Coral Gables - Art Booklet


ARTIST BIO: William Attaway, otherwise known simply as Attaway, is a name synonymous with Venice Beach, California. Hailing from Barbados and calling his home of Venice since 1979 "the closest thing he's found to the islands," Attaway has been working with ceramics, painting and sculpture on a scale few have attempted. Attaway is creating a myriad of works, both 2- dimensional and 3-dimensional work. Over the past few decades he has continued to reinvent himself, pushing the boundaries of skill and style. Over his career he has worked with city planners, politicians, corporations, youth and community groups, as well as being active in the restoration of arts in the Los Angles public schools. ARTIST LOCATION: Venice Beach, CA WILLIAM ATTAWAY DAWSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 16

ARTIST BIO: Giselle Borras has lived and worked in Spain, United States and currently resides in Barranquilla, Colombia, where she has completed fourteen years of independent work in the arts. For the past twelve years, Giselle Borras has been committed to her artistic work drawing inspiration from her continuous admiration for the human body. Inspiration Giselle’s work shows her enjoyment… in feeling nature and in the perfection of the human structure. Through the practice of Yoga she has experienced an intimate relationship between mind, body and soul, to be expressed in her paintings; using various techniques and a unique style to show the viewer her interpretation of the plasticity of the human body. From the palette to the painting The artist works in front of the canvas focusing on the painting as a whole, to achieve harmony of color and composition, before concentrating on specific areas, and then painting quickly, loosely, using brushes, spatulas, cloths and even her fingers. The final results are these subtle and weightless figures, created from maintaining the painting process spontaneous, filled with innocence and yet providing the viewer much force, energy and presence. ARTIST LOCATION: Barranquilla, Columbia GISELLE BORRAS DAWSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 17

ARTIST BIO: Giselle Borras has lived and worked in Spain, United States<br />

and currently resides in Barranquilla, Colombia, where she has completed<br />

fourteen years of independent work in the arts.<br />

For the past twelve years, Giselle Borras has been committed to her artistic<br />

work drawing inspiration from her continuous admiration for the human<br />

body. Inspiration Giselle’s work shows her enjoyment… in feeling nature and<br />

in the perfection of the human structure. Through the practice of Yoga she<br />

has experienced an intimate relationship between mind, body and soul, to be<br />

expressed in her paintings; using various techniques and a unique style to<br />

show the viewer her interpretation of the plasticity of the human body. From<br />

the palette to the painting The artist works in front of the canvas focusing on<br />

the painting as a whole, to achieve harmony of color and composition, before<br />

concentrating on specific areas, and then painting quickly, loosely, using<br />

brushes, spatulas, cloths and even her fingers. The final results are these<br />

subtle and weightless figures, created from maintaining the painting process<br />

spontaneous, filled with innocence and yet providing the viewer much force,<br />

energy and presence.<br />

ARTIST LOCATION: Barranquilla, Columbia<br />




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