PPMA Gear Up Issue 1

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Members Magazine<br />

Are you ready<br />

for Industry<br />

4.0?<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> 1 / Spring 2017<br />

Success stories<br />

Meet the UK<br />

manufacturers<br />

embracing the 4th<br />

Industrial Revolution<br />

BARA’s Mike Wilson<br />

on intelligent<br />


Members Magazine<br />

The smart<br />

innovation issue<br />

Editorial<br />

Spring 2017 / <strong>Issue</strong> 1<br />

3 View from the top<br />

BARA President Mike Wilson outlines the importance of automation<br />

for Industry 4.0. Plus, <strong>PPMA</strong> Chairman Mark Williamson on the<br />

changing face of manufacturing.<br />

4-5 Business intelligence<br />

How prepared are UK manufacturers for the 4th industrial revolution?<br />

And just how far ahead are our competitors?<br />

6-7 Success stories<br />

The automation system behind the UK’s first commercially<br />

viable vertical farm. Plus, how an intelligent robot has helped a<br />

confectionery manufacturer to grow by 600%.<br />

8-9 Industry events<br />

Focus on Machine Vision Conference and Exhibition, plus all the<br />

essential dates for your diary over the next 12 months.<br />

10 Seminars, training and networking<br />

Training and seminars covering everything from project management<br />

to robotic safety. Plus, golf, driving days, and our unmissable Industry<br />

4.0 networking event.<br />

11 Linked <strong>Up</strong><br />

Connect with like-minded members.<br />

12-13 Member benefits<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Partner TÜV SÜD explains machinery’s smart new world.<br />

Editor<br />

Kate O’Reilly<br />

+44 (0)7894 039609<br />

kate.oreilly@ppma.co.uk<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Kirsty Sharpe<br />

+44 (0)1920 821873<br />

kirsty.sharpe@glohouse.co.uk<br />

Editorial Assistant<br />

Lucy Benbow<br />

+44 (0)7971 987761<br />

lucy.benbow@glohouse.co.uk<br />

2017 editorial schedule<br />

To contribute to any of our<br />

forthcoming issues, contact our<br />

editorial team via the details<br />

above.<br />

Summer<br />

The export issue<br />

(copy deadline 12 May)<br />

Autumn<br />

The recruitment issue<br />

(copy deadline 22 July)<br />

Winter<br />

The green issue<br />

(copy deadline 13 October)<br />

14-15 New members<br />

Meet the newest additions to the <strong>PPMA</strong> family.<br />

16 Get in touch<br />

Contact the <strong>PPMA</strong> team.<br />

© 2017 <strong>PPMA</strong> Ltd<br />

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints<br />

expressed by the various authors and<br />

forum participants on this publication<br />

do not necessarily reflect the opinions,<br />

beliefs and viewpoints of the <strong>PPMA</strong> Group<br />

of Associations.<br />

2 www.ppma.co.uk

View from<br />

the top<br />

Ringing the changes<br />

By Mark Williamson, Chairman of the<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Group and Director – Corporate<br />

Market Development, Machine Vision<br />

– at Stemmer Imaging<br />

Is robot automation the key<br />

to the 4th Industrial Revolution?<br />

By Mike Wilson, President of BARA and Sales & Marketing Manager at<br />

ABB Robotics<br />

As the new Chairman of the <strong>PPMA</strong><br />

Group, I’m extremely excited to have<br />

been asked to guide the association<br />

over the next two years and help<br />

expand the value we offer our<br />

members. One new initiative is the<br />

UKIVA Machine Vision Conference (27<br />

April, Arena MK), where you can learn<br />

what this innovative technology can<br />

do for your machinery – I urge you<br />

to attend and grasp the possibilities.<br />

Another hot topic affecting our<br />

industry in the coming years is<br />

Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet<br />

of Things. To help bring you up to<br />

speed on this area, we are holding an<br />

Industry 4.0 networking event (4 April,<br />

MTC Coventry) – come along to learn<br />

about the connected factory, where<br />

machines communicate status and<br />

maintenance needs, and link directly<br />

to ERP systems.<br />

I hope you enjoy this first<br />

issue of <strong>Gear</strong> <strong>Up</strong>, our rebranded<br />

membership magazine, and I look<br />

forward to meeting you at our<br />

upcoming <strong>PPMA</strong> events.<br />

There is much discussion regarding the<br />

need for UK manufacturing to embrace<br />

the technologies of Industry 4.0. These<br />

are seen as key to ensuring that our<br />

manufacturing can compete against the<br />

best in the world. The Smart Factory<br />

will require the use of agile automation<br />

which can respond to changes in demand<br />

and requirements. A key factor is the<br />

appropriate use of robot automation to<br />

drive the benefits of productivity and,<br />

at the same time, achieve the agility<br />

required.<br />

Whilst there are excellent examples<br />

of robot automation applications in the<br />

UK, we are behind our major competitors.<br />

A study by the Copenhagen Business<br />

School concluded that if each industry<br />

sector in the UK was automated to the<br />

same level as those which were the<br />

most automated, our productivity would<br />

improve by over 22 per cent. This would<br />

address our productivity gap with our<br />

major competitors.<br />

The government has recognised the<br />

need to improve productivity within UK<br />

manufacturing and the positive role robot<br />

automation can play. The recent Industrial<br />

Strategy green paper also emphasises<br />

the need to improve productivity and<br />

recognises the low uptake of robots<br />

in the UK. Now, we are calling on the<br />

government to introduce measures<br />

to encourage UK manufacturers to<br />

implement robot automation systems<br />

and thereby improve productivity.<br />

There are numerous examples of<br />

British businesses that have benefited<br />

from robots, from small niche companies<br />

such as Boomf, which produces<br />

personalised confectionery (see p7), to<br />

safety equipment manufacturer JSP.<br />

Both these businesses have seen over<br />

three-fold increases in productivity from<br />

their investment in automation. However,<br />

we need many more businesses to<br />

implement their first robot systems<br />

so they too can witness the benefits<br />

first-hand. We recognise this can be<br />

daunting, but robot systems are much<br />

more affordable than they used to be and<br />

much easier to use and maintain.<br />

BARA continues to promote the<br />

benefits of robot automation, lobbies<br />

government when appropriate and is<br />

also working with the banks to spread<br />

the word to the finance community. We<br />

believe the message is getting across;<br />

however, we need to accelerate this<br />

growth as the rest of the world is not<br />

standing still. The time is right and we<br />

are now calling on everyone to work<br />

together to make a step change in the<br />

use of robots to improve the productivity<br />

and competiveness of UK manufacturing.<br />

mike.wilson@gb.abb.com<br />

3 www.ppma.co.uk

Industry 4.0<br />

business intelligence<br />

Number<br />

crunching<br />

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution is still in its nascent state. But<br />

