July 2017 Church Sponsor

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Lan Vwa<br />

<strong>Sponsor</strong>ship<br />

Network<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />

W<br />

hen you think of the end of the school day at a school in the USA, you often<br />

think of chaos and swarms of students rushing to get home. After the 15<br />

minutes of noise, there is silence. In Joconal, that is not the case. Every day,<br />

you will find a couple of students staying to clean. They have a schedule,<br />

so everyone takes their turn. The students that are scheduled sweep and<br />

mop the floors, clean the desks, and take care of any trash. They care for their classroom with<br />

pride knowing that it is truly theirs.<br />

From day one, we have been planning to hand over ownership of the school to the<br />

people of Joconal. Our students and the rest of the community know that the school is theirs<br />

and that there is a level of responsibility that comes with the ownership. Our students have<br />

taken on the responsibility of caring for the classroom because they want to support their<br />

school. They know that their education is paid for by many people they have never met that<br />

care about their futures, and they want to do their part now to make sure that more students<br />

have the opportunity to pursue a better future.

Adam Wroe<br />

Volunteer<br />

Adam is a recent graduate from West Virginia University’s<br />

college of International studies. Before he pursues<br />

a career in the nonprofit sector, he is giving back with<br />

his degree by working with our students in Joconal. We<br />

are thrilled that he chose to share his talents at our<br />

school.<br />

“After working with the students of Joconal, I realize<br />

that I have never seen students more eager to learn<br />

and utilize the information from their classes. It has<br />

made me realize what a prominent role education has<br />

for the youth and just how important it is to continue<br />

inspiring and teaching.”<br />

It’s All Connected<br />

How we are teaching our students to think.<br />

Have you ever heard a student ask, “How is this going to help me later<br />

in life?” Students don’t always see the value in the lessons their teachers are<br />

teaching them. It is not because the lesson isn’t important, but because they<br />

aren’t able to see the relevance outside of the classroom. We think if they understand<br />

the relevance then they will learn better, so we do our best in preparing<br />

them to apply their education in everyday life.<br />

Last month, we shared about our reading program. As part of that program,<br />

our students are required to write short stories that they illustrate to<br />

create a children’s book. The books they write are read aloud to the children in<br />

our reading program.<br />

Now, we are on to the next step. With help from our summer volun-<br />

“Education is<br />

not the learning<br />

of facts, but the<br />

training of the<br />

mind to think.”<br />

-Albert Einstein<br />

Writing<br />

Reading<br />

Business<br />

Math<br />

1Writing short stories<br />

is helping our students<br />

express themselves<br />

in their own written<br />

language.<br />

2Reading aloud is<br />

helping them improve<br />

their reading comprehension<br />

while investing in the<br />

education of 4 to 6 year<br />

olds in Joconal.<br />

3Creating a business is<br />

showing them how to<br />

apply concepts they are<br />

learning to create value<br />

and meet the needs of<br />

their community.<br />

4Applying math in their<br />

business and in practical<br />

application outside<br />

the classroom is helping<br />

them improve their skills<br />

by showing them the<br />

value of learning it.

teer, Adam, our students are taking ideas from their<br />

books and work shop projects to create a business.<br />

The subject of their last book was their answer to<br />

the following: “if you were an inventor, what would<br />

you invent?” Adam is helping them explore their<br />

idea along with other projects they have enjoyed<br />

working on to determine what type of business<br />

they are interested in starting. He is going to work<br />

with them to help them understand what makes a<br />

business successful and help them prepare for the<br />

school market day. They’ll get to relate basic math<br />

skills to make sure their business is viable and to<br />

sell their products on market day.<br />

As the students continue through the<br />

school year, we love watching as they see connections<br />

on their own. Dayana may not be able to<br />

create her invention, a machine that can translate<br />

what an animal is saying, but she is learning to see<br />

everyday problems in a different light. More importantly,<br />

she is learning that she has what it takes to<br />

solve some of those problems.<br />

Say<br />

hello<br />

They want to<br />

hear from you!<br />

The students would love to hear from you. You have pictures of them. Why not<br />

send them a picture of you! Let them know who you are and things that you like<br />

to do. This is a great opportunity for them to learn about your culture and for<br />

you to encourage them to keep up the good work.<br />

In order to make things simple for you, we’ve created an email for your sponsorship<br />

communications. No need to worry about your Spanish skills, your<br />

email will go to our staff for translation before being sent to the students.<br />

Email: students@lanvwa.org<br />

Subject: From “your name”

Wanted:<br />

Individuals<br />

passionate<br />

about empowering<br />

students.<br />

Our board of directors is seeking candidates in the Asheville area to serve at<br />

the board level. They would play a key role in sharing our mission in the Asheville<br />

community and in fund-raising within the community. The ideal candidate<br />

shares a passion for our mission, has the desire to see change, and possesses<br />

the capacity to help.<br />

Our board meets monthly via phone and online conferencing. Each member is<br />

asked to give within their own capacity.<br />

On June 24th, our team in Guatemala<br />

held the 1st “Gran Bingo La Voz” in order<br />

to raise funds to support our mission of<br />

Empowering Communities Through Education.<br />

Everyone enjoyed the event, kids and<br />

parents.<br />

Our team raised Q3, 995.72 ($554.96)!!<br />

We greatly appreciate the support from all<br />

those who attended and all the companies<br />

that sponsored us with their donations of<br />

prizes. Without their support, our work would<br />

not be possible.<br />

Gracias!!!<br />

Por creer y<br />

apoyar nuestra misión de<br />

¨Empoderar A Las<br />

Comunidades A Través De<br />

La Educación¨<br />

Bingo La Voz<br />

www.lanvwa.org<br />

lanvwa<br />

Get<br />

Involved<br />

Our school would not be running without people<br />

like you. It has taken voices from all over the USA<br />

and Guatemala joining together to get us where<br />

we are. Thanks to your willingness to share, we<br />

have made a difference in the lives of an entire<br />

village, but we want to do more!<br />

That is why we created the Ambassador Program.<br />

We want to equip passionate people with the<br />

tools they need to make a bigger impact. That<br />

means taking our model to more students and<br />

impacting more communities through sustainable<br />

education.<br />

Visit us online<br />

LanVwa.org<br />

Sign-up to share your voice!

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