmut<br />
Miernicki. From this investment, 17 million euro<br />
will be delegated to Seibersdorf and the other 15 million<br />
will be going to the planned technology centre<br />
“IST Austria PARK“ in Klosterneuburg, whose construction<br />
will commence this year.<br />
A satellite reaches for the stars<br />
The University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt<br />
is superbe and offers a number of fields of study,<br />
including technology, economics, health, sports<br />
and security. After years of intensive research and<br />
development works, the field of technology will see<br />
one of its long-term projects promoted into orbit this<br />
summer. The nanosatellite “Pegasus“ was developed<br />
with heart and soul as part of the European project<br />
QB50 by the employees and students of the “Aerospace<br />
Engineering“ master‘s degree in collaboration<br />
with FOTEC, the research company of the FH Wiener<br />
Neustadt, as well as the partners TU Wien Space<br />
Team and Space Tech Group.<br />
QB50 is a world premiere. After all, the project<br />
marks the first attempt to find out additional information<br />
about the least researched layer of the earth‘s<br />
atmosphere, the so-called thermosphere, through a<br />
network of 36 small satellites. Very little is known<br />
about the layer at present. What is known, however,<br />
is that it protects us from energy-dense, harmful radiation.<br />
Very few research missions have gone to<br />
those kind of heights so far, as the friction of the residual<br />
atmosphere would cause the satellites to crash<br />
after just a few months.<br />
Thus, the University of Applied Sciences Wiener<br />
Neustadt will have the opportunity to present itself as<br />
an innovative and practice-oriented university, elevating<br />
Lower Austria to the next level as an attractive<br />
location for modern technology, research and education.<br />
Or even to another galaxy, who knows?<br />
dem Forschungsunternehmen der FH Wiener Neustadt<br />
sowie den Partnern TU Wien Space Team und<br />
Space Tech Group entwickelt.<br />
QB50 ist eine Weltpremiere. Denn bei diesem<br />
Projekt handelt es sich um den ersten Versuch, durch<br />
ein Netzwerk von insgesamt 36 Kleinsatelliten nähere<br />
Informationen über die am wenigsten erforschte<br />
Schicht der Erdatmosphäre, die so genannte Thermosphäre,<br />
zu erhalten. Über sie ist derzeit nur wenig<br />
bekannt. Jedenfalls schützt sie aber vor energiereicher,<br />
also gesundheitsschädlicher Strahlung. Nur<br />
wenige Forschungsmissionen wurden bis jetzt in<br />
dieser Höhe geflogen, da die Reibung der Restatmosphäre<br />
die Satelliten bereits nach wenigen Monaten<br />
zum Absturz bringen würde.<br />
Damit zeigt sich die FH Wiener Neustadt als innovative<br />
wie auch praxisorientierte Hochschule und<br />
hebt Niederösterreich als attraktiven und modernen<br />
Technologie-, Forschungs- und Bildungsstandort<br />
auf das nächst höhere Level. Oder in die nächste Galaxie,<br />
wer weiß?<br />
In order to obtain a powerful infrastructure, the<br />
evaluation of the broadband initiative, initially<br />
intended for the end of 2018, was pushed forward<br />
to this summer. The “Digitisation Masterplan“, with<br />
its 92 concrete measures, is directed at countless sectors,<br />
including the promotion of the workforce,<br />
schools as well as agriculture. Digitisation is also intended<br />
to play a key role in the area of administration.<br />
For the optimal coordination of all plans and measures<br />
in the province, a new centre for technology and<br />
digitisation is going to be established. By the end of<br />
<strong>2017</strong>, development of the “House of Digitisation“ will<br />
be completed, whereas implementation is scheduled<br />
for 2018. Altogether, around 60 million euro will be<br />
spent on the province-wide digitisation initiative.<br />
New research centre<br />
“Technopoles“ are places in Lower Austria where<br />
research institutes, training facilities and enterprises<br />
form a unit in order to engage in internationally recognised<br />
research endeavours. And now, there is a<br />
new addition: in the coming months, ecoplus, the<br />
business agency of the province of Lower Austria,<br />
will implement the technology and research centre<br />
Eine Plattform für Betriebsansiedlungen in Niederösterreich.<br />
A platform for business settlement in Lower Austria.<br />
ecoplus, die Wirtschaftsagentur des Landes Niederösterreich,<br />
hat für Betriebe, die einen Standort in Niederösterreich<br />
suchen oder Fragen zu Finanzierungs- und Fördermöglichkeiten<br />
haben, ein neues Unterstützungsangebot. Auf der<br />
Web-Plattform www.standort-noe.at können sich Unternehmen<br />
schnell und einfach einen Überblick über freie Standorte<br />
in Niederösterreich verschaffen und sich so mit konkreten Anfragen<br />
an das Team des ecoplus Investorenservice wenden. Das<br />
spart wertvolle Zeit. Weitere Pluspunkte: Permanente Wartung,<br />
die aktuelle Daten sicherstellt, kostenlose Nutzung und<br />
einfache Bedienung.<br />
ecoplus, the Business Agency of Lower Austria, has a new<br />
service for businesses looking for a location in Lower<br />
Austria or with questions on grant and financing opportunities.<br />
At www.standort-noe.at companies can quickly and easily<br />
get an overview of available locations in Lower Austria and<br />
contact the ecoplus investor service team with specific enquiries.<br />
In this way, valuable time is saved. Further benefits: the<br />
website is constantly maintained, so information is always up<br />
to date, and it is free and simple to use. Please note that the<br />
website is available in German only at the moment.<br />
INFO:<br />
noe.gv.at<br />
ecoplus.at<br />
fhwn.ac.at<br />
INFO:<br />
standort-noe.at<br />
80 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Von Niederösterreich in die Welt hinaus<br />
From Lower Austria into the world<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Sonnentor ist mit einem Marktanteil<br />
von 50% in Österreich führend.<br />
Sonnentor is the market leader in<br />
Austria with a market share of 50%.<br />
Die geographische Nähe zur Bundeshauptstadt Wien beflügelt die Wirtschaftskraft Niederösterreichs.<br />
Zahlreiche Unternehmen spielen hier weltweit in der Top-Liga mit – oftmals mit Alleinstellungsmerkmalen,<br />
gepaart mit Innovationsfreude und Mut. Wir stellen Ihnen einige Champions vor.<br />
The geographic closeness to the capital of Vienna spurs Lower Austria‘s economic growth. Countless of<br />
enterprises here participate in the world‘s top league – often with unique selling points, coupled with an<br />
innovative spirit and plenty of courage. Here are just a few of our champions.<br />
82 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Kein Solarium.<br />
No solarium.<br />
Auch wenn es auf den ersten<br />
Blick so aussehen mag – aber<br />
das hier sind hochklassige<br />
Scheinwerfer für die Automobil-Industrie,<br />
gefertigt<br />
von der Firma ZKW.<br />
Even though it may look like<br />
one – these are top-notch<br />
lighting systems for the automotive<br />
industry, made by ZKW.<br />
Wer bei Sonnentor in Sprögnitz Im Waldviertel<br />
anruft, wird gleich, wenn er auf die<br />
Vermittlung warten muss, mit dem ruhestiftenden<br />
Satz und Firmenmotto „Da wächst die<br />
Freude“ begrüßt. Grund zum Frohlocken hat der innovative<br />
Firmenbesitzer Johannes Gutmann schon<br />
lange. Gerne gibt er öffentlich zu, von vielen einst als<br />
Spinner abgetan worden zu sein. Als er in den späten<br />
1980er-Jahren als Einmann-Unternehmen mit seinen<br />
Kräutern von Bauernmarkt zu Bauernmarkt zog, wurde<br />
er bald zum „bunten Hund“. Neben den erstklassigen<br />
Bio-Produkten, verhalfen ihm seine Markenzeichen<br />
– eine jahrzehntealte Lederhose und seine runde<br />
rote Brille – zum Durchbruch.<br />
Bio-Spezialist als Marktführer<br />
Seit rund 30 Jahren beruht Gutmanns Geschäftsidee<br />
auf dem Bekenntnis zum nachhaltigen Wirtschaften.<br />
Als Logo nahm er eine lachende Sonne mit<br />
24 Strahlen, angelehnt an das alte Symbol freier und<br />
unabhängiger Waldviertler Bauern am Torbogen, in<br />
einer kargen Gegend. Bis heute setzt er auf die Unterstützung<br />
kleinster landwirtschaftlicher Strukturen,<br />
deren hochwertige Bio-Produkte überregional<br />
und international vermarktet werden. Eine Winwin-Situation<br />
für alle. Die Wertschöpfung verbleibt<br />
zu einem hohen Anteil bei den rund 300 Bio-Bauern.<br />
Sonnentor ist in Österreich mit einem Marktanteil<br />
von 50 Prozent im Fachhandel führend und auch<br />
mit eigenen Franchising-Shops vertreten. In<br />
Deutschland gehört der Bio-Spezialist mit 25 Prozent<br />
Marktanteil zu den Top 3. Schon lange sind mit<br />
Tee, Kaffee, Kakao und feinen Naschereien nicht nur<br />
Kräuter und Gewürze, sondern auch andere Köstlichkeiten<br />
im Angebot – momentan um die 900 Produkte.<br />
Rund 66% der Produkte werden exportiert,<br />
neben Deutschland und Frankreich auch in die<br />
Schweiz.<br />
Leicht & leise<br />
Schon von Diamond Aircraft gehört? Das Unternehmen<br />
mit Sitz in Wiener Neustadt und Produktionsstätten<br />
in Kanada und China, hat sich auf die<br />
Produktion ein- und zweimotoriger Leichtflugzeuge<br />
spezialisiert. Ein großer Teil der Flugzeuge sind Spezialversionen,<br />
die bei der Grenzüberwachung oder<br />
für den Umweltschutz zur Beobachtung zum Einsatz<br />
kommen. Wie etwa das Spezialflugzeug DA42 MPP<br />
(Multi Purpose Platform), das weltweit verwendet<br />
wird. Die besonders leisen Flugzeuge sind mit mo-<br />
dernster Film- und Radartechnik ausgerüstet. Die<br />
Besonderheit: Angetrieben von sparsamen Dieselmotoren,<br />
kann die MPP bis zu 12 Stunden, ohne aufzutanken,<br />
in der Luft bleiben. Neben dem Motor ist<br />
die Verwendung von faserverstärktem Kunststoff<br />
zum Flugzeugbau ein weiteres Asset. Dieser<br />
Werkstoff besitzt gegenüber klassischen Flugzeugbaustoffen<br />
wie Holz und Metall die Vorteile besserer<br />
Oberflächengüte und höherer Festigkeit bei gleichzeitig<br />
geringem Gewicht.<br />
Moderner Kampf gegen Krebs<br />
Die Ionentherapie ist eine besondere Form<br />
der Strahlentherapie, die gegen Krebs eingesetzt<br />
wird. Das Therapiezentrum MedAustron in Wiener<br />
Neustadt ist seit Ende letzten Jahres in Betrieb: Im<br />
Herbst nahmen die Wissenschafter ihre Tätigkeit<br />
auf, im Dezember fand die erste Patientenbehandlung<br />
statt. Die Bestrahlung erfolgt dabei mittels geladener<br />
Teilchen – mit Protonen oder Kohlenstoffionen.<br />
Das österreichische Ionentherapiezentrum ist übrigens<br />
eine der modernsten Anlagen seiner Art weltweit.<br />
Auf das Know-how, das die MedAustron-Experten<br />
beim Aufbau des Zentrums gesammelt haben,<br />
vertraut man nun im Iran: ein Zentrum nach Vorbild<br />
der heimischen Anlage wird nun nahe Teheran errichtet.<br />
Der Unterschied zur herkömmlichen Radiotherapie<br />
besteht darin, dass sich der Ionenstrahl durch<br />
Anpassung der Energie exakt in seiner Reichweite<br />
steuern lässt. Die Strahlendosis wird dabei auf den<br />
Tumor fokussiert. Dies schont nicht nur das umliegende<br />
gesunde Gewebe, sondern minimiert auch<br />
Nebenwirkungen. Die Ionentherapie wird vor allem<br />
zur Bekämpfung von Tumoren in der Nähe besonders<br />
empfindlicher Organe wie zum Beispiel Gehirn,<br />
Rückenmark, Sehnerven, Lunge und Leber angewendet.<br />
Die Behandlung dauert einige Wochen und<br />
wird ambulant durchgeführt.<br />
Heuer werden bei MedAustron etwa 150 Patienten<br />
mit Protonen behandelt werden. Schon bald werden<br />
darunter auch Kinder sein, für die diese Form<br />
der Therapie aufgrund des vulnerablen Gewebes im<br />
Wachstum besonders vielversprechend ist. Parallel<br />
wird ab 2018 auch die Therapie mit Kohlenstoffionen<br />
in Wiener Neustadt verfügbar sein. Im Vollbetrieb<br />
ab 2<strong>02</strong>0 werden rund 1.000 Patienten jährlich<br />
bei MedAustron so noch mehr Hoffnung im Kampf<br />
gegen den Krebs finden.<br />
Oben: Perfektes Kunstwerk –<br />
ein Weinetikett von Marzek.<br />
Top: Perfect masterpiece – a wine<br />
label made by Marzek.<br />
Darunter: Sonnentor-Gründer<br />
Johannes Gutmann mit Oma<br />
Zach, authentische Bäuerin aus<br />
der Region Waldviertel.<br />
Below: Sonnentor founder<br />
Johannes Gutmann with<br />
Grandma Zach, authentic and<br />
regional peasant woman from<br />
the Waldviertel region.<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
International erfolgreich in Niederösterreich | Internationally<br />
successful in Lower Austria<br />
Das Weingut Domäne Wachau fertigt<br />
Weine, die sich einer hohen<br />
Exportrate erfreuen.<br />
The Domäne Wachau winery crafts<br />
wines with a high export rate.<br />
Hochqualitative Stahlbänder und Stahlbandanlagen.<br />
High-quality steel strips and steel<br />
strappings.<br />
berndorf-band.at<br />
MARZEK Etiketten & Packaging<br />
Der Spezialist für (lasergestanzte) Etiketten und<br />
Faltschachteln. The specialist for (laser-stamped)<br />
labels and folding boxes.<br />
marzek.at<br />
Von oben: Hervorragende<br />
Beispiele für internationalen<br />
Erfolg – die Firmen MedAustron,<br />
Diamond Aircraft und<br />
Styx Naturcosmetic.<br />
From top: Excellent examples<br />
for being internationally<br />
succesful: the companies<br />
MedAustron, Diamond Aircraft<br />
and Styx Naturcosmetic.<br />
84 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
If you call the company Sonnentor in Sprögnitz in<br />
the Waldviertel region on the phone, you will<br />
first be welcomed with the soothing company<br />
slogan “Da wächst die Freude“ (happiness grows<br />
here) while you wait to be connected. And the innovative<br />
company owner Johannes Gutmann does indeed<br />
have several good reasons to be happy. He<br />
doesn‘t mind publicly admitting that he was denounced<br />
as crazy at first. After going from farmer‘s<br />
market to farmer‘s market as a one-man-business<br />
with his herbs in the 1980s, he soon became well<br />
known for several reasons. Next to the top-notch organic<br />
products, his trademark look – decades-old<br />
leather trousers and his round red glasses – helped<br />
him facilitate his breakthrough.<br />
Organic expert and market leader<br />
For around 30 years now, Gutmann‘s core business<br />
concept has been founded on sustainable business<br />
practices. For his logo, he selected a laughing<br />
sun with 24 rays, based on the old symbol of the free<br />
and independent Waldviertel farmers. To this day, he<br />
counts on the support of a small agricultural network<br />
whose organic products are marketed both at<br />
home and abroad. A win-win situation for everyone<br />
involved. A big chunk of the generated revenue remains<br />
with the around 300 organic farmers. Sonnentor<br />
is the market leader in Austria with a share of<br />
50% and also operates its own franchising stores. In<br />
Germany, the organic specialist is in the top 3 with a<br />
market share of 25%. Additionally to their herbs and<br />
spices, the company has added further delicacies to<br />
their offer, such as tea, coffee and cocoa – currently<br />
around 900 products. Around 66% of the products<br />
are exported, besides Germany also to France and<br />
Switzerland.<br />
Light & quiet<br />
Ever heard of Diamond Aircraft? The company is<br />
based in Wiener Neustadt, has production facilities<br />
in Canada and China and specialises in the production<br />
of single- and twin-engine light aircrafts. A significant<br />
part of the planes is made up of custom<br />
builds that are used for observation in border control<br />
or environmental protection. This includes the special<br />
aircraft DA42 MPP (Multi Purpose Platform)<br />
which is used around the world. These particularly<br />
quiet aircrafts are equipped with the latest filming<br />
and radar technologies. What‘s even more special<br />
about them: powered by thrift diesel engines, the<br />
MPP can stay up in the air for 12 hours without having<br />
to refuel. Next to the engine, the use of fibrereinforced<br />
synthetic material for the construction of<br />
the aircraft is an additional asset. This material has a<br />
number of advantages over the classic aircraft components<br />
of wood and metal, such as a better surface<br />
finish and higher resistance, with a simultaneously<br />
lower weight.<br />
The modern fight against cancer<br />
Ion therapy is a special form of radiation therapy<br />
that is used against cancer. The therapy centre MedAustron<br />
in Wiener Neustadt has been operational<br />
since the end of last year – in autumn, the scientists<br />
assumed their positions, in December the first patient<br />
therapy took place. The radiation was conducted<br />
with charged particles – with either protons or carbon<br />
ions.<br />
The Austrian ion therapy centre is, incidentally,<br />
one of the most state-of-the-art facilities of this type<br />
INFO:<br />
sonnentor.com<br />
diamond-air.at<br />
medaustron.at<br />
in the world. The know-how that the MedAustron<br />
experts have accumulated during the development is<br />
also trusted in Iran where a centre based on the Austrian<br />
facility is going to be built near Teheran.<br />
The difference between ion therapy and regular<br />
radiation therapy is that the ion beam can be controlled<br />
precisely by amending its energy. The radiation<br />
dose can thus be focused on the tumour. This not<br />
only protects the surrounding t<strong>issue</strong>, but also minimises<br />
potential side effects. Ion therapy is especially<br />
used to combat tumours near sensitive organs, such<br />
as the brain, spine marrow, visual nerves, lung and<br />
liver. Treatment lasts several weeks and is conducted<br />
ambulatory.<br />
This year, 150 patients will be treated with protons<br />
at MedAustron. Very soon, this will include<br />
children, for whom this type of therapy is particularly<br />
promising due to their more vulnerable t<strong>issue</strong>. At<br />
the same time, the therapy with carbon ions will become<br />
available in Wiener Neustadt starting in 2018.<br />
Launching into full capacity in 2<strong>02</strong>0, around 1,000<br />
patients a year will receive additional hope in their<br />
struggle against cancer thanks to MedAustron.<br />
Lebendige Begegnungen<br />
auf der Schallaburg<br />
Qualitätsweine mit hoher Exportrate.<br />
Quality wines with a high export rate.<br />
domaene-wachau.at<br />
Biotech-Vorreiter bei innovativen Futtermitteladditiven,<br />
Entgiftung von Mykotoxinen (Schimmelpilze)<br />
sowie biotechnologischem Pflanzenschutz.<br />
Biotech pioneer with innovative fodder additives,<br />
detoxification of mycotoxins (mould) as well as<br />
biotechnological plant protection.<br />
erber-group.net<br />
F/LIST<br />
Begann als Tischlerei, stattet heute Business-Jets<br />
und Luxusjachten aus (z.B. mit Echtsteinboden und<br />
integrierter Heizung). Began as a carpentry, today<br />
fits business jets and luxury yachts (for example,<br />
genuine stone flooring with integrated heating).<br />
f-list.at<br />
IFE<br />
Elektrisch angetriebene Einstiegssysteme für<br />
Schienenfahrzeuge. Electrically powered<br />
entrance systems for rail vehicles.<br />
ife-doors.at<br />
Einer der größten Gaming-Technologiekonzerne<br />
weltweit als Betreiber, Systemgeber und<br />
Software-Entwickler. One of the biggest gaming<br />
technology corporations in the world, acting as<br />
operator, system provider and software developer.<br />
novomatic.com<br />
Entwicklung & Fertigung von hochmodernen<br />
Minenerkennungsgeräten und dem unbemannten<br />
Camcopter (mit Kamera). Development & manufacturing<br />
of state-of-the-art mine recognition<br />
devices and unmanned Camcopter (with camera).<br />
schiebel.net<br />
Naturkosmetik aus dem Pielachtal. Natural<br />
cosmetics from the Pielachtal valley.<br />
styx.at<br />
Kompetenzzentrum für hochklassige<br />
Beleuchtungssysteme für die Automobilindustrie.<br />
Competence centre for top-notch lighting<br />
systems for the automotive industry.<br />
zkw-group.com<br />
Die Schallaburg widmet sich in jährlich wechselnden<br />
Ausstellungen aktuellen Fragen unserer Zeit.<br />
Das Zusammenspiel von gegenwartsorientierten<br />
Ausstellungen, historischem Ambiente und<br />
weitläufigem Schlossgarten macht die Schallaburg<br />
zum Lieblingsplatz, der in Erinnerung bleibt!<br />
Ausstellungen am Puls der Zeit<br />
Dieses Jahr beleuchten zwei Ausstellungen mit<br />
einem neugierigen Blick aktuelle Themen unserer<br />
Gesellschaft: Begegnung und Dialog, Freiheit und<br />
Bildung rücken in den Mittelpunkt. Die Ausstellung<br />
„ISLAM“ und die Sonderausstellung „Freyheit durch<br />
Bildung. 500 Jahre Reformation“ schaffen Räume für<br />
lebendigen Austausch!<br />
TIPP:<br />
Am besten lassen sich die Ausstellungen auf einem<br />
geführten Rundgang erleben!<br />
Mehr dazu auf www.schallaburg.at<br />
Schallaburg: 18. März – 5. November <strong>2017</strong><br />
Ausstellungen „Islam“ und „Freyheit durch Bildung.<br />
500 Jahre Reformation“<br />
Mo-Fr: 9.00-17.00 Uhr, Sa, So u. Feiertag: 9.00-18.00 Uhr<br />
Anreise: Vom Bahnhof Melk mit dem Bus WL1 (www.<br />
oebb.at) oder A1 – Abfahrt Melk.<br />
Entgeltliche Einschaltung • Fotos: Daniela Matejschek, Klaus Pichler
Viel Raum für Kunst<br />
Plenty of room for art<br />
Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
Ein Museumsneubau für die Landesgalerie und das neue Haus der Geschichte – Niederösterreichs<br />
Museumslandschaft wächst und erlebt gerade einen spannenden Relaunch.<br />
A new museum for the Landesgalerie and the new House of History — Lower Austria‘s museum<br />
landscape is growing and currently going through an exciting renaissance.<br />
Kunst im öffentlichen<br />
Raum<br />
Public art<br />
Niederösterreich hat viel vor was Kunst und<br />
Kultur anbelangt! Ein ambitionierter Museumsneubau<br />
für die Niederösterreichische<br />
Landesgalerie wird bald die Kunstmeile Krems bereichern<br />
und auch in St. Pölten öffnet mit dem Haus der<br />
Geschichte im September ein neues Museum seine<br />
Pforten. Nicht nur die Politik des Bundeslandes befindet<br />
sich also in einem großen Umbruch – auch die<br />
Kunst, stets eine gewichtige Agenda in Niederösterreich,<br />
erlebt gerade einige tiefgreifende Neuerungen.<br />
Markanter Kunstkubus<br />
Noch klafft neben dem Karikaturmuseum auf der<br />
Kremser Kunstmeile eine riesige Baugrube, aus der<br />
die neue Landesgalerie Niederösterreich inzwischen<br />
schon langsam in die Höhe zu wachsen beginnt.<br />
Vom zukünftigen Bau ist im derzeitigen Bauabschnitt<br />
natürlich noch wenig zu erahnen, auf den<br />
Renderings aber fügt sich der markante Baukörper<br />
des renommierten Vorarlberger Architekturbüros<br />
marte.marte bereits kongenial in die Kunstmeile<br />
Krems ein: Große Arkadenbögen öffnen den monolithischen<br />
Museumsbau zum Vorplatz hin. Eine<br />
großzügige Dachterrasse mit Skulpturengarten und<br />
einem fantastischen Ausblick über die Donau krönt<br />
das Gebäude. Das Richtfest ist noch für diesen Sommer<br />
geplant. Im Sommer 2018 wird dann die glanzvolle<br />
Eröffnung gefeiert. Zu sehen sein werden, neben<br />
Wechselausstellungen, Teile der rund 60.000<br />
Werke umfassenden Landessammlungen Niederösterreich,<br />
ergänzt durch die Sammlungen Zambo und<br />
Ploil – mit Meisterwerken wie Egon Schieles „Selbstbildnis<br />
mit Pfauenweste“.<br />
Während derzeit auf der Baustelle mit Hochbetrieb<br />
gearbeitet wird, startet auf der gegenüberliegenden<br />
Straßenseite die Kunsthalle Krems nach einem<br />
Jahr Auszeit mit der Ausstellung „Abstract Painting<br />
Now!“ in ihre dritte Dekade. In den ersten 20 Jahren<br />
ihres Bestehens hat sich das bisherige Flaggschiff der<br />
Kunstmeile Krems mit hochkarätigen Ausstellungen<br />
von Yoko Ono bis Pipilotti Rist international einen<br />
hervorragenden Ruf erarbeitet. Der Ausstellungsraum<br />
Forum Frohner und das Karikaturmuseum<br />
komplettieren die Kunstmeile, die zusammen mit der<br />
neuen Landesgalerie Niederösterreich bald mehr als<br />
7.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche bespielen wird.<br />
Hotspots Krems und St.Pölten<br />
Mit dem Umzug der Kunstsammlung von St.Pölten<br />
in die neue Landesgalerie nach Krems ist auch<br />
der Museumsstandort im Regierungsviertel St. Pölten<br />
mit dem charakteristischen Museumsgebäude<br />
von Hans Hollein einer Neuorientierung unterzogen<br />
worden: Den Platz der Kunst nimmt jetzt das neu<br />
geschaffene Haus der Geschichte ein. Entlang der<br />
wechselvollen Historie Niederösterreichs, als Land<br />
im Zentrum Europas, werden aktuelle Themen wie<br />
Migration oder Nationenbildung abgehandelt. Mit<br />
der groß angelegten Ausstellung „Die umkämpfte<br />
Republik. Österreich 1918-1938“ feiert das neue Museum<br />
am 9. September <strong>2017</strong> seine Eröffnung.<br />
Kunst auf der grünen Wiese<br />
Die Kulturagenda wird in Niederösterreich schon<br />
lange äußerst innovativ gehandhabt. So sprengt etwa<br />
„Kunst im Öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich“ seit<br />
21 Jahren den geschützten musealen Rahmen und<br />
realisiert, quer über das ganze Land verstreut, künstlerische<br />
Interventionen, Skulpturen und Installationen<br />
im Stadtraum, in Dorfzentren und auf der grünen<br />
Wiese. Etwa der gerade eröffnete<br />
„Horizontalturm“ von Ingo Vetter und Magdalena<br />
Frey, eine 24 Meter lange, begehbare Röhre in einem<br />
Rapsfeld bei Lanzendorf. Ebenso spannend ist<br />
„Counterpoints. Kunst im Park <strong>2017</strong>“ mit temporären<br />
künstlerischen Eingriffen im Schlosspark Grafenegg<br />
diesen Sommer, wo u.a. Simon Faithfulls<br />
“Earth-Spin no.1: Grafenegg”, eine überdimensionale,<br />
aus der Wiese gestochene Zahl, welche für die<br />
Erdgeschwindigkeit am Breitengrad Grafeneggs<br />
steht, zu bestaunen ist.<br />
Im kürzlich präsentierten Strategiepapier der<br />
Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung zur Kunst<br />
