Lyson Catálogo 2017

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Premium Line uncapping machines<br />

Uncapping machines in PREMIUM LINE are entirely<br />

made of stainless steel. The device is equipped with an<br />

intuitive controller, that manages the device’s work. For<br />

the presented uncapping tables we recommend one<br />

of the following options. We ask for information if you<br />

choose any of the options.<br />

W902Z_P<br />

Uncapping machine controller PREMIUM Line (PC-03)<br />

The controller allows us to operate:<br />

»»<br />

Frame feeder: The controller allows to set the direction of rotation (“START” button with the indicating arrow) and<br />

the engine’s speed (“+” and “-” buttons). The current status of the feeder and the engine speed’s percentage are<br />

displayed on the screen.<br />

»»<br />

Knives’ drive and the transportation chain: The controller allows to turn the knives and the chain on and off<br />

(“START”, “STOP” buttons). The current status is displayed on the screen.<br />

»»<br />

Heated knives: The controller allows to turn the heated knives on/off (“START”, “STOP” buttons) and to adjust<br />

the temperature (“+”, “-” buttons). The current work status and the set and preset temperature is displayed on the<br />

screen.<br />

ID<br />

W902Z_P<br />

W903Z_P<br />

Name<br />

Automatic feed uncapping machine, 400V, with closed circuit - PREMIUM LINE<br />

Automatic feed uncapping machine, 230V, with closed circuit - PREMIUM LINE<br />

For the presented manual and automatic uncapping machines we recommend one of the following options.<br />

Please inform us if you choose any of the additional options from below.<br />

ID<br />

Name<br />

W20966_A<br />

OPTION A - Uncapping extruder, 100 kg/h, for the uncapping table, PREMIUM W902Z_P, W903Z_P<br />

W20965_B<br />

OPTION B - Uncapping extruder, 200 kg/h, for the uncapping tables, PREMIUM W902Z_P or W903Z_P<br />

tel.: +48 33 875-93-24, 33 875-99-40, visit www.lyson.com.pl to see more<br />


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