Each year thousands of people make the pilgrimage to Antiques Week in New Hampshire. For many, it’s like a home away from home—the collective shows are a huge house, with diverse dealers occupying different rooms—each inviting you in to explore, learn and take away a little bit (or a lot) of their home to yours. “Home Away From Home” is a collection of Folk Art & Americana assembled for exhibition and sale at Antiques In Manchester: The Collector's Fair, August 9-10, 2017. Additional information: stevenspowers.com

Each year thousands of people make the pilgrimage to Antiques Week in New Hampshire. For many, it’s like a home away from home—the collective shows are a huge house, with diverse dealers occupying different rooms—each inviting you in to explore, learn and take away a little bit (or a lot) of their home to yours.

“Home Away From Home” is a collection of Folk Art & Americana assembled for exhibition and sale at Antiques In Manchester: The Collector's Fair, August 9-10, 2017. Additional information: stevenspowers.com


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Stoneware Bust of an African American Man<br />

Chicago, IL<br />

Circa: 1885-1890<br />

Size: 5 3/4" H<br />

African-American bust marked, "WM. M. DEE ESQ. 164 E. Adams St.<br />

Chicago, IL." William M. Dee was a manufacturer in sewer pipe and fire<br />

brick who’s offices were at the above address from 1885-1890.<br />

The whole in a brown glaze with kaolin details and stamped several times<br />

on the front and back.<br />

Provenance: Michael and Julie Hall Collection of American Folk and Isolate<br />

Art; Peter Brams Collection.<br />

Illustrated and discussed: American Primitive, 1988, p. 85.

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