Decorating Matters Winter 2017

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WINTER <strong>2017</strong><br />


ISSN 1757-4846<br />

www.scottishdecorators.co.uk<br />

● ● ●<br />






(PAGE 20-21)<br />

● ● ●<br />


CROWN<br />






(PAGE 6)<br />

● ● ●<br />



(PAGE 18)<br />




JONMAT<br />

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ISSN 1757-4846<br />

Jonmat Advert_222x161mm_V1.indd 1 18/01/<strong>2017</strong> 17:13<br />

<strong>Decorating</strong><strong>Matters</strong><br />

www.scottishdecorators.co.uk<br />

WINTER <strong>2017</strong><br />


WINTER <strong>2017</strong><br />

www.scottishdecorators.co.uk<br />


Contents<br />

● ● ●<br />






(PAGE 20-21)<br />

● ● ●<br />


CROWN<br />






(PAGE 6)<br />

● ● ●<br />



(PAGE 18)<br />




JONMAT<br />

WE LISTENED...<br />

to your needs for the job<br />


a product based on what you need<br />

YOU TESTED...<br />

our new product, as the professionals<br />


our best ever Jonmat formulation<br />

www.johnstonestrade.com<br />


Published by:<br />

Excel Media Solutions Ltd<br />

6th Floor, Manchester One,<br />

53 Portland Street<br />

Manchester M1 3LD<br />

T: 0161 236 2782<br />

On behalf of:<br />

Scottish Decorators’ Federation<br />

Castlecraig Business Park<br />

Players Road<br />

Stirling FK7 7SH<br />

Editor:<br />

Ian Rogers<br />

● ● ●<br />


(pages 20-21)<br />

4-23 NEWS<br />

A round up of the latest products and industry news<br />

Sales:<br />

Paula McIntosh<br />

0161 236 2782<br />

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure<br />

the accuracy of articles, advertisements and other<br />

features of this magazine, neither the publishers<br />

nor the Scottish Decorators’ Federation can<br />

accept responsibility for any omissions or<br />

incorrect insertions.<br />

The views of the contributors are not necessarily<br />

those of the publishers, advertisers or the<br />

Scottish Decorators’ Federation.<br />

No part of this magazine may be reproduced<br />

in any form whatsoever without the written<br />

permission of the copyright holder and<br />

publisher, application for which should be<br />

made to the publisher.<br />

14<br />

16<br />

24-27<br />


Help is at hand All Weather Masonry Paint from Sandtex which is specially<br />

formulated for early and late seasonal work.<br />




A look at some of the products out there designed to make life a little easier.<br />

36<br />


Popular tourist attraction Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway has had a first class<br />

refurbishment.<br />

<strong>Decorating</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> is the official magazine<br />

of the Scottish Decorators’ Federation.<br />

34<br />

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●●● NEWS ROUND UP<br />


WELL THE New Year has<br />

started with a real bang for the<br />

Federation.<br />

The Scottish Qualification<br />

Authority has decreed that there<br />

should be no Skills Test within the<br />

reaccredited qualification.<br />

Without doubt, CITB have been<br />

somewhat caught out regarding<br />

this and have been slow in<br />

getting behind the industry<br />

regarding the retention of the<br />

Skills Test.<br />

We have had several meetings<br />

with all parties on how we should<br />

retain the test, which, to date,<br />

have fallen on deaf ears.<br />

Members will be aware of<br />

the request by the Federation in<br />

asking you to write to CITB for its<br />

retention, together with a survey<br />

monkey and other request from<br />

SPADAC.<br />

The removal of the test could<br />

mean an apprentice may receive<br />

his SVQ 3 within 2 years if they<br />

successfully pass all their units.<br />

This may lead to problems with<br />

providers using the qualification<br />

for profit purposes and therefore<br />

bring the qualification into<br />

disrepute by the industry.<br />

There are a number of<br />

meetings scheduled to see if we<br />

can overcome the current impasse<br />

and we will keep readers advised.<br />

However, in the meantime<br />

I would encourage you to<br />

write to the Chief Executive<br />

of CITB at the address below<br />

and send a copy to the<br />

Federation. You may also<br />

want to write to your local<br />

MSP demanding the Skills<br />

Test be retained.<br />

CITB<br />

Chief Executive’s Office<br />

12 Carthusian Street<br />

London<br />

EC1M 6EZ<br />



NOVUS PROPERTY Solutions has<br />

helped to give young people and<br />

adults access to the outdoors by<br />

creating a new eco-building at the<br />

Mount Cook Adventure Centre based<br />

in Derbyshire.<br />

After 10 months of building works,<br />

the new building on Porter Lane in<br />

Middleton-by-Wirksworth is nearing<br />

completion, and will accommodate<br />

130 guests. It also has wheel-chair<br />

access, an indoor climbing wall,<br />

indoor and outdoor workshop spaces,<br />

conference rooms, full catering<br />

facilities, an onsite high-ropes course,<br />

and a 10-metre-high rooftop terrace.<br />

A team from Novus braved high<br />

winds and snow to complete the new<br />

building, which sits in an exposed<br />

area on the outskirts of the Peak<br />

District, and has been constructed<br />

using locally sourced Derbyshire<br />

stone to ensure it blends into its<br />

surroundings.<br />

Renewable energy sources have<br />

been integrated into the plans<br />

for the £2.5 million building, and<br />

photovoltaic panels are in place to<br />

heat water, while greywater recycling<br />

and wind-generated power are to be<br />

added at a later date.<br />

Set in five acres of ground, the<br />

centre is a short distance from<br />

Black Rocks climbing area, the High<br />

Peak Trail, Carsington Reservoir<br />

and UNESCO World Heritage Sites<br />

Cromford Mill and Derwent Valley<br />

Mills. The centre seeks to make use<br />

of local facilities to offer guests a<br />

range of adventurous activities and<br />

educational workshops based on<br />

the rich mining history and geology<br />

located in the area.<br />

Adam Williams, construction<br />

manager at Novus Property Solutions,<br />

said: “We are extremely proud to<br />

have created a building that will be so<br />

important to young people and adults<br />

in helping them access the beautiful<br />

Peak District countryside.<br />

“The new building exemplifies<br />

our commitment to creating<br />

environmentally friendly structures<br />

that are in keeping with their<br />

surroundings, and the building also<br />

offers wheelchair accessible rooms.”<br />

Colin Adams, joint founder and<br />

director of Mount Cook Adventure<br />

Centre, said: “We are committed<br />

to providing access to the outdoors<br />

to as many groups as possible, and<br />

we welcome people of all ages and<br />

abilities to our centre.<br />

“We’re due to host a birthday party<br />

this summer and a wedding in the<br />

autumn, and we can’t wait to cater<br />

for more events in the future. The<br />

centre itself has made great progress<br />

in such a short space of time, and<br />

we look forward to our first guests<br />

arriving in the summer.”<br />

To watch a short time lapse<br />

video of Mount Cook taking shape,<br />

visit: https://www.youtube.com/<br />

watch?v=mmc-Plih1Rc<br />

For more information<br />

about Novus Property<br />

Solutions please visit<br />

www.novussolutions.co.uk<br />


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●●● NEWS ROUND UP<br />



A NATIONAL competition for<br />

painters and decorators starting<br />

out in the trade has been hailed as<br />

crucial to the future of the industry.<br />

The Crown Trade Apprentice<br />

Decorator of the Year contest<br />

reached its climax with a hotlycontested<br />

final at The Skills Show<br />

held at the NEC in Birmingham.<br />

Seven apprentices came through<br />

regional heats across the UK to<br />

reach the final.<br />

Ayla Foulis, from Dunfermline,<br />

emerged as the overall winner –<br />

landing the £1,000 top prize. She<br />

may also be chosen to compete at<br />

the prestigious Worldskills 2019, to<br />

be held in Kazan, Russia.<br />

The Worldskills competition brings<br />

together the best of the best from<br />

around the world to represent their<br />

country, in their industry. Crown<br />

Paints has been confirmed as<br />

Lead Competition Supplier for the<br />

upcoming competition.<br />

Stefan Hubble, from Mansfield<br />

in Nottinghamshire, won £500 for<br />

finishing runner-up for the second<br />

year in a row with third-placed<br />

Ryan Chamberlain, from Durham,<br />

claiming £250.<br />

Ayla, aged 24, who works at AG<br />

Decorators in Cowdenbeath and<br />

studies at Fife College, says winning<br />

the contest is the perfect start to her<br />

career.<br />

She said: “The Crown Trade<br />

Apprentice Decorator of the Year<br />

competition is a real showcase for<br />

the industry, so to win the title is a<br />

huge feather in my cap.<br />

“The final was very intense, so<br />

to win it is a fantastic boost to my<br />

confidence and something that will<br />

stand me in good stead throughout<br />

my career.”<br />

Each competitor in the final<br />

was challenged to complete three<br />

complex tasks over 19 hours,<br />

which were designed to test the<br />

quality of their technique and time<br />

management, using Crown Trade’s<br />

Clean Extreme and Fastflow Gloss<br />

products.<br />

Ayla added: “It was difficult as<br />

we had to work to very detailed skill<br />

drawings and, because that’s where<br />

most of the marks are, it had to be<br />

perfect.<br />

“I was nervous as there was a big<br />

crowd and, though it went well, I<br />

couldn’t believe it when I found out<br />

I’d won.”<br />

Kevin O’Donnell, Competition<br />

Manager at Crown Paints and<br />

Crown Trade Apprentice Decorator<br />

of the Year coach, said: “This<br />

year’s final posed a true test of<br />

skills, attention to detail, time<br />

management and ability to work<br />

under pressure.<br />

“It was a complex project which<br />

required a great deal of skill and the<br />

standard on show was unbelievable,<br />

but Ayla’s ability shone through in the<br />

end and she was a worthy winner.”<br />

The Crown Trade Apprentice<br />

Decorator of the Year is seen as a<br />

crucial contest to win in the sector as<br />

it is the only competition associated<br />

with a national body, the Construction<br />

Industry Training Board (CITB).<br />

Debbie Orr, Marketing Manager at<br />

Crown Paints, said: “As a business,<br />

we do all we can to develop and<br />

encourage the next generation of<br />

industry professionals.<br />

“We have organised and invested<br />

in this contest for 37 years. It’s an<br />

example of the proactive approach<br />

we take to encourage the next<br />

generation of professionals to<br />

reach the highest professional<br />

standards and its continuing success<br />

demonstrates its value.<br />

“The cream of UK industry was<br />

at The Skills Show and the painting<br />

and decorating industry was able<br />

to demonstrate the opportunities it<br />

offers.<br />

“The competition provides a<br />

great chance for those taking part<br />

to show their tutors and employers,<br />

along with a panel of expert judges,<br />

just how well they’ve mastered the<br />

skills and techniques required.<br />

“Every competitor in the final<br />

showed just how well they’ve<br />

mastered the skills and techniques<br />

required and illustrated that the<br />

painting and decorating industry has<br />

a very bright future.”<br />

Former Crown Trade Apprentice<br />

Decorator of the Year winner, Sandie<br />

Webster believes the annual event is<br />

vital in helping to develop the next<br />

generation of professionals.<br />

The 33-year-old set up her<br />

own business after winning the<br />

competition in 2013 and says the<br />

success proved to be a huge source<br />

of inspiration.<br />

She was invited along by<br />

Crown Paints to the 2016 final to<br />

do a demonstration with visitors<br />

attending the event who are looking<br />

for career inspiration.<br />

Sandie, now running a successful<br />

business in Gainsborough,<br />

Lincolnshire, showed the application<br />

of various trends – from Crown<br />

Paints Colour Influences forthcoming<br />

<strong>2017</strong> programme.<br />

Sandie said: “The Crown Trade<br />

Apprentice Decorator of the Year<br />

shines the spotlight on those joining<br />

the trade and helps them to develop<br />

their skills.<br />

“Simply taking part gave me a<br />

lot of confidence and turned out<br />

to have a massive influence on my<br />

career because it inspired me to set<br />

up on my own.<br />

“It’s crucially important to<br />

encourage emerging talent,<br />

particularly when there’s a shortage<br />

of skilled professionals within<br />

the industry and that’s what the<br />

competition is all about.”<br />

A video from the event can be<br />

viewed at<br />

https://youtu.be/kZ1iDFPYr1M<br />




maintenance specialist, Novus<br />

Property Solutions, has delivered<br />

a hard-hitting health and safety<br />

roadshow to more than 1,000<br />

members of staff.<br />

Over the course of two days in<br />

January, the directors, regional<br />

managers and Health and<br />

Safety department delivered the<br />

roadshow which focussed on<br />

“Working at Height” – something<br />

that poses a very real risk to its<br />

site operatives day-to-day. Held<br />

at eight separate locations across<br />

the country, the roadshow was<br />

open to all Novus’ operational<br />

teams, strategic subcontractors,<br />

and self-employed operatives.<br />

Teaming up with Paul<br />

Blanchard, a tradesman who<br />

tragically fell from a roof in July<br />

2010 and is now paralysed from<br />

the chest down, the roadshow<br />

was designed to be hard-hitting<br />

to highlight the dangers of<br />

working at height. Paul spoke<br />

candidly about his serious injuries<br />

and the effect of the accident<br />

on himself and his family, giving<br />

attendees at each event plenty to<br />

consider.<br />

Alan Nixon, director at Novus<br />

Property Solutions, commented:<br />

“We carry out over four million<br />

hours of activity on site each year<br />

and to some extent accidents<br />

are inevitable, but at Novus<br />

we make great efforts to give<br />

our employees the training,<br />

support, and control measures<br />

needed to eliminate risk in<br />

the workplace. This campaign<br />

hammers home the importance of<br />

each and every one of us taking<br />

personal responsibility for safety<br />

excellence.”<br />

File: 223163-1-17 DM Crown Macpherson<br />

Ad size: A4 1/2L (185mm wide x 130mm high)<br />

The roadshow is just one of<br />

a number of health and safety<br />

initiatives being rolled out during<br />

<strong>2017</strong> as part of Novus’ ongoing<br />

Target Zero Initiative, which<br />

encourages site staff to report any<br />

health and safety issues they see<br />

immediately, and demonstrates<br />

the emphasis it continues to put<br />

on health and safety.<br />

For more information<br />

about Novus Property<br />

Solutions please visit<br />

www.novussolutions.co.uk<br />



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223163-1-17 DM Crown Macpherson.indd 1 DECORATING 11/01/<strong>2017</strong> MATTERS 16:38<br />


