CD is an independent and impartial magazine and is the medium of communication between foreign representatives of international and UN-organisations based in Vienna and the Austrian political classes, business, culture and tourism. CD features up-to-date information about and for the diplomatic corps, international organisations, society, politics, business, tourism, fashion and culture. Furthermore CD introduces the new ambassadors in Austria and informs about designations, awards and top-events. Interviews with leading personalities, country reports from all over the world and the presentation of Austria as a host country complement the wide range oft he magazine.
CD is an independent and impartial magazine and is the medium of communication between foreign representatives of international and UN-organisations based in Vienna and the Austrian political classes, business, culture and tourism. CD features up-to-date information about and for the diplomatic corps, international organisations, society, politics, business, tourism, fashion and culture. Furthermore CD introduces the new ambassadors in Austria and informs about designations, awards and top-events. Interviews with leading personalities, country reports from all over the world and the presentation of Austria as a host country complement the wide range oft he magazine.
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Autumn <strong>2017</strong><br />
Nr. 3 | September – November<br />
International Affairs Global Business Exclusive Lifestyle<br />
cercle-diplomatique.com<br />
Oberösterreich<br />
14 Seiten<br />
extra<br />
Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser! | Dear Readers,<br />
Adelstitel wurden in Österreich offiziell bereits<br />
vor rund 100 Jahren abgeschafft. Dennoch<br />
wurde unser Magazin auf eine wunderbare<br />
Art und Weise „geadelt“ – denn seit kurzem sind wir<br />
auf der offiziellen Liste der Lese-Empfehlungen der<br />
Diplomatischen Akademie Wien als einziges Magazin<br />
Österreichs gelistet. Und auch in einer Sonderausgabe<br />
des Magazins Profil, einem „Wien Portfolio“, wurden<br />
wir in einem umfangreichen Bericht über die Hauptstadt<br />
als wichtiger Standort diplomatischer Beziehungen<br />
mit einer Erwähnung bedacht. Das macht uns<br />
stolz. Wir nehmen dies zum Anlass, auch weiterhin<br />
mit unserer erfahrenen Fachredaktion über relevante<br />
Themen aus den Bereichen Diplomatie, Politik und<br />
Wirtschaft sowie über die schönen Dinge des Lebens<br />
mit großem Engagement zu berichten. Denn die einzige<br />
Konstante im Leben ist die Veränderung.<br />
Mazedonien ist ein Binnenstaat in Südosteuropa,<br />
der sich gerade in einem Transformierungsprozess<br />
befindet. Ihm ist in dieser Ausgabe unsere Cover-Story<br />
gewidmet, zu lesen ab Seite 32.<br />
Unser Ambassadors’ Summit, übrigens der fünfte<br />
seiner Art, war außergewöhnlicher als je zuvor. Denn<br />
diesmal fand sich sozusagen geballte diplomatische<br />
Weiblichkeit im Fleming’s Selection Hotel Wien-City<br />
ein, um ihre Ansichten über den beruflichen Alltag<br />
und die Geschehnisse im Leben von Diplomatinnen<br />
miteinander und Ihnen als Lesern zu teilen. Wir danken<br />
den Exzellenzen Paulina Franceschi Navarro (Panama),<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort (Costa Rica),<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse (Dominikanische Republik)<br />
sowie Lucia Rosella Badia (El Salvador) sehr herzlich<br />
für die rasche Kooperation untereinander und die Bereitschaft,<br />
sich der Diskussion zu stellen, die Sie ab<br />
Seite 48 finden.<br />
Unser Bundesland-Special dreht sich diesmal um<br />
Oberösterreich. Das viertgrößte Bundesland Österreichs<br />
kann mit einer überraschenden Vielzahl an erfolgreichen<br />
Familienunternehmen aufwarten. Neben<br />
dem wirtschaftlichen Erfolg weltweit ist Oberösterreich<br />
nicht zuletzt wegen seiner international geachteten<br />
Kunst-Szene und seines geografischen Anteils im<br />
Salzkammergut touristisch bekannt und beliebt (ab<br />
Seite 83).<br />
Wir wünschen Ihnen angenehme Lektüre und<br />
einen spannenden Herbst!<br />
Titles of nobility were officially abolished in<br />
Austria about 100 years ago. Nevertheless, our<br />
magazine did receive a very special kind of ‘title’<br />
recently — because we have been added to the official<br />
recommended reading list by the Diplomatic<br />
Academy of Vienna, as the only Austrian magazine to<br />
do so. And we were also mentioned in a special edition<br />
of the Viennese magazine Profil as part of an extensive<br />
report on the capital city as a hub for diplomatic<br />
relationships. This makes us proud. We are taking<br />
this opportunity to continue to report with our professional<br />
editorial team about relevant topics from the<br />
fields of diplomacy, politics and economics, as well as<br />
all the other beautiful things in life, with great commitment:<br />
Because, after all, change is the only constant.<br />
Macedonia in Southern Europe is currently undergoing<br />
rapid transformations. This edition of our<br />
cover story is dedicated to the small land-locked<br />
country, which you can start reading from page 32.<br />
Our Ambassadors’ Summit, incidentally the fifth<br />
of its kind, was more extraordinary than ever before.<br />
Because this time around, the full force of diplomatic<br />
femininity entered the Fleming’s Selection Hotel<br />
Wien-City in order to share their views on their work<br />
and the various intricacies of a diplomat’s life with<br />
each other and with you, the reader. We would like to<br />
thank their Excellencies Paulina Franceschi Navarro<br />
(Panama), Pilar Saborio de Rocafort (Costa Rica),<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse (Dominican Republic), as<br />
well as Lucia Rosella Badia (El Salvador), for quickly<br />
cooperating with one another and for their readiness<br />
to participate in the discussion, which you find on<br />
page 48.<br />
Our Province Special this time is all about Upper<br />
Austria. The fourth biggest province in Austria can<br />
boast a surprising number of successful family enterprises.<br />
Next to the global economic success, Upper<br />
Austria is also well known and loved by tourists for its<br />
internationally recognised art scene and its geographic<br />
share of the Salzkammergut region (page 83).<br />
We hope that you enjoy your reading and wish you<br />
an exciting autumn!<br />
Herzlichst, | Yours,<br />
Andrea Fürnweger<br />
Herausgeberin | Editor<br />
Mag. Alexander Bursky<br />
Herausgeber | Editor
<strong>CERCLE</strong> <strong>DIPLOMATIQUE</strong> –<br />
Nr. 312<br />
Ausgabe | Issue <strong>03</strong>/<strong>2017</strong><br />
September – November<br />
Cover story<br />
Seite | page 32<br />
Mit der Bildung einer neuen<br />
Regierung im Mai <strong>2017</strong> ist<br />
Mazedonien gerade dabei,<br />
seine Wirtschaft<br />
anzukurbeln.<br />
With the formation of a<br />
new government,<br />
Macedonia is about to<br />
restart its economy.<br />
08<br />
10<br />
32<br />
38<br />
42<br />
45<br />
48<br />
56<br />
58<br />
62<br />
64<br />
68<br />
78<br />
80<br />
82<br />
Die neuen Botschafter | The new Ambassadors<br />
Akkreditierungen durch Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen.<br />
Accreditations by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen.<br />
Offizielle Empfänge | Official Receptions<br />
Die großen Empfänge der vergangenen Wochen. The great receptions of the last few weeks.<br />
LE MONDE<br />
Coverstory Mazedonien | Cover story Macedonia<br />
Kleines Land, großer Name. Small country, big name.<br />
Interview<br />
Mazedoniens Botschafterin Vasilka Poposka Trenevska.<br />
Macedonia´s Ambassador Vasilka Poposka Trenevska.<br />
Dominikanische Republik | Dominican Republic<br />
Wunder der Karibik. Miracles of the Caribbean.<br />
Interview<br />
Die Botschafterin der Dominikanischen Republik Lourdes Victoria-Kruse.<br />
The Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, Lourdes Victoria-Kruse.<br />
Gipfeltreffen der Botschafter | The Ambassadors‘ Summit<br />
Panama trifft Costa Rica, die Dominikanische Republik und El Salvador.<br />
Panama meets Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador.<br />
Buchtipp | Book tip<br />
Die ultimativen Tipps & Tricks für Exporteure. The ultimate tips & tricks for exporters.<br />
Interview<br />
OFIDs Generaldirektor Suleiman Jasir Al-Herbish .<br />
OFID´s Director-General Suleiman Jasir Al-Herbish.<br />
Essay<br />
Das größte Risiko für Europa. The biggest risk for Europe.<br />
News<br />
Neuigkeiten aus aller Welt. Latest update from around the globe.<br />
Industrie | Industry<br />
Erfolgreiche Life Sciences in Österreich. Succesful life sciences in Austria.<br />
Zukunftslabor | Future Lab<br />
Andreas Bierwirth, CEO T-Mobile Austria, über Migration & Engagement.<br />
Andreas Bierwirth, CEO T-Mobile Austria, on migration & actions.<br />
Wirtschaftsnews | Business news<br />
Neues aus Österreich. News from Austria.<br />
OBERÖSTERREICH Special | Upper Austria Special<br />
Von Kultur über Tourismus bis Wirtschaft. From culture to tourism and economy.<br />
112<br />
114<br />
118<br />
124<br />
126<br />
128<br />
132<br />
138<br />
144<br />
150<br />
154<br />
156<br />
160<br />
164<br />
166<br />
170<br />
184<br />
Hideaways<br />
Entspannung für Ihre kleine Herbst-Auszeit. Relaxation for your autumn timeout.<br />
Reise | Travel<br />
Top-Hotels und -Restaurants aus aller Welt. Top hotels and restaurants around the world.<br />
Weltmuseum Wien<br />
Das neue Museum ab 25. Oktober <strong>2017</strong>. The new museum starts on 25 October, <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Museum Visit<br />
Zu Besuch in der Secession. Visiting the Secession.<br />
Botschafter der Musik | Ambassadors of Music<br />
Stargeigerin Julia Fischer. Star violinist Julia Fischer.<br />
Kunst | Arts<br />
Kulturelle Highlights im Herbst. Cultural highlights in autumn.<br />
City Apartments<br />
Wohnkomfort auf Zeit. Temporary living comfort.<br />
Lifestyle<br />
Trends für den kommenden Herbst. Trends for the autumn season.<br />
Gesundheitswesen | Health Care<br />
Fokus Gesundheit. Focus Health.<br />
Ambassador‘s Drive<br />
Großbritanniens Botschafter auf CD-Testfahrt. UK‘s Ambassador on a test drive.<br />
Motor<br />
Die Grenzen ausweiten. Pushing the limits.<br />
Weekender<br />
Barcelona, Stadt für alle Sinne. Barcelona, city for the senses.<br />
Upcoming<br />
Wo es uns gefällt. Where we love to be.<br />
Buchempfehlungen | Must read<br />
Lesenswertes über Österreich. Book tips about Austria.<br />
Mein Wien | My Vienna<br />
Die Botschafterin von Dänemark. The Ambassador of Denmark.<br />
Veranstaltungen | Events<br />
Exklusive Veranstaltungen im Fokus. Exclusive events in focus.<br />
LE GUIDE<br />
Adressen | Addresses<br />
Nützliche Adressen für die internationale Gesellschaft.<br />
Useful addresses for the international community.<br />
Im gesamten Magazin wird bei<br />
den deutschsprachigen Texten<br />
aus Gründen der besseren<br />
Lesbarkeit bei geschlechtsspezifischen<br />
Begriffen die maskuline<br />
Form verwendet. Diese Form<br />
versteht sich explizit als<br />
geschlechtsneutral.<br />
98<br />
106<br />
108<br />
110<br />
Ethno Food<br />
Kulinarische Weltreise in Wien. Culinary world travel in Vienna.<br />
Connaisseur | Connoisseur<br />
Essen und trinken mit Stil. Wine and dine in style.<br />
Table Talk<br />
Zur Kaffeepause bei GM Monique Dekker im Park Hyatt Vienna .<br />
Coffee & cake with GM Monique Dekker at the Park Hyatt Vienna.<br />
Suite Dreams<br />
Die Präsidentensuite im The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna. The Presidential Suite at The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna.<br />
3<br />
4<br />
185<br />
Titelbild | Cover<br />
Skulpturen auf der Kunst-Brücke in Mazedoniens Hauptstadt Skopje | Sculptures on the Art<br />
Bridge in the capital Skopje, Macedonia<br />
Editorial<br />
Inhalt | Contents<br />
Impressum | Imprint<br />
Das Denkmal Alexanders des Großen in Skopje, Mazedonien<br />
The Alexander the Great monument in Skopje, Macedonia
690 sqm living space | ca. 1.412 sqm plot | 9 rooms | 6 bathrooms<br />
LE<br />
17 rooms | 100 sqm spa area | ceilings up to 4.5 m | in-house cinema www.otto.at<br />
DEN HABEN.<br />
Wir begrüßen die neuen Botschafter herzlich in Österreich: Willkommen!<br />
We cordially welcome the new Ambassadors to Austria!<br />
H. E.<br />
Víctor<br />
Veltzé Michel<br />
Ambassador of the Republic<br />
of Bolivia<br />
Credentials: July <strong>2017</strong><br />
H. E.<br />
Lourdes Gisela Antonia<br />
Victoria-Kruse<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Dominican Republic<br />
Credentials: July <strong>2017</strong><br />
H. E.<br />
François<br />
Saint-Paul<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Republic of France<br />
Credentials: July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Darmansjah<br />
Djumala<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Republic of Indonesia<br />
H. E. H. E. H. E.<br />
Victor<br />
Osipov<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Republic of Moldawia<br />
Mehmet Ferden<br />
Çarikçi<br />
Ambassador of the<br />
Republic of Turkey<br />
Credentials: July <strong>2017</strong> Credentials: July <strong>2017</strong> Credentials: July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Born on January 14, 1939<br />
Married, 3 children<br />
Education<br />
1957 -1969: Technical University of Vienna: Masters in<br />
Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering<br />
Professional Career<br />
2015: Study for the industrialization of cocoa in the Province<br />
of Beni Itenez<br />
2014: Proposal for Monorail construction on the Rio Rocha<br />
- Cochabamba<br />
2007: Airline operations reduced to Bolivia, Plan of economic<br />
and financial restructuring of Lloyd Aereo Boliviano<br />
2006: system for international investment and cooperation<br />
projects Indigenous Peoples<br />
1996-1999: Adviser to the Permanent Mission of Bolivia and<br />
UNIDO Representative to Aleterno<br />
1969 - 1996: Executive in the United Nations Industrial<br />
Development Organization (UNIDO / UNIDO) in different<br />
positions such as Head of Cooperation for Latin America and<br />
the Caribbean, Coordinator Representcaciones UNIDO in<br />
developing countries and Inter Coordinator - Agencial United<br />
Nations system in Vienna, Head of Investment Promotion<br />
Program for Latin America, Personal Advisor<br />
1965-1969: Permanent Representative of Bolivia the<br />
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA or IAEA) for 4<br />
years (Vienna, Austria)<br />
1961-1965: Honorary Consulate of Bolivia in Vienna<br />
1958–1960: Floor work: NSU car factory, Neckarsulm,<br />
Germany. Factory of paper Holmest Bruck, Norkoeping,<br />
Sweden. Mechanization Agroindustrial, Munkdorp, Sweden<br />
1956/57: Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano crewman<br />
Born on February 13, 1955<br />
Married, 3 children<br />
Education<br />
1989: Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra<br />
1981: Carl Duiesberg Gesellschaft.<br />
Federal Republic of Germany<br />
1971–1978: Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo.<br />
Chemical Engineering<br />
Professional Career<br />
<strong>2017</strong>: Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to Austria,<br />
permanent Representative to the International<br />
Organizations in Vienna<br />
2011–<strong>2017</strong>: Embassy and Permanent Mission of the<br />
Dominican Republic in Austria, Minister Counsellor,<br />
Responsible for Consular and Cultural Affairs Vienna,<br />
Austria, Embassy of the Dominican Republic in India,<br />
Minister Counsellor, Responsible for Trade, Political and<br />
Cultural Affairs<br />
2010: Participation in the 7th Meeting of Working Groups<br />
and the 11th Meeting of High Ranking Officials of the<br />
FEALAC, Bali, Indonesia<br />
2010-2011: New Delhi, India<br />
2004-2010: Embassy of the Dominican Republic in<br />
Germany, Minister Counsellor, Responsible for Visas and<br />
Legalizations. Responsible for Cultural and Trade Issues,<br />
Foundations, Tourism, Fairs and Exhibits<br />
Born on March 3, 1958<br />
Education<br />
Licence (Subject: Law)<br />
Graduate of the Institut d’études politiques<br />
1983: Graduate of the École Nationale d’Administration<br />
Ministre plénipotentiaire de 1ère classe<br />
Professional Career<br />
<strong>2017</strong>: Ambassador to Austria<br />
2014-<strong>2017</strong>: Ambassador to Romania<br />
2009-2014: Head Office of the Foreign Ministry<br />
2004-2009: Ambassador to Croatia<br />
2002-2004: Cabinet Director of the Minister Delegate<br />
Responsible for EU Affairs, Special Envoy to the Centre<br />
d’analyse et de prévision<br />
1998-2002: First Embassy Counsellor at the Permanent<br />
Representation of France to the UN in Geneva<br />
1993-1998: Head Office of the Foreign Ministry<br />
1990-1993: Second Embassy Counsellor at the Permanent<br />
Representation of France at the European Community in<br />
Brussels<br />
1988-1990: Delegate to the State Minister and Minister for<br />
the Economy, Finance and Budget<br />
1985-1988: Head Office of the Foreign Ministry<br />
1984-1985: First Embassy Secretary to Mexico<br />
1983-1984: Second Embassy Secretary to Mexico<br />
1981-1983: École Nationale d’Administration<br />
Born on November 29, 1958<br />
Married, 3 children<br />
Education<br />
2011: Ph.D. in Politics and Government, cum laude,<br />
Post-graduate Program, Faculty of Social and Political<br />
Sciences, Padjadjaran University, Bandung<br />
1997: Master of Arts in International Relations, cum laude,<br />
Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland<br />
1984: Foreign Service and Diplomatic Training, Ministry of<br />
Foreign Affairs<br />
1982: Bachelor Degree, Majoring in Economics and<br />
Development Studies, Sriwijaya University, South Sumatra<br />
Professional Career<br />
2015-<strong>2017</strong>: Chief of President’s Office/Secretary to the<br />
President, b. Positions in International Forum<br />
2014-2015: Head of Indonesian Delegation to Foreign<br />
Policy Dialog with Germany, Russia, Poland, China, Fiji,<br />
Director General/Head, Policy Analysis and Development<br />
Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs<br />
2010-2014: Ambassador of Indonesia to Poland<br />
2013: Head of Indonesian Delegation to Informal<br />
Consultations, Major Economies Forum on Energy and<br />
Climate, Head of Indonesian Delegation (alternate) to<br />
UNFCCC/COP19, Poland<br />
2006-2010: Representative of Indonesia, EU Council and<br />
European Parliament in Belgium and Luxembourg<br />
2001-20<strong>03</strong>: Representative of the Republic of Indonesia in<br />
New York, Geneva and Bangkok<br />
1994-1996: Representative of the Republic of Indonesia in<br />
WTO and UNCTAD conferences and sessions in Geneva<br />
1988-1992: Representative of Indonesia in Tokyo<br />
Born on October 8, 1971<br />
Married, 3 children<br />
Education<br />
2015: Special Training in Security Analyses and Strategies<br />
for high level officials of the Moldavan Government<br />
2008: European Institute of Political Science of the<br />
Republic of Moldova within the Council of Europe<br />
1988-1993: State University of Moldova, Faculty of<br />
Journalism and Communication Sciences<br />
Professional Career<br />
2016-<strong>2017</strong>: Independent expert in politics, electoral and<br />
public administration areas<br />
2015-2016: Deputy Prime Minister in two consecutive<br />
cabinets of the Government of the Republic of Moldova<br />
2011-2014: CMI Program for Transnistrian Conflict Management,<br />
Political Expert, Independent expert<br />
2009–2011: Government of the Republic of Moldova,<br />
Deputy Prime Minister (for Country Reintegration),<br />
Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Advisor of the First<br />
Deputy Chairman, Parliament of the Republic of Moldova<br />
2005-2009: Parliament of the Republic of Moldova Staff,<br />
Senior Advisor of the parliamentary faction “Our Moldova<br />
Alliance”<br />
1992-2004: Electronic Press Association APEL NGO,<br />
Executive Director, Euro TV Chisinau, Municipal Public TV<br />
Station, Executive Director, "Radio d'Or" FM station, Open<br />
World House NGO, Executive Director, Radio Moldova<br />
International (public broadcasting company’s division),<br />
reporter, editor, commentator, chief of Romanian Section<br />
Born in 1968<br />
Married, 1 child<br />
Education<br />
1993: Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of<br />
Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Bologna-Italy and<br />
Washington, D.C. M.A. in Strategic Studies and<br />
International Economics<br />
1991: Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Department<br />
of International Relations<br />
1987: German High School, Istanbul<br />
Professional Career<br />
<strong>2017</strong>: Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Vienna<br />
2013: Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the<br />
Republic of Turkey to the United Nations Office at Geneva<br />
and to the Conference on Disarmament as well as to the<br />
other International Organizations in Geneva<br />
2010: Ambassador, Senior Foreign Policy Adviser to the<br />
President of the Republic of Turkey<br />
2007: Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of the<br />
Republic of Turkey<br />
20<strong>03</strong>: First Secretary and Counsellor, Embassy of the<br />
Republic of Turkey, Berlin<br />
2001: Second Secretary and First Secretary, Deputy<br />
Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Cabinet to the Minister of<br />
Foreign Affairs<br />
1999: Second Secretary and Deputy Chief of Mission,<br />
Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Tripoli<br />
1996: Third Secretary, Permanent Representation of Turkey<br />
to the United Nations, New York<br />
1993: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Directorate for<br />
Middle East and Africa, Desk Officer for Iran, Iraq,<br />
Afghanistan and Pakistan<br />
8 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Official receptions<br />
Find more<br />
photos online<br />
cercle-diplomatique.com<br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Presentation of the summer <strong>issue</strong> of „Cercle Diplomatique“<br />
at the rooftop of Hotel Lamée<br />
Many Ambassadors, officials and company representatives gave the editors, Andrea Fürnweger and Alexander Bursky,<br />
the honour to welcome the second <strong>issue</strong> of <strong>2017</strong> with the cover story on Belgium, enjoying delicious food and pleasant encounters.<br />
The Ambassador of Belgium, H.E. Baron Willem Van de Voorde<br />
(2nd r.) and his wife Christine (middle) were welcomed by Isabella<br />
Wexberg, Director Hotel Lamée & Hotel Topazz (2nd l.) and CD´s<br />
editors, Andrea Fürnweger (r.) and Alexander Bursky (l.).<br />
On this hot and sunny day, there could have been no better<br />
location than the great and colourful Lamée rooftop, with<br />
great sights over Vienna, which all guests also enjoyed.<br />
10 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Azerbaijan<br />
Republic Day and the establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan<br />
and Austria were celebrated with a garden reception at the Embassy.<br />
Left: H.E. Galib Israfilov<br />
and his wife Farah<br />
Aslanova with their son.<br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Argentina<br />
On the occasion of National Day a reception was held at the residence.<br />
Luxury Furniture<br />
HOTELS<br />
H.E. Rafael Mariano Grossi and his wife Cinthia Echavarria Grossi.<br />
12 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Italy<br />
The Palais Metternich, seat of the Italian Embassy, was the elegant location<br />
for celebrating National Day.<br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
United Kingdom<br />
The 91st birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was celebrated with a great<br />
garden party at the residence.<br />
Left: H.E. Giorgio<br />
Marrapodi, H.E. Maria<br />
Assunta Accili and<br />
H.E. Alessandro Azzoni<br />
(from left to right).<br />
Left: H.E. Leigh Turner<br />
(right) with H.E. Sian<br />
MacLeod (Head of the UK<br />
Delegation to the OSCE;<br />
middle).<br />
Coming soon to Vienna<br />
1010 Wien, Am Hof 5 – from 14.9.<br />
www.shoepassion.at<br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Russian Federation<br />
On the occasion of National Day a reception was held at the Embassy.<br />
H.E. Dmitry Lyubinskiy (middle) welcomed,<br />
together with his wife, the arriving guests.<br />
SINGERSTRASSE 21/25: Fully furnished rooms and<br />
luxury apartments (31 to 160 m 2 ) in the heart of Vienna.<br />
All apartments, completely refurbished in 2016, with<br />
marble bath, air conditioning, fully equipped kitchenette,<br />
satellite-tv, stereosystem, ISDN-telephone with<br />
voice-mailsystem and free high-speed internet-access.<br />
NEW: large lobby with 24h concierge service, breakfast<br />
area and conference room.<br />
Singerstrasse 21 / 25<br />
Apartments & Hotel<br />
1010 Vienna<br />
Tel.: +43 (0)1 514 49 0<br />
apartments@singerstrasse2125.at<br />
www.singerstrasse2125.at<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Turkmenistan<br />
On the occasion of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan<br />
and Austria 25 years ago, a reception was held at the Diplomatic Academy.<br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Slovenia<br />
National Day was celebrated with a reception at the Haus der Industrie.<br />
Top: H.E. Silapberdi<br />
Nurberdiev.<br />
Left: H.E. Andrej Rahten<br />
(front row, 4th left) and<br />
his wife Polona Rahten<br />
Stekar (next to him, left).<br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Philippines<br />
Independence Day was celebrated with a reception and a book presentation<br />
at Palais Hansen Kempinski.<br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Sovereign Order of Malta<br />
On the occasion of the Celebration Day of the Sovereign Order of Malta,<br />
a reception was held at the St. Johanns Club.<br />
SINCE 1836<br />
www.jse.wien<br />
Top: H.E. Maria Zeneida Angara Collinson (front row middle, in red)<br />
and her husband, Michael John Collinson (3rd r.).<br />
Top, left: The Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta,<br />
H.E. Christof Maria Fritzen.<br />
1010 Vienna, Austria<br />
Weihburggasse 27<br />
16 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong> 17
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Canada<br />
Three occasions were celebrated at this garden party at the residence: the 150th birthday of<br />
Canada, 65 years of diplomatic relations between Canada & Austria as well as a Farewell.<br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
USA<br />
On the occasion of the 241st Independence Day the traditional<br />
garden party was held again at the residence.<br />
Kate Marie Byrnes, Chargé d‘Affaires US-Mission at OSCE, Andrew<br />
Schofer (r.), Chargé d‘Affaires at the International Organisations<br />
and Chargé d‘Affaires of the US Embassy, Eugene Young (l.).<br />
Left: H.E. Mark Bailey<br />
and his wife Raja Bailey<br />
(next picture left, on<br />
the right) also<br />
celebrated their last<br />
official appearance in<br />
Vienna.<br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Apostolic Nuntiature<br />
On the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the election of Pope Francis, the Apostolic Nuncio H.E. Archbishop<br />
Peter Stephan Zurbriggen invited to a reception at the Apostolic Nunciature.<br />
Top: H.E. Archbishop Peter Stephan Zurbriggen (middle)<br />
with His Eminence Cardinal Christoph Schönborn (left).<br />
18 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
June <strong>2017</strong><br />
Belarus<br />
To celebrate Independence Day a garden party was given at the Embassy.<br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Croatia<br />
National Day, the 25th anniversary of the official recognition of Croatia as well as the Day<br />
of the Armed Forces were celebrated at the Embassy.<br />
Right:<br />
H.E. Alena<br />
Kupchyna.<br />
Left: H.E. Vesna Cvjetković<br />
(right) with H.E. Dubravka<br />
Marković and Colonel Davor<br />
Kopanji.<br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Vietnam<br />
On the occasion of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and<br />
Austria 45 years ago, a cultural event was held at the City Hall of Vienna.<br />
Left, middle: H.E. Vu Viet Anh<br />
and his wife, Ha Phi Yen.<br />
Auktioneum GmbH<br />
Spiegelgasse 19<br />
1010 Wien<br />
Tel: +43 1 890 90 95<br />
E-Mail: office@auktioneum.com<br />
20 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
www.auktioneum.com<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong> 21
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Estonia<br />
The country assumed the EU Council Presidency and celebrated with<br />
a concert and a reception at Kursalon Hübner.<br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Cape Verde<br />
National Day was celebrated with the traditional garden reception.<br />
Left: H.E. Rein Oidekivi<br />
(right) with his wife<br />
Viktoria Melnyk (2nd<br />
right) and H.E. Eve-Külli<br />
Kala (2nd l.) with H.E.<br />
Michael Linhart.<br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Venezuela<br />
National Day was commemorated with a flower offering and a reception at the<br />
monument of Simon Bolivar at Donaupark.<br />
Left: Honorary Consul of<br />
Cape Verde Wolfgang<br />
Meixner (left).<br />
Wir stehen für Engagement, Service<br />
und Leistung in Sachen Gesundheit,<br />
Schönheit und Wohlbefinden. Im<br />
Sinne unseres Mottos „Gesund werden<br />
und Gesund bleiben“ betreuen<br />
wir all unsere Kunden mit fachlicher<br />
Kompetenz in über 13 Sprachen.<br />
We stand for commitment, service<br />
and efficiency concerning health,<br />
beauty and well-being. According<br />
to our motto “get well and stay well”<br />
we care for all our customers with<br />
competence speaking more than<br />
13 languages.<br />
Chargé d’ Affairs a.i. Dalila Hernández,<br />
Minister Counsellor, gave a speech.<br />
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www.internationale-apotheke.at<br />
22 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Belgium<br />
On the occasion of the official re-opening of the Belgian Embassy at<br />
Vienna a reception was given to present the refurbished rooms.<br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
France<br />
On the occasion of National Day a reception was<br />
held at the magnificent Embassy.<br />
Left: H.E. Baron Willem Van<br />
de Voorde (2nd r.) and Didier<br />
Reynders (middle), Belgian<br />
Deputy Prime Minister &<br />
Minister for Foreign and<br />
European Affairs.<br />
Left:<br />
H.E. François<br />
Saint-Paul.<br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
France<br />
The Honorary Consulate of France and the Austrian-French Society Linz<br />
celebrated National Day with music and dance at Autowelt Linz.<br />
Jeder Mensch hat seine Philosophie<br />
und sein eigenes Lebenskonzept.<br />
Wir haben dafür Verständnis und auch<br />
das geeignete Zuhause.<br />
Menschen, die sich für ein Leben in<br />
den Senioren Residenzen entscheiden,<br />
entscheiden sich bewusst für ihre<br />
Eigenständigkeit, ihre persönliche<br />
Freiheit, sowie für die Zuverlässigkeit<br />
eines kompetenten und wirtschaftlich<br />
eigenständigen Dienstleistungsunternehmens.<br />
Everyone has their own philosophy<br />
and their own concept<br />
of life. We understand<br />
that and offer the adequate<br />
home.<br />
People who decide to live in<br />
a senior citizens residence<br />
deliberately choose independence,<br />
personal freedom and<br />
the reliability of an economically<br />
independent service<br />
company.<br />
From left: Andreas Parlic, H.E. François Saint-Paul with his wife<br />
(2nd l.), Upper Austrian Honorary Consul Cecilia Baldivieso de<br />
Witzany and Upper Austrian Honorary Consul of France, Ekkehard<br />
Redlhammer.<br />
www.seniorenresidenzen.co.at<br />
24 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
German working visit in Vienna<br />
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier came to Vienna and met Federal<br />
President Alexander Van der Bellen and Federal Chancellor Christian Kern.<br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Colombia<br />
Independence Day was celebrated with a garden<br />
party at the Prater Vienna.<br />
President Steinmeier (2nd r.)<br />
and Elke Büdenbender (very<br />
left) with President Van der<br />
Bellen, Doris Schmidauer<br />
(2nd l.) and Chancellor<br />
Christian Kern (below, r.).<br />
H.E. Jaime Alberto Cabal<br />
Sanclemente and his wife<br />
Claudia Calero de Cabal.<br />
C<br />
M<br />
Y<br />
CM<br />
MY<br />
CY<br />
CMY<br />
K<br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Egypt<br />
On the occasion of National Day a reception was held at the Embassy.<br />
H.E. Omar Amer Youssef (2nd right) with his wife (right).<br />
26 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Korea<br />
The establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Austria 125 years ago<br />
was celebrated with a concert of traditional Korean music at Vienna Konzerthaus.<br />
HUGO BOSS AG Phone +49 7123 940 hugoboss.com<br />
Below: H.E. Dong-Ik Shin.<br />
July <strong>2017</strong><br />
Morocco<br />
A reception was given on the occasion of the anniversary<br />
of the accession to the throne of King Mohammed VI.<br />
H.E. Lotfi Bouchaara and his wife.<br />
28 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Wien BOSS Store Kärntner Straße 20
LE<br />
MONDE<br />
BIG NAME<br />
The Bridge of Art in<br />
Macedonia's capital Skopje<br />
– a pedestrian bridge<br />
across the Vardar River<br />
built in 2014, featuring<br />
many statues of noted<br />
Macedonian artists and<br />
musicians.<br />
With the formation of a new government<br />
in May <strong>2017</strong>, the Republic of Macedonia<br />
is about to restart its economy and<br />
ambitions to join the European Union<br />
and the Nato. Those who know this<br />
small country with a big name well,<br />
are convinced that it is one of the last<br />
treasures in Europe yet to be discovered.<br />
Text: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
32 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3 /<strong>2017</strong><br />
The Temple St. Kliment Ohridski<br />
(left) and the modern Telekom<br />
building, both in Skopje.<br />
The famous St. Jovan Kaneo<br />
Church at Lake Ohrid, a place<br />
which has put Macedonia on the<br />
touristic landscape.<br />
Oh, what a match this was. On August 8th,<br />
<strong>2017</strong>, the players of Manchester United, despite<br />
their ”spirited response“ and ”majestic<br />
performance from Nemanja Matić“, as the newspaper<br />
”Times“ noted, found themselves ”outclassed“ in<br />
a real lesson in soccer by Real Madrid and have lost<br />
the UEFA Super Cup Final by 1:2 against the Champions<br />
League winner from Spain.<br />
Oh, what a host city it was. The match took place<br />
at the national stadium of the Republic of Macedonia,<br />
a country which actually prefers handball as its<br />
favourite sport, in the capital Skopje. The city has<br />
welcomed the teams and its top-players like Cristiano<br />
Ronaldo or Paul Pogba with cheers, turning this<br />
major soccer evening into a celebration of hospitality<br />
and peaceful joy. In other words, as Aki Nuredini,<br />
the best-known of the some 25,000 Macedonians in<br />
Austria, who runs a successful restaurant – ”Il Sole“<br />
– just behind Vienna's Opera, remarks as well, by<br />
hosting this high level sports event, Skopje has painted<br />
a whole new picture of a country which until recently<br />
has been seen as one of the dangerously unstable<br />
political focal points at the Western Balkans.<br />
Since 2015, Macedonia, which has gained independence<br />
from the former Republic of Yugoslavia in<br />
1991, has been locked in an ongoing political dispute.<br />
Even after the last elections in December 2016,<br />
that have seen Zoran Zaev, the leader of the leftwing<br />
SDSM party, ahead of the former prime minister, Nikola<br />
Gruevski from the rightwing VMRO-DPMNE<br />
party, the formation of a new government has been<br />
blocked for six months until May <strong>2017</strong>. Tension between<br />
rival political factions already had forcefully<br />
broken out in April <strong>2017</strong> and spilled into bloodshed,<br />
when a nationalist mob stormed parliament. The situation<br />
had also raised concerns within the EU and<br />
Nato, since Macedonia is a candidate country to join<br />
both organisations.<br />
But with the finally achieved formation of a new<br />
government led by Mr Zaev, who in his first statement<br />
had guarenteed ”the protection of the unity,<br />
sovereignty and territorial integrity of the independent<br />
and multi-ethnic Macedonia“, the moods have<br />
boiled down and all efforts are now focused on the<br />
peaceful economic development which the country<br />
is definitely in need of. And with the successful hosting<br />
of the recent Super Cup Final, Skopje has sent a<br />
most welcomed sign to the world that Macedonia<br />
has again found its course towards European integration.<br />
„Our first and foremost focus is the full membership<br />
to the EU and the Nato“, says Vasilka Popeska<br />
Trenevska, the Ambassador of the Republic of<br />
Macedonia to Austria. ”This is not only important<br />
for the stability of our country, but for the complete<br />
region as well, where Macedonia is the biggest supporter<br />
of the EU“ (also see interview page 38).<br />
Up until now, the major obstacle to EU and Nato<br />
membership has been the oppositions of Macedonia's<br />
neighbour Greece because of what is widely known<br />
as the „Name Issue“. Greece believes that the name<br />
”Republic of Macedonia“ implies a territorial claim<br />
to the northern Greek province with the same name<br />
and therefore has vetoed Macedonia's ambitions<br />
from the very beginning. It has also not been exactly<br />
helpful that former Prime Minister Gruevski renamed<br />
airports and motorways after Alexander the<br />
Great, the ancient Greek warrior reimagined by his<br />
party as its own national hero.<br />
Last June, in one of his first major diplomatic<br />
steps, Macedonia's new Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov<br />
has met with Greek ministers to discuss the<br />
name <strong>issue</strong>, saying his country would consider fresh<br />
proposals on its provisional name in an effort to unlock<br />
Greek opposition to its EU and Nato membership.<br />
”I will ask Greece to reconsider what kind of<br />
neighbour they want – do they want a stable, friendly<br />
country that offers hope for democracy and justice?“,<br />
Dimitrov said ahead of the meetings. ”If we are<br />
a good neighbour, then hopefully political forces in<br />
Greece will realise this is a historic opportunity.“<br />
These talks are now closely observed by EU officials<br />
like Johannes Hahn, Austria's EU Commissioner for<br />
Regional Policy, who has been mediating in Macedonia<br />
heavily. ”The new government needs shoring up“,<br />
says Florian Bieber, a political scientist at the University<br />
of Graz, ”and nothing would be a better sign of<br />
success than a breakthrough in the name dispute.“<br />
Meanwhile, supported by this positive restart in<br />
the name <strong>issue</strong>, the new government is trying<br />
to tackle the two main areas where the country is ailing<br />
most – unemployment and low average income.<br />
In 2016, Macedonia's economy, albeit small and<br />
amounting just a bit over 10 billion US-dollar (nominal),<br />
has grown some 2.4 percent and is supposed to<br />
increase for some 2.1 percent in <strong>2017</strong>. But the unemployment<br />
rate last year stood at 24 percent and is expected<br />
to fall only to 22 percent in <strong>2017</strong>, with youth<br />
unemployment even double than this – still one of<br />
the worst figures in the Western Balkans. And the<br />
Fresque "The Angel from<br />
Kurbinovo" (above) and the<br />
natural monumental rocks of<br />
Kuklitsi, Macedonia (below).<br />
Lake Matka near Skopje, one of<br />
the many hidden touristic<br />
treasures of Macedonia to be<br />
discovered.<br />
34<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Official Name:<br />
Republic of Macedonia<br />
Capital: Skopje<br />
Area: 25,713 sqkm 2<br />
Population: 2,073,702<br />
(2016 estimate)<br />
Ethnic Groups: 64.2%<br />
Macedonians, 25.2%<br />
Albanians, 3.9% Turks,<br />
2.7% Romani, 1.8% Serbs,<br />
2.2% other/unspecified<br />
Languages: Macedonian,<br />
Albanian, Turkish, Romani,<br />
Serbian<br />
Religion: Eastern<br />
Orthodoxy (64.8%), Islam<br />
(33.3%), Other Christian<br />
(0.4%), Others/None<br />
(1.5%).<br />
Currency: Macedonian<br />
Denar (MKD)<br />
GDP: 10.23 billion $<br />
(nominal, 2016)<br />
GDP per capita: 4,940 $<br />
(nominal, 2016)<br />
Government:<br />
Parliamentary Republic<br />
• President: Gjorge Ivanov<br />
• Prime Minister:<br />
Zoran Zaev<br />
Independence<br />
from SFR Yugoslavia<br />
8 September 1991: declared<br />
8 April 1993: Officially<br />
recognised by the UN<br />
The neo-classicistic<br />
Government building in the<br />
heart of Skopje, where a<br />
new economic plan is<br />
currently carved out.<br />
A statue of Alexander the Great,<br />
towering a stone bridge in<br />
Macedonia's capital Skopje,<br />
overlooking the<br />
historic center.<br />
average wage of only some 300 Euro per month (after<br />
taxes) is far too low to make a decent living given local<br />
prices nearly at Western European levels. As a result<br />
of this, many young Macedonians are leaving or<br />
trying to leave the country.<br />
The new government is currently carving out economic<br />
measures to improve this situation. ”There are<br />
3-, 6- and 9-month steps“, Ambassador Trenevska<br />
explains. ”By the beginning of 2018, a complete new<br />
business plan for Macedonia will be presented and<br />
implemented.“ Major focus shall be put on the development<br />
of all kinds of infrastructure, tourism and<br />
small businesses. Already the World Bank has responded<br />
to such efforts and previous steps by the<br />
country with a population of some 2 million inhabitants.<br />
In its recent ”Ease of Doing Business“ report<br />
Macedonia is ranked 10th, which is mainly due to its<br />
investment pitch based on low taxes and wages and<br />
aiming at investments of mid-sized companies. Indeed,<br />
many investors pay virtually no corporate or income<br />
tax in Macedonia, thanks to special economic<br />
zones provided for greenfield projects. They also benefit<br />
from generous state subsidies and many young<br />
tech-savvy Macedonians who are especially talented<br />
in IT- and computer skills.<br />
As a matter of fact, because of this positive environment,<br />
Austria ranks number 2 as foreign direct<br />
investor in Macedonia, just behind the Netherlands<br />
and ahead of Greece, Slovenia and Hungary. According<br />
to Erika Teoman-Brenner, the Austrian Commercial<br />
Counsellor in charge of Macedonia, there<br />
are currently some 50 Austrian companies with local<br />
subsidiaries active in the country. ”Also some of the<br />
most well-known brands and service providers there<br />
are from Austria“, she says (also see page 41).<br />
Many of the Austrian expats working there also<br />
spread stories of a Macedonia being actually one of<br />
last treasures of Europe still to be discovered – not<br />
only in economic terms, but as one of the most beautiful<br />
places to visit. There are the impressive remainings<br />
of its Greek, Roman and Ottoman history, and<br />
there is the glittering Lake Ohrid and the historic<br />
waterside town of Ohrid, which already have etched<br />
out a place for Macedonia on the tourist map. ”But<br />
this small nation is far more than just one great lake“,<br />
as travel-guide Lonely Planet states. ”Skopje may be<br />
the Balkans' most bonkers and unfailingly entertaining<br />
capital city. And the rest of Macedonia is a<br />
stomping ground for adventurers. If you want to get<br />
off the beaten track in Europe, this is it.“<br />
An evening dawn in winter over the<br />
city of Ohrid (left) and impressions<br />
of a fisherman cottage on<br />
Lake Prespa (right).<br />
36<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
H.E. Vasilka Poposka Trenevska<br />
“Macedonia remains committed to a solution to the ‘Name Issue’ with Greece.“<br />
The Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia on economic<br />
measures of the new coalition government tackling unemployment<br />
and wage rise and the unsolved dispute about the name of<br />
her country.<br />
Interview: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
CD: Ambassador Trenevska, how would you see<br />
the current relationship between the Republic<br />
of Macedonia and Austria and its historic<br />
development?<br />
Vasilka Poposka Trenevska: Formal diplomatic<br />
relations between the Republic of<br />
Macedonia and the Republic of Austria<br />
commenced in 1994. And, while relations<br />
between the two countries go back much<br />
farther, more recent developments in relations<br />
between both countries are noteworthy.<br />
In particular, the high level of diplomatic<br />
relations between both countries in<br />
recent years has led to increased cultural<br />
exchange and the promotion of strong economic<br />
relations. Recent examples of high<br />
level cooperation include the engagement<br />
of the Republic of Austria with refugee crisis,<br />
showcasing the solidarity between Austria<br />
and Macedonia as both countries<br />
sought to mitigate the human impact as<br />
hundreds of thousands of refugees were<br />
fleeing civil war and strife.<br />
According to recent official figures, the trade<br />
volume in goods between Macedonia and Austria<br />
(2016) is just below of some 180 million Euro,<br />
declining, compared to the year before. What can<br />
be done to improve our trade relations?<br />
Taking the long view of Macedonian and<br />
Austrian economic relations is instructive,<br />
as the trend is clearly towards increasing<br />
economic engagement between both countries.<br />
From my time as Ambassador to the<br />
Republic of Austria, I have witnessed and<br />
done my best to facilitate the genesis of new<br />
ideas for cooperation, to support and protect<br />
existing areas of cooperation, and I have<br />
had the pleasure of seeing the fruition of<br />
plans already made. Ties between Macedonia<br />
and Austria are deepening organically,<br />
as both countries appreciate the full potential<br />
