The Complete Book of Spaceflight: From Apollo 1 to Zero Gravity

The Complete Book of Spaceflight: From Apollo 1 to Zero Gravity

The Complete Book of Spaceflight: From Apollo 1 to Zero Gravity


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Gonets<br />

Gorizont<br />

ICO<br />

IDCSP (Initial Defense Communications<br />

Satellite Program)<br />

Inflatable Antenna Experiment (IAE)<br />

Inmarsat<br />

Insat<br />

Intelsat (International Telecommunications<br />

Satellite Organization)<br />

Iridium<br />

JAS (Japanese Amateur Satellite)<br />

Kakehashi. See COMETS (Communications<br />

and Broadcasting Experimental<br />

Test Satellite)<br />

Kupon<br />

Leasat (Leased Satellite)<br />

LES (Lincoln Experimental Satellite)<br />

LSAT. See Olympus<br />

Luch<br />

MACSAT (Multiple Access Communications<br />

Satellite)<br />

MARECS<br />

MicroSat<br />

Molniya (satellite)<br />

Morelos<br />

Nimiq<br />

Olympus<br />

Orbcomm<br />

OSCAR (Orbiting Satellite for Communication<br />

by Amateur Radio)<br />

Palapa<br />

Raduga<br />

Relay<br />

REX (Radiation Experiment)<br />

Sakura. See CS- (Communications Satellite)<br />

SARSAT (Search and Rescue Satellite)<br />

Satcom<br />

SCORE (Signal Communication by<br />

Orbiting Relay Equipment)<br />

SCS (Small Communications Satellite).<br />

See MicroSat<br />

SECS (Special Experimental Communications<br />

System)<br />

Statsionar. See Raduga<br />

STENTOR (Satellite de Télécommunications<br />

pour Expériences de Nouvelles<br />

Technologies en Orbit)<br />

Syncom<br />

TDRSS (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite<br />

System)<br />

Teledesic<br />

Telstar<br />

UFO (UHF Follow-on) satellites<br />

West Ford<br />

Communications technology and<br />

terminology<br />

antenna<br />

bandwidth<br />

beacon<br />

bird<br />

bit<br />

broadband<br />

carrier<br />

C-band. See frequency bands<br />

coherent<br />

communications satellite<br />

de-spun antenna<br />

direct broadcast satellite (DBS)<br />

directional antenna<br />

downlink<br />

Earth station<br />

footprint<br />

frequency<br />

frequency bands<br />

frequency coordination<br />

high-gain antenna (HGA)<br />

interference<br />

intersatellite link<br />

Ka-band. See frequency bands<br />

K-band. See frequency bands<br />

Ku-band. See frequency bands<br />

L-band. See frequency bands<br />

modulation<br />

multiplexing<br />

non-coherent<br />

one-way light time (OWLT)<br />

packetizing<br />

rain outage<br />

round-trip light time<br />

S-band. See frequency bands<br />

subcarrier<br />

telemetry<br />

time-division multiplexing (TDM)<br />

transducer<br />

transponder<br />

uplink<br />

X-band. See frequency bands<br />

See also: Spacecraft communications<br />

and tracking<br />

Debris in space<br />

CERISE (Characterisation de l’Environment<br />

Radio-electrique par un<br />

Instrument Spatial Embarque)<br />

ODERACS (Orbital Debris Radar Calibration<br />

Sphere)<br />

Disasters in space<br />

Challenger disaster<br />

Nedelin Catastrophe. See Mars<br />

Earth observation satellites and<br />

programs<br />

ADEOS (Advanced Earth Observation<br />

Satellite)<br />

AEROS (Advanced Earth Resources<br />

Observational Satellite)<br />

Ajisai. See EGS<br />

Category Index 525<br />

ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite)<br />

Aqua<br />

Aura<br />

BIRD (Bi-spectral Infrared Detection<br />

satellite)<br />

CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and<br />

Infrared Pathfinder Observations)<br />

CHAMP (Challenging Minisatellite Payload)<br />

Coriolis<br />

CRSP (Commercial Remote Sensing Program)<br />

Early Bird (Earth resources satellite)<br />

Earth resources satellites<br />

EGS (Experimental Geodetic Satellite)<br />

Envisat (Environmental Satellite)<br />

EO (Earth Observing) satellites<br />

EOS (Earth Observing System)<br />

EOS Chem (Earth Observing System<br />

Chemistry). See Aura<br />

EOS PM (Earth Observing System PM).<br />

See Aqua<br />

Equa<strong>to</strong>r-S<br />

ERBE (Earth Radiation Budget Experiment)<br />

ERBS (Earth Radiation Budget Satellite)<br />

ERS (Earth Resources Satellite)<br />

ERS (Environmental Research Satellite)<br />

ERTS (Earth Resources Technology Satellites)<br />

Etalon<br />

Fuyo. See JERS (Japanese Earth<br />

Resources Satellite)<br />

GCOM (Global Change Observing Mission)<br />

Geo-IK<br />

geodesy<br />

geodesy satellites<br />

GEOS (Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite)<br />

Geosat<br />

GFO (Geosat Follow-On)<br />

GFZ-1 (GeoForschungsZentrum)<br />

GRACE (<strong>Gravity</strong> Recovery and Climate<br />

Experiment)<br />

ICESAT (Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation<br />

Satellite)<br />

Ikonos<br />

IRS (Indian Remote Sensing satellite)<br />

Jason<br />

JERS (Japanese Earth Resources<br />

Satellite)<br />

Lageos (Laser Geodynamics Satellite)<br />

Landsat<br />

Lewis and Clark<br />

Midori. See ADEOS<br />

Momo. See MOS<br />

MOS (Marine Observation Satellite)<br />

Musson. See Geo-IK<br />

OGO (Orbiting Geophysical Observa<strong>to</strong>ry)

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