steht zu lesen: „Entscheidend für Innovation und<br />
Fortschritt sind die Freiräume, in denen Kunst und<br />
Kultur (…) zur Entfaltung gelangen. Daher ist es unsere<br />
politische Verpflichtung, als Land Niederösterreich<br />
den Nährboden aufzubereiten, auf dem Kunst<br />
und Kultur aufblühen und gedeihen können.“ Große<br />
Worte, denen das Land Niederösterreich tatsächlich<br />
auch große Taten folgen lässt.<br />
Lower Austria has much to offer when it comes<br />
to art and culture! An ambitious new museum<br />
building for Lower Austria‘s Landesgalerie will<br />
soon be enriching the art quarter of Krems and St.<br />
Pölten will also be opening a new museum called the<br />
House of History. In other words, it‘s not just politics<br />
that‘s going through a major change at the moment<br />
Im September <strong>2017</strong> wird der neue Teil<br />
des Museum Niederösterreich in<br />
St. Pölten eröffnet.<br />
The new part of the Museum Niederösterreich<br />
in St. Pölten will be opened this<br />
September.<br />
Gelatin, Nase / Nose,<br />
Rossatz 2014.<br />
86 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Markanter Museumsneubau für die<br />
Kunstmeile Krems.<br />
Striking new museum building as addition<br />
to the Kunstmeile Krems.<br />
Kunst Niederösterreich | Highlights Sommer <strong>2017</strong><br />
„Abstract Painting Now!“,<br />
Herbert Brandl, Ohne Titel,<br />
2007.<br />
KUNST IM PARK <strong>2017</strong>, GRAFENEGG.<br />
„Earth Spin no. 1“ von Simon Faithfull im Schlosspark.<br />
“Earth Spin no. 1“ by Simon Faithfull at Grafenegg‘s park.<br />
– art, always on the agenda and of the utmost importance<br />
in Lower Austria, is currently undergoing a<br />
profound renaissance.<br />
Distinctive art programme<br />
A massive construction pit still dominates the<br />
scene next to the Karikaturmuseum in the art quarter<br />
in Krems, from which the new Lower Austrian<br />
Landesgalerie is slowly beginning to emerge. There<br />
are, of course, not too many signs of the upcoming<br />
building that can be detected from the current building<br />
phase, but based on computer renderings, the<br />
distinctive building project by the renowned architectural<br />
office marte.marte from Vorarlberg will<br />
fit perfectly into the local art quarter. Big arcade arches<br />
at the opening of the monolithic museum invite<br />
into the forecourt, a generous roof terrace with a<br />
sculpture garden and a fantastic view of the Danube<br />
river crowns the rest of the building. The Richtfest<br />
festival is still planned for this summer, then, in summer<br />
2018, the exquisite opening ceremony will be<br />
held. Next to temporary exhibitions, there will be<br />
part of the 60,000 pieces from the Lower Austrian art<br />
collection, complemented by the Zambo and Ploil<br />
collections — including masterpieces such as Egon<br />
Schiele‘s “Self-Portrait with Peacock Waistcoat“.<br />
„Simplicissimus. Eduard Thöny“, Gegensätze/Antagonisms,<br />
1922.<br />
Whilst the construction site is seeing intensive activity,<br />
the Kunsthalle Krems, right across the street, is<br />
launching its third decade of operations with the exhibit<br />
“Abstract Painting Now!“ after a year off. In the<br />
first 20 years of its existence, the flagship of the art<br />
quarter in Krems has amassed an excellent international<br />
reputation with top-notch exhibits by artists<br />
like Yoko Ono and Pipilotti Rist. The exhibition hall<br />
“Forum Frohner“ and the Karikaturmuseum complement<br />
the art quarter which, together with the new<br />
Lower Austrian Landesgalerie, will soon cover more<br />
than 7,000 m² of exhibition space.<br />
Hotspots Krems and St. Pölten<br />
With the relocation of the St. Pölten art collection<br />
to the new Landesgalerie in Krems, the museum premises<br />
in the government district of St. Pölten, with<br />
its characteristic museum building designed by Hans<br />
Hollein, have also undergone a change – the Platz<br />
der Kunst will now be occupied by the newly created<br />
House of History. Along Lower Austria‘s diverse history,<br />
as a province in the centre of Europe, contemporary<br />
topics such as migration as well as nationbuilding<br />
will be explored. With the generously sized<br />
exhibitions “The contested Republic. Austria 1918-<br />
1938“, the museum will celebrate its opening on 9<br />
September <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Art on the green meadows<br />
Lower Austria‘s cultural agenda has been handled<br />
rather innovatively for quite some time now. “Art in<br />
Lower Austria’s Public Spaces“, for example, has been<br />
breaking out of museum walls for 21 years now,<br />
spreading across the entire country and uniting arti-<br />
stic interventions, sculptures and installations in city<br />
centres, village squares and on green meadows. The<br />
recently opened “Horizontal Tower“ by Ingo Vetter<br />
and Magdalena Frey, for example, is a 24-metrelong,<br />
walkable tube within a rapeseed field near Lanzendorf.<br />
Similarly exciting is “Counterpoints. Art in<br />
the Park <strong>2017</strong>“ with temporary artistic endeavours in<br />
Grafenegg‘s Schlosspark this summer, where, among<br />
others, Simon Faithfull‘s “Earth-Spin no.1: Grafenegg“,<br />
an over-dimensional number carved into the<br />
grass representing the Earth‘s speed at Grafenegg‘s<br />
latitude, can be admired.<br />
In the recently presented strategic paper of the<br />
Lower Austrian Provincial Government on art, it<br />
says: ”A crucial factor for innovation and progress<br />
are the open spaces in which art and culture (…) can<br />
express themselves. Therefore, it is our political duty,<br />
as the province of Lower Austria, to prepare the breeding<br />
ground from which art and culture can blossom<br />
and thrive.“ Big words, which the province of Lower<br />
Austria has, undoubtedly, followed up to with big<br />
acts.<br />
Abstract Painting Now!<br />
Gerhard Richter, Katharina<br />
Grosse, Sean Scully …<br />
<strong>02</strong>.07–05.11.<strong>2017</strong><br />
Tobias Pils<br />
Untitled<br />
<strong>02</strong>.07–05.11.<strong>2017</strong><br />
Sébastien de Ganay<br />
Transposition and<br />
Reproduction<br />
<strong>02</strong>.07–15.10.<strong>2017</strong><br />
Dominikanerkirche<br />
www.kunsthalle.at<br />
Forum Frohner. Konrad Klaphek, Portait<br />
Werner Hofmann, um 1980<br />
Kunsthalle Krems<br />
„Abstract Painting Now!“, 2.7.-5.11.<strong>2017</strong>.<br />
kunsthalle.at<br />
Karikaturmuseum<br />
„Eduard Thöny“, bis 10. 09. <strong>2017</strong><br />
karikaturmuseum.at<br />
Forum Frohner<br />
„Hommage an Werner Hofmann: Biennale des<br />
Jeunes de Paris 1967“, bis 1.10.<strong>2017</strong><br />
forum-frohner.at<br />
Landesgalerie Niederösterreich<br />
Geplante Eröffnung des neuen Museums:<br />
Sommer 2018.<br />
Planned opening of the new museum:<br />
summer 2018.<br />
landesgalerie-noe.at<br />
Haus der Geschichte<br />
„Die umkämpfte Republik. Österreich 1918-1938“,<br />
10.9.<strong>2017</strong>-24.3.2019.<br />
museumnoe.at<br />
Schlosspark Grafenegg<br />
„Counterpoints. Kunst im Park <strong>2017</strong>“, bis<br />
Oktober <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
“Counterpoints. Art in the Park <strong>2017</strong>“, until<br />
October <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
publicart.at<br />
Reopening 01.07.<strong>2017</strong><br />
Bernard Frize, Balaire (Detail), 2015, Galerie nächst St. Stephan © Bildrecht, Wien, <strong>2017</strong>, Foto: Markus Wörgötter<br />
88 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Aus dem Dornröschenschlaf erwacht<br />
Awakening from the slumber<br />
Diplomaten und Feldherren der Habsburger waren einstige Besitzer von<br />
Schloss Pöggstall im südlichen Waldviertel. Heute kann man dort, im neu<br />
renovierten Anwesen, die Landesausstellung besuchen.<br />
Once upon a time, Habsburg diplomats and generals were the rightful owners<br />
of Pöggstall Castle in the southern region of Waldviertel. Today, anyone can<br />
visit the newly renovated estate and see its Lower Austria State Exhibition.<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Das Schloss Pöggstall im südlichen Waldviertel<br />
stammt aus dem 13. Jahrhundert. Kasper von<br />
Rogendorf, Rat und Kämmerer Kaiser Friedrichs<br />
III., erwarb das Anwesen 1478 und begann den<br />
großen Umbau der mittelalterlichen Burg zum Schloss.<br />
Von 1795 bis 1919 im Besitz der Habsburger, ist seit<br />
1986 die Marktgemeinde Pöggstall „Schlossherr“. Diese<br />
holte das architektonische Juwel mit gotischen Elementen<br />
und Teilen aus der Renaissance nicht zuletzt<br />
mit der umfassenden und behutsamen Renovierung<br />
um neun Millionen Euro aus dem Dornröschenschlaf.<br />
Denn in einem Schloss-Teil dreht sich dort noch bis<br />
12. November <strong>2017</strong> in der Landesausstellung Niederösterreich<br />
<strong>2017</strong> alles um die Geschichte der Rechtsprechung.<br />
Unter dem Titel „Alles was Recht ist“ werden<br />
neben der historischen Entwicklung von Rechtsordnung<br />
und Justizeinrichtungen auch die Themen Strafe<br />
und ihre unterschiedlichsten Formen sowie die Geschichte<br />
der Menschen- und Grundrechte in den Mittelpunkt<br />
gerückt.<br />
Das Waldviertel ist übrigens reich an historischen<br />
Ruinen, Burgen und Schlössern. Ein weiteres sehenswertes<br />
niederösterreichisches Schloss ist die Schallaburg,<br />
in der, nahe bei Melk, zurzeit eine Ausstellung<br />
dem Islam gewidmet ist. In deren Fokus stehen bis 5.<br />
November <strong>2017</strong> muslimische Kulturen in Österreich.<br />
Pöggstall Castle, in the southern region of Waldviertel,<br />
was constructed in the 13th century. Kasper<br />
von Rogendorf, counsel and treasurer of<br />
Emperor Frederick III, acquired the estate in 1478 and<br />
began the enormous construction endeavour of turning<br />
the medieval fort into a castle. Whereas it was owned<br />
by the Habsburg dynasty between 1795 and 1919,<br />
the community of Pöggstall has been the “lord of the<br />
castle“ since 1986. The architectural jewel, with its various<br />
gothic elements as well as several Renaissance details,<br />
was finally awakened from its slumber with a careful<br />
renovation costing around 9 million euro.<br />
After all, part of the castle hosts the Lower Austria<br />
State Exhibition <strong>2017</strong> until 12 November <strong>2017</strong>, where<br />
everything regarding the history of jurisprudence is<br />
highlighted. Under the title “Alles was Recht ist“<br />
(‘Bound by Law’), topics such as the historical development<br />
of jurisprudence and various judicial institutions,<br />
as well as punishment in its many forms and the history<br />
of human and fundamental rights will be explored in<br />
depth.<br />
The region of Waldviertel is, incidentally, rich in historic<br />
ruins, forts and castles. Another castle in Lower<br />
Austria worth a visit is Schallaburg Castle near Melk,<br />
where an exhibition dedicated to the religion of Islam is<br />
currently held. The exhibition‘s focus is on Muslim cultures<br />
in Austria and runs until 5 November <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Auf der Schallaburg ist<br />
derzeit eine Ausstellung<br />
dem Islam und muslimischen<br />
Kulturen in Österreich<br />
gewidmet.<br />
At Schallaburg, a current<br />
exhibition is dedicated to the<br />
Islam and Muslim cultures in<br />
Austria.<br />
INFO:<br />
noe-landesausstellung.at<br />
schallaburg.at<br />
Schloss Pöggstall.<br />
Das märchenhafte und neu<br />
renovierte Schloss ist der<br />
Ort der Landesaussstellung<br />
„Alles was Recht ist“.<br />
The fairytale-like and newly<br />
renovated castle is the venue<br />
of the Lower Austria State<br />
Exhibition “Bound by Law“.<br />
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90 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
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TrIIIple. The new dimension of living.<br />
. Apartments for sale in the 3 rd district, Vienna<br />
. Balconies, loggias and communal terraces<br />
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. At the Donaukanal, vis-à-vis the Green Prater<br />
. Perfect connection to the city center and the airport<br />
please visit : www.triiiple.at<br />
A project of:<br />
symbol picture
Das süße Nichtstun zelebrieren<br />
Celebrating the art of doing sweet nothing<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Österreichs Badeseen und Gewässer sind Orte, an denen man die Leichtigkeit des Sommers so gut verspüren<br />
kann. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wo man nach einem erfrischenden Bad kulinarisch besonders verwöhnt wird.<br />
Austria‘s swimming lakes and various waters are places where the lightness of the summer can be especially<br />
enjoyed. Here‘s where to go if you want to spoil your taste buds after a refreshing swim in the lake.<br />
Gerade rechtzeitig zur Sommersaison eröffnet: Das Strandcafé an<br />
der Alten Donau wartet mit Köstlichkeiten vom Holzkohlegrill auf.<br />
Opened just in time for the summer season: The Strandcafé at the Old<br />
Danube awaits with delicacies straight from the charcoal grill.<br />
Kärntens Top-Küchenchef Hubert Wallner (links) hat nun mit<br />
Martin Kern einen Top-Sommelier im Restaurant an der Seite. Im<br />
Bild oben: Gedämpfte Taubenbrust mit Kräuterseitling-Pak-Choi.<br />
With Martin Kern, Carinthia’s top chef Hubert Wallner (left) has a<br />
top sommelier by his side for his restaurant. Pictured above:<br />
Steamed pigeon breast with king oyster mushrooms and bok choy.<br />
94 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Saiblingsfest<br />
A feast for the char<br />
Im Seehotel Das Traunsee zelebriert Lukas Nagl intensive<br />
Geschmackserlebnisse bei seiner Fischküche. Im Bild oben:<br />
Reinanke am Salzstein.<br />
In the lake hotel Das Traunsee, Lukas Nagl celebrates<br />
intense taste experiences through his fish cuisine. Pictured:<br />
Whitefish with salt stone.<br />
Neuen sommerlichen Glanz gibt es diesen<br />
Sommer in Wien: Nach einem umfangreichen<br />
Umbau werden im legendären Strandcafé<br />
an der Alten Donau (eröffnet 1921) wieder die<br />
Grillfeuer entfacht. Dann brutzeln auf dem – mit<br />
sieben Metern Länge – größten Indoor-Holzkohlegrill<br />
Österreichs die legendären Ripperl, Bratwürste<br />
und Steckerlfische. Nicht fehlen dürfen heimische<br />
Schmankerl (u.a. Tafelspitz), die im Gastgarten und<br />
auf dem Holzfloß serviert werden. Dazu gibt es Original<br />
Budweiser Budvar vom Fass. Auch wenn im<br />
Strandcafé der traditionellen Wiener (Fleisch)Küche<br />
gehuldigt wird, so müssen Liebhaber der fleischlosen<br />
Küche dennoch nicht mit leerem Magen nach<br />
Hause gehen. Auf der Karte finden sich u.a. vegetarisch<br />
gefüllte Paprika mit Paradeissauce und Salzkartoffeln<br />
– auch für Veganer geeignet.<br />
Mega-Projekt am Neusiedlersee<br />
Ein absolutes Mega-Projekt wurde in den vergangenen<br />
Monaten im Burgenland in Weiden am Neusiedler<br />
See verwirklicht. Beinahe wäre es nicht zustande<br />
gekommen. Anfangs war der Widerstand der<br />
örtlichen Bevölkerung recht groß. Mit „Das Fritz“<br />
verwirklicht Neusiedls Top-Gastronom Fritz Tösch<br />
den Traum der grandiosen Location auf 1.400 m 2 direkt<br />
am See, mit Schilffassade und einer kolportierten<br />
Bausumme von sechs Millionen Euro. Unterstützt<br />
wird er von seinen Töchtern Judith und Vera.<br />
Seine beiden Lokale, das Landgasthaus Nyikospark<br />
und die Pizzeria Da Capo wird er in Zukunft zusammenlegen.<br />
Das See-Lokal soll dann ganzjährig geöffnet<br />
sein.<br />
Neu am Herd<br />
Im Seehotel Grundlsee im steirischen Salzkammergut<br />
schwingt nun der Niederösterreicher Matthias<br />
Schütz den Kochlöffel, der unter anderem Küchenchef<br />
im Hotel Wiesergut in Hinterglemm und<br />
im Fontana Restaurant in Oberwaltersdorf war. Sein<br />
Stil ist sehr von Thorsten Probosts Kräuterküche<br />
vom Burg Vital Resort beeinflusst – mehr als zwei<br />
Jahre kochte Matthias Schütz an der Seite des „Koch<br />
des Jahres 2008“. Bei seinem eigenen Küchen-Stil<br />
nehmen Regionalität, Nachhaltigkeit und Saisonalität<br />
einen großen Stellenwert ein. Natürlich dürfen<br />
auch Süßwasserfische auf seiner Karte nicht fehlen<br />
– den traditionellen Ausseer Saibling zelebriert er<br />
gerne und zwar vor allem sanft gegart. Die Gerichte<br />
genießen Gäste im Restaurant Seeplatz’l, auf der See-<br />
Im Restaurant Mangold in Lochau, unweit des Bodensees, lässt es sich herrlich verweilen.<br />
Verwöhnt wird man z.B. mit Seesaibling mit Entenleber (im Bild).<br />
In the restaurant Mangold in Lochau, not far from Bodensee lake, you can spend a truly splendid<br />
time. The team will spoil you with lake char with duck liver (pictured), among other treats.<br />
terrasse, im Seepavillion oder bei einer Ausfahrt mit<br />
einer der traditionellen Plätt’n am Grundlsee.<br />
Vom Bodensee an den Wörthersee<br />
Laut Falstaff-Restaurant Guide ist Hubert Wallners<br />
See Restaurant Saag einmal mehr das beste Restaurant<br />
Kärntens. Nun hat er hochkarätigen Zuwachs<br />
im Team: Sommelier Martin Kern wechselte<br />
vom Appenzellerland hoch über dem Bodensee an<br />
das Ufer am Wörthersee. Kern agierte zuvor als Sommelier<br />
im Palais Coburg und Sofitel in Wien, wechselte<br />
danach an den Vierwaldstätter See in die<br />
Schweiz, ins Schloss Fuschl im Salzburger Land,<br />
abermals ins Palais Coburg und zuletzt ins Schweizer<br />
Gourmetrestaurant Incantare (u. a. 1 Michelin-<br />
Stern) im Gasthaus zur Fernsicht.<br />
Der Saibling fühlt sich in jenen tiefen Seen des Ausseerlandes<br />
und des Salzkammergutes besonders wohl, die von<br />
Gletscherwasser gespeist werden. Vom 23. bis 25. Juni <strong>2017</strong><br />
feiert eine Reihe von Ausseerland-Gastronomen den Beginn<br />
der Wildfang-Saison mit einem köstlichen Fest, bei dem sich<br />
alles um diese Fisch-Spezialität der Region dreht.<br />
The char is at home in the deep lakes of the Aussee and the<br />
Salzkammergut regions that are filled with glacial water.<br />
Between 23 and 25 June <strong>2017</strong>, a number of gastronomers<br />
from the Aussee region celebrate the beginning of the<br />
fishing season with a delicious festival where everything<br />
will revolve around the region’s fish specialities.<br />
salzkammergut.at<br />
CAFÉ AM HOF outside terrace - Enjoy the summer.<br />
96 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Café Am Hof<br />
Am Hof 2 - 1010 Wien<br />
Tel. +43 1 22740 1236<br />
www.cafe-amhof.vienna.com<br />
cafeamhof.vienna@hyatt.com<br />
Café Am Hof: Open daily<br />
Schanigarten: Open daily from 8am to 11pm<br />
Every year from April until October, the Boutique coffeehouse opens its charming outdoor<br />
terrace - a great location in which to see and be seen. Start your day with a balanced, lovingly<br />
compiled breakfast or choose individually from the A la carte menu. Get spoiled with light<br />
menus and refresh on hot summer days with one of our homemade lemonades. Savor the<br />
balmy summer evenings and enjoy a delicious cocktail from the outside pop-up bar. Discover<br />
a place that encourages visitors to linger, a place of relaxation and refreshment – the perfect<br />
place for enjoying the summer.
INFO<br />
Der bis zu 133 m tiefe Achensee, nahe Jenbach,<br />
ist der größte See Tirols. The Achensee, close to<br />
Jenbach, is the biggest lake in Tyrol and is down to<br />
133 metres deep.<br />
Geheimtipps für See-Fans | Insider tips for lake aficionados<br />
Adressen<br />
Addresses<br />
Wien. Vienna.<br />
strandcafe-wien.at<br />
kaisermuehle.at<br />
ufertaverne.at<br />
gasthausbirner.at<br />
kleeamhanslteich.at<br />
mottoamfluss.at<br />
strandbarherrmann.at<br />
Niederösterreich.<br />
Lower Austria.<br />
seewirtshaus.at<br />
Steiermark. Styria.<br />
seehotelgrundlsee.at<br />
schlosshotel-seewirt.at<br />
Kärnten. Carinthia.<br />
saag-ja.at<br />
forellemueller.at<br />
Oberösterreich.<br />
Upper Austria.<br />
dastraunsee.at<br />
Salzburg.<br />
salzburgerhof.at<br />
schlossfuschl.com<br />
derseehof.at<br />
Tirol. Tyrol.<br />
kulinarikhotel-alpin.at<br />
parkhotel-tristachersee.at<br />
Vorarlberg.<br />
restaurant-mangold.at<br />
montafonerhof.com<br />
pleifersengel.at<br />
Weissensee.<br />
Lukas Schmiderer vom Salzburgerhof am Zeller See ist<br />
»Pâtissier des Jahres <strong>2017</strong>«. Er kreiert fantastische Desserts<br />
und nicht zuletzt handgeschöpfte Pralinen.<br />
Lukas Schmiderer from Salzburgerhof at lake Zell is the<br />
“Pâtissier of the Year <strong>2017</strong>”. He specialises in creating fantastic<br />
desserts, and, last but not least, handmade pralines.<br />
Die Gerichte aus der Küche von Mathias Schütz kann man im<br />
Restaurant Seeplatz’l, auf der Seeterrasse, im Seepavillon<br />
oder bei einer Ausfahrt mit einer der traditionellen Plätt’n am<br />
Grundlsee genießen.<br />
The dishes from Mathias Schütz’s kitchen can be enjoyed in the<br />
restaurant Seeplatz’l on the lake terrace, in the lake pavillion or<br />
on a ride on the Grundlsee lake with a traditional Plätt’n boat.<br />
There is a new seasonal delight to be discovered<br />
in Vienna this summer — after an extensive<br />
reconstruction period, the legendary<br />
Strandcafé at the Old Danube (opened in 1921) will<br />
see its barbeque fires rekindled once again. That means<br />
that it’s time for the legendary ‘Ripperl’ ribs,<br />
Bratwurst and Steckerlfisch dishes to sizzle on<br />
Austria’s largest indoor charcoal grill with its 7 metres<br />
in length. Of course, a number of local delicacies<br />
will be available as well (such as the famed Tafelspitz),<br />
which will be served in the outdoor area and<br />
on a wooden raft. Original Budweiser Budvar on<br />
draught will please beer aficionados. And even<br />
though the Strandcafé is a temple for traditional Viennese<br />
(meat) cuisine, lovers of meatless dishes won’t<br />
be going home with empty stomachs. Vegetarian dishes<br />
such as filled bell peppers with tomato sauce<br />
and salted potatoes, also suitable for vegans, can also<br />
be found on the menu.<br />
Mega project at Lake Neusiedl<br />
In the last few months, a large project was realised<br />
in Burgenland in Weiden at Lake Neusiedl. The project<br />
almost failed to materialise, as the pushback<br />
from the local community was relatively strong.<br />
With “Das Fritz“, Neusiedl‘s top chef Fritz Tösch finally<br />
gets to realise his dream of a grandiose location<br />
across an area of 1,400 m 2 right by the lake, with a<br />
reed façade and an estimated construction sum of six<br />
million euro. He was supported in his endeavour by<br />
his daughters Judith and Vera. His two eateries, the<br />
country inn Nyikospark and the pizzeria Da Capo<br />
will be merged in the future. The lake restaurant will<br />
then be opened throughout the year.<br />
New at the stove<br />
In the Seehotel Grundlsee in the Styrian Salzkammergut<br />
region, the kitchen is now run by the Lower<br />
Austrian chef Matthias Schütz, who was already the<br />
head chef at the Wiesergut hotel in Hinterglemm as<br />
well as in the Fontana restaurant in Oberwaltersdorf.<br />
His style is very much influenced by Thorsten<br />
Probost‘s herbal cuisine from the Burg Vital Resort.<br />
In his own approach to cooking, local produce, sus-<br />
tainability and seasonal cooking are of particular importance.<br />
And fresh water fish is, of course, an intrinsic<br />
part of his menu — he is very fond of the<br />
Aussee char, especially when gently simmered.<br />
Guests at the Seeplatz‘l restaurant can enjoy the dishes<br />
on the lake terrace, in the lake pavillion or during<br />
a ride on the Grundlsee lake with a traditional<br />
Plätt‘n boat.<br />
From Bodensee to Wörthersee<br />
According to the Falstaff Restaurant Guide, Hubert<br />
Wallner‘s lake restaurant Saag is the best eatery<br />
in Carinthia. Now, some top-notch additions are joining<br />
his team — sommelier Martin Kern has traded<br />
the Appenzell region high above Bodensee lake for<br />
the shore of Wörthersee lake. Kern had previously<br />
acted as a sommelier at Palais Coburg and at the Sofitel<br />
in Vienna, then switched to the Vierwaldstätter<br />
lake in Switzerland, to Fuschl Palace in Salzburger-<br />
Land, again to Palais Coburg and then to the Swiss<br />
gourmet restaurant Incantare (1 Michelin star,<br />
among other awards) in Gasthaus zur Fernsicht.<br />
Your personal contact<br />
Stubenbergsee<br />
Der drei Kilometer lange Rundweg ist eine ideale Lauf -und Skatestrecke am See. For jogging<br />
and skating, the circular path of 3 km is waiting for you. apfelland.info<br />
Pressegger See<br />
Die “Badewanne des Gailtals“ ist sein Spitzname, mit bis zu 28 Grad warmem (Trink)wasser.<br />
His nickname is „Gailtal‘s bathtube“, with temperatures up to 28 degrees of the (drinking)<br />
water. nassfeld.at<br />
Traunsee<br />
Er gilt als Mekka für Segler. The Traunsee is a mekka for sailers. traunsee.at<br />
Wolfgangsee<br />
Bei meist über 24° Wassertemperatur lädt der Wolfgangsee zum Baden ein. With temperatures<br />
mostly above 24° C, the Wolfgangsee invites to a swim. wolfgangsee.at<br />
Bodensee<br />
Das Bregenzer Strandbad ist die größte Strandbad-Anlage am gesamten Bodensee. The lido in<br />
Bregenz is the biggest outdoor pool of its kind at the Bodensee. bodensee-vorarlberg.com<br />
Rooms & Suites<br />
98 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Florian Ollmann<br />
Assistant Director of Sales<br />
+43 (1) 236 1000 8031<br />
florian.ollmann@kempinski.com<br />
Schottenring 24 | 1010 Vienna<br />
www.kempinski.com/vienna<br />
Classic design meets Viennese elements. 98 double<br />
rooms, ranging from 344 to 570 square feet in size,<br />
54 suites ranging from 538 to 732 square feet, the largest<br />
presidential suite in town and two elegant penthouse<br />
apartments with spectacular views of Vienna – enjoy<br />
the perfect atmosphere at Palais Hansen Kempinski.<br />
Special Embassy rates available.
