Diplomatic World_nummer 55

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<strong>55</strong><br />



H.E.<br />



Ambassador of<br />

France<br />



Visionary<br />

Investor<br />

Composer<br />

H.E<br />




Ambassador of<br />

Qatar<br />

H.E. YURI O.<br />


Ambassador of<br />

Indonesia<br />

H.E. MAYA<br />



Ambassador of<br />

Bulgaria<br />

SERGEY<br />


President of Russia’s<br />

Chamber of<br />

Commerce and<br />

Industry<br />

MARC<br />




The leading<br />

experts of<br />

Amedeo Modigliani<br />

STEVEN G.<br />


Economic Advisor to<br />

Former US President<br />

Barack Obama<br />

Winter 2017 www.diplomatic-world.com Quarterly edition<br />

P409937 - v.u. Barbara Dietrich, Beiaardlaan 25b, 1850 Grimbergen, Afgiftekantoor Mechelen X<br />


VanPartner by Mercedes-Benz<br />


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Address: Beiaardlaan 25<br />

1850 Grimbergen I Belgium<br />

T +32 2 770 03 06<br />

www.diplomatic-world.com<br />


Barbara Dietrich<br />

barbara.dietrich@diplomatic-world.com<br />


ir. Marc Kintaert<br />

CEO<br />

Barbara Dietrich<br />


Bruno Devos I Phillippe Billet I Marc Kintaert<br />

Pierre-Emmanuel Thomann I Els Merckx<br />

Barbara Dietrich I Brita Achberger I Stefanie De Jonge<br />

Sylvie Van Cutsem I Lorenz Kintaert I Lejton Vokshi<br />

Liberta Vokshi I Maarten Vermeir I Nina Anne Pahnke<br />


redaction@diplomatic-world.com<br />


Stockmans I Bruno Devos I Wouter Van der Wangen<br />


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Stockmans at Antilope De Bie Printing<br />


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ISBN 2995-36<strong>55</strong><br />

The texts were written in English or Dutch and translated in the other<br />

language. Some expressions can change by the translation. To safeguard the<br />

language and tone of all authors, the author’s initial choice of spelling has<br />

been maintained as much as possible. The editorial staff has done its utmost<br />

to identify and mention sources and beneficiaries of the text and images used.<br />

The publisher has made every effort to secure permission to reproduce the<br />

listed material, illustrations and photographs. We apologize for any inadvert<br />

errors or omissions. Parties who nevertheless believe they can claim specific<br />

legal rights are invited to contact the publisher.<br />

Opinions in this magazine belong to the writers and are not necessarily<br />

endorsed by <strong>Diplomatic</strong> <strong>World</strong>.<br />

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©2017 <strong>Diplomatic</strong> <strong>World</strong> Magazine<br />


After winning the second round of the French presidential<br />

election, Emmanuel Macron held his victory speech in front<br />

of the glass pyramid marking the main entrance to the largest<br />

cultural temple in Paris and France. We may consider this as<br />

his first public endorsement as president of the values and<br />

importance of culture and cultural diplomacy for present day<br />

societies in Europe and globally.<br />

Macron’s reception of President Putin in the Palace of Versailles,<br />

and their visit of the Peter the Great exhibition was a further<br />

clear signal of the same philosophy. In his victory speech Macron<br />

spoke of a ‘new humanism’, and furthermore expressed in his first<br />

official interview with eight European newspapers his wish to take<br />

the lead not only in a French, but also a ‘European Renaissance.’<br />

On the Athenian Pnyx hilltop, where all citizens had come<br />

together to exercise their legislative power in democratic classic<br />

Athens, Macron spoke before a dark blue night sky with the<br />

wisely illuminated Akropolis and Parthenon jeweling the<br />

background, about his plan to refund the EU through the three<br />

core values of culture, democracy and sovereignty.<br />

Interestingly, his next major speech concerning further<br />

details about his ‘European Initiative’, held at the Aula of the<br />

Sorbonne University in Paris, was also constructed around<br />

the core concepts of democracy and sovereignty. But in this<br />

speech, he exchanged culture for union. We read in this textual<br />

interchangeability of culture and union that in Macron’s view<br />

culture is an essential element in establishing a union among<br />

states, both in Europe and globally. With our known dedication<br />

to cultural diplomacy, we want to support such a vision and<br />

provide practical and concrete suggestions for the forging of<br />

union, as presented in the past issues of <strong>Diplomatic</strong> <strong>World</strong>.<br />

Barbara Dietrich<br />

barbara.dietrich@diplomatic-world.com<br />


INDEX DIPLOMATIC WORLD <strong>55</strong><br />

H.E.<br />



Ambassador<br />

of France<br />

4<br />

16<br />

20<br />

H.E<br />




Ambassador of<br />

the State of Qatar<br />

H.E.<br />


Ambassador<br />

of the Republic<br />

of Indonesia<br />




U.S. & EUROPE<br />

36<br />



Prof. Jan Cornelis<br />



AT THE<br />


Ambassador<br />

38<br />

54<br />

Steven G. Glickman Leo D’Aes<br />

58<br />



Joachim De Vos<br />

CEO & founder of<br />

TomorrowLab<br />





100 YEARS<br />



Prof. Dr.<br />

Dede Rosyada, MA<br />

24<br />

Sergey Katyrin<br />

44<br />






Fabergé Museum<br />

62<br />

2<br />

Herman Van Rompuy, Wim Dries, Joachim De Vos<br />

They’ll bill everything automatically. They’ll wait for<br />

their owners, or hire themselves out to other customers<br />

in the interim. Naturally, a smart concept like that<br />

48 SKYMINING<br />

Carl Pendragon<br />

doesn’t stop at municipal boundaries. Smart street<br />

lighting, too, will only be really intelligent if the whole<br />

BULGARIA region IS shares and uses data to provide energy-saving<br />


TAKE OVER lighting THE EU or react appropriately in emergencies. TomorrowLab<br />

will be glad to help drive such efforts with its<br />



H.E. experience Maya in Smart Cities”.<br />


Nikolova Dobreva<br />

SUMMIT<br />

26<br />



The S-LIM initiative OF EVERYTHING is being taken by the Limburg<br />

towns and municipalities. TRANSFORMING TomorrowLab, THE as a strategic<br />


innovation consultancy,<br />


will help these communities<br />

to develop a vision and will ensure that they constantly<br />

exchange learning and practical experiences with<br />

30<br />

Alexander Shulgin<br />

each other. At the beginning of this year, a survey by<br />

the University of Liège showed that most towns and<br />

municipalities have not yet developed strategies to<br />

52<br />

On 23 – 24 Maroš May 2018, Šefčovič, 2.000 high-level Pieter EU De and Crem, national Herman policy-makers, Van Rompuy<br />

business executives, civil society and academia representatives will gather at<br />

the Egmont Things Palace like in Brussels mobility for the solutions annual European and smart Business PAUL street Summit. COOLS furniture<br />

are the first applications under scrutiny. GENERAL Naturally, OF MALTA<br />


technology is an important driver, but it SPREADS has to be THE WORD<br />

and extensive media ABOUT coverage. VALLETTA<br />

integrated into the social fabric of a town. One smart<br />

80<br />

2018<br />

street doesn’t make a smart city, let alone a smart<br />

region.<br />






Ulrike Bolenz<br />

70<br />

78<br />



Institute for Scientific<br />

and Documentary<br />

Research in Art History<br />

Marc Restellini<br />


The European Business Summit (EBS) is a renowned debated<br />

platform offering its partners and guests an opportunity to<br />

exchange views on topics shaping the European and international<br />

agenda. In the upcoming 18th edition, EBS would like to<br />

build upon its ability to facilitate constructive dialogue between<br />

countries’ representatives and business community in Europe<br />

and beyond. By bringing these partners together, EBS contributes<br />

to promoting European competitiveness, entrepreneurship<br />

and innovation.<br />

such as technologies, services for food and more, advertising in<br />

the EBS Magazine and benefiting from EBS marketing products<br />

EBS also recommends that its partners join the brand new<br />

Strategy Group, a unique dialogue platform for countries,<br />

regions, business executives and policy-makers. During the<br />

approximately 6 meetings per year, the Strategy Group members<br />

will participate in private sessions with high-level business and<br />

policy representatives and it will contribute to shaping the pro-



Alexis Gautier<br />

83<br />

96<br />

98<br />







ART AND<br />


Prof. Dr. Jan De Maere<br />

114<br />

116<br />












WINTER 2017<br />

132<br />







Dr. Yair Maimon<br />

144<br />

134<br />









Ute Gerhards<br />



TEAM<br />


122<br />

146<br />

Randall S. Peterson IN RUSSIA<br />

102<br />




BY THE ART<br />


Yvelle Gabriel<br />

124<br />



Dieter Brockmeyer<br />

BRAFA 2018<br />

Harold t’Kint<br />

de Roodenbeke<br />


ZUG 2017:<br />





106<br />


126<br />


PRO TOTO:<br />

VOLKER<br />


147<br />

110<br />

‘TOUR & TAXIS’<br />



148<br />




Review<br />

Pascale Thielemans<br />






When talking to H.E Abdulrahman bin Mohammed<br />

Al Khulaifi, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to<br />

Belgium, Luxembourg, the European Union and<br />

NATO, I can only acknowledge there are many<br />

centers of interest and importance that we share.<br />

The complexity of global scale and consequently<br />

diplomatic challenges, make the relative perspective<br />

and point of view change from each and every angle.<br />

Today, the Middle East is one of the main stages<br />

on a geopolitical and geo-economic level, often<br />

identified as a region of turbulence and extremism,<br />

subject to questions about terrorism and human<br />

rights, fossil or renewable energies, but unmistakably<br />

a region with its own traditions, vast cultural<br />

heritage, and an openness and willingness to share<br />

and build a dialogue with the rest of the world.<br />

4<br />

The last six months the diplomatic services of<br />

Qatar and its neighbouring states have worked the<br />

extra mile to address important and critical issues.<br />

How do you feel negotiations in the Gulf crisis<br />

with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates<br />

will evolve the next coming months? Will the<br />

blockade have an important impact on Qatar and<br />

its resources?<br />

Since last April, Qatar was subjected to an unprecedented<br />

campaign, designed to deviate our policies and our<br />

position on key regional issues. On June 5th, an<br />

unprovoked and unjustified blockade was imposed on<br />

Qatar with the accusation of supporting terrorism!<br />

Qatar, being a loyal and committed member of an<br />

international coalition to fight terror, is committed to the<br />

international conventions on the fight against terrorism<br />

and its financing. Furthermore we are convinced that the<br />

challenges of transnational terrorism are not unique to<br />

Qatar. Terrorism is both a regional and global threat, that<br />

requires collective efforts and political commitment from<br />

all parties involved.<br />

H.E Abdulrahman bin Mohammed Al Khulaifi & Barbara Dietrich

welcoming society, authentic traditional visitor experiences, world-class museums,<br />

libraries, galleries and public art installations, historic sites and heritage attractions.<br />

flagrant human rights violations and false accusations against my country<br />

© Embassy of Qatar<br />

lockading countries, Qatar is still ready for dialogue to end the Gulf crisis<br />

n principles Measures which have been do taken not by violate our government international to law and respect the<br />

nty of the state strengthen of Qatar. its counter-terrorism efforts and tackle the root<br />

value and support causes of terrorism the mediation by supporting of educational the Emir projects, of Kuwait HH Sheikh Sabah<br />

