Diva-Naires Magazine

Diva-Naires Magazine The Inspired Woman. This edition of Diva-Naires Magazine will celebrate Diversity!

Diva-Naires Magazine The Inspired Woman. This edition of Diva-Naires Magazine will celebrate Diversity!


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Diversity ??n b? ?h?r??t?riz?d ?? individu?l? coming up fr?m various races,<br />

n?ti?n?liti??, religions and genders t? f?rm a g?th?ring, ?????i?ti?n or group. A div?r??<br />

association i? ?n? th?t values th? di?tin?ti?n in individu?l?. It is ?n? th?t perceives that<br />

individu?l? with various f?und?ti?n?, ??titud??, states of mind ?nd ?n??unt?r? bring<br />

n?w th?ught? ?nd recognitions. Diverse associations energize ?nd saddle th???<br />

diff?r?n??? to m?k? th?ir administrations ???li??bl? and congenial.<br />

W? ???u?? a univ?r?? th?t i? ??rtr???d b? differing qu?liti??. There i? n?t ?nl? one<br />

?l?n?t ?r ?n? ?t?r; there ?r? ???mi? ???t?m? ?f ?v?r? di?tin?tiv? sort, a ?l?nt? of ?nim?l<br />

species, v?ri?u? types ?f ?l?nt?, ?nd diverse r???? ?nd ethnic g?th?ring?. Indeed, ?v?n<br />

in?id? th? hum?n body, that it is ??m?ri??? v?ri?u? organs ??rf?rming distinctive<br />

?????iti?? ?nd th?t it is ??rr??tl? th?t div?r?it? th?t m?k?? it a living b?ing. On th? off<br />

chance th?t it w?r? ju?t a single organ, it w?uld not b? a hum?n b?d?. We are ?lw???<br />

b?ing m?d? mindful of th? brilliant diversity that is built int? th? structure of the<br />

univ?r?? w? ???????, ?nd w? ?r? helped t? see th?t in the event th?t it w?r? ??m?thing<br />

?l??, thing? w?uld go astray.<br />

A? ????l?, w? ?r? un??v?r?d ?nd m?k? ?ur??lv?? kn?wn t? each ?th?r b? unending<br />

assortments of insight, dialect, r???, v?lu??, l?gi?l?tiv? i??u??, r?ligi?n, n?ti?n?l<br />

?dmini?tr?ti?n, ??xu?l ?ri?nt?ti?n intr?du?ti?n, r?ti?n?lit? and a large gr?u? ?f different<br />

??m??n?nt? b??i? t? mankind. The acknowledgment of a t??i??l m?nkind i? the initi?l<br />

phase in the diff?r?n???- diff?r?n??? th?t educate our ???i?ti??, our ?u?liti??, ?ur<br />

????h??, ?nd ?ll ?ur m?th?d? f?r b?ing ?n the planet. Div?r?it? i? th? main ??ur?? of th?<br />

inn?v?tiv? lif? f?r?? ?nd the focal r??lit? in our ??m?r?h?n?i?n ?nd stewardship ?f it.<br />

W? live in a univ?r?? m?rk?d by div?r?it? ?? th? l?w ?f it? being ?nd ?ur b?ing. W? are<br />

m?d? t? ?xi?t in a lif? th?t ?h?uld be marked by ?????r?ti?n, int?rd???nd?n??, ?h?ring,<br />

caring, ??m????i?n ?nd ??m?l?m?nt?rit?. W? ?h?uld celebrate ?ur div?r?it?; w? ?h?uld<br />

?xult in ?ur diff?r?n??? as m?king n?t f?r ????r?ti?n and ?li?n?ti?n ?nd hostility but for<br />

their gl?ri?u? ?????it??. Th? l?w ?f ?ur b?ing i? t? live in ??lid?rit?, friendship,<br />

helpfulness, un??lfi?hn???, interdependence and complementarity as ?i?t?r? ?nd<br />

br?th?r? in ?n? f?mil?.<br />

Th? k?? to ?u?????full? ?mbr??ing diversity is und?r?t?nding th? v?lu? and b?n?fit?<br />

?f d?ing ??. This will h?l? people r??liz? that a div?r?? society ??n b? beneficial to their<br />

liv??. If people do n?t ??? the value in ????l?'? diff?r?n???, th?n it will always r?m?in a<br />

n?g?tiv? rather than a ???itiv?. This r??liz?ti?n i? ?ft?n the fir?t ?t?? that i? required in<br />

any good ?w?r?n??? ?r?gr?m. It i? ?nl? wh?n we respect ?v?n ?ur adversaries ?nd ???<br />

th?m not ?? ?gr??, d?hum?niz?d, demonized, but ?? f?ll?w human beings d???rving<br />

r?????t f?r th?ir ??r??nh??d ?nd dignit?, that w? will conduct a discourse th?t ju?t<br />

might prevent ??nfli?t. Th?r? i? room f?r everyone; th?r? is r??m f?r ?v?r? ?ultur?, r???,<br />

l?ngu?g? and ??int ?f vi?w.

