September issue
September issue
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P.O. BOX 78545 • NASHVILLE, TN 37207 • 615.226.7766 • 1.877.505.7764<br />
VOLUME 36 • NUMBER • NUMBER 4 7 • • (PUBLISHED MONTHLY EXCEPT JUNE & JULY) & JULY) • • <strong>SEPTEMBER</strong> APRIL <strong>2017</strong><br />
INSIDE<br />
INSIDE<br />
THIS Page 2<br />
ISSUE<br />
Potentate’s Message<br />
Page 3<br />
Divan Messages<br />
Page 4<br />
Ladies<br />
Shopping Feztival<br />
Page 5<br />
Scottish Rite<br />
Golf Tournament<br />
Page 6<br />
Al Menah Car Show<br />
Page 7<br />
News from Lexington<br />
Page 8<br />
Spine Screen<br />
Shriner’s Hospitals<br />
Page 10<br />
Notices<br />
Ladies Only<br />
Upcoming Events<br />
Page 11<br />
75th Anniversary<br />
Shrine Circus<br />
Page 12-13<br />
Center News<br />
Membership Notice<br />
Page 14<br />
To Be A Shriner<br />
Page 15<br />
Birdies for Charity<br />
Page 16<br />
Ringmaster Club<br />
Back Page<br />
Black Camel<br />
Imperial Session
Al Menah Temple<br />
Oasis of Nashville<br />
Desert of TennessEE<br />
P.O.Box 78545 •• Nashville, TN 37207<br />
Phones 1.615.226.7766<br />
1.877.505.7766<br /><br />
The Publication Committee<br />
The Divan/Board of Directors<br />
Potentate .. ................... Frank Hester<br />
Chief Rabban .. .......... Horace Perkins III III<br />
Assistant Rabban .. .........Randy Williams<br />
High Priest & Prophet .. ......... Scott Jones<br />
Oriental Guide .. .......... Donnie Drayton<br />
Treasurer .. ....................... Wes Frye<br />
Recorder ...................Robert Daniel<br />
Editor ..................... Maurice Smith<br />
Published monthly except June and July<br /><br />
*Charles Barham<br />
*John E. E. Patton<br />
*V. K. K. Stevenson<br />
*John D. D. Whalley<br />
*W. F. F. Hunt<br />
* Jack Norman, Jr. Jr.<br />
*J. *J. Pink Lawrence<br />
*Albert Bennett<br />
*Ed R. R. Burr<br />
*Clyde R. R. Watson<br />
*J. *J. Harry Murphy<br />
*Marshall S. S. Whitley<br />
*Charles N. Rolfe<br />
*James J. J. White<br />
*Paul DeWitt<br />
*G. Cooper Holt<br />
*E. M. Kelly<br />
*J. *J. Coleman Hayes<br />
*Joseph Higgins<br />
*Donald R. R. Dunning<br />
*Ira E. E. Parker<br />
*J. *J. P. P. Foster<br />
*Martin S. S. Roberts<br />
*Gale Robinson<br />
*R. C. C. Derivaux<br />
*C. V. V. Cramb<br />
*Oren A. A. Oliver<br />
*J. *J. Nelson Bryan<br />
*Lee L. L. Gamble<br />
*Robert Battle<br />
*R. R. R. Clark<br />
*Jerry N. Tate<br />
*William Raine<br />
*Fred H. Gay, Jr. Jr.<br />
*Hugh F. F. Smith, Jr. Jr.<br />
James A. A. Campbell<br />
*W. A. A. Bryan<br />
*Claude G. Southall<br />
*Charles L. L. Cornelius<br />
*W. B. B. Lawson<br />
*W. Bush Herbert<br />
*Gale Robinson<br />
*Marshall Hotchkiss J. J. Dudley Phillips<br />
*Jess B. B. Templeton<br />
*M. Norris Jenkins<br />
*T. A. A. Springfield<br />
*James F. F. Scalf, Jr. Jr.<br />
*James G. Stahlman<br />
*William B. B. Jones<br />
*J. *J. Clark Akers<br />
Jack C. C. Phelps<br />
*R. E. E. Baulch<br />
*David P. P. Brumfield<br />
*Thomas E. E. Doss<br />
*Zack S. S. Parrish, Sr.<br />
Kerbela Temple ‘28<br />
*Robert E. E. Newman<br />
*Maurice Weinberger *George Cook<br />
*S. N. Allen<br />
*R. Parker Graham<br />
*W. B. B. Hager<br />
H. Parker Toler<br />
*O. Lynn Meek<br />
*R. T. T. McNaney<br />
*Jack Norman<br />
James L. L. Ham<br />
*James J. J. Vaughn<br />
Charles H. Williams<br />
*C. H. Smith<br />
William D. D. Jones<br />
*Fred C. C. Laskey<br />
John L. L. Weaver, III<br />
*Ivo A. A. Burton<br />
Gale B. B. Robinson<br />
*T. W. Bray, Jr. Jr.<br />
Joe Bell<br />
*James R. R. Cox<br />
Ronny L. L. Greer<br />
*Paul R. R. Jarratt<br />
Charles E. E. Cardwell<br />
*J. *J. Sumpter Anderson J. J. Franklin “Jay” Scalf, III<br />
*Hugh W. Robertson<br />
Conley Dykes<br />
*M. T. T. Gossett<br />
David Smith<br />
*Joe C. C. Carr<br />
Jim Cain<br />
*James T. T. Hayes<br />
*Mike Martin<br />
*E. Lee Bennett<br />
Johnny Dudley<br />
*Orris E. E. Davis<br />
David Wantland<br />
*Raymond H. Leathers<br />
Melvin Meadows<br />