al Ahmad al promoting Sabah tolerance end and the peace crisis.<br />

and providing employment<br />

opportunities for young people. In this regard, it is worth<br />

icy stand on protecting human rights, public opinion and the right of people<br />

mentioning the Centre for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies<br />

etermination for this reason the blockading countries are attempting to<br />

based in Doha, which is the first of its kind in the Arab<br />

guardianship<br />

region.<br />

on it<br />

The<br />

.<br />

Centre seeks to create an academic foundation<br />

as been subjected capable of generating to exceptional unique knowledge, circumstances and spreading and faced challenges for<br />

an three months the best because practices in the of field the of imposition conflict management of an and illegal blockade on it by<br />

hboring countries humanitarian . action. It will educate decision and policy<br />

ust blockade<br />

makers<br />

violates<br />

in the Middle<br />

international<br />

East and North<br />

laws<br />

Africa,<br />

and<br />

to<br />

human<br />

take<br />

rights, unfortunately the<br />

appropriate decisions in order to deal with the conflicts<br />

ing countries have taken illegal measures that constitute a grave violation<br />

taking place in their countries. The centre also provides<br />

, economic and social human rights. They include also banning Qatari<br />

opportunities for higher education for researchers and<br />

from travelling practitioners to or of transiting humanitarian through affairs. their territories. This has torn apart<br />

milies and has interrupted education and the right to work .There are about<br />

iolations cases filed with Qatar's National Human Rights Committee over<br />

kade.<br />

Qatar was also the first and only Gulf country to sign an<br />

MOU with the United States to stop terror funding. Despite<br />

flagrant civil, economic and human rights violations and<br />

false accusations against Qatar by the blockading countries,<br />

we are ready for dialogue to end the Gulf crisis based<br />

on principles which do not violate international law and<br />

respect the sovereignty of the state of Qatar. We value and<br />

support the mediation of the Emir of Kuwait HH Sheikh<br />

Sabah al Jaber al Ahmad al Sabah to end this crisis.<br />

Our policy promotes and stands on the respect of<br />

protecting human rights, the people’s right of having a<br />

public opinion and the right of self-determination. This is<br />

one of the reasons for the blockading countries’ attempt<br />

to impose guardianship on it. Qatar has been subjected to<br />

10 exceptional circumstances and faced challenges for more<br />

than three months because of the imposition of an illegal<br />

is looking forward to having measures taken against the blockading<br />

s" by the international community). Such measures could only be called intellectual terrorism and constit<br />

secret that the real motives behind the Such flagrant siege measures and violation the could severing of only the of right be diplomatic called to freedom intellectual of opinion terrorism and and express constit<br />


lockade by its neighbouring countries. The blockade<br />

includes banning Qatari citizens from travelling to or<br />

transiting through their territories. This measure has torn<br />

apart families and interrupted education and the right to<br />

work. There are about 26.000 violations cases filed with<br />

Qatar’s National Human Rights Committee about the<br />

blockade.<br />

It is no secret that the real motives behind the siege and the<br />

severing of diplomatic relations with Qatar are not aimed<br />

at fighting terrorism. Rather, they are an attempt to force<br />

Qatar into a state of trusteeship, to interfere in our domestic<br />

and foreign policy, and to undermine our sovereignty.<br />

This cannot be accepted by any country that enjoys full<br />

independence and sovereignty.<br />

The crisis started with the hacking of Qatar News Agency<br />

websites and the spreading of false news attributed to<br />

Emir HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, and was<br />

followed by malicious media campaigns against Qatar.<br />

The international community is invited to shoulder its<br />

legal and moral responsibilities to avoid holding people<br />

responsible for political differences among governments.<br />

The scope of these violations and damages was not limited<br />

to individuals: the blockading countries issued a joint<br />

list, which was prepared unilaterally, including several<br />

individuals and entities and branded them as terrorists. The<br />

list, however, was rejected by the United Nations (UN) as<br />

it violates international legitimacy and human rights and<br />

poses obstacles in the implementation of humanitarian and<br />

development work by humanitarian organizations, some<br />

of which have consultative status with the UN and have<br />

extensive partnerships with various UN agencies. These sets<br />

of measures have opened the door for politicization of the<br />

term ‘terrorism’ in accordance with the narrow interests of<br />

some countries. But the international community should<br />

have a clear and firm stance against double standards<br />

relating to terrorism.<br />

At the end these measures against Qatar could be called<br />

‘intellectual terrorism’ and constitute a clear and flagrant<br />

violation of the right to freedom of opinion and expression,<br />

which was confirmed by the High Commissioner for Human<br />

Rights in his statement issued on June 14 this year.<br />

Qatar is in the middle of an extremely dynamic<br />

region. How can Qatar contribute to the<br />

stabilization of the Middle East, Eurasia, Western<br />

Asia and Northeast Africa regions?<br />

Qatar is an important player on the geopolitical and geoeconomic<br />

stage. Its geostrategic position with enormous<br />

economic resources, and the Al Jazeera channel as an<br />

information resource, has often put it under the limelight.<br />

Its geopolitical position as a coastal country, lying on a<br />

peninsula, allows it to have access to almost all of the<br />

Arabian Gulf and beyond.<br />

6<br />

© Embassy of Qatar

Many billions were pumped into Qatar infrastructure, developing new stadiums, hotels and commercial centers for the FIFA <strong>World</strong> Cup<br />

Despite the state’s small size, Qatar was able to develop<br />

sustainable gas resources, transforming Doha into a<br />

prestigious hub. We were able to set up a top-notch airline,<br />

Qatar Airways, and a ubiquitous news channel, Al Jazeera.<br />

And Qatar also snatched the top prize of hosting the 2022<br />

FIFA <strong>World</strong> Cup.<br />

Our enlightened leadership imported skills from all over the<br />

world in different fields ranging from education to sports,<br />

from architecture to the arts, but also from security to<br />

diplomacy. Internationally, Qatar has become more involved<br />

in foreign affairs in the past decade than ever before. It has<br />

mediated a number of high profile conflicts and through its<br />

network it was able to successfully bring opposing parties to<br />

the negotiation table.<br />

As an active player in backing international peace and<br />

security, Doha is keen to sponsor high level conferences<br />

with the purpose of finding a common ground and a better<br />

understanding to mitigate differences and shape consensus.<br />

In terms of constructing peace agreements, Qatar has a<br />

good record.<br />

In this respect, “Reach out to Asia” was launched in 1995<br />

and sponsored by the Qatar Foundation to give hope<br />

to millions of youth and children across the world by<br />

enhancing their skills and potentialities through education,<br />

sports and other activities as an efficient tool to face<br />

both local and global challenges. This fund is operating<br />

in Cambodia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal,<br />

Bangladesh, the Palestinian territories, Iraq and Lebanon.<br />

Its main task is improving high quality and relevant primary<br />

and secondary education and health care. Qatar’s charitable<br />

efforts are also extended to other crisis affected areas to<br />

provide all types of assistance related to human rights<br />

and decent living. Recently $ 100 million urgent aid was<br />

granted by the Qatari government to New Orleans (USA)<br />

in the aftermath of the passing of Katrina, to alleviate the<br />

sufferings of the victims of the tornado. I would like in<br />

this regard to focus on the role of the Silatech ‏,(كتلص)‏ a<br />

Qatari social organization that works to create jobs for Arab<br />

youth to tackle the alarming rise of the unemployment rate<br />

in order to prevent youth to turn to frustration, which leads<br />

to radicalism.<br />

The end of 2016 was marked by a significant achievement<br />

for Silatech, which succeeded in creating more than 300.000<br />

jobs for Arab youth through a network of more than 150<br />

partners and in signing strategic partnerships to sustain<br />

more than one million job opportunities by 2020 across the<br />

Arab <strong>World</strong>.<br />


© Embassy of Qatar<br />

8<br />

In Sudan, Silatech signed an agreement with the Agricultural<br />

Bank of Sudan to promote microfinance in support of youth<br />

entrepreneurs to create 23.000 jobs, in addition to partnering<br />

with the Social Development Bank to create 20.000 jobs<br />

for graduates to start their own enterprises. In Tunisia,<br />

Silatech signed an agreement to create more than 580.000<br />

jobs through providing support to entrepreneurs to start<br />

and grow their own businesses, and support the innovative<br />

Smart Tunisia program in enabling to create 50.000 jobs<br />

by 2020. With the collaboration of Qatar Red Crescent,<br />

Silatech provides training courses for displaced youth in<br />

Syria to develop their skills. In Palestine, Silatech, with the<br />

partnership of the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Group, has launched<br />

the “Khadamati” portal to allow craftsmen in Palestine to<br />

advertise their products and services and connect them<br />

with customers and markets beyond Palestine borders, in<br />

addition to signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU)<br />

with UNRWA to promote employment opportunities for<br />

youth working in the construction sector. Building on the<br />

success of the pilot partnership program, Silatech renewed its<br />

partnership with Attawfiq Microfinance in Morocco, adding<br />

up to 140.000 jobs for Moroccan youth.<br />

Being in Brussels, close to the European Union,<br />

which topics are on the priority list to enhance<br />

the relationships between Qatar and the EU?<br />

Economics, Energy, Finance, Culture, EU relations?<br />

Relations between the EU and Qatar are considered to be<br />

excellent. Over the last few years, both the political and the<br />

economic relationship between the European Union and<br />

Qatar have been deepened considerably by official visits and<br />

rising bilateral trade agreements.<br />

This cooperation is particularly evident in a number of<br />

areas:<br />


Periodic meetings between the State of Qatar and the<br />

delegation of relations within the Peninsula in the European<br />

Parliament (DARP), which holds parliamentary meetings<br />

with the Shura Council of the State of Qatar, with the aim<br />

to strengthen bilateral relations and especially parliamentary<br />

ones.<br />


As part of European Union efforts to strengthen relations<br />

with the world, the External Action Service (EEAS) has<br />

chosen Qatar as a key country in the region to engage a<br />

special political dialogue on various issues of common<br />

concern and to coordinate our positions on a number of<br />

regional and international affairs. For this purpose, four<br />

rounds of dialogue were held sequentially in Brussels in

2009, in Doha in 2010, in Brussels on June 2011 and<br />

the last one took place in Brussels on the 1st of April<br />

2014.<br />

the EU will take a more proactive role in issues related to<br />

the Middle East region apart from humanitarian<br />

assistance.<br />


Qatar General Civil Aviation Authority recently signed a<br />

memorandum of understanding with the European Agency<br />

for the Safety of Civil Aviation in the German city of<br />

Cologne, (the headquarters of the European Agency for<br />

the Safety of Civil Aviation). The MOU aims to enhance<br />

cooperation and exchange of experiences in all areas of<br />

civil aviation safety. These negotiations were launched in<br />

September 2016.<br />



A first training course was organized during the period<br />

12-17 February 2016 for the Qatari diplomats. The program<br />

(both theoretical and practical) included a series of lectures,<br />

workshops and discussions related to the diplomatic work in<br />

Europe, as well as field visits to EU institutions. A second<br />

training course will be held soon before the end of this year.<br />

We assign great importance to developing diplomatic<br />

skills and capacities to serve the State of Qatar, because<br />

“nowadays diplomacy is becoming more and more a soft<br />

power and a tool of foreign policy.” As a diplomat, I hope<br />



With a view of reinforcing and expanding cultural ties<br />

between EU Member States represented in Qatar and the<br />

State of Qatar, the embassies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,<br />

Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,<br />

Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, the<br />

Netherlands, as well as the British Council and the Institut<br />

français, have decided to join efforts in the field of culture<br />

by signing the founding charter of a European Union<br />

National Institutes of Culture (EUNIC) cluster in Qatar.<br />

Hosted by the Embassy of the Netherlands in its capacity<br />

as the local presidency of the EU Council in the 1st half of<br />

2016, the official signing ceremony of the founding charter<br />

was held on 25 May. The EUNIC cluster in Qatar is the first<br />

of its kind to be established in the GCC region. It gathers<br />

EU countries represented in Qatar with the aim to promote<br />

cultural and linguistic diversity and to develop exchanges<br />

between European and Qatari youth while fostering<br />

European and Qatari artists exchange programs. The<br />

EUNIC cluster in Qatar will contribute to enhancing the<br />

cultural relationships between EU member States and Qatar<br />

and to promoting the cultural diversity of Europe.<br />


© Embassy of Qatar<br />

10<br />

Renewable energy is on the worldwide priority<br />

list related to the sustainability of our globe and<br />

climate change. How do you see the evolution in<br />

Qatar’s strategy and challenges related to this<br />

situation?<br />

In recent years, Qatar has been making itself a benchmark<br />

for all future sustainable and renewable initiatives in the<br />

Middle East. Qatar is committed to creating a cleaner and<br />

more energy efficient environment and to making significant<br />

contributions in addressing climate change challenges and<br />

moving towards a more sustainable future.<br />

In line with Qatar National Vision 2030, Qatar aims<br />

to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. Sustainable<br />

development has been identified as one of the top priorities<br />

in Qatar’s National Development Strategy. Environmental<br />

Development is one of the four main pillars of the Qatar<br />

National Vision 2030, which aims to manage rapid domestic<br />

expansion to ensure harmony between economic growth,<br />

social development, and environmental protection.<br />

Qatar Solar Energy (QSE) has officially opened one of the<br />

largest vertically integrated PV module production facilities<br />

in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.<br />

The 300 MW facility, located in the Doha industrial zone<br />

of Qatar, is the first significant development of the Qatar<br />

National Vision 2030, which aims to reduce the country’s<br />

reliance on fossil fuels in favour of more renewable energy<br />

sources. Qatar’s fledgling forays into the solar PV sector<br />

have gained pace last year, when state-backed Qatar Solar<br />

Technologies (QSTEC) acquired a 29% stake in Solar <strong>World</strong><br />

in a move that raised eyebrows throughout the industry.<br />

The second edition of the Power Qatar Summit will be held<br />

on the 13th and 14th of November 2018 and will provide<br />

varied opportunities to create a strong presence in the power<br />

and energy industry. The summit is the only event of its kind<br />

in the region focusing on the future of the power sector in<br />

Qatar with a strong emphasis on renewable energy, smart<br />

energy solutions, smart meters and smart grids. This way the<br />

energy sector will make a significant contribution to achieving<br />

a substantial growth and diversity for the Qatari economy.<br />

In 2022, Qatar will host the FIFA <strong>World</strong><br />

Championship Football. This ambitious event could<br />

bring up to 500.000 new visitors to Qatar. What do<br />

you feel these fans and tourists will appreciate and<br />

discover in Qatar? Tourism has been defined as one<br />

of the main growing opportunities in Qatar; how<br />

are these ambitious goals put into reality, from a<br />

structural point of view towards the final hospitality<br />

of inviting and receiving its foreign guests?

Stadiums in Qatar<br />

Al Wakrah stadium<br />


Al khor Stadium<br />

Al Wakrah stadium<br />

Al khor Stadium<br />

Since the Qatar National Tourism Sector Strategy 2030<br />

(QNTSS) was launched in 2014, strong foundations have<br />

been laid with major achievements to develop this vital<br />

sector.<br />

Focusing on new priority industries to meet Qatar’s<br />

development needs, through its 26 contribution to economic<br />

diversification, increasing foreign exchange earnings, and<br />

creating new private sector business and employment<br />

opportunities, and also stimulating construction,<br />

transportation, infrastructure development, trading,<br />

and recreation services. Qatar is constantly investing to<br />

enhance its existing world-class tourism infrastructure.<br />

Travellers can avail of a range of high quality luxury<br />

hotels, worldwide aviation connections, superb sports and<br />

recreation facilities, and state-of-the-art conference and<br />

exhibition facilities. Qatar has outstanding cultural assets.<br />

Tourists can expect a hospitable and welcoming society,<br />

authentic traditional visitor experiences, world-class<br />

museums, libraries, galleries and public art installations,<br />

historic sites and heritage attractions. Our natural assets<br />

are multiple. Visitors can enjoy year-round sunshine,<br />

extensive unspoiled beaches, the Inland Sea, a spectacular<br />

desert scenery, mangrove lagoons and dramatic windsculpted<br />

rock formations.<br />

Khalifa International stadium<br />

The Arabian horse is rooted in Qatar’s history and<br />

shows great strength and elegance. Could you share<br />

with us some of the passion and the ways of careful<br />

breeding, that keeps the heritage alive?<br />

The strong beliefs of care and welfare for the horse are<br />

illustrated in multiple ways by pre-Islamic and early Islamic<br />

poetry, many of which were nearly 500 years old. Most<br />

of the horses are pure-breed Arabians who are revered in<br />

Islamic culture, prized for their beauty, intelligence and,<br />

above all, their endurance. It was<br />

27<br />

the Arabian horse that<br />

formed the genetic blueprint for the modern racehorse, with<br />

three pure-blooded stallions given to the UK in the 18th<br />

century. Some say the Arabian horse was a gift to mankind<br />

from Allah. The ancient breed is supremely well-adapted to<br />

the unforgiving desert terrain of our region. In this spirit,<br />

the Qatar International Arabian Horse Festival is held at the<br />

end of March and worth a visit to enjoy the most wonderful<br />

horses. The Qatar International Show has a reputation for<br />

having some of the best horses from across the Middle East<br />

attend.<br />

On Cultural Diplomacy. The last decade Qatar has<br />

invested in creating international awareness for the<br />

arts and building bridges with the art world, both<br />

on a regional level and a global scale.<br />

Al Rayan Stadium<br />

Khalifa International stadium<br />

Al Rayan Stadium<br />


© Embassy of Qatar<br />

12<br />

How do you see the soft power of cultural<br />

diplomacy as an effective tool for Qatar to address<br />

an international audience, both in Qatar as abroad<br />

by its diplomatic services?<br />

Art becomes a very important part of our national identity;<br />

every child is born an artist. Children think creativity<br />

and by exposing them to an arts education and cultural<br />

institutions from a young age, it nurtures innate talent.<br />

So our objective is not to turn every Qatari into an artist,<br />

but rather to enrich their lives with the history of art and<br />

the ability to be creative. This would help each person in<br />

their future career, even if it is non-arts related. Art is a tool,<br />

another language that brings people together and creates a<br />

space for innovation and expression.<br />

Nowadays, Cultural Diplomacy is regarded as a tool to<br />

form bridges and interactions within cultures, transcending<br />

national and cultural boundaries. Art is very powerful<br />

because it has no boundaries and you don’t need to belong<br />

to any country or religion or social class. It brings people<br />

from all walks of life together to talk about an idea. Being<br />

the perfect bridge for East and West, Qatar will continue to<br />

foster this concept on a daily basis.<br />

Motivated by this spirit, Her Excellency Sheikha Al-Mayassa<br />

bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (34-years-old) started<br />

buying Western modern and contemporary art that will<br />

adorn the different museums Qatar is creating from scratch<br />

in the desert. The Museum of Islamic Art (inaugurated in<br />

2008) was designed to ensure the link between ancient and<br />

contemporary art. Open since 2010, the Arab Museum of<br />

Modern Art focuses on regional artists and art practices<br />

and an important portion of the Western collection will also<br />

become a part of the new contemporary art institution.

© Embassy of Qatar<br />

As an Ambassador, as a Diplomat and even as<br />

a student you have extensive experience with<br />

Germany, France, Greece, Switzerland, but<br />

also with the USA and China. How did you<br />

experience the fact that our world is becoming<br />

a global village?<br />

Travelling to all of these countries was a great opportunity<br />

to identify the characteristics of each country. But as<br />

you know, no country is an isolated island. Due to better<br />

and faster development of communication the world is<br />

shrinking. The explosion of scientific knowledge and<br />

technological applications has made the world a global<br />

village. Therefore, the Global Village concept can be<br />

conceived as part of a larger effort to make coexistence a<br />

realistic prospect for the future of the whole world, through<br />

sharing the life experiences and through contacts with<br />

the others. In another sense, we can call it the concept of<br />

an interactive world because of the rapid development of<br />

modern technology.<br />

I don’t mind the idea of transforming the world into<br />

a global village. However, it has to be done by sharing<br />

present resources, ensuring peaceful coexistence and using<br />

education to install self-esteem, openness and mutual<br />

respect.<br />

The first step to make this concept a reality is to bring<br />

people together and by building knowledge and appreciation<br />

for each other through direct contacts in an atmosphere of<br />

mutual trust. This involves making all parties feel that their<br />

values are understood and their identity is not endangered.<br />

If we can neutralize these perceptions of fear, we can<br />

listen and be taught about the culture of the other. At that<br />

moment, coexistence is possible.<br />

We could banish borders between countries, but it’s very<br />

hard to cancel specificities. In Qatar, we are open to the<br />

other and to new ideas, but at the same time we are also<br />

keen to preserve our traditions and our own culture to<br />


© Embassy of Qatar<br />

which we are very attached and especially proud. For me,<br />

it’s very difficult to visit France without experiencing the<br />

traditional bakeries with the famous French baguette or not<br />

to be able to taste the traditional Belgian waffles because<br />

it might be replaced by McDonalds. We have to ensure<br />

multiculturalism exists and make sure that globalization<br />

does not lead to the eradication of the identity of our<br />

societies by spreading uniform and homogeneous criteria<br />

that stamp out local cultures and traditions. Nowadays<br />

some artists and intellectuals react to the uniformity of<br />

globalization, and start emphasizing their roots and local<br />

identity.<br />

Bruno Devos & Barbara Dietrich<br />

16<br />

14<br />

© Embassy of Qatar







Nations continually wonder about whether or not<br />

to develop and to elaborate a strategy on cultural<br />

diplomacy. For many centuries France, homeland of<br />

the Enlightenment, freethinking and the Declaration<br />

of Human Rights, has been an exception to this<br />

internal debate, because cultural diplomacy has been<br />

an integral part of its foreign policy for centuries,<br />

embedded in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and<br />

actively spread out by its corps diplomatique.<br />

16<br />

Going back in time, one might criticise the use of cultural<br />

grandeur as the projection of national prestige that has<br />

characterized France since the time of the Renaissance<br />

King, François I, or Louis XIV, le Roi Soleil. Until today the<br />

essence of the cultural diplomacy of France has remained<br />

remarkably consistent in its vision and practice, in parallel<br />

with the quest for political, military, and economic power.<br />

From the start, the soft power associated with cultural<br />

creativity constitutes a powerful means for asserting French<br />

presence in the international community; a soft power<br />

recently turned into smart power or a diplomacy of influence<br />

in the globalised world we live in. The distribution has been<br />

structured and organised both top-down and bottom-up,<br />

leaving space for numerous local initiatives and the creation<br />

of an organic flexibility in its operations. Via a vast network<br />

of cooperation services in embassies and cultural institutions<br />

like Institut français and Alliance française, both built with<br />

a long term vision, as well as by numerous operators and<br />

specialised agencies in various sectors, the international<br />

presence and influence of France in the domains of culture,<br />

language and communication, or higher education and<br />

research are ensured and valorised. Active partnerships and<br />

cooperation are key words in a decentralised but transversal<br />

approach, which is well-defined for all players involved.<br />

Per definition, being a French diplomat, cultural diplomacy<br />

is an important task on my agenda, but personally I am<br />

also committed to culture and the world of arts. Economic<br />

diplomacy is another part of the main axes that define my<br />

role in Brussels. The importance of cultural diplomacy has<br />

been rooted in the ancient tradition of French diplomacy<br />

since the Ancien Régime. In the Renaissance period France<br />

was already prepared to build bridges and to influence via<br />

its culture and language. The development of literature,<br />

philosophy, history, language, arts and culture, made the<br />

connection with our diplomatic services, creating synergies<br />

which went beyond any other instrument or technocratic<br />

tools.<br />

In our history we can find lots of examples of diplomats<br />

being writers or writers becoming diplomats. For centuries<br />

writers were important players and active channels for<br />

political reasons both locally and internationally.<br />

Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the 18th century, but especially<br />

