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on the present value of expected claims and<br />

benefits arising net of expected premiums payable<br />

under the related reinsurance contracts. Amounts<br />

recoverable from or due to reinsurers are measured<br />

consistently with the amounts associated<br />

with the reinsured contracts and in accordance<br />

with the terms of each reinsurance contract.<br />

Reinsurance assets include balances due from reinsurance<br />

companies for ceded insurance liabilities.<br />

Amounts recoverable from reinsurers’ are estimated<br />

in a manner consistent with the outstanding<br />

claims provision or settled claims associated with<br />

the reinsured policy. The cost of reinsurance related<br />

to long term contracts is accounted for over<br />

the life of the underlying insurance policies using<br />

assumptions consistent with those used to account<br />

for the underlying policies. Premiums ceded and<br />

benefits reimbursed are presented in the statement<br />

of comprehensive income and statement of<br />

financial position on a gross basis.<br />

Reinsurance assets are assessed for impairment<br />

at each balance sheet date. If there is reliable<br />

objective evidence, as a result of an event that<br />

occurred after its initial recognition, that amounts<br />

due may not be recoverable, the Fund reduces<br />

the carrying amount of the reinsurance asset<br />

to its recoverable amount and recognises that<br />

impairment loss in the statement of comprehensive<br />

income.<br />


All property, plant and equipment are stated at<br />

historical cost less depreciation. Historical cost<br />

includes expenditure that is directly attributable to<br />

the acquisition of the items. Cost may also include<br />

transfers from equity of any gains/losses on<br />

qualifying cash flow hedges of foreign currency<br />

purchases of property, plant and equipment.<br />

Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying<br />

amount or recognised as a separate asset, as<br />

appropriate, only when it is probable that future<br />

economic benefits associated with the item will<br />

flow to the group and the cost of the item can<br />

be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the<br />

replaced part is derecognised. All other repairs<br />

and maintenance are charged to the income<br />

statement during the financial period in which<br />

they are incurred.<br />

Land is not depreciated. Depreciation on other<br />

assets is calculated using the straight-line method<br />

to allocate their cost or revalued amounts to their<br />

residual values over their estimated useful lives, as<br />

follows:<br />

4% 20% 20% 33.3%<br />

Building<br />

Office<br />

furniture<br />

and equipment<br />

Motor<br />

Vehicle<br />

Computer<br />

equipment<br />

and Sofware<br />

The assets’ residual values and useful lives are<br />

reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at the end<br />

of each reporting period.<br />

An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately<br />

to its recoverable amount if the asset’s<br />

carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable<br />

amount.<br />

Gains and losses on disposals are determined by<br />

comparing the proceeds with the carrying amount<br />

and are recognised within ‘Other (losses)/gains –<br />

net’ in the income statement. When revalued assets<br />

are sold, the amounts included in other reserves are<br />

transferred to retained earnings.<br />


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