FB Retargeting Guide - How To Do Facebook Retargeting

You may ask this: 1 how does facebook retargeting work 2 how much does facebook retargeting cost 3 how the facebook exchange retargeting program works 4 how to create facebook retargeting pixel 5 how to do facebook retargeting 6 how to do facebook retargeting 2015 7 how to facebook retargeting 8 how to make retargeting on facebook 9 how to setup facebook retargeting 10 how to stop facebook retargeting 11 how to use facebook retargeting 12 what is facebook exchange retargeting program 13 what is facebook retargeting 14 what is facebook retargeting code 15 what is facebook retargeting pixel 16 where to place facebook retargeting pixel

You may ask this:
1 how does facebook retargeting work
2 how much does facebook retargeting cost
3 how the facebook exchange retargeting program works
4 how to create facebook retargeting pixel
5 how to do facebook retargeting
6 how to do facebook retargeting 2015
7 how to facebook retargeting
8 how to make retargeting on facebook
9 how to setup facebook retargeting
10 how to stop facebook retargeting
11 how to use facebook retargeting
12 what is facebook exchange retargeting program
13 what is facebook retargeting
14 what is facebook retargeting code
15 what is facebook retargeting pixel
16 where to place facebook retargeting pixel


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<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

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<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Introduction<br />

What if you had a second chance to turn that lost visitor into a buyer?<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong> has been one of the most effective advertising platforms for a<br />

long time – at least if you know how to play the game. The trouble is,<br />

most people don’t know how to properly maximize their ad campaigns,<br />

and thus they see horrible returns or even little to no traffic at all. Or<br />

they may see CPC that are way out of the affordable range.<br />

It’s no wonder ads have the potential to be so effective. <strong>Facebook</strong> has a<br />

truly massive number of daily visitors, and those visitors are also<br />

typically very responsive and very voracious. But their internal ad<br />

system leaves much to be desired as far as targeting.<br />

Fortunately, <strong>Facebook</strong> has developed a way to advertise to specific<br />

audiences such as website visitors. All you have to do is place a tracking<br />

pixel on your website, and it will insert a cookie onto each visitor’s<br />

computer so that when they later visit <strong>Facebook</strong>, an ad can be<br />

delivered to them based on your website.<br />

If you use <strong>Facebook</strong> regularly, you’ve probably seen this in action. Ever<br />

go to Amazon and look at a particular product, and then see that<br />

product advertised on <strong>Facebook</strong> later? It’s no coincidence. It’s<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong> retargeting!<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

In this guide, you’re going to learn about how <strong>Facebook</strong> retargeting<br />

works, why it is so powerful, and how you can get started using<br />

retargeting to reclaim your website visitors and turn lost visitors into<br />

sales!<br />

In time, you will see how powerful these techniques can be, and you<br />

will come to understand exactly why you should be using this powerful<br />

technique to bring back those lost visitors!<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

<strong>How</strong> <strong>Do</strong>es <strong>Retargeting</strong> Work<br />

<strong>Retargeting</strong> allows you to take visitors who have already visited your<br />

website in the past and perhaps didn’t purchase anything and bring<br />

them back for a second chance at a sale by using <strong>Facebook</strong> ads that<br />