●●● NEWS ROUND UP<br />



CROWN PAINTS’ commitment<br />

to ensuring customers receive a<br />

personal service has paid off after<br />

the paint manufacturer secured a<br />

major industry title.<br />

The company scooped the<br />

Customer Services Award at the<br />

British Coatings Federation’s<br />

annual awards ceremony.<br />

The award marks the success<br />

of Crown Paints’ Customer<br />

Relations Management (CRM)<br />

Centre of Excellence, manned by<br />

a team dedicated to the highest<br />

standards and personal touch<br />

Crown Paints is renowned for.<br />

Led by Crown Paints’ Customer<br />

Service Director, Geraldine Huxley,<br />

the department centralises<br />

all customer contact with the<br />

company.<br />

It is staffed by dedicated<br />

agents, who manage customer<br />

services across Crown’s trade,<br />

retail and international clients.<br />

From homeowners, professional<br />

decorators, DIY retail superstores,<br />

independent decorating<br />

merchants, large national<br />

contractors and its own network<br />

of Crown <strong>Decorating</strong> Centre<br />

stores across the UK, all enquires<br />

flow into the team at this<br />

centralised hub, which is based at<br />

Crown’s headquarters in Darwen,<br />

Lancashire.<br />

Geraldine said: “The CRM<br />

Centre of Excellence has<br />

developed following a business<br />

decision taken more than five<br />

years ago to amalgamate all<br />

service touchpoints.<br />

“It represents a new era in<br />

customer service excellence and<br />

as a team we are delighted our<br />

work has been recognised with<br />

this award.<br />

“We’ve created a new<br />

generation of customer agents<br />

who are providing a focal point for<br />

capturing all our customers’ needs,<br />

providing them with an easily<br />

accessible ‘one stop shop’ service<br />

experience – and developing the<br />

skills and expertise to take Crown<br />

into new areas of business growth<br />

and success.<br />

“It’s a huge honour to be<br />

seen as the industry leaders in<br />

this field and we are absolutely<br />

delighted.”<br />

The British Coatings Federation<br />

awards, which took place in<br />

Manchester, saw nearly 140<br />

guests gather to celebrate<br />

success in the coatings industry,<br />

with 31 shortlisted entries from<br />

25 different manufacturers.<br />

Tom Bowtell, CEO of the British<br />

Coatings Federation (BCF) said:<br />

Crown Paints have raised the<br />

voice of the customer across<br />

the whole business and in to<br />

the board room, creating real<br />

business benefits, including an<br />

improved bottom line.”<br />



NOVUS PROPERTY Solutions has<br />

successfully delivered a range of<br />

internal alterations at Castlepark<br />

Primary School during the<br />

summer holidays.<br />

The works began in the final<br />

two weeks of the summer term,<br />

with operatives from Novus hard<br />

carrying out extensive upgrades<br />

including the creation of a new<br />

staff resource base, a new library<br />

and two new classrooms at the<br />

Irvine school.<br />

North Ayrshire Council<br />

has utilised Novus’ services<br />

in the past and the firm’s<br />

long experience of delivering<br />

refurbishments in the live<br />

environment helped to inform the<br />

plans for the school.<br />

Before the students left for<br />

their summer holidays, work<br />

began on new partitions, internal<br />

doors and screens, as well<br />

as mechanical and electrical<br />

alterations, and the project<br />

team from Novus delivered a<br />

short health and safety talk to<br />

ensure everyone using the school<br />

building could do so safely.<br />

Novus has previously delivered<br />

similar alterations at St Andrews<br />

University, Glasgow Caledonia<br />

University and George Watson’s<br />

College, and the team is on<br />

schedule to complete the £80,000<br />

programme of works in time for<br />

staff and pupils of Castlepark<br />

returning in mid-August.<br />

Derek Ferguson, operations<br />

manager at Novus Property<br />

Solutions, said: “Integral<br />

members of the Novus team<br />

for this contract attended<br />

Castlepark in June to talk to the<br />

staff and pupils.<br />

“Quantity surveyor Chris<br />

Meechan, social and community<br />

officer Derek Smith and I<br />

delivered a short talk to pupils on<br />

the dos and don’ts to watch out<br />

for when a construction site is<br />

nearby, and we are delighted to<br />

say that the initial phase of work<br />

passed without incident.”<br />

For more information<br />

about Novus Property<br />

Solutions please visit<br />

www.novussolutions.co.uk<br />



TODAY, HEALTH and safety issues<br />

are becoming increasingly important<br />

and sanding tools and abrasives<br />

are made more and more efficient,<br />

with focus on dust-free applications.<br />

This development places higher<br />

requirements on the dust extractors.<br />

To meet these demands, Mirka<br />

are introducing three new high<br />

performance dust extractors to<br />

address the latest health and safety<br />

demands for L (low) and M (Medium)<br />

class models.<br />

manager – Industrial of Mirka<br />

UK, says, “We are aware of the<br />

health issues associated with dust<br />

produced from a variety of sanding<br />

applications and we believe it is<br />

important that we offer users the<br />

right tool for the job. In addition, our<br />

continued commitment to invest<br />

in our products is to ensure that<br />

they not only meet the standards<br />

expected by users but also assist<br />

in safeguarding their health and<br />

providing a dust-free environment<br />

to work in. When purchasing a dust<br />

extractor, we always recommend<br />

a full risk assessment is carried<br />

out by an independent third party<br />

professional or specialist to ensure<br />

any dust extractor is fit for the<br />

purpose intended by the customer<br />

before they buy.”<br />

For further details visit<br />

www.mirka.co.uk<br />

Mirka ® Dust Extractor 1230 L PC<br />

(Push & Clean) 230v<br />

Mirka ® Dust Extractor 1230 M<br />

AFC (AutoFilterCleaning) 230v<br />

Mirka ® Dust Extractor 1230 M PC<br />

(Push & Clean) 110v<br />

The dust extractors have been<br />

designed to handle multiple sanding<br />

applications and surface sizes with<br />

ease. The new range comes with a<br />

30-litre container, easily accessible<br />

flat filter, a high performance 1200W<br />

motor and one-stage turbine that<br />

creates 250mbar of suction with an<br />

airflow of 4500l/min as standard<br />

to assist in the efficient removal<br />

of particles from the area being<br />

worked on.<br />

The extractors’ innovative features<br />

include an auto start function, which<br />

ensures they only run when the tool<br />

is in use, increasing the lifespan<br />

of the product and reducing the<br />

amount of noise produced. For extra<br />

space in the work area, the flat top<br />

of the extractor can be turned into<br />

additional storage with the ability to<br />

fasten the Mirka cases to the top of<br />

the machine, providing a complete<br />

sanding solution.<br />

The L class 230v & M class 110v<br />

models come with a push and clean<br />

filter cleaning system that is easy to<br />

use and provides a simple process<br />

to maintain a clear filter. The M<br />

class 230v extractor is fitted with<br />

an automatic filter cleaning system,<br />

which cleans the filter every 15<br />

seconds for increased performance<br />

as standard. It also has an airflow<br />

sensor that indicates when the<br />

suction is below optimal levels<br />

(below 20m/s) and excess dust might<br />

be in the air.<br />

Pete Sartain, national sales<br />

223370-1-17 DM Trimaco (Masking film).indd 1 DECORATING 24/01/<strong>2017</strong> MATTERS 14:429

