SACOME Annual Report 2010-11

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<strong>Annual</strong><br />

<strong>Report</strong><br />


Mining at Alinta Energy’s<br />

Leigh Creek mine.<br />

On the cover: Working<br />

with gold at Kingsgate’s<br />

Challenger operation.<br />

Contents<br />

Presidents <strong>Report</strong> 4<br />

Chief Executive <strong>Report</strong> 6<br />

Our Staff 8<br />

Voice of the Resources Industry in SA 10<br />

Environment & Sustainability 12<br />

Land Access 14<br />

Mining Act & Taxes 16<br />

Community Engagement 18<br />

Regional Infrastructure 19<br />

Occupational Health & Safety 20<br />

Membership Events 22<br />

Indigenous Relations 25<br />

Skills & Education 26<br />

Marketing & Communications 28<br />

Sponsors 30<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> Membership 31<br />

<strong>Report</strong> of the Council Members 37<br />

Statement by Council Members 38<br />

Income Statement 39<br />

Statement of Recognised<br />

Income & Expenditure 39<br />

Balance Sheet 40<br />

Cash Flow Statement 41<br />

Discussion & Analysis 42<br />

Notes to the Financial Statements 43<br />

Independent Auditor’s <strong>Report</strong> 46<br />

2 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />



Some things change – some just plain do not!<br />

In February 20<strong>11</strong>, long serving State Minister<br />

for Mineral Resources Development, Mr Paul<br />

Holloway, stepped down from this ministry<br />

having served with distinction ever since his<br />

appointment in March 2002. Mr Holloway<br />

presided over the outstandingly successful State<br />

Government Plan for Accelerating Exploration<br />

(PACE) which has helped transform the mineral<br />

resources sector in South Australia.<br />

The new minister, the Hon. Tom Koutsantonis<br />

MP, is determined to continue the extraordinary<br />

growth of our sector and this year we<br />

commenced working with him on this mutual<br />

goal.<br />

The proposed expansion of the fabulous Olympic<br />

Dam mine will change the State’s mineral<br />

resources sector (for the better) for decades to<br />

come, with the lodging of the supplementary<br />

draft EIS in December last year.<br />

OZ Minerals acquisition of the Carrapateena<br />

copper-gold deposit in the Gawler Craton and it’s<br />

development will also bring change.<br />

Our burgeoning iron ore sector is bringing<br />

change to the sector as will our evolving coal<br />

(and coal by-products), hot rocks/geothermal,<br />

and the many other mineral resource<br />

developments.<br />

I also sense a favourable change in sentiment<br />

towards the use of nuclear energy.<br />

What then hasn’t changed?<br />

Land access issues continue to be near “top of<br />

the list” of challenges.<br />

These challenges are described on page 14<br />

together with our actions to reduce their impact.<br />

Certain government departments and certain<br />

members of the public continue to believe<br />

mining companies are awash with money.<br />

A <strong>SACOME</strong> study (almost complete) shows<br />

that for a range of average mining operations,<br />

precious little cash is left over after payment<br />

of taxes, royalties, operating costs, exploration,<br />

capital expenditure, community costs etc.<br />

The perception just hasn’t changed, but it<br />

must be corrected.<br />

The Chamber addressed many other<br />

challenges and issues during the year under<br />

review, which have been reported on in this<br />

publication.<br />

The <strong>SACOME</strong> team is now well established<br />

and continues to function well in its role<br />

of serving the industry. On behalf of the<br />

council and myself, I extend a very sincere<br />

appreciation to our dedicated team for their<br />

outstanding contributions under the<br />

excellent leadership of our Chief Executive,<br />

Jason Kuchel.<br />

Thanks are also due to our Councillors and<br />

voluntary committees for their continuing<br />

contribution to our effectiveness.<br />

Special thanks are also owed to Stephanie<br />

Walker, who retired after heading up our<br />

Indigenous Relations activities for nine years.<br />

Stephanie did an outstanding job and was<br />

respected and admired by all who knew her.<br />

Her contributions to a whole host of<br />

negotiated Indigenous Land Use Agreements<br />

(ILUAs) will continue to serve the industry well<br />

for years to come.<br />

John Roberts<br />

President<br />

4 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />



As our annual report cover attests, the<br />

resources sector has certainly been under fire<br />

this financial year.<br />

Ever since the announcement of the Resources<br />

Super Profits Tax (RSPT) several months before<br />

the beginning of this financial year, the blaze has<br />

been fuelled by a plethora of challenges.<br />

On the 2nd of July the Minerals Resources<br />

Rent Tax (MRRT) was announced along with<br />

the Petroleum Resources Rent Tax (PRRT).<br />

Along with these tax proposals, we have been<br />

busy dealing with Royalty hikes, the Carbon<br />

Tax, Marine Parks, the review of access to the<br />

Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA), pressure to<br />

ban mining in Arkaroola, introduction of the<br />

Mining Act amendments, Harmonisation of<br />

OH&S legislation across Australia, Protected<br />

Areas on Private Land (PAPL) Bill and a whole<br />

raft of threats to land access.<br />

As our industry grows, there is a corresponding<br />

perceived fear of mining activities impeding on<br />

agricultural land - in the minds of landholders;<br />

community members concerned about food<br />

security; and environmental groups.<br />

These concerns are unfounded.<br />

Most exploration leads to a very small number<br />

of major minerals mines and these mines are<br />

currently taking up only 0.074% of our State to<br />

date - despite growing from 4 to 18 mines over<br />

the past 6 years.<br />

The expectations from some in the community<br />

are that a mine will be built every time someone<br />

explores on their land or in their community.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> has been actively engaged with many<br />

Mineral Production Tenement Size<br />

Mine Area (km 2 )<br />

Olympic Dam 177.88<br />

Prominent Hill 78.56<br />

Kanmantoo 5.27<br />

Middleback 59.84<br />

Cairn Hill 80.13<br />

Beverley 177.87<br />

Honeymoon 17.19<br />

Jacinth Ambrosia 45.00<br />

Challenger 13.21<br />

White Dam 15.68<br />

Beltana 1.02<br />

Angas 0.88<br />

Peculiar Knob 18.48<br />

Leigh Creek # 85.28<br />

TOTAL 776.29<br />

SA Area (Land) 1,043,514<br />

% of SA 0.074%<br />

# Conservative approximation via Google Earth mapping<br />

groups and through the media in counteracting<br />

some of these negative stereotypes and giving<br />

perspective. In particular, we have been actively<br />

promoting the benefits that the resources sector<br />

brings to communities in SA and the State as a<br />

whole. Just one of those ways is through the<br />

Premier’s inaugural Social Inclusion in Mining<br />

and Energy Award, which <strong>SACOME</strong> hosted as<br />

part of our Gala Dinner in May.<br />

At the beginning of the year, we introduced a<br />

new structure to the organisation, see page 8.<br />

The new structure provides for 4 teams and cross<br />

functional team work resulting in higher output,<br />

along with an increased focus in key areas<br />

including communications and corporate social<br />

responsibility. During the year, the chamber’s<br />

staff grew to 15, reflecting the growing size of<br />

the industry and needs of our members.<br />

Key capabilities have been added, particularly<br />

in the areas of research and communications.<br />

These functions have provided us with more<br />

and better data for advocacy purposes and the<br />

ability to improve our levels of communication to<br />

our stakeholders. Highlights include a massive<br />

increase in our number of media hits and the<br />

introduction of a new website.<br />

From a financial perspective, <strong>SACOME</strong> continues<br />

to perform well through a difficult period post<br />

Global Financial Crisis. We have increased<br />

services and advocacy in line with our members<br />

increased needs and the bombardment of issues,<br />

whilst maintaining a small surplus to enable us<br />

to deal urgently with unexpected industry issues<br />

that arise.<br />

One of the most enjoyable aspects of managing<br />

an organisation is when one can be proud of the<br />

team and their interactions with members.<br />

I commend this publication to you, which<br />

provides a snapshot of a number of the key<br />

issues and achievements for the <strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong><br />

financial year.<br />

I am very proud of all of our staff, who from the<br />

youngest graduate to the most senior Director,<br />

have shown their commitment to <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

and our flourishing resources industry by giving<br />

their all and achieving much for the sector. I<br />

am also very proud of the tailored support and<br />

assistance the Chamber has been able to provide<br />

to numerous sub-groups and individual members<br />

over the year, in our role of supporting and<br />

promoting this vitally important industry in<br />

South Australia.<br />

Jason Kuchel<br />

Chief Executive<br />

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annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />


OUR<br />

Staff<br />

From left to right:<br />

Front: Lewis Stoll (HSE&C Project Officer), Nigel Long (Director Corporate Social Responsibility), Yasmin Dagas (Communications Officer), Emma Hughes (Careers<br />

Promotion Manager), Kathleen Sullivan (Receptionist), Dayne Eckermann (Policy Analyst/Researcher).<br />

Middle: Aleisha Sullivan (Events Manager), Megan Andrews (Director Membership and Communications), Lisa Jeffery (Indigenous Relations and Geoscientist<br />

Assistance Program Officer), John Cocks (Director Strategy and Governance).<br />

Top: Margaret Donaldson (Finance Officer), Jason Kuchel (Chief Executive), Alison Snel (Manager Member Relations), Jonathon Forbes (Director Industry Development),<br />

Layla Mignone (Executive Assistant).<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> Organisational Chart<br />

As at September 20<strong>11</strong><br />

MEMBERS OF <strong>SACOME</strong><br />



Jason Kuchel<br />

Sacome staff as at<br />

September 20<strong>11</strong><br />



Jonathon Forbes<br />



Nigel Long<br />



Megan Andrews<br />



John Cocks<br />



Dayne Eckermann<br />



Lisa Jeffery<br />



Alison Snel<br />


Margaret Donaldson<br />



Lisa Jeffery<br />



Lewis Stoll<br />


Aleisha Sullivan<br />



Layla Mignone<br />



Emma Hughes<br />



Yasmin Dagas<br />


Kathleen Sullivan<br />

8 annual report 20<strong>11</strong>


South Australia<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> Council<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> Committees<br />

The <strong>SACOME</strong> Council represents the mining,<br />

petroleum, extractive, exploration and service<br />

provider sections. The <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong> financial year saw<br />

several changes to the Council with <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

welcoming Stefan Buys, Iain McDougall, Alice<br />

McCleary, Terry Burgess and Mark Parry as new<br />

councillors, replacing Tino Guglielmo, Dean Dalla<br />

Valle, Patrick Clifford and Mick Wilkes.<br />

John Roberts<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> President<br />

Mithril Resources<br />

Stefan Buys<br />

BHP Billiton<br />

George McKenzie<br />

Finlaysons<br />

Mark McGeough<br />

Toro Energy<br />

Graham Ascough<br />

Mithril Resources<br />

Andrew Freeman<br />

Santos<br />

Jim White<br />

Centrex Metals<br />

Alice McCleary<br />

Archer Exploration<br />

Terry Kallis<br />

Petratherm<br />

Iain McDougall<br />

Stuart Petroleum<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> organises various committees which focus on specific areas. <strong>SACOME</strong> staff also participate<br />

on a myriad of external committees dedicated to various industry issues. We are very grateful to all<br />

of our committeee participants and extend our sincere thanks for their dedication and hard work<br />

over the year.<br />

Executive Committee<br />

Occupational Health & Safety<br />

Chaired by: John Roberts<br />

Committee<br />

Contact: Jason Kuchel<br />

Chaired by: Nigel Long<br />

Contact: Nigel Long<br />

Exploration Committee<br />

Chaired by: Graham Ascough<br />

Energy Policy Working Group<br />

Contact: Jonathon Forbes<br />

Committee<br />

Chaired by: Darren Bilsborough<br />

Editorial - SA Mines & Energy<br />

Contact: Nigel Long<br />

Journal Committee<br />

John Roberts, Tino Guglielmo &<br />

Mark McGeough<br />

Contact: Megan Andrews<br />

Committee in focus...<br />

Hans Umlauff<br />

Vice President<br />

Iluka Resources<br />

Kym Winter-Dewhirst<br />

BHP Billiton<br />

Terry Burgess<br />

OZ Minerals<br />

Ros DeGaris<br />

Adelaide Brighton<br />

Michael Reed<br />

Worley Parsons<br />

Mark Parry<br />

OneSteel<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s Exploration Committee has been very active during<br />

the year and continues to be a valuable forum for responding to<br />

a range of issues affecting exploration in South Australia. The<br />

Committee has provided direction on issues including the Mining<br />

(Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2009, the MRRT, infrastructure<br />

needs, marine parks, land access - including the WPA submission<br />

and Northern Flinders Ranges Management Plan- community<br />

engagement and royalties, to name just a few.<br />

10 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

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Sustainability<br />

Environment & Sustainability<br />

The mineral and energy resources industry<br />

in SA is governed by strong requirements to<br />

undertake detailed evaluation of potential<br />

impacts on the environment and address these<br />

with managed strategies. <strong>SACOME</strong> played<br />

a strong role in contributing to policies and<br />

legislation which affect the sector over the year.<br />

exploration and production approvals, future<br />

infrastructure development and transport<br />

regulation.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> represented industry in our<br />

contributions during the consultation period.<br />

Together with submissions by resource<br />

Natural Resources Management<br />

(NRM)<br />

Through the water levy and partnerships with<br />

NRM Boards, the South Australian resources<br />

sector is a significant contributor to NRM,<br />

providing social and economic capital to progress<br />

NRM objectives in a number of regions.<br />

Marine Parks<br />

In the second quarter of the <strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong> financial<br />

year, the Department of Environment and Natural<br />

Resources released for discussion preliminary<br />

sanctuary zone scenarios for South Australia’s 19<br />

marine parks.<br />

The size and number of the proposed zones<br />

was extensive, particularly given the size would<br />

eventually be magnified by the inclusion of<br />

habitat protection zones as buffers.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s perspective was that a large sample of<br />

the preliminary sanctuary zones could appropriately<br />

be re-categorised as habitat protection zones;<br />

which would preserve existing use and enjoyment<br />

of the marine environment, but also ensure proper<br />

management and monitoring.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> believes the array of zonings within<br />

marine parks and many associated rules and<br />

prohibitions has the potential to complicate<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> contributed<br />

significantly during<br />

the consultation<br />

period, eventually<br />

resulting in substantial<br />

modification to<br />

sanctuary zones by<br />

the Marine Park Local<br />

Advisory Groups.<br />

companies and the Marine Park Local Advisory<br />

Groups, substantial modifications to sanctuary<br />

zone boundaries were made.<br />

This advice is being considered by the<br />

Government as management plans are drafted<br />

for public consultation in late 20<strong>11</strong>.<br />

Although the resources industry is a legitimate<br />

land and water user and a significant contributor<br />

to the objectives of environmental legislation,<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> is not recognised as a peak body<br />

in either legislation, nor has guaranteed<br />

representation on the NRM Council, the<br />

state-wide peak body advising government.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> believes that in order for the resources<br />

industry to have greater influence and scrutiny<br />

over how its water levies, and also its significant<br />

environmental benefit (SEB) offsets for the<br />

clearance of native vegetation are invested, the<br />

industry must take on a greater role in NRM and<br />

native vegetation management. This will also<br />

assist in influencing the direction, funding and<br />

planning of NRM more broadly in the State.<br />

Amendments to the NRM Act are currently<br />

before Parliament and <strong>SACOME</strong> will continue<br />

to lobby for additional amendments to enable<br />

industry representation.<br />

Climate Change<br />

Abandoned in early <strong>2010</strong>, policy to introduce a<br />

pricing mechanism on greenhouse gas (GHG)<br />

emissions was again on the agenda following<br />

the Federal election in August <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> signed off on our formal policy on<br />