of regional economic cooperation.<br />
Macedonia remains a highly competitive<br />
destination for foreign direct investment<br />
in the Balkans, offering extremely attractive<br />
incentives for foreign investors over the<br />
long and short term. Budding industries, as<br />
well as established ones, offer high growth<br />
potential. Austrian support and economic<br />
cooperation has been a boon to Macedonia<br />
and has led to positive social and economic<br />
externalities in both countries. Furthermore,<br />
EU led support for the sustainable development<br />
of Macedonia and linkage of the<br />
Macedonian economy to the EU is exemplified<br />
by the trans-European road Corridor<br />
X, an initiative that is continuing to lead<br />
towards new and improved opportunities<br />
for investment in Macedonia. Foreign investors<br />
in Macedonia are offered continuous<br />
support through the Agency for Foreign<br />
Investment and Export Promotion,<br />
though the legal and bureaucratic process<br />
of investing in Macedonia has been markedly<br />
simplified since 2010. Furthermore,<br />
Technological and Industrial Development<br />
Zones (TIDZs) have been established in<br />
Macedonia to support investors in establishing<br />
successful enterprises that link a<br />
skilled Macedonian workforce with industrial<br />
capital investments.<br />
This year, experts have predicted a growth rate<br />
for Macedonia of some 3.1%. But they have also<br />
noted the “ongoing political crisis“ since 2015 as<br />
the biggest obstacle to achieve this. Can you give<br />
us an overview about the current political<br />
situation which seems to have stabilised after<br />
months of uncertainty about a new government?<br />
First quarter macro economic indicators<br />
would agree with the assessment that<br />
uncertainty regarding the outcome of the<br />
December 2016 election may have had an<br />
impact on growth. However, the new<br />
government that has formed, has now<br />
handled many of the key <strong>issue</strong>s involved in<br />
the transitional period and has moved on<br />
to addressing aspects of economic policy<br />
that will positively affect economic growth.<br />
Effective strides are being made towards<br />
establishing a new political equilibrium,<br />
one in which fostering continued economic<br />
growth remains a priority.<br />
What are the plans of the new social democrat<br />
government to reduce unemployment (currently<br />
about 24%) and improve the average income of<br />
some 500 Euro per month of the Macedonian<br />
people?<br />
Unemployment figures have continued<br />
to drop from their peak following the European<br />
economic crisis. A large share of the<br />
drop in unemployment has resulted from<br />
foreign direct investment in Macedonia,<br />
tourism growth, as well as Macedonia’s<br />
success in manufacturing. The new SDSM<br />
led coalition government has spearheaded<br />
measures to promote labour policies that<br />
facilitate economic growth by supporting<br />
the internal market. Policies are being implemented<br />
to allow for a raise in the mini-<br />
Austria already ranks as Nr. 2 of the major foreign<br />
investors in Macedonia, with an amount of some<br />
540 million Euro (2015) and providing jobs for<br />
some 5,900 people. Where would you see future<br />
investment opportunities? Which would be the<br />
major projects of development and which kind of<br />
incentives does Macedonia offer to investors?<br />
Spend your holidays at the Viennese Art déco jewel in the heart<br />
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Executive Chef Manuel Gratzl.<br />
Our banquet Team will also be delighted to arrange for your<br />
individual celebration and program.<br />
The Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to<br />
Austria since 2014, holds a PhD from the Faculty of<br />
Economics of the University of St. Clement of Ohrid/<br />
Bitola. Prior to her diplomatic services, she has also<br />
worked as an associate professor at the Faculty of<br />
Veterinary Medicine in Skopje.<br />
38 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
TEL. +43 1 515 16 6100<br />
“The new coalition government has<br />
spearheaded measures to promote<br />
economic growth and to allow for a<br />
raise in the minimum wage of over 30<br />
percent.“<br />
”Optimistic forecasts as investor<br />
confidence returns“<br />
Erika Teoman-Brenner, Commercial Counsellor in Belgrade<br />
mum wage of over 30%. This change is expected<br />
to redistribute the benefits of the<br />
economic growth that Macedonia has been<br />
experiencing and to lead to positive externalities<br />
in the labour force. Macedonia’s labour<br />
force has a substantial degree of potential<br />
in skilled and semi skilled jobs that<br />
could be achieved by enhancing the potential<br />
for workers to invest in themselves<br />
while simultaneously supporting workforce<br />
training and educational initiatives<br />
that place further support in Macedonia’s<br />
economy.<br />
Since 2005, Macedonia has the status of an EU<br />
membership candidate, but is being blocked by<br />
Greece on a wide range of <strong>issue</strong>s because of an<br />
unsolved dispute about its name. Can you give us<br />
an overview about the deeper roots of this<br />
dispute, possible ways to get over it and the<br />
development of EU membership negotiations?<br />
The effects of this dispute are felt most<br />
keenly by all Macedonians in terms of its<br />
effect on economic growth and Macedonia’s<br />
ability to participate in the European market.<br />
Of the diplomatic and political <strong>issue</strong>s<br />
that face Macedonia as we pursue fullfledged<br />
membership in the European community,<br />
few are more acutely felt for Macedonians<br />
than what has come to be called<br />
“the Name Issue“. The <strong>issue</strong> itself derives<br />
from a complex socio-historical disagreement<br />
with Greece over the constitutional<br />
name of Macedonia, The Republic of<br />
Macedonia. The effects of this dispute, as is<br />
known, include the political stance that<br />
Greece has taken towards accepting Macedonia<br />
into the EU. This dispute has spillover<br />
effects into even the seemingly mundane<br />
principals of international relations,<br />
as our bilateral relations are marked by a<br />
seemingly “opt-in“ system whereby states<br />
and institutions decide independently to<br />
acknowledge our constitutional name, or<br />
to refer to the Republic of Macedonia as the<br />
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia<br />
(fyrom). Macedonia is appreciative of the<br />
support that Austria has shown for our<br />
constitutional name.<br />
The roots of this <strong>issue</strong> began over a<br />
hundred years ago in the territorial redistributions<br />
which followed the Balkan Wars,<br />
in which parts of what had been Macedonia<br />
were ceded to Northern Greece and to<br />
Bulgaria. Yet, the contemporary roots of<br />
this <strong>issue</strong> extend to the era of the existence<br />
of Yugoslavia. During this period, relations<br />
between Greece and its Balkan neighbours<br />
remained uncertain. This uncertainty,<br />
combined with complex <strong>issue</strong>s of national<br />
identity for both for Macedonia and Greece<br />
following the breakup of Yugoslavia have<br />
led to a political quagmire.<br />
Regardless of how the <strong>issue</strong> of<br />
Macedonia’s constitutional name has been<br />
arrived upon, a settlement to this dispute is<br />
essential to the future of the country. Many<br />
solutions to the dispute have been offered<br />
by both parties to the dispute, as well as by<br />
concerned onlookers. Macedonia remains<br />
committed to a solution to this <strong>issue</strong> that<br />
satisfies the concerns of our neighbors and<br />
respects the integrity of the Republic of<br />
Macedonia. We will stay at the negotiating<br />
table for as long as it takes to resolve the<br />
dispute to the mutual satisfaction of both<br />
parties.<br />
Which major touristic attractions in Macedonia<br />
would you highlight? What are the efforts of<br />
Macedonia to improve and expand its tourism<br />
industry?<br />
Efforts over the past decade to open<br />
Macedonia to the international community<br />
have yielded a set of increasingly wellknown<br />
touristic offerings. Our tourism<br />
sector has made great strides in developing<br />
standards and practices that allow for the<br />
participation of small and medium sized<br />
enterprises to enter the market as providers<br />
of high quality and attractive services for<br />
tourists. Furthermore, the Government of<br />
Macedonia has had success with its capital<br />
investments aimed at revitalizing major urban<br />
centres such as Skopje and Ohrid. Every<br />
year, accessibility is improved and our<br />
main touristic attractions have become<br />
even more pleasurable to visit. Personally, I<br />
take every chance I am provided with to<br />
take in Lake Ohrid from the lakeside boulevards<br />
and to enjoy the bustling commercial<br />
areas of downtown Skopje. There are,<br />
of course, also virtually endless opportunities<br />
for nature and extreme sport enthusiasts<br />
to take advantage of nature preserves<br />
such as Mount Vodno, Popova Sapka, and<br />
Mavrovo for activities such as world class<br />
paragliding, hiking, skiing, and sport kayaking.<br />
It should also be noted, however, that<br />
Macedonia has had enormous success in<br />
cultivating the development of our wine<br />
tourism sector over the past decade.<br />
Finally, can you share with us your vision of how<br />
Macedonia will develop in the coming years?<br />
In many ways, Macedonia is timeless.<br />
Our cultural mosaic is bound to steady historical<br />
trends that ensure that we remain a<br />
multicultural society that celebrates its heritage<br />
and strong links to Europe and Asia.<br />
That being said, I do see change on the horizon,<br />
brought about by improvements to<br />
the economic health of the country, which<br />
is led by our younger generations. A shift to<br />
high skilled jobs in the field of digital technology<br />
and a greater sense of security as<br />
Macedonia moves to address the opportunities<br />
that are present in our economy. This<br />
economic change will be met with, perhaps,<br />
a far more significant adaption as<br />
Macedonia’s social and political identity<br />
expands to include new facets. Primarily, I<br />
see a future for Macedonia as a full-fledged<br />
member of the European community. I see<br />
a place for Macedonia as a strong contributor<br />
to European cultural and economic attainment,<br />
as a partner in the peace and security<br />
of Europe.<br />
Erika Teoman-<br />
Brenner was<br />
appointed as<br />
Commercial Counsellor<br />
at the Austrian<br />
Embassy in Belgrade<br />
with accreditation to<br />
the Embassies in<br />
Skopje and Podgorica<br />
as well in September<br />
2015.<br />
Manufacturing is the real driver behind Macedonia‘s positive export performance.<br />
Macedonia is a small country with a population size of about<br />
2 million and a long history of migration. Being the poorest<br />
republic in former Yugoslavia, the country has tried hard to<br />
make progress in liberalising its economy and improving its<br />
business environment since its independence. While the<br />
country maintained an impressive level of stability during<br />
the global financial crisis in 2008/2009, the prolonged<br />
internal political crisis that almost paralysed it for two years,<br />
had a negative impact on the economic performance and<br />
caused a slow-down of economic growth. However, the<br />
stabilization of the political situation leads now to more<br />
optimistic forecasts as investor confidence returns and the new government<br />
seems to be committed to step up economic reforms. These should primarily be<br />
targeted at improving the regulatory environment and strengthening the rule of<br />
law – two <strong>issue</strong>s that have been consistently raised by Austrian investors.<br />
Besides low labour cost, the government offers very attractive tax and financial<br />
incentives – probably the most generous in the Westbalkans – to foreign<br />
investors in free economic zones. This has helped to attract foreign investments<br />
especially in manufacturing which, in fact, has become the real driver behind the<br />
positive export performance of the country. But it has also contributed to a<br />
specific feature of the Macedonian economy: a very large import content in the<br />
foreign investments (machinery, raw materials etc.) and a very limited<br />
integration of local suppliers in these production chains. This is definitely a<br />
situation that should be remedied for the sake of strengthening the domestic<br />
sector, in particular small and medium sized companies.<br />
However, job creation is a major goal in this strategy to encourage foreign<br />
investments, given the persistently high levels of unemployment, especially<br />
among the youth, as throughout the whole region. On the other hand, companies<br />
find it often hard to recruit qualified technical personnel. An oversupply of<br />
University graduates and, at the same time, the lack of a functioning dual<br />
vocational training system created a mismatch in the labour market where the<br />
educational level of the young does not correspond to the qualification the<br />
employers are looking for.<br />
Austrian companies, and their products and services, enjoy an excellent<br />
reputation in Macedonia. Not only are we the second largest investor in the<br />
country, but also some of the most well-known brands and service-providers are<br />
from Austria. Regarding the bilateral trade, we observe a decline since last year.<br />
Our export volume 2016 amounted to 111 million Euro, which was 8,6% less than<br />
2015. At the same time, our imports from Macedonia – just about half of our<br />
exports – shrank by 3,6%. Austria´s main export items are meat, pharmaceuticals,<br />
food ingredients and various machinery and technical equipment.<br />
Macedonia´s exports to Austria consist basically of apparel – with more than<br />
half of Macedonian exports to Austria - and to a much lesser extent, of fruits and<br />
vegetables. It should be noted that the textile and garment industry is one of the<br />
most developed economic sectors in Macedonia and many well-known German<br />
and Italian fashion brands have production facilities there.<br />
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40 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Miracles of the Caribbean<br />
Each year, between January<br />
and March, many big cruise<br />
ships head for the northern<br />
Samaná Bay for a whalewatching-stopover.<br />
FACTS &<br />
Its economy is a remarkable success story all over Latin America. Its blessings of nature<br />
and cultural heritage are providing records in tourism year after year. And its people,<br />
especially when dancing the merengue, are turning a visit to this Caribbean country<br />
into an unforgettable experience. Welcome to the Dominican Republic.<br />
Text: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
On February 6th, 1998, the Austrian singer<br />
and pop star Falco – eventually the country‘s<br />
most outstanding musician in recent decades<br />
who has spent his last year in the Dominican Republic<br />
to finish a new album – has deceased after a<br />
car crash near the city of Monte Llano in the Dominican<br />
Republic. Up until now, some of his fans pay<br />
tribute at a little memorial site which has been set up<br />
there on the Caribbean island.<br />
As sad as this lethal accident has been, it carries a<br />
truth within that is distinctly und definitely positive<br />
since Falco has retreated into his creative refugium<br />
because he has fallen in love with the Dominican Republic<br />
– its welcoming people, its diverse nature with<br />
stunning mountains and desert scrublands, its<br />
beaches galore, its evocative colonial architecure<br />
and, maybe most of all, its merengue, the country‘s<br />
typical local music and dance.<br />
Experts say that Falco was about to integrate these<br />
sounds of love into his latest songs, which certainly<br />
would have made them a hit amongst the nearly seven<br />
million visitors to the Dominican Republic who<br />
are enjoying pretty much the same feelings. ”For<br />
some, the idyllic beaches and all-included rum cocktails<br />
may have their place, but for me, the Dominican<br />
Republic is about other things“, the wide-read British<br />
travel-blogger Ashley Harrell puts them into poetic<br />
words. ”It‘s the wizened men puffing cigars and slapping<br />
down dominoes by the fire atop Pico Duarte, or<br />
dancing the merengue inside the crumbling ruins of<br />
the New World‘s first monastery. I‘ve never felt so inspired<br />
as when I zipped through desert hills on a<br />
scooter, past grazing goats and drying laundry, headed<br />
for a faraway fishing village where an ambitious<br />
expat started a kitesurfing school.“<br />
There is another traveller who may have been<br />
equally enthusiastic, the day he arrived at one of the<br />
endless, virgin shores – Christopher Columbus, today<br />
dubbed by the natives as “the first tourist“. He<br />
has discovered the island in 1492, giving it the name<br />
“La Hispañola“ and starting a period of more than<br />
four centuries under foreign rule. Between 1655 and<br />
1701 alone, the island has been dominated by the<br />
British, the French and the Spanish alternately. A few<br />
decades later, in 1731, it was divided into what is today<br />
Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which proclaimed<br />
its First Republic in 1844.<br />
This early period of independence found an end<br />
in 1916 when the United States of America occupied<br />
the Dominican Republic and governed it until 1924,<br />
installing a puppet regime afterwards. In 1930, the<br />
revolutionary Rafael Trujillo succeeded in a coup<br />
d‘etat only to start a grim dictatorship which lasted<br />
for about 30 years. Then, in 1964, the Fourth Republic<br />
has been established and since then, the Dominican<br />
Republic has embarked on a path of growth, stability<br />
and remarkable development – which in recent<br />
years even accelerated under President Danilo Medina<br />
who has been first elected in 2012 and re-elected<br />
last year.<br />
In 2016, the Dominican Republic with a population<br />
of some 10 million people has outperformed most<br />
of the other countries in the world with an economic<br />
growth rate of 6.6 percent, amounting to a GDP of<br />
more than 72 billion dollars (nominal). This equals<br />
one of the highest purchasing powers per person –<br />
some 15.200 dollars for each Dominican inhabitant<br />
– in Latin America and the Caribbean. Acccording<br />
to Alexander Solar, the Austrian Commercial Counsellor<br />
covering the Dominican Republic, this extraordinary<br />
economic perfomance is mainly due to ”a<br />
very strong increase in tourism“ of a record 11 percent,<br />
while the number of Austrian tourists even has<br />
jumped up for more than 25 per cent in 2016.<br />
”The Dominican Republic last year reached a record<br />
of nearly 6 million tourists, an increase of over<br />
380,000 additional visitors“, confirms Lourdes Victoria-Kruse,<br />
the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic<br />
to Austria in an interview with Cercle Diplomatique<br />
(page 45). Adds Petra Cruz, Director for<br />
Europe of the Dominican Republic‘s Tourism Board:<br />
”In April <strong>2017</strong>, we have registered 15 percent more of<br />
international visitors in relation to the same period<br />
last year. It has been the best month in our tourism<br />
history which really makes us extremely happy.“<br />
Since tourism accounts for nearly two thirds of the<br />
countries economy each and every Dominican –<br />
who are regarded as one of the happiest people in the<br />
world – is embracing foreigners, helping them with<br />
every single little problem, welcoming them with all<br />
kinds of services – no wonder the country is the epi-<br />
Dominican Republic<br />
Official name:<br />
República Dominicana<br />
Capital and largest city:<br />
Santo Domingo<br />
Official language: Spanish<br />
Ethnic groups:<br />
72.9% Mixed<br />
16.1% White<br />
10.9% Black<br />
0.1% Yellow<br />
Government:<br />
Unitary presidential<br />
republic<br />
• President:<br />
Danilo Medina<br />
• Vice President:<br />
Margarita Cedeño de<br />
Fernández<br />
Area: 48,442 km 2<br />
Population: 10,100,000<br />
(2016 estmate)<br />
GDP: 72.194 billion $<br />
(2016, nominal)<br />
GDP per capita: 7,159 $<br />
(2016, nominal)<br />
Independence:<br />
• December 1, 1821:<br />
from Spain (ephemeral)<br />
• February 27, 1844:<br />
from Haiti (official), not<br />
recognized by Haiti until<br />
November 9, 1874<br />
• August 16, 1863:<br />
from Spain (restoration)<br />
• July 12, 1924:<br />
from the United States<br />
(occupation)<br />
The island which today consists of Haiti<br />
and the Dominican Republic has been<br />
discovered in 1492 by Columbus.<br />
Cap Cana, with its endless<br />
white sand beaches, is one of<br />
the major tourist attractions<br />
in the region of Punta Cana,<br />
located at the eastern coast<br />
of the Dominican Republic.<br />
Left: Cool carriages in Santo Domingo.<br />
Right: ”Teeth of the Dog“ – the<br />
number 1 golf course of the Caribbean<br />
at Casa de Campo resort in Punta<br />
Cana.<br />
42 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
H.E. Lourdes Victoria-Kruse<br />
“Our goal is to welcome 10 million visitors in the year 2022.“<br />
Interview:<br />
Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
Dancing the merengue in the capital<br />
Santo Domingo, where the first<br />
cathedral of the Caribbean was built<br />
(top). Enjoying the gentle ocean near<br />
Samaná Bay and the fruits of nature<br />
offered by the Dominican Republic.<br />
tome of all-inclusive – and turning their holidays on<br />
the island into an unforgettable experience. As a<br />
commercial fundament, the government has recently<br />
carved out a new strategy which is based on<br />
three pillars: golf, adventure and nature or eco-tourism.<br />
In terms of golf, the Dominican Republic for a<br />
couple of years already has acquired a reputation as<br />
the number one destination in the Caribbean, thanks<br />
to its more than 30 golf courses, some of them – like<br />
the “Teeth of the Dog“ in Punta Cana – providing<br />
outstanding beauty and challenge.<br />
To enjoy eco-tourism and find adventure, one<br />
only has to take a discovery trip into the fertile interior<br />
of the island. ”You’ll see cows and horses grazing<br />
alongside the roads, and trucks and burros loaded<br />
down with fresh produce“, the blogger Harrell reports.<br />
”Further inland you’ll encounter vistas reminiscent<br />
of the European Alps, rivers carving their<br />
way through lush jungle and stunning waterfalls.“<br />
Actually, four of the five highest peaks in the Caribbean<br />
rise above the rural lowlands surrounding Santiago,<br />
and remote deserts stretch through the southwest,<br />
giving the Dominican Republic a physical<br />
and cultural complexity not found on other islands.<br />
But that‘s only half of the fun this country has to<br />
offer. The other half is streched out over the hundreds<br />
of kilometers of coastline defining the Dominican<br />
Republic. There are endless, out-of-a-dream untouched<br />
shores being gently caressed by the<br />
Caribbean Sea, blessed with white-sand beaches shaded<br />
by rows of palm trees. Then, one may come across<br />
other parts which are lined dramatically with<br />
rocky cliffs, wind-swept dunes or even serene mangrove<br />
lagoons.<br />
And everywhere, whether it‘s fishing villages with<br />
boats moored along the shores, or indulgent tourist<br />
playgrounds with aquamarine waters, the sea is and<br />
always has been the common denominator. Some of<br />
the bays and coves where pirates once roamed are<br />
nowadays the temporary home of thousands of migrating<br />
humpback whales, and form part of an extensive<br />
network of parks and preserves safeguarding the<br />
country‘s natural heritage. They are also serving as a<br />
major attraction for cruise-ships-tourists, which between<br />
January and March of each year, make a whalewatching-stopover<br />
at Samaná Bay for this overwhelming<br />
ocean ballet performed by these giant animals.<br />
Those, who long for a bit of culture and entertainment<br />
as well, are welcomed to check in at one of<br />
the charming and affordable luxury hotels in one of<br />
the major cities. The country‘s roller-coaster past is<br />
writ large in the physical design of their architectures.<br />
For example, the Zona Colonial, a UNESCO-<br />
World-Heritage, in the capital of the Dominican Republic,<br />
Santo Domingo, exudes romance with its<br />
beautifully restored monasteries and cobblestone<br />
streets along which conquistadors once roamed. As a<br />
matter of fact, Ambassador Victoria-Kruse proudly<br />
remarks, ”Santo Domingo also was the first city of<br />
the New World, with the first cathedral, the first university<br />
and the first road in America“.<br />
There are many remainings of that era to be<br />
found, not only in Santo Domingo but also in Puerto<br />
Plata or Santiago, like for example the cute gingerbread<br />
home or even traces of the indigenous Taíno<br />
people who have carved their presence onto rock<br />
walls not far away where Christopher Columbus<br />
strode and has put the island on the world‘s map forever.<br />
But to be honest, for most of the visitors to the<br />
Dominican Republic such attractions make up for<br />
just a nice afternoon sight-seeing-tour. The real<br />
DomRep-feeling starts when the sun sets and when<br />
it comes to meeting the regular people there.<br />
Dominicans greatly appreciate their down time<br />
and really know how to party, as can be seen at Carnival<br />
celebrations held throughout the country and<br />
at each town‘s own distinctive fiesta. Such events are<br />
like windows into their culture, and it is more than<br />
worthy to join the fun and elaborate feasts. To do so<br />
and to dive into and experience this, there is no better<br />
way than to take a taste of the social glue which<br />
forms the bloodline of the country – the merengue.<br />
Only if you watch Dominican couples smoothly dancing<br />
to its rhythm, only when you listen to its sound<br />
blasting all-night long from the colmados, those<br />
combined corner stores and bars, you will really be<br />
able to absorb the true nature of the way of life on<br />
this Caribbean island.<br />
The Ambassador of the Dominican Republic digs into the strategics of her country‘s touristic development<br />
and highlights its location as a perfect hub for the Latin American and Caribbean markets.<br />
CD: Your Excellency, many Austrians are aware of<br />
the Dominican Republic as a touristic destination,<br />
but little is known about the relationship the<br />
countries share. Can you give us a glance at this?<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse: The first diplomatic<br />
contacts date from 1938, when the<br />
Dominican Government designated an<br />
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary<br />
in Germany, Austria and<br />
Czechoslovakia. The Government of the<br />
Dominican Republic decided to establish a<br />
Permanent Mission in Vienna in 2005.<br />
With the subsequent opening of the Embassy<br />
in 2007, an Agreement on Air Transport<br />
between the Dominican Republic and<br />
the Republic of Austria has been signed.<br />
Since 2015, Dominican students have participated<br />
in the Ernst Mach Grant of the<br />
Austrian Government and this year was<br />
signed an agreement between the Instituto<br />
de Tecnología and the University of Graz,<br />
aimed to facilitate the exchange of more<br />
students. Currently, we are in negotiations<br />
to sign an agreement of promotion and<br />
protection of investments between both<br />
countries. Apart from many mutual highlevel<br />
visits, an interesting fact is that the<br />
Dominican community in Austria is the<br />
second largest from the Latin America and<br />
Caribbean region. In fact, the diplomatic,<br />
personal and commercial relations between<br />
Austria and the Dominican Republic<br />
are excellent.<br />
But the trade volume between the Dominican<br />
Republic and Austria is amounting only to some<br />
35 million Euro, with Austrian exports of some 12<br />
million Euro and imports from the Dominican<br />
Republic to Austria of about 23 million Euro. What<br />
can be done to improve our trade relations?<br />
The Dominican Republic has been an<br />
important business partner for Austria in<br />
the Caribbean. But definitely, we have to<br />
continue to promote the variety and quality<br />
of Dominican products in Austria, as we<br />
are confident that these exchanges could<br />
still rise much more, in both directions. On<br />
the other hand, the Dominican Republic is<br />
an ideal market for foreign investment, largely<br />
due to its solid legal framework, incentive<br />
laws, special schemes and Government<br />
support towards direct foreign investment.<br />
Some of its main attractions are its unique<br />
geographical position, being the second<br />
country in Latin America and the Caribbean<br />
in terms of connectivity – i.e. transportation,<br />
logistics and telecommunications’<br />
infrastructure – and a preferential market<br />
Born in Santo Domingo , Mrs Lourdes Victoria-Kruse,<br />
has studied chemistry before entering diplomatic<br />
services of the Dominican Republic. She has served at<br />
her country‘s Embassies in India and Germany. Six<br />
years ago, she moved to the Embassy in Vienna,<br />
where she took the position of Ambassador of the<br />
Dominican Republic to Austria in July <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
44 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
“The unique geographical position<br />
of the Dominican Republic offers a<br />
preferential market access to more<br />
than 900 million consumers.“<br />
Ein guter Platz, Konzentration, mentale Stärke und gute<br />
Technik – oder sich ganz einfach treiben lassen.<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse, the Ambassador of the<br />
Dominican Republic, during the interview with Cercle<br />
Diplomatique at the Embassy in Vienna‘s 4 th district.<br />
access to more than 900 million consumers<br />
around the world, through the free trade<br />
agreements with 48 countries, including<br />
the European Union. These factors, combined<br />
with economic stability, made the<br />
Dominican Republic, for the third consecutive<br />
year, the economy of greater growth<br />
in Latin America, with a rate of increase in<br />
the GDP of 6.6 per cent in 2016, as well as<br />
the regions lowest rate of inflation of only<br />
1.7 per cent in 2016. All these aspects, combined<br />
with a competitive and skilled workforce,<br />
made us the largest recipient of direct<br />
foreign investment in the Caribbean.<br />
Which areas would you point out?<br />
The main opportunities that the Dominican<br />
market can offer to Austrian companies<br />
are in the areas of renewable energy,<br />
collection and recycling of solid waste and<br />
sewage treatments, among others. Energy<br />
is one of the areas that presents greater opportunities<br />
for obtaining investment. This<br />
sector has the advantages offered by Law<br />
57-07 on incentives to the development of<br />
renewable energy sources. Other priority<br />
sectors for investment in the Dominican<br />
Republic are agribusiness, call centers,<br />
clothing and textiles, manufacture of footwear,<br />
medical and pharmaceuticals devices,<br />
information technology and software<br />
development, mining, telecommunications<br />
and last but not least tourism.<br />
What are the efforts of the Dominican Republic to<br />
improve and expand its tourism industry?<br />
The Dominican Republic last year has<br />
reached a record of nearly 6 million tourists,<br />
an increase of over 380,000 additional<br />
visitors and a growth of 6.4 per cent in arrivals,<br />
consolidating us as leader of the most<br />
attractive destinations in the Caribbean<br />
region. In April <strong>2017</strong>, we have registered 15<br />
per cent more of international visitors in<br />
relation to the same period last year. And<br />
in terms of accommodation, last year the<br />
country recorded an offer of 75,205 rooms.<br />
These results are consistent with the medium-term<br />
Presidential goal to receive 10<br />
million visitors in the year 2022.<br />
Apart from famous all-inclusive hotels, small<br />
luxury hotels and natural beauties, which<br />
additional touristic offers would you highlight?<br />
Recently, our Ministry of Tourism developed<br />
an advertising strategy based mainly<br />
on the following segments of markets:<br />
Golf, Adventure and Nature, meaning ecotourism.<br />
The Dominican Republic has<br />
more than 30 golf courses and has been recognised<br />
as golf destination of the Caribbean<br />
for consecutive years. In addition, the<br />
country provides the opportunity to visit<br />
one of the largest sanctuaries in the world<br />
of humpback whales located in the Samaná<br />
Bay. The capital Santo Domingo was the<br />
first city of the New World, with the first<br />
cathedral, the first university and the first<br />
road in America. Since 1990, the Colonial<br />
City of Santo Domingo has been inscribed<br />
on the World Heritage List of UNESCO,<br />
where visitors can enjoy our history and<br />
culture, such as our traditional music merengue,<br />
which is declared as Intangible Cul-<br />
tural Heritage of Humanity, the carnival<br />
and explore the capital of the gastronomy<br />
of the Caribbean <strong>2017</strong>. In 2016 alone, the<br />
Dominican Republic participated in 176<br />
international and regional fairs maintaining<br />
this image of the country. But my personal<br />
opinion is that the most important<br />
attraction are our people. In this sense, the<br />
country‘s socio-political and economic stability<br />
should also be highlighted.<br />
What about Austrian tourists?<br />
Regarding Austria, we participate on a<br />
regular basis in the Ferien Messe Wien and<br />
the ReiseSalon Wien to attract more visitors.<br />
In addition, for some years, there is a<br />
direct flight from Vienna to Punta Cana<br />
every week during the winter time as a result<br />
of the cooperation between Condor<br />
Airlines and tour operators. Also, it is important<br />
to highlight new connections with<br />
Eurowings, Air Berlin and Azur Air. From<br />
January to June <strong>2017</strong>, the arrival of tourists<br />
from Austria increased more than 31 per<br />
cent. The trend is that more tourists from<br />
Germany, Switzerland and Austria have visited<br />
the Dominican Republic, many of<br />
them in a recurrent basis.<br />
What is your vision of how the Dominican<br />
Republic will develop in the coming years?<br />
I see my country as one of the most prominent<br />
of the Latin America and the Caribbean<br />
region, having a leading role in the<br />
political and economic arena. The projection<br />
of the country is currently based on a<br />
National Strategy of Development 2<strong>03</strong>0,<br />
whose four major pillars are related to the<br />
demand of a social and democratic State of<br />
Law, a society based on equal rights and<br />
conditions. a sustainable economy, inclusive<br />
and competitive, and to achieve an environmentally<br />
sustainable society of production<br />
and consumption. Currently, there is a<br />
project to develop a dual education system<br />
between the private sector of Austria and<br />
Instituto de Formación Técnica Profesional,<br />
which is being canalised through this<br />
Embassy. For that reason, the Dominican<br />
Republic is destined to grow.<br />
ein Traum<br />
46 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Tourist Board Dominikanische Republik<br />
Hochstrasse, 54 . D-6<strong>03</strong>13 Frankfurt/Main<br />
Tel.: +49 69 91397878 . Fax: +49 69283430<br />
germany@godominicanrepublic.com<br />
www.godominicanrepublic.com/rd<br />
Tourist Board
Ambassadors‘ Summit #5<br />
“Women in diplomacy – this is the new normal.“<br />
For centuries, the universe of managing international relations<br />
has been one of the last strongholds of men. But with the advance<br />
of more and more women to the center stages of high level diplomacy<br />
in recent years, male dominance at global geopolitical<br />
playing fields is steadily crumbling. In Cercle Diplomatique‘s fifth<br />
Ambassadors’ Summit, four female Ambassadors from Latin<br />
American countries joined a roundtable discussion about the<br />
increasing presence and influence of women in the world of<br />
diplomacy.<br />
Moderated by Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
The Ambassador of the Republic of Panama to<br />
Austria and Permanent Representative to the<br />
UN in Vienna since November 2015, has also<br />
served as Ambassador and Deputy Permanent<br />
Representative to the United Nations in New<br />
York (2014-2015) and as Vice-Chancellor of the<br />
Santa Maria La Antigua University (2012-2014).<br />
The Ambassador of the Republic of Costa Rica<br />
in Austria and Permanent Representative to<br />
the UN in Vienna presented her credentials in<br />
February 2015. Previous positions include the<br />
ambassadorship to Ireland (from 2012),<br />
Iceland (from 2008), both non-resident, and<br />
the United Kingdom (from 2007).<br />
The Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to<br />
Austria also acts as Permanent Representative<br />
to the United Nations in Vienna. Before she has<br />
joined the Vienna Embassy in 2011, Victoria-<br />
Kruse, a chemical engineer, has served at the<br />
Dominican Republic‘s Embassies in India<br />
(2010-2011) and Germany (2004-2010).<br />
The Ambassador of the Republic of El Salvador to<br />
Austria and Permanent Representative to the UN<br />
in Vienna took her post in October 2016. Prior to<br />
this, she has served as Representative to the<br />
International Coffee Organisation, International<br />
Sugar Organisation, and International Maritime<br />
Organisation, London (2011-2016).<br />
48<br />
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Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
“There is a sixth sense, a natural intuition<br />
which women possess. With<br />
this ability, we may perform as better<br />
negotiators. Female intuition is not a<br />
definite solution of how to find the best<br />
or peaceful ends. But it certainly helps.“<br />
“In diplomacy, some topics are considered<br />
to be male territory, like security<br />
or economics, while other topics,<br />
like migration, families or international<br />
aid are seen as female <strong>issue</strong>s. This<br />
is only very slowly changing.“<br />
CD: Your Excellencies, our topic today is the role<br />
of women in diplomacy. You certainly may think of<br />
Alexandra Michailowna Kollotai (1872-1952) from<br />
the former, then young Soviet Union. She was<br />
serving as the first female accredited Ambassador<br />
in history, at first to Norway from 1923, then to<br />
Mexico, afterwards negotiating the Soviet Union<br />
membership to the League of Nations in 1935. But<br />
how would you judge the role of women in<br />
diplomacy today?<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse: Small states<br />
like mine had pioneers in female diplomacy<br />
as well. Minerva Bernadino was the<br />
first and one of the most important female<br />
Ambassadors of the Dominican Republic.<br />
She was one of the only four women who in<br />
1945 signed the Charter of the United Nations.<br />
And in 1948, as President of the Interamerican<br />
Commission of Women she<br />
promoted the adoption of civil rights for<br />
women at the Panamerican Conference,<br />
culminating in one of the first human<br />
rights treaties, establishing equal rights for<br />
women for all the member states.<br />
Paulina Franceschi Navarro: Th e<br />
role of women in diplomacy today is a result<br />
of a major evolving trend we are facing<br />
globally. We are seeing a shift of paradigms<br />
meaning that more and more women are<br />
accessing male dominated careers compared<br />
to decades and centuries ago. And that<br />
is also reflected in diplomacy. But even as<br />
women and men each make up for around<br />
50 percent of world population, it would be<br />
unrealistic to say that this is the fact in professional<br />
life as well. But society is erupting,<br />
and it is an increasing trend that women<br />
hold positions in which you formerly had<br />
men, like in diplomacy. The stereotype of a<br />
diplomat has always been a man. Now you<br />
can find many outstanding female diplomats<br />
in the world – just think of a figure<br />
like Madeleine Albright, the first female US<br />
Secretary of State. So even though there is<br />
still a long way to go, the role of women in<br />
diplomacy is on the right track.<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: I agree.<br />
In historical terms women in diplomacy,<br />
as in many other professional fields,<br />
were less present because those spaces were<br />
rarely open to us. But we have seen a shift in<br />
the last decades that has gradually allowed a<br />
larger presence of women in diplomacy.<br />
The number of female Ambassadors is increasing.<br />
And if you look down in the ranks,<br />
the presence of women diplomats is high.<br />
How did this global trend of emancipation effect<br />
the rise of women in diplomacy in detail? Do<br />
some countries have female quotas or other rules<br />
to support female diplomats?<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: In the<br />
past, a lot of women could not go up to become<br />
Ambassadors because many Ministries<br />
of Foreign Affairs had restrictions that<br />
undermined the careers of women diplomats.<br />
In some cases, women had to resign<br />
when they got married. That has changed.<br />
Interestingly, you see quite a few female<br />
Ambassadors coming from developing<br />
countries. Costa Rica, for example, was the<br />
first country to appoint a female Ambassador<br />
to the Court of St. James‘s in 1962. And<br />
the staff in our foreign ministry is over 50<br />
percent female. And let us not forget Christiana<br />
Figueres, a person whom I highly admire,<br />
who, as Executive Secretary of the<br />
UN Framework Convention on Climate<br />
Change, was instrumental in making the<br />
Paris Climate Agreement a reality. So what<br />
I would say: the male-female ratio in diplomacy,<br />
like in many other fields, is still not<br />
fifty-fifty, but it is improving quite rapidly<br />
in most parts of the world.<br />
Lucia Rosella Badia: Let me add, that<br />
between 1920 and 1940 many diplomatic<br />
laws stated that women could join the external<br />
service only in areas related to translation,<br />
interpreters or secretaries. This has<br />
started to change slowly, but for a long<br />
time, it was very hard for women to get up<br />
to junior, mid or higher levels. Even though<br />
some countries like Sweden have introduced<br />
female quotas in diplomacy, we still<br />
have a lot work to do in this area. Especially<br />
in diplomacy, some topics are considered<br />
to be male territory, like security or economics,<br />
while other topics like migrations,<br />
families, children or international aid are<br />
seen as female <strong>issue</strong>s. Even if women now<br />
cover ”male“ topics like atomic energy or<br />
drugs, this perception is only very slowly<br />
changing. Also, in diplomacy and international<br />
relations, the whole system is still<br />
operated by men. You still can see things<br />
like the “Ambassadors‘ Wives Club“ which<br />
promotes the idea that a) there has to be a<br />
male Ambassador accompanied by a woman<br />
and b) this woman has to cover only<br />
social affairs. But women have a lot more to<br />
offer than just organising dinner parties or<br />
social events. This is one of the things where<br />
the system has to change. Inclusion in all<br />
respects has to be fostered in international<br />
politics and affairs. Like-minded views will<br />
not lead to global solutions, not even to local<br />
ones. If you don‘t include women‘s perspectives,<br />
or minority perspectives, the results<br />
are going to be just for a very focused,<br />
mainly male population and not for all the<br />
people.<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: Exactly.<br />
Have you ever been introduced to someone,<br />
at an official event, as the Ambassador<br />
of your country, and then they say: “Oh, so<br />
you‘re the wife of the Ambassador?”<br />
Lucia Rosella Badia: It happened to<br />
me once at the UN where I had the El-Salvador-plate<br />
in front of me. A very high ranking<br />
official approached me and said:<br />
”When your Ambassador comes, please<br />
ask him to...“. When I told him that I am<br />
the Ambassador, he was very ashamed.<br />
Did any of you ever experience not to be taken seriously<br />
or treated 100 percent equally and with<br />
enough respect as a female Ambassador by male<br />
diplomats?<br />
Paulina Franceschi Navarro: In my<br />
personal experience: no. Diplomacy has<br />
become more open. Even if it is partly still<br />
conservative, the inclusion of women has<br />
become more mainstream – like in many<br />
other professional fields. Think of Panama,<br />
one of the major figures for the expansion<br />
of the Panama Canal was a woman.<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: I also<br />
don‘t feel that we, as female Ambassadors,<br />
are treated differently by our male counterparts.<br />
Mainly because if you are the Ambassador,<br />
whether you are male of female,<br />
you represent the head of state.<br />
Do you think that women in diplomacy are better<br />
negotiators? Do women have certain female skills<br />
that can contribute more to diplomatic procedures?<br />
Like a tendency to find compromises and<br />
balances easier than their male colleagues? Can<br />
certain situations be better handled by female<br />
diplomats rather than male?<br />
Lucia Rosella Badia: That is extremely<br />
hard to answer. I don‘t think skills are<br />
gender <strong>issue</strong>s. Although I have found many<br />
studies that say that women are better negotiators.<br />
Maybe that is, because usually<br />
