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No.1 for canon dslr users<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>128</strong> • <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />
best dslr for enthusiasts<br />
new canon eos 77D<br />
77 reasons why Canon’s new camera is better than yours!<br />
summer<br />
scenes<br />
How to take great<br />
landscape photos<br />
best<br />
for tips,<br />
tutorials<br />
& tests<br />
canon school<br />
l Become a<br />
portrait pro<br />
l We answer your<br />
Canon queries<br />
l Master manual<br />
focus easily<br />
To be a good<br />
photographer, you<br />
need to see the shot<br />
in your mind’s eye<br />
Marc Aspland – Sports Photographer<br />
supertest<br />
super<br />
zooms<br />
8 all-in-one<br />
travel lenses<br />
pro advice<br />
family<br />
photos<br />
Capture artistic<br />
portraits on location
Summer<br />
Scenic shots<br />
Learn how to take<br />
great landscape shots<br />
this summer – like this<br />
beauty by Francesco<br />
Riccardo! – by following<br />
our ten-step plan on<br />
Page 28<br />
Peter Travers<br />
Editor<br />
Welcome<br />
Summer, summer, summertime… Summer lovin’, had me a blast…<br />
In the summer time, when the weather is hot… there are lots of<br />
songs celebrating summer as it’s such an stimulating and exciting<br />
time of year. When the days are brighter, warmer and longer, it’s also<br />
an inspirational time for landscape photography. As the light is much<br />
more evocative, from sunrise to sunset, it creates so many colourful<br />
scenes worth capturing. To help you improve your summer landscape<br />
photography skills, we’ve put together a tip-packed ten-step plan,<br />
backed up with amazing landscape photography. From page 28.<br />
This issue we fully test Canon’s new EOS 77D. Aimed at enthusiasts<br />
but with features and specs to rival recent semi-pro DSLRs, we reveal<br />
77 reasons why this new Canon camera is better than yours! See page 96<br />
for all the facts and stats, and our final test verdict.<br />
Also inside, our Apprentice heads to some beautiful botanical gardens<br />
with award-winning family photographer Nina Mace to learn how to<br />
improve his portrait techniques (page 8). We have some great and varied<br />
photo projects to try out, from colourful close-ups of tiny pets and using<br />
misty filters for atmospheric seascapes to long-exposure traffic light trails<br />
and ‘ring of fire’ lens flare effects, from page 45.<br />
We also chat to the creative talent that is Marc Aspland, chief sports<br />
photographer for The Times. His eye for an original sports shot has won<br />
him Sports Photographer of the Year award four times (page 64).<br />
Our Guarantee<br />
• We’re the only photo magazine in the<br />
newsagent that’s 100% dedicated<br />
to Canon EOS DSLR Owners so<br />
we’re 100% relevant to your needs.<br />
• We’re 100% independent which<br />
means we’re free to publish what we<br />
feel is best for every Canon DSLR<br />
photographer from beginners to<br />
enthusiasts to professionals.<br />
• We’re Canon enthusiasts and,<br />
with our contributors, we can offer<br />
years of expert photography<br />
experience. We’re always excited<br />
to pass on what we’ve learned.<br />
• We’re more than just a print mag;<br />
you can buy <strong>PhotoPlus</strong> for<br />
any digital device worldwide<br />
via Apple iTunes, Google Play, Zinio,<br />
Magzter, Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook,<br />
PocketMags or PressReader.<br />
• Our Video Disc has the very best<br />
DSLR technique & Photoshop<br />
video guideS, which can also be<br />
viewed via our digital editions.<br />
• We’re proud to use the World’s<br />
top Canon photographers<br />
and experts. Meet them on page 6.<br />
Subscribe & get a free monopod + become a member! Page 42<br />
28<br />
Top 10 tips<br />
SCENES<br />
SUMMER<br />
Learn how to take your best-ever<br />
landscape photos this summer<br />
88<br />
Essentials<br />
20 Inspirations<br />
More fantastic winning Canon<br />
imagery, this time with the theme of ‘shapes’<br />
28<br />
4<br />
Summer scenes<br />
With long and dreamy days, the<br />
summer season is perfect for landscape<br />
photography – follow our ten-step plan!<br />
42<br />
Great subscriptions offer<br />
Don’t miss our exclusive deal where<br />
we’re offering you a Manfrotto monopod<br />
worth £29.95 when you sign up<br />
72<br />
Photo Stories<br />
This month, a four-page special on<br />
Chris Porsz’s unique Reunions project that<br />
has been over three decades in the making<br />
125<br />
130<br />
Next <strong>Issue</strong><br />
Find out what new tips, tutorials<br />
and techniques you can expect next month<br />
Focus Point<br />
Have your say on all things<br />
<strong>PhotoPlus</strong> – or anything else, really. Send<br />
us a letter for the chance of winning a prize<br />
Canon pros<br />
The Apprentice<br />
8<br />
40<br />
Award-winning pro Nina Mace teaches<br />
our reader how to take great family portraits<br />
David Noton On Location<br />
He just can’t sit still, this bloke! This<br />
time David heads to rolling hills of Exmoor<br />
64<br />
The Pro Interview<br />
Pro sports photographer Marc Aspland<br />
on the highs and lows of his career to date<br />
76<br />
My Kit<br />
Mountain man Markus Rohrbacher<br />
talks about his top gear for Alpine action<br />
Canon SchOOl<br />
Cash with your Canon<br />
80 How to make money from your<br />
Digital SLR Essentials<br />
84<br />
the easy way to master manual focus<br />
EOS S.O.S<br />
88<br />
photos – this month, become a portrait pro<br />
Struggling to focus manually? Learn<br />
We answer your tough techie questions<br />
New tests<br />
Gear Update<br />
94<br />
96<br />
New gear and upgrades to spruce<br />
up your camera and photography arsenal<br />
Canon EOS 77D test<br />
Find out what we think of Canon’s<br />
new enthusiast camera in our big eightpage<br />
test, plus 77 reasons why this new<br />
DSLR is better than yours!<br />
104<br />
Mini Test<br />
Is your sensor<br />
absolutely filthy? We check<br />
out six cleaning kits to<br />
make it sparkle<br />
106<br />
Super Test:<br />
Superzooms<br />
Eight all-in-one wide-angle<br />
to telephoto zooms get our<br />
real-world and lab test<br />
treatment – which is best?<br />
118<br />
Buyers’ Guide<br />
106<br />
Every current Canon EOS<br />
DSLR, plus every conceivable lenses<br />
from Sigma, Tamron, Tokina and more<br />
96<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>128</strong> <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />
8<br />
64<br />
7 ways to improve your photography today<br />
46<br />
Project 1 Fake hazy<br />
landscapes with a little<br />
help from a mist filter<br />
Photoshop elEMEnts<br />
50<br />
Project 2 Learn how to<br />
capture cute portraits of<br />
your little furry friends<br />
56<br />
Project 4 Transform passing<br />
vehicles at night into bold<br />
streaks of colour and blur<br />
Photoshop CC<br />
58<br />
Tutorial 1 How to remove an<br />
unwanted photobomber from<br />
those special photographs<br />
Lightroom<br />
52<br />
Project 3 Generate circular<br />
lens flare with direct sunlight<br />
and a bit of copper pipe<br />
20<br />
60<br />
Tutorial 2 Edit summer<br />
portraits to create a fresh<br />
and sun-kissed look<br />
62<br />
Tutorial 3 Produce panoramas with Lightroom’s Merge<br />
Panorama command – in just four simple steps<br />
View the viDEO<br />
To view our ‘pop-out’ videos, tap these<br />
badges that appear alongside the tutorials<br />
inside the magazine, or type the link that<br />
appears alongside into your web browser.<br />
The Canon Magazine 5
Meet the team...<br />
Print 18,468<br />
Digital 3,985<br />
The ABC combined print and digital<br />
publication circulation for Jan-Dec 2016 is<br />
22,453<br />
A member of the Audited Bureau of Circulations<br />
Who we are, what we do, and our choice content from this issue…<br />
This issue’s contributors…<br />
Nina<br />
Mace<br />
Award-winning<br />
pro Nina helps<br />
our reader to take better<br />
family portraits with her<br />
expert guidance. Page 8<br />
Markus<br />
Rohrbacher<br />
Not just a cool<br />
dude, Markus<br />
reveals six bits of top gear<br />
he takes on his epic sports<br />
and scenic shoots. Page 76<br />
Peter Travers<br />
Editor • 5D Mark III<br /><br />
“As a dedicated family man, it was<br />
a pleasure to spend a day with<br />
Nina Mace and our Apprentice<br />
taking great portraits on location<br />
using only natural light.” Page 8<br />
Lauren Scott<br />
Staff writer • 7D Mark II<br /><br />
“It was a joy to share my advice in<br />
this month’s summer landscapes<br />
feature, even if I didn’t quite<br />
make it on that exotic trip to the<br />
Caribbean…” Page 28<br />
Rod Lawton<br />
Head of testing • 6D<br /><br />
“Of the two new DSLRs launched by<br />
Canon recently, it’s the EOS 77D<br />
that gets my vote – it’s like<br />
getting the power of the 80D in<br />
a pint-sized package.” Page 96<br />
David<br />
Noton<br />
Staying closer<br />
to home for<br />
once, David pops to Exmoor<br />
in search of rolling hills and<br />
golden light. Page 40<br />
Marcus<br />
Hawkins<br />
Magic Marcus<br />
reveals several<br />
easy ways to master manual<br />
focus in this month’s<br />
in-depth guide. Page 84<br />
James<br />
Paterson<br />
Creative<br />
genius James<br />
explains how to take long<br />
exposures to turn traffic<br />
lights into trails. Page 56<br />
Brian<br />
Worley<br />
Brian solves<br />
more of your<br />
technical problems and<br />
queries with his incredibly<br />
detailed answers. Page 88<br />
Adam Waring<br />
Operations editor • 7D<br /><br />
“As a Bath Rugby fan, it was ace to<br />
see hunky England and Bath fly-half<br />
George Ford grace the opening shot<br />
of our interview with pro sports<br />
shooter Marc Aspland.” Page 64<br />
Martin Parfitt<br />
Art editor • 600D<br /><br />
“I like Chris Porsz’s Reunion photos.<br />
The John Lewis shot is great, but<br />
I remember being asked to move<br />
on if I looked at any toys for too<br />
long when aged 10.” Page 72<br />
Matthew Richards<br />
Technical writer • 760D<br /><br />
“When it comes to convenience and<br />
compact lenses, reviewing do-it-all<br />
superzooms on my trusty 70D for<br />
this month’s Super Test has been<br />
a real eye-opener.” Page 106<br />
Marc<br />
Aspland<br />
The incredibly<br />
talented Marc<br />
reveals how he always<br />
strives to get a unique<br />
sports shot. Page 64<br />
Ben<br />
Andrews<br />
Bonafide clean<br />
freak Ben likes<br />
his kit spick and span – so<br />
was ideal to test six sensor<br />
cleaning kits. Page 104<br />
<strong>PhotoPlus</strong>: The Canon Magazine<br />
Future Publishing Limited<br />
Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA<br />
Editorial<br />
Editor Peter Travers • 01225 442244<br />
Art Editor Martin Parfitt<br />
Staff Writer Lauren Scott<br />
Operations Editor Adam Waring<br />
Head of testing Rod Lawton<br />
Imaging labs manager Ben Andrews<br />
Group editor-in-chief Chris George<br />
Senior art editor Rebecca Shaw<br />
Photography<br />
All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and respected<br />
Advertising<br />
Media packs are available on request<br />
Commercial Director Clare Dove<br />
Senior Advertising Manager Amanda Burns<br /> • 01225 687286<br />
Account Director Matt Bailey<br /> • 01225 687511<br />
Account Manager Claire Harris<br /> • 01225 687221<br />
International<br />
<strong>PhotoPlus</strong> is available for licensing. Contact the International<br />
department to discuss partnership opportunities:<br />
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Subscriptions<br />
Email enquiries<br />
UK orderline & enquiries 0844 848 2852<br />
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Circulation<br />
Circulation Director Darren Pearce 01202 586200<br />
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Head of Production US & UK Mark Constance<br />
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Production Manager Vivienne Calvert<br />
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ISSN 1754836<br />
Our contributors Ben Andrews, Marc Aspland, Joe Branston, David Clark, Ollie Curtis, Peter Gray,<br />
Phil Hall, Marcus Hawkins, Paul Lapham, Rod Lawton, Nina Mace, David Noton, James Paterson,<br />
Matthew Richards, Markus Rohrbacher, Brian Worley<br />
6<br />
TheApprentice<br />
Modern<br />
Family<br />
Award-winning family photographer Nina Mace helps<br />
our Apprentice improve his family portrait techniques<br />
8<br />
Canon pro<br />
Name:<br />
Nina Mace<br />
Camera:<br />
Canon EOS 5D Mk iii<br />
Nina, 40, is a professional family<br />
portrait photographer based in Hemel<br />
Hempstead. She won the 2014 Children,<br />
Family & Lifestyle Photographer of the<br />
Year award with the Guild of Professional<br />
Photographers, and runs Masterclasses<br />
for the Society of Wedding and Portrait<br />
Photographers (SWPP). She offers 1-2-1<br />
mentoring and photography workshops,<br />
details and her stunning portfolio are at:<br /><br />
Name:<br />
Paul Lapham<br />
Camera:<br />
Canon EOS 70D<br />
Paul, 60, is a law lecturer at<br />
Kingston College, and lives in<br />
Richmond. Three years ago he<br />
began taking photography evening<br />
classes once a week. He started<br />
out with a Canon PowerShot<br />
compact but wanted more from his<br />
camera, so he upgraded to a<br />
Canon EOS 70D and hasn’t looked<br />
back. Paul’s into all types of<br />
photography, but wanted our help<br />
to take better family portraits.<br />
The Canon Magazine 9
TheApprentice<br />
Nina helped <strong>PhotoPlus</strong> Apprentice Paul set up<br />
his camera ready to capture family portraits<br />
Paul’s comment<br />
After trying a few<br />
shots of the family’s<br />
two boys together, we got<br />
each one to separately lean<br />
over the back of a park bench<br />
that was perfectly placed for some shaded<br />
light, with a large expanse of sky to look into to<br />
light up their faces and eyes. Nina helped me to<br />
compose the shot so the blurred background<br />
behind is darker to contrast with the boy’s<br />
skin tones and light blue clothing she’d<br />
asked his parents to dress him in.<br />
Av to mAnual mode<br />
“Paul was used to shooting in Av mode, only going<br />
to Manual mode when using lights,” says Nina,<br />
“However, I was keen for him to use Manual so he<br />
could take charge of his aperture, shutter speed and<br />
ISO for more control over his results. I asked him to<br />
set a minimum shutter speed of 1/500 sec to freeze<br />
fidgety kids and avoid motion blur in limbs, and a<br />
wide aperture, such as f/4, to blur the backgrounds,<br />
then adjust ISO to expose for skin tones; on our<br />
overcast day in the shade, this was 400 to 640.”<br />
HOT<br />
SHOT<br />
#1<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM<br />
1/640 sec, f/4, ISO400<br />
Warmer whites<br />
“When it comes to portraits, photographers need<br />
to find a white balance to suit their image style. For<br />
me, I set my white balance on my Canon 5D Mark III<br />
to 6400 K – warmer skin tones are my preference,<br />
whether indoors or outdoors. This also means the<br />
white balance stays consistent so images look good<br />
together for client’s galleries. I sometimes even go<br />
up to 8000 K in the golden hour! For Paul’s 70D,<br />
however, we found that 5500 K was much better for<br />
accurate colours that still had warmth, so see what<br />
works best for your camera,” advises Nina.<br />
10<br />
What is the best natural light?<br />
Nina likes to keep things<br />
simple on location shoots, and<br />
she never uses a reflector, let<br />
alone flashguns. “Avoid direct<br />
sunlight, otherwise you’ll get<br />
harsh shadows and squinty faces,<br />
also avoid top lighting – when the<br />
sun is directly overhead – as it is<br />
during the day in summer,” says<br />
Nina. “The best spots are under<br />
trees in shade, but with diffused<br />
– not dappled! – light. You don’t<br />
want too much shadow though;<br />
you need to find the sweet spot<br />
under overhanging foliage with a<br />
clear section of sky lighting the<br />
face. You want soft light on faces<br />
and so the eyes are bright.”<br />
Ride the<br />
shutter<br />
“When shooting,<br />
I tend to leave the<br />
aperture wide open<br />
at f/2.8 and ISO on<br />
100-800, depending<br />
on light levels, then<br />
ride my shutter speed<br />
if the sun is dipping in<br />
and out,” says Nina.<br />
“This can be up to<br />
fours stops difference,<br />
starting at 1/500 sec<br />
and up to 1/4000 sec.<br />
I constantly check<br />
images on the LCD,<br />
adjusting the shutter<br />
speed if I need to.”<br />
Top gear #1<br />
Luxury lenses<br />
Nina uses a range of fast telephoto lenses<br />
to capture her dreamy, atmospheric portraits.<br />
“I carry three main Canon EF lenses: the 200mm<br />
f/2.8L and 135mm f/2L primes, and 70-200mm<br />
f/2.8L zoom – which I keep almost permanently<br />
on 200mm for lovely background separation for<br />
my subjects to stand out clearly,” she says.<br />
The Canon Magazine 11
TheApprentice<br />
Top gear #2<br />
Full-frame DSLRs<br />
“The EOS 5D Mark<br />
III is fantastic for<br />
portraiture,” says<br />
Nina: “It’s full-frame,<br />
which helps with beautiful background blur when<br />
I use my telephotos lenses wide open; the image<br />
quality is great, with lovely natural colours; and I<br />
have no trouble with noise, even when shooting at<br />
high ISO settings. I carry two bodies in case my<br />
main camera fails me – it hasn’t yet!”<br />
Autofocus mode<br />
“I prefer to use the AI Servo AF mode<br />
as my family subjects are always moving<br />
around, so use I this focus tracking<br />
method for a better hit rate. I set<br />
back-button focus, then constantly hold<br />
down the (AF-On) button so my camera<br />
is continuously adjusting the focus for<br />
sharp shots,” says Nina.<br />
HOT<br />
SHOT<br />
#2<br />
Paul’s comment<br />
The little girl<br />
was quite shy<br />
so we got her to pick<br />
flowers and she was<br />
much happier. The<br />
shade under the tree has created a lovely<br />
diffused light. The flowers add some<br />
lovely colour to both the foreground and<br />
background, as well as adding depth,<br />
without distracting the eye from our<br />
pretty little subject. I shot this at 150mm,<br />
so knelt down from afar to include some<br />
of the surroundings, and, at f/4, it’s<br />
blurred the background artistically.<br />
HOT<br />
SHOT<br />
#3<br />
Paul’s comment<br />
With the kids<br />
happy, we<br />
brought in mum and dad<br />
for a group shot. We got<br />
them to squeeze in nice<br />
and close, and Nina engaged with them<br />
brilliantly so they have great expressions.<br />
The only thing I’d want to improve on is<br />
the position of the little boy with his body<br />
covered by a flower in the foreground,<br />
but I still think it’s a great shot.<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM<br />
1/500 sec, f/2.8, ISO400<br />
12<br />
Paparazzi mode!<br />
Most Canon cameras have two<br />
burst modes; Continuous and<br />
High-speed Continuous, which,<br />
on Paul’s enthusiast-level EOS 70D<br />
DSLR, offers seven frames per<br />
second – ideal for family portraits.<br />
“I encouraged Paul to use the highspeed<br />
burst mode – or paparazzi<br />
mode as I call it! By firing off multiple<br />
shots, it gives you more choice for<br />
successful shots, and means that,<br />
even if somebody blinks or pulls a<br />
face, you’ll likely have a few winners in<br />
each set up,” smiles Nina.<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM<br />
1/640 sec, f/4, ISO640<br />
Top Ten<br />
porTRAIT TipS<br />
1<br />
Fast<br />
telephoto lens<br />
Use a combination of a wide<br />
aperture and long lens to blur the<br />
background – eg f/2.8 at 200mm.<br />
2<br />
Paparazzi mode!<br />
Use High-speed Continuous<br />
mode to increase your chances<br />
of capturing great portraits.<br />
3<br />
Overcast is okay<br />
On an overcast day, the sky works<br />
like a giant softbox – you still<br />
need to avoid top light, though,<br />
so head under tree canopies.<br />
4<br />
Background checks<br />
Get to know the local countryside,<br />
and where the best photo ops are<br />
– under overhanging trees, with<br />
darker, contrasting backgrounds.<br />
5<br />
Engaging with subjects<br />
Chat to, encourage, and make<br />
subjects laugh so they’re relaxed<br />
and having fun. Offer direction<br />
on body and hand positions, too.<br />
6<br />
Read the seasons<br />
Each season, from spring to<br />
late summer, offers different<br />
colourful blossom backgrounds;<br />
from bluebells and wild garlic to<br />
cowslips, rapeseed and poppies.<br />
7<br />
AI Servo AF<br />
Subjects constantly move so use<br />
this focus-tracking method for<br />
a better hit rate of sharp shots.<br />
8<br />
Reduce AF points<br />
Nina sets up her 5D Mark iii so<br />
only the cross-type AF points are<br />
active; so she can access them<br />
quicker than using all 61 points.<br />
9<br />
Green grass of home<br />
Sunlight reflecting off green grass<br />
can make people look like the<br />
Incredible Hulk! Move people to a<br />
different spot so their skin tones<br />
don’t have a green cast.<br />
Removing colour casts<br />
10 But if you do get colour casts, use<br />
Photoshop to fix them selectively<br />
with layers and masks, so<br />
people’s skin looks natural while<br />
the surroundings remain green.<br />
TheApprentice<br />
Paul’s comment<br />
For our next set of<br />
family photos, we<br />
moved into the main part of<br />
the park, where we utilized<br />
these lovely long paths lined<br />
with huge horse-chestnut trees. With the<br />
three children huddled together on the<br />
middle of the path, I composed so the path<br />
disappears behind them. The tree created<br />
nicely shaded top light, with sunlight<br />
reflecting off the path just in front of them.<br />
Shooting at 135mm at f/4 has blurred the<br />
background nicely, but not so much<br />
that it’s completely unrecognizable.<br />
Nina entertains the kids to<br />
obtain good expressions for<br />
better portrait shots<br />
HOT<br />
SHOT<br />
#4<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM<br />
1/500 sec, f/4, ISO400<br />
14<br />
Top gear #3<br />
Camera bag<br />
“I got this Lowepro<br />
Off-Road LP 106 camera bag<br />
for £10 from a charity shop.<br />
I prefer this shape of bag,<br />
and it’s easy to access all my<br />
kit – with two big lenses in<br />
each end, and a spare body<br />
in the middle. It’s not too<br />
huge, and I can wear it as a<br />
giant bumbag if I want to<br />
commit a massive fashion<br />
faux pas!” laughs Nina.<br />
AF point display<br />
Nina set up Paul’s<br />
camera so he was<br />
using Single-point<br />
AF mode, and got<br />
him to compose<br />
with his AF point<br />
over the subject’s<br />
eyes. “This ensures<br />
sharper shots than<br />
if you focus with the<br />
central AF point<br />
then recompose,<br />
which at f/2.8 can throw your focusing off after the slight<br />
movement as you reposition the camera. I also switched<br />
on AF Point Display, so when you’re reviewing images on<br />
your LCD, you can check to see what you’ve focused on.”<br />
Make the most<br />
of group shots<br />
“When photographing<br />
the family as a group, get<br />
them to squeeze tightly<br />
together for a better pose<br />
and shape that’s not so<br />
spread out. Get the family<br />
to mess about – dad<br />
tickling the kids works<br />
well, rather than posed,”<br />
says Nina. “When in a pile<br />
together, it’s a good<br />
opportunity to grab some<br />
close-up headshots of<br />
each subject, especially<br />
if the kids look more<br />
comfortable sat with the<br />
family so you get better<br />
facial expressions. These<br />
can look nice in blackand-white,<br />
as the faces<br />
stand out against<br />
everybody else’s clothes.”<br />
Back-button<br />
focus<br />
“I use the back-button<br />
focusing method as I find it’s<br />
faster and more accurate as<br />
I’m constantly refocusing as<br />
families move around and<br />
kids fidget,” says Nina. “In the<br />
Custom Function menu on Paul’s 70D, we set up his camera so the AF-On<br />
button is exclusively used to focus – you need to disengage focusing from<br />
half-pressing the shutter button, so that it’s only used for metering. Once you<br />
get used to back-button focusing, I guarantee that you’ll never go back!”<br />
Top gear #4<br />
Memory<br />
cards<br />
“I keep my<br />
memory cards<br />
in this trusty<br />
blue box. As<br />
my 5D Mark III cameras have dual slots,<br />
I use the CF card to record Raws, and<br />
the SD card to record JPEGS as backup.<br />
I rarely look at the JPEGS, but they’re<br />
available should I never need them.<br />
And if a card ever lets me down I’ll bin<br />
it straight way,” advises Nina.<br />
TheApprentice<br />
Nina’s<br />
beautiful<br />
portraits<br />
Brilliant professional family<br />
photographer Nina Mace<br />
shares three of her top photos<br />
Bluebells<br />
“One of the biggest challenges<br />
of shooting in bluebells is the<br />
light, so this was shot as late<br />
as possible. I allowed some<br />
movement into the dress by<br />
slowing down the shutter speed.”<br />
Blossom<br />
“Taken on my 5D Mark III<br />
with the EF 135mm f/2L, I was<br />
experimenting with how much<br />
bokeh I could create at f/2 by<br />
moving my subject away from the<br />
pink blossom tree. To get height<br />
I had her stand on a park bench.”<br />
Spring<br />
“I love spring flowers but the<br />
light was very bright on this<br />
session, so I placed my subject<br />
into the tree line to ensure that<br />
she wasn’t squinting. I shot on<br />
the EF 135mm f/2L at f/2.5.”<br />
16<br />
HOT<br />
SHOT<br />
#5<br />
Paul’s comment<br />
This shot was one Nina had been waiting to get all day – with our subject backlit<br />
by the sun that’s now lower in the sky, while her face is in diffused top light. It’s<br />
so simple, yet so effective, as the rim light around long hair makes her really stand out<br />
from the contrasting background. It was shot on Nina’s 70-200mm lens at the long end<br />
and wide open at f/2.8. Nina suggested a black-and-white conversion; she explained<br />
that by removing any colour the eye is drawn straight to the girl’s face and happy expression.<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM<br />
1/500 sec, f/2.8, ISO400<br />
HOT<br />
SHOT<br />
#6<br />
Colour wheel &<br />
clothing choices<br />
Ahead of our shoot, Nina supplied the<br />
families with a Pinterest board for inspiration<br />
on what to wear (<br />
ninamace/what-to-wear-spring-shoots).<br />
She explained to Paul that, ideally, her family<br />
would be dressed using complementary colours.<br />
“Analogous colour schemes use colours that are<br />
next to each other on the colour wheel. They<br />
usually match well, are often found in nature,<br />
and are harmonious and pleasing to the eye,”<br />
she explained, “Ideally, I choose one colour to<br />
dominate, a second that supports, and a third<br />
colour is then added (along with black, white or<br />
grey) as an accent. The dominant colour is that<br />
of the backgrounds we intended to use outdoors,<br />
so at this time of year it’s green, which means that<br />
blues and yellows work especially well, alongside<br />
neutrals like greys and whites.”<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM<br />
1/320 sec, f/2.8, ISO400<br />
Paul’s comment<br />
Nina found a great spot where a pool of light was falling<br />
in amongst some birch trees. Shooting at f/2.8 here<br />
has blurred the trees nicely. By getting dad to lift up his son, both<br />
of their faces are on the same level so I could get in closer for<br />
a more pleasing composition. Nina was great at having<br />
fun with them, and her encouragement has resulted in the relaxed poses.<br />
Dress your subjects in shades that sit next to the<br />
dominant background colour on a colour wheel<br />
Posing and expressions<br />
People often worry if<br />
their subjects aren’t<br />
looking directly towards<br />
them, however you can<br />
sometimes capture more<br />
evocative shots by doing<br />
the opposite, as Nina<br />
explains: “Here, you can<br />
see that you don’t always<br />
need people to be looking<br />
down your lens – it works<br />
well when they’re looking<br />
at each other instead, as<br />
if it’s a shared moment,<br />
caught on camera.”<br />
The Canon Magazine 17
TheApprentice<br />
Paul’s comment<br />
The sun was much<br />
lower in the sky by<br />
now, and Nina explained this<br />
meant it was softer and more<br />
flattering for portraits. We still<br />
had our family under the shade of trees, and we<br />
sat them on a blanket in front of a patch of yellow<br />
buttercups. The long focal length and wide<br />
aperture has blurred these nicely, as well as<br />
the dark, contrasting green background behind.<br />
As Nina gave them direction and got them<br />
to smile in unison, I captured this winner!<br />
Nina’s verdict<br />
Paul had a good<br />
understanding of his<br />
Canon camera and just need a<br />
little help with finding the best<br />
spots for the best light, and<br />
building up a rapport with people to get good<br />
portraits. He’s put everything he’s learned<br />
together here for a deserved Shot of the Day.<br />
Shooting at f/2.8 for group shots like this is fine<br />
if, as we’ve done here, the family are all positioned<br />
together on same focal plane. The flowers in the<br />
foreground add some colour, and a hint of birch in<br />
the background adds to the scene. Getting the<br />
family in tight together and in a triangle<br />
shape really makes this shot. Well done!<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM<br />
1/500 sec, f/2.8, ISO400<br />
18<br />
Next Month SPORTS<br />
SHOT<br />
of the<br />
day!<br />
Be our next<br />
apprentice<br />
Do you need some help to take<br />
your Canon photography to the<br />
next level? Let us know what you’d<br />
like help with and we could pair<br />
you up with a top pro for the day!<br />
Email<br />
with ‘<strong>PhotoPlus</strong> Apprentice’ as the<br />
subject, and include your phone<br />
number and address.<br />
The Canon Magazine 19
Stunning imagery from the world of Canon photography<br />
20<br />
Fantastic canON photography<br />
01 Spiral staircase to heaven<br />
by Marco Tagliarino<br />
“A canopy located above provided<br />
the necessary light to illuminate this<br />
double helix staircase. Having two<br />
staircases allows people to ascend<br />
without meeting people descending.<br />
It’s located at the end of the Vatican<br />
museum and all visitors leave by this<br />
route,” explains Marco.<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Tokina AT-X PRO 11-16mm f/2.8 DX<br />
1/13, f/5.6, ISO640<br />
The Canon Magazine 21
02<br />
02 Grater by Richard Sayles<br />
“This is a shot of the Cheese Grater<br />
car park in Sheffield, UK,” says Richard.<br />
“It sits in the middle of the city centre.<br />
I decided to get right up to the building<br />
to try and accentuate the shapes and to<br />
capture the building differently.” By getting<br />
close and shooting upwards he has created<br />
a wonderfully abstract image that has the<br />
viewer questioning the sense of scale.<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Tamron af 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 Di ii VC ld [IF] Macro<br />
1/1000 sec, f/4, ISO400<br />
03 dry Land by Sigal Cohen<br />
The composition, with these fish breeding<br />
pools stretching into the distance as far<br />
as the eye can see, combined with the fact<br />
that the shot is sharp from front to back<br />
thanks to the depth of field afforded by the<br />
narrow aperture, shows good technical<br />
ability. But what intrigued us most about<br />
this image was that these strange circular<br />
shapes were naturally formed.<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon ef 24-105mm f/4L IS USM<br />
1/250 sec, f/13, ISO250<br />
All the images in this gallery<br />
were entrants to the<br />
<strong>PhotoPlus</strong> ‘Shapes’<br />
competition hosted on<br />
Photocrowd – a website<br />
where a public vote on the<br />
best-liked images is pitted<br />
against expert opinion.<br />
To enter our current contest,<br />
and vote on your favourite<br />
photos, simply visit<br /><br />
03 04<br />
22<br />
Fantastic canON photography<br />
04 Power by Mark Chamberlain<br />
“I’d had a vision of this image for months,<br />
but trying to get the symmetry right was<br />
the most difficult,” Mark says. “The cloudy,<br />
windy day gave the perfect chance for a<br />
long-exposure shot.” Mark converted his<br />
power pylon shot to black and white using<br />
Silver Efex Pro.<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon ef-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM<br />
31 secs, f/11, ISO100<br />
The Canon Magazine 23
05<br />
24<br />
Fantastic canON photography<br />
06<br />
05 Sphere collection by Paul Nash<br />
“I shot this group of spherical objects<br />
combined, as I wanted to make a single<br />
image that fascinates and reminds you of<br />
the old Victorian collectors,” says Paul.<br />
“This still life stimulates the imagination<br />
and makes you wonder about such an odd<br />
combination of objects.”<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon ef 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM<br />
1/250 sec, f/25, ISO100<br />
06 denkmal by Stefan Nielsen<br />
This shot is a great example of how<br />
effective repetitive architectural<br />
patterns can be when they’re used as a<br />
compositional tool. Stefan took the image<br />
at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin,<br />
Germany, and used a focal length of<br />
105mm to compress the perspective.<br />
07<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon ef 24-105mm f/4L IS USM<br />
1/500 sec, f/7.1, ISO200<br />
07 frozen bubble by Zeltner Evelyne<br />
“I shot this soap bubble resting on a frozen<br />
surface at sunrise,” Zeltner says. “The<br />
most difficult part was to deposit a bubble<br />
on the frozen surface without it bursting.<br />
The walls froze in seconds to create<br />
beautiful patterns.”<br />
All the images in this gallery were entrants to the<br />
<strong>PhotoPlus</strong> ‘Shapes’ competition hosted on Photocrowd – a<br />
website where a public vote on the best-liked images is pitted<br />
against expert opinion. To enter our current contest, and vote<br />
on your favourite photos, simply visit<br /><br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon ef 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM<br />
1/400 sec, f/7.1, ISO100<br />
The Canon Magazine 25
08<br />
08 lines and Repetition by Humphrey<br />
We loved Harvey’s front-on capture of<br />
the NYC Fashion Institute of Technology.<br />
Filling the whole frame with repetitive<br />
patterns makes for an abstract result, and<br />
enhances the striking tones. Parallel lines<br />
are comforting to the eyes, and Harvey has<br />
recognized this with his composition.<br />
Each issue, our favourite<br />
image wins a Manfrotto Pro<br />
Light RedBee-210 backpack<br />
(worth £140), and a<br />
selection from our top ten<br />
choices will be printed in<br />
these gallery pages.<br /><br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon ef 16-35mm f/4L IS USM<br />
1/640 sec, f/4, ISO100<br />
09 la Pyramide Inversée<br />
by Mark Krutiak<br />
“I had to use a long exposure – with no<br />
tripod – to make the afternoon crowds<br />
disappear,” says Mark. “My camera was<br />
placed on the floor and a 10-stop ND filter<br />
was used.” By blurring out tourists, our eye<br />
focuses entirely on the haunting shape of<br />
the Louvre’s skylight.<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon ef 17-40mm f/4L USM<br />
30 secs, f/10, ISO100<br />
09<br />
26<br />
seasonalphotoskills<br />
10<br />
steps to<br />
stunning<br />
summer<br />
landscapes<br />
With long and dreamy days, summer is a fantastic season for<br />
photography – follow our 10-step plan for your best captures ever!<br />
30 Gear up!<br />
Get kitted out and make<br />
a plan of action<br />
32 Use the whole day<br />
Shoot from dawn till dusk<br />
and tackle tricky lighting<br />
34 Embrace bad weather<br />
Keep at it, even during<br />
stormy conditions<br />
36 Nail your exposure<br />
Capture high-contrast<br />
scenes with success<br />
38 Be different<br />
