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<strong>1994</strong>-95<br />
Including DAHAB, PETRA,<br />
and the newly autonomous<br />
regions of GAZA and JERICHO
i<br />
The <strong>Rothberg</strong> School<br />
For Overseas Students<br />
Hebrew University, NIL Scopus<br />
Goldsmith Building<br />
Jerusalem, Israel<br />
1 9 9 4 - 1 9 9 5
IETSC10<br />
The Budget Guide to Overseas Study<br />
at Hebrew University<br />
<strong>1994</strong>-95<br />
Glenn Kaminsky, editor<br />
Elisa Rotman, assistant editor<br />
Marcus Klein, assistant editor<br />
This yearbook has been produced by the students of the <strong>Rothberg</strong> School. The<br />
opinions contained herein do not in any way, shape, or form, reflect the<br />
opinions of the staff or administration of the <strong>Rothberg</strong> School. This book will<br />
self destruct in 30 seconds...<br />
This yearbook is a parody of the Let’s Go guides produced by the Harvard Student Agencies, INC. It pertains only<br />
to the overseas students at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, <strong>1994</strong>-95. It is not to be used as a guidebook,<br />
although we could have used one.<br />
Produced by Gefen Publishing House, Ltd.
Orientation<br />
Perched serenely atop scenic Har Hatzofim (Mount<br />
Scopus) sits the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, an<br />
institution dedicated to the pursuit o f higher learning.<br />
The majority o f classes for Overseas students are<br />
housed in lovely, extremely secure, and lavishly<br />
decorated Goldsmith building. Although the<br />
cramped hallways tend to remind some of High<br />
School, once one sets foot into the recently-renovated<br />
cafeteria, and technologically advanced computer<br />
lab, one cannot help but be awestruck. The library is fully-stocked with a tremendous array of reading<br />
materials for any variety of interests. Be sure to get there early, though, as seating space may be hard<br />
to come by. Students often find themselves leaving Goldsmith in a state of euphoria, wowed by the level<br />
o f intellectual stimulation they encountered within.<br />
Documents<br />
Passport - During your time abroad, your passport will collect numerous funky stamps in indecipherable<br />
foreign languages. Each time you enter and exit Israel you will be grilled about everything from your date<br />
o f birth to what, if any, weaponry or other contraband you are planning to expropriate across international<br />
borders. Do your best to assure that you don’t lose your passport or let your visa expire, unless you have<br />
a burning desire to experience Israeli bureaucracy at its finest. Just a warning to those carrying an Israeli<br />
passport, you may be snatched up by the IDF at any point and never seen again.<br />
Student Identification - While in Israel your International Student I.D. card (ISIC) will have limited use.<br />
To truly reap the benefits you must first leave the country and secondly learn the phrase “Do you have<br />
a student price?” in any languages you may encounter. Students can obtain ISIC’s at ISSTA travel,<br />
conveniently located just centimeters from the entrance to Golsmith, if you can only make it past Jeff<br />
Seidel. Once inside, students can take advantage of ISSTA’s “don’t look, don’t tell” policy to assume<br />
any age or identity that they wish.<br />
Money<br />
US $1 = 2.95 NIS NISI = US $.33<br />
UK £1 =4.61 NIS NISI = UK £.22<br />
CD N $1 = 2.16 NIS NISI = CDN $.46<br />
AUS $1 =2.15 NIS NISI = AUS $.47<br />
Israeli cu rrency is the N ew Israeli Shekel (not to be confused w ith the Old Israeli Shekel, the New<br />
G u in ea Shekel, the Japanese Y en, or the N ew Israeli). Y our A TM card w ill be invaluable as long as you<br />
can find a B ank H apoalim 2000 that has not been fire-bom bed by peeved C haredim or w hose service is<br />
n o t “T em porarily U navailable to Y ou.” C redit cards are nifty toys - spend now and your parents pay later,<br />
‘n u ff said. F or an easy, but not neccessarily legal, w ay to exchange your cash or travelers checks, talk<br />
to A sher at the K ent Stand centrally located at K ikar Tzion (Little A m erica).
Packing<br />
You will be amazed at the innumerable ways to circumvent the two bag/70 lbs. maximum. Most students<br />
adhere to the philosophy of “if it fits, take it...if it doesn’t fit, take it anyway, or get a bigger bag. “ But,<br />
truly, don’t fret too long if you manage to somehow leave your favorite pair of jeans in your closet, cause<br />
Uncle Howard and Aunt Martha can surely fit it in with them when they arrive on the UJA/B’nai Brith/<br />
Federation trip in just a few weeks.<br />
Crazy? Hey, You Never Know<br />
On the door of the reception office at Jerusalem’s Kfar Shaul Psychiatric Hospital, someone has posted a bumper<br />
sticker popular among a faction of Orthodox Jews that reads PREPARE FOR THE COMING OF THE MESSIAH.<br />
To hear some patients tell it, the Messiah is already on the premises.<br />
Kfar Shaul is a kind of holding pen for victims of the so-called Jerusalem’s Syndrome, an affection of tourists<br />
who, overwhelmed by the city’s intense spiritual evocations, become convinced that they are the Saviour or some<br />
other biblical figure, or that they have been given a special message by God. There was the bearded Italian whom<br />
police found wandering in the hills around Bethlehem, dressed in a sack, with cloth bags for shoes and New<br />
Testament in hand, unaware that it was snowing, convinced he was Jesus Christ. And the angry German who phoned<br />
police to complain that his hotel’s kitchen staff had prevented him from preparing the Last Supper. And the naked,<br />
sword-wielding man who ran through the Old City on what he explained to arresting officers was a mission to heal<br />
the blind.<br />
So powerful are Jerusalem’s psychic ethers that Kfar Shaul see 50 such patients a year. About half are from North<br />
America, usually the U.S., and the remainder come mainly from Western Europe. Cases are equally split between<br />
Christians and Jews; the city’s few Muslim tourists have so far managed to keep their wits intact. According to Moshe<br />
Kalian, a psychiatrist at Kfar Shaul, Jerusalem Syndrome may be set off by the thrill of visiting a place previously<br />
known only as a sublime dream- “like a movie star fan who suddenly gets to<br />
kiss his idol.” Or sufferers may fall victim to the disappointment of<br />
discovering that Jerusalem is also an earthly place, complete with strip malls<br />
and traffic jams. “Unwilling to accept that reality,” Kalian explains, “they<br />
withdraw from it.” Most have a history of mental problems.<br />
At times, Kfar Shaul has housed two or three messiahs at once. “But they<br />
don’t fight about it,” says Kalian. “They are so sure that they are each the one<br />
and that the others will be revealed sooner or later as frauds.” The hospitals<br />
job is not to cure the patients but to calm them down, sometimes with<br />
antipsychotic drugs, so that they may return home and be treated in a more<br />
familiar environment. There have been few escapes from the facility, notably<br />
that of “Samson,” a burly Canadian who demonstrated his Old Testament<br />
credentials by ripping the metal grille off a ward window. A hospital staff<br />
member spotted him at a bus station and brought him back without incident.<br />
The folks who live nearby are generally aware of the hospital’s functional<br />
times perhaps overly so. Recently locals brought in an elderly woman who,<br />
hysterically and speaking only Greek, was assumed to be stricken with<br />
Jerusalem Syndrome. In fact she was a tourist who had simply taken the<br />
wrong bus and wound up in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Upset, yes, but no<br />