Climate Change during the year, which sets out<br />

the principles for establishment of a price on<br />

GHG emissions.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> policy and principles developed in<br />

collaboration with the MCA will form the<br />

foundation of industry’s engagement with the<br />

Federal Government in future development of<br />

climate change policy. The legislative package<br />

to support the establishment of a scheme to<br />

price GHG emissions is expected to be introduced<br />

into Federal Parliament later in 20<strong>11</strong>.<br />

Any scheme placing a price on GHG will have<br />

fundamental implications for the mining and<br />

energy sector and <strong>SACOME</strong> will continue to<br />

vigorously represent the resources industry in<br />

this policy space.<br />

Coopers Creek in<br />

the Cooper Basin,<br />

October <strong>2010</strong><br />

12 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />


LAND<br />

Access<br />

Land Access<br />

Land Access has been of particular interest<br />

to the industry over the past 12 months,<br />

with a number of reviews and legislation<br />

proposals undertaken. As explorers push<br />

further into farming land, the issue of access<br />

to land for our industry has never been<br />

more important.<br />

legislation to ensure this area is protected from<br />

activities that would affect conservation of this<br />

area’s natural character and environment. We<br />

are hopeful that the Government also recognises<br />

this and that some level of coexistence for<br />

exploration and mining may be possible. At the<br />

time of writing, there has been no decision as to<br />

the future of this area.<br />

The Final <strong>Report</strong> was released in February 20<strong>11</strong><br />

which included 65 recommendations, and the Federal<br />

Government endorsed the Review and the proposed<br />

new management framework for the WPA.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> will look to work closely with the newly<br />

formed WPA Coordination Office to ensure that<br />

our industry is provided with maximum access<br />

under the new arrangements and that we<br />

are well represented on the Reference Group<br />

that will be established to give advice on the<br />

practicalities and appropriateness of coexistence<br />

under this new model.<br />

Northern Flinders Ranges<br />

Management Plan (Arkaroola)<br />

In January <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> made a submission<br />

in response to the discussion paper titled:<br />

‘Seeking a Balance: Conservation and resource<br />

use in the Northern Flinders Ranges’ which<br />

proposed a series of management zones across<br />

the northern Flinders Ranges area, effectively<br />

changing and restricting the access and use of<br />

parts of the area.<br />

In February 20<strong>11</strong> the Premier announced<br />

that the Government is examining options for<br />

the future conservation management of the<br />

Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary. These options<br />

could include the exclusion or limiting of future<br />

mining in the environmentally sensitive areas of<br />

Arkaroola Sanctuary or designating the area as<br />

a National Park.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> has always maintained that sufficient<br />

safeguards are in place within existing<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> worked<br />

closely with Dr<br />

Hawke, Federal<br />

Ministers and the<br />

State Government in<br />

our contribution to the<br />

Woomera Prohibited<br />

Area report.<br />

Woomera Prohibited Area<br />

In May <strong>2010</strong>, the Federal Government announced<br />

a review of the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA),<br />

led by Dr Alan Hawke, examining the future of the<br />

WPA with a view to maximising its value to the<br />

nation for Defence and economic development<br />

over the next 20-30 years. Then in November, the<br />

Federal Government released the Review’s Interim<br />

<strong>Report</strong> whereby interested parties were invited<br />

to comment on the recommendations, prior to<br />

the Hawke WPA Review Team submitting a final<br />

report to the Government.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> worked closely with Dr Hawke, Federal<br />

Ministers and the State Government in our<br />

contribution to the report.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s response to the WPA Interim <strong>Report</strong><br />

was finalised and presented to the WPA<br />

Review Team in a face to face meeting in<br />

November <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

The Woomera<br />

Prohibited Area<br />

14 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

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MINING ACT &<br />

Taxes<br />

Mining Act & Taxes<br />

Mining Act Legislation<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> was heavily involved with the review<br />

of the Mining Act 1971 and Mining Regulations<br />

1998 from 2009 to early 20<strong>11</strong>. <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

lobbied hard against a number of amendments<br />

put up by various parties once the Bill had been<br />

introduced into Parliament including; proposals<br />

to exempt all land in the Greater Adelaide Area,<br />

onerous processes involving the granting of an<br />

exploration lease, and an amendment to ban<br />

mining at Arkaroola. <strong>SACOME</strong> continues to<br />

liaise with PIRSA MER and inform our members,<br />

as to the practical implications of the Mining<br />

Act and Regulations.<br />

Royalties<br />

Royalties was also a hot topic in <strong>2010</strong>, with<br />

the South Australian Government announcing<br />

a new three-tiered mineral royalty regime<br />

effective from July 1st 20<strong>11</strong>. The main increases<br />

were for concentrates such as copper, uranium,<br />

iron ore and coal which go from 3.5% of sales<br />

value to 5% of sales value. The other main<br />

change is the ‘new mine’ rate goes from 1.5%<br />

to 2% of sales value for the first 5 years of<br />

production. Existing mines will continue the<br />

1.5% royalty rate until the end of their five year<br />

term. The State Government is expected to raise<br />

an additional $65m per year in 20<strong>11</strong>/2012 as a<br />

result of these measures.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> received this news amidst the<br />

MRRT<br />

background of debate on whether all State and<br />

In July <strong>2010</strong>, the Federal Government<br />

Territory royalties would be credited against<br />

announced that the proposed Resources Super<br />

the newly proposed Mining Resource Rent<br />

Profits Tax (RSPT) would be replaced by a<br />

Tax (MRRT), and lobbied our State Minister to<br />

Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT), applicable<br />

seek an assurance from the Federal Minister of<br />

to iron ore and coal projects from 1st July 2012.<br />

Resources, that the South Australian resource The agreement included the extension of the<br />

sector will not be hit with a new double tax and current Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT)<br />

to honour the Terms of Reference in respect regime to all Australian onshore and offshore<br />

to crediting all State and Territory royalties,<br />

oil and gas projects.<br />

especially in relation to the recently announced<br />

royalty increases in the <strong>2010</strong> State Budget.<br />

The Government also announced that it would<br />

establish a Policy Transition Group (PTG), led<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> also lobbied to maintain a discounted by Federal Resources Minister, the Hon Martin<br />

royalty rate for new mines, which we believe is<br />

Ferguson AM MP, and Mr Don Argus AC,<br />

critical due to our State’s emerging mining industry. to consult with industry and advise the<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> was part of an<br />

Industry Submission made<br />

by the MCA on the MRRT<br />

and also provided our own<br />

separate submission after<br />

consulting with members.<br />

Government on the implementation of the new<br />

arrangements.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> was part of an Industry Submission<br />

made by the MCA and also provided our own<br />

separate submission after consulting with<br />

members. <strong>SACOME</strong> led discussions on behalf of<br />

our membership and outlined the main points<br />

of our submission to the PTG when they visited<br />

South Australia.<br />

Over this period, <strong>SACOME</strong> liaised directly with<br />

Federal Ministers on the proposed legislation,<br />

particularly in relation to Magnetite, which is<br />

at a very early development stage in South<br />

Australia.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> also attended the PTG meeting in<br />