with the swift pace of change and disruption to business and<br />

society, the time to join in is now.”<br />

Gary Coleman, Global Industry and Senior Client Advisor, Deloitte Consulting<br />

The 4th Industrial Revolution<br />

is here. Industry 4.0 and<br />

smart factories – where<br />

machines communicate with<br />

each other to automate the<br />

production line and deliver<br />

superior cost efficiencies,<br />

goods or services – are<br />

set to change the face of<br />

manufacturing. Keeping<br />

your factory ‘connected’ will<br />

ensure your company isn’t<br />

left behind. But just how far<br />

does the UK have to go to<br />

compete with the countries<br />

leading the charge? And<br />

what will this brave, new,<br />

connected world mean for<br />

traditional employment?<br />

The UK plays catch-up<br />

18<br />

Percentage UK lags behind the G7<br />

average in terms of output<br />

(Office for National Statistics, International<br />

comparisons of UK productivity, first<br />

estimates: 2015)<br />

170<br />

Number of industrial robots per 10,000<br />

employees in Germany (outside the<br />

automotive sector)<br />

(International Federation of Robotics,<br />

World Robotics 2016)<br />

33<br />

Number of industrial robots per 10,000<br />

employees in the UK (outside the<br />

automotive sector)<br />

(International Federation of Robotics,<br />

World Robotics 2016)<br />

Robot wars<br />

60,000<br />

Number of factory workers Foxconn,<br />

which makes Apple and Samsung<br />

components, is estimated to have<br />

replaced with robots in 2016<br />

(www.bbc.co.uk/news/<br />

technology-36376966)<br />

19%<br />

Amount UK robot sales increased by in<br />

2016 (compared to 2015 figures)<br />

(BARA Robot Sales Stats 2016)<br />

2.5%<br />

Amount the number of jobs grew by<br />

per year in Germany (2010-15) – over<br />

the same period the number of robots<br />

grew by 3%<br />

(International Federation of Robotics,<br />

World Robotics 2016)<br />

4 www.ppma.co.uk

“Achieving a smart factory isn’t going to happen overnight.<br />

Instead, it should be seen as a process of continual<br />

improvement, starting at where you are now and with a clear<br />

idea of where you want to go.”<br />

Mike Wilson, President, BARA<br />

Coming soon…<br />

From April, <strong>PPMA</strong> members can<br />

download the Global Packaging Trends<br />

report, delivered in collaboration with<br />

the PMMI, from our website. For full<br />

report, see the export-themed next<br />

issue of <strong>Gear</strong> <strong>Up</strong>, due out in early July.<br />

www.ppma.co.uk<br />

Get connected<br />

The value of R&D<br />

Preparing for 4.0<br />

46bn<br />

Number of connected devices predicted<br />

to be in use globally by 2021<br />

(Juniper Research, The Internet of Things)<br />

$3.1bn<br />

Estimated value of the global cobot<br />

(collaborative robot) market by 2020<br />

(Barclays Capital)<br />

10%<br />

Amount productivity has increased by<br />

at Bosch’s Homburg plant, thanks to<br />

connected technologies<br />

(Bosch)<br />

£2bn<br />

Government investment per year by<br />

2020 for R&D, to ensure British business<br />

remains at the cutting edge of scientific<br />

and technological discovery<br />

(BEIS)<br />

87<br />

Percentage of manufacturers who<br />

say they will have to invest in<br />

new technology to meet customer<br />

expectations<br />

(EEF Business Environment Survey 2016)<br />

69<br />

Percentage that UK manufacturing<br />

represents of business R&D investment<br />

(EEF UK Manufacturing 2016)<br />

63<br />

Percentage of UK manufacturers<br />

that have either implemented or are<br />

planning to integrate IIoT technologies<br />

into their products<br />

(MPI Internet of Things Study)<br />

1/3<br />

Proportion of UK manufacturers that<br />

have no plans to develop an IIoT<br />

strategy for processes or products<br />

(MPI Internet of Things Study)<br />

2Percentage of sales that 2/3 of<br />

manufacturers have invested in<br />

implementing the IIoT<br />

(MPI Internet of Things Study)<br />

5 www.ppma.co.uk

success stories<br />

Smart<br />

farming<br />

grows up<br />

Automation is key to UK’s<br />

first commercially viable<br />

vertical farm<br />

At a glance<br />

Challenge: How to make<br />

vertical farming commercially<br />

viable<br />

Solution: An automated<br />

stacking tower using fewer<br />

resources and coordinating<br />

with the grid to use energy<br />

when demand is low and<br />

costs are cheaper<br />

Outcome: The UK’s first<br />

commercially viable vertical<br />

farm has now passed the<br />

proof of concept stage and is<br />

moving to a full scale trial<br />

Vertical farming has long been proposed<br />

as a solution to the many problems in the<br />

food supply chain. The technique offers<br />

predictable, high-quality produce all year<br />

round in a location that is close to the point<br />

of use, including urban areas and sites not<br />

normally suitable for agriculture. It uses<br />

minimal water, fertiliser and pesticides, and<br />

has low labour costs. But until now, its full<br />

potential has never been unlocked due to<br />

the excessive energy required to power the<br />

lighting and hydroponics systems.<br />

However, thanks to the assistance of<br />

partners Omron and the James Hutton<br />

Institute, Intelligent Growth Services (IGS)<br />

has announced a successful prototyping<br />

phase for the UK’s first commercially viable<br />

vertical farm. Having passed its proof of<br />

concept, it will soon move to a full scale<br />

trial at Invergowrie, near Dundee.<br />

Stacks of success<br />

IGS was founded on the premise that<br />

a vertical farming tower could be built<br />