Essen und trinken mit Stil<br />
Wine and dine in style<br />
Die süßeste Versuchung | Sweetest temptation<br />
Sonja und Julia Wojta haben als innovatives Mutter-Tochter-Gespann<br />
bereits erfolgreich gezeigt, wie fulminant Süßspeisen schmecken<br />
können. Fünf Jahre nach dem Start der Julie Cake Pop Bakery legen die<br />
beiden nun noch eins drauf und erfreuen an ihrem fixen Standort im<br />
achten Bezirk mit Pâtisserie und Frühstück at its best.<br />
The innovative mother-daughter team Sonja and Julia Wojta have<br />
already successfully shown how delicious sweet desserts and<br />
pastries can taste. Five years after the launch of the Julie Cake Pop<br />
Bakery the two now take it one step further. They are delighted with<br />
their permanent location in the eighth district offering patisserie<br />
and breakfast at its best.<br />
cremedelacreme.at<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Amador am Grill<br />
Amador at the grill<br />
Der mit seinem „Amador’s<br />
Wirtshaus und Greisslerei“ in<br />
Wien beheimatete spanische<br />
Sternekoch Juan Amador,<br />
übernahm nun auch die<br />
kulinarische Regie im<br />
Restaurant „Kitch Grill & Bar by<br />
Juan Amador“ in der<br />
Innenstadt. Die Küchenlinie:<br />
Fleisch- und Fischgerichte vom<br />
800° High End-Grill sowie<br />
einem Holzkohlegrill, mit Steaks<br />
vom österreichischen Bio-Rind<br />
bis zum japanischen Kobe-Beef.<br />
Mit kleiner und feiner Bar sowie<br />
Tanzfläche und DJs, die am<br />
Wochenende Tanzfreudige<br />
mobilisieren wollen.<br />
Spanish star cook Juan<br />
Amador, known for the<br />
well-established “Amador‘s<br />
Wirtshaus und Greisslerei“ in<br />
Vienna, now also took over the<br />
culinary lead in the restaurant<br />
“Kitch Grill & Bar by Juan<br />
Amador“ in the city centre.<br />
On the menu, you will find<br />
meat and fish dishes from the<br />
800° high-end grill as well as<br />
a charcoal grill, steaks from<br />
Austrian organic beef and<br />
Japanese Kobe beef. A small<br />
and elegant bar as well as<br />
dance floor is the realm of the<br />
DJs who aim to mobilise<br />
people to dance the night<br />
away during the weekend.<br />
kitch.at<br />
Multifunktional<br />
Multifunctional<br />
Dieser Grill sollte in keinem wohlbestückten Haushalt fehlen. Mit dem Funco Gerät kann man nicht nur sitzend oder<br />
stehend grillen, sondern mit speziellem Zubehör auch gleich Getränke kühlen. Ein Hoch auf den Sommer!<br />
This grill is a must for each well-stocked household. With a Funco you will be able to grill while seating or standing<br />
as well as cool your drinks with special additional equipment in hot times. A cheer for the summer!<br />
funco.at<br />
Nicht nur für Gegner | Not only for the opposition<br />
Essig- und Schnapslegende Alois Gölles und Sohn David sagten Ja zur Loslösung vom traditionellen<br />
britischen Single Malt. Und schufen aus Mais, Roggen, Gerste, Weizen und Dinkel von hauseigenen<br />
Feldern den Brexit Whiskey. Sorgsam vergoren und behutsam destilliert, wird er danach über Jahre in<br />
Eichenfässern gelagert.<br />
Alois Gölles and son David said yes to shifting away from the traditional British single malt. Made<br />
from corn, rye, barley, wheat and spelt grown on their own fields they produced the Brexit Whiskey.<br />
Carefully fermented and skilfully distilled, it is then stored for years in oak barrels.<br />
goelles.at<br />
Neu in Wien | New in Vienna<br />
600 Weine glasweise<br />
/ 600 wines by the glass<br />
just-taste.com<br />
Peter Zinter am Herd<br />
/ Peter Zinter at the stove<br />
heunisch.at<br />
Hort guten Kaffees<br />
/ Good coffee stronghold<br />
jhornig.com<br />
Currywurst & Schaumwein<br />
/ Currywurst & sparkling wine<br />
zurflottencharlotte.at<br />
2 Sommeliers, 1 Koch<br />
/ 2 sommeliers, 1 chef<br />
mast.wine<br />
100 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Suite Dreams<br />
Hilton Vienna Plaza, Presidential Suite<br />
Interview: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
Wien als Drehscheibe internationaler Diplomatie, UNO-Standort und Schauplatz gewichtiger Konferenzen<br />
verfügt über eine beeindruckende Dichte an Hotels, die den Ansprüchen höchster Würdenträger<br />
und Staatsgäste gerecht werden. Cercle Diplomatique hat Hotelmanager Matthias Welzel um ein paar Worte<br />
zur Presidential Suite des 2014 rundum erneuerten Hilton Vienna Plaza gebeten.<br />
Vienna, as a hub for international diplomacy, UN location and the setting for key conferences, possesses<br />
an impressive array of hotels which are guaranteed to fulfil the demands of the highest of dignitaries and<br />
state guests alike. Cercle Diplomatique has asked Hotel Manager Matthias Welzel to talk a little about the<br />
Presidential Suite of the Hilton Vienna Plaza, which was completely revamped in 2014.<br />
Das Hilton Vienna Plaza wurde 2014 im Stil des Art Déco<br />
grundlegend erneuert – auf welche Weise erleben die Gäste<br />
der Presidential Suite diesen Spirit der 1920er-Jahre?<br />
Nicht nur die Einrichtung des renommierten Londoner Designstudios<br />
Robert Angell wurde von den goldenen 1920er-Jahren<br />
inspiriert, auch die kleinen Extras lassen die Epoche des Art Déco<br />
aufblühen. Auf Wunsch richtet das Plaza Team etwa eine offene<br />
Minibar ein, wie man es noch aus Filmen der 1920er Jahren kennt.<br />
Erlebbar wird das Flair der 1920er-Jahre auch in der persönlichen<br />
und authentischen Betreuung durch unsere „Plaza-Hosts“, welche<br />
die besondere Stimmung der Zeit verinnerlicht haben und als<br />
direkte Ansprechpartnerinnen und Ansprechpartner unserer<br />
Gäste, von der Begrüßung bis zur Verabschiedung, jeden Wunsch<br />
erfüllen.<br />
Welche luxuriösen Features stehen den Gästen der Suite<br />
zur Verfügung?<br />
In der 154 m2 großen Presidential Suite erleben die Gäste Platz,<br />
Stil und modernen Luxus durch separate Wohn-, Ankleide-,<br />
Ess- und Arbeitsbereiche. Eine exklusive Küche ermöglicht die<br />
Zubereitung spezieller Mahlzeiten. Am großen Esstisch finden bis<br />
zu acht Personen Platz. Der passende Wein zum Dinner kann aus<br />
der eigenen, begehbaren Weinbar gewählt werden und danach<br />
genießt man den fantastischen Ausblick auf die berühmte<br />
Ringstraße und den Stephansdom von der eigenen privaten<br />
Dachterrasse aus.<br />
Was unterscheidet das markante Gebäude des Hilton<br />
Vienna Plaza von den historischen Ringstraßenbauten?<br />
Als letzter kriegsbedingter Neubau an der Ringstraße wurde das<br />
Plaza im Oktober 1988 feierlich eröffnet. Das Haus fügt sich<br />
harmonisch ins Ensemble der Wiener Ringstraße ein: Das goldene<br />
Messinggeländer um den oberen Gebäudeteil und das Blattgold<br />
der Figuren auf den Metallreliefs sind Anspielungen auf die<br />
gegenüberliegende Börse. Man wagte aber den Sprung weg von<br />
der sonst üblichen Einrichtung zu einer sehr individuellen<br />
Ausstattung im Stil der Klassischen Moderne, die sowohl bei<br />
Wienern als auch internationalen Gästen großen Anklang findet.<br />
Welche prominenten Gäste durften Sie bereits in der Suite<br />
empfangen?<br />
Ohne Namen zu nennen, haben wir in der Presidential Suite und<br />
den Royal Suiten Stars und Sternchen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und<br />
dem Showbusiness empfangen dürfen. Als große Ehre und<br />
Anerkennung empfand ich das Privileg, Royalty in der Suite<br />
empfangen zu dürfen.<br />
In 2014, the Hilton Vienna Plaza was completely redesigned<br />
in Art Déco style — in what ways do the guests of the<br />
Presidential Suite get to experience the spirit of the 1920s?<br />
The interior design by the renowned London design studio Robert<br />
Angel was not the only thing that was inspired by the 1920s, but it’s<br />
also the little things that really lead to the blossoming of the Art Déco<br />
era. On request, the Plaza team will be happy to set up the kind of open<br />
mini bar that you can frequently see in films from the 1920s. You can<br />
also experience the flair of the 1920s through the personal and<br />
authentic assistance by our “Plaza Hosts“, who have internalised the<br />
special sentiment of the period and are happy to fulfil our guests’ each<br />
and every wish, from the welcoming to the farewell, acting as direct<br />
points of contact with the hotel.<br />
What kind of luxurious features are available to guests?<br />
In the 154-m2-sized Presidential Suite, guests will experience space,<br />
style and modern luxury via separate living, dressing, eating and<br />
working areas. An exclusive kitchen allows for the preparation of<br />
special dishes and up to eight people can be seated at the generous<br />
eating table. The perfect wine for the perfect dinner can be selected<br />
via the exclusive, walkable wine display, and afterward you can enjoy<br />
the fantastic view of the famous Ringstrasse and St. Stephen‘s<br />
Cathedral from your very own private roof terrace.<br />
What differentiates the distinct building of the Hilton Vienna<br />
Plaza from the historic Ringstrasse buildings?<br />
As the last war-related reconstruction on the Ringstrasse, the<br />
Plaza was festively inaugurated in October 1988. The building fits<br />
harmoniously into the ensemble of the Viennese Ringstrasse — the<br />
golden brass rails around the upper part of the building and the<br />
gold leaf of the figures on the metal relief are allusions to the stock<br />
exchange just across the street. However, there was also a jump<br />
from the usual design elements to very individualised furnishing in<br />
a classically modern style, which appeals to both the Viennese as<br />
well as international guests alike.<br />
Which famous guests have you already received in the suite?<br />
Without naming names, we‘ve welcomed stars from business,<br />
politics and the entertainment industry to the Presidential Suite<br />
and the Royal Suites. I felt particularly honoured by the privilege of<br />
welcoming royalty to the Suite.<br />
Hotelmanager Matthias<br />
Welzel über die Presidential<br />
Suite des Hilton Vienna<br />
Plaza<br />
Hotel Manager Matthias<br />
Welzel on the Presidential<br />
Suite of the Hilton Vienna<br />
Plaza<br />
INFO:<br />
Schottenring 11<br />
1010 Wien<br />
Tel.: +43 1 313900<br />
Wunderbare Fluchten<br />
Great Escapes<br />
Zeit für eine sommerliche Auszeit? Wir haben vier Empfehlungen für Sie! |Time for a summer break? We’ve got four recommendations for you!<br />
Romantik Hotel Schloss Pichlarn<br />
Ansicht eines Doppelzimmers (oben) und der außergewöhnliche<br />
18-Loch-Golfplatz gleich beim Hotel (r.).<br />
View of a double room (top) and the exceptional golf court<br />
with 18 holes next to the hotel (r.).<br />
104 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Die Gastgeber sind Hoteldirektor<br />
Engelbert Lainer-Wartenberg und<br />
Resident Manager Ines Wohlmuther-<br />
Maier (oben); links der Außenpool<br />
mit imposanter Bergkulisse.<br />
General Manager Engelbert<br />
Lainer-Wartenberg and Resident<br />
Manager Ines Wohlmuther-Maier are<br />
the hosts (top);<br />
the outdoor pool with impressing<br />
mountain setting (left).<br />
Auf einer Anhöhe im steirischen Ennstal steht das 1.000<br />
Jahre alte Schloss Pichlarn vor der Kulisse des<br />
mächtigen Berg Grimming und empfängt seine Gäste als ihr<br />
Kraftplatz für Gesundheit, Golf und Genuss. Die 96 Zimmer<br />
und Suiten, mit für das Schloss eigens entworfenen Möbeln<br />
und Stoffen, garantieren ein unvergleichliches Wohlfühlerlebnis<br />
und verfügen über einen traumhaften Ausblick auf die<br />
umliegende Landschaft.<br />
Zum Ruhe und Kraft tanken bietet das Schloss einen 4.500<br />
m2 Wellnessbereich und SPA mit einem Außenpool, einem<br />
Innenpool, drei Whirlpools und sechs Saunen, einem<br />
Ayurvedabereich sowie einem ausgewählten Angebot an<br />
Massagen und Beautybehandlungen.<br />
Golfer haben den Abschlag auf dem hoteleigenen<br />
18-Loch-Golfplatz direkt vor der Hoteltüre. Das Schloss<br />
Resort bietet je zwei Innen- und Außentennisplätze sowie<br />
einen Beachvolleyballplatz.<br />
Die Hauben gekrönte Kulinarik genießen Gäste in den vier<br />
Restaurants des Schlosses. Exquisite Weine werden mit<br />
dem Sommelier in der Weinlounge verkostet. Whiskey und<br />
Zigarre genießen Gäste im Roten Salon, erfrischende<br />
Cocktails in der Schloss Bar.<br />
High up in the Styrian Ennstal valley, you will find the<br />
1000-year-old Pichlarn Castle right in front of the<br />
impressive scenery of the mighty Grimming mountain,<br />
receiving visitors with its special energy and providing<br />
health, golfing and indulgence. The 96 rooms and suites,<br />
with furniture and fabrics specially designed for the castle,<br />
promise unforgettable moments of wellbeing and delight<br />
with dreamy views across the surrounding landscape.<br />
For relaxing and rejuvenating, the castle provides a 4,500<br />
m2 wellness area with a spa and an outdoor pool, an indoor<br />
pool, three whirlpools and six saunas, an Ayurveda area as<br />
well as selected offers for massages and beauty treatments.<br />
Golf enthusiasts will get to test their skills at the in-house<br />
18-hole golf course right in front of the hotel. Furthermore,<br />
the castle resort provides two indoor and outdoor tennis<br />
courts as well as a beach volleyball court.<br />
The castle’s award-winning cuisine delight guests in the<br />
four restaurants. Exquisite wines can be sampled with the<br />
sommelier in the wine longue. Whiskey and cigars are<br />
enjoyed in the Red Saloon, whereas refreshing cocktails are<br />
provided in the Castle Bar.<br />
INFO:<br />
Romantik Hotel Schloss Pichlarn<br />
Zur Linde 1<br />
8943 Aigen im Ennstal<br />
Tel.: +43/(0) 3682/24 440-0<br />
schlosspichlarn.at<br />
Ruby Lissi Hotel Vienna<br />
Holzböden, Kirschholzvertäfelungen sowie edle Stoffe und<br />
tolle Betten warten in der Neueröffnung im ehemaligen<br />
Kloster, nahe Schwedenplatz und Stephansdom. Mit coolem<br />
E-Gitarren-Verleih und einer Bar, die für Hotelgäste rund um<br />
die Uhr zur Verfügung steht.<br />
Wooden floors, cherry wood panels, exquisite fabrics and<br />
amazing beds await you in the newly opened hotel in the<br />
former monastery near Schwedenplatz square and St.<br />
Stephen’s Cathedral. It includes a neat electric guitar rental<br />
service and a bar open to hotel guests 24 hours a day.<br />
ruby-hotels.com<br />
Schüttkasten<br />
Die bekannte Wachauer Hoteliersfamilie Pichler ist neuer<br />
Gastgeber in diesem nostalgischen Ambiente im<br />
niederösterreichischen Waldviertel. Und so heißt der<br />
Schüttkasten, ein klösterliches Gutsgebäude, nunmehr<br />
Kunst & Kultur Seminarhotel Geras.<br />
Wachau’s renowned hotel family Pichler is the new host at<br />
the nostalgic atmosphere in Waldviertel in Lower Austria.<br />
And this is why Schüttkasten, a monastic building, is now<br />
known as the Art & Culture Seminar Hotel Geras.<br />
schuettkasten-geras.at<br />
Schlosswirt zu Anif<br />
Am Rande der Festspielstadt<br />
Salzburg gelegen, ist der<br />
Biedermeier-Gasthof ein Hort<br />
feinster österreichischer Küche<br />
und Weinkultur. Das Gästebuch<br />
spiegelt die Begeisterung<br />
zahlreicher internationaler Künstler wider. Mit urigen<br />
Zimmern zum längeren Verbleib.<br />
Located on the outskirts of the festival city of Salzburg, the<br />
Biedermeier Guesthouse is a refuge with the finest<br />
selections from Austria’s cuisine and wine culture. The<br />
guestbook reflects the enthusiasm of the many international<br />
artists who have visited here. The rustic rooms will make you<br />
want to stay even longer. schlosswirt-anif.at
Fernweh<br />
Itchy Feet<br />
Die besten Hotels und Restaurants aus aller Welt. | The best hotels and restaurants around the world.<br />
Text: Gerald Sturz<br />
Insel Kos | Island of Kos<br />
Casa Cook Kos<br />
Thailand<br />
Robinson Club Khao Lak<br />
Mit Beginn der Wintersaison <strong>2017</strong> erwartet Sonnenhungrige und Erholungssuchende an der<br />
Westküste Thailands, etwa 85 Kilometer von Phuket entfernt, der Robinson Club Khao Lak. Er ist<br />
der erste Robinson Club in Thailand. Er liegt inmitten des nahezu unberührten Khao Lak<br />
Regenwaldes, direkt an einem herrlich langen und flachen Sandstrand an der Andamanensee,<br />
dem Pak Weep Beach. Der Club hat 320 Zimmer und Villen in einer Größe von bis zu 350<br />
Quadratmetern und ist insbesondere für Paare und Singles, aber auch für Familien mit Kindern<br />
geeignet. Zur Anlage gehören fünf Pools sowie zwei Kinderpools inklusive kleinen Wasserrutschen.<br />
Kulinarisch können sich Gäste in vier Restaurants verwöhnen lassen und auf Vollpension<br />
„made by Robinson“ freuen. Für Kinder ab drei Jahren wird es einen Roby Club geben.<br />
Sportlichen Gästen wird viel geboten werden: Tennis, Fuß-, Volley- und Basketball sowie<br />
Bogenschießen. Wassersportler können sich im Stand-Up Paddling und Kajakfahren üben. Die<br />
attraktiven Ausflugsoptionen reichen von Trekking, Radfahren oder Strandspaziergängen an den<br />
kilometerlangen Stränden von Khao Lak bis hin zu Ausflügen in zahlreiche National- und<br />
Marineparks, wie z.B. die berühmten Similan Islands, einem der schönsten Tauch- und<br />
Schnorchelreviere weltweit.<br />
At the beginning of the <strong>2017</strong> winter season, those craving sunshine and relaxation at Thailand’s<br />
beautiful west coast will be greeted by the Robinson Club Khao Lak located approximately 85<br />
kilometres from Phuket. It lies amid the nearly untouched Khao Lak rainforest, directly by a long<br />
and flat sandy beach at the Andaman Sea, the Pak Weep Beach. The club has 320 rooms and<br />
villas up to 350 m2 big and particularly suitable for couples and singles, but also for families<br />
with children. Part of the facility is comprised of five swimming pools as well as kids’ pools with<br />
little water slides. In terms of cuisine, guests can be spoilt in four different restaurants and can<br />
look forward to an excellent full board service ”made by Robinson“. For children aged three<br />
years and older, there is the Roby Club. There is always plenty on offer for athletic guests as well<br />
— tennis, football, volleyball and basketball as well as archery. Water sports enthusiasts get to<br />
test their stand-up paddling and kayaking skills. The attractive excursion programme includes<br />
trekking, cycling and beach walks along the kilometre-long beaches of Khao Lak as well as trips<br />
to the countless national and marine parks such as the famous Similan Islands for example, one<br />
of the most beautiful diving and snorkelling areas in the world.<br />
robinson.com<br />
An einem der schönsten Küstenabschnitte der<br />
griechischen Insel Kos, im Norden nahe der Ortschaft<br />
Marmari, dort, wo das weite Tal auf das blaue Meer<br />
trifft, eröffnet am 1. Juli die Casa Cook Kos, das zweite<br />
Haus der neuen Lifestyle-Kollektion von Thomas Cook.<br />
Die Villen sind von den traditionellen Häusern der<br />
Inseln inspiriert. Sie sind einfach gestaltet und<br />
dennoch stilvoll, die Atmosphäre ist lässig. Ein guter<br />
Ort für einen entspannten Sommerurlaub am Meer.<br />
On one of the most beautiful coastal stretches on the<br />
Greek islands of Kos, up north near the town of<br />
Marmari where the wide valley meets the blue sea,<br />
the Casa Cook Kos opened on 1 July, the 2nd spot of<br />
the new lifestyle collection by Thomas Cook. The<br />
villas are inspired by the traditional houses on the<br />
islands, are decorated in a low key and yet stylish way,<br />
the atmosphere is casual. A great place to spend a<br />
relaxing summer holiday by the sea.<br />
casacook.com<br />
Istrien | Istria<br />
Kempinski Hotel Adriatic<br />
Im Nordwesten Istriens, nahe der Ortschaft Savudrija, befindet sich das Kempinski Hotel Adriatic, Kroatiens<br />
erstes Fünf-Sterne Golf- und Spa-Resort. Das Hotel hat 186 Zimmer und Suiten; zur Ausstattung gehören<br />
zwei Gourmet Restaurants, drei Bars, ein 3.000 Quadratmeter großes Spa samt Gym, ein Kempinski Kids<br />
Club, eine eigene Kapelle, die sich bestens für Hochzeiten eignet. Das alles ist von einem großzügigen<br />
mediterranen Park umgeben. Wer Lust auf Meer hat, der findet einen vom Resort betreuten Strand. Wer hier<br />
Meetings und Konferenzen abhalten will, mehrere Konferenzsäle im Hotel und ein Konferenzzentrum am<br />
Strand, von dem man einen wunderbaren Blick aufs Meer hat. Der Golf Club Adriatic ist der erste<br />
18-Loch-Championship-Golf-Course in Istrien.<br />
In the north-west of Istria, near the town of Savudrija, you will find the Kempinski Hotel Adriatic, Croatia’s<br />
first five-star golf and spa resort. The hotel has 186 rooms and suites. Part of the amenities are two gourmet<br />
restaurants, three bars, a 3,000 m 2 spa and gym, a Kempinski Kids Club and a chapel, perfectly suited for<br />