immediate danger of assuming divinity.<br />
—Lisa Beyer, TIME Magazine
LET'S GO<br />
By Plane<br />
A popular choice amongst overseas students<br />
is the Jewish geography laden group flight.<br />
Possible carriers include Israel’s pride, El-Al,<br />
Tower Air (don’t forget your tefillin), and British<br />
Airways. Fourteenhoursmightseem likeadrag,<br />
but check into free alcohol possibilities. Hey!<br />
Everybody’s legal in the air! Try and keep the<br />
partying to a minimum on the plane because the<br />
stewardesses aren’t exactly as lenient as Carol<br />
Brady!<br />
Mazel Tov! You finally landed in Ben Gurion<br />
International Airport. Where are the people<br />
singing and welcoming us with flowers? Well,<br />
the trip has just begun, and we’re already<br />
schvitzing from the humidity. Don’t get too<br />
scared when you exit the plane and find yourself<br />
outside instead of inside a terminal. As you<br />
squeeze into the stuffy shuttle, attempt to stay<br />
calm. The bus will take you to the passport<br />
center, where the fun begins. Welcome to the<br />
Land o f Holy Tobacco Smoke. Attempt to find<br />
your luggage through the puffs of pollution,<br />
massive luggage carts (free of charge), and<br />
pushy people. This is where you get your first<br />
Hebrew lesson. Slee-ch-ahhh, slee-ch-ahhh! Yes,<br />
this means get the hell out of my way! With this<br />
one multi-purpose word under your belt, you ’ re<br />
on your way to ulpan!<br />
A<br />
LET'S GO<br />
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R<br />
oker Tov —8:00 classes five days a week<br />
re we really in Israel? This isn't just a chicken farm?<br />
acing to get in line for lunch tickets<br />
G r et togethers over cheese toast<br />
I t's only for a couple of weeks<br />
Y erushalayim, city of gold, for only 14 NIS a visit<br />
o ne telephone for 250 people—your 5 minutes are up!<br />
R andom rabbis enriching our lives through song and prayer<br />
A . 11 in all, an enjoyable experience—never to be repeated!<br />
i-iiD’Da rvnnnn o’Vnn nx n'aum<br />
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fom<br />
10 Reasons Why T<br />
Loved Ulpan<br />
10. N othing like getting up at 7 AM<br />
everyday<br />
9. 25 hours o f H ebrew a week —<br />
A izah Kef!<br />
8. Learning so m any practical,<br />
useful phrases (too bad I couldn't<br />
understand w hat the hell people<br />
said back to me)<br />
7. N othing m uch better to do<br />
6. Feeling like I was really subm<br />
erged in Israeli culture<br />
5. U lpan teachers are a great introduction<br />
to "real Israeli" attitude<br />
4. Dikduk!!!<br />
3. Got to hear about m y classmates'<br />
fam ilies again and again<br />
2. A rik E instein songs<br />
1. W hat's U lpan?
u 55<br />
7:30 A M - R ise and Shine! H ey, forget the<br />
hangover ... you have to be bright and<br />
cheery for six hours o f fun, fun, fun.<br />
7:45 A M - G ourm et breakfast o f neon atom ic<br />
jelly and soggy hard-boiled eggs.<br />
8 :1 5 - 2 PM - U m ,... w hatever.<br />
2:30 PM - N ap tim e in the big bright sun.<br />
Y ou’ve w orked too hard, definitely need a<br />
rest.<br />
4 PM - A ttem pt som e hebrew hom ew ork, but<br />
som ehow letters seem w ay m ore im portant.<br />
5 PM - A er tim e...that sticky<br />
gross layer needs to com e off. The great<br />
thing about the show er is that w hile you're<br />
getting clean the hallw ay carpet is getting<br />
clean as well.<br />
6 PM - M eet friends at "Pizza Hut" for a<br />
delectable dinner o f cheese toast, pancake,<br />
or pizza. Your choice!<br />
8:30 PM - T im e for living —a couple o f beers are sounding aw fully good...<br />
9:30 - 11:00 PM - G etting pitchers at everyone's favorite place "The Rock" (hey, you<br />
know you've been there once...)<br />
12:45 A M - If you're not hanging out or w aiting for the phone, you're probably cruising<br />
to bed.<br />
L yla Tov!<br />
Centrally located in the north-eastern part of<br />
Jerusalem, only an hours walk or 20 minute<br />
bus ride from the center of town, budget oncampus<br />
accommodations are available to most<br />
ofthe university's students. Due to the campus'<br />
excellent view of the beautiful West Bank,<br />
advanced reservations are recommended since<br />
these luxurious dorms fill up quickly. Most<br />
students are housed in Resnick, with Moadon<br />
12 1/2 and the spacious, fully stocked Co-op<br />
dividing the upper section from the lower.<br />
When entering one of the buildings, don't<br />
forget to bring a leash for the jukim<br />
(cockroaches). Each of the building's floors<br />
contains a sparkling bathroom which may or<br />
may not be stocked with green toilet paper and<br />
is guaranteed to be free of a shower curtain.<br />
Grab a top shelf in one of the fridges to avoid<br />
that damn drippage from the shelf above. And<br />
don't plan on preparing a seven-course meal -<br />
- finding even one burner that works can be a<br />
challenge. Clearly, the pride and joy of eveiy<br />
floor is the elaborate j acuzzi, minus the bubbles<br />
and jets, of course.<br />
Why do we call the dorms Resnick and Idelson,
:(gl<br />
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bail<br />
joycl?,;<br />
Just down the road, across from the Hyatt<br />
Regency and friendly Arab felafel stands, lie<br />
the Idelson suites. These four and six person<br />
pseudo apartments give fearless grad students<br />
and a few daring undergrads the joyous<br />
opportunity to live in close quarters with<br />
Israelis. As an added attraction, one may be<br />
awakened by the sounds of screaming nursery<br />
school students or roosters calls at the first<br />
crack of dawn.<br />
The only requirements for living in<br />
Guatemala are a Hofshi-Hodshi and patience<br />
on the 26. The 45 minute joy-ride to school<br />
gets a bit monotonous but after a hard day's<br />
work, the residents of K-Y thank G-d for the<br />
close proximity of the Supersol, the Kanyon,<br />
and the Biblical Zoo. Many cats can be found<br />
patrolling the dorms and despite their nasty<br />
appearance, residents keep them well fed.<br />
Finally, those lucky enough to get out of the<br />
dorms, live in various locals around the city.<br />
TV's and ovens make their apartments oh so<br />
grand. It pays to make friends with them!<br />
if all the signs say Maiersdorf and Bronfman?
LET S GO<br />
Keeping in Touch<br />
Communicating with the<br />
folks back home can be done<br />
relatively easily via electronic mail.<br />
This is the m ost efficient and<br />
inexpensive way to keep tabs on<br />
loved ones across the ocean;<br />
however, one must expect long waits<br />
{really long w aits), broken<br />
computers, and keyboards lacking<br />
crucial parts such as space bars and<br />
the letter “e.” Also, don’t be<br />
surprised if your machine decides<br />
to take a nap two paragraphs into<br />
the m essage, or<br />
switch into Hebrew<br />
after you just spent<br />
45 minutes telling<br />
your best friends<br />
about your<br />
adventures in Jordan.<br />
Despite all o f the<br />
hassle, e-mail can<br />
keep you connected<br />
to the rest of the world<br />
and it sure costs less<br />
than a phone call!!<br />
To:<br />
cc:<br />
From:<br />
Subject: Greetings from The Holy Land<br />
Sorry I haven’t written in so long —things have been pretty<br />
hectic around here. In between classes (?), I have been doing<br />
a lot of travelling. I was in Turkey last week, Jordan the<br />
week before and I’ll be exploring the wonders of Egypt this<br />
coming weekend. Rough life, huh? I heard it’s still snowing<br />
there —were you the one who said "why Israel?". Oh, yeah,<br />
how were midterms and that 35-page history paper? Was all<br />
that stress really worth it? Well, I better go, there<br />
are about 15 people waiting for this computer. Maybe I’ll<br />
take a walk to The Old City. It sure is beautiful out today.<br />
Say hi to everybody for me and be in touch...
LET'S GO<br />
Excited by the pending<br />
shabbat rendezvous with the<br />
fashion conscious studentit,<br />
the young gentleman enlightens<br />
her: “we’re going to walk<br />
to the old city, so dress appropriately.”<br />
It was therefore<br />
with mixed feelings that she<br />
methim on Shabbat bedecked<br />
in: 3 inch heeled “israeli” platforms,<br />
a skirt which barely<br />
covered the thighs, and a t-<br />
shirt which had obviously belonged<br />
to her 12 year old sister<br />
and had then shrunk in the<br />
m ^ AIRCOWOmfMO<br />
J » k SP£AK cNGUSH<br />
* P f j o j i ‘tAisUM'U&fcSPAftOl<br />
*{.•X;■; fAat.O^S FRANKS'<br />
n * a o m .N n 1 W*R SPSfcCftf# DEl/TSCi<br />
l!°ria rtf \<br />
■. iv 5 A r<br />
Speciality of Jerusalem<br />
Kebab on the Grill<br />
Grilled Meats<br />
Fresh Salads<br />
KING<br />
n>3l»ri rmros - nss<br />
A recipe to mail - Falafel<br />
2V 2C U PS<br />
dried chick-peas, soaked overnight 625 ml<br />
and drained<br />
1 tsp. ground coriander seeds 5 ml<br />
1 garlic clove, chopped 1<br />
1 tsp. ground cumin 5 ml<br />
V2 tsp. cayenne pepper 2 ml<br />
salt<br />
1A cup flour 50 ml<br />
oil for deep frying<br />
G rin d the ch ick-p ea s fine in a b le n d e r o r food p rocessor, and<br />
m ix them w e ll -with the coria n d er, g arlic, c u m in , cayenne<br />
pep p er and salt. A d d the flo u r and m ix th o rou gh ly. From the<br />
re su ltin g dough, m ake sm a ll b a lls about Y/« in ch e s (3 cm .) in<br />
dia m e ter. P ou r o il into a pan and heat it to 375'F. (190°C). A<br />
few at a tim e , deep fry the b a lls for tw o to three m inu tes,<br />
until they are g olden. S tu ff the Falafel b alls in to a pocket<br />
bread (pita) and g a rn ish w ith a lot of im a g in a tio n !
