Bay Harbour: March 16, 2016
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Wednesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>16</strong> 20<strong>16</strong><br />
Heathcote Valley<br />
inspiring young minds<br />
Nursery<br />
Our Nursery provides a peaceful<br />
and nurturing environment for your<br />
0-18 month old child. Our high<br />
teacher to child ratio ensures your<br />
baby receives full attention and<br />
individual care consistently each<br />
day. An inspiring environment<br />
offers a range of safe equipment<br />
and activities are provided that<br />
allows babies to explore, excite,<br />
discover, stimulate and experiment through their sensory play. Importance<br />
is placed on creating a strong bond between teacher, baby and<br />
environment. A primary care-giving system enhances this importance.<br />
Toddlers<br />
Our Toddler room is set up for<br />
children aged between 18<br />
months and 2-year-old children<br />
and children aged between<br />
2-3 years of age with a focus on<br />
independence and self help skills.<br />
The environment highlights space<br />
for child to explore, challenge,<br />
discover and foster their physical<br />
and social skills. Our 18 month to 2-year-old children use our primary caregiving<br />
system as the Nursery children.<br />
Preschool<br />
Our Preschool learning<br />
programmes are designed to<br />
support children aged 3 to 5<br />
years old as they discover who<br />
they are so that they can learn<br />
to express their own opinions and<br />
nurturing ideas. Our environment<br />
offers stimulating, challenging<br />
and accessible resources that<br />
are inviting and aesthetic to the child. This specially created environment<br />
entices the child to explore, discover, manipulate and learn. The resources<br />
and materials offered represent a wide curriculum, including literacy,<br />
numeracy, science, computer, technology, geography, music, drama,<br />
practical art, art appreciation, and physical.<br />
The Teaching Room<br />
The Teaching room is a<br />
prepared environment providing<br />
an education foundation for<br />
successful future development.<br />
The room is a well resourced,<br />
specifically designed environment<br />
set within the centre designed for<br />
children over 3 years.<br />
Within this prepared environment we are able to recognise the unique and<br />
diverse learning approaches of each child. We are able to provide an<br />
educationally, creative and evolving curriculum supported by the following<br />
curriculum areas in which each child is able to choose freely from; literacy,<br />
numeracy, visual arts, music and movement, study of science, computer<br />
and technology, geography, cultural skills, study of topics, physical<br />
education, health and safety.<br />
We want to play a very special<br />
part in your child’s life<br />
we want to know them and understand them, connect and<br />
build relationships with them, celebrate ideas, challenge<br />
their thinking and most of all aid them in developing a strong<br />
sense of identity.<br />
Main important points to our key focus:<br />
• State of the Art, stimulating, spacious, purpose built facilities<br />
• Dedicated, professionally qualified teachers<br />
• Quality, comprehensive, educational learning programmes<br />
• Age specific learning rooms<br />
• Specifically designed teaching room for all 3 & 4 year olds<br />
• We offer 20 hours ECE for all 3 and 4 year old children<br />
• On-site chef providing nutritious meals & snacks<br />
• On-site hairdresser<br />
• Extra curricular activities offered include PMP, brain gym,<br />
dance, sports, instruments, learning other languages<br />
Mention<br />
this<br />
advert to<br />
receive<br />
Heathcote Valley<br />
4 FREE<br />
sessions for<br />
3-5 year olds<br />
Our Programme / Curriculum<br />
Heathcote Valley Preschools’ programme is inspired by the Reggio Emilia<br />
philosophy. The Reggio Emilia philosophy views every child as strong and<br />
competent and encourages us to embrace each child's strengths, interests and<br />
differences through documentation of their thoughts, ideas, theories and learning<br />
processes. The documentation of these aspects gives the child a feeling of<br />
empowerment and a sense of pride in them selves as capable of constructing<br />
their own knowledge.<br />
For further information on<br />
Early Childhood Curriculum please refer to this link:<br /><br />
Reggio Emilia please refer to this link<br /><br />
Web-based Portfolio’s - a unique part of our Preschool<br />
Parents have access to their child’s growth, learning & development during their<br />
time here, this includes all photos taken of your child, all child’s learning stories<br />
and special work anywhere and anytime so that they can engage with their<br />
child’s learning and share this with family members anywhere in the world. All<br />
information can be printed, download with a touch of a button from any device..<br />
inspiring young minds<br />
All meals prepared by our in house chef.<br />
For full information please visit our website<br /><br />
Come in for a visit and<br />
experience the difference<br />
Ph 03 384 9249<br />
108 Port hills Rd, heathcote Valley<br />
Lyttelton<br />
Tunnel<br />
Ferrymead<br />
Heritage Park<br />
Port Hills Rd<br />
Tunnel Rd<br />
We are<br />
here<br />
Bridle Path Rd<br />
Martindales Rd