TRAVELLIVE 12 - 2017

Dear valued readers, Christmas is a time when families come together to celebrate. For those of you who like to "travel" this holiday season, Travellive is delighted to take you on a special Christmas trip by exploring bustling and colorful Christmas markets around the world. Come with us to far-off snowy lands where you can enjoy breathtaking scenery, and beat the winter blues by partaking in fun winter sports activities. Festive Christmas and New Year events, many of which will take place at most hotels and resorts around the country, are a great way to spend time with your loved ones this holiday season. It will be a wonderful experience for you to try the Hygge lifestyle of the Nordic countries, where happiness level is ranked the highest in the world. You will feel a different sense of warmth by indulging in simple comfort, and enjoy the full spirit of the season with joy and love. The holiday is also a special time for you to visit Arles, a place that once brought endless inspiration for the insane Dutch artist, Vincent Van Gogh, over a century ago. In celebration of the recent release of "Loving Vincent", Travellive took a trip to this small peaceful town that is located in southern France to explore its pictureque scenery. We wish you, our valued readers, and your families a truly happy Christmas and a happy New Year! Love. EDITORIAL BOARD

Dear valued readers,
Christmas is a time when families come together to celebrate. For those of you who like to "travel" this holiday season, Travellive is delighted to take you on a special Christmas trip by exploring bustling and colorful Christmas markets around the world. Come with us to far-off snowy lands where you can enjoy breathtaking scenery, and beat the winter blues by partaking in fun winter sports activities.
Festive Christmas and New Year events, many of which will take place at most hotels and resorts around the country, are a great way to spend time with your loved ones this holiday season.
It will be a wonderful experience for you to try the Hygge lifestyle of the Nordic countries, where happiness level is ranked the highest in the world. You will feel a different sense of warmth by indulging in simple comfort, and enjoy the full spirit of the season with joy and love.
The holiday is also a special time for you to visit Arles, a place that once brought endless inspiration for the insane Dutch artist, Vincent Van Gogh, over a century ago. In celebration of the recent release of "Loving Vincent", Travellive took a trip to this small peaceful town that is located in southern France to explore its pictureque scenery.
We wish you, our valued readers, and your families a truly happy Christmas and a happy New Year!


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Hãn tuÊi 30 tπi<br />


Jen yu qu˝,<br />

M◊nh nhÌ rªng chÛng ta c„ hãn du lch cÔng nhau Æ’n mÈt n¨i thÀt xa nµo Æ„ khi sang tuÊi<br />

30. Suri vµ m◊nh trong chuy’n tham quan ß´ng Nam É Æ∑ c„ kho∂ng thÍi gian thÛ v Î Vi÷t<br />

Nam mµ Æi”n h◊nh lµ phË cÊ HÈi An vµ Palm Garden Resort. Jen µ, bπn ngh‹ sao n’u chÛng<br />

ta tÊ ch¯c mÈt c∏i hãn cho tuÊi 30 Î Æ©y vµo n®m sau?<br />

ߧI CH¢N TR¡N TR£N Cì XANH<br />

Palm Garden Resort c„ nhi“u g„c "sËng ∂o" Æãp: v≠Ín rau, chi’c c«u gÁ, t∏n l∏ c‰... nh≠ng<br />

m◊nh th›ch nh†t lµ b∑i c· xanh m≠Ìt tr∂i dµi b∑i bi”n hay xung quanh h b¨i. B≠Ìc trn Æ„<br />

bªng Æ´i ch©n tr«n c∂m nhÀn s˘ ©u y’m cÒa c· c©y, læng nghe ti’ng s„ng vÁ bÍ vµ "næm vÈi"<br />

tıng lµn gi„ khœ l≠Ìt trn c¨ th” c∂m nhÀn s˘ du dµng cÒa thin nhin. Xa xa lµ h◊nh ∂nh<br />

CÔ lao Chµm Æi”m nh˜ng con tµu Æ∏nh c∏ nh· xinh trn bi”n nh≠ mÈt b¯c tranh r†t th¨<br />

trong ∏nh b◊nh minh.<br />


C„ th” ch‰n xe bus mi‘n ph› cÒa resort hay chi’c taxi vÌi 90.000VNß Æ” Æ’n phË cÊ,<br />

nh≠ng chÛng m◊nh ch‰n xe Æπp v◊ Æ≠Íng chÿ c„ 5km. Hai bn Æ≠Íng tı resort Æ’n phË cÊ<br />

mÎ ra nhi“u ÆÂng lÛa vµ c∏nh c træng bay l≠Ón. D∑y m∏i ng„i ru phong, ÆÃn lÂng r˘c s∏ng<br />

g„c phË, dng s´ng cÊ l˜ng lÍ tr´i cÔng hoa Æ®ng Æem theo lÍi ≠Ìc nguy÷n, nh˜ng m„n ®n<br />

Æ≠Íng phË lµm cho HÈi An kh∏c vÌi n¨i kh∏c. TÛ, nh©n vin resort Æ∑ gÓi ˝ Æ’n phË cÊ vµo<br />

buÊi s∏ng sÌm (5-7h s∏ng) ho∆c v“ khuya sœ th†y Æ≠Óc vŒ Æãp thanh b◊nh kh∏c lπ.<br />


K˙ nghÿ cÒa m◊nh ÆÛng dp mıng n®m mÌi. ß„n n®m mÌi n¨i resort cÚng thÀt du dµng<br />

trong ti’t trÍi se lπnh, nh˜ng ÆÃn lÂng trong v≠Ín t˘a nh˜ng v◊ sao, Æi÷u khiu vÚ trn n“n<br />

©m thanh tr«m bÊng lµm m◊nh nhÌ Æ’n Æi÷u nh∂y quy’n rÚ cÒa c´ nµng bäo yu qu˝ Cailin<br />

Î l‘ tËt nghi÷p ra tr≠Íng n®m nµo. Khi mµn h◊nh Æ’m ng≠Óc Æi”m thÍi khæc quan tr‰ng th◊<br />

m◊nh ≠Ìc g◊ bπn cÚng Î Æ©y Æ” c„ th” t∆ng mÈt nÙ h´n chµo n®m mÌi. M◊nh b quy’n rÚ<br />

bÎi h≠¨ng r≠Óu th¨m nÂng, nhi“u m„n ®n ngon do ch›nh c∏c Æ«u b’p chuyn nghi÷p Palm<br />

Garden Resort chu»n b.<br />

Cn nhi“u Æi“u thÛ v kh∏c cÒa HÈi An th◊ m◊nh sœ k” bπn nghe khi trÎ v“ sau th∏ng 1 nhä.<br />

Yu bπn,<br />


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