deliberately target ONLY those people who have already been to your<br />

website in the past.<br />

This allows you to get ads that are much more precisely targeted than<br />

any other type of ad could ever be, because they are based directly off<br />

proven data. Users have already shown an interest in related material.<br />

<strong>How</strong> it Works:<br />

1. A customer visits your website, and a cookie is set in their<br />

browser.<br />

2. When the user goes to <strong>Facebook</strong>, they see an ad that is<br />

specifically retargeted to them based on their visit to that page.<br />

3. The customer may then come back to the site and buy.<br />

So you may be wondering why you’d want to bid for an ad delivered to<br />

a customer who has potentially already viewed your product, when you<br />

already know they didn’t buy.<br />

It’s simple. It gives you another chance to convert that visitor into a<br />

sale. They were interested. Otherwise, why would they have visited<br />

your page? But for whatever reason, they decided not to purchase at<br />

that time.<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

It may have been lack of money. It may have been that they thought<br />

the price was too high. It may have been some other element on your<br />

page. But for whatever reason, they didn’t buy.<br />

This gives you a chance to retarget that user, perhaps converting them<br />

into a buyer.<br />

Remember, it takes some people a few times seeing an ad or product<br />

before they make the decision to buy. This gives you multiple<br />

opportunities to target that user instead of just the one when they<br />

come to your site.<br />

This also brings you another opportunity: to make changes to the<br />

product’s presentation (such as a discount, free shipping offer,<br />

guarantee, or some other tweaks) in order to convert the buyer.<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Step-by-Step <strong>Retargeting</strong><br />

Now that you understand a little bit about how retargeting works and<br />

why it is so powerful, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of exactly how<br />

to do it.<br />

There are several ways to retarget your visitors using <strong>Facebook</strong>. We’re<br />

going to take a look at how to set up and use website visitor<br />

retargeting, which is the most common type.<br />

Setting Up Website Visitor<br />

<strong>Retargeting</strong><br />

The most common method of retargeting is to target your ads toward<br />

people who have already visited your website. This is helpful, because<br />

as we mentioned earlier, it will help you convert people who were<br />

proven to be interested in what you have to offer but did not, for<br />

whatever reason, choose to purchase.<br />

<strong>To</strong> target this way, visit your <strong>Facebook</strong> Ads Manager:<br />

>> https://www.facebook.com/ads/manage<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

If you are re-directed to (https://www.facebook.com/advertising) then<br />

simply click on the "Login to manage existing ads" link highlighted in the<br />

screenshot below by the red arrow and it should take you to<br />

>> https://www.facebook.com/ads/manage/home/ even if you have<br />

never created a <strong>Facebook</strong> Ad before.<br />

Either way, this is the page you want to get to:<br />

>>https://www.facebook.com/ads/manage<br />

From this page, you will want to choose "Audiences" from the left<br />

sidebar and then click "Create a Custom Audience".<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Select Custom Audience from your Website.<br />

Agree to the Terms for Custom Audience from your Mobile App and<br />

Website by clicking the check box and click Create Web Remarketing<br />

Pixel.<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Once it generates the block of code, copy the entire thing and paste it<br />

into your website on every page immediately before the closing<br />

tag. You can also put it into header.php if you use something<br />

like WordPress that uses a header file to manage code.<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Configure Audience Rules<br />

Now it’s time to start retargeting those people who visit your website<br />

and receive the cookie.<br />

Step One: Name Your Campaign<br />

Give your new audience a name and description. This doesn’t matter.<br />

It’s for your benefit to help you identify the campaign.<br />

Step Two: Set Up Audience Shaping<br />

This can only be done to match a page that already has a Custom<br />

Audience pixel installed.<br />

You can choose to match all visitors by selecting All website visitors<br />

or you can only target people who visit specific pages on your website<br />

by choosing People visiting specific pages.<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

If you choose to set up specific pages, you will need to fill in a couple of<br />

other options to help identify the exact URL(s) you want to target.<br />

You can also set up a number of rules that help you target pages on<br />

your website instead of specific URLs.<br />

For example:<br />

If you’d like to match visitors to any page, just click All website<br />

visitors.<br />

If you want to match only your homepage, just choose URL, then<br />

Equals to, and then enter your homepage address including the<br />

http:// or https://.<br />

<strong>To</strong> match a subdomain, choose URL, then Contains Any, and then<br />

add your subdomain such as subdomain.domain.com.<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

<strong>To</strong> match a specific page and exclude something else, you can<br />

choose URL and then Contains Any, then add the word you’d like<br />

to target. Then to exclude a word, click the plus sign and choose<br />

URL, then <strong>Do</strong>esn’t Contain, and then the word you’d like to<br />

exclude.<br />

Use the + button to add as many rules as you need to target<br />

visitors the way you like.<br />

Here is the complete table showing customization options as it appears<br />

on the <strong>Facebook</strong> website:<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Step Three: Add a Retention Timeframe<br />