\v<br />
w e u a w Q i 6or cK Th£ \ m<br />
q*=>J (ZIJ .^7 ,<br />
A)»^5 J05rT\ 'RAviCu (_o -fAe^jsi B«*jje£. A FAlAPEl<br />
chS ^ /<br />
LET S GO<br />
For an unforgettable shopping encounter,<br />
be sure to swing by the Shu k<br />
at Mahane Yehuda. This is no ordinary<br />
market. There are no check out<br />
counters with nice orderly lines here.<br />
Push your way to the cashier or you<br />
may find yourself continuously<br />
steamrolled by those aggressive 70<br />
year-old Sabras. They have no mercy.<br />
Neither do the kiosk owners. Don’t<br />
even try to buy just one or you may<br />
quickly learn some selectnew hebrew<br />
slang. This could be the only market<br />
in the world where the salesmen refuse<br />
to sell to you if they don’t like you.<br />
But don’t let that hinder your bargaining;<br />
there are no fixedprices here<br />
and ask for a student discount cause they don’t take American Express. Keep your eyes open for fish flopping<br />
out of their racks at your feet, and request the chickens without the heads. Don’t you dare leave without some<br />
steaming hot pita and a kilo of chocolate Rugalach from Marzipan. And, by the w ay.. what the hell is a kilo,<br />
anyway?<br />
pie<br />
To Buy at the Shuk:<br />
tomatoes<br />
27 rolls of toilet paper (cause you can’t get<br />
any less)<br />
Jaffa Gold oranges<br />
Chicken (preferably without head and<br />
webbed feet)<br />
chocolate rugelach (Marzipan!!)<br />
Pomello<br />
Hangers<br />
Tupperware<br />
PITA<br />
62 eggs (see above, TP)<br />
pillow<br />
the kitchen sink (if not here, where?)
LET'S GO<br />
Let's face it, folks, we here at Hebrew U. love Italian food. And we're sure that all of you<br />
have at some point said to your mothers, "Gee mom, can't we have pasta every night?" Well<br />
now, thanks to the yearbook staff you can, as we present to you...<br />
:iit<br />
wins<br />
eii<br />
What you'll need: 1 pot, water, salt, pasta (and six hours for the water to boil)<br />
Directions: Boil water in pot. Add salt and pasta. Stir and cook on medium heat until tender<br />
but firm (about ten minutes). Drain and serve.<br />
Monday<br />
Pasta Italiana<br />
Make pasta (see above)<br />
Add 1 can of tomato sauce<br />
Serve<br />
Tuesday<br />
Macaroni & Cheese<br />
Make Pasta<br />
Add Cheese<br />
Serve<br />
Wednesday<br />
Veggie Pasta<br />
Make Pasta<br />
Mix in chopped vegetables<br />
Serve<br />
Thursday<br />
Friday<br />
Pot Luck Pasta<br />
Shabbat Pasta<br />
Make Pasta<br />
Add chicken<br />
Add whatever is in fridge soup mix to<br />
Serve<br />
boiling water<br />
Serve<br />
Saturday<br />
Pasta Sandwich<br />
Make Pasta<br />
Stuff into Pita<br />
Serve<br />
Sunday<br />
Pasta Salad<br />
Make pasta.<br />
Mix in canned peas, com,<br />
mayo, and tuna<br />
Serve<br />
Drink lots of H20 (a must:<br />
3 liters)<br />
Try to eat nutrititous foods<br />
(schnitzel)<br />
Avoid overextending yourself<br />
(tell that to the<br />
Madrich) 21
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F ood: W hile m o st A m erican s eat<br />
turkey and cranberry sauce, in Israel<br />
w e feasted on B loody M ary sorbet and<br />
pum pkin soup!<br />
E ntertainm ent: B allroom and Israeli<br />
D ancing w ith m usic by M ichael
LET S GO<br />
Question for a Non-Jew<br />
It w as there, on the ro o f o f an apartm<br />
ent w ithin the Jew ish Q uarter o f the<br />
Old C ity that I found the answ er. Picture<br />
it. The air is w arm and the sky is clear<br />
except for the colors caused by the setting<br />
sun. N ot far<br />
from w here I am ,<br />
the D om e o f The<br />
R o c k s ile n tly<br />
stands. N earby,<br />
Jew ish children<br />
can be seen and<br />
h e a rd p la y in g<br />
cheerfully. Soon<br />
th e so u n d o f<br />
M uslim s praying<br />
weaves its w ay in<br />
w hile bells from<br />
churches begin to ring. A nd there I sat,<br />
thousands o f m iles from hom e w ith the<br />
sights and sounds o f Israel all around me.<br />
“W hy Israel?” ...sunsets and sunrises,<br />
deep blue skys and w aters. “W hy Israel?”<br />
...m en w ith payot are dressed in<br />
black running for busses w hich are pulling<br />
aw ay, colorful succahs on every balcony<br />
add a new dim ension to the golden<br />
stone. The questioning continues...”W hy<br />
Israel?” ...the quiet beauty o f the Golan,<br />
children outside o f shul playing w ith<br />
pogs - prizes from their kosher m eal at<br />
B urger King. “W hy Israel?” ...pregnant<br />
w om en in long<br />
sk irts p u sh in g<br />
s tro lle rs w ith<br />
m any child ren<br />
by th e ir sid e.<br />
T h e b u s tlin g<br />
shuk w ith fresh<br />
pitot and cheap<br />
rugelach. “W hy<br />
Israel?” ...cashiers<br />
w ith tim e to<br />
sp a re fo r a<br />
frie n d ly c h at.<br />
Sonic Boom s. Sirens signaling Shabbat<br />
and m om ents o f rem em berance. N ight<br />
skys saturated w ith stars.. .’’W hy Israel?”<br />
Forgive me, but I am tired o f the<br />
question. W hile people m ay be biased,<br />
sig h ts and sounds are not. B aruch<br />
Hashem .<br />
—Brendon Speller<br />
Do you believe in<br />
Santa Claus?
fall<br />
1,2-<br />
is<br />
inch<br />
Hit<br />
*<br />
expe<br />
f l i t l<br />
Ben Yehuda Street - The main boardwalk of<br />
the holy city is home to a potpourri (I love that<br />
word) of random street performers and entertainers.<br />
English is the language of choice<br />
making it easy to bargain for your presents for<br />
friends and to find the nearest bathroom. Any<br />
type of food under the sun from Mexican to<br />
Chinese to authentic Israeli felafel can satisfy<br />
the pallet (Just don’t go to Blues Brothers).<br />
Small-town style bars line the cobblestone<br />
streets offering a full array of dirt-cheap happy<br />
hours. Try the Blue Hole Pub or ask Lee or<br />
Stacy to beer you at the Rock on Yoel Solomon.<br />
The Russian Compound - Not far from the<br />
glitz of Ben Yehuda lies a square block of bars<br />
offering something for every taste (except the<br />
Orgasms at Hershele’s, Cutler!) From relaxing<br />
to the sounds of mellow Jazz to grooving to<br />
the music of local bands (LUBA!!), the Russian<br />
Compound is the makom of choice for a<br />
birthday celebration (at least once a week for<br />
the Californians) or just your average Thursday<br />
night.<br />
j v s n r m i n u d t m x<br />
ISKffi<br />
Israel<br />
its,<br />
1<br />
I<br />
*<br />
Talpiyot - For those night owls still standing come<br />
1,2 AM, Talpiyot’s wide array of dance clubs, full<br />
of greasy-haired Arsim, tight clothes, and eightinch<br />
platform shoes, may fit the bill. Although the<br />
bill tends to be an expensive one at Voodoo, Sing<br />
Sing, Decadence, etc., the loud Israeli techno and<br />
expensive drinks can certainly make the night turn<br />
quickly into morning.<br />
Moadon HaYekev(The Winery) - Also located in<br />
Talpiyot, but worthy of separate mention is the<br />
Moadon HaYekev. Funny thing about this place,<br />
most people wake up the next morning not exactly<br />
knowing what happened the previous night. Cheesy<br />
Israeli singing, dancing on tables, shaking tambourines,<br />
and pounding bad Israeli wine combines to<br />
make an always-entertaining evening on the town.<br />
If I forget thee, Jerusalem,<br />
Then let my right be forgotten.<br />
Let my right be forgotten, and my left remember.<br />
Let my left remember, and your right close<br />
And your mouth open near the gate.<br />
I shall remember Jerusalem<br />
And forget the forest-my love will remember,<br />
Will open her hair, will close my window,<br />
Will forget my right,<br />
Will forget my left.<br />
If the west wind does not come<br />
I'll never forgive the walls,<br />
Or the sea, or myself.<br />
Should my right forget,<br />
My left shall forgive,<br />
I shall forget all water,<br />
I shall forget my mother.<br />
If I forget thee Jerusalem,<br />
Let my blood be forgotten.<br />
I shall touch your forehead,<br />
Forget my own,<br />
My voice change<br />
For the second time and last time<br />
To the most terrible of voices—<br />
Or silence.<br />
—Yehuda Amichai
"If I forget thee oh Jerusalem; Let my right hand w ither..." Forget Jerusalem? I think that is an impossibility.<br />
Less than one year in this city and it has captured my heart and soul. Studying at Hebrew University this year was<br />