Change your perspective<br />
for a new view<br />
28<br />
Summer landscapes<br />
Shutterstock<br />
The Canon Magazine 29
1<br />
The<br />
seasonalphotoskills<br />
right kit<br />
For the best chance of success you<br />
need to look, feel and dress the part<br />
Donning the trendiest outdoor clothing won’t elevate your<br />
photography, however it does pay to invest in some practical<br />
outdoor garments. The right clothing will protect you against<br />
the elements and enable you to shoot for longer in comfort.<br />
Summer isn’t always sunny, so think about dressing for wet and<br />
stormy weather, as well as heat and humidity. Whatever your<br />
budget, opt for versatile, water-resistant and lightweight clothes.<br />
Look at how well ventilated they are and whether they can be<br />
packed away in a camera bag. Pockets are a great asset too,<br />
providing easy access to filters, cards and smaller lenses.<br />
Bright<br />
& sunny<br />
01<br />
A standard baseball<br />
hat will keep the sun off<br />
your head at midday.<br />
02<br />
A good waistcoat or<br />
gilet will protect you<br />
from sun and wind, and<br />
provides easy access<br />
to kit. This Páramo<br />
Halcon Waistcoat is<br />
ideal for warm weather<br />
shooting, and has 12<br />
pockets to stash stuff.<br />
03<br />
Base layers should be<br />
stretchy, fast-drying<br />
and lightweight.<br />
Opt for breathable<br />
materials, such as<br />
cotton, or technical<br />
fabrics with sweatwicking<br />
properties.<br />
04<br />
Bottoms should help<br />
you stay cool but<br />
provide protection<br />
from UV and insects.<br />
These Atca trousers<br />
can be worn cropped<br />
or full length.<br />
03<br />
02<br />
01<br />
04<br />
Camera kit<br />
05<br />
06<br />
The equipment you’ll<br />
need to get started<br />
• Canon DSLR<br />
• Wide-angle lens<br />
• Comfortable bag<br />
• Waterproof bag cover<br />
• Sturdy tripod<br />
Handy extras<br />
• UV filter<br />
• Polarizing filter<br />
• Lens cloth<br />
Dark &<br />
stormy<br />
05<br />
You might want a<br />
warm hat for early<br />
morning shoots,<br />
or to give protection<br />
in strong winds.<br />
06<br />
There’s no point in<br />
keeping kit dry if you’re<br />
so wet and miserable<br />
you can’t concentrate.<br />
A waterproof jacket<br />
or coat is essential<br />
for rainy conditions.<br />
This Páramo Velez<br />
Adventure Light<br />
Smock is waterproof<br />
and breathable in<br />
humid weather, but<br />
only weighs 575g.<br />
Some companies,<br />
such as Páramo<br />
(,<br />
design<br />
outdoor garments<br />
specifically with<br />
photographers in<br />
mind. They’re often<br />
worth paying a bit<br />
more for, as they’ll<br />
last you for years<br />
and make shoots<br />
more comfortable.<br />
30<br />
Summer landscapes<br />
2<br />
Seek<br />
inspiration<br />
Where can you look for new shooting locations?<br />
Be inspired, but try to be original too…<br />
The world is a big place, so it’s best to have a rough shooting<br />
area in mind when you start your research (whether this is a<br />
holiday destination, or somewhere closer to home). Your local<br />
area might seem dull and familiar, so try looking at it from<br />
another point of view. What spots would you recommend to a<br />
fellow photographer if they were visiting? If you’re able and<br />
willing to head somewhere more exotic, you can glean location<br />
ideas from travel brochures and guides. Make use of online<br />
photo communities for inspiration too. The Flickr World Map<br />
( allows you to scroll around and find<br />
photos that have been uploaded and geotagged, and you can<br />
enter your own location to narrow the results down. 500px<br />
( is a stunning inspiration source, but don’t<br />
feel like you have to travel to far-flung places for great results!<br />
It’s easy to get carried<br />
away with wanderlust.<br />
Scale back shoots to suit<br />
your budget and time<br />
3<br />
Do your<br />
homework<br />
The Photographer’s Ephemeris is<br />
available as a desktop or mobile<br />
app (<br />
Traditional maps, such as Ordnance<br />
Survey, provide a helpful overview of<br />
an area and highlight other picturesque<br />
spots that might be nearby<br />
Francesco Richardo<br />
Make use of popular apps as well as traditional<br />
maps to make your pre-shoot preparation count<br />
Forward planning is key for landscape photography, as<br />
you’re reliant on the weather and light direction being just right.<br />
By researching locations thoroughly at home, you’re more likely to be<br />
rewarded with favourable conditions when you arrive with your camera.<br />
The Photographer’s Ephemeris (TPE) and The Photographer’s Transit<br />
(TPT) are two apps that are ideal planning companions. TPE displays<br />
how the light will fall on the land at any time of day in any location, so<br />
why not use it to work out the time and direction of sunrise and sunset<br />
in your chosen spot? TPT also provides a great way to check if your<br />
planned focal length will capture your scene effectively. Don’t neglect<br />
paper maps – as well as Google maps – in your logistical quest. Although<br />
they’re not as pocketable as a phone, they can be spread out on a table<br />
to really help you visualize a landscape in more detail.<br />
The Canon Magazine 31
seasonalphotoskills<br />
4<br />
Use the<br />
whole day<br />
There’s more to shooting in the summer<br />
than getting up early and staying out late<br />
The great thing about shooting in the summer<br />
months is the long days and amount of daylight<br />
available for you to take advantage of. During the day,<br />
however, metering can become tricky. Have you ever<br />
looked onto a glimmering ocean view, gone to capture<br />
it with your camera, and been disappointed by the<br />
result? This is because the human eye can see the<br />
equivalent of about 14 f-stops of dynamic range, while<br />
Canon DSLRs are limited to around eight. Don’t be<br />
disheartened though. As long as you choose the right<br />
subject to photograph (under the right conditions), the<br />
season can be just as rewarding as any other. Here,<br />
we’ll encourage you to use the whole of the day<br />
– including in the harsh, high and bright midday light.<br />
You could try to shake up your composition to avoid<br />
contrast completely, or use shade to your advantage.<br />
It’s time to make friends with midday…<br />
Shooting summer scenes<br />
with a longer focal length<br />
simplifies the composition.<br />
Excluding a bright sky can<br />
make exposure easier, too<br />
Sunrise Midday Sunset<br />
Early-morning light tends to be cooler. Arrive at<br />
least 30 minutes before actual sunrise to set up<br />
Light in the middle of the day often makes<br />
landscapes look a bit flat and two-dimensional<br />
Late evening light leans toward pleasingly<br />
warm colour casts of orange and red<br />
TOP<br />
TIP<br />
How to shoot a sunrise<br />
The reward of capturing the sun rising over the<br />
horizon almost always makes up for the lack of sleep.<br />
Research carefully to check the direction of sunrise,<br />
and scout your location beforehand so you can set up<br />
a good composition without faff. Arrive in plenty of<br />
time, and mount your camera onto a tripod. Opt for<br />
a low ISO, an aperture of around f/8-f/11 and a longer<br />
shutter speed to compensate.<br />
32<br />
Morning light is cooler<br />
in tone, so you might<br />
want to set the white<br />
balance to Shade<br />
Summer landscapes<br />
TOP<br />
TIP<br />
The Sunny 16 rule<br />
The Sunny 16 rule is a way to meter for a<br />
correct exposure during the middle of the day<br />
without using your Canon’s light meter. The<br />
basic idea is that, in daylight at an aperture of<br />
f/16, the correct exposure can be achieved with<br />
a reciprocal shutter speed to the ISO speed<br />
you’re using. For example, ISO200 would<br />
require 1/200 sec. As the conditions change,<br />
you simply alter the aperture. Use this table as<br />
a guide and try it out on your next shoot. Even<br />
the most sophisticated camera meters can be<br />
fooled in certain conditions, so this is a handy<br />
concept to keep at the back of your mind.<br />
Aperture<br />
Light<br />
Francesco Richardo<br />
f/16<br />
Sunny<br />
At midday<br />
Be patient. A passing cloud<br />
can be enough to soften the<br />
light hitting the landscape<br />
On a lovely sunny day, shooting at noon can be a photographer’s worst<br />
nightmare. It’s the time when the sun is highest in the sky, and this generates<br />
high contrast between the foreground and the sky. If you meter for the land,<br />
you’ll usually find the sky is completely blown out, whereas exposing for the sky<br />
leaves the land too dark. If you have to shoot at midday, try ditching the wideangle<br />
lens and zoom in on the scene with a telephoto lens. This way, you’ll<br />
eliminate the large amount of contrast that’s evident in broader shots, meter<br />
more effectively, and give the viewer’s eye something to focus on.<br />
f/11<br />
f/8<br />
Slightly Overcast<br />
Overcast<br />
Use shade<br />
If the midday sun is too high for your<br />
DSLR to handle, move to a spot of shade.<br />
This could be under a palm tree (if you’re<br />
lucky!) or building. Try not to worry<br />
about how ridiculous you might look<br />
crouching down in bushes. Shaded light is<br />
softer, shadows are weaker and the<br />
contrast is lower. If you’re completely in the<br />
open and can’t get around it, make use of your<br />
lens hood to avoid flare and glare.<br />
f/5.6<br />
f/4<br />
Heavily Overcast<br />
Open Shade/<br />
Sunset<br />
Your ISO and shutter speed should be<br />
reciprocal for the correct exposure<br />
The Canon Magazine 33
seasonalphotoskills<br />
5<br />
Embrace<br />
bad weather<br />
Too inclement to go out shooting? Change your outlook for moody results<br />
Framing an image with summer<br />
flowers in the foreground will<br />
draw the eye into a murky scene<br />
There’s no such thing as bad weather<br />
(for landscape photography, at least).<br />
Even in the rain, it’s possible to capture<br />
stunning images that still have a hint<br />
of summer about them. Try to include<br />
seasonal clues in the foreground of<br />
your images, such as floral details or<br />
vegetation. Poppies and sunflowers are<br />
quintessential summer blooms, which<br />
will add a bold splash of colour. Despite<br />
its sunny disposition, the summer season<br />
also has a darker side – thunderstorms.<br />
Lightning presents dynamic photo<br />
opportunities, but only if you can capture<br />
it quickly enough. The specific camera<br />
settings needed depend on the time of<br />
day and your location, but as a general<br />
rule, set your lens to manual focus and<br />
focus it at infinity. In Bulb mode, start<br />
with an aperture of around f/8 and ISO<br />
of 100. Then, keep the shutter open long<br />
enough to capture the strike!<br />
TOP<br />
TIP<br />
I’m shootin’ in the rain<br />
When yOU get caught up in a rainstorm, start shooting immediately after the<br />
rain stops. As the sun emerges and peeks through darker storm clouds, you’ll be<br />
presented with stunning photo opportunities. Clouds after rain are very dramatic,<br />
and the still air will give way to pristine reflections in puddles. In torrential weather,<br />
though, don’t get carried away and damage your kit in the process. Many camera<br />
bags come with a waterproof cover, so use them if it really starts to pour down.<br />
You can protect your lenses to a certain degree with a lens hood, but it’s worth<br />
investing in a basic rain cover so that you can carry on shooting, even in storms.<br />
Dress you<br />
– and your<br />
camera – for<br />
the weather<br />
Summer landscapes<br />
Cliff-sides are striking on a sunny day, when<br />
foliage contrasts with the sea beyond<br />
summer scenes<br />
to photograph<br />
We couldn’t tackle the season<br />
without exploring the coast, but we will<br />
try to take you beyond stereotypical<br />
seaside scenes of hot beaches…<br />
Waves are great fun to dive into with a camera<br />
(inside a waterproof housing, of course!)<br />
Coastal fishing villages perched on the edge<br />
of the water have a quaint, summery charm<br />
Francesco Richardo<br />
Francesco Richardo<br />
Francesco Richardo<br />
Hit the coast<br />
Go beyond traditional beach images<br />
6next time you’re beside the seaside<br />
Piers and groynes make striking subjects. Try<br />
a central composition for an abstract result<br />
Summer days can seem endless and dreamy,<br />
reminiscent of childhoods spent roaming the beach<br />
under a hot sky. A wide-angle lens is the go-to choice for<br />
photographing coastal scenes, and even a kit lens can be<br />
put to good use here. Don’t feel limited to these expansive<br />
views of sand and sea, though. Why not use a telephoto<br />
lens to hone in on footprints in the sand, or boats bobbing<br />
about on a sparkling ocean? The light quality can indicate<br />
to a viewer where and when an image was shot, so you<br />
don’t always have to include obvious visual clues.<br />
Wider scenes, with the sea in the background,<br />
look punchy when shot with a polarizer<br />
The Canon Magazine 35
seasonalphotoskills<br />
7Nail your<br />
exposure<br />
Heed these hints and tips to really get<br />
the most from tricky lighting situations<br />
It would seem as if everything is on your side in summer:<br />
fair weather, clear skies and long days. However, as soon as the<br />
sun does rise, it rises high and fast in the sky. The morning<br />
shadows quickly retreat, and this diminishes any sense of depth<br />
in the landscape. At the same time, contrast can be a big<br />
challenge for accurate exposure. There’s nothing inherently<br />
wrong with photographing in high-contrast<br />
conditions, but they can be very hard to<br />
meter for. In an Evaluative metering<br />
mode your Canon’s meter will<br />
measure the light intensity across<br />
the whole frame, then come<br />
up with an average value.<br />
In bright, contrasty conditions,<br />
this often renders your actual<br />
subject too bright or dark. If<br />
you switch to Spot or Partial<br />
metering mode, bear in mind<br />
that you’ll need to be able to judge<br />
tones accurately to get the most<br />
from them. Follow the three step<br />
tutorial, below, to take back control of<br />
the way you expose such scenes.<br />
Francesco Richardo<br />
High-contrast scenes<br />
Try taking several readings then shoot with the average<br />
01 camera settings<br />
Switch to Manual mode for full control of<br />
your exposure and Spot metering. Dial in<br />
your desired ISO and aperture. These<br />
values will depend on the scene, but<br />
start at around f/10 and ISO200.<br />
36<br />
01 take the readings<br />
Use a manual AF point selection, and<br />
start by positioning the focus point over<br />
an area of shadow. Note the given<br />
shutter speed. Repeat this step to meter<br />
the brightest point of the scene.<br />
01 find the average<br />
Find the middle shutter speed between<br />
the two readings. For example, between<br />
1/160 sec and 1/640 sec would be<br />
1/320 sec. Shoot at this exposure and<br />
then review the image histogram.<br />
8 Filters<br />
High-quality filters are a must-have accessory<br />
for improving your landscapes in-camera. When used<br />
properly, a filter not only enhances scenes, but saves<br />
you time editing your shots later, and is also useful for<br />
protecting your expensive lens’s front element from<br />
accidental damage. We’ve listed the most important<br />
filters for photographing summer landscapes below,<br />
explaining the conditions where you’ll want to use each<br />
one. Companies like Lee Filters ( offer<br />
premium options – at premium prices – but choose a filter<br />
system that matches your budget.<br />
Summer landscapes<br />
Know your ND from your UV? Here’s<br />
our quick guide to using filters<br />
Ultraviolet filter<br />
A UV filter is often overlooked, but as ultraviolet<br />
radiation can create haziness in photographic<br />
images it’s a handy accessory to keep on your lens<br />
in summer. UV radiation increases with altitude, so<br />
use a filter if you’re going to be climbing. A UV filter<br />
also protects the front of a lens – it’s a lot cheaper<br />
to replace a filter than a scratched front lens element…<br />
TOP<br />
TIP<br />
High-contrast scenes can play<br />
havoc with your metering when<br />
using Evaluative mode<br />
Avoid dust spots<br />
Dust spots become very obvious when<br />
you’ve stopped down to narrow apertures<br />
(higher f-numbers) and are shooting a bright<br />
sky. Make sure that your lens, filters and sensor<br />
are clean. This way you won’t spend hours<br />
removing dust spots in post-processing.<br />
Neutral-density filter<br />
Neutral-density filters, such as the Lee Big Stopper,<br />
reduce the amount of light entering the lens across<br />
the whole frame. This means you can use much<br />
slower shutter speeds than normal. Attach a 10-stop<br />
ND filter if you want to use a wide aperture, or really<br />
long exposure for creative effect on a bright<br />
summer’s day, such as blurring moving water.<br />
Graduated neutral density filter<br />
Graduated neutral density filters have a dark or grey<br />
coating at the top, and blend to clear at the bottom.<br />
By placing the dark part over the sky, you can bring<br />
its exposure value closer to that of the landscape<br />
below. This filter therefore becomes very useful<br />
when you’re shooting very bright skies against a<br />
darker foreground, and you need to balance the two.<br />
Circular polarizer<br />
A polarizer is highly effective on sunny days, adding a<br />
rich and velvety quality to blue skies. Once attached<br />
to your lens, simply rotate the front section to<br />
increase or decrease the effect. A polarizer will also<br />
boost contrast on damp, overcast days. On a shoot,<br />
you can judge the strength of the effect by rotating<br />
the filter slowly as you look through the viewfinder.<br />
The Canon Magazine 37
seasonalphotoskills<br />
9Be While a warming summer landscape is pleasing to the eye, there’s<br />
always scope to try something more dynamic. We’ve already touched<br />
upon using a telephoto lens to compress the perspective of the<br />
landscape, but bear in mind how your shooting angle also effects the<br />
result. Crouching down low in foliage or flowers gives a much more<br />
intimate feel. So, too, does widening the aperture and throwing the<br />
background out of focus. For a really drastic feel, give infrared a go.<br />
Blue skies and fluffy white clouds look great with this effect, as the<br />
harsh and contrasting sunlight creates a surreal, bleached look.<br />
different<br />
Take an alternative approach<br />
to your seasonal image-making<br />
TOP<br />
TIP<br />
Try infrared<br />
The easiest and cheapest way to get<br />
started is to attach an infrared filter<br />
to the front of your lens.<br />
You won’t be able to<br />
see anything through<br />
the viewfinder once<br />
it’s screwed on,<br />
so it’s best to<br />
compose the scene<br />
first. Where<br />
possible, look to<br />
include plenty of<br />
greenery in the frame.<br />
mrtotophotos<br />
Francesco Richardo<br />
Get abstract<br />
Don’t be scared to<br />
fill the frame with<br />
land and ignore the<br />
sky completely.<br />
With a longer lens,<br />
use repetitive lines<br />
to lead the eye into<br />
the composition.<br />
Francesco Richardo<br />
Include people<br />
Photographing<br />
figures in the<br />
landscape works<br />
to add depth and<br />
interest. In vast<br />
expansive scenes,<br />
it also adds a muchneeded<br />
sense of<br />
scale to the view.<br />
38<br />
Summer landscapes<br />
10<br />
Follow these quick tweaks to really polish off your shots<br />
WHEN you find yourself shooting in<br />
bright sunlight, a good technique is to<br />
underexpose slightly so that you retain<br />
highlight detail in the skies. As you can<br />
see from our starting shot, however, this<br />
approach often renders the overall shot<br />
very dark, drab and dull. The good news<br />
is that it’s easy to liven up the final photo<br />
when editing, even just with a few quick<br />
tweaks to the highlight and shadow<br />
levels, to recreate the gorgeous summery<br />
scene that your eye saw in a jiffy!<br />
After<br />
Edit to<br />
perfection<br />
Before<br />
TOP<br />
TIP<br />
Camera Raw methods<br />
Shooting your landscapes in Raw mode<br />
gives you a fully uncompressed file or ‘digital<br />
negative’ to work with when it comes to the<br />
editing stage, and any changes you make can<br />
be tweaked again later. Photoshop’s Adobe<br />
Camera Raw plug-in is a good place to start…<br />
FIRST tweaks<br />
Open the image up in Adobe Camera Raw and<br />
begin with general changes. To start with, we<br />
brightened up the exposure and shadows<br />
BOOST the sky<br />
Make use of gradient filters to boost selected<br />
portions of the image. Here, a filter was<br />
dragged across the sky to add saturation<br />
We transformed this flat landscape shot by<br />
boosting the shadows and vibrancy levels<br />
Use a Tone Curve and add points for a more<br />
targeted edit. We lightened the highlights and<br />
shadows again slightly to liven up the shot<br />
The Canon Magazine 39
Exmoor Gold<br />
Bossington Hill, Exmoor National Park, Somerset, England. 20:52 local time. 19 August 2013<br />
On the rolling hills of Exmoor in late summer, and<br />
David Noton is wondering: How low can I go? What<br />
degree of motion blur? And why is my back killing me?<br />
The rolling hills and moorland of Exmoor National<br />
Park come alive with colour in late summer. The<br />
purple and mauves of the heather and the bright<br />
yellow of the western gorse mix with the gold of<br />
the long dry grass in an explosion of colour that<br />
defies belief, especially when bathed in the low<br />
warm light of a summer’s evening. Contrast all<br />
that with the lush green of the valleys below and it’s a scene<br />
that pulls me back time and again.<br />
I’m crouched by the low tripod, straining with a protesting<br />
spine to see the camera back. With such a low viewpoint<br />
composing is tricky, I wish my 5D Mark III had a flip-out screen.<br />
I know why it doesn’t of course; too flimsy for a pro-spec body,<br />
it wouldn’t last a month on the road in<br />
Australia. Except I’m not in Karajini, I’m<br />
in Somerset, and my back is killing me.<br />
Well, we have to suffer for our art<br />
I suppose, and we all know the<br />
advantages of getting low; a whole new<br />
world of compositions opens up. Here the<br />
front element of my tilt-shift lens is just<br />
millimetres from the bell heather, I’ve<br />
a little bit of droop tilt dialed in to<br />
optimize my depth of field, and the<br />
light is just getting better and better.<br />
After much grunting I’m happy with<br />
my composition. It will be one of those<br />
images with almost infinite depth made<br />
by the strong foreground interest, but the<br />
patchwork of fields below and the interest<br />
in the sky are also key. A strong breeze<br />
is blowing; rendering the swaying grass<br />
sharp will be nigh-on impossible, so as<br />
I can’t fight Mother Nature I might as well<br />
join her and go for some motion blur.<br />
The big question is how much?<br />
I reach for my polarizer; with the angle<br />
of the light as it is sidelighting the scene<br />
it will really saturate the colours of the<br />
Pro travel & landscape photographer<br />
David is an award-winning Canon<br />
photographer with more than 30 years’<br />
professional experience. During his career<br />
David has travelled to just about every<br />
corner of the globe. In 2012, Canon invited<br />
him into its Ambassador Program by<br />
designating him an Official Canon Explorer.<br />
Info and photos at<br />
heather and make the blue in the sky pop. The problem is,<br />
however, with such a wide angle of view its effect on the sky<br />
will not be even, producing an unsightly donut effect. I think<br />
though there’s just enough cloud in the sky to mask the effect;<br />
it’s got to be worth a go. Now I need to consider additional<br />
filtration; having decided to let the grass sway while my shutter<br />
languishes open I could opt for an exposure stretching into the<br />
minutes if I deploy my Lee Filters 10x Big Stopper, or I could use<br />
the 6x Little Stopper, or a more modest 0.9 (3x) neutral density.<br />
Which to go for?<br />
It’s easy to fall into the trap when considering motion blur<br />
to assume that the longer the exposure and the more blur the<br />
better. Breaking waves, bending trees, babbling brooks, swaying<br />
grass, streaking clouds all take on a<br />
dreamy look with long exposures. But<br />
here on Bossington Hill I’m looking at<br />
those traces of high altitude cirrus in<br />
an otherwise unbroken blue sky. They<br />
are artful; I want them in my shot.<br />
Skies make landscapes, it’s as simple as<br />
that. I know if I now fit the Big Stopper<br />
and leave my shutter open for some<br />
90 seconds they’d be rendered as<br />
indistinct streaks, barely visible. No,<br />
I want motion in my foreground, but<br />
not in the sky, meaning an exposure of<br />
just a few seconds is called for. I reach<br />
for my 0.9 ND; combined with the<br />
polarizer and an aperture of f/16 it’ll<br />
do the job. I shoot a test frame, adjust<br />
my exposure using the histogram<br />
display, double check-focus and depth<br />
of field again, and press the button on<br />
my remote release. The light will only<br />
continue to get better, but that cloud<br />
will soon drift out of frame. Now is<br />
my decisive moment.<br />
Next month Canada<br />
40<br />
Coastal heath on Bossington Hill in late<br />
summer, with Dunkery Beacon beyond<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L<br />
5 secs, f/16, ISO100<br />
As I can’t fight<br />
Mother Nature I might as<br />
well join her and go for<br />
some motion blur
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The Canon Magazine 43
canon skills<br />
Sharpen up your photography skills with<br />
our all-new photo projects and expert guides<br />
Lauren Scott<br />
Staff Writer<br /><br />
Welcome...<br />
hello! Photography, as<br />
you’ll have heard a million<br />
times, is all about light. The<br />
best pros can enhance<br />
lighting conditions with their<br />
own special tips and kit, and<br />
as usual we’ll be showing<br />
you how to do the same.<br />
First up we’ll be at the<br />
beach, using mist filters to<br />
add mood to early morning<br />
scenes. For something<br />
closer to home, why not<br />
work with a Speedlite and<br />
focus on your furry friends<br />
in our pet portrait project?<br />
Later in the day, discover<br />
how to add romantic rings<br />
of flare to your portraits.<br />
Then, once the sun has truly<br />
set, there’s a project for<br />
turning passing cars into<br />
terrific traffic trails.<br />
We haven’t neglected the<br />
editing tutorials this month:<br />
’tis the sunny season, so<br />
learn to edit your daylit<br />
portraits with ease; remove<br />
unwanted people from<br />
friends and family groups;<br />
plus, use Lightroom to<br />
merge shots for stunning<br />
panoramas. Get out (or stay<br />
in) and work that light!<br />
New projects with video guides<br />
Follow our Canon DSLR walkthrough guides and Photoshop editing videos<br />
Misty minimalism<br />
46 Fake hazy landscapes and<br />
add mood and atmosphere with<br />
some help from a special mist filter<br />
Play with traffic<br />
56 Transform passing vehicles<br />
into bold streaks of colour with this<br />
simple long-exposure technique<br />
Cute pet portraits<br />
50 Use a Speedlite to capture<br />
cute and colourful portraits of your<br />
favourite little furry friends<br />
Remove distractions<br />
58 Unwanted people driving you<br />
to distraction? Remove a photobomber<br />
from your special shots<br />
Produce a panorama<br />
62 Discover how to create truly epic landscapes by stitching images<br />
together into a panorama with Lightroom’s Merge Panorama command<br />
Ring of fire faces<br />
52 Want to make better use<br />
of bright sunlight? Grab a metal pipe<br />
and introduce creative lens flare<br />
Edit sunny portraits<br />
60 We show you how to boost<br />
your summer portraits and come<br />
up with a fresh sun-kissed look<br />
View the videos<br />
Whenever you see<br />
this icon you’ll find<br />
an accompanying<br />
video – tap the<br />
link and the video<br />
will ‘pop-out’ of<br />
the page (as long<br />
as you have an<br />
internet connection).<br />
You can also download<br />
project files to your computer.<br />
View the video<br />
The Canon Magazine 45
Video also online<br /><strong>128</strong>_1<br />
view the video<br />
Project 1<br />
The Mission<br />
Use a mist filter and<br />
blend the sea into<br />
the sky for<br />
minimalist images<br />
Misty minimalism<br />
Lauren Scott simplifies the frame by using specialized filters<br />
Time needed<br />
1 hour<br />
Skill level<br />
Intermediate<br />
Kit needed<br />
Lee Mist Filter Set<br />
• Tripod<br />
Shooting in foggy and<br />
murky conditions can<br />
help to isolate subjects<br />
and add atmosphere to<br />
landscape shots. Mist lends<br />
itself perfectly to fine art, abstract<br />
scenes where the composition is<br />
purposely pared down to create a<br />
simple and soothing frame. That<br />
being said, you can meticulously<br />
plan a landscape shoot for mist,<br />
only to find out that the weather<br />
has other plans. Don’t despair if<br />
you turn up to your chosen<br />
location and find the conditions<br />
wanting. Here, we’ll show you<br />
how you can use specialist filters<br />
to achieve a sense of space and<br />
simplicity in your frame.<br />
It’s possible to add misty effects<br />
in post-production, but the results<br />
are rarely as convincing as if you’d<br />
shot them in-camera. Mist filters<br />
may sound like a gimmick, but<br />
they’re professional accessories<br />
that you use in the same way as a<br />
polarizer or neutral density filter<br />
to enhance scenes while shooting.<br />
The set we’ve tried came from<br />
Lee Filters (,<br />
and there are three different<br />
options you can choose from.<br />
We started off with the Mist stripe<br />
filter – this one is excellent for<br />
placing on the horizon and<br />
blending the sea into the sky for<br />
subtle, abstract landscapes. Pop in<br />
a filter, follow our easy shooting<br />
and editing tips, and mystify<br />
yourself with these gorgeous<br />
abstract results. Then, when the<br />
mist you had hoped for doesn’t<br />
materialize, you won’t be left<br />
feeling gloomy (or without any<br />
decent shots)…<br />
46<br />
Mist filters<br />
Filter options to get misty-eyed<br />
Looking for special effects that still look natural? Check out these glassy accessories<br />
There are three different types of<br />
filters in this particular set, and they can<br />
be used either alone or stacked upon one<br />
another. Of course, the setup you choose<br />
will depend on the desired density and<br />
the scene in front of you. To get started,<br />
it makes sense to scout out a shooting<br />
spot. Waterside locations, such as lakes<br />
or beaches, make a great choice, as you<br />
want to avoid making your photos look<br />
gimmicky. These areas are where mist<br />
and fog would naturally gather, and the<br />
horizon lines found at the beach also suit<br />
the stripe across the filter. For our shoot,<br />
we headed out to the seafront in the early<br />
morning. It doesn’t matter if the skies are<br />
clear or cloudy – great results can be<br />
found in both conditions.<br />
Quick Tip!<br />
These filters<br />
aren’t limited to<br />
landscapes. Try<br />
using the Clear<br />
Spot Filter to add<br />
a vignette to<br />
portraits<br />
01 Mist Clear Spot<br />
The clear spot on this filter is great for<br />
directing the viewer’s eye to the most<br />
important part of the frame.<br />
02 Mist Graduated<br />
In the same way as a graduated ND filter,<br />
this option gives a mist effect to either the<br />
top or bottom of the frame.<br />
03 Mist Stripe<br />
There’s a band in the centre of the filter.<br />
When it’s positioned in the foreground,<br />
it gives a sense of the depth of fog.<br />
Essential Kit, tips and Camera tricks Skills for Top the tips best for results HDR<br />
01 tripod<br />
For sharp shots, a sturdy<br />
tripod is vital. If it’s<br />
particularly windy, bury<br />
the legs in the sand or<br />
weigh it down. A built-in<br />
spirit measure is handy<br />
(but not vital) for checking<br />
if the horizon is straight.<br />
02 Steady on<br />
If you’re shooting in early<br />
morning low light, the<br />
chances are you’ll be using<br />
a relatively slow shutter<br />
speed. Avoid camera<br />
shake by using a remote<br />
release or timer delay<br />
to fire off the shutter.<br />
03 filter system<br />
The filters we were using<br />
fit into the 100mm system<br />
from Lee Filters. This<br />
meant we also needed<br />
a lens adaptor ring of the<br />
right size and a holder.<br />
Make sure you’ve got the<br />
right extras for your filters.<br />
04 manual focus<br />
It’s best to focus manually,<br />
as autofocus will be<br />
thrown off by the mist<br />
coating on the filter. Zoom<br />
in to a portion of the scene<br />
in Live View mode, then<br />
rotate the focus ring and<br />
judge sharpness visually.<br />
05 composition<br />
Take time to put together<br />
a dynamic frame. Turn on<br />
the grid display, as this will<br />
help you to compose the<br />
shot when using Live View.<br />
Change the aspect ratio,<br />
too, if you’re in the mood<br />
to experiment.<br />
The Canon Magazine 47
Project ????<br />
1<br />
Step by step on location<br />
Here’s how to get started with mist filters on the Great British seaside<br />
EDITING Tips<br />
You’ll probably find that<br />
your misty landscapes<br />
look a little dark straight<br />
out of the camera. While<br />
some gloom can add to<br />
the mood, avoid ending<br />
up with exposures that<br />
appear ‘muddy’. Open<br />
up your images in Adobe<br />
Camera Raw, and boost<br />
the Exposure, Whites and<br />
Contrast. You might want<br />
to desaturate shots by a<br />
small amount, too.<br />
01 the arrival<br />
When you arrive at your location, start by mounting<br />
your camera on a sturdy tripod. You can perfect the<br />
composition once you’ve attached the filters, but<br />
think about focal points you might want to include.<br />
02 find a frame<br />
Move about until you’re happy with the frame,<br />
zooming in a little so that you’ve got both water and<br />
sky in the scene. We choose to use an 18-200mm<br />
lens, so that it was easy to readjust our composition.<br />
03 slide the filters<br />
Next, screw on the attachment ring to your lens and<br />
add on the holder. Position the filter in the holder so<br />
that the stripe sits just over the horizon line. You can<br />
use the viewfinder to do this, but Live View is easier.<br />
04 set up your camera<br />
In Aperture Priority mode, set your camera to a low<br />
ISO, such as 100, and an aperture of around f/8. Then<br />
switch to manual focus. Using Live View, zoom in and<br />
focus with precision on your main point of interest.<br />
Next month<br />
on safari<br />
48<br />
05 start shooting<br />
Fire the shutter with a remote or cable release or<br />
timer delay. Review the exposure and composition of<br />
your first images. We narrowed the aperture, moved<br />
away from the sea and lowered the tripod height.<br />
06 layer up<br />
Add in a graduated mist filter on top of the stripe filter<br />
for an even hazier result. You might need to dial in<br />
some more positive exposure compensation here,<br />
as you start to block out the light reaching the sensor.<br />
Mist filters<br />
Idea 2 monochrome<br />
Go greyscale<br />
Removing colour is another way to simplify<br />
compositions and add mood. Here, we used<br />
Adobe Camera Raw to create a greyscale<br />
conversion of the shot, also adding in a<br />
vignette to draw the eye into the frame.<br />
A square crop suited this symmetrical<br />
structure best.<br />
Filter used: Mist stripe and mist<br />
graduated<br />
Exposure: 1/8 sec, f/13, ISO100<br />
Edit: Exposure -0.45, Blacks -20,<br />
Contrast +18, Shadows -65<br />
Idea 3 timing it right<br />
Out at midday<br />
Morning light might be lovely and soft,<br />