the 19th century was the highlight of writers playing<br />

important roles on the diplomatic stage like François-René<br />

de Chateaubriand, or Stendhal among others. In the 20th<br />

century, in between the two <strong>World</strong> Wars, in Paris at the<br />

Quai d’Orsay, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a group

H.E. Claude-France Arnould & Barbara Dietrich<br />

of writers were part of this tradition and they were even<br />

charged with a Diplomacy of Writers. During this period in<br />

Brussels, renowned writer and diplomat Paul Claudel was<br />

stationed as Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium, at the<br />

end of his diplomatic career.<br />

One could say a writer becomes a diplomat looking for<br />

inspiration and context. But a diplomat on a mission<br />

abroad could aspire literature on a professional basis or<br />

just for leisure, receiving food for thought on a daily basis,<br />

so I wouldn’t eliminate the option. Today, in the corps<br />

diplomatic, we still have several writers in our team.<br />

For Brussels in particular, we have different specificities<br />

that interact in defining goals for cultural diplomacy.<br />

Brussels is the capital of Belgium, but also the capital<br />

of the EU, and host to the headquarters of NATO. With<br />

the French-speaking part of Belgium we already share<br />

the French language, so theatre and literature are natural<br />

partners. We also reach out for an active exchange with<br />

the Flemish-speaking part of Belgium. Cooperation on an<br />

educative level is the main priority. In primary school we<br />

look for exchanges with Flemish teachers. We consult with<br />

Flemish authorities and institutions on how we could help<br />

pedagogically and which needs we could facilitate in schools<br />

and universities.<br />

We are convinced that we should be open to other<br />

influences and cultures and not just limit ourselves to the<br />

dominating position of the Anglo-American culture and<br />

English as the world language. We should be able to activate<br />

our future generations, and get them acquainted on a young<br />

age to as many languages as possible.<br />

From a cultural point of view we are very active in Belgium.<br />

Recent initiatives include the partnerships with several<br />

Belgian structures such as the Kunstenfestivaldesarts via<br />

EXTRA or the Liste Goncourt, Le choix de la Belgique,<br />

where students of 9 universities in Belgium elected their<br />

own award winning writer in parallel with the most<br />

renowned French literature prize, le Prix Goncourt.<br />

Another initiative to mention was the organisation of a<br />

French speaking Haiku competition which involved 1.320<br />

Flemish and German speaking students from Belgium<br />


Beautiful sunrise at the Pont Alexandre III and Les Invalides in Paris<br />

© Shutterstock<br />

accompanied by international students residing in Belgium.<br />

In collaboration with the Japanese Embassy, the award<br />

winning ceremony also involved Herman Van Rompuy,<br />

the first President of the European Council, who is also<br />

recognised as a Haiku specialist.<br />

On the 25th of January 2018, the cities of Brussels, Ghent<br />

and Antwerp organise La Nuit des Idées in collaboration<br />

with the Institut français, the Alliance française and the<br />

French Embassy. ‘The Future’ and ‘Imagination’ will be<br />

the key words around which talks, performances and art<br />

practices will be organized in these 3 cities … until sunrise.<br />

Thought-provoking ideas and activities across disciplines<br />

and age come together and merge. In a spirit of dialogue,<br />

partnership, co-creation and positive thinking, far removed<br />

from any form of cultural imperialism, cultural diplomacy<br />

turns into smart power.<br />

Bruno Devos<br />

The original interview was done in French. Some expressions and certain<br />

nuances can change by the translation.<br />

18<br />

The Louvre by night<br />

© Shutterstock

good of love pro toto: Volker Hildebrandt, “evolution”, 2011<br />







Recently H.E. the Ambassador gave an interesting<br />

presentation on “Indonesia: A Model of Tolerance,<br />

Pluralism and Harmony”. Could you elaborate on<br />

this topic?<br />

This was an event held by the European Institute for Asian<br />

Studies (EIAS) on 7 November 2017. The topic and title of<br />

the event had been formulated by the organizer. Indonesia<br />

never claims to be a model for any country, but we are<br />

willing to share our experiences and best practices. This is<br />

because Indonesia is also in a learning process.<br />

Indonesia has been successful in managing its diversity.<br />

Although Islam is the religion of the majority of the population,<br />

the Islam practiced in Indonesia has certain characteristics<br />

which protect the right of minority groups, which provide room<br />

for women to contribute to society, which is inherently tolerant<br />

and is respectful of differing cultural traditions.<br />

Indonesia still faces challenges in protecting pluralism<br />

and maintaining tolerance. Sectarian issues are still<br />

raised in the elections, more recently in the last Jakarta<br />

gubernatorial elections. Isolated cases of discrimination<br />

towards some minority groups still exist. These are the<br />

issues we still have to work on and the better we are able to<br />

manage them, the more credible we will be in sharing our<br />

experience with others.<br />

We both face our respective challenges in our efforts to<br />

prop up tolerance, pluralism and harmony. One of those<br />

challenges in Europe takes the form of Islamophobia and a<br />

stereotypical idea of the Islam, which is wrong and should<br />

be corrected. Islamophobia — like anti-Semitism — is a<br />

social cancer. It endangers European values of democracy,<br />

tolerance, pluralism and harmony.<br />

There are various possible areas for cooperation between<br />

Indonesia and the EU. These may include:<br />

• Engaging the media to be better informed about Islam<br />

• Developing deradicalization programs<br />

• Exchange programs for religious scholars and leaders<br />

• Enhancing the culture of tolerance<br />

• Managing social media and ICT not to be misused to<br />

spread messages of intolerance, extremism and terrorism.<br />

Already Indonesia has been active in promoting interreligious<br />

dialogue and sharing our experiences with the<br />

EU. We have been providing interfaith scholarships<br />

to European participants to visit Indonesia and have<br />

firsthand experience about how Islam has been practiced<br />

in Indonesia, which is in line with democracy, peace,<br />

harmony, and modernity.<br />

The EU and Indonesia are important partners. Both are<br />

democracies and therefore we should be able to help one<br />

another. The EU and Indonesia share common values of<br />

tolerance, peace, pluralism, democracy, human rights and<br />

harmony.<br />

20<br />

Indonesia believes in cross-fertilization. The EU and<br />

Indonesia should learn from one another and avoid<br />

lecturing the other. After all, the best way for crossfertilization<br />

is through exchanging and sharing experiences.<br />

H.E. Yuri O. Thamrin

EUROPALIA ARTS FESTIVAL INDONESIA: Arco Renz - Curator, Koen Clement - General Manager of Europalia, Didier Reynders - Minister of Foreign<br />

Affairs, Count Jacobs de Hagen - Chairman Europalia, HEM Yuri Thamrin - Ambassador of Indonesia, Ananto Kusuma Seta - Special Advisor to the<br />

Minister of Education and Culture, Dirk Vermaelen - Artistic Director of Europalia, Dijf Sanders<br />

Indonesia has also sent “interfaith delegations” to engage<br />

with various stakeholders in Europe including governmental<br />

officials, parliamentarians and think-tanks with a view to<br />

achieving a better understanding about Islam.<br />

In order to promote tolerance, pluralism and better<br />

understanding about Islam, Indonesia has also supported<br />

programs of Islamic studies in various European universities<br />

and worked with think-tanks to organize seminars or<br />

workshops.<br />

a middle class that continues to grow steadily. In addition,<br />

Indonesia will always be known for its richness in natural<br />

resources. The combination of these factors makes Indonesia<br />

as an attractive destination for investment. Under the current<br />

President Joko Widodo, Indonesia is currently focusing on<br />

infrastructure development throughout the country. With<br />

better infrastructure, and especially maritime infrastructure<br />

(since there are more than 17.000 islands), the Government<br />

hopes that economic development and prosperity can<br />

accelerate throughout all the regions.<br />

From an economic point of view Indonesia is an<br />

important player in Southeast Asia and Oceania.<br />

How do you see the economic developments in<br />

the region the next coming years? In which way<br />

will Indonesia’s efforts and focus points result in<br />

maintaining its significant role in maintaining<br />

this position?<br />

The Asia-Pacific region, which includes Southeast Asia and<br />

Oceania, continues to be the driver of global economic<br />

growth despite its slowing down in the past decade. This<br />

situation may well continue for the better part of the 21st<br />

century, since China and India are leading this Asian<br />

resurgence, and actors like Japan and South Korea will<br />

always play a significant role.<br />

Indonesia, is the largest economy in the Southeast Asian<br />

region. With an estimated 5.2% growth by the end of 2017,<br />

Indonesia’s economy has proven itself resilient in the face<br />

of global uncertainties. Indonesia has a population of more<br />

than 250 million that mostly consists of young people, with<br />

In the past Indonesia has relied heavily on commodity<br />

exports. However, many efforts are being taken to shift<br />

our economy towards other sectors such as industry,<br />

tourism, and a knowledge-based economy. The future lies<br />

in a knowledge-based economy, which is why there is a<br />

lot of emphasis on education, especially higher education,<br />

and research. At the moment the brightest young minds<br />

of Indonesia are being given the opportunity to study at<br />

the best universities in the world, through a governmentsponsored<br />

scholarship.<br />

We strongly believe that humanism and global<br />

respect can only abide when knowledge about<br />

one’s culture is shared via the universal language<br />

of the arts. Do you have a strategy related to<br />

cultural diplomacy? What are the main goals in this<br />

possible strategy towards your European partners<br />

and the EU?<br />

Cultural diplomacy is increasingly becoming an important<br />

tool in promoting a country’s identity and values.<br />


Indonesia is a country that is rich in culture and traditions,<br />

which we aspire to promote through various programs.<br />

One program that is evident right now in Belgium is the<br />

Europalia Indonesia Festival. But even before Europalia,<br />

cultural missions have always been a part of our strategy to<br />

better promote Indonesia to the outside world.<br />

Every year we organize the Indonesian Arts and Culture<br />

Scholarship through the Indonesian Foreign Ministry.<br />

This scholarship invites young people from all over the<br />

world to participate in a 3-month course on Indonesian arts<br />

and culture. They will be studying at various art schools in<br />

Indonesia and at the end of their stay they will perform in a<br />

spectacle entitled the “Indonesia Channel.”<br />

22<br />

The main goal of cultural diplomacy is to create better<br />

understanding between peoples, building bridges and<br />

strengthening them. For instance, not many people in<br />

Europe know that Indonesia is multi-cultural. There<br />

are more than 300 ethnic groups, and more than 700<br />

languages and dialects are being spoken. There are six<br />

official religions, but traditional religions and beliefs are<br />

also acknowledged by the Government. Indonesia’s motto<br />

is “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika,” which is Sanskrit for unity in<br />

