Bay Harbour: March 16, 2016

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Wednesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>16</strong> 20<strong>16</strong><br />


PAGE 9<br />

your<br />

LOCAL<br />

Schools<br />

Tell us what’s<br />

happening at<br />

your school. Email<br />

bridget.rutherford@<br />

starmedia.kiwi or<br />

phone 364 7424<br />

ENTERTAINMENT: Redcliffs School’s student leaders have<br />

organised lunch time concerts so the pupils can sit around and<br />

watch their peers perform. The concerts take place every Friday.<br />


and Wongi created<br />

these murals on some<br />

of Akaroa Area School’s<br />

buildings.<br />


Area School buildings were<br />

brought to life after street artists,<br />

Flox and Wongi, visited the<br />

school. The artists ran workshops<br />

with the pupils, and created<br />

murals with stencils and spray<br />

paint. The project was part of<br />

this year’s Artists in Residence<br />

which brings creative people into<br />

schools to share their skills with<br />

the pupils. It ties in with Akaroa’s<br />

initiative to celebrate and make<br />

use of its local environment and<br />

create ways to visually reflect<br />

the school values. “We’re very<br />

fortunate to be able to work with<br />

Flox and Wongi on these projects<br />

which will not only enhance our<br />

school environment but provide<br />

a context for integrated learning.<br />

This event marks the beginning<br />

of a drive to bring our physical<br />

spaces to life by celebrating our<br />

environment, our vision and our<br />

values,” principal Ray Bygate<br />

said.<br />

Music<br />

everywhere<br />

MUSICAL: Governors <strong>Bay</strong> School pupils<br />

have been making the most of their<br />

lunch times having organised musical<br />

entertainment. Music lessons are up<br />

and running, and the pupils have begun<br />

playing for their peers in a relaxed way<br />

at lunch times.<br />

Remembering Feb 2011<br />

GREEN FINGERS: Sumner School pupils Aurora Garner -Randolph and<br />

Naomi Dana were among a number of pupils to take part in Oderings<br />

School Gardens’ Show. Sumner was just one school that took part<br />

in the event held at Woolston Workingmen’s Club, and it received a<br />

silver award for the pupils’ efforts. The pupils had to create a 3m by<br />

3m garden installation. Sumner’s entry was based around a fictional<br />

character in a picture book they wrote and developed as part of the<br />

back story for the garden. The story is about ‘Margaret’ who lives at<br />

Taylors Mistake where she surfs and swims in the morning, collects<br />

shells along the beach and waters her garden in the afternoon before<br />

she has for a snooze in her deck chair. The pupils made a bach at the<br />

beach and created Margret, a life- size stuffed doll. They built their own<br />

planter box and made strawberries out of clay to decorate their garden.<br />

Paper mache seagulls were included as they are an essential part of<br />

any seaside landscape and a worm tower helps to provide compost for<br />

the garden beds.<br />

RUBY MOORE ,12, ELLA<br />

WILLCOX, 12, AND<br />

LACHLAN ROW, 12<br />

The February 2011<br />

earthquake came as a huge<br />

shock to everyone and the<br />

days afterwards were a<br />

struggle.<br />

Thousands of homes<br />

destroyed, 185 deaths and<br />

damaged and shocked faces<br />

everywhere you looked. At<br />

Mt Pleasant, everyone was<br />

sleeping on the field in tents.<br />

Some for three weeks.<br />

Every year since, even<br />

though we had mainly recovered<br />

from the earthquakes,<br />

we have held the Day on the<br />

Hill and slept on the field<br />

again, as a testament to the<br />

earthquake and what we<br />

went through. This year’s<br />

event was held on February<br />

27.<br />

Five years later, and we<br />

don’t need to think about<br />

the past as much now. These<br />

events, however, are for<br />

fun, and have food trucks,<br />

movies, live music and more.<br />

This year was no different.<br />

For five years running, this<br />

event has become bigger and<br />

better and it would be great<br />

to think that next year will be<br />

even better that it already is.<br />

FUN: Andie Scheiwe (left) Eliza<br />

Anderson and Scarlet Wright have a go<br />

on the water slide at Mt Pleasant’s Big<br />

Day on the Hill.

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