*Hilry H. Shaffer<br />
Dennis Belford<br />
*James N.<br />
David Vaughn<br />
Stansell<br />
Carl E. E. Barnes<br />
Mike Van Sant<br />
Jeff Head<br />
2<br />
** Deceased<br />
As you know these articles are written a couple of weeks before you read<br />
them, so when you are reading this we will have returned from the SESA<br />
Convention in Warner Robbins, GA. The Clowns, Legion of Honor, Motor Corps<br />
and Provost Guard were all there and did a great job representing Al Menah.<br />
We have one of our biggest and most important events this month, the Fall<br />
Ceremonial on September 23rd. Please encourage all of the newly made <strong>2017</strong><br />
Nobles to attend this event. And if you know of a good Master Mason that would<br />
like to join our Fraternity, get them a petition and have them attend this ceremonial.<br />
We also need our Nobility to come and be a part of this day as well. Nobles we<br />
have obligated over 50 new Nobles at Shrine Club Meetings and at the Temple and<br />
we are expecting a big turnout and hope you will come out and support these new<br />
Nobles. There will be a lady’s program during the morning session, they will join<br />
the men for lunch and the Arch Presentation in the afternoon. The unit rooms will<br />
be open, so Captains get ready to meet and greet the new Nobles and their ladies.<br />
The schedule for the day is listed in this publication.<br />
Another big event this month is our annual Car Show which will be on<br />
September 30th. Our Chairman Keary Fleenor and the committee is working hard<br />
to make this bigger and better every year. There is still time to buy and/or sell a<br />
sponsorship $500, $350, $250 or $100. I hope to see everyone there for a fun filled<br />
day.<br />
Our annual Circus is next month, October 6th thru 8th. Nobles and Ladies this<br />
is our main fund raiser for the year. Circus Ads sales are due September 1st and<br />
Banners Sales are due by September 15th. You should have received your Nobility<br />
tickets in the mail and if not, please call the office. Nobles it is our obligation to<br />
support our Fraternity with our time, talent and means. Please do your part to make<br />
this year’s Circus successful.<br />
Membership continues to be our top priority moving forward. Our goal this<br />
year is 100 new Nobles and 100 Restorations. As of this writing we are almost<br />
half way there and it will take a big push to make this happen. I am very confident<br />
that we can meet this goal and I appreciate all of you that are working diligently<br />
towards making this a success. The initiation fee is $100.00 and all you need to do<br />
is “Ask a Master Mason to be a Shriner”. I AM COMMITTED R U?<br />
Nobles and Ladies thank you for your hard work and your support of Al<br />
Menah Shrine and the Shriner’s hospitals for Children.<br />
Yours in the Faith,<br />
Frank Hester<br />
Potentate<br />
“Pride, Passion & Purpose”
From the desk of...<br />
I hope everyone had a great summer!<br />
There was a great crowd at the<br />
August Stated Meeting. Thank<br />
you Nobles for supporting Al<br />
Menah. In September, don’t<br />
forget the Fall Ceremonial and<br />
the Al Menah Car Show.<br />
Sell Circus Ads!! Please turn<br />
them in before September 1st.<br />
The Al Menah Shrine Circus is almost<br />
here… October 6th, 7th and 8th at the Nashville<br />
Municipal Auditorium. Bring your children,<br />
grandchildren and friends. This could be the last time<br />
to see and ride the ELEPHANTS! This will be a great<br />
show, and please Nobles…buy your Circus tickets and<br />
join the Ringmaster Club. I look forward to seeing<br />
each of you, and THANK YOU!<br />
Chief Rabban<br />
Horace Perkins, III<br />
Summer may be coming to a<br />
close, but Al Menah is just really<br />
getting started. The Car Show is<br />
upon us, so let’s shine up your<br />
cars and trucks and have some<br />
fun. If you are not entering<br />
one, just spread the word so<br />
it can get bigger and better.<br />