●●● NEWS ROUND UP<br />




manufacturer, PPG Architectural<br />

Coatings EMEA UK and<br />

Ireland, has hosted the final<br />

of the eighth annual PPG<br />

Golf Masters tournament in<br />

Valderrama, Spain. The event<br />

saw professional decorators<br />

from across the UK and Ireland<br />

battle it out for the title on one<br />

of Europe’s best courses.<br />

Competitors were selected<br />

from 12 regional heats held this<br />

summer, which attracted more<br />

than 750 entrants. Regional<br />

winners joined 2015’s defending<br />

champion at the final, which took<br />

place over three days of play at<br />

Valle Romano, Finca Cortesin and,<br />

finally, Valderrama itself.<br />

The finalists enjoyed<br />


an all-expenses paid trip<br />

which, in addition to three<br />

Greener business<br />

should not cost the earth<br />

Improve the environmental<br />

impact of your business, increase<br />

your green credentials and gain<br />

that commercial edge<br />

Find out more at:<br />

www.greenerbusiness.co.uk<br />

days of golf, included five<br />

star accommodation at the<br />

Kempinski resort, first class<br />

hospitality, goodie bag and a<br />

golf shirt.<br />

A Ryder Cup-style<br />

competition, with Teams USA<br />

and Europe competing, saw<br />

Team Europe taking victory by<br />

three points after leading over<br />

all three days – despite a strong<br />

second day from Team USA.<br />

An outstanding performance<br />

by Craig Cruickshank of Mackay<br />

Decorators proved too strong<br />

for the rest of the field and<br />

saw him finish as the individual<br />

champion. Craig finished with<br />

a score of 36 points, one of<br />

the best the PPG Masters has<br />

ever seen. His triumph sees him<br />

invited back to defend his title<br />

at the <strong>2017</strong> PPG Golf Masters<br />

tournament.<br />

Commenting on his win, Craig<br />

said: “To play at Valderrama<br />

was a great experience, to win<br />

and be invited back to next<br />

year’s final to defend my title<br />

makes it all the better.<br />

PPG has looked after us really<br />

well, we’ve all had a taste of<br />

the professional golfer lifestyle.<br />

I would definitely encourage<br />

all decorators to enter for next<br />

year’s competition; you could<br />

take the title from me!”<br />

Sarah Clough, loyalty and<br />

events manager at PPG,<br />

commented: “The PPG Golf<br />

Masters tournament, now in<br />

its eighth year, has continually<br />

grown and we expect even<br />

more entrants next year.<br />

Our customers deserve to be<br />

thanked and this is a great way<br />

for us to reward their loyalty.<br />

For <strong>2017</strong> we are having a<br />

change of venue for the final<br />

and taking it to Monte Rei,<br />

Portugal – so our returning<br />

champion Craig will have a new<br />

challenge to overcome.”<br />

Another five star resort,<br />

the Conrad Algarve, has been<br />

lined up to host next year’s<br />

competitors. The same first class<br />

hospitality, which has become<br />

the trademark of the PPG Golf<br />

Masters, is guaranteed along<br />

with golf at three leading<br />

courses – Qunita North, Qunita<br />

Laranjal and the grand final at<br />

Monte Rei.<br />

The competition is free to<br />

enter for all PPG account<br />

customers and registration<br />

for the <strong>2017</strong> competition<br />

opens in January. Until<br />

then, you can see some<br />

of the best moments from<br />

the 2016 competition at<br />

www.ppggolfmasters.co.uk.<br />

reenerBus_QR 130x88.indd 4 22/3/11 11:38:44


MIRKA IS launching a new hand<br />

block designed for 150mm discs.<br />

The Mirka Roundy is ergonomically<br />

designed to fit into the palm of the<br />

hand and is suitable for multiple<br />

operations from paint stripping to<br />

lacquer & paint sanding.<br />

The Roundy features 34 dust<br />

extraction holes making it a versatile<br />

and practical hand block for use<br />

with both Abranet ® abrasives and<br />

15-hole 150mm discs, that can wrap<br />

around its sides to assist the user in<br />

reaching corners and other hard to<br />

reach areas that require sanding.<br />

In addition, when using net<br />

products and a dust extractor<br />

system, it provides a dust-free<br />

work environment that protects<br />

the health of workers and reduces<br />

the time spent clearing up after a<br />

job. Its low profile provides good<br />

control over the sanding process<br />

and its ergonomic design, built<br />

around the shape of the fingers,<br />

allows the user to work with the<br />

hand block for long periods of time<br />

without feeling the strain on the<br />

hand, wrist, elbow or shoulder.<br />

A Roundy kit is also available<br />

and includes the Roundy sanding<br />

block, a four-metre hose and a<br />

variety of the patented Abranet<br />

150mm discs.<br />

Pete Sartain, national sales<br />

manager – Industrial of Mirka UK,<br />

says, “The addition of the Roundy<br />

to our range of hand sanding<br />

blocks highlights our continued<br />

commitment to invest in innovative<br />

products anticipating what our<br />

customers are looking for to make<br />

their jobs easier and more efficient.<br />

This product allows the same<br />

Abranet 150mm discs to be used<br />

for both hand and machine sanding,<br />

providing the high-quality finish that<br />

has become the hallmark of Mirka’s<br />

tools and abrasives.”<br />

For further details visit<br />

www.mirka.co.uk<br />



Dressing in ‘Layers’ is a top priority for<br />

keeping you comfortable on site.<br />

Snickers Workwear is<br />

pioneering the design and<br />

development of amazing ‘First<br />

Layer’ underwear that will keep<br />

your body dry and comfortable<br />

throughout your working day.<br />

There’s long and short sleeve<br />

T-shirts, Long Johns, Stretch<br />

Shorts, Micro Fleece Pullovers<br />

and Socks. All the garments work<br />

with highly effective fabrics that<br />

transport moisture and sweat<br />

away from your body to keep you<br />

warm and dry all day long.<br />

The ‘First Layer’ garments with<br />

the 37.5 Technology fabric dry out<br />

five times faster than any other<br />

to deliver fresh working comfort.<br />

The Merino Wool underwear is<br />

extremely lightweight and soft<br />

for natural warmth and comfort<br />

in really cold conditions. While<br />

the XTR garments are bodyengineered<br />

for an effective<br />

combination of ventilation,<br />

insulation and protection.<br />

Whatever product you choose<br />

for your workday, you can be<br />

sure it’s superbly designed with<br />

advanced functionality and<br />

amazing body fit that comes from<br />

superior designs and the very best<br />

in fabric technology.<br />

For more information on<br />

Snickers <strong>Winter</strong> Workwear,<br />

visit the website at<br />

www.snickersworkwear.com or<br />

call the Snickers Helpline on<br />

01484 854788.<br />


●●● NEWS ROUND UP<br />


SADOLIN’S HIGH performance<br />

PV67 Heavy Duty Varnish gives<br />

decorators looking to make a start<br />

on woodcare projects indoors the<br />

best possible finish.<br />

Renowned for its ease of<br />

application and beautiful looks,<br />

Sadolin PV67 has a fast-drying<br />

formula which enables up to three<br />

coats to be applied in one day.<br />

Available in a choice of gloss or<br />

satin finish, it provides the ideal<br />

finish for busy areas where first<br />

impressions count.<br />

Sharon Smith, Sadolin Brand<br />

Manager, said: “Sadolin PV67 is<br />

an exceptional product, which<br />

offers the best protection for busy<br />

commercial and domestic areas<br />

and is often used on floors in sports<br />

halls and heavy duty wooden work<br />

surfaces, such as bars.<br />

“It comes as a two-pack system<br />

and has a scratch and slip resistant<br />

finish which provides a balance<br />

between outstanding aesthetics<br />

and safety performance.”<br />

Decorators looking to find<br />

out more can view a short video<br />

setting out the versatility and<br />

durability of Sadolin PV67, which is<br />

available to view at http://youtu.be/<br />

CBMk7TVpLPQ<br />

There’s also a wealth of<br />

information in Sadolin’s Product<br />

and Colour Guide, which includes<br />

an ‘Interior Timbers And Flooring’<br />

section. This refers to PV67 along<br />

with other products for indoor<br />

environments, including Sadolin<br />

Polyurethane Extra Durable Varnish<br />

and Sadolin Floor Oil.<br />

It also contains details of<br />

more recently-launched products<br />

including Sadolin Woodfiller and<br />

Sadolin Non-Drip Woodstain, along<br />

with information on a host of other<br />

top-quality solutions.<br />

The guide also provides quick<br />

links to the series of individual<br />

product videos, which have also<br />

been introduced by Sadolin to help<br />

specifiers build a complete picture<br />

of its superior range.<br />

Each film introduces a product,<br />

explains where it can be used,<br />

highlights key features and benefits<br />

and reveals the superb finishes it<br />

can achieve.<br />

In addition to being accessed<br />

through the guide, the videos –<br />

which are each around a minute<br />

long - can also be reached via<br />

the Sadolin Woodcare YouTube<br />

channel, and they are also sited on<br />

each relevant product page of the<br />

Sadolin website.<br />

Sharon added: “Our printed,<br />

online and video content is being<br />

developed to bring our products<br />

to life and help educate anyone<br />

unsure about which one to use for<br />

their particular project.<br />

“We pride ourselves on creating<br />

the very best in wood protection<br />

products, drawing on more than<br />

200 years of innovation to offer<br />

customers the widest range of<br />

commercial and trade solutions.<br />

“The mix of print and digital<br />

content is designed to help<br />

enhance the selection process and<br />

ensure decorators can select the<br />

right products for the right projects.<br />

More information on Sadolin<br />

superior wood protection is<br />

available from the Customer<br />

Relations Team on 0330<br />

0240 298, the website<br />

www.sadolin.co.uk and email<br />

info@sadolin.co.uk<br />




<strong>Decorating</strong> Centres across the UK<br />

are preparing to say a big thank<br />

you to the communities which<br />

helped them scoop top awards in<br />

a national campaign.<br />

The annual Kick Out The Can<br />

paint recycling scheme saw one<br />

Crown <strong>Decorating</strong> Centre from each<br />

of seven regions top the polls for<br />

collecting the most containers of<br />

surplus paint for recycling.<br />

And now each store is preparing<br />

to choose a charity group from<br />

its local community to win a free<br />

makeover, as a thank you for helping<br />

them achieve record results.<br />

The winning Crown <strong>Decorating</strong><br />

Centres for each of the network’s<br />

seven regional sales areas were:<br />

Stirling, Sunderland, Altrincham,<br />

Coventry, Worcester, Norwich and<br />

Oxford.<br />

Explained Crown <strong>Decorating</strong><br />

Centres marketing manager<br />

Danielle Holmes: “This year saw<br />

more than double the number<br />

of containers of surplus paint<br />

returned to Crown <strong>Decorating</strong><br />

Centres across the UK. There<br />

were an amazing 20,000 cans of<br />

unwanted paint returned to stores.<br />

“It seems only right that the<br />

communities and decorators<br />

who supported the campaign<br />

most successfully should reap the<br />

benefits. So, this year we are urging<br />

local not-for-profit groups in these<br />

areas to tell us why they could use<br />

a consignment of free recycled<br />

paint - creating a truly virtuous<br />

recycling circle.”<br />

Kick Out The Can was established<br />

in 2013 and has gone from strength<br />

to strength each year. Sheds,<br />

cupboards and garages across the<br />

country are thought to hold around<br />

54 million litres of unused paint, and<br />

the annual scheme, which runs each<br />

Easter aims to give a new lease of<br />

life to the product.<br />

All of the paint brought into<br />

the stores is reprocessed by social<br />

enterprise company, Nimtech,<br />

before being distributed to<br />

deserving community projects<br />

across the UK.<br />

The scheme is just one of Crown<br />

Paints’ commitments delivering its<br />

sustainability targets and its work<br />

in this field has been recognised<br />

by several prestigious regional and<br />

national awards.<br />

For more information on Kick<br />

Out The Can visit<br />

https://www.crownpaints.<br />

co.uk/crown/sustainability<br />




THE FIRST Johnstone’s <strong>Decorating</strong><br />

Centre Bonanza Sale of <strong>2017</strong> will<br />

be taking place in January, with<br />

hundreds of offers and savings<br />

available for one week only.<br />

Launching on Monday 16th<br />

January, the unbeatable deals can<br />

be found exclusively in Johnstone’s<br />

and Peffer Paint <strong>Decorating</strong> Centres<br />

across the UK.<br />

Decorators can pick up a new<br />

Purdy Roller Kit with rollers, frame<br />

and extension pole, which is<br />

exclusively available at Johnstone’s<br />

<strong>Decorating</strong> Centres, for £24.99. Not<br />

only that, any two 5L Johnstone’s<br />

Trade Gloss, Professional Undercoat<br />

or Joncryl Water-Based Primer<br />

Undercoat and a pack of 75 Fat Hog<br />

Heavy Duty Wipes are on offer at<br />

£39.98 when bought as a bundle.<br />

As part of unmissable spray<br />

bundle deals, customers who<br />

purchase a Graco GXFF Electric<br />

Airless Sprayer at £875 or Graco<br />

GX21 Electric Airless Sprayer at<br />

£795 will also receive up to 80L<br />

of Leyland Trade Contract Matt<br />

(Brilliant White) as part of the price.<br />

‘FREE with 3’ is back in January,<br />

with offers including a free 9”<br />

Fat Hog cage frame, roller and<br />

tray when you purchase three<br />

Johnstone’s 10L Covaplus Vinyl<br />

Matt (Brilliant White and Magnolia).<br />

Decorators will also receive a free<br />

work hoodie with three Johnstone’s<br />

10L Acrylic Durable Matt (Brilliant<br />

White and Magnolia).<br />

Decorators can also take<br />

advantage of special offers and<br />

exclusive deals on a range of new<br />

products, including:<br />

• Any three Fat Hog Multi Wipes for<br />

only £12 and any three Fat Hog<br />

Heavy Duty Wipes for just £15<br />

• A Fat Hog Tool Bag, with rigid and<br />

waterproof base, for only £10.00<br />

• A Reel Pro 4 Socket Thermal Cut<br />

Out Cable Reel (10M) for just<br />

£10.99<br />

• A ProDec 20m x 600mm Carpet<br />

Protecta for £7.99<br />

• An 8 piece ProDec Tiger Roller<br />

Frame and Brush Set for £9.99<br />

To view all of the available<br />

offers, or to find your nearest<br />

Johnstone’s or Peffer Paint<br />

<strong>Decorating</strong> Centre, visit: www.<br />

paint247.co.uk. The Bonanza<br />

sale will end on Saturday 21st<br />

January <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

Note: All prices quoted<br />

exclude VAT.<br />

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●●● NEWS ROUND UP<br />



TIME WAITS for no-one and<br />

decorators can often feel there<br />

are not enough hours in the<br />

day to get those outdoors jobs<br />

completed.<br />

Help is at hand from Sandtex<br />

Trade 365 All Weather Masonry<br />

Paint – which is specially<br />

formulated for early and late<br />

seasonal work, due to a high<br />

performance Pliolite ® Resin<br />

formulation designed to combat<br />

difficult weather conditions.<br />

With 15 years’ proven<br />

durability, Sandtex Trade 365<br />

features exceptional adhesion<br />

and provides a long-lasting<br />

finish, which has been<br />

independently certified by the<br />

British Board of Agrément.<br />

The paint is shower resistant in<br />

20 minutes, so it can be applied<br />

when there is a slight threat of<br />

rain and even if spring proves to<br />

be a cold one it can be applied in<br />

temperatures as low as -10ºC.<br />

And as well as extending the<br />

decorating season, this highquality<br />

product gives decorators<br />

the opportunity to introduce<br />

colour to the job, even if grey<br />

clouds are looming.<br />

The Crown Trade Colour<br />

Collection fan deck shows the<br />

shades that Sandtex Trade<br />

products – including 365<br />

Masonry Paint – are available in.<br />

By displaying the shades in<br />

colour families, the fandeck<br />

enables decorators to see at<br />

a glance the wide variety of<br />

colourful options available.<br />

Colours available are highlighted<br />

with a small house symbol.<br />

Sharon Smith, Sandtex Trade<br />

Brand Manager, said: “Sandtex<br />

Trade products can be used to<br />

make a statement outdoors,<br />

enabling colour to be used<br />

creatively and with 365 Masonry<br />

Paint it’s not just limited to the<br />

traditional decorating season.<br />

“Sandtex Trade 365’s qualities<br />

ultimately mean that exterior<br />

projects can be extended into<br />

spring and autumn, making <strong>2017</strong><br />

a year of great opportunity to get<br />

outdoors.”<br />

A video explaining the<br />

product’s attributes can be seen<br />

at https://www.youtube.com/<br />

watch?v=XocyaiU-ai4<br />

Decorators can also find out<br />

more about Sandtex Trade<br />

from the Customer Relations<br />

Team on 0330 0240302 or<br />

email info@sandtextrade.co.uk<br />



DARKER NIGHTS are looming<br />

and the weather patterns are<br />

changing – but the trade can still<br />

take advantage of potentially<br />

warmer Autumn days to complete<br />

any last minute woodcare<br />

projects with Sadolin Quick Dry<br />

Woodstain.<br />

Rainproof in under 30 minutes,<br />

this high performance product<br />

allows decorators to get to work<br />

outdoors even if showers are<br />

forecast later in the day.<br />

Sadolin Quick Dry Woodstain<br />

also has a recoat time of only 4<br />

to 6 hours, enabling jobs to be<br />

completed in one day.<br />

Suitable for all wood except<br />

decking, Sadolin Quick Dry<br />

Woodstain offers all the benefits<br />

of speed and convenience<br />

without any impact on quality –<br />

with the product offering up to 6<br />

years’ protection.<br />

There’s also a wide choice of<br />

shades – with ready mixed and<br />

tinted colours available offering a<br />

real variety of choice.<br />

Sadolin superior wood<br />

protection is renowned across the<br />

UK for the delivery of advanced<br />

technology, all underpinned by<br />

over 200 years of history.<br />

Sharon Smith, Sadolin Brand<br />

Manager, said: “Sadolin Quick<br />

Dry Woodstain is perfect for this<br />

time of year. Its water based<br />

formulation offers all the benefits<br />

required to complete a job<br />

quickly, but the results will last<br />

for years.”<br />

“We get great reports on the<br />

product’s performance out on site<br />

and it comes into its own at this<br />

time of year.<br />

“It’s an innovative, high quality<br />

product”<br />

A video showcasing Sadolin<br />

Quick Dry Woodstain is available<br />

to view at http://bit.ly/2d5hQlg<br />

More information on<br />

Sadolin superior wood<br />

protection is available at<br />

www.sadolin.co.uk, from the<br />

Customer Relations Team<br />

on 0330 024 0298 or email<br />

info@sadolin.co.uk.<br />


NOW<br />

IN-STORE<br />

Not just a new look<br />

Introducing our new and improved<br />

Crown <strong>Decorating</strong> Centres’ range<br />

three levels of performance<br />




Ultimate in quality and<br />

performance<br />

Professional choice for<br />

great quality and value<br />

Essential for everyday<br />

great value<br />

We offer a local delivery service,<br />

call in-store for more information^<br />

It’s easy to find your local store<br />

Text: CROWN to 83332<br />

Visit www.crowndecoratingcentres.co.uk<br />

It’s not just paint.<br />

^ Mainland UK. Excludes Northern Ireland & Eire.