Melbourne where representations were made<br />

regarding exploration expenditure. <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

continues to work through the MRRT through<br />

consultation and information sessions with<br />

members.<br />

Magnetite filings<br />

16 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />



Engagement<br />


Infrastructure<br />

Engaging and actively partnering with<br />

communities is core to the industry’s social<br />

licence to operate.<br />

A commitment to effective community<br />

engagement facilitates good decision making,<br />

can achieve optimum benefits for communities,<br />

and appropriately addresses issues of concern,<br />

doubt or confusion.<br />

Excellence in corporate social responsibility (CSR)<br />

is vital to the growth of the industry, and within<br />

this spectrum is the need to be responsive to<br />

the increasing expectations from the community,<br />

regulators and industry leaders for more open<br />

engagement with the public.<br />

The project will undertake a number of initiatives<br />

including revision of the resources industry codes<br />

of practice; benchmarking community engagement<br />

strategies around Australia; provision of community<br />

engagement workshops for the minerals and<br />

energy sector; and working with <strong>SACOME</strong> members<br />

to create an industry supported land access and<br />

Template Land Access Community<br />

Agreement (LACA)<br />

Working with exploration companies on the<br />

Yorke Peninsula, <strong>SACOME</strong> has commenced<br />

development of a template LACA to accompany<br />

amendments to the Mining Act and regulations.<br />

The template is expected to be completed for use<br />

on the Yorke Peninsula by the end of 20<strong>11</strong> and<br />

will be adapted for industry use across the State.<br />

Premier’s Social Inclusion in Mining<br />

and Energy Award<br />

In line with the increasing focus on corporate<br />

social responsibility, the Premier announced a<br />

new annual award during the year recognising<br />

Whilst the State Government’s plan for<br />

accelerated exploration (PACE) has seen<br />

exploration increase threefold, the next<br />

challenge is to turn this exploration boom into<br />

the long touted ‘mining boom’.<br />

To achieve this, many miners and renewableenergy<br />

providers will need to share commonuser<br />

infrastructure, including roads, rail, ports,<br />

water, energy and transmission lines. <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

directed efforts over the year to lobbying the<br />

State Government, the State Opposition and<br />

the Federal Government on a wide range of<br />

infrastructure issues.<br />

Infrastructure Demand Study 20<strong>11</strong><br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> has a strong presence on the Resources<br />

& Energy Sector Infrastructure Council (RESIC),<br />

who engaged Parsons Brinckerhoff to undertake<br />

the 20<strong>11</strong> Infrastructure Demand Study with the<br />

aim of identifying the strategic infrastructure needs<br />

for the sector over the next 10 years and beyond.<br />

The study involves an extensive engagement and<br />

consultation process with industry, to understand<br />

the anticipated demands on existing and new<br />

infrastructure. The results of the investigation<br />

and scenario planning workshops will be used<br />

to develop recommendations to Government on<br />

which infrastructure types should be developed<br />

to bring the greatest benefit to the State. It<br />

is anticipated the study will be completed by<br />

September 20<strong>11</strong>.<br />

Funding for a Bulk Commodities Port<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> believes that at least 3 cape size vessel<br />

capable ports will be required in South Australia<br />

to service 3 areas: The Southern Eyre Peninsula,<br />

Eastern side of the Spencer Gulf, and the<br />

Northern Eyre and Far North.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> continued to lobby the State<br />

Government throughout the year to consider<br />

underwriting tonnages for the first 5 years of a<br />

deep-water port operation at Port Bonython to<br />

attract investment.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> proactively supports and fosters<br />

commitment to the communities and stakeholders<br />

in regions where the industry operates.<br />

Community Engagement in the<br />

Minerals and Energy Sector Program<br />

A participant in an OZ Minerals pre-employment program.<br />

OZ won the first Premier’s Social Inclusion in Mining and<br />

Energy Award.<br />

compensation agreement template in partnership<br />

with the South Australian Farmers Federation.<br />

mining and energy companies for their<br />

outstanding contributions to the social wellbeing<br />

of communities.<br />

The award was introduced by the Premier at a<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> lunch with the winners announced at<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s <strong>Annual</strong> Resources Industry Dinner.<br />

Towards the end of the financial year,<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> was successful in attracting financial<br />

assistance for 20<strong>11</strong>/2012 under the PACE 2020<br />

Partnerships program to scope, implement and<br />

manage a series of work programs, under a<br />

project entitled ‘Community Engagement in the<br />

Minerals and Energy Sector’.<br />

A Project Officer is to be appointed in the first<br />

quarter of 20<strong>11</strong>-12 to support the CSR team<br />

achieve the objectives of the PACE funded<br />

project and assist with policy in the areas<br />

of occupational health & safety, Indigenous<br />

relations, energy and environment.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> played a pivotal role in promoting the<br />

award and submissions received for this first year<br />

were impressive. Finalists included Beach Energy,<br />

Epic Energy, Iluka Resources, PepinNini Minerals<br />

Limited, and OZ Minerals who was announced as<br />

the overall winner for <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

Alinta Energy’s Leigh Creeek Mine<br />

18 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />



Health & Safety<br />

Occupational Health & Safety<br />

Harmonisation of WHS laws<br />

In July 2008, the Council of Australia Governments<br />

formally committed to the harmonisation of work<br />

health and safety laws (WHS).<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> supports a uniform approach to<br />

occupational health and safety (OH&S) in Australia<br />

to reduce the regulatory burden faced by companies<br />

that operate in a number of jurisdictions, where<br />

separate processes currently apply.<br />

Draft model WHS Regulations were released for<br />

public comment in December <strong>2010</strong> along with a<br />

number of model codes of practice. The Chapter<br />

of the Regulations related to mines was to be<br />

released for separate consultation.<br />

The Model Work Health and Safety Act, model<br />

WHS Regulations and Codes of Practice come<br />

into force on 1 January 2012.<br />

SA Mines Rescue Competition<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> is the coordinating body for the SA<br />

Mines Emergency Response Competition and<br />

following the successful inaugural competition in<br />

<strong>2010</strong>, the second SA Mines Emergency Response<br />

Competition was held at Olympic Dam mine<br />

from 29th April until 1st May 20<strong>11</strong>.<br />

Four teams entered the competition from Perilya,<br />

Prominent Hill, BHP Billiton (Olympic Dam) and<br />

the Challenger Mine. The event was a great<br />

success, with teams given the opportunity to<br />

hone their emergency response skills through<br />

challenges such as high rope rescues, using<br />

breathing apparatus, fire fighting, first aid,<br />

theory, basic skills and road crash rescues.<br />

Olympic Dam won the competition and was<br />

presented with the <strong>SACOME</strong> Perpetual Trophy<br />

for the second year running.<br />

Emerging Mines OH&S Project<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> worked closely with the MCA and other<br />

state bodies through the MCA OH&S Committee<br />

to address key issues for the mining sector during<br />

the year. Although consultation will be ongoing<br />

into the first half of 20<strong>11</strong>-12, the representation<br />

of industry in the process has led to changes to<br />

ensure the full legislative package delivers on the<br />

intent of the original COAG inter-governmental<br />

agreement.<br />

To enact the model legislation each jurisdiction,<br />

including the Commonwealth, is required to have<br />

the legislation passed through their respective<br />

Parliaments.The Work Health and Safety (WHS)<br />

Bill 20<strong>11</strong>, based on the model law endorsed by<br />

the Workplace Relations Ministerial Council, was<br />

introduced into the SA Parliament through the<br />

House of Assembly in May 20<strong>11</strong>.<br />

The Olympic Dam team at the 20<strong>11</strong> SA Mines Rescue<br />

Competition<br />

With health and safety management a key focus<br />

for the resources sector, <strong>SACOME</strong> successfully<br />

negotiated funding for two years of $50,000<br />

with the Mining & Quarrying Occupational<br />

Health and Safety Committee (MAQOHSC), to<br />

help develop and manage a program to assist<br />

emerging South Australian mining companies<br />

assess their OH&S needs and implement<br />

improved systems.<br />

The program is jointly managed by <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

and MAQOHSC and has successfully completed<br />

its first year of operation with five companies<br />

receiving OH&S advice and training, and is<br />

looking forward to a successful second year.<br />

The Perilya team at the 20<strong>11</strong><br />

SA Mines Rescue Competition<br />

20 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />



Events<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s <strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong> corporate events<br />