using an automated stacking system.<br />

The stacking tower would offer a closed<br />

environment that would use fewer<br />

resources, while increasing safety by<br />

restricting access to the first metre of the<br />

tower. The design would also facilitate<br />

the implementation of a fully integrated<br />

automation system.<br />

After forming a partnership with<br />

the James Hutton Institute to provide<br />

“As no phase in the growth cycle is time critical, by flexing with<br />

the grid in real time, we can act like a natural battery, which<br />

does not wear out. We can see how this approach could reduce<br />

our power cost in the very near future to almost zero.”<br />

Dave Scott, Technical Director at IGS<br />

agricultural expertise, IGS approached<br />

Omron to consult on the automation<br />

side of the project. The stacking<br />

system, lighting, hydroponics and other<br />

components in each tower would be<br />

controlled directly by an Omron Sysmac<br />

machine controller. As well as offering<br />

advanced control functions, the controller<br />

can output secure data directly to a SQL<br />

database. In the vertical farming system,<br />

the controller communicated straight<br />

to the cloud, which allowed the towers<br />

to operate without the need for an<br />

enterprise IT system, further saving on the<br />

cost and complexity of the overall system.<br />

Taking control<br />

The system’s communications were<br />

implemented using both control I/O over<br />

EtherCAT and SQL data over Ethernet/IP.<br />

The control I/O took care of the system<br />

sensors and lighting, with the same<br />

EtherCAT network also handling the motion<br />

control element.<br />

The Omron hardware was supported<br />

by Sysmac Studio configuration software.<br />

Sysmac gave IGS a single platform that<br />

could be used to develop the control<br />

software, validate it, and then control<br />

and monitor the towers. The platform is<br />

flexible, and will allow IGS to easily make<br />

changes remotely via VPN to the system<br />

and support new features as the company<br />

needs them.<br />

6 www.ppma.co.uk

Sweet success<br />

Intelligent automation has delivered a 600 per cent<br />

growth to personalised confectionery manufacturer<br />

At a glance<br />

Clockwise from main left:<br />

Omron has helped IGS to develop the UK’s first<br />

commercially viable vertical farm<br />

The control system coordinates growth cycles with<br />

grid capacity for decreased electrical costs<br />

The platform controls and monitors each<br />

growth tower<br />

Smart energy use<br />

The initial two prototype towers also<br />

gave IGS the platform to develop the<br />

energy saving techniques that had<br />

made previous vertical farming attempts<br />

economically unviable. The company<br />

first lowered their LED energy usage<br />

by implementing an innovative new<br />

technique that drives the LEDs directly<br />

from the power supply. However,<br />

electrical costs were still too high, so it<br />

next looked at coordinating the growing<br />

cycles with times when the grid was over<br />

or under capacity.<br />

“As no phase in the growth cycle<br />

is time critical, by flexing with the grid<br />

in real time, we can act like a natural<br />

battery, which does not wear out. We<br />

can see how this approach could reduce<br />

our power cost in the very near future<br />

to almost zero,” explains Dave Scott,<br />

Technical Director at IGS.<br />

A bright future<br />

The next stage of the project will throw<br />

up even more challenges, including<br />

the integration of Omron Adept mobile<br />

robots and even tighter levels of<br />

automation for the whole facility. The<br />

new environment will require all three<br />

partners to work even closer together to<br />

ensure a successful, long term outcome<br />

tor the project.<br />

“A highly integrated automation<br />

strategy, patented energy reduction<br />

technology and the most advanced<br />

biological research available were<br />

the three key pillars to success in the<br />

prototype project,” adds Dave.<br />

www.industrial.omron.co.uk<br />

Challenge: How to keep up<br />

with increasing order levels,<br />

improve product quality and<br />

reduce waste<br />

Solution: A robot has<br />

automated the cutting<br />

process<br />

Outcome: Productivity has<br />

increased, health and safety<br />

has improved, and the client<br />

can quickly respond to<br />

changes in seasonal demand<br />

Founded in 2013 by James Middleton and<br />

Andy Bell, Reading-based confectionery<br />

manufacturer Boomf enables customers<br />

to print their choice of photos, graphics<br />

and messages onto marshmallows.<br />

However, the idea proved so popular<br />

that the company was soon struggling to<br />

keep up with orders.<br />

Much of the delay was centred around<br />

the cutting stage, while the difficulties<br />

involved in achieving a consistent cut<br />

meant there was also a lot of wastage.<br />

With Boomf specialising in such a niche<br />

product, the founders realised that<br />

custom-built equipment was the way<br />

forward and James soon came across a<br />

video of an automated cutting application<br />

which used a robot with an ultrasonic<br />

blade to cut cakes. The system was<br />

integrated by Newtech, an ABB Robotics<br />

UK Authorised Value Provider, so James<br />

made contact to see if they could help<br />

with Boomf’s requirements.<br />

Smart solutions<br />

Like any robot installation, a trial was first<br />

undertaken, to ensure the best results.<br />

Through applying a mechanically PTFEcoated<br />

blade to the ABB IRB 1200 robot,<br />

Newtech found a solution – passing the<br />

