OutReach LGBT Community Center Annual Report 2016
OutReach LGBT Community Center and its Executive Director have released the Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2016. The Report highlights all of the progress that the Center has made with the help of countless volunteers and supporters over the last year.
OutReach LGBT Community Center and its Executive Director have released the Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2016. The Report highlights all of the progress that the Center has made with the help of countless volunteers and supporters over the last year.
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<strong>OutReach</strong> mission statement:<br />
To promote equality and quality of life for <strong>LGBT</strong> people through community<br />
building and human services.<br />
<strong>OutReach</strong> <strong>LGBT</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Center</strong> had a great year in <strong>2016</strong>! We saw continued growth in<br />
attendance at our social, support, and outreach groups and events, we maintained our trend<br />
of financial security, and, perhaps most importantly, we moved from our longtime home on<br />
Williamson Street to our new location at 2701 International Lane. We are excited to use this<br />
new space to continue expanding and improving the services we provide for south central<br />
Wisconsin’s <strong>LGBT</strong> community.<br />
In <strong>2016</strong>, we have continued educating the public about the needs of <strong>LGBT</strong> communities.<br />
One avenue of education are our Speakers Bureau Events; in <strong>2016</strong> we provided speakers for<br />
more Speakers Bureau events than in 2015. Transgender health was a key education area for<br />
<strong>OutReach</strong> in <strong>2016</strong>. Darla Lannert, <strong>OutReach</strong>’s Transgender Health Consultant, performed a<br />
variety of trainings and education sessions about transgender issues at local businesses and<br />
other organizations. These trainings have been in high demand, so we were excited to win<br />
an additional $10,000 grant in December from the University of Wisconsin Morgridge<br />
<strong>Center</strong> Philanthropy Lab, in addition to existing state funding, to allow us to continue and<br />
expand on this important work in 2017.<br />
This past year has also allowed us to continue and grow on existing strengths. <strong>OutReach</strong>’s<br />
<strong>2016</strong> Pride Parade saw the largest attendance yet, as thousands of people attended the<br />
parade in downtown Madison. We also saw increases in the number of social and support<br />
group meetings held in our space and in the number of volunteer hours. We are grateful to<br />
all our volunteers for their dedication, and we are proud to be able to provide a home for<br />
all the different groups that use our space. We hope to continue these trends in 2017.<br />
Steve Starkey<br />
Executive Director, <strong>OutReach</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Center</strong><br />
<strong>2016</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> ! !2