Next up is our yearly fundraiser...<br />
the Circus. We all need to support<br />
this great event so we can raise the funds that allow<br />
us to do what Al Menah does best, that is provide<br />
the world class care for our children. The Circus<br />
allows Al Menah Shriners the best opportunity for us<br />
to tell our story of shrinedom and provide our local<br />
community the best affordable family fun event.<br />
May all your days be Circus days....<br />
High Priest and Prophet<br />
Scott Jones<br />
<br />
The 2019 Imperial Session in<br />
Nashville will be here before<br />
you know it!<br />
Pre-reservations for hotel<br />
rooms are available for $20.<br />
Drop off or mail your money<br />
to the Al Menah Office, or<br />
they can take a credit card by<br />
phone. 615-226-7766. Room<br />
reservations are on a first come first<br />
serve basis, so don’t wait!.<br />
Assistant Rabban<br />
Randy Williams<br />
Hope this finds you fat and happy<br />
and ready to do some work! We<br />
have two events coming up that<br />
require your time and help.<br />
First, we have the ceremonial<br />
on September 23rd. We need<br />
your help rounding up the<br />
victims--I mean candidates--for<br />
a fun-filled day at their expense.<br />
If you have a Shriner buddy that<br />
needs a good laugh, bring them to the party on<br />
the 23rd.<br />
Second, we need you to put the circus on your radar<br />
by selling ads and bringing your families down to the<br />
show. We’re gonna have Elephants, lions and other 4<br />
legged kitties, along with the high wire acts and pretty<br />
girls. Well at least we will have Elephants....<br />
That’s all from the land of OG for now!<br />
Oriental Guide<br />
Donnie Drayton<br />
3<br />
3<br />
3<br />
Scottish Rite Golf Tournament<br />
October 19 , <strong>2017</strong><br />
12:30 Tee time<br />
Nashboro Golf Club<br />
1101 Nashboro Blvd<br />
Nashville, TN 37217<br />
Tournament package includes:<br />
• Green Fee<br />
• Cart fee<br />
• Range Balls<br />
• BBQ buffet lunch<br />
Registration:<br />
Name<br />
Name<br />
Name<br />
Name<br />
Dash Plates Awarded To All Entries<br />
Trophies To Be Given For All Classes<br />
Special Awards:<br />
Potentate’s Trophy<br />
Original Best of Show<br />
Modified Best of Show<br />
Ladies Choice<br />
Farthest Traveled<br />
Oldest or Most Unusual Vehicle<br />
Club Participation<br />
14 Acre Show Site<br />
At<br />
Al Menah Shrine Center<br />
1354 Brick Church Pike<br />
Nashville, TN 37207<br />
Exit 87, Trinity Lane<br />
Call for directions<br />
615-226-7766<br />
Gates open at 7:30am<br />
All vehicles will be classed at registration from 8:00am until 11:00am<br />
Judging will be from 11:30am until 1:30pm / Awards will be presented at 3:00pm<br />
“RAIN or SHINE”<br />
Entry fee per vehicle is: $20.00 at the gate<br />
Vendor space is available for $25.00 / 10’ x 10’<br />
Class Sponsorships are available<br />
Kids Model Car Show is $5.00<br />
To be judged, all vehicles must have the hood up, doors open or unlocked and the trunk open. Vehicles failing to be properly displayed<br />
will not be classed or judged. Al Menah Shriners reserve the right to reclassify, add, delete, split or combine classes on the day of the<br />
show based on participation. Al Menah Shriners reserve the right to remove offense, lewd or objectionable material.<br />
All proceeds benefit Al Menah Shrine Center and are not deductible as a charitable donation<br />
Make all checks payable to:<br />
Al Menah Shriners<br />
Attn: Car Show<br />
P.O. Box 78545<br />
Nashville, TN 37207<br />
For More Information:<br />
Shrine Center Office: 615-226-7766<br />
Or<br />
Keary D. Fleenor: 615-289-8272<br />
STOP 30 ROAD<br />
Cori slows down progression of scoliosis<br />
Cori, a 12-year-old<br />
patient from Ashland,<br />
Kentucky, received<br />
exciting news on July<br />
11, <strong>2017</strong>, during a<br />
routine follow-up<br />
appointment at Shriners<br />
Hospitals for Children<br />
Medical Center —<br />
Lexington.<br />