blade through an oil reservoir before the<br />

marshmallow is cut ensures a suitable<br />

surface for cutting. Once portioned, the<br />

blade then passes through a cleaning<br />

tank before repeating the process.<br />

Boomf’s James Middleton and Jas Rai of Newtech<br />

with the robot cell<br />

Now automated, the marshmallow cutting process<br />

takes 17 seconds<br />

In addition to improved product<br />

quality, the robot solution has also<br />

significantly raised productivity levels.<br />

Boomf previously employed ten people<br />

to manually cut the trays of marshmallow<br />

into 40mm by 40mm squares, a procedure<br />

which took five minutes. Now automated,<br />

it takes just 17 seconds. What’s more,<br />

Boomf now has the flexibility to quickly<br />

respond to changes in seasonal demand.<br />

Using an IRB 1200 within a machine<br />

cell has enabled Boomf to improve health<br />

and safety at its site, too. Removing<br />

the human interaction from the cutting<br />

process has reduced the risk of accidents<br />

and employees can now apply their<br />

skills to other areas of the business, such<br />

as operating the robot. And in terms<br />

of finances, Boomf is already reaping<br />

benefits; in just its second year of<br />

business, the company has grown by an<br />

astounding 600 per cent.<br />

To any UK manufacturers thinking of<br />

investing in robotic automation, Boomf’s<br />

James Middleton says, “Go for it. An<br />

investment in robotics is a great decision<br />

for any company that wants to ensure<br />

their future in an increasingly digital<br />

market.”<br />

To find out more, quote Boomf and<br />

contact:<br />

robotics@gb.abb.com<br />

T +44 (0)1908 350300<br />

7 www.ppma.co.uk

Key industry events<br />

Forthcoming<br />

Later on<br />

4<br />

APR<br />

5-6<br />

APR<br />

27<br />

APR<br />

4-10<br />

MAY<br />

14-17<br />

JUN<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Industry 4.0 networking event –<br />

in collaboration with Siemens<br />

MTC Coventry<br />

Are you ready for Industry 4.0? Learn what it<br />

means for your business at this free to attend,<br />

half-day event, brought to you by the <strong>PPMA</strong> in<br />

collaboration with Siemens.<br />

To book your place, call 020 8773 8111 or contact<br />

christine.jordan@ppma.co.uk<br />

Empack 2017<br />

Brabanthallen, S-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands<br />

The future of packaging technology. Do business,<br />

explore new packaging trends, network and increase<br />

your knowledge.<br />

www.easyfairs.com/empack-den-bosch-2017/<br />

empack-den-bosch-2017/<br />

UKIVA Machine Vision<br />

Conference & Exhibition<br />

Arena MK, Milton Keynes<br />

Discover the latest developments in the industrial<br />

imaging world and learn how machine vision can<br />

enhance your business. Confirmed keynote speakers<br />

include online grocer Ocado and technology company<br />

Dyson. Featuring 47 exhibitors and 50 technical vision<br />

seminars, from beginner to expert.<br />

www.machinevisionconference.co.uk<br />

interpack 2017<br />

Dusseldorf, Germany<br />

The essential event for the food, beverage,<br />

confectionery, bakery, pharmaceutical,<br />

cosmetics, non-food and industrial goods sectors.<br />

Whether you’re exhibiting or visiting, come along to<br />

the <strong>PPMA</strong> stand (4E55) to meet the team or take a<br />

well-earned coffee break.<br />

www.interpack.com<br />

ProPak Asia 2017<br />

BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand<br />

Smart<br />

Innovation<br />

Smart<br />

Innovation<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong><br />

stand<br />

4E55<br />

Asia’s number one processing and packaging event,<br />

featuring eight industry zones and a larger footprint,<br />

allowing for more exhibitors and a greater machinery<br />

display than ever before. The <strong>PPMA</strong> pavilion is now<br />

fully booked and our exhibitors are looking forward<br />

to welcoming visitors from countries across the<br />

region, including Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, China and<br />

Vietnam.<br />

www.propakasia.com<br />

12-14 July 2017<br />

ProPak China 2017<br />

Shanghai, China<br />

www.propakchina.com/en/<br />

19-21 Sept 2017<br />

ProPak West Africa<br />

Lagos, Nigeria<br />

www.propakwestafrica.com<br />

21-23 Sept 2017<br />

ProPak Myanmar 2017<br />

Yangon, Myanmar<br />

www.propakmyanmar.com<br />

25-27 Sept 2017<br />

Pack Expo Las Vegas 2017<br />

Las Vegas, USA<br />

www.packexpolasvegas.com<br />

26 Sept 2017<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Group Industry Awards<br />

National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham<br />

www.ppmashow.co.uk<br />

26-28 Sept 2017<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Show 2017<br />

NEC Birmingham<br />

www.ppmashow.co.uk<br />

24-26 Oct 2017<br />

ProPak Cape 2017<br />

Cape Town, South Africa<br />

www.propakcape.co.za<br />

31 Oct-2 Nov 2017<br />

Gulfood Manufacturing 2017<br />

Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE<br />

www.gulfoodmanufacturing.com<br />

janette.lane@ppma.co.uk<br />

15-18 Nov 2017<br />

Plastics & Rubber Indonesia 2017<br />

Jakarta, Indonesia<br />

www.plasticsandrubberindonesia.com<br />

20-23 Mar 2018<br />

Anuga Food Tec 2018<br />

Cologne, Germany<br />

www.anugafoodtec.com<br />

Enter<br />

now<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> UK<br />

pavilion<br />

bookings now<br />

being taken<br />

8 www.ppma.co.uk

Feature events<br />

Vision and Industry 4.0<br />

By Paul Wilson, Chairman of UKIVA and Managing<br />

Director of Scorpion Vision<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> to host UK pavilion at<br />