women have to work twice as hard as men<br />
to be considered as good as men. So maybe<br />
we are better prepared for certain negotiations<br />
which leads to better results. But this<br />
has nothing to do with gender but with<br />
training and capacity. One thing I found is<br />
that women are less intimidating than men<br />
are. This could sometimes help in negotiations.<br />
Other than that I cannot think of any<br />
skill that is purely male or female.<br />
Paulina Franceschi Navarro: Nevertheless,<br />
I think we do complement a few<br />
things. There is a nature in women and that<br />
is empathy. Empathy is more common with<br />
women, it flows naturally in women simply<br />
because of biology. We also complement<br />
the equation, because we worry about <strong>issue</strong>s<br />
which men sometimes do not care about,<br />
think of all the family or diversity <strong>issue</strong>s.<br />
For example, in my country you can trace<br />
exactly that since women have become<br />
more engaged in public politics, families or<br />
children have become subjects of policies<br />
or political <strong>issue</strong>s. Before, when there were<br />
only men, it was all about economics. You<br />
can very well track this back to women‘s<br />
engagement. Also, there is a difference between<br />
hearing and listening. I think, women<br />
are better listeners, we read more beyond<br />
words. That has been nurtured in us and<br />
sometimes does not flow very nicely with<br />
our male counterparts because they don‘t<br />
read between the lines like women do. It is<br />
easier for us to understand what‘s behind<br />
words. And that is an ability which is certainly<br />
very helpful in conflict situations or<br />
when you are seeking for peace and security.<br />
I think these are complementary values<br />
when it comes to the role of women in our<br />
profession.<br />
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Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
“There is a difference between hearing<br />
and listening. I think women are<br />
better listeners than men. We read<br />
more beyond the words than our<br />
male counterparts. This ability is certainly<br />
helpful in conflict situations. “<br />
“Women are far more verbal and able to<br />
express much better than men. But that does<br />
not mean, that with women in charge, the<br />
world would be in peace. Golda Meir, Margaret<br />
Thatcher and Indira Gandhi – none of<br />
them shied away from conflict.“<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse: There is a<br />
sixth sense, a natural intuition, which women<br />
possess. With this sensibility we maybe<br />
can follow more <strong>issue</strong>s and perform as<br />
better negotiators.<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: Actually,<br />
I disagree, but not completely. First of<br />
all, no matter whether you are a man or a<br />
woman, as a diplomat you have to prepare<br />
well and develop the skills that make you a<br />
good strategist and negotiator. However, I<br />
don‘t think that we have a sixth sense or<br />
some sort of female special intuition. What<br />
I think, however, is that we, as women, have<br />
been socialised to be the nurturers in our<br />
families, and even if we, more and more,<br />
have successful careers, we still tend to bear<br />
a disproportionate burden when it comes to<br />
caring for the family and doing house chores,<br />
so we develop that kind of sensitivity.<br />
But that does not necessarily mean that if<br />
you had women in charge, the world would<br />
be at peace. Look at three women who were<br />
leaders early on – Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi<br />
and Margaret Thatcher. None one of<br />
them shied away from conflict.<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse: Of course,<br />
female intuition is not a definite solution of<br />
how to find the best or peaceful ends. But it<br />
is certainly an ability that helps.<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: As diplomats,<br />
we promote our countries‘ interests<br />
and defend our national positions. I doubt<br />
that any of us gives any more thought to<br />
our gender when doing our job, than our<br />
male counterparts do, but it may help that<br />
in some instances women are perceived as<br />
less threatening.<br />
Let me give you a historic example in which<br />
female diplomacy proved superior to male<br />
negotiation skills, known as the “Peace of the<br />
Ladies“ of Cambrai in 1529. In that case, all male<br />
negotiations have failed, and only with the help of<br />
female diplomacy, a bitter war could be avoided.<br />
So don‘t female negotiators deserve these merits?<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: There is<br />
something we know about women – we are<br />
more comfortable than men with verbal<br />
communication. In the case of the women<br />
in your example, I would think that perhaps<br />
that they were far more aware of what was<br />
at stake and what they were about to lose by<br />
going to war. Don‘t forget, that at the time,<br />
men probably had to gain from war in<br />
terms of honour, and military career advancement.<br />
But women often only had to<br />
lose, and were left vulnerable to sexual violence,<br />
the painful loss of their family<br />
members and destruction of their livelihoods.<br />
Perhaps, that is why they came from<br />
different perspectives. Violent conflict affected<br />
both groups differently.<br />
Maybe Sweden also had this historic example in<br />
mind, when it, a couple of years ago, began to<br />
strengthen the role of women in its diplomatic<br />
services. There is a female Swedish Ambassador<br />
here in Austria. Swedish female diplomats have<br />
formed a consulting group for the Syrian peace<br />
negotiations in Geneva, working together with<br />
Syrian Women’s Organisations. And a Swedish<br />
women’s network of mediators is engaging in<br />
peace processes like the one in Columbia. Do you<br />
think that this kind of ”feministic diplomacy“<br />
could be a role model for your profession as a<br />
whole or at least for some countries?<br />
Paulina Franceschi Navarro: My<br />
initial reaction is that I don‘t agree with the<br />
term ”feminist diplomacy“. There is no<br />
such thing as feminist or male diplomacy,<br />
as we have already stated. But what I do see<br />
is, that the results accomplished by these<br />
women, are very positive. When I see a<br />
country that has really worked on this policy<br />
and made gender mainstreaming a priority<br />
for them and it has turned out successfully,<br />
then for me this is an inspiration. It is<br />
a good way of promoting gender <strong>issue</strong>s and<br />
to push for that cultural, paradigmatic<br />
change which I mentioned earlier.<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: And, as<br />
I said, there are certain situations, like the<br />
one in Syria that you mention, in which<br />
you might be better off dealing with a<br />
group of females. Particularly, when you<br />
are dealing with women who have been affected<br />
by the war. These women may feel<br />
more comfortable speaking to other women.<br />
So, if you can achieve better results by<br />
sending a female Ambassador, the Swedish<br />
approach is a very good idea.<br />
Lucia Rosella Badia: It is always a<br />
matter of who is best for the job, either women<br />
or men.<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse: Exactly.<br />
Lucia Rosella Badia: But it is interesting<br />
in the Swedish concept, that they apply<br />
a gender perspective system to all everyday<br />
jobs, not only by mandating female Ambassadors<br />
but by making sure that male<br />
Ambassadors think of these aspects as well.<br />
So, I don‘t like the term feminist diplomacy<br />
either. But I think quotas are important.<br />
Because otherwise, women won‘t be able to<br />
show that they can be as good as men.<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse: Applying<br />
quotas is certainly helpful to reach this balance<br />
of men and women in our profession.<br />
Lucia Rosella Badia: But that does<br />
not mean that just any woman can meet the<br />
challenges of that job. Only those who have<br />
acquired the necessary skills.<br />
Do you observe more women to enter particular<br />
education to acquire these diplomatic skills?<br />
Paulina Franceschi Navarro: Absolutely.<br />
In Panama, it is amazing to see the<br />
change of women‘s participation in diplomacy,<br />
compared to 20 years ago. Our diplomatic<br />
academy just recently reported of an<br />
increasing female engagement in diplomatic<br />
studies, especially by the younger generation,<br />
and the relation between male and<br />
female students there is very close to fiftyfifty<br />
right now. This is a perfect example,<br />
with which we can address the approach of<br />
younger people to diplomatic <strong>issue</strong>s.<br />
What do you mean by that?<br />
Paulina Franceschi Navarro: Th e<br />
younger generations, the famous Millennials,<br />
are shaped very differently in some respect.<br />
They feel more attracted by and are<br />
more committed to global <strong>issue</strong>s as generations<br />
before, I feel. Maybe, because thanks<br />
to technology and social media, they are<br />
more connected and engaged. As a result, I<br />
also see an increase in women‘s participation<br />
in our diplomatic academy and in <strong>issue</strong>s<br />
of international relations generally.<br />
Lucia Rosella Badia: I agree. Mill-<br />
ennials don‘t look at gender differences alone,<br />
they see the world as a whole. They have<br />
a different perception, compared to the older<br />
generations many male diplomats still<br />
belong to.<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: In the<br />
case of Costa Rica, our foreign service is<br />
more than 50 percent female. In my personal<br />
experience, I have already led all-female<br />
Embassies, both here in Austria, and in<br />
the past.<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse: Actually,<br />
the Embassy of the Dominican Republic<br />
here in Vienna is all-female as well. And we<br />
will see more and more women Ambassadors<br />
in the future all over the world.<br />
Is it a coincidence that all of you as female<br />
Ambassadors are representing a Latin Amercian<br />
country? And the Ambassadors of Mexico and<br />
Ecuador are women as well. Is there a certain<br />
reason, why especially countries of your region<br />
are represented by female Ambassadors, maybe<br />
because of a sort of revolutionary spirit in the air<br />
which is rooted in the movements of independence<br />
of these countries?<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: (...smiling)<br />
No, there are still more male Ambassadors<br />
than female ones from Latin American<br />
countries. And there was no revolution,<br />
at least in my country.<br />
Paulina Franceschi Navarro: I don‘t<br />
feel in that revolutionary way as well. We<br />
have come a long way, because we had<br />
many inspiring women ahead of us, for example<br />
Michelle Bachelet, the present and<br />
former President of Chile and one of the<br />
first female Latin American politicians. She<br />
was a role model and has inspired many of<br />
us. So it is no coincidence, it is part of a<br />
trend. Latin America as a whole is very engaged<br />
to this gender mainstreaming. We<br />
recently have and have had more female<br />
Presidents than ever before, in Chile, in<br />
Brazil, in Panama, in Costa Rica, only to<br />
name a few. We also have an increasing<br />
number of women in parliaments and high<br />
political positions as well. Maybe not as<br />
many as we would like to have, but it is an<br />
increasing trend. In Panama, for example,<br />
our Vice President and Minister of Foreign<br />
Affairs is a woman – Isabel Saint Malo. You<br />
52 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
for diplomats, consuls and consular staff as well as employees<br />
of international institutions in official function.<br />
Michelle Bachelet, Chile<br />
In March 2014, this outstanding Latin American<br />
female politician was elected as President of<br />
Chile for the second time, already having served<br />
in this position from 2006 until 2010. Between<br />
her presidencies, Michelle Bachelet, a physician<br />
who also studied military strategy, was appointed<br />
the first executive director of the newly created<br />
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the<br />
Empowerment of Women.<br />
Minerva Bernadino,<br />
Dominican Republic<br />
This female diplomat, who was one of the four<br />
women to sign the original charter of the United<br />
Nations, is best known for arguing in favour of<br />
gender-inclusive language in the UN‘s early<br />
stages. She was, for example, instrumental for the<br />
inclusion of the phrase “equal rights of men and<br />
women” in the preamble to the UN‘s charter.<br />
Christiana Figueres,<br />
Costa Rica<br />
The Costa Rican female diplomat was appointed<br />
Executive Secretary of the UN Framework<br />
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in July<br />
2010 and during her term, which ended 2016, the<br />
historic 2015 Paris Agreement has been reached.<br />
Prudencia Ayala,<br />
El Salvador<br />
This writer and social activist from El Salvador<br />
(1885-1936), who came from an indigenous<br />
family, is considered as the first fighter for<br />
women‘s rights in her country. She has founded<br />
the newspaper ”Rendencion Feminina“ and<br />
started the feminist movement in El Salvador.<br />
Petria, Dedé, Minerva &<br />
Maria Teresa Mirabal,<br />
Dominican Republic<br />
These four sisters from the Dominican Republic<br />
opposed the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo and<br />
were involved in clandestine actions against his<br />
regime. Three of the sisters have been<br />
assassinated in 1960. November 25th, the day of<br />
their assassination, in 1999 has been designated<br />
as the ”International Day for the Elimination of<br />
Violence against Women“ by the UN. Today, the<br />
”Mirabal Sisters“ are symbols of both popular and<br />
feminist resistance and a role model for many<br />
Latin American female politicians.<br />
The Ambassadors‘ Summit took place at the Fleming‘s Selection Hotel Wien-City. Cercle Diplomatique‘s<br />
publisher Andrea Fürnweger (far left) had the honour, to host Lucia Rosella Badia, the Ambassador of El<br />
Salvador, Lourdes Victoria-Kruse, the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, Paulina Franceschi Navarro, the<br />
Ambassador of the Republic of Panama and Pilar Saborio de Rocafort, the Ambassador of Costa Rica for this<br />
roundtable discussion which was moderated by CD‘s author Rainer Himmelfreundpointner (clockwise from<br />
left to right).<br />
will see women of her kind in such positions<br />
much more often.<br />
Lourdes Victoria-Kruse: In the<br />
Dominican Republic, we also currently<br />
have a female Vice-President, Mrs. Margarita<br />
Cedeño de Fernandez as well as a female<br />
President of the Chamber of Deputies,<br />
Mrs. Lucia Medina. There are many<br />
females in top positions and we even have<br />
our own Ministry of Women. And I can‘t<br />
conclude without highlighting the political<br />
activities of three revolutionary Dominican<br />
women, Minerva, Patria and María<br />
Mirabal, who through their tireless commitment<br />
against the dictatorial regime of<br />
Trujillo, opened wide doors for female politicians<br />
not only in our country but also<br />
internationally.<br />
Pilar Saborio de Rocafort: I do<br />
not know if it is a coincidence or not, that<br />
four Latin American female Ambassadors<br />
have joined this roundtable discussion.<br />
There are also many female Ambassadors<br />
to Austria and Permanent Representatives<br />
to the International Organisations in Vienna<br />
from other regions. What I can say in<br />
the case of my country is, gender has no<br />
bearing on diplomatic appointments. Yet,<br />
the growing number of female Ambassadors<br />
is a reflection of something very important<br />
that has happened in Latin America.<br />
I refer to the change in traditional<br />
thinking about the role of women. The fact<br />
that we are sitting here, shows how women<br />
are key actors in decision-making processes<br />
in our countries, and in Latin America<br />
as a whole.<br />
Lucia Rosella Badia: Let me add,<br />
that the presence of women not only in<br />
diplomacy as Ambassadors, but in high<br />
and responsible positions in general,<br />
should not be seen as odd anymore. This<br />
is the new normal. This is the tendency.<br />
Women being diplomats or Ambassadors,<br />
for me is the most normal thing in my<br />
profession now-adays. Soon, the day will<br />
come, when we don‘t even think about<br />
that question.<br />
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54 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
The ultimate tips & tricks<br />
for exporters and travellers<br />
Walter Koren<br />
The former head of Advantage Austria, is facing a new<br />
professional challenge: This December, he takes up his<br />
position as Commercial Counsellor in Los Angeles, USA.<br />
The new handbook by Advantage Austria of the Austrian<br />
Federal Economic Chamber is a must-read for all those<br />
engaged in foreign trade. In a highly informative as well as<br />
humorous way, a number of tips and tricks are revealed that<br />
you can use to succeed internationally and, at the same time,<br />
make a good impression during small talk abroad.<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Was Sie wo tun und lassen sollten<br />
ISBN: 978-3-902985-81-1<br />
€ 39,-<br />
webshop.wko.at<br />
DOS&<br />
DON’TS<br />
Alle Länder, alle Tricks, alle Codes<br />
D+D_cover.indd 1 16.08.17 15:18<br />
Rainer Himmelfreundpointner is one of<br />
Austria‘s most experienced business journalists.<br />
He is also active as a restless author for<br />
Cercle Diplomatique‘s editorial team. And he is the<br />
type of man who you may have thought was already<br />
extinct: the kind of man that helps a lady into her<br />
coat, the type who would never send her yellow roses,<br />
unless he was planning to tell her something<br />
rather special. He is also one of those people who can<br />
distinguish a starter fork, on a finely set table, from<br />
the other cutlery. And he would never drink water<br />
from a whiskey glass. And if he were to do so, then<br />
only as a result of extreme conditions that one has no<br />
control over anyway. A vast amount of general knowledge<br />
coupled with area-specific expertise thus made<br />
him the man of choice when it came to the task of<br />
finding an author for the editorial piece on the newly<br />
printed handbook by the Advantage Austria department<br />
of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber.<br />
The extensive reference book is, however, also worth<br />
reading for travellers and those from all over Austria<br />
who are simply curious about the rest of the world:<br />
Dos & Don‘ts in aller Welt – Das ultimative Export-<br />
Handbuch (Dos & Don‘ts all over the world – The<br />
ultimate export handbook).<br />
Particularly during these highly technological years,<br />
several questions come to mind: Has globalisation<br />
transformed the world into a global village? Is<br />
international trade leading to the careless elimination<br />
of regional rough edges? And is the border-crossing<br />
transfer of goods, services and capital leading to<br />
the disappearance of local cultural characteristics?<br />
This book, however, wants to be different: against the<br />
mainstream and in favour of the many peculiarities<br />
that make the various continents, nations and countries<br />
in this world what they are. The book‘s detailed<br />
information was collected through meticulous work<br />
performed by the respective Commercial Counsellors<br />
at the various Advantage Austria centres around<br />
the world. In addition to that, the 660 experts at 110<br />
bases spread across 5 continents and the 140 specialists<br />
in Austria from the Advantage<br />
Austria department<br />
also possess comprehensive<br />
information on individual<br />
countries, industry-specific<br />
expertise as well as dense<br />
partner networks.<br />
As of right now, this is the<br />
most extensive reference<br />
Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
book for exporters who, after giving this ‘export information<br />
and conduct bible’ with more than 600<br />
pages a thorough read, will know how to avoid putting<br />
their foot in their mouth or saying something<br />
insulting in 200 different countries.<br />
The book has a dense structure, each country listed<br />
in the book is presented in the form of a regional<br />
portrait. And there is one particularly useful feature:<br />
an excellent spotlight on Austria‘s traces in those regions<br />
does not remain unmentioned - probably the<br />
best way to build a bridge from the export land to the<br />
home country while engaging in small talk. And finally,<br />
selected dos & don‘ts for each country conclude<br />
the entries on the individual countries.<br />
The spiritual fathers of the now released work are,<br />
on the one hand, Christoph Leitl, the President of the<br />
Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, who provided<br />
fresh ideas, and Walten Koren on the other hand,<br />
now the former head of Advantage Austria, who<br />
conceptualised the book and plans on returning to<br />
one of his earlier professional fields beginning in<br />
December (see interview to the right) to act as an<br />
Commercial Counsellor in Los Angeles.<br />
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In 2002, the first book on the engagement<br />
with and in other countries was released by<br />
what was then Austria’s foreign trade<br />
agency. For its 15th anniversary, so to speak,<br />
we are now seeing the release of the<br />
handbook on dos & don‘ts for Austria’s<br />
exporters. What did you do differently this<br />
time around?<br />
Koren: We didn’t do anything differently, but we did<br />
it much better! All jokes aside, based on the<br />
countless intercultural questions that arrive at<br />
Advantage Austria, we decided that the time was<br />
ripe for a new, updated and content-richer book on<br />
the many bigger and smaller differences when<br />
interacting with other cultures. It also came as a<br />
surprise to us that it ended up being so long, but<br />
that is also partly due to the increased sensitivity<br />
around the topic.<br />
You are now switching to the ‘active camp<br />
on site’ and will be a Commercial Counsellor<br />
to Advantage Austria in Los Angeles. Why<br />
there exactly?<br />
I was motivated by the wish to return to my early<br />
work as a Commercial Counsellor for the last<br />
chapter of my career. To have a little less say within<br />
a big organisation and be on ‘the front line’ instead,<br />
with daily and direct contact with businesses. Los<br />
Angeles and the neighbouring city of San Francisco,<br />
with its Silicon Valley, are a fascinating location for<br />
that and there is so much happening there now,<br />
particularly in the areas of technology and<br />
innovation. This is also why we have established<br />
our new Innovation division at Advantage Austria.<br />
I’m very much looking forward to turning it into<br />
practice over there!<br />
Can you tell us a funny mishap that<br />
happened to you during a trip abroad?<br />
For Heinz Fischer’s state visit to Norway, the<br />
Austrian Federal President at the time, the dress<br />
code dictated a tailcoat, which I borrowed in<br />
Vienna. And, as these things happen, my luggage<br />
didn’t arrive and I had to see a local specialist at the<br />
last-minute. During the following state banquet, Her<br />
Majesty, Queen Sonja of Norway greeted me with<br />
‘welcome’, to which I responded with the same<br />
word.<br />
56 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Suleiman Jasir Al-Herbish<br />
“Our focus remains on targeting the least developed countries.“<br />
The Director-General and CEO of<br />
the OPEC Fund for International<br />
Development offers a rare look<br />
into the massive financial aid<br />
efforts of the more than 20 billion<br />
US dollar OFID has approved in<br />
its last 40 years.<br />
Interview: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
CD: Mr. Al-Herbish, this November you will have<br />
spent 14 years as Director-General and CEO of<br />
OFID here in Vienna. How have OFID and its host<br />
city cooperated over the years and how would you<br />
describe the relationship between OFID and<br />
Austria in general?<br />
Suleiman Jasir Al-Herbish: My experience<br />
also extends to my previous functions<br />
at OPEC, where I spent 13 years as a<br />
member of the Board of Governors. More<br />
recently, however, while at the helm of<br />
OFID, I have enjoyed a good relationship<br />
with the City of Vienna, as well as with the<br />
Republic of Austria. I am currently planning<br />
a courtesy visit to the new Federal<br />
President Alexander Van der Bellen, to<br />
congratulate him and brief him on OFID’s<br />
activities within Austria and globally.<br />
Highlights of OFID’s relationship with<br />
Austria and the City of Vienna include:<br />
OFID’s support for various social and cultural<br />
activities in Austria and Vienna, including<br />
the Vienna City Marathon, which<br />
we have sponsored for 10 consecutive years;<br />
and grants that we have extended to<br />
several Austrian NGOs, including the<br />
OFID Annual Award that we presented to<br />
SOS Kinderdorf in support of children in<br />
need. In addition, there is OFID’s participation<br />
in the Vienna Energy Forum and<br />
similar activities. We have also preserved<br />
the Palais Deutschmeister – our magnificent<br />
headquarters building – so that it remains<br />
an important piece of Austria’s cultural<br />
heritage. We even produced a book<br />
detailing the remarkable history of the<br />
building. And just last year, we presented<br />
the City of Vienna with the OFID Monument<br />
to commemorate our 40th anniversary<br />
and highlight the importance of the Sustainable<br />
Development Goals.<br />
The authorities of the City of Vienna<br />
and the federal government of Austria have<br />
continuously helped OFID meet its objectives.<br />
They have also recognised the contributions<br />
our organisation has made to the<br />
development agenda and to energy poverty<br />
eradication. In recognition of this, I was<br />
privileged to receive the Grand Decoration<br />
of Honour in Silver with Sash, which was<br />
conferred by the federal government in<br />
2013, and the Grand Decoration of Honour<br />
in Gold for services to the Province of Vienna,<br />
conferred by the City of Vienna in<br />
2015. I received both honours with pride,<br />
but dedicated them to my colleagues at<br />
OFID.<br />
How has OFID changed over time and what are<br />
the organisation’s focus areas now?<br />
Since OFID’s establishment in 1976, we<br />
have approved nearly 3,700 operations.<br />
These operations represent some 21 billion<br />
US dollars in commitments. By the end of<br />
the 1970s, we were disbursing roughly 80<br />
million US dollars per year. In the past decade,<br />
that average has increased tenfold to<br />
about 800 million US dollars per year.<br />
However, figures alone do not paint the<br />
full picture of our 41-year history. We have<br />
expanded the way we distribute funds, for<br />
example. Our public sector ‘window’ supports<br />
governments and state-related entities.<br />
But we also have a private sector facility,<br />
established in 1998, which supports<br />
operations ranging from large development<br />
projects to small and medium-sized<br />
enterprises (via local financial institutions).<br />
Furthermore, we support the economies of<br />
developing countries by enhancing their<br />
export and import trade activities through<br />
our trade finance facility, launched in 2006.<br />
Our grant operations window is used for<br />
a multitude of purposes, such as providing<br />
technical assistance, supporting research<br />
and intellectual activities, and for disaster<br />
relief. It also finances a special health programme,<br />
a programme for Palestine and<br />
one dedicated to funding energy poverty<br />
alleviation efforts. We continue to innovate<br />
in this sphere and always seek new business<br />
models and non-traditional approaches to<br />
solving energy poverty <strong>issue</strong>s.<br />
The expansion of our operations over<br />
the past forty-plus years has centered on<br />
‘energy’. In 2007, our Member Countries<br />
called on us to intensify our efforts in alleviating<br />
energy poverty, resulting in the<br />
launch of OFID’s Energy Poverty Initiative<br />
(EPI). This initiative was fortified through<br />
The OFID headquarters at the Deutschmeister-Palais<br />
on Vienna‘s Ringstrasse, which was built between<br />
1864 and 1868 to serve as a residential palace of the<br />
Austrian Archduke Wilhelm Franz Karl, has been<br />
completely refurbished in the early 1980s.<br />
Born in Saudi Arabia, Mr. Al-Herbish holds a BA in<br />
Economics and Political Science from the University of<br />
Cairo and a MA in Economics from Trinity University,<br />
San Antonio, Texas. Since November 2013, he has been<br />
OFID‘s Director-General and CEO. Prior to his<br />
appointment at OFID, he served as the Governor of<br />
Saudi Arabia at OPEC for 13 years.<br />
58 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
FACTS &<br />
the 1 billion US dollars replenishment of<br />
our resources from our Member Countries<br />
in 2011, in addition to a 1 billion US dollars<br />
revolving commitment to the EPI by our<br />
Ministerial Council the following year.<br />
To effectively respond to the needs of<br />
our partner countries, OFID places the<br />
energy-water-food nexus at the heart of its<br />
approach. This approach to development<br />
recognises the dynamic and complex interlinkages<br />
between water, energy and food.<br />
At this approach’s core is the belief that, as<br />
sectoral <strong>issue</strong>s, water, energy and food cannot<br />
be considered in isolation from one<br />
another.<br />
With this in mind, our 10-year strategic<br />
plan helps us focus on supporting operations<br />
in the energy, water and agriculture<br />
sectors, in addition to the transportation<br />
sector. Within this context, our focus remains<br />
on targeting the least developed<br />
countries. Africa, for example, attracts 50<br />
percent of all our financing commitments.<br />
Our focus is on advocacy, increasing the<br />
range of projects that we support on the<br />
ground, and building partnerships.<br />
How are OFID’s funds allocated? Which countries<br />
are prioritised?<br />
The least developed countries are indeed<br />
accorded highest priority and have received<br />
more than half of OFID’s cumulative<br />
commitments. These countries include<br />
those in sub-Saharan Africa, many in East<br />
and South Asia, and the low income countries<br />
of the Arab world and Latin America.<br />
Our remaining commitments support<br />
middle income countries with crippling<br />
urban and rural poverty pockets.<br />
Our concessional public sector financing<br />
– OFID’s core business – is allocated<br />
on the basis of a triennial lending program.<br />
This framework takes into account several<br />
critical parameters, such as human development<br />
and economic indicators. Complementing<br />
this is our grants programme,<br />
which targets capacity and institutional<br />
building through technical assistance, as<br />
well as initiatives geared toward fighting diseases,<br />
illiteracy and malnutrition.<br />
In 2016, OFID and its staff presented a monument, placed outside the VIC, ”as a token of gratitude“ to the City of<br />
Vienna. It marks OFID‘s 40th anniversary and highlights the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals.<br />
“OFID places the energy-water-feed<br />
nexus at the heart of its approach.<br />
Within this context, we remain targeting<br />
the least developed countries.“<br />
How successful has OFID been in alleviating<br />
poverty and what are the biggest obstacles in this<br />
quest?<br />
OFID’s interventions in the past four decades<br />
have made a significant contribution<br />
toward reducing poverty and improving<br />
the livelihoods of people in its partner<br />
countries. However, it is difficult to quantify<br />
this impact since poverty alleviation<br />
and socio-economic development is a collective<br />
effort. Various stakeholders – national<br />
governments and entities in particular,<br />
and ultimately the concerned people themselves<br />
– share the responsibility. The biggest<br />
challenge for development partners<br />
like OFID is understanding how to deliver<br />
assistance most effectively to achieve optimum<br />
results and sustainable impacts. It is<br />
in this spirit, and in recognition of our collective<br />
responsibility, that OFID joins global<br />
efforts in pursuit of Agenda 2<strong>03</strong>0 and the<br />
Sustainable Development Goals.<br />
That said, there are many concrete examples<br />
of communities being transformed<br />
by our projects. In one case, a minigrid power<br />
project revolutionised a village by providing<br />
light, food storage facilities, enhanced<br />
safety and health resources, education<br />
and improved income generation. Another<br />
solid example would be an OFID-supported<br />
project that installed a solar generator<br />
to power a water well. It increased the free<br />
time of women and girls – who were primarily<br />
responsible for carrying water over<br />
long distances – so that they could benefit<br />
from increased education, leisure time and<br />
income generation opportunities.<br />
These are just two specific examples, but<br />
in reality, OFID has contributed to countless<br />
small and large scale projects in the<br />
water, agriculture, energy and transport<br />
sectors, among others. Despite our support,<br />
many of our partner countries lack<br />
the capacity and strong institutions important<br />
for implementing projects. We help<br />
provide consultants – local or international<br />
– and continuous project follow-up and<br />
monitoring. Most projects have been implemented<br />
satisfactorily and have achieved<br />
their objectives within a reasonable timeframe.<br />
How does OFID work with Austria with regards to<br />
reducing poverty and how do you see the<br />
relationship developing into the future?<br />
Vienna is now regarded as a major international<br />
energy hub – a reputation OFID has<br />
contributed toward. Austrian institutions<br />
have played the role of our key partners in<br />
many recent operations. For example,<br />
OFID has extended two grants to the Austrian<br />
Development Agency in support of<br />
the Southern African Solar Training and<br />
Demonstration Initiative (SOLTRAIN),<br />
which aims to reduce energy poverty by<br />
improving access to solar thermal solutions.<br />
We have also provided a grant to the<br />
United Nations Development Program in<br />
support of an initiative that will allow organisations<br />
– including Austrian companies<br />
– to explore the feasibility of various biomass,<br />
small hydropower and solar cooling<br />
solutions in Caribbean countries. And we<br />
have partnered with Hilfswerk Austria to<br />
reduce neonatal deaths in Mozambique by<br />
providing various types of renewable energy<br />
systems.<br />
Our partnership with Sustainable Energy<br />
for All (SEforALL) and other Viennabased<br />
energy organisations includes our<br />
membership of the Vienna Energy Club. In<br />
addition, Austrian energy company OMV<br />
is a founding member of the Oil and Gas<br />
Industry Energy Access Platform – an initiative<br />
spearheaded by OFID and the World<br />
Petroleum Council that aims to harness the<br />
enormous potential of the industry to contribute<br />
to Sustainable Development Goal 7:<br />
ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable<br />
and modern energy for all.<br />
As I said before, the authorities of the<br />
City of Vienna and the federal government<br />
of Austria—as well as Austrian-based companies<br />
and institutions—have continuously<br />
helped OFID meet its objectives. Long<br />
may our relationship continue.<br />
Conceived at an OPEC conference in 1975 in Algiers and established in 1976, OFID is an intergovernmental<br />
finance institution of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries. It has 13 member states and is<br />
located in the Deutschmeister-Palais on the Ring circling around the inner City of Vienna.<br />
At its 40th anniversary last year, OFID presented a monument statue as, according to the words of Mr.<br />
Suleiman Jasir Al-Herbish, the Director-General, ”a token of our gratitude“ to Vienna, ”where we are so<br />
fortunate to have our headquarters“.<br />
OFID‘s Solemn Declaration „reaffirmed the natural solidarity which unites OPEC countries with other developing<br />
countries in their struggle to overcome underdevelopment“. The organisation aims to strengthen<br />
cooperation between these countries and its central mission is to foster South-South solidarity by<br />
providing financial support with the primary aim to reduce poverty and supporting sustainable development.<br />
By the end of 2016, OFID reported cumulative financial commitments – backed by resources pledged by the<br />
member states – of more than 20 billion US dollars in support of more than 3,700 development operations<br />
across 134 countries worldwide.<br />
OFID‘s Reserve Account, according to the Annual Report 2016, stood at the impressive figure of 2.74 billion<br />
US dollars. Last year alone, new commitments of some 1.34 billion US dollars were approved, an increase of<br />
some 200 million US dollars compared to 2015.<br />
In terms of strategy, the organisation focuses on what OFID Director-General Mr. Al-Herbish calls the<br />
”energy-water-food nexus“ (see interview), an approach to development to which more than one–half of<br />
OFID’s cumulative financial assistance has been dedicated to.<br />
Rehabilitation of housing units in East Jerusalem: To get out from places like this, an OFID<br />
grant helped funding the provision of safe, affordable housing for 60 low-income families.<br />
Children at the OFID-funded (US$ 4.7 million)<br />
Baie St Anne Primary School in Praslin Island,<br />
Seychelles, in their new spacious classrooms.<br />
In order to help Honduras reduce its reliance on<br />
fossil fuels and diversifying to solar power, OFID<br />
has approved a US$ 25 million loan in 2014.<br />
60 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
The biggest risk for Europe<br />
Paul Lendvai<br />
was born in Hungary in<br />
1929. The publicist, author<br />
and expert for Eastern<br />
Europe worked as<br />
correspondent for the<br />
London Financial Times as<br />
well as for Austrian, Swiss<br />
and German publications.<br />
Today, he still is the<br />
co-editor and editor-in-chief<br />
of the Europäische<br />
Rundschau which he also<br />
founded and works as head<br />
of the Europa-Studio of the<br />
Austrian Broadcasting<br />
Corporation ORF as well as<br />
as columnist for the<br />
Austrian daily newspaper<br />
Der Standard.<br />
The growth of nationalism continues to be the most important political and<br />
spiritual <strong>issue</strong> of our times.<br />
The poison of nationalism, which has twice already<br />
contributed to Europe’s demise, continues<br />
to plague us and threatens to infest the continent<br />
all over again. We live between the hopes of<br />
tomorrow and the ghosts of yesterday. And if you look<br />
at the events and actions that have been taking place in<br />
recent times, Paul Valery’s words of wisdom quickly<br />
come to mind (written during the interwar period):<br />
”We walk backwards into the future.“ The great French<br />
poet and cultural philosopher did, however, also remark<br />
that the political process could be seen as the art<br />
of making the necessary possible.<br />
The political distinctiveness and decisiveness of<br />
Europe’s statesmen that followed the inferno of the Second<br />
World War had set the conditions for the great<br />
and successful experiments of the common market<br />
and the European Union. Those who have experienced<br />
the two main forms of dictatorship, as the author<br />
has, whether the brown or the red one, will never<br />
forget Franz Grillparzer’s musing that humanity’s<br />
transition to bestiality occurred via the route of nationalism.<br />
This is why the burden of the unresolved past<br />
must be engaged with everywhere and at all times in<br />
order to quickly recognise and fight the resurgence of<br />
nationalism and even tribalism instead of Europeanism<br />
and humanism.<br />
The process of Europeanisation would have been<br />
erroneous if the concept of Europe had only come to<br />
mean the West and if the other neighbouring countries<br />
had been viewed as rivals or even as enemies. The<br />
national state and the growth regions are indispensable<br />
building blocks for the European integration process.<br />
There can be no successful European Union without<br />
the equality of the smaller states and without<br />
respect for their identities. Most nations in Central,<br />
Eastern and Southern Europe only received their sovereignty<br />
in the 20th century. The national sentiment<br />
was one of the key survival elements during centuries<br />
of foreign rule and occupation as well as during the<br />
struggle for independence.<br />
The fact that the Soviet Union did not manage to<br />
russify Central and Eastern Europe and convert the<br />
respective populations to their version of ”Marxism-<br />
Leninism“ should not distract from the immense moralistic,<br />
spiritual and cultural damage that had been<br />
inflicted on these countries. The national sovereignty<br />
of these smaller lands, their basically defensive nationalism,<br />
was always the basis for the revolt against Soviet<br />
dominion (1956 in Hungary, 1968 in Czechoslovakia<br />
and 1980 in Poland). Especially the example of<br />
the Yugoslav tragedy resulting from Serbia’s quest for<br />
hegemony and the various signs of a re-emerging nationalism<br />
should obliterate any illusion that the process<br />
of de-sovietisation and the fall of the communist<br />
regimes automatically led to the Europeanisation of<br />
these small states.<br />
The various border disputes and minority conflict<br />
between these new states resulting from the fall of the<br />
larger regimes in Central Europe and the Balkans are<br />
inheritances of history. The decisions over national<br />
borders were not made based on ethnic lines but for<br />
political, strategic and other reasons, whether during<br />
the First or the Second World War. What is also true,<br />
however, is that the geographic distribution of various<br />
ethnic populations, as well as the traditional ties in<br />
these areas, have become so intertwined that straightforward<br />
and completely satisfactory boundary setting<br />
is not always possible. Consequently, every country<br />
has big and small minorities that often feel that they<br />
belong to an entirely different nation altogether.<br />
There are many examples of the incredibly complicated<br />
nature of the many unfulfilled territorial demands<br />
and national differences, such as the conflict<br />
between Romania and Hungary regarding the treatment<br />
of the large Hungarian minority in Transylvania,<br />
the fight between Serbia and Kosovo, the relationship<br />
between Macedonia and the Albanians (almost a third<br />
of the population), the tensions between Greece and<br />
Macedonia or the problematic nature of the large Russian<br />
minorities spread across the Baltic states and<br />
their relationships to Russia.<br />
Even today, nearly three decades after the fall of<br />
communism, the growth of nationalism continues to<br />
be the most important political and spiritual <strong>issue</strong> of<br />
our times. The heritage of the comfortable forgetfulness<br />
concerning one’s own crimes perpetrated during<br />
the Second World War, as well as before and after the<br />
communist transfer of power, continues to linger. The<br />
victims of one type of totalitarianism should not be<br />
counted against those of another. Contemplating one’s<br />
history and sovereignty remains a crux if not simultaneously<br />
contemplating one’s own complicity and guilt.<br />
A particularly sad chapter here is the problem of<br />
anti-Semitism. Passionate and often one-sided criticism<br />
of Israel often functions as a fig leaf for hatred of<br />
the Jews in Western Europe. The viral outbreak of<br />
”anti-Semitism without Jews“ (which was the title of<br />
my book from 1972 and has since become a common<br />
phrase) is especially alarming because the intensity of<br />
racism and xenophobia has always been an infallible<br />
indicator for the psychological and moral state of the<br />
various European societies.<br />
The advance of the nationalist-populist parties and<br />
the erosion of the democratic centre-left or centreright<br />
and their traditional parties threaten the stability<br />
and prosperity of the European Union. Brexit and the<br />
fatal weakening of the United Kingdom, the unpredictability<br />
of the Trump administration and Russia’s expansive<br />
strategy boost right and left wing extremists.<br />
The leadership crisis in Brussels is also a consequence<br />
of the mediocrity or irresponsibility of those in power.<br />
Perhaps more than ever since the Second World War,<br />
we must today stand up for unity and not for separation,<br />
for European cooperation and not for nationalist<br />
isolation.<br />
Orbán<br />
Europe‘s New Strongman<br />
A no-holds-barred biography of<br />
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor<br />
Orbán, who has become a pivotal<br />
figure in European politics since 2010,<br />
as anti-communist rebel who turned<br />
populist autocrat.<br />
ISBN 978-1849048699<br />
Hurst Publishers<br />
Orbáns Ungarn<br />
ISBN 978-321801<strong>03</strong>82<br />
Kremayr & Scheriau<br />
Classic Residence.<br />
The magnificent building which was once representative<br />
housing for the aristocracy is being carefully renovated and<br />
enhanced by an exclusive loft conversion. Timeless elegance<br />
is combined with the latest technology for discerning people.<br />
Three exquisite town homes from 170m² in the original<br />