Reea Rodney migrated to the United States from Trinidad in 2006 to create a better life for her<br />

family. She was pursuing a degree in pediatric nursing, but soon became ill. After months of<br />

extensive testing for many different diseases, she was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. This<br />

common chronic pain condition affects more than 5 million people in the United States,<br />

primarily women.<br />

Within the first two years of battling her illness, she made several healthy lifestyle changes and<br />

slowly began to see some improvement in the way she felt. During this time, she decided to use<br />

her years of experience as a mom, and her platform as a professional childcare provider, along<br />

with her burning desire to educate children, to author a children’s book. Via her publishing<br />

company, Dara Publishing, her first book, Juniper and Rose: Sisters First and Best Friends<br />

Forever, was released in 2016.<br />

Reea’s motivation for writing Juniper and Rose: Sisters First and Best Friends Forever<br />

(available in English and Spanish) In her book, readers are introduced to twin sisters, Juniper<br />

and Rose, who were best friends until differences in their interests began to pull them apart.<br />

With the help of Mom and Dad, they learn that through acceptance, compromise, and<br />

teamwork, their differences can be fun! “It’s easy is to see the differences between ourselves<br />

and others, but it's harder to make sense of and appreciate these differences,” said Reea, “more<br />

importantly, how to explain life changes and the value of diversity to our growing children.”<br />

In addition, Reea has published Juniper and Rose Coloring and Activity Book and Juniper and<br />

Rose: One More Bite Please. In this book, mom and dad are having a hard time encouraging<br />

their girls to eat. Learn how a little creativity can go a long way during mealtime.

Your food select ion is very im port ant in keeping yourself healt hy. Eat ing healt hy<br />

prot eins, carbohydrat es and fat s w hile avoiding t heir unhealt hy count erpart s<br />

w ill lead you t o a healt h body and energet ic lifest yle.<br />

Eating healthy is never a difficult task to<br />

accomplish. The key thing that you need to<br />

learn is how to distinguish healthy food<br />

from unhealthy ones. Your food choices<br />

will greatly affect your overall health.<br />

Incorporating more healthy stuff in your<br />

diet will help you become energetic and<br />

illness-free.<br />

The first thing to be discussed about<br />

healthy diet is protein. There are good and<br />

bad proteins for the body. Healthy<br />

proteins are the ones that provide the<br />

body with the necessary amino acids to<br />

complete different body processes. These<br />

amino acids are responsible for making<br />

the muscles lean and for repairing<br />

damaged tissues in the skin. You can<br />

increase the amount of good proteins in<br />

your body by eating more fish, beans, nuts<br />

and soy products. In the case of bad<br />

proteins, these are the proteins that are<br />

rich in fat and cholesterol. They come from<br />

products that have been treated with<br />

different additives and antibiotics. These<br />

bad protein sources include processed<br />

meat such as bacon and hotdogs. Though<br />

it is true that they give the body some<br />

amino acids, they also leave some harmful<br />

materials that can result to clotting and<br />

can damage the person?s immune system.<br />

The second important element for good<br />

health to be talked about is fat. Just like<br />

proteins, there are also two types of fats ?<br />

the good fat and the bad fat. The good fats<br />

are fats that are unsaturated. You can get<br />

them from healthy oils such as extra virgin<br />

olive oil, as well as from nuts. Some fatty<br />

acids are also believed to be great sources<br />

of healthy fats. These include omega3 and<br />

omega6. You can get them from fish<br />

sources such as salmon and tuna. Bad fats,<br />

on the other hand, are fats that are<br />

saturated. They usually come from dairy<br />

products such as butter. These fats are<br />

bad for the body because they can trigger<br />

stroke and other heart problems. They can<br />

also be the cause of obesity.<br />

Lastly, let us talk about carbohydrates.<br />

Carbohydrates also come in two kinds ?<br />

the healthy and unhealthy ones. The<br />

healthy carbohydrates are those which are<br />

rich in fiber. These carbohydrates have a<br />

more complex structure therefore it takes<br />

time for the body to completely break<br />

them own. You can get healthy<br />

carbohydrates from wheat products, oats,<br />

vegetables and fruits. This is the reason<br />

why when you are craving for something,<br />

it is a lot better to grab and apple than a<br />

chocolate bar. The unhealthy<br />

carbohydrates are those which have very<br />

little fiber and are very rich in sugar<br />

content. These carbohydrates have simple<br />

structures therefore they get absorbed<br />

into the bloodstream very quickly.<br />

Although they serve as a quick energy<br />

source for the body, they can result to a<br />

crash. These carbohydrates can come from<br />

stuff with simple sugar such as sodas,<br />

sweets, and candies.<br />

It is very important to choose the food<br />

that you eat on a daily basis. These are<br />

things you need to consider before<br />

deciding what to eat.

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