weddings. All this is surrounded by a generous Mediterranean park. Those excited to be at the sea will<br />
enjoy the resort-managed beach, whereas others interested in meetings and conferences will have access<br />
to several conference halls in the hotel as well as a conference centre by the beach with a gorgeous view<br />
onto the sea. The Golf Club Adriatic is the first 18-hole championship golf course in Istria.<br />
kempinski.com<br />
New York City<br />
Chinese Tuxedo Restaurant<br />
Einer von New Yorks aktuellen kulinarischen Hotspots befindet sich in einer abgelegenen Ecke Chinatowns,<br />
in der Doyers Street. Die hat einen legendären Ruf. Einst trugen die Triaden hier ihre Bandenkämpfe aus und<br />
so wurde jener Knick, den die recht kurze und L-förmige Straße macht, ehrfurchtsvoll „The Bloody Angle“<br />
genannt. Heute ist die Doyers Street eine sichere Straße. Das “Chinese Tuxedo“, so heißt das Restaurant,<br />
befindet sich in einem ehemaligen Opernhaus, was zu seinem sehr theatralischen Ambiente beiträgt. Hier<br />
gibt es nun wagemutige neo-chinesische Küche, vor allem die Dumplings werden sehr geschätzt.<br />
One of New York’s current culinary hotspots is located in a remote corner in Chinatown, in Doyers Street. It<br />
has a legendary reputation. Once upon a time, the Triads held their gang fights here and thus the little bend,<br />
made by the relatively short, L-shaped street, got to be known as “the Bloody Angle“. Today, Doyers Street<br />
is completely safe. The “Chinese Tuxedo“ restaurant is located in a former opera house, contributing to the<br />
very theatrical atmosphere. Today it’s a place for courageous neo-Chinese cuisine, especially the dumplings<br />
are highly valued here.<br />
chinesetuxedo.com<br />
106 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
ROBINSON Club Nobilis<br />
© Robinson Club 4/4<br />
New York City<br />
Four Seasons Hotel New York Downtown<br />
„Downtown New York hat sich zu einem der lebendigsten Viertel der Stadt entwickelt“, sagt Peter Humig, General<br />
Manager dieses neuen Hotels von Four Seasons. „Es ist nicht mehr nur ein Geschäftsviertel. Gäste spüren diese<br />
neue Energie von der Minute an, in der sie ankommen und wir sind stolz darauf, mittendrin im Herzen dieses<br />
Stadtviertels zu sein.“ Das Four Seasons Hotel New York Downtown ist der ideale Ausgangspunkt um das neue,<br />
sehr vitale Lower Manhattan zu erkunden. Das Hotel liegt in Tribeca, und von hier sind es nur wenige Schritte zur<br />
Wall Street, zum neuen World Trade Center und zum atemberaubenden neuen Transportation-Hub. Auch zu<br />
angesagten Neighbourhoods wie Soho und dem Meatpacking District mit ihren Boutiquen, Restaurants und Bars<br />
ist es nicht weit. Bemerkenswert ist das Restaurant des Hotels. Vor allem Steak-Liebhaber werden “Cut“, das<br />
erste Lokal des aus Österreich stammenden Starkochs Wolfgang Puck in New York, lieben.<br />
”Downtown New York has become one of the city’s liveliest quarters“, says Peter Humig, general manager of the<br />
new Four Seasons hotel. ”It’s no longer just a business quarter. Guests feel this new energy mere moments after<br />
arriving and we are very proud of our location in the centre of this city quarter.“ The Four Seasons Hotel New York<br />
Downtown is the ideal starting point for exploring the new, very lively Lower Manhattan. The Hotel is located in<br />
Tribeca, and from here it’s only a few steps to Wall Street, the new World Trade Center and to the breathtaking<br />
new transportation hub. And other hip neighbourhoods like Soho and the Meatpacking District, with its many<br />
boutiques, restaurants and bars, are not far away either. The hotel’s restaurant is particularly noteworthy.<br />
Especially steak lovers will love ”Cut”, Austrian star chef Wolfgang Puck’s first restaurant in New York.<br />
fourseasons.com<br />
Asien | Asia<br />
Aman Private Jet Wellness<br />
Journeys<br />
Das ist die ultimative Erfahrung für Spa- und<br />
Wellness-Junkies. An einigen der schönsten<br />
Plätze Asiens können Gäste der Private Jet<br />
Wellness Journeys ihre Spa-, Yoga- und<br />
Meditations-Übungen machen. So führt etwa<br />
von 18. September bis 3. Oktober eine Reise<br />
zuerst nach Bali in die Resorts Amandari und<br />
Amankila, dann nach Java ins Amanjiwo und auf<br />
den Philippinen ins Amanpulo. Zu Ende geht die<br />
Reise im Amanoi in Vietnam. Begleitet und<br />
betreut wird sie von anerkannten Experten.<br />
Geflogen wird mit einem Legacy-Jet von<br />
Embraer. Von 2. bis 15. November führt eine<br />
weitere Jet-Reise nach Indien, Sri Lanka und<br />
Thailand.<br />
This is the ultimate experience for spa and<br />
wellness addicts. With Private Jet Wellness<br />
Journeys, guests will be able to carry out their<br />
spa, yoga and meditation practices at some of<br />
the most beautiful places in Asia. Between 18<br />
September and 3 October, one of the journeys<br />
will begin in Bali, at the Amandari and Amankila<br />
resorts, then head to Java at the Amanjiwo and<br />
then to the Phillipines at the Amanpulo resort.<br />
The journey concludes at the Amanoi in<br />
Vietnam. You will be accompanied and guided<br />
by leading experts. Air travel is serviced by one<br />
of Embraer’s Legacy Jet. Between 2 and 15<br />
November, an additional Jet Journey leads<br />
through India, Sri Lanka and Thailand.<br />
aman.com<br />
A wonderful break in paradise<br />
The ROBINSON premium Club concept represents a positive<br />
attitude to life and a unique holiday experience in an<br />
atmosphere characterised by harmony and open-mindedness.<br />
As Germany’s market leader in the club resort segment,<br />
guests are presented with a wide variety of possibilities to<br />
satisfy their every need: In addition to a large WellFit ® offer,<br />
varied entertainment, a broad range of events and activities<br />
for all ages and age-appropriate child care, special focus is<br />
also placed on all forms of water sports, tennis and of course<br />
top-class golf courses. A ROBINSON holiday is all about<br />
providing activities that stimulate and relax.<br />
ROBINSON Club Quinta da Ria<br />
ROBINSON Club Quinta da Ria<br />
A special highlight for all golfers:<br />
ROBINSON Club Quinta da Ria<br />
Located on the sun-kissed coast of the Algarve in Portugal lies the<br />
ROBINSON Club Quinta da Ria situated between two exclusive golf<br />
courses, the Quinta da Ria and the Quinta de Cima. The two fantastic<br />
18-hole courses are sure to fascinate with their distinctive designs<br />
not to mention the unbelievable views practically at the ROBINSON<br />
Clubs front doorstep. The key highlights of the resort: unspoiled beaches,<br />
direct proximity to the Atlantic, beautifully manicured courses<br />
in exceptional condition.<br />
ROBINSON Club Nobilis<br />
Directly situated on the Club premises lies the beautiful 18-hole<br />
parkland course. This unique course is truly stunning, with its broad<br />
tree-lined fairways and the natural pine forests which also play their<br />
part in creating a wonderful backdrop for all lovers of golf. Another<br />
11 golf facilities with 14 golf courses are located no more than 20<br />
minutes away by car, including the Lykia Links dunes golf course.<br />
Advice and bookings at your local TUI shop or at<br />
www.robinson.com<br />
108 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
ROBINSON Club Nobilis
Kultur ist Politik<br />
Culture is politics<br />
Kleines Land, große Kulturnation: Mit jährlich mehr als 6.000 Konzerten, Ausstellungen,<br />
Lesungen, Filmvorführungen und wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen weltweit betreibt Österreichs<br />
Auslandskultur eine äußerst selbstbewusste Kulturdiplomatie.<br />
Small country, rich in culture — with more than 6,000 annual concerts, exhibitions, lectures, film<br />
screenings and science events around the globe, Austria‘s Foreign Cultural Policy has committed<br />
itself to steadfast cultural diplomacy work.<br />
Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
Weltweites<br />
Netzwerk<br />
Worldwide network<br />
Flaggschiff der Österreichischen<br />
Auslandskultur ist<br />
das Austrian Cultural Forum<br />
New York.<br />
Flagship of Austria‘s Foreign<br />
Cultural Policy is the Austrian<br />
Cultural Forum New York.<br />
Mit ihren virtuosen Melodien irgendwo zwischen<br />
Tango, Folk und Wiener Klassik,<br />
dargebracht auf zwei Gitarren und Violine,<br />
begeisterten Cobario die Zuschauer im schönen Gebäude<br />
des Österreichischen Kulturforums Istanbul:<br />
Der gefeierte Auftritt des Wiener Instrumentaltrios<br />
Ende März im noblen Stadtteil Yeniköy, reiht sich in<br />
die über 6.000 Veranstaltungen jährlich, die die Österreichische<br />
Auslandskultur ausrichtet. Gegenwärtig<br />
besteht dieses Netzwerk der Kulturpolitik aus 31 Kulturforen<br />
und Kooperationsbüros, 89 Botschaften und<br />
Generalkonsulaten, 65 Österreich Bibliotheken, neun<br />
Österreich-Instituten, zwei Wissenschafts- und Technologiebüros<br />
sowie der Kulturpolitischen Sektion im<br />
Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres.<br />
Die Kulturdiplomatie hat in Österreich eine<br />
lange Tradition: Bereits 1935 wurde in Rom das erste<br />
Österreichische Kulturforum eröffnet. Ab den 1950er<br />
Jahren folgten weitere Städte wie London, Teheran,<br />
Berlin, Mexiko oder Tel Aviv und zuletzt 2007 New<br />
Delhi.<br />
Kulturnation Österreich<br />
„Kunst und Kultur sind ein Weg, auf dem Österreich<br />
mit der Welt gut kommunizieren kann. Österreich<br />
hat darin eine hohe Glaubwürdigkeit. Umgekehrt<br />
gibt es international eine hohe<br />
Erwartungshaltung, weil die Kultur so stark mit dem<br />
österreichischen Selbstverständnis verbunden ist“,<br />
meint Botschafterin Teresa Indjein, seit Anfang 2016<br />
Leiterin der Kultursektion im Außenministerium,<br />
im Gespräch mit Cercle Diplomatique. Österreichs<br />
Erbe prunkvoller vergangener Epochen, das eng mit<br />
seiner Musikgeschichte verwoben ist, auch die glanzvolle<br />
Ära des Jugendstils, tragen zweifelsohne viel<br />
zum hohen kulturellen Status der kleinen Alpenrepublik<br />
bei. Die Kulturdiplomatie setzt diesem vorgezeichneten<br />
Bild jedoch ganz bewusst ein sehr buntes<br />
Kaleidoskop an kulturellen Aktivitäten entgegen, um<br />
respektierte Traditionen nicht als Klischees festzuschreiben,<br />
sondern vielmehr als Ausgangspunkt für<br />
Innovation zu nützen.<br />
Fokus auf jungen Talenten<br />
„Wir bemühen uns vor allem um jene Kunstschaffende<br />
und Kreative, die ihre großen Schritte hinaus<br />
in die Welt noch vor sich haben. Unser Blick gilt der<br />
aktuellen Kunst und den neuen Talenten“, umreißt<br />
Teresa Indjein die Linie der Auslandskulturarbeit.<br />
Konkret resultieren aus diesem Fokus etwa die langjährigen<br />
Programme „The New Austrian Sound of<br />
Music“, das neue Österreichische Formationen von<br />
Klassik über Jazz bis Pop vorstellt, oder „schreibART<br />
Austria“, das aktuelles literarisches Schaffen aus Österreich<br />
präsentiert.<br />
Kultur als Friedensarbeit<br />
Nicht weniger als 4.787 Projektpartner vor Ort<br />
sind im Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Auslandskultur<br />
2015 angeführt, die in Zusammenarbeit mit den<br />
Kulturforen und Botschaften an über 2.500 verschiedenen<br />
geografischen Orten Konzerte, Filmvorführungen,<br />
Lesungen und wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen<br />
organisierten. In diesem fein verästelten<br />
Netzwerk liegt für Teresa Indjein eine der großen<br />
Stärken, die es ermöglicht, Kontakte zu knüpfen und<br />
zu unterhalten, die weit über die Politik hinausreichen:<br />
„Die Kultur ist die Basis der Politik! Das politische<br />
System einer Gesellschaft entwickelt sich aus<br />
der Kultur. Wo Politik scheitert oder zerstört, schafft<br />
die Kultur wieder die ersten Knospen von Zusammenarbeit.<br />
Ich betrachte die österreichische Auslandskulturarbeit<br />
als kreative und gestaltende Friedensarbeit.“<br />
Besondere Aufmerksamkeit, auch im Rahmen einer<br />
EU-Kulturpolitik, genießen natürlich Österreichs<br />
südöstliche Nachbarländer. Als Teil des 2015<br />
gestarteten Westbalkan Schwerpunktes etwa läuft,<br />
nach Serbien und Bosnien-Herzegowina, <strong>2017</strong> das<br />
Kulturjahr Österreich-Kroatien. „Die Zusammenarbeit<br />
mit Kroatien floriert!“, zeigt sie sich hocherfreut.<br />
„Dank des tollen Engagements der Kroatischen Botschaft<br />
in Österreich und des Kulturforums in Zagreb<br />
werden es am Ende an die 200 Projekte sein. Besonders<br />
freut uns, dass nun im Oktober die wunderschöne<br />
Ausstellung „Wien und Zagreb um 1900“<br />
nach Zagreb auch in Wien im Belvedere gezeigt<br />
wird.“ Da ist die Hoffnung durchaus berechtigt, dass<br />
der rege Austausch über das Netzwerk der Österreichischen<br />
Kulturforen die Welt tatsächlich zu einem<br />
friedlicheren Ort macht.<br />
With their brilliant melodies based somewhere<br />
between tango, folk and Viennese<br />
classic, manifested through guitars and<br />
violins, Cobario amazed their audience in the beautiful<br />
building of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Istanbul.<br />
The celebrated performance by the Viennese instrumental<br />
trio at the end of March in the classy city<br />
district of Yeniköy was just one of more than 6,000<br />
events annually organised by Austria‘s Foreign Cultural<br />
Policy. Currently, this network of cultural policies<br />
consists of 31 cultural forums and cooperation offices,<br />
89 embassies and consulate generals, 65 Austrian libraries,<br />
nine Austrian institutes, two science and tech-<br />
I.E. Teresa Indjein leitet seit 2016 die<br />
Kultursektion im Außenministerium.<br />
Since 2016, H.E. Teresa Indjein is<br />
Director General of the Culture Section<br />
at the Austrian Federal Ministry for<br />
Foreign Affairs.<br />
Johannes Fleischmann &<br />
Anna Magdalena Kokits sind<br />
Teil des Programms „New<br />
Austrian Sound of Music“.<br />
Johannes Fleischmann and<br />
Anna Magdalena Kokits are<br />
part of the programme<br />
“New Austrian Sound of<br />
Music“.<br />
110 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
INFO<br />
<strong>2017</strong><br />
POLICY HIGHLIGHTS <strong>2017</strong><br />
Kulturjahr Österreich-<br />
Kroatien mit rund 200<br />
Projekten in Österreich und<br />
Kroatien<br />
Cultural Year Austria-<br />
Croatia with around 200<br />
projects in both Austria and<br />
Croatia<br />
Österreichisches<br />
Kulturforum New York<br />
75. Jahrestag der Gründung<br />
1942 durch österreichische<br />
Exilanten<br />
15. Geburtstag des neuen,<br />
von Raimund Abraham<br />
entworfenen Gebäudes an<br />
der East 52 nd Street in<br />
Manhattan<br />
Austrian Cultural Forum<br />
New York<br />
75 th anniversary of the<br />
founding by Austrian<br />
expatriates in 1942<br />
15 th birthday of the new<br />
building, designed by<br />
Raimund Abraham, at East<br />
52 nd Street in Manhattan<br />
Österreichisches<br />
Kulturforum Moskau<br />
Ausstellung in Birobidzhan<br />
(eine künstlerische<br />
Entdeckung des Jüdischen<br />
Autonomen Gebietes)<br />
Projekt „MIR – Das Dorf und<br />
die Welt“ bei der Krasnoyarsk<br />
Museum Biennale.<br />
Austrian Cultural Forum<br />
Moscow<br />
Exhibition in Birobidzhan (an<br />
artistic exploration of the<br />
Jewish autonomous region)<br />
Project ”MIR — the Village<br />
and the World” at the<br />
Krasnoyarsk Museum<br />
Biennale.<br />
Österreichische Botschaft<br />
Luxemburg<br />
Sonderausstellung zum 300.<br />
Geburtstag von Kaiserin<br />
Maria Theresia, die auch<br />
Herzogin von Luxemburg war.<br />
Austrian Embassy<br />
Luxembourg<br />
Special exhibition commemorating<br />
the 300 th birthday of<br />
Empress Maria Theresa who<br />
was also the Duchess of<br />
Luxembourg<br />
Österreichisches<br />
Kulturforum Teheran<br />
Ausstellungsreihe und<br />
Workshops in Kooperation<br />
mit der Ars Electronica<br />
Austrian Cultural Forum<br />
Teheran<br />
Exhibition series and<br />
workshops in collaboration<br />
with Ars Electronica<br />
Austellung im Belvedere im Rahmen des Kulturjahres<br />
Österreich-Kroatien <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
“MOONLIGHT“ (1914) BY MATO MEDOVIC. Exhibition at the<br />
Belvedere within the Cultural Year Austria-Croatia <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Sprachkurs im Österreichischen Kulturforum Teheran.<br />
Language class at the Austrian Cultural Forum Teheran.<br />
Das Trio Cobario spielte heuer im Österreichischen Kulturforum<br />
Istanbul.<br />
The Trio Cobario performed at the Austrian Cultural Forum<br />
Istanbul this year.<br />
INFO<br />
bmeia.gv.at<br />
nology offices as well as the cultural and political sections<br />
in the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration<br />
and Foreign Affairs. Cultural diplomacy is an Austrian<br />
tradition. In 1935, the first Austrian cultural forum<br />
was opened in Rome, additional cities such as London,<br />
Teheran, Berlin, Mexico City or Tel Aviv followed<br />
starting in the 1950s. The last city to be added was<br />
New Delhi in 2007.<br />
Austria, nation of culture<br />
”Art and culture are a way for Austria to communicate<br />
with the entire world. Austria enjoys strong credibility<br />
here. Conversely, there is also much expectation<br />
on an international level, because culture is so tightly<br />
intertwined with Austria’s identity,“ says Ambassador<br />
Teresa Indjein, Head of the Culture Section of the Foreign<br />
Ministry since the beginning of 2016, in a talk<br />
with Cercle Diplomatique. Austria‘s heritage of pompous<br />
epochs, into which its musical history is also<br />
deeply embedded, as well as the glittering art nouveau<br />
era, undoubtedly contributes to the small Alpine<br />
republic‘s widespread cultural appreciation. Cultural<br />
diplomacy, however, adds a colourful kaleidoscope of<br />
cultural activities to this already excellent picture, cementing<br />
respected traditions not only as mere clichés,<br />
but much rather as starting points for new innovations.<br />
A focus on young talent<br />
”We pay particular attention to those artists and<br />
creative talents that still have their big breaks into the<br />
world ahead of them. We’re always on the look out for<br />
new contemporary art and talent,“ Teresa Indjein says<br />
to summarise the work of the Foreign Cultural Policy.<br />
Long-time programmes result from this focus such as<br />
“The New Austrian Sound of Music“, which presents<br />
new Austrian formations from classic to jazz and pop,<br />
or “schreibART Austria“, which introduces contemporary<br />
literary works from Austria.<br />
Culture as peacekeeping<br />
No less than 4,787 project partners were registered<br />
in the logbook of the Austrian Foreign Cultural Policy<br />
for 2015, which, in collaboration with the cultural forums<br />
and the embassies, organised concerts, film<br />
screenings, lectures and science events in more than<br />
2,500 different locations. In this finely tuned network,<br />
Teresa Indjein sees one of the great strengths of<br />
Austria‘s Foreign Cultural Policy, which allows for the<br />
formation and maintenance of new connections ex-<br />
tending far beyond politics. ”Culture is the basis of<br />
politics! The political system of a society emerges<br />
from its culture. And where politics fails or destroys,<br />
culture forms the first seeds of collaboration. I consider<br />
Austria’s Foreign Cultural Policy a creative form of<br />
peacekeeping.“<br />
Particular attention, also as part of the EU Cultural<br />
Policy, is enjoyed by Austria’s south-eastern neighbouring<br />
countries. As part of the focus on the Western<br />
Balkans launched in 2015, and after Serbia and Bosnia<br />
and Herzegovina, the Cultural Year of <strong>2017</strong> is Austrian-Croatian.<br />
”The collaboration with Croatia is flourishing!“<br />
says Teresa Indjein with much excitement.<br />
”Thanks to the great engagement from the Croatian<br />
Embassy in Austria and the Cultural Forum in Zagreb,<br />
it’s going to end up being around 200 projects. We<br />
are particularly excited that the great exhibit ‘Vienna<br />
and Zagreb around 1900’ will be coming to the Belvedere<br />
in Vienna in October after it has been shown in<br />
Zagreb.“ This certainly justifies the hope that a rigorous<br />
exchange via the network of the Austrian Cultural<br />
Forums will indeed make the world a more peaceful<br />
place.<br />
Die Austellung der Meet Factory in Prag wurde heuer mit<br />
dem ÖKF Prag realisiert.<br />
The exhibition of Pragues‘s Meet Factory was realised with<br />
the Austrian Cultural Forum Prague this year.<br />
Season Opening 2016 mit türkischen und<br />
österreichischen Bands und DJs.<br />
Season Opening 2016 with Turkish and<br />
Austrian bands and DJs.