period floors and one maisonette in the loft conversion<br />
offering breath-taking views are still for sale.<br />
Exclusive Sales:<br />
Mag. Anna Steurer<br />
Tel: +43-1-512 1 512<br />
wohnen@amkaiserforum.at<br />
www.amkaiserforum.at<br />
62 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Latest update from around the globe<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
New appointments<br />
Welcome to the OSCE!<br />
Following the expiration of a five-day<br />
silence procedure and in accordance with<br />
the proposal submitted by the Permanent<br />
Council, the OSCE Ministerial Council<br />
adopted in July by consensus the decisions<br />
to appoint four senior-level officials.<br />
Thomas Greminger (Switzerland) is the<br />
new OSCE Secretary General, Ingibjörg<br />
Sólrún Gísladóttir (Iceland) the Director of<br />
the OSCE Office for Democratic<br />
Institutions and Human Rights, Lamberto<br />
Zannier (Italy) the OSCE High Commissioner<br />
on National Minorities and Harlem<br />
Désir (France) the OSCE Representative on<br />
Freedom of the Media. OSCE Chairpersonin-Office<br />
and Austrian Foreign Minister<br />
Sebastian Kurz expressed his satisfaction<br />
regarding these crucial appointments for<br />
the functioning of the organisation.<br />
osce.org<br />
The future of work<br />
Robo concierge<br />
The successful hotel group Motel One has launched its 8th establishment in<br />
Munich in the city’s new Parkstadt Schwabing quarter, in close proximity to IT<br />
giants such as the IBM Watson IoT Center and Microsoft. ‘Sepp’, in his<br />
custom-tailored lederhosen, showcases the abilities of artificial intelligence<br />
as part of a new pilot project, is a self-learning robo concierge that can<br />
answer questions like, ‘Where is the bar?’ and ‘When is breakfast?’.<br />
motel-one.com<br />
OSCE Secretary General,<br />
Thomas Greminger, Director<br />
of the OSCE Office for<br />
Democratic Institutions and<br />
Human Rights, Ingibjörg<br />
Sólrún Gísladóttir, OSCE<br />
Representative on Freedom<br />
of the Media, Harlem Désir<br />
and OSCE High Commissioner<br />
on National Minorities,<br />
Lamberto Zannier (left to<br />
right).<br />
European Parliament<br />
An unforgettable<br />
experience<br />
Traineeships at the European<br />
Parliament offer the<br />
opportunity to get an insight<br />
in the EU institutions,<br />
discover the decision-making<br />
process, make many new<br />
international connections and<br />
challenge oneself in one of<br />
the most multicultural<br />
environments. It is possible to<br />
choose between a wide range<br />
of traineeships, from the<br />
general option for university<br />
graduates to the journalism<br />
and translation ones.<br />
Applications can be<br />
submitted no later than<br />
midnight on 15 October <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
europarl.europa.eu<br />
Exquisite airline<br />
Distinguished<br />
quality<br />
The airline EVA Air may take pleasure in<br />
having achieved two top spots at the<br />
annual Skytrax World Airline Awards and<br />
thus continues to rate among the top 10<br />
airlines in the world. The awards, one of<br />
them being in the category ‘Best<br />
cleanliness in the cabin’, were determined<br />
by analysing an extensive global<br />
passenger satisfaction survey among 320<br />
airlines in total. Passengers perceive<br />
particularly high standards in the Royal<br />
Laurel Class of the Eva Air ‘Triple Seven’,<br />
for which they received the second top<br />
spot in the ‘Best Business Class Amenities’<br />
category for the cabin’s many luxury<br />
features. Its passengers enjoyed<br />
premiered wines, cosy pyjamas, seats that<br />
can be transformed into beds, Rimowa<br />
amenity kits and much more.<br />
evaair.com<br />
Vienna.<br />
An easy start for your business.<br />
Vienna is gaining traction as a hub for international business. The Vienna Business<br />
Agency is happy to assist during the settling-in period and offers special services<br />
for international executives and management staff: The agency’s Expat Center and<br />
its international team are here to support expatriates and their families with any<br />
questions related to starting out in Vienna.<br />
64 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Expat Center of the Vienna<br />
Business Agency<br />
Schmerlingplatz 3<br />
Exclusive<br />
Sale<br />
www.otto.at<br />
PARKETT.<br />
COTTON<br />
Vienna 1 – Inner City<br />
Condominium apartments<br />
between 63 m² and 232 m²<br />
Heating req. from: 32,67 kWh/m²a, fGEE 0,855<br />
Die Segnungen einer verkannten Industrie<br />
The blessings of an underestimated industry<br />
Regional Center Vienna sind die<br />
gesamten Krebsforschungsaktivitäten<br />
des Unternehmens konzentriert.<br />
Boehringer Ingelheim. The Regional<br />
Center Vienna serves as the nucleus of<br />
all the company‘s cancer<br />
research activities.<br />
Durch die Bewerbung der Stadt Wien als neuer Standort für die Europäische Arzneimittelbehörde EMA, rückt<br />
auch der österreichische Life-Science-Sektor in den Fokus. Fazit: Die medizinische, pharmazeutische und<br />
biotechnologische Forschung hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren ins absolute Spitzenfeld vorgearbeitet.<br />
Vienna is matching for the new location of the European Medicines Agency EMA, and so the spotlights have<br />
fallen on Austria‘s life science sector. It turns out that the country has emerged as a leading player in medical,<br />
pharmaceutical and biotechnological research in recent years.<br />
Text: Rainer Himmelfreundpointner<br />
TLR9 Endosom<br />
und Rezeptor<br />
TLR9 Endosome and<br />
its receptor<br />
Mikroskop-Bilder wie diese<br />
gehören zum Alltag österreichischer<br />
Life Science-Forscher.<br />
A common picture for Austrian<br />
life science researchers.<br />
68 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Mrd. Euro<br />
Wertschöpfung der medizinisch-pharmakologischen<br />
Forschung in Österreich.<br />
10Value creation of Life Science research in Austria.<br />
act. worldwide.<br />
BAYER. Forscher untersuchen<br />
das Gewebe nierenkranker<br />
Patienten an einem<br />
luftgefederten Spezialmikroskop<br />
für Fluoreszenzaufnahmen.<br />
Scientists at Bayer investigate<br />
kidney-t<strong>issue</strong> using a special<br />
hightech microscope.<br />
der vielen Verpackungsschritte<br />
für einen Impfstoff.<br />
One of the many packaging<br />
steps for a vaccine at<br />
GlaxoSmithKline.<br />
Gut, Sie kennen zweifellos Sigmund Freud,<br />
den Vater der Psychoanalyse. Kaum ein anderer<br />
Name der medizinischen Forschung<br />
wird so oft und selbstverständlich in einem Atemzug<br />
mit Wien und Österreich genannt wie dieser. Aber<br />
wussten Sie auch, dass der Pathologe Karl Landsteiner<br />
seine bahnbrechende Entdeckung der Blutgruppen,<br />
wofür er später den Medizin-Nobelpreis bekam,<br />
1901 an der Universitiät Wien machte – und damit<br />
zur damals einzigartigen Aufbruchstimmung in der<br />
Donaumetropole beitrug. Oder war ihnen bekannt,<br />
dass der Ausnahme-Chirurg Theodor Billroth, obwohl<br />
gebürtiger Deutscher, in seinen wichtigsten<br />
Jahren die Wiener Medizinische Schule geprägt und<br />
maßgeblich zur Gründung des Rudolfinerhauses<br />
1882 beigetragen hatte. Und wussten Sie, warum<br />
nach dem Wiener Chirurgen Ignaz Semmelweis<br />
Krankenhaus und Straße benannt wurden? Richtig:<br />
Ihm ist es zu verdanken, dass in Spitälern vernünftige<br />
Hygienestandards, vor ihm von Ärzten als „Unfug“<br />
abgetan, eingeführt wurden.<br />
Berühmte Mediziner-Namen wie diese machen<br />
derzeit nicht nur in einschlägigen Kreisen, sondern<br />
vor allem in höheren Verwaltungsebenen der Stadt<br />
Wien die Runde. Denn die Bundeshauptstadt befindet<br />
sich in einem gewaltigen, europaweiten Wettlauf,<br />
in dem ihre Vergangenheit als Nukleus und Pionierstadt<br />
der medizinischen Forschung, aber auch ihre<br />
Gegenwart als international bedeutender Standort<br />
für Life Sciences eine zentrale Rolle spielen – das<br />
Rennen um die Ansiedelung der Europäischen Arzneimittelbehörde,<br />
die noch in London residiert.<br />
Wegen des Brexit muss sich die „European Medicines<br />
Agency“ (EMA) einen neuen Standort suchen.<br />
Neben Wien rittern weitere 18 EU-Städte um die<br />
prestigeträchtige Ansiedelung dieser zweitgrößten<br />
dezentralen EU-Behörde und ihre rund 900 Mitarbeiter.<br />
Sollte die Entscheidung für die Donaumetropole<br />
fallen, wäre das nicht nur ein starkes Signal für<br />
den Standort Wien, sondern auch recht lukrativ.<br />
Rund um die EMA würden laut Berechnungen des<br />
Instituts für Höhere Studien etwa 2.180 Arbeitsplätze<br />
geschaffen und gesichert, und die Behörde dürfe<br />
gut 200 Millionen Euro zum BIP, etwa 180 Millionen<br />
Euro zur heimischen Bruttowertschöpfung und fast<br />
330 Millionen Euro in den nächsten fünf Jahren zu<br />
den Steuereinnahmen beitragen.<br />
Wien fährt in diesem Match mit starken Argumenten<br />
und vielen Incentives auf. Es hat Service-<br />
Center für die EMA-Mitarbeiter eingerichtet, bietet<br />
ihnen finanzielle Unterstützung für die Kinderbetreuung<br />
an, schafft an die 1.100 freie Plätze an den 14<br />
internationalen Schulen, erleichtert den Arbeitsmarktzugang<br />
für Angehörige – und die Stadt wird<br />
auch die mögliche zukünftige Immobilie der EMA<br />
zum symbolischen Preis von einem Euro Miete pro<br />
Jahr überlassen. In der engeren Auswahl sind momentan<br />
die Anlage „Austria Campus“ der Signa-<br />
Gruppe im 2. Bezirk und der Komplex „Erdbergerlände<br />
– Vie26“ der CA-Immo. Auch das „HoHo“<br />
Seeparkcampus Ost ist noch im Rennen. „Wir haben<br />
ein attraktives Angebot vorgelegt und sind überzeugt,<br />
dass sich Wien als Standort sehr gut positioniert<br />
hat“, sagt Gerhard Hirczi, der Geschäftsfüher<br />
der Wirtschaftsagentur Wien. „Das Interesse ist derzeit<br />
jedenfalls groß. Allein die von uns eigens für die<br />
EMA-Bewerbung eingerichtete Website emazingvienna.at<br />
verzeichnet bisher rund 10.000 Zugriffe.“<br />
Dass Wien in diesem Wettkampf all seine Vorzüge,<br />
die es nun bereits zum achten Mal in Folge zum<br />
Weltmeister in Sachen Lebensqualität gemacht haben,<br />
in die Waagschale wirft, liegt auf der Hand.<br />
Noch wichtiger, insbesondere für eine Behörde wie<br />
die Arzneimittelagentur, ist in diesem Rennen die<br />
Stadtortqualität in Sachen Life Sciences, also welchen<br />
Stellenwert die medizinische, pharmakologische<br />
und biotechnologische Forschung hier, und<br />
natürlich auch in ganz Österreich, aktuell genießt.<br />
Das Fazit gleich vorweg: einen ganz hervorragenden.<br />
VAMED offers a complete project and service portfolio for health care as a developer,<br />
planner, contractor and operator. VAMED has already successfully implemented<br />
more than 800 hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, health resorts and<br />
thermal spas in 79 countries worldwide.<br />
Story continues on p. 72 ➝<br />
www.vamed.com<br />
70 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
74 Number<br />
ERC Grants<br />
Zahl der Förderung des European Research Council an<br />
in Österreich ansässige Life Science-Forscher in <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
of high-volume scholarships in life sciences <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Das HOHO im Seeparkcampus<br />
Ost (Bild oben) ist nur noch<br />
dritte Wahl. Ganz vorne auf<br />
der Shortlist stehen derzeit<br />
der Austria Campus (Bild<br />
rechts) im 2. Bezirk sowie die<br />
Anlage Erdbergerlände (Bild<br />
unten) im 3. Bezirk.<br />
As of now, Vienna‘s shortlist<br />
for possible EMA headquarters<br />
consists of 3 real estate<br />
complexes. The HOHO in the<br />
new Seeparkcampus (top) in<br />
the 22nd district ranks Nr. 3.<br />
Real favourites are the<br />
Austria Campus (right) in the<br />
2nd district and an object at<br />
the Erdbergerlände (bottom)<br />
in the 3rd district.<br />
„Österreich hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren<br />
zu einem Spitzenreiter in Sachen Pharma und Arzneimittelforschung<br />
entwickelt“, sagt Finanzminister<br />
Hans Jörg Schelling. „Mittlerweile hängen mehr als<br />
63.000 Jobs direkt oder indirekt an diesem Industriezweig,<br />
die Wertschöpfung beträgt rund zehn Milliarden<br />
Euro pro Jahr oder 2,8 Prozent des BIP.“ Besonders<br />
wichtig dabei: Pharmazeutische Unternehmen<br />
wenden für Forschung & Entwicklung laut Statistik<br />
Austria im Schnitt 14 Prozent ihres Umsatzes auf<br />
und sind damit besonders innovativ, da die F&E-<br />
Quote aller Wirtschaftszweige bei lediglich 1,7 Prozent<br />
liege.<br />
Die Bandbreite dieses Sektors in Österreich ist<br />
ebenfalls beeindruckend. Im akademischen Bereich<br />
kommen fünf Universitäten wie etwa die MedUni<br />
Wien mit allein 8.000 Studenten, zwei weitere Hochschulen<br />
für angewandte Wissenschaften sowie elf<br />
außer-universitäre Forschungeinrichtungen, allen<br />
vor das Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie IMBA<br />
oder MedAustron, das international renommierte,<br />
hochmoderne Krebsbehandlungszentrum mit<br />
Ionentherapie in Wiener Neustadt, auf insgesamt gut<br />
12.000 Beschäftigte, die Life Sciences abdecken. Allein<br />
in Wien belegen rund 33.000 Studenten dementsprechende<br />
Fächer.<br />
Und der hierzulande hohe Standard der medizinischen,<br />
pharmakologischen und biotechnologischen<br />
Forschung wird durch die knapp 5.000 jährlichen<br />
einschlägigen Publikationen in „peer-reviewed“<br />
Fachmedien sowie die 74 Grants, jene extrem begehrten<br />
Förderungen des European Research Council,<br />
die in Österreich ansässige Forscher allein <strong>2017</strong><br />
bereits erhalten haben, unterstrichen.<br />
Im kommerziellen Bereich sind so gut wie alle<br />
großen Namen der pharmazeutischen Industrie in<br />
Österreich, insbesondere Wien, vertreten – ein gut<br />
Teil davon auch mit ihren Zentralen für Zentral- und<br />
Osteuropa. Egal ob Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim,<br />
Novartis, Sanofi, Sandoz, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer,<br />
Shire, Octapharma, Merck oder Sigmapharm – allein<br />
im pharmazeutischen Bereich kommen jene 120<br />
Unternehmen, die vom Dachverband Pharmig, der<br />
95 Prozent der Branche abdeckt, vertreten werden,<br />
auf rund 18.000 direkt Beschäftigte.<br />
„Österreich ist zu einem Top-Standort für die<br />
Entwicklung neuer Medikamente geworden“, heißt<br />
es auch in der offiziellen EMA-Bewerbungsbroschüre.<br />
„Allein im Jahr 2015 wurden hier über 300 klinische<br />
Tests, vor allem im Bereich der Krebsbehandelung,<br />
durchgeführt, etwa die Hälfte davon bereits in<br />
der (finalen) klinischen Phase III. 70 Prozent davon<br />
wurden von der pharmazeutischen Industrie finanziert,<br />
30 Prozent von akademischen Einrichtungen<br />
direkt.“ Alles mit ein Grund dafür, dass jedes Jahr<br />
allein in Wien zehn neue Life-Science-Unternehmen<br />
neu in den Markt eintreten.<br />
Wegen dieses erfreulichen Umfeldes hat sich beispielsweise<br />
der deutsche Konzern Boehringer Ingelheim<br />
bereits vor etlichen Jahren entschlossen, sein<br />
Forschungszentrum für 30 Länder in Zentral- und<br />
Osteuropa und Zentralasien, sowie für die Schweiz<br />
und Israel, in Wien anzusiedeln. Wien ist nicht nur<br />
das Zentrum für Krebsforschung sowie Standort für<br />
biopharma zeutische Forschung, Entwicklung und<br />
Produktion im Konzern, Boehringer Ingelheim zählt<br />
auch zu den forschungsintensivsten pharmazeutischen<br />
Unternehmen in Öster reich. Insgesamt erzielte<br />
das Regional Center Vienna im Geschäftsjahr<br />
2016 Gesamterlöse in Höhe von 821,5 Millionen<br />
Euro und beschäftigte in der Region Mittel- und Osteuropa<br />
3.470 Mitarbeiter, davon 1.629 in Österreich.<br />
Erst diesen April hat es den Spatenstich für eine<br />
neue biopharmazeutische Produktionsanlage in<br />
Wien-Meidling gesetzt, mit 700 Millionen Euro die<br />
größte Einzelinvestition in der Geschichte des Unternehmens<br />
und die größte Firmeninvestition in Wien<br />
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72 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Arbeitsplätze<br />
Der Life Science-Sektor zählt zu den<br />
wichtigsten Arbeitgebern in Österreich.<br />
63.000Number of jobs in Austria‘s life science sector.<br />
zeutische Industrie glaubt an den Standort Österreich.“<br />
Bleibt nur noch zu hoffen, dass auch der EU-Rat,<br />
der am 20. November über die neue Heimat der<br />
EMA entscheiden wird, ebenfalls daran glaubt. Obwohl<br />
Wien dem Vernehmen nach gut im Rennen<br />
liegt und Hans-Georg Eichler, einer der leitenden<br />
Mediziner der Behörde, bereits durchblicken ließ,<br />
dass „viel für Wien spricht“, ist das Rennen längst<br />
nicht gewonnen. „Wien punktet als extrem gut aufgestelltes<br />
Gesamtpaket“, hält Hirczi den Ball flach.<br />
„Aber man muss natürlich betonen, dass die Chancen,<br />
die EMA nach Wien zu holen, rein rechnerisch<br />
bei insgesamt 19 Bewerbern am Ende bei fünf Prozent<br />
liegen.“<br />
Close to the city center<br />
Einsatz einer Ultrazentrifuge<br />
beim Pharmakonzern, der<br />
durch Viagra bekannt<br />
geworden ist.<br />
A centrifuge in operation at<br />
Pfizer, generally known for<br />
its Viagra pills.<br />
Der Konzern hat gerade 700<br />
Millionen Euro in die<br />
Errichtung eines neuen<br />
biopharmazeutischen<br />
Werkes in Wien investiert.<br />
Boehringer Ingelheim has<br />
just invested 700 million<br />
Euro for a new biopharma<br />
production plant in Vienna.<br />
pern 1979, die 500 zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze schaffen<br />
wird.<br />
Man kann das auch als Zeichen für die EMA-Bewerbung<br />
verstehen, wie Philipp von Lattorff, der Generaldirektor<br />
von Boehringer Ingelheim, auf Anfrage<br />
von Cercle Diplomatique zu verstehen gibt: „Die Ansiedelung<br />
der Europäischen Arzneimittelagentur<br />
EMA in Wien wäre ein wichtiges Signal und hätte positive<br />
Auswirkungen auf den Pharmastandort. Dabei<br />
geht es um viele neue Arbeitsplätze, um Unternehmensansiedlungen,<br />
um Impulse für die gesamte Forschungslandschaft<br />
in Österreich und nicht zuletzt um<br />
eine verstärkte Sichtbarkeit des Pharmastandorts<br />
Wien innerhalb der Europäischen Union.“<br />
Auch andere Top-Unternehmen haben jüngst<br />
durch Großinvestitionen aufhorchen lassen. Merck<br />
beispielsweise, das etwa 550 Beschäftigte in Österreich<br />
in Brot hält, hat in seinem Werk in Spittal in<br />
Kärnten, wo jährlich etwa fünf Milliarden Tabletten<br />
produziert werden, in den vergangenen zwei Jahren<br />
etwa 7,5 Millionen Euro in die Schaffung neuer Produktionsflächen<br />
gesteckt, was rund 100 neue Jobs<br />
bringen wird. Und erst Anfang dieses Sommers hat<br />
sich die Firma MSD Animal Health mit einem neuen<br />
Werk – eine Investition von rund 185 Millionen – in<br />
Krems niedergelassen, wo dadurch etwa 400 neue<br />
Arbeitsplätze entstehen. „Mit dieser Ansiedelung<br />
wird es abermals bewiesen“, fasst Pharmig-Generalsekretär<br />
Jan Oliver Huber zusammen. „Die pharma-<br />
Since the City of Vienna is applying as a potential<br />
location for the “European Medicines Agency“<br />
(EMA), which has to give up its headquarters<br />
in London because of Brexit, many famous<br />
names of medicine are buzzing around here. Sigmund<br />
Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, Karl<br />
Landsteiner, who discovered human blood groups,<br />
Theodor Billroth, one of the most famous representatives<br />
of the Vienna School of Medicine, or Ignaz<br />
Semmelweis, a crusader for better hygienic standards<br />
in hospitals. All of them have been pioneers in<br />
medical research and mirror Vienna‘s proud tradition<br />
in this area, which the city throws in the pan in<br />
the race for EMA.<br />
Apart from that, Vienna has a lot more to offer to<br />
the 900 employees of EMA – special services for<br />
their children, additional schooling or tailored working<br />
permits for family members. Plus: brand-new<br />
headquarters for a symbolic rent of one Euro per<br />
year. The current shortlist of appropriate, state-ofthe-art<br />
real estate objects includes the Austria Campus<br />
in the 2nd district, the complex Erdbergerlände<br />
in the 3rd district and the “HoHo“ in Vienna‘s new<br />
Seestadt in the 22nd district. ”We have presented a<br />
very attractive offer and are convinced that Vienna is<br />
in a very good position“, says Gerhard Hirczi, CEO of<br />
Vienna‘s Business Agency.<br />
But the most important argument to lure the<br />
EMA to Vienna – a step that would create some additional<br />
2,180 jobs directly and indirectly and a contribution<br />
of more than 200 million Euro to Austria‘s<br />
GDP, apart from some 330 million Euro in taxes over<br />
the next 5 years – certainly would be the high stan-<br />
Story continues on p. 76 ➝<br />
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74 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
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Millionen Euro<br />
Investitionssumme einer neuen Produktionsanlage<br />
von Boehringer Ingelheim in Wien.<br />
700A recent investment of Boehringer in Vienna.<br />
Lehrlinge in der biochemischen<br />
Produktion.<br />
Apprentices at the<br />
biochemical production site<br />
of Sandoz Kundl.<br />
dards of medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological<br />
research (and production) in Austria, with Vienna<br />
at its core. ”Actually, our country in recent years<br />
has turned into a leader in pharma and medicines<br />
research“, says Hans Jörg Schelling, the Austrian finance<br />
minister. ”In the meantime, this sector is providing<br />
63,000 jobs directly or indirectly, with a value<br />
creation of some 10 billion Euro or 2.8 percent of<br />
GDP.“ Plus: Pharmaceutical companies in average<br />
are spending some 14 percent of their revenues for<br />
R&D, a record figure according to Statistic Austria.<br />
There are more impressive figures as well: Five<br />
universities, two universities with applied sciences,<br />
and eleven non-university research institutions, like<br />
the Institute for Molecular Biotechnology IMBA or<br />
the well-known cancer-treatment center MedAustron<br />
in Wiener Neustadt, employ some 12,000 individuals<br />
in the field of life sciences, with about 33,000<br />
students. And nearly 5,000 publications in peer-reviewed<br />
journals and 74 grants from the European<br />
Research Council in <strong>2017</strong> alone are evidence for the<br />
high-quality research performed in Vienna.<br />
On the commercial front, one may find all the famous<br />
names of Big Pharma here in Austria, most of<br />
them again in Vienna, where many have set up their<br />
headquarters for Central and Eastern European<br />
markets. Pharmig, the Austrian Association of Pharmaceutical<br />
Companies, counts 120 members with<br />
some 18,000 employees in all – which respresent 95<br />
percent of this life sciences sector. Among them giants<br />
like Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, Sanofi,<br />
Sandoz, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Shire, Merck,<br />
Octapharma or Sigmapharm.<br />
”Austria has become a top location for drug development“,<br />
states a document for the EMA application.<br />
”In 2015 alone, more than 300 clinical tests, about<br />
half in (final) Phase III and most of them in oncology,<br />
were applied for in Austria. Around 70 percent of clinical<br />
trials in Austria are carried out by the pharmaceutical<br />
industry, while 30 percent are implemented<br />
academic-sponsored.“ Which might as well be a<br />
reason that in Vienna alone each year more than 10<br />
new life science companies are entering the market.<br />
Because of this positive framework, some big players<br />
have partly located their research centers in Vienna.<br />
Boehringer Ingelheim‘s Regional Center Vienna,<br />
for example, is responsible for business and clinical<br />
research in more than 30 countries in Central and<br />
Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Switzerland and Israel.<br />
It is also the company‘s center for cancer and pharmaceutical<br />
research, which employs some 1,629 persons<br />
in Austria and has reported sales of over 820<br />
million Euro last year. Just a few month ago, in April,<br />
<strong>2017</strong>, Boehringer Ingelheim has launched an investment<br />
of over 700 million Euro for a new pharmaceutical<br />
production site in Vienna, the biggest single investment<br />
in the company‘s history. One may read<br />
this as a signal towards EMA, as Philipp von Lattorff,<br />
the CEO of Boehringer Ingelheim told Cercle Diplomatique.<br />
”A settlement of EMA in Vienna would be<br />
an important signal and would definitely have positive<br />
effects for Vienna as a major location for medical<br />
and pharmaceutical research inside the European<br />
Union.“<br />
Apart from Boehringer Ingelheim, other companies<br />
of the sector are heavily investing as well. Merck,<br />
to name just one, has spent over 7.5 million Euro in<br />
the last two years to expand its production plant in<br />
Spittal in Carinthia, creating some 100 new jobs.<br />
And the city of Krems just recently has seen an investment<br />
of 185 million Euro of MSD Animal<br />
Health, which has opened a new factory with some<br />
400 jobs there. Says Jan Oliver Huber, the General-<br />
Secretary of Pharmig: ”Another evidence for the<br />
faith of the pharmaceutical industry in Austria.“<br />
So everybody in this business, and the administration<br />
of Vienna at most, hopes that the EU Council,<br />
which is deciding on the new location of the EMA on<br />
November 20th, is believing so as well.<br />
Bild: Kästenbauer/Ettl<br />
Teilchenphysik trifft Krebsmedizin<br />
Particle Physics Meets Cancer Medicine<br />
Die Ionentherapie ist eine innovative, komplementäre Form der Strahlentherapie zur Krebsbehandlung. In Österreich wird sie<br />
bei MedAustron in Wiener Neustadt angeboten. | Ion beam therapy is an innovative, complementary type of radiotherapy for<br />
cancer treatment. In Austria, the therapy is available at the MedAustron center in Wiener Neustadt.<br />
Die Ionentherapie ist eine Weiterentwicklung der<br />
Strahlentherapie und kommt vor allem bei Tumoren<br />
zur Anwendung, die gegen traditionelle<br />
Strahlen resistent sind oder für jene, die in einer<br />
schwierig zu behandelnden anatomischen Lage<br />
sind. Bestrahlt wird bei der Ionentherapie mit geladenen<br />
Teilchen, die ihre Energie mehrheitlich<br />
direkt im Tumor deponieren. Einerseits können<br />
dadurch Nebenwirkungen und Langzeitschäden<br />
minimiert werden, andererseits kann die Strahlendosis<br />
bei aggressiven Tumoren erhöht werden.<br />
MedAustron ist eines von nur wenigen Zentren<br />
weltweit, das zwei verschiedene Arten dieser<br />
Teilchen generieren kann: Protonen und Kohlenstoffionen.<br />
Dazu braucht es komplexe Technik<br />
– entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Europäischen<br />
Kernforschungszentrum CERN: ein<br />
spezieller Teilchenbeschleuniger beschleunigt<br />
die Teilchen auf bis zu zwei Drittel der Lichtgeschwindigkeit,<br />
bevor diese in einen Bestrahlungsraum<br />
und dort millimetergenau auf einen<br />
Tumor gelenkt werden.<br />
Seit Ende 2016 werden bei ¬MedAustron Patientinnen<br />
und Patienten mit der Ionentherapie behandelt,<br />
darunter auch Kinder. Die Betroffenen<br />
kommen dabei über einen Zeitraum von mehreren<br />
Wochen täglich für eine ambulante Bestrahlung<br />
zu MedAustron. Parallel dazu werden die<br />
Behandlungsmodalitäten sukzessive ausgebaut,<br />
um im Vollbetrieb bis zu 1.000 Patientinnen und<br />
Patienten pro Jahr behandeln zu können. Ebenso<br />
wird die Anlage auch für Forschung genutzt, um<br />
die Therapiemethode stetig weiterzuentwickeln.<br />
◆<br />
Ion beam therapy is an evolution of radiation<br />
therapy and is mainly used for tumors, which are<br />
resistant to conventional radiation or located in<br />
a delicate anatomical position. The therapy uses<br />
charged particles, which deposit their energy for<br />
the most part directly in the tumor. Thus, side effects<br />
and long-term effects can be reduced, and the<br />
radiation dose for aggressive tumors can be increased.<br />
MedAustron is one of only a few centers worldwide<br />
that is able to generate two different kinds of<br />
these particles: protons and carbon ions.<br />
In order to achieve this, complex technology is<br />
necessary – developed in cooperation with the European<br />
Organization for Nuclear Research CERN:<br />
a particle accelerator is used to accelerate the particles<br />
up to two thirds of the speed of light before<br />
they are directed in the treatment rooms, where<br />
they emit their radiation directly to the tumor volume<br />
down to the millimeter.<br />
Patients, including children, are treated at Med-<br />
Austron since late 2016. In the form of an outpatient<br />
treatment, they receive one irradiation daily<br />
over the course of several weeks. In parallel, the<br />
treatment modalities are being expanded step by<br />
step, offering a capacity of up to 1,000 patients per<br />
year in full operation. Additionally, MedAustron<br />
offers the possibility to conduct translational research<br />
in order to continously improve the treatment<br />
method.<br />
76 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Andreas Bierwirth<br />
„Wir haben keine andere Wahl.“<br />
”We don’t have a choice“.<br />
Stetiges Wachstum<br />
Continued growth<br />
Der CEO von T-Mobile Austria über Migration, das Engagement der Zivilgesellschaft und das<br />
seines Unternehmens. The CEO of T-Mobile Austria about migration, actions by civil society and<br />
his own enterprise.<br />
Andreas Bierwirth ist ausgebildeter<br />
Bankkaufmann und studierte danach<br />
Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der<br />
Universität Münster. Seit September<br />
2012 ist er CEO von T-Mobile Austria.<br />
Davor war er Managing Director bei<br />
Germanwings, Vice President<br />
Marketing bei der Lufthansa und<br />
Vorstandsmitglied der Austrian<br />
Airlines. Bierwirth ist außerdem<br />
Mitglied mehrerer Aufsichtsräte, u.a.<br />
von Casinos Austria, Do & Co und<br />
easyJet.<br />
Andreas Bierwirth is a trained<br />
banker and studied Business<br />
Administration at the University of<br />
Münster. Since September 2012 he<br />
acts as CEO of T-Mobile Austria. Prior<br />
to that, he was the Managing<br />
Director of Germanwings, Vice<br />
President Marketing of Lufthansa and<br />
Managing Board member of Austrian<br />
Airlines. In addition, Bierwirth is also<br />
Managing Board member of various<br />
companies such as Casinos Austria,<br />
Do & Co and easyJet.<br />
Wir schaffen das. Dieser Satz hat<br />
der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin<br />
Angela Merkel in der Folge viel<br />
Kritik gebracht, von der Naivität noch die<br />
freundlichste war. War sie tatsächlich naiv?<br />
Bleiben wir bei der österreichischen Situation.<br />
2015, im Jahr mit dem stärksten<br />
Migrationsstrom, flohen rund 100.000<br />
Menschen nach Österreich, von denen etwa<br />
die Hälfte bisher Asyl erhielten. Dies entspricht<br />
etwa der Größenordnung im benachbarten<br />
Deutschland. Vor allem in den<br />
ersten Wochen und Monaten wurde mit<br />
großen Anstrengungen diese Erstaufnahme<br />
bewältigt. Mit beispiellosem Engagement<br />
der Zivilgesellschaft, von spontanen Hilfsaktionen<br />
Freiwilliger an Bahnhöfen bis zu<br />
den kleinen und großen Hilfsorganisationen,<br />
haben „wir“ dies geschafft. Ja, da gab es<br />
schwierige Situationen und schlechte Quartiere.<br />
Dennoch konnten die Menschen, die<br />
aus Not und Todesbedrohung entflohen,<br />
hier wieder Hoffnung schöpfen.<br />
Jetzt geht es darum, die Integration dieser<br />
Menschen zu bewerkstelligen. Österreich<br />
und Deutschland müssen dabei leider<br />
nicht nur die Gegenwart bewältigen, sondern<br />
auch eine jahrzehntelange Vergangenheit<br />
mehr schlecht als recht gelungener Integration<br />
seit den „Gastarbeitern“ der 60er<br />
Jahren aufarbeiten. Die Schwierigkeiten<br />
heute haben auch viel mit den Versäumnissen<br />
von gestern zu tun: Würden etwa alle in<br />
Österreich geborenen Kinder – wie dies in<br />
manchen anderen Staaten üblich ist – automatisch<br />
auch österreichische Staatsbürger<br />
sein, würde es eine klare Zukunftsorientierung<br />
für diese jungen Menschen als Österreicherinnen<br />
und Österreicher geben, statt<br />
sie selbst noch in der dritten Generation<br />
mit dem Etikett „Migrationshintergrund“<br />
als Außenseiter abzustempeln.<br />
Dazu braucht (und gibt) es zur unverzichtbaren<br />
Verantwortung öffentlicher Stellen<br />
weiterhin des Engagements der Bürgerinnen<br />
und Bürger ebenso wie das von<br />
Unternehmen. Am eigenen Beispiel: In Zusammenarbeit<br />
mit der privaten Initiative<br />
„lobby.16“ bildet T-Mobile seit sechs Jahren<br />
Lehrlinge aus, die als Jugendliche ohne Familie<br />
nach Österreich geflüchtet sind. Ein<br />
der Lehre vorangehender Vorbereitungskurs<br />
(Deutsch, Englisch, Mathematik)<br />
schafft die Voraussetzung, dass die anschließende<br />
Lehre gelingen kann – die meisten<br />
unserer Lehrlinge schneiden an der Spitze<br />
ihres Jahrgangs ab, haben anschließend bei<br />
T-Mobile Arbeit und damit auch eine neue<br />
Lebensperspektive gefunden. Unser Gewinn?<br />
Engagierte Mitarbeiter, die manche<br />
unserer Kunden bei Bedarf auch in einer<br />
ihrer Muttersprachen bedienen können.<br />
Die ambivalente Haltung der öffentlichen<br />
Stellen – um es höflich auszudrücken<br />
– ist leider nicht immer hilfreich. Auf<br />
Sprachkurse muss oft lange gewartet werden.<br />
Asylverfahren dauern unerträglich<br />
lange, was für die Betroffenen eine schwere<br />
Belastung ist. Nicht selten müssen wir erleben,<br />
dass z.B. Jugendliche, die sich hier gut<br />
eingelebt haben, die Sprache gelernt, die<br />
Schule mit Erfolg besucht und Freunde ge-<br />
funden haben, ablehnende Asylbescheide<br />
erhalten, selbst wenn sie aus humanitären<br />
Gründen weiterhin im Land bleiben dürfen.<br />
Damit liegt ein großer Schatten über<br />
ihrer Zukunft, der eine positive Lebensperspektive<br />
fast unmöglich macht.<br />
Um es unmissverständlich auszudrücken:<br />
Niemand hat sich diese Situation ausgesucht,<br />
die Menschen, die in ihrer Not geflohen<br />
sind ebenso wenig wie die Staaten, in<br />
denen sie jetzt auf ein zweites Leben hoffen.<br />
Werden sie es schaffen, werden wir es schaffen?<br />
Meine Antwort ist: Wir haben keine<br />
andere Wahl. Machen wir ohne Wenn und<br />
Aber das Beste daraus um letztlich aus der<br />
Krise zu gewinnen.<br />
We can do it. German Chancellor<br />
Angela Merkel ended up earning<br />
a lot of criticism for this<br />
phrase, of which naivety was perhaps the<br />
politest of accusations. But was it really naivety<br />
that drove her?<br />
Let’s stick with Austria. During 2015, the<br />
year with the strongest influx of migrants,<br />
around 100,000 people fled to Austria, half<br />
of which have received asylum in the meantime.<br />
This proportionally corresponds to<br />
the situation in neighbouring Germany. Especially<br />
the first couple of weeks and<br />
months saw the mobilisation of great efforts<br />
to get the first wave under control. With exemplary<br />
actions by civil society, from spontaneous<br />
and voluntary support at train stations<br />
to the smaller and larger relief<br />
organisations, “we“ did it. Yes, there were<br />
difficult situations and there were some<br />
poor accommodations. Nevertheless, the<br />
people that fled from misery and certain<br />
death were able to find hope again.<br />
The next task is to set into motion the<br />
integration process. Here, Austria and Germany<br />
must not only work within the present,<br />
but also rework decades of mismanaged<br />
attempts at the integration of the<br />
“Gastarbeiter“ (guest workers) who came<br />
during the ‘60s. The difficulties today can<br />
often be traced back to the failures of the<br />
past. If, for example, all children born in<br />
Austria automatically received Austrian citizenship<br />
– as it is the case in many other<br />
countries – they, as young Austrians, would<br />
be endowed with a much clearer vision of<br />
the future, rather than still being labelled as<br />
being of a “migration background“ and remaining<br />
outsiders after three generations.<br />
Next to the indispensable responsibility<br />
of our public institutions, this will also require<br />
the engagement of citizens and businesses<br />
alike. Our own example: In collaboration<br />
with the private initiative “lobby.16“,<br />
T-Mobile has been training apprentices for<br />
several years who as adolescents had fled to<br />
Austria without any other family members.<br />
A foundation course that precedes the apprenticeship<br />
(German, English, Mathematics)<br />
provides the building blocks for successfully<br />
completing the subsequent<br />
training – most of our apprentices finish at<br />
the top of their year, find work at T-Mobile<br />
and thus also have a new, fresh perspective<br />
on life. And our benefit? Committed employees<br />
that can, for example, also take advantage<br />
of their mother tongues when engaging<br />
with a segment of our customers.<br />
The ambivalent attitude of the public authorities<br />
– to put it mildly – is, unfortunately,<br />
not always helpful. People often have to<br />
wait too long to attend language courses,<br />
asylum requests take forever to be processed,<br />
which is an incredible burden on<br />
those affected by it.<br />
We frequently see young adolescents,<br />
who have settled in very well, learned the<br />
language, successfully completed schooling<br />
and found friends, receive rejections to<br />
their asylum requests, even though they are<br />
permitted to remain in the country for humanitarian<br />
reasons. This casts a large shadow<br />
over their futures, making a positive<br />
outlook on life nearly impossible.<br />
To make it clear – none of us asked for<br />
this situation. Neither the people that fled<br />
from their miseries, nor the countries where<br />
they are now hoping for a second chance.<br />
Can we do it? Can they do it?<br />
My answer is: we don’t have a choice.<br />
Let’s try to somehow turn this crisis into an<br />
opportunity.<br />
T-Mobile Austria ist eine österreichische<br />
Mobilfunkgesellschaft und 100-prozentige<br />
Tochter der Deutschen Telekom AG. Ursprünglich<br />
hieß das Unternehmen max.mobil. und<br />
wurde nach der kompletten Übernahme durch<br />
T-Mobile im Jahr 2000 schließlich im April<br />
2002 in T-Mobile Austria umbenannt. Heuer<br />
setzt das Unternehmen seinen Wachstumskurs<br />
fort. Der Gesamtumsatz stieg im 2. Quartal <strong>2017</strong><br />
im Vergleich zum Vorjahresquartal um 3 Prozent<br />
auf 215 Millionen Euro, der Umsatz des<br />
Kerngeschäfts Verbindungsgebühren (Service<br />
Revenues) wuchs im Vergleich zum selben<br />
Quartal des Vorjahres ebenfalls um 3 Prozent<br />
auf 185 Millionen Euro.<br />
T-Mobile Austria is an Austrian mobile network<br />
operator and a 100% subsidiary of Deutsche<br />
Telekom AG. The company had originally been<br />
titled max.mobil, but was renamed T-Mobile<br />
Austria in April 2002 due to T-Mobile’s full<br />
acquisition in 2000. This year, the company is<br />
continuing its growth trajectory. Total turnover<br />
increased by 3% resulting in 215 million euro in<br />
the second quarter of <strong>2017</strong> up from the same<br />
quarter in 2016. Turnover of the company’s core<br />
business activity of network charges increased<br />
also by 3% to 185 million euro in contrast with<br />
the same quarter of the previous year.<br />
t-mobile.at<br />
78 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Neues aus Österreich<br />
News from Austria<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Ehrung | Tribute<br />
Mit Nachschlagwerk geehrt | Honoured with<br />
a reference book<br />
Der frühere Bundesminister, Klubobmann und Nationalratspräsident<br />
Heinrich Neisser ehrte den langjährigen Nationalratsabgeordneten<br />
Josef „Pepi“ Höchtl und übergab ihm, anlässlich einer Feier, die<br />
gebundene Dokumentation als Nachschlagwerk seiner gesamten fast<br />
25-jährigen parlamentarischen Tätigkeit.<br />
The former Federal Minister, Parliamentary Leader and President<br />
of the National Council Heinrich Neisser honoured the long-time<br />
Parliamentary Representative Josef ‘Pepi’ Höchtl by handing him,<br />
on the occasion of a ceremony, a bound documentation of his<br />
entire nearly 25-year-long parliamentary career in the form of a<br />
reference book.<br />
Aussenwirtschaft Austria | Advantage Austria<br />
Neubesetzung | Replacement<br />
Michael Otter, Abteilungsleiter-Stellvertreter der Aussenwirtschaft<br />
Austria, wurde zum neuen Leiter ernannt. Er hat mit September <strong>2017</strong> die<br />
Nachfolge von Walter Koren angetreten, der ab Dezember als Wirtschaftsdelegierter<br />
an das AC Los Angeles wechselt (siehe auch Seite<br />
56-57). Otter absolvierte ein International Business Administration<br />
Studium an der WU Wien und war danach in Abu Dhabi, Tokio und<br />
New York sowie als Wirtschaftsdelegierter in Seoul und Tokio tätig. Seit<br />
Juli 2016 war er mit dem Aufbau des neuen Geschäftsfeldes Innovation<br />
(Innovationsagentur) befasst.<br />
Michael Otter, Deputy Head of Department at Advantage Austria, has<br />
been named the new office’s new Head. In September <strong>2017</strong>, he will<br />
succeed Walter Koren, who will become the Economic Delegate to the AC<br />
Los Angeles beginning in December (also see pages 56-57).<br />
Otter completed an International Business Administration degree at the<br />
Vienna University of Economics and Business and then worked in Abu<br />
Dhabi, Tokyo and New York as well as an Economic Delegate to Seoul and<br />
Tokyo. Since July 2016, he has been involved with the development of the<br />
new innovation business sector (innovation agency).<br />
wko.at/aussenwirtschaft<br />
Immobilien | Properties<br />
Elegant wohnen | Living elegantly<br />
Wie viele Villen gibt es aktuell im 18. und 19. Wiener Gemeindebezirk, wie viele werden<br />
jedes Jahr verkauft? Wie hat sich das Preisniveau in den letzten Jahren entwickelt und wie<br />
hoch ist das aktuelle Angebot? Antworten darauf gibt der erste „Villenreport“ der Otto<br />
Immobilien Gruppe, in dem das kleine, aber feine Segment des relevanten Villenbestandes<br />
in Währing und Döbling erstmals wissenschaftlich erhoben und analysiert wurde.<br />
How many villas are currently in Vienna’s 18th and 19th districts; how many are sold every<br />
year? How has the price level changed over the last couple of years and how high is the<br />
current offer? Answers to such questions are provided by the Otto Immobilien Group’s<br />
first Villa Report, which for the first time, scientifically inquires into and analyses the<br />
underestimated selection of villas in Währing and Döbling.<br />
otto.at<br />
Wien wählt - Nationalratswahl <strong>2017</strong><br />
Neuerscheinung | New release<br />
Zwei starke Optimisten | Two feisty optimists<br />
Österreich gilt als Land der Jammerer. Man beklagt sich, beschwert sich, und dafür gibt es mitunter oft gute<br />
Gründe. Nun stehen Flüchtlingskrise, Arbeitslosigkeit, Populismus, die neue Rechte, Zusammenbruch der<br />
tradierten Systeme in Politik, Verwaltung, Sozialpartnerschaft und das Diktat der EU-Bürokratie im Fokus.<br />
Bundespräsident a.D. Heinz Fischer (rechts) und Wirtschaftskammerpräsident Christoph Leitl legen dar,<br />
warum das Kind allzu oft mit dem Bade ausgeschüttet wird, und warum wir uns vor Augen führen müssen,<br />
was in Österreich Großes während der vergangenen Jahrzehnte nach den beiden Weltkriegen geleistet<br />
wurde – in Europa und insbesondere in Österreich.<br />
Österreich für Optimisten (Austria for optimists)<br />
ISBN: 978-3-7110-0158-0, Ecowin Verlag<br />
Austria has a reputation as a country of complainers. People gripe, they whine,<br />
and often for a good reason. Right now, motivating factors are the refugee<br />
crisis, unemployment, populism, the new right, the collapse of the traditional<br />
way of doing politics, administration, social partnerships and the control of the<br />
EU bureaucrats. Former Federal President Heinz Fischer (pictured right) and<br />
President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce Christoph Leitl outline why<br />
the baby is too often thrown out with the bathwater and why we must<br />
become aware of what incredible feats have been performed in the decades<br />
after the two World Wars – in Europe as well as in Austria.<br />
ecowin.at<br />
Bildung | Education<br />
25 Jahre Danube International School<br />
Vienna | 25 years Danube International<br />
School Vienna<br />
Über 500 Schüler aus 60 Nationen besuchen die Danube International<br />
School Vienna, die heuer ihr bereits 25jähriges Jubiläum feiert. Der<br />
Unterricht findet für alle Altersgruppen, von drei bis 18 Jahre, an Vorund<br />
Nachmittagen statt und wird von 99 Lehrern aus 29 Nationen in 20<br />
Sprachen betreut. Vor kurzem saniert, verfügt das Gebäude über eine<br />
Vielzahl an Klassenzimmern und anderen Einrichtungen, einschließlich<br />
drei Laboratorien, einem Computerraum, einer Turnhalle, einem<br />
Theatersaal, sowie einer Bibliothek.<br />
More than 500 students from 60 different countries attend the<br />
Danube International School Vienna which is celebrating its 25th<br />
anniversary this year. Classes are available for all age groups, from<br />
three to 18 years old, mornings and afternoons, and are taught in<br />
20 languages by a team of 99 teachers from 29 different<br />
countries. Recently refurbished, the building contains a variety of<br />
classrooms as well as other facilities, including three laboratories,<br />
a computer room, a gymnasium, an auditorium, and a library.<br />
danubeschool.com<br />
Am Sonntag, dem 15. Oktober <strong>2017</strong>, findet in Österreich die Nationalratswahl statt. Setzen Sie ein starkes<br />
Zeichen und entscheiden Sie mit, welche 183 Abgeordneten Ihre Interessen im Nationalrat vertreten.<br />
Wählen dürfen alle österreichischen Staatsbürgerinnen<br />
und Staatsbürger, die bis zum 15. Oktober 2001 geboren<br />
wurden und ihren Hauptwohnsitz spätestens am<br />
Stichtag der Wahl, dem 25. Juli <strong>2017</strong>, in einer österreichischen Gemeinde<br />
begründet hatten. Auslandsösterreicherinnen und Auslandsösterreicher<br />
sind wahlberechtigt, wenn sie in einer österreichischen<br />
Gemeinde in der Wählerevidenz eingetragen sind. Die in<br />
Wien in der Wählerevidenz eingetragenen Auslandsösterreicherinnen<br />
