Bay Harbour: March 16, 2016
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Wednesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>16</strong> 20<strong>16</strong><br />
Caring For Our Urban<br />
Waterways<br />
Wednesday, 7pm.<br />
A free public forum to discuss<br />
the future of waterways in the<br />
city. Speakers include former<br />
Christchurch mayor Garry<br />
Moore, city council planning<br />
engineer Mike Bourke, ECan<br />
groundwater science manager<br />
Carl Hanson, city council<br />
freshwater ecologist Dr Belinda<br />
Margetts and Christchurch-<br />
West Melton zone committee<br />
chairman Arapata Reuben.<br />
Knox Church, cnr of Bealey<br />
Ave and Victoria St, Merivale.<br />
Summer of Fun – Seniors<br />
Hui<br />
Friday, 11am-2.30pm<br />
A seniors gathering featuring<br />
music, powhiri, afternoon<br />
tea and a range of afternoon<br />
entertainment. The event is<br />
about gathering the senior<br />
community and involving the<br />
younger community.<br />
Onuku Marae, Akaroa<br />
Le Race<br />
Saturday<br />
This annual cycle race starts<br />
in the middle of Christchurch at<br />
Community<br />
Events<br />
7.30am for the pre-race briefing<br />
and then it’s all go at 8am.<br />
The finish line is in the centre<br />
of Akaroa, followed by prize<br />
giving on the Akaroa Recreation<br />
Ground. Head along and watch<br />
the racers cross the finish line.<br />
The Star City2Surf with<br />
Mike Pero<br />
Sunday, 9am<br />
The Star City2Surf with Mike<br />
Pero is a fun event for the young<br />
and old, the serious and not so<br />
serious, individuals, corporate<br />
teams, schools and families. It<br />
is all about participation, team<br />
building, reaching personal<br />
goals, and having fun. This<br />
year’s event will have both the<br />
14km event, which starts at<br />
Centennial Park, and the 6km<br />
event, which starts at Opawa’s<br />
Hansen Park.<br />
Finishes at Ferrymead playing<br />
Email<br />
or<br />
by 5pm each Wednesday<br />
fields, $20 entry, visit http://<br /> to enter.<br />
Governors <strong>Bay</strong> Fete<br />
Sunday<br />
The Governors <strong>Bay</strong> Fete is an<br />
annual non-profit event which<br />
raises funds for the community.<br />
Last year’s money bought a<br />
defibrillator which is now at<br />
the Governors <strong>Bay</strong> Hotel for<br />
emergency situations in the<br />
community. Those interested in<br />
running a stall at this year’s fete,<br />
can phone Annabelle on either<br />
329 9268 or 027 222 4604.<br />
Allandale Domain.<br />
Akaroa and <strong>Bay</strong>s Lions<br />
Paddy’s Market<br />
<strong>March</strong> 26<br />
The Akaroa and <strong>Bay</strong>s Lions<br />
Paddy’s Market is coming<br />
around for another year. Head<br />
along to this fundraiser for the<br />
Lions and take away lots of<br />
bargains. There will be furniture,<br />
collectables, tools, household<br />
goods and more. White Elephant<br />
starts 10am and the auction will<br />
begin at 10.30am.<br />
Recreation Green, Rue<br />
Brittain, Akaroa.<br />
Markets:<br />
Mt Pleasant: Every<br />
Saturday, 9.30am-12.30pm, off<br />
McCormacks <strong>Bay</strong> Rd.<br />
Lyttelton: Every Saturday,<br />
10am-1pm, London St.<br />
Sumner: Every Sunday, 10am<br />
on the corner of Esplanade and<br />
Marriner St.<br />
Akaroa: Every Sunday from<br />
October to April, 9.30am-1pm,<br />
the Madeira Hotel car park, Rue<br />
Lavaud.<br />
ContaCt us<br />
General Manager: Steve McCaughan<br />
Communities Editor: Shelley Robinson<br />
Sales Manager: Joan Smith<br />
Circulation: Mark Coulthard<br />
P: 379-7100<br />
Bridget Rutherford. Ph: 371 0778<br /><br />
Fraser Walker-Pearce. Ph: 364 7424<br /><br />
Rob Davison. Ph: 021 225 8584<br /><br />
Javier Balcazar. Ph: 982 9308<br /><br />
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