At the age of 9, Cori<br />
was told by her<br />
pediatrician that her spine presented a curvature. She was referred to a specialist<br />
for further evaluation. The specialist recommended undergoing surgery to correct<br />
the curved spine. Cori has double-sided scoliosis, creating a s-like curve to her<br />
spine, both curves presenting at a 45-degree angle.<br />
Devastated by the news and wanting to be proactive, Cori and her mother,<br />
Janelle started researching and talking with others in their community. Shortly<br />
after finding out that Cori had scoliosis she met Charlie Adkins, Shriner and<br />
member of the Lexington Shriners Medical Center’s Board of Governors. Charlie<br />
lives in the Ashland area and recommended that before Cori precede with the<br />
recommendation of surgery, that she meet with a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon at<br />
the Lexington Shriners Medical Center.<br />
The initial appointment at Shriners Medical Center was three years ago and an<br />
appointment that Cori and her mom, Janelle will never forget. “We had been on<br />
our knees praying for guidance, health and safety upon Cori being diagnosed with<br />
scoliosis. I didn’t want my daughter to have to go through surgery if there was an<br />
alternative,” said Janelle. “Neither of us really knew much of anything about<br />
scoliosis and we were afraid.”<br />
To read all of Cori’s story, click here:<br /> Coburn<br />
Dear Nobles,<br />
Shriners Hospitals for Children® has<br />
launched a new health and wellness<br />
program to highlight the importance of<br />
regular scoliosis screening and to<br />
position us as a leader in scoliosis care.<br />
The program encourages parents to<br />
make a spine check part of their annual back to school routine and to contact<br />
Shriners Hospitals for Children if their child needs our care.<br />
Under the leadership of Amer Samdani, M.D., chief of surgery for Shriners<br />
Hospitals for Children - Philadelphia, a team of doctors, developers and parents<br />
joined forces to create a new app called SpineScreen to check for possible signs of<br />
scoliosis. This informative and easy to use app allows parents to perform a<br />
preliminary spine check on their child in the comfort of their own home. We<br />
encourage you to download SpineScreen for free on the App Store or Google Play<br />
and try it today.<br />
Please click here for more information.<br /><br />
Please help us increase awareness about scoliosis by sharing the SpineScreen app<br />
and encouraging family and friends to tune in tomorrow for the Facebook Live<br />
event. For more information about this new program, please visit<br /><br />
Yours in the faith,<br />
Gary J. Bergenske<br />
Imperial Potentate<br />
Paper Sale Donation from Kroger<br />
On Monday, 7/18 Potentate Jeff Head and members of the Williamson<br />
County Shrine Club were with Kroger Management at their Belle<br />
Meade store where they presented a $1,000.00 to us for the Shrine<br />
Hospitals for Children. The Kroger Manager was an acquaintance of<br />
Scotty and Teresa Travis who put this together for the Al Menah Shrine<br />
Hospitals for Children Paper Sale.<br />
This is a portion of a message from Phyllis Berry, wife of this<br />
Kroger Store Manager, Michael Berry.<br />
Let me tell you, our son was a Shrine Hospital patient<br />
and we are forever grateful The experience was an<br />
awakening in humanity. The care was phenomenal. The<br />
friendship my family made. The support from the men in<br />
your fraternity was phenomenal. We thank you for all you<br />
and your members do for children across the country.<br />
Sincerely<br />
Phyllis Berry<br />
Fraternally,<br />
Butch Mayes, WCSC<br />
Notices..............................................................................<br />
Fall Ceremonial Schedule<br />
<strong>2017</strong> Ceremonial in Memory of Mike Martin<br />
September 23, <strong>2017</strong><br />
The schedule will be as follows:<br />
8:00 - 8:30 Registration<br />
