Eldridge July 2017

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<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes<br />

Serving LOE, LOEN, McKendree Park and <strong>Eldridge</strong> Park<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />

Important Numbers pg. 2<br />

School News pg. 8<br />

Vacation Bible School pg. 14<br />

Summer Camps pgs. 14-18<br />

Sports News<br />

Published by Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, Texas 77095 • 281-463-8649<br />

Advertising: ads@krenekprinting.com • News: news@krenekprinting.com • www.krenekprinting.com<br />

pg.21<br />

Recipes pg. 23<br />

Classified Ads pgs. 26-27


Emergencies (Fire, Ambulance) 911<br />

Sheriff - (non-emergency) (713) 221-6000<br />

U.S. Post Office (Bear Creek) 1-800-275-8777<br />

Harris County Animal Control (281) 999-3191<br />

Poison Control Center 1-800-764-7661<br />

Waste Management (Trash Pickup) (713) 695-4055<br />

BFI Waste Systems (Trash pickup) (713) 635-6666<br />

Boy Scouts of America (713) 756-3383<br />

Girl Scouts of America 1-800-392-4340<br />


FUN FACTS!<br />

SCHOOLS:<br />

Kirk Elementary (713) 849-8250<br />

Truitt Jr. High (281) 856-1100<br />

Cy-Ridge High School (281) 807-8000<br />

CFISD Website<br />

www.cfisd.net<br />

Bear Creek Library (281) 550-0885<br />

Centerpoint (713) 659-2111<br />

To report gas leaks (713) 659-3552<br />

Reliant Energy (713) 207-7777<br />

AT & T - Repairs (800) 246-8464<br />

Street Light Repair (HL&P) (713) 207-2222<br />

Street Repair (281) 463-6300<br />

Harris Co Childrens Protective Serv (713) 394-4000<br />

Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation (713) 468-8972<br />



In anticipation of <strong>July</strong> Fourth,<br />

we would like to remind our residents<br />

who shoot off fireworks to be courteous<br />

of their neighbors.<br />

Please keep the following in mind:<br />

• Do not shoot off fireworks late in the evening.<br />

• Pick up all debris/trash/wrappers.<br />

• Do not shoot off fireworks in the easements<br />

behind the neighborhoods.<br />

While most Americans know that the U.S.’s birthday is celebrated on<br />

<strong>July</strong> 4 th , it’s a misconception that all the signers of the Declaration of<br />

Independence signed it on the Fourth of <strong>July</strong>. For more fun facts about<br />

America’s Independence Day, keep reading:<br />

• How many people signed the Declaration of Independence on<br />

<strong>July</strong> Fourth? Two.<br />

• What day did most signers of the Declaration of Independence actually<br />

sign the document? 8/2/1776<br />

• When did the Fourth of <strong>July</strong> become a legal federal holiday? 1870.<br />

• When were fireworks first used to celebrate <strong>July</strong> Fourth? 1777<br />

• How many people lived in the U.S. when the Declaration was signed?<br />

2.5 million<br />

• Which newspaper first printed the Declaration of Independence?<br />

The Pennsylvania Evening Post<br />

• Which president first held a Fourth of <strong>July</strong> celebration at the<br />

White House? Thomas Jefferson<br />

• Which country gained independence from the United States on<br />

<strong>July</strong> Fourth? The Philippines, in 1946<br />

• When was the Star Spangled Banner decreed as the official<br />

U.S. anthem? 1931<br />

• How many hot dogs will American consume on <strong>July</strong> 4 th ? 155 million!<br />

• What are two of our nation’s greatest symbols? Liberty Bell and<br />

Statue of Liberty<br />

Free Estimates<br />

2 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>


Thanks to our coaches for all<br />

their hard work getting our<br />

swimmers ready for the meets<br />

and thanks to all our volunteers<br />

for making our events run<br />

smoothly.<br />

Thank you!<br />

For the latest information,<br />

please go to our website http:/<br />

loedolphins.swim-team.us and<br />

click on “Meets and Events.” Come give us your support and<br />

cheer on our wonderful swimmers!<br />

After the season, we will be offering a Fall Swim Program for<br />

swimmers looking for conditioning and stroke development.<br />

Please check our website for more information.<br />

LOEN<br />

Ladies Club<br />

Open to all Lakes on<br />

<strong>Eldridge</strong> North Ladies<br />


If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job<br />

seeker’s list, please fill out the form on our website (www.krenekprinting.<br />

com, click submissions and choose Jobseekers) with your name, birthdate<br />

(mo. & yr.), phone number, year you will graduate and the name of your<br />

newsletter/subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. Please<br />

make sure your email is correct, we send emails in the summer to make sure<br />

all the info is still good and that you want to stay on the list. If we do not<br />

hear back from you after 3 tries, we will remove you from the list until we<br />

do. Must have parent(s) permission.<br />

Ladies our club is a great place to meet your neighbors and<br />

make new friends. Whether you are new to LOEN or an established<br />

resident we welcome you to check us out! The club has<br />

several social and game groups that meet monthly throughout<br />

the year. In addition, we hold five general membership meetings<br />

yearly. Some activity groups meet during the day and<br />

others in the evenings, to try to accommodate the differing<br />

schedules of our members. Our groups are Angels on LOEN,<br />

Bridge, Daytime Book Club, Evening Book Club, Brunch Bunch,<br />

Bunco, Dinner Club, Explorers and Girls Night Out. We also<br />

facilitate a Men’s Group for LOEN Men.<br />


Neither the subdivision, nor Krenek Printing is responsible for those listed on<br />

the Teenage Job Seeker List. Please ask for and check out references if you do<br />

not personally know those listed. This is just a list of teenagers from the subdivision<br />

who wish to find part time jobs. Responsibility for any work done by these<br />

teenagers is between those seeking helpers and the teens and their parents.<br />

CODE KEY:<br />




The LOEN Ladies Club, a social club open to all women of<br />

the community, held a general meeting on Tuesday, May 23,<br />

<strong>2017</strong> in the LOEN Clubhouse. The evening began with a Potluck<br />

Social Hour at 6:30 PM. At 7:30 PM the general meeting<br />

was called to order and the new officers and executive Board<br />

members who will be serving the club during the <strong>2017</strong>-18 term<br />

were introduced.<br />

If you would like more information or are just not quite sure<br />

that you’re ready to join, then contact us for more information<br />

via email or ask how you can attend one of our activity groups<br />

as a visitor. Then, if you like us, you can join the Ladies Club!<br />

Remember that visitors are always welcomed at our general<br />

meetings and new members are accepted at any time during<br />

the year. If you would like more information or want to join<br />

the LOEN Ladies Club, please contact Jeanne MacKenzie at<br />

loenladiesclubpresident@gmail.com.<br />




A LOE resident, who plays violin and viola, is looking for other<br />

string players to play quartet music, on a recreational level.<br />

Email: echavlik@earthlink.net or call Ellen at 281-741-1781.<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />


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Estimates<br />

<strong>Eldridge</strong> Rd.<br />

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“If It Has A Dirty Surface, We Can Clean It”<br />

Young men between the ages of 11-18 are encouraged to visit Boy Scout<br />

Troop 61 at 7:00 PM Wednesday nights at Peace Community Church,<br />

5151 Addicks Satsuma Road, Houston, Texas, 77084. They will get a<br />

hands-on experience of what Scouting has to offer and have the opportunity<br />

to visit with the Scouts and their adult leaders to learn more<br />

about the things the troop has done during meetings and activities.<br />

Scouting activities include camping, fishing, archery, rifle/shotgun<br />

shooting, hiking, first aid, wilderness survival, community service, citizenship,<br />

swimming, leadership, white-water rafting and much more.<br />

Troop 61 camps each month and has a group that goes to High Adventure<br />

Camp and to Merit Badge Camps each summer.<br />

Boy Scout Troop 61 meets from 7:00 to 8:00 PM every Wednesday in the<br />

Activity Room at Peace Community Church. Contact Mike Viator with<br />

Troop 61 if your son is interested in joining a local Boy Scout Troop. Cell:<br />

713-253-8465, mike.viator@comcast.net.<br />


Cub Scouts is a fun way to teach boys about character, respect, responsibility<br />

and many other traits. Pack 164 is a Christian, home school Cub<br />

Scout Pack that services the Greater West Houston/Katy area. Pack 164<br />

promotes service to God, to country and to others. If you are interested<br />

and your son is in 1 st through 5 th grade, please contact Jack M. Jones<br />

at 281-558-5722.<br />


Calling all Aggie moms!!! We would love to see you at one of the Aggie<br />

Mom mixers this summer, hosted by the Northwest Harris County Aggie<br />

Mom’s club. This is a great opportunity for you to meet other Aggie moms<br />

and to meet members of the NWHC Aggie Mom’s Club, in a fun & casual<br />

get-together! The dates for the mixers are <strong>July</strong> 13th and <strong>July</strong> 16th. Come<br />

alone or bring another Aggie Mom with you! Please check our website,<br />

www.nwhcaggiemoms.org, for details on locations.<br />

Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 8th at 6:30 PM at the<br />

Houston Distributing Company, 7100 High Life Drive, Houston, Texas.<br />

This is our annual Howdy party and a great way to meet other Aggie<br />

Moms, find out about upcoming events and enter for a chance to win a<br />

door prize! We welcome all Aggie Moms, whether of freshman Aggies,<br />

current Aggie students or former Aggies. We’d love to meet you!<br />

The Northwest Harris County Aggie Mother’s<br />

club meets August thru May on the<br />

second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM,<br />

at the Houston Distributing Company,<br />

7100 High Life Drive. For more information<br />

on monthly speakers or upcoming<br />

events, visit our website at www.nwhcaggiemoms.org<br />

or contact Summer Perkins,<br />

Club President at<br />

summer@nhh-realty.com.<br />

4 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>


Tip of the Month - “Get to know your HVAC system”<br />

Summer is here, which means energy costs tend to rise (as temperatures<br />

climb!). Here are some energy saving tips from https://energy.gov.<br />

• LOWER your thermostat temperature in the winter<br />

and RAISE it in the summer:<br />

During the winter, you can save energy by setting your thermostat to 68<br />

degrees when you’re at home and awake and using lower settings when<br />

you’re away or asleep. This will help your furnace not to run continuously.<br />