not my first trip to Israel, numerous times I had sat on tour busses as they followed the winding roads over the<br />
mountains and into the breathtaking instance where all you see is Jerusalem Stone. That is the instance when your<br />
heart says, I am home. In fact, my arrival here this year was more impressive than the others. The sherut from Ben-<br />
Gurion brought myself and a number of other students into the city during the first hours of sunlight. Even now, eight<br />
months later, I can still feel the crisp morning air, soon to turn prickly with August heat. I cannot negate the comfort<br />
of knowing that here I would stay a year in the center of the world.<br />
Judaism holds Jerusalem to be the most holy city, the heart of the rest of the planet. Indeed, if you took all<br />
the continents and squeezed them into one land mass (as they were thousands of years ago), Israel would be in the<br />
center and Jerusalem at its heart. But I, small and insignificant in the history of Earth, could not fathom that as I sat<br />
on the steps waiting for Goldsmith to open, wondering where I could get some breakfast. Rather, I pondered on the<br />
city for its value as sacred to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and to<br />
its place as a much sought after political prize. A religious and<br />
political gold mine was at our fingertips. Now all we needed was to<br />
take the time to appreciate it.<br />
When did I first feel the electrical charge of love for this<br />
sacred city? Certainly not those first few months of ulpan. I trudged<br />
around campus in the melting heat. I struggled through a public<br />
transportation system and methods of shopping I had not imagined<br />
myself using. Only by leaving could I recognize the concreteness of<br />
my union. I spent part o f Succoth in Egypt. A fun-filled eight day tour;<br />
and yet, that last leg into Jerusalem was glorious to me. My heart beat<br />
with joy and I was refreshed. For ever shall stay with me the<br />
impressions o f getting off the bus an hour before Shabbas as the first<br />
light rain of the season began to fall. My entire soul lightened. Home.<br />
That was where I was. Home. The city for which generations of my<br />
ancestors had pined for.<br />
As the year closes and I think o f what it is that I shall most<br />
remember about my year in Israel, my mind constantly wanders back<br />
to the joy o f Jerusalem. I wonder if I can survive without her. I have<br />
an addiction to Jerusalem. Seeing the sharp contrast of Ben Yehuda<br />
street and Mea Shearim, so close and yet so far from one another,<br />
being able to go to the Kotel without a second thought, and feeling a<br />
sense o f peace throughout the city as the Shabbas Queen enters, all<br />
these are and will forever be a part o f me.<br />
—Carolyn Reid 31
A popular form of transportation around the<br />
Jerusalem area is Egged buses. Although they<br />
are slightly slower than<br />
crazed taxi drivers, buses<br />
o ffer an affo rd ab le<br />
opportunity to see small<br />
n eig h b o rh o o d s at<br />
lightening fast speeds. If<br />
you see your bus<br />
ap p ro ach in g but not<br />
stopping, d o n ’t be<br />
discouraged; occasionally<br />
the driver may not feel<br />
like picking you up.<br />
However, if you manage<br />
to be one of the lucky ones<br />
to squeeze in at the last<br />
minute, watch your limbs<br />
as the door may close on<br />
you rather viciously. Once on the bus, be aware<br />
that the driver may opt not to use the road at<br />
times, causing pedestrians to scurry off the<br />
sidewalk and into nearby bushes. However,<br />
drivers have excellent depth perception, teasing<br />
each other with who can come the closest without<br />
scraping paint off of an<br />
adjacent bus. Prices can<br />
vary depending on the<br />
type o f ticket you<br />
purchase, but the most<br />
economical way to travel<br />
is by posing as a 17 yearold<br />
or younger (don’t<br />
forget to figure out what<br />
year you were bom in,<br />
drivers are aware of this<br />
trick). Andifyougetthe<br />
chance, try the 23 Alef,<br />
an express bus through<br />
E ast Jerusalem.<br />
Experienced riders say<br />
the excursion, lasting<br />
about 45 seconds, can be very enlightening.<br />
Whatever bus you do decide to ride, have fun -<br />
public transportation has never been such an<br />
LET'S GO<br />
i i<br />
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Is<br />
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c<br />
is<br />
6<br />
SE<br />
HASP ’95<br />
Sitting on the grass in the blazing heat outside the Resnick dormitories, it feels as if we have been here<br />
forever, and yet the time seems to have flown by. Can it really be that eleven weeks ago we were unceremoniously<br />
dumped outside our dormitories in the pouring rain with no idea where to go or what would happen.<br />
So what has happened? Most of us take five or six lectures a week ranging from "Historical Geography<br />
of Jerusalem" to "Zionism," as well as several hours of Hebrew on top of that. It may sound heavy but most<br />
students agree that there is a good balance between actual learning and a chance to explore and express one's own<br />
views. Many discussions invariably continue outside the classroom well into the small hours of the morning.<br />
But it is not all work, work, work! There are countless opportunities to participate in other aspects of<br />
university life; from acting in the musical "Blood Brothers" to studying in the Bet Midrash programme. The only<br />
problem is fitting it all into a 24 hour day. Several of us have taken it upon ourselves to form soccer teams or<br />
join the gym, but for the energetically challenged, the BASP Lethargy Contingent, there are such options as<br />
Hamentashen baking or coffee evenings with live bands.<br />
There is also ample opportunity to explore both Jerusalem<br />
and Israel on the weekends and a BASPer can generally be<br />
found in most cities around Israel - especially if there's free<br />
food and washing facilities available.<br />
Being at Hebrew University is an incredible opportunity<br />
in itself, but the group experience is what has made it<br />
special for all of us. The British and Australian contingents<br />
jelled immediately and the bond between the BASPers is one<br />
which may well last the rest of our lives (as long as political and<br />
religious opinions can be put aside).<br />
At the risk of sounding corny, it really is the experience<br />
of a lifetime and we think you'd be hard put to find a BASPer<br />
who wouldn't agree.<br />
—Caroline Laitner & Gaby Kruger<br />
Government and Politics<br />
The <strong>Rothberg</strong> School for Overseas Students is an isolated<br />
province in the Hebrew University realm. Its location, official<br />
language, attendance policy and student make-up create an<br />
unofficial demarcation between it and its mandate power.<br />
The school’s policies and laws derive from a group of elite<br />
nobles (who they are nobody knows). The policies are carried<br />
out by an intricate web of bureaucrats. At the bottom of this<br />
complex system of hierarchies falls the Student Committee, an<br />
organization dedicating to voicing (in vain) OYP student needs<br />
and ideas.
Rabin: I am running for PM in 1996
LET S GO<br />
FROM HOME.<br />
V<br />
cstf><br />
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Mmsllhuhl<<br />
LET S GO<br />
Behind the Smiles:<br />
Not What It Seemed<br />
CYoss-examitatidu ( ___<br />
» Lot Angela Delia dfrrinaOd<br />
ovkttmtt worn t collecUd untH after ddfmtre Ivwtn had<br />
, U* --------------<br />
’ ICWCXi And II you look to ate back bli»Jumpsuit?<br />
---------- -------------------bluepBMrt’<br />
So whal yog raw before waani knii?<br />
II wn* to ibe beat.or my recolJacttoq alette<br />
GUMP<br />
Co figure: this movie sensation featured no sex, no careening<br />
cars, and a slow-witted hero w ith Fast-moving ieet<br />
• AP''a<br />
“A long time ago being crazy<br />
meant something. Nowadays<br />
everybody’s crazy.<br />
C H A R L E S M A N SO N , to Diane Saw yer<br />
% »<br />
rV / c>s
Prof. Hanoch Gutfreund<br />
President o f<br />
the Hebrew University o f Jerusalem<br />
.ordially invites you to<br />
A Convocation<br />
jor the conferment o f the degree oj<br />