program continued to deliver valuable<br />

information and opportunities to a diverse<br />

group of industry stakeholders. Aimed at<br />

providing a facility for information sharing<br />

and networking, the breakfast briefings and<br />

lunch series attracted record attendances,<br />

and on several occasions were fully booked.<br />

Breakfast briefings<br />

Attendance numbers steadily climbed,<br />

each breakfast providing members with<br />

exclusive insights into potential procurement<br />

opportunities within the State, along with<br />

valuable networking opportunities and<br />

question time.<br />

Minister Ferguson<br />

also emphasized the<br />

significance of our<br />

State as a key player in<br />

the national mineral<br />

and energy industry<br />

and praised <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

Gala dinner<br />

This year’s annual resources industry dinner saw<br />

around 400 guests enjoy a fun and information<br />

packed evening, themed around our State’s<br />

blossoming resources sector.<br />

Guests heard from Federal Minister, the Hon<br />

Martin Ferguson AM MP who highlighted the<br />

government’s strong commitment to the sector,<br />

including community programs, Indigenous<br />

employment, education and careers promotion.<br />

He also emphasized the significance of our<br />

State as a key player in the national mineral and<br />

energy industry and praised <strong>SACOME</strong> for its<br />

professionalism demonstrated whilst lobbying for<br />

difficult issues.<br />

Melissa Muller (PIRSA) and Ley Kingdom (Iron Road) at the<br />

April 20<strong>11</strong> Lunch<br />

Kuzma Otto (Uranium One) addresses guests at the<br />

June 20<strong>11</strong> Lunch<br />

Andrew Woskett and Tony Belperio (Minotaur Exploration) at<br />

the July <strong>2010</strong> Breakfast<br />

This year guests were treated to<br />

presentations that explored mining companies<br />

at exploration and production phases.<br />

Together with updates on their projects and<br />

prospects, speakers also highlighted the<br />

importance of community engagement and<br />

environmental initiatives and discussed some<br />

of their own programs. Due to increasing<br />

popularity, breakfasts increased from three to<br />

four in 20<strong>11</strong>.<br />

for its professionalism<br />

demonstrated whilst<br />

lobbying for difficult<br />

issues.<br />

The evening included presentation of the<br />

inaugural award for The Premier’s Social<br />

Inclusion in Mining and Energy Award – for<br />

excellence in community programs by the<br />

minerals and energy resources sectors.<br />

A quality pool of finalists saw OZ Minerals<br />

awarded the overall winner for <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

Guests also enjoyed wine tasting and a jazz<br />

quartet on the evening.<br />

The Hon Patrick Conlon speaking at the February 20<strong>11</strong> Lunch<br />

The Hon Tom Koutsantonis addresses industry at the<br />

April 20<strong>11</strong> Lunch<br />

22 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

Alex Blood and Costante Conte (Golder Associates) at the<br />

July <strong>2010</strong> Breakfast<br />

Merrill Grey (Syngas) speaking at the July <strong>2010</strong> Breakfast<br />

The Hon Mitch Williams (SA Government) and Jim White<br />

(Centrex Metals) at the February 20<strong>11</strong> Lunch


Events<br />


Relations<br />

Lunch series<br />

Strong attendance at <strong>SACOME</strong> lunches continued<br />

over the year.<br />

The financial year kicked off with the annual<br />

Women in Resources lunch in August and<br />

September saw the often outspoken Deputy<br />

Premier and Treasurer Hon Kevin Foley MP<br />

address an audience of over 300 guests.<br />

November’s economic outlook with the<br />

Commonwealth Bank’s Dave De Garis was<br />

insightful, with the addition of Premier Mike<br />

Rann’s presence and social inclusion award<br />

announcement adding further value to the event.<br />

The new year got off to a flying start with<br />

the Hon Patrick Conlon presenting at the first<br />

lunch for 20<strong>11</strong>, followed in April by the newly<br />

appointed State Minister for Mineral Resources<br />

Development, the Hon Tom Koutsantonis, who<br />

spoke passionately about his opinions on the<br />

issues and future of the industry. Rounding out<br />

the financial year saw Kuzma Otto from Uranium<br />

One’s timely presentation on their project<br />

activities and timeframe.<br />

November’s economic<br />

outlook with the<br />

Commonwealth<br />

Bank’s Dave De Garis<br />

was insightful,<br />

with the addition of<br />

Premier Mike Rann’s<br />

presence and social<br />

inclusion award<br />

announcement<br />

adding further value<br />

to the event.<br />

Seminars<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> hosted a number of topical seminars<br />

and workshops over the financial year, covering<br />

the changes to the Mining Act as well as the<br />

MRRT, State Royalties, Personal Properties &<br />

Securities Act, a legal workshop providing updates<br />

on the latest developments in acquisitions &<br />

financing affecting the industry, a uranium briefing<br />

for the media, and an ILUA briefing for Western<br />

Australian companies, many who are <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

members.<br />

Indigenous Land Use Agreements<br />

During the financial year <strong>SACOME</strong> continued its<br />

key role in negotiating State Indigenous Land<br />

Use Agreements (ILUA’s).<br />

Over the year, two Mineral Exploration<br />

agreements were reached with the<br />

Adnyamathanyha and the Far West Coast.<br />

Both ILUA’s are currently in transition to the<br />

National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) for<br />

registration, pending finalisation of Consent<br />

Determinations.The Registration of these two<br />

ILUA’s will bring the area of the state covered by<br />

Mineral Exploration ILUA’s to 29%.<br />

Negotiations have commenced with the<br />

Kokatha Uwangarra, leaving the Nauo Barngarla<br />

to be negotiated once the overlapping claims<br />

are resolved in the Federal Court, and the<br />

Wirangu as areas identified by industry as being<br />

of priority for native title negotiations. If the<br />

Ngadjuri application is eventually successful<br />

in becoming a registered claim, this will be a<br />

further area of interest to the industry.<br />

A Petroleum Conjunctive ILUA negotiated by<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> was accepted by the Wankangurru/<br />

Yarluyandi and is in transition to the NNTT for<br />

registration.<br />

The Dieri have indicated they will be signing an<br />

agreed Petroleum Conjunctive ILUA at their next<br />

community meeting scheduled later in 20<strong>11</strong>.<br />

It has also been offered to the Arabunna for<br />

negotiation, subject to funding for SA Native Title<br />

Service’s participation.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> believes these fully pre-negotiated<br />

ILUAs are the most cost effective and efficient<br />

way of accessing land subject to Native Title<br />

claims and in advancing sustainable benefits<br />

for Aboriginal communities and will continue to<br />

promote the use of ILUA’s to industry.<br />

During the year, feedback from the Federal<br />

Attorney General’s Department suggested they<br />

may be seeking to end their contribution to the<br />

costs of <strong>SACOME</strong>’s participation in the SANTR<br />

(South Australian Native Title Resolution) process.<br />

This is of major concern to the Chamber given<br />

the key role <strong>SACOME</strong> has played for many years,<br />

resulting in national recognition of the SANTR<br />

process as superior to that in other states,<br />

streamlining access to lands,assisting in resolving<br />

Native Title claims and in addressing potential<br />

Aboriginal heritage concerns.<br />

Aboriginal Heritage Act Review<br />

In October 2009 <strong>SACOME</strong> joined with SA<br />

Farmers’ Federation, Local Government<br />

Association, Wildcatch Fisheries SA, the State<br />

Aboriginal Heritage Committee, the Aboriginal<br />

Congress of SA and SA Native Title Services, and<br />

made a joint submission on the review of the<br />

Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 to the state.<br />

This issue remains on <strong>SACOME</strong>’s agenda, and we<br />

will continue to lobby the State Government<br />

expressing concerns over the delay and<br />

requesting a response.<br />

24 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />


SKILLS &<br />

Education<br />

Skills & Education<br />

Careers Promotion Program<br />

In <strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong>’s Careers Promotion<br />

