Lyson Catálogo 2017
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Stainless steel settlers "Premium Line"<br />
“Premium Line” settlers consist of:<br />
a drum, a conical bottom and a drainpipe in the bottom.<br />
These settlers are made of polished stainless steel<br />
with 0,6 mm thickness. The thickness of the bottom is 0,8<br />
mm<br />
The pipe is connected to the wall of the stand. The honey<br />
gate is screwed to this pipe.<br />
Settlers are equipped with stainless steel cover with rubber<br />
seal secured with clasps.<br />
ID<br />
W71P<br />
W72P<br />
W73P<br />
W74P<br />
W75P<br />
W76P<br />
Name<br />
Stainless settler 30 l "Premium" with conical<br />
bottom, valve 6/4", with handles<br />
(Ø 400, total H: 445)<br />
Stainless settler 50 l "Premium" with conical<br />
bottom, valve 6/4", with handles<br />
(Ø 400, total H: 595)<br />
Stainless settler 70 l "Premium" with conical<br />
bottom, valve 6/4", with handles<br />
(Ø 400, total H: 760)<br />
Stainless settler 100 l "Premium" with conical<br />
bottom, valve 6/4", with handles<br />
(Ø 500, total H: 760)<br />
Stainless settler 150 l "Premium" with conical<br />
bottom, valve 2", with handles<br />
(Ø 500, total H: 980)<br />
Stainless settler 200 l "Premium" with conical<br />
bottom, valve 2", with handles<br />
(Ø 600, total H: 905)<br />
Stainless settlers with<br />
heated drum side wall<br />
Specifications 4043A:<br />
»»<br />
Capacity: 50l<br />
»»<br />
Stainless steel, acid<br />
resistant<br />
»»<br />
Internal diameter<br />
400 mm, H 430 mm<br />
»»<br />
Heating power<br />
230V/175W<br />
»»<br />
Temperature regulation<br />
between 30-55°C<br />
»»<br />
Digital display<br />
»»<br />
Honey gate 6/4”<br />
ID<br />
4043A<br />
4043D<br />
4043C<br />
4043E<br />
4043B<br />
Name<br />
Stainless settler with heated drum 50l<br />
Stainless settler with heated drum 70l<br />
Stainless settler with heated drum 100l<br />
Stainless settler with heated drum 150l<br />
Stainless settler with heated drum 200l<br />
70<br />