Doctor of Philosophy Honoris Causa<br />
upon<br />
M r. Albert Gore<br />
The Vice President oj the l :.S .A .<br />
On Thursday, Match 23rd, 1993<br />
at 3.45 p.m.<br />
In the <strong>Rothberg</strong> .4 mphitheatre<br />
Mount Scopus Campus<br />
admits two<br />
"A1 Gore is so<br />
boring his Secret<br />
Service code<br />
name is A1<br />
Gore."<br />
—A1 Gore<br />
TIME<br />
Fighting in Bosnia heaviest in three months<br />
velopments as alarming but said<br />
•he current cease-fire was not nec-<br />
Other UN officials said they had<br />
monitored more than 2,000 Bosnian<br />
troops moving into the area on<br />
Sunday night, and had confirmed<br />
~'r>orts of at least 25 casualties<br />
'•"•mment soldiers yes-<br />
' r’t-Col-<br />
S°on^ariC°Ung:thi<br />
'andU*ou£lP^? n d diplo<br />
W°rIdi^ r a^ b s u r dity<br />
T<br />
S<br />
Russians capture<br />
rebel Chechen town
“Mom, it’s impossible for me not to take the<br />
buses here... ”<br />
“Of course, I ’m being safe, Dad. Do you<br />
think I stroll around the Arab quarterjust for<br />
fun...”<br />
“But, all of my friends have been to Cairo no<br />
problem... ”<br />
“Just don’t worry. I ’m 21 now, Mom... ”<br />
If any or all o f these phrases remind you o f<br />
conversations you’ve had w ith parents or<br />
friends over the course o f your stay in the<br />
Holy land, you are not alone. We all watched<br />
the news and followed events more closely<br />
before coming to Israel, attempting to imagine<br />
what it would be like. And, unfortunately, as<br />
prepared as we all may have been in our own<br />
minds, we were wrong. N one o f us were prepared<br />
for the bom bing o f the popular #5 bus at D izengoff<br />
Center. Or the attack at Beit Lid killing scores o f 18,<br />
19, and 20 year-old soldiers. None o f us were prepared<br />
to cower in the com er o f a downtown Jerusalem bar<br />
while soldiers chased armed terrorists through the<br />
alleys. N one o f us expected to be so close. Back at<br />
home, in our sheltered world o f Volvo sedans cruising<br />
through suburbia, we are never confronted with Uzis<br />
on the streets and hatred bubbling up through any and<br />
every crack in the Jerusalem stone.<br />
Yet, life goes on. This is what Israelis say. W hat else<br />
can they say? W hat else can they do? We can leave<br />
this place. Our short jaunt into the harsh reality of<br />
terror can end just like that. But, in truth, it does not<br />
end there. It lives on within us, the memory does.<br />
Issues of vulnerability<br />
t h e botsfr<br />
M b a - rUOVJW<br />
A Hamas member raises his fist during a march by 5,000 people from Gaza’s al-Oman mosque to a cemetery during a symbolic<br />
funeral yesterday for the victims of the Gaza bomb blast.<br />
raeuierf<br />
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The memory o f each and every teenage soldier whose<br />
youth and innocence was uprooted by insanity. The<br />
memory o f every kibbutznik, family man, high school<br />
student, or m other o f four so cruelly taken from their<br />
friends and families at the hands o f enraged lunatics<br />
ready to see the other side. For what?<br />
These memories go back with us along with all of<br />
our souvenirs and worldly possessions. They take up<br />
no suitcase space, but definitely fill somewhere else.<br />
They fill that place with a sense o f grief, sorrow, and<br />
most o f all, confusion. However, despite it all, like<br />
Israelis, we cannot help but be filled with a sense of<br />
hope as well. A sense that maybe all the pain that<br />
envelops us right now is only an obstacle along the<br />
road to peace. True peace.<br />
Next time I talk to my mom, I know<br />
what I’m going to tell her. I will say<br />
that, despite all the ups and downs,<br />
pain and confusion, there is no place<br />
in the world I would feel safer. No<br />
place that I ’d rather be. Israel.<br />
We would like to dedicate this<br />
space to all of those that have<br />
died along the treacherous road<br />
toward peace. Our thoughts<br />
are always with them and with<br />
th eir fa m ilies. A nd their<br />
memories form a vital piece of<br />
our time in Jerusalem.
*<br />
M<br />
Names on a List<br />
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ael<br />
David Ben-Zino, Adi Rosen, Damian Rosovski-<br />
Who were these soldiers Islamic Jihad killed?<br />
In Tel Aviv I had slept in a young soldier’s room<br />
-my shirts hung for a w hile in his closet,<br />
my head crushed his pillow, and my feet<br />
drank the chill from his floor. Was he<br />
among the m urdered, this only son o f my friends?<br />
No, he was not in N etanya in the third week<br />
of January, he was not in Tel Aviv, not<br />
in Israel, not in the M iddle East at all.<br />
Then let us not speak his name, not even<br />
in a whisper: w ho are we to trust the gods<br />
or the unseen powers? M y friends shall keep<br />
their son, and I will sleep w ithout dreaming.<br />
But who were these young soldiers? Rafael<br />
Mizrahi, Yehiel Sharvit, Yuval Tuvya-how did<br />
they live and what did they live for? A month<br />
earlier, in Jerusalem, I saw tw o soldiers at ease<br />
at the Haas Promenade. They were there to guard<br />
children and the teachers o f these children<br />
and Uzis hung at their backs in stark diagonals.<br />
They looked like soldiers, but I could see<br />
they were really older brothers and would-be<br />
boyfriends, and one joked with the teacher<br />
whose clouds o f copper hair outshone the mid-day<br />
sun; the other ate his lunch and half-sprawled<br />
in the scorched grass. I saw their sisters<br />
and cousins in the Judean Desert, in the spillway<br />
o f light that opened into dark, conflicted Jericho,<br />
and they were waiting in the alleyways o f the Old<br />
City where tribes o f tourists materialized from<br />
stone and filled their arms with Yemenite jew elry<br />
and Druse cloth. I understand, but who was Gilad<br />
Gaon? who Eran Gueta? who was David Hasson?<br />
who Eitan Peretz? I saw them in Abu Ghosh,<br />
wolfing down hummus<br />
in olive oil, small hills o f falafel. And they<br />
were at the bus terminal in Tel Aviv, hauling<br />
their battered duffels at the Baha’i Shrine in Haifa<br />
keeping watch in the sacred gardens and I saw<br />
them anointed with fire in the sunset that blossomed<br />
over Ashkelon. But you know these words are lies<br />
and your hearts are not fooled by my stories<br />
for Yaron Blum is dead Hie Dagan is dead<br />
Amir Hirchenson is dead Anan Kadur is dead<br />
Maya Kopstein is dead Soli Mizrahi is dead<br />
Avi Salto is no longer with us Daniel Tzikuashvili<br />
is no longer with us All the bright young flames<br />
o f Israel’s sun are dying and I am here speaking<br />
their names to you.<br />
—Charles Fishman<br />
Midstream Magazine<br />
calti<br />
#<br />
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dm<br />
LET S GO<br />
seen me?<br />
Wrong Customer<br />
Two yeshiva students have been<br />
arrested on charges of selling<br />
marijuana from the Subway sandwich<br />
store in the center of the city. An<br />
undercover cop arrested the youths<br />
after the policeman purchased NIS 80<br />
worth of the illegal substance under<br />
the counter. The police say the<br />
students, who study at Machon Meir,<br />
purchased a quantity of the drug in<br />
Tel Aviv, for purposes of resale in<br />
Jerusalem.<br />
The boys appeared in court this<br />
week. They adm itted guilt and<br />
expressed remorse to the judge. One<br />
of the students is visiting from the<br />
United States and the other is an<br />
Israeli bom child of emigrants living<br />
in New York.
LET S GO<br />
LET S GO<br />
Mah<br />
Phones<br />
iisjBsn t o m v&im T!3'i2 wim<br />
20:30 n » u n 18.9.94 'S UT*<br />
nrnn o 't m<br />
naa ran im r® 99.-<br />
ir r o trwnp P*> **& w '>'* P*<br />
Let us be lazy<br />
We’ll spend time in Israel together<br />
We kissed our mothers and packed up our bags<br />
We got our last lay in America<br />
And thought of our nights to come<br />
And we took off to conquer Jerusalem<br />
The Rock Bar it is as we boarded the bus<br />
headed downtown<br />
This fake I.D. is no use to me now<br />
It took 2 weeks for the kids from Bar-Giora<br />
To leave moshav and come to Jerusalem<br />
6 hours of Ulpan<br />