Finally, select an expiration date for the audience. By default, it is set to<br />

expire after 30 days. This can be set anywhere from 1 day to 180 days.<br />

Once an individual has reached this maximum timeframe, they will no<br />

longer be targeted by your retargeting campaign unless they visit your<br />

site again, which basically treats them like a new visitor.<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Target the New Audience with<br />

an Ad<br />

Now that you’ve created your custom website audience, it’s time to<br />

target those people with a specific ad. It’s a good idea to use an ad that<br />

is specifically geared toward the audience you just set up instead of just<br />

using your standard ad.<br />

For example, if you set up a rule that targets people who have visited<br />

your Shoes category, you can target shoes specifically rather than a<br />

generic clothing ad.<br />

Alright, let’s get that ad set up <strong>Facebook</strong>'s Ad Manager:<br />

Step One: Visit the Ads Manager<br />

>> http://www.facebook.com/ads/create<br />

Step Two: Choose your Objective<br />

This will take you to the ads creation page, allowing you to set up<br />

the ad that will match your rule set.<br />

Step Three: Scroll to the Audience Section & Choose the<br />

Audience<br />

The audience section will allow you to choose Custom Audience in<br />

the form field. Here, you will enter the Custom Audience you’d<br />

like to use.<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Step Four: Create your Ad<br />

Now just set up your ad as you would any other <strong>Facebook</strong> ad!<br />

Alternatively, you can use the Power Editor to create the ad:<br />

Step One: Visit the Power Editor Page<br />

>> http://www.facebook.com/ads/manage/powereditor/<br />

Step Two: Click Create Ad<br />

Step Three: Select the Custom Audience<br />

Under the Audience section, just choose the Custom Audience<br />

you’d like to use.<br />

Step Four: Finish the Ad<br />

Now just proceed as usual to set up the ad, as you want it.<br />

That’s really all there is to it. It’s a lot easier than you might think to set<br />

up a retargeting campaign, and it’s definitely worth any effort you put<br />

into it. Remember, as with all ads, the more specific you are targeting,<br />

the more effective each ad will be.<br />

Here is a guide on planning custom audiences that will help you learn<br />

more about setting them up:<br />

>> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ads-for-websites/websitecustom-audiences/planning<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Conclusion<br />

<strong>Do</strong>n’t be content to simply run ads and hope they are effective. Using<br />

retargeting can greatly boost the effectiveness of you adverting. You<br />

can rein in visitors who have shown interest and then left for some<br />

reason, giving you another chance at the sale, which is extremely<br />

powerful since most people take a while to make a purchase decision.<br />

And if they forget about your product before they buy, they’re usually<br />

gone for good.<br />

<strong>Retargeting</strong> makes it easier to present your products to the same<br />

person multiple times without the need to get them to come back to<br />

your website or even get them on your mailing list. You can simply<br />

target them with laser-guided precision on a site they already visit<br />

many times each day – <strong>Facebook</strong>!<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong> has made this almost brain-dead easy. As long as you are<br />

careful to install your tracking pixel and set up your rules and matching<br />

ads, you will be able to target those visitors like never before!<br />

And best of all, retargeted ads typically convert much, much better<br />

than standard ads, so you have the real potential to skyrocket your<br />

income by using this simple retargeting system.<br />

Good luck!<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Resources<br />

You Can See My own Products:<br />


Get LIFETIME access to 2000 Products Ready<br />

to Sell - For ONLY $7 - keep 100% of the profit<br />

App Builder<br />

Start Your Own Apps Empire! App Builder<br />

$9/year, UNLIMITED Apps, Get Free $1100 App<br />

Marketing<br />

Easytube<br />

Youtube Page 1 in 1 minute Easy System - See<br />

<strong>How</strong> All My Videos Rank Page 1 in Youtube,<br />

Yours Can Be<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Call <strong>To</strong> Action Videos<br />