Gulfood Manufacturing<br />

“The move towards Industry 4.0 relies on the connectivity<br />

between systems and the interchange of data. In principle,<br />

smart sensors, used to generate this data from the production<br />

line, could include cameras, as they are essentially data<br />

gathering devices. But in fact, industrial vision has been<br />

helping to monitor and automate industrial processes for<br />

many years by linking directly into manufacturing statistical<br />

process control systems. Measuring variations in key<br />

parameters on product or components at multiple points in<br />

the manufacturing cycle allows trends in the process to be<br />

monitored, automatically flagging the need for corrective<br />

action before tolerance limits are exceeded. Visitors to the<br />

UKIVA Machine Vision Conference & Exhibition on 27 April at<br />

Arena MK, Milton Keynes, will be able to find out more about<br />

the latest camera technology and connectivity, and how it can<br />

help their business to become Industry 4.0 ready.”<br />

www.machinevisionconference.co.uk<br />

The future of smart factories<br />

The <strong>PPMA</strong> Show 2017 (26-28<br />

Sept, NEC Birmingham) will<br />

bring together buyers and<br />

sellers at one of the most<br />

visually dynamic exhibitions<br />

of the very latest processing<br />

and packaging machinery,<br />

materials, industrial<br />

automation and vision innovations. Attended by thousands of<br />

quality end users, this year’s event will fully embrace all things<br />

‘smart’, featuring on-stand demonstrations, product launches<br />

and a newly designed seminar programme on how Industry<br />

4.0 is set to revolutionise UK manufacturing.<br />

Book your stand now by contacting our Sales Team:<br />

scott.mckenna@ppma.co.uk<br />

T +44 (0)20 8773 8111<br />

www.ppmashow.co.uk<br />

The <strong>PPMA</strong> is managing the UK pavilion at Gulfood<br />

Manufacturing 2017 (Dubai World Trade Centre, 31 Oct-2<br />

Nov), and time is running out to secure your place. Over 1,500<br />

exhibitors attended the 2016 version – a 40 per cent increase<br />

on the first event – which featured 58 participating countries,<br />

80,000m 2 of exhibition space and 32,000+ visitors from 158<br />

nations, 11 per cent up on 2015!<br />

To book your stand, contact<br />

janette.lane@ppma.co.uk<br />

www.gulfoodmanufacturing.com<br />

Call for entries<br />

The <strong>PPMA</strong> Group Industry Awards<br />

returns to the National Motorcycle<br />

Museum in Birmingham on 26<br />

September 2017 (the first night of the<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Show). The event celebrates<br />

and recognises the finest examples<br />

of innovation, smart manufacturing,<br />

service and collaboration across all<br />

facets of the industry.<br />

For the full list of new categories and<br />

to submit your entry, go to<br />

www.ppmashow.co.uk/awards<br />

Closing date for entries: 30 June 2017<br />

9 www.ppma.co.uk

Seminars, training and networking<br />

Forthcoming<br />

Later on<br />

4<br />

APR<br />

11<br />

MAY<br />

16<br />

MAY<br />

24<br />

MAY<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Industry 4.0 networking event –<br />

in collaboration with Siemens<br />

MTC Coventry<br />

The next Industrial Revolution is coming…is your<br />

company ready? The Industrial Internet of Things<br />

and Industry 4.0 will increasingly impact machine<br />

builders, while advances in technology are already<br />

blurring the boundaries between the digital and physical<br />

worlds. Learn what this means for your business at<br />

this half-day event, brought to you by the <strong>PPMA</strong> in<br />

collaboration with Siemens. Featuring sessions on<br />

machine and mechatronic design, automatic integration,<br />

and possible new business models, the event also<br />

includes a Q&A session and light lunch.<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Driving Safety Day<br />

Heyford Park, <strong>Up</strong>per Heyford, Bicester<br />

Our safety and awareness driving days, brought to you<br />

by Ultimate Car Control, are both educational and fun.<br />

Free for <strong>PPMA</strong> members.<br />

Managing Workplace Performance<br />

Marriott Hotel, Northampton<br />

This course will aid line managers who have<br />

performance management responsibilities and need to<br />

help staff achieve their potential by: understanding the<br />

link between effective performance management and<br />

business results; identifying how to use a GAP analysis<br />

on an individual performance; explaining how to use a<br />

Personal Improvement Plan; and much more.<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> member rate £95 +VAT.<br />

Machinery Directive<br />

Marriott Hotel, Northampton<br />

Smart<br />

Innovation<br />

Is your company fully conversant with the current<br />

Machinery Directive? This seminar provides an overview<br />

of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, including:<br />

partly completed machines; essential health & safety<br />

regulations; technical file contents; and much more.<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> member rate £195 +VAT.<br />

14 June<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Driving Safety Day<br />

Heyford Park, <strong>Up</strong>per Heyford, Bicester<br />

Our safety and awareness driving days, brought to you<br />

by Ultimate Car Control, are both educational and fun.<br />

Free for <strong>PPMA</strong> members.<br />

21 June<br />

Introduction to Project Management<br />

Marriott Hotel, Northampton<br />

This practical course offers essential and effective<br />

skills, tools and techniques for those who have<br />

never been trained in running a project, are working<br />

in a project support office, or are new to the role of<br />

project manager.<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> member rate £95 +VAT.<br />

28 June<br />

Robotic Safety for Integrators<br />

Marriott Hotel, Manchester<br />

This seminar is aimed at companies using, purchasing,<br />

designing and manufacturing machines incorporating<br />

industrial robots. It will discuss some of the issues<br />

regarding CE marking of complex assemblies and the<br />

requirements of the various standards.<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> member rate £195 +VAT.<br />

