OPEN SPACES#1 (17.-25.2.18)

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O p e n S p a c e s # 1 1 7 . - 2 5 . 2 . 2 0 1 8<br />

17:00<br />

18:00<br />

19:00<br />

20:30<br />

Sa<br />

<strong>17.</strong>2.<br />

Ciupke, Vinovrški<br />

Now And Then<br />

Studio 5<br />

Tufts, Albrecht<br />

From Brockton<br />

to Berlin<br />

Studio 14<br />

So<br />

18.2.<br />

Majdalanie<br />

I can find ...<br />

Studio 1<br />

° Talk<br />

Mo<br />

19.2.<br />

Di<br />

20.2.<br />

° Di 20.2.<br />

Aftertalk<br />

Mi<br />

21.2.<br />

Do<br />

22.2.<br />

Fr<br />

23.2.<br />

Reuter, Kuhlmey<br />

The Amplitude<br />

Studio 12<br />

Crisp<br />

(Un)domesticated<br />

Bodies:<br />

Live Feed<br />

Studio 14<br />

° Fr 23.2.<br />

Artist Talk<br />

Sa<br />

Crisp<br />

Morrish<br />

24.2.<br />

(Un)domesti-<br />

Oh Well<br />

cated Bodies:<br />

Studio 12<br />

Live Feed<br />

So<br />

Dobricic, ˇ ´ Marie,<br />

Studio 14<br />

25.2.<br />

Reyner<br />

Roger<br />

Studio 4<br />

° Aftertalk<br />

T a n z f a b r i k B e r l i n<br />

1 3 3 5 7 B e r l i n W E D D I N G<br />

i n d e n u f e r s t u d i o s<br />

U f e r s t r . 2 3 B a d s t r . 4 1 a

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