<strong>Do</strong>uble Your Video Conversion! Get 52 Call <strong>To</strong><br />

action Videos With REAL Actors + Video Mixer<br />

Software<br />

Video Bomber<br />

Bomb YouTube With UNLIMITED Unique<br />

videos in Just Few Clicks, Fast and Easy<br />

Software!<br />

Instaquote<br />

Get Unlimited <strong>Facebook</strong>,Instagram,YouTube<br />

Unique content! Create STUNNING 100 Quotes<br />

in 7 seconds!<br />

YouTube Rank Checker<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

YouTube Rank Tracker - Track Fast & Easy<br />

Unlimited Keywords & Videos Ranking - $7<br />

One Time Payment!<br />

<strong>To</strong>p <strong>Facebook</strong> tools<br />

ShortStack<br />

ShortStack creates <strong>Facebook</strong> apps and build engaging<br />

social media marketing campaigns – contests, promotions,<br />

and much more.<br />

===<br />

Heyo<br />

Use Heyo to easily create Sweepstakes, Contests, and<br />

Campaign apps that publish to Mobile, <strong>Facebook</strong>, and<br />

anywhere on the web.<br />

===<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong> Power editor<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong> Power Editor is a tool that helps businesses<br />

manage multiple campaigns, ad sets and ads.<br />

===<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong> Ads<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

<strong>Facebook</strong> Ads can appear in News Feed on desktop,<br />

News Feed on mobile, and in the right column of<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong> on desktop.<br />

===<br />

Wolfram-Personal Analytics<br />

Answer questions about and compute your <strong>Facebook</strong> data<br />

and social network. Get a free report, interactive analysis,<br />

graphs, charts, statistics, and more.<br />

===<br />

Like Alyzer<br />

LikeAlyzer is a free of charge online tool, created by<br />

Meltwater, and can be used by beginners, webmasters<br />

and social media experts.<br />

===<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong> Pixel Helper<br />

The <strong>Facebook</strong> Pixel Helper is a troubleshooting tool that<br />

helps you validate your <strong>Facebook</strong> Conversion Pixel and<br />

Custom Audience Pixels.<br />

===<br />

Fanpage Karma<br />

Fanpage Karma is an online tool for social media analytics<br />

and monitoring.<br />

===<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

PageModo<br />

Pagemodo helps you edit <strong>Facebook</strong> cover photos, make<br />

custom tabs, schedule and design your social media posts<br />

and create contests for your <strong>Facebook</strong><br />

===<br />

WooBox<br />

Woobox is a social promotion application. It allows you to<br />

run sweepstakes, contests, polls, and more across<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong>, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest<br />

and Vine.<br />

===<br />

Vocus<br />

Vocus provides cloud-based marketing and PR software<br />

for companies to acquire and retain customers.<br />

===<br />

Clickappy<br />

ClickAppy is an online promotion builder that allows<br />

anyone to easily create <strong>Facebook</strong> applications,<br />

promotions and much more with step-by-step simplicity.<br />

===<br />

TabSite<br />

TabSite helps businesses grow more leads and engage<br />

their community with promotion apps for web, <strong>Facebook</strong>,<br />

and mobile.<br />

===<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Social App <strong>To</strong>ol<br />

The Social App <strong>To</strong>ol is a revolutionary piece of software<br />

that enables users to churn out profit-pulling <strong>Facebook</strong><br />

Apps like clockwork.<br />

===<br />

Agorapulse Barometer<br />

Agorapulse Barometer - Measure the performance of your<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong> page.<br />

===<br />

EdgeRank Checker<br />

EdgeRank Checker is a free tool enabling <strong>Facebook</strong><br />

marketers to check their page's exposure within<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong>.<br />