●●● NEWS ROUND UP<br />




<strong>Decorating</strong> Centres across the UK<br />

are preparing to say a big thank you<br />

to the communities which helped<br />

them scoop top awards in a national<br />

campaign.<br />

The annual Kick Out The Can<br />

paint recycling scheme saw one<br />

Crown <strong>Decorating</strong> Centre from each<br />

of seven regions top the polls for<br />

collecting the most containers of<br />

surplus paint for recycling.<br />

And now each store is preparing<br />

to choose a charity group from<br />

its local community to win a free<br />

makeover, as a thank you for<br />

helping them achieve record results.<br />

The winning Crown <strong>Decorating</strong><br />

Centres for each of the network’s<br />

seven regional sales areas were:<br />

Stirling, Sunderland, Altrincham,<br />

Coventry, Worcester, Norwich and<br />

Oxford.<br />

Explained Crown <strong>Decorating</strong><br />

Centres marketing manager<br />

Danielle Holmes: “This year saw<br />

more than double the number of<br />

containers of surplus paint returned<br />

to Crown <strong>Decorating</strong> Centres<br />

across the UK. There were an<br />

amazing 20,000 cans of unwanted<br />

paint returned to stores.<br />

“It seems only right that the<br />

communities and decorators who<br />

supported the campaign most<br />

successfully should reap the benefits.<br />

So, this year we are urging local notfor-profit<br />

groups in these areas to tell<br />

us why they could use a consignment<br />

of free recycled paint - creating a<br />

truly virtuous recycling circle.”<br />

Kick Out The Can was established<br />

in 2013 and has gone from strength<br />

to strength each year. Sheds,<br />

cupboards and garages across the<br />

country are thought to hold around<br />

54 million litres of unused paint, and<br />

the annual scheme, which runs each<br />

Easter aims to give a new lease of life<br />

to the product.<br />

All of the paint brought into<br />

the stores is reprocessed by social<br />

enterprise company, Nimtech, before<br />

being distributed to deserving<br />

community projects across the UK.<br />

The scheme is just one of Crown<br />

Paints’ commitments delivering its<br />

sustainability targets and its work<br />

in this field has been recognised<br />

by several prestigious regional and<br />

national awards.<br />

For more information on<br />

Kick Out The Can visit<br />

https://www.crownpaints.co.uk/<br />

crown/sustainability<br />


STAFF FROM maintenance,<br />

refurbishment and new build<br />

contractor Novus Property Solutions<br />

have completed work on its own<br />

brand new future-proof headquarters<br />

in Stoke-on-Trent.<br />

Five Towns House is the new home<br />

to more than 100 Novus employees,<br />

with 15 of them working alongside<br />

architects Ellis Hillman to undertake<br />

an intensive three-month project to<br />

create a head office centred on the<br />

wellbeing of its staff.<br />

To ensure the new office would<br />

be a pleasant and practical place to<br />

work, the project was co-ordinated by<br />

a specially created ‘Move’ team from<br />

across the business and involved a<br />

comprehensive consultation exercise,<br />

giving all staff the opportunity to put<br />

their ideas forward for consideration.<br />

The result is a bright, versatile,<br />

open plan, modern office which<br />

encompasses different work spaces<br />

with plenty of room for Novus to<br />

continue to grow.<br />

One of the key features is the new<br />

main entrance extension adding a<br />

vibrant welcome into the building.<br />

The steel framed addition features<br />

full height glazing to all external<br />

elevations and has been fitted out<br />

in a stylish homage to the company<br />

branding including the Novus logo<br />

being subtly represented in the ceiling<br />

and floors as well as a bespoke<br />

reception furniture and fittings, the<br />

contemporary new entrance creates a<br />

striking first impression.<br />

As an award-winning employer,<br />

Novus was keen to put its staff at the<br />

heart of the new building. As well as<br />

designing flexible working areas, the<br />

new office also features staff showers<br />

and bike stores, as well as an inviting<br />

breakout area, incorporating bright,<br />

on-trend colours designed to mirror<br />

the café culture style.<br />

Throughout the building, the<br />

distinctive Novus colours and the<br />

angular lines of its logo are used<br />

to create a cohesive design with a<br />

representation of the Novus butterfly<br />

logo incorporated into the décor in<br />

key areas of the building.<br />

A vital part of the project was<br />

making sure the building was as<br />

energy efficient as possible in order<br />

to reduce Novus’ carbon footprint. To<br />

achieve this, the Novus team installed<br />

LED lighting throughout the new<br />

office, upgraded the insulation to the<br />

building fabric made the building fully<br />

climate-controlled.<br />

The project also involved the<br />

creation of a suite of new meeting<br />

rooms around the new-look open<br />

plan office space each following the<br />

theme of the local area and with<br />

feature walls covered in historic and<br />

inspirational images that resonate<br />

with the local staff.<br />

Stuart Seddon, chairman of Novus<br />

Property Solutions, said: “One of<br />

the main reasons for moving to a<br />

new office was to enable more staff<br />

to work in the same building, to<br />

encourage communication between<br />

teams and create an inclusive<br />

environment.<br />

“Looking at the way staff have<br />

settled in and are interacting with<br />

each other, it’s clear that it’s been a<br />

success! I’m extremely proud of the<br />

whole team for their work on the new<br />

office, which is first class.”<br />

For more information about<br />

Novus Property Solutions please<br />

visit www.novussolutions.co.uk<br />


Crown Trade Fastflow<br />

Quick Dry Gloss<br />

Water based benefi ts with solvent based fi nish. Crown<br />

Trade Fastfl ow Quick Dry Gloss applies beautifully and<br />

easily protects wood, metal and your reputation.<br />

Crown Trade, Proud Sponsors of<br />

Tel: 0330 0240297 Email: info@crowntrade.co.uk Visit: www.crowntrade.co.uk<br />

© Crown Paints Ltd, Crown House, Hollins Road, Darwen, Lancashire, BB3 0BG

●●● NEWS ROUND UP<br />



IT’S A project to be proud of for<br />

John Stedeford & Sons, who have<br />

left a lasting legacy using Crown<br />

Trade Clean Extreme Scrubbable<br />

Matt as part of a luxurious<br />

refurbishment project at the<br />

landmark hotel, Bovey Castle.<br />

The coating has been applied<br />

in shades from the Crown Trade<br />

Historic Colours Collection -<br />

combining authentic shades from<br />

the past within a high quality, super<br />

scrubbable formulation to support<br />

the hotel’s stunning décor and<br />

stringent cleaning regime.<br />

John Stedeford & Sons, who<br />

are based in Aston, Birmingham,<br />

carried out the work over a 14-week<br />

timeframe.<br />

Set in 275 acres of beautiful<br />

countryside and rolling valleys, Bovey<br />

Castle offers a compelling mix of<br />

history, excitement, glamour and<br />

adventure in the heart of Dartmoor<br />

National Park.<br />

First opened as a hotel and golf<br />

resort in 1930 by Great Western<br />

Railways, the luxury castle hotel<br />

became part of the award-winning<br />

Eden Hotel Collection in June 2014.<br />

A multi-million-pound<br />

refurbishment of the public areas, spa<br />

and restaurants was completed last<br />

year, which relaunched Bovey’s new<br />

look in June 2015.<br />

As part of its continuing<br />

investment, the hotel then embarked<br />

on the first phase of an extensive<br />

bedroom refurbishment<br />

programme, which was completed in<br />

April this year.<br />

Twenty-six bedrooms located in<br />

the east wing of the hotel have been<br />

redeveloped to create 22 ensuite<br />

rooms of uncompromised quality,<br />

with the colour scheme designed to<br />

offer a subtle, restful style.<br />

Crown Trade Clean Extreme<br />

Scrubbable Matt has been applied<br />

to the ceilings in the bedrooms as<br />

part of the east wing refurbishment<br />

programme.<br />

The coating has also been used<br />

on the walls and ceilings in the<br />

ensuite bathrooms, which have<br />

all been finished to the highest<br />

standard with features including<br />

marble tiling and granite detailing,<br />

as well as ‘anti steam’ shaving<br />

mirrors fitted as standard.<br />

For wooden surfaces within the<br />

bedrooms and ensuite areas, Crown<br />

Trade Acrylic Eggshell has been<br />

used.<br />

The shades that were chosen are<br />

taken from the Palladian scheme -<br />

one of eight distinctive architectural<br />

and design styles from the Crown<br />

Trade Historic Colours Collection.<br />

A total of 120 shades are featured<br />

in the collection’s eight styles which<br />

- as well as the Palladian shades<br />

used at Bovey Castle - includes Neo-<br />

Classical, Regency, Arts & Crafts,<br />

Gothic Revival, Victorian Eclectic, Art<br />

Deco and post-war ‘50’s Sketchbook<br />

palettes.<br />

The collection allows decorators<br />

to select authentic and accurate<br />

colours with confidence, choosing<br />

their shades from across Crown<br />

Trade’s high quality products, which<br />

are all manufactured with more<br />

than 200 years’ experience.<br />

Deborah Orr, Marketing Manager<br />

of Crown Paints’ Trade brands,<br />

said: “Crown Trade Clean Extreme<br />

Scrubbable Matt is the ideal choice<br />

for prestigious, luxury locations<br />

such as Bovey Castle as it allows<br />

surfaces to be returned to their<br />

pristine condition time and time<br />

again without burnishing its flat,<br />

chalky finish, which is the hallmark<br />

of historical paints.<br />

“It really proves its worth in<br />

heavy traffic areas such as hotel<br />

rooms and corridors due to the fact<br />

cleaning and maintenance teams<br />

can quickly restore the surfaces back<br />

to their pristine condition.”<br />

The Historic Colours Collection<br />

is featured in-depth on<br />

Crown Trade’s website<br />

www.crowntrade.co.uk<br />


DANIEL HOLDCROFT, current<br />

Apprentice of the Year at national<br />

property maintenance firm, Novus<br />

Property Solutions, has been<br />

selected by the judges as a finalist<br />

in the Apprentice of the Year<br />

category of the <strong>2017</strong> Construction<br />

News Specialists Awards.<br />

To decide the winners, all finalists<br />

will attend face-to-face judging<br />

by members of the 56-strong<br />

jury, drawn from the UK’s largest<br />

construction firms and the leaders of<br />

the country’s major projects.<br />

The Construction News<br />

Specialists Awards are the only<br />

national awards celebrating the<br />

very best specialist contractors<br />

in the UK. With 18 targeted<br />

categories, the awards ensure that<br />

whatever size or specialism there is<br />

an appropriate avenue to showcase<br />

the achievements of specialist<br />

contractors.<br />

Construction News editor<br />

Rebecca Evans said: “Being<br />

shortlisted in the Construction<br />

News Specialists Awards is a<br />

huge achievement and a fantastic<br />

way to distinguish your business<br />

from your competitors – these<br />

are the only national awards<br />

recognising the hard work and<br />

fantastic achievements of specialist<br />

contractors.<br />

“Specialist contractors<br />

underpin the whole construction<br />

industry, and we are proud to be<br />

able to shine a light on the work<br />

they do, the commitment they<br />

show and the amazing projects<br />

they contribute to.”<br />

The winners will be announced<br />

on 22 March <strong>2017</strong> at a glamorous<br />

ceremony at the Grosvenor House<br />

Hotel where over 1,000 of the<br />

industry elite will join together<br />

for a night of entertainment,<br />

celebration and networking.<br />


PAINT AWAY –<br />



STRIPPING PAINT and varnish<br />

from surfaces can be a difficult<br />

and laborious task, requiring<br />

time, patience and a lot of<br />

elbow grease. Everbuild – A<br />

Sika Company now have the<br />

answer to this age old problem<br />

with the arrival of Paint Away ®<br />

- the ultimate paint and varnish<br />

stripper.<br />

The new triple strength,<br />

non-drip formula of Paint Away<br />

can remove up to 3 layers of<br />

paint or varnish from masonry,<br />

wood, metals and most common<br />

building substrates in just one<br />

easy and fast application.<br />

Simply brush the gel on to<br />

the painted area, leave for 20<br />

minutes and watch as the paint<br />

begins to blister and crack,<br />

before scraping the area to fully<br />

remove. Available in 750ml tins<br />

with 10% extra free, Paint Away<br />

can be used with most paints<br />

and varnishes on both vertical<br />

and horizontal applications.<br />

For further information on<br />

Paint Away or any other<br />

product in the Everbuild or<br />

Sika ranges, contact your<br />

local sales representative,<br />

call the sales office on<br />

0113 240 2424 or visit<br />

www.everbuild.co.uk.<br />


NOVUS PROPERTY Solutions<br />

has carried out a series of<br />

refurbishment works for two<br />

Nazareth House residential care<br />

homes, enabling Laundry Tec<br />

to install new state-of-the-art<br />

equipment in both.<br />

Nazareth House, which is run<br />

by the Sisters of Nazareth to<br />

provide nursing and residential<br />

care for elderly people, including<br />

many retired priests and nuns,<br />

has 15 care homes across the<br />

UK. Each includes self-contained<br />

accommodation, gardens and<br />

communal areas to socialise in as<br />

well as on-site churches to reflect<br />

and celebrate Mass.<br />

Specialist industrial laundry<br />

equipment installer, Laundry<br />

Tec, was called in to install new<br />

industrial washers, dryers and<br />

laundry equipment at Nazareth<br />

House in Crosby as well as a<br />

new, better equipped kitchen in<br />

Birkenhead. It marked a significant<br />

investment for Nazareth House<br />

with the new equipment bringing<br />

the two homes, which are both<br />

housed in repurposed buildings,<br />

up-to-date.<br />

The team of 13 from Novus’<br />

Liverpool office carried out a series<br />

of enabling works to the backof-house<br />

areas before the new<br />

equipment could be installed at<br />

both Crosby and Birkenhead. This<br />

involved installing new ceilings<br />

and hygiene boards to the walls,<br />

new electrical and gas feeds to<br />

meet industrial specification, new<br />

flooring and painting, working<br />

around up to four other companies.<br />

At Birkenhead the old<br />

commercial kitchen and old back<br />

rooms, which were previously used<br />

for storage and kitchen prep, have<br />

been transformed into a brand<br />

new kitchen, supplied and fitted<br />

by Qube Catering Equipment.<br />

While at Crosby four rooms and<br />

the surrounding corridors have<br />

been refurbished to make space<br />

for the new laundry equipment, an<br />

existing store room was converted<br />

into a staff shower room and the<br />

staffroom was also refurbished by<br />

Novus.<br />

Paul Moss, contracts manager<br />

at Novus Property Solutions, said:<br />

“We completed both projects,<br />

which were carried out in a live<br />

environment in both cases, within<br />

the given four-week deadline. The<br />

team took great care to work with<br />

the sisters to co-ordinate the works<br />

during the programme, particularly<br />

when we had to tap into water and<br />

gas services which had to be done<br />

at certain times during the day to<br />

make sure that we kept disruption<br />

to a minimum throughout.”<br />

Jeremy Hartigan from Laundry<br />

Tec commented, “The sisters<br />

at Crosby and Birkenhead are<br />

delighted with the transformation<br />

of the back rooms into a slick<br />

facility. The Novus team were highly<br />

professional and both projects were<br />

completed to an excellent quality<br />

and on time, allowing my team to<br />

keep to the agreed schedule for the<br />

installation of the new equipment.<br />

Working with Novus certainly<br />

made the whole project straight<br />

forward.”<br />

Following the successful<br />

completion of this project, Novus<br />

is currently undertaking additional<br />

works at Crosby including new<br />

doors and door widening, new<br />

fencing, two ramps with hand<br />

rails and is currently scoping out<br />

refurbishment works for eight<br />

rooms at Birkenhead too.<br />

For more information<br />

about Novus Property<br />

Solutions please visit<br />

www.novussolutions.co.uk<br />


● ● ● COVER STORY<br />



JOHNSTONE’S Trade has launched an<br />

improved formulation of its Jonmat Premium<br />

Contract Matt, designed in collaboration<br />

with professional painters and decorators.<br />

Richard Mazurkiewicz, Marketing Manager<br />

at Johnstone’s Trade, explains how the new<br />

product was created following widespread<br />

consultation and feedback with professionals.<br />

We constantly strive to improve the<br />

products and services we offer and, by using<br />

long-standing relationships with painters and<br />

decorators that we have built up over time,<br />

we’ve gained valuable insight into what it is<br />

our customers actually want and need when<br />

completing a job. The latest example of this<br />

being put into practice is the significant<br />

improvements made to Jonmat Premium<br />

Contract Matt.<br />

We’ve listened to customers, collated<br />

feedback from the market and tested the<br />

product. The decision was taken to improve<br />

the product with an enhanced formulation,<br />

incorporating the extensive feedback we’ve<br />

received from the market place.