but you can’t always get out first thing.<br />
Fog and mist can appear at any time of<br />
day, so don’t be afraid to use a filter in<br />
the middle of the day. Here, overcast<br />
light and a central composition creates<br />
an incredibly simple shot that’s calming<br />
to behold. We used a focal length of<br />
28mm to compress the scene. The<br />
final effect looks slightly surreal, but<br />
it still illustrates the effect well.<br />
Filter used: Mist stripe<br />
Exposure: 1/160 sec, f/14,<br />
ISO100<br />
Edit: Exposure +0.45, Highlights<br />
+38, Contrast +90, Shadows -78<br />
The Canon Magazine 49
Video also online<br /><strong>128</strong>_2<br />
View the video<br />
Project 2<br />
The Mission<br />
Take great pet<br />
photos at home<br />
Time needed<br />
One hour<br />
Cute pet pictures<br />
Hamster whisperer Peter Travers on how to photograph pets<br />
Skill level<br />
Intermediate<br />
Kit needed<br />
Background paper<br />
• Two flashguns<br />
• Radio triggers (or<br />
use pop-up flash)<br />
Never work with<br />
children or animals,<br />
they say – and they are<br />
often right! However,<br />
that didn’t stop us trying our best<br />
to grab some great pet portraits<br />
for this project.<br />
We decided to photograph our<br />
little pet hamster, Cloudy, and it<br />
instantly threw up challenges, the<br />
main one being able to get a<br />
decent shot before she scurried<br />
off. Hamsters move very quickly,<br />
and aren’t in the habit of staying<br />
still and posing in your direction,<br />
but with a few key techniques,<br />
and being ready and in position,<br />
with our lights tested and set up,<br />
we were finally able to get a<br />
winning shot (see right) after<br />
using her play tube to keep her<br />
stationary for a couple of seconds<br />
before escaping.<br />
We set up a small home studio<br />
using a piece of blue background<br />
paper stuck to the wall and on<br />
the top of Cloudy’s cage, plus two<br />
off-camera flashguns set on low<br />
power so as not to scare the little<br />
rodent. Read on to learn more.<br />
STEP BY STEP How to capture animal magic<br />
Learn the Canon camera and flash settings to take great pet pictures in your home<br />
01 home studio setup<br />
We set up a simple mini-studio by taping<br />
a piece of blue background roll to a wall<br />
and allowing it to curve gently onto our<br />
hamster’s cage to create a smooth and<br />
seamless backdrop. We then let the<br />
hamster crawl around on top of the paper.<br />
02 flashgun settings<br />
To light our hamster, we set two flashguns<br />
to a low 1/<strong>128</strong> power, one positioned at the<br />
front at 28mm zoom, the other to the side<br />
at 50mm zoom, fired via wireless triggers<br />
(if your camera has a pop-up flash,<br />
trigger your flashguns optically instead).<br />
03 Standard lens<br />
We used a Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L<br />
USM standard zoom on our full-frame<br />
camera, at 70mm so we could focus close<br />
enough for a frame-filling composition as<br />
the hamster is so small. For a crop-sensor<br />
Canon, an 18-55mm kit lens will be fine.<br />
04 dePTh of field<br />
It might be tempting to use your widest<br />
aperture for creative blur, but when<br />
focusing closely on small subjects, depth<br />
of field is extremely shallow at f/2.8, so we<br />
shot at f/5.6. Our shutter speed was<br />
1/200 sec to meet the flash sync speed,<br />
and we set ISO640 to boost the exposure.<br />
05 do feed the animals<br />
The best way to attract animals of all<br />
shapes and sizes is to bribe them with<br />
their favourite food; Cloudy loves nuts.<br />
An assistant comes in very handy here, as<br />
they can entice the pet to (a) stay still, and<br />
(b) balance on their hind legs for a better<br />
pose. Patience goes a long way here…<br />
06 add some colour<br />
To inject some colour we tried using a<br />
plastic green tub that also stopped the<br />
hamster escaping! We also tried various<br />
items for our hamster to clamber over and<br />
pose on, and found a cardboard tube was<br />
perfect to keep her facing the camera for<br />
the few seconds it took to take our shot.<br />
50<br />
Quick Tip!<br />
Using off-camera<br />
flashguns not only<br />
lights animals<br />
evenly, they also<br />
create a catchlight<br />
in otherwise-black<br />
eyes to add a little<br />
extra sparkle<br />
The Canon Magazine 51
Video also online<br /><strong>128</strong>_3<br />
view the video<br />
Project 3<br />
The Mission<br />
Learn how to shoot<br />
lens flare rings<br />
using a metal pipe<br />
Time needed<br />
One hour<br />
Skill level<br />
Intermediate<br />
Kit needed<br />
Prime, wide<br />
aperture lens<br />
• Copper pipe<br />
Ring of fire<br />
Lauren Scott explains how to introduce sizzling circular lens flare<br />
Many modern lenses<br />
are so well designed<br />
that they all-buteliminate<br />
lens flare.<br />
Specially coated glass elements<br />
stand up against even the<br />
brightest, harshest sunlight, and<br />
for everyday use, this is a good<br />
thing. Unwanted flare, caused by<br />
light bouncing off lens elements,<br />
is unpredictable, not to mention a<br />
pain to remove in post-processing.<br />
But what if you could make and<br />
control camera flare on command,<br />
with the ability to move and shape<br />
it to suit your subject? Well, you<br />
can, and we’ll show you how…<br />
Shooting through a piece of<br />
metal pipe in direct light –<br />
sunlight is ideal – creates instant<br />
in-camera flare. The pipe shape,<br />
colour, position and texture will<br />
all affect how your flare looks,<br />
and every result will be unique.<br />
This creative effect is best used<br />
in moderation, but play around,<br />
and with a little practice you’ll<br />
soon get the hang of it. Read on<br />
for our take on introducing<br />
deliberate lens flare…<br />
Shooting skills flare with flair<br />
Use a piece of pipe to add a glowing golden ring to your portraits<br />
01 what you’ll need<br />
The best lens to use here is a prime with<br />
a focal length of 50-100mm and a wide<br />
maximum aperture, such as f/1.8. You’ll<br />
also need a piece of metal pipe that’s<br />
around an inch in length and diameter. Cut<br />
it to size with a pipe cutter if you need to.<br />
02 subject choice<br />
As we’re demonstrating a technique here,<br />
the subject isn’t so important. That being<br />
said, portraits look gorgeous with added<br />
lens flare. Shoot your subjects with the sun<br />
(or light source you’re using) behind them,<br />
as this is when flare will appear.<br />
03 camera settings<br />
There’s not an ideal setting for all scenarios,<br />
but we used Aperture Priority mode, so<br />
we didn’t have to worry about constantly<br />
changing the exposure at the same time<br />
as moving the pipe. Most of our shots<br />
were taken at ISO100 and around f/2.8.<br />
04 see the light<br />
You can utilize any light source for this,<br />
including the sun, street lamps, bulbs<br />
or flash. Bright sunlight is easy, effective,<br />
and free to boot. It also creates particularly<br />
good-looking flare when low in the sky<br />
during the afternoon and early evening.<br />
05 use live view<br />
Switch to Live View so you can easily assess<br />
how shots (and flare) will look. Rotate the<br />
pipe back and forth in front of the lens and<br />
move around your subject to reposition<br />
yourself in relation to the light source. Fire<br />
the shutter when you’re ready. Flare-tastic!<br />
06 pipe dreams need practice<br />
You won’t magically get a flare as soon as<br />
you hold the ring in front of your lens.<br />
Consider where the sun is in the sky, and<br />
the position of your subject in relation to it.<br />
Practice makes perfect, so keep tweaking<br />
until all the elements line up.<br />
52<br />
Lens flare<br />
CUT TO siZE<br />
Copper piping usually<br />
comes in lengths of a<br />
minimum of a couple of<br />
metres, so we cut a<br />
longer piece down using<br />
a tube cutter. This nifty<br />
tool was only a couple of<br />
quid, but could cut piping<br />
up to 28mm in diameter.<br />
Plus, it meant we could<br />
create a few rings of<br />
different lengths – all the<br />
better for experimenting<br />
with! Using both chrome<br />
and copper versions for<br />
experimentation, we<br />
cut down our 25mmdiameter<br />
piping to about<br />
an inch in length.<br />
Quick Tip!<br />
A clear acrylic or<br />
Perspex tube could<br />
also be used. Hit<br />
the internet, order a<br />
tube, then cut<br />
it to the right<br />
size yourself<br />
The Canon Magazine 53
Project 3<br />
Take it further with a QUick edit<br />
Use a few quick Photoshop sliders to set your shots alight<br />
01 start in camera raw<br />
It doesn’t take much tweaking to enhance<br />
these portraits. Because direct sunlight<br />
can often result in images that are slightly<br />
underexposed, your main aim is to<br />
brighten up the face without blowing out<br />
the definition of the ring itself. To begin,<br />
we took down the Whites and Highlights.<br />
02 Local adjuStmentS<br />
Next, we opened up our image in the<br />
main Photoshop editor. First, we used the<br />
Dodge tool to selectively brighten up areas<br />
of the face, with the Range set to Midtones<br />
and the Exposure to 50%. Then, we set<br />
the Range to Highlights and brightened up<br />
the rim lighting outlining our model’s head.<br />
03 Finishing touches<br />
The last step was to add a few subtle<br />
adjustment layers to our shot. We ramped<br />
up the Brightness and Contrast ever so<br />
slightly for a punchier result, as this suited<br />
the high-contrast shooting conditions. In<br />
some situations, you might find that you<br />
actually want a flatter, more subtle result.<br />
Final inspiration TO Get the glow GOING<br />
Try out different pipes, lighting and shooting situations<br />
left look up<br />
If the sun is still very<br />
high in the sky, find an<br />
open space to shoot<br />
in, crouch down low<br />
and position it behind<br />
your model’s head.<br />
right forget<br />
the ring<br />
This technique creates<br />
gorgeous flare effect,<br />
but you don’t have to<br />
make them circular.<br />
Next month<br />
catch a wave<br />
54<br />
Video also online<br /><strong>128</strong>_4<br />
view the video<br />
Project 4<br />
After<br />
Before<br />
56<br />
The Mission<br />
Capture vehicle<br />
light trails at night<br />
with a long<br />
exposure<br />
Time needed<br />
30 minutes<br />
Skill level<br />
Intermediate<br />
Kit needed<br />
Tripod<br />
• Photoshop CC<br />
Play with traffic<br />
James Paterson explains how to capture and combine images<br />
that transform passing vehicles into glorious streaks of colour<br />
We photographers<br />
have a bit of a love/<br />
hate relationship<br />
with movement.<br />
Sometimes it’s a real pain and we<br />
strive to keep it to a minimum. At<br />
other times, we want to celebrate<br />
it in all its blurry glory. The<br />
motion of traffic at night falls into<br />
the latter category. By using a long<br />
exposure in the low evening light,<br />
the smooth motion of their lights<br />
creates wonderful streaks of<br />
colour through the frame.<br />
This is one of those camera<br />
skills that reveals the magic of<br />
photography – and anyone with a<br />
DSLR and tripod can do it. As<br />
such, it’s a great way to get started<br />
with long-exposure photography<br />
as there’s no need for extra filters<br />
or even a cable release. The<br />
challenge is finding an interesting<br />
composition for your shot. On a<br />
recent shoot in Norway we found<br />
these mountains and winding<br />
roads that worked perfectly, but<br />
why not try a busy motorway,<br />
city street, or a knotty junction?<br />
Another challenge is timing – we<br />
want a decent array of lights but<br />
at night, especially, traffic can be<br />
rather sparse. However, you can<br />
always shoot several frames then<br />
combine them with simple editing<br />
skills, as we’ll explain...<br />
Traffic Trails<br />
STEP BY STEP Be a trailblazer<br />
How to set up your DSLR for a series of long-exposure light trails<br />
01 Get set up<br />
Fix your DSLR to a tripod. Look for an angle where the<br />
winding road begins close up then recedes into the<br />
distance, as this’ll make more interesting lines than,<br />
say, a side-on view. Try a low-down or high-up view, and<br />
frame loosely to account for different-height vehicles.<br />
02 Switch to manual<br />
Rather than shooting in pitch dark, try just after sunset<br />
so there’s still detail in the sky. Even so, autofocus can<br />
struggle to lock on in low light, so focus on a point a<br />
third of the way into the scene, then switch to manual<br />
focus to lock it. This’ll prevent hunting between frames.<br />
Using<br />
Manual<br />
exposure<br />
If you find you usually<br />
stick to the auto exposure<br />
modes, a project like<br />
this offers a gentle<br />
introduction to Manual<br />
exposure mode. In order<br />
to get the long shutter<br />
speeds we need, we<br />
have to adjust our other<br />
exposure settings to<br />
compensate. Firstly<br />
we can use a high<br />
f-number like f/16. This<br />
decreases the size of the<br />
opening in the lens and<br />
restricts the flow of light.<br />
Secondly, we can use a<br />
low sensitivity, such as<br />
ISO100, so the sensor<br />
requires more light for a<br />
correct exposure. Both<br />
factors help to restrict<br />
the amount of light,<br />
which means we can use<br />
a longer shutter speed<br />
that will blur any motion.<br />
03 Set your exposure<br />
Switch your DSLR to Manual exposure mode. All<br />
scenes are different, but here’s a good starting point<br />
for exposure: set the aperture to f/16, shutter speed<br />
30 secs and ISO100. If the image is too bright or<br />
dark, try adjusting the aperture until you’re happy.<br />
05 Combine several images<br />
Open the images you want to use (we blended seven) in<br />
Photoshop. Choose one frame as the base image, then<br />
go to another image, Select All (Cmd/Ctrl+A), Copy<br />
(Cmd/Ctrl+C) then go back to the base image and<br />
Paste (Cmd/Ctrl+V). Repeat for all the other images.<br />
04 Time it right<br />
Shoot lots of frames as vehicles zoom by. Differences<br />
in height make the trails more varied (as will flashing<br />
lights, which appear as dashes). Take care not to nudge<br />
the camera between shots, as we need all the frames<br />
to be in alignment if we intend to blend them together.<br />
06 Blend the layers<br />
Go to the Layers panel (Window>Layers) then change<br />
the blending mode of all layers to Lighten, which<br />
effectively overlays the trails on top of one another.<br />
If any other areas, like the sky, look messy, use a layer<br />
mask or the eraser to remove them from the mix.<br />
Quick Tip!<br />
Use a 2-sec selftimer<br />
drive mode<br />
if you don’t have a<br />
remote control so<br />
you can start the<br />
exposure without<br />
nudging the<br />
camera<br />
The Canon Magazine 57
Video also online<br /><strong>128</strong>_5<br />
view the video<br />
Photoshop Elements<br />
Before<br />
After<br />
The Mission<br />
Remove people in<br />
the background of<br />
your photos<br />
Time needed<br />
20 minutes<br />
Before<br />
Editing portraits<br />
An unwanted ‘photo bomber’ needn’t spoil your cherished photos,<br />
allow James Paterson to explain how to remove pesky intruders<br />
Skill level<br />
Intermediate<br />
Kit needed<br />
Photoshop<br />
Elements<br />
Download project files<br />
to your computer from:<br />
http://downloads.<br /><strong>128</strong>.zip<br />
It’s happened to the best<br />
of us; we think we’ve<br />
captured the perfect<br />
moment only to discover<br />
later on that someone has<br />
unintentionally muscled in<br />
on the action and spoiled<br />
the composition.<br />
In this case I was at a wedding<br />
and there came a split-second<br />
moment where everything gelled<br />
perfectly. The just-married couple<br />
were sharing a loving look,<br />
framed perfectly on either side by<br />
the bride’s onlooking mother and<br />
sister. I’d even managed to catch<br />
the groom – not known for his<br />
displays of emotion – shedding a<br />
few quiet tears. It was the moment<br />
of the day. Then, to my horror, I<br />
saw the woman in the background<br />
– the ultimate photo bomber.<br />
Everything in the composition<br />
leads towards her. She’s not even<br />
a guest, just an interested gawper<br />
that chanced upon the wedding<br />
party as they left the church.<br />
Upon showing the photos to the<br />
couple, they loved this one above<br />
all others. But, they asked, could<br />
anything be done about the<br />
random person?<br />
The answer is usually yes, but<br />
with a few caveats. Successfully<br />
removing an unwanted photo<br />
bomber depends on what lies<br />
elsewhere in the frame – or in the<br />
frames taken either side. To cover<br />
something up, we need to find a<br />
piece of image that looks natural<br />
in its place. We can then replace<br />
the offending area and tidy up it<br />
for seamless results. Thankfully<br />
I’d fired another frame where the<br />
hapless intruder was offset just<br />
enough to be less of an eyesore.<br />
Photoshop Elements – with<br />
its layer controls and retouching<br />
tools – has everything you need,<br />
even when faced with tidying up<br />
cluttered backdrops like this...<br />
58<br />
Remove distractions<br />
Step by step Delete distractions<br />
Learn how to get rid of people in the background to improve your composition<br />
01 Find replacement pixels<br />
In Expert mode, open bomber_before01 and 02. Go to<br />
the second image. We’ll use the middle section to hide<br />
the distracting lady. Grab the Rectangular Marquee<br />
tool from the toolbar and drag a box over the middle<br />
portion of the frame, top to bottom.<br />
02 Position the copy<br />
Hit Cmd/Ctrl+C to copy the selection, then go to the<br />
other image and hit Cmd/Ctrl+V to paste it over. Go to<br />
the Layers panel and drop the opacity to about 50%.<br />
Grab the Move tool and drag the layer into position,<br />
lining up the people in the background.<br />
Clone tool<br />
or lAyers?<br />
The Clone tool lets us<br />
copy pixels from one area<br />
to another, so it’s useful<br />
for removing unwanted<br />
people from otherwiseclean<br />
backdrops. But<br />
things get more tricky<br />
with a cluttered backdrop<br />
like this. Here’s where<br />
Layers prove more<br />
useful. We can copy part<br />
of an image to a new<br />
layer, then reposition it<br />
elsewhere. This gives us<br />
greater control, as we<br />
can fine-tune exactly<br />
what’s visible or not by<br />
adding a layer mask to<br />
the copied pixels. So in<br />
effect, layers can be used<br />
to perform exactly the<br />
same task as the Clone<br />
tool, but with greater<br />
control and finesse.<br />
03 Select the people<br />
Set layer opacity to 100%. Highlight the ‘Background’<br />
layer and hit Cmd/Ctrl+J to make a copy. Drag it to<br />
the top of the stack then grab the Quick Selection tool.<br />
Paint to select the figures between the couple. Hold<br />
Alt and paint to subtract if the tool goes wrong.<br />
04 Improve the selection<br />
Hit Refine Edge in the tool options. Increase Radius to<br />
improve the selection. Paint over messy areas along<br />
the edge with the Refine Radius tool. Set Output:<br />
Layer Mask. Next highlight the layer mask thumbnail<br />
in the Layers panel and hit Cmd/Ctrl+I to invert it.<br />
Quick Tip!<br />
It’s easier to get rid<br />
of photo bombers<br />
in-camera! Shift<br />
your perspective<br />
slightly or open up<br />
your aperture<br />
to blur them out<br />
05 Perfect the mask<br />
Grab the Brush tool, with a soft-edged brush tip, and<br />
zoom in close. With the mask thumbnail highlighted<br />
we can paint white or black to reveal or hide parts of<br />
the layer until the mask perfectly isolates the faces.<br />
Hit X to flip between black and white as you paint.<br />
06 Clone to tidy<br />
Make a new layer then grab the Clone tool and check<br />
‘Sample All Layers’ in the tool options. Sample a<br />
source area then paint to clone over messy parts.<br />
Don’t worry about cloning precisely; add a layer mask<br />
and paint white or black to fine-tune what’s visible.<br />
Next month<br />
Repair your<br />
old photos<br />
The Canon Magazine 59
Video also online<br /><strong>128</strong>_6<br />
View the video<br />
Photoshop CC<br />
The Mission<br />
Learn how to liven<br />
up your sunlight<br />
portraits<br />
Time needed<br />
10 minutes<br />
Give me sunshine<br />
Are your sunlit shots getting you hot and bothered? Lauren Scott<br />
shows you how to liven things up without going overboard<br />
Skill level<br />
Easy<br />
Kit needed<br />
Photoshop CC<br />
Download project files<br />
to your computer from:<br />
http://downloads.<br /><strong>128</strong>.zip<br />
Whatever the genre,<br />
we all start to feel<br />
inspired and snappy<br />
when the sun is out.<br />
Unfortunately, photos taken in<br />
bright daylight can end up looking<br />
either flat and dull or too bright<br />
and harsh. This is because when<br />
the sun is higher in the sky, it<br />
throws areas – such as sides of the<br />
face or under the eyes – into deep<br />
shadow. That isn’t to say that<br />
whipping out your camera on a<br />
summer’s day is inherently wrong.<br />
Perhaps you’ve been tasked to<br />
shoot a summer clothing<br />
catalogue, or you just want to<br />
photograph friends and family at<br />
the beach. Either way, sometimes<br />
you have to work with the<br />
conditions that you’ve been given.<br />
In this tutorial we’ll show you<br />
how to make the best of your<br />
sunlit lifestyle shots with a few<br />
tweaks. We’ll start in Adobe<br />
Camera Raw and then finish off in<br />
Photoshop CC. There’s nothing too<br />
complex here. For example,<br />
adding a vignette can lead the<br />
viewer’s eye toward your subject,<br />
deepen the background tones and<br />
add a natural frame. As for your<br />
subjects themselves, brightening<br />
the eyes and highlights in the hair<br />
will inject energy into any<br />
portrait. More often than not,<br />
you’ll be trying to fill in shadows.<br />
Although our starting portrait<br />
straight out of the camera wasn’t<br />
too unbalanced, there were still<br />
a few adjustments we could make<br />
to give it a professional sun-kissed<br />
look and bring our model to life.<br />
The aim here isn’t to recreate a<br />
Caribbean scene, but to enhance<br />
portraits in natural light. Quick<br />
tweaks to the white balance and<br />
contrast can really make all the<br />
difference to the final result. As<br />
with all good editing, the key is<br />
to keep things subtle...<br />
Before<br />
Step by step for a sun-kissed look<br />
Play around with this technique next time you’re editing a sunlit shot<br />
Adjustment<br />
brushes<br />
It’s possible to edit your<br />
images completely in<br />
Adobe Camera Raw. To<br />
adjust a specific area of<br />
a photo (the face or eyes,<br />
for example) select the<br />
Adjustment Brush tool<br />
from the toolbar, choose<br />
to adjust the exposure or<br />
brightness, specify brush<br />
options, then paint with<br />
the Adjustment Brush<br />
tool over the chosen area.<br />
60<br />
01 use camera raw<br />
Open up the image in ACR. Start by taking the<br />
Exposure up to +0.10, the Contrast to +15, the<br />
shadows to +10 and the Whites down to -10. The<br />
Vibrance levels should also be boosted to +20. The<br />
values are specific to this image, but sunlit shots<br />
generally benefit from added contrast and vibrance.<br />
02 add a vignette<br />
Head to the Lens Correction tab, go to Manual and<br />
take the Lens Vignetting Amount down to -40, with<br />
the midpoint at 50. In images where the subject is<br />
larger in the frame, you might find that a smaller<br />
vignette is more effective. Drag the sliders around<br />
to suit different scenes and compositions.<br />
Sunny portraits<br />
After<br />
Quick Tip!<br />
Brighten up<br />
shadowy faces on<br />
a shoot by using<br />
a reflector. Look<br />
for pocket-sized<br />
versions that can<br />
fit in a bag<br />
03 add some warmth<br />
Camera meters can often render scenes on the cool<br />
side, so the next stage is to warm up the shot from the<br />
Basic tab. Camera Raw usually defaults the white<br />
balance to ‘As Shot’ or ‘Auto’, but we’ll set it to<br />
Custom. Take the Color Temperature up to around<br />
6200. If you go any higher, the eyes start to yellow.<br />
04 Brighten the face<br />
The final stage is to selectively lighten the image.<br />
Open it up in Photoshop and select the Dodge tool.<br />
Set it to Highlights and 30% exposure, then use a<br />
soft brush to paint over the face once or twice. Use<br />
a smaller brush to paint over the eyes. You might<br />
want to carry out this step on a duplicate layer.<br />
Next month<br />
textural<br />
portraits<br />
The Canon Magazine 61
Video also online<br /><strong>128</strong>_7<br />
View the video<br />
Lightroom<br />
The Mission<br />
Stitch a scene with<br />
Lightroom’s Merge<br />
Panorama tool<br />
Time needed<br />
15 minutes<br />
Skill level<br />
Easy<br />
Kit needed<br />
Lightroom 5 or later<br />
Produce<br />
panoramas<br />
James Paterson uses Lightroom’s<br />
Merge Panorama command to<br />
combine several frames<br />
After<br />
Download project files<br />
to your computer from:<br />
http://downloads.<br /><strong>128</strong>.zip<br />
Lightroom’s Merge Panorama command<br />
stitches several horizontal or vertical frames<br />
together to create a panoramic Raw file<br />
– perfect for those times when your lens<br />
can’t fit the whole landscape in, or if you want<br />
to pack in extra detail.<br />
The Merge Panorama command offers three Projection<br />
modes, and as you’d expect these stitch the frames in<br />
slightly different ways. Spherical maps the frames as if on<br />
the inside of a sphere. It’s ideal for very wide panoramas, or<br />
ones that have several rows to them. Perspective maps the<br />
segments as if they were on a flat surface, and this keeps<br />
lines straight. For this reason, it’s great for architectural or<br />
city scenes, but can lead to extreme distortion and warping<br />
at the edges when used in the wrong way. Cylindrical maps<br />
the frames as if they are on the inside of a cylinder. It’s ideal<br />
for wide panoramic landscapes because distortion is<br />
minimal and vertical lines stay straight.<br />
Before<br />
Before<br />
Step by step start the merge<br />
Discover Lightroom’s Radial Filter tool and edit images with subtlety<br />
Shooting<br />
skills<br />
When shooting the<br />
frames for a panorama,<br />
use a tripod to keep the<br />
camera position fixed<br />
and make sure that<br />
the panning motion<br />
remains perfectly level<br />
by checking the horizon<br />
as you pan (a spirit level<br />
comes in handy here).<br />
Shoot with your camera<br />
in vertical orientation<br />
to record the maximum<br />
amount of detail and<br />
allow for a generous<br />
overlap between each<br />
segment.<br />
01 start merge panorama<br />
First, use Cmd/Ctrl-click to select all the frames to<br />
stitch into your panorama, then go to the Develop<br />
module, scroll down to the Lens Correction panel,<br />
click Profile and Enable Profile Corrections. Next, to<br />
begin the merge, select Photo>Photo Merge><br />
Panorama, or right-click the images and choose<br />
Photomerge, or simply press Cmd/Ctrl+M.<br />
02 choose a projection<br />
There are three projection modes to choose from:<br />
Spherical, Cylindrical and Perspective. Each maps out<br />
the frames in a different way. Spherical places them<br />
as if on the inside of a sphere, Cylindrical as if on the<br />
inside of a cylinder, and Perspective as if placed flat.<br />
Experiment with each mode depending on your shot.<br />
We’ve used Cylindrical mode here.<br />
62<br />
Create panoramas<br />
Before<br />
Before<br />
Before<br />
Before<br />
Before<br />
Quick Tip!<br />
To create an HDR<br />
panorama, merge<br />
three frames for<br />
each segment into<br />
one HDR shot, then<br />
combine the HDRs<br />
into a panorama<br />
03 auto crop messy edges<br />
Tick the Auto Crop check box to automatically remove<br />
any messy edges to give you a tidy rectangular image.<br />
It’s non-destructive and can be changed later with<br />
Lightroom’s Crop tool. Try unchecking the box just to<br />
see what’s being cropped off. With Perspective<br />
Projection mode here, you can see the extreme<br />
distortion at the edges.<br />
04 enhance the panorama<br />
When you’re happy with the settings, click Merge.<br />
The panorama will show up alongside the originals<br />
with the suffix ‘pano’. It’s a DNG Raw file, so you can<br />
process it like any other Raw file. Take it into the<br />
Develop module to make any changes you like. Here<br />
we’ve boosted the colours and added a gradient to<br />
darken the sky a little.<br />
Next month<br />
graduated<br />
filter tool<br />
The Canon Magazine 63
Theprointerview<br />
All images ©Marc Aspland/The Times<br />
64<br />
Marc Aspland is a<br />
multi-award-winning<br />
photographer who<br />
loves the challenge of<br />
summing up an entire<br />
sporting event in one<br />
image. He talks to<br />
David Clark about his<br />
memorable career<br />
hen Marc Aspland was<br />
awarded an Honorary<br />
Fellowship of the Royal<br />
Photographic Society in<br />
2014, it was a public<br />
recognition of what most<br />
people in the business<br />
already knew: that he’s<br />
one of the best sports<br />
photographers around.<br />
Three years after surviving a lifethreatening<br />
accident, he’s still taking the<br />
creative, eye-catching and distinctively<br />
off-kilter sports images that have defined<br />
his career. In this interview he talks<br />
about his style, what it’s really like<br />
photographing major sporting events and<br />
how there’s nothing he loves more than<br />
being pushed out of his comfort zone…<br />
Marc<br />
Aspland<br />
How did you get into photography?<br />
I grew up in Newbold-on-Avon, a village<br />
near Rugby in the Midlands. There was<br />
no artistic bent in my family at all, but a<br />
chap who lived two doors down from my<br />
parents, Bob Ingram, was a keen amateur<br />
photographer. He loved Formula One and<br />
motorsports and, when I was about 13, he<br />
took me and my brother to the Le Mans<br />
24 Hour race. For me, it was just an<br />
unbelievable world of glamour. He gave<br />
me a camera and encouraged me to take<br />
pictures, then later taught me to process<br />
01 GEORGE FORD<br />
The England rugby fly-half celebrates his<br />
try against South Africa in 2016. Marc only<br />
noticed the arc of water afterwards<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 400mm f/2.8 IS II USM<br />
1/1600 sec, f/2.8, ISO2000<br />
The Canon Magazine 65
Theprointerview<br />
02<br />
I like the fact that<br />
I’ve got no control over<br />
what’s happening in<br />
front of me<br />
66<br />
02 COOK’S CATCH<br />
Marc focuses on the fans as England’s<br />
Alastair Cook catches Australia’s Mike<br />
Hussey out in the First Ashes Test in 2010<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM<br />
1/2000 sec, f/5, ISO250<br />
A multi-image of Billy Morgan of Great<br />
Britain, competing in the Men’s Slopestyle<br />
at the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM<br />
1/4000 sec, f/4.5, ISO125<br />
04 RIO SUNSET<br />
The opening day of the Rio 2016 Olympics,<br />
Netherlands vs Russia in Beach Volleyball<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8 II USM<br />
1/400 sec, f/4.5, ISO1600<br />
and print. From nowhere at all, I found a<br />
medium where I could capture what was<br />
in front of me and which utterly captured<br />
my imagination. Photography found me,<br />
not the other way around.<br />
Did you do a formal course?<br />
Yes, after doing my A levels, which<br />
included photography, I was lucky enough<br />
to go on a one-year National Council for<br />
Training of Journalists (NCTJ)<br />
photojournalism course in Sheffield.<br />
One of the tutors, Paul Delmar, had great<br />
enthusiasm for picking up this group of<br />
very raw kids and literally just shoving us<br />
out of the door. I was there just at the end<br />
of the Miners’ Strike in the 1980s, which<br />
caused huge upheaval in the city. For me<br />
there weren’t enough hours in the day to<br />
go out and take photojournalistic pictures<br />
of picket lines or miners on their hands<br />
and knees looking for lumps of coal to<br />
heat their houses. From a learning point<br />
of view it was just the most fabulous year.<br />
Did it lead directly to a job?<br />
I went to the Watford Observer. There was<br />
a photographic team of six at that time,<br />
with me as the junior. There I met<br />
another mentor, Mike Dellow. I was doing<br />
10 or 15 assignments a day, everything<br />
from photographing couples having their<br />
wedding anniversaries to taking pictures<br />
of the mayor of Watford. Mike taught me<br />
that when you go into a room, you have<br />
to impose your personality and your ideas<br />
on those people, and you have to make<br />
those people work for you. I’ve carried<br />
that thought with me ever since.<br />
When did you start photographing<br />
sport professionally?<br />
I’d always been into sport, and it was part<br />
of my newspaper life to photograph<br />
Watford Football Club, as well as school<br />
sports. After I’d been on the paper a few<br />
years, Mike Dellow phoned a friend at<br />
The Times and said, “We’ve got a young<br />
lad here who has completely outgrown<br />
us, can he show you his pictures?” I went<br />
along, feeling totally overawed, and they<br />
sent me on a couple of jobs, then I started<br />
freelancing for them. This was in 1988.<br />
I worked there for two years without<br />
a day off, just to get my foot in the door.<br />
If they sent me to shoot a businessman’s<br />
portrait, or a Millwall match in the<br />
evening, I always jumped at the chance.<br />
03<br />
How did you become Chief Sports<br />
Photographer at The Times?<br />
I did my fair share of the big news stories<br />
of the day, such as the Kegworth Air<br />
Disaster in 1989 and Royal weddings and<br />
births. But I’d always be the first one to<br />
put my hand up and say I’d do football<br />
matches. I suppose my style of<br />
photography set me slightly apart. It<br />
wasn’t obvious or like stock photography<br />
and it suited the then-sports editor. When<br />
the sports photographer job came up, I<br />
went for it. I’m still doing it 24 years later.<br />
What is it that appeals so much<br />
to you about shooting sport?<br />
I particularly like the fact that I’ve got no<br />
control over what’s happening in front of<br />
me. I can’t say to a sportsperson, the<br />
light’s not very good here, can you just<br />
turn towards the daylight? I can’t ask<br />
Jonny Wilkinson to re-drop that goal in<br />
2003 in Sydney because I happened to<br />
be looking somewhere else. I like the fact<br />
that, when I’m at a football match for 90<br />
minutes, my sports editor expects me to<br />
sum up that whole match in one image.<br />
That might not be a shot of the winning<br />
goal, but it sums it up in my own<br />
particular way, which is the off-kilter,<br />
sometimes slightly quirky way.<br />
What do you like about Canon kit?<br />
My first serious camera was a Canon F1,<br />
which I got when I was doing my NCTJ<br />
course, and I’ve never changed<br />
manufacturer since. Many of my<br />
colleagues have flitted between Canon<br />
and Nikon, but I’ve just stuck with Canon.<br />
I’m very comfortable with knowing<br />
everything about the way the cameras<br />
work, and with their high quality. I now<br />
use the EOS-1D X Mark II and have three<br />
of them. That camera really is the peak of<br />
the evolution. When I photographed the<br />
Anthony Joshua fight in April, I pushed<br />
the ISO to 8000. There’s hardly any noise<br />
in those images, even though I was on the<br />
balcony, shooting on a 500mm f/4 lens<br />
04<br />
and the light was really poor. I think they<br />
are the very best cameras available.<br />
Which lenses are in your kit bag?<br />
My lenses range from a 15mm fisheye all<br />
the way to a 500mm f/4, but I particularly<br />
use the 16-35mm f/2.8, 24-70mm f/2.8<br />
and 70-200mm f/2.8. My main ‘standard’<br />