8:30 - 9:00 Shrine Overview and Class Picture<br />
9:00 - 12:00 Ceremonial (First and Second Section)<br />
12:00 - 12:45 Lunch (Men and Ladies)<br />
1:00 - 2:00 Arch Program (Men and Ladies)<br />
2:00 - 2:15 Fezzing Ceremony (Men and Ladies)<br />
2:15 - 3:30 Video and Patient Presentations<br />
(Men and Ladies)<br />
3:30 - 5:00 Open House (Men and Ladies)<br />
Times are approximate<br />
<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />
Sept 12<br />
Sept 14<br />
Sept 19<br />
Sept 23<br />
Sept 30<br />
Al Menah Ladies Golf Tournament<br />
Directors Staff Golf Tournament<br />
Captain’s Meeting/Stated Meeting<br />
Al Menah Fall Ceremonial<br />
Car Show<br />
OCTOBER <strong>2017</strong><br />
Oct 6-8<br />
Oct 14<br />
Shrine Circus<br />
Clown Paper Sale Auction<br />
Ladies Only!<br />
We had a great turnout last month for our Ladies<br />
Nite….we had a hilarious time playing “Minute to<br />
Win It” games. If you weren’t able to make it, we<br />
truly missed you and you missed a great time!<br />
Our Ladies Extravaganza is coming up soon on<br />
November 4th. This is a big fundraiser for our temple<br />
and we need vendors. If you know of someone<br />
that would like to partake in this event, please call<br />
or email Alicia Villines (see this month’s flyer for<br />
contact info) for the Vendor Registration Form. We<br />
need to get these in ASAP in order to plan our layout<br />
of the space. In addition, we are excited about<br />
adding Christmas Trees this year to our silent auction<br />
options. Some of you have seen what beautiful<br />
tablescapes we’ve had in the past; can you imagine<br />
updating your holiday season with a gorgeous new<br />
tree? New this year, our very own Legion of Honor<br />
will be selling some delicious breakfast fare and<br />
coffee for the early patrons. Each year this event<br />
gets bigger and bigger and we hope you will invite<br />
all of your family and friends and make this a great<br />
Ladies Day! Feel free to share our flyer with everyone.<br />
Our next scheduled Ladies Nite is coming up on<br />
September 19th. We hope you will come out and<br />
join us for an evening of FUN and Fellowship. Stay<br />
tuned for details about our activity planned and don’t<br />
forget to bring your 50/50 money! Dinner with the<br />
men will begin at 6:00pm at the Shrine Center. We<br />
look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you!<br />
Lady Tracy Hester<br />
615-308-3920<br />
1943<br />
<strong>2017</strong><br />
Coming<br />
soon!<br />
October 6-8,<br />
<strong>2017</strong><br />
Municipal<br />
Auditorium<br />
All circus ads must be turned into<br />
the office by September 1st.<br />
*Ads turned in after this date will not be in the<br />
program book.<br />
The deadline for Circus Banners<br />
is September 15th.<br />
Please contact your unit captain/club president if you<br />
need materials to sell circus ads (renewal contracts,<br />
new order forms, pricing, etc)<br />
CeNter<br />
NeWS<br />
Clowns<br />
The Clowns have been busy with<br />
several dressouts, Putnam County<br />
Fair and the Nightout Against<br />
Crime to name a couple.<br />
We also shared an evening bowling<br />
at Hermitage Lanes, which<br />
was a real hoot. Thanks to Captain<br />
Vernon and Lady Trish for the<br />
great evening.<br />
This year is truly flying by, and<br />
fall is quickly approaching. You<br />
know what that means! Fairs, Fall<br />
Ceremonial, Car Show, Clown<br />
Auction and the Circus are all<br />
coming up ever so quickly.<br />
Just think of all the opportunities<br />
we have coming up to share this<br />
labor of love with one another. I<br />
can’t think of a greater charity to<br />
spend our precious time with, and<br />
to experience the humbling gratification<br />
that we are making a difference<br />
in children’s lives.<br />
James “Puzzles” Chambers<br />
Secretary<br />
12<br />
Director’s Staff<br />
Summer is well on its way to<br />
being behind us! We hope you<br />
enjoyed the big Solar Eclipse and<br />