Program delivered school presentations to over<br />

6500 Primary School students and over 1500<br />

High School students, as well as attending<br />

school careers expos.<br />

OZ Minerals sponsored <strong>SACOME</strong> to deliver the<br />

Careers Promotion Program to schools in the<br />

far north, including Coober Pedy Area School,<br />

Mintabie Area School, Marree Indigenous<br />

School and Oodnadatta Indigenous School.<br />

In a similar venture, Iluka sponsored trips to<br />

schools in Ceduna and the surrounding area,<br />

including Yalata Anangu School, Penong<br />

Primary School, Koonibba Aboriginal School,<br />

Crossways Lutheran School and Ceduna Area<br />

School.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> also teamed up with Syngas to<br />

deliver a ‘Careers in Mining Day’ in Kadina<br />

to over 300 High School students attending<br />

schools on the Yorke Peninsula.<br />

In an initiative led by the Queensland<br />

Resources Council, <strong>SACOME</strong> collaborated with<br />

the Minerals Council of Australia, Chamber<br />

of Mines and Energy Western Australia, New<br />

South Wales Minerals Council, Tasmanian<br />

Minerals Council, Australian Uranium Association<br />

and the Australian Coal Association to develop<br />

an innovative, interactive online environment<br />

called Oresome Resources. This is the first high<br />

quality educational resource of its kind based on<br />

the minerals and energy sector.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s Emma Hughes with students in Koonibba<br />

The 20<strong>11</strong> <strong>SACOME</strong> Treasure Hunt was a sell out<br />

in the April school holidays, with 300 children<br />

and parents participating. This year’s hunt was<br />

held at the University of Adelaide and highlights<br />

included the 3D suite in the Australian School<br />

of Petroleum Science School, exploring rocks<br />

and tectonic plates at the School of Earth and<br />

Environmental Sciences, a seismic survey on the<br />

Barr Smith Lawns and a science show by Rock<br />

Chick and Science Geek.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> is very grateful to all those who<br />

contributed their valuable time and resources to<br />

the success of the event, in particular Professor<br />

Graham Heinson (University of Adelaide); Ian West<br />

(Australian School of Petroleum); Maris Zwigulis<br />

(Beach Petroleum) and John Mignone (PIRSA).<br />

These programs and events are crucial in<br />

addressing the future workforce requirements of<br />

our industry, by instilling an industry awareness<br />

and interest amongst our children from an early<br />

age. An additional benefit is assisting teachers<br />

and parents to better understand the industry<br />

and its significance in our State, contributing to<br />

greater community awareness.<br />

Geoscientist Assistance Program (GAP)<br />

GAP is funded by the State Government and<br />

aims to encourage mining professionals to<br />

remain in South Australia to maintain their<br />

skills and expertise. The program provides salary<br />

subsidies of up to $25,000pa per participant<br />

and offers training grants up to $8,500pa.<br />

To date, the program has been very successful<br />

and has placed 26 participants in 23 companies<br />

with 13 participants having completed their<br />

placement. Of the $750,000 funding received<br />

in 2009, there was sufficient funding to apply<br />

to the State Government for an extension to the<br />

two year program until 30th June 2012.<br />

MOU with Resources and Engineering<br />

Skills Alliance<br />

Since late <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> and the Resources<br />

and Engineering Skills Alliance (RESA) have<br />

been in discussions to establish a Memorandum<br />

of Understanding (MOU) which addresses<br />

areas of mutual interest and contributes to the<br />

coordination of plans and initiatives to meet<br />

industry workforce needs.<br />

Areas identified for potential collaboration<br />

include: promotion of resources sector as an<br />

industry of choice for workers; contributing to<br />

the uptake of Science, Technology, Engineering<br />

Participants in <strong>SACOME</strong>’s sold<br />

out 20<strong>11</strong> Treasure Hunt at the<br />

University of Adelaide.<br />

& Mathematics (STEM) and resources industry<br />

supporting curriculum in schools; career<br />

promotion initiatives to support industry;<br />

attraction, retention, training and education<br />

initiatives to address gaps and issues to meet<br />

industry needs; and a point of reference for<br />

industry workforce information.<br />

The MOU is set to be signed in the third quarter<br />

of 20<strong>11</strong>.<br />

26 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />


ISSN 1836-0777<br />

ISSN 1836-0777<br />

ISSN 1836-0777<br />

ISSN 1836-0777<br />

Issue 17<br />

Jun - Jul 20<strong>11</strong><br />

$9.95 (incl. GST)<br />

ISSN 1836-0777<br />


Communications<br />

Marketing & Communications<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> continued its important work<br />

promoting the local mineral and energy<br />

resources sectors and sharing news and<br />

information with all stakeholders, through<br />

internal and external media.<br />

SA Mines and Energy Journal<br />

The SA Mines and Energy Journal, established<br />

in 2008 as <strong>SACOME</strong>’s official publication,<br />

continued into its third year of publication.<br />

The journal provides timely content relevant to<br />

industry members, service provider members,<br />

policy makers and educators. It is also<br />

distributed to many other individuals Australia<br />

wide with an interest in the South Australian<br />

resources industry.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s partnership with established local<br />

publisher, Solstice Media, has proven to be a<br />

winning combination.<br />

Journal content is sourced primarily through<br />

an editorial committee co-ordinated by<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>, which comprises a minimum of<br />

three leaders from within the State’s mining<br />

and energy sector, and is led by the magazine<br />

editor - <strong>SACOME</strong>’s Director of Membership<br />

and Communications.<br />

Most of the content is researched and written<br />

by <strong>SACOME</strong> staff, Solstice Media journalists<br />

and <strong>SACOME</strong> members.<br />

Lead stories for the <strong>2010</strong>-20<strong>11</strong> financial year<br />

centred on the Henry tax followed by the Mineral<br />

Resources Rent Tax and Petroleum Resources<br />

Rent tax; copper and gold in South Australia;<br />

20<strong>11</strong> expectations for the sector; issues and<br />

updates in exploration; and climate change.<br />

Articles continued to be published in line with<br />

areas of key interest to <strong>SACOME</strong> members,<br />

including business and finance; innovation;<br />

workforce; Indigenous issues; education and<br />

environment pages among others.<br />

Community pages also featured prominently<br />

over the year, with numerous articles<br />

reflecting an increasing interest among<br />

readers in regards to corporate responsibility,<br />

and how companies are meeting or exceeding<br />

their social license to operate requirements.<br />

Due to the popularity of <strong>SACOME</strong>’s breakfast<br />

briefings, combined with a desire from readers<br />

for more industry news, a summary of the<br />

breakfast presentations was added as a new<br />

regular feature.<br />

E-news<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> updated the design of its newsletter<br />

and continued to distribute the online<br />

publication to members on a fortnightly basis.<br />

With a focus on distributing information<br />

surrounding issues, projects and initiatives<br />

relevant to the industry, e-news is also a vehicle<br />

for advising <strong>SACOME</strong>’s stance and policy input<br />

on important issues. It remains a great resource<br />

for communicating upcoming <strong>SACOME</strong> functions,<br />

workshops and seminars and also key external<br />

events of particular relevance to members.<br />

Marketing collateral<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s marketing collateral was updated to<br />

provide a new distinct and consistent styling,<br />

to assist in cementing a clear and recognisable<br />

identity for the organisation in its interactions<br />

with stakeholders.<br />

Website<br />

The <strong>SACOME</strong> website was also rebuilt over the<br />

financial year. Style was a significant factor, but<br />

more important was content, with the new site<br />

providing an improved outlet for communication<br />

and information to <strong>SACOME</strong> members, external<br />

stakeholders and the public.<br />

The development of an online database in<br />

conjunction with the new website has assisted<br />

with the facilitation of membership data; online<br />

event registration; event management; and<br />

information dissemination.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> incorporated space within the<br />

website design to promote its valued annual<br />

sponsors, with the aim to further enhance their<br />

sponsorship value.<br />

Copper<br />

revisited<br />

Issue 13<br />

Oct - Nov <strong>2010</strong><br />

$9.95 (incl. GST)<br />

South Australia’s<br />

Gold<br />

lining<br />

SA Museum • Indigenous initiatives • Dollar impact<br />

Media<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> continued to feature heavily in the<br />

print and broadcast media over the year, with many<br />

major issues dominating the national and state<br />

sector.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s media releases over the year<br />