lens is my 400mm f/2.8 II, then I’ll use<br />
1.4x or 2x convertors. I’ll also use the<br />
200-400mm f/4 with the built-in 1.4x<br />
converter, which is a magnificent<br />
creation. It’s very light and goes all the<br />
way from 200mm to 560mm; it’s perfect<br />
for golf, for example.<br />
How have technical advances in<br />
equipment affected your work?<br />
Cameras are so advanced today that I’m<br />
able to make them work for the picture<br />
The Canon Magazine 67
Theprointerview<br />
05<br />
Cristiano Ronaldo scores for Portugal in<br />
the Euro 2016 semi-final vs Wales, as Real<br />
Madrid team-mate Gareth Bale looks on<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 300mm f/2.8 IS II USM<br />
1/1250 sec, f/2.8, ISO2000<br />
In 2007, when American Paralympic<br />
swimmer Jessica Long was 15, she already<br />
held 12 World Records and 12 Gold Medals<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM<br />
1/500 sec, f/3.5, ISO800<br />
06<br />
07 WHITE TURF<br />
Taken in 2008 at the 101st running of<br />
White Turf, a race that takes place on the<br />
frozen lake at St. Moritz in Switzerland<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM<br />
1/3200, f/7.1, ISO250<br />
I particularly like<br />
sports that take me out<br />
of my comfort zone. First<br />
I have to find out what<br />
they are all about<br />
68<br />
I have in my head. They’re so<br />
sophisticated that you almost don’t<br />
have to be a photographer to take good<br />
pictures. When I’m at football matches,<br />
the freelance photographers alongside me<br />
at the side of the pitch are using pretty<br />
much the same cameras as me. They can<br />
press an autofocus button and the<br />
pictures are super sharp, and use<br />
Program mode and the exposure is<br />
perfect. You don’t have to have any<br />
education or grounding because the<br />
cameras are so good. But to be a really<br />
good photographer, you need the ability<br />
to see something in your mind’s eye. It’s<br />
all about seeing; that’s what sets great<br />
photographers apart from all the others.<br />
Which sports do you most enjoy<br />
photographing?<br />
You’d expect me to be able to photograph<br />
a football or rugby match with my eyes<br />
closed, because it’s the staple diet of a<br />
Times sports photographer. I particularly<br />
like sports that take me out of my comfort<br />
zone, like those in the Winter Olympics<br />
– sports like speed skating, curling,<br />
snowboarding and half pipe skiing. First<br />
I have to find out what they are all about.<br />
Once I’m there, I’m looking at where the<br />
light is and I’m thinking that I need to<br />
record it, but also to step back and get a<br />
good picture out of it. For the superfast<br />
downhill, I literally walked up the course<br />
twice three or four days before, just to<br />
07<br />
find a spot through the trees that would<br />
give a beautiful clear background.<br />
What do you aim to achieve<br />
when shooting those sports?<br />
Sports photography for me is not about<br />
shooting action at 16 frames a second and<br />
just capturing a stock image. It’s about<br />
finding, seeing and then taking a creative<br />
image. That could be done using a slow<br />
shutter speed, a pan blur or a mega-fast<br />
shutter speed. For example, if I was<br />
photographing an ice hockey match I<br />
might use a super-long lens that would<br />
just capture the eyes of a player, or a<br />
massive wide-angle view taken above the<br />
pitch on a remote camera. I’m there to<br />
make an interesting picture out of these<br />
situations. That’s the challenge.<br />
Can you give an example of when<br />
you’ve deliberately avoided<br />
taking the obvious image?<br />
When Usain Bolt ran the 100 metres in<br />
9.69 seconds at the Beijing Olympics, he<br />
was running straight towards me because<br />
I’d stood in the photographer’s stand for<br />
three hours before the race so I had the<br />
position. But I made sure I didn’t do a<br />
stock picture of a man running towards<br />
me – I took a wider view with all the<br />
other runners in the shot. Afterwards, the<br />
sports editor said, “Where’s the picture of<br />
Bolt beating his chest as he crosses the<br />
line?” and I said, “I didn’t want to do that,<br />
boss, that wasn’t the point!”<br />
It’s a knockout<br />
Marc Aspland on one of his most memorable sporting shots<br />
“After spending a great deal of time charting the career path of<br />
boxer Ricky Hatton, we had become great friends. His career led to<br />
a huge fight against Floyd Mayweather Jr. in Las Vegas, late in 2007.<br />
I was crammed under the neutral corner in my ringside photo<br />
position. In Round 10, Mayweather felled Ricky like an oak tree. The<br />
back of his head bounced off the canvas about 12 inches from my<br />
camera. I was screaming at the top of my voice, ‘Get up Ricky, just<br />
get up!’ During the mayhem, I shoved my camera through the ropes<br />
at arm’s length, directly above Ricky’s face. I must have pressed the<br />
shutter release and this single frame of referee Joe Cortez removing<br />
Ricky’s gum-shield was captured. Ricky’s life took a different<br />
direction after this moment. Thankfully we are still friends.”<br />
The Canon Magazine 69
Theprointerview<br />
08<br />
Jamaica’s Usain Bolt takes the Gold Medal<br />
in the Men’s 100m final in 9.69 seconds at<br />
the Beijing Olympics – a World Record time<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM<br />
1/1000 sec, f/2.8, ISO800<br />
This dramatic remote shot was taken when<br />
jockey MJP Kendrick fell on Sam Cavallaro<br />
in the <strong>2017</strong> Foxhunters’ Steeple Chase<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM<br />
1/2500 sec, f/3.2, ISO800<br />
A victorious Rory McIlroy holds a hand to<br />
his ear after sinking a crucial putt at the<br />
Ryder Cup in Minnesota in October 2016<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM<br />
1/1600 sec, f/5, ISO400<br />
Honestly, I’ve<br />
missed ‘the moment’<br />
hundreds of times,<br />
usually because I’m<br />
looking sideways at<br />
something else<br />
70<br />
A few years ago, you were injured<br />
in a road accident. What happened<br />
and have you fully recovered?<br />
In 2014 I was cycling home after playing<br />
five-a-side football in Harpenden on a<br />
Thursday night. I have no memory of the<br />
accident at all, but I had a serious brain<br />
trauma and broken collarbones. I was in<br />
hospital for quite some time and my<br />
memories of the three or four months<br />
after the accident are very vague.<br />
Because of the severity of the trauma, it’s<br />
a four-year process to find out how much<br />
of the old Marc I’m going to get back. My<br />
memory still isn’t particularly great, but<br />
I’ve learned to live with the differences.<br />
How did you feel about the get<br />
well messages on Twitter from<br />
people like Rafael Nadal, Jonny<br />
Wilkinson and Elton John?<br />
At the time, I didn’t know what day of the<br />
week it was and had no memory of those<br />
people. My wife and children loved the<br />
messages and took great comfort from<br />
them, but when I looked at these people<br />
holding up a card with ‘get well soon’ on<br />
it, I didn’t really know what it meant. It<br />
was only afterwards, when I looked back,<br />
that I could appreciate those messages.<br />
You’ve won many awards during<br />
your career. Which one gave<br />
you the biggest thrill?<br />
Putting aside the four Sports<br />
Photographer of the Year awards,<br />
becoming an Honorary Fellow of the<br />
Royal Photographic Society was a real<br />
shock, more than anything. So many<br />
amazing photographers have been given<br />
Honorary Fellowships and I never<br />
thought an editorial sports photographer<br />
from The Times would receive one. Even<br />
now I have to pinch myself when I think<br />
about it, because it was a great honour.<br />
Have you ever missed a great shot?<br />
Good God, honestly, I’ve missed ‘the<br />
moment’ hundreds of times, usually<br />
because I’m slightly looking sideways at<br />
something else. Sometimes I also miss the<br />
moment because something unexpected<br />
happens. For example, at the 2003 Rugby<br />
World Cup Final, I had no control over<br />
the big Australian prop forward who ran<br />
across my frame just as Jonny Wilkinson<br />
caught the ball and kicked the winning<br />
drop goal. For one reason or another,<br />
I’ve missed too many pictures to mention.<br />
What are the best and worst things<br />
about photographing sports?<br />
One of the best things is being at<br />
memorable sporting events, such as the<br />
Anthony Joshua-Wladimir Klitschko<br />
heavyweight title fight. Afterwards,<br />
people said to me, “It was the most<br />
amazing fight, you’re so lucky you were<br />
Profile<br />
09<br />
Marc Aspland<br />
Sports Photographer<br />
52-year-old Marc was born and brought<br />
up in the West Midlands. After leaving<br />
school he took an NCTJ course in<br />
photojournalism. His first job was working<br />
for the Watford Observer before joining<br />
The Times as a freelancer in 1988. He has<br />
been the newspaper’s Chief Sports<br />
Photographer since 1993.<br />
He has covered most of the major<br />
sporting events of the past 30 years,<br />
including six summer Olympic Games and<br />
four FIFA World Cup Finals, plus every FA<br />
Cup Final and Wimbledon final since 1988.<br />
10<br />
He has been awarded Sports<br />
Photographer of the Year four times and<br />
he published a book of his best work, The<br />
Art of Sports Photography, in 2014. In the<br />
same year he was awarded an Honorary<br />
Fellowship of the Royal Photographic<br />
Society. He is member of the Canon<br />
Ambassadors Programme.<br />
there.” But my abiding memory is that I<br />
didn’t particularly enjoy any of it, because<br />
I was concentrating so hard, every single<br />
round. You’ve got to anticipate everything<br />
and you can come away from those 11<br />
rounds absolutely exhausted because you<br />
cannot take your eye off it for one minute.<br />
So the worst thing about it is that you<br />
can’t enjoy these events as a fan, you<br />
have to be absolutely in the zone.<br />
What advice would you offer<br />
someone who wants to be a<br />
pro sports photographer?<br />
I would offer this advice: believe in<br />
yourself. Believe in your own ability.<br />
Don’t look at everybody else’s pictures of<br />
an event and think, “Oh no, I’ve missed<br />
the winning goal.” It’s not about that.<br />
Just have faith that you’re seeing things<br />
differently to anybody else. Aim to<br />
capture the image on the back of the<br />
camera that you have already seen in<br />
your mind’s eye. Go out and practice and<br />
if you get it wrong, find out why and try<br />
again. As long as you believe in your own<br />
ability, sure enough, that style, your own<br />
individuality, will come through.<br />
Next issue: Liquid motion specialist<br />
David Lund splashes his secrets<br />
The worst thing is<br />
you can’t enjoy these<br />
events as a fan, you<br />
have to be absolutely<br />
in the zone<br />
The Canon Magazine 71
Photo essays from <strong>PhotoPlus</strong> readers<br />
and professional photographers alike<br />
Join in<br />
the fun!<br />
One of the great things<br />
about photography is<br />
being able to share your<br />
view of the world. This<br />
issue we reveal the story<br />
behind a project to recreate<br />
street images taken<br />
decades ago by reuniting<br />
the original subjects.<br />
We want your photos<br />
and stories! For your<br />
chance to show off your<br />
images in <strong>PhotoPlus</strong>, send<br />
three to five high-resolution<br />
JPEGs, along with a brief<br />
synopsis – explain why you<br />
took the shots, the location,<br />
whether they’re part of an<br />
ongoing project or a one-off<br />
shoot, and anything else<br />
unusual or interesting. Also<br />
include Canon DSLR, lens<br />
and exposure details.<br />
Email<br /><br />
Online<br /><br /><br />
Post<br />
<strong>PhotoPlus</strong>: The Canon Mag<br />
Future, The Ambury<br />
Bath BA1 1UA, UK<br />
Name: Chris Porsz<br />
Location: Peterborough<br />
Mission: To find characters and<br />
recreate the images I took so<br />
long ago<br />
Kit: Original pictures taken on<br />
Canon AE-1, Canon 50mm f/1.8<br />
and Canon 28mm f/2.8. Reunion<br />
pictures taken on Canon EOS<br />
1000D, EOS 60D and EOS 5D Mk<br />
III with EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS<br />
USM and Canon EF 24-70mm<br />
f/2.8L II USM<br /><br />
Reunions<br />
Chris Porsz’s unique project has been<br />
over three decades in the making<br />
I<br />
n the early ’80s<br />
I wandered the<br />
streets and turned<br />
my camera on society.<br />
I found it quite magical,<br />
as I still do now. Completely<br />
self-taught, I was inspired by<br />
the work of Bert Hardy and<br />
Bill Brandt in Picture Post, and<br />
Harold Evan’s seminal book<br />
Pictures on a Page. Because<br />
I was busy with family and my<br />
new career as a paramedic,<br />
I hardly picked a camera up<br />
for the following 25 years.<br />
My passion was rekindled in<br />
2009 when the Peterborough<br />
Evening Telegraph gave me a<br />
column Paramedic Paparazzo.<br />
Incredibly, some readers<br />
recognized themselves, and<br />
so I began my mission to<br />
recreate the images. I had<br />
lots of setbacks with people<br />
01<br />
72<br />
Your Photo stories<br />
01 John Lewis TOy department<br />
Original shot in 1985. Reunion in <strong>July</strong> 2016<br />
Lens Canon ef 24-70mm f/2.8L USM Exposure 1/50 sec, f/5, ISO1000<br />
02 Cathedral CLOISTERS aRCHaEOLOgy<br />
Original shot in 1982. Reunion in <strong>July</strong> 2016<br />
Lens Canon ef 24-70mm f/2.8L USM Exposure 1/200 sec, f/10, ISO500<br />
02<br />
Feedback<br />
Chris’s project shows real determination and perseverance, and it’s<br />
fascinating to see how people and environments have changed all these<br />
years on. This story is less about the techniques and settings behind<br />
the images, and more about the mental challenges you need to<br />
overcome to create strong street images.<br />
The Canon Magazine 73
PhotoStories<br />
03<br />
04<br />
not replying, refusing or no<br />
longer friends. Others had<br />
moved away and some had<br />
sadly departed. Despite many<br />
failures, the successes drove<br />
me on. Having no contact<br />
details, I never dreamed I’d<br />
reunite 134 sets of people.<br />
It was difficult fitting in my<br />
day job at the same time, and<br />
I once drove a 200-mile round<br />
trip to be told I had got the<br />
wrong person. I was really<br />
surprised by the national and<br />
international media attention<br />
and, rejected by publishers,<br />
74<br />
it was a massive challenge to<br />
self-publish and distribute<br />
my book Reunions.<br />
Street photography puts<br />
many off but I’m lucky as a big<br />
part of my job is gaining the<br />
trust of strangers. Being ready,<br />
thinking on your feet and<br />
responding quickly to the<br />
unexpected complements<br />
my street photography well.<br />
Amazingly, a couple of 999<br />
calls led to reunions! I wanted<br />
to do the original images<br />
justice by faithfully recreating<br />
them, but that was often<br />
Being ready, thinking on your feet<br />
and responding quickly to the unexpected<br />
complements my street photography<br />
impossible, and if they were<br />
mediocre, I wanted to bring<br />
them up to date and alive.<br />
It was fantastic to see old<br />
friends who had not seen each<br />
other for over three decades<br />
united again. It was often very<br />
emotional with some tears,<br />
hugs and kisses, and although<br />
these people were once<br />
strangers to me, some have<br />
become good friends. I would<br />
love to do a Reunions<br />
exhibition and I am now busy<br />
on a third book featuring my<br />
latest street work.<br />
Your Photo stories<br />
03 wORLd PIzza-eating COmPETITIOn<br />
Original shot in 1985. Reunion in <strong>July</strong> 2016<br />
Lens Canon ef 24-70mm f/2.8L USM Exposure 1/500 sec, f/8, ISO800<br />
04 gLadstone STREET BOys<br />
Original shot in 1980. Reunion in October 2010.<br />
Lens Canon ef 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM Exposure 1/400 sec, f/4, ISO400<br />
05 Out from BEHInd THE curtains<br />
Original shot in 1980. Reunion in January 2013.<br />
Lens Canon ef 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM Exposure 1/160 sec, f/5, ISO400<br />
Feedback<br />
The book Reunions took almost 40 years to make. Chris didn’t know<br />
that he was going to create this series all those years ago, but having<br />
foresight and planning ahead is key to tackling many social<br />
documentary photographic projects. Reunions is on sale now.<br />
The Canon Magazine 75
My Kit<br />
Professional photographers reveal their top six<br />
tools of the trade they couldn’t shoot without<br />
I need to minimize weight<br />
and take kit that’s reliable in<br />
any conditions<br />
What do I do?<br />
Markus Rohrbacher<br />
Outdoor pro Markus needs kit to be hardy and reliable when shooting epic<br />
sports and landscapes. Discover the gear he uses for scaling mountains<br />
As an outdoor<br />
photographer,<br />
I can’t avoid long<br />
hikes and climbs<br />
to get to locations.<br />
This makes me consider which<br />
gear is really necessary and<br />
what can stay at home. I need<br />
to minimize weight and take<br />
kit that’s reliable in any<br />
conditions. My main workhorse<br />
is a Canon EOS 5D Mark III,<br />
combined with the Canon EF<br />
24-70mm f/2.8L II USM and<br />
EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM<br />
lenses. I shoot 80% of my<br />
photos with this combination.<br />
When it comes to sport, I often<br />
76<br />
take a Fisheye 10-17mm from<br />
Tokina with me as well. It’s<br />
affordable, produces a decent<br />
quality and fits on crop and<br />
full-frame cameras. I have<br />
a couple of other lenses for<br />
low-light situations, a wideangle,<br />
converters, and a<br />
backup camera, but I only add<br />
this equipment when I’ve got<br />
easy, short access to locations.<br />
I still carry some Lee Filters<br />
with me. Obviously you can<br />
edit in graduations, but by<br />
using a real filter your Raw file<br />
becomes richer. A grey full ND<br />
filter is powerful for shooting<br />
water or moving clouds.<br />
Last year, I also jumped<br />
onto the drone game with the<br />
DJI Phantom 4. It offers so<br />
many possibilities for new<br />
perspectives, and now there’s<br />
no need to rent a helicopter<br />
or a plane. I also use it for<br />
scouting tricky areas. In the<br />
winter, it’s hard to move<br />
around in deep snow; I can<br />
use a drone to have a look<br />
around the next mountain<br />
ridge. Beside this hi-tech gear,<br />
I still carry my old Polaroid<br />
SX-70 (it’s just fun to play<br />
around with). The F-Stop<br />
backpack is just the best for<br />
any outdoor photographer.<br />
Markus<br />
Rohrbacher<br />
I’m a self-taught freelancer<br />
based in the Austrian Alps. After<br />
graduating as an architect, I took<br />
a year off and focused on action<br />
photography. The mountains near<br />
my house became my playground<br />
and resulted in a quick<br />
progression of my skills. In 2011<br />
I turned my interest into a career<br />
as a staff photographer at Nitro<br />
Snowboards and was a finalist in<br />
the Red Bull Illume contest.<br />
Photography gives me the chance<br />
to travel the globe, discover new<br />
genres and keep life challenging.<br /><br />
Canon pros & their kit<br />
03<br />
06<br />
01<br />
05<br />
04<br />
02<br />
01 02 03 04 05 06<br />
F-Stop Ajna<br />
backpack<br />
Web:<br />
My most prized<br />
piece of gear is not<br />
my camera, it’s my<br />
backpack. Often,<br />
it takes me longer to<br />
get to locations than<br />
I actually spend<br />
shooting. Therefore<br />
it’s important that<br />
I have a properly fitting<br />
backpack, which is<br />
perfectly designed for<br />
mountaineers, while<br />
fulfilling all a<br />
photographer’s wishes<br />
at the same time.<br />
Canon EOS<br />
5D Mark III<br />
Web:<br />
The 5D is a real<br />
workhorse and I’ve<br />
been shooting with<br />
it for four years. No<br />
matter how bad the<br />
conditions are, I can<br />
always count on it.<br />
There are smaller and<br />
lighter cameras on the<br />
market, but no matter<br />
if it rains or you have<br />
to shoot with big gloves<br />
on at -30ºC, it’s always<br />
great to work with.<br />
LEE Filters<br />
100mm<br />
System<br />
Web:<br />
These are definitely<br />
not cheap, but they’re<br />
a great investment.<br />
I always take a ND 0.6<br />
hard grad, a ND 0.9 soft<br />
grad and a 10-stop full<br />
ND filter with me. With<br />
this set I’m prepared<br />
for any circumstances,<br />
no matter if I have to<br />
darken the clouds, or<br />
if I want to get some<br />
blur into a waterfall<br />
during the day.<br />
Canon<br />
EF 24-70mm<br />
f/2.8L II USM<br />
Web:<br />
If I could only bring<br />
one lens with me it<br />
would be the 24-70mm.<br />
Even if you need a wider<br />
angle, you can easily<br />
make a panorama in<br />
post-production. When<br />
I look at my best or<br />
favourite photos, they<br />
mostly where shot with<br />
this focal length range.<br />
DJI Phantom 4<br />
Web:<br />
I was thinking about<br />
getting one of these<br />
drones for a long time<br />
and definitely don’t<br />
regret it. Beside it being<br />
a fun toy to play with, it<br />
gives you so many new<br />
possibilities and you<br />
discover familiar places<br />
from a new angle. It<br />
is definitely a game<br />
changer in my work.<br />
Polaroid SX 70<br />
Web:<br />
My grandpa’s<br />
Polaroid was lying<br />
around for a long time<br />
and couldn’t be used<br />
anymore since they<br />
stopped producing film<br />
for it. In 2010, the<br />
Impossible Project<br />
started to sell film<br />
again, and that’s when<br />
I reactivated this old<br />
camera. It’s fun to play<br />
around with. I don’t<br />
take it too seriously,<br />
but it’s cool to have<br />
your photo in your<br />
hands right away.<br />
The Canon Magazine 77
Your ultimate photographic reference guide<br />
to the complete Canon EOS DSLR system<br />
How to earn some extra cash<br />
on the side by moonlighting<br />
as a portrait photographer<br />
WITH<br />
Peter travers<br />
Canon expert<br />
Peter’s been a passionate<br />
photographer for well over<br />
20 years. He’s worked on<br />
<strong>PhotoPlus</strong> since the very<br />
first issue, back in 2007,<br />
and has been the magazine’s<br />
editor for the past six years.<br />
Slide the autofocus switch on your lens to the off position<br />
and master the art of focusing manually. Go on, be brave!<br />
WITH<br />
Marcus Hawkins<br />
Photo expert<br />
ISO<br />
WB<br />
SET<br />
AF<br />
Marcus has been passionate<br />
about photography for more<br />
than 25 years. A former editor<br />
of our sister publication Digital<br />
Camera, he has written about<br />
photography for Canon<br />
and Jessops, and uses<br />
a Canon EOS 5D Mk III.<br />
EOS S.O.S PAGE 88<br />
Another sackful of your prickly<br />
photography problems solved<br />
by our resident Canon know-all<br />
WITH<br />
Camera expert<br />
Brian has unrivalled EOS<br />
DSLR knowledge after<br />
working for Canon for over<br />
15 years. He now works as a<br />
freelance photographer<br />
and photo tutor<br />
in Oxfordshire.<br />
The Canon Magazine 79
MAKE CASH with<br />
YOUR canon<br />
In this latest instalment of the series, we reveal all you need<br />
to know to get started as a pro portrait photographer<br />
Peter travers<br />
Canon expert<br />
Peter’s been a passionate<br />
photographer for well over<br />
20 years. He’s worked on<br />
<strong>PhotoPlus</strong> since the very<br />
first issue, back in 2007,<br />
and has been the magazine’s<br />
editor for the past six years.<br />
Shoot portraits part-time<br />
Portraits are a great way to earn money from your photography – we help you get started<br />
If you enjoy shooting<br />
subjects that talk<br />
back, maybe it’s time<br />
you started making<br />
cash from your portraits.<br />
You don’t need much<br />
equipment if you start by<br />
taking outdoor portraits in<br />
natural light.<br />
Any Canon DSLR will be up<br />
to the job, although the higher<br />
resolution of the latest models<br />
will give you the option of<br />
producing larger prints than<br />
some of the older models.<br />
You also need to think<br />
about your lenses. While a<br />
18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 kit lens<br />
that typically comes with<br />
crop-sensor Canons can<br />
produce great results, a<br />
wider-aperture standard<br />
zoom, such as the 17-55mm<br />
f/2.8, will allow you to<br />
achieve shallower depth of<br />
field than the f/5.6 maximum<br />
aperture at the longest<br />
end of most standard zooms.<br />
Another lens worth investing<br />
in is a 50mm f/1.8, as this will<br />
give you even shallower depth<br />
of field and allow you to shoot<br />
in low light without having to<br />
increase the ISO.<br />
Stepping up to full-frame,<br />
again any Canon is capable<br />
of professional results with the<br />
right lens. The high-resolution<br />
models will give the option<br />
of huge prints, but even shots<br />
from an older camera, such as<br />
the original 5D, will print up<br />
Take promoting yourself online – if people can see how good your photos<br />
are, they’ll know that a session with you will be worth the asking price<br />
to A3. When it comes to lenses<br />
the 50mm is a good starting<br />
point, but the focal length is<br />
a little too short for head-andshoulders<br />
shots. An 85mm<br />
f/1.8 gives more flattering<br />
results, or if you can live<br />
with the smaller maximum<br />
aperture, a 24-70mm f/2.8<br />
or 70-200mm f/2.8 are<br />
versatile (if pricey) options.<br />
People skills<br />
Along with your photographic<br />
skills, taking successful<br />
portraits relies on your ability<br />
to get the best from the people<br />
you are shooting. There are<br />
many ways to do this, from<br />
cracking jokes to simply<br />
chatting with the subject to<br />
find out what their interests<br />
are. But the key skill is being<br />
able to put subjects at ease<br />
at the same time as you are<br />
shooting amazing images.<br />
This means that you need to<br />
be completely confident in<br />
your photographic technique,<br />
so you can concentrate on the<br />
person and not have to think<br />
about your composition or<br />
camera settings.<br />
This ability comes naturally<br />
to some, but if your people<br />
skills don’t quite match your<br />
photographic ones then you’ll<br />
need to spend plenty of time<br />
practising this on any willing<br />
subjects (try friends or family)<br />
You don’t need masses of kit if<br />
you’re shooting outside with<br />
available light<br />
if you’re going to make it as a<br />
portrait photographer.<br />
Getting the best out of your<br />
subject is only part of your job,<br />
though. If you’re going it alone<br />
as a portrait photographer<br />
you’ll also need to be able to<br />
sell yourself and your services<br />
before you can get the work<br />
and, depending on your<br />
business model, you may also<br />
need to sell the prints to the<br />
customer after the shoot in<br />
order to make money.<br />
Find a style<br />
From using available light and<br />
wide apertures to give a soft,<br />
Cash with your canon<br />
For outdoor portraiture, you don’t<br />
even need a studio (though pretty<br />
nearby fields are handy)<br />
dream-like appearance,<br />
to underexposing the<br />
background and using<br />
off-camera flash to light the<br />
subject for a harsher, highcontrast<br />
look, the style of your<br />
images will have a huge<br />
influence on the success or<br />
failure of your business. Take<br />
a look at the images by many<br />
successful portrait<br />
photographers and you’ll<br />
notice that they will often<br />
have a particular style of<br />
shooting that is immediately<br />
recognizable. This<br />
recognizable style helps them<br />
attract clients who want that<br />
‘look’, and also makes their<br />
images stand out from those of<br />
other portrait photographers.<br />
So look at your images and see<br />
if they share any particular<br />
style or technique, and try to<br />
make this a feature of your<br />
portfolio and business.<br />
Identifying your style of<br />
portrait photography will also<br />
help you market and promote<br />
your services to the right type<br />
of customer. The light,<br />
informal look of shooting into<br />
the light and using flare,<br />
for example, won’t suit<br />
a customer looking for a<br />
more serious, business-style<br />
portrait, while the strong look<br />
of overpowering daylight with<br />
off-camera flash won’t appeal<br />
to many families or those<br />
looking for a brighter, lighter<br />
portrait to hang up at home.<br />
Marketing matters<br />
You’ve got the photography<br />
skills, and you’re great at<br />
getting the best from your<br />
models, but these alone won’t<br />
turn your portrait<br />
photography into a business<br />
if nobody knows about you.<br />
So you’ll also need to spend<br />
plenty of time promoting and<br />
marketing your services to<br />
make it successful. You can<br />
start by word of mouth, as<br />
even in this digital age there’s<br />
nothing like a personal<br />
recommendation to help get<br />
you clients. Then there are the<br />
traditional marketing tools<br />
such as business cards and<br />
leaflets. Although these aren’t<br />
as essential as they used to<br />
be it’s still worth having some<br />
made, particularly cards, as<br />
they are a great way of getting<br />
your name and details into the<br />
hands of potential customers.<br />
These traditional methods<br />
can work well, but they will<br />
work much better if they are<br />
backed up with a professionallooking<br />
website and presence<br />
on social media. When it<br />
comes to using social media,<br />
such as Facebook or Twitter,<br />
if you already have a personal<br />
account then it’s possible to<br />
use this. But if this account is<br />
full of unprofessional images<br />
and comments you’ll need<br />
to set up separate accounts<br />
specifically for your business.<br />
Pet photography<br />
Along with traditional portrait<br />
photography, there’s also a<br />
dos and don’ts<br />
Do<br />
• Practise your skills on friends<br />
and family, as the less you need<br />
to think about the mechanics of<br />
shooting portraits, the more you<br />
can interact with your subject.<br />
• Get insurance for both your kit<br />
and public liability, particularly if<br />
you are shooting in public areas.<br />
Don’t<br />
• Underestimate the time it will<br />
take to edit your pictures, and<br />
take this into account when<br />
deciding how much to charge.<br />
• Expect to get loads of bookings<br />
immediately, it can take time for<br />
customers to hear about you.<br />
• Forget that you will need to<br />
declare any earnings, and pay<br />
the relevant taxes.<br />
You need to be completely confident<br />
in your photographic technique, so you<br />
can concentrate on the person and not<br />
have to think about your settings<br />
The Canon Magazine 81
Portraits part-time<br />
If you’re building your<br />
portfolio, it’s worth seeing<br />
if a model will trade time for<br />
shots – you get experience,<br />
they get good images<br />
growing market for pet<br />
portraits, from cats and<br />
dogs to larger beasts such as<br />
horses. Along with a love for<br />
photographing animals, you’ll<br />
also need similar people skills<br />
to shooting normal portraits<br />
when dealing with the owner<br />
of the pet. This can often take<br />
a lot of patience, as you’ll have<br />
to be ready to deal with both a<br />
potentially unwilling subject<br />
and their owner!<br />
How to charge<br />
There are two typical business<br />
models when it comes to<br />
charging for portrait shoots.<br />
You can either charge a set<br />
rate for the sitting, which will<br />
include a set number of prints<br />
and digital files, depending on<br />
how long it will take, or you<br />
can charge a small (or zero)<br />
fee for the sitting and then<br />
charge extra for prints or<br />
digital files afterwards.<br />
The single-fee model is best<br />
for those who like a consistent<br />
income from each portrait<br />
shoot. You’ll know beforehand<br />
how much money you will<br />
make, approximately how<br />
much time it will take, and<br />
don’t have to spend as much<br />
time ‘selling’ the prints to the<br />
client afterwards. You should<br />
have an agreement with the<br />
client about how many prints<br />
or digital images they would<br />
get for this fee, with an option<br />
to buy more on top of the basic<br />
fee. This approach is much<br />
simpler if you’re more<br />
interested in photography<br />
than selling, particularly if you<br />
are a ‘one-man band’.<br />
The lower (or zero) fee plus<br />
charging for prints option is<br />
ideal if you are prepared to do<br />
a bit more selling to your<br />
customers. With this approach<br />
you’ll need to be confident of<br />
selling enough prints to make<br />
up the value of the time that<br />
you take for the shoot and any<br />
post-production. Not having to<br />
pay up front will appeal to<br />
many potential customers, so<br />
it’s a good way to get this type<br />
of client. But this can be<br />
time-consuming and not every<br />
photographer is happy with<br />
this more ‘high street’<br />
approach to selling their<br />
images and time.<br />
How much time will it take?<br />
Setting up the initial elements<br />
of a portrait photography<br />
business will only take a few<br />
weeks in your spare time,<br />
but building it up to become<br />
genuinely successful and<br />
profitable will take much<br />
longer. It will usually take<br />
anywhere between six months<br />
and a year to get all of the<br />
elements in place to get<br />
regular bookings and for your<br />
marketing to have time to<br />
reach a good range of people.<br />
In the know: Take better portraits<br />
Our ten top tips to help you capture better portraits<br />
01 Use a long focal length as the compression<br />
effect is more flattering; a 70-300mm at the<br />
long end is perfect.<br />
02 Use Av mode and set a wide aperture (low<br />
f-number) for a shallow depth of field to<br />
isolate the subject from the background.<br />
03 For more dramatic full-length shots when<br />
using a long focal length, shoot from a low<br />
viewpoint (in other words, lie on the ground).<br />
04 Avoid shooting in midday sun as the harsh,<br />
overhead light is unflattering and causes<br />
dark eyes (but if you must, use a reflector).<br />
05 Focus on the closest eye to the camera.<br />
06 Position your subject against a background<br />
that contrasts with their skin tone (pale<br />
subject/dark background and vice versa).<br />
07 For the best results, shoot on an overcast<br />
day (but avoid getting the sky in the shot)<br />
or during the golden hour, just before<br />
sunset, when the light is softer and warmer.<br />
08 Don’t ask the subject to smile; make them<br />
smile by saying something funny and you<br />
will capture their true personality.<br />
09 Use Partial metering rather than the default<br />
Evaluative to read the light on the subject.<br />
10 Avoid distractions in the frame, like signs.<br />
Cash with your canon<br />
we buy any<br /><br />
Pets don’t know how to pose for photographs and can behave erratically,<br />
which can make them rather trickier subjects to pose than people!<br />
Work out what your style and specialism is – are you great with children?<br />
Or perhaps more formal photos for business use will be your forte?<br />
Once you start taking<br />
bookings, most portrait shoots<br />
will take between two and<br />
four hours, plus travelling<br />
time if you go to them rather<br />
than having your own studio.<br />
On top of the shoot you’ll also<br />
need to factor in around the<br />
same time to sort through and<br />
process the images, and then<br />
finally some time to produce<br />
prints and package them. So,<br />
remember to take this extra<br />
time into account when you<br />
decide on your pricing<br />
structure, as for a simple<br />