your Labor Day and the heat has<br />
not been too unpleasant. Fall is<br />
nipping at our heels and will soon<br />
usher in the cold.<br />
Coming up we have our yearly<br />
car show on September 30th. Be<br />
sure to spread the word to any car<br />
enthusiast you may know to enter<br />
their pride and joy!<br />
October 19th is the Scottish Rite<br />
golf tournament, see more info in<br />
the Shriner. Be on the lookout for<br />
more information as well about the<br />
circus in October and be sure to be<br />
ready to donate time to the cause.<br />
We will be selling coloring books<br />
and our ladies are encouraged be<br />
involved to help scan tickets.<br />
We want to send prayers and<br />
well wishes out to our sick brothers<br />
and or their family members.<br />
A BIG congratulation to Mike<br />
Villines Jr. and his lady Ali on the<br />
birth of their son Skylar in July!<br />
Prayers for the protection of our<br />
service members making the freedoms<br />
we are able to enjoy everyday<br />
possible and blessings on our<br />
temple and the causes we work for<br />
and hold dear to us.<br />
Cordially,<br />
Randy D. Byram<br />
Hope everyone had an enjoyable<br />
and safe summer break. Fall is fast<br />
approaching us and Al Menah will<br />
be in full swing.<br />
September 14 is our golf tournament<br />
at Nashboro Golf Club. If<br />
you haven’t signed up yet see Eddie<br />
Hill. September 23 is our fall<br />
ceremonial starting at 8 o’clock.<br />
Please come out and help initiate<br />
our new Nobles. I will try Our<br />
circus is October 6 - 8, so please<br />
get your Circus ads in ASAP.<br />
It is our responsibility to get<br />
new nobles in to the Shrine so<br />
please do your part.<br />
We pray for our first responders<br />
and our military for keeping us all<br />
safe and enjoying all the freedoms<br />
that we have today. Keep all our<br />
world leaders in your prayers<br />
every day.<br />
Barry G Eldridge<br />
Lieutenant<br />
Legion of Honor<br />
It was good to have PC Ron<br />
Queen, our Finance Officer, back<br />
with us at the August meeting.<br />
He is recovering well from his<br />
surgery. It was good to have PC<br />
M.O. Pilkinton back with us following<br />
his broken hip and surgery.<br />
He seems to be recovering well<br />
also.<br />
We will soon be going to<br />
Warner Robins, GA for the South<br />
Eastern Shrine Association. We<br />
have several members going and<br />
I’m sure we will have a great time<br />
there. Maybe we can bring home a<br />
trophy or two.<br />
The Legion of Honor is always<br />
looking for new members. If<br />
you are a military veteran and a<br />
Mason, come on in and become<br />
a Shriner. Then apply for the<br />
Legion of Honor. You may be accepted<br />
as a member of this patriotic<br />
unit. You will be proud you did.<br />
Please continue your support<br />
for the Shriners Hospitals for<br />
Children. Thanks to all Legion of<br />
Honor members for the support<br />
you have shown so far this year<br />
with the paper sale, onion sales,
and all other events in which you<br />
have participated.<br />
Let’s all keep the hospitals and<br />
patients in our prayers. Also, I<br />
ask for prayers for our men and<br />
women in uniform who are still<br />
serving. Not only the military but<br />
police officers, firefighters and all<br />
first responders who put their lives<br />
on the line everyday to protect us.<br />
Thank you and may God bless!<br />
Roy Lindsey<br />
Commander<br />
SHRINE<br />
CLUB<br />
NEWS<br />
Hendersonville Shrine Club<br />
This year is moving fast and we<br />
still have a lot of work to do before<br />
the year ends.<br />
A BIG “THANKS” to all who<br />
attended the Southeastern. A big<br />
time was had by all the units that<br />
competed in competition and participated<br />
in the Saturday morning<br />
parade.<br />
Remember the Shrine Car Show<br />
is coming up Saturday, September<br />
30th at Al Menah Temple. If you<br />
have a show car, or have a friend<br />