focussed on:<br />

• <strong>SACOME</strong>’s position on the Mineral<br />

Resources Rent Tax (MRRT) and Petroleum<br />

Resources Rent Tax (PRRT).<br />

• Comment on the State budget.<br />

• <strong>SACOME</strong>’s comment on the MRRT and<br />

Royalties increase representing a ‘double<br />

whammy’ for the sector.<br />

• The Premier praising SA’s mining sector for<br />

community initiatives at a <strong>SACOME</strong> lunch.<br />

Issue 14<br />

Dec <strong>2010</strong> - Jan 20<strong>11</strong><br />

$9.95 (incl. GST)<br />

Tracking The Trends<br />

20<strong>11</strong> report, page 21<br />

Skills shortage • Marine Parks • Social mine life<br />

Issue 15<br />

Feb - Mar 20<strong>11</strong><br />

$9.95 (incl. GST)<br />

• <strong>SACOME</strong> commending the consultative<br />

approach of the Policy Transition Group.<br />

• <strong>SACOME</strong>’s 3rd annual Treasure Hunt school<br />

holiday event<br />

• The MCA and collaborators ‘Oresome<br />

approach to education’ initiative.<br />

• The 20<strong>11</strong> Mines Rescue Competition.<br />

• Introducing the new Minister for Mineral<br />

Resource Development at <strong>SACOME</strong>’s April<br />

15 lunch.<br />

Tailored editorial content was provided to<br />

various publications including Australia’s Mining<br />

Monthly, the Stock Journal and the Roxby Downs<br />

Sun.<br />

The climate debate<br />

Ministerial changes • DET CRC • Education<br />

Issue 16<br />

Apr - May 20<strong>11</strong><br />

$9.95 (incl. GST)<br />

S A ’ s<br />

exploration<br />

trail<br />

SA people, projects, policies, markets & happenings<br />

SA people, projects, policies, markets & happenings<br />

SA people, projects, policies, markets & happenings<br />

SA people, projects, policies, markets & happenings<br />

SA people, projects, policies, markets & happenings<br />

28 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />


<strong>SACOME</strong><br />

Sponsors<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong><br />

Membership<br />

Sponsorship by member organisations assists <strong>SACOME</strong> to provide its corporate lunch series and other events at economical prices to its members.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> members comprise organisations<br />

with voting rights and representation on the<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> greatly appreciates the support of its valued sponsors and would like to acknowledge the following organisations:<br />

working directly in the South Australian<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> council.<br />

mineral and energy resources sectors and<br />

Diamond Sponsor<br />

those providing services to the industry.<br />

As at 30 June 20<strong>11</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> had 328 financial<br />

members, comprised of 78 core industry<br />

members and 234 service providers.<br />

Current membership categories<br />

Core industry members<br />

Ind Level 1A: Global revenue >$50bn<br />

Ind Level 1B: Global revenue >$10bn - $50bn<br />

Ind Level 1C: Global revenue >$2bn - $10bn<br />

Beverley Uranium Mine<br />

Gold Sponsors<br />

Industry members have exploration or<br />

production projects in South Australia, including<br />

mining, energy, exploration and extraction<br />

operations, or own tenements in the State they<br />

may not be presently active on.<br />

Ind Level 1D: Global revenue >$500m - $2bn<br />

Ind Level 1E: Global revenue >$100m -$500m<br />

Ind Level 1F: Global revenue >$50m - $100m<br />

Ind Level 1G: Global revenue >$20m - $50m<br />

Ind Level 1H: Global revenue >$0m - $20m<br />

Ind Level 2: Explorer or early production with<br />

Silver Sponsors<br />

Service provider members are committed to<br />

servicing and supporting the industry. They are<br />

vitally important to the resources sector in the<br />

State and are highly valued <strong>SACOME</strong> members,<br />

production outside of SA<br />

Ind Level 3: Early production<br />

Ind Level 4: Junior explorer or extractive

<strong>SACOME</strong><br />

Membership<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> Membership<br />

The South Australian Chamber of Mines<br />

and Energy is comprised of the following<br />

members as at 30 June 20<strong>11</strong>:<br />

Industry Members<br />

Adelaide Brighton Limited<br />

Adelaide Resources<br />

AFMECO Mining and Exploration<br />

Ahava Energy Pty Ltd<br />

Alinta Energy<br />

Alliance Resources Limited<br />

Altona Energy/Arckaringa Energy Pty Ltd<br />

Arafura Resources Ltd<br />

Archer Exploration Ltd<br />

Argonaut Resources NL<br />

Barrick (Australia Pacific) Limited<br />

Beach Energy Limited<br />

BHP Billiton<br />

BHP Billiton Uranium Australia<br />

Cameco Australia<br />

Carpentaria Exploration Limited<br />

Cartwheel Resources Pty Ltd<br />

Centrex Metals<br />

Core Exploration<br />

Dominion Mining - Kingsgate Consolidated Ltd<br />

Energy Exploration Limited<br />

Epic Energy<br />

Exco Resources<br />

Eyre Iron Pty Ltd<br />

Geodynamics<br />

Gypsum Resources Australia<br />

Havilah Resources NL<br />

Heathgate Resources<br />

Hillgrove Resources<br />

HWE Mining Pty. Limited<br />

Iluka Resources<br />

IMX Resources Ltd<br />

Industry Members<br />

Innamincka Petroleum Limited<br />

Investigator Resources Ltd<br />

Iron Road Ltd<br />

IronClad Mining Ltd<br />

Linc Energy Ltd<br />

Lincoln Minerals Limited<br />

Marathon Resources Limited<br />

Marmota Energy<br />

Maximus Resources Limited<br />

Metals X Limited<br />

Minotaur Exploration<br />

Mithril Resources<br />

Musgrave Minerals Limited<br />

Nyrstar Port Pirie Smelter<br />

OneSteel<br />

Oz Minerals Limited<br />

Penrice Soda Products Pty Ltd<br />

PepinNini Minerals Limited<br />

Petratherm Limited<br />

Phoenix Copper Ltd<br />

Polymetals Group Pty Ltd<br />

Rex Minerals Ltd<br />

Rio Tinto<br />

Royal Resources Limited<br />

Santos Limited<br />

Sinosteel PepinNini Curnamona<br />

Management Pty Ltd<br />

Southern Gold Limited<br />

Southern Quarries & Direct Mix Group<br />

Stellar Resources<br />

Straits Resources Ltd<br />

Stuart Petroleum<br />

Sundance Energy Australia Limited<br />

Syngas Ltd<br />

Tasman Resources NL<br />

Teck Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Terramin Australia Limited<br />

Thor Mining PLC<br />

Toro Energy Limited<br />

Torrens Energy<br />

Trafford Resources Limited<br />

Uranium Equities Limited<br />

Uranium One Australia<br />

UraniumSA Limited<br />

UXA Resources Ltd<br />

WPG Resources<br />

Service Providers<br />

Abigroup Mining Services Pty Ltd<br />

Adelaide Control Engineering<br />

ADT Security<br />

Adventure 4WD<br />

Aggreko<br />

AGL<br />

Ahrens<br />

Alexander & Symonds<br />

ALS Ammtec Limited<br />

AMC Consultants<br />

Amdel Limited<br />

Ancorloc Earth Systems<br />

ANZ<br />

Appliance Tagging Services<br />

Aquenta Consulting<br />

Aries Maritime Services Pty Ltd<br />

Asiaworld Shipping Services<br />

ATCO Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Atlas Copco Construction and Mining Australia<br />

ATS Workforce<br />

Ausco Modular<br />

Ausenco Services<br />

Australian Camp Services<br />

Australian Civil & Mining Training<br />

Australian Cultural Heritage Management<br />

Australian Groundwater Technologies<br />

Australian Training Alliance<br />

Austwide Mining Title Management Pty Ltd<br />

B.L. Shipway & Co<br />

Baulderstone - Engineering<br />

Bianco Building Supplies<br />

Blake Dawson<br />

BMD Constructions<br />

Boart Longyear Pty. Ltd.<br />

Boral Resources (SA) Ltd<br />

BP Australia Pty. Ltd<br />

Buschutz Engineering Pty Ltd<br />

Cadgile<br />

CAPS Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Cavill Power Products<br />