und Auslandsösterreicher wurden bereits Mitte Juli mit einem<br />
persönlichen Schreiben über ihre Wahlmöglichkeiten informiert.<br />
Wählen mit Wahlkarte. Wenn Sie am Wahltag nicht in Ihrem zuständigen<br />
Wahllokal wählen können (zum Beispiel aus gesundheitlichen<br />
Gründen oder wegen eines Aufenthalts im Ausland), haben<br />
Sie die Möglichkeit, mit einer Wahlkarte in einem beliebigen<br />
Wahlkarten-Wahllokal in ganz Österreich oder per Briefwahl im<br />
In- und Ausland Ihre Stimme abzugeben.<br />
Alle in Wien wahlberechtigten Personen können einen Wahlkartenantrag<br />
bis zum 11. Oktober <strong>2017</strong> schriftlich (z. B. online<br />
über www.wahlen.wien.at) oder bis zum 13. Oktober <strong>2017</strong>, 12 Uhr,<br />
persönlich beim Wahlreferat ihres zuständigen Magistratischen<br />
Bezirksamtes stellen.<br />
Um in Wien eine Wahlkarte zu beantragen, sind folgende Angaben<br />
unbedingt erforderlich:<br />
· Begründung, warum eine Wahlkarte benötigt wird · Familienname<br />
· Vorname · Geburtsdatum · Geburtsort · Adresse des Hauptwohnsitzes<br />
· Identitätsnachweis (z. B. Kopie eines amtlichen Lichtbildausweises<br />
oder Angabe der Reisepass-, Personalausweisbeziehungsweise<br />
Führerscheinnummer) oder Unterschrift des Antrages<br />
mit einer qualifizierten elektronischen Signatur (Bürgerkarte/<br />
Handysignatur).<br />
Eine für die Briefwahl verwendete Wahlkarte muss bis spätestens<br />
am Wahltag, dem 15. Oktober <strong>2017</strong>, 17 Uhr, per Post, per Botin<br />
beziehungsweise Boten oder durch persönliche Abgabe bei einer<br />
Bezirkswahlbehörde einlangen. Die für die Briefwahl verwendete<br />
Wahlkarte kann auch am Wahltag in jedem Wahllokal während<br />
der Öffnungszeiten der Wahllokale und in jeder Bezirkswahlbehörde<br />
bis 17 Uhr abgegeben werden.<br />
Alle Wahlinfos für Wiener Wählerinnen und Wähler:<br />
Stadtservice Wien - Stadtinformation: Telefon 00 43 1/525 50<br />
www.wahlen.wien.at<br />
80 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Special<br />
Grußworte<br />
Greetings<br />
Oberösterreich – ein Land der Möglichkeiten<br />
Upper Austria — a land of possibilities<br />
Drei Themen stehen im<br />
Mittelpunkt dieses redaktionellen<br />
Special-Teils des<br />
Cercle Diplomatique Magazins –<br />
Wirtschaft, Tourismus und Kultur.<br />
Drei Schwerpunkte, die auch das<br />
Land Oberösterreich ganz besonders<br />
auszeichnen.<br />
Rund ein Viertel aller österreichischen<br />
Exporte kommen aus<br />
dem starken Wirtschaftsbundesland<br />
Oberösterreich. Auch das<br />
Tourismusland Oberösterreich erfreut<br />
sich bei Gästen aus dem Inund<br />
Ausland immer größerer Beliebtheit.<br />
Und Oberösterreich ist<br />
ein lebendiges Kulturland, das in<br />
den unterschiedlichen Regionen<br />
unterschiedlichste Geschmäcker<br />
bedient.<br />
Ich danke dem Magazin Cercle<br />
Diplomatique für die Möglichkeit,<br />
unser Land zu präsentieren und<br />
lade alle Leser ein, sich selbst ein<br />
Bild von den vielen Möglichkeiten<br />
in Oberösterreich zu machen.<br />
Three topics are at the focus<br />
of this editorial special section<br />
of the Cercle Diplomatique<br />
magazine – business, tourism<br />
and culture. Three topics that<br />
also happen to distinguish the<br />
province of Upper Austria.<br />
Around a quarter of all Austrian<br />
exports originate from the economically<br />
strong province of Upper<br />
Austria. And as a tourist<br />
destination, Upper Austria continues<br />
to gain more and more popularity<br />
among visitors from home<br />
and abroad. Upper Austria is also<br />
a vibrant cultural hub that caters<br />
to a variety of tastes across its various<br />
regions.<br />
I would like to thank the Cercle<br />
Diplomatique magazine for the<br />
opportunity to present our province<br />
and invite all readers to get a<br />
taste of the many possibilities offered<br />
by Upper Austria.<br />
Landeshauptmann von<br />
Oberösterreich<br />
Governor of Upper<br />
Austria<br />
Der Jurist studierte an der<br />
Johannes Kepler Universität<br />
Linz. Er war von Oktober<br />
2015 bis Anfang April <strong>2017</strong><br />
Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreter.<br />
Seit dem 6. April <strong>2017</strong> ist er<br />
Landeshauptmann von<br />
Oberösterreich.<br />
Thomas Stelzer studied Law<br />
at the Johannes Kepler<br />
University Linz. He was<br />
Deputy Governor between<br />
October 2015 and early April<br />
<strong>2017</strong>. Since 6 April <strong>2017</strong>, he is<br />
the new incumbent Governor<br />
of Upper Austria.<br />
Business Class<br />
Auf Langstrecken in der myAustrian Business Class bereitet der Flying Chef<br />
mein Gourmet-Menü persönlich zu. Besser als jeder Restaurantbesuch!<br />
the charming way to fly<br />
Ihr | Yours sincerely,<br />
Thomas Stelzer<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong> 83
Linz dreht auf<br />
Linz turns it up<br />
Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
Markus Poschner, neuer<br />
Chefdirigent Bruckner Orchester<br />
Linz /new chief conductor<br />
Bruckner Orchester Linz<br />
Ars Electronica Center<br />
Ars Electronica, Klangwolke, Brucknerfest und eine große Valie Export Ausstellung –<br />
Linz zündet im Herbst ein Feuerwerk an hochkarätigen Kulturevents.<br />
Ars Electronica, Klangwolke, the Brucknerfestival and a great Valie Export exhibition –<br />
this autumn, Linz is firing up the big guns for top-notch culture events.<br />
Wenn im Labor erzeugte neuronale Zellen<br />
musikalische Klänge generieren („cellF“<br />
von Guy Ben-Ary) oder zwei Roboter gemeinsam<br />
ein Netz in einem Raum spinnen („MoR-<br />
FES_02“ von Maria Yablonina), dann kann es sich nur<br />
um Medienkunst des Ars Electronica Festivals handeln,<br />
das auch <strong>2017</strong> die Oberösterreichische Landeshauptstadt<br />
zum Nabel der digitalen Avantgarde der<br />
Welt macht. „Artificial Intelligence – Das Andere Ich“<br />
steht im September als Klammer über der diesjährigen<br />
Ausgabe des Festivals, das auf einem dichten Parcours<br />
von Installationen, Performances und Symposien<br />
das komplexe Verhältnis zwischen menschlicher<br />
und künstlicher Intelligenz auslotet.<br />
Auf eine akustische Reise über die Weltmeere<br />
entführt die Linzer Klangwolke am 9.9 unter dem<br />
Titel „Moby Dick“ – frei nach Hermann Melville, basierend<br />
auf einem Werk des Komponisten Stephen<br />
Melillo. Das Feuerwerk ist dieses Jahr inhaltlicher<br />
Bestandteil der Inszenierung – man darf gespannt<br />
sein! Ab dem 16.9. vertieft sich dann das Brucknerorchester<br />
– erstmals unter seinem neuen Chefdirigenten<br />
Markus Poschner - und eine ganze Reihe<br />
hochkarätiger Gäste, von Valery Gergiev und seinen<br />
Münchner Philharmonikern bis zur schillernden<br />
Songwriterin Tori Amos, beim internationalen<br />
Brucknerfest <strong>2017</strong> in den Klangkosmos des oberösterreichischen<br />
Komponisten Anton Bruckner.<br />
Die Eröffnung des Valie Export Centers in der Tabakfabrik<br />
Linz als internationales Forschungszentrum<br />
für Medien- und Performancekunst folgt als<br />
weiterer Höhepunkt des Linzer Kulturherbstes im<br />
November. Parallel dazu zeigt das Lentos Kunstmuseum<br />
die Ausstellung „Valie Export - Das Archiv als<br />
Ort künstlerischer Forschung“, die anhand einer Fülle<br />
von Dokumenten, Skizzen und Entwürfen der bedeutenden,<br />
in Linz gebürtigen Medienkünstlerin,<br />
den Weg von der Ideenfindung bis zur Ausformulierung<br />
eines Werkes greifbar macht.<br />
When synthetic neural cells generate musical<br />
tunes (‘cellF’ by Guy Ben-Ary) or two<br />
robots spin a web inside a room (‘MoR-<br />
FES_02’ by Maria Yablonina), then we must be talking<br />
about the media art of the Ars Electronica festival<br />
that is set to transform the Upper Austrian<br />
provincial capital of Linz into the world’s centre for<br />
digital avant-garde in <strong>2017</strong>. ‘Artificial Intelligence –<br />
the Other I’ is the title of this year’s edition taking<br />
Voest Alpine Stahlwelt<br />
place in September and explores the complex relationship<br />
between humanity and artificial intelligence<br />
through a dense web of installations, performance<br />
and symposia.<br />
The Linzer Klangwolke, on the other hand, invites<br />
you on an acoustic journey through the world’s oceans<br />
on 09/09 under the title ‘Moby Dick’ – inspired<br />
by the work of Herman Melville, based on a piece by<br />
composer Stephen Melillo. This year, fireworks are<br />
an essential component of the show – time to get excited!<br />
Starting on 16/09, the Bruckner Orchester, for<br />
the first time under the new Chief Conductor Markus<br />
Poschner, as well as a series of top-class guests,<br />
from Valery Gergiev and his Munich Philharmonic<br />
all the way to the dazzling song writer Toris Amos,<br />
unite to explore the auditory world of the Upper<br />
Austrian composer Anton Bruckner at the International<br />
Brucknerfestival <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
The opening of the Valie Export Centre at the Tabakfabrik<br />
Linz as an international research centre for<br />
media and performance art is an additional highlight<br />
in the Linz culture autumn this November. At the same<br />
time, the Lentos Art Museum is displaying the exhibition<br />
‘Valie Export — The Archive as a Place for Artistic<br />
Research’, which, by way of a variety of documents,<br />
sketches and designs by Linz’s most significant media<br />
artists, make the path from the original idea to the final<br />
implementation of a piece more accessible.<br />
Lentos Kunstmuseum<br />
Ars Electronica<br />
Festival für Kunst, Technologie und<br />
Gesellschaft / Festival for Art,<br />
Technology and Society<br />
Postcity Linz, 7.9. - 11.9 <strong>2017</strong><br />
aec.at<br />
Offenes Kulturhaus<br />
Oberösterreich OK<br />
CyberArts <strong>2017</strong> – Prix Ars<br />
Electronica Exhibition<br />
7.9. - 17. 9. <strong>2017</strong><br />
ok-centrum.at<br />
Klangwolke <strong>2017</strong><br />
Donaupark Linz, 9.9.<strong>2017</strong><br />
klangwolke.at<br />
Internationales<br />
Brucknerfest <strong>2017</strong><br />
16.09. - 13.10.<strong>2017</strong><br />
brucknerhaus.at<br />
Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz<br />
Valie Export – Das Archiv als Ort<br />
künstlerischer Forschung<br />
Valie Export – The Archive as a<br />
Place for Artistic Research<br />
10.11.<strong>2017</strong> - 28.1.2018<br />
lentos.at<br />
Valie Export Center Linz<br />
valieexportcenter.at<br />
Museum Angerlehner<br />
museum-angerlehner.at<br />
Voest Alpine Stahlwelt<br />
voestalpine.com/stahlwelt<br />
Oben: Die Klangwolke legt sich am 9. September über Linz. Top: The sound cloud will arrive at Linz on the 9th of September.<br />
Darunter / Below: Ars Electronica Festival <strong>2017</strong>: Turnton Docklands, Time’s Up (A). *Explored*, Candaş Şişman/NOHlab/Plato Media Lab (TR). Bodyscape, Behnaz Farahi (US/IR).<br />
Big Concert Night, Ars Electronica AIDJProject, Opening <strong>2017</strong> Valie Export Center<br />
84 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Fine hotels<br />
Mit einer Prise Salz<br />
With a pinch of salt<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
<strong>CERCLE</strong><br />
<strong>DIPLOMATIQUE</strong><br />
selected by<br />
can also be found in these exclusive hotels:<br />
Im Salzkammergut findet man einzigartige Seen und Berge.<br />
Der Salzabbau hat einst die Region weit über die Grenzen<br />
hinaus bekannt gemacht. Heute sind Hallstatt und Bad Ischl<br />
beliebte Tourismusorte Oberösterreichs.<br />
With unique lakes and mountains, Salzkammergut is included<br />
in Austria’s holiday regions. In the past, the region used<br />
to receive a lot of attention from far beyond its borders for its<br />
salt mining industry. Today, Hallstatt and Bad Ischl are<br />
popular tourist destinations in Upper Austria.<br />
Von hier gelangte das oberhalb des Ortes abgebaute<br />
Salz auf damals mühevollen Wegen bis<br />
an die Ostsee und in den Mittelmeerraum:<br />
Hallstatt, das Wort „Hall“ ist ein altertümlicher Ausdruck<br />
für Salz, war für Europa so bedeutend, dass<br />
man eine ganze Epoche, die Zeit von ca. 1.000 bis 500<br />
v. Chr., danach benannt hat – die Hallstattzeit. Mit<br />
dem Auftreten der Habsburger lässt sich der Hallstätter<br />
Salzbergbau ab 1282 dokumentarisch nachweisen<br />
Auch heute noch gehört das Salzbergwerk zu den<br />
wichtigsten Attraktionen des Ortes. Durch das Zusammenspiel<br />
von alter Kultur und atemberaubender<br />
Natur wurde vor genau 20 Jahren die Region Hallstatt<br />
Dachstein/ Salzkammergut von der UNESCO zum<br />
Weltkultur- und Weltnaturerbe erklärt.<br />
Des Kaisers liebster Ferienort<br />
Die Familie Habsburg hat aber noch einen weiteren<br />
Ort im Salzkammergut, nämlich Bad Ischl, geprägt.<br />
Hier wurde in der Biedermeierzeit der Grundstein<br />
für den Tourismus gelegt, das zweite<br />
wirtschaftliche Standbein der Region. Zusammen<br />
mit Ehefrau Elisabeth („Sisi“) war Kaiser Franz Joseph<br />
I. dann auch der treueste Gast des rasant aufstrebenden<br />
Kurortes. 83 Sommer seiner insgesamt<br />
86 Lebensjahre verbrachte er im Salzkammergut.<br />
Dafür wurde sogar der offizielle Regierungssitz nach<br />
Bad Ischl verlegt. Von der Kaiservilla aus, die bis<br />
heute im Originalzustand erhalten ist, frönte er seinem<br />
liebsten Hobby, der Jagd nach Gämsen, Rehen<br />
und Hirschen, die er in Mengen erlegte und deren<br />
Geweihe noch heute dichtgedrängt die Wände der<br />
Kaiservilla schmücken.<br />
Kreative Inspirationsquelle<br />
Mit dem Kaiserhof kamen in den Sommermonaten<br />
auch viele berühmte Künstler aus Wien nach<br />
Ischl, das alle inspirierte: Musiker wie Johann Strauß<br />
und Franz Lehar und Dichter, wie Nikolaus Lenau<br />
und Adalbert Stifter, der hier zum Landschaftsliteraten<br />
von Weltrang wurde. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller<br />
entwickelte die neue Landschaftsmalerei des<br />
Biedermeier. Und der legendäre Forscher Friedrich<br />
Simony legte im Inneren Salzkammergut den<br />
Grundstein für seine Hochgebirgs- und Eiszeitforschung,<br />
die seinen Namen bis heute eng mit dem<br />
Dachstein verbindet. Sie alle festigten den Ruf des<br />
Salzkammergutes als idealen Ort.<br />
From here, the salt that was mined in the area<br />
above the town made its way to the Baltic Sea<br />
and to the Mediterranean area via painstaking<br />
routes: Hallstatt. The word ‘Hall’ is an ancient way of<br />
saying salt in German, which was such an important<br />
commodity in Europe at the time that the entire period<br />
from approximately 1000 to 500 BC was named<br />
after it – the Hallstatt period. Salt mining was first<br />
documented in Hallstatt beginning in 1282 with the<br />
arrival of the Habsburg family in Salzkammergut.<br />
And salt, also known as ‘white gold’, seems to have<br />
outlasted everything else: To this day, the salt mine is<br />
among the town’s most important attractions. As a<br />
result of the interplay between culture and the breathtaking<br />
natural landscape, the Hallstatt Dachstein/<br />
Salzkammergut region was declared a UNESCO<br />
World Heritage Site exactly 20 years ago.<br />
The Kaiser’s favourite holiday destination<br />
The Habsburg family has influenced another<br />
town in Salzkammergut, namely Bad Ischl. This is<br />
where, during the Biedermeier period, the foundation<br />
was built for tourism, the region’s second economic<br />
corner stone. Together with his wife Elisabeth,<br />
known as Sisi, Franz Joseph I of Austria became the<br />
emerging wellness destination’s most loyal visitor.<br />
Throughout his 86 years of life, he spent 83 summers<br />
in Salzkammergut. This even resulted in the official<br />
seat of government being relocated to Bad Ischl.<br />
From the Imperial villa, which is still preserved in its<br />
original state, he would practice his favourite hobby,<br />
hunting chamois and deer, of which he slew many<br />
and whose densely packed antlers still decorate the<br />
walls of the imperial villa to this day.<br />
Creative source of inspiration<br />
The Imperial court saw many famous artists from<br />
Vienna come to Bad Ischl during summer, perhaps<br />
to seek inspiration: Musicians like Johann Strauß<br />
and Franz Lehar and poets such as Nikolaus Lenau as<br />
well as Adalbert Stifter, who became world-famous<br />
for his countryside and landscape poetry. Ferdinand<br />
George Waldmüller came here and developed the<br />
Biedermeier style of painting landscapes. And the<br />
legendary researcher Friedrich Simony came to the<br />
Salzkammergut to lay the foundation for his alpine<br />
and ice age research, which still links his name to<br />
Dachstein. Together, they all contributed to the Salzkammergut<br />
region gaining a reputation as the ideal<br />
place to enjoy a splendid summer.<br />
General Manager<br />
Gerhard E. Mitrovits<br />
Palais Hansen Kempinski Vienna<br />
Schottenring 24<br />
1010 Vienna<br />
T. +43 1 236 1000-0<br />
kempinski.com/vienna<br />
These selected hotels offer<br />
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School Renaissance Hotel Vienna ● Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol ● Kitzbühel Country Club ● Hotel Kitzhof<br />
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Vienna ● Palais Coburg ● Palais Hansen Kempinski Vienna ● Austria Trend Hotel Park Royal Palace<br />
Vienna ● Austria Trend Parkhotel Schönbrunn ● The Ritz-Carlton Vienna ● Sacher Salzburg ● Sacher<br />
Wien ● Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen Vienna ● Schloss Fuschl, A Luxury Collection Resort & SPA ●<br />
Romantik Hotel Schloss Pichlarn ● St. Martins Therme & Lodge ● The Guesthouse Vienna ● Austria<br />
Trend Hotel Schloss Lebenberg ● The Ring, Vienna‘s Casual Luxury Hotel ● Hotel Topazz ● Sofitel Vienna<br />
Stephansdom ● Stanglwirt ● Vienna Marriott Hotel ● Vila Vita Pannonia<br />
Oben: Hallstatt ist einer der bekanntesten Orte in der Salzkammergut Region.<br />
Top: Hallstatt is one of the most well known places in the Salzkammergut region.<br />
Darunter: Prähistorische Funde aus der Hallstattzeit; im Berginneren des Hallstätter Salzberges<br />
(links); Die Kaiservilla in Bad Ischl (rechts)<br />
Below: Prehistoric finds from the Hallstatt period; Deep inside the salt mountains in Hallstatt; The<br />
Imperial villa in Bad Ischl (right).<br />
INFO:<br />
hallstatt.net<br />
badischl.salzkammergut.at<br />
oberoesterreich.at<br />
Would you like to belong to these exclusive hotels?<br />
If so, please contact us!<br />
office@firstclassmedia.at<br />
86 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Es bleibt in der Familie<br />
It runs in the family<br />
Expansion - wie hier abgebildet<br />
in die Schweiz - ist in diesem<br />
Unternehmen ein Must. In this<br />
company, expansion – like<br />
pictured here, to Switzerland – is<br />
a must.<br />
Jedes zweite Großunternehmen in Oberösterreich<br />
befindet sich in Familienbesitz.<br />
Darunter sind einstige Kleinunternehmen<br />
zu finden, die heute als Big Player<br />
international groß im Geschäft sind.<br />
Every second large enterprise in Upper<br />
Austria is family-owned. Among<br />
them, you will find many former<br />
small businesses that are major<br />
international players today and<br />
deal in big business.<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Der erst 21-jährige Franz Mitterbauer übernimmt<br />
im Jahr 1927 die Schlosserwerkstatt<br />
seines Lehrherren in Laakirchen und baut<br />
sie zur Reparaturwerkstatt aus. 1935 hat er bereits<br />
fünf Mitarbeiter. 14 Jahre später kommt dann der<br />
Durchbruch: Nach unzähligen Versuchen und mühevollem<br />
Einsatz beherrschte der Betrieb die Herstellung<br />
konkurrenzfähiger Bleibronze-Gleitlager.<br />
Die industrielle Produktion beginnt.<br />
Nach dem Krieg startet er mit der Produktion<br />
konkurrenzfähiger Gleitlager, kurz darauf auch mit<br />
deren Export. Heute ist die Miba führender Zulieferer<br />
der internationalen Motoren- und Fahrzeugindustrie<br />
und beschäftigt 5.000 Mitarbeiter an 22<br />
Standorten. Geführt wird sie mittlerweile vom Enkel<br />
des Firmengründers, Franz-Peter Mitterbauer, unter<br />
dessen Führung bis 2020 hehre Ziele angestrebt werden:<br />
einerseits ein profitables Wachstum auf über 1<br />
Mrd. Euro, andererseits die globale Nummer 1 in<br />
den betreffenden Marktsegmenten zu werden. Kein<br />
Wunder also, dass die Business-Strategie die Bezeichnung<br />
„Dynamic Evolution“ quasi als Motto<br />
trägt.<br />
Gegründet 1964, ist das<br />
Unternehmen mit Designer<br />
Arthur Arbesser am Puls der Zeit.<br />
Keeping the pace: The company,<br />
founded in 1964, hired the trendy<br />
designer Arthur Arbesser.<br />
Titan als Werkstoff<br />
Neun von zehn Unternehmen in Österreich sind<br />
Familienbetriebe. Ohne Berücksichtigung von EPUs,<br />
den Ein-Personen-Unternehmen, sind immer noch<br />
mehr als 50 Prozent der Betriebe Familienunternehmen<br />
für 60 Prozent der Umsätze verantwortlich.<br />
In Sachen Erfolg hat Oberösterreich mehrere herausragende<br />
Beispiele zu bieten - wie Backaldrin, die<br />
für den Kornspitz bekannt geworden sind. Oder Silhouette,<br />
die mit der leichtesten Brille der Welt den<br />
Markt, der die Nasen ziert, revolutioniert haben.<br />
Durch den Einsatz neuester Materialien kommen<br />
stets neue Produkte auf den Markt. Ein Schwerpunkt<br />
liegt in der Anfertigung hochpreisiger, größtenteils<br />
unter Verwendung von Titan, handgefertigter, randloser<br />
Brillenfassungen.<br />
Erst kürzlich hat sich das Unternehmen, das von<br />
Anneliese und Arnold Schmied gegründet wurde,<br />
mit dem angesagten Designer Arthur Arbesser neuen<br />
kreativen Wind in die Zentrale nach Linz geholt.<br />
Selten war Brillenmode, die seit 1964 mit Tradition<br />
dort gefertigt wird, cooler und bunter.<br />
Expansion als Stärke<br />
Richard Seifert und seine Frau Gertrude (geborene<br />
Lutz) gründeten bereits 1945 die XXXLutz KG in<br />
88 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
International<br />
erfolgreich in<br />
Oberösterreich<br />
Internationally<br />
succesful in<br />
Upper Austria<br />
Backaldrin<br />
backaldrin.com<br />
voestalpine AG<br />
voestalpine.com<br />
BMW Motoren GmbH<br />
bmw-werk-steyr.at<br />
Swietelsky Bau<br />
swietelsky.com<br />
Lenzing AG<br />
lenzing.com<br />
Kreuzmayr Gruppe<br />
kreuzmayr.at<br />
Engel Austria GmbH<br />
engelglobal.com<br />
KTM Industries AG<br />
ktm.com<br />
MAN Truck & Bus GmbH<br />
truck.man.eu<br />
HABAU GmbH<br />
habau.at<br />
Vivatis Holding AG<br />
vivatis.at<br />
Berglandmilch eGen<br />
berglandmilch.at<br />
Doppler GmbH<br />
doppler.at<br />
delfortgroup AG<br />
delfortgroup.com<br />
Brau Union Österreich AG<br />
brauunion.at<br />
Polytec Holding AG<br />
polytec-group.com<br />
FACC AG<br />
facc.com<br />
Bernecker & Rainer GmbH<br />
br-automation.com<br />
Felbermayr Holding GmbH<br />
felbermayr.cc<br />
Plasser & Theurer GmbH<br />
plassertheurer.com<br />
BWT AG<br />
bwt.at<br />
Das Unternehmen gehört zu den weltweit größten Verarbeitern von Kunst- und Schaumstoff. The company is among the largest<br />
production sites of synthetic substance and foam material worldwide.<br />
Haag am Hausruck. Das Unternehmen betreibt seit<br />
1973 eine anhaltende Expansionspolitik. Nun ist die<br />
Schweiz dran: Das Möbelhaus wird ab Frühjahr 2018<br />
eine umfassende Auswahl im Bereich Wohnkultur<br />
im stilhaus in Rothrist im Kanton Aargau präsentieren,<br />
vor allem hochwertige Design- und Markenmöbel<br />
und ein sehr großes Angebot an Wohn-Accessoires<br />
auf gleich drei Stockwerken.<br />
Die XXXLutz-Gruppe unter der heutigen Führung<br />
von Andreas und Richard Seifert ist mit dem<br />
bevorstehenden Markteintritt in der Schweiz bereits<br />
in 10 europäischen Ländern vertreten. Derzeit werden<br />
246 Einrichtungshäuser mit insgesamt 21.500<br />
Mitarbeitern bei einem Gruppenumsatz von rund<br />
vier Mrd. Euro betrieben. 2010 bot das Unternehmen<br />
sogar dem blau-gelben Möbel-Platzhirschen<br />
die Stirn und eröffnete im Heimatland von Ikea den<br />
ersten Standort in Malmö.<br />
Produkte für den Alltag<br />
Auch wenn man sie auf den ersten Blick nicht<br />
gleich erkennt: Produkte aus dem Hause Greiner<br />
sind aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken –<br />
ob bei Joghurtbechern, der Hutablage im Auto oder<br />
der Schaumstoffmatratze. Die Unternehmen der<br />
Greiner Holding AG mit Sitz in Kremsmünster erzeugen<br />
Verpackungen aus Kunststoff für den Foodund<br />
Nonfood-Bereich, zählen zu den weltweit führenden<br />
Unternehmen in den Bereichen Life Science<br />
und Diagnostik und stellen Schaumstoffe für die<br />
unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsgebiete her.<br />
Nun hat man sich auch für den Healthcare-Bereich<br />
etwas einfallen lassen: Mit der Einführung einer<br />
weltweit neuen digitalen Systemlösung von Greiner<br />
eHealth Technology (GeT) soll nun am Pilotspital<br />
Steyr der gesamte Blutabnahmeprozess optimiert<br />
werden. Die Systemlösungen ermöglichen eine digitale<br />
Abarbeitung und Dokumentation, da ab sofort<br />
alle Probenröhrchen mit einem Barcode versehen<br />
sind. Das bisher weltweit gängige manuelle Etikettieren<br />
der Röhrchen sowie weitere administrative Prozessschritte<br />
durch das Pflegepersonal sollen demnach<br />
der Vergangenheit angehören – was<br />
Verwechslungen in Zukunft ausschließen, dafür<br />
100-prozentige Nachverfolgbarkeit sowie Transparenz<br />
garantiert soll.<br />
Ein Panther für Florianijünger<br />
Wer in Wien-Schwechat bei der Feuerwehr<br />
Dienst tut, arbeitet bald noch besser ausgestattet:<br />
Denn der größte Flughafen Österreichs tauscht seine<br />
komplette Flotte aus und betreibt in Zukunft nur<br />
mehr Rosenbauer Fahrzeuge am Flugfeld – neben<br />
einer Rettungstreppe, die bereits im Einsatz ist, werden<br />
bis Jahresende zwei sogenannte Panther zum<br />
Einsatz kommen, mit denen die Flughafenfeuerwehr<br />
auch öffentliche Straßen und das zum Einsatzbereich<br />
gehörende Augebiet befahren kann. Im kommenden<br />
Jahr werden sich dann vier neue rote „Wildkatzen“<br />
hinzugesellen– damit wird der Flughafen Wien über<br />
die weltweit modernste Flotte an Flughafenlöschund<br />
Rettungsfahrzeugen verfügen.<br />
Das Unternehmen aus Leonding macht zwar nur<br />
weniger als 10% seines Umsatzes mit Feuerwehren<br />
in Österreich, weltweit betrachtet schwören jedoch<br />
viele Staaten auf die Rosenbauer Produkte. Nicht selten<br />
begegnet man daher auch Einsatzfahrzeugen in<br />
den USA. Begonnen hat alles im Jahr 1866, in dem<br />
Johann Rosenbauer das erste oberösterreichische<br />
Feuerwehr-Ausrüstungsgeschäft in Linz gründete.<br />
Neben Hanfschläuchen, Handdruckspritzen verschiedener<br />
Hersteller, Helmen und Knöpfen wurden<br />
damals auch Fecht-, Sport- und Spielgeräte verkauft.<br />
Das erste Feuerwehrfahrzeug wurde übrigens bereits<br />
1918 gebaut. Heute ist Rosenbauer seit vielen Jahren<br />
der weltweit führende Hersteller für Feuerwehrtechnik<br />
im abwehrenden Brand- und Katastrophenschutz.<br />
Allen Unternehmen ist eines gemeinsam – sie haben<br />
oft viele Jahrzehnte, im Fall von Rosenbauer<br />
ganze Jahrhunderte, überdauert, Moden überstanden,<br />
eigene kreiert und sich den kommenden Herausforderungen<br />
angepasst und passend agiert. Daher<br />
trifft der viel zitierte Sager: „Die erste Generation<br />
baut es auf, die nächste erhält es und die dritte zerstört<br />
es“ bei zahlreichen Unternehmen in Familienhand<br />
in Oberösterreich glücklicherweise nicht zu.<br />
Möge daher der Wappenspruch der Familie Starhemberg<br />
als Motto gelten: „Non nobis, sed posteris “<br />
– „Nicht für uns, aber für unsere Nachkommen“, und<br />
mit aller gemeinsamen Kraft der Familie.<br />
In 1927, 21-year-old Franz Mitterbauer took over<br />
his tutor’s locksmith’s workshop in Laankirchen<br />
and reconstructed it into a repair workshop. By<br />
1935, he already had five employees. 14 years later<br />
came the breakthrough. After the war, he began the<br />
production of competitively priced bearings, exports<br />
followed soon after. Today, Miba is the leading supplier<br />
of the international motor and vehicle industry<br />
and employs 5000 people at 22 different locations.<br />
The company is now run by its founder’s grandson,<br />
Franz-Peter Mitterbauer, under whose leadership<br />
even more ambitious goals are planned for 2020: on<br />
the one hand, a profitable growth of over 1 billion<br />
euro, and on the other hand, to become the global<br />
number 1 in the relevant market segments. So, it<br />
should come as no surprise that their business strategy<br />
basically operates under the motto ‘Dynamic<br />
Evolution’.<br />
Titanium as raw material<br />
Nine out of ten companies in Austria are familyowned.<br />
Without consideration for individual entrepreneurs,<br />
50 percent of family-owned businesses are<br />
responsible for 60 percent of total turnover.<br />
When it comes to success, Upper Austria can list<br />
several excellent examples – like the company<br />
Backaldrin which became famous for its product<br />
MIBA<br />
Der internationale Spezialist für Gleitlager und andere Teile für die Fahrzeugindustrie.<br />
The specialist for slide bearings and other parts needed in the automative industry.<br />
called “Kornspitz“. Or like Silhouette, for example,<br />
has revolutionised the market with the lightest glasses<br />
in the world. As a result of the extremely high<br />
standards during manufacturing, as well as the use of<br />
new materials, there is a constant influx of new products<br />
to the market. One emphasis lies on the production<br />
of high-priced, largely titanium-based,<br />
hand-made rimless eyewear frames.<br />
Just recently, the company, founded by Anneliese<br />
and Arnold Schmied, embarked on a new creative<br />
direction at the headquarters in Linz by announcing<br />
collaboration with the hip designer Arthur Arbesser.<br />
Eyewear fashion, crafted in Linz with passion and<br />
tradition since 1964, has never been this cool and colourful.<br />
Expansion as strength<br />
Richard Seifert and his wife Gertrude (née Lutz)<br />
founded XXXLutz KG in Haag am Hausruck in<br />
1945. Since 1973, the company has been engaged in<br />
a continuous policy of expansion. And now it’s<br />
Switzerland’s turn: Beginning in spring 2018, the<br />
furniture chain will present an extensive new selection<br />
under the banner ‘Residential Culture’ at the<br />
stilhaus in Rothrist in the canton of Aargau. The focus<br />
will be on high-quality designer and brand furniture<br />
pieces and a very large collection of residential<br />
accessories, spread across three floors.<br />
With the upcoming market launch in Switzerland,<br />
the XXXLutz Group, led today by Andreas and<br />
90 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
ist der weltweit führende<br />
Hersteller von Feuerwehrtechnik.<br />
is the worldwide leader in the<br />
area of firefighting<br />
technology.<br />
EXPORT-<br />
ERFOLG<br />
INFO:<br />
miba.com<br />
silhouette.com<br />
xxxlutz.at<br />
greiner.at<br />
rosenbauer.com<br />
Richard Seifert, is already represented in 10 European<br />
countries. Currently, the group operates 246<br />
furniture stores with a total of 21,500 employees and<br />
a turnover of around four billion euro. In 2010, the<br />
company even defied the Swedish furniture giant<br />
and opened its first location in Ikea’s home country,<br />
in the city of Malmö.<br />
Products for everyday life<br />
Even if you may not recognise them at first, we<br />
can’t imagine our lives without Greiner products<br />
anymore — whether yoghourt cups, parcel shelves in<br />
cars or foam mattresses. The company Greiner Holding<br />
AG, headquartered in Kremsmünster, produces<br />
synthetic packaging for the food and non-food sectors<br />
and are considered among the globally leading<br />
enterprises in the areas of life science and diagnostics<br />
and make synthetic materials for various areas of application.<br />
And now there are also some new ideas for the<br />
healthcare sector: With the introduction of a completely<br />
new digital system solution by Greiner<br />
eHealth Technology (GeT), the Pilotspital Steyr pilot<br />
hospital will optimise the entire process of drawing<br />
blood. The system solution will allow for digital processing<br />
and documentation, as all test tubes will now<br />
be equipped with barcodes. The manual labelling of<br />
the tubes, as well as additional administrative steps<br />
carried out by the care personnel, will thus be a thing<br />
of the past. This will prevent mix-ups and instead<br />
guarantee traceability, as well as transparency, in the<br />
future.<br />
A panther for the fire brigade<br />
Those performing firefighting services at the Vienna<br />
International Airport will soon be much better<br />
equipped, because Austria’s biggest airport is replacing<br />
its entire fleet and will be operating more Rosenbauer<br />
vehicles in the future. Next to rescue stairs,<br />
which are already operational, two so-called Panthers<br />
will also be added, which the airport firefighters<br />
can use to navigate public roads, as well as the<br />
Augebiet region, which also belongs to the deployment<br />
area. The new year will then see the addition of<br />
four new ‘wild cats’, and as a result the Vienna International<br />
Airport will have the most state-of-the-art<br />
fleet of airport firefighting and rescue vehicles in the<br />
world.<br />
Although the enterprise from Leonding only receives<br />
less than 10% of its turnover from fire departments<br />
in Austria, globally, many states count on<br />
Rosenbauer’s products. That’s why you might encounter<br />
one of their vehicles in the USA from time to<br />
time. It all began in the year 1866 when Johann Rosenbauer<br />
founded the first Upper Austrian firefighting<br />
equipment business in Linz. Next to hemp hoses,<br />
hand pumps from various manufacturers,<br />
helmets and buttons, he also sold fencing and sports<br />
equipment as well as toys. The first firefighting vehicle<br />
was, incidentally, already built in 1918. Rosenbauer<br />
has been the worldwide leading manufacturer<br />
of firefighting technologies for fire and civil protection<br />
for many years.<br />
All these companies share one thing in common:<br />
They have survived for many decades — or in the<br />
case of Rosenbauer, centuries. They survived changing<br />
trends, created their own, and adjusted to challenges<br />
and navigated them swiftly. And hence the<br />
popular expression ‘the first generation makes it, the<br />
second generation spends it, and the third generation<br />
blows it’ doesn’t apply to the countless familyowned<br />
businesses in Upper Austria. And let’s hope<br />
that the motto of the coat of arms of the Starhemberg<br />
family prevails: ‘Non nobis, sed posteris’ — not for<br />
us, but for our descendants, and with the joint<br />
strength of the family.<br />
Mit Köpfchen und Qualität erzeugt die OÖ. Industrie Produkte und<br />
Dienstleistungen, die weltweit gefragt sind. Diese internationalen Erfolge<br />
sichern unsere Arbeitsplätze, ermöglichen ein höheres Einkommen und<br />
bringen dem Staat Steuereinnahmen in Rekordhöhe.<br />
www.wirerzeugenzukunft.at<br />
92 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Cecilia Baldivieso de Witzany<br />
„Neben einem Dach über dem Kopf und Essen, brauchen Kinder Bildung.“<br />
”Next to a roof and food, it’s important to provide children with education.”<br />
Kornspitz for a Kingdom<br />
Die Doyenne der Honorarkonsuln in Oberösterreich über zwei Heimaten und ihr Hilfsprojekt.<br />
The doyenne of the Honorary Consuls in Upper Austria about two homes and her aid project.<br />
Cecilia Baldivieso de Witzany ist<br />
gebürtige Bolivianerin und<br />
absolvierte eine Hotelfachschule in<br />
Madrid. Sie arbeitet in einem Linzer<br />
Reisebüro, lehrt seit 25 Jahren<br />
Spanisch am WIFI und ist Honorarkonsulin<br />
für Bolivien in Oberösterreich.<br />
Seit Anfang 2013 ist sie auch<br />
die Doyenne der Honorarkonsuln in<br />
Oberösterreich. Sie ist verheiratet<br />
und Mutter einer erwachsenen<br />
Tochter.<br />
Cecilia Baldivieso de Witzany was<br />
born in Bolivia and graduated from a<br />
hotel management school in Madrid.<br />
She worked at a travel agency in Linz,<br />
has been teaching Spanish at the<br />
WIFI and is an Honorary Consul for<br />
Bolivia in Upper Austria. Since early<br />
2013, she has also been the doyenne<br />
of the Honorary Consulate in Upper<br />
Austria. She is married and is the<br />
mother of an adult daughter.<br />
alalay.at<br />
Welche glücklichen Umstände brachten Sie nach<br />
Österreich?<br />
Als ich in jungen Jahren Au-pair-Mädchen in Paris war,<br />
traf ich Doris aus Oberösterreich, die heute eine liebe<br />
Freundin von mir ist. Sie lud mich zu sich nach Hause<br />
ein, nach Gallneukirchen, nahe Linz. Doris brachte mir<br />
auch gleich in Frankreich den Wolfgang Ambros-Hit<br />
„Schifoan“ bei und meinte: „Den werden wir<br />
zusammen in Österreich singen!“ Aus den zwei<br />
Wochen sind schließlich 33 Jahre geworden (lacht).<br />
Was schätzen Sie an Österreich besonders?<br />
Ich bin von den Traditionen dieses Landes sehr<br />
begeistert. Und natürlich auch von den Menschen,<br />
auch wenn es manchmal so scheint, als würden sie<br />
vorerst auf Distanz gehen. Ich mag die vier<br />
Jahreszeiten, auch wenn sie zeigen wie schnell die Zeit<br />
vergeht. Und ich liebe die Vielfalt der Musik in diesem<br />
Land.<br />
Sie unterstützen, gemeinsam mit Ihrem Mann<br />
Walter, seit 1995 ein Kinderhilfsprojekt in Ihrem<br />
Heimatland Bolivien. Wie hilft „Alalay“ vor Ort<br />
im Detail?<br />
Straßenkinder haben auch ein Recht auf ein würdiges<br />
Leben. Neben einem Dach über dem Kopf und Essen<br />
ist es aber auch wichtig, Ihnen den Zugang zu Bildung<br />
und Ausbildung zu ermöglichen. 1995 stellte die Stadt<br />
La Paz ein Haus für die Straßenkinder zehn Jahre lang<br />
gratis zur Verfügung. Im selben Jahr knüpften mein<br />
Mann Walter und ich erste Kontakte zu Alalay. Bei<br />
einem verregneten Musik-Openair in Grünau im<br />
Almtal, das Walter moderierte, wurde dann schließlich<br />
der Grundstein für die Hilfsachse Österreich-Bolivien<br />
gelegt. Mittlerweile haben viele geholfen und uns<br />
auch mit Patenschaften unterstützt. Wir haben Kinderdörfer<br />
gebaut und Ausbildungen ermöglicht.<br />
Vermissen Sie Bolivien?<br />
Ich habe nur die ersten 16 Jahre meines Lebens dort<br />
verbracht. Danach war ich immer wieder in anderen<br />
Ländern sowie den USA, Spanien und Frankreich<br />
sesshaft. Daher trifft der Begriff „vermissen” nicht<br />
ganz zu. Ich vermisse die Menschen in meinem Land,<br />
meine Eltern, meinen Bruder. Dennoch schätze ich<br />
mich mit „zwei Heimaten“ als privilegiert ein.<br />
Natürlich freue ich mich riesig auf jede Reise nach<br />
Bolivien, aber auch zurück nach Österreich zu kehren.<br />
Bolivien ist ein äußerst spannendes Land, mit seiner<br />
Vielfalt an ethnischen Gruppen, Essen und den<br />
Trachten, die so bunt sind, wie die bolivianische<br />
Flagge. Und ich tanze auch in Österreich sehr gerne,<br />
es befreit die Seele. Und bei bolivianischen Festen<br />
wird ja sowieso immer getanzt (lacht).<br />
Which fortunate circumstances brought you to<br />
Austria?<br />
When I was an au pair in Paris in my younger years, I met<br />
Doris from Upper Austria, who remains a good friend of<br />
mine to this day. She invited me to her home in<br />
Gallneukirchen, near Linz. While in France, Doris taught<br />
me Wolfgang Ambros’ hit ‘Schifoan’ and said: ‘We’ll be<br />
singing this one together in Austria!’ And in the end, those<br />
two weeks became 33 years (laughs).<br />
What do you appreciate the most about Austria?<br />
I’m amazed by the country’s traditions. And, of course, by<br />
the people, even if they may come across as distant at<br />
first. I like the four seasons, even though they demonstrate<br />
how quickly time passes. And I love the diversity of the<br />
music in this country.<br />
Together with your husband Walter, you have<br />
been supporting a children’s aid project in your<br />
homeland of Bolivia since 1995. How exactly does<br />
“Alalay“ provide support on site?<br />
Street children have a right to a dignified life. Next to a<br />
roof over the head and food, it’s also important to provide<br />
them with access to education and vocational training. In<br />
1995, the city of La Paz organised a home for street<br />
children which would be free of charge for 10 years. In the<br />
same year, my husband Walter and I first got in touch<br />
with Alalay. During an open-air music festival in Grünau in<br />
the Almtal valley, which Walter was presenting, the<br />
foundation was built for the Austria-Bolivia support route.<br />
In the meantime, many have helped and many have also<br />
assisted through sponsorships. We have built children’s<br />
villages and made vocational training possible.<br />
Do you miss Bolivia?<br />
I have only spent the first 16 years of my life there. Then I<br />
settled down in other countries as well as in the USA, in<br />
Spain and France. Therefore the term „miss“ does not<br />
apply in a way. I do miss the people in my country, my<br />
parents, my brother. Yet I feel privileged as I can say: I<br />
have “two homes“. Naturally, I am totally looking forward<br />
to each trip to Bolivia, yet also, when I return to Austria.<br />
Bolivia is a very exciting country, with its diversity of<br />
ethnic groups, food and the traditional costumes that are<br />
as colourful as the Bolivian flag itself. And I also like to<br />
dance, in Austria too. Dancing frees up the soul. And<br />
dancing is mandatory at Bolivian festivals anyway<br />
(laughs).<br />
More than 20 years ago, Austria’s leading seller of baking<br />
ingredients, backaldrin The Kornspitz Company, began<br />
its activities in Jordan. It is a success story that is also<br />
reflected in the partnership with the Jordanian Olympic<br />
Committee.<br />
It was in 1996 that backaldrin Managing Director Harald Deller first<br />
became aware of Mahmoud Khader from Jordan. Today’s Vice President<br />
of backaldrin Arab Jordan Ltd. already had a perfect understanding<br />
of the German language, which he had acquired during his studies in<br />
Vienna. During his time in Vienna, he earned a living by selling newspapers<br />
– today he is known as „Mr. backaldrin of Arabia“.<br />
Best-selling Fine Bakery<br />
Today, baking ingredients from backaldrin are in demand all over Jordan:<br />
„Our products are found in almost every bakery, in restaurants, at<br />
airports and in supermarkets,“ says Khader, who jointly directs the local<br />
backaldrin business with his son Mohammed. The family business first laid<br />
the foundation in 2006, with the commissioning of its own production site<br />
in the capital Amman, the first outside of Austria. From there, the raw material<br />
manufacturer supplies customers in more than 40 countries in the<br />
Arab world, as well as in Africa. Flatbread and confectionery are among the<br />
top sellers, while Kornspitz makes a welcome change in the region. The<br />
broad product range allows for growth in Jordan and the surrounding markets.<br />
Partner of the Jordanian Olympic Committee<br />
„Jordan is an extremely important location for us, playing a vital role in<br />
the exportation of goods in the Middle East and the surrounding countries,”<br />
says Harald Deller, who is also Honorary Consul of the Hashemite<br />
Kingdom of Jordan for Upper Austria. This is also why, as in many other<br />
countries, backaldrin The Kornspitz Company, is committed to being a reliable<br />
partner for athletes. The company is official partner of the Jordanian<br />
Olympic Committee and was allowed to welcome the successful Jordanian<br />
swimmer, Khader Baqleh, in the Upper Austrian capital of Linz last year.<br />
Jordanian Olympian in Linz for Training Camp<br />
The athlete, who had been preparing for the Rio Olympic Games at the<br />
Olympic base, Gugl in Linz, was with his trainer, Yehia Hammudeh Al<br />
Salti, for two weeks of training in Upper Austria. During this time, he met<br />
the swimmers of the “Kornspitz Sport Team”, Lena Kreundl and Sebastian<br />
S t e ff a n .<br />
Top: backaldrin has been producing goods in Amman, the capital city<br />
of Jordan, since 2006.<br />
Middle: “Mr. backaldrin of Arabia” Mahmoud and his son<br />
Mohammed Khader<br />
Bottom: (from left to right): Mahmoud Khader, Trainer, Ambassador<br />
Hussam al Husseini, Gerhard Rumetshofer, Jördis Steinegger,<br />
Sebastian Steffan, Khader Baqleh, Lena Kreundl, Provincial<br />
Councillor Michael Strugl, Harald Deller<br />
94 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
SAVOIR<br />
VIVRE<br />
Weltreise à la carte<br />
Around the world à la carte<br />
Urlaub nach dem Urlaub: In Wien kann man um die ganze Welt reisen, ohne einen<br />
Schritt über die Stadtgrenze zu machen.<br />
Holiday after the holidays: In Vienna, you can travel around the whole wide world<br />
without having to set one foot outside the city limits.<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Reich gedeckte<br />
Tafel.<br />
Richly served table.<br />
Wien ist die schönste Stadt der Welt. Zum<br />
mittlerweile achten Mal in Folge wurde<br />
Wien in der Mercer Studie – die jährlich<br />
durchgeführte weltweite Vergleichsstudie von Expatriats<br />
in 231 Großstädten – auch heuer wieder als der<br />
Ort mit der höchsten Lebensqualität gereiht. Eine<br />
lebenswerte Weltstadt also, die auch im Bereich der<br />
Kulinarik keine Wünsche offen lässt. Und während<br />
Kebab, Sushi und Pizza uns schon zur alltäglichen<br />
Labung geworden sind, muss festgehalten werden,<br />
dass ja die Wiener bzw. österreichische Küche von<br />
zahlreichen internationalen Einflüssen geprägt wurde.<br />
Da tummeln sich italienische, französische, ungarische,<br />
südslawische, polnische, jüdische und böhmische<br />
Elemente. Kein Wunder also, dass die Diskussion<br />
um den tatsächlichen Ursprung des Wiener Schnitzels,<br />
der im Übrigen auch in Italien oder in der Türkei<br />
liegen könnte, immer wieder entfacht wird.<br />
Bis heute wird die Wiener Gastronomie-Landschaft<br />
immer wieder durch kulinarische Spezialitäten<br />
aus den Heimatländern von Zuwanderern geprägt:<br />
wie das gerade erst eröffnete afghanische<br />
Restaurant Asman der Familie Muhammad in Wien-<br />
Landstraße. Oder das Äthiopische Restaurant, das<br />
vor vielen Jahren das erste seiner Art überhaupt in<br />
Wien war und wo man mit den Fingern isst, oder die<br />
trendigen georgischen Lokale, wie das Cafe Ansari<br />
und das Aragwi. In Wien trifft man auf indonesische,<br />
nepalesische, tibetanische, karibische und kurdische<br />
