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Hi Everyone,<br />
On behalf of myself and your flight<br />
crew, let me welcome you aboard!<br />
We're all set to depart from Q2.<br />
Despite a turbulent journey so far,<br />
we hit several new heights last<br />
month.<br />
We launched DigiPOS and Eden, our<br />
brilliant new marketing hub on Eve<br />
with a name from two smart folks<br />
in store. Plus, we launched our<br />
Sales Academy site, which I'm sure<br />
will soon have you selling like<br />
you're on auto pilot. Details on all<br />
those coming up.<br />
But what’s that in the sky? A bird?<br />
A plane? No, it’s the Self-Care<br />
Superheroes!<br />
Our first self-care week took off this<br />
month, diving into our fantastic apps<br />
and tools to help customers help<br />
themselves with queries and actions.<br />
Just the thing to close a deal with<br />
customers!<br />
Our new Webchat service is already in<br />
flight and giving back precious time you<br />
need to land the deal with customers.<br />
It's a handy way to talk to VMR without<br />
hanging on the phone. And there's a<br />
reminder of what to use it for on Eve, so<br />
we all use the right channels for the<br />
right things.<br />
New 9-month contracts will have you<br />
passing with flying colours when selling<br />
to customers.<br />
We've got 4 really strong contract offers<br />
just in time for student season.<br />
And, before we depart, I have to<br />
mention the guys in our Bootle store,<br />
who bumped up some very deserving<br />
customers to first class.<br />
When they heard how one family had<br />
fled their home country due to severe<br />
hardship, the team donated the<br />
love2shop vouchers they'd won in an<br />
incentive. Amazing stuff, guys.<br />
That’s all from me for now. On behalf of<br />
your cockpit and cabin crews, please, sit<br />
back and enjoy your trip.<br />
All the best,
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