diversity — similar to the EU’s own motto. Strengthening<br />

cultural diplomacy here would help Europeans better<br />

understand Indonesia, allowing us to acknowledge the<br />

differences and to appreciate the commonalities between us.<br />

Via Europalia 2017, we have the opportunity to<br />

discover the rich history and culture of Indonesia.<br />

What can we expect to discover when visiting<br />

the numerous events related to Europalia? Can<br />

you give our readers some of the must-sees of the<br />

program?<br />

You can expect the very best of Indonesia from Europalia<br />

2017. In total there will be more than 250 events, consisting<br />

of art exhibitions, dance and musical performances, theatre,<br />

literature and film. These events will take place mostly in<br />

Belgium, but there will also be events in the Netherlands,<br />

France, Germany, the UK, Austria, and Poland. The term<br />

used in the selection process for the events is “Rampai<br />

Indonesia” which means “Indonesian bouquet.” Like a<br />

special collection of the most beautiful flowers, Europalia<br />

Indonesia underwent an arduous process in selecting the<br />

finest to be showcased in Europe from October 2017 until<br />

January 2018.<br />

Through Europalia Indonesia, visitors and spectators<br />

can learn more about my country. The selection made by<br />

H.E. Yuri O. Thamrin<br />

Europalia consists of the classical to the contemporary,<br />

something for all tastes. Through Europalia, you can<br />

experience the cultural richness of Indonesia, and you<br />

will hopefully be able to see Indonesia as a democratic,<br />

pluralistic, tolerant, and modern country that is deeply<br />

rooted in traditions. I would suggest readers to see all the<br />

exhibitions and performances if they could! But that is<br />

quite a challenge considering they are so many and they<br />

are quite spread out. For those in Belgium and particularly<br />

in Brussels, you should not miss the two exhibitions at the<br />

BOZAR in Brussels. First is the “Ancestors” exhibition,<br />

which will inform you on Indonesia’s traditional past and<br />

the various ancient cultures throughout the Archipelago.<br />

The second is “Power and Other Things” and provides<br />

insight on Indonesia’s historical progression from colonial<br />

times until the present and the influence it has had on the<br />

arts and culture. In Liège, at La Bovérie museum, there<br />

is the “Archipel” exhibition that focuses on Indonesia’s<br />

maritime heritage.<br />

For performing arts, you have a wide selection from west<br />

to east of Indonesia, from the dance group of Saman Gayo<br />

Lues originating in Aceh, to the musical group Voices of<br />

Papua. You can also enjoy more traditional performances,<br />

such as the Gamelan group of Rahayu Supanggah to the<br />

more contemporary dance of Eko Supriyanto, who both are<br />

internationally renowned artists. With all that we have to<br />

offer, we truly hope that Europalia Indonesia will warm your<br />

heart throughout this winter season.


Shiva ordered Brahma and Vishnu to create a new island<br />

called Java, by cutting the top of the sacred mountain of<br />

Mahameru in India. After cutting it, as the gods carried<br />

it back to Indonesia through the skies, the land suddenly<br />

slipped through their hands into the ocean. As the island<br />

was floating and drifting away, they decided to nail it down,<br />

creating what is today called Mount Penanggungan, the<br />

nailed mountain.<br />

In order to appropriate the power from the summit of<br />

a mountain, we peeled off the vegetation of a hill and<br />

transplanted it onto the island. To transfer the right amount<br />

of grass from the hill, I created a soft scale mold of the<br />

island by knotting ropes together around the structure and<br />

layed it on the summit.<br />

Alexis Gautier - Pulau Jengekerik (Cricket Island)<br />





By Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA<br />

Diversity of ethnicity, culture and religion of Indonesian<br />

citizens has been at the core of Indonesia since its<br />

independence. The country’s founding fathers were<br />

confidently decided to develop a diverse country with<br />

the spirit to achieve goals of social welfare, justice and<br />

prosperity for all citizens. They believed these goals could<br />

be attained by maintaining togetherness, harmonious<br />

relationships, professional partnerships in business,<br />

bureaucratic services, national defense and services, and<br />

lastly respecting each other in the fields of religiosity,<br />

culture and art.<br />

24<br />

Nevertheless, promoting a peaceful coexistence between<br />

the different ethnicities, religious followers, and different<br />

cultures is never an easy task. It requires powerful<br />

regulation, smart management and continuous supervision<br />

by the government, and active participation from the<br />

religious leaders and society at large. Indonesia, in this case,<br />

has proven to be the model of religious tolerance, ethnic<br />

relationship, and cultural appreciation.<br />

For decades, religious tolerance has remained an important<br />

program in Indonesia. It is one of the pillars of the nation’s<br />

motto “unity in diversity.” While the country is moulding<br />

its status from a so-called Third <strong>World</strong> Country into a<br />

developing country by improving its infrastructure and<br />

increasing the people’s social welfare, it requires stability.<br />

To achieve that stability, it is important to maintain a<br />

harmonious relationship within society.<br />

For this purpose, the Indonesian government issued the<br />

bill number 1 year 1965 about blasphemy or preventing<br />

desecration of religion, and then followed by issuing a<br />

joint decree between the Ministry of Religious Affairs and<br />

the Ministry of Home Affairs number 1 year 1979, about<br />

the ways of religious missionary actions and foreign aids<br />

for religious activities. In 2006, under the umbrella joint<br />

decree number 9 and 8 year 2006, the Ministry of Religious<br />

Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs also issued a<br />

Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada<br />

joint decree about the authority of the governor and regent<br />

in maintaining the harmonious relationship between all<br />

religious followers, establishing a forum of communication<br />

for religious followers, and regulating the building of houses<br />

of worship.<br />

Tolerance also plays a big role in developing the Indonesia’s<br />

goal of achieving social justice. A nation that is facing<br />

ethnic, cultural and religious conflict, will not be able to<br />

improve industry, trade, overseas business networking, or<br />

professional and economical activities. For those reasons,<br />

the government manages tolerance as a political decision<br />

and has mandated the Ministry of Religious Affairs<br />

to develop three tolerance domains: between religious<br />

followers of the same religions, between religious followers<br />

of the different religions, and between religious followers<br />

and government. Some efforts to minimize communal<br />

conflict based on religious understanding, ethnic interest,<br />

or cultural improvement, have been done by the Ministry

of Religious Affairs through cross dialogue that is always<br />

organized through a communication forum for religious<br />

followers, and an active campaign from the provincial and<br />

district government to strengthen harmony in diversity,<br />

toward a prosperous country in the future.<br />

Finally, it is to be mentioned that tolerance is a basic<br />

principle of Islam. It doesn’t mean a lack of principles, or<br />

lack of seriousness about one’s own principles. It doesn’t<br />

mean that Muslims should neglect there own obligations.<br />

Tolerance means that one is free to adhere to one’s own<br />

conviction and accept that others adhere to theirs. It means<br />

accepting the fact that human beings, naturally diverse in<br />

their appearance, situation, speech, behavior and values,<br />

have the right to live in peace and to be as they are. It also<br />

means that one’s views aren’t to be imposed on others.<br />

Tolerance in other parts of the world, might be called<br />

co-existence, but it is slightly different. Co-existence is the<br />

range of initiatives necessary to ensure that communities<br />

and societies can live more equitably and peacefully,<br />

preventing conflict and managing post-conflict and conflict<br />

transformation work, conflict-sensitivity, peace-building,<br />

reconciliation, multicultural and pluralist work. Coexistence<br />

practice and policy activities can find their institutional<br />

homes within governments and governmental institutions,<br />

IGOs, NGOs, community-based organizations and<br />

foundations, business, work, cultural, social, and religious<br />

institutions.<br />

Today, Indonesia is in the process of using the co-existence<br />

concept in settling religious conflicts, between religious<br />

followers of the same religions, between religious followers<br />

of the different religions, and between religious followers<br />

and government. The Ministry of Religious Affairs is the<br />

mandated ministry to solve interreligious conflicts, and has<br />

tried to empower a center for interreligious communication,<br />

which involves all religious leaders from all religions. They<br />

strive to prevent conflicts by advancing dialogue between<br />

all religious leaders, and by being involved in peace<br />

building and reconciliation. They have even developed<br />

some programs for post-conflict, to prevent an arising new<br />

conflict. The same activities are also organized in provincial<br />

and district levels all around the country.<br />


Year of Birth: 1957<br />

Indonesia<br />

Professor at the Faculty of Education,<br />

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta on the field<br />

of Research Methodology for Islamic Education.<br />


2015 to date<br />

Rector of the State Islamic University<br />

Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.<br />

2011-2015<br />

Director for Islamic Higher Education,<br />

Ministry of Religious Affairs.<br />

2011<br />

Acting Rector (Interim) of the State Islamic Institute,<br />

Sultan Thaha Saefuddin, Jambi.<br />

2009-2011<br />

Dean of the faculty of Education, State Islamic<br />

University, Jakarta, second period<br />

2005-2009<br />

Dean of the faculty of Education, State Islamic<br />

University, Jakarta.<br />

2001-2005<br />

Vice Dean on the academic field of the Faculty of<br />

Education, State Islamic Institute, Jakarta.<br />

1998-2001<br />

Head of Research Center, State Islamic Institute,<br />

Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta<br />




ON 1 JANUARY 2018<br />

By H.E. Maya Nikolova Dobreva<br />

Bulgaria may be a young EU member state (this year<br />

it celebrates its 10th anniversary of EU membership)<br />

but is one of the oldest states in Europe — more than<br />

13 centuries old. Rich with its ancient history, strong<br />

with its traditions and historic experience, Bulgaria<br />

is willing to reaffirm its position in the EU and to<br />

play a constructive role in the EU processes.<br />

26<br />

Bulgaria is situated in Southeast Europe, in the heart of<br />

the Balkan Peninsula. It is positioned on the crossroads<br />

between Europe and Asia and has been a meeting point<br />

for different cultures. The centuries-long tradition of coexistence<br />

and interaction between different ethnicities,<br />

religions and civilizations is a wealth that Bulgaria cherishes<br />

and is proud of. The traces left by Thracian, Byzantine<br />

and Roman cultures are testifications of the rich past of its<br />

lands, already inhabited 5.000 years BC. Bulgaria is the only<br />

country in Europe that has not changed its name since it<br />

was first established. It has existed under the same name for<br />

over 13 centuries and is preserved by the Bulgarian nation<br />

to this day. Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, is the second<br />