Restaurants, sogar ein uigurisches und ein<br />
kirgisisches gab es schon einmal. „Exotisches“ wird<br />
gerne probiert, allerdings haben es neue Restaurants<br />
mitunter anfangs schwer. Überliefert ist in diesem<br />
Zusammenhang folgende Feststellung eines prominenten<br />
Wiener Gastronomen: „Der Wiener geht erst<br />
lange Zeit daran vorbei und schaut durchs Fenster.<br />
Wenn er sich dann irgendwann mal hineintraut und<br />
es ihm gefällt, erzählt er keinem davon. Schließlich<br />
will er seine Ruhe haben und immer einen Tisch bekommen.<br />
Gefällt es ihm nicht, erzählt er es jedem.“<br />
Urlaub am Teller<br />
Die so genannten Ethno-Küchen, also all jene<br />
Kochstile, die historisch und thematisch zu eigenständig<br />
oder exotisch waren, um in die Wiener Küche<br />
integriert zu werden, sind mehr als beliebt. Die<br />
ausländische Lieblingsküche der Wiener ist die italienische,<br />
was die hohe Dichte von rund 500 Restaurants<br />
beweist, und die man vom einfachen Panino<br />
über einzelne Regional-Spezialitäten – wie aus dem<br />
Friaul, der Toskana oder Sizilien – bis zum mehrgängigen<br />
Italo-Menü im edlen Procacci, der berühmten<br />
Cantinetta Antinori oder dem noblen Fabios genießen<br />
kann.<br />
Urlaub und Essen liegen bei den Wienern eng<br />
beieinander. Neben dem anhaltenden Italo-Trend,<br />
werden auch gerne kroatische (z.B. Sopile in 1040,<br />
Konoba in 1080, Ragusa in 1090 und Bodulo in<br />
1150) und griechische Lokale (wie Orpheus und Ellas<br />
in der Innenstadt) besucht – analog zu den beliebten<br />
Urlaubsländern der Österreicher.<br />
Wer auch unter dem Jahr Sehnsucht nach südlichen<br />
Gefilden hat, kann getrost bei Panagiotis Favvas<br />
einkehren. Der gelernte Koch betreibt in der<br />
Nussdorferstraße mit Favvas Gourmet ein mediterranes<br />
Feinkost-Deli mit hochwertigen Olivenölen,<br />
die von seiner Familie in Monemvasia am Peloponnes<br />
gefertigt werden. Man kann gleich dort verkosten<br />
und zu Mittag auch hausgemachte warme Speisen<br />
wie Pastitsio, Moussaka oder den<br />
Spinat-Schafkäsestrudel genießen. Zum Mitnehmen<br />
gibt es eine Vielzahl an weiteren lukullischen Spezialitäten<br />
aus Griechenland, Italien, Spanien (Oh, diese<br />
lange gereiften Schinken!) und Kroatien, auch das<br />
Weinangebot ist außergewöhnlich.<br />
Erstaunlich langsam geht jedoch die Etablierung<br />
französischer Lokale vonstatten, die es in Wien bisher<br />
immer etwas schwerer hatten. Erfolgreiche Beispiele<br />
sind die gehobene Brasserie-Küche des Le<br />
Salzgries unweit des Schwedenplatzes oder die bodenständige<br />
Bistro-Linie des Beaulieu in der Ferstl-<br />
98 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Wer in Wien ist, hat es gut:<br />
Neben der ausgezeichneten<br />
Lebensqualität gibt es hier<br />
auch (fast) alle Küchen der<br />
Welt.<br />
Vienna is the place to be:<br />
Apart from the exquisite<br />
quality of life, you can enjoy<br />
(almost) all national cuisine<br />
styles of the world.<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Die vielen<br />
Küchen Wiens<br />
Vienna´s diverse<br />
cuisine styles<br />
SHIKI<br />
Alois Traint und Gerhard<br />
Bernhauer sind die Chefs<br />
de Cuisine (v.l.)<br />
Ein ganz spezieller Ort:<br />
der Chef´s Table.<br />
Alois Traint and Gerhard<br />
Bernhauer are the chefs de<br />
cuisine.<br />
A remarkable location: the<br />
chef´s table.<br />
FABIOS<br />
Hort lässiger Italianità in Wien.<br />
Vienna´s cradle of easy-going italianità.<br />
Afghanisch / Afghan<br />
Afrikanisch / African<br />
Amerikanisch / American<br />
Arabisch / Arabian<br />
Asiatisch / Asian<br />
Australisch / Australian<br />
Balkan / Balcan<br />
Britisch / British<br />
Bulgarisch / Bulgarian<br />
Chinesisch / Chinese<br />
Französisch / French<br />
Georgisch / Georgian<br />
Griechisch / Greek<br />
Indisch / Indian<br />
Indonesisch / Indonesian<br />
Irisch / Irish<br />
Italienisch / Italian<br />
Japanisch /Japanese<br />
Koreanisch / Korean<br />
Kreolisch / Creole<br />
Kroatisch / Croatian<br />
Kurdisch / Kurdish<br />
Lateinamerikanisch / Latin<br />
American<br />
Levantinisch / Levantine<br />
Libanesisch / Lebanese<br />
Marokkanisch /Moroccan<br />
Mexikanisch / Mexican<br />
Mongolisch / Mongolian<br />
Nepalesisch / Nepalese<br />
Pakistanisch / Pakistani<br />
Persisch / Persian<br />
Polnisch / Polish<br />
Portugiesisch /<br />
Portuguese<br />
Rumänisch / Romanian<br />
Russisch / Russian<br />
Schweizerisch / Swiss<br />
Skandinavisch /<br />
Scandinavian<br />
Slowakisch / Slovak<br />
Spanisch / Spanish<br />
Sri-lankisch / Sri-lankan<br />
Thailändisch / Thai<br />
Tibetisch / Tibetan<br />
Türkisch / Turkish<br />
Ukrainisch / Ukrainian<br />
Ungarisch / Hungarian<br />
Usbekisch / Uzbek<br />
Vietnamesisch /<br />
Vietnamese<br />
PATARA<br />
Wunderbare Curries im Restaurant mit stylisch-eleganter<br />
Umgebung.<br />
Wonderful curries at the stylish-elegant restaurant.<br />
Passage, wo man im Lokal auch gleich Spezialitäten<br />
einkaufen kann.<br />
Asiatisch weiter im Trend<br />
Interessante und hochwertige Neuzugänge sind<br />
stets bei den Wiener Asia-Restaurants zu verzeichnen.<br />
Der chinesische Arzt Simon Xie Hong, der bereits<br />
vier Restaurants in Wien betreibt, darunter<br />
auch das ON Market am Naschmarkt, eröffnete<br />
kürzlich seinen fünften Gastro-Streich, das ON Sud<br />
in 1150. Auch die TV-erprobte koreanische Köchin<br />
Sohyi Kim hat, nach einem Abstecher beim exklusiven<br />
Merkur Markt am Hof, nun wieder ein eigenes<br />
Restaurant. Im kleinen Kim im 9. Bezirk kocht sie im<br />
exklusiven Rahmen abends ein zehngängiges Menü.<br />
Vor kurzem wurde um einen Shop erweitert, unweit<br />
des Lokals an der Ecke.<br />
Das urban-hippe Mochi und das Iki im neuen<br />
Belvedere-Viertel beim Hauptbahnhof, Karma Ramen<br />
und Sakai bieten ein erstaunliches Spektrum<br />
japanischer Küchen und Kochstile. Besonders im<br />
Aufwind sind derzeit vietnamesische Restaurants,<br />
wie das Pho Sai Gon, Good Morning Vietnam, Le<br />
Viet und Vietthao.<br />
Vor rund drei Jahren eröffnete im 1. Bezirk nahe<br />
der Wiener Staatsoper das Restaurant Shiki, das moderne,<br />
fantasievolle japanische Küche mit europäischen<br />
Akzenten bietet. Das Fine-Dining- und Brasserie-Lokal<br />
ist ein Projekt des international<br />
erfolgreichen Dirigenten und Geigers Joji Hattori,<br />
der in Japan geboren und in Wien aufgewachsen ist.<br />
Und auch Thailand ist bestens vertreten: Das Patara<br />
am Petersplatz ist nicht nur das schönste, sondern<br />
auch das beste Thai-Restaurant. Äußerst empfehlenswert<br />
sind die tollen Menüs, die einen guten<br />
sensorischen Überblick der thailändischen Küche<br />
liefern. Wundern Sie sich nicht, wenn Sie kein Messer<br />
aufgedeckt bekommen. Man teilt traditionsgemäß<br />
mit dem Löffel, Messer werden auf Anfrage<br />
freilich nachgereicht.<br />
Erlebnis-Küchen<br />
Am überraschendsten aber ist vielleicht, dass<br />
man in Wien auch ganz fantastisch englisch essen<br />
kann, vor allem im pulsierenden Pub mit angeschlossenem<br />
Restaurant Charlie P’s, das als einziges<br />
Irish Pub eine Gault Millau-Haube verliehen bekam.<br />
Patron Brian Patton führt übrigens auch das The<br />
Brickmakers Ale & Ciderhouse, wo es rund 30 verschiedene<br />
Craftbiere vom Fass sowie original texanische<br />
BBQ-Spezialitäten von einem eigens importierten<br />
Smoker gibt.<br />
Das einstige Dom Beisl beim Stephansdom hat<br />
Ende 2015 einen neuen Pächter gefunden. Der israelische<br />
Starkoch Eyal Shani etablierte mit dem Miznon<br />
Vienna sein jüdisch-mediterranes Streetfood-<br />
Konzept nun auch in Wien. Die Gerichte, vor allem<br />
gefüllte Pita-Brote und gebratenes Gemüse, werden<br />
an der Theke bestellt und laut ausgerufen, wenn sie<br />
fertig sind. Als Vorspeise bekommen Gäste einen<br />
ganzen Karfiolkopf, der vorher gekocht und<br />
dann gegrillt wird. Auch das Ambiente ist speziell,<br />
denn die Räumlichkeiten wurden zu einer offenen<br />
und einladenden Küche umgebaut. Alte Bananenkisten<br />
gefüllt mit Karfiolköpfen hängen von der Decke<br />
und laute, fröhliche Musik dröhnt aus den Boxen,<br />
die bis in den Außenbereich des Lokals zu hören ist.<br />
Und das Miznon erbrachte auch den Beweis, dass<br />
Essen in der Tat völkerverbindend sein kann: Vor<br />
über einem Jahr traf Ben aus Neuseeland dort Valeria<br />
aus New York. Erst kürzlich haben sie einander<br />
das Ja-Wort gegeben und dort gefeiert, wo alles begann.<br />
Liebe geht eben doch auch durch den Magen.<br />
Vienna is the most beautiful city in the world.<br />
For the 8th time in a row, the Mercer study<br />
- the global annual comparison study on<br />
expatriates living in 231 cities - once again selected<br />
Vienna as the place with the highest quality of life. A<br />
liveable world city, in other words, which also leaves<br />
no desires unfulfilled when it comes to food. And<br />
Der chinesische Arzt Simon Xie Hong hat sein bereits fünftes Lokal in Wien eröffnet (im Bild: das<br />
ON Market beim Naschmarkt). The Chinese M.D. Simon Xie Hong has opened his fifth restaurant in<br />
Vienna (pictured above: ON Market at Naschmarkt).<br />
100 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Besuchen Sie uns / Visit us: Josefstädter Straße 10-12, 1080 Wien, T. +43 1 205 99-0, www.flemings-hotels.com
FOOD<br />
So wünschen Sie<br />
Guten Appetit in<br />
aller Welt<br />
Before you enjoy<br />
your meal around<br />
the world<br />
Smaaklike ete! Lekker eet!<br />
T‘boftë mire!<br />
Dobãr apetit!<br />
CHINESE Mànmàn chī!<br />
TSCHECHISCH/CZECH Dobrou chuť!<br />
DÄNISCH/DANISH Velbekomme!<br />
HOLLÄNDISCH/DUTCH Smakelijk!<br />
Smakelijk eten! Eet Smakelijk!<br />
Bon appetit! Enjoy your meal!<br />
Hyvää ruokahalua!<br />
FRANZÖSISCH/FRENCH Bon appétit!<br />
Guten Appetit! Mahlzeit!<br />
Kalí óreksi!<br />
Nerilluarisi<br />
Jó étvágyat!<br />
Verði þér að góðu<br />
Buon appetito!<br />
Itadakimasu<br />
LETTISCH/LATVIAN Labu apetīti<br />
Gero apetito! Skanaus!<br />
Priyatno yadenye<br />
Vær så god!<br />
POLNISCH/POLISH Smacznego!<br />
Bom apetite!<br />
Poftă bună!<br />
Prijatnovo appetita!<br />
SERBISCH/SERBIAN Prijatno!<br />
SLOWAKISCH/SLOVAK Dobrú chuť!<br />
Ha kuu macaanaato<br />
¡Buen provecho! ¡Buen apetito!<br />
Smaklig måltid!<br />
MIZNON<br />
Erfolgreiches jüdisch-mediterranes Streetfood-Konzept, beheimatet im ersten Bezirk. Succesful Jewish-Mediterranean street food<br />
concept, located at the first district.<br />
while kebab, sushi and pizza have already become<br />
staple dishes here, one should not forget that Viennese,<br />
or Austrian cuisine in general, has had all kinds of<br />
international influences. With time, you will discover<br />
Italian, French, Hungarian, South-Slavic, Polish,<br />
Jewish and Bohemian influences. It should then<br />
come as no surprise that the discussion around the<br />
actual origin of the Wiener Schnitzel, which incidentally<br />
could also be in Italy or in Turkey, keeps popping<br />
up everywhere you go.<br />
To this day, Vienna’s gastro landscape continues<br />
to be marked by the culinary specialities of its immigrants<br />
and their homelands such as the recently opened<br />
Afghan Asman Restaurant by the Muhammad<br />
family in Wien-Landstraße. Or the Ethiopian Restaurant,<br />
which, many years ago, was the first of its<br />
kind in Vienna and where you eat with your hands,<br />
or trendy Georgian spots like Cafe Ansari and the<br />
Aragwi. In Vienna, you will come across Indonesian,<br />
Nepalese, Tibetan, Caribbean and Kurdish restaurants,<br />
and there have even been Uyghur and Kyrgyz<br />
eateries. ‘Exotic’ is very popular, however, new restaurants<br />
often face a difficult launching phase. A<br />
prominent Viennese gastronome once said the following<br />
regarding this <strong>issue</strong>: ‘The Viennese first likes<br />
to just walk past a place and look through the window.<br />
If he ever dares to go inside, and he likes it, he<br />
won’t tell anyone about it. After all, he wants to keep<br />
his peace and always have a table. If he doesn’t like it,<br />
however, he will tell everyone about it.’<br />
Holiday on the plate<br />
The so-called ethnic cuisines, meaning those styles<br />
of cooking that have historically and thematically<br />
been too unique or too exotic to be integrated into<br />
Viennese cuisine, are also more than popular. The<br />
Viennese’s favourite foreign cuisine remains Italian,<br />
which is proven by the dense presence of 500 restaurants,<br />
and which you can enjoy in the form of a simple<br />
Panini to the various regional specialities – from<br />
Friuli, to Tuscany or Sicily – all the way to a multicourse<br />
Italian menu at the noble Procacci, the famous<br />
Cantinetta Antinori or the exquisite Fabios.<br />
In Vienna, holidays and food are closely connected.<br />
Next to the persistent Italian trend, Croatian<br />
(such as Sopile in 1040, Konoba in 1080, Ragusa in<br />
1090 and Bodulo in 1150), as well as Greek eateries<br />
(like Orpheus and Ellas in the centre), also enjoy popularity<br />
– in parallel to being among the Austrians’<br />
most beloved holiday destinations.<br />
Those who still crave Southern delights during<br />
the rest of year may pay a visit to Panagiotis Favvas.<br />
The trained chef runs Favvas Gourmet at Nussdorferstrasse,<br />
a Mediterranean delicacy deli with highquality<br />
olive oils made by his family in Monemvasia<br />
in the Peloponnese. You may try the produce there<br />
and enjoy home-made hot dishes for lunch as well,<br />
such as Pastisio, Moussaka or the spinach sheepcheese<br />
strudel. There’s also plenty available for takeaway,<br />
such as a wide selection of epicurean specialities<br />
from Greece, Italy, Spain (oh, those cured hams!)<br />
and Croatia. The wine offer is also extraordinary.<br />
The establishment of French restaurants, on the<br />
other hand, is taking surprisingly long, and they’ve always<br />
had it a little more difficult in Vienna. Successful<br />
examples include the uptown brasserie Le Salzgries<br />
not far from the Schwedenplatz square or the downto-earth<br />
Beaulieu bistro at Ferstl-Passage, where you<br />
can also shop local specialities right in the restaurant.<br />
Asian continues to soar<br />
Interesting and top-notch newcomers can always<br />
be found in Vienna’s Asian food scene. The Chinese<br />
doctor Simon Xie Hong, who already operates four<br />
Culture<br />
and space.<br />
90,000 square meters of art, architecture,<br />
theater, music, digital culture, dance,<br />
design, shops, culture for children,<br />
fashion, restaurants and bars<br />
Story continues on p. 104 ➝<br />
102 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
www.mqw.at<br />
General sponsor<br />
Supported by
Patrizia Pepe<br />
STYLE<br />
INFO<br />
Asman,<br />
Tel.: +43 1/286 70 20<br />
cafeansari.at<br />
ethiopianrestaurant.at<br />
aragwi.at<br />
procacci-vienna.at<br />
cantinettaantinori-vienna.at<br />
fabios.at<br />
sopile.at<br />
konoba.at<br />
ragusa.at<br />
bodulo.at<br />
orpheas.at<br />
ellas.at<br />
favvas-gourmet.com<br />
le-salzgries.at<br />
beaulieu-wien.at<br />
on-market.at<br />
on-sud.at<br />
sohyikim.com<br />
mochi.at<br />
iki-restaurant.at<br />
karmaramen.at<br />
sakai.co.at<br />
phosaigon.at<br />
goodmorningvietnam.at<br />
leviet.at<br />
Vietthao,<br />
Tel.: +43 1/585 20 31<br />
shiki.at<br />
patara-wien.at<br />
charlieps.at<br />
brickmakers.at<br />
facebook.com/miznonvienna<br />
Pita im Miznon.<br />
Pita at Miznon´s.<br />
Das Ale & Ciderhouse bietet viele Craft Biere als Spezialität.<br />
Special Craft beers are on offer at the Ale & Ciderhouse.<br />
restaurants in Vienna, among them the ON Market<br />
at Naschmarkt, recently opened his fifth gastro coup,<br />
the ON Sud in the 15th district. And even the TVtested<br />
Korean chef Sohyi Kim has, after a quick detour<br />
to the exclusive Merkur Markt am Hof, her own<br />
restaurant again. In the little Kim in the 9th district,<br />
she spends her evenings cooking a ten-course menu<br />
within an exclusive setting. A shop was added recently,<br />
not far from the restaurant around the corner.<br />
The urban and hip Mochi and the Iki in the new<br />
Belvedere quarter near the Wien Hauptbahnhof<br />
main railway station, as well as Karma Ramen and<br />
Sakai, offer an astonishing range of Japanese cuisines<br />
and cooking styles. Vietnamese restaurants, such as<br />
the Pho Sai Gon, Good Morning Vietnam, Le Viet<br />
and Vietthao, are also enjoying soaring popularity at<br />
the moment.<br />
Around three years ago, the Shiki restaurant launched<br />
in the 1st district near the Vienna State Opera,<br />
combining modern, creative Japanese cuisine with<br />
European accents. The fine dining and brasserie restaurant<br />
is a project by the internationally successfully<br />
conductor and violinist Joji Hattori, who was born in<br />
Japan and grew up in Vienna.<br />
And Thailand is also very well represented: The<br />
Patara at Petersplatz is not only the most gorgeous, but<br />
also the best Thai restaurant in Vienna. Particularly<br />
recommended are the great menus, which provide an<br />
excellent sensory overview of Thailand’s food culture.<br />
Don’t be surprised if you are not served a knife,<br />
though. Food is, as it is done in Thailand, cut with the<br />
spoon. However, knives are provided upon request.<br />
Panagiotis Favvas verwöhnt mit mediterranen Spezialitäten.<br />
Panagiotis Favvas indulges with Mediterranean specialities.<br />
Culinary experiences<br />
What may perhaps surprise you the most, however,<br />
is that you can also enjoy very fine British food<br />
in Vienna, especially in the vibrant pub and its attached<br />
restaurant Charlie P’s, the only Irish Pub<br />
which has been awarded a Gault Millau toque. Manager<br />
Brian Patton also runs The Brickmakers Ale &<br />
Ciderhouse, where they serve around 30 different<br />
craft beers on tap as well as original Texan BBQ specialities<br />
from the specially imported smoker.<br />
The former Dom Beisl near St. Stephen’s Cathedral<br />
received a new leaseholder in the end of 2015.<br />
The Israeli star chef Eyal Shani has now brought his<br />
Jewish-Mediterranean street food concept to Vienna<br />
with the Miznon Vienna. The dishes, especially the<br />
filled pita bread and fried vegetables, are ordered at<br />
the bar and are then called out loudly when they are<br />
done. As an appetiser, guests receive an entire cauliflower<br />
head that is first cooked and then grilled. And<br />
the atmosphere is quite special as well, because the<br />
premises were rebuilt into an open and inviting kitchen.<br />
Old banana crates filled with cauliflower heads<br />
hang from the ceiling, joyful music roars from the<br />
speakers, which can still be heard at the restaurant’s<br />
outside area.<br />
And the Miznon also proved that food can indeed<br />
connect people from different cultures. Over a year<br />
ago, Ben from New Zealand met Valerie from New<br />
York right there. And just recently, the two tied the<br />
knot and celebrated back at the place where everything<br />
began. The way to someone’s heart is through<br />
the stomach, after all.<br />
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designeroutletparndorf.at<br />
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104 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Essen und trinken mit Stil<br />
Wine and dine in style<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Löffelweise Leidenschaft<br />
A spoonful of passion<br />
Der Duft von Vanille<br />
A scent of vanilla<br />
Die nach der Fünf-Elemente-Lehre zubereiteten Suppito-Produkte wie<br />
Minestrone oder Chili con Carne kommen jetzt auch per Post! Einfach<br />
Freitag bis Dienstag auf der Website die Bestellung tätigen. Diese wird<br />
dann immer freitags von 8-18 Uhr via Postboten in gekühlten<br />
Thermoboxen direkt ins Haus geliefert.<br />
You can now get the Supprito products, created in accordance with the<br />
principles of Wu Xing, such as Minestrone or Chili con Carne, via mail!<br />
Just order online from Friday to Tuesday on their website. The mailman<br />
will then bring your delivery directly to your door in cooling thermo<br />
boxes on Fridays between 08:00 – 18:00.<br />
suppito.at<br />
MEET - EAT - SLEEP<br />
total of 1.079 square metres<br />
flexible conference space<br />
Allerfeinste Mischung | Finest blend<br />
Marco Simonis (rechts) hat seit bereits drei Jahren mit seiner Bastei 10 Erfolg –<br />
mit einer feinen Mischung aus Kulinarik, Design und Wohlfühl-Atmosphäre. Nun<br />
eröffnete er einen zweiten Standort in der Theobaldgasse in 1060. Neben<br />
Feinkost, frischen selbstgemachten Sandwiches und Salaten sowie einer<br />
erlesenen Auswahl an Eigenprodukten, wird die Location durch eine Selektion<br />
spezieller autochthoner Weine sowie Bierspezialitäten abgerundet. Und über all<br />
dem wacht, wie übrigens auch in der Dominikanerbastei, der Opapa.<br />
For the last three years, Marco Simonis (r.) has been successfully heading the<br />
Bastei 10, with a fine blend of cuisine, design and feel-good atmosphere. Now,<br />
he has opened his second location at Theobaldgasse in 1060. Next to various<br />
delicacies, freshly prepared sandwiches and salads, as well as an exquisite<br />
selection of proprietary products, the location is topped off with a selection of<br />
domestic wines and beer specialities. And the place is watched and guarded<br />
by gramps, just like the Dominikanerbastei in Vienna. marcosimonis.com<br />
Joy Spence sprengte als erste<br />
Master-Blenderin die gläserne<br />
Decke der männlich<br />
dominierten Spirituosen-Welt.<br />
Nun setzte sie sich und der<br />
traditionsreichen Rum-Marke<br />
aus Jamaika mit der Limited<br />
Edition „Appleton Estate Joy<br />
Anniversary Blend Aged 25<br />
Years“ ein Denkmal, einem<br />
seltenen Rum-Blend aus Sorten,<br />
die mindestens ein Vierteljahrhundert<br />
lang gereift sind.<br />
Joy Spence was the first<br />
woman to become a Master<br />
Blender in the very much<br />
male-dominated world of<br />
spirits. Now, she’s creating a<br />
monument both to herself, as<br />
well as to the tradition-steeped<br />
rum brand from Jamaica,<br />
in the form of the limited<br />
edition of ‘Appleton Estate Joy<br />
Anniversary Blend Aged 24<br />
Years’, a rare rum blend of<br />
varieties that are at least a<br />
quarter of a century old.<br />
campari-austria.at<br />
Neuer Sonntags-<br />
Treffpunkt | New Sunday<br />
meeting spot<br />
Das 57 Restaurant im Meliá Vienna<br />
lädt zum SKYLIFE@MELIÁ-BRUNCH57<br />
in 220 Metern Höhe über den Dächern<br />
Wiens ein: Immer sonntags von 11 bis<br />
15 Uhr, kann man aus einem reichhaltigen Vorspeisen-, Hauptgang- und<br />
Dessertbuffet wählen – atemberaubender Blick über die Stadt inklusive.<br />
Für 47 Euro pro Person inkl. einem Glas Cava, Säften sowie einem<br />
Heißgetränk.<br />
The 57 Restaurant in the Meliá Vienna invites you on a SKYLIFE@<br />
MELIÁ-BRUNCH57 at an elevation of 220 metres, looking across<br />
Vienna’s rooftops. Every<br />
Neu in Wien | New in Vienna<br />
Neue Wiener Küche /<br />
New Viennese cuisine<br />
durchhaus.at<br />
Großes im Kleinen /<br />
Not so small after all<br />
villaklein.at<br />
Neapel in Wien /<br />
Naples in Vienna<br />
laspiga.at<br />
Innovative Gyoza Brothers<br />
cafeleopold.wien<br />
Kaffee, mal ganz anders /<br />
Coffee, done a little different<br />
sasha.coffee<br />
Sunday between 11:00 and<br />
15:00, you will be able to<br />
choose from a starter, main<br />
and dessert buffet. The<br />
incredible view of the city is<br />
the cherry on top. For 47 euro<br />
per person, including a glass<br />
of Cava, juices, as well as a<br />
hot beverage.<br />
57melia.com<br />
494 square metres ballroom with<br />
a bordering balcony to the Danube<br />
three private dining rooms in<br />
220 metres height<br />
meetings, creative workshops,<br />
birthday dinner or similar occasions<br />
Donau City Strasse 7 • 1220 Vienna • Austria • Tel. +43 (0)1 90 104<br />
melia.vienna@melia.com • www.melia.com<br />
106 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Zur Kaffeepause im Park Hyatt Vienna | Coffee break at the Park Hyatt Vienna<br />
General Manager Monique Dekker lud zu Kuchen und Kaffee im „Café am Hof“.<br />
General Manager Monique Dekker invited to coffee and cake at the Café Am Hof.<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
GM Monique Dekker im Gespräch mit<br />
CD Chefredakteurin Daniela Pötzl.<br />
GM Monique Dekker with CD´s Editor in<br />
chief, Daniela Pötzl.<br />
Im Laufe eines Journalistinnen-Lebens<br />
trifft man seine Interviewpartner ja an<br />
diversen Locations und in vielen gastronomischen<br />
Lokalen. Selten aber macht<br />
ein Treffpunkt so viel Freude wie das ehemalige<br />
Bankhaus im historischen Prachtbau<br />
Am Hof in Wiens Innenstadt, das zum<br />
wunderbaren Hotel Park Hyatt Vienna<br />
umgestaltet wurde. Der Hort eleganter<br />
Opulenz im besten Sinne verleiht einem<br />
schon beim Betreten ein erhebendes Gefühl.<br />
Ich bin mit Monique Dekker verabredet,<br />
die die Geschicke des Hauses als General<br />
Manager leitet. Die Auswahl an süßen<br />
Köstlichkeiten im Café Am Hof ist zur frühen<br />
Nachmittagsstunde groß. Serviert werden<br />
Pistazien Knusper Nougat Gâteau und<br />
Erdbeer Cheesecake - für mich eine Melange,<br />
für meine Gastgeberin eine erfrischende<br />
hausgemachte Limonade mit Basilikum,<br />
Zitronensaft und ganzen Ingwerstücken.<br />
Schon früh, erzählt Dekker, sei ihr der<br />
zukünftige berufliche Weg bewusst gewesen.<br />
„Ich war drei Jahre alt“, meint die gebürtige<br />
Holländerin. Sie erzählt über ihre<br />
Großeltern väterlicherseits als Vorbilder:<br />
„Meine Oma hatte eine Kneipe, mein Opa<br />
war Restaurantleiter.“ Geprägt von diesem<br />
Gastgeber-Umfeld absolvierte sie schließlich<br />
ein Hotelmanagement-Studium in<br />
Den Haag und arbeitete gegen Ende der<br />
Ausbildung in New York. Nach ersten beruflichen<br />
Erfahrungen im Luxushotel St.<br />
Regis, führte sie ihr Weg vom Big Apple<br />
aus zur Hyatt Gruppe: nach Boston und<br />
Chicago, dann Singapur und Tokio. Nach<br />
fünf Jahren in Asien reifte der Entschluss,<br />
nach Europa zurückzukehren. Hyatt eröffnete<br />
da gerade einen Neubau mit 300 Zimmern<br />
in Düsseldorf, Dekker verantwortete<br />
als General Manager drei Jahre lang die<br />
gesamte Pre-Opening Phase. Sie bewährte<br />
sich und bekam dann das Angebot, auch<br />
das umgestaltete historische Wiener Haus<br />
aus der Taufe zu heben. „Mir gefällt das<br />
Hyatt-Motto einfach“, stellt Dekker fest:<br />
„We care for people so they can be their<br />
best“. Und dies gelte für Mitarbeiter wie<br />
Gäste und Lieferanten gleichermaßen. Am<br />
besten zu sein, geht heute mehr denn je<br />
auch mit der Bereitschaft einher, für Änderungen<br />
bereit zu sein. Und Nachjustierungen<br />
im Flagship-Hotel durchzuführen: Der<br />
Barbereich wurde an das Restaurant angeschlossen.<br />
Die ehemalige Bar wurde zum<br />
Kaffeehaus Café Am Hof umgestaltet und<br />
mit einem eigenen Eingang versehen. Viele<br />
kommen nun aus der näheren Umgebung<br />
zum Business Lunch, am Abend lockt das<br />
Restaurant The Bank Brasserie & Bar Reisende<br />
wie Einheimische gleichermaßen.<br />
Als Ausgleich für ihren straffen Arbeitsalltag<br />
und Terminkalender betreibt<br />
Dekker gerne Sport und radelt auch, wie<br />
zuletzt beachtliche 35 km entlang der Donau,<br />
gemeinsam mit ihrem Ehemann. Ihre<br />
beiden Beagles halten sie ebenso fit. Monique<br />
Dekker scheint angekommen zu<br />
sein. Und hat sich verliebt – in Wien. „Ich<br />
würde gerne noch die kommenden 10 bis<br />
15 Jahre hier bleiben“, sagt sie lächelnd.<br />
During the course of a journalistic<br />
career, one gets to meet his or her<br />
interviewees at various different<br />
locations, including many restaurants, cafes<br />
and bars. It is quite rare, however, that a<br />
meeting spot brings as much delight as the<br />
former bank building in the historical Am<br />
Hof house in Vienna’s city centre, which<br />
has been rebuilt into the Hotel Park Hyatt<br />
Vienna. Upon entering, this treasure of elegant<br />
opulence gives you an exhilarating<br />
feeling. I have an appointment with Monique<br />
Dekker, the hotel’s General Manager.<br />
During the early afternoon hours, the Café<br />
Am Hof provides a wide selection of sweet<br />
delicacies. Among the treats on offer are<br />
pistachio crunchy nougat gateau and<br />
strawberry cheesecake. I order a melange,<br />
and my host has a refreshing homemade<br />
lemonade with basil, lemon juice and whole<br />
ginger pieces.<br />
”From very early on,“ says Dekker, ”I<br />
knew what my future career would look<br />
like. I was three years old,“ says the native<br />
Dutch woman. She talks about her grandparents<br />
on her father’s side as key role models.<br />
”My grandmother had a pub, my<br />
grandfather managed a restaurant.“ Influenced<br />
by this hospitality environment, she<br />
completed a hotel management degree in<br />
Den Haag and then worked in New York<br />
toward the end of her training. After a few<br />
professional experiences in the luxury hotel<br />
St. Regis, life led her from the big apple<br />
to the Hyatt Group: to Boston and Chicago,<br />
then Singapore and Tokyo. After five years<br />
in Asia, she decided to return to Europe.<br />
Hyatt was just opening a new hotel in Dusseldorf,<br />
Dekker became the General Manager<br />
for the entire three-year-long pre-opening<br />
phase. She proved herself and then<br />
received the offer to launch the redesigned<br />
historical Wiener House. ”I just liked the<br />
Hyatt theme,“ Dekker states. ”We care for<br />
people so they can be their best“. This likewise<br />
applied to employees, guests and suppliers.<br />
And today, being at your best often<br />
means being ready to adapt to change. One<br />
such change meant making modifications<br />
to the flagship hotel. The bar area was connected<br />
to the restaurant. The former bar<br />
was redesigned into the Café Am Hof and<br />
equipped with a separate entrance. Many<br />
now come from the surrounding areas to<br />
meet for business lunch, whereas in the<br />
evening, The Bank Brasserie & Bar restaurant<br />
attracts both locals and travellers alike.<br />
To balance her strict work schedule and<br />
routine, Dekker likes to do sports and to<br />
cycle. Recently, she and her husband completed<br />
an impressive 35 km along the Danube.<br />
Her two beagles also like to keep her<br />
fit. Monique Dekker has arrived. And she<br />
has fallen in love as well — with Vienna. ”I<br />
would like to stay here for the next 10 to 15<br />
years or so,“ she says with a smile.<br />
absolvierte ein Hotel-Management Studium in Den Haag, Niederlande. Erste berufliche<br />
Hotel-Erfahrungen sammelte sie im Luxus-Hotel St. Regis in New York. Seit 1996 arbeitet sie<br />
vorwiegend für die Hyatt Gruppe und war in Boston, Princeton, Chicago, Singapur und Tokio<br />
tätig. Von 2010 bis 2013 begleitete sie die Pre-Opening Phase des Hyatt Regency Düsseldorf.<br />
Seit Juni 2013 ist sie General Manager im Park Hyatt Vienna.<br />
completed a hotel management degree in Den Haag, the Netherlands. She collected her first hotel<br />
experiences in the luxury hotel St. Regis in New York. Since 1996, she has been working primarily for<br />
the Hyatt Group and has been assigned to hotels in Boston, Princeton, Chicago, Singapore and<br />
Tokyo. Between 2010 and 2013, she attended the pre-opening phase of the Hyatt Regency<br />
Dusseldorf. Since June 2013, she has been the General Manager at the Park Hyatt Vienna.<br />
INFO:<br />
Am Hof 2<br />
1010 Wien<br />
parkhyattvienna.com<br />
Sehr gute Wahl. Der Erdbeer Cheesecake links,<br />
der Pistazien Knusper Nougat Gateau rechts und<br />
die Melange in der Mitte.<br />
A very good choice. The strawberry cheesecake<br />
to the left, the pistachio crunchy nougat gateau<br />
to the right and the melange in the middle.<br />
Ganz links: Der Himmel für Naschkatzen.<br />
Far left: Heaven for people with a sweet tooth.<br />
Links und oben: Das süße Angebot und den<br />
Kaffee gibt es auch zum Mitnehmen, ganze<br />
Torten gerne auf Vorbestellung.<br />
Left and above: The sweet delicacies and the<br />
coffee can be ordered for takeaway, whole cakes<br />
are available on pre-order.<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong> 109
Suite Dreams<br />
The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna – Präsidentensuite | Presidential Suite<br />
Text: Rois&Stubenrauch<br />
Wien als Drehscheibe internationaler Diplomatie, UNO-Standort und Schauplatz gewichtiger Konferenzen verfügt über zahlreiche<br />
5-Sterne Häuser, die den Ansprüchen höchster Würdenträger und Staatsgäste gerecht werden. Seit August 2012 komplettiert The<br />
Ritz-Carlton, Vienna den Reigen glanzvoller Wiener Ringstraßenhotels. Cercle Diplomatique hat Generaldirektor Christian Zandonella<br />
um ein paar Worte zur Präsidentensuite des The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna gebeten.<br />
Vienna is a hub for international diplomats, a UN location and the setting for numerous key conferences. The city’s countless 5-star<br />
hotels are guaranteed to fulfil the demands of the highest of dignitaries and state guests alike. Since August 2012, The Ritz-Carlton,<br />
Vienna has been complementing the ranks of Vienna’s Ringstrasse hotels. Cercle Diplomatique sat down with General Manager Christian<br />
Zandonella for a chat about the Presidential Suite at The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna.<br />
Das The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna besteht aus vier historischen<br />
Ringstraßenpalais – welche Funktion hatten die Räumlichkeiten<br />
der Präsidentensuite ursprünglich?<br />
Jedes der vier Palais hatte seinen individuellen Charakter. Die<br />
Präsidentensuite befindet sich im Palais Gutmann, welches von<br />
Wilhelm Ritter von Gutmann für seine Familie gebaut wurde und<br />
diente damals als Beletage. Da Herr Gutmann ein passionierter<br />
Kunstsammler war, kann man bis heute die wunderschönen<br />
Deckenbemalungen von August Eisenmenger betrachten, der<br />
auch das weltbekannte Deckenfresko im Goldenen Saal des<br />
Musikvereins gestaltet hat.<br />
Im The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna trifft große amerikanische<br />
Hoteltradition auf Wiener Charme. Wie finden Sie die<br />
richtige Mischung für Ihre Gäste?<br />
Unser Stammhaus ist zwar in den Vereinigten Staaten, aber<br />
unsere Wurzeln sind zutiefst europäisch. Wir sehen uns als<br />
Wiener Zuhause auf Zeit und zeigen unseren Gästen auch gerne<br />
Wien von einer neuen Seite. So kann man bei uns mit dem<br />
Küchenchef den Naschmarkt besuchen oder mit dem Running<br />
Concierge Wien bei einem Sightseeing-Jogginglauf um die<br />
Ringstraße erkunden.<br />
Wie würden Sie den Stil der Präsidentensuite im The<br />
Ritz-Carlton, Vienna charakterisieren?<br />
Die Präsidentensuite ist architektonisch gesehen historisch,<br />
besitzt aber selbstverständlich die modernsten Annehmlichkeiten.<br />
Besonders hervorzuheben ist das denkmalgeschützte Deckenfresko,<br />
das die vier Jahreszeiten und die 12 Monate darstellt. Meine<br />
persönlichen Highlights sind die eigene Bibliothek und die<br />
ultramodernen Möbel berühmter österreichischer Designer.<br />
Natürlich spielt Platz eine wichtige Rolle – da wir eine der größten<br />
Präsidentensuiten Österreichs haben, müssen wir uns darum<br />
keine Sorgen machen. Den Gästen der Präsidentensuite steht<br />
natürlich auch unsere Club Lounge mit ihrem exklusiven und<br />
persönlichen Service offen – ein Hotel im Hotel. Auch ein eigener<br />
Concierge steht hier zur Verfügung. Im The Ritz-Carlton Spa<br />
können die Gäste im längsten Pool an der Ringstraße entspannen.<br />
Was war der ausgefallenste Wunsch, den Sie bis anhin<br />
einem Gast der Präsidentensuite erfüllt haben?<br />
Andersherum: Ein berühmter Gast hat unseren Mitarbeitern<br />
einmal eine private Autogrammstunde gegeben, weil er mit<br />
unserem Service so zufrieden war.<br />
The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna consists of four historical palace<br />
buildings on the Ringstrasse. Which function did the rooms<br />
of the Presidential Suite have before?<br />
Each of the four palaces has its own individual character. The<br />
Presidential Suite is located in the Palais Gutmann that Wilhelm<br />
Ritter von Gutmann built for his family, and is used as a reception<br />
floor. Gutmann was a passionate art collector and you may admire<br />
August Eisenmenger’s beautiful ceiling paintings to this day.<br />
Eisenmenger also designed the well-known ceiling fresco in the<br />
Golden Hall of the Wiener Musikverein.<br />
In the Ritz-Carlton, Vienna, the great American hotel<br />
tradition meets Viennese charm. How do you find the right<br />
balance of the two for your guests?<br />
Our parent company may be in the United States, but our roots are<br />
deeply European. We see ourselves as a temporary home in Vienna<br />
and like to present the city to our guests from an entirely new<br />
perspective. They may accompany our head chef for a visit to the<br />
Naschmarkt or join the Running Concierge for a sightseeing<br />
jogging tour around the Ringstrasse.<br />
How would you characterise the style of the Presidential<br />
Suite in the Ritz-Carlton, Vienna?<br />
Architecturally speaking, the Presidential Suite is historical, but it<br />
does, of course, also possess various modern amenities. Especially<br />
noteworthy is the landmarked and protected ceiling fresco, which<br />
depicts the four seasons and the twelve months of the year. My<br />
personal highlights are the private library and the ultra-modern<br />
furniture by various renowned Austrian designers. It goes without<br />
saying that space plays a key role here, and since we’ve got one of<br />
the largest Presidential Suites in Austria, we really don’t have to<br />
worry about that. The guests also have access to our Club Lounge,<br />
with its exclusive and personal service. In the Ritz-Carlton Spa, our<br />
guests may relax in the longest swimming pool in the Ringstrasse.<br />
What was the most unusual request that you have received<br />
from a guest in the Presidential Suite so far?<br />
Actually it was the other way around: A famous guest once gave<br />
our staff a private autographing session because he was so<br />
satisfied with our service.<br />
Generaldirektor Christian Zandonella über<br />
die Präsidentensuite des The Ritz-Carlton,<br />
Vienna.<br />
General Manager Christian Zandonella on<br />
The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna’s Presidential Suite.<br />
INFO:<br />
Schubertring 5-7<br />
1010 Wien<br />
Tel.: +43 1 311 88<br />
Wunderbare Fluchten<br />
Great Escapes<br />
Zeit für eine herbstliche Auszeit? Wir haben vier Empfehlungen für Sie! Time for an autumn break? We´ve got four recommendations for you!<br />
Das Almdorf<br />
World Peace Eco Resort<br />
Zwischen Tradition und Moderne: Das Almdorf<br />
verkörpert die perfekte Mischung aus Beständigkeit und<br />
Vision.<br />
Between tradition and modernity: The Almdorf embodies<br />
the perfect mixture of stability and vision.<br />
Ein Highlight: Das kleinste Restaurant der<br />
Welt – Auf dem offenen Feuer bereitet die<br />
Köchin ihren Gästen ein mehrgängiges Menü<br />
zu, der Blick durch die Panoramascheibe ist<br />
atemberaubend.<br />
A highlight: The smallest restaurant in the<br />
world — the chef prepares a multi-course<br />
menu for her guests on the open fire, the view<br />
through the panorama pane is breath-taking.<br />
Auf 1.500 Metern Seehöhe in Kärnten wartet im<br />
exklusiven „Das Almdorf“ neben authentischem<br />
Ambiente und erstklassigem Service auch eine Hotelerfahrung<br />
der besonderen Art. In 51 wunderschönen Hütten und<br />
exquisiten Chalets werden Gäste hier von atemberaubender<br />
Natur, echter gelebter Gastfreundschaft und heimischer<br />
Kulinarik umgeben. Die Hütten verzaubern mit einer Stube,<br />
dem gemütlichen Wohnbereich, der Hausbank auf der<br />
Hüttenterrasse, dem köstlichen Hüttenfrühstück und der<br />
Liebe zum Detail. Der Sternenhimmel lockt Chalet-Gäste in<br />
den beheizten Zuber zu einem Bad im Freien. Für einen<br />
erholsamen Schlaf sorgen die Schlafzimmer aus gesundem<br />
Zirbenholz.<br />
Alles geschieht in dem angenehmen Bewusstsein, dass hier<br />
regional und nachhaltig gewirtschaftet wird. Das spiegeln<br />
allein die Produkte der dort zubereiteten traditionellen<br />
Kärntner und hochwertigen Küche wider, die von<br />
umliegenden Bergbauern bezogen werden. Ein kulinarischer<br />
Höhepunkt ist die Holzknechthütte, das kleinste Restaurant<br />
der Welt. Für naturnahe Pflege und Erholung sorgen der Alm<br />
Spa und die Panoramasauna mit dem Besten, was die Natur<br />
in der jeweiligen Jahreszeit zu bieten hat. Die zum Teil<br />
eigens fürs Almdorf entwickelten Behandlungen, wie das<br />
Kräuterheubad, laden auf Basis bewährter Heilmethoden<br />
des Bauernkalenders und der Mondphasen zu entspannten<br />
Stunden ein.<br />
1<br />
,500 metres above sea level in the Austrian Carinthia, the<br />
exclusive Das Almdorf awaits you with an authentic<br />
atmosphere, top-notch service and a very special kind of<br />
hotel experience. In 51 beautiful huts and exquisite chalets,<br />
guests are surrounded by breath-taking nature, real local<br />
hospitality and domestic cuisine. The huts delight with a<br />
bedroom, the cosy living area, the house bank on the hut<br />
terrace, the delicious hut breakfast and plenty of passion for<br />
detail. The starry night sky attracts chalet guests into the<br />
hot tub for an open-air bath. Beds made from healthy<br />
pinewood guarantee a good night’s sleep.<br />
All this occurs with the reassuring awareness that<br />
everything here is sourced locally and sustainably. This<br />
becomes particularly apparent when looking at the products<br />
from the traditional Carinthias and their quality cuisine,<br />
frequented by the surrounding mountain farmers. One<br />
culinary highlight is the Holzknechthütte hut, the smallest<br />
restaurant in the world. Natural care and relaxation is<br />
provided by the Alm Spa and the Panoramasauna, as well as<br />
the best of whatever nature happens to have on<br />
offer during the season. The treatments, some of<br />
them specifically developed for the Almdorf,<br />
such as the herbal hay bath, invite you to relax<br />
and benefit from the proven healing methods<br />
based on the farmer’s calendar and the lunar<br />
phases.<br />
INFO:<br />
Das Almdorf World Peace Eco Resort<br />
Fellacheralm<br />
9564 Patergassen bei Bad Kleinkirchheim<br />
Tel.: +43/4275-7201<br />
almdorf.com<br />
Holzbach<br />
Ganz ohne Nägel, Schrauben und Leim wurde der Molzbachhof<br />
um einen Zubau, das neue Vollholz-Hotel Holzbach,<br />
erweitert. Das zertifizierte Wander- und familiäre<br />
Wellnesshotel in Kirchberg am Wechsel bietet 16<br />
Vollholzzimmer sowie ein Gourmet-Restaurant.<br />
The Molzbachhof farm added a new annexe without the use<br />
of nails, screws or glue whatsoever — the new Vollholz-<br />
Hotel Holzbach. The certified hiking and family spa hotel in<br />
Kirchberg am Wechsel offers 16 fully wooden rooms, as well<br />
as a gourmet restaurant.<br />
molzbachhof.at<br />
INNs HOLZ<br />
Zentral zu sieben Top-Golfplätzen wohnen Gäste des INNs<br />
HOLZ Natur- & Vitalhotel und Chaletdorf Böhmerwald in<br />
Schöneben. Das Badehaus mit beheiztem Outdoorpool<br />
(oben) sowie der Hotel-Wellnessbereich bieten Entspannung.<br />
Chalet-Gäste relaxen außerdem in ihrer privaten<br />
Wellnessoase.<br />
Right at the centre of seven top-notch golf courses, that’s<br />
where the guests of the INNs HOLZ Natur- & Vitalhotel and<br />
the Böhmerwald Chalets in Schöneben live. The bathhouse<br />
with heated outdoor pool and the hotel spa area provide<br />
pure relaxation. Chalet guests can also seek refuge in their<br />
own private wellness oasis. innsholz.at<br />
Puradies<br />
Das Gourmetrestaurant ESS:ENZ<br />
ist die neue Adresse für<br />
Feinschmecker im Puradies<br />
Hotel & Chalets in Leogang.<br />
Zwei Hauben-Koch André Stahl<br />
verwöhnt dort u.a. mit<br />
handwerklicher Perfektion und<br />
Fleisch vom hauseigenen Biobauernhof sowie Kräutern, die<br />
vor der Haustür wachsen.<br />
The gourmet restaurant ESS:ENZ at the Puradies Hotel &<br />
Chalets in Leogang is the new address for foodies. Two-time<br />
Hauben-award winning chef Andrè Stahl pampers his guests<br />
with handmade perfection and meat from the in-house<br />
organic farm, as well as herbs picked from right in front of<br />
the door.<br />
puradies.com<br />
112 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Fernweh<br />
Itchy Feet<br />
Die besten Hotels und Restaurants aus aller Welt. | The best hotels and restaurants around the world.<br />
Text: Gerald Sturz<br />
Lovran, Kroatien | Croatia<br />
Villa Astra<br />
Malediven | Maldives<br />
Robinson Club Noonu<br />
Die Villa Astra wurde vor hundert Jahren von einem<br />
italienischen Adeligen namens Nicolo Guerra errichtet,<br />
der von dem herrlichen Blick, den man von diesem<br />
Platz aus auf die Kvarner Bucht hat, begeistert war.<br />
Damals nannte man diese Gegend „die österreichische<br />
Riviera“. Die Villa Astra ist ein wunderschönes Haus in<br />
neugotischem Stil; sie befindet sich in Lovran, einem<br />
Nachbarort von Opatija, dem ehemaligen Abbazia.<br />
Heute ist die Villa Astra eines der schönsten und<br />
romantischsten Hotels der Gegend. Ein idealer Ort, um<br />
auszuspannen. Sie verfügt über einen direkten<br />
Meereszugang, hat einen schönen Pool, einen<br />
Wellness-Bereich und ein intimes Gourmetrestaurant.<br />
The Villa Astra was constructed a hundred years ago<br />
by the Italian nobleman Nicolo Guerra who was<br />
enchanted by the incredible view of the Kvarner Bay<br />
from this location. Back then, the area was known as<br />
“the Austrian Riviera”. The Villa Astra is a beautiful<br />
house built in the neo-gothic style – it is located in<br />
Lovran, near Opatija, formerly known as Abbazia.<br />
Today, the Villa Astra is one of the most beautiful and<br />
romantic hotels in the area. An ideal place to unwind.<br />
It has direct access to the sea, a beautiful pool, a spa<br />
area and an intimate gourmet restaurant.<br />
hotelvillaastra.com<br />
Malediven | Maldives<br />
St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort<br />
Auf einer privaten Insel im Dhaalu Atoll liegt das St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort. Auf neun Hektar bietet<br />
es einzigartigen Luxus vom persönlichen 24-Stunden Butlerservice bis zur Entspannung pur im Iridium Spa.<br />
Sechs erstklassige Restaurants und Bars bieten Kulinarik auf höchstem Niveau. Die 77 exklusiv gestalteten<br />