We listened<br />

To begin, we carried out in-depth<br />

interviews in which professionals were<br />

asked to rank a number of characteristics,<br />

revealing the most important attributes to<br />

contract matt products. We wanted to better<br />

understand what professionals look for in<br />

contract matt, and deliver just that.<br />

The findings highlighted four key attributes<br />

to consider when developing the improved<br />

contract matt, with ‘excellent wet and dry<br />

opacity’ ranking as the most important. Easy<br />

application, a product that can be airlessly<br />

sprayed and confidence in the application<br />

of the first coat was also important criteria.<br />

Following the interviews and analysis of<br />

the findings, we set about developing a<br />

product that would suit the professionals’<br />

requirements.<br />

We developed<br />

The new formulation of Jonmat Contract Matt<br />

was subsequently developed to include a number<br />

of new features and benefits, which took into<br />

consideration the evidence gathered during the<br />

research process.<br />

The product now offers excellent wet and<br />

dry opacity, providing confidence in application<br />

from the first coat and complete ‘white out’<br />

coverage by the second. The redevelopment<br />

means it can be applied to new substrates and<br />

offers superior touch-up properties, leaving no<br />

trace in the overall finish.<br />

Given the current painting and decorating<br />

trends, appliers’ preferences and the type of<br />

work that the product has been designed for,<br />

Jonmat Premium Contract Matt can be applied<br />

by airless spray, as well as brush and roller,<br />

increasing productivity.<br />

The new formulation is suitable for interior<br />

walls and ceilings, new plaster and can be applied<br />

directly to plasterboard. It’s available in more than<br />

7,000 tinting colours, with 5ltr, 10ltr and 15ltr tins<br />

available to cater for different job sizes.<br />

You tested<br />

To ensure the real world performance<br />

of Jonmat lived up to expectations, we sent<br />

more than 9,000 litres of the new formulation<br />

to 28 sites across the UK and Ireland to be<br />

tested by painting contractors and appliers –<br />

some of which were not users of Johnstone’s<br />

Trade – prior to the launch.<br />

The feedback from these tests was<br />

universally positive. Contractors and appliers<br />

told us that the product has “excellent<br />

opacity, with great first coat coverage”,<br />

“complete opacity in two coats, even on<br />

green board” and said the new formulation is<br />

“paint I could use all day”.<br />

We delivered<br />

This new and improved Jonmat Premium<br />

Contract Matt is Johnstone’s Trade’s best<br />

ever formulation. Feedback is an invaluable<br />

way of ensuring we’re delivering what our<br />

customers want, so with this reformulation<br />

we have really listened to what’s important<br />

to professional painters and decorators, and<br />

have used the insights to improve product<br />

performance, a statement which we are<br />

committed to delivering time and time again.<br />

Now, professional decorators can have even<br />

more confidence in the product and that<br />

they will achieve the very best results for<br />

their customers. Jonmat is available now from<br />

Johnstone’s <strong>Decorating</strong> Centres & Stockists.<br />

For more information on the new and<br />

improved Jonmat Premium Contract Matt, or<br />

other leading professional paints please visit:<br />

www.johnstonestrade.com.<br />


●●● NEWS ROUND UP<br />


SANDTEX TRADE 365 All Weather<br />

Masonry Paint has transformed the<br />

tallest building in the most easterly<br />

settlement of the UK.<br />

St. Peter’s Court – in the coastal<br />

town of Lowestoft, Suffolk – was in<br />

need of re-decoration and Waveney<br />

District Council wanted a product<br />

that would last for the long-term.<br />

As a result, 3,600 litres of<br />

Sandtex Trade 365 All Weather<br />

Masonry Paint were specified for<br />

the 15-storey building.<br />

Sandtex Trade 365 offers 15<br />

years’ proven durability, with<br />

exceptional adhesion providing a<br />

long-lasting finish which has been<br />

independently certified by the<br />

British Board of Agrément.<br />

It is also specially formulated<br />

for use in adverse weather<br />

conditions, featuring the high<br />

performance Pliolite ® Resin to<br />

combat the effects of difficult<br />

weather conditions.<br />

And with the product<br />

being able to be applied at<br />

temperatures as low as -10ºC,<br />

and being rain-resistant in 20<br />

minutes, it made the perfect<br />

choice for the works, which were<br />

carried out in Spring this year.<br />

Graham Turner, Projects Officer<br />

at Waveney District Council, said:<br />

“This is the most easterly tower<br />

block in the UK and is open to all<br />

of the natural elements.<br />

“We wanted a product that<br />

could cope with the coastal<br />

environment and because it<br />

was such a large scale project<br />

we wanted to make sure that it<br />

would last up to 15 years. That’s<br />

why we chose Sandtex Trade<br />

365.”<br />

The CLC Group carried out the<br />

work at the site, which took place<br />

over an eight-week period.<br />

They used innovative mast<br />

climbers, which enabled them to<br />

elevate up and down the building.<br />

Ray Willoughby, Contract<br />

Supervisor at the CLC Group, said:<br />

“We applied the paint by brush<br />

and roller and the product went<br />

on really well.<br />

“Even on the days when we<br />

experienced high winds and<br />

dampness, it had no effect on the<br />

application or finish.”<br />

Decorators merchants Brewers,<br />

who supplied all the paint for<br />

the project, developed a strategy<br />

to cope with the large volumes<br />

required.<br />

Ed Pearce, Area Manager at<br />

Brewers, said: “A big part of the<br />

project was communication.<br />

We’ve been heavily involved<br />

with the tenants throughout to<br />

reassure them.<br />

“We brought the paint to the<br />

site daily because a store doesn’t<br />

have the capability of holding<br />

such a high degree of product<br />

and we would take the empty tins<br />

away for recycling.”<br />

Sharon Smith, Sandtex Trade<br />

Brand Manager, said: “This is a<br />

superb project which showcases<br />

the high performance qualities of<br />

Sandtex Trade 365 perfectly.<br />

“It enables decorators to<br />

extend the traditional exterior<br />

painting season in the UK<br />

and take advantage of more<br />

opportunities to paint outdoors,<br />

particularly in Autumn and<br />

Spring.”<br />

A video of the finished project<br />

can be seen at https://youtu.be/<br />

QESq481D40M.<br />



OSMO UK, the eco-friendly wood<br />

and finishes expert, offers architects<br />

and interior designers with a unique<br />

looking and aesthetically pleasing<br />

wooden floor. Pre-finished with<br />

Osmo Polyx ® -Oil, the Harfa flooring<br />

range from ESCO flooring is the ideal<br />

choice for anyone who is looking for a<br />

statement floor.<br />

ESCO flooring is available via Osmo<br />

UK, following a partnership between<br />

the wood finishes expert and ESCO<br />

Group in 2014.<br />

The ESCO collection includes nine<br />

flooring options, including Bohemia,<br />

Chateau, Moravia and Kolonial. A<br />

favourite amongst architects and<br />

interior designers is Harfa flooring. This<br />

flooring surface has been designed<br />

with a rough-sawn treatment and has<br />

been enhanced with cross-wise cuts<br />

that are grooved in the surface with<br />

great care. Harfa can be combined<br />

with many different styles and colours,<br />

providing endless possibilities.<br />

2649-1-16 DM Osmo.indd<br />

: A4 1/4P (90mm wide x 130mm high)<br />

Call us<br />

01296 481220<br />

Harfa flooring is available in eight<br />

colours, including natural, natural<br />

white, double smoked black, smoked<br />

tobacco, smoked natural, washy grey,<br />

smoked white and stone grey. There<br />

is also the option to choose between<br />

2 or 3 layer parquet and your desired<br />

wood style - elegance, superb, classic<br />

or original.<br />

Harfa Vintage is the so called used<br />

old version of the Harfa collection. The<br />

boards have a special optic in square<br />

saw lines in trendy unique colour<br />

variations. The surface can be rough as<br />

well as smooth; the lines of the blade<br />

of the saw are irregular and give Harfa<br />

a vintage look. Harfa Vintage is also<br />

available in eight tones, including slate<br />

stone, cappuccino white, forest honey<br />

and dark chocolate.<br />

As with all ESCO flooring, Harfa<br />

is finished with Polyx®-Oil, Osmo’s<br />

renowned wood finishing product.<br />

Polyx ® -Oil both protects and<br />

accentuates Harfa’s traditional and<br />



Learn more<br />

osmouk.com<br />

POLYX ® -OIL RAW: Retains wood’s natural light colour<br />

ü ü ü ü ü<br />



character filled rough-sawn solid oak<br />

flooring. As a premium wood finish,<br />

Osmo guarantees to keep wooden<br />

surfaces in top condition. It is a high<br />

quality, water-repellent and treadresistant<br />

wood finish based on natural<br />

ingredients.<br />

Offering all the professional<br />

features of a traditional oil-based<br />

finish, Polyx ® -Oil combines the smooth<br />

surface of conventional lacquers, and<br />

the ease of application of a waterbased<br />

finish, while managing to<br />

eliminate the inherent disadvantages<br />

of these other types of finish. Unlike<br />

ordinary oil finish products which<br />

form a film on the wood, Polyx ® -Oil’s<br />

natural components penetrate deeply<br />

into the wood to create a microporous<br />

finish. This allows the wood to<br />

breathe, moisture to evaporate and<br />

ensures a flawless finish both upon<br />

application and for many years to<br />

come.<br />

Thanks to Polyx ® -Oil, ESCO flooring<br />

is strengthened from within and<br />

retains its elasticity. The surface is<br />

water repellent, stain resistant and<br />

more hard-wearing, and because it<br />

meets the wood’s natural demands<br />

and does not crack, flake, peel or<br />

blister.<br />

Established over 25 years<br />

ago, Osmo UK is one of the<br />

leading suppliers a natural and<br />

environmentally friendly alternative<br />

to wood finishing. The products are<br />

based on rapidly renewable, natural<br />

vegetable oils that penetrate deeply<br />

into the wood, keeping it elastic and<br />

healthy, whilst preventing it from<br />

drying and becoming brittle. As the<br />

range is not produced for the mass<br />

market, more time can be spent on<br />

ensuring all the products are of the<br />

highest quality.<br />

Founded in 1997 in the<br />

Netherlands, ESCO Group has grown<br />

from a trader to all-round trading<br />

and manufacturing company with<br />

official partners, such as Osmo, all<br />

over Europe and the rest of the world.<br />

The company produces flooring<br />

for architects, real estate, builders<br />

and wholesales within the wooden<br />

flooring markets, specialising in<br />

rustic oak flooring in both solid and<br />

engineered (3-layer, 2-layer multi).<br />

For more information, visit<br />

www.osmouk.com and<br />

www.escogroup.cz/en<br />


222649-1-16 DM Osmo.indd 1 11/01/<strong>2017</strong> 16:43




Toupret UK have launched the first range of decontaminating<br />

skimming fillers which contain the active Toupret registered<br />

Saneo formulation<br />

PLANEO G with SANEO<br />

The first product/tools<br />

combination that successfully<br />

achieves perfect finishes when<br />

manually skim filling walls<br />

and ceilings prior to painting<br />

or wallcovering. Perfect for<br />

renovation and new work.<br />

Especially useful for the trades<br />

man who needs to quickly patch<br />

areas where traditional plastering<br />

is not cost effective.<br />







The first airless spray product<br />

with Saneo that requires no<br />

trowelling! Also its machine flow<br />

of 2.6 litres per minute combined<br />

with a tip size of 4.19 means it<br />

can be put through smaller cost<br />

effective airless spray machines<br />

than most other ready to use or<br />

powder skimming fillers.<br />

• VERY WHITE<br />






Toupret skimming fillers with<br />

Saneo are unique in their ability to<br />

capture and destroy formaldehyde<br />

molecules that are present in<br />

the air in your home, work place,<br />

schools and other common areas.<br />

Toupret Saneo products take<br />

up to 24 hours to effectively start<br />

purifying the air inside, thereafter<br />

releasing clean air back into the<br />

environment.<br />

This process continues<br />

for the life of Toupret<br />

skimming filler The benefits<br />

of Saneo go further because<br />

it still works after being<br />

painted by any normal paint<br />

system or wallcovering.<br />

If combined with a<br />

decontaminating paint it<br />

reinforces its effectiveness.<br />

Toupret UK’s Jim<br />

Newark goes on to explain:<br />

“Formaldehyde is the no.1<br />

indoor pollutant recently<br />

classified as CMR in Europe and<br />

classified as carcinogenic by<br />

the World Health Organisation.<br />

Formaldehyde is used in many<br />

manufacturing processes<br />

that end up in the home and<br />

workplace. Surprising to many<br />

of us normal folk, chemicals<br />

given off by scented candles,<br />

plug in scented devices and<br />

household cleaning products<br />

give off limonene. Unfortunately<br />

although smelling fresh and<br />

pleasant its chemical reaction<br />

with normal air in your house<br />

etc. can produce molecules of<br />

formaldehyde”<br />

A recent article in The Daily<br />

Mail by Jaya Narin reported<br />

on recent tests carried out by<br />

Professor Alaistair Lewis of The<br />

National Centre for Atmospheric<br />

Science at The University of York<br />

who explained the problem and<br />

the research that they did.<br />

The bottom line of these<br />

tests was made very clear in that<br />

Formaldehyde causes cancer<br />

particularly in the nose and throat.<br />

Many of the tests conclusions are<br />

in line with what Toupret external<br />

test laboratory [EurofinsJ have<br />

ratified in accordance with ISO<br />

16000 Standard on the claims<br />

made by Toupret Saneo and the<br />

benefits of acting to reduce this<br />

pollutant. The two new Toupret<br />

Saneo skimming fillers are now<br />

available to be ordered through<br />

most professional trade builders’<br />

merchants, independent trade<br />

paint stores, brewers and all the<br />

national paint manufacturers<br />

outlets Johnstone Paints, Dulux<br />

<strong>Decorating</strong> Centres and Crown<br />

outlets.<br />

Enquiries Toupret office<br />

0203 6916747 or email<br />

toupretuk@toupret.com<br />





HARD<br />

AND<br />


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www.toupret.co.uk<br />


25 North Row - London W1K 6DJ<br />

Phone: +44 (0)203 691 6747<br />

Fax: +44 (0)20 3691 6751<br />

Email: toupretuk@toupret.com


DON’T SLIP UP!<br />


WITH the amount of legislation<br />

and information from the Health<br />

and Safety Executive (HSE)<br />

regarding slippery floors and<br />

staircases, it’s important to select<br />

the right floor coating system. Slip<br />

resistance is a function of the grip<br />

between two surfaces; for example,<br />

the shoe and the floor itself.<br />

Whilst it is not always possible to<br />

control what people wear on their<br />

feet, we can address the issue of<br />

the floor.<br />

Our first anti slip coatings were<br />

designed for boat decks early in the<br />

20th century, an obvious slip hazard<br />

area and invariably wet, probably<br />

the most severe requirement for<br />

an anti slip coating. These coatings<br />

also needed to be designed to<br />

survive in the most inclement<br />

weather conditions, often on<br />

ships travelling for example, the<br />

Northwest Passage, making their<br />

way across the Arctic Ocean. This<br />

early requirement has expanded,<br />

both in the workplace and from<br />

a public liability perspective,<br />

companies must be seen to be<br />

doing their utmost to reduce slip<br />

and fall accidents. With every floor<br />

space being different, there are a<br />

number of coatings to cover most<br />

eventualities:<br />

• Single pack, air drying coatings<br />

• Two pack epoxy floor paint<br />

• Two pack epoxy / two pack<br />

polyurethane hybrid<br />

There are a number of key<br />

questions that then need to be<br />

answered:-<br />

• Is the application interior or<br />

exterior?<br />

• What is the likely footfall<br />

or truck usage on the<br />

floor? Overall what traffic<br />

concentration will it<br />

experience?<br />

• How long is the coating<br />

expected to last?<br />

• Where do you require anti<br />

slip, is it limited to walkways,<br />

machinery operating cells, etc?<br />

• Finally, the aggregate is also an<br />

important part of the system,<br />

ranging from a standard, particle<br />

size controlled; silica sand to<br />

materials such as aluminium<br />

oxide, the second hardest<br />

mineral after diamond used<br />

for more extreme applications,<br />

aircraft hangers, etc.<br />

The table detailed below will aid the decision making process.<br />


Type of traffic Example of usage Type of product<br />

Light floor traffic<br />

Occasional truck use<br />

Heavy foot traffic<br />

Regular pallet truck use<br />

Heavy vehicular traffic<br />

Heavy use and presence of<br />

chemicals<br />

Fire escape<br />

Low footfall corridors<br />

Regular footfall working corridors<br />

Factory working areas and<br />

workshops<br />

Loading bays / warehouses in<br />

continuous use<br />

Aircraft service hangers,<br />

automotive manufacturing sites<br />

Single pack air drying product<br />

eg Suregrip 1<br />

Water based two pack epoxy<br />

coating eg. Profloor<br />

Resin flooring coating system,<br />

two pack solvent free systems<br />

eg Profloor Plus<br />

Two pack epoxy / Two pack<br />

polyurethane hybrid coating<br />

system eg. Profloor Plus + P101 2<br />

Preparation<br />

Substrates need to be clean,<br />

dry and free from oil, grease and<br />

any other signs of contamination.<br />

If previous coatings exist then<br />

they need to be vacuum blasted<br />

or at the very least abraded to<br />

create a key for the new coating.<br />

If in any doubt about the use<br />

of a floor system Coo-Var<br />

Technical advice can help<br />

on info@coo-var.co.uk or<br />

phone 01482 328053 and ask<br />

for Technical Service for<br />

a specification and advice<br />

service.<br />

Find us on Facebook & Twitter<br />

1<br />

PTV Rating of 55 wet & Dry dependant on the condition of the floor, 2 coats must be applied for aggregate to be distributed evenly<br />