who has a show car, tell them to<br />
shine it up and come down and<br />
win a trophy. Pray for a day of<br />
good weather and NO RAIN.<br />
There will be food vendors selling<br />
their specialties…everything from<br />
hamburgers to turkey legs.<br />
Come on out for a good day of<br />
entertainment.<br />
We are looking at the biggest<br />
fundraising event of the year for our<br />
temple…our SHRINE CIRCUS.<br />
There is something every Shriner<br />
can do to make this year’s Circus<br />
our very best ever. Start with<br />
buying the Shrine Circus tickets.<br />
If you can’t come, buy them and<br />
give them to a friend who has kids<br />
that want to come. Shriners are<br />
about helping kids! Second, sell a<br />
circus ad to a client or friend who<br />
has a business and buys advertising.<br />
If you will do only one of the<br />
things suggested, our Circus will<br />
be a success.<br />
Our club meets on the 4th Monday<br />
of each month. Our September<br />
meeting will be on Monday,<br />
September 25th at the Black-<br />
Eyed-Pea at 164 Main Street in<br />
Hendersonville. We will meet at<br />
6:00pm for good food and fellowship<br />
and our meeting will start at<br />
7:00pm. Call a friend and bring<br />
them to our meeting.<br />
Remember our sick and those<br />
suffering from cancer, our kids<br />
in our Hospitals, those who have<br />
lost loved ones, be with our troops<br />
fighting for our freedom. God be<br />
with each one is our prayer.<br />
Boyd C. Parnell<br />
President<br />
Membership Notice<br />
Our goal is 100 New Nobles and 100 Restorations.<br />
<strong>2017</strong> Membership Chairman Sam Isbell (sisbell@<br /> or 615-579-0765) & Co-Chairman Dale<br />
Pewitt ( or 615-533-6714)<br />
are soliciting our help and support. Will you help us<br />
find new Nobles?<br />
One of the ways you can be active in this effort is<br />
to sign up to be a virtual mentor for our candidates.<br />
There are candidates waiting to hear from us. We<br />
need a few good men!<br />
To Be A Shriner<br />
To be a Shriners is<br />
To have a faith to live by,<br />
To be a person to live with,<br />
To endlessly pursue excellence,<br />
To believe in a Supreme Being,<br />
To strive to follow the Good Shepherd<br />
in deeds of compassion and caring,<br />
To have a worthy cause to live for,<br />
To be outspoken champions of Tolerance<br />
and Religious Freedom,<br />
To live Morally in accordance with the<br />
highest standards of individual character<br />
and social conduct,<br />
To teach that it is better to live than to<br />
hate and fear,<br />
To strive to be better tomorrow than we<br />
were yesterday,<br />
To provide for those in need, especially<br />
Crippled and Burned Children,<br />
To express Brotherly Love toward<br />
all mankind,<br />
To seek to abide by the Biblical<br />
“Golden Rule”,<br />
To see God’s hand at work<br />
in everything,<br />
To admire the beautiful,<br />
To cherish all mankind,<br />
To serve the good.<br />
Inspired with permission from the writings of Chaplain Frank G. Ladner,<br />
Alhambra Temple by Janus 1993<br />
*Submitted in the Memory of Noble Carl Johnson who gave this to us.<br />
Announcing Birdies for Charity<br />
We are excited to announce the launch of a brand-new initiative, Birdies for Charity — a fun<br />
and friendly golf-themed fundraising competition.<br />
Now through November 1, <strong>2017</strong>, golf fans<br />
nationwide can guess the number of birdies that<br />
will be recorded during the <strong>2017</strong> Shriners<br />
Hospitals for Children Open while supporting<br />
life-changing care for kids.<br />
Supporters who guess the correct, or closest,<br />
number of birdies will automatically be entered<br />
to win an ultimate Las Vegas getaway, which<br />
includes: round trip airfare for two (2) to Las<br />
Vegas, Nevada for the 2018 Shriners Hospitals<br />
for Children Open, three (3) nights hotel<br />
accommodations, VIP experience at the<br />
tournament during the 3rd and 4th rounds, two<br />