Aich omrim “I’m hung over”<br />
They said if you want a free dinner go to that<br />
guy<br />
Everyone knows that Seidel is a man on a<br />
mission<br />
Come into Goldsmith<br />
You’re walking back into your high school<br />
I’d rather be smoking in Dahab right now<br />
Sunrise on the Golan<br />
We may never be here again<br />
But our hearts stayed back in Jerusalem<br />
Calba Savua, Sergi’s, Cannabis, and Glasnost<br />
Black Hebrews are playing at Arthur’s tonight<br />
Counting the times that we leaned on each<br />
other<br />
The time's come we’re leaving Jerusalem<br />
But we’ll miss our friends here in Jerusalem<br />
And our hearts will stay here in Jerusalem<br />
—written for End of Semester Party
__QzlL<br />
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_l m _/a^_<br />
Am 4 ^ ^ 2 _ g 4 w ^<br />
f/ f<br />
_____Im d-<br />
Luba<br />
___<br />
LET S GO<br />
"I'm leaving on a jet plane.<br />
Don't know when I'll he<br />
back again..."<br />
LET S GO<br />
Whenever<br />
there is<br />
fun ...<br />
there's<br />
always<br />
the real<br />
thing!<br />
Smile for the<br />
camera...<br />
Say HUMMUS!<br />
LET S GO<br />
Hi<br />
Mom!<br />
Down<br />
with the<br />
Oh would you please stop<br />
your complaining?<br />
* H ebrew class at 8:15 A M is not early<br />
enough.<br />
* The attendance policy is too lenient.<br />
* C lasses are too intellectually<br />
stim ulating.<br />
* There aren't enough A m ericans here.<br />
* O ur laundry com es back too clean.<br />
* Israelis are too outgoing.<br />
* There isn't enough bureaucracy here.<br />
* There's too m uch hot w ater in the<br />
showers.<br />
* There are too m any com puters for<br />
e-m ail.<br />
* Gee, this doesn't seem like one big U SY /<br />
Ram ah/Y oung Judea/B B Y O /N FTY<br />
Convention.<br />
—courtesy o f The <strong>Rothberg</strong> Report
LET'S GO<br />
* She’s a babe!....He’s so cute...!<br />
* Boy, do I miss ice<br />
* She’s such a witch! I can’t believe she said<br />
that!<br />
* Ohhhhhh, I haven’t seen you in so long!<br />
(hugs and kisses)<br />
* I don’t know how I got back to my bed, the<br />
last thing I remember is the Arizona<br />
* Wait....You’re not Jewish, so why are you<br />
here?<br />
* You mean, you actually had a job, and<br />
like... worked?<br />
* Are you going to Jeff Seidel’s party?<br />
* My parents cancelled my credit<br />
you think I can still go to Greece?<br />
* I am going to make aliyah and join the<br /> will you go out with me?<br />
Who's got the<br />
matchbox?<br />
* Your teacher gives out his/her home phone<br />
number.<br />
* Your change won’t work in the public<br />
phones.<br />
* The supermarket closes everyday for a<br />
four-hour siesta.<br />
* You can buy milk in a bag.<br />
* Suddenly everyone is old enough to drink.<br />
* Junior high school girls strangely resemble<br />
24 year-olds.<br />
* You start saying things like “Nu?!, Regah,<br />
and B ’seder.”<br />
* Two words : Jeff Seidel<br />
* A donkey crosses the street with you.<br />
* You are wiping your ass with green toilet<br />
paper.<br />
* The library is closed during prime study<br />
hours...who studies anyway?<br />
I<br />
Don't hate us<br />
because we're<br />
beautiful...<br />
It's cheaper<br />
than a facial at<br />
the Hyatt.<br />
LET S GO<br />
While visiting Jordan, some people are content with only seeing the ancient city of Petra<br />
in the Southwest part of the country. The ancient city carved in the beautiful red stone, is one of the<br />
world’s most fascinating and awe-inspiring sights. Last October before the price increase, I had the<br />
privilege of seeing Petra, the red city, for only $7 a day. When my 18 year old brother came to visit<br />
me in Israel last December I had a problem. He insisted on seeing Petra but I refused to pay the new<br />
$60 double entrance fee to see a sight that I had already seen.<br />
Despite my financial worries, I gave in and my<br />
brother, Andy, and I proceeded to visit Jordan. Once in<br />
Jordan, we decided to go to Petra on the first night. On the<br />
way to Petra in a smelly, crowded taxi, we met two Australians<br />
who gave us a solution to our problem. They told us<br />
about a bedouin village near Petra and an unguarded road that<br />
led from the village straight into the middle of the ancient<br />
city. The next morning at 5am, knowing nothing more than<br />
to ask a taxi to take us to the bedouin village, Andy and I set<br />
out on our adventure. Once inside the village, having no idea<br />
where to go, we walked in search of the mysterious road<br />
leading to Petra. After climbing down a rocky hill, we<br />
reached a dirt road which we followed. After walking one<br />
kilometer, we reached the middle of Petra! The only problem<br />
was that the plan worked too well. It was 6am and we were<br />
the only people in the place. All of a sudden, two ferocious<br />
dogs started barking. Afraid of being noticed by the Jordanian<br />
police, my brother and I ran at top speed to a hidden cave.<br />
After an hour wait in the cave, we proceeded to see, at no cost,<br />
the most beautiful ancient city in the world.<br />
Two weeks ago, during my parents’ visit, a similar Petra dilemma occurred. I had<br />
miscalculated the amount of money we would need in Jordan, and I feared we would not have enough<br />
money to pay for Petra and all the border taxes. After a family conference, my parents agreed that<br />
if we were short on cash, they would be willing to sneak into Petra with me.<br />
With an inexplicable sense of deja vu, I set out with my parents at 5am for a familiar bedouin<br />
village. Unfortunately, this entrance attempt was not as easy as the last one. My parents, despite their<br />
excellent shape, are not as young as they used to be. Aside from a few sticky situations along the way,<br />
my parents and I reached<br />
Petra unscathed at<br />
around 6:20am and had<br />
a wonderful visit in the<br />
ancient city of stone.<br />
Sure, seeing<br />
Petra is an adventure in<br />
itself. People pay $30 a<br />
day to see the great place.<br />
With a little luck and<br />
some quick thinking, I<br />
had two even better, unforgettable<br />
adventures<br />
and saved my family<br />
$150 in the process.<br />
!<br />
;<br />
!<br />
62 —Adam Goldman
Ill<br />
How much is this<br />
in American?<br />
I<br />
B T C<br />
W elcom e to QJetra po B. 32254 Jerusalem 9t3fc£ **<br />
Tel. 02-£3399(l<br />
Mussa Spring Hotel & Restaurant<br />
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"At first, I was afraid,<br />
I was PETRA-fied!"
"The simple daily routine<br />
involves combinations of<br />
eating, playing backgammon,<br />
and sleeping with sporadic<br />
episodes of swimming,<br />
camel riding, or safari." ...<br />
what about the drugs!?!?
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OSA Students<br />
make it big as<br />
LET'S GO<br />
poster children!<br />
airken y<br />
Do you own this bag?<br />
Who packed it? Has it been left alone since<br />
this time?<br />
Did anyone try to give you anything in the<br />
airport?<br />
Do you have any weapons or explosives?
What did<br />
we get<br />
ourselves<br />
into?<br />
Strike a pose!<br />
C A R TE D’AC C ES A BORD / boarding pass<br />
NOM DU PASSAGER / Name of passenger<br />
ROTHAN<br />
DE/from<br />
A I to<br />
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POID8 / wAAghl<br />
1 19<br />
LET S GO<br />
Is Lebow going to be on top?<br />
Jordanian Police Brutality<br />
Why is Haifa written in Spanish? I don't like her -- does she have to be in the yearbook?<br />
ip n o a d s Xjo a o u o s a e ij o m ‘o ^ £;no i] pnd noX m j
The yearbook editors and staff w ould like to<br />
thank all o f those that m ade this publication<br />
possible.<br />
Special thank you's go to the<br />
follow ing: H ofy, Connie, all oftheM adrichim<br />
for their help and guidance, all o f those that<br />
subm itted photos and/or w ritings, w hether we<br />
included them or not, Gloria, Dr. Singer,<br />
V ice-Provost Roi, the friendly G oldsm ith<br />
building security team who checked our bags<br />
and boxes every @ #$% *# tim e we cam e in<br />
the building, and to our office-m ate Siva, for<br />
letting us use her office (and com puter for<br />
em ail).<br />
H ope you enjoyed it, and if you didn't,<br />
you get the N U TS!
