1995-1996 Rothberg Yearbook

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“D e a r '? r ie n d s ,<br />

d ike everyone *) cam e to *Israel w ith more than m y tw o reyu latio n s u it cases.<br />

*) cam e tactH m em entos fro m home and p ictu res o f those *) le ft behind. *I am leaving<br />

now w ith this yearbook to rem ind m e o f new frien d s and navel experiences in *Israel.<br />

Tile sh o u ld congratulate ourselves for. haviny the couraye to come to a fo reiyn<br />

country,. A d a p tin y to a new culture, and, lanyuaye coax a chatlenye fo r a ll o f u s.<br />

“?or som e o f u s com iny to *Israel brouyht u s closer to our Jew ish henitaye, “?or others<br />

i t w as a n o fsp o rtuu ity fo r a d iffere n t Hind o f education or i t m eant tra v elin y in<br />

foreiyn countries.<br />

“Ibis (fear w as esp ecially unique fo r a11 o f u s. S esid es the d ifficu lties of<br />

livin y in a fo reiyn eountry, toe also had to overcome m any ha rd sh ip s: S a lin e<br />

a ssa ssin a tion , th e fa s bom binys a n d w atchiny m any o f our frien d s return home.<br />

*I hope tve tv ill a ll use th is yearbook a s a w ay to rem em ber our pays and<br />

sorrow s throuyhout our year abroad. Hhis yearbook is fu ll o f p o w erfu l and<br />

everla stin y m emories, ^ y readiny th is collection i t w ill invoke shared m emories<br />

a nd p erso n a l achievem ents. T U tim ately each o f u s brouyht som ethiny sp e cia l to<br />

th is country and tv ill ta k e home a unique an d everla stin y experience.<br />

*) hope you a ll enjoyed your tim e in *Israel and th a t you w ill ta k e home<br />

p o sitive experiences to share w ith your fa m ily and frien d s.<br />

*I w ould lik e to th a n k a ll those who h elped m ake th is yearbook a success. *I<br />

w ould esp ecia lly lik e to th a n k the a ssista n t ed itor fyodi S ch u lm a n fo r a ll o f her<br />

su p p o rt.<br />

בהצלחה,‏<br />

S liya beth D obson<br />

S d ito r - in - chief

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