In the summer, on the other hand, set your thermostat to 78 degrees if<br />

you can and use ceiling or portable fans. Fans move the air and make<br />

the room feel four to six degrees cooler and use much less energy than<br />

the air conditioner. Remember, setting your thermostat to a lower temperature<br />

than normal will not cool your home faster!<br />

• Choose the RIGHT thermostat:<br />

Choosing the right energy star qualified programmable thermostat can<br />

deliver savings without sacrificing comfort. A programmable thermostat<br />

helps your house to never get too cold or too hot. When properly<br />

programmed, these thermostats can save up to 15% in cooling costs.<br />

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, don’t worry! You can<br />

manually adjust the temperature on your air conditioner to the recommended<br />

temperatures.<br />

• CLEAN or REPLACE your HVAC system’s air filter:<br />

Air filters remove dust and allergens from the air before returning it to<br />

your rooms through your A/C unit, so it is a critical component of the<br />

system. Unfortunately, they can often become clogged with dust and<br />

debris and eventually block the free flow of air, reducing the system’s<br />

efficiency. Remember that dirty filters are the number one reason most<br />

HVAC systems begin to operate inefficiently.<br />

A dirty air filter uses more energy than a new clean one, which means a<br />

higher electricity bill for you. By keeping your air filter clean and in good<br />

condition, it is estimated that you can save up to 15% on utility costs. It is<br />

recommended that you check your filter’s condition and change it once<br />

a month, especially if you run your unit six months a year to year-round,<br />

if you have pets or if you have a large family. More activity means more<br />

household dust, dirt and debris.<br />

• INSPECT your HVAC system:<br />

Make sure you service your unit at least once a year and head off costly<br />

problems. This sort of evaluation is best left to the professional, unless<br />

the homeowner has had the appropriate training. A furnace/HVAC unit<br />

contains moving parts so it is important that belts are not cracked,<br />

ventilation ductwork is not cracked or rusted and components, such as<br />

coils and fans are adequately lubricated.<br />

With a clean, inspected A/C system you will preserve energy, lowering<br />

your utility bills and cooling your home efficiently.<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />

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Teaming up to help local children start school with the supplies they need,<br />

Elite Auto Experts and Louetta Automotive join with Cypress Assistance<br />

Ministries (CAM) in making sure every child in our area can begin the school<br />

year prepared to succeed.<br />

Elite Auto Experts will give you a certificate for a free alignment when you<br />

bring in a new pair of tennis shoes, preferably size 9 and up. Elite will be<br />

outfitting 20 students with new backpacks, school supplies, new tennis<br />

shoes and new socks and underwear. Through <strong>July</strong> 21 st , Elite will outfit 3<br />

more students every time a customer receives paint and body work. And<br />

through <strong>July</strong> 14 th , Louetta Automotive will provide a free state inspection to<br />

anyone donating a new pair of tennis shoes or a zippered school backpack<br />

with tags attached.<br />

“CAM relies on support from the community for all of our programs” said<br />

Martha Burnes, Executive Director of CAM “and support such as this is unprecedented.<br />

We want to be able to help every child who comes in for assistance<br />

and the generosity of these two businesses will make it happen.” For more<br />

information on how you can help, contact Janet Knott at 281-815-0162 or<br />

email janetk@cypressassistance.org.<br />


With the goal of taking education to the next level and raising funds for local<br />

scholarships, the Women Empowering Women Express Network (WEWEN) of<br />

the American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) presented the Empowering<br />

Business Conference at Lone Star College-University Park this May. The<br />

event featured an economic outlook address from Barbara Thomason of the<br />

Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce, a large vendor fair and numerous<br />

professional development sessions from prominent area business coaches<br />

including Toni Harris Taylor of Drastic Steps Marketing and Karen Sharp of<br />

the Small Business Development Center.<br />

WEWEN, formed just one year ago in the Vintage Park area of Houston,<br />

shares the mission of the ABWA national organization by bringing together<br />

businesswomen of diverse occupations and providing opportunities for them<br />

to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through<br />

leadership, education, networking support and national recognition.<br />

Now one hundred members strong, WEWEN meets once a month at Lone Star<br />

College-University Park and provides additional networking and educational<br />

experiences throughout the year.<br />

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For more information about the Empowering Business Conference, the Women<br />

Empowering Women Express Network or the American Business Women’s Association,<br />

visit wewen.org or email communications@wewen.org.<br />


The Women Empowering Women Express<br />

Network (WEWEN) of the American Business<br />

Women’s Association (ABWA) is proud to<br />

announce its first annual winner The Woman<br />

of Excellence Award. This award comes from<br />

the Federation of Houston Business Women,<br />

an umbrella organization of over a dozen<br />

professional woman groups in the greater<br />

Houston area. The prestigious award can only<br />

be won once in a woman’s life. The business<br />

woman chosen is selected by a panel of three<br />

independent judges selecting a person who<br />

not only excels in her career but has made<br />

a lasting impact on their local community.<br />

A celebratory black-tie Gala will be held on<br />

September to honor the winners.<br />

We are pleased to announce Carol Brace, Lecturer & Business Development<br />

Specialist for University of Houston-Downtown Davies College of Business<br />

as our <strong>2017</strong> Woman of Excellence. As one of our founding member of<br />

WEWEN, Carol quickly stepped into leadership as President-Elect of our<br />

6 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>

®<br />

league and will take the reins of the Presidency on August 1 st . Carol was also<br />

the formation chair and sponsor to ABWA’s newest student chapter called<br />

the University Park Express Network (UPEN). She also gives immensely to the<br />

community. Touched by the needs of the thousands of displaced workers<br />

that were affected with layoffs due to the retirement of the Space Shuttle<br />

program, she initiated and customized continuing education programs bringing<br />

in leaders from various industries and creating a partnership with Mayor<br />

Annise Parker’s office. She actively serves on 6 boards and 10 committees.<br />

Some highlights of her volunteer service include, American Latino Center<br />

for Education Research & Justice - Advisory Chair, Federation of Houston<br />

Professional Women Education Foundation - Corresponding Secretary, Klein<br />

ISD Business & Marketing Education - Advisory Committee and Theatre Under<br />

the Stars - Advisory Committee.<br />


Make your favorite recipes healthier by using way more heart healthy<br />

ingredients. These healthy substitutions can help you cut down on<br />

saturated or trans fats, while noticing little, if any, difference in taste.<br />

• Instead of whole milk (1 cup): 1 cup fat-free/low-fat milk, plus<br />

1 Tb of liquid vegetable oil<br />

• Instead of heavy cream (1 cup): 1 cup evaporated skim milk or<br />

1/2 cup low-fat yogurt + 1/2 cup plain low-fat unsalted cottage cheese<br />

• Instead of sour cream: low-fat unsalted cottage cheese +<br />

low-fat/fat-free yogurt or use fat-free sour cream<br />

• Instead of cream cheese: 4 Tb soft margarine blended with<br />

1 cup dry, unsalted low-fat cottage cheese<br />

• Instead of butter (1 tablespoon): 1 Tb soft margarine or<br />

3/4 tablespoon liquid vegetable oil<br />

• Instead of unsweetened baking chocolate (1 ounce): 3 Tb unsweetened<br />

cocoa powder/carob powder + 1 Tb vegetable oil or soft margarine<br />

Courtesy of: https://healthyforgood.heart.org/Eat-smart/Articles/<br />

Smart-Substitutions-to-Eat-Healthy<br />


Oatmeal is a power food as it delivers both a bang for your buck and<br />

numerous health benefits. During the summer months, crispy, cool<br />

corn flakes may sound like a better choice vs. a hot bowl of oatmeal,<br />

but read on. You’ll be glad to make the switch:<br />

1. Oats contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fibers help<br />

lower cholesterol and stabilize blood glucose levels. The insoluble fiber<br />

in oats provide a “moving” experience by curtailing constipation and<br />

improving intestinal health.<br />

2. Oats make an easy, balanced breakfast. One cup of cooked oatmeal<br />

(1/2 cup of uncooked) contains about 150 calories, four grams of fiber<br />

(about half soluble and half insoluble) and six grams of protein. To<br />

boost protein further, my favorite way to eat oatmeal is with a swirl of<br />

almond butter nestled within. This powerful combo will keep you away<br />

from that mid-morning visit to the vending machine.<br />

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3. Oats provide important minerals. Nutrient-rich oatmeal contains<br />

thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium and iron.<br />

4. Oats are naturally gluten-free, but check with manufacturers to ensure<br />

that their products are not made using the same equipment as other<br />

potentially contaminating grains.<br />

5. Oats could help you control your weight by keeping you feeling fuller<br />

longer. Choosing whole grains could squash hunger and simultaneously<br />

provide that pleasant full feeling. NOTE: monitor portion sizes.<br />

Courtesy of: www.everydayhealth.com/columns/bonnie-taub-dix-nutrition-intuition/reasons-why-you-should-eat-oatmeal-every-day/<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />










Jonathan Mayer, the<br />

head swim coach at<br />

Cypress Falls High<br />

School, was named the<br />

district’s first director<br />

of aquatics on June 1 st .<br />

Mayer has served as<br />

the Golden Eagles’<br />

swim coach for the<br />

past three years and<br />

was named the District<br />

17-6A Boys’ Coach of<br />

the Year in <strong>2017</strong>. Prior<br />

to arriving in CFISD, he<br />

served as the aquatics department head at Life Time Fitness in<br />

Sugar Land for one year.<br />

He also served as the director of aquatics at the YMCA of Greenwich<br />

in Greenwich, Conn. At the YMCA, he oversaw a multi-million-dollar<br />

Olympic-sized natatorium and a staff of 40 employees.<br />

“We are excited to transition Jonathan into his new role,” said<br />

Ray Zepeda, CFISD director of athletics. “The natatorium will be<br />

a great asset to our district and local community. We feel that<br />

Jonathan has the experience and personal relationships with<br />

our existing aquatics team that will allow him to help grow and<br />

improve our aquatics program.”<br />

NEARLY 8,000 CLASS OF <strong>2017</strong> GRADUATES<br />


The 11 Cypress-Fairbanks ISD graduation ceremonies held at the Berry Center<br />

May 24 th -27 th produced a total of 7,951 graduating seniors of the class of <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

More than 64,000 guests attended the commencements at the Berry Center<br />

as thousands of others watched the ceremonies through live streaming<br />

on the district Livestream account.<br />

The live streams generated more than 12,000 combined views from 57 different<br />

countries as of June 5 th . Combined with more than 13,000 views on<br />

the CFISD YouTube channel, total streams amounted to more than 25,000<br />

viewers. The 2016-<strong>2017</strong> school year marked the 10 th year for graduation<br />

ceremonies to be streamed live for the public.<br />



SCHOOL REGISTRATION <strong>2017</strong>-2018<br />

Bear Creek United Methodist Church School (BCUMCS) has been a leading<br />

preschool in this community for more than 30 years. We offer a developmentally<br />

appropriate program for children in a Christian environment.<br />

BCUMCS is currently taking applications for a limited number of openings<br />

for the <strong>2017</strong>-18 school year. BCUMCS serves children from 12 months<br />

through Kindergarten with options for two, three or four day classes. We<br />

offer a Transition or Bridge class for children who need an additional year<br />

to grow before entering Kindergarten.<br />

Our Kindergarten meets five days, offers small student/teacher ratios, individualized<br />

instruction and special events that reinforce basic concepts. It is a<br />

special ‘Year of Magic’ for kindergartners. For more information or to schedule<br />

a school tour, please call the school office at 281-463-2969, email BCUMCS at<br />

school@ bearcreekumc.org or visit our school website: www.bcumcs.org.<br />

8 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>


Getting the most for your HOME.<br />

Even if you’re not thinking about selling at the moment, you<br />

might consider help choosing renovations that will deliver return<br />

on your investment. That kind of landscaping will boost curb<br />

appeal? I can help you see your home improvement investments<br />

through the eyes of a potential buyer. Then when you are ready<br />

to list, together we will pick the best time to put your home on<br />

the market to sell. Please contact me today.<br />

Karen Parker<br />

REALTOR ®<br />

Luxury Home Marketing Specialist<br />

Certified Home Marketing Specialist<br />

Lakes on <strong>Eldridge</strong> Resident<br />

281.610.4866<br />

Karen.Parker@GaryGreene.com<br />

©<strong>2017</strong> Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC. Better Homes and Gardens ® is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation licensed to Better<br />

Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC. Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Franchise is Independently Owned and Operated.<br />



The Genesis Academy is registering for the <strong>2017</strong>-2018 school year. We<br />

offer a mixed ages classroom for children ages 3-5. Our Preschool Program<br />

is from 9 AM-1 PM and we offer 2, 3, 4 or 5 day classes. Our Child<br />

Care is from 6:30 AM-6 PM, M-F. We are a State Licensed facility located<br />

at 16650 Longenbaugh Drive. Please call the office at 281-859-6200 to<br />

schedule a tour. Website: www.thegenesisacademy.com.<br />



We had this year’s graduating class of 9 “seniors” graduate on May 25 th , it was<br />

a really fantastic time to honor our “Grads” as they move on to Kindergarten.<br />

Come join us, see what a difference our teachers can do with your preschooler.<br />

ST. CUTHBERT EPISCOPAL SCHOOL <strong>2017</strong>-2018 REGISTRATION<br />

St. Cuthbert Episcopal School’s <strong>2017</strong>-2018 registration is underway and<br />

will continue each day during school hours until all of our classes are filled.<br />

We offer 2, 3 or 5 day classes, including a Bridge/Kindergarten class. St.<br />

Cuthbert School enrolls students ages 18 months through 5 years. School<br />

hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 2 PM and Friday, 9 AM to 12 noon.<br />

Our Bridge/Kindergarten program is designed for children who are<br />

not quite ready for kindergarten. This class allows children to succeed<br />

at learning with greater ease and confidence, by helping them bridge<br />

academic and developmental gaps. The St. Cuthbert School program<br />

provides a loving, Christian environment offering the children weekly<br />

chapel, as well as music and movement, library and computer classes.<br />

Our curriculum includes Handwriting without Tears, Reading A-Z, Math<br />

and Science. The program is open to all children, regardless of race,<br />

nationality or faith. St. Cuthbert School is accredited by the National<br />

Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC) accredited. For<br />

questions or more information, contact Lynda Houghton or Dana Carr<br />

at 281-463-1912 or school@stcuthbert.org.<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />


Another highly successful school year has come to a close at<br />

Epiphany Lutheran School. As we say goodbye to and watch our<br />

14 Eighth Grade graduates head into both private and public high<br />

schools, we are eager to see what achievements they will make in<br />

the coming <strong>2017</strong>-18 school year. We pride ourselves on small class<br />

sizes with an emphasis on the individual student, as we believe<br />

Epiphany Lutheran is the optimal size school.<br />

FALL PRE-REGISTRATION FOR <strong>2017</strong>-18 SCHOOL YEAR<br />

If you are interested in our 18 month through Pre-K 4/5’s classes<br />

or our School (K-8 th grade) classes for the Fall of <strong>2017</strong>, registration<br />

is opened to the community now. For more information, visit our<br />

website at www.epiphanylutheranschool.org or contact Linda<br />





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Wimberley: lwimberley@elcsh.org, 713-896-1843 for (K-8 th grade) or Nancy Danna: ndanna@elcsh.org, 713-896-1316 for<br />

(18 mo. through Pre-K classes). We would love for you to join our school family. We are located at 14423 West Rd. at Jackrabbit.<br />



Congratulations to Rosehill<br />

Christian School Varsity Baseball<br />

team who clinched the<br />

TAPPS State Division 3 Championship<br />

in Austin. We are so<br />

excited to be the State Champion<br />

for 2 years in a row! For<br />

details contact Robert Cooper<br />

or Scott Boyce (Coaches) at<br />

the school or<br />

rcooper@rcseagles.org.<br />



Congratulations to the St. Elizabeth<br />

Ann Seton Catholic School Class of<br />

<strong>2017</strong>! We wish the graduates best of<br />

luck in high school and beyond. Several<br />

of the graduates will be attending<br />

the following Catholic high schools: Incarnate<br />

Word Academy, St. John XXIII,<br />

St. Pius X and St. Thomas high school.<br />

Two 8 th graders are recognized each<br />

year for their honorable character,<br />

high GPA, service and outstanding<br />

perseverance throughout the year.<br />

Congratulations to Shaina Magon and<br />

Carlos Kaehler. Shaina received the St.<br />

Elizabeth Ann Seton Award and Carlos<br />

was awarded the St. Joseph Award.<br />

10 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>



May 21, <strong>2017</strong> marks a historic day for Covenant Academy, a Classical<br />

Christian School. This is the day that it graduated their first class of<br />

seniors. Thirteen years ago, Covenant Academy began as a K-8 school<br />

and today it is an established and accredited K-12 school with graduates<br />

going off to pursue degrees in engineering, teaching, business and more.<br />

CONGRATULATIONS to the CLASS of <strong>2017</strong> we can’t wait to see all that<br />

God has in store for you! “Non scholae sed vitae discimus” We learn not<br />

for school but for life! (<strong>2017</strong> Class Motto) And a big thank you to Amanda<br />

Faucett Photography of Cypress for capturing this historic day for us.<br />


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The CA Players performed “The Last One Seen at the Scene of the Crime” a<br />

melodrama, comedy and western all rolled into one play. The evening was<br />

enjoyed by audience members of all ages and the cast and crew received<br />

a standing ovation. The wild success of the play was due in no small part<br />

to the long hours of practice by the students and the tireless encouragement<br />

and direction of the CA drama instructors Mrs. Nathalie Carr and<br />

Mr. Brian Carr. Both Mr. and Mrs. Carr graduated with a degree in Fine Arts<br />

from Southwest Texas State University and Mr. Carr is a successful actor<br />

who can currently be seen in commercials for Academy Sports and more.<br />

Congratulations to the entire Covenant Academy Drama department.<br />


Masterchef Luca Manfe’ provides dinner for Covenant annual fundraiser.<br />

Winner of Master Chef Season 4, cookbook author and founder of “The<br />

Lucky Fig” in Houston served dinner to the guests of Covenant Academy’s<br />

Spring Banquet. Chef Manfe’ designed a three course menu specifically<br />

for the event and was on hand to sign cookbooks and meet guests. This<br />

year’s fundraiser raised over $49K with all proceeds directly benefiting<br />

students and faculty by keeping tuition affordable, providing scholarships<br />

and the school resources it needs to ensure excellence in education.<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />


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Registration is under way for second Summer classes starting <strong>July</strong> 13 th<br />

as well as Fall classes starting August 28 th . Register at the Barker Cypress<br />

campus located at 9191 Barker Cypress, the LSC-Fairbanks Center<br />

location located at 14955 Northwest Freeway or the new LSC-Cypress<br />

Center located at 19710 Clay Road. Registration is also available online<br />

at LoneStar.edu/registration or call 281-290-3200 or 832-782-5000 or<br />

832-920-5000 for information. For Weekend College information, call<br />

832-482-1070 or go to LoneStar.edu/weekend-college.<br />


The Harris County Public Library Lone Star College-CyFair Branch offers<br />

a Summer Reading Program for babies, children, teens and adults June<br />

5 th through August 5 th .This summer theme is titled “Build a Better World.”<br />

A variety of storytimes and monthly book clubs are presented for all<br />

ages as well as plenty of theme-related programs and activities with a<br />


LIBRARY.” Go online to LoneStar.edu/library for information. For teens,<br />

go online to LoneStar.edu/library/cyfair-teens-services. ​For adults, go<br />

online to LoneStar.edu/library/cyfair-adults-services.<br />

​<br />


Don’t miss the upcoming summer children’s show “Tilly the Trickster”<br />

set <strong>July</strong> 10 th -13 th . All performances will be held in the Main Stage Theatre<br />

at 10 AM with a family night set at 7 PM on <strong>July</strong> 13 th . The show,<br />

based on Molly Shannon’s books, is about a rascally little girl who plays<br />

tricks on everyone. For tickets and event information, go to LoneStar.<br />

edu/boxoffice.<br />

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The Learning, Inspiration, Fellowship and Enrichment (L.I.F.E.) programs<br />

are free and held Wednesdays at 10 AM in the Lone Star College-CyFair<br />

Branch Library (Room 131). Programs in <strong>July</strong> are: “History of Cookbooks”<br />

<strong>July</strong> 12 th , “Sgt. Pepper and the Genius of the Beatles, 1967-<strong>2017</strong>”<br />

<strong>July</strong> 19 th and “A Paratrooper’s Story” <strong>July</strong> 26 th . Call the library at 281-<br />

290-3214 for L.I.F.E. program information.<br />



Visitors, guests and library patrons may park without a permit in designated<br />

visitor parking areas. However, a daily or yearly permit is now<br />

available allowing for extended parking privileges at Lone Star College<br />

System campuses. Vehicles must be registered with LSCS to get a valid<br />

parking permit, to park in LSCS lots and to avoid receiving a citation.<br />

To register, you will need your vehicle’s license plate number, make,<br />

model and color. Go to LoneStar.edu/Parking for complete information<br />

on parking permits, call 281-765-7836 or email parking@lonestar.edu.<br />

12 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>

Visit our website for inspirational ideas<br />

www.CustomPatioStructures.com<br />



St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church (6646 Addicks<br />

Satsuma Road) will hold their Annual Garage Sale<br />

<strong>July</strong> 21 st -22 nd .<br />

Toys, tools, furniture, electronics, bikes, home and<br />

kitchen supplies and decor, sports equipment,<br />

clothing, shoes, art and more!<br />

Collecting Donations: <strong>July</strong> 1 st -<strong>July</strong> 20 th .<br />

Sale Days:<br />

Friday, <strong>July</strong> 21 st : 5-9 PM, Come for best selection.<br />

$5 per person, entry fee for ages 16+.<br />

Saturday, <strong>July</strong> 22 nd : 7:30 AM-2 PM. Free Entry.<br />



St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church will be hosting a<br />