p a o x v v in o<br />
p i n n a p a p a<br />
r>ijT} r > i< fe n 7 > / k o<br />
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March of the Living, <strong>1995</strong><br />
one suitcase<br />
one toothbrush<br />
one scrub<br />
one towel<br />
one comb<br />
one tissue<br />
one sud<br />
one flush<br />
one shoe<br />
one bed<br />
one pot<br />
one pillow<br />
one curl of hair<br />
one photo<br />
one song.<br />
one flower to sniff<br />
one lick of ice cream<br />
one hug<br />
one moment alone,<br />
one name<br />
one mind<br />
one soul<br />
one hope<br />
one breath<br />
one heart beat.<br />
one thief,<br />
one chimney,<br />
one reason:<br />
JEW<br />
one survivor,<br />
one Tallis<br />
one siddur<br />
one challah<br />
one mezuzah<br />
one family<br />
one tradition<br />
one bracha<br />
one lulav<br />
one table<br />
one shabbos<br />
one dance<br />
one song<br />
one flame<br />
one Torah<br />
one history<br />
one covenant<br />
one land<br />
one flag<br />
one nation<br />
one Jew<br />
one reason:<br />
G-d.<br />
—Julie Litberg<br />
*<br />
al<br />
4<br />
LET'S GO<br />
us, that w e are<br />
But here, mortality is frighteningly real, especially when standing at the<br />
oineone you used to play in the streets w ith and wondering, if next year, it<br />
you. And 1 thought o f how I had lived in Israel when I was four and that I<br />
never had known why my parents chose to raise their children in the US. And now<br />
I think I know why. And somehow I could still see m yself standing on these same<br />
stones, holding a child in one hand and clutching m y husband with the other, silently<br />
pleading with G-d, hoping that next year, I will still be holding onto them and that it<br />
w on’t be me, putting flowers on another grave.<br />
- Jessica Hope Tam
LET S GO<br />
Independence. The birth of a nation. The<br />
realization of the dream—to be free people in our own<br />
land. What better way to celebrate it than by march ing<br />
up and down Ben Yehuda Street bonking random free<br />
people over the head with plastic toys and drowning<br />
our own land in silly string??<br />
First of all, I want to take back everything I<br />
ever said about feeling sorry for the poor Israeli kids<br />
who go to school six days a week. Once you add in all<br />
the Jewish holidays, they’re only in school like 12<br />
days a year, which explains why they don’t have time<br />
to learn how to aim a hammer. After the 47th or so<br />
drunk 15 year-old missed me with the cushy, squeeky<br />
little hammer head and instead whacked me with the<br />
kryptonite handle part, I found myself longing for the<br />
serene crowds of Mardi Gras, where the only drunk<br />
people wielding hammers are cops.<br />
So, the next morning, still in recovery, my friend and I woke up much too early for any free<br />
people and headed to Ramat Gan as delegates of the vastly underrepresented 9-40 age group at the air<br />
show. For my money, there’s nothing like sitting next to a family with four 7 year-olds to make you really<br />
enjoy those sonic booms. And, after experiencing Israeli Independence Day immediately after the<br />
emotional March of the Living years ago, I wasn’t expecting this day to compare.<br />
But, here’s the funny part: it was one of the most beautiful displays I have ever seen. Now that<br />
we’ve lived here, Independence of the Jewish state has a whole new meaning. Some of us have<br />
experienced, first hand, the horror of a terrorist attack. Some of us have friends who have been killed. And<br />
all of us have felt the overwhelming power of praying at the Kotel, the respect for our tradition, and the<br />
calling of this land, our land. In Israel, these holidays aren’t about long weekend beach trips and hokey<br />
garage sales; they are living reminders of the glory of freedom and the importance of never forgetting.<br />
As I watched fighter planes race through the sky, leaving streams of blue and white in their wake, I felt<br />
an incredible sense of pride in our homeland and a new kinship with all those around me. From all over<br />
the earth, an ecclectic group of people with a common heritage have come to fulfill the dreams of our<br />
foreparents in our Promised Land. It’s enough to make you never want to leave, even if it means living<br />
in Resnick or K-Y forever....well maybe Resnick.<br />
I realized how comfortable and at home I feel among these people, the people of my homeland,<br />
and what a strong sense of security and knowledge of this homeland I will bring back with me to America.<br />
It is an experience you just can not explain or relate; only after witnessing it myself can I now appreciate<br />
what it means to be a free people in our own land.<br />
- Andrea Miller<br />
H<br />
k<br />
3<br />
/<br />
J 3<br />
LET S GO<br />
Ahat, shta'im, shalosh —hike! W hoever<br />
thought that Jerusalem w ould be<br />
hom e to a w eekly touch-football<br />
league?<br />
Sure enough, som e o f our overseas<br />
students got up bright and early on<br />
Friday m ornings after a late night out<br />
on the tow n to head to the rag-tag<br />
touch football games.<br />
For those that miss America's national<br />
pastime, they can still play it here.<br />
B usinesses from all over Israel<br />
sponsored softball teams. Some teams<br />
were more competitive than others, but<br />
there was a team out there for everyone<br />
interested. Games were played once a<br />
week at the "Field of Dreams" on<br />
Kibbutz Gezer near Lod.<br />
fin<br />
m<br />
LET'S GO<br />
When students were finally able to break the yoke<br />
of the <strong>Rothberg</strong> School workload, they were then<br />
faced with the challenge of filling up the rest of the<br />
hours in the day. (Or at least those that were left<br />
over after engaging in Hebrew U's number one<br />
leisure activity—sleeping.) Through the guidance<br />
of the OSA office and other resources, students<br />
were offered many opportunities to volunteer,<br />
intern, or tutor, etc... Whether in the hospitals or<br />
at the Knesset, OYP students had the incredible<br />
opportunity to help contribute to Israeli society.<br />
Others chose to participate in extra-curricular<br />
activities such as plays, seminars, intramurals,<br />
and various other clubs.<br />
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LET S GO<br />
It is a morning that I can’t forget. I had been volunteering in the emergency room at Hadassah<br />
Hospital for a couple of months and seen mangled fingers, broken legs, and all kinds of infections. I’d<br />
served breakfast, restocked equipment, and assisted in ECG’s. I’d worked with kids, soldiers, religious<br />
women, and Muslim men. I felt as though I had done a lot in my time there, but I had never experienced<br />
anything like losing a patient.<br />
I was in the coffee room drinking my Nes-Cafe when an announcement on the PA sentthe entire<br />
department buzzing. The emergency room was dealing with a real emergency. I walked out to the main<br />
corridor where most of the beds are located; every doctor had gathered around a single bed. The bed<br />
contained a man; he was in his 60’s. He was just lying there. One doctor held one of those shock things<br />
in each hand, and every so often the patient’s body would fly off the bed as electric current ran through<br />
it. Other doctors took turns pumping his lungs. I wandered in and out of the area, making sure to stay<br />
out of the way and continue on with my own tasks, but I became obsessed. They could not seem to revive<br />
him, he just kept lying there. I couldn’t stand the idea of all these doctors frantically trying every method<br />
they knew to revive him and yet having no<br />
success. I just looked at him. He seemed asleep,<br />
but he was unable to wake up.<br />
I left work with the room in a buzz,<br />
knowing that I was helpless, wishing it wouldn’t<br />
be that way, I spent the next hour crying,<br />
wondering why the world had to be this way. Our<br />
bodies are made to work, not to break down.<br />
Here I wanted to become a doctor, but what was<br />
the point if I couldn’t help somebody who was<br />
dying?<br />
Usually I sit in front of the TV, held in<br />
suspense as to whether the patient will live or die.<br />
Today it was real and I couldn’t deal with it. The<br />
idea of that dead man devastated me. I suppose<br />
in time, I’ll be able to go about my business as<br />
everyone else did there. But in the meantime, it<br />
is a morning that I can not forget.
'I have no right to speak here! I am only a... an assistant delegate... Talk, talk... What are we, this<br />
so-called underground? A congress of blabbermouths? A wind machine? A hundred and eighty<br />
thousand they've taken. Enough to populate a city. Do you understand what's happening? They<br />
are burning. While we drone our way through the agenda. Yes, permit me to put a point on that<br />
agenda. Who is next? You? You? Y our wife? My sister? Thousands herded off to the train station<br />
every day, and the only one I heard resist was a little boy who went mad, and began to yell: "I want<br />
to shoot, I want to steal, I want to eat, I want to be<br />
German!" Why are we all so quiet? The most gentle<br />
bird does not go to death without a scream. It will be<br />
an eternal mystery—why didn't we resist when they<br />
began to resettle us? We should have run out, set fire<br />
to everything in sight, tom down The Wall. You think<br />
talk will save you? You think work will save you?<br />
Bribery? We must defend ourselves. They have taken...<br />
taken... It's time they paid!'<br />
—Rachel, from "The Wall"<br />
Kol Isha, "A Woman's Voice," was a performance<br />
by women and for women only.<br />
Through the expression of their individual<br />
talents (such as singing, acting, instrument<br />
playing, and belly dancing-to name a few),<br />
several women told of the complex yet<br />
humorous events in the lives of a Jewish<br />
mother and her two college age daugthers<br />
in today's society.