Pannonische Sommerklänge<br />
Pannonian summer tunes<br />
Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
Ob unter freiem Himmel im Steinbruch oder im ehemaligen Salon Maria Theresias im Barockschloss –<br />
das Burgenland hat eine lange Tradition an hochkarätigen Sommerfestspielen – auch weil der schöne<br />
Landstrich fest mit den Biografien von Joseph Haydn und Franz Liszt verwoben ist.<br />
The province of Burgenland has a long–lasting tradition of top-class festivals and summer concerts – also<br />
due to the fact this beautiful stretch of land is so tightly woven into the biographies of Joseph Haydn and<br />
Franz Liszt.<br />
Angelika Kirchschlager, Mischa Maisky, Fazil<br />
Say, Elisabeth Kulman... Die Riege der Klassikweltstars,<br />
die im Laufe des Sommers <strong>2017</strong><br />
im Burgenland zu erleben ist, ist (wieder einmal) äußerst<br />
beeindruckend, was zu einem guten Anteil sicherlich<br />
den vielen grandiosen Spielorten geschuldet<br />
ist. „Allein der Moment, wenn während der Aufführung<br />
die Sonne über dem Steinbruch untergeht, die<br />
Felsen in ein magisches Licht taucht und sich der Zauber<br />
des Ortes mit der genialen Komposition vereint!“,<br />
schwärmt Anja Bihlmaier, Shootingstar der deutschen<br />
Opernszene und neue musikalische Leiterin der Oper<br />
im Steinbruch. „Die einzigartige Atmosphäre dieser<br />
Freilichtbühne hat mindestens genauso viele Facetten<br />
wie die wunderbare Musik Giuseppe Verdis.“ Verdis<br />
Meisterwerk Rigoletto steht diesen Sommer in der pittoresken<br />
Felslandschaft des Römersteinbruchs St.<br />
Margarethen – seit 21 Jahren Schauplatz eindrucksvoller<br />
Freilicht-Opernaufführungen – am Programm.<br />
Musikalische Reise<br />
Joseph Haydn verbrachte große Teile seines Musikerlebens<br />
im Burgenland. Auf eine Tour entlang<br />
der Wirkungsstätten des Komponisten – von der<br />
Bergkirche in Eisenstadt, wo Mischa Maisky ein Cello<br />
Solo für Haydn gibt, bis zu Schloss Eszterháza am<br />
Südende des Neusiedler Sees, der Sommerresidenz<br />
von Haydns langjährigem Arbeitgeber Fürst Nikolaus<br />
I. Esterházy – begeben sich diesen Sommer die<br />
Haydn Land Tage. „Die Neuausrichtung des Festivals<br />
bietet eine unglaubliche Vielfalt an Spielstätten<br />
in direktem Bezug zu Joseph Haydns Leben und<br />
Wirken“, freut sich Intendant Walter Reicher auf eine<br />
äußerst vielfältige musikalische Reise.<br />
Quartett im Barockjuwel<br />
Eine der Stationen der Haydn Land Tage ist auch<br />
der einstige sommerliche Wohnsalon Maria Theresias<br />
auf Schloss Halbturn. Der prachtvolle Rahmen<br />
des Barockschlosses ist ebenso bereits zum 44. Mal<br />
Schauplatz der hochkarätigen Halbturner Schlosskonzerte.<br />
„Für das diesjährige Festivalprogramm<br />
habe ich mich daher – mit einem „Augenzwinkern“<br />
– von der Zahl 4 inspirieren lassen,“ gibt Robert<br />
Lehrbaumer, gefragter Pianist und seit mehr als zwei<br />
Jahrzehnten künstlerischer Leiter der Schlosskonzerte,<br />
einen Einblick in den Konzertreigen <strong>2017</strong>. „Es<br />
liegt auf der Hand, dass mit dem wunderbaren Minetti-Quartett<br />
ein Streichquartett auftreten wird –<br />
aber auch ein Gesangsquartett rund um den großen<br />
Diesen Sommer steht in St. Margarethen Verdis Rigoletto am Programm: Mit Anja Bihlmaier als neue musikalische Leiterin, Vladislav Sulimsky als Rigoletto und<br />
Elena Sancho Pereg als Gilda. This summer, the programme in St. Margarethen includes Verdi‘s Rogoletto: with Anja Bihlmaier as new musical director, Vladislav Sulimsky<br />
as Rigoletto and Elena Sancho Pereg as Gilda.<br />
Angelika Kirchschlager und das Minetti Quartett sind zwei der vielen Highlights der Schlosskonzerte<br />
Halbturn <strong>2017</strong>. Angelika Kirchschlager and the Minetti Quartet are just two of many highlights of this<br />
year‘s concerts at Halbturn Palace.<br />
114 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Joseph Haydn‘s life and work,“ rejoices festival director<br />
Walter Reich as he looks forward to an exceptionally<br />
diverse, musical journey.<br />
An Samstagen im Juli & August <strong>2017</strong><br />
INFO<br />
Halbturner Schlosskonzerte<br />
8.7. - 26.8.<strong>2017</strong><br />
halbturner-schlosskonzerte.at<br />
Oper im Steinbruch<br />
„Rigoletto“, 12.7. - 19.8.<strong>2017</strong><br />
arenaria.at<br />
Picknickkonzerte<br />
Fazil Say, 15. u. 16.7.<strong>2017</strong><br />
Sharon Kam,<br />
19. u. 20.8.<strong>2017</strong><br />
esterhazy.at<br />
Haydn Land Tage<br />
24.8. - 3.9.<strong>2017</strong><br />
haydnfestival.at<br />
Liszt Festival Raiding<br />
21. - 25.6.<strong>2017</strong><br />
lisztfestival.at<br />
Kammermusikfest<br />
Lockenhaus<br />
6. - 15.7.<strong>2017</strong><br />
kammermusikfest.at<br />
Seefestspiele Mörbisch<br />
„Der Vogelhändler“,<br />
7.7. - 19.8.<strong>2017</strong><br />
seefestspiele-moerbisch.at<br />
Sommerfestival Kittsee<br />
„Die Csardasfürstin“, 28.06.<br />
- 15.7.<strong>2017</strong><br />
sommerfestival.at<br />
JOpera Jennersdorf<br />
„Carmen“, 3. - 13.8.<strong>2017</strong><br />
jopera.at<br />
Bass Robert Holl. Weiters stehen Auszüge aus Vivaldis<br />
„Vier Jahreszeiten“ und außergewöhnliche Konzertabende<br />
zu vier Händen in der Besetzung Klavier/<br />
Gitarre und Harfe/Violine auf dem Programm.“ Jodelstar<br />
Christina Zurbrügg sowie Angelika Kirchschlager<br />
und Sona MacDonald stehen ebenfalls auf<br />
der eindrucksvollen Besetzungsliste der Halbturner<br />
Schlosskonzerte.<br />
Die großen Komponisten des Burgenlandes<br />
Im Haydnsaal in Schloss Esterházy in Eisenstadt<br />
ist diesen Sommer im Rahmen der Picknickkonzerte<br />
Ausnahmepianist Fasil Say und die Klarinettistin<br />
Sharon Kam zu erleben. Der zweite große Sohn des<br />
Burgenlandes, Franz Liszt, kommt im großartigen<br />
neuen Konzertsaal in seinem Geburtsort Raiding –<br />
etwa bei einem Liederabend mit der Mezzosopranistin<br />
Elisabeth Kulman – zu Ehren. In Lockenhaus,<br />
beim stets erstklassig besetzten Kammermusikfest,<br />
wird unter dem Motto „Chronos und Kairos“ musiziert.<br />
Operette steht beim Sommerfestival Kittsee<br />
und natürlich auf der Seebühne Mörbisch im Zentrum.<br />
Den vielen Festivals ist bei aller Unterschiedlichkeit<br />
der oft intime Rahmen gemein. Oder wie es Philippa<br />
zu Königsegg, Schlossherrin in Halbturn und<br />
Präsidentin der Schlosskonzerte ausdrückt: „Es geht<br />
uns darum, durch außergewöhnliche Programme<br />
eine spezielle Atmosphäre entstehen zu lassen. Oft<br />
wird davon geschwärmt, wie man hier prominente<br />
Künstler geradezu intim erleben kann – also ganz<br />
anders als etwa bei den Salzburger Festspielen oder<br />
in den großen Konzerthäusern.“ Ein weiterer Grund,<br />
diesen Sommer einen – oder mehrere – Abende mit<br />
hochkarätigem Musikgenuss im Burgenland zu verbringen!<br />
LOCKENHAUS <strong>2017</strong><br />
Angelika Kirchschlager, Mischa Maisky, Fazil<br />
Say, Elisabeth Kulman… Burgenland‘s lineup<br />
of classical music stars for summer <strong>2017</strong><br />
is, once again, more than impressive. Which is without<br />
a doubt partly due to the many grandiose venues<br />
on offer. ”The moment the sun sets over the quarry<br />
during the performance, dipping the rocks into an<br />
enchanting light and uniting the magic of this place<br />
with the genius compositions!“ enthuses Anja Bihlmaier,<br />
shooting star of the German opera scene and<br />
the new musical director of the Opera in the Quarry.<br />
”The unique atmosphere of this open-air stage is at<br />
least as versatile as the wonderful music of Giuseppe<br />
Verdi.“ This summer, Verdi‘s masterpiece “Rigoletto“<br />
is set to be performed in the picturesque, rocky landscape<br />
of the St. Margarethen Roman quarry, which<br />
has been the setting for impressive open-air opera<br />
performances for 21 years.<br />
Musical journey<br />
Joseph Haydn spent a large part of his musical life<br />
in the province of Burgenland. On a tour along the<br />
composer‘s work locations — from the Bergkirche<br />
church in Eisenstadt, where Mischa Maisky performed<br />
a cello solo for Haydn, to Esterháza Palace at the<br />
southern end of Lake Neusiedl, the summer residence<br />
of Haydn‘s long-term employer Prince Nikolaus<br />
I. Esterházy — the so-called Haydndays will be<br />
held this summer. ”The festival‘s reorientation offers<br />
an unbelievable diversity of venues directly related to<br />
A quartet in a baroque jewel<br />
One of the stations along the Haydndays is Maria<br />
Theresa‘s former living parlour in Halbturn Palace.<br />
For the 44th time, the baroque palace‘s magnificent<br />
setting is once again the venue for the top-class Halbturn<br />
Palace Concerts. ”For this year‘s festival programme,<br />
I have thus — with a wink — taken inspiration<br />
from the number four,“ says Robert Lehrbaumer,<br />
well-known pianist and the artistic director of the<br />
Palace Concerts for the last two decades, as he provides<br />
an inside look into the concert line-up for <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
”We will have a wonderful string quartet performance<br />
by the Minetti Quartet — but there will also<br />
be a vocal quartet around the great bass Robert Holl.<br />
Furthermore, there will be excerpts from Vivaldi’s<br />
“Four Seasons“ and extraordinary piano four hands<br />
concert-evenings performed by piano/guitar and<br />
harp/violin.“ Yodelling star Christina Zurbrügg as<br />
well as Angelika Kirchschlager and Sona MacDonald<br />
are also part of the impressive line-up of the Halbturn<br />
Palace Concerts.<br />
The great composers of Burgenland<br />
This summer, the exceptional pianist Fasil Say and<br />
the clarinettist Sharon Kam can be experienced in the<br />
Haydnsaal concert hall in Eisenstadt as part of the Picnic<br />
Concerts. Burgenland’s second great son, Franz<br />
Liszt, will be honoured in the fantastic new concert<br />
hall in his birth town of Raiding during a song recital<br />
with the mezzo-soprano Elisabeth Kulman. In Lockenhaus,<br />
at the always splendidly staffed Chamber<br />
Music Festival, music will be made under the motto<br />
“Chronos and Kairos“. The operetta will naturally be<br />
the centre of attention during the Sommerfestival<br />
Kittsee and, of course, on the Mörbisch floating stage.<br />
Albeit very distinct in their own ways, the various<br />
festivals share an often quite intimate atmosphere.<br />
Or, as Philippa zu Königsegg, Lady of Halbturn Palace<br />
and President of the Palace Concerts put it, ”We<br />
want to create a special atmosphere through extraordinary<br />
programmes. People often enthuse about how<br />
intimately renowned artists can be experienced here<br />
– quite a different story from the Salzburg Festival or<br />
the other big concert halls.“ One more reason to<br />
spend one – or more – evenings with top-class music<br />
in Burgenland this summer!<br />
Robert Lehrbaumer & Robert Holl<br />
Angelika Kirchschlager & Sona MacDonald<br />
Minetti Quartett<br />
Christina Zurbrügg<br />
Renate Holm uvm.<br />
www.halbturner-schlosskonzerte.at<br />
sommerarena[bühnebaden]<br />
Orpheus in<br />
der Unterwelt<br />
Operette von Jacques Offenbach<br />
Text von Hector Crémieux und Ludovic Halévy<br />
23. 6. – 3. 9. <strong>2017</strong><br />
Theaterplatz 7, 2500 Baden<br />
T +43 2252 22522<br />
www.buehnebaden.at<br />
Foto: Lukas Beck<br />
116 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Culture Talk Oksana Lyniv<br />
Die aus der Ukraine stammende, neue Chefdirigentin der Grazer Oper Oksana Lyniv im CD-Exklusivinterview über das<br />
deutsche Opernfach, Galizien, Graz und Franz Xaver Mozart.<br />
Oksana Lyniv, the Ukraine native and now the new head conductor at the Graz Opera, sat down for an exclusive CD interview to<br />
discuss the German opera, Galicia, Graz and Franz Xaver Mozart.<br />
Interview: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
INFO<br />
Bei der Styriarte <strong>2017</strong> – wo Sie am 1. Juli Tschaikowskis<br />
Nussknacker dirigieren – werden Sie als „Spezialistin für<br />
den ganz großen, leidenschaftlichen Russischen Klang“<br />
vorgestellt. Können Sie sich mit dieser Charakterisierung<br />
identifizieren?<br />
Das kann man vielleicht besser von außen beurteilen, aber ich<br />
denke schon, dass ich eher ein emotionaler Typ bin als<br />
Dirigentin. Und ich liebe diese Musik und bin mit Tschaikowski<br />
aufgewachsen. Als Ukrainerin werde ich natürlich zu den<br />
slawischen Interpreten gezählt. Was ich mir aber in den letzten<br />
Jahren als Assistentin bei Kirill Petrenko an der Bayerischen<br />
Staatsoper in erster Linie erarbeitet habe, ist das deutsche<br />
Opernfach: Wagner, Richard Strauss, usw.<br />
Die Nussknacker-Suite wird bei der Styriarte ohne Ballett<br />
dargeboten, dafür liest Schauspielstar Nora von<br />
Waldstätten aus den Geschichten hinter der Musik.<br />
Gefallen Ihnen solche innovativen Formate?<br />
Ich finde es ist sehr wichtig, dass die Kunst immer eine<br />
lebendige Form hat und nicht zum Museum wird. Wir<br />
interpretieren ja Musik, die teilweise vor 300 oder 400 Jahren<br />
entstanden ist! Deswegen bin ich sehr offen für Formate, die<br />
einen Zugang aus unserer Zeit als moderne Menschen<br />
entwickeln.<br />
Es gab ja mehrere Anfragen an Sie für die Stelle als<br />
Generalmusikdirektorin – was hat Sie bewogen, der Oper<br />
Graz, die Sie ab September <strong>2017</strong> leiten werden, den<br />
Vorzug zu geben?<br />
Graz hat eine wunderschöne Atmosphäre – die war sofort zu<br />
spüren vom ersten Abend in der Oper, wo ich mich fast wie zu<br />
Hause gefühlt habe. Und das Opernhaus natürlich, das wie der<br />
kleinere Bruder der Oper von Odessa aussieht, die Qualität des<br />
Musizierens und die Stadt selbst. Ich habe große Erwartungen<br />
und bin sehr neugierig darauf, im September zu starten!<br />
Ihre Geburtsstadt Brody weckt natürlich sofort eine<br />
Reihe von Assoziationen – von Joseph Roth bis Galizien<br />
als Teil der k. u. k. Monarchie. Fühlen Sie eine Verbindung<br />
zu Österreich?<br />
Ja natürlich. Dieses besondere galizische Flair ist etwa in<br />
Lemberg besonders in den vergangenen Jahren wieder stark<br />
aufgeblüht. Zu Zeiten der Sowjetunion wurde sehr aktiv<br />
versucht, die ganze Vergangenheit wegzustreichen. Aber<br />
trotzdem existiert so etwas wie eine unbewusste Erinnerung<br />
oder Speicherkarte, die noch tiefer liegt und die Verbindung zu<br />
unserer noch älteren Vergangenheit aufrechterhält.<br />
Sie sind Co-Initiatorin des Festivals „LvivMozArt“ in<br />
Lemberg. Was möchten Sie mit diesem, Franz Xaver<br />
Mozart gewidmeten Festival bewirken?<br />
Die Tatsache, dass der Sohn von Mozart 30 Jahre in Lemberg<br />
gelebt hat und das musikalische Leben der Stadt prägte, hat<br />
mich sehr stark beeindruckt – aber noch mehr beeindruckt hat<br />
mich, dass diese Tatsache fast niemandem in Lemberg, der<br />
Ukraine oder in Europa bekannt ist! Und ich dachte mir, es kann<br />
nicht sein, dass diese Geschichte einfach so untergeht. Meine<br />
Idee ist, dieses Festival an der Kreuzung zwischen Ost und West<br />
in der klassischen Musik zu positionieren – so wie Galizien<br />
damals auch ein Treffpunkt der Kulturen war.<br />
At the Styriarte <strong>2017</strong>, where you will be conducting<br />
Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker“ on 1 July, you are described<br />
as an ”expert in the grand, passionate Russian melodies“.<br />
Would you agree with this characterisation?<br />
Perhaps this can be judged better from those on the outside,<br />
but I do believe that I am a rather emotional conductor. I love<br />
this music and I grew up with Tchaikovsky. As a Ukrainian, I am<br />
of course counted among the Slavic interpreters and, as I said,<br />
Tchaikovsky is very close to my heart. But what I have been<br />
particularly focusing on during my last couple of years as an<br />
assistant for Kirill Petrenko at the Bavarian State Opera is<br />
mainly German opera: Wagner, Richard Strauss and so on.<br />
The Nutcracker is presented at the Styriarte without a ballet.<br />
Instead, Nora von Waldstätten, the famed actress, will read<br />
from the history behind the music. Do you appreciate such<br />
innovative formats?<br />
I find it very important for art to maintain a vivid form so that it<br />
doesn’t turn into a museum. After all, we are interpreting music<br />
that is often more than 300 or 400 years old! This is why I’m<br />
very open to formats that create an access point for us people<br />
living in modern times.<br />
There were several offers made to you to become general<br />
music director — what made you decide in favour of the<br />
Graz Opera, where you will be directing from September<br />
<strong>2017</strong>?<br />
Graz has a wonderful atmosphere — I got a feel of this right<br />
away as I spent my first evening at the opera and completely<br />
felt at home. And there is, of course, the opera house that looks<br />
like the little brother of the Odessa Opera, the quality of the<br />
music and the city itself. I have high expectations and I am very<br />
excited to finally get started in September!<br />
Your birth town of Brody triggers a number of different<br />
associations — from Joseph Roth to Galicia as part of the<br />
monarchy. Do you feel a connection to Austria?<br />
Yes, of course. This very Galician flair has been flourishing quite<br />
strongly in Lviv, especially in the last couple of years. During<br />
the time of the Soviet Union, there was a direct attempt at<br />
erasing that entire chapter of history. Nevertheless, something<br />
like an unconscious memory prevailed, which reaches very<br />
deeply and maintains the connection to our much older past.<br />
You are the co-initiator of the “LvivMozArt“ festival in Lviv.<br />
What do you wish to bring about with this festival dedicated<br />
to Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, Mozart’s youngest son?<br />
The fact that that Mozart’s son lived in Lviv for 30 years,<br />
affecting the musical life of the city, impressed me very much<br />
— but what impressed me even more, was that nobody in Lviv,<br />
Ukraine or Europe was even aware of this fact! And I thought to<br />
myself, this can’t be happening, this story simply mustn’t<br />
disappear. And so, I got the idea to position this festival on the<br />
intersection between East and West in the world of classical<br />
music — in the same way in which Galicia was a meeting point<br />
between different cultures back then.<br />
Der Nussknacker<br />
Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski:<br />
Nussknacker-Suite,<br />
Schwanensee-Suite<br />
Lesung aus E.T.A. Hoffmann:<br />
„Nussknacker und Mausekönig“<br />
u. a.<br />
1.7.<strong>2017</strong>, Stefaniensaal Graz<br />
styriarte.com<br />
LvivMozArt<br />
18.-25.8.<strong>2017</strong>, Lemberg<br />
mozart.lviv.ua<br />
Eröffnungskonzert Saison<br />
<strong>2017</strong>/18<br />
23.9.<strong>2017</strong>, Oper Graz<br />
oper-graz.com<br />
Oksana Lyniv ist ab September <strong>2017</strong><br />
neue Chefdirigentin der Oper Graz.<br />
From September <strong>2017</strong> on, Oksana Lyniv<br />
will be the new head conductor at the<br />
Graz Opera.<br />
Oksana Lyniv begann ihre musikalische Laufbahn in Lwiw/Lemberg. Nach einem<br />
Meisterklassenstudium in Dresden war sie an der Nationaloper Odessa und von<br />
2013 bis zur laufenden Saison als musikalische Assistentin von Generalmusikdirektor<br />
Kirill Petrenko an der Bayerischen Staatsoper München engagiert. Im Mai<br />
dirigierte sie in Barcelona Richard Wagners „Der fliegende Holländer“. Zahlreiche<br />
Konzerte, u. a. mit den Prager Philharmonikern komplettieren ihre musikalische<br />
Arbeit. Ab der Spielzeit <strong>2017</strong>/18 ist Oksana Lyniv Chefdirigentin des Grazer<br />
Philharmonischen Orchesters und der Oper Graz.<br />
118 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Oksana Lyniv began her musical career in Lviv. After her master class studies in<br />
Dresden, she worked at the Odessa Opera and from 2013 to the current season as<br />
the musical assistant of general music director Kirill Petrenko at the Bavarian State<br />
Opera in Munich. In May, she conducted Richard Wagner’s “The Flying Dutchman“<br />
in Barcelona, and countless other concerts with the Prague Philharmonics, amongst<br />
others, added to her musical contributions. From season <strong>2017</strong>/18 onward, Oksana<br />
Lyniv will be the head conductor of the Graz Philharmonic Orchestra and the Graz<br />
Opera.<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong> 119
Kulturpatron sein! | Become a culture patron!<br />
Kultur-Highlights Sommer <strong>2017</strong><br />
Cultural highlights summer <strong>2017</strong><br />
Text: Evelyn Rois<br />
Text: Evelyn Rois<br />
Bumerang, Australien<br />
1893, Weltmuseum<br />
Wien.<br />
Boomerang, Australia 1893,<br />
Weltmuseum Wien.<br />
Das Weltmuseum in der Wiener Hofburg geht in seine letzte Umbauphase, bevor es am 25.10.<strong>2017</strong> seine<br />
Schausammlung außereuropäischer Kulturen – in 14 thematisch völlig neu konzipierten Sälen – wiedereröffnet.<br />
Für viele der wertvollen, einzigartigen Objekte der Ausstellung besteht noch die Möglichkeit, eine Kulturpatenschaft<br />
zu übernehmen: Auch das Magazin Cercle Diplomatique darf sich stolz Kulturpatron eines australischen<br />
Bumerangs aus der ehemaligen Sammlung Erzherzogs Franz Ferdinand von Österreich-Este nennen.<br />
The Weltmuseum Wien in the Hofburg Palace is entering its final reconstruction phase, before opening<br />
again on 25 October <strong>2017</strong> for its display collection of non-European cultures in 14 thematically<br />
reconceptualised halls. There is still the chance to become a patron for many of the<br />
precious, unique objects in the exhibition: Cercle Diplomatique can proudly call<br />
itself the cultural patron of an Australian boomerang from Archduke<br />
Franz Ferdinand’s former collection.<br />
weltmuseumwien.at<br />
Rituale, Symbole,<br />
Rätsel<br />
Rituals, symbols, riddles<br />
Robots & Art | Robots & art<br />
„Roboter. Arbeit. Unsere Zukunft“: Die Vienna Biennale<br />
<strong>2017</strong> begibt sich vom 21.6.-1.10.<strong>2017</strong> auf einen<br />
umfassenden Ausstellungs-Parcours durch Wien<br />
(Kunsthalle Karlsplatz, MAK, Architekturzentrum, Die<br />
Angewandte) und zeigt auf, welche Antworten Kunst,<br />
Design und Architektur mit ihren Creative Skills zu den<br />
Themen Roboter und Automatisierung der Arbeitswelt<br />
geben können.<br />
“Robots. Work. Our Future”: Between 21.06. and<br />
01.10.<strong>2017</strong>, the Vienna Biennale <strong>2017</strong> will go on an<br />
extensive exhibition journey through Vienna (Kunsthalle<br />
Wien, Museum of Applied Arts, Architekturzentrum<br />
Wien, University of Applied Arts) to show what insight<br />
art, design and architecture can deliver to the global<br />
workforce regarding working robots and<br />
automatisation.<br />
viennabiennale.org<br />
Hello Robot: Anouk<br />
Wipprecht, Spider Dress<br />
2.0, 2015; Roboterkleid,<br />
3-D-Druck / Robot dress,<br />
3D printing.<br />
Daniel Schultz d.J., Jan III.<br />
Sobieski, 1680<br />
Entscheidende<br />
Schlacht<br />
The deciding battle<br />
Die Person Jan III. Sobieskis ist<br />
untrennbar mit der Geschichte<br />
Wiens verbunden: Als Oberbefehlshaber<br />
des vereinten Entsatzheeres<br />
befreite der polnische König die<br />
bedrängte, schon verloren<br />
geglaubte Stadt 1683 aus der<br />
Belagerung durch die Osmanen.<br />
Gemälde, Preziosen, Militaria und<br />
Memorabilien zeichnen, in der<br />
Ausstellung im Winterpalais Wien<br />
vom 7.7.-1.11.<strong>2017</strong>, ein lebendiges<br />
Bild des Königs und Feldherren.<br />
Jan III Sobieski cannot be separated<br />
from the history of Vienna — as the<br />
chief commander of the Imperial<br />
Army, the Polish king saved the<br />
hopelessly besieged city from being<br />
conquered by the Ottomans in<br />
1683. Paintings, valuables, military<br />
objects and all kinds of memorabilia<br />
paint a lively picture of the king<br />
and commander as part of the<br />
exhibition at the Winterpalais<br />
Vienna Museum from 07.07. to<br />
01.11.<strong>2017</strong>. !<br />
belvedere.at<br />
Renata Tumarova,<br />
Verzerrung von Tatsachen,<br />
2016<br />
Distortion of facts, 2016<br />
Art goes Salzburg! | Art goes Salzburg!<br />
Nach 20 Jahren in Innsbruck startet die ART Kunstmesse jetzt auch in Salzburg durch:<br />
Die ART Salzburg Contemporary & Antiques International findet erstmals vom<br />
22.-25.6.<strong>2017</strong> im Messezentrum Salzburg statt. Der Fokus der rund 70 teilnehmenden<br />
Galerien – etwa die Kahn Gallery aus London, die Kölner Galerie Reitz oder die<br />
Werkkunstgalerie Berlin – liegt auf einem interessanten Mix zeitgenössischer Kunst. In<br />
einem kleinen, feinen Segment werden auch klassische Moderne und erlesene<br />
Antiquitäten gezeigt.<br />
After 20 years in Innsbruck, the ART Kunstmesse fair is now also taking off in<br />
Salzburg – the ART Salzburg Contemporary & Antiques International will take place<br />
in the fair centre of Salzburg between 22.06. and 25.06.<strong>2017</strong>. The focus of the 70<br />
participating galleries – such as the Kahn Gallery from London, the Reitz Gallery<br />
from Cologne or the Werkkunstgalerie Berlin – is an interesting blend of contemporary<br />
art. Classically modern and selected antiquities will also be on display in a<br />
small but neat segment.<br />