Blood Drive on Sunday, <strong>July</strong> 30 th beginning at 8:30<br />

AM. A mobile unit will be in the parking lot until<br />

12:30 PM. To donate, you must be a least 17 years<br />

of age, at least 110 lbs. and in good general health.<br />

In our previous blood drive we had 20 donors,<br />

some of them first timers. That means 60 lives were<br />

saved! It only takes about 15 minutes, so please<br />

stop by. Save a life - donate blood. St. Cuthbert is<br />

located at 17020 West Road (at Queenston). For<br />

more information, visit us at www.st.cuthbert.org.<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />

MASTER WELLNESS VOLUNTEER PROGRAM <strong>2017</strong><br />

Ft. Bend, Harris & Galveston Counties Master Wellness Volunteer Training. Want to live<br />

healthier and help others do the same? Become a Master Wellness Volunteer and obtain<br />

information and skills to do so.<br />

Engaging, interactive workshops in:<br />

Nutrition, Food Safety, Diabetes, Gardening, Heart Disease, Healthy Lifestyle Choices,<br />

Dietary Guidelines, Blood Pressure, Public Speaking, Stress Management, Physical<br />

Activity and more.<br />

Dates:<br />

Self Study: <strong>July</strong> 6 th<br />

Face to Face: <strong>July</strong> 13 th<br />

Time: 9 AM-4:30 PM Location: 3033 Bear Creek Dr. Houston, TX 77084<br />

Cost: $60 (Includes all Materials)<br />

For more information or to receive an application, contact Rebecca Scono, Admin<br />

Assistant-FCS at rebecca.scono@ag.tamu.edu or 713-274-0970.<br />


Tuesday, August 8, <strong>2017</strong>, 6-8:30 PM<br />

The Work Lodge-Vintage Park, 118 Vintage Park Blvd W, Houston, TX 77070<br />

Join other community, business and ministry leaders for a celebration of the hope and<br />

healing found at Shield Bearer. Beat the summer time heat with a refreshing evening of<br />

tapas style appetizers, sangria tastings, networking and door prizes. Discover the story<br />

behind the Shield Bearer name and hear how they serve over 15,000 people each year<br />

including human trafficking survivors, victims of crime and abuse, veterans and active<br />

military families, struggling marriages and many more. Find out how you can join in<br />

Shield Bearer’s mission and strengthen the community, one heart and one family at a<br />

time. RSVP required by <strong>July</strong> 29 th at events@shieldbearer.org or 281-894-7222. For more<br />

information about Shield Bearer, a Houston based non-profit and lead agency in the<br />

movement to strengthen individuals, couples, families and the entire community visit<br />

shieldbearer.org or call 281-894-7222.<br />


“We work as unto<br />

the Lord”<br />



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Pack your suitcase, we’re going to Peru! St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church<br />

invites children to a Cross Culture Vacation Bible School: Passport to<br />

Peru. Join us the week of <strong>July</strong> 10 th -13 th from 9 AM-12 Noon to experience<br />

the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of a unique culture at Passport<br />

to Peru VBS, where kids discover how much God loves the world. The<br />

children will sing catchy songs, play high-energy games, dig into yummy<br />

Peruvian treats, experience cool Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory<br />

Makers and explore what daily life is like for kids in Peru. Each day concludes<br />

with a closing celebration that gets everyone involved in living<br />

what they’ve learned. We will celebrate our week Sunday morning,<br />

<strong>July</strong> 16 th at 10:30 AM. Passport to Peru VBS is for children who entering<br />

kindergarten through entering fifth grade. Visit stcuthbert.org to register<br />

your child. St. Cuthbert Church is located at 17020 West Road at the<br />

corner of West and Queenston. Contact us at vbs@stcuthbert.org or<br />

281-463-7330. Join us for a Vacation Bible School adventure!<br />



Saint Aidan’s Episcopal Church VBS registration openedin March! Come<br />

join us for an In and Out, Over, Under Adventure <strong>July</strong> 17 th -21 st ! This year’s<br />

theme is Maker Fun Factory. Our VBS is completely Gluten and nut free.<br />

The cost is $30. Registration ends <strong>July</strong> 2 nd . If you have any questions,<br />

please contact Taylor at taylor@aidanschurch.org. Saint Aidan’s Episcopal<br />

is located at 13131 Fry Road, just south of Hwy 290. Register at<br />

our website: http://aidanschurch.org.<br />


<strong>July</strong> 17-21, <strong>2017</strong><br />

The Family of Faith Lutheran Church is located at 16710 FM 529 Road,<br />

Houston, Texas, 77095. For more information call 281-855-2950 or visit<br />

our web page at www.tfof.org.<br />


Christian Family Church is having VBS “Kingdom Heroes” <strong>July</strong> 24 th -28 th .<br />

Call 832-415-3975 for more information. Located at 5615 Queenston,<br />

Houston, TX 77084.<br />



Camp Cornerstone is a week-long camp sponsored by Cornerstone<br />

United Methodist Church and is for children ages 2 through the completion<br />

of 4 th grade. Children must be 2 by June 1, <strong>2017</strong>. Camp hours<br />

are 9:30 AM-1 PM. There are 3 sessions throughout the summer and<br />

you are invited to participate in any or all!<br />

Session II - Wacky Wilderness… is <strong>July</strong> 10 th -14 th<br />

Session III - Ooey Gooey Fun is August 7 th -11 th<br />

The cost per camp per child is $120. You may pay $60 now and the<br />

remaining $60 on the first day of camp. Registration forms are online<br />

or in the preschool office. To download a form from the Cornerstone<br />

website, go to www.cornerstoneumc.org and click on “preschool.” You<br />

will see a tab for Camp Cornerstone. You can print the form and have<br />

it filled out before you arrive, saving yourself time! Before each camp<br />

session begins, you will hear from your child’s teacher so you can learn<br />

14 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>

Joel Muller<br />

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11740 Barker Cypress<br />

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more about the camp and she will answer any questions you may have about the weeklong<br />

fun. Each day your child will bring a backpack and a lunch as they enjoy each other<br />

and the special things they will do during the week. We look forward to having your child<br />

at camp this summer! It’s a great time for everyone and you don’t want to miss any of it!<br />

Please call the preschool office at 281-859-1612 if you have any questions. The preschool<br />

office hours are: Monday-Friday, 9 AM-1 PM.<br />


It’s hard to believe that summer is almost here! Every year parents seem to relish the<br />

thought of sleeping in and slowing down. But about two weeks into our summer routine,<br />

our kids are bored and we are trying to figure out what to do to keep our children<br />

engaged and busy!<br />

Epiphany Lutheran Church and School has your answer! We offer a variety of day camps<br />

for youth from preschool through middle school! Our campus offers 3 day mini camps for<br />

our preschool and Kindergarten students that meet Tuesdays through Thursdays from<br />

9 AM-2 PM, weekly dance classes and martial arts classes as well. These camps are filled<br />

with lots of fun activities that incorporate STEM learning into their day. Elementary and<br />

Middle school students have the options of week long camps that include soccer, robotics,<br />

chess and a video game creation camps that teaches them how to create platforms<br />

and basic coding!<br />

For a complete list of camps visit our website at www.elcsh.org. For more information,<br />

feel free to contact Beth Hixon, Director of Children’s Ministry at bhixon@elcsh.org or call<br />

her at 713-896-1773. We are located at 14423 West Road, Houston, TX 77041 at the corner<br />

of West and Jackrabbit Roads.<br />



The Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts will host summer camps and other activities to<br />

make this a fun-filled, artful summer for the entire community.<br />

Summer Camps<br />

Summer camps will be offered in <strong>July</strong> for ages 8 to 12 and 13 to 18. Camps will center<br />

around themes of “Contemporary Art Through the Ages.” Each camp meets Monday<br />

through Friday from 9 AM to Noon at the Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts. Cost of the<br />

week-long camps is $140 for members of the museum or $175 for non-members. Family<br />

memberships to the museum are available for just $55. In collaboration with AAUW and<br />

Klein ISD, a special camp will also be held once a week for students with visual impairments,<br />

as well as a camp for students with autism. To register or for complete details,<br />

please visit www.pearlmfa.org.<br />

More Summer Fun<br />

In addition to summer camps, the Pearl has a fun-filled calendar of activities throughout<br />

the summer for all ages. Highlights include free Family Days from 11 AM to 3 PM on <strong>July</strong><br />

8 th and August 12 th , as well as Drop-In Art Wednesdays, a free program for ages 5 and up<br />

in conjunction with the Barbara Bush Branch Library. There’s fun for adults as well, with<br />

Adult Art Workshops and the Pen & Paintbrush Book Club.<br />

Please visit www.pearlmfa.org for details.<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />

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Memberships Available<br />

To access all that the Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts has to offer,<br />

memberships are available at a variety of levels. Memberships start<br />

at just $25 for seniors and college students, $30 for individuals and<br />

$55 for families with children under 18. At the $100 level, members<br />

are also invited to special preview parties for new exhibits. Each<br />

membership includes advance notice of exhibitions, lectures and<br />

events, discounts on museum store purchases and members-only<br />

rates on special activities such as summer camps, concerts and<br />

more. Memberships are available online or by calling or visiting the<br />

museum. The Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts is located at 6815<br />

Cypresswood Drive in Spring, TX, 77379. For more information, please<br />

visit www.pearlmfa.org or call 281-376-6322.<br />


Messiah Lutheran Church is a grace place, a congregation of the<br />

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Messiah is located<br />

at 11522 Telge Road, ½ mile north of Highway 290.<br />

Chrysalis Summer Camp May 30-August 4, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Come joins us at Chrysalis Summer Camp for a fun-filled summer in<br />

a Christian atmosphere. We offer extended hours and flexible schedules<br />

making camp affordable and convenient for parents. Campers<br />

may attend by the week or by the month. Ages 6 weeks to 12 years<br />

old. You choose!<br />

Ten sessions of action-packed fun! Your child’s day will include camp<br />

meetings, bible stories, creative arts & crafts, knowledge stretchers,<br />

gross motor skills, songs, reading program, water activities and more.<br />

Weekly field trips for upcoming first graders through 12 years old to<br />

places like bowling, Little Beakers and Chuck E. Cheese. We will also<br />

have weekly in-house field trips for 18 months to pre-k including a<br />

bubble party and Kona Ice. For more information please see our<br />

website www.chrysalischildren.org or call 281-807-0764.<br />

Camp Hope<br />

Week 1: <strong>July</strong> 10-14, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Week 2: <strong>July</strong> 17-21, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Week 3: <strong>July</strong> 24-28, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:30 AM-3:30 PM<br />