5<br />
LET'S GO<br />
la iy in i<br />
HECHT h LDH<br />
ODH W"y TlDDDn JI'T<br />
□Twits nnayn ncoTsui^n<br />
Q'DISin TH<br />
For whatever reasons we came<br />
to Israel, be they cultural, social, or religious,<br />
there is one deep common thread<br />
that brings all of these motives together:<br />
Jerusalem. We all chose to spend an<br />
entire semester or year of college in the<br />
holiest city in the world. Jerusalem is<br />
much more than merely an opportunity to<br />
get away from typical college life. Students<br />
who study here know that the opportunities<br />
to pursue religious education<br />
are boundless.<br />
One of these opportunities is the Beit Midrash<br />
Program at the Hebrew University Hecht Synagogue.<br />
It would be difficult to attribute a single<br />
definition that would encompass all aspects of the<br />
Beit Midrash, and that is much of its beauty.<br />
Briefly, the program is a way for students to learn<br />
about Judaism in an informal, one-on-one atmosphere,<br />
with an advanced learning partner. But the<br />
guidelines end there. Each student decides what<br />
he/she wants to learn, and the topics are limitless.<br />
Students study everything from the significance<br />
of Matzah on Pesach to the most<br />
intricate Talmudic debate. My own experience<br />
in the Beit Midrash began with a philosophical<br />
analysis on the truth of the Torah. From there,<br />
the discussion meandered through the worlds<br />
of Mishnah, Gemara and the Book of Exodus.<br />
One of the most wonderful aspects of the Beit<br />
Midrash is the congenial, no-pressure atmosphere<br />
in which the material is<br />
presented. Even if I have not<br />
found all the answers to my questions,<br />
I was able to pose them in<br />
a warm, open atmosphere.<br />
- Steve Markofsky
Dear Friends!<br />
It’s hard to believe, but this wonderful year has come to its end. We<br />
know you liked living in Jerusalem for this short while, and that you<br />
learned a little about our never-boring reality. Living here is not the<br />
same as watching Israel in the news, and you’ve probably learned that<br />
by now...<br />
Our job was to try to make your time here as easy, interesting, and<br />
wonderful as possible. We did our best. Getting to know you all was<br />
a great pleasure. We wish you all the best and hope to see you again in<br />
the future. In the meantime, please keep in touch!!<br />
As you prepare to leave, we wish you all “shalom” for its three most<br />
perfect meanings:<br />
go with peace<br />
be with peace<br />
and come back with peace.<br />
Good Luck wherever you go and whatever you do.<br />
Your Madrichim.<br />
Inbal ben David<br />
Boaz Barak<br />
Oren Goldberg<br />
Moshik Galanty<br />
Rafi Zinger<br />
Efrat Katz<br />
Karin Shahar<br />
Ronen Leibowitz<br />
Noa Mendelson<br />
Yikrat Sidi<br />
Shirley Fisher<br />
Tracy Rosky<br />
Yonathan Reifen
D ear Students,<br />
T his past year I have enjoyed w orking w ith<br />
and for the students o f the R othberg School. This<br />
year specifically, the student com m ittee took on an<br />
even greater role and helped m ake m y jo b and that o f<br />
the m adrichim m uch easier. I am very proud o f the<br />
com m ittee and w ould like to thank each o f its m em <br />
bers for a jo b w ell done this year.<br />
I hope all o f you enjoyed your stay in israel<br />
and w ill be returning in the near future. Please look<br />
me up, m y door w ill alw ays stay open to all o f you.<br />
Good Luck.<br />
Hofy H afouta, O S A D irector<br />
O n b eh alf o f all the students,<br />
T h a n k Y o u to a ll th e<br />
M adrichim for the tim e and<br />
energy you put in to m ake our<br />
year so m em orable.<br />
p p - j P ? l J 0<br />
Introducing...<br />
June 3-24, 1996<br />
For only $600 U.S.!<br />
Includes round-trip airfare from New York or Los<br />
Angeles,room and board,seminars,touring and more<br />
Co-sponsored by Dor Le Dor and Jerusalem Kibbutz<br />
For more information contact:<br />
Charles Lebow, P.O. Box 14503, Jerusalem. E-Mail:<br />
Jonathan Goldberg, E-Mail:<br />
or call 201-916-0770<br />
Some Place,<br />
Some Where,<br />
Some Time,<br />
When you least expect it somone may walk up to you and say<br />
"For Shabbes -- Do you have a place?"<br />
Thank you so much for a tremendous year and allowing me to<br />
of your year in Israel.<br />
be apart<br />
Please keep in touch, Jeff<br />
1/15 Hameshoririm St., Old City, Jerusalem, ISRAEL<br />
972-2-288-338 PH/FAX E-Mail:
The Hebrew University<br />
Student's Union<br />
The Hebrew University’s Student Union wishes to thank all of the students of the<br />
Overseas School. Our aim has been to assist all Student Union members with any<br />
problems that presented themselves over the course of the year. Again this year,<br />
we enjoyed an excellent working relationship with the overseas school’s Student<br />
Committee. We hope that you had a great study abroad experience here in Israel<br />
and were able to enjoy the parties, speakers and other activities that we sponsored<br />
over the course of the year. We also hope that we were helpful in fostering more<br />
positive interaction between the Israeli and Overseas students.<br />
Wishing you the best in the future.<br />
Sincerely,<br />
Assaf Boteach<br />
Chairman of the Hebrew University Student Union<br />
Now is the time for careers in Jewish Education<br />
Chartered and scheduled flights to all over<br />
the world * Organized & camping tours<br />
International student and youth cards<br />
Medical insurance * Land arrangements<br />
Goldschmidt Building, Tel. 02-826116
K nnrr>n 'yirfr pon -’Ynp pur* r r r n<br />
wishes you success in your future studies.<br />
3 \<br />
y ^ ^ , For information on our graduate programs in: . y .<br />
'^ ^ /ru T to ^ *\ Rabbinic Studies, Cantorial Studies, Jewish Education,^>>'?13>/TuTtd:<br />
Jewish Communal Service, Studies in Biblical Archeology,<br />
Graduate Studies in Judaica, Hebraica, and the Ancient Near East<br />
Please contact HUC-JIR<br />
13 King David Street<br />
Jerusalem 94101<br />
Israel<br />
(02) 203-333<br />
FAX: (02) 251-478<br />
3101 Clifton Avenue<br />
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-2488<br />
(513) 221-1875<br />
FAX: (513) 221-2810<br />
One West Fourth Street 3077 University Avenue<br />
New York, NY 10012-1186 Los Angeles, California 90007<br />
(212) 674-5300 (213) 749-3424<br />
FAX: (212) 533-0129 FAX: (213) 747-6128<br />
D 7 N nn\W 77 77<br />
2 Agron Street<br />
POB 7456<br />
Jerusalem 94265<br />
Tel: 02-256-386<br />
Fax: 02-234-127<br />
D ' ^ v y i i ’ n r t ' m i o n n n r r v *7 t d d o h<br />
Located in the heart of Jerusalem, the Center serves as a religious, cultural, and<br />
educational focal point for Israelis, as well as visitors from abroad.<br />
We hope you enjoyed and found meaning in the extra curricular activities of our<br />
"Center on Campus” program, and wish you much success with your future plans.<br />
Returning to North America? Be sure to look up our affiliate United Synagogue<br />
College Outreach Program "Koach” on your campus, or call/write Rich Moline at<br />
our North American office: 180 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1710, Chicago, IL<br />
60601, (Tel: 312-726-1802 or Fax: 312-726-1820).<br />
...and when you return to Israel, whether it be as a visitor, as a student, or for<br />
Aliyah, please look us up and consider us always your home away from home.<br />
JDNnnnb, Rabbi Edward S. Romm.
Some had travelled three times<br />
Some had voyaged four<br />
And there, of course, were those of<br />
us who never came before.<br />
Nonetheless, a new beginning<br />
awaited one and all<br />
But still some things would never<br />
change<br />
Our parents said to call.<br />
So off we went to live our dream<br />
to study in Israel<br />
And though we would be far from<br />
home<br />
At least we’d have E-mail.<br />
It took hours on the airplane<br />
We had to sleep and make<br />
But somehow the adrenaline kept<br />
us wide awake.<br />
We paired off with new roommates<br />
We hoped it would work well<br />
And before we knew it, we had<br />
arrived in Kiryat Ha Yovel.<br />
We couldn’t wait to travel<br />
To Eilat w e’d go and tan<br />
But before that would be possible<br />
w e’d have to take Ulpan.<br />
Some spoke Hebrew fluently<br />
Some could ask for mayim<br />
And those of us who knew<br />
Shalom, were placed in Aleph<br />
Shtayim.<br />
We quickly learned the city<br />
With the shuk we did acquaint<br />
And soon we swallowed rugelach<br />
with barely a restraint.<br />
We bussed to Ben Yahuda<br />
And walked home from the Wall<br />
And when we wanted candy, we<br />
went to Supersol.<br />
We learned the ropes in Israel<br />
But still we can’t condone<br />
The rudeness of the bureaucrats at<br />
Bezek Telephone.<br />
We fell in love with Israel<br />
And learned to sing Hatikvah<br />
There were a few of us who even<br />
visited a mikve.<br />
We travelled every weekend<br />
Many sheckles we did spend<br />
And our bank accounts shared a<br />
downward sloping trend.<br />
We called home to our parents<br />
We said we’re strapped for cash<br />
But then we went to Dahab to<br />
smoke a little hash.<br />
Our teachers gave us homework<br />
We put it off till later<br />
But still we felt intelligent each<br />
time we said “Beseder."<br />
It’s amazing to consider the<br />
amount by which we grew<br />
We’re older and we’re wiser<br />
And, ironically we’re brand new.<br />
Our time abroad has come and<br />
gone<br />
But our friends we will hold dear<br />
A final evening on the town, and<br />
another final tear.<br />
It hurts when after all this fun<br />
We’ll say good bye to them<br />
Until, of course, we plan to meet<br />
“Next Year in Jerusalem."<br />
—Robert Nislick<br />
\ r ) h < f 3 r > i s
$20.00 [60 NISI<br />
'The most precious momento of your time in the<br />
Holy Land." - A really bad commercial<br />
Did you know:<br />
You can ride an Egged bus fo r 2M JH S 3.00 NIS 3.20 NISP<br />
Yon can get a handy dandy Steve’s Packs w allet on a string fo r only 9<br />
NISP<br />
You can spend your 21st birthday at happy hour at the Rock Bar,<br />
happy hour at the Blue Hole Pub, happy hour at the Tavern, and happy<br />
hour at the Russian Compound and s till spend less than the cost of<br />
taking H istorical Geography of Jerusalem?<br />
Yon can participate in a unique and fu lfillin g Shabbat experience any<br />
Friday night (i.e. free mealJP<br />
You can get a mega falaffel at Melech HaFelafel fo r only 3 NISP<br />
You can take a refreshing 12 hour busride w ith 50 of your closest new<br />
friends to Cairo (aren't you glad you used D ia lJ P<br />
Let’s Go: <strong>Rothberg</strong> is a collection of memorabilia composed of<br />
original texts and photos by students on the go.<br />
A year in review at Hebrew 0.<br />
This Let’s Go book was designed and produced<br />
by a select few overworked overseas students.<br />
PRINTED IN ISRAEL (while ruining the rain forests)