5 July<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Driving Safety Day<br />

Heyford Park, <strong>Up</strong>per Heyford, Bicester<br />

Our safety and awareness driving days, brought to you<br />

by Ultimate Car Control, are both educational and fun.<br />

Free for <strong>PPMA</strong> members.<br />

31 August<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Golf Day<br />

The Oxfordshire, Milton Common, Oxfordshire<br />

The perfect opportunity for members to entertain<br />

clients and take part in a thoroughly enjoyable day of<br />

27 holes of golf and four competitions, at one of the<br />

most exciting courses in the country. The day will finish<br />

with a three course dinner and trophy presentations.<br />

£495 per 4-player team or £130 per person.<br />

Stay up to date<br />

Knowledge is power – stay one step ahead of the<br />

competition by attending our informative seminars,<br />

training and networking events. To book your<br />

place on any of these events, or for questions and<br />

comments, call 020 8773 8111 or contact<br />

christine.jordan@ppma.co.uk<br />

10 www.ppma.co.uk

Linked <strong>Up</strong><br />

Perfect partners<br />

Are you looking for an agent or<br />

distributor? Perhaps you need a system<br />

integrator or automation partner? Or<br />

could your company benefit from the<br />

services of a HR or recruitment expert?<br />

Many <strong>PPMA</strong> members are already<br />

working together on successful projects<br />

– get in touch to start your search for<br />

the perfect partner.<br />

Are you prepared for the<br />

Apprenticeship Levy?<br />

The Apprenticeship Levy is coming.<br />

From 6 April 2017, UK employers with<br />

a PAYE bill of over £3m per annum will<br />

be required to pay 0.5% of their annual<br />

payroll into the Levy, which will be used<br />

to pay for new apprenticeships. To find<br />

out more, go to<br />

http://bit.ly/2nkiZIB<br />

Stronger together<br />

Are you looking for a system integrator or technical partner? Are you thinking of<br />

exporting into a new territory and keen to speak to someone else who’s done business<br />

there? Or could your company benefit from the experience of someone whose factory<br />

is already geared up for Industry 4.0?<br />

Whatever your query, it’s likely that another <strong>PPMA</strong> member has the answer. With over<br />

500 member firms covering every facet of the industry from processing and packaging,<br />

to automation and vision, the Association is a fantastic resource. So harness the power<br />

of the membership by using this page to connect with like-minded companies, for<br />

mutual benefit.<br />

In forthcoming issues, this page will act as a forum for <strong>PPMA</strong> members to reach out to<br />

one another for advice, collaboration and knowledge transfer. Whatever you’re looking<br />

