Bay Harbour: March 16, 2016

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Wednesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>16</strong> 20<strong>16</strong><br />

Contamination<br />

forces closure<br />

of freedom<br />

camping site<br />

Tomorrow will see the end<br />

of freedom campers taking<br />

up residence at Ferrymead’s<br />

Windsport Park and Wainui.<br />

The self-contained site at<br />

French Farm closed immediately<br />

on Thursday after tests showed<br />

the beach was contaminated.<br />

A septic tank had overflowed<br />

and leaked into the harbour,<br />

forcing French Farm’s closure<br />

to members of the public and<br />

freedom campers.<br />

City council chief executive<br />

Karleen Edwards announced<br />

on Thursday that five of its<br />

restricted non-self-contained<br />

freedom camping sites will be<br />

temporarily closed.<br />

Wainui, Addington Park,<br />

Lower Styx River, Windsport<br />

and French Farm would remain<br />

closed until May 31.<br />

It comes after reports of a lot<br />

of freedom camping vehicles<br />

parking up at Windsport Park and<br />

French Farm, overstaying their<br />

allowed time, and the overuse of<br />

the toilets.<br />

Dr Edwards said there were a<br />

number of issues that had made<br />

those sites unsafe for people and<br />

the local environments.<br />

She said the city council took<br />

the well-being of residents and<br />

freedom campers seriously,<br />

and the closures would see an<br />

immediate improvement at the<br />

sites.<br />

“The council continues to<br />

welcome campers to the city and<br />

Banks Peninsula and encourages<br />

them to make use of the range<br />

of affordable camping grounds<br />

across the district.”<br />

Canterbury Medical Officer<br />

of Health Dr Alistair Humphrey<br />

said the safety of beach users,<br />

whether they were freedom<br />

campers or other members of the<br />

public, was paramount.<br />

The Freedom Camping Act<br />

allows the city council to issue a<br />

fine of $200 if someone is found<br />

freedom camping, or making<br />

preparations to freedom camp,<br />

in a local authority area and<br />

in breach of the city council’s<br />

bylaw, including temporarily<br />

closed sites.<br />

The city council intends to<br />

review the closures in May.<br />

INPUT: The new Sumner community facility needs an official name, and residents are likely to be able to<br />

put forward their suggestions.<br />

Community could have say<br />

on name for new facility<br />

Sumner residents may get the<br />

chance to have their say on their<br />

new community facility’s name.<br />

The facility, which will be<br />

built on the corner of Wakefield<br />

Ave and Nayland St, is expected<br />

to open next year.<br />

It will incorporate the community<br />

centre, library and museum.<br />

The city council is looking at<br />

carrying out a similar naming<br />

process to Te Hapua: Halswell<br />

Centre, where residents sent in<br />

suggestions, which were then<br />

short-listed, and voted on.<br />

A joint working group has been<br />


What would you like<br />

Sumner’s new community<br />

facility to be called? Send in<br />

your suggestions to bridget.<br />

rutherford@starmedia.kiwi<br />

representing the Sumner community<br />

so the city council is looking<br />

at whether it and Maori representatives<br />

could consult with the<br />

community on possible names.<br />

They would then compile<br />

all the suggestions with reasoning<br />

behind them, before they<br />

were short-listed.<br />

The community would then<br />

get the chance to vote on them,<br />

or the joint working group and<br />

Maori representation would<br />

choose one themselves and<br />

take it to the Hagley-Ferrymead<br />

Community Board for approval.<br />

The community board will discuss<br />

what process to take at its<br />

meeting today.<br />

The final phase of the design<br />

process on the facility is expected<br />

to be completed next month<br />

and construction is due to begin<br />

half-way through this year.<br />

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Trish, Holly, Kirsty, Daryl, Catherine & Sandi

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