atw 2017-12

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<strong>atw</strong> Vol. 62 (<strong>2017</strong>) | Issue <strong>12</strong> ı December<br />

710<br />

Issue <strong>12</strong><br />

December<br />


719<br />

DataBank: Towards a<br />

New Scientific Management<br />

Methodology<br />

| | The view of the Vandellos (Spain, Province Catalonia) nuclear power plant site. One pressurised water reactor with a gross output of<br />

1,045 MWe is in operation since 1987, one gas-cooled reactor currently under decommissioning was in successful operation between<br />

1972 and 1990 and provided the electricity consumers with about 53.63 TWh at a load factor of 70.4 % (Courtesy: Foro Nuclear)<br />

Editorial<br />

Technology First, Please! 707<br />

Technology First, Please! 708<br />

DAtF Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .717<br />

Abstracts | English 7<strong>12</strong><br />

Abstracts | German 713<br />

Inside Nuclear with NucNet<br />

Westinghouse Calls for Rethink<br />

on Europe’s Treatment of Nuclear 714<br />

NucNet<br />

Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718<br />

Research and Innovation<br />

DataBank: Towards a New<br />

Scientific Management Methodology 719<br />

N.S. Mahmoud, R.M.A. Lashin and L.Kh. Abdul-Aziz<br />

The Cost of SMRs: How Rolls Royce Aims<br />

to Compete with Wind and Solar 715<br />

NucNet<br />

719<br />

| | Architecture design of MOIS.<br />

715<br />

Supercritical Water Natural Circulation<br />

Flow Stability Experiment Research 724<br />

Dongliang Ma, Tao Zhou, Bing Li and Yanping Huang<br />


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