2<br />

P101 used as a top coat for its superior chemical resistance<br />






1L, 2.5L & 5L AVAILABLE ü<br />



● ● ●<br />



MAINTENANCE, refurbishment<br />

and new build contractor, Novus<br />

Property Solutions, has revived<br />

eight apartments in a converted<br />

12th century mansion, providing<br />

country club visitors with new<br />

and improved facilities.<br />

Set in a 30-acre estate<br />

and located in the hamlet of<br />

Thurnham, just five miles from<br />

the historic city of Lancaster,<br />

Grade I listed Thurnham Hall is<br />

a stunning country club owned<br />

by Diamond Resorts. Its luxury<br />

self-catering apartments have all<br />

been designed to a high standard,<br />

balancing the heritage of the<br />

building with a contemporary<br />

style.<br />

The team from Novus’<br />

Preston office carried out the<br />

project, which comprised a<br />

full internal refurbishment of<br />

eight apartments, in just over<br />

two months. This included the<br />

installation of new kitchens,<br />

bathrooms and bedrooms which<br />

are already proving popular with<br />

those staying at the country club.<br />

The building’s listed status<br />

made regular consulting with<br />

conservation officers essential<br />

to ensure that work adhered to<br />

requirements. Considerations for<br />

Thurnham Hall included ceiling<br />

height and both floors and walls<br />

running out of plumb, as well as<br />

the demands that come with the<br />

installation of new services in a<br />

building with split floor access<br />

and levels.<br />

A further challenge to the<br />

renovation was that the country<br />

club remained open throughout<br />

the works, which began in May<br />

2016, meaning that the Novus<br />

operatives had to demonstrate<br />

extreme vigilance working around<br />

visitors. This, coupled with the<br />

communal original listed staircase<br />

being Novus’ main access to the<br />

mansion building, meant health<br />

and safety was of paramount<br />

importance to this project.<br />

Sam Frame, operations<br />

manager at Novus Property<br />

Solutions said “As the club<br />

remained open to the public we<br />

had to be extremely vigilant and<br />

ensure operatives were briefed<br />

accordingly on site. The whole<br />

team worked to impeccable<br />

health and safety standards<br />

throughout the two month<br />

project and made sure that<br />

any disruption was kept to an<br />

absolute minimum.<br />

“Drawing on our extensive<br />

experience within the leisure<br />

sector, we were able to work<br />

around the constraints of<br />

the building’s listed status to<br />

deliver the project within the<br />

tight deadline. The result is<br />

eight modern fully refurbished<br />

apartments within a superb<br />

mansion.”<br />

Stuart Hunter, facilities and<br />

projects manager at Diamond<br />

Resorts International, adds<br />

“We’ve already had very<br />

positive feedback from guests<br />

at Thurnham Hall, thanks to the<br />

quality of work completed by<br />

Novus Property Solutions.<br />

“Summer is one of our busiest<br />

times so it was vital that the work<br />

was completed by early July. Novus<br />

delivered the works on schedule<br />

and worked hard to ensure minimal<br />

disruption was caused during the<br />

two months that the work was<br />

being carried out.<br />

“We hope that guests at<br />

Thurnham Hall will continue<br />

to enjoy the newly renovated<br />

apartments for years to come!”<br />

For more information about<br />

Novus Property Solutions<br />

hotel and leisure maintenance<br />

please visit https://www.<br />

novussolutions.co.uk/sectors/<br />

hotel-and-leisure.<br />


Download the Professional Decorator App:<br />

tesa ® PROFESSIONAL<br />




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26 WEEK<br />

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● ● ● TRAINING<br />




For over 25 years the Repair Care system has been helping<br />

decorators make durable repairs to decayed windows before<br />

re-decoration. And it’s so easy to use it means that you can<br />

complete repairs that previously needed a carpenter.<br />

WITH Repair care you can<br />

offer your customers a far<br />

more cost-effective alternative<br />

to replacement windows or<br />

expensive joinery repairs. Most<br />

decay in joinery occurs in the<br />

bottom corners of frames and<br />

these can be repaired easily<br />

in situ. Although 2-part fillers<br />

can work inside a building they<br />

cannot cope with the movement<br />

that happens naturally on<br />

the outside of windows and<br />

they often fail within months,<br />

leaving unhappy clients and<br />

an expensive return visit. Our<br />

epoxy resin repairs do not fail<br />

and give you and your customer<br />

the confidence of many years of<br />

protection. Next time you come<br />

to redecorate the repair will still<br />

be there, cutting down hugely on<br />

preparation. Because the resin<br />

protects the joints it reduces the<br />

uptake of moisture which even<br />

improves the life of the paint.<br />

Repair Care stands for total<br />

solutions for sustainable timber<br />

restoration and maintenance. Not<br />

only do we have a wide range<br />

of quality products for joinery<br />

repair for the professional<br />

market, we offer training on how<br />

to use them to refurbish decayed<br />

and damaged timber. In addition,<br />

we provide comprehensive<br />

project management, offer<br />

advice and consultation services<br />

and are a trusted partner of<br />

many housing associations and<br />

local authorities.<br />

Traditional pre-paint joinery<br />

repairs, such as splicing and<br />

filling are expensive, time<br />

consuming and frequently fail,<br />

leading to costly premature paint<br />

breakdown and further timber<br />

decay. Our training courses show<br />

you how to achieve durable,<br />

permanent repairs, at a fraction<br />

of the cost of replacement<br />

with products based on flexible<br />

epoxy resin, allowing large and<br />

small repairs, including complex<br />

moulded profiles, to be quickly<br />

and easily achieved.<br />

Training venues are now<br />

available in both Glasgow and<br />

Edinburgh<br />

Please visit www.repair-care.co.uk<br />

for further details.<br />


Repair Care Training<br />

The basic principles of the Repair Care system are very simple - Prepare, Repair and Prevent.<br />

To ensure that contractors understand the Working Methods and how to get the best results<br />

first time, every time.<br />

Your benefits:<br />

• Business opportunities • Certified contractor • Understanding the benefits of conservation<br />

• Marketing support and material • Inspecting and costing a project<br />


Repair Care International Ltd - Tel: 01827 302517, Fax: 01827 65177- E-mail: salesuk@repair-care.com -<br />