(2) tickets to a Las Vegas show, and a meet-andgreet<br />
opportunity with the 2018 tournament<br />
champion.<br />
• Supporters visit to guess the number of birdies<br />
that will be made during the <strong>2017</strong> tournament and donate to their favorite hospital.<br />
• The individuals with the correct, or closest, guess will automatically be entered to win a<br />
VIP experience at the 2018 tournament in Las Vegas. Other great prizes include<br />
autographed tournament pin flags and tournament apparel packages that will be<br />
awarded to the next closest guesses.<br />
• The hospital that receives the most monetary donations via the Birdies for Charity<br />
program will be awarded the opportunity to host the 2018 Shriners Hospitals for<br />
Children Open Media Day. The event will include an appearance from the <strong>2017</strong><br />
tournament champion, a patient visit, press conference and meet-and-greet<br />
opportunity for local hospital supporters.<br />
• The tournament covers all administrative costs for the program and turns over 100% of<br />
all monies collected to Shriners Hospitals for Children.<br />
Spread the word.<br />
Tell your friends, family and anyone else who is interested in helping Shriners Hospitals for<br />
Children that Birdies for Charity is underway!<br />
Raise funds.<br />
Go to<br />
Chief Rabban Horace Perkins<br />
invites you to become an<br />
Elite Member of the <strong>2017</strong> Ringmaster Club<br />
Contact: Horace Perkins 615-943-5913<br />
Randy “Slappy” Slapak 615-474-1610<br />
Dan Clark 615-596-7269<br />
Men’s Membership—$150.00<br />
Includes: Ringmaster shirt, Ringmaster cap, 4 Shrine Circus tickets for<br />
VIP Ringmaster seating and 1 entry to the Ringmaster Club Breakfast on October 7th.<br />
Ladies’ Membership—$125.00<br />
Includes: Ringmaster Shirt, Ringmaster tote bag, 4 Shrine Circus tickets for<br />
VIP Ringmaster seating and 1 entry to the Ringmaster Club Breakfast on October 7th.<br />
Name________________________________________________________________<br />
Address______________________________________________________________<br />
City_______________________________State___________Zip_______________<br />
Phone_____________________Email____________________________________<br />
Man’s Shirt Size: (circle one) Small Med LG XL 2-XL 3-XL 4-XL<br />
Lady’s Shirt Size: (circle one) Small Med LG XL 2-XL 3-XL 4-XL<br />
Amount Paid:________________ Method of Payment:__________________ Date Paid:_______________<br />
16<br />
NOTICe:<br />
ALL communications<br />
for the Shriner<br />
should be sent to<br /><br />
Nobles Visited By By<br />
The Black Camel Camel<br />
Livingston<br />
4/16/64 – 7/24/17<br />
Ashland City<br />
7/12/30 – 7/29/17<br />
Goodlettsville<br />
1/28/37 – 8/2/17<br />
Brentwood<br />
4/28/21 – 8/4/17<br />
Columbia<br />
6/16/27 – 7/19/17<br />
Burns<br />
7/20/41 – 7/19/17<br />
Nashville<br />
8/30/33 – 7/25/17<br />
Nonprofit<br />
Organization<br />
A.A.O.N.M.S.<br />
P. O. Box 78545<br />
NASHVILLE, TN 37207<br />
U.S. POSTAGE<br />
A.A.O.N.M.S.<br />
PAID<br />
P. O. Box Nashville, 78545<br />
TN<br />
Permit No. 1731<br />
NASHVILLE, TN 37207<br /><br />
Nonprofit<br />
Organization<br />
U.S. POSTAGE<br />
PAID<br />
Nashville, TN<br />
Permit No. 1731<br />
AL MENAH <strong>SHRINER</strong>S OASIS OF NASHV<br />
P.O. BOX 78545 • NASHVILLE, TN 37207 •<br />
INSIDE<br />
THIS<br />
ISSUE<br />
PAGE 2<br />
Potentate’s<br />
Message<br />
Al Menah Sh<br />
DEADLINE FOR OCT <strong>SHRINER</strong> IS SEPT 20th<br />
PAGE 3<br />
Divan<br />
Messages<br />
PAGES 4<br />
Notices<br />
Upcoming Events<br />
PAGE 5<br />
From Lady Tracy<br />
Dedication<br />
Ceremony<br />
Chief Rabban<br />
Horace Perkins, III &<br />
Lady Tammy<br />
Il<br />
Frank<br />
PAGE 6-7<br />
Unit News<br />
PAGE 7<br />
Membership Notice<br />
High Priest & Prophet<br />
Scott Jones & Lady Kim<br />
PAGE 11<br />
Message From<br />
PR Chairman<br />
Black Camel<br />
Imperial Session<br />
Treasurer<br />
Wes Frye & Lady Joyce