two-hour shoot you could<br />
easily end up working an<br />
extra half a day or more.<br />
How much can you make?<br />
The prices charged for portrait<br />
photography can vary hugely,<br />
so you will need to assess your<br />
market, skills and<br />
expectations when deciding<br />
on a reasonable rate. If you are<br />
charging for your time, rather<br />
than just the prints, then you<br />
should be able to charge<br />
around £100 to £150 for<br />
a half-day at the lower end<br />
of the market. If you target<br />
higher-end customers then<br />
you’ll be able to charge more<br />
like £200 and upwards for<br />
a half-day rate.<br />
There’s a similar range<br />
of prices when it comes to<br />
charging for prints, rather<br />
than a higher up-front fee.<br />
To cover your costs you should<br />
be looking at making at least<br />
100 per cent on top of the<br />
material costs, so for a high<br />
quality 10x8-inch print you<br />
could charge around the £40<br />
to £60 mark.<br />
transform your un-used<br />
or un-wanted<br />
photographic gear in<br />
to hard’s quick,<br />
easy and safe.<br />
Subject toterms and conditions and item evaluation.<br /><br />
Wilkinson<br />
Cameras<br /><br />
for equipment worth £500.00 or more<br />
The Canon Magazine
In this instalment of Digital SLR Essentials, we look at<br />
techniques for faster and more accurate manual focus<br />
Marcus Hawkins<br />
Photo expert<br />
Marcus has been passionate about<br />
photography for more than 25<br />
years. A former editor of our sister<br />
publication Digital Camera, he has<br />
written about photography and<br />
cameras for a wide range of clients,<br />
including Canon and Jessops, and<br />
uses a Canon EOS 5D Mk III.<br />
Master focusing manually<br />
There are times to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in to manual focus<br />
A<br />
though you’re able<br />
to set one of three<br />
different autofocus<br />
modes on a Canon<br />
DSLR – One-Shot, AI<br />
Servo or AI Focus – you<br />
won’t find a Manual<br />
Focus option. Instead, you<br />
have to use the AF/MF slider<br />
on the lens: set it to MF<br />
(Manual Focus) and you’ll see<br />
MF appear on the Quick<br />
Control screen. If your camera<br />
has a top-plate LCD, you’ll see<br />
‘M Focus’ in the readout.<br />
Despite the advances in<br />
EOS autofocus systems, there<br />
are plenty of reasons why<br />
you’d choose to go manual.<br />
For instance, there are some<br />
situations in which an<br />
autofocus lens will<br />
continuously ‘hunt’ backwards<br />
and forwards for the subject<br />
without ever detecting it. This<br />
typically happens when there’s<br />
not enough light available or<br />
when there’s not enough of<br />
a contrast between the subject<br />
and the rest of the scene.<br />
Shooting through<br />
obstacles, such as long grass<br />
or branches, can also prove<br />
frustrating with autofocus<br />
as the camera will tend to<br />
latch onto the object closest<br />
to it; when you photograph<br />
at the zoo you may find that<br />
it’s the wire of a cage or your<br />
reflection on a glass tank that<br />
pops into focus, rather than<br />
the critter beyond.<br />
Speed is another challenge.<br />
Maybe the subject arrives too<br />
quickly or is moving too fast<br />
for the autofocus system to<br />
pick it up. In this case,<br />
pre-focusing the lens on the<br />
spot where you anticipate the<br />
action happening – such as the<br />
racing line on a Formula 1<br />
racetrack – and switching to<br />
manual focus leaves you to<br />
concentrate on composition.<br />
Focus first<br />
For the largest<br />
magnification,<br />
manually focus<br />
at the closest<br />
distance, then<br />
move the position<br />
of the camera to<br />
change the point<br />
of focus.<br />
Macro focus technique<br />
Get ready for your close-up<br />
Macro photography is one area where manual focusing shines. With autofocus,<br />
one of the camera’s small AF points might cover a relatively large area of a tiny<br />
subject and be unable to pick out the precise detail you want to be sharp. Manual<br />
focusing enables you to place the focus exactly where you want it to be. A macro<br />
lens is capable of capturing 1:1 life-size images when it’s focused as close as<br />
possible, but the magnification changes as you change the focus distance. The<br />
trick here is to turn the focus ring to roughly set the magnification you want, then<br />
nudge the camera back and forth to position the sweet spot of sharpness.<br />
84<br />
Move the camera<br />
The closer you focus, the narrower<br />
the depth of field becomes. To make<br />
more of a subject appear sharp,<br />
move the camera further away and<br />
refocus, then crop the photo later.<br />
Digital SLR Essentials<br />
Viewfinder focusing<br />
Manual focus through<br />
the viewfinder<br />
You’re not on your own when focusing manually – the<br />
camera will still tell you whether an object is in focus<br />
T<br />
rying to manually<br />
focus through the<br />
viewfinder can be<br />
challenging – if your eyes<br />
are anything like mine, at<br />
any rate. It can be hard to<br />
discern where the sweet spot<br />
of sharpness is as you turn the<br />
focus ring, especially if you’re<br />
shooting with a wide-angle lens<br />
where pretty much everything<br />
looks sharp most of the time!<br />
The trick here is to use the<br />
focus indicator in the bottom<br />
of the viewfinder; this becomes<br />
a solid green dot when the<br />
camera detects that the object<br />
covered by the active AF point<br />
in the viewfinder is in focus.<br />
The AF point that detects focus<br />
will also blip red.<br />
There are a few things to<br />
bear in mind: to activate the<br />
function, you’ll need to keep<br />
the shutter release halfpressed<br />
as you focus. It makes<br />
sense to manually select a<br />
single AF point so that you can<br />
target areas more precisely.<br />
If there’s not enough light or<br />
contrast for the AF sensor to<br />
detect focus, the viewfinder<br />
indicators won’t appear.<br />
A lens’s ‘focus throw’ – the<br />
extent to which its focus ring<br />
has to be rotated to shift the<br />
focus from its minimum<br />
distance to infinity – is<br />
something to consider when<br />
focusing manually. Lenses that<br />
have a short focus throw can<br />
make manual focusing quicker,<br />
but those with a long focus<br />
throw – typically macro lenses<br />
and telephotos – enable you to<br />
adjust the focus distance in<br />
smaller increments. This is<br />
certainly of more use when<br />
it comes to close-up<br />
photography, where even tiny<br />
changes in the focus distance<br />
can have a huge impact on<br />
which sliver of the subject<br />
pops into focus.<br />
The solid focus indicator will appear in the bottom of the viewfinder<br />
when the area covered by the active AF point is in focus<br />
This is the one<br />
time that I’d<br />
recommend<br />
activating the<br />
in-focus beep,<br />
as it can be<br />
easier to react<br />
to a sound<br />
rather than<br />
looking for a<br />
green dot<br />
Full-time manual focus<br />
Change the focus distance without leaving AF mode<br />
Many lenses offer what’s known<br />
as ‘full-time manual focus’. This<br />
means that you can twist the focus<br />
ring even when the lens is set to AF<br />
and fine-tune the point of focus. You<br />
can do this at any point before,<br />
during or after the camera’s<br />
autofocus routine. Not all lenses offer<br />
this feature, and you risk damaging<br />
these if you manually focus while the<br />
lens slider is set to AF.<br />
It only makes sense to do this<br />
when the camera is set to One Shot<br />
AF mode; in AI Servo or AI Focus<br />
mode the camera will simply try and<br />
refocus the lens if it detects that the<br />
area under the active AF point isn’t<br />
sharp. One way around this is to use<br />
back-button focusing so that<br />
pressing the shutter release to take<br />
a photo won’t trigger the autofocus<br />
system. The Custom Controls option<br />
in the Custom Functions menu<br />
enables you to set up your DSLR so<br />
that holding one of the buttons on<br />
the rear of the camera will either<br />
activate the autofocus or deactivate<br />
it. Either way, it means that you can<br />
suspend the camera’s continuous<br />
autofocus and tweak focus manually.<br />
There is a compromise to<br />
focusing manually without sliding the<br />
switch on the lens to MF: the focus<br />
indicator in the viewfinder won’t<br />
indicate when the manually focused<br />
image is sharp.<br />
Ring USM<br />
You can use full-time manual focus<br />
override with all Canon’s L-series<br />
autofocus lenses as well as some<br />
‘consumer’ models.<br />
STM<br />
These lenses also offer full-time<br />
manual focus override, although the<br />
shutter release has to remain<br />
half-pressed to make it work.<br />
Micro USM<br />
Lenses with this type of motor<br />
don’t offer manual focus override,<br />
with the exception of a few that<br />
use a clutch mechanism.<br />
The Canon Magazine 85
Live View<br />
Going MF in Live View<br />
Activate the rear display and blow up the most<br />
important details for super-accurate focus<br />
L<br />
ive View and manual<br />
focusing go together<br />
like coffee and<br />
cream. Not only does the<br />
larger illuminated screen make<br />
manual focus much more<br />
practical in low light when you<br />
can barely make out anything<br />
through the optical viewfinder,<br />
but being able to magnify the<br />
image means that you can<br />
ensure that the focus is<br />
positioned correctly on the<br />
smallest details.<br />
To magnify a detail, first<br />
position the Live View focus<br />
point over it, then tap the<br />
button with a magnifying glass<br />
icon to cycle through the<br />
options. Pressing it once<br />
magnifies the area covered<br />
by the focus point five times.<br />
Pressing it again magnifies the<br />
area ten times, while a third<br />
press returns the full image<br />
to the screen again.<br />
It’s not all plain sailing: unlike<br />
shooting with the viewfinder,<br />
it’s harder to keep the camera<br />
still when you’re shooting in<br />
Live View mode without a<br />
tripod, and any nudge<br />
backwards or forwards will<br />
change the point of focus. You<br />
may also end up with the odd<br />
exposure error if you don’t<br />
remember to return the Live<br />
View screen to the full image<br />
once you’ve finished focusing<br />
in magnified view – although<br />
the aperture and shutter speed<br />
will be highlighted in orange<br />
as a warning.<br />
Finally, in low light the image<br />
on the Live View screen will<br />
look decidedly choppy. This<br />
noise won’t be recorded in the<br />
final picture, but it can make it<br />
hard to judge whether details<br />
are in focus or not. Our tip is<br />
to shoot in Raw and set<br />
Monochrome as the Picture<br />
Style; this removes the ugly<br />
colour noise on the screen<br />
without affecting the image.<br />
5x<br />
10x<br />
ISO<br />
WB<br />
SET<br />
AF<br />
Creative ideas<br />
Manual focusing opens up a range of creative opportunities<br />
There will be times when you’ll<br />
want to switch to manual focus for<br />
creative reasons. If you’re looking<br />
to produce an image that requires<br />
several shots to be stitched or<br />
sandwiched together, such as when<br />
building a panorama or a high<br />
dynamic range (HDR) shot, then<br />
you’ll be looking for consistency<br />
between each frame so that they can<br />
be blended seamlessly. In these<br />
instances, setting the lens slider to<br />
MF effectively locks the focus<br />
distance for the entire sequence<br />
– as long as you don’t inadvertently<br />
jog the lens’s focus ring.<br />
When you’re trying to get the<br />
‘model village’ effect with a tilt-shift<br />
lens or a Lensbaby, then you’ll have<br />
no option but to use manual focusing<br />
as they don’t have an autofocus<br />
motor. There may be times when you<br />
want to take intentionally out-offocus<br />
shots – as opposed to<br />
accidentally blurred! – in which case,<br />
manual focus gives you the control<br />
you need.<br />
86<br />
RATE<br />
START/<br />
STOP<br />
LOCK<br />
SET<br />
AF-ON<br />
Digital SLR Essentials<br />
Hyperfocal focusing<br />
To infinity and back a bit<br />
Use this technique to make more of a scene appear sharply focused<br />
A<br />
lthough you can only<br />
focus a lens at a<br />
single distance, that<br />
doesn’t mean that<br />
everything in front of and<br />
beyond this point is blurred.<br />
Sharpness appears to drop off<br />
gradually, with the depth of<br />
apparent sharpness – aka the<br />
depth of field – being<br />
determined by the aperture<br />
setting and focus distance,<br />
amongst other things.<br />
Approximately one third of<br />
the depth of field falls in front of<br />
the point of focus, with<br />
two-thirds extending behind it.<br />
This means that if you focus on<br />
the closest part of a scene then<br />
you’ll essentially be wasting the<br />
depth of field available in front<br />
of it and losing some behind.<br />
That’s not necessarily a<br />
problem when you want a<br />
Check the depth<br />
Press your camera’s<br />
depth of field button to<br />
view the scene at the<br />
aperture you’ve set, and<br />
check if the background<br />
is sharp enough.<br />
subject to stand out from a<br />
background, such as when<br />
you’re shooting a portrait. But<br />
when you’re photographing a<br />
landscape or any other general<br />
scene, you’re more likely to<br />
want to squeeze as much as<br />
possible into the depth of field.<br />
The trick here is to manually<br />
focus the lens at the<br />
‘hyperfocal’ distance;<br />
everything from half the<br />
hyperfocal distance to infinity<br />
will then appear acceptably<br />
sharp. There are plenty of<br />
depth of field apps that can<br />
calculate the hyperfocal<br />
distance for you once you’ve<br />
input your camera, lens and<br />
aperture details – all three will<br />
help to determine the distance<br />
you need to focus at – although<br />
working with a lens that has a<br />
distance scale on the barrel is<br />
going to make life much easier.<br />
The distance markings on<br />
modern lenses aren’t typically<br />
very detailed, but at least you<br />
can place the focus point<br />
somewhere in the ballpark<br />
of the hyperfocal distance.<br />
Infinity<br />
200mm lens<br />
at f/16<br />
Hyperfocal<br />
distance: 83.53m<br />
Acceptable<br />
sharpness from: 41.8m<br />
70mm lens at f/16<br />
Hyperfocal distance: 10.28m<br />
Acceptable sharpness from: 5.1m<br />
20mm lens at f/16<br />
Hyperfocal distance: 0.85m<br />
Acceptable sharpness from: 0.4m<br />
Camera: 0m<br />
School tip Get in the zone<br />
Zone focusing can speed up your reaction time for<br />
shooting from the hip for candid street photography<br />
An alternative take on<br />
hyperfocal focusing, zone focusing is<br />
a technique that’s more suited to<br />
candid street photography than<br />
landscapes. The principle’s the same:<br />
switch to manual focusing and<br />
pre-focus the lens at a certain<br />
distance. Based on what you know<br />
about hyperfocal focusing, you’ll<br />
have an understanding for how large<br />
the depth of field ‘zone’ will be for<br />
your choice of focal length and<br />
aperture, and you can grab shots as<br />
the subject enters this zone and gets<br />
close to the preset distance – or<br />
when you manoeuvre the camera<br />
close enough to it. Using a prime<br />
lens, rather than a zoom, means that<br />
the depth of field is consistent for a<br />
given aperture, and you can shoot<br />
from the hip, without even looking<br />
through the viewfinder.<br />
Try using a moderately wide lens – 28mm to 35mm – and set a<br />
mid-range aperture of f/8 or f/11, pre-focusing around 3m to 5m away<br />
The Canon Magazine 87
EOSS.O.S<br />
Our technical guru is here to help. No Canon conundrum is too<br />
big or small. Get in touch today at<br />
Canon Pro<br />
Brian is a freelance photographer<br />
and photo tutor, based in<br />
Oxfordshire. He has unrivalled<br />
EOS DSLR knowledge, after<br />
working for Canon for over<br />
15 years, and is on hand to<br />
answer all your EOS and<br />
photographic queries<br /><br />
Why is my 77D ‘forgetting’ how much<br />
exposure compensation I’ve set?<br />
Andrew McCully, Wilmslow<br />
Brian says… Congratulations on the new camera. I have<br />
been working with the EOS 77D for a few weeks myself and<br />
found the same behaviour. If you shoot with exposure<br />
compensation, then switch off the camera, it is reset to stop<br />
photographers who use a camera infrequently from getting<br />
unexpected exposures the next time they use their camera.<br />
To retain exposure compensation, you’ll need to set C.Fn 3<br />
Exposure Compensation Auto Cancel to Disable. The EOS<br />
800D also has this same new behaviour.<br />
Wildlife and sports photography needs a lens with longer reach. This<br />
bird was photographed with a 70-300mm lens on an APS-C camera<br />
Can you suggest a reasonably priced<br />
telephoto zoom for my 6D and 100D?<br />
Mike Gosling, Northamptonshire<br />
Brian says… You’ll need to have a<br />
lens that fits both APS-C and fullframe<br />
cameras. My suggestion is<br />
something that covers a 70-300mm<br />
range, which has the reach of a<br />
480mm lens on the EOS 100D. With<br />
such a reach, it will be important to<br />
have a lens that has an optical image<br />
stabilizer to allow you to use the<br />
camera handheld.<br />
Given the small size and weight of<br />
the EOS 100D I would avoid the bigger<br />
and heavier models as the camera can<br />
feel unbalanced. It shouldn’t be such<br />
an issue with the EOS 6D though.<br />
From Canon’s lineup, I suggest the recently launched EF<br />
70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS II USM, priced around £500/$550. This<br />
latest version has good optical performance and a 4-stop<br />
stabilizer too. From the independent makers, the Tamron SP<br />
AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di VC USD at £300/$450 picked up<br />
Best on Test and Best Value awards in <strong>PhotoPlus</strong> 125.<br />
88<br />
This landscape needed underexposure to saturate colours, the 77D<br />
would automatically reset exposure compensation when switched off<br />
EOS S.O.S<br />
Speed up AF setup<br />
Ask Brian!<br />
Confused with<br />
your Canon DSLR?<br />
Email EOSSOS@<br /><br />
You need to be able to move AF points<br />
around the frame when capturing fast<br />
action using AI Servo tracking focus<br />
Faster focusing<br />
Tweak your camera focus settings for quicker performance<br />
E<br />
OS camera focusing systems<br />
are highly developed tools with<br />
a myriad of options to suit them<br />
to a huge range of subjects. All this<br />
flexible capability means that you might<br />
not be working with the focus system<br />
as efficiently as possible and missing<br />
pictures as a result.<br />
When your subject is unpredictable,<br />
fast-moving and only appears briefly,<br />
you need to have the camera ready and<br />
set up properly. If not then you’ll take a<br />
while to get the right settings and miss<br />
the photo opportunity. For me this<br />
means I can readily change the location<br />
of my AF point, and on the right<br />
cameras change the AF area too.<br />
One of the best configurations is to<br />
change the multi-controller to provide<br />
direct selection of the AF points. You’ll<br />
usually find it in the camera’s custom<br />
controls. Direct selection of AF points<br />
means that your thumb on the back of<br />
the camera can change the AF points<br />
whilst the camera is in front of your<br />
face. If you’ve got an EOS 7D Mark II or<br />
EOS 5D Mark IV you can also have the<br />
AF Area Selection lever set to change<br />
between the different AF areas easily.<br />
These two settings speed up the way<br />
I take pictures with my cameras.<br />
With so many choices of AF area<br />
it can be a lot of taps on the AF Area<br />
Selection lever to get between the AF<br />
areas that you want to work with. Of<br />
course, this is faster if you disable any<br />
AF areas that you don’t use. On the<br />
5D Mark IV there are seven different<br />
arrangements of the AF points. I mostly<br />
use just three of them. I turn off the<br />
ones I don’t use, which means I’m<br />
faster at changing the AF area. With<br />
only three areas active I must press the<br />
AF area selection button just three<br />
If there are too many AF area selections to<br />
choose from it can be slow to move between<br />
the ones that you prefer to use<br />
times, instead of seven, to get around<br />
all the AF area selections that I use.<br />
First seen on the Canon EOS 7D,<br />
orientation-linked AF points can be<br />
another incredible timesaver. Simply<br />
change the camera from landscape to<br />
portrait orientation and the AF points<br />
move automatically. There are three<br />
different orientations: level, grip-up and<br />
grip-down. One some cameras you can<br />
also have different AF areas for each<br />
orientation too.<br />
I continue to be amazed at the<br />
number of photographers I meet who<br />
have never optimized their camera for<br />
their kind of photography!<br />
The Canon Magazine 89
Capturing clearer sound for your movies requires an external<br />
microphone that is positioned closer to the source of the sound<br />
The sound when shooting video on my<br />
70D is poor, would a microphone help?<br />
Alan Wilson, Edinburgh<br />
Brian says… You’ve just discovered two of the most<br />
important things for movies: first, sound is often more<br />
important than the actual video; and secondly the camera’s<br />
built-in mic is not the right tool for the job. The built-in mic<br />
usually picks up any noise you create by changing controls or<br />
holding the camera while filming to add to the trouble.<br />
To capture much better sound you need to position a mic<br />
closer to the subject. The type of mic you use will depend on<br />
the kind of sound you need to record. For a person speaking<br />
on camera the common choice is a tie-clip mic, usually<br />
called a lavalier mic. Because it’s near to the sound source<br />
the voice will be much clearer. Think of a mic a bit like a lens<br />
and don’t skimp on the quality; top brands like Røde and<br />
Sennheiser are worth looking at.<br />
Can I apply the latest firmware<br />
update for my EOS 7D Mark II if my<br />
camera is many versions behind?<br />
Francois Malherbe, South Africa<br />
Brian SAYS… Virtually all EOS cameras have<br />
a firmware update at some point. It’s best to keep<br />
your camera up to date with the current firmware as<br />
frequently they improve the performance of the camera,<br />
or correct unexpected behaviour. For most updates you<br />
can just install the latest version regardless of the<br />
version on your camera.<br />
So if you have v1.0.2, then<br />
you can install the latest<br />
v1.1.1 without doing all<br />
the versions in-between.<br />
You can find your<br />
current firmware here:<br /><br />
Upgrading your firmware is<br />
straightforward and only<br />
takes a few minutes<br />
Can I use the<br />
Canon Extender<br />
1.4x with my EF<br />
100-400mm<br />
f/4.5-5.6L IS II<br />
USM and 70D?<br />
Stephen Phillips, Devon<br />
Brian says… Adding a<br />
Extender 1.4x to any lens<br />
will reduce the maximum<br />
aperture by 1-stop. This<br />
makes your 100-400mm<br />
lens a 140-640mm lens<br />
with an f/6.3-8 aperture.<br />
Your EOS 70D’s AF system<br />
needs at least f/5.6 to<br />
operate so autofocus<br />
won’t work properly.<br />
What is the point<br />
of the lock switch<br />
on the back of<br />
the EOS 80D?<br />
Sarah Higgins, Bristol<br />
Brian says… The lock<br />
switch will stop the rear<br />
control dial from<br />
inadvertently changing<br />
camera settings. If the dial<br />
is accidentally nudged<br />
there could be a change in<br />
exposure settings that<br />
would affect your next<br />
shot without you realizing.<br />
Why don’t my<br />
radio-triggered<br />
studio lights flash<br />
using Live View?<br />
William Coulton<br />
Brian says… The first<br />
shutter curtain is already<br />
open to uncover the<br />
sensor for Live View. This<br />
makes it not normally<br />
possible to trigger any<br />
non-dedicated flashes on<br />
the hotshoe. However, the<br />
Silent LV shooting setting<br />
changes how the shutter<br />
curtains work and should<br />
be set to Disable. Once<br />
this is done your radio<br />
trigger will be able to work<br />
with your studio flashes.<br />
The 800D has a new style of displays, but you<br />
can go back to a more familiar look<br />
I’m considering an EOS<br />
800D, but I’m worried the<br />
new-style display will take<br />
some getting used to…<br />
Sheila Watson, Lincoln<br />
Brian says… It is possible to switch<br />
both the shooting displays and the<br />
menu navigation to the old style. I like<br />
the new shooting screens, but prefer<br />
the old menu displays. To make the<br />
switch press Menu, and then use the<br />
touchscreen to access Display Level<br />
Settings. Change the Shooting Screen<br />
and Menu displays from Guided to<br />
Standard to look like your older EOS.<br />
Panning at 1/320 sec, 100mm focal length,<br />
motorbike travelling at approximately 60mph<br />
What shutter speed<br />
should I use for panning<br />
shots of motorbikes?<br />
John Mears, Hull<br />
Brian says… The shutter speed<br />
depends on several factors including<br />
focal length, the speed of the bike and<br />
the distance. In the picture 1/320 sec<br />
was used and this will limit the blur of<br />
the rider on a rough motocross track.<br />
Racers on a tarmac track will be faster,<br />
but smoother. My approach is to start<br />
from 1/250 sec with a 200mm lens<br />
then make a 2-stop change in shutter<br />
speed between shots as this is enough<br />
to see a change on the camera screen.<br />
90<br />
EOS S.O.S<br />
Flash COMpatibILIty<br />
My ST-E3-RT transmitter triggers my<br />
600EX-RT flashes, but not my Mecablitz<br />
58 AF-2 flash, is it possible?<br />
Graham Hobbs, Peterborough<br />
A Speedlite in the<br />
lampshade couldn’t be<br />
triggered optically, but<br />
radio triggering worked<br />
Brian says… The ST-E3-RT<br />
communicates with the<br />
Speedlite 600EX-RT using<br />
radio wireless. Radio has the<br />
advantage that it doesn’t<br />
need line of sight between the<br />
flash and transmitter, or care<br />
how bright the ambient light<br />
is. However, your Mecablitz 58<br />
Optical wireless can be unreliable<br />
in daylight, but radio wireless can<br />
trigger the flash, even in a softbox<br />
Rate my PHOto<br />
Paddle Boarding by<br />
Roger Willoughby<br />
Roger says… I visited Hunstanton in<br />
Norfolk and had gone out to try and take<br />
a photo of the sunset. I was planning on<br />
using my Lee Little Stopper for really long<br />
exposures, so had my EOS 6D on a tripod<br />
and used a hard graduated 2-stop ND<br />
filter to hold some of the brightness back<br />
in the sky. When I saw the paddle boarder<br />
come into view I decided to take photos<br />
without the Little Stopper. Even though<br />
this was captured at 1/13 sec there’s no<br />
real effect on the boarder’s sharpness.<br />
Brian says… Sunsets are a difficult<br />
subject to photograph; the range or<br />
brightness often means filters are<br />
needed but, even then, it’s just another<br />
sunset. This picture is a bit different due<br />
AF-2 flash doesn’t have a<br />
radio receiver built in.<br />
This leaves a couple of<br />
options, you can stop using<br />
the ST-E3-RT to control the<br />
other flashes, and use one of<br />
the Speedlite 600EX-RT<br />
flashes as a master using<br />
optical wireless. Optical<br />
wireless is less reliable in<br />
bright light and over longer<br />
distances, and is much less<br />
reliable if the Speedlites are<br />
fitted inside a softbox.<br />
Another possibility is to<br />
trigger your Mecablitz with<br />
an additional radio receiver.<br />
I have used Yongnuo YNE3-RX<br />
and Phottix Laso receivers to<br />
trigger Speedlite 580EX II<br />
flashes with the ST-E3-RT<br />
transmitter. However, due to<br />
the age of your Mecablitz flash<br />
I suspect that these radio<br />
receivers will not work fully<br />
with your unit and give E-TTL<br />
automatic flash. The Yongnuo<br />
receiver can just trigger the<br />
Lens<br />
Exposure<br />
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM<br />
1/13 sec, f/22, ISO100<br />
Mecablitz in manual mode,<br />
though you’ll need a cable to<br />
link the receiver and flash.<br />
As an alternative, you might<br />
try one of the independent<br />
radio wireless compatible<br />
flashguns, such as the<br />
to the arrival of the paddle boarder<br />
in the frame. The colours feel realistic,<br />
yet warm and peaceful.<br />
I like the letterbox crop; it works well,<br />
though I think it can be cropped a little<br />
more to remove some of the darkest<br />
parts of the frame in the lower-left<br />
Yongnuo YN600EX-RT. For<br />
relatively little money these<br />
make handy additional flashes<br />
and I have successfully used<br />
them in conjunction with<br />
Canon radio wireless<br />
Speedlites and transmitters.<br />
Get<br />
critiqued!<br />
Email photos to<br />
EOSSOS@<br /><br />
with the subject<br />
‘Rate My Photo’<br />
corner. There are also two people in the<br />
shadows on the shore that would be<br />
eliminated with a tighter crop, and the<br />
paddle boarder will appear larger in the<br />
frame. As an alternative, you could crop<br />
the bottom 25% off the height to make<br />
a panoramic image.<br />
The Canon Magazine 91
94 Gear Update<br />
Dispose of your<br />
disposable income<br />
118 Buyers’ Guide<br />
Every EOS and<br />
Canon-fit lens<br />
The latest Canon DSLR and photo gear tested.<br />
Independent advice to help you buy smarter<br />
Welcome...<br />
Superzooms are popular<br />
because they cover such a<br />
wide focal range. It’s tricky<br />
to get the right balance<br />
between optical quality,<br />
autofocus performance,<br />
handling and value for<br />
money, though. I won’t spoil<br />
it by naming the winner, but<br />
I did use Canon’s 18-135mm<br />
STM while testing the EOS<br />
77D, and was impressed; it’s<br />
fast, quiet, compact, and<br />
makes a versatile kit lens.<br />
How we test<br />
Rod Lawton<br />
Head of testing<br /><br />
PAGE 106 Superzoom lenses<br />
PAGE 96 Canon EOS 77D<br />
PAGE 104<br />
Sensor cleaners<br />
Lens tests are carried out with<br />
Imatest suite, with specially<br />
designed charts and data<br />
analysis to test lens performance<br />
We test cameras in laboratory<br />
conditions using DxO Analyzer<br />
hardware and software to check<br />
dynamic range and image noise<br />
Tests & awards<br />
When IT comes to testing Canon DSLRs, lenses, photo gear<br />
and services in <strong>PhotoPlus</strong>, we tell it like it is. We’re 100%<br />
independent and we use our in-depth lab tests to find out how<br />
kit really performs and compares. Here are our main awards…<br />
Buy for the best combination<br />
of quality and value<br />
Only the best of best win<br />
our coveted award<br />
The Canon Magazine 93
Update<br />
03<br />
02<br />
Our round-up of the latest digital photography must-haves<br />
05<br />
01<br />
94<br />
06<br />
04<br />
01 Lastolite Joe McNally<br />
Ezybox Speed-Lite 2 Plus<br />
Flashgun modifier gets a pro makeover<br />
£60/$79<br /><br />
This development of Lastolite’s Ezybox<br />
Speed-Lite 2 has been designed in<br />
conjunction with world-renowned<br />
photographer Joe McNally and features<br />
his preferred white interior for even softer<br />
illumination. The 22x22cm outer diffuser<br />
has also been tweaked, now recessed by<br />
45mm to help control light spill. Thankfully<br />
the original pop-up design remains, with<br />
its ingenious mechanism that enables the<br />
softbox to fold flat in seconds. It’s just as<br />
easy to attach to your flashgun, with a<br />
silicone strap and twist-lock clamp combo<br />
ensuring a secure fit.<br />
02 Manfrotto Manhattan Collection<br />
Bags that’ll cut it in the urban jungle<br />
From £80/$100<br /><br />
Designed for city slickers and<br />
commuters, Manhattan bags put flexibility<br />
centre-stage. A Flexy Camera Shell divider<br />
system will wrap snugly around your gear,<br />
and the entire camera insert is easily<br />
removable for when you need a regular<br />
bag. The range includes the Mover<br />
50 backpack designed for a 5DS with<br />
attached 70-200mm f/2.8, plus five extra<br />
lenses and a 15in laptop. The Speedy 10<br />
messenger bag is best suited to a small<br />
APS-C DSLR setup, while the Changer<br />
20 shoulder bag can convert between<br />
a shoulder bag, tote bag or backpack.<br />
03 ONA bags & accessories<br />
Uncompromising quality, timeless style<br />
From £139/$149<br /><br />
Based out of New York City, ONA bags<br />
can be had in backpack, messenger and<br />
shoulder bag flavours, with the latter<br />
designed with female photographers<br />
in mind. All come with reassuringly<br />
substantial price tags, reflecting quality<br />
exterior materials like full-grain leather and<br />
waxed canvas. Inside most models you’ll<br />
find practical interiors with customizable<br />
padded dividers, while larger bags have<br />
slots for a laptop or tablet. ONA also offers<br />
premium accessories, like the Beacon<br />
Lens Case that echoes vintage lens<br />
cases of yesteryear.<br />
04 Vanguard Alta Pro 2+ 264CT<br />
Design maximizes rigidity and convenience<br />
£300/$340<br /><br />
Vanguard has gone back to the drawing<br />
board for its new Alta Pro 2 Plus tripods.<br />
This 264CT model tops the range and will<br />
top out at 1.5m tall, yet weighs just 1.7kg,<br />
thanks to carbon construction that’ll stand<br />
strong under a 7kg payload. Vanguard’s<br />
Multi-Angle Center Column can be pivoted<br />
from vertical to lock horizontally – or<br />
at any 15-degree increment in-between<br />
– helping you to nail the perfect<br />
composition every time. New twist-lock leg<br />
extension clamps make for quicker, more<br />
streamlined setup, and you can chose<br />
from four leg angle settings.<br />
05 WhiteWall Acrylic Minis<br />
Shrunken acrylics for expanded appeal<br />
From £13/$20<br /><br />
Forget the idea that acrylic prints need<br />
to be big; WhiteWall’s new Acrylic Minis<br />
are a mere 18x13cm, or 13cm-square.<br />
They’re designed to be wall-hung from<br />
an integrated hook, placed on a table or<br />
shelf using the included plexiglass stand,<br />
or stuck to your fridge with a built-in<br />
magnet. Great as gifts, or for displaying<br />
multiple themed images in a small space,<br />
Acrylic Minis are ideal for showing off your<br />
shots without worrying about framing<br />
or mounting, and they’re backed by<br />
WhiteWall’s award-winning print quality.<br />
06 Wireloose Pix camera straps<br />
Traditional handcrafted quality accessories<br />
From £50<br /><br />
In a world of mass production and<br />
synthetic man-made materials, these offer<br />
a refreshing take on the humble camera<br />
strap. 100% hand-made in England from<br />
real leather, these slim 10-15mm wide<br />
straps are an ideal complement for an EOS<br />
M. Several strap, stitching and split ring<br />
colours are available, or for an even more<br />
eye-catching look, opt for the version that<br />
attaches to your Canon with decorative<br />
woven knots. While no two straps will be<br />
completely identical, you can always spec<br />
your own colour and fixing combo for<br />
ultimate exclusivity.<br />
The Canon Magazine 95
dslrTEST<br />
Canon EOS 77D<br />
Canon’s new enthusiast DSLR offers the technology of the<br />
EOS 80D in a smaller, cheaper body. Phil Hall gives it a test<br />
Acouple of years ago,<br />
Canon launched the EOS<br />
750D and 760D at the<br />
same time. While the two<br />
cameras were virtually identical to<br />
look at, and sported pretty much the<br />
same internal feature set, the 760D<br />
offered more body-mounted<br />
controls and a small LCD display on<br />
the top, designed to appeal to more<br />
experienced users.<br />
Fast-forward two years and<br />
Canon has done the same thing<br />
again, launching the EOS 77D<br />
alongside the more beginnerorientated<br />
800D. Things are a little<br />
