Bay Harbour: March 16, 2016

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Wednesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>16</strong> 20<strong>16</strong><br />


PAGE 17<br />

health Health<br />

Kids’ lunches pack a salty punch<br />


often exceed the<br />

total recommended<br />

daily salt intake.<br />

That’s the finding from<br />

Consumer NZ’s<br />

investigation, published at<br />

consumer.org.nz and in the<br />

<strong>March</strong> edition of Consumer<br />

magazine, to conincide with<br />

World Salt Awareness Week.<br />

Excessive sodium from<br />

the salt in our diet can lead to<br />

high blood pressure, a major<br />

risk factor for stroke, and<br />

creating a taste for too much<br />

salt early in life can<br />

predispose children to<br />

various health problems<br />

later in life. Salt is often<br />

unexpectedly present in<br />

processed foods.<br />

Consumer gives the<br />

example of a child’s lunchbox<br />

containing a ham and cheese<br />

bread roll, a packet of Shultz<br />

Mini Pretzels and a packet of<br />

Select Little Families<br />

Biscuits. The salt content of<br />

this menu exceeds the<br />

maximum daily limit for salt<br />

recommended for a 5-6 yearold<br />

and is more than 90 per<br />

cent for a child 11-14.<br />

Stroke Foundation<br />

national health promotion<br />

manager Jo Jarden said:<br />

“Tastes and eating habits can<br />

be formed early, so feeding<br />

your children fresh<br />

unprocessed foods is the best<br />

way to set them on a healthy<br />

path. Processed foods put<br />

Southland teacher runs around the world<br />

2010 2011<br />

By Rachel Grunwell<br />

SALT LICK:<br />

Children<br />

acquire a<br />

taste for salt<br />

at a young<br />

age.<br />

more salt in our diet than we<br />

need and create a taste for it<br />

that can lead to overconsumption.<br />

If we start our<br />

children on fresh, natural<br />

food instead of salty<br />

processed snacks we do them<br />

the greatest favour.”<br />


Rotorua, so he will enter the<br />

‘Rotorua Marathon<br />



Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial<br />

Consumer highlights<br />

many of the conveniently<br />

pre-packed snacks that are<br />

so handy for lunchboxes, but<br />

so full of salt. Chippies, minipretzels<br />

and crackers are top<br />

offenders.<br />

Foods that may be<br />

thought of as ‘fresh’ such as<br />

cheese, ham and other<br />

cooked or cured meats are<br />

also processed using salt.<br />

Spreads like Vegemite or<br />

peanut butter can also be<br />

very salty. Even sweet foods<br />

When Bill Richardson runs the Survivors Club’. You have<br />

Rotorua Marathon onWhakamaharatanga April 30 it to have completedo thiste Motu mō te Rū o Waitaha<br />

will be his 307th marathon. event 15 times to be a club<br />

The 64-year-old Invercargill member.<br />

school teacher has quietly<br />

“It will be as good as gold<br />

clocked up this amazing feat to be in the club,” he says.<br />

with his feet and barely told a Richardson loves the<br />

soul!<br />

Rotorua event because “it<br />

When he ran his 300th<br />

has a bit of town, hills and<br />

marathon at the Buller Gorge country”. He also loves that<br />

the Marathon Canterbury in February earthquake he National it’s a big river event - the with Memorial a lot ofWall on the south<br />

Memorial celebrated will by provide eatinga cake place with to reflect history. bank and a reflective space on the<br />

on run the friends. events that changed Canterbury Elite north athletes, bank.<br />

forever, Thepaying 20<strong>16</strong> Rotorua respect Marathon to the 185 people international runners to FUN RUN: Bill Richardson, left, tackles the<br />

who willlost be atheir cause lives of celebration,<br />

as a result of the everyday the north runners bank love was it. completed<br />

Wanganui<br />

for<br />

Marathon with friends Kiri Price,<br />

too. It will be 15th lap of Lake But of course, he admits centre, and Graeme Tindall.<br />

