Wednesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>16</strong> 20<strong>16</strong> BAY HARBOUR PAGE 17 health Health Kids’ lunches pack a salty punch KIDS’ LUNCHBOXES, often exceed the total recommended daily salt intake. That’s the finding from Consumer NZ’s investigation, published at and in the <strong>March</strong> edition of Consumer magazine, to conincide with World Salt Awareness Week. Excessive sodium from the salt in our diet can lead to high blood pressure, a major risk factor for stroke, and creating a taste for too much salt early in life can predispose children to various health problems later in life. Salt is often unexpectedly present in processed foods. Consumer gives the example of a child’s lunchbox containing a ham and cheese bread roll, a packet of Shultz Mini Pretzels and a packet of Select Little Families Biscuits. The salt content of this menu exceeds the maximum daily limit for salt recommended for a 5-6 yearold and is more than 90 per cent for a child 11-14. Stroke Foundation national health promotion manager Jo Jarden said: “Tastes and eating habits can be formed early, so feeding your children fresh unprocessed foods is the best way to set them on a healthy path. Processed foods put Southland teacher runs around the world 2010 2011 By Rachel Grunwell SALT LICK: Children acquire a taste for salt at a young age. more salt in our diet than we need and create a taste for it that can lead to overconsumption. If we start our children on fresh, natural food instead of salty processed snacks we do them the greatest favour.” “PROCESSED FOODS PUT Rotorua, so he will enter the ‘Rotorua Marathon MORE SALT IN OUR DIET THAN WE NEED. Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial Consumer highlights many of the conveniently pre-packed snacks that are so handy for lunchboxes, but so full of salt. Chippies, minipretzels and crackers are top offenders. Foods that may be thought of as ‘fresh’ such as cheese, ham and other cooked or cured meats are also processed using salt. Spreads like Vegemite or peanut butter can also be very salty. Even sweet foods When Bill Richardson runs the Survivors Club’. You have Rotorua Marathon onWhakamaharatanga April 30 it to have completedo thiste Motu mō te Rū o Waitaha will be his 307th marathon. event 15 times to be a club The 64-year-old Invercargill member. school teacher has quietly “It will be as good as gold clocked up this amazing feat to be in the club,” he says. with his feet and barely told a Richardson loves the soul! Rotorua event because “it When he ran his 300th has a bit of town, hills and marathon at the Buller Gorge country”. He also loves that the Marathon Canterbury in February earthquake he National it’s a big river event - the with Memorial a lot ofWall on the south Memorial celebrated will by provide eatinga cake place with to reflect history. bank and a reflective space on the on run the friends. events that changed Canterbury Elite north athletes, bank. forever, Thepaying 20<strong>16</strong> Rotorua respect Marathon to the 185 people international runners to FUN RUN: Bill Richardson, left, tackles the who willlost be atheir cause lives of celebration, as a result of the everyday the north runners bank love was it. completed Wanganui for Marathon with friends Kiri Price, too. It will be 15th lap of Lake But of course, he admits centre, and Graeme Tindall. A place to reflect, remember and pay respect earthquake on 22 February 2011. It will also acknowledge the shared experience of the Canterbury community and recognise the huge support received from the many organisations that assisted with the recovery operation. the site of the Memorial is on a stretch of the Ōtākaro/avon River between Montreal Street and Rhododendron Island. the site covers both banks of the Memorial designer - Grega Vezjak Following the anonymous Call for Ideas to Remember process, Grega Vezjak’s Memorial Wall design was selected in May 2015 for the Canterbury earthquake National Memorial. Grega lives in Bilje, Slovenia with his wife and three children. 