This summer answer the call to be an Agent of Hope. Week one we’ll be<br />

recruiting campers to be Agents and learning what it means to give hope<br />

to others. Then we will enter into a week at the Agent Academy to train,<br />

learn and grow as a team. Finally, in week three, campers will receive their<br />

secret mission as they are sent out into the world to be Agents of Hope!<br />

Weekly Themes:<br />

• Calling All Agents. You are being called by God to bring hope to the<br />

world. This week we learn what it means to answer the call to be one<br />

of God’s Agents of Hope.<br />

• Agent Academy. This week we will train, learn and grow as a team<br />

to be Agents of Hope!<br />

• Agents on a Mission. This week you will receive you secret mission<br />

as you are sent out into the world the be one of God’s Agents of Hope.<br />

Camp Hope is our three-week day camp for children ages 5 years<br />

old through 6 th grade. It is an adult mentored student led ministry.<br />

Each day, children will hear a new Bible story, learn what it means<br />

to their life by creating a craft, eating a snack, playing a game and<br />

experiencing the story through expressive arts and worship. Camp<br />

Hope is a day camp that is passionate about growing leaders. Parents<br />

are invited to register their children online at www.messiahlc.org/<br />

camp-hope. For more information, call 281-890-3013.<br />




The Stageworks Theatre Acting Academy’s <strong>2017</strong> Summer Camps are<br />

open for enrollment. Summers at our Acting Academy are a blast! We<br />

have performance and skill-based classes for all ages and all levels of<br />

experience. If you’d like to discuss what classes are best for your performer,<br />

contact us via email or at 281-587-6100. We’re happy to help<br />

you determine the best fit. Payment plans are available for all classes.<br />

Visit www.stageworkshouston.org/summer-<strong>2017</strong> for more information.<br />

Performance Camps<br />

• Fame the Musical, JR: Ages 11-14, <strong>July</strong> 10 th -28 th , 9:30 AM-4:30 PM,<br />

cost $450<br />

Performances are <strong>July</strong> 27 th at 7 PM and <strong>July</strong> 28 th at 10 AM and 3 PM<br />

16 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>

• Pirates! Theadus Thud and the Quest for Weird Beard: Ages 6-14,<br />

<strong>July</strong> 24 th -Aug. 4 th , 8:30 AM-3:30 PM, cost $300<br />

Performances are Aug. 3 rd at 7 PM and Aug. 4 th at 10 AM and 3 PM<br />

• Marvelous Land of Oz: Ages 6-14, <strong>July</strong> 24 th -Aug. 11 th , 9:30 AM-4:30 PM,<br />

cost $450<br />

Performances are Aug. 10 th at 7 PM and Aug. 11 th at 10 AM and 3 PM<br />

• Game of Tiaras: Ages 13-18, <strong>July</strong> 10 th -21 st , 10 AM-5 PM, cost $300<br />

Performances are <strong>July</strong> 20 th at 7 PM and <strong>July</strong> 21 st at 10 AM and 3 PM<br />

• Rent School Edition: Ages 13-18, <strong>July</strong> 31 st -Aug. 18 th , 10 AM-5 PM,<br />

cost $450<br />

Performances are Aug. 17 th at 7 PM and Aug. 18 th at 10 AM and 3 PM<br />

One-Week Camps<br />

• Defying Gravity: Ages 5-14, <strong>July</strong> 5 th -7 th , 8:30-11:30 AM or 1-4 PM, cost $75<br />

• No Troll Left Behind: Ages 4-14, <strong>July</strong> 17 th -21 st , 8:30-11:30 AM or 1-4 PM,<br />

cost $125<br />

• Fantastic Beast Creature Creation: Ages 8-16, <strong>July</strong> 31 st -Aug. 4 th ,<br />

9 AM-4 PM, cost $175<br />

• Disney Mashup: Ages 4-14, Aug. 7 th -11 th , 8:30-11:30 AM or 1-4 PM,<br />

cost $125<br />

• Royal Dance Academy: Ages 4-10, Aug. 14 th -18 th , 8:30-11:30 AM,<br />

cost $125<br />


Let’s Quilt a Square at 4-H Summer Stiches Camp on Tuesday, <strong>July</strong> 18 th ,<br />

9:30 AM to 2:30 PM. This is a beginners workshop. Registration fee $30.<br />

Deadline is <strong>July</strong> 10 th .<br />

Join us for “4-H Kids That Cook” on Thursday, <strong>July</strong> 20 th , 9:30 AM to 2:30<br />

PM. This 4-H summer camp is cooking up something good! Kids will<br />

learn how to prepare simple recipes and how to compete in a Food<br />

Challenge. Registration fee $40. Deadline is <strong>July</strong> 10 th .<br />

• FREE Inspections<br />

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832-434-4159<br />

Tie Dye fun with Fashion is the theme for 4-H Summer Stiches Camp on<br />

Tuesday, <strong>July</strong> 25 th , 9:30 AM to 2 PM. Kids will get to experiment with tie dye<br />

and refashioning clothing projects. Registration fee $30. Deadline is <strong>July</strong> 15 th .<br />

Shutter Bug Youth Photography Camp, Saturday, August 5 th , 9:30 AM<br />

to 3 PM. Area photographers will offer hands-on workshops on still life<br />

composition and take participants on a photo safari. Registration fee<br />

$40. Deadline is <strong>July</strong> 25 th .<br />

Join us for 4-H Enterprise Trade Show and Makers Fest, Saturday, August<br />

19 th , 9:30 AM to 3 PM to learn about entrepreneurship and have fun at<br />

crafting workshops. Registration fee $40. Deadline is <strong>July</strong> 30 th .<br />

Camps are held at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension 3033 Bear Creek Drive,<br />

Houston 77084. Open to all youth 9 to 18 yrs. Registration fees can be<br />

paid on Eventbrite.com. For more information, contact Sheryl Nolen,<br />

713-274-0978 or email snolen@ag.tamu.edu.<br />


PERFORMANCE CAMP JULY 10-14, <strong>2017</strong><br />

The Houston Choral Society (HCS) announces its <strong>2017</strong> Summer Vocal<br />

Performance Camp – Voyages of the Voice Finders. This one week camp<br />

is for students entering grades 3-5 and grades 6-8. The camp runs <strong>July</strong><br />

10-14, <strong>2017</strong>. For students entering grades 3-5, the camp runs from 9 AM<br />

to noon and for students entering grades 6-8 the camp runs from 1-4<br />

PM. Students will learn how music enriches their brain, body and mind<br />

through singing classical, folk and popular music. Finding your voice,<br />

learning how to improve breath and tone quality, musicianship, singing<br />

on sight and music games will be taught one-on-one and in ensembles.<br />

Workshops are led by professional, certified music teachers and singers<br />

from The Houston Choral Society.<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />


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The HCS Summer Vocal Performance Camp provides an exceptional<br />

education to all of our students with an excellent student/teacher ratio.<br />

Camps are filling up fast so we encourage parents to sign up for camps<br />

now. Camp tuition for 15 hours of instruction is only $175. The average<br />

performing arts camp in Houston costs in excess of $14 per hour. HCS<br />

offers these camps with four degreed instructors for less than $12 per<br />

hour. Each family will receive 2 free tickets for the end of class performance.<br />

Additional tickets can be purchased for only $5 per person. The<br />

camps include two complimentary tickets to the show, a camp t-shirt,<br />

music and other needed materials.<br />

The camps will be held at The Foundry United Methodist Church. It is<br />

located in northwest Houston at 8350 Jones Road, Houston, TX 77065<br />

with easy access from Highway 290. For more info and to register for<br />

summer camps, check The Houston Choral Society website at www.<br />

houstonchoral.org or call 832-478-6986.<br />


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10760 Grant Road, Houston, TX 77070<br />

The Wizard of Oz - <strong>July</strong> 28-Aug. 13, <strong>2017</strong> at the Berry Center.<br />

Stageworks Theatre is located at 10760 Grant Road, Houston, Texas<br />

77070. Website: www.stageworkshouston.org.<br />



1824 Spring Street #101, Houston TX 77007<br />

IN A WORD By: Lauren Yee<br />

<strong>July</strong> 27 th -29 th , August 3 rd -5 th , August 10 th -12 th : 8 PM<br />

August 6 th : 3 PM<br />

Pay-What-You-Can night-August 7 th : 8 PM<br />

MORE INFO/RESERVATIONS: www.mildredsumbrella.com, info@mildredsumbrella.com<br />

or 832-463-0409.<br />


Cypress symphonic Band Around the World in 80 Minutes: <strong>July</strong> 1, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Season tickets are available online at www.houstonchoral.org.<br />

The Houston Choral Society performs at The Foundry United Methodist<br />

Church, located in northwest Houston at 8350 Jones Road, Houston,<br />

TX 77065 with easy access from Highway 290. For general or audition<br />

information, please visit the HCS website at www.houstonchoral.org.<br />



The Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts offers a refreshing getaway in the midst<br />

of hot summer days, with first rate exhibits, classes and free family days.<br />

Summer Exhibitions<br />

This summer the Pearl features two shows, which provide a poignant<br />

and powerful examination of the effects of the Great Depression. The<br />

Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts is open from 10 AM to 5 PM, Tuesday<br />

through Saturday (closed <strong>July</strong> 4 th ). Summer exhibitions will run to<br />

September 9 th . Admission is free, but a suggested donation of $5 per<br />

adult is appreciated.<br />

18 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>

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Adult Art Workshop<br />

“Animals in Watercolor - a Lesson of Coupling Visual Art with Text.” The<br />

workshop will be offered twice, from 9 AM to noon on Thursday, <strong>July</strong> 6 th<br />

and Friday, <strong>July</strong> 7 th . Open to participants of all skill levels, this watercolor<br />

workshop includes a fun addition of the “written word” using water-soluble<br />

crayons and pencils on top of the painting. Educators who enroll<br />

will receive tips on using this project in the classroom and will also earn<br />

three hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit. Cost of<br />

the workshop is $35 for museum members, $40 for non-members and<br />

$25 for teachers. To register, please visit www.pearlmfa.org and select<br />

Education > Adult Art Workshops.<br />


Cy-Fair CERT is now taking Registrations for our <strong>2017</strong> Classes. The next<br />

class will be held from 6:30-9:30 PM starting Tuesday, September 12,<br />

<strong>2017</strong>. Classes will be held at Lone Star College-Cy Fair Emergency Services<br />

Education Center, 18132 West Road, Cypress, TX 77433.<br />

Don’t wait to sign up, SEATS ARE LIMITED! There is NO FEE for this 8<br />

week class plus one optional session for ICS Certification Overview - You<br />

receive a class manual and backpack with starter supplies such as a<br />

hardhat and safety vest. Upon graduation you receive a certificate and<br />

official CERT ID badge. Come join the other 600+ citizens in the Bear<br />

Creek, Bridgeland, Coles Crossing, Copperfield, Fairfield, Towne Lake<br />

and neighboring Cy-Fair communities who have taken our training.<br />

Learn how not to become a victim during an emergency or disaster!<br />

Classes cover:<br />

• Disaster Preparation<br />

• Fire Safety (and YOU will suppress a small, contained fire)<br />

• Medical Operations and Triage (2 sessions)<br />

• Search and Rescue<br />

• Disaster Psychology & Incident Command Structure<br />

• Terrorism and CERT<br />

All taught by professionals in their field<br />

CERT training is designed to prepare you to help yourself, your family<br />

and your neighbors in the event of an emergency or disaster. For more<br />

information, see www.harriscountycitizencorps.com.<br />

To sign up for class go to www.cyfaircert.org and click on Training. For<br />

questions, email training@cyfaircert.org. Don’t Be Scared, Be Prepared!<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />

Hands2Heal<br />



• Deep Tissue<br />

• Chronic Pain<br />

• Pregnancy Massage<br />

Gift Certificates<br />

Available<br />

Lisa Yount, LMT<br />

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Copperfield Professional Center<br />

7050 Lakeview Haven Drive Building 1 Suite 124 (behind Chase Bank)<br />




presented by Cy-Fair Women’s Club<br />

Saturday, September 9, <strong>2017</strong> At The Berry Center<br />

www.cyfairwomensclub.com<br />

VISIT THE <strong>2017</strong> ST. MARY’S<br />


On Friday, September 29 th and Saturday, September<br />

30 th from 9 AM to 4 PM, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church<br />

is hosting its 12 th Annual Fall Gift Market. This is the<br />

ideal event to kick off your holiday shopping and<br />

decorating! The convenient location at the corner of<br />

Louetta Road and N. <strong>Eldridge</strong> Parkway (15415 N. <strong>Eldridge</strong> Parkway) makes it easy to shop<br />

the selection of unique jewelry, home decor, creative toys, handcrafted gifts, collectibles,<br />

pottery, candles and trendy clothing for ladies and children. The Fall Gift Market also features<br />

The Tea Room offering the famous taco soup, sandwiches, desserts and homemade<br />

baked goods, plus the Silent Auction benefiting church-affiliated projects and outreach.<br />

For more information, please visit stmaryscypress.org or call Michelle at 832-559-8726.<br />



The Ladies Auxiliary from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is holding their 25 th<br />

annual Gingerbread Village Holiday Market on October 28, <strong>2017</strong> from 9<br />

AM to 4 PM. It will be held at 6646 Addicks Satsuma Road in Houston. If<br />

you have arts, crafts or any unique items you would like to showcase,<br />

we would love for you to participate in this event! Contact fae@krenekprinting.com<br />

for more information.<br />


Saint Aidan’s Episcopal Church ACE Committee announces our Fall<br />

Holiday Market to be held on Sunday, October 29 th from 10 AM to 5 PM.<br />

Saint Aidan’s is located at 13131 Fry Road, just South of 290. Great highly<br />

visible outdoor space with Fall Festival activities including Blessing of<br />

Animals, Trunk-n-Treat, Live Music, Children’s Area, Silent Action and<br />

much more. For additional information and booth reservation form<br />

contact us at 281-373-3202 or email at fallfest@aidanschurch.org. Online<br />

registration also available at www.eventbrite.com/e/fall-festival-vendor-page-tickets-34866877770.<br />



Saturday, October 7 th , 9 AM-1 PM<br />

$125 per person, includes 3 hours of golf and lunch.<br />

Accepting sponsors now.<br />

The Ballard House is a home away from home for individuals and their<br />

families who are receiving medical treatments for life-threatening<br />

illnesses. For more information, visit www.theballardhouse.org or call<br />

281-717-4670.<br />

20 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>

SPORTS<br />



Texas Terrapins Swim Team is offering two great<br />

Swim Clinic opportunities this summer. Want to<br />

see what year round swimming is all about? Join<br />

us for one of our two Practice Trials. Practice Trial<br />

week one is <strong>July</strong> 11 th -13 th . Practice Trial week two<br />

is <strong>July</strong> 18 th -20 th . Both trials will be held at the<br />

Spillane Middle School pool from 6-7 PM. Want<br />

to focus on elite drills and skills of the 4 competitive strokes? Join us for<br />

our Young Olympian Stroke Clinic in August. This clinic is taught by our<br />

coaching staff and its top swimmers, offering a low swimmer to instructor<br />

ratio. Young Olympian Stroke Clinic is August 14 th -18 th from 11 AM-Noon<br />

at the Central Park. All clinics are open to children 6-18 years old with any<br />

type of swim experience. Interested in joining? The <strong>2017</strong>-2018 Annual<br />

Registration will be held at Central Park pool in Fairfield, August 23 rd and<br />

24 th from 6-8 PM. If you join by August 31 st , your swimmer will receive free<br />

tuition in <strong>July</strong> and August 2018. Need more information? Email: join@<br />

texasterrapins.com, call 832-736-5497 or check out our website at www.<br />

texasterrapins.com under upcoming events.<br />



After a successful inaugural season, FC Cypress Soccer Club will be starting<br />

their second season and is now recruiting players. Practices are held<br />

at Ollin Sports Therapy, 16636 Hahl and House Road, Cypress. The club<br />

was founded by Cy-Fair resident and former professional player, Marc<br />

Castillo. Students who join FC Cypress can enter one of three different<br />

leagues. Registrations are currently running through September 1 st .<br />

The U6 Soccer School-an 8-week program designed to introduce players<br />

to the sport. Enrollees meet Friday evenings from 6-7 PM to practice<br />

for 30 minutes and play games for 30 minutes.<br />

Players in the U7-U10 competitive league - which lasts 13 weeks, enter<br />

the Player Development League hosted by Klein Soccer club at Meyer<br />

Park and play against other teams. Practices take place twice per week<br />

at Ollin Athletics.<br />

Players in the U11 Select Academy - players who possess the right attitude<br />

and desire to take their soccer play to the next level. Training sessions will<br />

be twice per week at Ollin Athletics and games on weekends as part of<br />

TYSA, competing against other teams of the same age group and skill level.<br />

Students can also take part in summer camps in <strong>July</strong> to prepare for the<br />

upcoming fall season. All information regarding programs, tryouts and<br />

summer camps can be found at www.fccypress.com or 936-463-8010.<br />


Are you a runner? Are you a fitness walker? Do you want to be? USA Fit<br />

Cypress is a friendly, no pressure group training for a variety of marathons<br />

and half marathons throughout the year. Even if you’ve never<br />

run a step before, training with our group will help you conquer mental<br />

and physical barriers you never thought possible. Beginner, walker,<br />

seasoned runner? No matter your conditioning or pace, we have a place<br />

for you. Over the course of six months, our coaches will help you achieve<br />

your personal best in a non-intimidating, fun and safe environment.<br />

We will provide a weekly training schedule and opportunities for group<br />

training throughout the week with our distance runs on Saturday<br />

morning at Pope Elementary on Bridgeland Lake Parkway in Bridgeland.<br />

Registration for our Winter Season is open and the programs<br />

officially began June 3 rd . Visit us at www.usafitcypress.com to register<br />

or for more information.<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />



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Registration is now open for Jr. Rockets Basketball Fall League and<br />

Cheerleading at Living Word Church! Registration ends September 1 st !<br />

Cost: $75 per player/cheerleader Ages: 4-13<br />

Each player receives a reversible Rockets jersey and a ticket to a Rockets<br />

game! Each cheerleader receives a full uniform, pompoms and a<br />

mini-megaphone! Season runs from late Sept-Mid November. For more<br />

details & to register, go to: www.livingword.church/sports.<br />



The Northwest Flyers Track Club Youth Cross-Country Team kicks off<br />

the fall season with a mandatory orientation meeting for parents and<br />

athletes on Tuesday, September 5, <strong>2017</strong>, at 7 PM at Cypress Creek High<br />

School, 9815 Grant Rd., Houston. Registration starts online September<br />

1 st at www.northwestflyers.org. Practices are held at the Cypress Creek<br />

YMCA and Spring Creek Park in Tomball.<br />

The Northwest Flyers Track Club is a member program of USA Track<br />

and Field (USATF), the national governing body for track and cross<br />

country. The club is celebrating its 30 th year in the northwest Houston<br />

area. Ages 6-18 may participate in the team and both beginners and<br />

experienced runners are welcome. Middle school and high school cross<br />

country athletes can also register, but should compete after their cross<br />

country season is over. For more information contact Coach Angela<br />

Mosley at msangela.mosley@gmail.com or 469-336-9421. Visit www.<br />

northwestflyers.org to get updates and learn more about the team.<br />

AHFC SOCCER SUMMER CAMP SERIES <strong>2017</strong><br />

AHFC is please to offer the Summer Camp Series at multiple campuses<br />

in and around Houston. The club invites all interested players to the<br />

Canes Fundamental Camp (Ages 5-9) or the Canes Skills & Drills Camp<br />

(Ages 10-16). Please visit albionhurricanes.org to register and for more<br />

details about each particular campus. The camps will be offered in New<br />

Territory, Cy- Fair and Katy locations. All information can be found under<br />

“Camps” at albionhurricanes.org.<br />


A new ladies golf group is now forming at Cypress Lakes Golf Club. No<br />

handicaps required. This will be a casual ladies golf outing to improve<br />

your game and make some new friends. Play will be on Thursday<br />

mornings at 9. For information please email ladiesgolf4fun@gmail.<br />

com or call Cypress Lakes Golf Club at 281-304-8515.<br />


Houston Shooting Stars welcomes ladies, men and youth to join in, play<br />

and learn netball, Tuesday nights at The British School of Houston. We<br />

are also looking for interested players, adults and youth to play in a new<br />

Katy Netball club. No experience necessary. For more information, go<br />

to our facebook page, Houston Shooting Stars Netball Club or www.<br />

netballamerica.com or contact houstonnetball@netballamerica.com<br />

for further information.<br />

The Memory Tree<br />

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Track Houston is the nation’s largest and most successful youth track<br />

and field organization. Our goal is to assist interested boys and girls ages<br />

6 to 18 years old in improving their physical fitness and mental stamina.<br />

We have multiple practice sites in the Greater Houston area including<br />

McMeans Junior High School in Katy and Cypress Lakes High School in<br />

Cypress. Visit www.trackhouston.com to register for a location near you.<br />


Cy-Fair Sports Association is having registration for baseball, football,<br />

cheerleading and soccer. Please see our website for more information<br />

www.cy-fairsports.org.<br />

22 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>

®<br />

Featured Recipes<br />

Share your recipes send them to recipes@krenekprinting.com<br />


You could make this on National Fried Chicken Day <strong>July</strong> 6 th !<br />


2 to 3 pounds chicken, cut into pieces 3 cups all-purpose flour<br />

5 tbsp. seasoned salt 3 tbsp. garlic powder<br />

Salt and pepper to taste<br />

4 eggs, beaten<br />

Vegetable oil for frying<br />


In a shallow plate or bowl, mix the flour, seasoned salt, garlic powder,<br />

salt and pepper. Roll or shake the chicken pieces in the flour mixture<br />

and place on a platter. Then dip each chicken piece in the egg and roll<br />

again in flour mixture.<br />

Heat oil in a deep-fryer or large skillet to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).<br />