www.repair-care.co.uk<br />







WAGNER is expanding its line<br />

of premium airless tips – one of<br />

the industry’s best performing<br />

lines of reversible airless tips<br />

for residential and commercial<br />

professional painting<br />

applications. The new HEA (High<br />

Efficiency Airless) reversible<br />

airless tip features revolutionary<br />

tip technology that will allow<br />

spraying at lower pressures,<br />

delivering total control and<br />

extending the life of sprayers.<br />

The HEA (High Efficiency<br />

Airless) tip features an<br />

optimized dual orifice that<br />

atomizes latex and other<br />

common architectural paints<br />

at 1,000 PSI. It has the same<br />

production and flow as higher<br />

pressure tips, but low pressure<br />

technology delivers a softer fan<br />

pattern and reduces overspray<br />

by up to 55 percent, while<br />

saving up to 35 percent in paint<br />

consumption. Also, the new<br />

HEA tip produces feathered<br />

edges for a better finish when<br />

overlapping spray patterns.<br />

When using the HEA airless tip<br />

at low pressures, the pump does<br />

not work as hard, so the sprayer<br />

will spray more gallons of paint<br />

before repacking is needed. HEA<br />

technology also extends the tip<br />

life up to two – three times.<br />


WAGNER surface finishing<br />

equipment is used not only in<br />

contracting but also in industry<br />

and home improvements – from<br />

small paint spraying systems,<br />

through professional painters’<br />

equipment right up to industrial<br />

painting plant for wet and<br />

powder coating. Industrial<br />

adhesive, sealing and potting<br />

technology including injection<br />

molding, are also part of the<br />

company product portfolio.<br />

Throughout the world<br />

Wagner is known as a leading<br />

manufacturer of equipment<br />

for the machine application of<br />

paints, varnishes and plasters.<br />

Different application areas<br />

characterise the product range<br />

of the contractor sector:<br />

building trade, wood and<br />

metal work, corrosion and<br />

structural protection as well as<br />

preparing. The range for each<br />

stretches from small entry level<br />

units through allrounder units<br />

right up to specialised plant.<br />

Comprehensive accessories<br />

guarantee an optimal match to<br />

the object in question.<br />

Wagner develops numerous<br />

product innovations in close<br />

contact with users, paint<br />

manufacturers and scientific<br />

institutions. Their 1500 square<br />

metre technology centre in<br />

Markdorf plays an important<br />

role in practical research<br />

and relaying knowledge.<br />

For example, interregional<br />

master classes to consolidate<br />

the training for the painting<br />

trade have taken place here<br />

for years. Wagner provides a<br />

comprehensive Service Network<br />

and also a large number of<br />

specialist advisers to help their<br />

customers in an instant.<br />

For more products and<br />

information please visit our<br />

website wagner-group.com<br />



● ● ●<br />



DULUX Decorator Centre, one of<br />

the UK’s leading paint brands, has<br />

selected tesa’s range of masking<br />

tapes for product trial throughout<br />

19 of its stores in Scotland, from<br />

9th January <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

Citing quality as its benchmark,<br />

the addition of the tesa core<br />

masking tape assortment, offering<br />

customers guaranteed product<br />

reliability, includes Precision Mask®<br />

Indoor, Outdoor and Sensitive<br />

(Low Tack) as well as an outdoor<br />

plastering tape, will strengthen the<br />

current offering and support Dulux<br />

Decorator Centre reputation for<br />

providing only the best products to<br />

the Painting & <strong>Decorating</strong> industry.<br />

All participating Dulux<br />

<strong>Decorating</strong> Centres will be added<br />

to tesa’s Store Finder facility on its<br />

free Professional Decorator App,<br />

providing local tradesmen with<br />

instant information on their nearest<br />

stockist. The App also identifies<br />

solutions at the tap of a screen,<br />

recommending the right masking<br />

tape to use to avoid problems such<br />

as tape residue, uneven paint edges<br />

and damaged wallpaper.<br />

Trade events are also planned<br />

at selected stores for customers<br />

to see the benefits as well as a<br />

demonstration of tesa’s masking<br />

tapes helping customers choose<br />

the right tape for the job.<br />

The trials will last for 6 months<br />

but will be regularly reviewed<br />

to ensure maximum impact<br />

for both stores and customers.<br />

Greg Perkins, tesa’s Key Account<br />

Manager, Craftsman, is overseeing<br />

the installation. “Dulux Decorator<br />

Centre currently offer the largest<br />

number of outlets dedicated to<br />

supplying the decorating trade.<br />

With 10 years’ experience in the<br />

decorating market, we feel we can<br />

strengthen the current masking<br />

tape range and provide Dulux<br />

Decorator Centre customers with a<br />

quality product that will do the job<br />

to a high standard.”<br />

For more information please<br />

visit www.tesa.co.uk<br />


NOVUS Property Solutions has<br />

won a competitive tender for<br />

a major refurbishment project<br />

in the hotel sector worth £2.5<br />

million.<br />

The maintenance,<br />

refurbishment and new build<br />

contractor has developed an<br />

outstanding reputation on the<br />

back of its work for some of the<br />

UK’s most prestigious hotel and<br />

pub chains, and a specialist hotel<br />

procurement consultant has<br />

selected Novus to carry out a<br />

major hotel project in Luton.<br />

Novus already carries out<br />

essential maintenance and<br />

refurbishment work at Premier<br />

Inn hotels nationwide as part of<br />

its contract with Whitbread, with<br />

the Novus Hotel Project Team<br />

being commended for the quality<br />

of its workmanship and the<br />

effectiveness of its project team.<br />

JD Wetherspoons, Enterprise<br />

Inns and Star Pubs are also<br />

among the major businesses<br />

that utilise Novus’ services, and<br />

the firm is capitalising on the<br />

many opportunities presented<br />

by the hospitality sector, with<br />

significant wins expected<br />

imminently.<br />

Paul Maghie, national business<br />

development manager at Novus,<br />

said: “The new contract at Luton<br />

is reflective of the level that<br />

our Hotel Project Team has<br />

reached after nearly 10 years of<br />

investment and endeavor in this<br />

area of our business.<br />

“We believe our team is<br />

one of the best in the country<br />

in terms of skills, expertise<br />

and experience, and securing a<br />

project like this one also reflects<br />

well on our competitive pricing<br />

model.<br />

“Good communication is at<br />

the heart of everything we do<br />

at Novus, and we take care to<br />

manage relationships from the<br />

moment we meet anyone we’re<br />

working with.<br />

“Strong communication builds<br />

trust, and our success in the<br />

hospitality sector has been very<br />

much built on that trust.”<br />

For more information about<br />

Novus Property Solutions please<br />

visit www.novussolutions.co.uk<br />




THE Road to Wembley is a welltrodden<br />

path for sports fans and<br />

concert goers alike – and keeping<br />

the landmark venue in the very best<br />

condition is crucial to maintain its<br />

position as one of the most famous<br />

stadiums in the world.<br />

Crown Trade products are being<br />

used behind the scenes to ensure<br />

more than two million visitors who<br />

flock to the venue each year are<br />

left with a lasting impression of its<br />

iconic status.<br />

CBRE – who maintain the<br />

Stadium – are using a range of<br />

of those who visit or work at the<br />

venue.<br />

Pillars around hospitality areas<br />

and communal spaces are painted<br />

with flame-retardant Crown Trade<br />

Timonox, in Scrubbable Matt and<br />

Acrylic Eggshell. The CBRE team has<br />

chosen the Crown Trade Timonox<br />

system to enhance safety on site in<br />

this high traffic area.<br />

Crown Trade Clean Extreme is<br />

also applied in the corridor areas<br />

and in the 161 hospitality boxes.<br />

The product’s high technology<br />

formulation provides a surface<br />

Supervisor at Wembley Stadium,<br />

said: “We’ve been working with<br />

Crown Paints for three years.<br />

“The paints are always here<br />

when we need them and we find<br />

no-one else offers the quality of<br />

products we require or the same<br />

knowledge, experience and passion<br />

inside every tin - is providing the<br />

right blend of support to such an<br />

iconic venue.<br />

“This is a hugely prestigious<br />

project which we are very proud of.”<br />

A video about the project at<br />

products to deliver outstanding<br />

aesthetics and safety on site.<br />

All Crown Trade products used<br />

at Wembley are provided in a<br />

palette of 12 core colours which<br />

have all been carefully matched<br />

to ensure the correct shade is<br />

provided in accordance with<br />

Wembley’s branding requirements.<br />

They are also non-oil based, to<br />

reduce odours for the comfort<br />

that is not only wipeable but has<br />

the real bonus of offering a truly<br />

scrubbable finish, enabling marks<br />

and stains to be easily removed to<br />

ensure an attractive look is in place<br />

for the long term.<br />

This allows a ‘just painted’<br />

appearance to be maintained, with<br />

surfaces returned to their pristine<br />

condition time and time again.<br />

Jack Hopkins, CBRE Fabric<br />

level of service.<br />

“The paint goes on to the<br />

surfaces really well and the<br />

products are geared-up for<br />

commercial use in terms of their<br />

durability.”<br />

Debbie Orr, Crown Paints<br />

Trade Marketing Manager, said:<br />

“Wembley Stadium is one of the<br />

most famous stadiums in the world<br />

and our heritage and expertise -<br />

which involves over 200 years of<br />

Wembley Stadium can be viewed at<br />

https://youtu.be/K7k5BAFqhB8<br />

Decorators can find out more<br />

about Crown Trade products by<br />

visiting www.crowntrade.co.uk.<br />

For further details please<br />

contact the Crown Trade<br />

Customer Relations Team by<br />

calling 0330 0240297 or emailing<br />

info@crowntrade.co.uk<br />


● ● ●<br />



A popular tourist attraction is<br />

moving full steam ahead with a<br />

major refurbishment programme –<br />

thanks to help from the experts.<br />

Redecoration work at<br />

Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway<br />

has been going on since it was<br />

taken over by new owners two<br />

years ago.<br />

Now the initial stage of the<br />

project, which is breathing new<br />

life into historic stations, miniature<br />

steam trains and even the smallest<br />

pub in the world, is finally nearing<br />

the end of the line.<br />

And Peter Bryant, who bought<br />

the heritage railway alongside<br />

fellow enthusiast John Kerr in 2014,<br />

says a trusting business relationship<br />

has helped keep them on track.<br />

Paint for the entire project is<br />

being sourced from the Crown<br />

<strong>Decorating</strong> Centre in neighbouring<br />

Grimsby, where manager Robert<br />