art-salzburg-contemporary.com<br />
Franz Stephan von Lothringen, Joseph<br />
Haydn und Wolfgang Amadeus<br />
Mozart zählten zu den prominentesten<br />
Vertretern der österreichischen<br />
Freimaurerei. Mit über 150<br />
einzigartigen Exponaten aus<br />
nationalen und internationalen<br />
Sammlungen gewährt die Ausstellung<br />
„300 Jahre Freimaurer. Das wahre<br />
Geheimnis“, im Prunksaal der Österreichischen<br />
Nationalbibliothek in Wien,<br />
einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der<br />
geheimnisvollen Bruderschaft.<br />
23.6.<strong>2017</strong>-7.1.2018.<br />
Franz Stephan of Lorraine, Joseph<br />
Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus<br />
Mozart are among the most famous<br />
representatives of Austrian<br />
freemasonry. With more than 150<br />
unique pieces from national and<br />
international collections, the exhibit<br />
“300 Years of Freemasons. The True<br />
Secret” provides a peak behind the<br />
curtains of this mysterious<br />
fraternity in the ceremonial hall of<br />
the Austrian National Library.<br />
23.06.<strong>2017</strong>-07.01.2018.<br />
onb.ac.at<br />
Zwei Freimaurer, Porzellangruppe nach<br />
Johann Kaendler, um 1740<br />
Two Freemasons, Porcelain group after<br />
Johann Kaendler, around 1740<br />
120 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Brooklyn, New York, 1959<br />
Ironisches Œuvre<br />
Ironic œuvre<br />
Ob auf der Biennale Venedig <strong>2017</strong>, im Kunsthaus Graz, im Leopold<br />
Museum oder nun auch im 21er Haus in Wien: Das ironische Œuvre von<br />
Erwin Wurm ist derzeit omnipräsent. In der großen Einzelausstellung<br />
„Performative Skulpturen“ bricht der österreichische Ausnahmekünstler<br />
einmal mehr leidenschaftlich mit gewohnten Kategorisierungen und<br />
erweitert den Skulpturbegriff um aktionistische und performative<br />
Elemente. 2.6.-10.9.<strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Whether at the Venice Biennale <strong>2017</strong>, at the Kunsthaus Graz, at the Leopold<br />
Museum or now at the 21er Haus in Vienna — the ironic œuvre by Erwin<br />
Wurm is everywhere right now. With the grand solo exhibition “Performative<br />
Sculptures”, the exceptional Austrian artist passionately defies familiar<br />
conventions and expands the meaning of the sculpture with actionist and<br />
performative elements. <strong>02</strong>.06. to 10.09.<strong>2017</strong>. 21erhaus.at<br />
MAI – OKTOBER <strong>2017</strong><br />
Vom Zollamt ins Museum<br />
From the customs office to the museum<br />
Erwin Wurm, Fat House, 2003<br />
Marie Spaemann<br />
und Christian<br />
Bakanic.<br />
Täglich von 10 bis 17 Uhr<br />
Josefsplatz 5, 2500 Baden<br />
www.arnulf-rainer-museum.at<br />
New York, 1962<br />
Magnum Fotografie<br />
Magnum photography<br />
„Brooklyn Gang“ oder „East 100 th Street“ heißen die Fotoserien von Bruce Davidson, einem der prominentesten<br />
Fotografen der legendären Agentur Magnum Photos. Die Galerie Westlicht in Wien widmet sich vom<br />
15.6.-13.8.<strong>2017</strong> dem mehr als fünf Jahrzehnte umspannenden Schaffen des amerikanischen Fotokünstlers.<br />
Wer Bruce Davidson live in Wien erleben möchte: Auf dem ViennaPhotoBookFestival <strong>2017</strong> besteht am 11.6.<br />
die Möglichkeit dazu!<br />
“Brooklyn Gang” or “East 100 th Street” are the titles of the new photo series by Bruce Davidson, one of the<br />
most famous photographers of the legendary Magnum Photos agency. The WestLicht Museum in Vienna is<br />
dedicating itself to the five-decade-long career of the American photo artist between 15.06. and 13.08.<strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Those who want to experience Bruce Davidson live in Vienna will have the chance to do so at the<br />
ViennaPhotoBookFestival <strong>2017</strong> on 11.06.<strong>2017</strong>!<br />
westlicht.com<br />
viennaphotobookfestival.com<br />
Jagdtrophäen, Elfenbeinschnitzereien, verbotene Reisemitbringsel<br />
wie Korallen: Der Fotograf Oliver Mark hat die<br />
interessantesten Objekte, die sich in der Asservatenkammer<br />
des bundesdeutschen Zolls angesammelt haben, altmeisterlich<br />
in Szene gesetzt. Die zweiteilige Ausstellung „Natura<br />
Morta“ zeigt die Fotoarbeiten jetzt in der Gemäldegalerie der<br />
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien im Dialog mit Werken<br />
der Sammlung – das Naturhistorische Museum wiederum<br />
stellt den Fotografien Tierpräparate gegenüber. Bis 16.7.<strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Hunting trophies, ivory carvings, forbidden souvenirs such<br />
as corals — the photographer Oliver Mark has masterfully<br />
snapped the most interesting objects that have come<br />
together from the store room of the German customs office.<br />
The two-part exhibition “Natura Morta” now displays the<br />
photo works in the Picture Gallery of the Academy of Fine<br />
Arts Vienna in dialogue with the pieces from the collection<br />
— the Natural History Museum, Vienna, on the other hand,<br />
juxtaposes the photographs with preserved animals. Until<br />
16.07.<strong>2017</strong>.<br />
akademiegalerie.at<br />
nhm-wien.ac.at<br />
Tanz im Pop-up Garten! | Dance in the pop-up garden!<br />
20 Jahre Festspielhaus St.Pölten – das gehört gefeiert: Am 9.6.<strong>2017</strong> gibt<br />
es mit „Le Sacre du Printemps“ von Marie Chouinard zeitgenössischen<br />
kanadischen Tanz als krönendes Saisonfinale und anschließend eine feine<br />
Sommerparty im Pop-up Garten vor dem Festspielhaus, mit Videoprojektionen<br />
vom US-amerikanische Fotokünstler David Michalek, Celloklängen<br />
von Jeffrey Zeigler, DJ-Line und Streetfood – chill & dance!<br />
20 years of the Festspielhaus St.Pölten theatre — that calls for a<br />
celebration: On 09.06.<strong>2017</strong>, there will be contemporary Canadian dance<br />
with Marie Chouinard’s “Le Sacre du Printemps” as the crowning season<br />
finale, followed by an exciting summer party in the pop-up garden in<br />
front of the theatre, with video productions by the American photo<br />
artist David Michalek, cello tunes by Jeffrey Zeigler, DJs and street food<br />
— chill & dance! festspielhaus.at<br />
April 6 – June 18, <strong>2017</strong><br />
Jean-Luc Moulène<br />
April 6 – June 25, <strong>2017</strong><br />
Rosa Barba<br />
Anoka Faruqee<br />
July 6 – September 3, <strong>2017</strong><br />
Alex Da Corte<br />
Ericka Beckman<br />
secession<br />
Friedrichstraße 12<br />
1010 Vienna, Austria<br />
www.secession.at<br />
122 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Wohnen am Wasser<br />
Living by the water<br />
Der Reiz, ein privates Domizil mit unverbaubarem Blick sein eigen zu nennen, ist seit jeher<br />
groß. Doch es gibt noch eine Steigerungsstufe: die Aussicht auf ein Gewässer.<br />
Who doesn‘t dream of owning their own home with an endless view? There is, however, an<br />
even more exciting prospect - a home with a splendid view on a relaxing body of water.<br />
Text: Michaela Hocek<br />
Uneinsehbare Grundstücke und ein atemberaubender<br />
Blick auf glitzerndes Blau. Pool,<br />
See, Teich oder städtisches Erholungsgebiet<br />
direkt vor Haustür. Vielleicht auch ein privater Badesteg<br />
oder Bootsanlegeplatz in unmittelbarer Nähe.<br />
Das klingt nach Urlaub. Wird aber immer häufiger<br />
für das alltägliche Wohnen zum Nonplusultra. Denn<br />
der Bautrend zu Wohntürmen, exklusiven Kleinanlagen<br />
oder freistehenden Atrium- und Penthäusern an<br />
diversen Gewässern erlebt in Österreich eine Hausse<br />
– unabhängig davon, ob die raren Grundstücke in der<br />
Stadt oder am Land beheimatet sind.<br />
Immobilie mit Mehrwert<br />
Im Gespräch mit Immobilienexperten kristallisiert<br />
sich schnell heraus, dass Wohnen am Wasser<br />
vor allem in Wien an Bedeutung gewinnt. „In Österreich<br />
wird Wohnen am Wasser schon lange genutzt.<br />
Man muss nur nach Salzburg, Graz oder Linz blicken.<br />
In Wien ist der Trend allerdings neu. Das liegt<br />
einerseits daran, dass das Gebiet rund um die Donau<br />
erst sehr spät vor Hochwasser gesichert wurde und<br />
entlang des Handelskais durch das Verkehrsband<br />
keine attraktive Anbindung an das Wasser vorhanden<br />
ist. Die Bezirke Donaustadt und Floridsdorf mit<br />
der Neuen und Alten Donau galten lange Zeit als<br />
eher unattraktive Wohngegenden. Das hat sich in<br />
den letzten Jahren stark geändert. Die Grundstückspreise<br />
sind hier massiv gestiegen und erreichen aktuell<br />
Rekordpreise“, erzählt Jasmin Soravia, Geschäftsführerin<br />
der SoReal GmbH (Projektentwicklung<br />
Soravia Group), im Interview. Sonja Kaspar, Maklerin<br />
bei Otto Immobilien, analysiert das ähnlich: „In<br />
Österreich bemerkt man in den letzten Jahren gesteigertes<br />
Interesse an dieser Form des Wohnens. Sie<br />
bietet für viele Menschen einen perfekten Ausgleich<br />
zum stressigen Alltag – vor allem im urbanen Bereich.<br />
Die freien Blickachsen auf eine Wasserfläche<br />
bieten in der Enge der Städte einen gesteigerten Erholungswert.“<br />
Leben und Arbeiten<br />
Ein weiterer Trend ist die Verquickung von Wohnen<br />
und Arbeiten. Sie ist auch beim Wiener Projekt<br />
„TrIIIple“ ein wesentlicher Faktor. Die Adresse<br />
Schnirchgasse 9 wird mit einem Investitionsvolumen<br />
von rund 295 Millionen Euro ein Stück Stadtentwicklungsgeschichte<br />
schreiben. Bis 2<strong>02</strong>0 entstehen<br />
auf etwa 73.000 Quadratmetern Nutzfläche<br />
Vorsorgewohnungen, Eigentumswohnungen, Micro<br />
Apartments, Büros, Gastronomie, Geschäfte und<br />
Kindergärten. Das Projekt der Soravia Group und<br />
ARE Austrian Real Estate Development umfasst drei<br />
Türme mit je rund 100 Metern Höhe und einen<br />
knapp halb so hohen Büroturm. An Stelle des ehemaligen<br />
Zollamts setzt das Architektenteam Henke<br />
Schreieck moderne Wohnkultur mit optimaler Infrastruktur<br />
durch U-Bahn- und Flughafen-Anbindung,<br />
Zugang zum Donaukanal und zu großzügigen<br />
Freiflächen. Die Immobilien selbst werden durch<br />
Rooftop-Pool, Concierge-Service, Bibliothek, Gemeinschaftsterrasse<br />
und Kitchenlounge aufgewertet.<br />
Attraktive Lagen<br />
Floridsdorf als aufstrebender Bezirk kann derzeit<br />
mit zwei neu entstehenden Projekten überzeugen:<br />
„Wohnen am Wasserpark“ von Otto Immobilien ist<br />
eines davon, das bis spätestens Winter 2018 mit 23<br />
Eigentumswohnungen inklusive Terrassen, Balkonen<br />
und Eigengärten den Wohnbereich hinaus ins<br />
„Durch die geringen<br />
verfügbaren Flächen<br />
für Neubauten ist die<br />
Wertsteigerung in<br />
Wien enorm.“<br />
“Due to the lack of<br />
available space for<br />
new buildings, there<br />
has been an enormous<br />
increase in value in<br />
Vienna.”<br />
Jasmin Soravia<br />
Geschäftsführerin der SoReal<br />
GmbH (Projektentwicklung<br />
Soravia Group)<br />
Managing Director of SoReal<br />
GmbH (Project Development<br />
Soravia Group)<br />
124 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Moderne Stadtentwicklung<br />
par excellence stellt das<br />
Projekt auf dem Gelände des<br />
ehemaligen Zollamts in<br />
unmittelbarer Nähe zum<br />
Donaukanal dar.<br />
Modern urban development<br />
par excellence is manifested<br />
in this project on the estate<br />
of the former customs office,<br />
in close vicinity to the<br />
Danube Canal.<br />
room4rent<br />
• temporary living<br />
• 3 x in Vienna - from EUR 805,-/month<br />
• full furnished<br />
• free of commission<br />
• Concierge-Service<br />
„Freie Blickachsen<br />
auf eine Wasserfläche<br />
bieten in der Enge der<br />
Stadt gesteigerten<br />
Erholungswert. “<br />
”A great view of a calm<br />
body of water can provide<br />
much needed relaxation<br />
in comparison with<br />
the cramped city.“<br />
Sonja Kaspar<br />
Maklerin<br />
Otto Immobilien<br />
Agent at Otto Immobilien<br />
Lichtdurchflutete Eigentumsobjekte mit exklusiver Ausstattung, großzügigen Terrassen, Balkonen und Eigengärten in Wien-Floridsdorf.<br />
Light-flooded properties with exclusive furnishing, generous terraces, balconies as well as gardens in Vienna-Floridsdorf.<br />
Grüne erweitert. Anfang 2019 folgt „Super Dry“ mit<br />
der Adresse Drykalskiweg 11 von Hart + Hart. Hier<br />
entstehen zehn Wohnungen inklusive Tiefgarage<br />
und Aussicht auf die Alte Donau sowie die Skyline<br />
der DonauCity. Abseits der Bundeshauptstadt ist das<br />
Luxusrefugium „Laisseefaire“ am Kärntner Wörthersee<br />
ein prestigeträchtiges Vorzeigebeispiel. Unter<br />
der Ägide von Kollitsch wurden neue Wohnwelten<br />
mit Privatsphäre, hauseigenem Steg, beheiztem<br />
Pool und mondänem Raumambiente geschaffen. 18<br />
Seesuiten, zwei Penthäuser und fünf Atriumhäuser<br />
in einer Bucht am Nordufer punkten mit außergewöhnlicher<br />
Architektur.<br />
Interessantes Wertsteigerungspotential<br />
Im Hinblick auf die Entwicklungschancen von<br />
Immobilien am Wasser sind sich die Experten einig:<br />
„Durch die geringen verfügbaren Flächen für Neubauten<br />
ist die Wertsteigerung in Wien bereits in den<br />
letzten 15 Jahren enorm. Langfristig kann man davon<br />
ausgehen, dass sich an diesem Trend nichts ändern<br />
wird“, so Soravia. „Die Grundflächen nahe dem<br />
Wasser sind begrenzt, wodurch das Wertsteigerungspotential<br />
für derartige Liegenschaften sehr gut<br />
ist. Stichwort: unverbaubarer Blick“, setzt Kaspar<br />
nach. Wer weiter in die Ferne schweifen möchte,<br />
kann sich Inspiration bei den Luxusimmobilien auf<br />
luxuryestate.com holen, wo unter anderem „Il Plametto“,<br />
eine Renaissance-Villa mit Geheimtunnel,<br />
Theater und Infinity-Pool, in Florida zum Verkauf<br />
steht – um wohlfeile 130 Millionen Euro.<br />
Secluded properties and a breathtaking view on<br />
the glittering blue. Whether it‘s a pool, a lake, a<br />
pond or an urban recreational zone right in<br />
front of your door. Perhaps even a private swimming<br />
pier or a dock in close vicinity. Sounds like holidays,<br />
but is increasingly becoming an absolute must for daily<br />
living. The new trends of residential towers, exclusive<br />
residences or detached atriums and penthouses located<br />
at various bodies of water is currently<br />
experiencing a boom in Austria — no matter whether<br />
the rare properties are located in the city or in the<br />
countryside.<br />
Property with added value<br />
When talking with property experts, it quickly becomes<br />
clear that living by the water is gaining particular<br />
popularity in Vienna right now. ”Living by the water<br />
has been quite common in Austria for a while, you<br />
only have to look at Salzburg, Graz or Linz. In Vienna,<br />
however, this trend is quite new. This is partly due to<br />
the fact that it took a while for the land around the<br />
Danube river to be secured from flooding and that<br />
there is no attractive connection to the water via the<br />
long Handelskai. The districts of Donaustadt and Floridsdorf<br />
with the New and Old Danube have long<br />
been considered rather unattractive residential areas.<br />
This has completely changed in the last couple of years.<br />
Property prices have increased immensely and are<br />
currently hitting new records,“ says Jasmin Soravia,<br />
Managing Director of SoReal GmbH (Project Development<br />
Soravia Group) in our interview. Sonja Kaspar,<br />
agent at Otto Immobilien, sees it similarly. ”There<br />
has been increased interest in this type of living in<br />
Austria in the last few years. It provides the perfect<br />
answer to the stress of everyday life for many people<br />
— especially in the urban areas. A great view of a calm<br />
body of water can provide much needed relaxation in<br />
comparison with the cramped city.“<br />
Living and working<br />
An additional trend is the merging of living and<br />
working. This is also a key factor in the Viennese project<br />
“TrIIIple“. At Schnirchgasse 9, urban development<br />
will soon make history with an investment volu-<br />
SUPER DRY.<br />
Nach Süden gerichtet, auf vier Etagen, mit vorgelagerter Grünzone an der Alten Donau fällt der Blick<br />
direkt auf die aufregende Skyline der DonauCity.<br />
Set toward the south, on four floors, with an upstream green area by the Old Danube and a view<br />
right on the exciting skyline of the Danube City.<br />
126 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
W I E N E R P R I V A T K L I N I K<br />
Atriumhaus, Seesuite oder Penthouse: Exklusive Wohnformen am Wörthersee, die Urlaubsstimmung<br />
mitschwingen lassen.<br />
Atrium house, lake suite or penthouse — exclusive living at Wörthersee lake, holiday feeling<br />
guaranteed.<br />
Auch so kann Wohnen am Wasser aussehen: Eine Liga für sich ist<br />
die mediterrane Luxusvilla in Florida.<br />
Living by the water can look like this, too — this Mediterranean<br />
luxury village in Florida plays in its own league.<br />
© karlheinzfessl.com<br />
me of around 295 million euro. By 2<strong>02</strong>0, freehold<br />
apartments, condominiums, micro apartments, offices,<br />
restaurants, shops and kindergartens will emerge<br />
from the 73,000-square-metre-sized property. The<br />
project of the Soravia Group and ARE Austrian Real<br />
Estate Development combines three towers, each<br />
around 100 metres high as well as an office tower<br />
roughly half that height. In place of the former customs<br />
office, the architectural team Henke Schreieck<br />
will bring about a modern residential culture with optimal<br />
infrastructure with connections to the U-Bahn<br />
and the airport, access to the Danube Canal and generous<br />
open spaces. The properties themselves receive<br />
added value from rooftop pools, a concierge service, a<br />
library, a communal terrace and a kitchen lounge.<br />
Attractive locations<br />
Floridsdorf gets to prove itself as a burgeoning district<br />
via two newly developing projects: “Living by the<br />
Water Park“ by Otto Immobilien is one of them,<br />
which will expand further into the green by winter<br />
2018 with 23 condominiums including terraces, balconies<br />
and gardens. Starting in 2019, “Super Dry“ will<br />
follow suit at Drykalskiweg 11 by Hart + Hart. Ten<br />
apartments will be constructed here as well as an underground<br />
car park and a view of the Old Danube and<br />
the skyline of the Danube City. Beyond the capital, the<br />
luxury destination of “Laisseefaire“ at Wörthersee lake<br />
in Kärnten is both a prestigious and exemplary object.<br />
Under the aegis of Kollitsch, entirely new living spaces<br />
with plenty of privacy, a private own pier, heated pools<br />
and a chic residential atmosphere have been crafted.<br />
18 lake suites, two penthouses and five atrium houses<br />
located within a bay at the northern shore boast with<br />
extraordinary architecture.<br />
Plenty of value appreciation potential<br />
In regard to the long-term viability of properties<br />
located by the water, our experts clearly agree: ”Due to<br />
the lack of available space for new buildings, there has<br />
been an enormous increase in value in Vienna in the<br />
last 15 years. In the long run, you may assume that this<br />
trend is not going to change,“ says Soravia. ”Properties<br />
near the water are limited, which is why the value<br />
appreciation potential for such locations is excellent.<br />
Keywords: unobstructable view,“ adds Kaspar. Those<br />
who want to keep looking into the future may receive<br />
inspiration from the luxury properties on luxuryestate.com,<br />
where, among other things, you will be able to<br />
find “Il Plametto“, a renaissance villa with a secret tunnel,<br />
a theatre and an infinity pool, located in Florida<br />
and priced at merely 130 million euro.<br />
The VIENNA PRIVATE HOSPITAL – situated in the centre of<br />
Vienna in ultimate proximity to the University Hospital offers<br />
highest medical competence with the leading specialists from<br />
a great variety of fields. Built in 1871, the Vienna Private<br />
Hospital became the flagship in the private healthcare sector.<br />
The Vienna Private Hospital successfully combines decades of<br />
clinical experience with the state-of-the-art scientific methods<br />
in modern medicine.<br />
With a variety of interdisciplinary medical centres of excellence<br />
our hospital provides medical expertise, equipped with the modern<br />
technology (PET/CT, multi-slice SPECT/CT) at the highest level.<br />
Multilingual expert staff ensures convalescence in a luxurious<br />
ambience in the Art Nouveau style. Our excellent cuisine meets<br />
the individual culinary, religious and ethnic needs of our patients.<br />
Welcome in The Vienna Private Hospital – Your Health is Our Passion!<br />
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128 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
1090 Vienna/Austria · Pelikangasse 15 · Phone: +43 1 40 180-8700 · Fax: +43 1 40 180-2254 · Mail: info@wpk.at
Sommerfreuden<br />
Summer delights<br />
Text: Michaela Hocek<br />
Blickfang Leder<br />
Leather in focus<br />
Ästhetische Kaffeekunst<br />
The aesthetic art of coffee making<br />
Mehrmals täglich entsteht bei Kaffee-Aficionados der<br />
Wunsch nach Espresso, Latte Macchiato oder<br />
Cappuccino – in den kommenden Monaten auch nach<br />
Eiskaffee. Die „PrimaDonna Elite Experience“ von<br />
De’Longhi im edlen Edelstahl-Design ist der richtige<br />
Kaffeevollautomat, um allen Wünschen nach Kaffee und<br />
Tee gerecht zu werden. Die Zubereitung erfolgt über<br />
Eingabe am Touchscreen-Farbdisplay oder vernetzt via<br />
Coffee Link-App über das Smartphone.<br />
The urge for espresso, latte macchiato or cappuccino<br />
arises several times a day for coffee aficionados – in the<br />
coming months, iced coffee will be added to the list. The<br />
"PrimaDonna Elite Experience" by De'Longhi in noble<br />
stainless steel design is the perfect fully automatic<br />
coffee machine to meet any desire for coffee or tea. The<br />
preparation is carried out via the colour touch display or<br />
linked through the CoffeeLink app straight with your<br />
smartphone.<br />
delonghi.com<br />
Für die hohe Kompetenz in Sachen Leder ist das italienische Label Tod’s schon seit Anfang der 1900er Jahre bekannt. Auch die aktuelle Tod’s Eyewear Kollektion hat das edle<br />
Material in den Fokus gerückt. Die Brillen sind komplett handgefertigt. Die Modelle sind leicht an der markentypischen Naht zu erkennen. Das kultige Geflecht, in aller Welt<br />
durch den Einsatz beim klassischen Tod’s Mokassin bekannt, wird zum kennzeichnenden Schmuckelement an den Bügeln.<br />
The Italian label Tod's has been known for their expert leather craftsmanship since the early 1900s. Even the current Tod's Eyewear collection has put the noble material into<br />
focus with completely handmade glasses. The unique seam make the models easily recognisable. The iconic mesh, known all over the world through its use on the classic<br />
Tod's moccasin, is an extraordinary feature on the arms. tods.com<br />
It’s Teetime!<br />
It's tee time!<br />
Die neue Golfkollektion von<br />
Colmar vereint Style und<br />
Funktionalität für Liebhaber des<br />
Greens. Die Sommer-Neuheiten<br />
umfassen ärmellose Daunen-<br />
Westen und Westen, Golfhosen,<br />
Polos. Klassische und<br />
Slim-Passformen sorgen für<br />
optimale Bewegungsfreiheit.<br />
The new golf collection by<br />
Colmar combines style and<br />
functionality for lovers of golf.<br />
Sleeveless down vests and<br />
regular vests, golf pants and<br />
polos are included in the fresh<br />
summer collection. Classic and<br />
slim fits ensure ultimate<br />
freedom of movement.<br />
colmar.it<br />
Sonne & Sport<br />
Sun & sports<br />
Der Casual Sport-Trend setzt sich natürlich im<br />
Sommer fort. Der ideale Sonnenschutz wird zum<br />
wichtigen Thema. Shiseido liefert mit der „Sports BB<br />
SPF50+“-Produktlinie eine sehr wasserresistente<br />
BB-Cream, die nicht nur schützt, sondern auch den<br />
pH-Wert der Haut reguliert.<br />
The casual sports trend is set to continue this<br />
summer and so the ideal sun protection becomes an<br />
important topic for everybody. Shiseido delivers a<br />
very water-resistant BB-Cream with the "Sports BB<br />
SPF50 +" product line, which not only protects but<br />
also regulates the pH value of the skin. shiseido.at<br />
Feminine Facetten | Feminine facets<br />
Von Kopf bis Fuß<br />
From head to toe<br />
Vor allem im Business muss das äußere Erscheinungsbild schon auf den ersten Blick passen. Die aktuelle<br />
Kollektion von Falke Men’s Legwear verhilft Männern mit gedeckten Farben, frischen Farbakzenten und<br />
unterschiedlichen Mustern zu Individualität. Leinen, geflammte oder gekämmte Baumwolle und glänzende<br />
Fasern wie Seide und Viskose sind die Materialien des Sommers für die hochwertigen Socken.<br />
The right appearance at first glance is key, especially when it comes to business. Falke Men's Legwear’s current<br />
collection provides men with their own unique touch using muted colours, fresh colour accents and different<br />
patterns. Linen, flamed or combed cotton and shiny fibres such as silk and viscose are this summer’s choices of<br />
material for premium quality socks. falke.com<br />
Edle Rose<br />
Noble rose<br />
Neben Uhren, Schreibgeräten und feinen<br />
Lederaccessoires ist Montblanc auch für<br />
erlesenen Damenschmuck bekannt. Die<br />
Kunsthandwerker der Manufaktur<br />
platzieren Edelsteine auf gekonnte Art.<br />
Der elegante Ring aus Weißgold mit<br />
großzügigem Diamant-Pavé stammt aus<br />
der Kollektion „Pétales de Rose“.<br />
In addition to watches, writing<br />
