Webkatalog Tysk November 2017

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Icon Deluxe Card - Gold - available in 14x14 cm and 8x8 cm (S)<br />

in 10 various colors see below<br />

G-50<br />

G-51 G-52 G-53 G-54<br />

G-55 G-56 G-57 G-59 G-60<br />

Wine is the<br />

answer.<br />

What was the<br />

question?<br />

A good man can make<br />

you feel sexy, strong<br />

and able to take on the<br />

world!<br />

Ohh sorry...<br />

That’s wine...<br />

Wine does that<br />

Time to drink<br />

champagne<br />

and dance<br />

on the table<br />

My head says,<br />

go to the<br />

GYM<br />

My heart says<br />

drink more<br />

WINE<br />

Happy WINE<br />

Happy LIFE<br />

06-01-R01G-53<br />

06-01-R02G-53<br />

06-01-R03G-53<br />

06-01-R04G-53<br />

06-01-R05G-53<br />

06-01-R01 06-01-R02 06-01-R03 06-01-R04 06-01-R05<br />

You Cook<br />

I will drink<br />

Wine<br />

The best<br />

Wine are the one<br />

we drink with<br />

Friends<br />

06-01-R06G-53<br />

06-01-R06<br />

06-01-R07G-53<br />


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