Fry coated chicken pieces in hot oil for about 5 minutes on each side.<br />

Cover skillet and cook on lower heat for about 10 minutes. Remove<br />

cover, turn up heat and fry for 5 minutes on each side to make chicken<br />

crispy. Chicken is done when it is no longer pink inside and its juices run<br />

clear. Drain fried chicken on paper towels and keep warm in oven until<br />

ready to serve. http://allrecipes.com/<br />


You could make this on National Ice Cream Day <strong>July</strong> 16 th !<br />

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1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk<br />

2/3 cup chocolate syrup<br />

2 cups heavy cream<br />


Line a 9x5 inch loaf pan with aluminum foil. In a large bowl, stir<br />

together condensed milk and chocolate syrup until color is even. In<br />

a separate bowl, whip cream until stiff peaks form. Fold cream into<br />

chocolate mixture and pour all into prepared pan. Cover and freeze 6<br />

hours, until firm.<br />

http://allrecipes.com/<br />


You could make this on National Ice Cream Day <strong>July</strong> 16 th !<br />


¼ cup sugar<br />

3 eggs<br />

1 cup whole milk ¾ cup peanut butter<br />

¾ cup sweetened condensed milk ½ cup half-and-half<br />

cream<br />

2 tsp. vanilla extract<br />

12 miniature peanut butter cups, chopped<br />


In a medium bowl, beat the sugar and eggs with an electric mixer until<br />

thick, about 3 minutes. Set aside. Pour milk into a small saucepan and<br />

bring to a simmer over low heat. Gradually drizzle the hot milk into the<br />

eggs while whisking vigorously. Then pour the whole mixture into the<br />

saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thick enough<br />

to coat the back of a metal spoon. Do not boil.<br />

Remove from heat, and whisk in peanut butter. Allow to cool slightly, then<br />

whisk in the sweetened condensed milk, half-and-half and vanilla. Cover<br />

and refrigerate until chilled. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and<br />

freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Fold in peanut butter<br />

cups when mixture is still soft, then transfer to a container and freeze until<br />

solid. http://allrecipes.com/<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />

DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions<br />

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Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this<br />

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Published by: KRENEK PRINTING CO.<br />

7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX, 77095<br />

281-463-8649 • news@krenekprinting.com<br />



There’s a lot to do when the weather is right: family picnics, working<br />

on your tan at the beach, a homerun derby on the softball field, endless<br />

hours on the golf course or lounging in your backyard hammock.<br />

Unfortunately, too much fun in the sun can be dangerous. Excessive<br />

heat exposure can cause dehydration, which in turn can cause dangerous<br />

conditions like heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke<br />

(also called sunstroke).<br />

No matter what your plans are this summer, you won’t want to miss<br />

any of them. Combating the toll of the heat and sun on your body will<br />

keep you healthy and active all summer long. Try a few of these simple<br />

precautions, and you’ll still be going strong as the leaves start to turn.<br />


The way you dress can go a long way towards keeping you comfortable<br />

when you’re outside in the heat. Make sure you bring:<br />

Light-Colored Clothes<br />

The white linen shirt every male movie star wears on the beach isn’t<br />

just fashionably conscious; it’s also intelligent for hot, sunny days.<br />

Dark clothing absorbs more heat and tight clothes don’t let sweat -<br />

your body’s natural cooling system - evaporate.<br />

Sunglasses<br />

Sunglasses are chic and functional. They prevent harmful ultraviolet<br />

(UV) rays from scorching your corneas and protect your eyes for<br />

many more summers to come. Choose sunglasses that block 90 to<br />

100 percent of UV rays.<br />

Hats<br />

Unlike 8-inch high heels at the beach, a hat is smart summer fashion.<br />

Throwing on a wide-brimmed hat prevents UV rays from hitting the<br />

sensitive spots on your face and keeps your skin looking young and<br />

wrinkle-free.<br />

Sunscreen<br />

Nothing knocks good days off a summer calendar like a nasty sunburn.<br />

When outdoors, use sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least<br />

15. Use a higher-rated, waterproof sunscreen if you’ll be poolside or<br />

out on the beach. Don’t forget to cover areas that burn easily: nose,<br />

ears, shoulders and back of the neck.<br />

Lip Balm<br />

Just like sunscreen protects the rest of your skin, a lip balm with<br />

SPF protection blocks out the sun and keeps in moisture for your<br />

lips. Perfect for a day on the lake or while you’re working on that<br />

summer romance.<br />


The heat makes you sweat, which cools you down, but that also<br />

means you’re constantly losing fluid. Here’s how to stay hydrated:<br />

Water<br />

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty! Drink water throughout the day to<br />

prevent dehydration or over exhaustion. Use the color of your urine<br />

to guide if you’re hydrated enough - the clearer the better.<br />

Juice<br />

All natural juice without added sugar not only provides hydration but<br />

also important nutrients to keep you active in hot weather. Check<br />

the label on the juice bottle and make sure it says “100 percent juice<br />

with no sugar added.”<br />

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine<br />

While an ice cold cocktail -<br />

complete with a little paper<br />

umbrella - might sound good<br />

on the beach, it won’t be<br />

as refreshing to your body.<br />

That’s because alcohol only<br />

dehydrates you more. If you<br />

can’t barbecue without a<br />

brew, drink a bottle of water<br />

between each alcoholic beverage<br />

to stay hydrated.<br />

Like alcohol, caffeine sucks<br />

the moisture out of you. On<br />

hot days, avoid it as much<br />

as possible, especially when<br />

combined with alcohol.<br />


The food you eat can also help<br />

you stay cool. Try adjusting<br />

your diet so that it includes:<br />

Fruits and Vegetables<br />

Fruits and vegetables are easy<br />

to digest and often high in<br />

water content. Salads and other dishes rich in seasonal produce will<br />

keep you feeling light and hydrated.<br />

Spicy Foods<br />

Popular in warm climates, the tingling feeling and accompanying<br />

sweat caused by spicy foods has a purpose; the sweat actually cools<br />

your body down.<br />

Low-Fat Meats<br />

Fat takes longer for your body to digest and carries a higher salt<br />

content, which can add extra strain on your body when you need it<br />

maximized for efficiency.<br />


Avoid peak hours of sunlight when the temperatures and UV rays are<br />

at their highest, normally between 10 AM and 2 PM. That’s the best<br />

time to head inside, get food and water, let your body cool down and<br />

maybe even take a nap.<br />

When heat and humidity are at their highest, it’s never a bad time<br />

to take a break. Water sports are especially tricky because you can<br />

easily become overheated without realizing it. When in doubt, take<br />

a breather.<br />


If you live in an area where summer heat can become dangerous, pay<br />

close attention to any heat-related warnings. When it’s dangerous,<br />

stay inside with the A/C or fan going. If it’s not cool enough at home,<br />

find a cooling station, usually set up at public libraries and other<br />

buildings.<br />

If you must be outside, keep your activities close to a shady spot. It<br />

can provide enough of a cool down to keep you safe. Even a small<br />

drop in temperature can make a big difference.<br />

When it’s hot and you’re active, stay close to restaurants, convenience<br />

stores or any other place that can offer cold temperatures and beverages<br />

should you need them in an emergency. If you’re at the beach<br />

or pool, the cool water offers great relief from the heat.<br />

Source: www.healthline.com<br />

24 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>


By Cheryl Conley, TWRC Wildlife Center<br />

If you find a baby squirrel, check for the following:<br />

• Is it bleeding, have an open wound or a broken bone?<br />

• Is it covered in fly eggs (they look like grains of rice)?<br />

• Is it cold, wet or crying?<br />

If the answer is YES to any of the above, the squirrel is likely injured.<br />

Bring it to us as soon as possible. If NO, the next step is to determine<br />

its approximate age to see if you need to intervene.<br />

Does the squirrel have a fluffed-out tail (like a bottle brush)?<br />

Is the body longer than 6” (not including the tail)?<br />

If the answer is YES to these questions, this is likely a juvenile squirrel.<br />

You do not need to intervene. Even at the young age of 10 to 12 weeks,<br />

the squirrel is already independent and on its own. If NO, this is an<br />

infant squirrel. You will need to help reunite the baby with its mother.<br />

Baby squirrels at this age must be kept warm. Heat a towel in the microwave<br />

or place uncooked rice or bird seed in a sock and warm in the<br />

microwave for 20-30 seconds. Wrap the sock in a soft towel and place it<br />

with the baby in an open container like a small box or plastic container.<br />

Place the box IN A SAFE PLACE OFF THE GROUND near where you found<br />

the baby or under the tree with the nest if you know which tree it is. You<br />

can also attach the container directly to the tree but MAKE SURE IT IS<br />

SECURE. Keep children, dogs and cats out of the area.<br />

Observe the baby squirrel for the next six to eight hours of daylight.<br />

Reheat the towel or rice/birdseed bag every two hours. Has the mother<br />

returned to retrieve her baby?<br />

If YES ... congratulations! If NO, bring the box with the baby inside.<br />

Continue to keep it warm until you can bring it to us.<br />




TWRC Wildlife Center is your<br />

resource for wildlife-related<br />

questions. They also serve as an<br />

emergency wildlife care facility<br />

should you find animals in need<br />

of help. If you have any questions,<br />

please call 713-468-TWRC.<br />

You can also find useful information at www.twrcwildlifecenter.org.<br />


According to the American Stroke Association<br />

(ASA), stroke is the 5 th leading cause of<br />

death and a leading cause of adult disability<br />

in the United States. On average, someone<br />

in the U.S. suffers a stroke every 40 seconds,<br />

someone dies of a stroke every four minutes<br />

and nearly 800,000 people suffer a new or<br />

recurrent stroke each year.<br />

The ASA uses the acronym FAST to help people<br />

remember the signs of stroke.<br />

• Face Drooping<br />

• Arm Weakness<br />

• Speech Difficulty • Time to Call 911<br />

If you’re the one having the stroke, you may not see the symptoms.<br />

That’s why it’s important that everyone know the signs so that they can<br />

recognize the symptoms in others and call for help.<br />

Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />


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• Plant fall flowering annuals where your spring annuals have<br />

bloomed out. Set our seeds like zinnia, marigold, cosmos,<br />

petunia and portulaca so you’ll have color until frost. Don’t let<br />

seedlings dry out.<br />

• In summer, prune roses to keep them in shape. Continue<br />

black spot and insect treatments. Water 2” once per week.<br />

• Remove spent crepe myrtle flowers to prolong bloom<br />

production.<br />

• Weeds rob plants of valuable water, nutrients--remove them.<br />

• Great sun/heat-lovers include coral honeysuckle, coreopsis,<br />

lantana, oleanders and hamelia.<br />

• Fertilize flowers lightly, if at all; too hot for heavy feedings.<br />

• Water your lawn longer but less frequent. Deep water of<br />

about 2 - 3” per week forces plant roots to grow down, instead<br />

of sideways into sunbaked upper soil levels. Use a bowl in<br />

your yard to measure during waterings.<br />


All American Pet Photo Day is observed annually on <strong>July</strong> 11 th .<br />