instruments and fine leather accessories,<br />
Montblanc is also known for exquisite<br />
ladies' jewellery. The manufactory´s own<br />
craftsmen set every gemstone in a skilful<br />
manner. The elegant ring made of white<br />
gold with generous diamond pavé is a<br />
part of the "Pétales de Rose" collection.<br />
montblanc.com<br />
Kein Geringerer als Star-Fotograf Michael Avedon hat die aktuelle<br />
Bulgari-Kampagne mit Lottie Moss geschossen. Die glamourösen<br />
Accessoires, die eine gelungene Kombination aus luxuriöser Handwerkskunst<br />
und außergewöhnlichen Materialien sind, wurden im<br />
sonnendurchfluteten Rom in Szene gesetzt.<br />
None other than star photographer Michael Avedon has shot the<br />
current Bulgari campaign with Lottie Moss. The glamorous accessories,<br />
a successful combination of luxurious craftsmanship and extraordinary<br />
materials, were staged in sunny Rome.<br />
bulgari.com<br />
130 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Outdoorfreuden<br />
Outdoor pleasures<br />
Text: Michaela Hocek<br />
Hey, Mister DJ!<br />
Was wäre eine Gartenparty ohne Sound? Mit einer Range aus<br />
Extra-Bass-Lautsprechern bringt Sony eine klangstarke und spritzwassergeschützte<br />
Soundflotte mit kräftigen Bässen, Lichteffekten und<br />
Ausdauer (der Akku hält bis zu 24 Stunden) ins Freie. Bis zu zehn Geräte<br />
können miteinander verbunden werden.<br />
What would a garden party be without sound? With a range of extra<br />
bass speakers, Sony delivers a splash-proof and powerful sounding<br />
fleet of speakers with strong bass, light effects and long lasting battery<br />
life (they last up to 24 hours) out in the open. Up to ten devices can be<br />
linked together.<br />
sony.at<br />
Atmosphäre schaffen<br />
Create atmosphere<br />
Ein Garant für gemütliche Abende im Garten, auf dem Balkon oder<br />
der Terrasse ist die richtige Außenbeleuchtung. Die LED-Laterne<br />
Abelia von Philips schafft verschiedene Stimmungen – mit Kerzenschein-Modus<br />
bis warmweißen, hellen Lichtkegeln. Sie wird über<br />
USB aufgeladen und ist absolut wetterfest.<br />
The right exterior lighting is a necessity for cosy evenings in the<br />
garden, on the balcony or the terrace. The LED lantern Abelia by<br />
Philips creates various moods – from candlelight mode to warm<br />
white and bright light cones. They are charged via USB and are<br />
absolutely weatherproof.<br />
philips.at<br />
Stilvoll tafeln | Stylish dining<br />
Von Hand geflochten<br />
Hand-braided<br />
Exklusiv und fair: Auf der indonesischen Insel Java entstehen die Terrassenmöbel<br />
des deutschen Unternehmens Bloom. Produziert wird „on demand“ und mit<br />
umfangreichen Qualitätskontrollen. Individuelle Anpassungen nach Kundenwünschen<br />
sind möglich.<br />
Exclusive and fair: the terrace furniture by the German company Bloom is<br />
produced on the Indonesian island of Java. Production is purely on demand and<br />
undergoes stringent quality control. Individual customisations according to<br />
customer requirements are also possible.<br />
bloom-moebel.de<br />
Special Edition<br />
Special edition<br />
Der legendäre Panton Chair, den Verner Panton gemeinsam mit<br />
Vitra bereits 1967 zur Serienreife entwickelte, ist um eine<br />
Farbnuance reicher. Der Freischwinger behübscht in diesem<br />
Sommer in kräftigem Sunlight-Gelb den Außenbereich. Vorsicht:<br />
Zeitlich limitiert!<br />
The legendary Panton Chair, which Verner Panton developed<br />
together with Vitra as early as 1967, has received a new colour<br />
nuance option. This summer, the cantilever chair makes the<br />
outdoor area shine in powerful sunny yellow. It’s a limited edition!<br />
vitra.com<br />
Die WA-Kollektion von Dedon ist das Ergebnis der Stilsicherheit von<br />
Designer Toan Nguyen und einem zweijährigen Entwicklungsprozess.<br />
Winkel und Kurven im harmonischen Zusammenspiel und die schlanke<br />
Anmutung spiegeln zeitgenössische Sensibilität wider.<br />
The WA collection by Dedon is the result of the stylistic confidence of<br />
designer Toan Nguyen and a two-year development process. Angles<br />
and curves in a harmonious interplay and the slim appearance reflect<br />
contemporary sensibility. dedon.de<br />
132 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
Auf der Straße: Skoda Kodiaq. Am Steuer: S.E. Jan Sechter<br />
On the road: Skoda Kodiaq. At the steering wheel: H.E. Jan Sechter<br />
Der Botschafter der Tschechischen Republik auf CD-Testfahrt. | The Ambassador of the<br />
Czech Republic performs a test drive for CD.<br />
Ein verregneter Donnerstag im April, draußen<br />
am Wiener Rennweg staut sich der Verkehr,<br />
drinnen im geräumigen Skoda Kodiaq – dem<br />
aktuellen Testauto des fünften „Ambassador's Drive“<br />
von „Cercle Diplomatique“ – steuert Testfahrer Jan<br />
Sechter, der Botschafter der Tschechischen Republik<br />
in Österreich, behutsam in eine Parklücke vor der<br />
145 Jahre alten Böhmischen Kirche. Hier, im 3. Bezirk,<br />
schlägt heute das Herz der tschechischen Gemeinde<br />
in der Bundeshauptstadt, die noch etwa<br />
12.000 Personen zählt. Gleich dahinter liegt auch die<br />
zweisprachige Tschechische Schule für etwa 550<br />
Schüler, mit Theaterverein, Chor und Unterricht in<br />
Tschechisch bis zur Matura. Erst jüngst habe der<br />
berühmte „Turnverein Sokol“, der etliche Volleyball-<br />
Stars hervorgebracht hat, dort sein 150jähriges<br />
Bestehen gefeiert.<br />
Sechter, ein hochgewachsener, drahtiger Prager,<br />
wird an diesem Ort fast nachdenklich. Er erzählt,<br />
wie sich Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts über 300.000<br />
tschechische Arbeiter im 4. und 10. Bezirk ärmlichst<br />
ansiedelten und mit schwielenden Händen die Expansion<br />
der Weltwunderstadt Wien um 1900 erst<br />
ermöglichten. Er berichtet von tschechischen Sozialvereinen,<br />
die die hiesige Arbeiterbewegung befeuert<br />
haben. Und er schwärmt von den vielen Spuren<br />
Tschechiens in Wien – von der Karlskirche über die<br />
Kirche Maria am Gestade, die noch heute eine tschechische<br />
Pfarre ist, bis zur Ressel-Statue vor der Technischen<br />
Universität, die den tschechisch-österreichischen<br />
Erfinder der Schiffsschraube ehrt. Und<br />
natürlich vom Kaiserschmarrn, Budweiser-Bier und<br />
den vielen Unternehmen mit tschechischem Ursprung,<br />
von Swarovski bis Kapsch. Kurzum: Nirgendwo,<br />
mit Ausnahme von Chicago vielleicht, sei<br />
der Fußabdruck tschechischer Auswanderer stärker<br />
als in Österreich, insbesondere Wien.<br />
Dann hält der Diplomat, der nach seinem Dienst<br />
als Kulturattaché in Berlin um die Jahrtausendwende<br />
mit dem damaligen österreichischen Bundeskanzler<br />
Wolfgang Schüssel die Entschädigungszahlung des<br />
Versöhnungsfonds für tschechische Zwangsarbeiter<br />
im Zweiten Weltkrieg erfolgreich verhandelt hat,<br />
inne und streicht behutsam über die edlen wuchtigen<br />
Formen des Kodiaq. Man kann geradezu spüren,<br />
wie sehr er dieses technische Meisterwerk – momentan<br />
der ganze Stolz der Autoindustrie in Tschechien,<br />
die auch den Hyundai iX 35 herstellt – bewundert.<br />
„Wissen Sie“, sagt der studierte Volkswirt Sechter,<br />
der über den Wandel tschechischer Agrarbetriebe<br />
Jan Sechter hat seinen Posten<br />
als Botschafter der Tschechischen<br />
Republik in Österreich<br />
2013 angetreten.<br />
Jan Sechter is serving as Ambassador<br />
of the Czech Republic to<br />
Austria since 2013.<br />
134 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong>
zur Marktwirtschaft diplomiert hat und demnächst<br />
als Botschafter nach Hongkong wechselt, „das war<br />
ein langer, steiniger Weg.“ Auf der Fahrt zurück zur<br />
Botschaft, neben dem Reinhardt-Schauspielseminar,<br />
lässt er sich dazu eine charakteristische Episode entlocken.<br />
Mitte der 1990er Jahre, kurz nachdem Skoda<br />
in die VW-Familie übernommen wurde, kamen die<br />
tschechischen Ingenieure mit ersten Entwürfen für<br />
den Skoda Octavia daher – ein günstiges, modernes<br />
Mittelklasse-Kompaktauto. Die deutschen Kollegen<br />
winkten ab – der VW-Passat sei völlig ausreichend in<br />
diesem Segment – und hätten die tschechischen<br />
Techniker mit einem hämischen Nachsatz nach<br />
Hause geschickt: „Das schafft ihr sowieso nie.“<br />
Was Skoda, wie man am Octavia der heute vierten<br />
Generation sieht, zu Höchstleistungen angespornt<br />
hat – auf deren Zenit nach dem Yeti heute der Kodiaq<br />
steht. Deswegen startet Jan Sechter nochmals kräftig<br />
durch und dreht eine derart lebendige Ehrenrunde,<br />
dass selbst VW die Luft wegbliebe.<br />
Jan Sechter im Gespräch<br />
mit CD Autor Rainer<br />
Himmelfreundpointner.<br />
Ambassador Sechter<br />
and CD's author Rainer<br />
Himmelfreundpointner.<br />
Pressedame Michaela Cieslarova mit<br />
Botschafter Jan Sechter.<br />
Michaela Cieslarova, in charge of<br />
media relations, and Ambassador<br />
Jan Sechter.<br />
Skoda Kodiaq – groß, aber oho<br />
Skoda Kodiaq – spacious, yet really smart<br />
Der Skoda Kodiaq hatte seine Premiere auf dem Pariser Autosalon voriges Jahr und nicht nur die Fangemeinde<br />
der tschechischen Automarke sofort in Entzücken versetzt – natürlich auch wegen des modischen „Q“, auf<br />
das man heutzutage in so vielen Logos trifft. Der Kodiaq ist nach dem Yeti das zweite SUV – steht für Sports<br />
Utility oder Suburban Vehicle – aus dem Hause Skoda, und er macht dieser Marke, die mehr und mehr ins<br />
Top-Segment strebt, alle Ehre. Beeindruckend sind vor allem sein kraftvolles Auftreten und Äußeres, seine<br />
vielen durchdachten Details (etwa im Navi) und sein großzügiges Platzangebot, das ihn mit einer dritten<br />
Sitzreihe sozusagen zu einem tschechischen Raumwunder macht.<br />
The Skoda Kodiaq made its debut at the 2016 Paris Motor Show Salon and, after the Yeti, is Skoda's second<br />
SUV, this time coming with the fashionable „Q“ in its logo. The Kodiaq is a further step of the Czech carmaker<br />
into the echelons of the top segment of the industry, convincing with its impressive exterior, the number of<br />
sophisticated features (try the navi) and a very spacious inside which even allows a third row of seats.<br />
Technische Daten Technical data<br />
Motor Engine<br />
R4 Diesel und Benziner<br />
Antrieb Drive<br />
Front- und Allradantrieb / front-wheel and four-wheel drive<br />
kW (PS) kw (HP) 92 - 140 (125 - 190)<br />
Hubraum Capacity 1.395 - 1.984 ccm<br />
Kraftstoffverbrauch/<br />
Fuel consumption<br />
7,4 - 5,3 l/100 km (kombiniert / combined)<br />
Preis Price<br />
ab | from € 25.690,– (inkl./ incl. NoVA & 20% Mwst./ VAT)<br />
compensation payments for Czech WW II slave labourers<br />
with Austria's former chancellor Wolfgang<br />
Schüssel, is smoothly parking the new Skoda SUV, he<br />
takes a big sidestep into history and goes back to the<br />
late 19th century when some 300,000 Czechs helped<br />
to build Vienna into a 2 million metropolis around<br />
1900. And he proudly sums up the many traces of<br />
Czech origin to be found here – the Karlskirche, the<br />
monument of Josef Ressel, inventor of the ship's propeller,<br />
Austrian companies like Swarovski or Kapsch,<br />
which have been founded by Czechs, and of course,<br />
the Kaiserschmarrn and the Budweiser beer.<br />
Then, the Ambassador caresses the mighty curves<br />
of the Kodiaq and reveals a background episode why<br />
it currently is the pride of the Czech automotive industry.<br />
Back in the 1990s, soon after Skoda was taken<br />
over by VW, engineers proposed to launch the Octavia,<br />
but have been rejected by their VW colleagues.<br />
”One Passat is enough“, they were told. And: ”You<br />
won't succeed, anyway.“ This insult has driven Skoda<br />
engineers to record performance, as the 4th generation<br />
Octavia proves. And the Kodiaq, Sechter says, is<br />
the crown of this development.<br />
On a rainy Thursday in April, Jan Sechter, the<br />
Ambassador of the Czech Republic, is driving<br />
a Skoda Kodiaq – the test-car of CD's<br />
fifth „Ambassadors's Drive“ – to the Bohemian<br />
Church at Vienna's Rennweg. Here, in the 3rd district,<br />
beats the heart of the some 12,000 persons<br />
strong Czech community in Vienna, with a bilingual<br />
school for around 550 students, a choir and a theatre<br />
ensemble just behind of it.<br />
As Sechter, who after his service as cultural attaché<br />
in Berlin until the year 1999, has negotiated<br />
INFO:<br />
skoda.at<br />
136 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Der entspannte tschechische<br />
Botschafter während der<br />
Testfahrt des Skoda Kodiaq<br />
an einem verregneten April-<br />
Donnerstag.<br />
The relaxed Czech Ambassador<br />
during his test drive of a Skoda<br />
Kodiaq on a rainy Thursday in<br />
April.<br />
T: +43 1 22737 – 5555 / F: +43 1 22737 – 9999 / WWW.BASEDINVIENNA.AT / WIEN-PARLAMENT@LIV-IN.DE<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong> 137
Highlights vom Genfer Automobil-Salon<br />
Geneva Motor Show highlights<br />
Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
BMW 5er Touring:<br />
Stilsicheres Raumwunder<br />
Stylish storage miracle<br />
Die starke 5er Baureihe von BMW erhält nun auch einen neuen Kombi. Das bewährte Design, inkl. dem praktischen Heckfenster, hat<br />
sich nur minimal geändert. In seinen Abmessungen leicht gewachsen, bietet der neue BMW 5er Touring jedoch spürbar mehr Platz<br />
im Inneren: Bis zu 1.700 l fasst nun der Kofferraum. Leichte Materialien wie Aluminium sorgen für ein sehr dynamisches Fahrverhalten.<br />
Bei den Assistenzsystemen ist BMW – mit Gestiksteuerung oder dem neuen Driving Assistant Plus, der teilautonomes Fahren<br />
ermöglicht – wie immer top.<br />
BMW’s powerful 5-series now also includes an estate car. The tried and tested design, Motor Engine<br />
R4 / R6 Diesel und/and Benziner/petrol<br />
including the practical rear window, has barely changed. Having increased slightly in Antrieb Drive<br />
Hinterradantrieb/Allrad xDrive - Rear wheel/4wheel xDrive<br />
its measurements, the new BMW 5-series Touring includes significantly more space kW (PS) kw (HP) 140 (190) - 250 (340)<br />
– the trunk now holds up to 1,700 litres. Light materials, such as aluminium, provide a Hubraum Capacity<br />
1.995 - 2.998 ccm<br />
very dynamic driving experience. BMW’s assistance system with gesture control and Kraftstoffverbrauch Fuel consumption Diesel ab/from 4,4 / Benziner/petrol ab/from 5,9 l/100km<br />
the new Driving Assistance Plus, which allows for partly autonomous driving, is top Preis Price ab | from € 53.800,–<br />
class, as usual.<br />
VW Arteon: Neue Premiumklasse aus Wolfsburg | New<br />
premium class from Wolfsburg<br />
Range Rover Velar: Britische Coolness | British coolness<br />
Ebenfalls am Genfer Automobilsalon lancierte VW sein neues Flaggschiff Arteon<br />
– als „echte Herausforderung für die Premiumwettbewerber“, so Volkswagen<br />
Vorstandsvorsitzender Herbert Diess. Die dynamische, klare Linie des neuen VW<br />
Arteon und ein markiger, über die gesamte Breite gezogener Kühlergrill<br />
signalisieren distinguierte Power. Der große Radstand von 2,84 Metern sorgt trotz<br />
der sportlichen Silhouette für Beinfreiheit im Fonds und viel Platz im Kofferraum.<br />
VW took advantage of the Geneva Motor Show to show off its new Arteon<br />
flagship, marking a “real challenge for the premium competitors”, as expressed by<br />
Volkswagen’s chairman Herbert Diess. The dynamic, clear lines of the new VW<br />
Arteon and the vigorous grille covering the entire width signal distinguished<br />
power. The large 2.84-metre wheelbase provides legroom in the back and plenty<br />
of space in the trunk despite its sporty silhouette.<br />
Motor Engine<br />
R4 Benziner/R4 petrol und/and Diesel / Plug-in-Hybrid<br />
Antrieb Drive<br />
Allradantrieb / Four-wheel drive<br />
kW (PS) kw (HP)<br />
140(190) - 235 (320) / Plug-in-Hybrid 300 (407) Systemleistung / system performance<br />
Hubraum Capacity<br />
1.969 ccm<br />
Kraftstoffverbrauch Fuel consumption Diesel ab/from 5,1 / Benziner/petrol ab/from 7,3 / Plug-in-Hybrid 2,1 l/100km (Stromverbrauch/Electricity consumption: 19 kWh/100 km)<br />
Preis Price ab | from € 48.304,–<br />
Volvo XC60: Skandinavisches Kraftpaket | Scandinavian power horse<br />
Lange hat man auf den neuen XC60 gewartet, beim Genfer Autosalon im März war es endlich soweit: Die zweite Generation von Volvos erfolgreichstem Modell wurde<br />
vorgestellt. Sowohl von außen als auch innerlich nimmt der rundum erneuerte XC60 starke Anleihen am großen Bruder der 90er Baureihe: Markante Linienführung, die<br />
charakteristischen Scheinwerfer, ergonomische Sitze. Auch das große Panoramadach ist vom XC90 übernommen. Bei den Assistenzsystemen legt Volvo noch ein Schäuferl<br />
nach: Eine Lenkunterstützung etwa, die bei drohender Kollision selbsttätig ausweicht, verstärkt die bei den Skandinaviern ohnehin sehr groß geschriebene Fahrsicherheit.<br />
The waiting time for the XC60 was long but at the Geneva Motor Show, the time had finally come – the introduction of the second generation of Volvo’s most successful<br />
model. Both in terms of its exterior and its interior, the completely revamped XC60 takes strong design cues from its big brother from the ‘90s series — distinct lines, the<br />
characteristic headlights, ergonomic seats. The panorama roof has also been carried over from the XC90. In terms of the driver’s assistance system, Volvo has cranked it up a<br />
touch. The car boasts a steering assistance system that swerves independently in the event of an impending collision, improving security, always key with the Scandinavians.<br />
„Driven by Reduction“ gab Land-Rover-Chefdesigner Gerry McGovern als Prämisse<br />
für den neuen Range Rover Velar aus. Mit seiner klaren, aerodynamischen Linie<br />
gemahnt der Neuzugang der Modellreihe denn auch an eine edle Luxusjacht.<br />
Highlights wie versenkte Türgriffe und das reduzierte Cockpit sorgen für einen<br />
zusätzlichen Wow-Effekt. Eine optimierte Motorenpalette bringt höchste<br />
Performance auf der Straße. Die phänomenale Geländetauglichkeit ist dem Velar<br />
als Mitglied der Land Rover Familie natürlich in die Gene geschrieben.<br />
“Driven by Reduction” was Land Rover Chief Designer Gerry McGovern’s premise<br />
for the new Range Rover Velar. With its clear and aerodynamic lines, the newest<br />
addition to the model series echoes the style of a classy luxury yacht. Highlights<br />
include the recessed door handles and the reduced cockpit, adding even more<br />
reasons to get excited. An optimised range of engines brings top-notch performances<br />
to the road and a phenomenal terrain capability is, of course, wired into the<br />
Velar’s very DNA due to it belonging to the Land Rover family.<br />
Motor Engine<br />
R4 / V6 Diesel und Benziner<br />
Antrieb Drive<br />
Allradantrieb<br />
kW (PS) kw (HP) 132 (180) - 280 (380)<br />
Hubraum Capacity<br />
1.998 - 2.995 ccm<br />
Kraftstoffverbrauch Fuel consumption Diesel ab/from 5,4 / Benziner/petrol ab/from 7,6 l/100km<br />
Preis | Price ab | from € 61.300,–<br />
Motor Engine<br />
R4 Diesel und Benziner/petrol<br />
Antrieb Drive<br />
Frontantrieb/Allrad 4Motion; Front-wheel drive/4-wheel<br />
kW (PS) kw (HP) 110 (150) - 206 (280)<br />
Hubraum Capacity<br />
1968 /1984 ccm<br />
Kraftstoffverbrauch Fuel consumption Diesel ab/from 4,4; Benziner/petrol ab/from 7,3 l/100km<br />
Preis | Price ab | from € 42.990,–<br />
138 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong> 139
Bled, Slowenien | Slovenia<br />
Ach, wie romantisch!<br />
Oh my, how romantic!<br />
Einer der schönsten Plätze Europas findet sich in Slowenien, am Fuß der Julischen Alpen, ganz nahe an<br />
der österreichischen Grenze: die Ortschaft Bled mit ihrem See besticht mit viel Romantik und einer<br />
spannenden Historie.<br />
One of the most beautiful places in Europe can be found in Slovenia, at the foot of the Julian Alps and in<br />
close vicinity to the Austrian border — the town of Bled and its lake captivate with a romantic atmosphere<br />
and an exciting history.<br />
Text: Gerald Sturz<br />
Was für ein Anblick – die Burg, der<br />
See, die Insel, die Berge! Nicht<br />
ohne Grund gilt Bled als einer der<br />
romantischsten Orte Europas.<br />
What a sight – the castle, the lake,<br />
the island, the mountains! All reasons<br />
why Bled is considered one of the<br />
most romantic places in Europe.<br />
140 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Insel im See.<br />
Exakt 99 Stufen führen von<br />
der Bootsanlegestelle<br />
hinauf zur Wallfahrtskirche<br />
Mariä Himmelfahrt.<br />
Die Boote, die exklusiv auf<br />
dem Bleder See verkehren,<br />
nennt man Pletna.<br />
Island in the lake.<br />
Exactly 99 steps are leading<br />
from the boat landing dock up<br />
to the pilgrimage church of<br />
the Assumption of the Virgin<br />
Mary. Pletna are the boats<br />
called which are exclusively<br />
navigating on Lake Bled.<br />
Mit großer Leidenschaft zählt Janez Fajfar, der<br />
Bürgermeister von Bled, die Gründe auf,<br />
warum man seinen Ort in der slowenischen<br />
Oberkrain, am Fuß der Julischen Alpen, besuchen<br />
sollte. Da ist der Bleder See selbstverständlich, der als<br />
einer der romantischsten und schönstgelegenen Plätze<br />
Europas gilt, da ist die Insel mitten im See mit ihrer<br />
Wallfahrtskirche Mariä Himmelfahrt, da sind die<br />
Pletna, die typischen Boote mit dem Stoffdach, die am<br />
See verkehren und die Gäste für eine Rundfahrt oder<br />
zu eine Fahrt zur Kirche mieten können, da ist der<br />
herrliche, sechs Kilometer lange Wander- und Radweg<br />
rund um den See, immer dicht am Wasser, mit<br />
den vielen Lokalen, in die man einkehren kann, da ist<br />
die Villa Bled, die Geschichte geschrieben hat, da ist<br />
der Golfsko igrišče Royal Bled, der königliche Golfplatz,<br />
dessen Anfänge bis ins Jahr 1937 zurückreichen<br />
und der als einer der schönsten Europas gilt.<br />
Am schönsten ist natürlich der Blick auf den See<br />
von oben, von dem Burgberg Grajski grič etwa oder<br />
einem der umliegenden Berge, vom Osojnice oder<br />
vom Straza, auf den man auch mit einem Sessellift<br />
kommt.<br />
Schloß Bled enthält ein Museum, das die Geschichte<br />
der Region erzählt. Und die reicht weit zurück<br />
bis in vorchristliche Zeiten, als auf der Insel im<br />
See ein Heiligtum für die Göttin der Liebe und der<br />
Fruchtbarkeit errichtet wurde. Als Kurort entdeckt<br />
wurde Bled in der Mitte und am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts,<br />
während der Zeit Maria Theresias. Dem<br />
See und den Quellen wurde eine heilende Wirkung<br />
zugeschrieben. Zahlreiche Aristokraten und Großbürger<br />
siedelten sich in der idyllischen Landschaft<br />
rund um den Bleder See an. 1883 besuchte gar Kaiser<br />
Franz Josef den Ort. 1906 wurde Bled ans Eisenbahnnetz<br />
angeschlossen: die Stecke führt von Villach<br />
über Jesenice nach Bled und weiter nach Görz und<br />
nach Triest. Damals war sie die teuerste Bahnstrecke,<br />
die bis dahin gebaut worden war mit spektakulären<br />
Brücken und Tunneln. Zur Eröffnung kam Erzherzog<br />
Franz Ferdinand.<br />
Wer heute Bled besucht, der kommt natürlich<br />
nicht an der berühmten Villa Bled vorbei. Sie liegt<br />
etwas außerhalb des Kurorts. Inmitten einer großzügigen<br />
Parkanlage. Nahezu verwunschen. Janez Fajfar,<br />
der langjährige Bürgermeister, hat hier auch<br />
schon als Hoteldirektor gearbeitet. Die Villa Bled hat<br />
Geschichte geschrieben und in ihr wurde Geschichte<br />
geschrieben. Ursprünglich stand an dieser Stelle ein<br />
Fachwerkhäuschen, das sich die adelige Familie<br />
Windischgrätz errichtet hatte, die nach ihrer unrühmlichen<br />
Rolle während der Märzrevolution von<br />
1848 die Abgeschiedenheit der Krainer Berge den<br />
Habsburger-Metropolen Wien und Prag vorzog.<br />
Nach 1918 stand hier das Schlösschen des jugoslawischen<br />
Königs Alexander. Hier empfing die Königsfamilie<br />
Karageorgewitsch die Mitglieder des griechischen,<br />
rumänischen und englischen Hofes als Gäste.<br />
Die Villa Bled, so wie wir sie heute kennen, wurde<br />
erst nach dem 2. Weltkrieg errichtet. Sie wurde die<br />
Sommerresidenz von Marschall Tito. Der Präsident<br />
Jugoslawiens nutzte sie als angemessenes Haus, um<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Der Bleder See liegt<br />
inmitten einer anmutigen<br />
Landschaft, was auch dem<br />
königlichen Golfplatz<br />
zugute kommt. Lake Bled<br />
is located amidst a graceful<br />
landscape, which also benefits<br />
the royal golf course.<br />
Die Villa Bled hat auch schon<br />
Staatsgäste und Prominente<br />
aus aller Welt beherbergt.<br />
Villa Bled accomodated state<br />
visitors and VIPs from all over<br />
the world.<br />
TIPP<br />
Wine Bar & Restaurant<br />
Sova<br />
„Was wir kochen, das kommt<br />
vom Herzen“, sagen die<br />
beiden Küchenchefs Knego<br />
und Branko, die in ihrem<br />
Restaurant, das in der<br />
Ortschaft Mlino direkt am<br />
See liegt, einer kreativen<br />
Beschäftigung mit der<br />
lokalen Küche nachgehen.<br />
Wunderbarer Blick auf den<br />
See.<br />
”We cook from the heart,“<br />
the two chefs Knego and<br />
Branko maintain, who use<br />
their restaurant to engage<br />
creatively with the local<br />
cuisine. Their eatery is<br />
located in the town of Mlino<br />
right by the lake, onto which<br />
you can enjoy a fantastic<br />
view.<br />
restavracija-sova.com<br />
internationale Gäste zu empfangen. Vor allem Staatsbesuchen<br />
aus den Ländern der Dritten Welt oder aus<br />
