Bay Harbour: March 16, 2016

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Wednesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>16</strong> 20<strong>16</strong><br />


PAGE 5<br />

neighbourhood NEWS News tips? Email bridget.rutherford@starmedia.kiwi or phone 371 0778<br />

Rare car to go on display<br />

Hispano Suiza<br />

from TV series<br />

will be at fete<br />


Governors <strong>Bay</strong> residents<br />

heading along to the fete this<br />

weekend will be able to catch<br />

a glimpse of an Australian<br />

television star.<br />

The 1923 Hispano Suiza<br />

vehicle, which featured in<br />

Australian television series<br />

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries<br />

will be on display at Allandale<br />

Domain all day on Sunday.<br />

The series, which first aired<br />

in 2012, revolves around Essie<br />

Davis’ character Phryne Fisher,<br />

who is a glamorous private<br />

detective.<br />

She drove around in a red<br />

Hispano Suiza – the very<br />

car that is now owned by a<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong> local.<br />

The owner, who wanted to<br />

remain anonymous, said he<br />

bought the vehicle from a friend<br />

in Melbourne about three years<br />

ago, after it had become the star<br />

of the show.<br />

But it only arrived in Governors<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> about a year ago<br />

because it was still being used<br />

for filming.<br />

The car enthusiast had owned<br />

the same model about 35 years<br />

ago but sold it, and was always<br />

keen to buy his friend’s one.<br />

He said there were only<br />

about three Hispano Suiza’s in<br />

Australia, and that one happened<br />

to be red, the colour of the<br />

vehicle in the book the series<br />

was based on.<br />

The vehicle is not the only<br />

link the bay has to the television<br />

series.<br />

When Governors <strong>Bay</strong> resident<br />

Rosie Belton was living in<br />

Tasmania, she was Ms Davis’<br />

theatre teacher.<br />

Ms Belton said through the<br />

theatre classes, her daughter<br />

Amy and Essie became good<br />

friends.<br />

VINTAGE: Essie<br />

Davis’ character<br />

Phryne Fisher in<br />

the 1923 Hispano<br />

Suiza vehicle that<br />

will be on display at<br />

the Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Fete this weekend.<br />

Below: Governors<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> resident Rosie<br />

Belton with actress<br />

Essie Davis when<br />

she visited the bay<br />

in 1987.<br />

“I thought both her and Amy<br />

were very talented, they were<br />

both a bit naughty but they were<br />

both really talented kids,” she<br />

said.<br />

“Essie had the right face<br />

shape, she’s got that look.”<br />

Ms Davis will star in season<br />

six of the hit-series Game of<br />

Thrones which comes out next<br />

month.<br />

The annual fete raises money<br />

for the community, with last<br />

year’s funds going towards a<br />

defibrillator.<br />

About 3500 people turned out<br />

last year.<br />


The Hagley-Ferrymead<br />

Community Board will decide<br />

today on new road names for<br />

Greenwood Farm Subdivision,<br />

on Richmond Hill. The city<br />

council is proposing the new<br />

roads be called Oxenhope Rd,<br />

Sowerby Place and Ridgeway<br />

Place. Stages two and three of<br />

the subdivision are currently in<br />

development, and it will create<br />

30 residential allotments. The<br />

board will decide at its meeting<br />

this afternoon.<br />


Governors <strong>Bay</strong> Rd, Rapaki,<br />

has temporary traffic signals<br />

operating while the retaining<br />

wall is being repaired outside<br />

number 191. The westbound<br />

lane closed on Monday and the<br />

work is expected to take about<br />

three months.<br />


A workshop will be held on<br />

<strong>March</strong> 30 to discuss what<br />

is needed in the interior of<br />

the new Heathcote Valley<br />

community facility. Community<br />

Governance Team staff have<br />

been meeting with members<br />

of the Heathcote Volunteer<br />

Library and Heathcote Valley<br />

Community Association to<br />

discuss the finishing, furniture<br />

and fittings for the facility<br />

to address the needs of the<br />

community.<br />

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