Lyson Catálogo 2017
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Decrystallization coils<br />
2 years<br />
Coil<br />
diameter<br />
Work height,<br />
(up to this level the heater can be<br />
immersed)<br />
Total height<br />
25 cm 84 cm 101 cm<br />
33 cm 84 cm 101 cm<br />
50 cm 90 cm 110 cm<br />
Electronic temperature<br />
controller<br />
Ø25 cm, 2 × 400 W<br />
W3207<br />
Ø33 cm, 2 × 500 W<br />
W3208<br />
Ø50 cm, 4 × 375 W<br />
W3210<br />
The electronic temperature<br />
controller is equipped with a<br />
7-segment LED display for<br />
an easy temperature reading.<br />
Temperature control is in<br />
the range of 30-55 degrees<br />
Celsius and measurement<br />
accuracy +/- 1.5 ° C. Temperature<br />
reading is rounded to<br />
the decimal point of the Celsius degree. The running time of<br />
the basic controller is 1 to 96 hours after which time the unit<br />
switches off. The controller has a built-in preheating function<br />
for 0-60 minutes and a temperature of 30-40 degrees Celsius.<br />
After the preheat mode is completed, the controller switches<br />
to the basic operating mode. Operation of the controller and<br />
heating element is signaled by two LEDs (orange and red).<br />
ID Name<br />
W3207 Decrystallization coils Ø25 cm, 2×400 W<br />
W3208 Decrystallization coils Ø33 cm, 2×500 W<br />
W3210 Decrystallization coils Ø50 cm, 4×375 W<br />
OPTIMA Line<br />
decrystallization<br />
coils<br />
Heating coil:<br />
»»<br />
3 sizes:<br />
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Ø250 mm - 2x400W 230V<br />
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Ø330 mm - 2x500W 230V<br />
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Ø500 mm - 4x400W 230V<br />
»»<br />
Temperature range, up to<br />
90°C<br />
ID<br />
W3207_OL<br />
W3208_OL<br />
W3210_OL<br />
Name<br />
optima<br />
Decrystallization coil Ø25 cm, 2×400 W<br />
Decrystallization coil Ø33 cm, 2×500 W<br />
Decrystallization coil Ø50 cm, 4×400 W<br />
Hive body heater<br />
Made of stainless steel, can be used to warm up bodies<br />
if there is no heating in the workshop.<br />
Heater can be used with 12-frame Dadant bodies,<br />
Langstroth and DN. It is also suitable for other bodies if<br />
adapter inserts are used.<br />
Before uncapping and extruding, bodies should be<br />
placed on the heater for several hours. Warm air is<br />
distributed between frames and is warming them up to<br />
facilitate easier uncapping and extracting.<br />
Technical parameters:<br />
»»<br />
Voltage 230 V<br />
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Power 300 W<br />
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Temperature<br />
range<br />
30 - 55°C<br />
»»<br />
Heater is constructed<br />
from multi<br />
layer board and<br />
reinforced with<br />
stainless steel<br />
»»<br />
Dimensions:<br />
650×470×260 mm<br />
W3012<br />
78<br />