Lyson Catálogo 2017

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Manual uncapping device with steam uncapper<br />

Description:<br />

»»<br />

The set allows installation on uncapping<br />

table (plain or reinforced)<br />

with a length of 1000 mm<br />

»»<br />

Steam heated knives accelerate<br />

frame uncapping process (Steam<br />

generator included)<br />

»»<br />

Specially adapted guide to the<br />

frame is equipped with a shield on<br />

his hands<br />

W20960C<br />

Specifications:<br />

»»<br />

Made of acid-resistant stainless<br />

steel<br />

»»<br />

Available for following frame standards<br />

"Deutsch Normal", Dadant,<br />

Langstroth.<br />

ID<br />

W20960C<br />

W20960F<br />

W20960LN<br />

Name<br />

Manual steam uncapper Dadant with steam<br />

generator, 1000 mm<br />

Manual steam uncapper "Deutsch Normal"<br />

with steam generator, 1000 mm<br />

Manual steam uncapper Langstroth<br />

with steam generator, 1000 mm<br />

Example: manual steam uncapper on the reinforced<br />

table. Reinforced or standard uncapping table is sold<br />

separately.<br />

tel.: +48 33 875-93-24, 33 875-99-40, visit www.lyson.com.pl to see more<br />


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