Wray and his team are pulling<br />

out all the stops, according to Mr<br />

Bryant.<br />

He said: “We’ve invested<br />

heavily in both infrastructure and<br />

the upgrade of facilities and that<br />

includes extensive painting work.<br />

“We wanted to create a uniform<br />

look across the whole site and the<br />

team at Crown has been massively<br />

helpful with that.<br />

“Not only are they supplying<br />

the paint to meet our very specific<br />

requirements, they provide<br />

invaluable advice and their<br />

customer service is second to none.<br />

“Robert really knows his stuff<br />

and his expertise has made a big<br />

difference to us during the last<br />

couple of years.”<br />

The idyllic site in North East<br />

Lincolnshire, which now attracts<br />

more than 250,000 visitors each<br />

year, features three stations, a café<br />

and museum along a two-mile<br />

narrow gauge line stretching from<br />

Kingsway (near Cleethorpes itself)<br />

to Humberston.<br />

But it’s the main station, at the<br />

halfway point of Lakeside, which<br />

is home to The Signal Box Inn –<br />

officially recognised as ‘the smallest<br />

pub on the planet’.<br />

The fully-stocked pub,<br />

measuring just eight feet square,<br />

was the latest building to be<br />

included in the makeover when<br />

it was repainted to mark its 10th<br />

anniversary this year.<br />

Its new look falls in line with the<br />

railway’s iconic maroon and cream<br />

colour scheme and means it won’t<br />

be long before the first stage of the<br />

refurbishment programme, carried<br />

out by Peter and John alongside<br />

five full-time staff and a team of<br />

volunteers, is complete.<br />

Work will continue over the<br />

next few years with an extension to<br />

the main building at Lakeside and<br />

the redevelopment of Humberston<br />

station on the long-term agenda.<br />

Robert said: “We’ve supplied paint<br />

throughout the project along with<br />

advice on precisely which products<br />

to use and where and we’ve struck up<br />

something of a relationship with the<br />

guys at the railway.<br />

“They’ve been redecorating<br />

buildings inside and out, so they’ve<br />

used a lot of oil-based undercoat<br />

and gloss and we set them up with<br />

an account to make it more costeffective.<br />

“We’ve also used codes to supply<br />

very specific paint for some of their<br />

engines, particularly those based on<br />

Thomas the Tank Engine, as well as a<br />

special merchandising area.<br />

“It’s been quite an undertaking<br />

and it’s still very much ongoing, but<br />

I’m sure the railway will look good<br />

for many years to come and we’re<br />

happy to help out.”<br />




HAMILTON, the leading<br />

professional decorating sundries<br />

company, has launched Expression,<br />

the ultimate professional paint<br />

brush range, at this year’s National<br />

Painting & <strong>Decorating</strong> Show.<br />

Recognising the precision,<br />

artistry and emotion that goes<br />

into the work of the professional<br />

painter and decorator, and<br />

understanding that new paint<br />

formulations mean that traditional<br />

tools no longer give the same<br />

results, Hamilton has created<br />

Expression, a completely new and<br />

superior range of brushes.<br />

Finest design, latest technology,<br />

exceptional results<br />

Hamilton went back to basics<br />

with this project. By carrying<br />

out extensive research amongst<br />

painters and decorators and using<br />

the latest technology during<br />

its development, all Expression<br />

brushes feature Max Stroke, a<br />

unique synthetic filament blend<br />

comprising a mix of different types<br />

of filament.<br />

Max Stroke has been developed<br />

to deliver a smooth and consistent<br />

finish whilst also achieving<br />

optimal paint pick-up and release,<br />

ensuring the job is completed<br />

quickly. New production processes<br />

have been adopted to achieve a<br />

softer, fuller appearance on the<br />

tips of the brushes. This feature<br />

guarantees the smoothest and<br />

most consistent finish is achieved,<br />

delivering exceptional results for<br />

professionals whether using solvent<br />

or water-based paints.<br />

The Expression brush range<br />

comprises:-<br />

• Expression Flat brush – sizes 1”,<br />

1 ½”, 2” & 3”<br />

A longer wooden beavertail<br />

handle provides a well-balanced<br />

brush for comfort and a flexible grip.<br />

Remaining comfortable even when<br />

used for long periods of time and<br />

featuring the Max Stroke filament,<br />

Expression Flat brushes are the ideal<br />

addition to your tool box.<br />

• Expression Angled brush – sizes<br />

35mm & 70mm<br />

Featuring a longer wooden<br />

beavertail handle for a balanced<br />

hold, coupled with the MaxStroke<br />

filament which has been produced<br />

to an angled finish, the Expression<br />

Angled brushes achieve more<br />

accurate cutting in with higher<br />

paint pick-up for a smoother, more<br />

consistent finish.<br />

• Expression Precision brush –<br />

sizes 15mm & 20mm<br />

The new Expression Precision<br />

brushes have a specially designed<br />

head for fast painting on profile<br />

surfaces. The angle of the<br />

filaments means that painting<br />

corners has never been so easy.<br />

The long wooden handle provides<br />

a greater reach for more stability<br />

in awkward places and is ideal for<br />

close accurate work. The patented<br />

cover has been developed to<br />

protect the head from damage and<br />

can also store the wet brush for up<br />

to 72 hours.<br />

Philippa Pawson, Director<br />

of Marketing at Hamilton said,<br />

’At Hamilton, we know that<br />

a professional painter and<br />

decorator’s reputation matters and<br />

they rely on their tools to help<br />

them produce a great finish every<br />

day. We, however, wanted to go<br />

one stage further and provide the<br />

tools that allow professionals to<br />

create stunning impressions on<br />

each and every job. We believe our<br />

new Expression range can help to<br />

achieve this.<br />

’During our research, we<br />

met many professional painters<br />

and decorators and what was<br />

absolutely clear was their passion<br />

and pride for their work and their<br />

aim to give their clients the end<br />

result that they envisaged in their<br />

minds.<br />

’We worked closely with our<br />

<strong>Decorating</strong> Panel to pinpoint<br />

exactly what they needed to<br />

deliver excellence every time.<br />

This invaluable insight, coupled<br />

with access to the best research,<br />

development and manufacturing<br />

techniques available has resulted<br />

in the uncompromising Expression.<br />

’From the superior Max Stroke<br />

filament blend through to the<br />

specially designed handles, every<br />

aspect of the Expression range<br />

has been carefully considered and<br />

thoughtfully crafted. Expression<br />

truely is a brand new standard<br />

for professional painters and<br />

decorators.’<br />

For more information on<br />

Hamilton’s new Expression<br />

range of brushes, visit<br />

www.hamiltonexpression.com<br />

or call 01953 453201.<br />


● ● ●<br />



NOVUS Property Solutions has<br />

committed to a new three-year<br />

membership of the flagship<br />

education programme set up<br />

by Business in the Community<br />

(BITC).<br />

Members of Business in the<br />

Community, which is the Prince’s<br />

Responsible Business Network,<br />

work together to tackle a wide<br />

range of issues to build a fairer<br />

society and a more sustainable<br />

future. Its Business Class scheme<br />

aims to support a cluster of<br />

eight schools in disadvantaged<br />

communities by creating longterm,<br />

sustainable partnerships<br />

with local businesses and Novus<br />

has been part of the scheme<br />

since 2013.<br />

Novus chairman Stuart<br />

Seddon, who is a member of<br />

BITC’s Regional Leadership Board<br />

and chairs his local Business<br />

Class cluster, has confirmed that<br />

the company will continue its<br />

involvement for the next three<br />

years and seek to build on the<br />

links it has built with schools in<br />

Staffordshire.<br />

The first partnership Novus<br />

created began in 2013 when<br />

the company started working<br />

with staff and students from<br />

Thistley Hough Academy,<br />

where collaborative projects<br />

have included the creation of a<br />

community garden, path-building<br />

and fencing installation, and<br />

students have been involved in<br />

needs-led activities, mentoring,<br />

volunteering and skills<br />

development.<br />

The partnership flourished<br />

from the outset, and was<br />

recognised with Business in the<br />

Community’s West Midlands<br />

Collaborative Action Award<br />

earlier this year. The award<br />

recognises a partnership that is<br />

pooling resources and working<br />

together to make a positive<br />

impact on a key social or<br />

environmental issue through<br />

their collaborative action.<br />

The Business Class cluster,<br />

which Novus established and<br />

secured the involvement of<br />

eight businesses, has supported<br />

more than 3,000 school pupils<br />

to help improve their skills and<br />

employability.<br />

Stuart Seddon reflected<br />

on the success of Novus’<br />

involvement in the scheme,<br />

saying: “Business Class is a very<br />

special initiative that has grown<br />

close to the hearts of the Novus<br />

team.<br />

“The investment of time<br />

and costs that we have put into<br />

working with the schools brings<br />

a range of benefits, the most<br />

important being the boosting<br />

of career opportunities and<br />

employment skills for young<br />

people in the region.<br />

“Our business thrives on its<br />

links with the local area, and<br />

the decision to continue our<br />

involvement in the programme<br />

– which delivers such vital<br />

work and involves such dynamic<br />

schools and businesses - was an<br />

obvious one.”<br />

For more information about Novus<br />

Property Solutions please visit<br />

www.novussolutions.co.uk You can<br />

also ‘like’ Novus Property Solutions<br />

on Facebook or ‘follow’ on Twitter<br />

@_NovusSolutions<br />


Smart Innovation<br />

The award-winning, ergonomic Mirka® DEROS is the lightest random orbital sander<br />

on the market, and has been used successfully by thousands of professionals since<br />

its launch in 2012.<br />

Now, Mirka® DEROS employs ‘smart’ technology with an integrated vibration sensor<br />

and Bluetooth connectivity. Using a free app on your mobile phone, you can monitor<br />

and record vibration levels while sanding.<br />

w: mirka.co.uk t: 01908 866100<br />

Quality from start to finish

All angles<br />

covered!<br />

Suitable for use in all paints<br />

A unique blend of SRT synthetic filaments featuring<br />

DuPont Tynex ® ensures soft tips for a smooth finish<br />

Fat Hog<br />

ProAqua<br />

Fat Hog<br />

ProAqua Angle<br />

Fat Hog<br />

ProAqua Oval<br />

Fat Hog<br />

ProAqua Oval Angle<br />

Johnstone’s<br />

Trade Aqua<br />

Range<br />


R<br />

P A<br />

R<br />

E<br />

N<br />

T<br />

Available at your local Johnstone’s <strong>Decorating</strong> Centre. To find your nearest store, visit us online at www.paint247.co.uk

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