Winner Diana Swan

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Model <strong>Diana</strong> <strong>Swan</strong><br />

(Ukraine)<br />

<strong>Winner</strong> of the month<br />

Can you tell us a little about you?<br />

I love horses and music. And wine. It's important.<br />

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?<br />

Place, where I was born.<br />

How did you start modeling?<br />

Determined, haha, found the closest model agency to my house<br />

and decided to ask if they could help me.<br />

What do you think of the work as a model?<br />

Is hard.<br />

What is your beauty regimen?<br />

Need be yourself till the end. Act like yourself.<br />

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from<br />

others?<br />

I think its charisma.<br />

What are your plans for the future?<br />

Travel.<br />

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?<br />

Shooting with Beijing photographer name Jun. It was national<br />

China day. Topic China 80y. Retro style. Just awesome.<br />

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?<br />

Its not heaven. Be ready :)<br />



Photo: June

Photo: Johnny

Photo: Johnny

Photo: Johnny

Photo: Johnny

Photo: Johnny

Photo: Johnny

wr studio

wr studio

wr studio






Photo Leo

Photo Leo

Photo Leo

Photo Leo

Photo: Johnny

Photo: Johnny

Photo: Johnny

Photo: Johnny

Creative Director and Editor in Chief:<br />

Van Poucke Peter<br />

Website: http//modellenland.com<br />

Email: info@modellenland.com<br />

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http://modellenlandmagazine.blogspot.be<br />

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