Yve Portfolio Book

“Welcome to the Bruya club !” Wire wrapping is one of the oldest techniques for making handmade jewelry without soldering or heating. My jewelry which is inspired by ancient wisdom is a fusion of gemstones, sweetwater pearls and a wide range of other materials.

“Welcome to the Bruya club !” Wire wrapping is one of the oldest
techniques for making handmade jewelry without soldering or heating.
My jewelry which is inspired by ancient wisdom is a fusion of gemstones,
sweetwater pearls and a wide range of other materials.


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Hellooo....<br />

<strong>Yve</strong> de pè is the name a friend gave me a long time ago. <strong>Yve</strong> is Evy backwards and<br />

de pè means javanese in that friend his own language. I since then adopted it as<br />

my artist name. I would describe myself as humble, patient and playfull: love to<br />

love and love to dance. My greatest aspiration is to keep blossoming with<br />

contentment and therefore be a better person, wife, mother, friend and as an<br />

artist this will only result in many more beautiful creations.<br />

“Welcome to the Bruya club !” is how I welcome new customers, bruya is<br />

Surinamese for going wild about something haha... people do get bruya of my<br />

designs. The technique I use is called wire wrapping which is one of the oldest<br />

techniques for making handmade jewelry without soldering or heating.<br />

My jewelry which is inspired by ancient wisdom is a fusion of gemstones,<br />

sweetwater pearls and a wide range of other materials.<br />

Each piece I design is unique and has a story behind it because each stone wraps<br />

“itself” differently and my hands just go with the flow. I’m very passionate in what<br />

I do and every time I make a new design I do my best to surpass myself. Over the<br />

years <strong>Yve</strong>’s signature style has evolved into a colorful brand of wearable art.<br />

I hope you enjoy the selection I made to showcase my work in this portfolio but<br />

please keep in mind...it can cause some serious bruyaness !! haha<br />

Always do what you love and love what you do !<br />

Only then will you be true to yourself !<br />

Brasa....(means hug in Surinamese)<br />

Evy de la Fuente - Modiwirijo











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