Überwasser- und Landvillen – alle mit privatem Swimmingpool – haben je nach Wunsch ein, zwei oder drei<br />
Schlafzimmer und sind zwischen 150 und 1.540 Quadratmeter groß. Das Resort ist binnen 45 Minuten mit<br />
dem Wasserflugzeug vom Malé International Airport erreichbar.<br />
On a private island in the Dhaalu Atoll region, you will find the St Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort. Spread<br />
across nine hectares, it offers unique luxury — from a 24-hour personal butler service to pure relaxation in<br />
the Idrium Spa. Six top-notch restaurants and bars provide cuisine on the highest level. The 77 exclusively<br />
styled land and country villas — all equipped with private swimming pools — have two or three bedrooms<br />
depending on request and are between 150 and 1,540 square metres big. The resort can be reached within<br />
45 minutes via seaplane from Malé International Airport.<br />
stregismaldives.com<br />
„Ob barfuß im Sand in unserer wunderschönen Sundownerbar auf der Landzunge,<br />
stilvoll im Teppanyaki-Restaurant auf Stelzen im Wasser oder auf einer Tauchtour im<br />
spektakulären Noonu-Atoll – hier können Sie die Malediven völlig neu erleben!“,<br />
verspricht Adam Szkop, der Clubdirektor des neuen Robinson Club Noonu. Es ist nicht<br />
das erste Robinson-Resort auf den Malediven. Doch in Ergänzung zum Robinson Club<br />
Maldives gibt er sich besonders familienfreundlich (ohne deshalb ein Familienclub zu<br />
sein) und bietet All-inclusive-Verpflegung an. Er befindet sich auf der Insel Orivaru im<br />
Noonu-Atoll und ist von Malé, der Inselhauptstadt, wo sich auch der internationale<br />
Flughafen befindet, sehr leicht und schnell mit einem Wasserflugzeug und/oder<br />
Schnellboot erreichbar. Geboten werden ein vielfältiges Sport und Wellness-Angebot,<br />
Tauchen und Schnorcheln, eine hochwertige Kulinarik, ein Entertainment-Programm mit<br />
Shows, Party, Konzerte – und eine qualifizierte Kreativbetreuung für Kinder und<br />
Jugendliche.<br />
”Whether barefoot in the sand at our wonderful Sundowner Bar on the headland,<br />
stylishly at our Teppanyaki restaurant mounted on stilts and sitting on top of the water,<br />
or during a diving tour in the spectacular Noonu Atoll — experience the Maldives like<br />
never before!“, promises Adam Szkop, Club Director of the new Robinson Club Noonu.<br />
It’s not the first Robinson resort on the Maldives. But unlike the Robinson Club Maldives,<br />
it is especially family-friendly (without actually being a family club) and provides<br />
all-inclusive catering. The club is located on the island of Orivaru in the Noonu Atoll<br />
region and it can easily be reached from Malé, the island capital harbouring the<br />
international airport, via seaplane and/or speedboat. Also on offer is a diverse sports<br />
and wellness programme, diving and snorkelling, high-quality cuisine, an entertainment<br />
range consisting of shows, parties, concerts — as well as qualified creative supervision<br />
for kids and adolescents alike.<br />
robinson.com<br />
London<br />
The Ned<br />
The Ned ist das jüngste Haus der Soho House Gruppe, zu der Hotels in London, New York, Los Angeles,<br />
Berlin und an einigen anderen Plätzen gehören und die bei den erfolgreicheren Mitgliedern der Creative<br />
Class besonders beliebt sind. Es befindet sich in jenem eindrucksvollen Gebäude in der Londoner City, in<br />
dem einst die Headquarters der Midland Bank untergebracht waren. Nun ist The Ned Londons neues,<br />
angesagtes Luxushotel. Für Lebensqualität sorgen ein Rooftop Pool, neun Restaurants und Bars sowie das<br />
beliebte Cowshed Spa und Gym.<br />
The Ned is the newest house by the Soho House Group, which also includes hotels in London, New York, Los<br />
Angeles, Berlin and several other places that are particularly popular among the more successful members<br />
of the creative class. It’s located in the impressive building in the City of London that once used to<br />
headquarter the Midland Bank. Today, the Ned is London’s current hip luxury hotel. Excellent quality of life<br />
is guaranteed by a rooftop pool, nine restaurants and bars, as well as the popular Cowshed Spa and Gym.<br />
thened.com<br />
114 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
New York City<br />
Campbell Bar<br />
Bangkok<br />
Park Hyatt Bangkok<br />
Das Gebäude, das das Park Hyatt Bangkok beherbergt, ist nicht zu übersehen. Seine Form ist spektakulär: Sie soll<br />
an eine dreidimensionale Acht erinnern, eine Glückszahl in der chinesischen Kultur. Den Skyscraper hat Amanda<br />
Levete, die zurzeit wohl meistgefragte Architektin weit und breit, entworfen. Die Innengestaltung des Hotels hat<br />
das bewährte Büro YabuPushelberg übernommen und sie haben ein Haus von außergewöhnlicher Eleganz und<br />
entspannter Ruhe geschaffen, das sehr gekonnt modernes Design mit Elementen der thailändischen Kultur mixt.<br />
Das Park Hyatt Bangkok bietet einen sehr spektakulären Salzwasser Infinity Pool über den Dächern Bangkoks und<br />
selbstverständlich gute Restaurants und Bars. Unterhalb des Park Hyatt befindet sich mit der Central Embassy<br />
eine der besten High-end-Shopping Malls Bangkoks.<br />
The building housing the Park Hyatt Bangkok cannot be missed. Its shape is nothing short of spectacular — and is<br />
intended to resemble a three-dimensional eight, a lucky number in Chinese culture. Amanda Levete, perhaps the<br />
most sought-after architect of our times, designed the impressive skyscraper. The hotel’s interior design was<br />
handled by the tried and tested YabuPushelberg agency, having crafted a building of extraordinary elegance and<br />
tranquillity, perfectly blending modern design principles with various elements from Thai culture. The Park Hyatt<br />
Bangkok offers a truly spectacular salt water infinity pool hovering above the roofs of Bangkok and, of course,<br />
also excellent restaurants and bars. Underneath the Park Hyatt, you will find the Central Embassy, one of the best<br />
high-end shopping malls in Bangkok.<br />
bangkok.park.hyatt.com<br />
Das Campbell Apartment war eine legendäre,<br />
klassische Cocktail Bar im Grand Central<br />
Terminal. Hier tranken die Mad Men und die<br />
smarten Banker von der Wall Street noch in<br />
Ruhe einen Martini, bevor sie die Vorortezüge<br />
bestiegen, die sie nach Hause brachten. Nun hat<br />
sie wiedereröffnet. Und ist nun ein beliebter<br />
Anlaufpunkt für all jene, die ganz gepflegt vor<br />
einem Abend im Theatre District oder einer<br />
Nacht in Downtown hier noch einen Aperitif<br />
trinken wollen.<br />
The Campbell Apartment was a legendary,<br />
classic cocktail bar in the Grand Central<br />
Terminal. This is where the Mad Men and smart<br />
Wall Street bankers gathered for a quick Martini<br />
before commuting back to the suburbs by train.<br />
And now it’s open again, as a popular point of<br />
contact for all those wanting to drink an aperitif<br />
prior to heading for an evening in the Theatre<br />
District or spending a night out downtown.<br />
thecampbellnyc.com<br />
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including fl ight from Vienna, per person<br />
from € 2,629 *<br />
For advice and bookings, visit your TUI travel agency or www.robinson.com<br />
* Price per person, including fl ight and transfer, minimum stay: 7 nights; limited availability.<br />
TUI Deutschland GmbH . Karl-Wiechert-Allee 23 . 30625 Hanover . Germany<br />
116 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
14<br />
Wiener Weltgeschichten<br />
Viennese world histories<br />
Das Weltmuseum Wien wird – nach drei Jahren Schließzeit, in denen im Corps de Logis<br />
in der Neuen Hofburg kein Stein auf dem anderen geblieben ist – Ende Oktober endlich fulminant<br />
wiedereröffnet.<br />
The Weltmuseum Wien, which has been closed for three years, during which the Neue Hofburg’s<br />
Corps de Logis was redone from the ground up, is finally going to be opened once again<br />
at the end of October.<br />
Text & Interview: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
Weltmuseum Wien<br />
neu.<br />
Weltmuseum Wien<br />
new.<br />
„Der Orient vor der Haustüre“<br />
- einer der 14 neuen<br />
Säle.<br />
„The orient right in front of<br />
your door“ - one of 14 new<br />
halls.<br />
Geschichten, die auf diese<br />
Weise nur hier in Wien erzählt werden<br />
14einzigartige<br />
können, rollt das Weltmuseum Wien in<br />
seinen, von Grund auf neu gestalteten 14 Sälen auf.<br />
Basierend auf der weltbedeutenden Sammlung, systematisch<br />
eklektisch in der Auswahl - wie Museumsdirektor<br />
Steven Engelsman mit einem Schmunzeln anmerkt.<br />
Das einstige Völkerkundemuseum zeigt sich<br />
<strong>2017</strong> inhaltlich und technisch rundum erneuert mit<br />
zeitgemäßem Blick auf die Welt: Die Sammlung des<br />
berühmten britischen Weltumseglers James Cook<br />
etwa – eine der frühesten First Contact Sammlungen,<br />
die man wohl eher in London vermuten würde –<br />
zeichnet im Saal „Südsee - Begegnungen mit dem<br />
verlorenen Paradies“ die ereignisreichen Zusammentreffen<br />
mit den Bewohnern der pazifischen Inselwelten<br />
nach. Zudem berichten die Stücke aus dem Hofschatz<br />
des Königreichs Benin, die zu den wertvollsten<br />
Beständen des Weltmuseums Wien zählen, im Saal<br />
„Benin und Äthiopien – Kunst, Macht, Widerstand“<br />
einerseits von der Pracht der höfischen Kultur Afrikas,<br />
zugleich aber auch von der kolonialen Aneignung<br />
des Kontinents. Blüte und Verfall der indianischen<br />
Kulturen werden im Saal „Ein österreichisches<br />
Mosaik Brasiliens“ entlang der Sammlungen, die<br />
anno 1817 in Folge der Heirat von Maria Leopoldine<br />
von Österreich nach Brasilien, nach Wien gelangt<br />
sind, aufgefächert.<br />
Sammlerwahn<br />
Der Rundgang durch die neuen Säle bewegt sich<br />
nicht nur geografisch entlang der Kontinente, der<br />
Saal „Sammlerwahn – Ich leide an Museomanie!“<br />
beispielsweise stellt die Thematik der Sammelwut<br />
der Habsburger in den Fokus. Nicht weniger als<br />
14.000 ethnografische Objekte brachte Erzherzog<br />
Franz Ferdinand von seiner zehnmonatigen, auch<br />
der Knüpfung diplomatischer Kontakte gewidmeten<br />
Weltreise 1892/93 mit. „Mitten im Saal steht eine Vitrine,<br />
in der nicht exemplarisch eine Schattenspielfigur<br />
aus Indonesien ausgestellt ist, sondern 42, um<br />
den Sammelwahn von Franz Ferdinand zu illustrieren,<br />
dem es, genauso wie bei der Jagd, offensichtlich<br />
um die große Zahl gegangen ist“, erläutert Christian<br />
Schicklgruber, Kurator und stellvertretender Direktor<br />
des Weltmuseum Wien. Auszüge aus den Reisetagebüchern<br />
des Thronfolgers werfen ein Licht auf<br />
die damalige Sichtweise der Welt.<br />
Viel Stoff für Diskurs bietet der Saal „Im Schatten<br />
des Kolonialismus“. „Entgegen der verbreiteten Meinung,<br />
dass Österreich ja nie eine große Kolonialmacht<br />
war - uns das Thema also gar nichts angeht,<br />
sind sehr viele Objekte in einem kolonialen Kontext<br />
zu uns gekommen“, erläutert Kuratorin Claudia Augustat.<br />
Dabei scheut das Weltmuseum Wien auch<br />
nicht davor zurück, so kontroversielle Themen wie<br />
die Restitution von Objekten aus der Sammlung<br />
oder moderne Sklaverei aufzugreifen. „Eine Aufar-<br />
beitung des Kolonialismus können wir hier natürlich<br />
nicht leisten, die profunde Auseinandersetzung mit<br />
der Geschichte des Hauses jedoch schon“, ergänzt<br />
Augustat.<br />
Neue Blickweisen<br />
Die historischen Sammlungen aus der Kaiserzeit<br />
bilden nach wie vor die Grundlage der Dauerausstellung<br />
in den 14 Sälen im Mezzanin – rund um die<br />
Eingangshalle bespielt das Weltmuseum Wien noch<br />
einmal 1.500 m 2 Fläche mit Sonderausstellungen, die<br />
aktuelle Themen aufgreifen und die historischen Bestände<br />
mit der Gegenwart verzahnen sollen. Weshalb<br />
Steven Engelsman auch sehr viel an der intensiven<br />
Zusammenarbeit mit dem Diplomatischen<br />
Corps liegt, die neben den Ausstellungsprojekten<br />
auch in künstlerische Interventionen mündet. Wie<br />
die großformatige Arbeit der neuseeländischen<br />
Künstlerin Lisa Reihana, die im Augenblick noch auf<br />
der Biennale in Venedig gezeigt wird, und danach<br />
für fünf Jahre den Saal „Südsee: Begegnungen mit<br />
dem verlorenen Paradies“ bereichert.<br />
Weitere Interventionen, wie Lisl Pongers Fotoarbeit<br />
„The Master Narrative“, brechen die alten Blickweisen<br />
auf. Ganz im Sinne des neuen Selbstverständnisses<br />
des Weltmuseums Wien, das sich nicht mehr<br />
nur als publikumswirksames Ausstellungshaus sieht,<br />
sondern als Treffpunkt für Menschen aller Kulturen,<br />
wie Engelsman betont: „In diesem Sinne ist das<br />
Weltmuseum Wien zuallererst ein Ort, wo man sich<br />
trifft, ein Zentrum lebendiger Kultur!“<br />
14 presented by the Weltmuseum Wien in<br />
unique histories, which could only be told<br />
in this way in the city of Vienna, will be<br />
their 14 completely redesigned exhibition halls. It is<br />
based on the internationally renowned collection,<br />
which is systematically eclectic in the selection, Museum<br />
Director Steven Engelsman remarks with a<br />
smirk. The former Museum of Ethnology presents<br />
itself fully reworked in terms of content and form<br />
alike in <strong>2017</strong> and also offers a new contemporary<br />
look at the world. The collection by the renowned<br />
British explorer and navigator James Cook, which is<br />
one of the earliest first contact collections that one<br />
may be more likely to expect in London, marks the<br />
eventful encounters with the inhabitants of the Pacific<br />
Islands in the South Seas: Encounters with the<br />
Paradise Lost hall. Or, perhaps, the pieces the King-<br />
Oben: Neuer Eingangsbereich<br />
und Museumsshop.<br />
Top: The new entrance area<br />
and the museum shop.<br />
Unten /below: „Ost- und<br />
West-Indischer wie auch<br />
Sinesischer Lust- und<br />
Stats-Garten“, Erasmus<br />
Franciscus, Nürnberg 1668.<br />
Top: The new entrance area<br />
and the museum shop.<br />
118 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
INFO<br />
„Staying with Trouble“. Während<br />
einer zweimonatigen Residency<br />
entstandene Arbeiten von Rajkamal<br />
Kahlon.<br />
“Staying with Trouble“ which was<br />
created by Rajkamal Kahlon during a<br />
two month-residency .<br />
„POP-UP WORLD“ /<br />
Zur Wiedereröffnung des<br />
Weltmuseum Wien erscheint<br />
ein innovatives Buch.<br />
On occasion of the reopening<br />
of the Weltmuseum Wien, an<br />
innovative book will be<br />
published.<br />
120 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Lisl Ponger zeigt sechs großformatige Fotoarbeiten.<br />
Lisl Ponger shows six photo works in large format.<br />
Klanginstallation von Dejan Kaludjerović.<br />
Sound installation by Dejan Kaludjerovic.<br />
dom of Benin royal treasure, which count among the<br />
most valuable items in the Weltmuseum Wien’s inventory,<br />
retelling the splendour of Africa’s court culture<br />
in the Benin and Ethiopia: Art, Power, Resilience<br />
hall, whilst at the same time reporting on the<br />
continent’s colonial acquisition. The rise and fall of<br />
the Native American cultures are explored in the An<br />
Austrian Mosaic of Brazil hall, along with the collections<br />
that have made it to Vienna as a result of Maria<br />
Leopoldina of Austria’s marriage to Brazil in 1817.<br />
Collecting craze<br />
A stroll through the new exhibition halls does not<br />
only provide a geographic journey through the continents,<br />
the Collecting Craze. I Suffer from Museomania!<br />
hall, for example, focuses on the Habsburg<br />
Family’s obsession with collecting precious items. In<br />
1892/93, Archduke Franz Ferdinand went on a<br />
10-month long exploratory and diplomatic journey<br />
around the world. He returned with as many as<br />
14,000 ethnographic objects. ‘Right at the centre of<br />
the hall, there is a display case that, and this is unusual,<br />
does not contain one shadow puppet from Indonesia,<br />
but 42, with the purpose of illustrating<br />
Franz Ferdinand’s obsession with precious items,<br />
where, just as it was the case with his hunting endeavours,<br />
quantity probably mattered more than quality,’<br />
explains Christian Schicklgruber, Curator and<br />
Deputy Director at the Weltmuseum Wien. Excerpts<br />
from the Archduke’s travel logs cast a light on the<br />
prevailing view of the world during his time.<br />
There is plenty of material for discussion in the In<br />
the Shadow of Colonialism hall. ‘Contrary to the popular<br />
belief that Austria had never been a great colonial<br />
power, in other words, that the topic doesn’t<br />
even concern Austria, there are actually many objects<br />
that have come to us in a colonial context,’ explains<br />
Curator Claudia Augustat. And the Weltmuseum<br />
Wien does not shy away from tackling<br />
controversial topics such as the restitution of objects<br />
from the collection or even addressing modern-day<br />
slavery. ‘A new investigation into colonialism is, of<br />
course, beyond our reach here, but a profound engagement<br />
with the history of this establishment is not,’<br />
Augustat adds.<br />
New perspectives<br />
The historical collections from the Imperial Era<br />
continue to make up the foundation of the permanent<br />
exhibition of the 14 halls in the mezzanine,<br />
Froschkönig, 1994 © Illustration Horst Sambo, Kastner & Partners in Frankfurt, Red Bull GmbH Fuschl am See<br />
around the entry hall, the Weltmuseum Wien continues<br />
to use an area of around 1500 m 2 to present special<br />
exhibitions that tackle contemporary <strong>issue</strong>s and<br />
connect the museum’s historical content with the<br />
present. And that is also why Steven Engelsman cares<br />
a lot about the intensive collaboration with the Diplomatic<br />
Corps, which has not only resulted in exhibition<br />
projects but also in artistic interventions. This<br />
includes the large-format project by the artist Lisa<br />
Reihana from New Zealand, which is currently being<br />
displayed at the Biennale in Venice, after which it<br />
will enrich the South Seas: Encounters with the<br />
Paradise Lost hall at the Weltmuseum Wien for five<br />
years.<br />
Additional interventions, such as Lisl Ponger’s<br />
photo piece, The Master Narrative, crack open old<br />
ways of looking at things. In the spirit of the Weltmuseum<br />
Wien’s new self-image, which no longer sees<br />
itself as just an exhibition centre for the public, but as<br />
a meeting point for people of all cultures, Engelsman<br />
emphasizes: ‘In this sense, the Weltmuseum Wien is,<br />
primarily, a place where people meet and a centre for<br />
vivid culture!’<br />
www.karikaturmuseum.at<br />
Open-Air Eröffnungsfest<br />
Weltmuseum Wien mit André<br />
Heller, 25.10.<strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Open-air opening celebration<br />
Weltmuseum Wien with André Heller<br />
Tag der offenen Tür, 26.10.<strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Open day<br />
INFO:<br />
weltmuseumwien.at<br />
„Als junger Mensch besuchte ich häufig<br />
das Wiener Völkerkundemuseum, um das<br />
sogenannte Fremde zu erleben. Es war mir<br />
ein Staunen, ein Trost, eine wunderbare Inspiration<br />
und die Ermutigung später einmal<br />
selbst ein Expeditionswesen zu werden, um<br />
mir selbst und der Welt auf den Grund zu<br />
gehen. Endlich wird nun das Weltmuseum<br />
Wien, in Inhalt und Form klug verwandelt,<br />
wiedereröffnet. Welche Freude! “<br />
‘When I was young, I frequently visited the Museum<br />
of Ethnology in order to experience the socalled<br />
foreign. It was a source of astonishment,<br />
of solace, of inspiration and of encouragement to<br />
embark upon my own travels to explore both the<br />
world as well as myself. On the 25th of October<br />
<strong>2017</strong>, the long slumber will finally come to an end<br />
and the Museum of Ethnology will be reopened,<br />
smartly transformed in both content and form,<br />
with the much more appropriate name Weltmuseum.<br />
What a delight!’<br />
André Heller<br />
Verleiht Flüüügel.<br />
30 JAHRE<br />
SINCE 1707<br />
INFO<br />
WIENMUSEUM <strong>2017</strong><br />
Schausammlung in 14<br />
Sälen | Display collection<br />
in 14 halls<br />
ab 27.10.<strong>2017</strong>. täglich außer<br />
Mittwoch 10 - 18 Uhr;<br />
Freitag 10 - 21 Uhr.<br />
From 27/10/<strong>2017</strong>. Open daily,<br />
except Wednesday, 10:00 to<br />
18:00; Friday 10:00 to 21:00.<br />
Sonderausstellungen<br />
ab 25.10.<strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Special exhibitions<br />
from 25/10/<strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Rajkamal Kahlon:<br />
„Staying with Trouble“<br />
Lisl Ponger:<br />
„The Master Narrative“<br />
Dejan Kaludjerović:<br />
„Conversations“<br />
„Sharing Stories“ / Dinge<br />
sprechen<br />
„Pop-Up World“ /<br />
Erzählungen<br />
Kulturpatenschaften<br />
Culture partnerships<br />
Die Patenschaft für eines der<br />
einzigartigen Objekte der<br />
neu konzipierten<br />
Schausammlung des<br />
Weltmuseum Wien zu<br />
übernehmen, ist auch<br />
weiterhin möglich. Cercle<br />
Diplomatique darf sich stolz<br />
Kulturpatron eines<br />
australischen Bumerangs<br />
aus der ehemaligen<br />
Sammlung Erzherzogs Franz<br />
Ferdinand von Österreich-<br />
Este nennen.<br />
You can continue to sponsor<br />
one of the many unique<br />
objects of the newly<br />
conceptualised permanent<br />
exhibition of the<br />
Weltmuseum Wien. Cercle<br />
Diplomatique proudly calls<br />
itself the culture patron of<br />
an Australian boomerang<br />
from Archbishop Franz<br />
Ferdinand’s former<br />
collection.<br />
Steven Engelsman<br />
Direktor Weltmuseum Wien | Director Weltmuseum Wien<br />
Steven Engelsman studierte in Utrecht Mathematik und Wissenschaftsgeschichte und leitete mehr als 20 Jahre lang das Museum für<br />
Völkerkunde in Leiden. 2012 wurde Steven Engelsman zum Direktor des Weltmuseums Wien bestellt.<br />
Steven Engelsman studied Mathematics and History of Science in Utrecht and has led the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden for more than<br />
20 years. In 2012, Steven Engelsman was named the Director of the Weltmuseum Wien.<br />
Was darf sich das Publikum vom neuen Weltmuseum Wien<br />
erwarten?<br />
Wir zeigen eine großartige Perlenkette von Geschichten, die man so<br />
nur in Wien erzählen kann. 14 Säle mit absolut einzigartigen Objekten<br />
und absolut einzigartigen Geschichten über Österreich und die Welt -<br />
warum diese Sammlungen nach Österreich gekommen sind, was sie so<br />
wichtig macht. Und wir haben einen der besten Ausstellungsdesigner<br />
der Welt – Ralph Appelbaum – gewonnen, für uns die Einrichtung zu<br />
gestalten. Da sind wir schon sehr stolz darauf!<br />
Die Bestände des Weltmuseums Wien reichen sehr weit zurück<br />
in der Zeit. Gibt es auch Objekte, die Sie gerne zeigen würden,<br />
die aber aus Gründen der Fragilität nicht präsentiert werden<br />
können?<br />
Der Penacho de Moctezuma (Federkopfschmuck, Azteken, frühes 16.<br />
Jahrhundert) ist sicherlich das fragilste Stück der Sammlung, doch<br />
selbst dieses können wir zeigen - das ist technisch zwar sehr<br />
aufwändig, aber möglich. Es gibt natürlich einige tolle Objekte, die im<br />
Depot verbleiben müssen. Die rund 3.000 Objekte, die die<br />
Kuratorinnen und Kuratoren für die Dauerausstellung ausgewählt<br />
haben, sind auf jeden Fall eine fantastische Auswahl!<br />
Wie meistert das Weltmuseum Wien die Balance zwischen den<br />
ausgedehnten Beständen aus der Kaiserzeit und den<br />
Ansprüchen der Gegenwart?<br />
Das Erbe der Monarchie, diese ganz einzigartigen Sammlungen, die uns<br />
weltberühmt machen, sind die Rechtfertigung der Existenz des Hauses.<br />
Wir thematisieren aber auch wichtige Fragen von heute: Einerseits die<br />
kolonialen Ursprünge des Hauses - im Saal „Welt in Bewegung“<br />
wiederum geht es um Migration. Neben den 14 Sälen der Dauerausstellung<br />
bespielen wir zudem 1.500 m 2 mit Sonderausstellungen. Und wir<br />
haben außerdem eine Reihe von künstlerischen Interventionen im<br />
Haus, etwa von Lisl Ponger oder Dejan Kaludjerović. Das sind starke<br />
Statements von heute, die wir da zeigen.<br />
Wie definieren Sie die Aufgaben des Weltmuseums Wien in<br />
einer globalisierten Welt am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts?<br />
Die Repräsentation anderer Kulturen sehen wir heute nicht mehr als<br />
unsere Aufgabe, das war das Völkerkundemuseum. Das Weltmuseum<br />
Wien versteht sich als Treffpunkt für Menschen aller Kulturen, wo es<br />
um Wertschätzung und Begeisterung für kulturelle Vielfalt geht!<br />
What can the public expect from the newly designed exhibition<br />
halls?<br />
We present a fantastic chain of histories that could only be told in this<br />
way in Vienna. We will present 14 halls with absolutely unique objects<br />
and unique stories from Austria and all over the world —and show why<br />
these collections have come to Austria and what makes them so<br />
important. We got one of the best exhibition designers in the world<br />
– Ralph Appelbaum – to design the interior for us. We are especially<br />
proud of that!<br />
The inventory of the Weltmuseum Wien reaches far back into<br />
time. Are there any objects that you would like to show but<br />
cannot due to fragility <strong>issue</strong>s?<br />
The Penacho de Moctezuma (feather headdress, Aztecs, early 16th<br />
century) is surely the most fragile piece in the collection, but we are still<br />
able to present it, which may be very demanding from a technical point<br />
of view, but it’s doable. But of course, there are a few great objects that<br />
must stay in the inventory. However, the 3,000 objects that the<br />
curators have chosen for the permanent exhibition are, without a<br />
doubt, a fantastic selection!<br />
How does the Weltmuseum Wien manage the balance between<br />
the extensive inventory from the Imperial Era and contemporary<br />
tastes?<br />
The heritage of the monarchy alone, these very unique collections that<br />
have made us famous around the world, justify the existence of our<br />
establishment. We do, however, also explore contemporary <strong>issue</strong>s: On<br />
the one hand, the colonialist origins of the establishment – in the Welt<br />
in Bewegung (World in Motion) exhibition hall, we explore the topic of<br />
migration. We also make the leap into the present by offering 1500 m 2<br />
of special exhibitions next to our other 14 halls. And we also have a<br />
series of artistic interventions, such as Lisl Ponger or Dejan<br />
Kaludjerović. In other words, we’re presenting several contemporary<br />
statements.<br />
How do you define the mission of the Weltmuseum Wien in a<br />
globalised world at the beginning of the 21st century?<br />
We no longer consider the representation of other cultures as our<br />
mission; that was the former Museum of Ethnology. The Weltmuseum<br />
Wien sees itself as a meeting point for people of all cultures, where<br />
everything revolves around appreciating and being astonished by our<br />
world’s cultural diversity.<br />
The leading Auction House in the Center of Europe<br />
600 auctions, 40 departments, 100 specialists, more than 300 years of experience<br />
Auction Week October – Old Master and 19th Century Paintings<br />
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Brussels, London, Düsseldorf, Munich, Milan, Rome, Paris, Prague, Tel Aviv<br />
www.dorotheum.com<br />
INFO:<br />
weltmuseumwien.at<br />
122 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
120 Jahre am Puls der Zeit<br />
120 years of keeping pace with the times<br />
Secession, Wien | Vienna<br />
Text & Interview: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
INFO<br />
Jugendstil-Ikone: Das markante<br />
Wiener Secessionsgebäude<br />
mit seiner goldenen Blätterkuppel.<br />
Art nouveau icon: The striking<br />
building of the Vienna Secession<br />
with its cupola of golden leaves.<br />
Mit Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser und Josef<br />
Hoffmann unter den Gründungsmitgliedern,<br />
war die Vereinigung bildender<br />
KünstlerInnen Wiener Secession die Keimzelle des<br />
Wiener Jugendstils. Heute zählt das 1898 von Joseph<br />
Maria Olbrich gestaltete, unverwechselbare Secessionsgebäude<br />
mit seiner goldenen Blätterkuppel zu<br />
den bedeutendsten Jugendstilbauten – und ist weltweit<br />
das älteste unabhängige, der zeitgenössischen<br />
Kunst gewidmete Ausstellungshaus. Gustav Klimts<br />
berühmter „Beethovenfries“, der im Untergeschoss<br />
der Secession ausgestellt ist, entstand 1902 für eine<br />
Ludwig van Beethoven gewidmete Ausstellung. Der<br />
monumentale Wandzyklus mit seiner allegorischen<br />
Darstellung menschlicher Sehnsucht nach dem<br />
Glück gilt als eines der Hauptwerke des Jugendstils.<br />
With Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser and Josef<br />
Hoffman among its founding members,<br />
the Vienna Secession, Association of Visual<br />
Artists quickly became a breeding ground for the Viennese<br />
Art Nouveau movement. Today, the unmistakable<br />
Secession building, originally designed in 1898 by<br />
Joseph Maria Olbrich, is considered among the most<br />
significant Art Nouveau constructions, with its golden<br />
leafy dome, and is the oldest independent exhibition<br />
house dedicated to contemporary art in the world. Gustav<br />
Klimt’s famous “Beethoven Frieze”, exhibited in the<br />
basement of the Secession, came to be as part of a programme<br />
in 1902 dedicated to Ludwig van Beethoven.<br />
The monumental “Wandzyklus”, with its allegorical depiction<br />
of the desire for bliss, is considered among Art<br />
Nouveau’s most important pieces.<br />
Herwig Kempinger<br />
Der markante Jugendstilbau der Secession und Klimts<br />
Beethovenfries sind touristische Highlights Wiens, andererseits<br />
fährt die Secession ein sehr ambitioniertes Ausstellungsprogramm<br />
internationaler Gegenwartskunst. Wie ist dieser<br />
Spagat zu schaffen?<br />
Ich sehe das nicht als Spagat. Vielmehr bin ich der Meinung, dass<br />
hervorragende Kunst aus jeder Zeit auch immer sehr gut mit<br />
zeitgenössischer Kunst zusammenleben kann. Wichtig ist bei<br />
beiden die Qualität und nicht das Alter.<br />
Worin sehen Sie das Bahnbrechende in Klimts Beethovenfries?<br />
Sicherlich in der Übersetzung von Musik in visuelle Inhalte. Mit<br />
lauten und leisen Passagen und auch Pausen gestaltet Klimt ein<br />
Kunstwerk, das auch die Leere als Form erlaubt.<br />
Wie positioniert sich die Secession mit ihren 12 bis 15<br />
jährlichen Ausstellungen in der Wiener Museumslandschaft<br />
und im internationalen Kontext?<br />
Die Secession ist eine unabhängige Institution, die seit ihrer<br />
Gründung vor 120 Jahren sehr erfolgreich von Künstlern geführt<br />
wird. Dies allein macht uns in Wien schon einzigartig. Wir zeigen<br />
relevante internationale Kunst, die meist noch nie in Österreich zu<br />
sehen war. Dabei legen wir Wert auf eine entsprechende<br />
Choreographie der unterschiedlichen medialen Ausdrucksformen<br />
von jungen experimentellen Positionen und älteren etablierten<br />
Künstlern aller Geschlechter. Das alles findet zudem im<br />
Präsident der Wiener Secession, Vereinigung bildender KünstlerInnen | President<br />
of the Vienna Secession, Association of Visual Artists<br />
Herwig Kempinger arbeitet als Künstler in den Bereichen Malerei, Fotografie, Film und Skulptur. Von 1984 - 1994 war er Lektor für<br />
Medienkunst an der Hochschule für angewandte Kunst Wien. Seit 2013 ist Herwig Kempinger Präsident der Vereinigung Bildender<br />
KünstlerInnen Wiener Secession.<br />
Herwig Kempinger works as an artist in the fields of painting, photography, film and sculpting. Between 1984 and 1994, he was a Media Arts reader at<br />
the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Since 2013, Herwig Kempinger has been the President of the Vienna Secession, Association of Visual Artists.<br />
architektonisch bedeutendsten Ausstellungshaus des Landes<br />
statt. International gesehen sind wir auf jeden Fall unter die<br />
besten unabhängigen Institutionen für zeitgenössische Kunst<br />
einzuordnen.<br />
Ihre Position wurde in der Vergangenheit u.a. von Gustav<br />
Klimt und Josef Hoffmann besetzt – wie gehen Sie als<br />
gegenwärtiger Präsident der Künstlervereinigung mit<br />
dieser mächtigen Vergangenheit um?<br />
Die hohe Reputation und die Geschichte einer Institution sind<br />
Verpflichtung, einen relevanten Beitrag zu ihrer Zukunft zu leisten.<br />
Eine große Vergangenheit darf nicht einschüchtern, sondern muss<br />
motivieren.<br />
The striking Art Nouveau style of the Secession and Klimt’s<br />
Beethoven Frieze are among Vienna’s touristic highlights, but<br />
the Secession also maintains a very ambitious exhibition<br />
programme for contemporary art. What helps you maintain<br />
this balancing act?<br />
I don’t see it as a balancing act. I am much rather of the opinion that<br />
excellent art from any period can live in harmony with contemporary<br />
art. Here, quality plays a much bigger role than age.<br />
What do you think makes Klimt’s Beethoven Frieze so<br />
groundbreaking?<br />
Surely it is the translation of music into visual content. Using both loud<br />
as well as quiet tones, Klimt crafts a piece of art that also permits<br />
emptiness to act as a form.<br />
What role does the Secession, with its 12 to 15 exhibitions a<br />
year, play in Vienna’s museum environment as well as in the<br />
international context?<br />
The Secession is an independent institution that has been successfully<br />
led by artists since its inception 120 years ago. We often present<br />
relevant international art that has never been seen before in Austria.<br />
Here, we also place particular emphasis on a corresponding<br />
choreography of young experimental approaches as well as older, more<br />
established artists of all genders. All of this takes place in the<br />
architecturally most significant exhibition house in the country.<br />
Internationally, we can certainly be counted among the best<br />
independent institutions for contemporary art.<br />
Your own position was held in the past by Gustav Klimt and<br />
Josef Hoffman, among others — how do you, as the current<br />
President of the Association of Visual Arts, deal with the<br />
reputation of these great predecessors?<br />
The reputation and history of an institution mean the responsibility to<br />
contribute to its future. A great history should not intimidate, but<br />
motivate.<br />
Aktuelle Ausstellungen<br />
14.9.-5.11.<strong>2017</strong>:<br />
Current exhibitions<br />
Nicole Eisenman<br />
Hauptwerke und neuere<br />
Arbeiten der in New York<br />
lebenden Malerin.<br />
Key works and new pieces by<br />
the New York based painter.<br />
Toni Schmale<br />
Die Wiener Künstlerin<br />
thematisiert in ihren Installationen,<br />
Performances, Skulpturen<br />
und Animationen Geschlechterkonstruktionen.<br />
The Viennese artist uses her<br />
installations, performances,<br />
sculptures and animations to<br />
explore gender constructions.<br />
Chadwick Rantanen<br />
In Skulpturen, Installationen und<br />
ortsspezifischen Interventionen<br />
funktioniert der in Los Angeles<br />
lebende Künstler Gebrauchsgegenstände<br />
und industriell<br />
hergestellte Massenprodukte<br />
um.<br />
The Los Angeles based artist<br />
uses everyday objects and<br />
industrially manufactured mass<br />
products and reconfigures them<br />
into sculptures, installations and<br />
location-specific interventions.<br />
Künstlerbücher, in limitierter<br />
Auflage zu den jeweiligen<br />
Ausstellungen publiziert, sind im<br />
Museumsshop erhältlich.<br />
Books about the respective<br />
artists, which are published on a<br />
limited basis, can be purchased<br />
in the museum shop.<br />
Gustav Klimt<br />
„Beethovenfries“<br />
Permanente Präsentation<br />
“Beethoven Frieze”<br />
Permanent exhibition<br />
Führungen jeden Samstag,<br />
14 Uhr in Deutsch.<br />
Guided tours every Saturday,<br />
11 a.m. in English.<br />
Klimt trifft auf Contemporary Art/Klimt<br />
meets contemporary art: Nicole Eisenman,<br />
Achilles Heel, 2014 (links/left);<br />
Toni Schmale, the good enough mother,<br />
<strong>2017</strong> (Mitte/middle)<br />
Gustav Klimt, Beethovenfries/ Beethoven<br />
Frieze, 1902 (großes Bild oben und<br />
rechts/ big picture on top and right).<br />
Links/ left:<br />
Toni Schmale,<br />
feuerbock, 2015.<br />
INFO:<br />
Friedrichstraße 12<br />
1010 Wien<br />
secession.at<br />
124 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong> 125
Culture Talk Julia Fischer<br />
Die deutsche Stargeigerin und Artist in Residence der Wiener Symphoniker der Spielzeit <strong>2017</strong>/18, Julia Fischer im CD-<br />
Exklusivinterview über musikalisches Vertrauen, das Leben als „Wunderkind“ und Mendelssohn-Bartholdys Violinkonzert.<br />
Julia Fischer, the German star violinist and the Wiener Symphoniker’s Artist in Residence for the <strong>2017</strong>/18 season, talks about<br />
musical trust, life as a “prodigy“ and Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s violin concerto in E minor, in this exclusive CD-interview.<br />
Interview: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
INFO<br />
Was hat Sie bewogen, die Einladung zum Artist in<br />
Residence der Wiener Symphoniker für die Saison<br />
<strong>2017</strong>/18 anzunehmen?<br />
Meine Zusammenarbeit mit den Wiener Symphonikern geht bis<br />
ins Jahr 2006 zurück, insofern mag ich das Orchester sehr<br />
gerne und schon sehr lange sehr gerne! Philippe Jordan, ihr<br />
Chefdirigent, ist ein sehr geradliniger, ehrlicher Musiker ohne<br />
Mätzchen. Ich mag ihn sehr, es geht ihm wirklich um die Sache,<br />
um die Musik. Wenn alle Seiten bereit sind, die Äußerlichkeiten<br />
wegzulassen, kann man wirklich hohe Kunst zustande bringen.<br />
Sie werden als „die große Intellektuelle unter den<br />
Geigenvirtuosen der Gegenwart“ beschrieben – eine<br />
Charakterisierung mit der Sie sich identifizieren können?<br />
Ich glaube schon, dass es Musiker gibt, die weniger intellektuell<br />
an Musik herangehen. Ich lese und denke viel über die Werke<br />
nach, die ich spiele. Ich bin auch intuitiv, aber ich finde, alles,<br />
was man musikalisch tut, muss Sinn und Verstand haben! Die<br />
Konzertbesucher sollen ein emotionales Erlebnis haben, aber in<br />
der Vorbereitung ist die intellektuelle Arbeit essentiell.<br />
Seit Ihrem gefeierten internationalen Debüt mit 19<br />
gelten Sie als Weltstar – wie gehen Sie mit den hohen<br />
Erwartungen an Sie um?<br />
Erwartung von anderen – die interessieren mich gar nicht!<br />
Natürlich habe ich extrem hohe Erwartungen an mich selbst.<br />
Wenn ich abends auf die Bühne gehe, habe ich selbstverständlich<br />
im Kopf, wie das im Idealfall ablaufen soll. Aber ich hatte<br />
nie den Eindruck, ich müsse irgendwelche Erwartungen von<br />
Außen erfüllen.<br />
Es gab nie den Druck von Seiten Ihrer Eltern, Sie müssen<br />
das Wunderkind sein?<br />
Nein, überhaupt nicht. Ich hätte auch einfach sagen können, ich<br />
höre heute auf. Den Wunsch, dass ich Geigerin werden möchte,<br />
habe ich selbst sehr deutlich formuliert. Wenn man mich mit<br />
vier oder fünf gefragt hat, habe ich als Antwort gegeben: Ich<br />
bin Geigerin! Bei meinen Auftritten hat meine Mutter auch nie<br />
gesagt: „Pass´ auf diese oder jene Passage auf und bitte keine<br />
falschen Noten und immer freundlich lächeln!“ Sie hat stets nur<br />
gesagt: „Und jetzt geh´ raus und habe Freude auf der Bühne!“<br />
Das Publikum wird Sie auch am Konzertflügel erleben<br />
– zusammen mit Philippe Jordan geben Sie die Fantasie<br />
in F-Moll für Klavier zu vier Händen von Franz Schubert.<br />
Ein Stück, das eine große Vertrautheit mit ihrem<br />
musikalischen Partner voraussetzt.<br />
Die Vertrautheit, die man bei so etwas braucht, die hat man<br />
gleich oder gar nicht, die kann man nicht üben. Es gibt diesen<br />
gemeinsamen Herzschlag. Ich bin sehr stolz, dass Philippe<br />
Jordan bereit ist, mit mir vierhändig Klavier zu spielen.<br />
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdys Violinkonzert steht<br />
ebenfalls am Programm. Was macht dieses Werk zum<br />
richtungsweisenden Klassiker?<br />
Erstmal gehört es zu den schönsten Werken, die geschrieben<br />
wurden! Für mich steht Mendelssohn total ebenbürtig neben<br />
Mozart. Die Revolution, dass sofort die Geige einsetzt – dass<br />
nicht mehr zuerst das Orchester die Themen vorstellt, hat<br />
dieses Stück zum Klassiker gemacht. Und ich freue mich extrem<br />
darauf, es in Wien zu spielen.<br />
What made you accept the invitation to become the Wiener<br />
Symphoniker‘s Artist in Residence for the season <strong>2017</strong>/18?<br />
My collaboration with the Wiener Symphoniker goes all the way<br />
back to the year 2016, so I quite like the orchestra and have<br />
been liking it for a while, too! Philippe Jordan, the Chief<br />
Conductor, is a very straightforward, honest musician who<br />
doesn’t fool around. I am quite fond of him. He really cares<br />
about music. When all parties are ready to leave appearances<br />
and superficial things behind, that’s when truly great art is<br />
created.<br />
You are described as ‘the great intellectual among<br />
contemporary violin virtuosos’ – can you relate to this<br />
description?<br />
I do believe that there are musicians that have a less<br />
intellectual approach to music. I read and think a lot about the<br />
pieces that I play. I’m also intuitive, but I think that when you<br />
do something musically it should make sense and follow certain<br />
logic! The audience sitting in the concerto should have an<br />
emotional experience, but during preparation intellectual work<br />
is indispensable.<br />
You started playing the violin when you were three years old<br />
and since your much-celebrated international debut at 19 you<br />
have been considered an international star – how do you deal<br />
with the high expectations?<br />
The expectations of others don’t interest me at all! But I have<br />
very high expectations of myself, of course. When I go out on<br />
the stage in the evening, I naturally have a plan of how things<br />
should go down in the ideal case. But I was never under the<br />
impression that I was obligated to fulfil any external<br />
expectations.<br />
You never felt pressure from your parents to be the prodigy?<br />
No, not at all, I could easily have said, today I quit. The desire to<br />
become a professional violinist was entirely my own. When<br />
people asked me what I wanted to be when I was four or five, I<br />
gave them a clear answer: I’m a violinist! During my shows,<br />
my mother never told me to watch this or that passage and not<br />
to play any wrong notes and to please keep on smiling. She<br />
would always just say: Now go out and enjoy yourself on the<br />
stage!<br />
The audience will also get to experience you at the grand<br />
piano – together with Philippe Jordan, you will play Fantasia<br />
in F minor for piano four-hands by Franz Schubert.<br />
This is a piece that requires great trust in your musical partner;<br />
you either have or don’t have the kind of trust that is needed<br />
for such an endeavour. You can’t learn it. There is this shared<br />
heartbeat. I am very proud that Philippe Jordan is prepared to<br />
play the piano four-hands with me; I wasn’t expecting it.<br />
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s Violin Concerto is also part of<br />
the program. What makes this piece such a significant<br />
classic?<br />
First of all, it is among the most beautiful pieces ever written!<br />
To me, Mendelssohn is absolutely on par with Mozart. The<br />
revolution to use the violin straight away – that the orchestra<br />
doesn’t introduce the themes first – has made this piece a<br />
classic. And I’m very much looking forward to playing it in<br />
Vienna.<br />
Fischer, Jordan, Wiener<br />
Symphoniker<br />
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,<br />
Brahms<br />
17.11.<strong>2017</strong>, Fridays@7, Wiener<br />
Konzerthaus<br />
Fischer, Jordan, HABE<br />
Quartett<br />
Schubert, Bruch, Dvorák<br />
18.11.<strong>2017</strong>, Wiener Konzerthaus<br />
Fischer, Jordan, Wiener<br />
Symphoniker<br />
Beethoven, Mendelssohn-<br />
Bartholdy, Mahler<br />
19.11.<strong>2017</strong>, Wiener Konzerthaus<br />
juliafischer.com<br />
wienersymphoniker.at<br />
Julia Fischer, geboren in München, begann im Alter von drei Jahren mit dem<br />
Geigen- und kurz darauf mit dem Klavierspiel. Ihr internationales Debüt gab die von<br />
der Süddeutschen Zeitung als „Jahrhunderttalent“ geadelte Musikerin mit 19 in der<br />
Carnegie Hall in New York, mit 23 wurde sie die jüngste Professorin Deutschlands.<br />
In der Saison <strong>2017</strong>/18 ist Julia Fischer Artist in Residence der Wiener Symphoniker.<br />
Julia Fischer, born in Munich, began playing the Violin at the age of three —<br />
shortly afterwards, she started playing the piano. The young musician, named by<br />
the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper as ‘The Talent of the Century’, gave her<br />
international debut at Carnergie Hall in New York at the age of 19, at the age of 23<br />
she became the youngest professor in Germany. For the season <strong>2017</strong>/18, Julia<br />
Fischer will be the Wiener Symphoniker’s Artist in Residence.<br />
126 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong> 127
Kultur-Highlights Herbst <strong>2017</strong><br />
Cultural highlights autumn <strong>2017</strong><br />
Text: Evelyn Rois<br />
Heißer Kunstherbst<br />
Exciting art autumn<br />
viennacontemporary <strong>2017</strong>: Gil<br />
Heitor Cortesão, Ola<br />
Kolehmainen.<br />
Zauberflöte: Sophie<br />
Karthäuser ist in der Rolle der<br />
Pamina zu erleben.<br />
Magic Flute: Sophie Karthäuser<br />
can be experienced in the role<br />
of Pamina.<br />
128 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Deutschsprachige Oper im Fokus | German-language opera in the spotlight<br />
Wiens jüngstes Opernhaus, das Theater an der Wien, arbeitet sich diesen Herbst an den<br />
Meilensteinen der deutschsprachigen Oper ab: Mozarts Zauberflöte unter der musikalischen<br />
Leitung von René Jacobs macht im September den Anfang – Wozzek von Alban Berg mit<br />
Star-Bariton Florian Boesch in der Titelpartie folgt dann im Oktober. Eine völlig neu entwickelte<br />
Ring-Trilogie, die Richard Wagners epochalen Opernzyklus an drei Abenden aus der Perspektive<br />
von Hagen, Siegfried und Brünnhilde aufrollt, feiert im November Premiere. Spannend!<br />
Vienna’s youngest opera house, the Theater an der Wien, is working its way through the many<br />
milestones of German operatic history: Mozart’s The Magic Flute under the musical leadership of<br />
René Jacobs is launching in September, Wozzeck by Alban Berg with the celebrity baritone Florian<br />