So, make sure your camera is fully charged and ready as you<br />

are encouraged to take photos of your pets. Although you take<br />

pictures of your pets all year long, <strong>July</strong> 11 th has been set aside to<br />

get special pictures of your pets.<br />


Dress them up, take them to the park, set them in a chair, put<br />

them on a fancy pillow or whatever your imagination creates for<br />

a special photograph of your loved ones. Post on social media<br />

using #AllAmericanPetPhotoDay.<br />


Classified Ads<br />


To place a Classified Ad, go to the Krenek Printing website at www.krenekprinting.com. Hover your mouse over Submissions and choose<br />

Classifieds. Select which area (Hwy 6, Katy or Both) you would like to see your ad appear. Then select the Category for your ad. Your ad<br />

will be calculated and you may make your payment online. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 281-463-8649.<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Antique oak small dining table, 4 chairs, buffet,<br />

$250; Sleeper sofa and matching chair, $50;<br />

Hallmark ornament collection - negotiable; Ping<br />

carry golf bag, $20; 150 used golf balls, $25; Desk,<br />

$50. Email hacknad@aol.com for pictures.<br />

A large wall mirror, $25; Bookcase, $15; Sofa<br />

and ottoman, $25; 3-drawer dresser, $25;<br />

Round end table, $12; Tall crystal lamps, $8;<br />

Corner TV stand natural wood color, $20.<br />

Pictures available upon request. Call 281-<br />

858-4809 or email bheathcott@comcast.net.<br />

Antique 4-drawer chest of drawers, $100;<br />

Antique waterfall vanity with round mirror,<br />

$80; Antique end table, round, solid maple<br />

wood, $50. Call 281-858-4809 or<br />

email bheathcott@comcast.net.<br />

Gently used Whirlpool Cabrio platinum digital<br />

electric dryer, ECO efficient, $300, regular<br />

$750; Plush 5 x 7 cream white area rug, like<br />

new, $100; Walnut wood dark black felt inset<br />

pool table, traditional style with accessories,<br />

disassembled in sections in boxes, comes<br />

with ping pong table and accessories to set<br />

on top of pool table, $600 OBO; Mahogany<br />

wood 4 poster king size bed with black<br />

leather tufted insert headboard, woodside<br />

on foot board, comes with a beautiful iron<br />

work canopy that is optional on or off bed<br />

frame, $500 OBO. Call Connie 281-463-0750.<br />

Formal dining room; Bar globe; Michelangelo<br />

print (The Creation) 30 X 63, gold framed;<br />

Living room set; desks; bureaus; Room rugs;<br />

Household decors and some antiques. For<br />

details or info email ounpat@comcast.net.<br />

Memorial Oaks Cemetery Companion Crypt<br />

(perpetual care), $12,000.<br />

Please call 281-807-1103.<br />

Vintage Singer sewing machine, Featherweight<br />

Model 221, like new condition and<br />

works great. Carry case, 2 foot feeds, 6 bobbins.<br />

Priced to sell at $475. In Nottingham<br />

Country, 281-676-8208.<br />

Twin XL Serta Essential adjustable bed with<br />

Serta memory gel foam mattress. Used<br />

only 3 months. We paid $1,979 for the bed<br />

and mattress. Sale price is only $800. Call<br />

281-858-4809 or text 713-824-4876. Photos<br />

available on request.<br />

Brand new, never worn 3” heel Capezio<br />

closed toe T-strap character shoe with brace,<br />

black, size 7, $100. Regular price without<br />

brace, $250. 713-459-7792.<br />

WANTED<br />

Someone to take a disabled Army veteran to<br />

290 and Huffmeister 3 times a week, Tuesday,<br />

Thursday and Saturday. Pick up at 10<br />

AM and again at 2:30 PM. A light collapsible<br />

wheelchair included. Will pay. Call evenings<br />

at 713-466-4692.<br />


Do you like golf, the outdoors, meeting people<br />

and fun? We are hiring at the Bear Creek<br />

Golf Course, all positions, Greeters, food and<br />

beverage, Pro-Shop and maintenance. Pick<br />

up applications at the Pro-Shop,<br />

16001 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084.<br />

Register Tapes Unlimited is looking for Inside<br />

Sales/Telemarketing reps to work in our corporate<br />

office call center in the Houston/Katy<br />

area. We have a contract with over 10,000<br />

major grocery chains in 47 states and Western<br />

Canada. Heavy Cold Calling to Business Owners<br />

to set appointments for top producing<br />

outside reps, $10/Hour plus unlimited Comm.<br />

& Bonuses. Our team’s average $15-$30/hour<br />

w/ comm. Full Time M-F. No Late nights or<br />

weekends, great environment. You will be<br />

eligible for Medical/Dental/Vision & Life insurance<br />

after 60 days, 401k after 1 year. No<br />

experience needed: www.rtui.com. To apply,<br />

send resume to jamelyn.brown@rtui.com.<br />

Full-time bilingual administration assistant.<br />

Must possess professional verbal, writing<br />

skills, organizational skills, Microsoft Office,<br />

customer Service. Three years minimum<br />

experience. Email resume:<br />

n.figueroa@rafaelenterprises.com.<br />

Looking for people to work in the field services,<br />

crew workers and helpers to work<br />

on servicing irrigation systems for growing<br />

Irrigation Company, no experience needed,<br />

will train. Must have own transportation and<br />

clean driver’s license. Growth opportunity,<br />

Northwest Houston area.<br />

Email: sprinklerworkers@gmail.com.<br />

Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years<br />

of experience, must be state licensed.<br />

281-550-0900.<br />

Domino’s is Hiring General Managers, Assistant<br />

Managers and Drivers. Interested in<br />

working for the #1 Pizza Delivery Company?<br />

We’re looking for great leaders with high<br />

energy who can run their own store, manage<br />

and train employees while creating a positive<br />

team environment to take Dominos’ to<br />

the next level. General Mangers earn a base<br />

salary of $48,000 with a potential bonus<br />

up to $2,300 monthly & benefits. Assistant<br />

Managers earn an hourly wage of $12-14 &<br />

benefits eligible. We offer flexible hours and<br />

competitive pay for drivers. With tips and<br />

mileage paid daily, total hourly compensation<br />

is $10-$14. Join because we’re a rock<br />

solid brand. Stay because you’re part of the<br />

foundation. Job requirements and duties:<br />

You must be at least 18 years of age and have<br />

a valid driver’s license with a safe driving<br />

record, Minimum of 2 years good driving<br />

experience, Must pass background check<br />

and drug screen, Access to an insured vehicle<br />

which can be used for delivery, Deliver pizzas<br />

within a designated delivery area. A Team<br />

Member may make several deliveries per<br />

shift. Apply today at https://jobs.dominos.<br />

com/dominos-careers/.<br />

Plumbers or Apprentices for repair.<br />

Bilingual preferred.<br />

Please call 281-256-2239.<br />

Housekeepers needed. Great hours for moms<br />

with school age children. 281-861-0394.<br />

Dental assistant position available. F/T, nonsmoker,<br />

experienced preferred, knowledge of<br />

Dentrix software and bilingual a plus. Must<br />

be state licensed; Front desk receptionist,<br />

bilingual preferred. Fax resume to:<br />

281-861-7174. Or call 281-861-7500.<br />

Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or<br />

helper/apprentice. Have experience, references<br />

& contact info. ready, beginners last<br />

employment info. Send resume to<br />

randy@westhoustonelectric.com.<br />


2 - one/half acre connecting lots (total one<br />

acre) on Grand Harbour Island on Lake Conroe<br />

in Montgomery, Texas. Excellent location<br />

on water. Will sell together or separate.<br />

$150,000 each OBO. 281-858-4422.<br />

26 Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>


Furnished ocean view vacation rental available in San Diego California.<br />

Looking for a vacation spot in San Diego? Look no further. This one or two<br />

bedroom, two bath, fully furnish unit is a 3 minute walk to the sand in<br />

beautiful Pacific Beach. Here are some other highlights: 1,113 sq.ft., 1 or 2<br />

bedroom, 2 bath, Ocean views, High speed internet, Fully furnished with full<br />

kitchen, Heated pool and hot tub and did I mention that it’s a 3-minute walk<br />

to the beach? Contact Art Bennett for more details: Art.Bennett@sbcglobal.<br />

net, 713-247-9507.<br />

Galveston Seawall Condo, beautiful ocean view, full kitchen, sleeps 4-6, $550/<br />

weekend, Nottingham family owned. Completely renovated, NOT in rental<br />

pool. No pets. So close and so much fun, Galveston! Stacie 713-302-5222.<br />

Vacation home for rent in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath,<br />

beach, pool, tennis, golf, Mayan Ruins. For more info Google VRBO 136406<br />

or call, 281-236-2107 or 713-896-1234.<br />

Timeshare: Rent a lovely condo for a full week in Hawaii! I have one week<br />

reserved in Maui, resort name is Kauhale Makai. Sleeps 4, one bedroom, fully<br />

stocked kitchen. The resort charges $200 per day if not with timeshare. What<br />

else needs to be said... It’s Hawaii! $795 per week. For information contact<br />

Cheryl at 281-855-7427.<br />

Las Vegas Timeshare: On the Strip near the airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen,<br />

dining & living. Jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s, 2 Phones, 2 pools outside building,<br />

fitness room, washer/dryer/safe in room, 4 days, $465 or 7 days, $595. No<br />

added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409.<br />

Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new<br />

2/2 with loft, fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful views,<br />

abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call<br />

866-7CON-CAN or go to www.frioman.com for more information.<br />

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Enjoy reading yournewsletter?<br />

Looking for a local<br />

business or service?<br />

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www.krenekprinting.com<br />

281-463-8649<br />


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It is because of their support that you receive this<br />

paper at no charge to you or your HOA.<br />

Share your community news with us.<br />

Non-profit, scouts, school, dated events, etc.<br />

send to news@krenekprinting.com<br />


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Araoz Painting &<br />

Remodeling<br />

Painting Exterior & Interior<br />

Sheet Rock Repairs • Carpentry & Siding<br />

Fences • Decks & Patios • Roofing<br />

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Enrique Araoz<br />

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Lakes of <strong>Eldridge</strong> | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong>7<br />

281-733-3830<br />

enriquearaoz44@gmail.com<br />

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for your mobile device, making it even easier<br />

to find the things you need on the go!<br />

MORE:<br />

Find information about advertising<br />

opportunities, article submissions, our company,<br />

frequently asked questions, and submit<br />

your classified ads online.<br />


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