A place to reflect, remember and pay respect<br />

earthquake on 22 February 2011. It will<br />

also acknowledge the shared experience<br />

of the Canterbury community and<br />

recognise the huge support received<br />

from the many organisations that<br />

assisted with the recovery operation.<br />

the site of the Memorial is on a stretch<br />

of the Ōtākaro/avon River between<br />

Montreal Street and Rhododendron<br />

Island. the site covers both banks of the<br />

Memorial designer -<br />

Grega Vezjak<br />

Following the anonymous Call for Ideas<br />

to Remember process, Grega Vezjak’s<br />

Memorial Wall design was selected in<br />

May 2015 for the Canterbury earthquake<br />

National Memorial.<br />

Grega lives in Bilje, Slovenia with his wife<br />

and three children.<br />

22 February, on the fifth anniversary<br />

of the Christchurch earthquake. this<br />

peaceful space, with established trees<br />

and a curved seat along the path edge,<br />

invites visitors to sit, take a stroll closer<br />

to the rivers’ edge and privately reflect.<br />

From here, visitors can also watch the<br />

construction of the Memorial Wall on<br />

the other side of the river, and will enjoy<br />

a great view of the Wall from this space,<br />

once complete. ■<br />

He studied architecture at Ljubljana<br />

university, and acknowledges the beauty<br />

of the city and the works of Slovenian<br />

architects which have all contributed to<br />

his architectural style. Grega’s work has<br />

won numerous design and architecture<br />

awards, both locally and internationally.<br />

Grega is honoured his design was<br />

selected for the Memorial. From<br />

Bilje, and during his frequent visits to<br />

Christchurch, Grega is working with a<br />

View of the completed reflective space<br />

on the Memorial north bank, looking west<br />

toward Montreal Street<br />

wide range of<br />

people including<br />

bereaved families,<br />

the seriously<br />

injured, first<br />

responders and<br />

the Memorial<br />

project team to<br />

finalise his vision<br />

for the Memorial<br />

Wall. ■<br />

such as biscuits contain salt<br />

and add to the daily intake.<br />

There are lower salt<br />

options available, such as<br />

certain brands of popcorn,<br />

tuna in springwater, and<br />

unsalted peanut butter.<br />

Fresh fruit and vegetable<br />

options such as carrot sticks<br />

are another good way to<br />

avoid salt.<br />

Last year Consumer<br />

highlighted how excessively<br />

salty diets were ‘a ticking<br />

time bomb’ could raise the<br />


■ Too much salt in the<br />

diet contributes to<br />

raised blood pressure,<br />

the biggest single risk<br />

factor for stroke.<br />

■ The Ministry of Health<br />

recommended<br />

maximum daily salt<br />

intake for 4-8 year olds<br />

is 3.5g but the 2009<br />

Total Diet Survey found<br />

that average intakes<br />

were over 4.5g, even<br />

before salt added at the<br />

table was taken into<br />

account.<br />

■ Low-salt foods have<br />

less than 120mg of<br />

sodium per 100g.<br />

■ High-salt foods have<br />

more than 600mg of<br />

sodium per 100g.<br />

■ The Stroke<br />

Foundation has a<br />

handy online quiz at<br />

saltwise.co.nz<br />

blood pressures of children.<br />

“Busy parents find it hard<br />

to read all the small print on<br />

pre-packed children’s snacks<br />

to check how much salt is in<br />

them,” said Jo Jarden.<br />

“The food industry could<br />

certainly do more to provide<br />

low and no-salt options,<br />

especially in items targeted<br />

directly at children.”<br />

that the<br />

update<br />

last 10km is always He fuels his marathon<br />

tough.<br />

running with a porridge of oats,<br />

Richardson’s first sunflower seeds, chia, flaxseeds<br />

marathon was in<br />

and banana, topped with<br />

Invercargill in 1980. He has walnuts and almonds.<br />

since run most major world His top running tips? Don’t<br />

marathons and several start too fast and “enjoy it”.<br />

repeatedly in New Zealand. Entries are still open for the<br />

He has spent about Rotorua Marathon on April 30.<br />

$150,000 on his passion and Register online at:<br />

he jokes “the rest of Tribute my rotoruamarathon.co.nz<br />

through design<br />

other earnings were<br />

wasted”. He has a room full ■ Rachel Grunwell is our weekly<br />

of medals and event<br />

a large number well-being of individuals columnist. and organisations<br />

She’s the<br />

T-shirts. including bereaved director family of inspiredhealth.co.nz/.<br />

members, the<br />

His fastest timeseriously was 2hr injured, Follow first her responder facebook.com/ organisations,<br />

50min in the Christchurch embassies, Christchurch InspiredHealthNZ City Council and Instagram: and te<br />

Marathon in 1997. Rūnanga o Ngāi @inspiredhealthandfitness<br />

tahu were involved the<br />

process which lead to the selection of the<br />

Memorial Wall design.<br />

Memorial Wall<br />

designer<br />

Further work is now taking place on the finer<br />

design detail, including how acknowledgement<br />

of the seriously injured and first responders,<br />

the experience and loss to the community, and<br />

events that occurred on 22 February 2011 will<br />

be expressed at the site.<br />

a comprehensive process is also underway to<br />

ensure the names of the 185 people who lost<br />

their lives in the earthquake will be arranged<br />

in a way that is meaningful to their loved ones.<br />

the names will be inscribed into the stone of<br />

the Memorial Wall.<br />

Construction of the Wall is due to begin within<br />

the coming month and will be ready for official<br />

dedication on 22 February 2017. this day will<br />

mark the completion of an important memorial<br />

for all those touched by the 22 February 2011<br />

Christchurch earthquake. ■<br />

For more information and to view the Memorial Wall animated fly-through ccdu.govt.nz/eqm<br />


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