===<br />

Work Smarter<br />

Not Harder!<br />

We all know that using internet marketing tools can<br />

help us get big success<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

<strong>How</strong>ever, did you know that using best internet<br />

marketing tools is THE key element for real success<br />

of your business?<br />

Here is why we must use marketing tools:<br />

Use tools can help you<br />

Earn more money!<br />

Save more time!<br />

Because For almost every paid tool you can find a<br />

free alternative one!<br />

Use tools can save you time because when you<br />

have the best productivity tools, you add more hours<br />

to your day!<br />

Need more customers and more leads? You must<br />

know the best tools nowadays for you to collect<br />

emails fast and easy.<br />

<strong>Do</strong> you want your site to reach higher rankings?<br />

You will find in our guide top popular SEO tools for<br />

free and also paid ones.<br />

<strong>Do</strong> you feel that you waste a lot of time working on<br />

social media marketing?<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

We have gathered in top tools the best top social<br />

marketing tools for to automate your social media<br />

marketing.<br />

<strong>Do</strong>n't know which content to write for your audience?<br />

You can find in this guide top tools that give you top<br />

ideas to generate the best texts filled with interesting<br />

content.<br />

This big list of top internet marketing tools includes<br />

almost every tool you’ll ever need to master every<br />

aspect of a digital marketing campaign<br />

Feel free to share this guide with your friends! They<br />

will definitely be thankful!<br />


Content Curation <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Social Media <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

PPC <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Content Optimization <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Rank Tracking <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>ps Keyword Research <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Keywords Ideas <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Technical Seo <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Seo <strong>To</strong>ols Link Building<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Seo <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Landing Pages Creators<br />

Twitter Trending <strong>To</strong>pics<br />

Twitter <strong>To</strong>ols For Images<br />

Twitter Hashtags<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Twitter <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

<strong>To</strong>p <strong>Facebook</strong> <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Lead Generation <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Autoresponders <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Build Email List <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Niche Research <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Trends <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Ecommerce Software<br />

Screen Capture Video Audio <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Gif Creator <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Free Banner Creators <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

<strong>To</strong>p Online Contests <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Twitter <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Twitter Analysis Management <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Competitive Analysis <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Backlink Investigation <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>ols For Writers<br />

Instagram <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Notifications Monitoring <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

New Launch Products Sites<br />

Question And Answer Sites<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Push Notification <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Time Management <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Webinars <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Heatmap Analytics <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Free Wordpress Tutorials<br />

Website Templates builder <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Website Testing And Analysis <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

File Sharing And Data Storage <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Brainstorming And Mind Mapping <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Interstitial Traffic Networks<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Solo Ad Traffic Sources<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

<strong>To</strong>p Native Ads Traffic Networks<br />

<strong>To</strong>p PPC Networks<br />

<strong>To</strong>p PPV CPV Networks<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Mobile Traffic Networks<br />

Infographic Submission Sites<br />

Free Video Submission Sites<br />

Free Article Submission Sites<br />

CPA CPM Aff Networks<br />

Mobile Marketing <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Scraper Extractor <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Support <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Graphic and Design <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Efficiency <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Virtual Assistant Sites<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Outsourcing <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Traffic Analysis <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

VPN <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Integration Services <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Social Media Analytics <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Url Shortener <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Content Ideation <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

<strong>Do</strong>main Name Idea Generators<br />

<strong>Do</strong>main Appraisal <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>Do</strong>main Email <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Business Dashboard <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Increasing Influence<br />

Payment Gateways <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Project Management <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Customer Support<br />

Website Monitoring <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Form Builders<br />

Website Builders<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Image And Cliparts Sites<br />

Design <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Video Creating <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Surveys<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Outreach <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Live Chat <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

YouTube Marketing <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Mobile Marketing <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Heatmaps <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p E-learning Platforms<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Content <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

Cloud File Storage<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Affiliate Marketing Sites<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Analytics <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

<strong>To</strong>p Social Advertising <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Content Creation <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Social Analytical <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Monitoring Sharing <strong>To</strong>ols<br />

Internet Marketing <strong>To</strong>p Forums<br />

Internet Marketing Newsfeeds<br />

Internet Marketing <strong>To</strong>p Sites<br />

<strong>FB</strong> <strong>Retargeting</strong> Bull's-eye

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