Osteuropa wollte Tito so zeigen, wie erfolgreich Jugoslawien<br />
war, weiß Bürgermeister Fajfar zu berichten.<br />
So waren u.a. Haile Selassie, der Kaiser von Äthiopien,<br />
hier und Nasser, der Präsident von Ägypten.<br />
Aber auch Akihito, der Kaiser von Japan, hatte das<br />
Vergnügen, die Villa Bled zu besuchen. Persönlichkeiten<br />
aus Kunst und Kultur wie Paul McCartney<br />
wohnten im Lauf der Jahre ebenfalls hier. Und Donald<br />
Trump war hier, was vermutlich verwandtschaftlichen<br />
Verhältnissen geschuldet war.<br />
Anekdoten und Geschichten gibt es zur Genüge.<br />
Eine der originellsten erzählt von von Kim Il-sung,<br />
dem nordkoreanischen Präsidenten, der hier nächtigte<br />
und von seinem Bett so begeistert war, dass er es<br />
abbauen und nach Pjöngjang verschiffen ließ. Bemerkenswert<br />
an der Villa Bled ist auch, dass sie ist aus<br />
dem selben Marmor gebaut, der auch beim Bau des<br />
Weißen Hauses in Washington verwendet wurde.<br />
An Tito und seinem Umbau erinnert heute noch<br />
ein Wandfresko im Konzertsaal. Es erzählt von der<br />
Geburt des Staates Jugoslawien und zeigt die Partisanenschlachten<br />
des Zweiten Weltkriegs, aus denn<br />
Tito siegreich hervorgegangen war. Seit 1984 ist die<br />
Villa Bled ein Hotel. Nicht irgendeines, sondern<br />
wohl das bekannteste der Region.<br />
Eine wichtige Veranstaltungen im Herbst ist das<br />
Bled Strategic Forum, das in diesem Jahr am 4. und<br />
5. September stattfindet. Es ist ein Treffen von Politikern<br />
und Wirtschaftsleuten vor allem aus Mittelund<br />
Südosteuropa. Janez Fajfar nennt es kokett das<br />
„Davos des Balkans“. Die Veranstaltung unterstreicht<br />
die Bedeutung, die Bled heute als Kongress- und<br />
MICE-Ort hat.<br />
With plenty of passion, Janez Fajfar, mayor<br />
of Bled, compiles a list of reasons why<br />
people should come visit his town in the<br />
Slovenian region of Upper Carniola at the foot of the<br />
Julian Alps. There is, of course, Lake Bled, which is<br />
considered among the most romantic and most<br />
beautifully located spots in Europe. There‘s the little<br />
island in the heart of the lake with a pilgrimage church<br />
dedicated to the Assumption of Mary, there are<br />
the Pletna, the region-typical boats with fabric roofs,<br />
which navigate around the lake and can be rented by<br />
visitors for a round trip or a ride to the church.<br />
There‘s the splendid, six-kilometre-long hiking and<br />
cycling trail around the lake, always right by the water,<br />
with plenty of eateries all around, there‘s Villa<br />
Bled, with all its history, there‘s the Golfsko Igrišče<br />
Royal Bled, the royal golf course, whose beginnings<br />
date all the way back to 1937 and which is said to be<br />
one of the most beautiful in Europe.<br />
The best way to experience the lake is naturally from<br />
above, for example from the castle hill Grajski Grič or<br />
from one of the surrounding mountains such as Osojnice<br />
or Straža, which can be reached via chairlift.<br />
Bled Castle houses a museum which tells the history<br />
of the region. And that history reaches far back<br />
into pre-Christian times when a shrine was erected<br />
for the goddess of love and fertility on the island in<br />
the lake. Bled became known as a resort town in the<br />
middle and toward the end of the 18th century, during<br />
the time of Maria Theresa. The lake and its<br />
springs were attributed with healing properties.<br />
Countless aristocrats and members of the upper class<br />
settled within the idyllic landscape around Lake<br />
Bled. In 1883, even Emperor Franz Joseph visited the<br />
place. In 1906, Bled was connected to the railway<br />
network — the track leads from Villach and Jesenice<br />
to Bled and then continues to Görz and Triest. Back<br />
then, it was the most expensive railway track that<br />
had ever been built, with spectacular bridges and<br />
tunnels, and its opening was accompanied by Archduke<br />
Franz Ferdinand.<br />
Those visiting Bled today won‘t do without a trip<br />
to the famous Villa Bled. It is located just outside of<br />
the resort town. Amid a generous park facility, it‘s<br />
quite magical. Janez Fajfar, the long-time mayor,<br />
used to work here as the hotel director. Villa Bled has<br />
made history and history was made in it, too. Originally,<br />
there used to be a little half-timbered house in<br />
its place, erected by the noble family Windischgrätz,<br />
which, due to its ignoble role in the March Revolution<br />
of 1848, preferred the remoteness of the Carniolian<br />
mountains over the Habsburg metropoles of Vienna<br />
and Prague. After 1918, it was the location of<br />
the castle of King Alexander of Yugoslavia. The royal<br />
family Karađorđević received members of the Greek,<br />
Romanian and English courts as guests here.<br />
Villa Bled, as we know it today, was only constructed<br />
after World War Two. It became the summer<br />
residence of Marshal Tito. The president of Yugoslavia<br />
used it to receive international guests. Tito<br />
was particularly keen on showing state visitors from<br />
third world countries and Eastern Europe how successful<br />
Yugoslavia was, reports mayor Fajfar. This is<br />
how, among others, Haile Selassie, the King of Ethiopia<br />
and Gamal Nasser, president of Egypt, came here.<br />
But also Akihito, the Emperor of Japan, had the pleasure<br />
of visiting Villa Bled. Individuals from art and<br />
culture such as Paul McCartney also stayed here. As<br />
did Donald Trump, which was probably due to family<br />
relations.<br />
There‘s plenty of anecdotes and stories here. One<br />
of the best is about Kim Il-sung, the North Korean<br />
president, who had been so impressed by his bed that<br />
he had it deconstructed and shipped to Pyongyang.<br />
Another thing that‘s remarkable about Villa Bled is<br />
that it‘s made of the same marble which had also<br />
been used for the construction of the White House in<br />
Washington.<br />
A fresco on a wall in the concert hall still reminds<br />
visitors of Tito and his reconstruction. It tells the story<br />
of the birth of the Yugoslavian state and portrays<br />
two partisan battles from World War Two, from<br />
which Tito emerged victorious. Since 1984, Villa<br />
Bled has been a hotel. Not just any, but one of the<br />
best-known in the region.<br />
An important event during autumn is the Bled<br />
Strategic Forum, held on 4 and 5 September this<br />
year. It‘s a meeting between politicians and business<br />
representatives, particularly from Central and Southeast<br />
Europe. Janez Fajfar straightforwardly calls it<br />
the “Davos of the Balkans“. The event underlines the<br />
importance that Bled carries today as a conference<br />
and MICE location.<br />
INFO:<br />
bled.si<br />
Schloss Bled<br />
blejski-grad.si<br />
Bled Strategic Forum<br />
bledstrategicforum.org<br />
Golfsko igrišče Royal Bled<br />
golfbled.si<br />
www.slovenia.info<br />
SLOWENIEN. Grün. Aktiv. Gesund.<br />
Piran<br />
From Executive Potential to<br />
Executive Performance<br />
82.000 executives from 85 countries in 31 years<br />
IEDC-Bled School of Mangement<br />
Prešernova 33, 4260 Bled Slovenia<br />
IEDC Vienna Office, Hahngasse 6, Vienna, Austria<br />
Wo es uns gefällt<br />
Where we love to be<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Kulinarik | Cuisine<br />
City Barbecue<br />
Bis 30. September <strong>2017</strong> verwandelt sich der rund<br />
2.000 m 2 große Garten beim Imperial Riding<br />
School Renaissance Hotel in Wien Landstraße<br />
wieder zum „place to be“ für Grillliebhaber. Ob „all<br />
you can eat“ oder „à la carte“ – donnerstags bis<br />
sonntags kann man zwischen 17 und 22 Uhr eine<br />
große Auswahl an Fleisch- und Fischspezialitäten,<br />
vielfältige Beilagen, erfrischende Cocktails und das<br />
herrliche Ambiente des historischen Gartens bei<br />
chilliger Lounge Musik genießen.<br />
Till 30 September <strong>2017</strong>, the 2,000 m 2 seized<br />
garden at the Imperial Riding School Renaissance<br />
Hotel at Vienna Landstraße will turn into „a place<br />
to be“ for barbecue aficionados again. There, from<br />
Thursday to Sunday, between 5 and 10 pm, a great<br />
variety of meat and fish specialities, manifold side<br />
dishes, refreshing cocktails und the magnificent<br />
ambiance of the historic garden are waiting for you<br />
- relaxed lounge music included.<br />
citygarden-wien.at<br />
Urlaubsdestination | Holiday destination<br />
Cooler Luxus | Cool luxury<br />
Wer sich ein paar tolle Tage gönnen möchte, steigt im Nidum – Casual<br />
Luxury Hotel in der Olympiaregion Seefeld ab. Mit dem Weekend<br />
Special kann man auch noch am Sonntag bis spät nachmittags im<br />
Infinity-Außenpool, in drei Saunen, dem Innenpool mit Whirlpool oder<br />
im Dampfbad relaxen. Bei den drei Restaurantbereichen, der Apero<br />
Terrace und Champagnerbar schätzen Herren das legere Motto „Ohne<br />
Krawatte – ohne Sorgen“. Die Zimmer, bis zu 118 m2 groß, sind<br />
Holz-Designersuiten mit traumhaften Berg-Ausblicken.<br />
If you want to enjoy a few pleasant days’ stay, you will visit the<br />
NIDUM – Casual Luxury Hotel in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. With the<br />
Weekend Special, you can also relax on Sunday until late afternoon in<br />
the infinity outdoor pool or the three saunas, the indoor pool with<br />
whirlpool or the steam bath. Within the three restaurant areas, the<br />
Apero Terrace and champagne bar, gentlemen appreciate the casual<br />
motto ‘Without a tie – without worries’. The rooms, up to 118 m2 in<br />
size, are wooden designer suites with fantastic mountain views.<br />
nidum-hotel.com<br />
Wohlbefinden | Wellbeing<br />
Absolute Entspannung |<br />
Ultimate relaxation<br />
Urban Massage gibt es nun auch in Wien.<br />
Neben den Bezirken 1 bis 23 kommen<br />
zertifizierte Masseure und Masseurinnen<br />
Ihrer Wahl auch in Brunn am Gebirge,<br />
Klosterneuburg, Maria Enzersdorf,<br />
Mauerbach, Mödling, Perchtoldsdorf und<br />
Purkersdorf zum Arbeitsplatz, nach Hause<br />
oder ins Hotel.<br />
Urban Massage is now also available in<br />
Vienna. In addition to the districts 1 to<br />
23, certified masseurs of your choice visit<br />
you at work, home or hotel at Brunn am<br />
Gebirge, Klosterneuburg, Maria<br />
Enzersdorf, Mauerbach, Mödling,<br />
Perchtoldsdorf and Purkersdorf.<br />
urbanmassage.com<br />
#WeAreMusical<br />
Tourismus | Tourism<br />
Das Almdorf – Ein Quell für innere Zufriedenheit | A source for inner peace<br />
Direkt auf zwei sonnigen, leicht versetzten Nockbergeplateaus liegen die beiden Dorfteile „Fellacher“ und „Kleeangerle“ auf der Fellacheralm bei Patergassen<br />
in Kärnten. „Das Almdorf“ bietet seinen Gästen 51 wunderschöne und hochwertige Almhütten. Nach einer wunderbaren Bergwanderung im Gebiet des<br />
Biosphärenparks Nockberge lässt man sich gerne auf hohem Niveau kulinarisch verwöhnen. Ganz außergewöhnlich ist dabei die Holzknechthütte, die<br />
traditionelle Kärntner Küche mit besten heimischen Zutaten bietet. Durch die Initiative von Prinz Alfred von Liechtenstein, der die Weiterentwicklung des<br />
Almdorfs initiierte, soll es in Zukunft als „World Peace Eco Resort“ zur Oase für inneren Frieden werden und auch als Thinktank dienen.<br />
The two village areas ‘Fellacher’ and ‘Kleeangerle’ are located directly on two sunny plateaus in the Nockberge mountain region on the Fellacheralm<br />
mountain pasture near Patergassen in Carinthia. The “Almdorf“ offers its guests 51 magnificent and high-quality mountain huts. After a wonderful<br />
mountain hike in the area of the Nockberge biosphere park you can spoil yourself with wonderful culinary delights. The Holzknechthütte mountain hut,<br />
which offers traditional Carinthian cuisine using only the best local ingredients, is quite exceptional. Through the initiative of Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein,<br />
who initiated the further development of the alpine village, it has become an oasis for inner peace as a ‘World Peace Eco Resort’ and is also to<br />
serve as a think-tank in the future.<br />
almdorf.com<br />
REGIE<br />
Andreas Gergen<br />
IM SEPTEMBER <strong>2017</strong><br />
BUCH<br />
Titus Hoffmann<br />
Christian Struppeck<br />
Foto VBW © Oliver Gast <strong>2017</strong><br />
144 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Lesenswertes über Österreich<br />
Books on Austria worth reading<br />
Text: Gerald Sturz<br />
Pfarr Platz Wirt Wein<br />
Peter Weinhäupl<br />
Grado. Der Strand<br />
Mitteleuropas.<br />
Sandór Békési und Elke Doppler (Herausgeber)<br />
Wien von oben.<br />
Die Stadt auf einen<br />
Blick<br />
Graham Greene und Anika Siems Nicolas Mahler nach Robert Musil Stefan Dech / Reinhold Messner / Nils Sparwasser<br />
Der dritte Man<br />
Der Mann ohne<br />
Eigenschaften<br />
Eine perfekte Woche...<br />
Tirol<br />
Der Pfarrplatz in Wien-Heiligenstadt gilt nicht nur als<br />
einer der schönsten Plätze Wiens. Seine Geschichte<br />
ist auch Teil der Wiener Geschichte. Und so ist dieses<br />
sehr großzügig illustrierte Buch mehr als bloß das<br />
Porträt eines Platzes und seiner Anwohner. Es erzählt<br />
auch so einiges über die Kulturgeschichte der Stadt.<br />
Bereits vor 2.000 Jahren siedelten sich hier die Römer<br />
an. Später wohnte hier Ludwig van Beethoven und<br />
fand Anregungen für seine Kompositionen. Seit dieser<br />
Zeit zeigt sich der Pfarrplatz in einem nahezu<br />
unveränderten Zustand. Dieses Buch erzählt<br />
facettenreich die Jahrhunderte währende Geschichte<br />
dieses malerischen Orts. Es beschreibt ausführlich<br />
den Werdegang des Heurigen Mayer und des<br />
Restaurants Pfarrwirt sowie der traditionsreichen<br />
Weingüter Mayer am Pfarrplatz und Rotes Haus.<br />
The parish square or “Pfarrplatz“ as it is known to<br />
locals in Wien-Heiligenstadt is not only one of the<br />
most beautiful places in Vienna. Its history is also part<br />
of Viennese history. This very generously illustrated<br />
book is more than just a portrait of a place and its<br />
inhabitants. Plenty is also told about the cultural<br />
history of the city. 2,000 years ago, the Romans<br />
already settled here. Later, Ludwig van Beethoven<br />
lived here and found inspiration for his compositions.<br />
Since that time, the parish square has remained<br />
almost unchanged. This book provides a detailed<br />
account of the centuries-old history of this<br />
picturesque place. It describes in detail the history of<br />
the Heuriger Mayer and the restaurant Pfarrwirt as<br />
well as the traditional wineries Mayer am Pfarrplatz<br />
and the Rotes Haus.<br />
–<br />
D + R Verlagsgesellschaft<br />
€ 24,00<br />
Als „spiaggia della Mitteleuropa“, als der Strand<br />
Mitteleuropas, bezeichnet sich Grado gern. Dieser<br />
prachtvoll illustrierte Band erzählt die bisweilen<br />
turbulente Geschichte dieses traditionellen Seebads<br />
an der oberen Adria mit seiner bis heute perfekt<br />
erhaltenen historischen Altstadt, der Fischerdorfidylle<br />
und seiner bemerkenswerten regionalen Küche – und<br />
von den mit Grado verbundenen nostalgischen<br />
Kindheitserinnerungen. Es folgt den Spuren der<br />
Wiener Secessionisten, die um 1900 Grado als Kulisse<br />
für ihre Gemälde schätzten. Es erzählt von den<br />
„goldenen“ 1920er und 1930er Jahren und von den<br />
1960er Jahren, als Österreicher den Ort als<br />
Sommerurlaubsziel wiederentdeckten.<br />
Grado likes to call itself the “spiaggia della<br />
Mitteleuropa“, Central Europe’s beach. This superbly<br />
illustrated volume tells the sometimes turbulent<br />
history of this traditional seaside resort at the upper<br />
Adriatic with its still perfectly preserved historic old<br />
town, the fishing village idyll and its remarkable<br />
regional cuisine – and of the nostalgic childhood<br />
memories associated with Grado. It follows the<br />
footsteps of the Viennese Secession artists who<br />
appreciated the ambience of Grado in the 1900s as a<br />
setting for their paintings. It tells of the “golden“<br />
1920s and 1930s and of the 1960s, when Austrians<br />
rediscovered the place as a summer holiday<br />
destination.<br />
–<br />
Brandstätter Verlag<br />
€ 49,90<br />
Zur sehr sehenswerten Ausstellung im Wien Museum<br />
ist dieses Buch erschienen, das sich mit den<br />
Versuchen, der Stadt über die Jahrhunderte und<br />
Jahrtausende visuell beizukommen, auseinandersetzt.<br />
Es zeigt nicht nur die ältesten, größten oder<br />
berühmtesten Pläne, Panoramen und Modelle Wiens,<br />
sondern ebenso seltene thematische Karten oder<br />
künstlerische Zugänge und Designprodukte.<br />
Außerdem werden traditionsreiche, aber auch neue<br />
Aussichtspunkte der Stadt exemplarisch beleuchtet<br />
– vom Stephansturm und dem Kahlenberg bis hin zum<br />
Hochhaus in der Herrengasse.<br />
This book was published parallel to the very<br />
impressive exhibition at the Vienna Museum and<br />
deals with the attempts to visually manage the city<br />
over the centuries and thousands of years. It not only<br />
shows the oldest, largest or most famous plans,<br />
panoramas and models of Vienna, but also rare<br />
thematic maps or artistic approaches and design<br />
products. In addition, traditional, but also new sights<br />
of the city are exemplarily highlighted – from the<br />
Stephansturm and Kahlenberg to the Hochhaus in<br />
Herrengasse.<br />
–<br />
Metroverlag<br />
€ 26,00<br />
Das weltweit vermutlich bekannteste Wien-Buch<br />
stammt von einem britischen Autor. Graham Greenes<br />
„Der dritte Mann“ spielt im zerstörten und geteilten<br />
Wien unmittelbar nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. 1949<br />
hat Carol Reed den Roman mit Orson Welles und<br />
Joseph Cotton und mit der Musik von Anton Karas<br />
verfilmt; der Film ist ein Klassiker. Nun wurde der<br />
Roman wieder einmal auf ganz hervorragende Art<br />
visualisiert. Die Edition Büchergilde hat eine<br />
illustrierte Fassung herausgebracht; die Zeichnungen<br />
stammen von der deutschen Illustratorin Annika<br />
Siems, deren Stil deutlich an den legendären Hans<br />
Hillmann erinnert.<br />
The world‘s most famous book about Vienna comes<br />
from a British author. Graham Greene’s „The Third<br />
Man“ is set within the destroyed and divided Vienna<br />
immediately after the Second World War. In 1949,<br />
Carol Reed filmed the novel with Orson Welles and<br />
Joseph Cotton and the music by Anton Karas, a<br />
classic. This time, the novel has been once again<br />
visualized in an especially brilliant way. Edition<br />
Büchergilde has produced an illustrated version, the<br />
drawings are by the German illustrator Annika Siems,<br />
whose style is clearly reminiscent of the legendary<br />
Hans Hillmann.<br />
–<br />
Edition Büchergilde<br />
€ 25,80<br />
Robert Musils kolossales Werk „Der Mann ohne<br />
Eigenschaften“ gilt als quintessentieller Wien-Roman.<br />
Jeder sollte ihn gelesen haben; die wenigsten haben<br />
es geschafft. Doch Hilfe naht. Jetzt gibt es diese<br />
Kurzfassung, die noch dazu als Comic daherkommt.<br />
Der Wiener Zeichner Nicolas Mahler, dessen<br />
reduzierter Strich und lakonischer Humor ihn zu<br />
einem internationalen Star der Zeichnerszene werden<br />
ließen, hat „eine respektlos reduzierte und höchst<br />
eigenwillige Interpretation“ geschaffen, wie die<br />
deutsche „tageszeitung“ anmerkte. Jetzt schafft man<br />
den „Mann ohne Eigenschaften“ bequem in einer<br />
Stunde. Es gibt also keine Ausreden mehr.<br />
Robert Musil‘s colossal work “The Man Without<br />
Qualities“ is considered a quintessential Viennese<br />
novel. Everyone should have read it and only a few<br />
have succeeded. But help is here! Now there is a short<br />
version which also happens to come in the form of a<br />
comic. The Viennese drawer and illustrator Nicolas<br />
Mahler, who rose to become an international star of<br />
the artistic scene for his reduced lines and laconic<br />
humour, created a “disrespectfully reduced and highly<br />
individual interpretation“, the German “tageszeitung“<br />
noted. Now you can get through “The Man Without<br />
Qualities“ in an hour. So there are no excuses.<br />
–<br />
Suhrkamp Verlag<br />
€ 19,60<br />
Die beiden Reiseführer-Reihen „Ein perfektes<br />
Wochenende in...“ und „Eine perfekte Woche in...“, die<br />
von der Süddeutschen Zeitung herausgegeben<br />
werden, zeigen sehr schön, dass weniger oft mehr ist.<br />
„Hier erfahren Sie nicht alles und jedes, sondern<br />
genau das, was Sie für eine perfekte Woche<br />
brauchen“, schreiben die Herausgeber. Die schönsten<br />
Unterkünfte, die empfehlenswertesten Restaurants,<br />
die besten Berghütten und noch vieles mehr. Und<br />
tatsächlich: Dieses schmale Büchlein ist der ideale<br />
Reisebegleiter für eine gelungene Woche in Tirol.<br />
The two guidebook series “Eine perfekte Woche in ...“<br />
(A perfect week in ...) and “Ein perfektes Wochenende<br />
in...“ (A perfect weekend in ...), published by the<br />
Süddeutsche Zeitung, show very nicely that less is<br />
often more. “You will not learn everything there is to<br />
know but exactly what you need for a perfect week,“<br />
the editors write. The most beautiful accommodations,<br />
the most recommended restaurants and the<br />
best mountain huts and so much more. And indeed:<br />
this small booklet is the ideal travel companion for a<br />
successful week in Tyrol.<br />
–<br />
Süddeutsche Zeitung Edition<br />
€ 16,90<br />
146 Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/<strong>2017</strong><br />
H.E. János Perényi<br />
Botschafter von Ungarn | Ambassador of Hungary<br />
Interview: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Top in Wien | Top in Vienna<br />
Wunderbare Details im Inneren der<br />
Botschaft und ein Klavier, auf dem<br />
Franz Liszt gespielt hat (ganz oben).<br />
Wonderful details of the Embassy‘s<br />
interior and a piano, which Franz Liszt<br />
had played on (very top).<br />
Sie sind nun seit zweieinhalb Jahren in Wien. Welche<br />
Orte in der Stadt haben Sie in dieser Zeit besonders<br />
liebgewonnen?<br />
Erstens liegt mir die Innenstadt besonders nah am Herzen,<br />
weil ich in einem Barockpalais in der Bankgasse wohne.<br />
Dieses Gebäude dient seit über dreihundert Jahren den<br />
ungarisch-österreichischen Beziehungen: Im Jahre 1747<br />
wurde es als Ungarische-Königliche Hofkanzlei in Betrieb<br />
gesetzt und fungiert auch seither als Ort und Stätte der<br />
Arbeit der Vertreter von Ungarn in Österreich. In der Nähe<br />
befindet sich der Volksgarten, wo ich, wenn mich meine<br />
Enkelkinder besuchen kommen, sehr viel Zeit mit ihnen<br />
verbringe.<br />
Was macht für Sie Wien so besonders?<br />
Wien ist auf jeden Fall eine besondere Stadt. Jahrhundertelang<br />
war sie Hauptstadt des Habsburgerreiches, was noch<br />
bis heute Spuren hinterlässt. Die Atmosphäre von Wien ist<br />
stimmungsvoll und einzigartig. Alt und neu bzw. modern<br />
verschmelzen zu einer Einheit. Kosmopolitismus trifft hier<br />
auf Gemütlichkeit. Davon können viele Städte nur träumen.<br />
Das MuseumsQuartier ist z.B. ein gelungener Mix aus<br />
moderner Kunst und historischer Stätte. In der Innenstadt<br />
trifft man bei fast jedem Schritt auf Palais, Wohnhäuser,<br />
Innenhöfe, die den Fingerabdruck von früheren Jahrhunderten<br />
tragen. Viele von diesen haben auch einen<br />
besonderen Bezug zu uns, Ungarn, wie die Palais<br />
Esterházy, Pálffy, Batthyány oder Trautson (früherer Name:<br />
Ungarisches Leibgardepalais, heutiger Sitz des österreichischen<br />
Bundesministeriums für Justiz). Meine Familie hat<br />
hier auch österreichische Verwandte – wir fühlen uns auch<br />
deshalb in Wien heimisch. Am Anfang des vorigen<br />
Jahrhunderts hat mein Großvater im Theresianum gelernt,<br />
wo die ungarische Sprache damals noch verpflichtend zu<br />
unterrichten war.<br />
Wenn Sie Besuch aus Ihrer Heimat haben, wohin<br />
fahren Sie Ihre Gäste zuerst? Haben Sie einen<br />
Lieblingsort?<br />
Wenn Besucher aus Ungarn kommen, was ziemlich oft der<br />
Fall ist, gibt es „verpflichtende“ Programme: Albertina,<br />
Kunsthistorisches Museum und Belvedere. Meine Gäste,<br />
die sich für Süßspeisen begeistern, nehme ich zum Demel<br />
mit. Wenn die Gäste kleine Kinder haben, besuchen wir das<br />
Naturhistorische Museum. Manchmal machen wir mit den<br />
Gästen einen Ausflug: ins Burgenland, nach Féltorony/<br />
Halbturn, Fraknó/Forchtenstein oder Kismarton/Eisenstadt,<br />
Ortschaften, die auch eine einzigartige Rolle in der<br />
ungarischen Geschichte gespielt haben und mir deshalb<br />
auch sehr am Herzen liegen.<br />
Welche Erinnerungen werden Sie mitnehmen, wenn<br />
Sie Wien wieder verlassen müssen?<br />
Alle diese Erlebnisse nehme ich in meinem Gedächtnis und<br />
in meinem Herzen mit, sowie auch die Erinnerungen an<br />
eine interessante diplomatische Arbeit in einem<br />
Nachbarland, das für Ungarn besonders wichtig ist.<br />
You have been living in Vienna for two and a half years<br />
now. What city spots or places have you become<br />
particularly fond of?<br />
I have to mention the inner city, which is particularly close<br />
to my heart because I live in a Baroque palace in<br />
Bankgasse. For more than three hundred years, this<br />
building has served Hungarian-Austrian relations. It was<br />
established in 1747 as a home to the Hungarian Royal<br />
Court Chancellor, and since then it has been the main<br />
venue for the work of Hungarian representatives in Austria.<br />
Volksgarten Park is close by where I spend a lot of time<br /