CDE Capital Pty Ltd<br />

Celtic Group of Companies, The<br />

Chubb Fire Safety<br />

Coffey Environments Pty Ltd<br />

Color On Demand<br />

Commonwealth Bank of Australia<br />

Community Engagement Group Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Complete Personnel<br />

Conneq Infrastructure Services<br />

Contract Resources<br />

Cooper Fluid Systems<br />

Corporate Conversation<br />

CQ Partners Pty Ltd<br />

Cryogenic Blasting Solutions<br />

D.J. Coughlan Drilling<br />

David Moss Corporation<br />

Deep Exploration Technologies CRC<br />

Diamond Conveyors<br />

Dixon Partnership Solutions<br />

DMAW Lawyers<br />

Downer EDI Mining<br />

Draeger Safety Pacific Pty Ltd<br />

DriForce<br />

E & A Ltd<br />

EBS Ecology<br />

Ecological Associates Pty Ltd<br />

Electranet<br />

Emeco International Pty Ltd<br />

Enterprise Connect Mining Technology<br />

Innovation Centre<br />

Enviro Action<br />

EQAS Business Development<br />

Ernst & Young<br />

Ertech Pty Ltd<br />

ETSA Utilities<br />

Exact Mining Services<br />

Experience Matters<br />

Finlaysons<br />

FirecorpSA Pty Ltd<br />

Flinders Ports<br />

Force10<br />

Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd<br />

Fyfe Pty Ltd<br />

Genesee and Wyoming Australia<br />

Geos Mining<br />

32 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />

annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />


<strong>SACOME</strong><br />

Membership<br />

GHD Pty. Ltd<br />

KPMG<br />

Mining, Energy & Engineering Academy<br />

Pursuit People Solutions<br />

Spatial Scientific<br />

Watsons Lawyers<br />

Golder Associates Pty Ltd<br />

KSB Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Minter Ellison Lawyers<br />

PwC Services (PricewaterhouseCoopers)<br />

SRA Information Technology<br />

Wave Rider Energy Pty Ltd<br />

Government Relations Australia Advisory Pty Ltd<br />

Lawson Risk Management Services Pty Ltd<br />

Mitsui & Co Uranium Australia Pty Ltd<br />

R W Way Management Pty Ltd<br />

St John Ambulance Australia SA Inc.<br />

Wendy Perry & Associates Pty Ltd<br />

Government Relations Solutions Pty Ltd<br />

Leadership Management Australia - Bettcher<br />

Mulgundawa Salt<br />

Red Appointments Pty Ltd<br />

Statewide Financial Management Services Ltd<br />

Westpac Banking Corporation<br />

(GR Solutions)<br />

Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd<br />

National Australia Bank<br />

Red Dirt Personnel Group<br />

Stramech Engineering<br />

Whitham Media Australia<br />

Grundfos Pumps Pty. Ltd.<br />

Lester Franks Survey & Geographic Pty Ltd<br />

National Jet Regional Services<br />

Red Earth Training Solutions<br />

Strategic Energy Solutions Pty Ltd<br />

Wilson People Management<br />

Gryphon Partners Pty Ltd<br />

Liebherr Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Newsat Limited<br />

Rema Tip Top<br />

Strike Energy Ltd<br />

WorkPac Central Pty. Ltd.<br />

Hawker Britton Group<br />

Logistica<br />

Nextgen Networks<br />

Renaissance Air<br />

Sundowner Cabin & Tourist Park<br />

WorleyParsons<br />

Hays Resources and Mining<br />

LR & M Constructions P/L<br />

Normet Asia Pacific Pty Ltd<br />

Rexco People Pty Ltd<br />

Technology One Corporation Limited<br />

Xceptional Recruitment Pty Ltd<br />

Health Safety Environment Aust. Pty. Ltd.<br />

Lucas Earthmovers Pty Ltd<br />

OAMPS Insurance Brokers<br />

Rhino Plant Hire<br />

Telstra<br />

Yaran Business Services Pty Ltd<br />

Hitachi Construction Equipment Aust P/L<br />

Ludowici Australia<br />

ODT Australis Pty Ltd<br />

Roadside Services & Solutions Pty Ltd<br />

The Direct Mail Centre of Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Hughes Public Relations &<br />

Communication Counsel<br />

Macmahon Holdings<br />

Mainfreight International Pty Ltd<br />

O’Loughlins Lawyers<br />

Opposite Lock Adelaide<br />

Roxby Serviced Offices<br />

RPS Aquaterra<br />

The University of Adelaide Faculty of<br />

Engineering Computer and<br />

Associates<br />

Hunt & Hunt<br />

Maloney Field Services<br />

Osmoflo<br />

Samaras Group<br />

Mathematical Sciences<br />

Bradshaw, Peter<br />

Hunt Energy & Minerals co Pty Ltd<br />

Marlow Communications Pty Ltd<br />

P & O Trans Australia<br />

Scene Change Adelaide Pty Ltd<br />

Thiess Pty. Ltd.<br />

Briggs, John<br />

Icon Recruitment<br />

Max Crane & Equipment Hire<br />

Panurgem Pty Ltd<br />

SCF Group Pty Ltd<br />

Thinc Projects<br />

Coppin, Teena<br />

Idam Distributors Pty Ltd<br />

May Brothers Pty Ltd<br />

Parker Hannifin (Australia) Pty Ltd<br />

Schulz Hobbs Pty Ltd<br />

Tingira Pty Ltd<br />

Curtis, Lindsay<br />

Iman International Pty Ltd<br />

McConnell Dowell<br />

Parsons Brinckerhoff<br />

Service Providers<br />

Tonkin Consulting<br />

Fargher, John<br />

Innoveco Australia<br />

McDonald Steed McGrath Lawyers<br />

Paulka Radiation & Environment Pty Ltd<br />

Sharp Airlines<br />

Torque Industries<br />

Farrington, Vic<br />

Integralign Pty Ltd<br />

Megaron International Pty Ltd<br />

Paydirt Media Pty. Ltd.<br />

Short Focus Films<br />

Torrens Finance Brokers Pty Ltd<br />

Gibb, Rob<br />

Integrity Sampling<br />

Mercury Firesafety<br />

Payneham Financial Services<br />

Signature Security<br />

Training Materials Consultancy<br />

Jackson, Norton<br />

Intermodal Solutions<br />

Meridian Winches & Marine Equipment Hire<br />

Peter Kittle Motor Company<br />

Sinclair Knight Merz<br />

TRILITY Pty ltd<br />

Kennedy, Sean<br />

Jardine Lloyd Thompson<br />

Migration Solutions<br />

Phoenix Project Management Pty Ltd<br />

Skills DMC<br />

Tyco Flow Control Pacific<br />

Pederson, Egon<br />

John Nitschke Drilling<br />

Minecorp<br />

Piper Alderman<br />

SME Growth Capital<br />

UCL School of Energy and Resources, Australia<br />

Penfold, Mike<br />

Joie Creative<br />

Minelab Electronics Pty Ltd<br />

Piping and Automation Systems SA Pty Limited<br />

Smith & Georg<br />

UGL<br />

Steed, Ivan<br />

Kellogg Brown & Root<br />

Minerals & Metals Marketing<br />

Pirtek (Adelaide) Pty. Ltd.<br />

South East Australia Gas Pty Ltd<br />

University of South Australia<br />

Thomas, Dave<br />

Kelly & Co<br />

Mining & Construction Safety Specialists<br />

Port Adelaide Football Club<br />

Southern Cross Personnel<br />

Vital Group of Companies<br />

Tonkin, David<br />

Kempe Fluidpower & Engineering Services<br />

Mining One<br />

Port of Melbourne<br />

Southern Steel Supplies<br />

VSL Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Wills, Kevin<br />

KJM Contractors<br />

Mining People International<br />

Powranna Consulting Pty Ltd<br />

Sparke Helmore Lawyers<br />

Watpac Civil and Mining Pty Ltd<br />

Zwiersen, Tim<br />

34 annual report 20<strong>11</strong> annual report 20<strong>11</strong> 35

36 annual report 20<strong>11</strong><br />



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