oldest European capital after Athens (Greece). Its history<br />

dates back to 6.000 years BC. Plovdiv, the second largest<br />

city in Bulgaria, is the oldest continuously inhabited city in<br />

Europe and the fifth oldest city in the world. Bulgaria ranks<br />

third in Europe for its number of valuable archeological<br />

monuments after Italy and Greece. There are 9 UNESCO<br />

sites in Bulgaria. Every city museum in Bulgaria is full<br />

of antique objects and cultural historical remains, which<br />

reveal the universe of some of the oldest societies, and their<br />

religious, cultural and everyday needs.<br />

Bulgaria is the cradle of the Cyrillic alphabet and has<br />

played a crucial role in the spreading of Slavonic literature<br />

and culture. The Cyrillic alphabet has become a symbol of<br />

Bulgarian national identity and has been a major factor in<br />

preserving this identity over the centuries. Upon Bulgaria’s<br />

accession to the European Union, the Cyrillic alphabet<br />

became the third official alphabet in the EU. Even though<br />

Bulgaria is not yet member of the Eurozone, the Cyrillic<br />

letters can be seen on every euro banknote.<br />

The long history of Bulgaria was marked by many difficult<br />

periods, long periods of foreign dominance, but every time<br />

the strength and perseverance of the Bulgarian people has<br />

made an accelerated rebuilding and development of the state<br />

possible. Bulgaria’s remarkable capacity of catching up was<br />

demonstrated in the beginning of the 20th century when the<br />

country became one of the most developed industrialized<br />

countries in the Balkans after gaining independence from<br />

the Ottoman Empire.<br />

After the collapse of the communist regime, Bulgaria has<br />

embraced the democratic values. Following a period of<br />

painful reforms and transformation of its economy and state<br />

functioning, Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007. Bulgarians<br />

continue to be very pro-European, convinced of the benefits<br />

of the European project, willing to work for its preservation<br />

and further development.<br />

The major challenges Bulgaria will have to cope with while<br />

at the helm of the EU, are quite diverse: the future of<br />

Europe and Brexit, migration and security, financial and<br />

social development, digital progress, the regulation of a<br />

globalized economy and climate change. A special<br />

emphasis will be put on security, fostering growth and<br />

employment, digital single market, energy union and climate<br />


City centre of Sofia, capital of Bulgaria<br />

© Schutterstock<br />

In the field of external relations, the Bulgarian Presidency<br />

will put a special emphasis on The Western Balkans, The<br />

European Neighborhood Policy and Integrated Approach for<br />

the Danube and the Black Sea regions. We will aim at keeping<br />

the EU enlargement process high on the EU agenda because<br />

Europe will not be completed without the Western Balkans<br />

as part of it. The EU has an interest in stable, prosperous<br />

Western Balkans. The process of enlargement is a strategic<br />

investment in peace, democracy, stability and prosperity in<br />

Europe. The informal EU-Western Balkan Summit that will<br />

be held in Sofia seeks to re-affirm EU’s commitment to the<br />

region and to give a new impetus to the Enlargement process.<br />

The chosen motto “United we stand stronger” is inspired<br />

by the slogan on the Bulgarian national parliament “Union<br />

fait la force”— the same as in the Belgian Coat of Arms.<br />

Bulgarians believe these words are more relevant than ever<br />

in the current European context.<br />

As a firm believer in the community method, Bulgaria will<br />

fully support the Commission in its ambitious programme<br />

for a More United, Stronger and More Democratic Union.<br />

Bulgaria will seek balance and foster a broad consensus.<br />

Bulgaria will work on improving competitiveness and stability<br />

through cohesion and on setting conditions for unity and<br />

solidarity. Cohesion and solidarity are core principles of the<br />

union and it is in everyone’s interest to overcome divisions<br />

between East and West, North and South. Overcoming these<br />

divisions is essential, including in the context of the political<br />

environment for the debate of EU’s future.<br />

Although still lagging behind its partners in the EU in terms<br />

of GDP per capita, Bulgaria’s dynamic economy offers<br />

excellent conditions for doing business and sets conditions<br />

for gradually increasing the prosperity of its citizens. Real<br />

GDP growth in 2017 is expected to reach 3.9%, which is<br />

above the EU average.<br />

Bulgaria’s strategic geographic location serves as a bridge<br />

between the EU and the rapidly growing markets of Russia,<br />

Turkey, the Middle East and CIS countries, placing Bulgaria<br />

at the centre of transit between these regions. The country<br />

provides an educated and skilled workforce — 25% of the<br />

population holds a university degree and 46% speaks at<br />

least one foreign language. Bulgaria has a highly developed<br />

ICT sector and communication infrastructure, 4G has been<br />

operational for a few years now, the internet is available<br />

everywhere and speed wise it holds the third place in<br />

Europe and the fifth in the world.<br />

Although Bulgaria is gaining popularity as a tourist<br />

destination (this year it marked 40% rise in the Belgian<br />

tourist market), the country remains an unknown place to<br />

be discovered. Apart from the numerous historic, cultural,<br />

and architectural sites to be visited, Bulgaria presents a<br />

unique combination of diverse natural beauty. The terrain<br />

is varied with large mountain massifs, fertile valleys, eternal<br />

meadows and a beautiful coastline along the Black Sea.<br />

Bulgaria boasts 200 healing mineral springs, making the<br />

country an ideal place for spa tourism.<br />

Bulgaria will be in the spotlight in the coming six months<br />

and is eager to show the best of its capabilities, its potential,<br />

natural beauty, culture and historic heritage, as well as its<br />

talents and creativity. There is no doubt that Bulgaria is a<br />

country worth visiting, discovering and exploring.<br />



Place of birth: Kardzhali, Republic of Bulgaria<br />


28<br />

02 Mar 2016 — present<br />

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the<br />

Republic of Bulgaria to the Kingdom of Belgium<br />

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Brussels<br />

21 Oct 2013 — 02 Mar 2016<br />

Ambassador, Director of Southeastern Europe<br />

Directorate<br />

6 Oct 2014 — 23 Sep 2015<br />

Ambassador, Acting Permanent Secretary<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

21 Jan 2009 — 15 Oct 2013<br />

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the<br />

Republic of Bulgaria to Montenegro<br />

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Podgorica<br />

8 Oct 2007 — 11 Jan 2009<br />

Director, Europe III Directorate<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

28 Aug 2006 — 7 Oct 2007<br />

Head of Department in Europe III Directorate<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bulgaria<br />

12 Jan 2004 — 31 May 2006<br />

Deputy Head of Mission, Chargée d’Affaires<br />

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Minsk, Belarus<br />

16 Jul 2001 — 11 Jan 2004<br />

Director, Europe II<br />

6 Oct 1997 — 30 Jun 2001<br />

Deputy Head of Mission, Consul<br />

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Ottawa, Canada<br />

14 Oct 1992 — 5 Oct 1997<br />

Director of Foreign Economic Policy Department<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

11 Feb 1992 — 13 Oct 1992<br />

Chief Expert of Foreign Economic Policy Department<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

29 Nov 1991 — 10 Feb 1992<br />

Advisor in the Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

1990 — 1991<br />

Expert, Management of Labour and Training<br />

Ministry of Industry, Trade and Services, Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

1988 — 1990<br />

Research Fellow<br />

Center for Organization and Standardization of Labour/<br />


1985 — 1988<br />

Expert<br />

SO MAT International Transport State Owned Company,<br />

Pazardzhik, Bulgaria<br />


1980 — 1985<br />

Economics, Master’s Degree<br />

University of National and <strong>World</strong> Economy, Sofia,<br />

Bulgaria<br />

1986 — 1988<br />

Postgraduate Study, “Labour Management and<br />

Organization”<br />

University of National and <strong>World</strong> Economy, Sofia,<br />

Bulgaria<br />


1991<br />

Certificate - Business Administration, Bradford UK<br />

1992<br />

Certificate - Multilateral Trade Negotiations Techniques<br />

GATT Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland<br />

1993<br />

Certificate - USAID, US multilateral trade policy, USA<br />

1995<br />

Certificate, KOICA, Seoul<br />

2008<br />

Training on EU Institutions - functioning and negotiation<br />

processes; workshops in Helsinki, Finland<br />


English, Serbian/Montenegrin, German, Russian<br />


• Decorations for civil merits by His Majesty the King<br />

of Belgium-Commander of Order Leopold II, by<br />

His Majesty the King of Spain, by the President of<br />

Portugal<br />

• Decoration by the President of Montenegro<br />

Mr. Filip Vujanovic “Crnogorska zastava drugog<br />

reda” for outstanding achievements as Ambassador<br />

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of<br />

Bulgaria to Montenegro

Residence Ensor, Wemmel (1780)<br />

Residence ENSOR is located in Wemmel (north of Brussels), only five minutes away from the<br />

European School in Laken. Stylish and spacious apartments with one, two or three bedrooms. Also studio<br />

apartments and groundfloor apartments with a private garden. The building is ‘boutique-sized’,<br />

remodeled to perfection and contains underground parking space. This project is also a perfect match if<br />

you are looking for a first-rate investment opportunity. Prices start at € 103.000 (Ex-VAT).<br />

Would you like to know more? Contact Frank Laporte or Olivia Laporte<br />

+32 (0)2 267 60 75 - strombeek@cbi-immo.be - www.cbi-immo.be<br />








CYCLES<br />

history flows as a whole consistent progressive process of<br />

change in the social and economic formations, in which<br />

movement does not follow a straight line, but a spiral, i.e.<br />

some of the features which characterize earlier stages of<br />

historical development reoccur, yet they do so at a new,<br />

higher level.<br />

The word “centralization” came into use in France in<br />

1794 as the post-French Revolution French Directory<br />

leadership created a new government structure. The<br />

word “decentralization” came into usage in the 1820s.<br />

“Centralization” entered written English in the first third of<br />

the 1800s.<br />

Imagining life as eternal circular movement has been<br />

quite usual since antiquity. Ancient societies widely<br />

adhered to the idea of ages changing in cycles, as<br />

celestial bodies recurrently changed their positions, thus<br />

supposedly regulating events on Earth. This view of the<br />

cyclic development of everything existing in the world,<br />

besides such usual forms of cycles as solarand lunarcycles,<br />

sedimentary cycles and life cycles, has passed onto<br />

economic cycles made up of economic rises and falls, as<br />

well as to cycles of political change.<br />

Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that the French Revolution<br />

began with “a push towards decentralization... [but<br />

became,] in the end, an extension of centralization”.<br />

30<br />

While Spengler and Toynbee took specific cultures<br />

(civilizations) localized in time as going through their<br />

specific cycles, the Marxist concept denies the idea of world<br />

history moving in closed circles, as well as the theory of its<br />

continuous mechanical advancement, progressively, along<br />

a straight line. According to historical materialism, world<br />

Alexander Shulgin

In early twentieth-century America, one response to the<br />

centralization of economic wealth and political power was<br />

a decentralist movement. It blamed large-scale industrial<br />

production for destroying middle-class shop keepers and<br />

small manufacturers, and promoted increased property<br />

ownership and a return to small-scale living.<br />

Many books and other works dedicated to decentralization<br />

have been written. Daniel Bell wrote The Coming of Post-<br />

Industrial Society, while Alvin Toffler published Future Shock<br />

(1970) and The Third Wave (1980). Futurist John Naisbitt’s<br />

1982 book Megatrends was on The New York Times Best<br />

Seller list for more than two years and sold 14 million<br />

copies. Many other books and articles were published in<br />

these years. Stephen Cummings wrote that decentralization<br />

became a “revolutionary megatrend” in the 1980s.<br />

However, all of this has so far been a kind of volatility<br />

around the centralization trend, in the same way it has been<br />

with the business cycle or economic cycle and/or trade<br />

cycle, when we see the downward and upward movement<br />

around its long-term growth trend up to the moment<br />

when the technology capable of changing the <strong>World</strong>, its<br />

organization and way of life emerges. Along with the<br />

distributed ledger technology known as Blockchain, the<br />

time for a bigger cycle is coming into being. Beginning from<br />

the Renaissance, which followed a colossal European crisis<br />

which occurred for a number of reasons including the Little<br />

Ice Age, new breakthroughs in science and innovation,<br />

followed by the start of the Technological Revolution, the<br />

strongest centralization of everything has emerged, be it<br />

power, infrastructure, manufacturing, distribution, finance<br />

and media. This wave, this cycle was much bigger than<br />

the earlier cycles of centralization. By 2000-2010, the<br />

centralization wave reached its peak in social, industrial,<br />

financial and geopolitical spheres, and by then we could<br />

see the emerging blockchain technology to bring to life a<br />

decentralized public ledger.<br />

That means it’s time for a global correction. In terms<br />

adopted by Nikolai Kondratiev, a genius Russian<br />

scientist, to describe the economic cycles he discovered —<br />

improvement, prosperity, recession, and depression — we<br />

are at the beginning of recession. If there are Kondratiev’s<br />

cycles lasting for a period of 50 years, as well as lesser<br />

cycles, such as the Kuznets cycle, Juglar cycle and<br />

Kitchin cycle, then there must be bigger cycles as well.<br />

It is such a Cycle A, Wave A, cycle top, which we have<br />

come to now.<br />


<strong>World</strong> System Theory (world-systems analysis or the worldsystems<br />