for, this is the place to start your search.<br />

Send your requests to<br />

kate.oreilly@ppma.co.uk<br />

Do you have<br />

exporting expertise?<br />

The next issue of <strong>Gear</strong> <strong>Up</strong> will focus on<br />

exporting. Do you have experience of<br />

trading overseas? Could you share top<br />

tips of what to do (or what not to to<br />

do!) in a particular territory? Or perhaps<br />

you’re thinking of doing business abroad<br />

but are unsure of the local business<br />

culture, legal framework or technical<br />

regulations? Whatever your query, let us<br />

help you reach out to those in the know.<br />

Or get in touch to share your<br />

apprenticeship advice or queries.<br />

The benefits of robotics for<br />

bakeries<br />

Want to discover how robots can help<br />

Britain’s bakeries? ABB’s forthcoming<br />

bakeries-focused Switch to Robots<br />

seminar will explain how ongoing<br />

developments in robot technology<br />

are opening up new possibilities for<br />

transforming productivity and efficiency<br />

in baking applications. Taking place<br />

at ABB’s Solutions Centre in Milton<br />

Keynes on 26 April 2017, the event will<br />

show how robots can bring a range of<br />

benefits, including enhanced flexibility<br />

to handle multiple products, reduced<br />

wastage and increased yields.<br />

To register, go to<br />

http://bit.ly/S2RBakery<br />

Do you have an open day, training<br />

seminar or best practice event that you<br />

want to tell the membership about?<br />

Contact us to share your news.<br />

11 www.ppma.co.uk

Machinery’s smart new world<br />

Member benefits<br />

By Neil Dyson, Business Line Manager<br />

for Machinery Safety at TÜV SÜD<br />

Product Service, a global product<br />

testing and certification organisation.<br />

TÜV SÜD Product Service<br />

is a partner of the <strong>PPMA</strong><br />

Group. The Association<br />

has partnerships with<br />

various service providers,<br />

covering insurance, H&S<br />

and employment law,<br />

recruitment, training,<br />

litigation, technical advice<br />

and driver training. To access<br />

any of these services at a<br />

preferential <strong>PPMA</strong> member<br />

rate, contact<br />

membership@ppma.co.uk<br />

It is an employer’s<br />

responsibility to ensure<br />

that all machinery meets<br />

the requirements of the<br />

Machinery Directive and<br />

Provision and Use of Work Equipment<br />

Regulations (PUWER). If a machine<br />

has a substantial change made, a full<br />

CE marking and assessment must be<br />

completed before it can be returned<br />

to service – in fact, any configuration<br />

change in the production line requires<br />

recertification of the whole facility.<br />

Industry 4.0 includes cyber-physical<br />

systems, the Industrial Internet of Things<br />

(IIoT) and cloud computing, supporting<br />

highly flexible, automated ‘plug and<br />

produce’ manufacturing. However, the<br />

dynamic approach of Industry 4.0’s<br />

cyber-physical systems means that<br />

with a simple press of a button, easily<br />

configurable machinery and production<br />

lines can be instantly changed. As it<br />

is the original configuration that is<br />

risk assessed, such instant updates to<br />

machinery mean that the time-hungry,<br />

traditional approach of ‘risk assessment<br />

as you make changes’ will become<br />

obsolete.<br />

The risk assessment process<br />

therefore needs to be modified to meet<br />

the demands of Industry 4.0, with all<br />

possible machine configurations and<br />

modules being dynamically validated.<br />

Each new configuration would then<br />

be assessed in real time, resulting<br />

in a rapidly issued digital compliance<br />

certificate.<br />

Industry 4.0 takes safety<br />

assessments into four separate domains<br />

– the smart factory (cyber-physical<br />

production systems); vertical integration<br />

(automation); horizontal integration<br />

(with other systems outside the main<br />

production environment); and human<br />

machine integration. The introduction<br />

of a modular certification approach is<br />

therefore the answer, as this will enable<br />

machinery safety practice to keep pace<br />

with technological change by reducing<br />

complexity, based on customer-specific<br />

modular approaches.<br />

T +44 (0)8700 111375<br />

www.tuv-sud.co.uk<br />

12 www.ppma.co.uk

Getting to know you<br />

By Sidiqa Hazara, Membership Relations Executive<br />

Since joining the <strong>PPMA</strong><br />

Group in August 2016, my<br />

role has been completely<br />

member-focused. I’m really<br />

enjoying getting to know<br />

our members, communicating the<br />

membership benefits available and<br />

finding out what more we can do as<br />

an association to serve you better.<br />

So far, my face to face meetings with<br />

members have been well received and<br />

I am working towards meeting as many<br />

of you as possible, either by visiting<br />

your premises or catching up at industry<br />

events.<br />

Being part of the <strong>PPMA</strong> allows members to<br />

connect with people from all facets of the industry<br />

Get in touch<br />

From the many meeting I’ve had<br />

over the past eight months, I’ve<br />

learned that our members enjoy many<br />

different things about being part of<br />

the <strong>PPMA</strong>, such as: staying connected<br />

with the industry; collaborating with<br />

other members; as a cost-effective<br />

way of reaching end-users and other<br />

businesses, whether through free<br />

editorial in Machinery <strong>Up</strong>date or by<br />

entering the <strong>PPMA</strong> Group Industry<br />

Awards; and keeping ahead of the game<br />

through our subsidised training and<br />

seminar sessions, and free networking<br />

events.<br />

However, we are working hard to<br />

enhance our membership services<br />

and find ways to better engage and<br />

collaborate with our members. Currently,<br />

we are in the process of planning a<br />

series of regional events and webinars<br />

covering such hot topics as Industry 4.0,<br />

leadership, and marketing. I’m delighted<br />

to report that our first regional event is<br />

in collaboration with Siemens and will<br />

focus on Industry 4.0. Taking place on<br />

4 April at the MTC in Coventry, I look<br />

forward to catching up with many of you<br />

there.<br />

Our Membership Relations Executive, Sidiqa Hazara, regularly visits <strong>PPMA</strong> members.<br />

To invite Sidiqa to visit your business or find out how to make the most of your<br />