Boesch in the title role follows in October. A completely new Ring Trilogy, which unpacks Richard<br />
Wagner’s epic opera series on three evenings from the perspectives of Hagen, Siegfried and<br />
Brünnhilde, premieres in November. Exciting!<br />
theater-wien.at<br />
Ab Mitte September verdichtet sich in Wien das Kunstgeschehen regelmäßig zu einem wahren Ausstellungsmarathon: Angefangen mit dem Galerienfestival curated by_vienna (15.09.-<br />
14.10.<strong>2017</strong>; curatedby.at), über Österreichs wichtigste Messe für Gegenwartskunst viennacontemporary in der Marx Halle (21.-24.09.<strong>2017</strong>; viennacontemporary.at) und ihrer wilden<br />
Schwester Parallel Vienna, die dieses Jahr die Alte Sigmund Freud Universität in Erdberg bespielt (19.-24.09.<strong>2017</strong>; parallelvienna.com), über die Vienna Design Week mit Gastland Rumänien<br />
(29.9.-8.10.<strong>2017</strong>; viennadesignweek.at), bis zur vom Dorotheum initiierten Vienna Art Week mit ihren zahlreichen Spielorten (13.-19.11.<strong>2017</strong>; viennaartweek.at), jagt ein Pflichttermin den<br />
nächsten.<br />
Beginning in mid-September, Vienna’s art scene seems to be taking on the form of an exhibition marathon: Starting with the Galerienfestival curated by vienna (15/09 –<br />
14/10/<strong>2017</strong>; curatedby.at), Austria’s most important fair for contemporary art viennacontemporary at the Marx Halle (21/-24/09/<strong>2017</strong>; viennacontemporary.at) and its wild<br />
sibling Parallel Vienna, which will take place at the old Sigmund Freud University Vienna in Erdberg this year (19/-24/09/<strong>2017</strong>; parallelvienna.com), the Vienna Design Week<br />
with Romania as a guest country (29/09/ – 08/10/<strong>2017</strong>; viennadesignweek.at), all the way to the Vienna Art Week, initiated by the Dorotheum auction house, with its many<br />
locations (13/-19/11/<strong>2017</strong>; viennaartweek.at), one unmissable event follows the next.<br />
Unfurled, Patricia Piccinini.<br />
Terra Incognita<br />
Kunst aus Australien, Südostasien<br />
und der Pazifikregion ist in unseren<br />
Breitengraden (noch) eine große<br />
Unbekannte. Terra Incognita nennt<br />
sich denn auch die Ausstellung in<br />
der BROTKunsthalle der Galerie<br />
Ernst Hilger an der Absberggasse<br />
im 10. Bezirk, die im Rahmen von<br />
curated by_vienna <strong>2017</strong> vom<br />
15.9.-28.10.<strong>2017</strong> sechzehn<br />
spannende Positionen aktueller<br />
Gegenwartskunst aus dieser Region<br />
nach Wien bringt.<br />
Art from Australia, Southeast Asia<br />
and the Pacific Region remains<br />
relatively unknown around here.<br />
Terra Incognita is thus the title of<br />
the exhibition in the BROTKunsthalle<br />
of the Ernst Hilger Gallery at<br />
Absberggasse in the 10th district,<br />
which will bring 16 exciting pieces<br />
from the region’s contemporary art<br />
scene to Vienna between 15/09 and<br />
28/10/<strong>2017</strong> as part of curated by<br />
vienna <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
hilger.at<br />
Selbstbildnis, um 1638.<br />
Unten: „Das Pelzchen“,<br />
um 1636/1638.<br />
Self portrait, around<br />
1638.<br />
Below: “The Fur“,<br />
around 1636/1638.<br />
Opulenter Rubens Rausch |<br />
Opulent Peter Paul Rubens<br />
Das Kunsthistorische Museum Wien feiert im Herbst<br />
den bedeutendsten flämischen Barockmaler Peter<br />
Paul Rubens: Die große Schau „Kraft der Verwandlung“<br />
vom 17.10.<strong>2017</strong> bis 21.01.2018 vereint dabei den<br />
großartigen Wiener Bestand wie „Das Pelzchen“ mit<br />
70 internationalen Leihgaben zu einem spektakulären<br />
Ensemble.<br />
This autumn, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien<br />
celebrates the most significant Flemish Baroque<br />
Painter Peter Paul Rubens. The large exhibition, The<br />
Power of Transformation, between 17/10/<strong>2017</strong> and<br />
21/01/2018, unites great Viennese pieces such as<br />
‘The Fur’ together with 70 international loan pieces<br />
into one spectacular ensemble.<br />
khm.at<br />
Gabriel on tour<br />
Elf Kurzgeschichten rund um den<br />
Erzengel Gabriel, untermalt mit<br />
spektakulären Visuals, elektronischen<br />
Beats und einem live<br />
gespielten Streichensemble unter<br />
Klassik-Stargeiger Yury Revich –<br />
Mastermind und Star-DJ Sergio<br />
Manoel Flores verwandelt sakrale<br />
Kirchenräume zu eindrucksvollen<br />
Bühnen für ein einzigartiges,<br />
90-minütiges Klangerlebnis.<br />
Premiere ist am 28. und 29.09.<strong>2017</strong><br />
in der Wiener Kirche am Hof.<br />
Eleven short stories about the<br />
archangel Gabriel, accentuated with<br />
spectacular visuals, electronic beats<br />
and a live string ensemble under the<br />
celebrity classic violinist Yury<br />
Revich, mastermind and celebrity,<br />
DJ Manoel Flores transforms sacred<br />
church interiors into impressive<br />
stages for a unique, 90-minute-long<br />
auditory experience. Premiere is on<br />
28/ and 29/09/<strong>2017</strong> at the Kirche<br />
am Hof, Vienna.<br />
electric-church.at<br />
Yury Revich, Sergio Manoel Flores.<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong> 129
Clara Jumi Kang.<br />
Portrait Rudolf IV., um 1360.<br />
Portrait Rudolph IV, around 1360.<br />
Tango Operita!<br />
Große Gefühle, sehnsüchtige Bandoneon-Klänge und natürlich<br />
temperamentvolle Tango-Tanzeinlagen: „Una Noche en Buenos Aires“<br />
zaubert argentinische Leidenschaft auf die Bühne des Theater Akzent in<br />
Wien. Unter der musikalischen Leitung von Pablo Boggiano bringt ein<br />
hochkarätiges Ensemble von 4.10. bis 6.10.<strong>2017</strong> die beiden Tango-Opern<br />
„Maria de Buenos Aires“ von Astor Piazzolla und Martin Palmeris „Mateo“<br />
zur Aufführung.<br />
Strong emotions, longing bandoneon tunes and, of course, fiery tango<br />
dance moves: Una Noche en Buenos Aires casts the spell of Argentinian<br />
passion onto the stage of the Theater Akzent in Vienna. Under the<br />
musical leadership of Pablo Boggiano, a top-notch ensemble will bring<br />
the two tango operas, Maria de Buenos Aires, by Astor Piazzolla and<br />
Mateo, by Martin Palmeries, to life. akzent.at<br />
MAI – OKTOBER <strong>2017</strong><br />
Täglich von 10 bis 17 Uhr<br />
Josefsplatz 5, 2500 Baden<br />
www.arnulf-rainer-museum.at<br />
Korea Connection<br />
Gleich zwei koreanische Orchester sind diesen Herbst im Brucknerhaus in Linz zu hören: Einmal das<br />
Tongyeong Festival Orchestra – das bereits 2016 begeisterte – beim Brucknerfest <strong>2017</strong> am 29.09. mit<br />
Werken von Maurice Ravel und dem koreanischen Komponisten Yun Isang. Solistin ist die deutsch-koreanische<br />
Stargeigerin Clara Jumi Kang. Am 25.10.<strong>2017</strong> tritt dann das Gwangju Symphony Orchestra erstmals im<br />
Brucknerhaus auf.<br />
Not one but two Korean orchestras will perform at the Brucknerhaus in Linz this autumn: the first is the<br />
Tongyeong Festival Orchestra, which already performed and impressed in 2016, at the Brucknerfest <strong>2017</strong> on<br />
29/09 with works by Maurice Ravel and the Korean composer Yun Isang. The soloist is the German-Korean<br />
celebrity violinist Calara Jumi Kang. On 25/10/<strong>2017</strong>, the Gwangju Symphony Orchestra will deliver its<br />
Brucknerhause debut performance.<br />
brucknerhaus.at<br />
Dommuseum reloaded<br />
Das Dommuseum der Erzdiözese Wien öffnet, nach langer<br />
Umbauphase, am 7.10.<strong>2017</strong> seine von Boris Podrecca neu<br />
gestalteten und zum Stephansplatz hin geöffneten Räume.<br />
Die Höhepunkte der Sammlung umspannen sieben<br />
Jahrhunderte – vom berühmten Portrait Herzog Rudolfs IV.<br />
aus dem Jahr 1360, über Klassiker der österreichischen<br />
Avantgarde aus der Sammlung Otto Mauer, bis zu aktuellen<br />
Arbeiten.<br />
After a long reconstruction phase, the Cathedral Museum<br />
Vienna is reopening its doors on 07/10/<strong>2017</strong>, completely<br />
redesigned by Boris Podrecca and now facing Stephansplatz.<br />
The highlights of the collection cover seven centuries,<br />
from the famous portrait of Rudolf IV, Duke of Austria from<br />
Otto Mauer’s collection, to more contemporary works.<br />
dommuseum.at<br />
Hodler revisited<br />
Ferdinand Hodler (1853-1918) war mit seiner äußerst erfolgreichen<br />
Ausstellung 1904 in der Secession wichtiger Impulsgeber der Wiener<br />
Moderne von Klimt bis Kokoschka. Das Leopold Museum zeigt nun vom<br />
13.10.<strong>2017</strong>–22.01.2018 eine umfangreiche Retrospektive des Schweizer<br />
Nationalmalers, Exponenten des Jugendstils und Wegbereiter des<br />
Expressionismus. Der Bogen spannt sich von Hodlers reduzierten<br />
Landschaftsbildern über expressive Portraits bis zu seinen allegorischen<br />
Figurengruppen.<br />
With his exceptionally successful exhibition at the Secession in 1904,<br />
Ferdinand Hodler (1853-1918) was the most important contributor to<br />
the rise of the Viennese Modernist movement from Klimt to Kokoschka.<br />
The Leopold Museum now presents an extensive retrospective of the<br />
Swiss national painter, art nouveau representative and expressionist<br />
pioneer from 13/10/<strong>2017</strong> to 22/01/2018. The event reaches all the way<br />
back to Hodler’s reduced landscapes, his expressive portraits to his<br />
allegorical figure groups. leopoldmuseum.org<br />
Genfersee mit Mont-Blanc, 1918<br />
Lake Geneva with Mont Blanc, 1918<br />
Berühmte Wiener Palais –<br />
ihre Geschichte, ihre Bewohner<br />
Blick ins Buch ...<br />
€ A/D 25,– ISBN 978-3-99050-097-2<br />
Erhältlich im Buchhandel oder unter amalthea.at<br />
130 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Wohnkomfort auf Zeit<br />
Temporary living comfort<br />
„Wohnen, Leben und Arbeiten in Einklang“ lautet das Konzept<br />
von room4rent Serviced Apartments.<br />
‘Residing, living and working in harmony’ is the concept behind<br />
room4rent Serviced Apartments.<br />
Mit oder ohne Concierge, am Stadtrand oder mitten im Zentrum: Der Wohntrend<br />
„Servicierte Apartments“ wird immer beliebter.<br />
With or without concierge, on the edge of the city or right in the centre: The trend<br />
of serviced residential apartments is becoming increasingly popular.<br />
Text: Michaela Hocek<br />
Wiens Attraktivität in der Welt – sei es als<br />
Arbeits-, Studien- oder Urlaubsort – ist<br />
ungebrochen. Der Wohnbau kann kaum<br />
Schritt halten mit der demografischen Entwicklung.<br />
Umso erfreulicher ist es, dass immer mehr Anbieter<br />
von servicierten Apartments den Anforderungen von<br />
neuen Strukturen am Arbeitsmarkt und dem steigenden<br />
Mobilitätsverhalten gerecht werden. Die Vorteile<br />
liegen auf der Hand: Das Einleben in einer neuen<br />
Stadt gelingt schneller. Die Formalitäten sind minimal,<br />
der Ein- und Auszug unkompliziert. Zusatzangebote<br />
wie Wellness, Fitness, Wäscheservice verschönern<br />
den Alltag. Nicht selten werden sonst oft<br />
unerschwingliche Penthouse-Wohnungen zum Zuhause,<br />
wie bei „Singerstraße 21/25“, das bereits seit<br />
Oktober 1995 besteht.<br />
Hohes Potenzial<br />
Bereits das vierte room4rent-Apartmenthaus in<br />
Wien wird „Hoch 33“ im Stadtviertel Monte Laa sein<br />
(Eröffnung 2018). Der Blick über die Stadt wird von<br />
Loggia, Balkon oder Terrasse aus genossen, der Concierge<br />
dient als Kommunikationsdrehscheibe. Geschäftsführerin<br />
Helga Mayer erklärt die Idee hinter<br />
room4rent: „Mit unserem Konzept treffen wir genau<br />
die Anforderungen von modernen, temporären<br />
Wohnbedürfnissen. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir<br />
erfolgreich eine breite Zielgruppe erreichen und attraktive<br />
Standorte in Wien schaffen. Wir bieten<br />
komfortable Lösungen für Wohnen auf Zeit zu leistbaren<br />
Konditionen. Gerade für jene, die schnell verfügbare,<br />
kostengünstige und provisionsfreie sowie<br />
möblierte und servicierte Apartments für einen Zeitraum<br />
ab zwei Monaten bis zu zwei Jahren suchen.<br />
Der steigende Bedarf im Business-Segment hat uns<br />
vergangenes Jahr ein eigenes Buchungstool für Firmen<br />
entwickeln lassen, das ein optimales Eingehen<br />
auf unterschiedliche Gegebenheiten, Bedürfnisse<br />
und Wünsche von Firmenkunden ermöglicht.“<br />
Rund 350 Wohnungen an drei Standorten (Citygate,<br />
Messeecarrée Nord, Storchengasse im 15. Bezirk)<br />
stehen zur Verfügung.<br />
Feine Selektion<br />
In kleinerem Umfang operiert Klaus Biedermann<br />
mit dem Projekt „Top Apartments Vienna“. Der<br />
Quereinsteiger war in seiner früheren Karriere als<br />
Musiker, DJ und Musikproduzent tätig. „Ich habe<br />
damals hunderte Reisen weltweit gemacht, die dabei<br />
gewonnenen Erfahrungen sind in die Top Apartments<br />
Vienna eingeflossen. Mir sind kleine Details,<br />
wie Audio-Kabel, schöne Abendbeleuchtung per<br />
LED, die farblich individuell eingestellt wird und<br />
Boxspringbetten wichtig.“ Die Spezialisierung auf<br />
russische Gäste mit russischsprachiger Vollbetreuung<br />
ist ein weiteres spannendes Detail. Eine beliebte<br />
Anlaufstelle für Architekturbegeisterte sind die<br />
Apartments von „LiV‘iN Residences Wien-Parlament<br />
by Fleming‘s“ im 8. Bezirk. Logiert wird in einem<br />
Gründerzeithaus aus dem Jahr 1900.<br />
Der Wohlfühlfaktor wird durch das charmante<br />
Zusammenspiel von Jahrhundertwendearchitektur<br />
und modernem Design gesichert. Stuckverzierte Decken<br />
und edle Möbel bieten das perfekte Ambiente<br />
für Kurz- und Langzeitaufenthalte. Die großzügigen<br />
Arbeitsbereiche schätzen Geschäftsreisende besonders.<br />
Martin Sperl, Hoteldirektor des Fleming’s Selection<br />
Hotel Wien-City, nennt weitere Vorteile: „Ein<br />
Gefühl wie zu Hause mit geringem administrativen<br />
Aufwand und der Möglichkeit eines kurzfristigen<br />
„Wir gehen auf moderne,<br />
temporäre Wohnverhältnisse<br />
ein.“<br />
‘We strive for modern, contemporary<br />
living conditions.’<br />
Helga Mayer<br />
Geschäftsführerin room4rent<br />
Managing Director room4rent<br />
132 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Traumhafter<br />
Ausblick.<br />
Amazing view.<br />
Seit Oktober 1995 erfreut sich<br />
Singerstrasse 21/25 nicht<br />
zuletzt dank traumhafter<br />
Dachterrassen mitten in der<br />
Wiener Innenstadt großer<br />
Beliebtheit.<br />
Since October 1995,<br />
Singerstrasse 21/25<br />
has become increasingly<br />
popular, not least because of<br />
the amazing roof terraces in the<br />
centre of Vienna’s city centre.<br />
room4rent<br />
• temporary living<br />
• 3 x in Vienna<br />
• completely furnished<br />
• Concierge-Service<br />
• starting at EUR 805,-/month<br />
• free of commission<br />
Im Derag Livinghotel Kaiser Franz Josef in Wien-Döbling wohnt man im Grünen mit eigenem Balkon<br />
und fühlt sich rasch wohl.<br />
In the Derag Livinghotel Kaiser Franz Josef in Wien-Döbling, you get to live surrounded by lush greenery<br />
and will quickly feel at home.<br />
Serviced Apartments –<br />
Nicht daheim und doch<br />
zu Hause<br />
Maximale Flexibilität und<br />
minimaler administrativer<br />
Aufwand sind das<br />
Geheimnis des Erfolgs der<br />
modernen Wohnform für<br />
Auslandsaufenthalte – egal,<br />
ob aus beruflichem oder<br />
privatem Anlass.<br />
A maximum of flexibility and<br />
a minimum of administrative<br />
expenditures are the secret<br />
to success for modern ways<br />
of living abroad - whether<br />
for professional or private<br />
reasons.<br />
Appartement-Hotel an der<br />
Riemergasse<br />
riemergasse.at<br />
DERAG Livinghotels<br />
deraghotels.de/hotels/wien<br />
LiV‘iN Residence by<br />
Fleming’s<br />
basedinvienna.at<br />
My Place Premium<br />
Apartments<br />
my-place.at<br />
room4rent<br />
room4rent.at<br />
Singerstrasse 21/25<br />
singerstrasse2125.at<br />
TAV Top Apartments Vienna<br />
top-apartments-vienna.com<br />
VCA Vienna City Apartments<br />
schottenring33.com<br />
Bezugs sind heutzutage unerlässlich. Zusätzlich besteht<br />
die Möglichkeit, Einrichtungen wie Fitnessbereich,<br />
Sauna und Dampfbad des gegenüberliegenden<br />
Fleming’s Selection Hotel Wien-City kostenfrei zu<br />
nutzen oder dort das tolle Frühstück zu genießen.“<br />
Mehr Wohnraum<br />
Auch Alfred Krammer, Geschäftsführer der Vienna<br />
City Apartments kennt die Bedürfnisse seiner<br />
Gäste genau: „Ein eigenes Apartment in der Wiener<br />
Innenstadt, in unserem Fall lautet die Adresse Schottenring<br />
33, bietet neben zentraler Lage und ausgezeichneter<br />
Verkehrsanbindung und Infrastruktur<br />
vor allem eines: mehr Raum. Er wird bewusst als<br />
Luxus erlebt und mit mehr Privatsphäre verbunden.<br />
Viele Gäste schätzen aber auch den persönlichen<br />
Kontakt mit dem Manager bei unserem VIP Checkin,<br />
wo wir in sehr komprimierter Form speziell abgestimmte<br />
Informationen und Empfehlungen geben –<br />
aus erster Hand und von echten Wienern.“<br />
In diese Kerbe schlägt auch Andreas Hölzl, General<br />
Manager der Derag Livinghotels Wien: „Unsere<br />
Räumlichkeiten sind wesentlich größer als klassische<br />
Hotelzimmer. In Döbling haben die Apartments zudem<br />
eigene Balkone. Unsere Häuser liegen bewusst<br />
dort, wo der Wiener auch selbst gerne wohnt. Im Gegensatz<br />
zu einer Mietwohnung hat man flexible Buchungsbedingungen.<br />
Es fallen keine Kosten für Makler,<br />
Kaution, Reparaturen oder Amtswege an. Hohe<br />
Die zentrale Lage des Derag Livinghotels an der Oper lässt den<br />
Gast im Nu das Lokalkolorit sehen und spüren.<br />
The central location of the Derag Livinghotel at the opera will make<br />
any guest feel like a local from the start.<br />
Standards geben zusätzlich das Gefühl von Sicherheit.“<br />
Die Derag Livinghotels bieten inkludiert Shuttle-Service,<br />
Ticketkauf für kulturelle und musikalische<br />
Veranstaltungen, Restaurant-Reservierungen,<br />
Städteführungen, Brötchenservice, Wäscherei und<br />
vieles mehr. Man merkt es schon: In servicierten<br />
Apartments steht das Gefühl, zuhause zu sein, an<br />
oberster Stelle.<br />
Vienna‘s allure in the world – whether as a<br />
work, study or holiday destination – continues<br />
to soar. Residential construction can barely<br />
keep up with the demographic changes. Which is why<br />
it is so great that more and more providers of serviced<br />
apartments are beginning to address the emerging<br />
structures on the labour market and the increasing<br />
need for mobility. The advantages are clear: Settling<br />
into the new city becomes so much easier. The formalities<br />
are kept to a minimum, moving in and out is<br />
uncomplicated. Extra offers, such as spa, gym, and<br />
laundry service make everyday life easier. This often<br />
turns exorbitant penthouse apartments into real homes.<br />
Just like “Singerstrasse 21/25“, which has been<br />
around since 1995.<br />
High potential<br />
Hoch 33 is set to become the fourth room4rent<br />
apartment building in Vienna in the Monte Laa district<br />
(opening 2018). The view of the city can be enjo-<br />
A Steinway<br />
yed via the loggia, balcony or terrace, the concierge<br />
acts as a communication hub. General Manager Helga<br />
Mayer explains the idea behind room4rent: ‘With our<br />
concept, we’re meeting modern, temporary residential<br />
needs. We’re very happy that we are successfully<br />
reaching such a broad target group and thereby create<br />
attractive locations across Vienna. We offer comfortable<br />
solutions for short-term living at affordable rates.<br />
Especially for those looking for quickly available,<br />
affordable and commission-free as well as furnished<br />
and served apartments for a time span of two months<br />
to two years. The growing demand from the business<br />
sector has led us to create a booking tool for companies<br />
last year which allows us to optimally accommodate<br />
various circumstances, needs and wishes from<br />
business customers.’ Around 350 apartments are<br />
available at three different locations (Citygate, Messeecarrée<br />
Nord, Storchengasse in the 15th district).<br />
Fine selection<br />
Klaus Biedermann operates on a smaller scale with<br />
his Top Apartments Vienna project. The newcomer<br />
Including yours. Contact us for more information regarding<br />
our unique pianos, grand pianos and offers to mark<br />
„20 years Steinway in Austria“: 01-512 07 12.<br />
Die vollausgestatteten Apartments von LiV‘iN Residences Wien-Parlament by Fleming‘s vermitteln<br />
ein Gefühl wie zu Hause mit geringem administrativem Aufwand.<br />
The fully furnished apartments by LiV’in Residences Wien-Parlament by Fleming’s provide a feeling of<br />
being at home with little administrative effort.<br />
STEi N w AY i N A u STRi A<br />
1010 wien, opernring 6-8<br />
tel: +43 1-512 07 12<br />
www.steinwayaustria.at<br />
134 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong>
Specialized areas<br />
Refractive Surgery<br />
Laser Cataract Surgery<br />
Refractive Lens Exchange<br />
KAMRA Inlay<br />
Presbyopia Treatment<br />
2RT Laser Treatment of early AMD<br />
Floater Laser Treatment<br />
E-Eye Laser Treatment of Dry Eye Sydrom<br />
Minimally invasive Glaucoma Treatment<br />
Viel Raum, maßgeschneiderter Service und dennoch 100 %<br />
Privatsphäre erlebt der Gast bei Vienna City Apartments.<br />
Plenty of space, custom-tailored service and 100% privacy are what<br />
await the guests of Vienna City Apartments.<br />
Seine reiche Reiseerfahrung und hoher Wohnkomfort stecken in<br />
den Top Apartments Vienna von Klaus Biedermann, der als<br />
Musiker und DJ lange Zeit weltweit im Einsatz war.<br />
His rich travel experiences and high residential comfort standards<br />
have become part of Top Apartments Vienna by Klaus Biedermann,<br />
who used to work around the globe as a musician and DJ.<br />
contact data<br />
Goldenes Quartier<br />
Seitzergasse 6<br />
1010 Wien<br />
Tel. +43 (0)1 9048889<br />
www.sehkraft.at<br />
„Der Service und<br />
Mehrwert, den wir<br />
bieten, übertrifft vielfach<br />
jenen in Hotels. “<br />
‘The service and value<br />
that we offer exceed<br />
those of hotels.’<br />
Alfred Krammer<br />
Geschäftsführer Vienna City<br />
Apartments<br />
General Manager Vienna City<br />
Apartments<br />
used to work as a musician, DJ and music producer.<br />
‘Back then I travelled very, very frequently and my experiences<br />
from that time have gone into creating Top<br />
Apartments Vienna. I really care about small details,<br />
like audio cables, nice LED evening lights that can be<br />
individually customised in terms of colour, as well as<br />
our box spring beds.’ The focus on Russian guests and<br />
Russian-language care and support are an additionally<br />
exciting factor. The LiV’in Residence Wien-Parlament<br />
by Fleming’s in the 8th district is a popular<br />
point of contact for architecture enthusiasts. You get<br />
to lodge in an historical building from the year 1900.<br />
Comfort is ensured by the charming interplay between<br />
century-old architecture and modern design.<br />
Stucco-decorated ceilings and fine furniture create the<br />
perfect atmosphere for short and long stays. Business<br />
travellers particularly appreciate the generous workspace.<br />
Martin Sperl, Hotel Director of the Fleming‘s<br />
Select Hotel Wien-City, adds additional advantages:<br />
“Feeling like you are at home with little administrative<br />
effort and the possibility of short-term accommodation<br />
are indispensable today. Furthermore, guests can<br />
use the facilities of the Fleming’s Selection Hotel<br />
Wien-City across the street, such as the gym, sauna<br />
and steam bath, completely free of charge.“<br />
More living space<br />
Alfred Krammer, Managing Director of the Vien-<br />
na City Apartments, is similarly well-versed when it<br />
comes to the needs of his guests: ‘One’s own apartment<br />
in Vienna‘s city centre, in our case the address is<br />
Schottenring 33, offers more than just a central location<br />
and excellent public transport connections and<br />
infrastructure: There‘s also more space. This is a true<br />
luxury that also offers more privacy. However, many<br />
guests also appreciate the personal contact with the<br />
manager at our VIP check-in, where we can provide<br />
specially tailored information and recommendations<br />
in a very condensed form — from real Viennese locals.“<br />
Andreas Hölzl, General Manager at Derag Livinghotels<br />
Vienna, has a similar approach: “Our accommodations<br />
are significantly bigger than classic<br />
hotel rooms. In Döbling, the apartments have their<br />
own balconies. Our buildings are consciously located<br />
where the locals feel at home too. In contrast with a<br />
rental apartment, you have flexible booking conditions.<br />
There are no fees for agents, you don’t have to<br />
pay a deposit or cover repairs or register with the authorities.<br />
High standards also add a feeling of security.“<br />
The Derag Livinghotels offer included services<br />
such as shuttle service, ticket purchases for cultural<br />
and musical events, table bookings, city tours, breakfast<br />
bread service, laundry and much more. It doesn‘t<br />
take too long to figure it out: When it comes to serviced<br />
apartments, the feeling of being at home is the<br />
number one priority.<br />
sehkraft are the worldwide Leading Experts in Eye Surgery<br />
sehkraft is one of the most prestigious and experienced eye clinics worldwide and famous for individual<br />
state-of-the-Art solutions for a life without glasses or contact lenses, improved visual performance, highend<br />
laser-assisted Cataract surgery as well as the prevention and treatment of early stages of AMD. Led by<br />
internationally renowned ophthalmic surgeon Matthias Maus, sehkraft it is equipped with the very latest<br />
technology and employs an unmatched team of experts. Worldwide, no other center can match this setting.<br />
Matthias Maus and his team have been constantly involved in the development of new laser platforms, Premium<br />
Intraocular Lenses (IOL) and diagnostic devices since the early nineties. This situation guarantees,<br />
that sehkraft always is first and has continuous access to the most advanced technology and a permanent<br />
innovative advantage over other refractive and cataract surgery centres worldwide.<br />
The experienced and highly skilled team is composed of over 50 employees in an exceptional constellation;<br />
it includes ophthalmologists, optical engineers, Masters of Science in vision, professional optometrists and<br />
specialized medical assistants. Every year, more than 100 international ophthalmologists from all over the<br />
world are trained by this sehkraft team.<br />
Find us on facebook /<br />
sehkraft Augenzentrum Wien<br />
Therefore not only the world’s best ophthalmic surgeons from all over the world (i.g. USA, China, Ireland,<br />
Japan, Australia) come to sehkraft to experience first class medical care for their own eyes but also send their<br />
difficult patients to Vienna to get a special treatment by Matthias Maus.<br />
136 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
sehkraft is also the number one choice of Olympic Gold Medal Winners and world champions like Fabian Hambüchen,<br />
Jonas Reckermann and is also the official eyecenter of the Professional Golfers Association (PGA)<br />
of Germany.
Eleganter Herbst<br />
Elegant autumn<br />
Text: Michaela Hocek<br />
Kosmopolitisch<br />
Cosmopolitan<br />
Wer auf der Suche nach ausgesuchter Designermode, exklusiven Accessoires und außergewöhnlichem Schmuck für Damen und Herren ist, ist bei Alexis Fernández González<br />
richtig. In seinem Runway-Store hat er sich auf die Auswahl kosmopolitischer internationaler und österreichischer Gustostücke spezialisiert. Liebhaber maßgeschneiderter<br />
Herrenschuhe werden beispielsweise die Modelle von Lukacs Laszlo lieben.<br />
Those on the lookout for selected designer fashion, exclusive accessories and exceptional jewellery for both ladies and gents, have come to the right place with Alexis<br />
Fernández González. He offers a fine selection of international and Austrian gems in his runway store. Aficionados of tailored men’s shoes will fall in love with the pieces by<br />
Lukacs Laszlo. runwayviennat.at<br />
Körperbetonter Look<br />
Figure-focused look<br />
Individuelle Patina<br />
Individualised patina<br />
Der deutsche Taschenhersteller Bree hat mit der Serie „Stockholm“ ein besonders schönes Herbstmodell<br />
designt, das durch das exklusiv entwickelte Leder jeder Tasche ihren eigenen Charme verleiht. Es ist nachhaltig<br />
gegerbt, wird in einer traditionsreichen Ledermanufaktur gefertigt und in puristischem Design finalisiert, was<br />
den natürlichen Farben ihre besondere Wirkung verleiht.<br />
The German bag manufacturer Bree has designed a particularly beautiful autumn piece for their new<br />
Stockholm series. Each and every bag is endowed with its own charm as a result of the exclusively processed<br />
leather. It is tanned sustainably, produced in a traditional leather manufactory and finalised with a pure design<br />
that gives the natural colours their special glow. bree.com<br />
„Magic Forest“ und „Wild One“ sind die Leitmotive der<br />
aktuellen Herbst-/Winterkollektion von Airfield. Das<br />
khakifarbige Jerseykleid ist eines der Modelle, die mit<br />
raffinierter Schnittführung eine körperumschmeichelnde<br />
Silhouette schaffen. Die hellen Linien an Schultern,<br />
Kragen und Ausschnitt sind Ausdruck der unaufgeregten<br />
Detailverliebtheit, die das modische Fingerspitzengefühl<br />
des Labels unter Beweis stellen.<br />
´Magic Forest´and´Wild One´are the two leading motifs<br />
of Airfield’s current autumn and winter collection. The<br />
khaki-coloured jersey dress is one of several pieces<br />
boasting a figure-flattering silhouette. The light lines<br />
around the shoulders, the collar and the neckline are an<br />
expression of the passion for detail and demonstrate the<br />
brand’s stylish sophistication.<br />
airfield.at<br />
Urban reisen<br />
Urban travelling<br />
Absolut Kurztrip- und<br />
businesstauglich ist die<br />
Kollektion „Alpha 2“ von Tumi.<br />
Die robuste Reisetasche ist aus<br />
dem speziellen, patentierten<br />
„FXT Ballistic Nylon“ gefertigt.<br />
Praktische Fächer wie das<br />
separate Vorderfach sorgen<br />
unterwegs für sofortigen Zugriff<br />
auf schnell Benötigtes.<br />
Tumi’s Alpha 2 collection is the<br />
perfect solution for quick<br />
holidays and business trips. The<br />
sturdy travel bag is made from<br />
the special and patented FXT<br />
Ballistic Nylon. Practical<br />
compartments, such as the<br />
separate front pouch, provide<br />
easy access to all your travel<br />
necessities.<br />
tumi.com<br />
Bereit zum Abtauchen<br />
Ready to dive<br />
Ein robustes Stahlgehäuse, das ultralesbare<br />
Zifferblatt, die drehbare Hightech-Keramik-Lünette<br />
und COSC-Zertifizierung zeichnen die „Superocean<br />
44 Spezial“ von Breitling aus, mit der man bis in<br />
1.000 Meter Tiefe abtauchen kann. Besonders schön<br />
ist die Variation mit blauem Zifferblatt.<br />
The robust steel case, the super readable watch face,<br />
the rotatable high-tech ceramic bezel and the COSC<br />
Certification are what define the Superocean 44<br />
Special watch by Breitling, which you can use while<br />
diving up to 1,000 metres. The model with the blue<br />
face is simply gorgeous. breitling.com<br />
Charakterstark<br />
Strong character<br />
Eine Damenuhr, die ebenso feminin wie<br />
unverkennbar ist und mit Mondphasen-<br />
Komplikation und ästhetischer Balance<br />
überzeugt: „Cat’s Eye Celestial“ von<br />
Girard-Perregaux. Das blau-glitzernde<br />
Zifferblatt harmoniert mit guillochierten<br />
Perlmutt-Details und dem Alligator- oder<br />
Roségold-Armband.<br />
A ladies’ watch that is as feminine as it is<br />
distinctive, with a lunar phase feature<br />
and clear aesthetic appearance: Cat’s<br />
Eye Celestial by Girard-Perregaux.<br />
The shiny blue watch face<br />
creates a perfect harmony with<br />
its guilloche nacre details and<br />
the alligator or rose gold<br />
wristband.<br />
girard-perregaux.com<br />
Eigene Schmucklinie | Own jewellery line<br />
Mit „edition bleu“ präsentiert Uhrmachermeister Hübner eine eigene<br />
Schmucklinie mit unkonventionell geformten Stücken und wohlüberlegtem<br />
Steinbesatz. 18 Karat Weißgold und Diamanten im Brillantschliff<br />
stehen im Fokus und sind die Schmuckempfehlung von Andrea<br />
Daum-Hübner und Astrid Stüger-Hübner, weil diese exklusive<br />
Kombination perfekt zu jedem Anlass passt und auf sympathische<br />
Weise die Persönlichkeit der Trägerin unterstreicht.<br />
With edition bleu, master watchmaker Hübner has introduced their own<br />
jewellery line with unconventionally formed parts and a carefully<br />
thought-out selection of gems. 18-carat white gold and brilliant-cut<br />
diamonds are the focus here. Andrea Daum-Hübner and Astrid<br />
Stüger-Hübner have made the watch their jewellery of choice, as this<br />
exclusive combination perfectly matches any occasion, thus pleasantly<br />
emphasizing the wearer’s own personality and style. zeit.at<br />
138 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong> 139
Genuss und Wohnkomfort<br />
Enjoyment and comfort<br />
Text: Michaela Hocek<br />
Multifunktionelle Leichtigkeit<br />
Multifunctional lightness<br />
Platz für ein entspanntes Nickerchen oder geselliges Zusammensitzen mit<br />
Freunden und Familie: Das neue Anreihsofa „hs.420“ von Rolf Benz ist für jede<br />
Situation gerüstet. Der feine Holzrahmen und das filigrane Fußgestell tragen die<br />
Sofavarianten mit neu entwickeltem Rückenteil. Dieser lässt sich auffalten und<br />
mehrstufig nach hinten falten. Bei abgeklappten Seitenteilen erwächst im Nu ein<br />
Querlieger.<br />
As a space for a relaxing nap or for a cosy get-together with family and friends:<br />
The hs.420, the new sectional sofa by Rolf Benz, is perfectly suited for any event.<br />
The fine wood frame and the filigree pedestal hold the various sofa options with<br />
the newly developed back parts. The back can recline to different positions. Fold<br />
the side parts all the way down and in a matter of seconds you’ve got yourself a<br />
daybed.<br />
rolf-benz.com<br />
Home Spa<br />
Die selbst auflösenden Aroma-Duschtabs von Waltz 7 verwandeln jedes<br />
Badezimmer in eine duftende Wellness-Oase. Das in Wien beheimatete<br />
Unternehmen arbeitete 18 Monate an der Produktentwicklung. Das<br />
Ergebnis sind mit ätherischen Ölen versetzte Presslinge, die in den<br />
Noten „Inspiring Lemongrass“, „Energizing Mint“, „Inspiring Limette“<br />
und „Relaxing Lavender“ das Duschen zum Erlebnis machen.<br />
The dissolving aroma showering tabs by Waltz 7 transform any<br />
bathroom into a fragrant wellness oasis. The Vienna-based company<br />
took 18 months to develop this new product. The result is a pellet<br />
containing essential oils that will — with scents like Inspiring<br />
Lemongrass, Energizing Mint, Inspiring Limette and Relaxing Lavender<br />
— take your shower beyond a soothing experience. waltz7.com<br />
Design District 1010<br />
Ein Pflichttermin für Design-Liebhaber: Drei Tage lang wird die Wiener City zum begehbaren Showroom. 80 nationale und<br />
internationale Premiummarken (z.B. Grünbeck, Minotti, Fitz Hansen, Leo Schulmeister) aus den Bereichen Interieur, Lifestyle, HiFi,<br />
Kunst und Accessoires zeigen in der Hofburg und diversen “Design-„Grätzeln“ wie Börseviertel und Ringstraße die neuesten Trends.<br />
An unmissable spot for those passionate about all things design: For three days, the Vienna city centre will transform into a walk-in<br />
showroom. 80 domestic and international premium brands (such as Grünbeck, Minotti, Fitz Hansen, Leo Schulmeister) in the areas<br />
of interior design, lifestyle, HiFi, art and accessories, will show off the newest trends in the Hofburg as well as various other spots<br />
throughout the centre, such as the Börseviertel and Ringstraße.<br />
design-district.at<br />
Eventtipp<br />
Design District 1010<br />
6. bis 8. Oktober <strong>2017</strong><br />
Wiener Hofburg<br />
Öffnungszeiten:<br />
Freitag und Samstag<br />
von 10-19 Uhr, Sonntag<br />
von 10-18 Uhr<br />
Heißes Startup<br />
Hot start-up<br />
Otto Wilde Grillers setzen neue<br />
Maßstäbe beim Grillen. Der<br />
O.F.B. (Over-Fired Broiler) mit<br />
separat regelbaren Brenneinheiten<br />
und flexibler Höhenverstellung<br />
ist ein Infrarot-Gasgrill<br />
made in Germany, der über<br />
900˚C erreicht. Er verleiht<br />
Steaks außen eine köstliche<br />
Kruste und sorgt innen für<br />
saftig-zarte Verhältnisse – und<br />
das in nur drei Minuten.<br />
Otto Wilde Grillers is setting<br />
new standards when it comes to<br />
grilling. The O.F.B. (Over-Fired<br />
Broiler) with separately<br />
configurable heating and flexible<br />
height adjustment is an infrared<br />
grill, made in Germany, which<br />
can reach temperatures of up to<br />
900˚C. Steaks are crispy on the<br />
outside and deliciously juicy and<br />
tender on the inside—all that in<br />
just three minutes!<br />
ottowildegrillers.com<br />
NEW!<br />
24-hour online booking<br />
www.zwd.at<br />
Designelement Klimaanlage<br />
Air conditioner as designer piece<br />
Die Kollektion „Tiroch Art“ des österreichischen Unternehmens Klima Klement<br />
macht mit individuellen Klimaanlagen aus einem in der Regel rein zweckmäßigem<br />
Gerät, ein designlastiges Wohnaccessoire. Airbrushkünstler Knud Tiroch<br />
setzt in G-Rave-Technik Wünsche hinsichtlich Motiv, Farbe, Logo oder auch<br />
Graffiti um.<br />
The Tiroch Art collection, by the Austrian company Klima Klement, turns an<br />
otherwise purpose-driven appliance into a designer living accessory. Airbrush<br />
artist Knud Tiroch uses G-Rave technology to implement requests pertaining to<br />
motifs, colours, logos or even graffiti.<br />
klimaklement.at<br />
Stilsicheres Interior<br />
Stylish interior<br />
Hochwertige Stoffe, die eine einfache und dennoch luxuriöse Umgestaltung<br />
ermöglichen, lassen repräsentative Räumlichkeiten entstehen, in denen man sich<br />
gleichzeitig wohlfühlt. Eine breite Auswahl an Raffinesse verheißenden Motiven,<br />
inklusive hochprofessioneller Beratung, bietet Viktor Steinwender.<br />
High-quality fabrics that allow for simple yet luxurious redesigns, help create<br />
customised spaces that promise a state of peace and well-being. Viktor<br />
Steinwender offers a wide selection of smart motifs and top-notch professional<br />
consultation.<br />
viktorsteinwender.at<br />
The Zahnklink Wien Döbling is a modern dental clinic<br />
specialising in implantology and complex dental<br />
restoration. In our clinic, you are greeted by a highly<br />
qualified team and a friendly atmosphere. State-of-the-art<br />
treatment methods, the very latest dental technology with<br />
the utmost precision and prompt appointments ensure a<br />
bright smile.<br />
We offer<br />
• Emergency treatments<br />
• Dental implants<br />
• Restorative dentistry<br />
• Cosmetic dentistry<br />
O P E N I N G H O U R S : MO - FR, 8.00 am - 4.00 pm<br />
Your advantages<br />
• Dentistry and aesthetics at the highest level<br />
• In-house technical laboratory<br />
• Innovative treatment methods<br />
• Highly qualified, motivated team<br />
142 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
C O N T A C T : Zahnklinik Wien Döbling, Sieveringerstraße 17, 1190 Vienna, +43 1 320 97 97, office@zwd.at, www.zwd.at
Fokus Gesundheit<br />
Focus Health<br />
Text: Michaela Hocek<br />
Mit ausgezeichneter ärztlicher Betreuung und höchsten medizinischtechnischen<br />
Standards nimmt Wien einen renommierten, internationalen<br />
Platz in Sachen Privatmedizin ein.<br />
In terms of excellent healthcare and top-notch medical and technical<br />
standards, Vienna is becoming a renowned and international player<br />
when it comes to private medicine.<br />
144 Cercle Diplomatique 3/<strong>2017</strong><br />
Wiener Privatklinik.<br />
Personalisierte Krebsbehandlung:<br />
Das neue WPK Cancer<br />
Center bietet erstmals in einem<br />
österreichischen Privatspital<br />
ein umfassendes Programm<br />
von Diagnose, Behandlung und<br />
Nachsorge an.<br />
Personalised cancer treatment:<br />
For the first time in an Austrian<br />
private clinic, the new WPK<br />
Cancer Center provides an<br />
extensive diagnosis, treatment<br />
and follow-up care program.<br />
DDer Gesundheitsstandort Österreich punktet<br />
mit angesehenen Privatkliniken und spezialisierten<br />
Ärztezentren. Die sehr hohe Reputation<br />
der medizinischen Kompetenz und<br />
innovativen Technologien wird von der internationalen<br />
Klientel geschätzt. Man ist auf die präventive, korrektive<br />
und postoperative Medizin sowie Betreuung<br />
von schweren Erkrankungen wie beispielsweise<br />
Krebs bestens vorbereitet.<br />
Interdisziplinäre Vorteile<br />
Neu eingereiht in den Reigen der hochqualifizierten<br />
Institutionen hat sich das „RC Radiology Center“<br />
in der Wiener Lazarettgasse 25. Hier treffen Patienten<br />
auf modernste Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin.<br />
Interdisziplinäre Kooperation wird täglich gelebt.<br />
Die Vorzüge erläutert Dr. Martha Hoffmann, Leiterin<br />
des PET/CTS und der Nuklearmedizin des Radiology<br />
Centers: „Wir sind das einzige private Institut,<br />
das alle radiologischen und nuklearmedizinischen<br />
Möglichkeiten unter einem Dach anbietet – inklusive<br />
der nötigen Hybridgeräte. Die Verbindung der<br />
beiden Fachgebiete PET/CT und SPECT/CT ist unsere<br />
Stärke. Außerdem sind wir für unsere Patienten<br />
sichtbar und ansprechbar. Wir machen nicht nur<br />
Untersuchungen auf bestem technischem Standard<br />
und ausführliche, prompte Befunde, sondern erklären<br />
auf Wunsch die Untersuchung. Wir zeigen auf,<br />
was den Patienten erwartet und was er sich vom Ergebnis<br />
erwarten darf. Hybridbefunde (PET/CT,<br />
SPECT/CT) werden immer von zwei Fachärzten der<br />
jeweiligen medizinischen Disziplin gemeinsam erstellt<br />
und freigegeben.“ Man richtet sich im Radiology<br />
Center an alle Patienten, die prompte Termine<br />
benötigen, gute Qualität erwarten, ein angenehmes<br />
Ambiente und persönliche Betreuung wünschen<br />
und sich rasche Befunderstellung erwarten. Angeboten<br />
werden praktisch alle Untersuchungen und interdisziplinäre<br />
Kontakte. Hoffmann hebt einige Beispiele<br />
exemplarisch hervor: „Wir sind in der Lage<br />
mit gut funktionierenden Kooperationen rasch zu<br />
reagieren, z.B. in der Brustdiagnostik, wo im Anlassfall<br />
nach suspekter Mammographie innerhalb eines<br />
We clear<br />
cases to allow<br />
timely therapy<br />
Radiology Nuclear Medicine PET/CT MRI<br />
You breast health is our concern<br />
A clear and safe diagnostic statement<br />
about your breast health within one day<br />
with state of the art medical imaging<br />
technology and superior clinical know<br />
ledge – combined with seamless individual<br />
support across the diagnostic pathway:<br />
We are at your service.<br />
– Clarification of incomplete<br />
mammography reports (BIRADS 0)<br />
– Biopsy of lesions reported to be<br />
suggestive of cancer (BIRADS 4 and 5)<br />
– Staging and follow-up examinations<br />
of breast cancer during therapy<br />
– Imaging diagnostics and therapy of<br />
lymphoma and other malignancies of<br />
the lungs, colon, skin or thyroid gland<br />
– Mammography, radiography,<br />
sonography<br />
– MRI, bone density measurement<br />
– PET/CT, scintigraphy, bone scan<br />
Call us +43 (0)1 408 12 82<br />
or use the callback service<br />
Die Wiener Häuser Privatklinik Döbling, die im heurigen Sommer ihr<br />
30-jähriges Bestehen feierte, und Confraternität in der Josefstadt,<br />
sind Aushängeschilder des Gesundheitsspezialisten.<br />
The Vienna establishments Privatklinik Döbling, which celebrated its<br />
30th anniversary this summer, and Confraternität in Josefstadt, are<br />
the health specialist’s flagships.<br />
DÖBLING.<br />
Spezialisierung auf<br />
Implantologie, Gebissaufbau<br />
im Leerkiefer und sonstige<br />
schwierige Fälle mit<br />
Augenmerk auf natürliches<br />
Aussehen.<br />
Specialising in implantology,<br />
empty jaw dentitions and<br />
other difficult cases, with<br />
special attention to natural<br />
aesthetics.<br />
Tages ein MRT, eine Biopsie und die Vorstellung<br />
beim entsprechenden Facharzt erfolgt. Auch in der<br />
Prostataabklärung von der Bildgebung bis zur Biopsieplanung<br />
gibt es eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit<br />
Spezialisten der Urologie. Orthopädische oder rheumatologische<br />
Fragen können durch die Kombination<br />
von MRT, Röntgen und Knochenszintigraphie<br />
verlässlich beantwortet werden. Häufig kommt es<br />
auch zur unkomplizierten, kompletten Schilddrüsenabklärung<br />
(inkl. Sonographie, Szintigraphie, Labordiagnostik,<br />
Biopsie, Therapie). Der gemeinsame<br />
Standort mit der Wiener Privatklinik ist von großem<br />
Vorteil.“<br />
Zahnspezialist mit neuem Standort<br />
Die Zahnklinik Wien Döbling in der Sieveringer<br />
Straße 17 ist Anlaufstelle für Menschen, die auf der<br />
Suche nach Experten mit dem Schwerpunkt Implantologie<br />
sind. Unter der kompetenten Leitung von<br />
Primarius Dr. Ernst Kolb setzt man beispielsweise<br />
auf Vollkeramik ohne Metalluntergerüst. „Das ist ästhetisch<br />
und biologisch besser verträglich. Licht<br />
dringt besser durch, was für ein natürliches Aussehen<br />
der Implantate sorgt“, so Kolb. „Unsere Stärken<br />
liegen in Großsanierungen. Wir übernehmen gerne<br />
schwierige Fälle, wie z.B. den Gebissaufbau im Leerkiefer.<br />
Wir bieten Patienten Alternativen zu unbeliebten<br />
Totalprothesen an und achten darauf, dass<br />
die Beißkraft wie bei natürlichen Zähnen erhalten<br />
bleibt und kein Kieferschwund mehr befürchtet werden<br />
muss.“ Die Serviceleistungen der Zahnklinik<br />
Wien Döbling sind umfangreich. Patienten erreichen<br />
das Ärzteteam montags bis freitags ganzjährig.<br />
Es ist immer ein Ansprechpartner vor Ort und auch<br />
das klinikinterne Labor trägt zur direkten Kommunikation<br />
zwischen Zahntechniker und Patienten bei.<br />
Bewährte Institutionen mit Weltruf<br />
Spricht man vom Gesundheitsstandort Wien sind<br />
drei weitere renommierte Häuser impliziert: Die<br />
Wiener Privatklinik mit den Schwerpunkten Sportmedizin<br />
und Traumatologie, kardiovaskuläre Medizin,<br />
Orthopädie, periphere Nervenchirurgie (Millesi<br />
Center), allgemeine Chirurgie, Gastroenterologie<br />
und Hepatologie, interventionelle Radiologie und<br />
Mikrotherapie ist nicht zuletzt für das WPK Cancer<br />
Center mit innovativen Methoden der Krebsdiagnostik<br />
und individuellen Behandlung bekannt. Die<br />
PremiaQaMed Group, die mit der Privatklinik Döbling<br />
und der Confraternität in der Josefstadt zwei<br />
Häuser mit umfangreichem Leistungsspektrum betreibt,<br />
ist ein weiterer Garant für nachhaltigen Erfolg<br />
moderner Medizin. Mit mehr als 140-jähriger Tradition<br />
kann das Rudolfinerhaus aufwarten, das die<br />
Schwerpunktfächer interne Medizin, Chirurgie,<br />