perspective)<br />

Immanuel Wallerstein and his successors have tried to<br />

uncover such a prospect for a stable model of a geopolitical<br />

future using the old economy model and taking into account<br />

the transforming digital technology as the basis for the<br />

Future Media Space.<br />

In his 1910 The History of Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge<br />

wrote that Persian King Darius I (<strong>55</strong>0-486 BC) was a<br />

master of organization and “for the first time in history,<br />

centralization becomes a political fact.” He also noted that<br />

this contrasted with the decentralization of Ancient Greece.<br />

Marxism added a stress on social conflict, a focus on<br />

the capital accumulation process and competitive class<br />

struggles, a focus on a relevant totality, the transitory nature<br />

of social forms and a dialectical sense of motion through<br />

conflict and contradiction.<br />

This is the prerequisite for decentralization and<br />

redistribution of capital. However, all of this, along<br />

with other attempts to visualize the coming geopolitical<br />

transformation, was futile, for no one could envisage<br />

the emergence of such a technology enabling total<br />

decentralization. Halfway to such decentralization, a<br />

prerequisite for decentralized centralization emerges,<br />

which, according to Alexis de Tocqueville, is “a push<br />

towards decentralization... [but became,] in the end,<br />

an extension of centralization”. Stock market operators<br />

and traders know the laws of the Fibonacci sequence<br />

and Elliot waves, as well as other derivatives of cyclicity,<br />

which means they know that somewhere halfway between<br />

stormy growth and abrupt downfall there is a point of<br />

trend confirmation, at which it is confirmed by a volatility,<br />

jump-back or correction, which is known as ‘dead cat<br />

bounce’ in downward trends. Therefore, before full global<br />


decentralization, which is to be the biggest and therefore the<br />

most dramatic of all previous ones, “…decentralization..., is<br />

an extension of Final centralization”.<br />

So, halfway into decentralization, which will lead to<br />

ultimate global centralization, there will be new digital<br />

Unions, the platform states. Instead of 200+ states and<br />

unrecognized territories, seven digital Unions will emerge<br />

in the form of economic platforms.<br />

Seven digital platforms will be the seven digital single<br />

markets joined not so much geographically, but based on<br />

commonalities in culture, traditions and mentality. Those<br />

will be relatively the same Unions in terms of number of<br />

people and resources, which at some point will be driven<br />

to merge to coexist within the new paradigm. A number<br />

of countries have skills and technology, other countries<br />

have resources, yet other countries have energy. Energy<br />

will play an ever-growing role because computing power<br />

of decentralized systems will require more energy along<br />

the way. Even today, infrastructures which use Etherium<br />

consume as much power as Cyprus, and those which use<br />

Bitcoin consume much more. What’s to happen when<br />

the Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things,<br />

smart cities, smart factories etc. become commonplace?<br />

When hundreds of billions of continuously connected<br />

devices are all around us, consuming huge amounts of<br />

energy, still more energy will be consumed supporting this<br />

infrastructure, as well as by Useful Data Mining, necessary<br />

for maintaining real-time data for our future Wisdom<br />

Economy.<br />

The Digital Environment will account for up to 80% of the<br />

whole global economy. More than 50% of all services will<br />

be provided within the digital environment, and nearly 50%<br />

of all goods and products will be created and distributed<br />

directly within that same digital space. Every one of the<br />

7 Unions, the Digital States, shall have its own standards<br />

protecting its economic sovereignty.<br />


Job for<br />

robots.<br />

Life for people<br />

Softwarization, digitalization, robotization and automation<br />

bring immense risk of new luddites, where the unemployed<br />

masses will be a heavy burden on society. They will<br />

have to be paid Universal Income, and immigration<br />

of foreign people into the Unions will be quite painful<br />

both economically and socially for the existing societies.<br />

Therefore, firewall protection and one’s own digital<br />

environmental standards will create a strong border<br />

comparable to the walls and moats of the Dark Ages.<br />

Communications between unions will be managed using<br />

gateways. Today, we are beginning to see such emerging<br />

isolationism: Brexit, Trump’s policy, etc. All the existing<br />

tension in the world is a positioning attempt before<br />

the geopolitical transformation, decentralization and<br />

replacement of the whole monetary system.<br />

Everything will be fairly decentralized for Society within<br />

such a Union, yet Centralization will go through its own<br />

metamorphosis, and Alexis de Tocqueville, if he were alive,<br />

would say that “a push towards decentralization... [but<br />

became,] in the end, an extension of centralization”.<br />

Ultimate decentralization into 7 digital platforms is<br />

necessary to take the next step, which is total global<br />

decentralization utilizing Hyper Centralization of<br />

management and control and a unified Hyper Brain of all<br />

humanity in our little home called Planet Earth will have no<br />

privacy, and we will have nowhere to go in the same way a<br />

passenger can’t leave a plane midflight.<br />

Only one thing will remain, and that is to be Happy in an<br />

absolutely decentralized Society. If we can, if the likes we<br />

accumulate allow it, which will become the social credit of<br />

trust, which we will be using to exchange things. For at this<br />

time, we will not be using money at all.<br />



season 2017 — 2018<br />

Le Duc d’Albe<br />

Gaetano Donizetti - Giorgio Battistelli<br />

from 17.11.17<br />

opera<br />

Falstaff<br />

Giuseppe Verdi<br />

from 13.12.17<br />

opera<br />

Ravel/Debussy<br />

Cherkaoui - Verbruggen<br />

from 21.12.17<br />

ballet<br />

Faust<br />

Jean-Christophe Maillot<br />

from 20.01.18<br />

ballet<br />

Pelléas et Mélisande<br />

Claude Debussy<br />

from 02.02.18<br />

opera<br />

Parsifal<br />

Richard Wagner<br />

from18.03.18<br />

opera<br />

Selon désir<br />

Foniadakis - Nijinski - Clug - Lock<br />

from 31.03.18<br />

ballet<br />

La clemenza di Tito<br />

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart<br />

from 06.05.18<br />

opera<br />

Memento Mori<br />

Cherkaoui - Shechter - Forsythe<br />

from 12.06.18<br />

ballet<br />

The Gambler<br />

Sergey Prokofiev<br />

from 13.06.18<br />

opera<br />

Kati Heck, Courtesy Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp<br />

www.operaballet.be<br />






Personal views by Prof. Jan Cornelis —<br />

Pro Vice-Rector VUB and China lover, currently<br />

traveling through China Chengdu, China.<br />

Soon after Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the 19th Party<br />

Congress, I watched an interview of several international<br />

political and economic experts on BBC <strong>World</strong>. They had not<br />

heard Xi Jinping’s three and a half hour speech and had not<br />

read the text, but gave their comments and advice anyway.<br />

When they started to comment on Xi’s accumulation of<br />

personal power and criticize Xi himself, the TV screen<br />

went blank and the sound disappeared for a while.<br />

While the Congress was taking place, the security level<br />

was increased in Beijing. There were extra guards at the<br />

entrances of the universities. People were checked for<br />

explosives and other devices. The internet for foreign<br />

connections worked extra slowly, while the internet<br />

speed was normal for internal mail. Like the political<br />

commentators, I have not read the text and have just heard<br />

the main points. So please do not consider my opinion an<br />

expert analysis.<br />

Western model of democracy is not on the agenda while the<br />

socialist model with Chinese accents continues, as Xi had<br />

indicated in his speech in Bruges during his last state visit to<br />

Belgium in 2014.<br />

The discourse continues to be peace-loving, with a warning<br />

not to adopt a cold war mentality, although military<br />

investments will be increased to modernize the army.<br />

Environmental concerns are given high priority, addressed<br />

from an economic perspective and to be implemented, for<br />

example, through electric vehicles and environmentallyfriendly<br />

electricity production. Advances in environmental<br />

technologies are evolving so rapidly that in the medium<br />

term we will undoubtedly purchase our own environmental<br />

36<br />

China continues opening up to the world, a process started<br />

by Deng Xiaoping in 1978: China has to wade across the<br />

river, carefully groping for the stones under its feet. There<br />

is something for everyone in Xi’s speech. The belt and road<br />

initiative is also included: this is a vision that puts all noses<br />

in the same direction (although no one exactly knows what<br />

that means), a vision in which local actors in China and the<br />

whole world are encouraged to participate. Transportation<br />

and communication infrastructure as well as innovation<br />

are central to this vision. My approach is to make use of<br />

it, rather than reject the initiative a priori as an element of<br />

China’s propaganda or economic dominance. Ultimately<br />

we live in a global economy. The initiatives I see are really<br />

strongly inspired by the free-market economy on the one<br />

hand and the need to accelerate regional poverty reduction<br />

through creative entrepreneurship on the other hand. The<br />

Prof. Jan Cornelis

Chinese new year lanterns<br />

technologies in China. Environmental technologies also<br />

benefit from innovations in other fields. An example<br />

is the development of Artificial Intelligence and crossfertilization<br />

amongst different sectors (including ICT and<br />

the automobile industry driven by the great Chinese ICT<br />

multinationals) that are remarkable in China. It is up to us<br />

to make an appropriate response to all of this.<br />

hour speech standing all the time and without drinking<br />

and over 2,000 people who listen without touching their<br />

smartphones or going to the toilet... that is really impressive.<br />

When I asked at the hotel lobby whether the hotel could<br />

get me the text of the speech, a friendly manager was called<br />

who told me that I could find it through Google: probably<br />

Chinese humour because Google does not work in China.<br />

The Party as a unique policy maker with a strong captain<br />

is essential to the success story of China’s PR, according<br />

to Xi. Professors who are Party members participate in<br />

the discussions and the man in the street is cautious in<br />

expressing opinions. The fight against corruption is broadly<br />

appreciated.<br />

An assistant of the Department of International Relations<br />

of one of the universities we visited sent me a We Chat<br />

message: I am only authorized to confirm the official<br />

position but a 64 year-old man who gives a three and a half<br />

China is clearly a country in transition, and working<br />

closely with my Chinese colleagues is proving highly<br />

stimulating and interesting. On this mission I was trying<br />

to find partners, investors or buyers in China for 6 VUB<br />

smart technology products: maybe a modest contribution<br />

to forging a better understanding of the ways in which<br />

“unity in diversity” can be achieved. Again this is an<br />

exciting new experience for me, in the world of investors<br />

and companies where both parties still have a lot to learn<br />

from each other.<br />






38<br />


In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, let me start by<br />

sharing my gratitude for a few people that helped make<br />

today possible. First, my wife, Christen, and our son, Elliott,<br />

who traveled to Europe with me. Elliott has already been to<br />

more countries than 2/3 of Americans. He’s 7 months old.<br />

Second, Gunter Gaublomme for his kind invite to this —<br />

and I’m quoting President Trump here — Yuge “Hellhole.”<br />

Of course, I’m only joking. I love the land of beer, fries,<br />

waffles, and chocolates. Criticizing Belgium feels oddly<br />

un-American, given those are all four of Americans’ primary<br />

food groups. Third, Ambassador Johan Verbeke, who I was<br />

lucky enough to get to know during his time as Ambassador<br />

to the United States. It’s an honor to join the Brussels<br />

<strong>Diplomatic</strong> Academy for this incredible conference that you<br />