different this time, though. The EOS<br />
77D may share the same internal<br />
features as the 800D, but Canon has<br />
opted for a more distinctive and<br />
slightly larger design for the 77D to<br />
differentiate the two models.<br />
The EOS 77D is the<br />
grown-up version<br />
of the EOS 800D.<br />
The technology is<br />
the same, but the<br />
77D’s controls are<br />
designed for<br />
enthusiasts<br />
If you look under the skin of the<br />
EOS 77D it’s pretty much identical<br />
to the EOS 800D. That means it gets<br />
the new 24.2Mp APS-C CMOS<br />
sensor, which uses Canon’s latest<br />
sensor technology based on the<br />
same on-chip analogue-to-digital<br />
conversion tech as seen on the likes<br />
of the EOS 5D Mark IV, thus<br />
producing cleaner images at higher<br />
ISOs compared to the older sensor<br />
in the 750D and 760D.<br />
Even without this, the EOS 77D<br />
promises to handle noise better at<br />
higher sensitivities, thanks to the<br />
arrival of a new DIGIC 7 image<br />
processor with a native ISO range<br />
of 100-25,600 that can be pushed<br />
77 reasons<br />
to upgrade...<br />
If you have an older EOS camera,<br />
find out how far Canon DSLR<br />
technology has moved on…<br />
01<br />
24Mp resolution<br />
Enough for a print 20<br />
inches wide at a print<br />
resolution of 300dpi, and<br />
lots of leeway for cropping.<br />
02<br />
Shoot a slo-mo<br />
Shoot Full HD video at<br />
60/50p for top-quality 2x<br />
slo-mo, and with an STM<br />
lens you’ll get smooth AF.<br />
03<br />
Guided mode<br />
Now your gran can take the<br />
pictures at the kids party;<br />
the optional Guided mode<br />
makes settings simple.<br />
04<br />
Wi-Fi remote control<br />
Take pictures of that cheeky<br />
squirrel in the garden<br />
without scaring it off via<br />
the Camera Connect app.<br />
05<br />
Always-on Bluetooth<br />
Facebook your holiday pics<br />
while you’re taking them<br />
– the 77D can send them<br />
straight to your phone.<br />
06<br />
Remote flash<br />
The built-in flash can fire<br />
Speedlites wirelessly – use<br />
it for fast fashion shoots or<br />
slow-sync sports.<br />
07<br />
6fps shooting<br />
Capture the kids in their<br />
soapbox race – the 77D can<br />
keep shooting JPEGs until<br />
the card is full.<br />
08<br />
Pick your focus point<br />
Need to focus off-centre?<br />
Press a button, turn the<br />
control dial or tap the LCD<br />
to choose the AF point.<br />
96<br />
Full test EOS 77D<br />
The EOS 77D<br />
promises to handle<br />
noise better thanks<br />
to a new DIGIC 7<br />
processor<br />
image stabilization system, but<br />
IS optics will be able to work in<br />
tandem with the in-camera system<br />
for video if you want.<br />
The EOS 77D supports Wi-Fi and<br />
NFC connectivity, while there’s also<br />
the option to set up a low-energy<br />
Bluetooth connection so you can<br />
always be connected to the camera.<br />
This enables you to remotely wake<br />
the camera from its sleep mode<br />
(provided you haven’t turned the<br />
camera fully off), as well as browse<br />
photos and operate the camera<br />
remotely from your smart device.<br />
another stop further to an ISO<br />
equivalent of 51,200 (you’ll have<br />
to dive into the menu to access this<br />
setting). In addition, the DIGIC 7<br />
processor also offers improved<br />
autofocus performance when<br />
compared to the DIGIC 6 chip.<br />
Like the EOS 800D, the EOS 77D<br />
uses a three-inch, vari-angle<br />
touchscreen display with a<br />
resolution of 1,040,000 dots. It’s<br />
disappointing not to see 4K video<br />
on the EOS 77D, especially given<br />
Canon’s heritage in this area – and<br />
considering 4K video is becoming<br />
an increasingly standard feature at<br />
this level from other brands.<br />
Instead, you get Full HD capture<br />
up to 60p, while the EOS 77D also<br />
sports Canon’s new five-axis image<br />
stabilization system for shooting<br />
handheld footage. This in-camera<br />
system is designed for videos only<br />
– Canon isn’t ditching its lens-based<br />
This was taken<br />
with Canon’s<br />
18-135mm stM<br />
lens, showing just<br />
how close you can<br />
get at its minimum<br />
focus distance<br />
Build and handling<br />
If the EOS 800D and more<br />
enthusiast-orientated EOS 80D<br />
had a baby, the EOS 77D would be<br />
it, sitting neatly in between the two<br />
in the range. The build and finish of<br />
the EOS 77D is most closely related<br />
to that of the 800D, though, with a<br />
similar combination of aluminium<br />
alloy and polycarbonate resin – in<br />
fact, it only weighs 8g more than<br />
the 800D.<br />
It shares the 800D’s ultra-smooth<br />
finish on the majority of the<br />
exterior, which feels quite plasticky<br />
to the touch and at odds with the<br />
camera’s price. That said, the grip is<br />
comfortable and the textured finish<br />
has a nice tactile feel. The number<br />
09<br />
11<br />
13<br />
15<br />
17<br />
19<br />
Vari-angle display<br />
Shoot from ground level or<br />
above head height for an<br />
unusual perspective or just<br />
to get above the crowds.<br />
Focus track movies<br />
Keep your subjects in focus<br />
even when they’re moving<br />
– perfect for subjects that<br />
won’t stay still!<br />
Time-lapse movies<br />
Capture speeded up<br />
cloudscapes or rush-hour<br />
in the city. You can choose<br />
the speed and duration.<br />
Pack your BAGs<br />
The 77D and its kit lens are<br />
super-compact – so you<br />
can fit more into your bag,<br />
or use a smaller bag!<br />
Creative blur<br />
Use a slow shutter speed<br />
and pan with your subject<br />
– the lens image stabilizer<br />
helps keep subjects sharp.<br />
Custom WB<br />
Not sure of the lighting?<br />
Measure a neutral scene<br />
and store a Custom white<br />
balance setting.<br />
10<br />
12<br />
14<br />
16<br />
18<br />
20<br />
Pinpoint focus<br />
Get pixel-perfect focus for<br />
macro shots with Live View<br />
– just tap the screen where<br />
you want to focus.<br />
5-axis stabilisation<br />
Keeps your movies steady,<br />
even when you’re shooting<br />
action in a Hollywood runand-gun<br />
style.<br />
Top-plate lcd<br />
Check your settings,<br />
including battery level,<br />
shots remaining and EV<br />
compensation.<br />
Back-button focus<br />
Lets you shoot like a sports<br />
pro by separating the<br />
autofocus activation from<br />
the shutter release.<br />
Pick a Picture Style<br />
Choose the perfect ‘look’ or<br />
make your own by adjusting<br />
sharpness, contrast,<br />
saturation and colour tone.<br />
Use the self-timer<br />
It’s not just for selfies. Set a<br />
shorter delay for hands-free<br />
tripod shots when you don’t<br />
have a remote control.<br />
The Canon Magazine 97
dslrTEST<br />
BEFORE<br />
AFTER<br />
of body-mounted controls is where<br />
the real differences between the<br />
EOS 77D and 800D become<br />
noticeable, starting with the<br />
top-plate LCD display, which<br />
the cheaper camera lacks.<br />
It’s smaller than the top-plate<br />
LCD on the EOS 80D, but still<br />
provides a handy quick reference<br />
point for a host of key shooting<br />
information, including ISO setting,<br />
aperture and shutter speed,<br />
exposure compensation, battery<br />
level, Wi-Fi activation and the<br />
number of shots remaining.<br />
In front of this display are<br />
dedicated controls for ISO and AF,<br />
as well as a button to illuminate the<br />
LCD in poor light. The positioning<br />
of the LCD display means the<br />
Mode dial moves to the left of the<br />
viewfinder, and unlike on the 800D<br />
You can reveal<br />
plenty of highlight<br />
and shadow detail<br />
from the 77D’s<br />
Raw files: straight<br />
out of camera shot<br />
on the left, the<br />
image with detail<br />
recovered in<br />
Adobe Camera<br />
Raw on the right<br />
The touchscreen interface<br />
is nicely integrated, works well<br />
and is one of the most polished<br />
examples we’ve seen<br />
it features a locking mechanism;<br />
you’ll need to press and hold the<br />
central button to spin the Mode dial<br />
around to the desired setting.<br />
Moving round the back, there’s a<br />
dedicated AF-On button for backbutton<br />
focusing, which can be really<br />
handy if you regularly shoot using<br />
continuous focusing. Rather than<br />
the 800D’s four-way control pad,<br />
the EOS 77D features a multidirectional<br />
control pad encircled by<br />
a scroll wheel; this mirrors some<br />
higher-end EOS DSLRs, enabling<br />
you to quickly toggle key settings,<br />
The Dual Pixel CMOS<br />
sensor offers fast Live<br />
View autofocus as well<br />
as the convenience of<br />
touch control<br />
and it’s handy when the camera is<br />
raised to your eye.<br />
Then there’s the EOS 77D’s<br />
touchscreen interface. We may have<br />
liked to have seen something a bit<br />
larger, and/or with more resolution,<br />
but there’s no quibbling about its<br />
functionality. It’s nicely integrated<br />
into the camera’s interface, works<br />
really well and is one of the most<br />
polished examples we’ve seen.<br />
There’s also an optical viewfinder<br />
with 95% coverage; this is typical<br />
for an entry-level DSLR, but with<br />
the EOS 77D having loftier<br />
77 reasons<br />
to upgrade...<br />
23<br />
Spot the difference<br />
If your subject is in different<br />
lighting to the rest of the<br />
scene, use Spot metering<br />
to get the exposure right.<br />
25<br />
Change the program<br />
Use Program Shift to get<br />
the aperture or shutter<br />
speed you want without<br />
having to leave P mode.<br />
27<br />
ISO25,600<br />
Don’t be scared of high<br />
ISOs – they allow handheld<br />
photography in lighting you<br />
just wouldn’t believe.<br />
29<br />
Second-curtain sync<br />
The flash fires at the end of<br />
a slow exposure to produce<br />
realistic blur trails with<br />
moving subjects.<br />
21<br />
22<br />
24<br />
26<br />
28<br />
30<br />
Zone AF<br />
Choose a zone, and the<br />
camera focuses on the<br />
nearest thing in it – very<br />
useful for moving subjects.<br />
Manual focus<br />
For best depth of field focus<br />
between two subjects, not<br />
on one or the other – use<br />
Live View for precision.<br />
Old-school exposure<br />
Switch to Centre-weighted<br />
or Partial metering, swap to<br />
Manual mode and use the<br />
exposure indicator.<br />
EV compensation<br />
Some subjects are lighttoned,<br />
some are dark<br />
– that’s when you need<br />
exposure compensation.<br />
HDR Backlight<br />
It’s a simple scene mode<br />
that merges three different<br />
exposures to produce an<br />
HDR image in-camera.<br />
Light painting at night<br />
Use a low ISO, set the shutter<br />
speed to 30 sec then use<br />
a flashlight to ’paint’ the<br />
scene with light.<br />
98<br />
Full test EOS 77D<br />
77D vs 760D<br />
01<br />
Battery life is 600<br />
shots with the<br />
viewfinder, 270<br />
shots with Live View<br />
02<br />
This handy LCD<br />
status panel is<br />
missing on the<br />
cheaper 800D<br />
03<br />
The main Mode dial<br />
has a locking button<br />
in the centre<br />
04<br />
The viewfinder uses<br />
a pentamirror rather<br />
than a pentaprism<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
03<br />
Signal-to-noise ratio (dB)<br />
Raw * signal-to-noise ratio<br />
The 77D produces slightly better noise<br />
figures than the 760D, but the difference<br />
is so small as to be insignificant<br />
Dynamic range (EV)<br />
Raw * dynamic range<br />
05<br />
The AF-On button<br />
should be popular<br />
with sports fans<br />
Dynamic range is where the EOS 77D’s<br />
sensor shows its superiority, with much<br />
better results at lower iso settings<br />
06<br />
The articulating<br />
screen is also<br />
touch-sensitive<br />
04<br />
05<br />
Raw * resolution (at iso200)<br />
06<br />
The older 760D appears a fraction<br />
sharper but the difference is very small<br />
Colour error<br />
The 77D’s colour rendition is much<br />
more neutral than its predecessor’s<br />
31<br />
33<br />
35<br />
37<br />
39<br />
41<br />
No Flash mode<br />
Taking pictures in a<br />
theatre? Don’t use Full<br />
Auto, switch to the No Flash<br />
option on the Mode dial.<br />
Multi-Shot NR<br />
Shoots four high-ISO<br />
images in succession and<br />
merges them in-camera to<br />
produce a low-noise shot.<br />
Tilt-shift effect<br />
Use the Miniature effect<br />
to create the illusion<br />
of a miniature scene<br />
photographed from above.<br />
Interval timer<br />
Use the 77D’s interval timer<br />
to take shots automatically<br />
at set intervals even when<br />
you’re not there.<br />
No wonky horizons<br />
The 77D can display an<br />
electronic level in Live View<br />
mode that warns you when<br />
the camera's not level.<br />
Make your mark<br />
Add your copyright data to<br />
each image you shoot. That<br />
way, people can check who<br />
owns the picture.<br />
32<br />
34<br />
36<br />
38<br />
40<br />
42<br />
Protect highlights<br />
You can use Highlight Tone<br />
Priority mode to reduce the<br />
risk of blown highlights in<br />
high-contrast scenes.<br />
Improve your lens<br />
Kit lenses suffer distortion,<br />
chromatic aberration and<br />
vignetting, but you can<br />
correct these in-camera.<br />
Freaky fish-eyes<br />
Shoot with an eerie fish-eye<br />
effect, without a fish-eye<br />
lens, thanks to the built-in<br />
Fish-eye creative filter.<br />
Exposure histogram<br />
You could rely on old-school<br />
methods for an exposure,<br />
or use the live histogram in<br />
Live View mode instead.<br />
Set your aspect ratio<br />
The 77D’s native ratio is 3:2,<br />
but you can also shoot 4:3<br />
or 16:9 images – useful for<br />
different print formats.<br />
Watch a slide show<br />
Why swipe through<br />
pics when your 77D can<br />
play them back for you<br />
automatically… with music.<br />
The Canon Magazine 99
dslrTEST<br />
aspirations it’s a little disappointing,<br />
especially with similarly priced<br />
rivals offering 100% coverage.<br />
While it might not seem that much<br />
of a difference, you’ll be surprised<br />
at how unwanted elements can<br />
encroach on the edges of the frame<br />
when you review your images.<br />
The Mode dial<br />
offers a variety<br />
of scene modes<br />
for beginners,<br />
but the EOS 77D<br />
is really aimed at<br />
more advanced<br />
photographers<br />
Autofocus<br />
Like the 800D, the EOS 77D takes<br />
advantage of a 45-point AF system<br />
with all cross-type sensors, which<br />
are sensitive in both the horizontal<br />
and vertical planes to deliver more<br />
accurate focusing. The setup here<br />
is a welcome boost over the EOS<br />
760D’s modest 19 AF points.<br />
The EOS 77D’s autofocus system<br />
is also sensitive down to -3EV, so<br />
when light levels drop you should<br />
still be able to lock focus on poorly<br />
lit subjects. Of those 45 focus points,<br />
27 are sensitive down to f/8, and<br />
Focusing was very prompt,<br />
locking on briskly to our<br />
target, even in poor light<br />
Using the Landscape picture style setting in camera enhances the greens naturally<br />
while it might not be a key selling<br />
point for a lot of photographers,<br />
this can be handy if you’re shooting<br />
with a lens that has a maximum<br />
aperture of f/4 and you’ve paired it<br />
with a 2x teleconverter, as you’ll still<br />
be able to take advantage of those<br />
27 points.<br />
As we’ve found with the 800D,<br />
which uses the same phase-detect<br />
AF system, this array does a very<br />
good job. Focusing speed was very<br />
prompt, locking on briskly to our<br />
desired target in One Shot AF mode,<br />
even in poor light with the new<br />
18-55mm STM lens fitted.<br />
When it comes to shooting in<br />
continuous (AI Servo) AF mode and<br />
tracking a moving subject, there’s<br />
a noticeable boost in performance<br />
over the 760D’s 19-point<br />
arrangement. It’s more reliable than<br />
the older 19-point system, and the<br />
EOS 77D also uses its 7560-pixel<br />
RGB+IR metering sensor to help<br />
track subjects across the frame.<br />
It will still mis-focus the odd shot<br />
in a sequence, though, and there’s<br />
77 reasons<br />
to upgrade...<br />
45<br />
Who needs Adobe?<br />
You can use Canon’s own<br />
Digital Photo Professional<br />
4 software to process your<br />
Raw files, and it’s free!<br />
47<br />
Where did you shoot?<br />
Your phone knows where<br />
you took each picture, and<br />
with the add-on GP-E2 GPS<br />
adaptor, so will your 77D.<br />
49<br />
Remote Controller<br />
Announced at the same<br />
time as the 77D, the BR-E1<br />
remote needs no line of<br />
sight and works 5m away.<br />
51<br />
Perfect portraits<br />
Set a long focal length and<br />
wide aperture, move your<br />
model from the background<br />
and focus on the eyes.<br />
43<br />
44<br />
46<br />
48<br />
50<br />
52<br />
DON’T DELETE shots!<br />
Lock individual pictures so<br />
they can’t be deleted from<br />
the memory card – useful if<br />
culling pictures in-camera.<br />
Make your own menu<br />
You know which settings<br />
you change most, so bring<br />
them together in My Menu.<br />
It can be real time-saver.<br />
Mic me up<br />
You can make a massive<br />
difference to your video<br />
sound quality by plugging<br />
in an external microphone.<br />
Manual control<br />
In Manual mode the top dial<br />
controls the shutter speed,<br />
while the rear dial controls<br />
the lens aperture.<br />
Optical space-saver<br />
The 18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS<br />
STM isn’t just smoother<br />
and faster than the old 18-<br />
55mm lens, it’s smaller too.<br />
Mirror lockup<br />
For best sharpness, mount<br />
the 77D on a tripod and use<br />
its Mirror Lockup mode to<br />
reduce vibration.<br />
100<br />
Full test EOS 77D<br />
Let the Canon 77D be your guide<br />
Beginner-friendly cameras<br />
are always popular with first-time DSLR<br />
users, and the EOS 77D goes the extra mile<br />
with its Guided mode. This graphical<br />
interface is also found on the cheaper EOS<br />
800D, but the difference is that while it’s the<br />
default control system on the 800D, on the<br />
77D you need to activate it, if required, from<br />
the menus. It’s the most helpful settings<br />
guide we’ve seen yet, with interactive sliders<br />
and icons that explain the effect that<br />
different settings will have on your pictures.<br />
For example, in Aperture Priority (Av) mode,<br />
the screen displays a slider for the aperture<br />
setting and visual representations of the<br />
depth of field at the opposite ends of the<br />
aperture range. Below this are other settings,<br />
including focus point, shooting mode and<br />
EV compensation, which you might want to<br />
change as well. In Shutter Priority (Tv) mode,<br />
the screen shows the effect of different<br />
shutter speeds. Owners of the EOS 77D<br />
might not need this level of simplicity, but<br />
it could be useful to have it there if you need<br />
to share the camera with another family<br />
member, for example.<br />
The EOS 77D’s optional ‘Guided’ interface makes<br />
technical camera settings easier for novices to grasp<br />
no real customization on offer – for<br />
instance, it’s not possible to tell the<br />
EOS 77D’s AF system that you want<br />
the bias to be towards the front or<br />
rear of the frame. While models<br />
higher up the EOS food chain<br />
feature a dedicated joystick for AF<br />
point selection, the EOS 77D relies<br />
on the multi-directional control<br />
pad and scroll wheel to do this.<br />
For Live View and video<br />
recording the EOS 77D uses Canon’s<br />
proven Dual Pixel AF technology,<br />
which offers 80% coverage of the<br />
frame. We’ve seen this system in<br />
a host of recent Canon cameras,<br />
such as the EOS 5D Mark IV and<br />
EOS M5, and we’ve never failed to<br />
be impressed by how well it works.<br />
It’s easily the best system in a DSLR,<br />
delivering snappy focusing, even if<br />
you want to track a (moderately<br />
fast) moving subject.<br />
camera treading on the toes of the<br />
EOS 80D’s 7fps. Battery life is good<br />
at 600 shots, although you’ll want<br />
to keep a spare handy if you plan to<br />
shoot predominantly with the rear<br />
display activated, as this will see<br />
battery life drop to 270 shots.<br />
Also like the 800D, the EOS 77D<br />
takes advantages of Canon’s new<br />
clean-looking graphical interface,<br />
which is designed to help<br />
inexperienced users get to grips<br />
with some of the camera’s key<br />
controls. Where the cameras differ<br />
is that you have to turn this feature<br />
on in the display settings of the EOS<br />
77D, whereas it’s the default mode<br />
of the 800D.<br />
The EOS 77D sports Canon’s<br />
tried-and-tested 7560-pixel RGB+IR<br />
metering sensor, which we’ve seen<br />
in numerous Canon DSLRs (it’s also<br />
in the EOS 800D), with 63-zone<br />
Evaluative, Partial, Centre-weighted<br />
and Spot metering options.<br />
For the most part the Evaluative<br />
ISO100 ISO100 ISO800 ISO6400<br />
Performance<br />
Like the EOS 800D, the EOS 77D<br />
can rattle off shots at 6fps –<br />
anything faster would risk the new<br />
To check the EOS 77D’s noise performance, we shot<br />
the same subject across a range of iso settings<br />
At low isos, noise is hardly visible, but even at iso<br />
6400 it’s tightly controlled, and detail remains good<br />
53<br />
55<br />
57<br />
59<br />
61<br />
63<br />
A nice touch<br />
Fine-tune the touchscreen’s<br />
responsiveness – or disable<br />
it altogether – in the Touch<br />
Control menu.<br />
Show pictures on TV<br />
The camera’s screen is a<br />
bit small for showcasing<br />
photos, so why not hook it<br />
up to your TV set via HDMI?<br />
Lock your settings<br />
Use the Lock lever on the<br />
back to prevent accidental<br />
adjustments with the dials<br />
or the touch-screen.<br />
Interface choice<br />
The 77D displays a regular<br />
interface by default, but<br />
you can swap to the Guided<br />
interface seen on the 800D.<br />
Grid display<br />
Can’t get your verticals<br />
vertical? The 77D can<br />
display a helpful grid in<br />
its viewfinder.<br />
Fly-by-wire focus<br />
Found on some STM lenses,<br />
manual focus is controlled<br />
electronically – and you can<br />
override autofocus mode.<br />
54<br />
56<br />
58<br />
60<br />
62<br />
64<br />
Quiet now<br />
Turn off the sound to shoot<br />
in quiet environments – you<br />
can find the Beep settings<br />
in the Settings menu.<br />
Selfies made simple<br />
We all love a selfie. It’s easy<br />
with the 77D because you<br />
can simply flip the screen<br />
around to face the front.<br />
Light up the LCD<br />
Shooting in the dark? Press<br />
a button for a few seconds<br />
of LCD backlighting so that<br />
you can see your settings.<br />
Quick Control screen<br />
You can view and change<br />
most settings easily with<br />
the Q screen, either with<br />
the dials or touch control.<br />
Set your Ambience<br />
The Ambience options are<br />
designed to preserve a<br />
mood, and include Vivid,<br />
Soft, Warm and Intense.<br />
Self-timer sequences<br />
Make sure of a great group<br />
shot! You aren’t limited to<br />
one shot with the self-timer,<br />
you can shoot up to 10.<br />
The Canon Magazine 101
dslrTEST<br />
mode will be the one you’ll be using,<br />
and it does a good job. As we’ve<br />
found with other EOS cameras<br />
though, because the system is<br />
weighted to the active AF point you<br />
can run into issues in high-contrast<br />
situations, as simply shifting the AF<br />
point can throw up two different<br />
exposures – some of our shots were<br />
a little overexposed for our liking.<br />
The white balance system performs<br />
very well, while the option of an<br />
Ambient Auto White Balance mode<br />
has its uses, delivering slightly<br />
warmer results that can be<br />
The EOS 77D’s<br />
pop-up flash offers<br />
a Guide Number of<br />
12 at iso100 and<br />
works as an<br />
Integrated<br />
Speedlite<br />
Transmitter<br />
DUAL PIXEL autofocus technology makes a big<br />
difference to the EOS 77D’s Live View performance. It’s<br />
Canon’s most advanced sensor design and effectively<br />
splits each photosite in two. These two halves can then be<br />
used to provide much faster phase detection autofocus<br />
than the contrast autofocus traditionally used by DSLRs<br />
in Live View. The older EOS 760D also offered phase<br />
detection autofocus in Live View mode, but via Canon’s<br />
less advanced Hybrid CMOS AF III technology. Thanks to<br />
Dual Pixel CMOS AF, the EOS 77D is almost as fast in Live<br />
View mode as it is in regular viewfinder photography.<br />
welcome, while the default White<br />
Priority can deliver clean, neutral<br />
results even under artificial lighting.<br />
Canon’s new 24Mp APS-C CMOS<br />
sensor, as we’ve seen with the<br />
800D, performs very well.<br />
Resolution is pretty much identical<br />
to the results from the older 760D<br />
– which is hardly a surprise when<br />
you consider that they share the<br />
same pixel count – but it’s elsewhere<br />
that the new sensor design shines,<br />
particularly the way the camera<br />
handles noise.<br />
At lower sensitivities shots<br />
appeared very clean with good<br />
levels of saturation, but it’s when<br />
you start increasing the ISO that the<br />
EOS 77D’s sensor really impresses.<br />
Looking at Raw files edited in<br />
Adobe Camera Raw, our test images<br />
looked very pleasing to the eye,<br />
even at ISO6400. Granted, there’s<br />
some luminance (grain-like) noise<br />
present, but it’s well controlled and<br />
has a fine structure. There’s hardly<br />
any chroma (colour) noise present,<br />
and while saturation suffers a touch<br />
at this sensitivity, the overall result<br />
is very good.<br />
Knock the sensitivity up another<br />
couple of notches, to ISO25,600,<br />
and saturation and detail<br />
deteriorate, while noise becomes<br />
very noticeable. We’d avoid<br />
using this setting where possible,<br />
although images will still be just<br />
about usable if you have to shoot in<br />
poor light and it’s your only option.<br />
Dynamic range is better than we’ve<br />
77 reasons<br />
to upgrade...<br />
67<br />
sRGB or Adobe RGB?<br />
sRGB is best for sharing,<br />
Adobe RGB might be best<br />
for print or publication –<br />
the 77D can shoot both.<br />
69<br />
Partial metering<br />
This metering mode is more<br />
precise than the Evaluative<br />
mode but less pernickety<br />
than Spot metering.<br />
71<br />
Face-tracking AF<br />
You don’t just get facedetection<br />
AF, you get facetracking<br />
too – for subjects<br />
that won’t stay still!<br />
73<br />
Digital zoom<br />
If you run out of zoom<br />
range in movie mode, this<br />
will give you a 3x or 10x<br />
magnification boost.<br />
65<br />
66<br />
68<br />
70<br />
72<br />
74<br />
Optimize Lighting<br />
In dull lighting, pictures<br />
can look flat. The Auto<br />
Lighting Optimizer corrects<br />
brightness and contrast.<br />
Anti-flicker option<br />
Some artificial light sources<br />
flicker and cause uneven<br />
exposure – the 77D’s antiflicker<br />
option can fix this.<br />
DoF preview button<br />
For an idea of what will<br />
be in focus at different<br />
apertures, use the Depth<br />
of Field Preview button.<br />
Final Image Simulation<br />
Live View offers Final Image<br />
Simulation to show how the<br />
shot will look with all your<br />
camera settings applied.<br />
Video Snapshots<br />
These are a great way to<br />
capture moments, and they<br />
can be combined in a video<br />
snapshot album later.<br />
Image review<br />
Briefly displays the photo<br />
you’ve just taken, and you<br />
can change a setting to<br />
make them display longer.<br />
102<br />
Full test EOS 77D<br />
The VErdict<br />
The EOS 77D is a good camera, but is there really a gap for it?<br />
T<br />
he EOS 77D is a very capable DSLR. It does a lot of things well:<br />
image quality is very good, while the Live View performance is the<br />
best we’ve seen in a DSLR. There’s also the polished touchscreen<br />
controls, helpful interface and decent 45-point AF system. However,<br />
there’s no 4K video capture, the viewfinder offers only 95% coverage<br />
(and it’s a cheaper pentamirror design as opposed to pentaprism) and the<br />
plasticky finish doesn’t quite chime with the price right now. The EOS 77D<br />
risks being caught in a kind of no man’s land – if you want an entry-level<br />
DSLR the Canon EOS 800D – or even one of Canon’s older but still current<br />
models – might be the one to go for, while those looking for something<br />
more advanced should spend the extra to get the EOS 80D.<br />
seen from the older 760D, and the<br />
EOS 77D delivers pleasing JPEG<br />
colours, though they can perhaps<br />
look a little muted when up against<br />
rivals with punchier colour output.<br />
If you want to give your JPEGs a<br />
little more ‘bite’, opt for one of the<br />
picture styles, or shoot Raw for<br />
complete control.<br />
With 24 million<br />
pixels, the EOS 77D<br />
offers the most<br />
resolution you can<br />
get from a Canon<br />
dslr without<br />
going full frame<br />
At lower sensitivities shots<br />
appeared very clean, but when<br />
you start increasing the ISO the<br />
EOS 77D really impresses<br />
760D SpecificATions<br />
Sensor 24.2Mp APS-C (22.3x14.9mm)<br />
Hybrid CMOS AF III<br />
Image processor DIGIC 6<br />
AF points 19, all cross-type<br />
iso range 100-12,800 (25,600 exp)<br />
mAX image size 6000x4000 pixels<br />
mETEring zones 63<br />
HD video 1920x1080 up to 30fps<br />
Viewfinder Pentamirror, 95% coverage<br />
Memory card SD/SDHC/SDXC, UHS I<br />
LCD 3-inch vari-angle touchscreen<br />
Top-plATE lcd Yes<br />
mAX burst 5fps<br />
Connectivity Wi-Fi, NFC<br />
ShuTTEr speeds 30-1/4000 sec, Bulb<br />
Size 131.9x100.9x77.8mm (body only)<br />
Weight 565g (with battery and card)<br />
Web<br />
Price (strEET) £559/$699 (body only)<br />
77D SpecificATions<br />
Sensor 24.2Mp APS-C (22.3x14.9mm)<br />
Dual Pixel CMOS AF<br />
Image processor DIGIC 7<br />
AF points 45, all cross-type<br />
iso range 100-25,600 (51,200 exp)<br />
mAX image size 6000x4000 pixels<br />
mETEring zones 63<br />
HD video 1920x1080 up to 60fps<br />
Viewfinder Pentamirror, 95% coverage<br />
Memory card SD/SDHC/SDXC, UHS I<br />
LCD 3-inch vari-angle touchscreen<br />
Top-plATE lcd Yes<br />
mAX burst 6fps<br />
Connectivity Wi-Fi, NFC, Bluetooth<br />
ShuTTEr speeds 30-1/4000 sec, Bulb<br />
Size 131x99.9x76.2mm (body only)<br />
Weight 540g (with battery and card)<br />
Web<br />
Price (RRP) £829/$849 (body only)<br />
75<br />
Customize your 77D<br />
Make it work how you want<br />
it to with custom functions<br />
– you’ll be amazed what<br />
you can change.<br />
76<br />
In-camera processing<br />
The 77D can apply a whole<br />
range of Creative Filter<br />
effects to photos you’ve<br />
already taken.<br />
77<br />
Start again!<br />
Now that you’ve changed so many settings<br />
you’ve forgotten what you’ve done, you can<br />
use the Reset command to restore the 77D<br />
to its default settings. Phew!<br />
Pros: Excellent image quality, 45-point<br />
autofocus system, great Live View AF<br />
performance, touchscreen interface<br />
Cons: A little plasticky for its price,<br />
no 4K video, good but not stellar<br />
continuous shooting speed<br />
We say: Make no mistake, the EOS 77D is<br />
a great camera. The picture quality is first<br />
rate and it has all the features and controls<br />
needed to satisfy photo enthusiasts. We<br />
particularly love its performance in Live<br />
View mode, where it feels as fast and<br />
responsive as the latest generation of<br />
mirrorless cameras. However, it does feel<br />
like a range-filler rather than a genuinely<br />
new camera, using tech already available<br />
in the EOS 80D. It’s not cheap, either.<br />
Features<br />
Build & handling<br />
PerformanCE<br />
Value<br />
Overall<br />
The Canon Magazine 103
MINiTEST<br />
Sensor cleaners<br />
Sensor cleaning can be daunting, but there<br />
are plenty of products that’ll make it painless<br />
Y<br />
ou’d be forgiven<br />
for thinking that<br />
modern<br />
interchangeable lens<br />
cameras can keep dust<br />
at bay using their<br />
integrated sensor<br />
cleaning systems. But<br />
shoot in dusty environments<br />
or change lenses frequently<br />
and it’s only a matter of time<br />
before your sensor will need<br />
to be cleaned manually.<br />
You’ll know when to break<br />
out the cleaning products as<br />
images of clear blue skies or<br />
plain backdrops will begin to<br />
feature unwelcome dark<br />
spots, especially obvious at<br />
narrow apertures. But don’t<br />
despair, as with a steady hand<br />
and the right cleaning kit you<br />
can restore your sensor to its<br />
former glory. DSLRs are<br />
slightly trickier to clean than<br />
mirrorless cameras, as you’ll<br />
need to first lock the mirror<br />
up to access the sensor, and<br />
don’t forget to fully charge<br />
your camera’s battery<br />
beforehand. Then it’s just<br />
a matter of using a squeezy<br />
blower, brush, or a sticky pad<br />
to remove loose dust, while<br />
more stubborn dirt can be<br />
dislodged using swabs and<br />
cleaning solution.<br />
Of course it helps to have<br />
a decent view of what you’re<br />
doing, and though a good old<br />
head torch and magnifying<br />
glass will do the job, a<br />
cleaning kit with a dedicated<br />
LED magnification loupe will<br />
reveal even the smallest speck<br />
or stain.<br />
Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be able to banish that<br />
pesky dust from your sensor quickly, effectively and safely<br />
01 Wet or dry?<br />
If carefully used, specially designed swabs and solution will remove<br />
most gunk from your sensor, whilst a simple air blower puffs dust<br />
and debris away for a quick clean.<br />
02 The perfect view<br />
A kit with a magnifying loupe and light will really help you see where<br />
needs cleaning. Some ingenious designs also allow you to clean while<br />
the loupe rests on the lens mount.<br />
03 Plan ahead<br />
A basic blower will never run out of puff, but if you plump for a wet<br />
cleaning kit, the included swabs and solution will only go so far. Make<br />
sure replacements are readily available and don’t cost a fortune.<br />
04 Fit for purpose<br />
Camera sensors are delicate, so only use swabs and solution designed<br />
specifically for cleaning imaging sensors, not just optical glass.<br />
05 Less is more<br />
Squeezy blowers may be safe for a sensor, but don’t be tempted to up<br />
the ante with a compressed air canister. Their high pressure and<br />
freezing propellant can cause serious damage.<br />
LensPen<br />
SensorKlear<br />
Loupe Kit<br />
£50/$60<br /><br />
LensPen proudly asserts that<br />
its cleaning equipment is used<br />
by NASA on the International<br />
Space Station. This kit includes<br />
a range of gadgets for<br />
performing a dry sensor clean.<br />
Identifying any dust is a cinch<br />
thank to the SensorKlear Loupe<br />
with LED illumination. Its focus is<br />
adjustable to cover different<br />
sensor sizes and it rests<br />
securely on the lens mount.<br />
There’s also a very useful<br />
opening on the side so you can<br />
clean with the loupe in place.<br />
But while you get a great view,<br />
cleaning performance is hardly<br />
out of this world. The included<br />
Hurricane Blower will dislodge<br />
loose particles, however simply<br />
blasting air like this can result in<br />
dust being blown onto the<br />
sensor. A better tactic is to use<br />
the SensorKlear II cleaning pen.<br />
Its hinged tip ensures a good<br />
contact with the sensor, though<br />
it doesn’t attract debris quite as<br />
effectively as the SpeckGrabber<br />
or Dust-Aid Platinum tools.<br />
Pros: Decent loupe gives a perfect<br />
view for cleaning<br />
Cons: Blower isn’t always effective;<br />
won’t remove oil or stains<br />
We say: A reasonable kit for the<br />
money, but you can do better<br />
Overall<br />
VisibleDust<br />
Arctic Butterfly<br />
724 Super Bright<br />
£100/$100<br /><br />
Here’s an electric brush<br />
designed to attract dust away<br />
from your sensor via the<br />
wonders of static charge.<br />
The brush’s ultra-fine bristles<br />
are attached to a rotating shaft<br />
driven by a pair of AAA batteries<br />
in the handle. Ten seconds of<br />
spinning prior to cleaning<br />