membership, contact:<br />

sidiqa.hazara@ppma.co.uk<br />

T +44 (0)20 8773 5521<br />

See your company’s<br />

co-bot news<br />

featured in<br />

Machinery <strong>Up</strong>date<br />

The <strong>PPMA</strong> Group publishes<br />

market-leading journals for<br />

the industry: Vision in Action<br />

and Machinery <strong>Up</strong>date.<br />

Published bi-monthly and<br />

mailed to over 9,500 end<br />

users, Machinery <strong>Up</strong>date is<br />

the only journal exclusively<br />

devoted to news of technical<br />

developments in the design<br />

and use of processing and<br />

packaging machinery.<br />

Machinery <strong>Up</strong>date’s July/August issue<br />

will focus on automation, robotics<br />

and vision systems. The growth of<br />

collaborative robots has been dramatic<br />

in the last 12 months, with major players<br />

such as Ford trialling them at its car plant<br />

in Germany. We will report on these socalled<br />

co-bots and their widening reach,<br />

as well as the vision systems that are<br />

making so much more possible in the<br />

manufacturing arena. We will also cover<br />

the ‘clever’ technology that is helping<br />

industry work towards its Industry 4.0<br />

goals.<br />

To be considered for inclusion, send<br />

your editorial submissions by 22 May to<br />

publishing@ppma.co.uk<br />

13 www.ppma.co.uk

Welcome new <strong>PPMA</strong> Group members<br />

allpack ® Packaging<br />

ETT<br />

IBASE<br />

allpack® Packaging is a single source<br />

transit packaging company offering total<br />

packaging solutions. A team of consultants<br />

can help customers by assessing packaging<br />

processes, whether it be through stock<br />

control, pricing, packaging design, data<br />

management, delivery or dedicated account<br />

managers.<br />

For more information, contact Marcus Clarke,<br />

Sales Director:<br />

sales@allpack.uk.com<br />

T +44 (0)1922 472400<br />

www.allpack.uk.com<br />

Autopak<br />

Machinery<br />

Autopak Machinery manufactures and<br />

supplies all types of bag filling machines,<br />

including valve sack filling machines,<br />

open top sack filling machines, automatic<br />

bag placing, shako feed devices and big<br />

bag dischargers. They also provide a<br />

maintenance service for many other types of<br />

bag filling equipment.<br />

For more information, contact Aubrey<br />

Davies, Managing Director:<br />

adavies.autopak@btconnect.com<br />

T +44 (0)1623 755556<br />

www.autopakmachinery.co.uk<br />

Cougartron<br />

Cougartron is a manufacturer of stainless<br />

steel surface treatment and passivation<br />

solutions, serving the global food and<br />

pharmaceutical industries. Cougartron<br />

products remove all contaminants from<br />

stainless steel surfaces; essential for<br />

food-safe equipment, and when preparing<br />

medication for consumption, when the<br />

highest standards in surface hygiene and<br />

protection are required.<br />

For more information, contact Rick Edwards,<br />

Business Development:<br />

sales@cougartron.com<br />

+44 (0)121 368 0097<br />

www.cougartron.com<br />

ETT offers a range of end-of-line packaging<br />

equipment from high-end complete<br />

turnkey systems through to palletising and<br />

automated distribution handling solutions.<br />

ETT designs and manufactures case/tray<br />

packers, wraparounds, customer-specific<br />

robot solutions, special product handling,<br />

and sorting units for promotionally effective<br />

shelf-ready packaging.<br />

For more information, contact Geoff Yallop,<br />

General Manager:<br />

geoff@ett-uk.com<br />

T +44 (0)1502 470812<br />

www.ett-uk.com<br />

Fileder<br />

Filter Systems<br />

Fileder Filter Systems supplies filtration and<br />

water treatment products throughout the UK<br />

and Europe, from a stock of £5m held in their<br />

UK and German facilities. They offer a wide<br />

range of products, full technical support,<br />

external account managers, training and<br />

laboratory facilities for product testing.<br />

For more information, contact Mark Taylor:<br />

mark.taylor@fileder.co.uk<br />

T +44 (0)1622 691886<br />

www.fileder.co.uk<br />

Finder<br />

Finder manufactures over 12,500 different<br />

products for a range of automation and<br />

machinery applications, including step relays,<br />

industrial relays, miniature and ultra-slim<br />

relays, power relays, timers, safety relays<br />

sockets and accessories.<br />

For more information, contact Andrew<br />

Harris, Group Sales Manager:<br />

a.harris@findernet.com<br />

T +44 (0)1785 818100<br />

www.findernet.com<br />

IBASE designs and manufactures IPC products<br />

based on x86 and RISC architectures. Their<br />

product lines include embedded boards in<br />

various form factors, box PCs, panel PCs and<br />

network appliances. With a strong R&D team<br />

and flexible manufacturing capabilities, IBASE’s<br />

main strength is providing ODM solutions for<br />

customers’ specific requirements.<br />

For more information, contact Steven<br />

Jameson, Business Development Manager:<br />

steven.jameson@ibase-europe.com<br />

www.ibase-europe.com<br />


ICONSYS are an automation and solutions<br />

provider, whose capabilities include robotic<br />

solutions, servo upgrades, PLC upgrades,<br />

SCADA and HMI upgrades, and new turnkey<br />

projects.<br />

For more information, contact Neil Moss,<br />

Business Development Manager:<br />

neil.moss@iconsys.co.uk<br />

T +44 (0)7583 923365<br />

www.iconsys.co.uk<br />

Lenze<br />

Established in the UK for almost 50 years,<br />

Lenze is a supplier of drive and automation<br />

equipment. They offer a full service with<br />

control panels, customised software and<br />

training for both designers and machine<br />

operators.<br />

For more information, contact Neil<br />

Beaumont, Commercial Sales Manager:<br />

neil.beaumont@lenze.com<br />

T +44 (0)1234 753200<br />

www.lenze.com<br />

14 www.ppma.co.uk

Get in touch<br />

Nilfisk<br />

Nilfisk provides industrial vacuums,<br />

pneumatic conveyors, centralised vacuum<br />

systems and high power vacuums for all<br />

industrial sectors. They produce industrial<br />

vacuums for the recovery of manufacturing<br />

scraps, plastic, paper and fabric, and their<br />

range of pneumatic conveyors transfer<br />

grains, powders, tablets and empty capsules<br />

from containers to process machines.<br />

For more information, contact Jeff Sweeney,<br />

UK National Sales Manager:<br />

mail.uk@nilfisk.com<br />

T +44 (0)1768 868995<br />

www.nilfisk.com<br />

VikingMašek<br />

Global company, VikingMašek, develops<br />

intelligent packaging technology in both<br />

food and non-food markets. VikingMašek’s<br />

machine portfolio offers a single customised<br />

solution from simple VFFS machines,<br />

product handling and turnkey packaging and<br />

processing lines.<br />

For more information, contact Lukas Masek,<br />

Vice President:<br />

lukas.masek@masek.cz<br />

www.masek.cz<br />

WAGO<br />

ppma.co.uk<br />

ukiva.org<br />

bara.org.uk<br />

ppma-group<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/ppma-group<br />

https://twitter.com/<strong>PPMA</strong>_Group<br />

@<strong>PPMA</strong>_Group<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> TV<br />

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW0hgEalJv1jSjjpf-eoJUA<br />

Membership Relations<br />

membership@ppma.co.uk<br />

Robotics<br />

and Drives<br />

Robotics and Drives are a global robotics<br />

solutions provider of custom high specification<br />

robotic handling systems based in Ireland.<br />

Supplying a range of both high speed<br />

and lean robotic solution for all types of<br />

applications – packaging, assembly, palletising,<br />

manufacturing, loading, machining – they work<br />

in all sectors: food & beverage, automotive,<br />

medical device, logistics and pharmaceutical.<br />

For more information, contact John Henry,<br />

Global Business Development:<br />

jhenry@rdservices.ie<br />

T +353 (44)9333812<br />

www.roboticsanddrives.ie<br />

Since its establishment in 1951, WAGO has<br />

pioneered multiple innovative connection<br />

systems for both interconnection and<br />

automation systems. WAGO employs over<br />

7,000 people worldwide and is a leader in<br />

spring pressure connection technology.<br />

For more information, contact Paul<br />

Witherington, UK Marketing Manager:<br />

paul.witherington@wago.com<br />

T +44 (0)1788 568008<br />

www.wago..com<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> Show<br />

scott.mckenna@ppma.co.uk<br />

International Services<br />

janette.lane@ppma.co.uk<br />

Publishing and Advertising<br />

david.chadd@ppma.co.uk<br />

Marketing and PR<br />

marketing@ppma.co.uk<br />

<strong>PPMA</strong> BEST Charitable Trust<br />

ppmabest@ppma.co.uk<br />

Trescal<br />

Trescal, international calibration specialist,<br />

provides a range of services for the<br />

test and measuring equipment market.<br />

Supplementing the standard technical<br />

services (verification, calibration and repair<br />

of T&M instruments), Trescal offers expertise<br />

for the implementation and acquisition<br />

of measurement systems, customised<br />

equipment pool management software<br />

solutions, metrology and technical support.<br />

For more information, contact Paul Mellon,<br />

Business Development Manager:<br />

paul.mellon@trescal.com<br />

T +44 (0)7824 409235<br />

www.trescal.com<br />

Join today!<br />

For a <strong>PPMA</strong> Group membership<br />

pack contact<br />

christine.jordan@ppma.co.uk<br />

15 www.ppma.co.uk

Actively helping our<br />

members through<br />

services, tools and<br />

initiatives to thrive in an<br />

increasingly competitive<br />


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