22 February, on the fifth anniversary of the Christchurch earthquake. this peaceful space, with established trees and a curved seat along the path edge, invites visitors to sit, take a stroll closer to the rivers’ edge and privately reflect. From here, visitors can also watch the construction of the Memorial Wall on the other side of the river, and will enjoy a great view of the Wall from this space, once complete. ■ He studied architecture at Ljubljana university, and acknowledges the beauty of the city and the works of Slovenian architects which have all contributed to his architectural style. Grega’s work has won numerous design and architecture awards, both locally and internationally. Grega is honoured his design was selected for the Memorial. From Bilje, and during his frequent visits to Christchurch, Grega is working with a View of the completed reflective space on the Memorial north bank, looking west toward Montreal Street wide range of people including bereaved families, the seriously injured, first responders and the Memorial project team to finalise his vision for the Memorial Wall. ■ such as biscuits contain salt and add to the daily intake. There are lower salt options available, such as certain brands of popcorn, tuna in springwater, and unsalted peanut butter. Fresh fruit and vegetable options such as carrot sticks are another good way to avoid salt. Last year Consumer highlighted how excessively salty diets were ‘a ticking time bomb’ could raise the STROKE RISK ■ Too much salt in the diet contributes to raised blood pressure, the biggest single risk factor for stroke. ■ The Ministry of Health recommended maximum daily salt intake for 4-8 year olds is 3.5g but the 2009 Total Diet Survey found that average intakes were over 4.5g, even before salt added at the table was taken into account. ■ Low-salt foods have less than 120mg of sodium per 100g. ■ High-salt foods have more than 600mg of sodium per 100g. ■ The Stroke Foundation has a handy online quiz at blood pressures of children. “Busy parents find it hard to read all the small print on pre-packed children’s snacks to check how much salt is in them,” said Jo Jarden. “The food industry could certainly do more to provide low and no-salt options, especially in items targeted directly at children.” that the update last 10km is always He fuels his marathon tough. running with a porridge of oats, Richardson’s first sunflower seeds, chia, flaxseeds marathon was in and banana, topped with Invercargill in 1980. He has walnuts and almonds. since run most major world His top running tips? Don’t marathons and several start too fast and “enjoy it”. repeatedly in New Zealand. Entries are still open for the He has spent about Rotorua Marathon on April 30. $150,000 on his passion and Register online at: he jokes “the rest of Tribute my through design other earnings were wasted”. He has a room full ■ Rachel Grunwell is our weekly of medals and event a large number well-being of individuals columnist. and organisations She’s the T-shirts. including bereaved director family of members, the His fastest timeseriously was 2hr injured, Follow first her responder organisations, 50min in the Christchurch embassies, Christchurch InspiredHealthNZ City Council and Instagram: and te Marathon in 1997. Rūnanga o Ngāi @inspiredhealthandfitness tahu were involved the process which lead to the selection of the Memorial Wall design. Memorial Wall designer Further work is now taking place on the finer design detail, including how acknowledgement of the seriously injured and first responders, the experience and loss to the community, and events that occurred on 22 February 2011 will be expressed at the site. a comprehensive process is also underway to ensure the names of the 185 people who lost their lives in the earthquake will be arranged in a way that is meaningful to their loved ones. the names will be inscribed into the stone of the Memorial Wall. Construction of the Wall is due to begin within the coming month and will be ready for official dedication on 22 February 2017. this day will mark the completion of an important memorial for all those touched by the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. ■ For more information and to view the Memorial Wall animated fly-through CERA/EQA004/BH
PAGE 18 BAY HARBOUR Wednesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>16</strong> 20<strong>16</strong> Fishers Corned Silverside Whole Watermelon $ 7 99 kg $ 3 49 each Fresh Tegel NZ Chicken Legs Fresh Cut Broccoli $ 5 99 kg $ 1 29 head Vogel’s Bread 720-750g (Excludes Gluten Free) Keri Fruit Drink/Juice 2.4-3L Yoplait Yoghurt 6 Pack (Excludes Vigueur) $ 3 99 each Speight’s Gold Medal Ale/Summit 12 x 330ml Bottles $ 3 99 each Kim Crawford First Pick 750ml (Excludes Sparkling) $ 3 99 pack Chef Canned Cat Food 690-700g Please drink responsibly $ 17 99 pack SuperValueNZ $ 8 99 each $ 2 39 each SuperValue Lyttelton: 17 London Street, Lyttelton. Phone 328 7368. Open 7am-9pm, 7 days. SuperValue Sumner: 3 Village Mall, Sumner. Phone 326 5688. Open 7am-9pm, 7 days. Specials available from Wednesday, <strong>16</strong>th <strong>March</strong> until Sunday, 20th <strong>March</strong> 20<strong>16</strong> or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40. svbhn<strong>16</strong>03