causes a centrifugal force that<br />
both ejects dust from the brush,<br />
and, with the help of the fibres’<br />
nano-coating, recharges the<br />
bristles’ static attraction. Then<br />
with the brush stationary again,<br />
lightly drag it across your sensor<br />
to pick up any loose particles.<br />
A pair of LEDs light your way,<br />
which is especially important as<br />
you don’t want the bristles to<br />
contact areas surrounding the<br />
sensor, due to the risk of debris<br />
or mirror lubricant getting<br />
dragged onto the sensor.<br />
Loose dust is picked up pretty<br />
well, but the brush doesn’t hold<br />
on to particles as reliably as the<br />
SpeckGrabber, making the high<br />
price hard to justify.<br />
Pros: Easy and fun to use; fairly<br />
effective for removing dust<br />
Cons: Premium price, yet will only<br />
clean dry debris; no loupe included<br />
We say: It’s a novel concept, but<br />
the cost is high for limited versatility<br />
Overall<br />
104<br />
Sensor cleaners<br />
Dust-Aid<br />
Platinum &<br />
Dust-Wand Combo<br />
£47.50/$70<br /><br />
Delkin<br />
SensorScope<br />
Travel Kit<br />
£80/$90<br /><br />
Kinetronics<br />
SpeckGrabber<br />
Pro<br />
£7.50/$7<br /><br />
VisibleDust<br />
SwabLight Kit<br />
£38/$40<br /><br />
The Dust-Aid Platinum slips<br />
easily into a kit bag and has its<br />
own compact travel case. It’s<br />
a simple device consisting of<br />
a wand with a silicone pad on<br />
the end measuring roughly<br />
10x15mm, plus six adhesive<br />
cleaning strips. Press the pad<br />
onto one of the cleaning strips to<br />
remove any contaminants, then<br />
dab your sensor to pick up loose<br />
dirt. No residue is left, but you<br />
can get a sticky outline if you<br />
rock or twist the pad while it’s<br />
in contact with the sensor.<br />
For stickier stains, there’s the<br />
Dust-Wand kit. This is a liquid<br />
and swab combo, but unlike<br />
most, you make your own swabs<br />
by wrapping a small cloth<br />
around a plastic handle. This can<br />
be a faff, but you do get 50 cloths<br />
and replacement packs don’t<br />
cost a fortune. What’s more, the<br />
bundled cleaning liquid doesn’t<br />
leave streaks. But with no loupe<br />
and all that folded cloth creating<br />
a relatively bulky swab, it’s not<br />
the easiest cleaning experience.<br />
Delkin’s kit is equipped to<br />
remove loose particles and<br />
more stubborn contaminants.<br />
The SensorBulb blower puffs<br />
dust away, albeit in the same<br />
uncontrolled manner as any<br />
blower, meaning dust can just<br />
be blown around the sensor,<br />
not necessarily off it.<br />
Should this happen, you can<br />
always switch to the included<br />
cleaning swabs and solution.<br />
You get 15 double-ended wands<br />
and a decent supply of streakfree<br />
fluid, but the results are<br />
mixed. The wands have a<br />
tendency to simply move some<br />
particles across the sensor,<br />
rather than picking them up.<br />
An LED loupe is included and<br />
shines brightly into the chamber,<br />
however we found the sensor<br />
surface to be slightly out of<br />
focus and there’s no focus<br />
adjustment. It doesn’t have a<br />
cutout, either, so you can’t clean<br />
with the loupe in place. A lens<br />
cloth and travel bag rounds off<br />
the cleaning collection.<br />
Often the only dirt that ever<br />
reaches your sensor is a few<br />
specks of dust, making a full-on<br />
wet clean overkill. For a quick<br />
touch-up, the SpeckGrabber<br />
is ideal. This is simply a plastic<br />
stick with a small 2mm-square<br />
soft pad on the end. It works like<br />
the Dust-Aid Platinum, but<br />
instead of pressing the pad<br />
against a large portion of the<br />
sensor, you dab precisely on<br />
each particle to remove it. Two<br />
cleaning wipes are included so<br />
you can ensure the grabber is<br />
spotless before use, although<br />
Kinetronics maintains it can be<br />
cleaned with soap and water.<br />
We weren’t expecting much<br />
for a device so basic and cheap,<br />
but the SpeckGrabber actually<br />
works. Particles stick effectively<br />
to the cleaning tip, and it doesn’t<br />
leave any residue on the sensor.<br />
The SpeckGrabber provides<br />
much better dust removal than<br />
a similarly-priced blower, just<br />
don’t expect it to deal with more<br />
stubborn grime and stains.<br />
There isn’t much to this kit; just<br />
four swabs, a tiny 1.15ml phial of<br />
cleaning liquid, and the<br />
SwabLight. This tiny torch slots<br />
onto a swab and shines down,<br />
so wherever you clean, the light<br />
follows. The SwabLight’s grippy<br />
casing is much easier to hold<br />
than a spindly swab handle. A<br />
proper magnifying loupe would<br />
give a better view, and though<br />
VisibleDust sells a Quasar Plus<br />
Sensor Loupe, this isn’t cheap.<br />
You can spec the kit with one<br />
of three formulations of cleaning<br />
solution, designed to shift water<br />
or oil-based stains, or a<br />
combination. We went for the<br />
multi-purpose fluid – VDust Plus<br />
– applied to super-soft Orange<br />
Vswabs that are available to suit<br />
full-frame or APS-C sensors.<br />
The result? A flawless clean with<br />
no streaks, no stains, and no<br />
dust left behind.<br />
It’s a pity there are only<br />
enough swabs and fluid for four<br />
cleans, and a dozen extra swabs<br />
will set you back around £/$35.<br />
Pros: Compact, cost-effective and<br />
removes all types of dirt.<br />
Cons: Dust-Wands are a bit fiddly<br />
to make and use; no loupe<br />
We say: This kit gives a<br />
comprehensive clean at a fair price<br />
Pros: Contains wet and dry<br />
cleaning tools, plus a loupe…<br />
Cons: …but none work particularly<br />
well and the kit isn’t cheap<br />
We say: Stacks up well on paper,<br />
but misses the mark in practice<br />
Overall Overall Overall<br />
Pros: Great at removing individual<br />
dust particles; small and cheap<br />
Cons: Not suitable for heavy-duty<br />
cleaning; you’ll also need a loupe<br />
We say: A handy tool that performs<br />
better than its price suggests<br />
Pros: Unrivalled performance;<br />
useful SwabLight illumination<br />
Cons: High price per clean; extra<br />
consumables aren’t cheap; no loupe<br />
We say It’s not perfect, but a stellar<br />
clean gives this kit the win<br />
Overall<br />
The Canon Magazine 105
Canon EF-S<br />
18-135mm<br />
f/3.5-5.6 IS STM<br />
£380/$400<br />
Canon EF-S<br />
18-135mm<br />
f/3.5-5.6 IS USM<br />
£430/$600<br />
Canon EF-S<br />
18-200mm<br />
f/3.5-5.6 IS<br />
£470/$700<br />
Sigma 18-200mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 DC<br />
Macro OS HSM C<br />
£290/$400<br />
Sigma 18-300mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 DC<br />
Macro OS HSM C<br />
£370/$500<br />
Tamron<br />
18-200mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC<br />
£190/$200<br />
Tamron 18-270mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 Di II<br />
VC PZD<br />
£300/$450<br />
Tamron 16-300mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC<br />
PZD Macro<br />
£430/$500<br />
106<br />
superzoom<br />
Lenses<br />
Not just for holidays, a wide-angle to telephoto<br />
superzoom lens can turn its hand to anything.<br />
Matthew Richards picks the top performers<br />
Often referred to as ‘travel lenses’,<br />
superzooms are ideal for holidays<br />
and for going on trips near and far.<br />
They can stretch from generously<br />
wide-angle viewing to serious<br />
telephoto reach, and cover<br />
everything in between. Without the need to<br />
carry multiple lenses, you can save on space<br />
and weight, but that’s not the only advantage.<br />
For general shooting, you might find you<br />
often need to swap between wide-angle and<br />
telephoto shooting. It’s naturally much more<br />
convenient to apply a quick twist of a zoom<br />
ring with the flick of a wrist, rather than<br />
rummaging around in a bag for another lens,<br />
then waste time swapping the lens on the<br />
camera before you’re ready to shoot. In<br />
some situations, the time saved by using<br />
a superzoom lens could potentially make<br />
the difference between getting the shot<br />
and missing it altogether.<br />
Superzoom lenses for APS-C format<br />
cameras have grown in popularity over<br />
the past few years, while research and<br />
development from major manufacturers,<br />
like Canon, Sigma and Tamron, has seen<br />
an increase in performance, often with a<br />
reduction in size and weight. The relative<br />
compactness of some of the latest designs<br />
further adds to the attraction. So, let’s take<br />
a closer look at what the current contenders<br />
have to offer, and pick out the best buys.<br />
The Canon Magazine 107
SUPERTest<br />
Canon EF-S 18-135mm<br />
f/3.5-5.6 IS STM £380/$400<br />
A relatively modest zoom range for a superzoom<br />
01<br />
01<br />
The filter thread is<br />
larger than in some<br />
competing lenses,<br />
at 67mm.<br />
Apopular kit option sold<br />
with the likes of the<br />
750D and 80D, this lens<br />
represents a significant<br />
upgrade over Canon’s original<br />
18-135mm, with more refined<br />
handling, mainly due to it<br />
having an STM (Stepping<br />
Motor) autofocus system<br />
rather than a basic electric<br />
motor. Advantages include<br />
the focus ring remaining fixed<br />
rather than rotating during<br />
autofocus, and the addition of<br />
manual focus override without<br />
having to switch from auto to<br />
manual focusing mode.<br />
Autofocus transitions when<br />
shooting movies are also much<br />
smoother, and the AF system<br />
is almost silent in operation.<br />
The lens feels well<br />
engineered but, typical of this<br />
class of Canon lens, it lacks<br />
weather-seals and you have<br />
to buy the hood separately,<br />
as an optional extra. There’s<br />
no focus distance scale, either.<br />
Despite having the joint<br />
smallest zoom range among<br />
the lenses on test, along with<br />
Canon’s revised ‘USM’ edition,<br />
it’s actually bigger and heavier<br />
than the Sigma 18-200mm,<br />
which boasts rather greater<br />
telephoto reach. The Tamron<br />
18-200mm is about the same<br />
size as the Canon, but nearly<br />
20 per cent lighter in weight.<br />
Performance<br />
The inclusion of a UD<br />
(Ultra-low Dispersion)<br />
element helps to increase<br />
sharpness and contrast while<br />
keeping colour fringing at bay.<br />
A plus point of the relatively<br />
limited zoom range is that<br />
wide-angle barrel distortion<br />
at 18mm is less noticeable<br />
than in some of the other<br />
lenses on test, even though<br />
it’s telephoto reach that you’re<br />
really missing out on.<br />
Centre<br />
Edge<br />
Sharpness<br />
02<br />
04<br />
05<br />
03<br />
02<br />
The EW-73B hood is<br />
sold separately at<br />
around £26/$30.<br />
03<br />
The manual focus<br />
ring is electronically<br />
coupled, Like in<br />
other STM lenses.<br />
04<br />
The ‘dynamic’<br />
image stabilizer has<br />
auto-detection for<br />
panning and works<br />
well for movies.<br />
05<br />
Like in many EF-S<br />
lenses, there’s no<br />
focus distance scale.<br />
Build & handling<br />
Performance<br />
Value<br />
Overall<br />
How we TEST<br />
To evaluate performance, we combine<br />
real-world shooting with technical lab<br />
tests to get the full picture<br />
108<br />
T<br />
o test real-world performance, we use lenses in all sorts<br />
of lighting conditions, both indoors and outdoors. We<br />
check for good build quality and handling, smooth and<br />
precise operation of all controls, and we test the speed and<br />
accuracy of autofocus. We typically test full-frame compatible<br />
lenses on a range of full-frame and APS-C format bodies,<br />
whereas lenses that are designed specifically for APS-C format<br />
bodies are only tested on cameras like the 80D and 7D Mark II.<br />
In-camera corrections for chromatic aberrations and<br />
peripheral illumination are disabled throughout all testing, to<br />
better reveal the true performance of each lens. We also run a full<br />
range of lab tests under controlled conditions, using the Imatest<br />
Master and DxO Analyzer suites. Photos of test charts are taken<br />
across the range of apertures and zoom settings, then analysed<br />
for sharpness, distortion and chromatic aberrations.<br />
Superzoom Lenses<br />
Canon EF-S 18-135mm<br />
f/3.5-5.6 IS USM £430/$600<br />
The latest EF-S 18-135mm has upgraded autofocus<br />
Both Canon 18-135mm<br />
lenses on test have very<br />
similar styling, from<br />
their metal mounting<br />
plates to the configuration of<br />
zoom and focus rings, and the<br />
lack of a focus distance scale.<br />
They’re identical in size, both<br />
have 16 elements arranged in<br />
12 groups, and apertures with<br />
seven-blade diaphragms. The<br />
main difference is in the<br />
autofocus system.<br />
Whereas the previous<br />
edition of the lens has STM<br />
autofocus, this one has a<br />
newly developed Nano USM<br />
system. The aim is to combine<br />
the super-fast performance of<br />
ring-type USM autofocus for<br />
stills photography, while also<br />
enabling smooth focus<br />
transitions and silent<br />
operation for movie capture.<br />
As in the previous lens, the<br />
image stabilizer is optimized<br />
for shooting movies as well<br />
as stills, but the new lens also<br />
enables the fitment of an<br />
optional PZ-E1 Power Zoom<br />
Adaptor (£100/$150). In<br />
addition to movie-friendly<br />
power zoom functions via a<br />
rocker switch, it also enables<br />
you to control zooming<br />
remotely, when used with a<br />
Wi-Fi compliant camera body.<br />
Performance<br />
The STM edition of this lens<br />
is no slouch when it comes to<br />
autofocus speed but the new<br />
Nano USM version is<br />
incredibly fast for stills, while<br />
still maintaining smooth<br />
transitions when shooting<br />
movies. The image stabilizer is<br />
equally effective in both lenses<br />
and image quality is very<br />
similar. However, sharpness at<br />
the centre of the image frame<br />
proved slightly less impressive<br />
from the new lens, at both<br />
ends of the zoom range.<br />
Centre<br />
Edge<br />
Sharpness<br />
02<br />
05<br />
04<br />
01<br />
03<br />
01<br />
Even the lens hood is<br />
updated, the EW-73D<br />
costing around<br />
£40/$35.<br />
02<br />
The filter thread of<br />
67mm is the same<br />
as in the previous<br />
edition of the lens.<br />
03<br />
Autofocus for stills is<br />
lightning-fast, thanks<br />
to the new Nano<br />
USM system.<br />
04<br />
‘Fly-by-wire’ manual<br />
focusing is retained,<br />
via an electronically<br />
coupled focus ring.<br />
05<br />
Connections on the<br />
barrel enable fitment<br />
of a power zoom.<br />
Build & handling<br />
Performance<br />
Value<br />
Overall<br />
Distortion<br />
Levels of distortion vary between the contending lenses on test<br />
S<br />
uperzoom lenses are notorious for distortion, ranging from barrel<br />
at the short end of the zoom range to pincushion at mid to long<br />
zoom settings. For barrel distortion, the worst offenders are the<br />
Canon 18-200mm and all three Tamron lenses. However, we can easily<br />
forgive the Tamron 16-300mm lens’s greater barrel distortion, as it gives<br />
greater wide-angle viewing than any other lens. The amount of pincushion<br />
distortion at medium and long zoom settings is very similar from all of the<br />
lenses, although the Sigma 18-200mm is technically the worst.<br />
Negative results of higher values indicate greater barrel distortion<br />
The Canon Magazine 109
SUPERTest<br />
Canon EF-S 18-200mm<br />
f/3.5-5.6 IS £470/$700<br />
Unlike Canon’s 18-135mm lenses, this looks outdated<br />
Whereas the Canon<br />
18-135mm has<br />
undergone two major<br />
revamps, this lens<br />
remains unaltered, with a<br />
comparatively old-fashioned<br />
autofocus system. Based on<br />
an electric motor, autofocus<br />
is relatively slow and noisy<br />
in operation. The focus ring<br />
rotates during autofocus,<br />
which impairs handling as you<br />
have to be careful to keep your<br />
fingers clear of the focus ring,<br />
and there’s no full-time<br />
manual override. Unlike with<br />
Canon’s STM and Nano USM<br />
systems, autofocus transitions<br />
when shooting movies are<br />
comparatively jerky, as they<br />
are with all of the Sigma and<br />
Tamron lenses on test.<br />
Naturally, the 18-200mm<br />
beats the 18-135mm lenses for<br />
outright zoom range. But the<br />
Canon lens is less travelfriendly<br />
than the latest Sigma<br />
and Tamron 18-200mm<br />
designs, as it’s noticeably<br />
bigger and heavier. The<br />
aperture is based on six rather<br />
than seven diaphragm blades,<br />
and is less well-rounded as<br />
a result. The optical path<br />
doubles up on aspheric and<br />
UD elements, this lens using<br />
two of each whereas the<br />
Canon 18-135mm lenses only<br />
have one of each type. Again,<br />
the image stabilizer is rated<br />
at four stops and includes<br />
automatic panning detection.<br />
Performance<br />
By today’s standards, the<br />
zoom range isn’t extravagant,<br />
yet the lens’s image quality is<br />
unimpressive. Sharpness<br />
towards the edges and corners<br />
of the frame are particularly<br />
poor in wide-angle shooting,<br />
where barrel distortion is very<br />
noticeable. All in all, the lens<br />
is overdue for a revamp.<br />
Centre<br />
Edge<br />
Sharpness<br />
02<br />
04<br />
01<br />
03<br />
05<br />
01<br />
The 72mm filter<br />
thread is the joint<br />
largest in the group.<br />
02<br />
Canon sells the lens<br />
hood separately, the<br />
EW-78D costing<br />
around £30/$35.<br />
03<br />
The focus ring<br />
rotates and full-time<br />
manual override is<br />
unavailable during<br />
autofocus.<br />
04<br />
Image stabilization is<br />
worth four stops and<br />
includes automatic<br />
panning detection.<br />
05<br />
The mounting plate<br />
doesn’t have a<br />
weather-seal ring.<br />
Build & handling<br />
Performance<br />
Value<br />
Overall<br />
Zoom ZOOM!<br />
How much zoom range is enough?<br />
hile a large zoom range is nice to<br />
have, it can have a detrimental<br />
W<br />
effect on image quality, degrading<br />
sharpness and exaggerating distortions.<br />
Lenses with bigger zoom ranges are often<br />
physically bigger and heavier too, making<br />
them less desirable as ‘walkabout’ lenses.<br />
This series of shots shows how the<br />
extremes of the zoom ranges compare, for<br />
both wide-angle and telephoto shooting.<br />
16mm<br />
18mm<br />
110<br />
Superzoom Lenses<br />
Sigma 18-200mm f/3.5-<br />
6.3 DC Macro OS HSM C<br />
£290/<br />
$400<br />
Small and light, but with a respectable zoom range<br />
Typical of the Sigma’s<br />
Contemporary lenses,<br />
this 18-200mm is<br />
designed to be small,<br />
lightweight and stylish.<br />
Despite matching Canon’s<br />
much heftier lens for zoom<br />
range, the Sigma measures<br />
a mere 71x86mm, making it<br />
the smallest in the group, and<br />
the second lightest at 430g.<br />
Despite the lightness in<br />
weight, the lens features a<br />
metal mounting plate, unlike<br />
the plastic mount of the<br />
directly competing Tamron,<br />
although the Sigma omits<br />
a weather-seal ring. As in<br />
the larger Sigma lens on test,<br />
the focus ring rotates during<br />
autofocus, but the ring is small<br />
and positioned right at the<br />
forward end of the barrel,<br />
so handling isn’t impaired<br />
too drastically. As usual<br />
with ultrasonic motor-driven<br />
autofocus systems, there’s<br />
no full-time manual override.<br />
The Sigma is based on<br />
16 optical elements, with<br />
multiple aspherical and SLD<br />
(Special Low Dispersion)<br />
elements, all wrapped up<br />
in TSC (Thermally Stable<br />
Composite) barrel sections,<br />
formed from a tough, highgrade<br />
plastic that’s resistant<br />
to size fluctuations during<br />
temperature changes.<br />
Performance<br />
Autofocus is fairly quiet but<br />
clearly audible, as well as<br />
being slower than the virtually<br />
silent systems featured in the<br />
Canon 18-135mm lenses.<br />
Optical image stabilization<br />
is as effective as in the Canon<br />
lenses and, again, features<br />
automatic panning detection.<br />
Sharpness is less impressive<br />
than in Sigma’s 18-300mm,<br />
but other attributes of image<br />
quality are impressive overall.<br />
Centre<br />
Edge<br />
Sharpness<br />
04<br />
02<br />
03<br />
01<br />
05<br />
01<br />
At 71mm diameter,<br />
it’s the slimmest<br />
lens on test.<br />
02<br />
The focus ring is<br />
small but rotates<br />
during autofocus.<br />
03<br />
A focus distance<br />
scale is printed on<br />
the focus ring, and<br />
there’s a macro scale<br />
on the inner barrel.<br />
04<br />
There are switches<br />
for auto/manual<br />
focus, stabilization<br />
and zoom lock.<br />
05<br />
The mount is metal<br />
rather than plastic,<br />
but has no<br />
weather-seal ring.<br />
Build & handling<br />
Performance<br />
Value<br />
Overall<br />
135mm<br />
200mm<br />
300mm<br />
The Canon Magazine 111
SUPERTest<br />
Sigma 18-300mm f/3.5-<br />
6.3<br />
£370/<br />
DC Macro OS HSM C $500<br />
The bigger Sigma lens offers extended reach<br />
01<br />
01<br />
Compared with the<br />
Sigma 18-200mm,<br />
the filter thread<br />
diameter rises from<br />
62mm to 72mm.<br />
Outclassing every other<br />
lens in the group, apart<br />
from the Tamron<br />
16-300mm, this Sigma<br />
goes all out for telephoto<br />
reach, equivalent to a mighty<br />
focal length of 480mm on<br />
a full-frame camera. The<br />
trade-off is that it’s noticeably<br />
bigger and heavier than<br />
Sigma’s 18-200mm lens on<br />
test, at 79x102mm and 585g.<br />
In style and build, this<br />
‘Contemporary’ class lens<br />
is very similar to its smaller<br />
18-200mm Sigma sibling.<br />
Again, it’s based on TSC<br />
barrels and a metal mounting<br />
plate, has a seven-blade<br />
diaphragm, and is compatible<br />
with Sigma’s optional USB<br />
Dock for applying firmware<br />
updates and fine-tuning. Both<br />
lenses also have a 0.33x macro<br />
rating, available at the closest<br />
focus distance of 0.39m.<br />
Sigma also offers an optional<br />
‘close-up lens’, which screws<br />
into the filter attachment<br />
thread for increasing macro<br />
magnification to 0.5x.<br />
As well as aspherical and<br />
SLD elements, also employed<br />
in the Sigma 18-200mm,<br />
this lens adds top-grade<br />
FLD (Fluorite-grade Low<br />
Dispersion) elements with<br />
the aim of further boosting<br />
sharpness and contrast, while<br />
driving down colour fringing.<br />
Performance<br />
As in the Sigma 18-200mm<br />
lens, the motor-based rather<br />
than ring-type ultrasonic<br />
system helps with downsizing<br />
but is a little sluggish and<br />
audible in operation. Living<br />
up to its claims, however,<br />
the addition of FLD elements<br />
really does help to boost<br />
sharpness, which only drops<br />
at the longest extremity<br />
of the zoom range.<br />
Centre<br />
Edge<br />
Sharpness<br />
03<br />
02<br />
04<br />
05<br />
02<br />
An optional ‘AML<br />
72-01’ close-up lens<br />
can screw into the<br />
filter thread.<br />
03<br />
The manual focus<br />
ring rotates during<br />
autofocus.<br />
04<br />
Focus distance and<br />
macro magnification<br />
scales are printed.<br />
05<br />
An optional USB<br />
Dock attaches to the<br />
mounting plate for<br />
firmware updates.<br />
Build & handling<br />
Performance<br />
Value<br />
Overall<br />
Full-frame OPTIOns<br />
Superzooms for full-frame cameras are much less<br />
popular, but a couple of notable options are available<br />
S<br />
uperzooms for full-frame cameras are big and bulky, as<br />
the image circle they need to produce is comparatively<br />
large. They’re therefore less popular as travel lenses, as<br />
it can literally be a pain walking around for hours on end with a<br />
heavy body and lens hanging from your neck. The two full-frame<br />
superzooms on the market are the Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3<br />
Di VC PZD at £600/$600 and the relatively huge and expensive<br />
Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM at £2250/$2450.<br />
The Canon 28-300mm weighs<br />
a whopping 1.67kg and has<br />
an equally heavyweight price<br />
112<br />
Superzoom Lenses<br />
Tamron 18-200mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC £190/$200<br />
This Tamron is a lightweight with a price tag to match<br />
Not to be confused<br />
with Tamron’s<br />
original 18-200mm,<br />
this recent edition adds<br />
VC (Vibration Compensation)<br />
stabilization and a redesigned<br />
autofocus system. Tamron’s<br />
proprietary stabilization<br />
system works well and,<br />
while still based on an electric<br />
motor, the new ‘DC motor-gear<br />
train integration’ autofocus<br />
system is much quieter than in<br />
the previous lens. Even so, the<br />
manual focus ring still rotates<br />
during autofocus, which does<br />
hamper handling a little,<br />
considering the fairly small<br />
build of the lens.<br />
Despite being 4mm wider<br />
and 11mm longer than the<br />
directly competing Sigma<br />
18-200mm lens, the Tamron<br />
is 30g lighter in weight and,<br />
at just 400g, is actually the<br />
lightest lens in the group. The<br />
most significant factor in the<br />
weight reduction is that the<br />
mounting plate is made from<br />
plastic rather than metal. Even<br />
so, it’s still very durable and,<br />
unlike the metal mounting<br />
plates in all but the Tamron<br />
16-300mm lens, this one<br />
features a rubber weather-seal<br />
ring, which helps reduce the<br />
ingress of dust and moisture.<br />
Performance<br />
Autofocus speed is a little<br />
pedestrian. Sharpness is<br />
generally better than from<br />
the older Tamron 18-270mm<br />
that’s also on test, at all<br />
equivalent zoom settings,<br />
although corner-sharpness<br />
suffers noticeably when using<br />
the widest aperture in the<br />
middle sector of the zoom<br />
range. On the plus side, colour<br />
fringing at mid-zoom settings<br />
is very negligible. Overall,<br />
the lightweight Tamron is<br />
unbeatable value at the price.<br />
Centre<br />
Edge<br />
Sharpness<br />
03<br />
05<br />
02<br />
01<br />
04<br />
01<br />
Downsizing includes<br />
a 62mm filter thread.<br />
02<br />
The manual focus<br />
ring rotates during<br />
autofocus.<br />
03<br />
Minimum focus<br />
distance stretches<br />
from 0.49-0.77m as<br />
you extend through<br />
the zoom range.<br />
04<br />
The Vibration<br />
Compensation<br />
system works best<br />
for static rather than<br />
panning shots.<br />
05<br />
The mounting plate<br />
is plastic but is<br />
durable and features<br />
a weather-seal ring.<br />
Build & handling<br />
Performance<br />
Value<br />
Overall<br />
Colour fringing<br />
Fringing can be noticeable around high-contrast edges<br />
ith superzoom lenses, fringing (coloured lines around<br />
high-contrast edges, especially towards the corners of<br />
W<br />
the frame) is typically worst at both ends of the zoom<br />
range, but less of an issue at mid-sector zoom settings. The<br />
amount of short-zoom colour fringing is very similar from all<br />
the lenses in the group, apart from the Tamron 16-300mm in<br />
which fringing is rather more evident. This lens is also worst for<br />
fringing at the long end, with the Tamron 18-270mm performing<br />
only slightly better. Automatic in-camera corrections are<br />
available in recent DSLRs, when using own-brand Canon lenses.<br />
The Canon Magazine 113
SUPERTest<br />
Tamron 18-270mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD<br />
£300/<br />
$450<br />
A veteran superzoom that goes large on zoom range<br />
Updated back in 2010,<br />
this newer version of<br />
Tamron’s 18-270mm<br />
boasts a downsized<br />
design with fewer optical<br />
elements, an upgraded VC<br />
stabilization system, and<br />
launched as the first Tamron<br />
lens to incorporate PZD (Piezo<br />
Drive) autofocus. Like in the<br />
two Sigma lenses on test,<br />
autofocus is based on an<br />
ultrasonic motor-driven rather<br />
than ring-type actuator. The<br />
advantage is that the system<br />
can be smaller and lighter, but<br />
it tends to be slower and less<br />
quiet, and the focus ring<br />
rotates during autofocus.<br />
The lens is remarkably<br />
compact and lightweight,<br />
considering its 15x zoom<br />
range. At 74x88mm and 450g,<br />
it’s actually smaller than the<br />
Tamron 18-200mm lens on<br />
test, and only 50g heavier,<br />
mostly due to having a metal<br />
rather than plastic mounting<br />
plate. The weather-seal ring<br />
featured on the two other<br />
Tamron lenses in the group<br />
is absent from this lens. Like<br />
all of the other Sigma and<br />
Tamron lenses in this test<br />
group (but not the three<br />
Canon lenses) it’s supplied<br />
complete with a hood.<br />
Performance<br />
Capable of good results,<br />
boosted by the stabilizer,<br />
the Tamron 18-270mm<br />
nevertheless runs out of steam<br />
a bit towards the long end of<br />
the zoom range. Compared<br />
with the newer 16-300mm<br />
lens, wide-aperture sharpness<br />
is poor near the 270mm mark,<br />
where it’s soft in the centre<br />
of the frame and downright<br />
disappointing towards the<br />
edges. On the upside, colour<br />
fringing and distortions are<br />
slightly better controlled.<br />
Centre<br />
Edge<br />
Sharpness<br />
04<br />
01<br />
03<br />
02<br />
03<br />
05<br />
01<br />
Given the generous<br />
zoom, the 62mm<br />
filter thread is small.<br />
02<br />
Rotating during<br />
autofocus, the focus<br />
ring includes a<br />
distance scale.<br />
03<br />
The optics include<br />
LD (Low Dispersion)<br />
and XR (Extra<br />
Refractive Index)<br />
elements.<br />
04<br />
This was Tamron’s<br />
first lens to include a<br />
‘PZD’ ultrasonic<br />
autofocus motor.<br />
05<br />
The metal mounting<br />
plate lacks a rubber<br />
sealing ring.<br />
Build & handling<br />
Performance<br />
Value<br />
Overall<br />
Added STability<br />
Image Stabilization is a ‘must’ in superzooms<br />
uperzooms can deliver powerful telephoto<br />
reach of up to 300mm (equivalent to<br />
S<br />
480mm on a full-frame body). This is often<br />
combined with a relatively narrow maximum<br />
aperture of f/6.3, resulting in pedestrian shutter<br />
speeds in anything other than very bright lighting.<br />
To avoid blurred images from camera shake, all<br />
current superzoom lenses feature stabilization that<br />
typically enables you to shoot at shutter speeds<br />
that are four stops slower than usual.<br />
114<br />
IS OFF<br />
IS on<br />
Stabilization can be a huge help in getting sharp handheld shots, especially at telephoto<br />
zoom settings, enabling you to shoot at up to four stops slower than you normally could<br />
Superzoom Lenses<br />
Tamron 16-300mm f/3.5<br />
-6.3 Di II VC PZD Macro<br />
£430/<br />
$500<br />
Tamron’s superzoom goes extra-large in a new way<br />
01<br />
01<br />
The big zoom range<br />
is packed into a fairly<br />
slim build, with a<br />
67mm filter thread.<br />
Tamron has a history<br />
of ‘world firsts’ for the<br />
outright zoom range<br />
of its superzoom lenses,<br />
and this is a case in point, with<br />
an unparalleled 18.75x zoom<br />
range. While matching the<br />
Sigma 18-300mm for<br />
maximum telephoto reach,<br />
it also goes extra-large in<br />
wide-angle viewing, with<br />
a 16mm focal length. This<br />
is equivalent to 25.6mm in<br />
full-frame terms, compared<br />
with the 28.8mm of the other<br />
lenses. There’s a noticeable<br />
difference in how much you<br />
can squeeze into the frame.<br />
The PZD autofocus is much<br />
more refined than in the older<br />
Tamron 18-270mm. It’s still<br />
a motor-driven ultrasonic<br />
mechanism but the manual<br />
focus ring remains stationery<br />
during autofocus, which<br />
greatly improves handling.<br />
Equally unusual is that<br />
full-time manual focus<br />
override is available, and<br />
there’s an up-market focus<br />
distance scale beneath a<br />
viewing panel. The high-class<br />
feel of the lens is further<br />
enhanced by quality plastics<br />
and a metal mounting plate,<br />
complete with a weather-seal<br />
ring. Other weather-seals built<br />
into the lens complete the<br />
‘splash-proof’ design.<br />
Performance<br />
The optical path includes<br />
LD, XR and hybrid aspherical<br />
elements, which help to boost<br />
sharpness and contrast while<br />
keeping the size and weight<br />
to manageable proportions. In<br />
this case, however, sharpness<br />
is better throughout the entire<br />
zoom range, although colour<br />
fringing is a bit worse at either<br />
end. As you’d expect, barrel<br />
distortion is slightly worse at<br />
the wide 16mm focal length.<br />
Centre<br />
Edge<br />
Sharpness<br />
05<br />
04<br />
02<br />
03<br />
02<br />
The focus ring at the<br />
rear is more typical<br />
of up-market lenses.<br />
03<br />
Multiple weatherseals<br />
in the design<br />
enable a ‘splashproof’<br />
construction.<br />
04<br />
The focus distance<br />
scale beneath a<br />
viewing panel is<br />
unique in the group.<br />
05<br />
With its 16mm focal<br />
distance, the<br />
Tamron reigns for<br />
wide-angle viewing.<br />
Build & handling<br />
Performance<br />
Value<br />
Overall<br />
Autofocus TECHnOLOgy<br />
There’s a variety of autofocus systems in the latest lenses. Which is best?<br />
M<br />
ost older superzooms use a fairly<br />
basic ‘micro motor’, which are<br />
typically a bit sluggish and rather<br />
noisy, though the revamped motor in the<br />
Tamron 18-200mm is an exception to the<br />
rule, being faster and quieter.<br />
Some superzooms use ultrasonic<br />
motors but, unlike ‘ring-type’ ultrasonic<br />
systems based on large electromagnetic<br />
rings, they still rely on motors with drive<br />
shafts and gearwheels. Operation tends to<br />
be less than quick and clearly audible, and<br />
the manual focus ring usually rotates<br />
during autofocus. This time, the Tamron<br />
16-300mm is an exception.<br />
Canon’s 18-135mm lenses use either<br />
STM (Stepping Motor) or Nano USM<br />
systems. Both give smooth autofocus<br />
transitions when shooting movies, but<br />
Nano USM gives faster performance.<br />
The Nano USM in Canon’s latest 18-135mm lens<br />
is great for movies as well as stills, and there’s<br />
also an optional Power Zoom Adapter PZ-E1<br />
The Canon Magazine 115
SUPERTest<br />
Comparison taBLE<br />
Name<br />
Canon EF-S<br />
18-135mm f/3.5-5.6<br />
IS STM<br />
Canon EF-S<br />
18-135mm f/3.5-5.6<br />
IS USM<br />
Canon EF-S<br />
18-200mm f/3.5-5.6<br />
IS<br />
Sigma 18-200mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 DC Macro<br />
OS HSM C<br />
Sigma 18-300mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 DC Macro<br />
OS HSM C<br />
Tamron 18-200mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC<br />
Tamron 18-270mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC<br />
PZD<br />
Tamron 16-300mm<br />
f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC<br />
PZD Macro<br />
Contact<br />
Street price<br />
(UK/USA)<br />
Effective zoom range<br />
(APS-C)<br />
www.sigma-imaging-uk.<br />
com<br />
www.sigma-imaging-uk.<br />
com<br /><br />
£380/$400 £430/$600 £470/$700 £290/$400 £370/$500 £190/$200 £300/$450 £430/$500<br />
28.8-216mm 28.8-216mm 28.8-320mm 28.8-320mm 28.8-480mm 28.8-320mm 28.8-432mm 25.6-480mm<br />
Elements/groups 16/12 16/12 16/12 16/13 17/13 16/14 16/13 16/12<br />
Mounting plate Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Plastic, weather-sealed Metal Metal, weather-sealed<br />
Diaphragm 7 blades 7 blades 6 blades 7 blades 7 blades 7 blades 7 blades 7 blades<br />
Optical stabilizer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes<br />
Focus type Stepping motor Ultrasonic (Nano) Electric (motor) Ultrasonic (motor) Ultrasonic (motor) Electric (motor) Ultrasonic (motor) Ultrasonic (motor)<br />
Focus ring during AF<br />
Front element<br />
during focusing<br />
Stationary/manual<br />
override<br />
Stationary/manual<br />
override<br />
Rotates Rotates Rotates Rotates Rotates<br />
Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed<br />
Stationary/manual<br />
override<br />
Min focus distance 0.39m 0.39m 0.45m 0.39m 0.39m 0.49-0.77m 0.49m 0.39m<br />
Max reproduction<br />
ratio<br />
0.28x 0.28x 0.24x 0.33x 0.33x 0.25x 0.26x 0.34x<br />
Filter size 67mm 67mm 72mm 62mm 72mm 62mm 62mm 67mm<br />
Included accessories None None None Hood Hood Hood Hood Hood<br />
Dimensions<br />
(dia x length)<br />
77x96mm 77x96mm 79x102mm 71x86mm 79x102mm 75x97mm 74x88mm 75x100mm<br />
Weight 480g 515g 595g 430g 585g 400g 450g 540g<br />
Features<br />
Build & handling<br />
Performance<br />
Value<br />
Overall<br />
The winner is... Sigma 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 DC Macro OS HSM C<br />
The Sigma 18-300mm delivers epic zoom range and best all-round performance<br />
A<br />
remarkable superzoom, the Sigma<br />
18-300mm delivers an enormous zoom<br />
range with surprisingly little<br />
compromise in image quality. It’s impressively<br />
sharp, only really dropping off at the very<br />
longest zoom setting, while keeping distortions<br />
and colour fringing down to relatively low levels.<br />
The Tamron 16-300mm also has a lot going<br />
for it, with superior handling and the bonus of<br />
weather-seals that enable a splash-proof<br />
construction. It’s also the only lens to feature a<br />
focus distance scale under a viewing panel.<br />
For compactness and value for money, the<br />
Sigma and Tamron 18-200mm lenses are both<br />
good buys. The Sigma is slightly smaller,<br />
whereas the Tamron is a little lighter in weight,<br />
and there’s no beating the Tamron for value.<br />
If you’d rather stick to a Canon lens, the latest<br />
18-135mm IS USM is the best performer, while<br />
the 18-200mm is the least impressive.<br />
116<br />
BUYERS’<br />
GUIDE<br />
With prices ranging from a couple of hundred quid to<br />
several thousand, Canon has a DSLR to suit everyone,<br />
from the complete beginner to most demanding pro…<br />
What to look for<br />
Canon EOS DSLRs<br />
Canon splits its EOS lineup into<br />
entry-level, enthusiast and professional ranges, and the fewer digits<br />
the more upmarket the camera; so the 1300D is the most basic,<br />
the 800D for intermediates, while the 80D is for more advanced<br />
enthusiasts, and the 7D/6D/5D and 1D lines for pros. Expect greater<br />
ease of use (with thumb-operated scrollwheels replacing cursor<br />
keys), more robust build quality (with weather-sealing and tough<br />
magnesium-alloy shells), more advanced functionality, and full-frame<br />
(rather than APS-C) image sensors with more expensive models.<br />
Canon EOS 1300D (Rebel T6)<br />
Canon’s entry-level, budget-friendly EOS DSLR<br />
gets up a minor upgrade over its predecessor<br />
with added Wi-Fi and NFC to make it easy to<br />
instantly share images online. A basic 18Mp<br />
sensor, ISO6400 and 3fps are all specs ideal<br />
for a beginner’s first ‘proper’ camera.<br />
DSLR/CSC prices quoted are body-only unless stated<br />
Tested In ISSUE 120 Price: £289/$449 (US price with kit lens)<br />
Sensor 18Mp, APS-C (5184x3456 pixels)<br />
Viewfinder Pentamirror, 0.8x, 95%<br />
ISO 100-6400 (12,800 expanded)<br />
AF 9-point (1 cross-type)<br />
LCD Fixed, 3-inch, 920k-dot TFT<br />
Max burst (buffer) 3fps (6 Raw/1100 JPEG)<br />
Memory card SD/SDHC/SDXC<br />
Entry level CSC<br />
Canon EOS 100D (Rebel SL1) Tested In ISSUE 120 Price: £379/$549<br />
It’s smaller than any other Canon DSLR but<br />
Sensor 18Mp, APS-C (5184x3456 pixels)<br />
is big on features and is something of a step up in<br />
Viewfinder Pentamirror, 0.87x, 95%<br />
sophistication from the 1200D, with a newergeneration<br />
ISO 100-12,800 (25,600 expanded)<br />
image processor, high-res touchscreen<br />
AF 9-point (1 cross-type)<br />
and ‘hybrid CMOS AF’ for effective continuous<br />
LCD 3in touchscreen, 1040K dots<br />
autofocus during movie capture.<br />
Max burst (buffer) 4fps (7 Raw/28 JPEG)<br />
Memory card SD/SDHC/SDXC<br />
EOS 750D (Rebel T6i) Tested: 120 Price: £549/$749 EOS 760D (Rebel T6s) Tested: 108 Price: £579/$849<br />
Headline attractions include a<br />
24.2Mp high-resolution image sensor<br />
and DIGIC 6 processor, plus a 19-point<br />
autofocus system, along with Wi-Fi<br />
and NFC connectivity for easy image<br />
sharing and printing.<br />
Canon EOS 800D (Rebel T7i) Tested In ISSUE 126 Price: £779/$749<br />
Canon has shoehorned much of the tech of the<br />
Sensor 24.2Mp, APS-C (6000x4000 pixels)<br />
enthusiast-level 80D into a beginner body. The<br />
Viewfinder Pentamirror, 0.82x, 95%<br />
800D inherits its bigger brother’s 24Mp Dual Pixel<br />
ISO 100-25,600 (51,200 expanded)<br />
sensor for superior Live View autofocus, uses the<br />
AF 45-point (all cross-type)<br />
same 45-point module for viewfinder autofocus,<br />
LCD 3in touchscreen vari-angle, 1040K dots<br />
and betters its ISO performance.<br />
Max burst (buffer) 6fps (27 Raw/unlimited JPEG)<br />
Memory card SD/SDHC/SDXC<br />
A 24.2Mp sensor, DIGIC 6 chip and<br />
1,040,000-dot touchscreen LCD are<br />
inside this diminutive compact system<br />
camera, but the electronic viewfinder<br />
is an optional add-on and Live View<br />
focusing is hit-and-miss.<br />
Building on the features of the<br />
750D, the 760D adds a secondary info<br />
LCD on the top and Quick Control Dial<br />
on the rear. This improves handling<br />
and makes it feel more like an<br />
‘enthusiast’ model.<br />
Canon EOS M3 Tested: 102 Price: £359/$429 Canon EOS M5 Tested: 122 Price: £999/$929<br />
The EOS M5 really opens up the<br />
DSLR vs CSC debate. It shares much<br />
of the tech as the 80D, but swaps the<br />
optical viewfinder for an electronic<br />
version, making this compact system<br />
camera a pocket rocket.<br />
118<br />
Buyers’ Guide CAMERAS<br />
Canon EOS 77D Tested In ISSUE <strong>128</strong> Price: £829/$849<br />
the key specs are identical to the 800D, but the<br />
Sensor 24.2Mp, APS-C (6000x4000 pixels)<br />
extra top-plate LCD gives at-a-glance access to<br />
Viewfinder Pentamirror, 0.82x, 95%<br />
vital shooting info, while a rear control wheel<br />
ISO 100-25,600 (51,200 expanded)<br />
makes dialing in exposure settings much quicker,<br />
AF 45-point (all cross-type)<br />
promoting it to Canon’s ‘enthusiast’ range. Great<br />
LCD 3in touchscreen vari-angle, 1040K dots<br />
image quality – even at high ISOs.<br />
Max burst (buffer) 6fps (27 Raw/unlimited JPEG)<br />
Memory card SD/SDHC/SDXC<br />
Canon EOS 80D Tested In ISSUE 113 Price: £999/$1199<br />
The 80D builds upon its 70D predecessor with<br />
Sensor 24.2Mp, APS-C (6000x4000 pixels)<br />
25% more pixels, 45 cross-type AF points,<br />
Viewfinder Pentaprism, 0.95x, 100%<br />
improved ISO performance and retains the ability<br />
ISO 100-16,000 (25,600 expanded)<br />
to capture 7fps bursts. It can record movies at<br />
AF 45-point (all cross-type)<br />
double-speed 50/60fps for slow-motion, and has<br />
LCD 3in touchscreen vari-angle, 1040K dots<br />
NFC data transfer in addition to Wi-Fi.<br />
Max burst (buffer) 7fps (25 Raw/110 JPEG)<br />
Memory card SD/SDHC/SDXC<br />
Canon EOS 7D Mk II Tested In ISSUE 108 Price: £1449/$1349<br />
Here’s the king of action-packed APS-C format<br />
Sensor 20.2Mp, APS-C (5472x3648 pixels)<br />
cameras. A long-overdue revamp of the original<br />
Viewfinder Pentaprism, 1.0x, 100%<br />
7D, it has 65-point AF with advanced tracking,<br />
ISO 100-16,000 (51,200 expanded)<br />
10fps continuous drive, dual DIGIC 6 processors<br />
AF 65-point (all cross-type)<br />
and GPS, all wrapped up in a tough, weathersealed<br />
LCD 3in, 1040K dots<br />
magnesium alloy shell.<br />
Max burst (buffer) 10fps (31 Raw/unlimited JPEG)<br />
Memory card CompactFlash + SD/SDHC/SDXC<br />
Canon EOS 6D Tested In ISSUE 124 Price: £1399/$1269<br />
Amazingly good value for a full-frame EOS<br />
Sensor 20.2Mp, full-frame (5472x3648 pixels)<br />
DSLR in a medium-sized body, the 6D combines<br />
Viewfinder Pentaprism, 0.71x, 97%<br />
a respectable 20.2Mp sensor with super-high<br />
ISO 100-25,600 (50-102,400 expanded)<br />
sensitivities of up to ISO102,400. Image quality is<br />
AF 11-point (1 cross-type)<br />
excellent and there’s built-in Wi-Fi and GPS, but<br />
LCD 3in, 1040K dots<br />
the 6D has a fairly basic AF system.<br />
Max burst (buffer) 4.5fps (17 Raw/1250 JPEG)<br />
Memory card SD/SDHC/SDXC<br />
Canon EOS 5D Mk IV Tested In ISSUE 124 Price: £3349/$3499<br />
A Superb all-rounder, the pro-level weathersealed<br />
Sensor 30.4Mp, full-frame (6720x4480 pixels)<br />
full-frame 5D Mk IV combines a stunning<br />
Viewfinder Pentaprism, 0.71x, 100%<br />
hi-res 30Mp sensor with a swift 7fps frame rate.<br />
ISO 100-32,000 (50-102,400 expanded)<br />
Its impressive specs list includes 4K video, a<br />
AF 61-point (41 cross-type, 5 dual-cross)<br />
touchscreen LCD, Wi-Fi and NFC connectivity, and<br />
LCD 3.2in touchscreen, 1620K dots<br />
GPS to automatically geotag images.<br />
Max burst (buffer) 7fps (21 Raw/unlimited JPEG)<br />
Memory card CompactFlash + SD/SDHC/SDXC<br />
Canon EOS 5DS (5DS R) Tested In ISSUE 124 Prices: £3099/$3499 (£3299/$3699)<br />
The world’s first 50Mp full-frame DSLR delivers<br />
Sensor 50.6Mp, full-frame (8688x5792 pixels)<br />
huge and amazingly detailed hi-res images. The<br />
Viewfinder Pentaprism, 0.71x, 100%<br />
higher-cost 5DS R adds a ‘low-pass cancellation<br />
ISO 100-6400 (50-12,800 expanded)<br />
filter’ for marginally sharper shots. As expected<br />
AF 61-point (41 cross-type, 5 dual-cross)<br />
with such a high-res sensor, max ISO and drive<br />
LCD 3.2in, 1040K dots<br />
rate are lower than with the 5D Mk IV.<br />
Max burst (buffer) 5fps (14 Raw/510 JPEG)<br />
Memory card CompactFlash + SD/SDHC/SDXC<br />
Canon EOS-1D X Mark II Tested In ISSUE 124 Price: £4799/$5999<br />
Canon’s Mark II flagship full-frame pro-level EOS<br />
Sensor 20.2Mp, full-frame (5472x3648 pixels)<br />
boasts ultra-fast 14fps shooting (16fps in Live View)<br />
Viewfinder Pentaprism, 0.76x, 100%<br />
and super-high ISO, along with sublime handling.<br />
ISO 100-51,200 (50-409,600 expanded)<br />
It sports 4K video, body build quality is rock-solid,<br />
AF 61-point (41 cross-type, 5 dual-cross)<br />
yet its 20Mp image resolution is relatively modest<br />
LCD 3.2in, 1620K dots<br />
when compared to the 50Mp 5DS/R.<br />
Max burst (buffer) 14-16fps (170 Raw/Unlimited JPEG)<br />
Memory card CompactFlash + CFast<br />
EnthusiaST ProfESSIonal<br />
The Canon Magazine 119
BUYERS’<br />
GUIDE<br />
With over 150 lenses available for Canon DSLRs,<br />
picking the best for the job can be a minefield. Here’s<br />
the lowdown on all currently available EOS-fit glass<br />
Choosing lenses<br />
Key factors to watch out for<br />
The main factors to consider in a lens are its focal length,<br />
maximum aperture, and whether or not it’s full-frame compatible.<br />
We’ve categorized lenses by focal length range – from wide-angle<br />
to telephoto. The larger a lens’s maximum aperture, the ‘faster’<br />
it’s considered to be – allowing you to control depth of field more,<br />
and offering better options in low light. Zooms are more flexible<br />
than primes, but tend not to have such fast maximum apertures.<br />
Full-frame lenses will also work with ‘crop-sensor’ EOS D-SLRs,<br />
but crop-sensor lenses aren’t compatible with full-frame cameras.<br />
WIDE-ANGLE zooms TELEPHOTO zooms<br />
WIDE-angle zooms<br />
Price<br />
Full-frame<br />
Max zoom<br />
Image stabilization<br />
Canon EF 8-15mm f/4L Fisheye USM £1120/$1250 Yes 1.9x No f/4 540g 0.15m 0.34x None 7 90 HHHH<br />
Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM £215/$280 No 1.8x Yes f/4.5-5.6 240g 0.22m 0.15x 67mm 7 113 HHHH ●<br />
Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM £470/$650 No 2.2x No f/3.5-4.5 385g 0.24m 0.17x 77mm 6 113 HHH<br />
Canon EF 11-24mm f/4L USM £2700/$2800 Yes 2.2x No f/4 1180g 0.28m 0.16x None 9 116 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM £2100/$2200 Yes 2.2x No f/2.8 790g 0.28m 0.22x 82mm 9 120 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM £880/$1000 Yes 2.2x Yes f/4 615g 0.28m 0.23x 77mm 9 116 HHHHH ● ●<br />
Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM £720/$750 Yes 2.4x No f/4 500g 0.28m 0.24x 77mm 7 113 HHHH<br />
Sigma 8-16mm f/4.5-5.6 DC HSM £600/$700 No 2.0x No f/4.5-5.6 555g 0.24m 0.13x None 7 113 HHHH<br />
Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 EX DC HSM £330/$450 No 2.0x No f/3.5 520g 0.24m 0.15x 82mm 7 113 HHHH<br />
Sigma 12-24mm f/4 DG HSM A £1400/$1600 Yes 2.0x No f/4 1150g 0.24m 0.2x None 9 122 HHHH<br />
Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 II DG HSM £650/$950 Yes 2.0x No f/4.5-5.6 670g 0.28m 0.16x 82mm 9 113 HHHHH<br />
Sigma 24-35mm f/2 DG HSM A £760/$900 Yes 1.5x No f/2 940g 0.28m 0.23x 77mm 7 113 HHH<br />
Tamron SP AF 10-24mm f/3.5-4.5 Di II LD £460/$500 No 2.4x No f/3.5-4.5 406g 0.24m 0.2x None 9 113 HHHHH<br />
Tamron SP 15-30mm f/2.8 Di VC USD £930/$1200 Yes 2.0x Yes f/2.8 1100g 0.28m 0.2x None 6 87 HHH<br />
Tokina 10-17mm f/3.5-4.5 AT-X DX Fisheye £430/$530 No 1.7x No f/3.5-4.5 350g 0.14m 0.39x 82mm 9<br />
Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X PRO DX II £480/$500 No 1.8x No f/2.8 560g 0.28m 0.12x 77mm 9 87 HHH<br />
Tokina 12-28mm f/4 AT-X Pro DX £450/$400 No 2.3x No f/4 530g 0.25m 0.2x 82mm 9 116 HHHH<br />
Tokina 14-20mm f/2 AT-X PRO DX £850/$800 No 1.43x No f/2 750g 0.28m 0.12x None 9<br />
Tokina 16-28mm f/2.8 AT-X PRO FX £580/$690 Yes 1.8x No f/2.8 950g 0.28m 0.19x 82mm 9<br />
Tokina 17-35mm f/4 AT-X PRO FX £570/$450 Yes 2.1x No f/4 600g 0.28m 0.21x 82mm 9<br />
TELEPHOTO zooms<br />
Price<br />
Full-frame<br />
Max zoom<br />
Image stabilization<br />
Max aperture<br />
Weight<br />
Min focus distance<br />
Max magnification<br />
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM £270/$300 No 4.5x Yes f/4-5.6 375g 0.85m 0.29x 58mm 7 123 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM £2000/$1950 Yes 2.9x Yes f/2.8 1490g 1.2m 0.21x 77mm 8 116 HHHHH<br />
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM £1330/$1250 Yes 2.9x No f/2.8 1310g 1.5m 0.16x 77mm 8 64 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM £1050/$1100 Yes 2.9x Yes f/4 760g 1.2m 0.21x 67mm 8 107 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM £670/$650 Yes 2.9x No f/4 705g 1.2m 0.21x 67mm 8 123 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM £400/$650 Yes 4.3x Yes f/4-5.6 630g 1.5m 0.26x 58mm 8 123 HHH<br />
Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS II USM £500/$550 Yes 4.3x Yes f/4-5.6 710g 1.2m 0.25x 67mm 9 125 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM £1030/$1350 Yes 4.3x Yes f/4-5.6 1050g 1.2m 0.21x 67mm 8 117 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 DO IS USM £1380/$1400 Yes 4.3x Yes f/4.5-5.6 720g 1.4m 0.19x 58mm 6 90 HHH<br />
Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III £210/$200 Yes 4.0x No f/4-5.6 480g 1.5m 0.25x 58mm 7 15 HHH<br />
Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM £260/$190 Yes 4.0x No f/4-5.6 480g 1.5m 0.25x 58mm 7 70 HHH<br />
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM £1880/$2000 Yes 4.0x Yes f/4.5-5.6 1640g 0.98m 0.31x 77mm 9 117 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x £10,500/$11,000 Yes 2.8x Yes f/4 3620g 2.0m 0.15x 52mm 9 77 HHHHH<br />
Sigma 50-500mm f4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM £1100/$1660 Yes 10.0x Yes f/4.5-6.3 1970g 0.5-1.8m 0.32x 95mm 9 117 HHH<br />
Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM £900/$1150 Yes 2.9x Yes f/2.8 1430g 1.4m 0.13x 77mm 9 107 HHHH<br />
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG Macro £130/$140 Yes 4.3x No f/4-5.6 545g 0.95m 0.5x 58mm 9 123 HHH<br />
Sigma APO 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG Macro £180/$180 Yes 4.3x No f/4-5.6 550g 0.95m 0.5x 58mm 9 123 HH<br />
Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8 DG OS HSM S £2700/$3400 Yes 2.5x Yes f/2.8 3390g 1.5-2.5m 0.12x 105mm 9 98 HHHH<br />
Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM C £800/$990 Yes 4.0x Yes f/5-6.3 1930g 2.8m 0.2x 95mm 9 117 HHHH ●<br />
Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM S £1330/$2000 Yes 4.0x Yes f/5-6.3 2860g 2.6m 0.2x 105mm 9 117 HHHHH ●<br />
Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 EX DG £15,000/$26,000 Yes 2.5x No f/2.8 15,700g 2.0-5.0m 0.13x 72mm 9<br />
Sigma 300-800mm f/5.6 EX DG HSM £6500/$6800 Yes 2.7x No f/5.6 5880g 6.0m 0.14x 46mm 9<br />
Tamron SP AF 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD £1100/$1500 Yes 2.9x Yes f/2.8 1470g 1.3m 0.13x 77mm 9 107 HHHH<br />
Tamron SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 £1350/$1300 Yes 2.9x Yes f/2.8 1500g 0.95m 0.16x 77mm 9 127 HHHHH<br />
Tamron AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di LD Macro £130/$160 Yes 4.3x No f/4-5.6 458g 0.95m 0.5x 62mm 9 123 HHH<br />
Tamron SP AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di VC USD £300/$450 Yes 4.3x Yes f/4-5.6 765g 1.5m 0.25x 62mm 9 123 HHHH ● ●<br />
Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD £830/$1000 Yes 4.0x Yes f/5-6.3 1951g 2.7m 0.2x 95mm 9 117 HHHH<br />
Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 £1340/$1400 Yes 4.0x Yes f/5-6.3 2010g 2.2m 0.26x 95mm 9 121 HHHH<br />
Max aperture<br />
Weight<br />
Min focus distance<br />
Max magnification<br />
Filter size<br />
Filter size<br />
Iris blades<br />
Iris blades<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> reviewed<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> reviewed<br />
Rating<br />
Rating<br />
Awards<br />
Awards<br />
120<br />
Standard zooms<br />
Wide-angle primes<br />
Price<br />
Full-frame<br />
Canon EF 14mm f/2.8L II USM £2000/$2100 Yes None No f/2.8 645g 0.2m 0.15x None 6<br />
Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L (tilt & shift) £2000/$2150 Yes None No f/4 820g 0.25m 0.14x 77mm 8 90 HHHHH<br />
Canon EF 20mm f/2.8 USM £450/$540 Yes None No f/2.8 405g 0.25m 0.14x 72mm 5 114 HHH<br />
Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM £1500/$1550 Yes None No f/1.4 650g 0.25m 0.17x 77mm 8<br />
Canon EF 24mm f/2.8 IS USM £430/$550 Yes None Yes f/2.8 280g 0.2m 0.23x 58mm 7 114 HHHH<br />
Canon EF-S 24mm f/2.8 STM £140/$150 No None No f/2.8 125g 0.16m 0.27x 52mm 7 110 HHHH<br />
Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II (tilt & shift) £1690/$1900 Yes None No f/3.5 780g 0.21m 0.34x 82mm 8<br />
Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 USM £420/$510 Yes None No f/1.8 310g 0.25m 0.18x 58mm 7 67 HHH<br />
Canon EF 28mm f/2.8 IS USM £390/$500 Yes None Yes f/2.8 260g 0.23m 0.2x 58mm 7 114 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L II USM £1800/$1700 Yes None No f/1.4 760g 0.28m 0.21x 72mm 9 116 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 35mm f/2 IS USM £470/$600 Yes None Yes f/2 335g 0.24m 0.24x 67mm 8 114 HHHH ●<br />
Peleng 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye £250/$215 Yes None No f/3.5 400g 0.22m 0.13x None<br />
Peleng 17mm f/2.8 Fisheye £290/$290 Yes None No f/2.8 630g 0.3m None<br />
Samyang 8mm f/3.5 IF MC CSII DH Circular £240/$260 No None No f/3.5 435g 0.3m N/S None 6<br />
Samyang 10mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS CS £350/$400 No None No f/2.8 600g 0.25m N/S None 6<br />
Samyang 12mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS Diagonal £360/$470 Yes None No f/2.8 530g 0.2m N/S None 7<br />
Samyang 14mm f/2.8 IF ED UMC £300/$330 Yes None No f/2.8 560g 0.28m N/S None 6 74 HHH<br />
Samyang 16mm f/2 ED AS UMC CS £330/$360 No None No f/2 590g 0.2m N/S 77mm 8<br />
Samyang 24mm f/1.4 ED AS UMC £480/$470 Yes None No f/1.4 680g 0.25m N/S 77mm 8<br />
Samyang T-S 24mm f/3.5 ED AS UMC (tilt & shift) £680/$760 Yes None No f/3.5 680g 0.2m N/S 82mm 8 90 HHHH<br />
Samyang 35mm f/1.4 AS UMC AE £430/$480 Yes None No f/1.4 660g 0.3m N/S 77mm 8 100 HHHH<br />
Schneider 28mm f/4.5 PC-TS (tilt & shift) £4980/$6000 Yes None No f/4.5 1560g 0.15m 0.16x 122mm<br />
Sigma 4.5mm f/2.8 EX DC HSM Circular Fisheye £700/$900 No None No f/2.8 470g 0.14m 0.17x None 6 87 HHHH<br />
Sigma 8mm f/3.5 EX DG Circular Fisheye £700/$900 Yes None No f/3.5 400g 0.14m 0.22x None 6 87 HHHH ●<br />
Sigma 10mm f/2.8 EX DC HSM Diagonal Fisheye £600/$600 No None No f/2.8 475g 0.14m 0.11x None 7 87 HHHH<br />
Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX DG Diagonal Fisheye £600/$610 Yes None No f/2.8 370g 0.15m 0.26x None 7 44 HHHH<br />
Sigma 20mm f/1.4 DG HSM A £700/$900 Yes None No f/1.4 950g 0.28m 0.14x 77mm 9 114 HHHHH<br />
Sigma 24mm f/1.4 DG HSM A £650/$850 Yes None No f/1.4 665g 0.25m 0.19x 77mm 9 114 HHHHH ●<br />
Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM A £650/$900 Yes None No f/1.4 665g 0.3m 0.19x 67mm 9 100 HHHHH ●<br />
Tamron SP 35mm f/1.8 Di VC USD £600/$600 Yes None Yes f/1.8 480g 0.2m 0.4x 67mm 9 114 HHHH<br />
Voigtlander 20mm f/3.5 Color-Skopar SL II £505/$500 Yes None No f/3.5 240g 0.2m N/S 52mm 9<br />
Voigtlander 28mm f/2.8 Color-Skopar £440/$480 Yes None No f/2.8 230g 0.22m N/S 52mm 9<br />
Zeiss Milvus 15mm f/2.8 ZE £2330/$2700 Yes None No f/2.8 947g 0.25m 0.11x 95mm 9<br />
Zeiss Distagon T* 18mm f/3.5 ZE £1090/$1395 Yes None No f/3.5 510g 0.3m 0.08x 82mm 9 44 HHHHH ●<br />
Zeiss Milvus 18mm f/2.8 ZE £1850/$2300 Yes None No f/2.8 721g 0.25m 0.1x 77mm 9<br />
Zeiss Milvus 21mm f/2.8 ZE £1400/$1850 Yes None No f/2.8 851g 0.22m 0.2x 82mm 9<br />
Zeiss Distagon T* 25mm f/2 ZE £1270/$1700 Yes None No f/2 600g 0.25m 0.17x 67mm 9<br />
Zeiss Distagon T* 28mm f/2 ZE £980/$<strong>128</strong>5 Yes None No f/2 580g 0.24m 0.21x 58mm 9<br />
Zeiss Otus 28mm f/1.4 ZE £3500/$5000 Yes None No f/1.4 1350g 0.3m 0.2x 95mm 9<br />
Max zoom<br />
Image stabilisation<br />
Zeiss Distagon T* 35mm f/1.4 ZE £1300/$1845 Yes None No f/1.4 850g 0.3m 0.2x 72mm 9<br />
Zeiss Milvus f2/35 ZE £830/$1120 Yes None No f/2 702g 0.3m 0.19x 58mm 9 114 HHHH<br />
Max aperture<br />
Weight<br />
Buyers’ Guide LENSES<br />
Canon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM £600/$800 No 5.7x Yes f/3.5-5.6 575g 0.35m 0.21x 72mm 7 84 HHHH<br />
Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM £750/$800 No 3.2x Yes f/2.8 645g 0.35m 0.17x 77mm 7 127 HHHH ●<br />
Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II £170/$200 No 3.1x Yes f/3.5-5.6 200g 0.25m 0.34x 58mm 6 110 HHH<br />
Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM £200/$250 No 3.1x Yes f/3.5-5.6 205g 0.25m 0.36x 58mm 7 110 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM £1900/$1700 Yes 2.9x No f/2.8 805g 0.38m 0.21x 82mm 9 127 HHHH ●<br />
Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM £800/$900 Yes 2.9x Yes f/4 600g 0.38m 0.7x 77mm 9 93 HHHHH<br />
Canon EF 24-105mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM £380/$600 Yes 4.4x Yes f/3.5-5.6 525g 0.4m 0.3x 77mm 7<br />
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS II USM £1065/$1000 Yes 4.4x Yes f/4 795g 0.45m 0.24x 77mm 10 127 HHHH<br />
Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 EX DC OS HSM £330/$370 No 2.9x Yes f/2.8 565g 0.28m 0.2x 77mm 7 127 HHH<br />
Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4 DC Macro OS HSM C £350/$500 No 4.1x Yes f/2.8-4 465g 0.22m 0.36x 72mm 7 127 HHHH ●<br />
Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM A £650/$800 No 1.9x No f/1.8 810g 0.28m 0.23x 72mm 9 90 HHHHH<br />
Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 IF EX DG HSM £590/$750 Yes 2.9x No f/2.8 790g 0.38m 0.19x 82mm 9 93 HHHH<br />
Sigma 24-105mm f/4 DG OS HSM A £600/$900 Yes 4.4x Yes f/4 885g 0.45m 0.22x 82mm 9 127 HHHH<br />
Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II VC £380/$650 No 2.9x Yes f/2.8 570g 0.29m 0.21x 72mm 7 127 HHH<br />
Tamron SP AF 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD £800/$1300 Yes 2.9x Yes f/2.8 825g 0.38m 0.2x 82mm 9 127 HHHH ●<br />
Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di £450/$500 Yes 2.7x No f/2.8 510g 0.33m 0.26x 67mm 7 57 HHH<br />
SUPERzooms<br />
Price<br />
Price<br />
Full-frame<br />
Full-frame<br />
Max zoom<br />
Max zoom<br />
Image stabilization<br />
Image stabilization<br />
Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM £380/$400 No 7.5x Yes f/3.5-5.6 480g 0.39m 0.28x 67mm 7 <strong>128</strong> HHHH<br />
Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM £430/$600 No 7.5x Yes f/3.5-5.6 515g 0.39m 0.28x 67mm 7 <strong>128</strong> HHHH<br />
Canon EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS £470/$700 No 11.1x Yes f/3.5-5.6 595g 0.45m 0.24x 72mm 6 <strong>128</strong> HHH<br />
Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM £2250/$2450 Yes 10.7x Yes f/3.5-5.6 1760g 0.7m 0.30x 77mm 8 6 HHHH<br />
Sigma 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 DC Macro OS HSM C £290/$400 No 11.1x Yes f/3.5-6.3 430g 0.39m 0.33x 62mm 7 <strong>128</strong> HHHH<br />
Sigma 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 DC Macro OS HSM £350/$350 No 13.9x Yes f/3.5-6.3 470g 0.35m 0.34x 62mm 7 92 HHHHH ●<br />
Sigma 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 DC Macro OS HSM C £370/$500 No 16.7x Yes f/3.5-6.3 585g 0.39m 0.33x 72mm 7 <strong>128</strong> HHHH ●<br />
Tamron 16-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD Macro £430/$550 No 18.8x Yes f/3.5-6.3 540g 0.39m 0.34x 67mm 7 <strong>128</strong> HHHH<br />
Tamron 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC £190/$200 No 11.1x Yes f/3.5-6.3 400g 0.49m 0.25x 62mm 7 <strong>128</strong> HHHH ●<br />
Tamron AF 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD £300/$450 No 15x Yes f/3.5-6.3 450g 0.49m 0.26x 62mm 7 <strong>128</strong> HHH<br />
Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di VC PZD £600/$850 Yes 10.7x Yes f/3.5-6.3 540g 0.49m 0.29x 67mm 7<br />
Max aperture<br />
Max aperture<br />
Weight<br />
Weight<br />
Min focus distance<br />
Min focus distance<br />
Min focus distance<br />
Max magnification<br />
Max magnification<br />
Max magnification<br />
Filter size<br />
Filter size<br />
Filter size<br />
Iris blades<br />
Iris blades<br />
Iris blades<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> reviewed<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> reviewed<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> reviewed<br />
Rating<br />
Rating<br />
Rating<br />
Awards<br />
Awards<br />
Awards<br />
STANDARD zooms<br />
The Canon Magazine 121
BUYERS’<br />
GUIDE<br />
Contacts<br />
Canon<br />
Peleng<br />
Samyang<br />
Schneider<br />
Sigma<br />
Tamron<br />
Tokina<br />
Voigtlander<br />
Zeiss<br />
Standard primes<br />
Telephoto primes<br />
Price<br />
Price<br />
Full-frame<br />
Full-frame<br />
Max zoom<br />
Max zoom<br />
Image stabilization<br />
Canon EF 40mm f/2.8 STM £200/$180 Yes None No f/2.8 130g 0.3m 0.18x 52mm 7 126 HHH<br />
Canon TS-E 45mm f/2.8 (tilt & shift) £1200/$1400 Yes None No f/2.8 645g 0.4m 0.16x 72mm 8<br />
Canon EF 50mm f/1.2L USM £1370/$1350 Yes None No f/1.2 580g 0.45m 0.15x 72mm 8 103 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM £350/$330 Yes None No f/1.4 290g 0.45m 0.15x 58mm 8 126 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM £105/$125 Yes None No f/1.8 160g 0.35m 0.21x 49mm 7 126 HHHH ●<br />
Samyang 50mm f/1.4 AS UMC £310/$350 Yes None No f/1.4 575g 0.45m N/S 77mm 8<br />
Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC HSM A £360/$500 No None No f/1.4 435g 0.3m 0.15x 62mm 9 100 HHHH ●<br />
Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM A £600/$950 Yes None No f/1.4 815g 0.4m 0.18x 77mm 9 126 HHHH<br />
Tamron SP 45mm f/1.8 Di VC USD £600/$600 Yes None Yes f/1.8 540g 0.29m 0.29x 67mm 9 126 HHHH<br />
Zeiss Milvus 50mm f/1.4 ZF.2 £950/$1200 Yes None No f/1.4 922g 0.45m 0.15x 67mm 9<br />
Zeiss Planar T* 50mm f/1.4 ZE £560/$725 Yes None No f/1.4 380g 0.45m 0.15x 58mm 9<br />
Zeiss Otus 55mm f/1.4 £2700/$3990 Yes None No f/1.4 1030g 0.5m 0.15x 77mm 9<br />
Image stabilization<br />
Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM £1770/$1900 Yes None No f/1.2 1025g 0.95m 0.11x 72mm 8 116 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM £340/$350 Yes None No f/1.8 425g 0.85m 0.13x 58mm 8 126 HHHH<br />
Canon TS-E 90mm f/2.8 (tilt & shift) £1240/$1400 Yes None No f/2.8 565g 0.5m 0.29x 58mm 8<br />
Canon EF 100mm f/2 USM £410/$500 Yes None No f/2 460g 0.9m 0.14x 58mm 8 46 HHHHH<br />
Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM £940/$1000 Yes None No f/2 750g 0.9m 0.19x 72mm 8<br />
Canon EF 200mm f/2L IS USM £5400/$5700 Yes None Yes f/2 2520g 1.9m 0.12x 52mm 8 98 HHHHH<br />
Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM £700/$750 Yes None No f/2.8 765g 1.5m 0.16x 72mm 8 98 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS II USM £5800/$6100 Yes None Yes f/2.8 2400g 2.0m 0.18x 52mm 9 54 HHHHH<br />
Canon EF 300mm f/4L IS USM £1140/$1350 Yes None Yes f/4 1190g 1.5m 0.24x 77mm 8 117 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II USM £9900/$10,000 Yes None Yes f/2.8 3850g 2.7m 0.17x 52mm 9 54 HHHHH<br />
Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM £7000/$6900 Yes None Yes f/4 2100g 3.3m 0.13x 52mm 9<br />
Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM £1180/$1180 Yes None No f/5.6 1250g 3.5m 0.12x 77mm 8 117 HHH<br />
Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM £8400/$9000 Yes None Yes f/4 3190g 3.7m 0.15x 52mm 9<br />
Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS II USM £11,350/$11,500 Yes None Yes f/4 3920g 4.5m 0.15x 52mm 9<br />
Canon EF 800mm f/5.6L IS USM £11,900/$13,000 Yes None Yes f/5.6 4500g 6.0m 0.14x 52mm 8<br />
Samyang 85mm f/1.4 IF MC £300/$270 Yes None No f/1.4 513g 1.0m N/S 72mm 8<br />
Samyang 135mm f/2 ED UMC £370/$530 Yes None No f/2 830g 0.8m N/S 77mm 9<br />
Samyang 500mm MC IF f/6.3 Mirror £125/$150 Yes None No f/6.3 705g 2.0m N/S 95mm 0<br />
Samyang 800mm MC IF f/8 Mirror £170/$190 Yes None No f/8 870g 3.5m N/S 30mm 0<br />
Sigma 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM A £1000/$1200 Yes None No f/1.4 TBA 0.85m 0.12x 86mm 9 126 HHHH<br />
Sigma APO 300mm f/2.8 EX DG HSM £2600/$3400 Yes None No f/2.8 2400g 2.5m 0.13x 46mm 9 98 HHHH<br />
Sigma APO 500mm f/4.5 EX DG HSM £3600/$4400 Yes None No f/4.5 3150g 4.0m 0.13x 46mm 9<br />
Sigma 500mm f/4 DG OS HSM S £5000/$6000 Yes None Yes f/4 TBA 3.5m 0.15x 46mm 9 9<br />
Sigma APO 800mm f/5.6 EX DG HSM £5000/$6600 Yes None No f/5.6 4.9kg 7.0m 0.11x 46mm 9 21 HHHH<br />
Tamron SP 85mm f/1.8 Di VC USD £750/$750 Yes None Yes f/1.8 700g 0.8m 0.14x 67mm 9 126 HHHHH ●<br />
Zeiss Milvus 85mm f/1.4 ZE £1380/$1800 Yes None No f/1.4 <strong>128</strong>0g 0.8m 0.14x 77mm 9<br />
Zeiss Milvus 135mm f/2 ZE £1900/$2200 Yes None No f/2 1123g 0.8m 0.28x 77mm 9<br />
Max aperture<br />
Max aperture<br />
Weight<br />
Weight<br />
Min focus distance<br />
Min focus distance<br />
Max magnification<br />
Max magnification<br />
Filter size<br />
Filter size<br />
Iris blades<br />
Iris blades<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> reviewed<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> reviewed<br />
Rating<br />
Rating<br />
Awards<br />
Awards<br />
MACRO<br />
MACRO<br />
Price<br />
Full-frame<br />
Max zoom<br />
Image stabilization<br />
Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM £400/$400 No None No f/2.8 335g 0.20m 1.0x 52mm 7 118 HHH<br />
Canon MP-E65mm f/2.8 1-5x Macro £980/$1050 Yes None No f/2.8 710g 0.24m 5.0x 58mm 6 50 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM £460/$600 Yes None No f/2.8 600g 0.31m 1.0x 58mm 8 118 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM £860/$800 Yes None Yes f/2.8 625g 0.3m 1.0x 67mm 9 118 HHHH<br />
Canon EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM £1330/$1400 Yes None No f/3.5 1090g 0.48m 1.0x 72mm 8 69 HHHH<br />
Sigma Macro 105mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM £320/$620 Yes None Yes f/2.8 725g 0.31m 1.0x 62mm 9 118 HHHH ●<br />
Sigma APO Macro 150mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM £780/$1100 Yes None Yes f/2.8 1150g 0.38m 1.0x 72mm 9 118 HHHH<br />
Sigma APO Macro 180mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM £1250/$1700 Yes None Yes f/2.8 1640g 0.47m 1.0x 86mm 9 102 HHHH<br />
Tamron SP AF 60mm f/2 Di II LD (IF) Macro £350/$525 No None No f/2 350g 0.23m 1.0x 55mm 7 118 HHH<br />
Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro £350/$500 Yes None No f/2.8 400g 0.29m 1.0x 55mm 9 102 HHH<br />
Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di VC USD Macro £600/$650 Yes None Yes f/2.8 610g 0.3m 1.0x 62mm 9 118 HHHHH ●<br />
Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di Macro £800/$740 Yes None No f/3.5 985g 0.47m 1.0x 72mm 7 69 HHH<br />
Tokina 100mm f/2.8 AT-X PRO Macro £350/$410 Yes None No f/2.8 540g 0.3m 1.0x 55mm 9 118 HHHH<br />
Zeiss Makro Planar T* 50mm f/2 ZE £950/$<strong>128</strong>5 Yes None No f/2 570g 0.24m 0.5x 67mm 9<br />
Zeiss Milvus Makro Planar 100mm f/2 ZE £1300/$1840 Yes None No f/2 843g 0.44m 0.5x 67mm 9 50 HHHH<br />
Zeiss Makro Planar 100mm f/2 T* ZE £1400/$1545 Yes None No f/2 680g 0.44m 0.5x 67mm 9<br />
Max aperture<br />
Weight<br />
Min focus distance<br />
Max magnification<br />
Filter size<br />
Iris blades<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> reviewed<br />
Rating<br />
Awards<br />
122<br />
Don’t miss next issue<br />
Canon DSLR skills<br />
African<br />
Safari<br />
Great Canon photographers on how to capture<br />
Africa’s best landscapes, wildlife and people<br />
Marcus Hawkins (Future owns)<br />
The no.1<br />
magazine FOR<br />
CANON<br />
uSERS!<br />
In the next Canon Skills chapter…<br />
■ Shooting a wave ■ Creative pier shots<br />
■ DIY light table ■ Tilt-shift portraits<br />
■ New Photoshop CC, Elements<br />
& Lightroom tutorials<br />
Plus all this...<br />
■ The Apprentice: sports<br />
photography techniques<br />
■ Super Test: travel tripods<br />
■ Profile: David Lund<br />
■ Canon School: correcting<br />
exposure problems<br />
ISSUE 129 ON SALE 25 JUly<br />
* Content subject to change
YourView<br />
To search for past tests and articles, download<br />
our <strong>PhotoPlus</strong> index which dates all the way<br />
back to issue no.1. Get it at downloads.<br /><br />
FocusPoint The<br />
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the mag and all things<br />
photographic! Email us at<br />
Inspired to improve<br />
I have only just started reading<br />
<strong>PhotoPlus</strong> after buying myself my<br />
first Canon camera, an EOS 80D,<br />
and wanted to say a big thanks<br />
for finally giving me the confidence<br />
to start shooting in Manual mode<br />
after being an auto lazybones for<br />
years! I shot this photo while on<br />
a hiking trip to the northwest of<br />
Scotland last week and climbed the<br />
Stac Pollaidh to catch the sunset<br />
(average results due to hazy light<br />
conditions). I had just turned onto<br />
the main road, and on the shores<br />
of Loch Cul Dromannan I was met<br />
with this view.<br />
I shot this on Manual with 1/8<br />
sec shutter speed, f/4 aperture and<br />
ISO100, and only needed to slightly<br />
tweak it in Lightroom.<br />
I’ve just started seriously getting<br />
into the intricacies of photography<br />
and still have a lot to learn, but you<br />
have put me on the path. Thank<br />
you very much for the inspiration<br />
5<br />
secs – the perfect amount<br />
of time for the right blur<br />
for David Noton (p40)<br />
68<br />
shots to get a decent photo<br />
of a hamster (p50)<br />
10<br />
steps to taking better reasons<br />
summer scenic shots (p28)<br />
585<br />
grams weight of Sigma’s<br />
winning superzoom (p106)<br />
4<br />
times winner of Sports<br />
Photographer of the Year<br />
Marc Aspland (p64)<br />
77<br />
why the EOS 77D is<br />
better than your DSLR! (p96)<br />
and I’m looking forward to keeping<br />
up to date with Canon from now on.<br />
Lindsay Brunton, Fife, Scotland<br />
Great to hear we helped you improve<br />
your photography – keep it up Lindsay!<br />
Each issue, every letter printed<br />
wins an Experience Seminars<br />
EOS training DVD. More info at<br /><br />
The month in numbers<br />
What are you looking forward to photographing<br />
the most this summer?<br />
13%<br />
Sport<br />
12%<br />
Portraits<br />
Vote in our next poll at<br /><br />
Have we<br />
also inspired<br />
you to push<br />
your Canon<br />
DSLR skills?<br />
34%<br />
Summer<br />
scenes<br />
41%<br />
Wildlife<br />
Social<br />
Network<br />
The most popular stories<br />
found on the web this month<br />
104-year-old camera<br />
Pro photographer Joshua Paul,<br />
instead of using top-of-the-range<br />
cameras to capture fast-paced F1<br />
racing, used a 104-year-old Graflex<br />
4×5 view camera. The results are<br />
incredible.<br />
via <strong>PhotoPlus</strong> Facebook page<br />
The 10 best full-frame Dslrs<br />
Our pick of the best full-frame<br />
DSLRs in <strong>2017</strong> from Canon, Nikon,<br />
Pentax and Sony – which is best?<br /><br />
via <strong>PhotoPlus</strong> Facebook page<br />
Live for the story_<br />
We’ve partnered up with Zoë Kravitz<br />
to launch 365 Days of Summer, a<br />
competition which will see one of<br />
you go on a trip of a lifetime<br /> Canon UK<br />
via <strong>PhotoPlus</strong> Facebook page<br /><br /><br />
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