have brought together today. By the end of the day, I expect<br />

you will have tackled just about all of the major challenges<br />

facing Belgium and beyond, which is a nice gesture shortly<br />

before the holidays.<br />

I was invited here to tell an American story, but one that<br />

I believe has increasing resonance in Belgium and across<br />

Europe. And there is no story more American than that<br />

which the Thanksgiving holiday celebrates — the journey<br />

of the pilgrims, essentially religious refugees, who arrived<br />

in America aboard the Mayflower seeking a new life. Over<br />

the past year, America seems to have forgotten our roots<br />

— rejecting our legal and moral obligations to refugees and<br />

immigrants like my grandparents, who came to the U.S.<br />

from Europe after <strong>World</strong> War II via a displaced person in<br />

Italy. But, I’m also not going to glibly dismiss Trumpism and<br />

other forms of right-wing populism as if they are not rooted<br />

in real economic and cultural anxiety being felt by large<br />

numbers of Americans and Europeans.<br />

American voters made Trump the U.S. President not<br />

in spite of his flaws, as many in the American political<br />

establishment would have you believe, but because they were<br />

betting he was just crazy enough to blow up the existing<br />

economic and political status quo.<br />

Let’s be clear, right-wing parties have also made substantial<br />

gains in European Union countries over the past decade,<br />

seven of whom captured over 20% of the vote in recent<br />

elections — (1) the Freedom Party in Austria, (2) the<br />

Danish Peoples Party in Denmark, (3) the National Front<br />

in France, (4) Jobbik in Hungary, (5) Law and Justice in<br />

Poland, and (6) the Swiss People’s Party. Of course, the<br />

seventh member of that group includes the New Flemish<br />

Alliance, a right-wing separatist group right here in Belgium.<br />

So, why are we seeing so much anger, anxiety, and yes,<br />

hate, in the ninth year of a global economic recovery?<br />

Because for nearly half of the Western world, the economic<br />

recovery has looked more like a continued recession.<br />

Regional inequality, declining rates of entrepreneurship,<br />

and increasingly powerful corporate monopolies have<br />

trapped many communities in both America and Europe<br />

into a downward spiral of aging industries, low-wage jobs,<br />

depressed investment, and little hope for the future.<br />

Very simply, Western economies are facing an emerging<br />

crisis of epic proportions from the hardening divides along<br />

geographic lines, which could rip apart our institutions,<br />

destroy the legitimacy of democratic politics, and lead to<br />

social unrest at a massive scale. While plenty of ink has<br />

been spilled about income inequality, it is the inequality<br />

of opportunity between the connected and disconnected,<br />

the large city and the small town, the corporate monopoly<br />

and the entrepreneur, which is exacerbating the lack of<br />

economic opportunity in far too many communities.<br />

Rather than “Securing Our Economic Prosperity,” my<br />

call to action today is “Ensuring More Broadly Shared<br />

Economic Prosperity.” It’s the central economic challenge<br />

facing the U.S. and Europe, even if most people don’t<br />

realize it yet.

Professor Steven G. Glickman, Georgetown University<br />

But before I delve into the details, let me share some<br />

quick tidbits about my background. I spent over four years<br />

working for President Obama in a number of different roles,<br />

essentially during the entirety of his first term in office<br />

between 2008 and 2013. About half of that time was spent<br />

as Chief of Staff of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial<br />

Service, which is the arm of the U.S. government<br />

responsible for commercial diplomacy. The second half<br />

of my journey in the Obama Administration was as a<br />

senior White House advisor responsible for small business,<br />

manufacturing, and trade and investment policy at the<br />

National Economic and National Security Councils.<br />

There is no doubt that under President Obama’s<br />

leadership, the U.S. led global efforts that pulled the world<br />

from the brink of an economic disaster. I am proud of that<br />

work. And yet despite the fact that the U.S. is achieving<br />

2-3% national GDP growth, it’s unemployment rate is<br />

around 4%, and the U.S. stock market and corporate profits<br />

have never been higher, a majority of Americans are really<br />

angry about the state of our economy. That paradox led<br />

me to co-found a small research and policy organization in<br />

Washington, DC nearly five years ago called the Economic<br />

Innovation Group, which studies the economics and<br />

politics of America’s left behind communities and our<br />

national decline in the rate of new business creation and<br />

entrepreneurship. As our research and data on the U.S.<br />

economy bears out, the populist anger expressed in the<br />

2016 American elections was not an irrational response<br />

to globalization or technology, but an entirely rational<br />

reaction to the widespread local economic stagnation that’s<br />

just below the surface of the promising national economic<br />

statistics. In short, national growth alone is no longer a tide<br />

that lifts all boats.<br />

The most important lesson of the Great Recession is that<br />

the 21st century economy favors the large over the small,<br />

and the connected over the disconnected. Truth be told,<br />

the tide of increased growth never lifted all boats, but<br />

as recently as the 1990s, the majority of U.S. counties<br />

grew with the national growth rate. But, in this economic<br />

recovery, only 25% of U.S. counties experienced the<br />


national growth rate. So, which counties are growing? Well,<br />

as recently as the 1990s, the answer was small counties,<br />

under 100,000 people, which saw twice as much growth<br />

as large counties. But, fast forward to the 2010s, and you<br />

see the exact opposite picture, with large counties growing<br />

twice as fast as small ones. Prosperity in the U.S. is now<br />

fundamentally a major metropolitan phenomenon.<br />

Similarly, the UK has one of the widest inequality gaps in<br />

Europe — most of its regions have roughly half of London’s<br />

GDP per capita, including Scotland, which had been<br />

making gains prior to the Recession. So, shouldn’t we be<br />

asking ourselves whether Brexit was as much a rebellion<br />

against London’s dominance as it was a desire to separate<br />

from the EU itself?<br />

40<br />

What’s most troubling is that for most parts of America<br />

— particularly small-town America — they are no longer<br />

planting the seeds that will generate future prosperity<br />

— new businesses and entrepreneurship, the source of<br />

virtually all net new jobs in the American economy. In<br />

fact, new business creation in the U.S. is on a long-term<br />

decline, and currently hovering around a 40 year low.<br />

If we go back as recently as the 1980s, just about all<br />

metropolitan areas saw a net increase in new businesses.<br />

Nowadays, though, more businesses close than open<br />

in a majority of metro areas. America’s largest, most<br />

diversified metropolitan hubs have proven to be its<br />

most resilient. Those with 1 million people added new<br />

businesses at a rate comparable to prior recoveries, but<br />

smaller counties, including many sizable metropolitan<br />

counties, are still underwater.<br />

This phenomenon is not an American one alone.<br />

Economic disparities within EU countries appeared to be<br />

narrowing prior to 2008’s recession, but we are learning<br />

now, that the economic success of Europe’s largest cities<br />

masked widening gaps between second and third tier places<br />

in decline. According to a Financial Times report from last<br />

year, regional economic divergence impacting the Southern<br />

portions of Spain and Italy have been growing at alarming<br />

levels. Southern Spain alone contributed over 40% of<br />

Spain unemployment following the Recession. And, while<br />

the enormous economic gaps between Milan and Sicily in<br />

Italy have been there for years prior to the Recession, it<br />

surprised me to learn that Belgium ranks at the very bottom<br />

of the EU, along with Italy, as the countries with the largest<br />

regional disparity in employment rates, according to the<br />

OECD.<br />

While the poor are getting poorer, the wealthy cosmopolitan<br />

centers of Western Europe are capturing many of the gains.<br />

In some ways, Madrid has more in common with Brussels<br />

and London than their countrymen and women outside the<br />

capital cities. For example, the Brussels’ metropolitan area<br />

accounts for about one-third of Belgium’s GDP, but with<br />

only 18% of Belgium’s people.<br />

Europe’s story is a carbon copy of the economic and political<br />

trends we are seeing in rural and small-town America. This<br />

part of America supported Donald Trump overwhelmingly.<br />

In fact, 90% of small counties under 100,000 people voted<br />

for President Trump in 2016, which means that over 2,000 of<br />

them were with Trump, while just over 200 voted for Hillary<br />

Clinton. If you’re living in one of these counties, it makes<br />

perfect sense to reject the established political leadership,<br />

because your home town is 11 times more likely to be<br />

economically distressed than bigger cities. In fact, the vast<br />

majority — 85% — of America’s persistently poor counties —<br />

those that have a 20% poverty rate for at least 30 years — are<br />

small or rural. These are places that are disproportionately<br />

dependent on traditional banking to buy houses or start<br />

businesses, yet over 10,000 bank branches closed across<br />

the U.S. Bank of America, the second largest bank in the<br />

country, closed 80% of its rural branches since 2009. This<br />

was also an economic recovery characterized by premiums<br />

paid to those with a higher education — 99% of the net jobs<br />

created went to people with at least some college and 75%<br />

went to those with at least a bachelor’s degree. Yet, over half<br />

of rural Americans have no schooling beyond high school,<br />

and less than 20% have a four-year college degree, compared<br />

to 1 in 3 Americans with a college degree nationwide. Simply<br />

put, these communities are dying, and the children born here<br />

are far less likely to do better than their parents.<br />

So, the Recession has put Western economies in a pretty big<br />

hole. And what’s the first rule of holes? Stop digging. Or, in<br />

other words, let’s start by recognizing the extent to which<br />

regional inequality is a driver of so much political unrest<br />

and economic anxiety. The current consensus on economic<br />

policymaking is simply not delivering enough good results<br />

for enough people. Once we stop digging, it’s time to assess<br />

where we need to get to, so the second rule of holes is to<br />

look up — at some of the common characteristics of highperforming<br />

places. Successful communities tend to do or<br />

have the following:<br />

First, they are high-amenity places in which people want to<br />

live. While some places benefit from natural assets like great

weather and access to the outdoors, others have doubled<br />

down on investing in their infrastructure, workforce, culture,<br />

and local government.<br />

Second, these places are magnets to educated young<br />

people and welcoming of immigrants, two groups<br />

disproportionately connected to entrepreneurship and<br />

business creation.<br />

Third, they have robust and diversified knowledge<br />

economies, often anchored by one or multiple research<br />

universities. Alternatively, places that are closely identified<br />

with industrial and agricultural sectors of the economy, as<br />

opposed to the digital economy, have the most stagnant and<br />

least dynamic economies in both the U.S. and Europe.<br />

Fourth, these cities are close to investors, lenders,<br />

and capital markets, and spread that capital across<br />

neighborhoods. Access to capital is the lifeblood of growing<br />

the homegrown businesses it takes to launch the virtuous<br />

cycles of investments that communities need.<br />

make up the most diverse, dynamic, and technology<br />

enabled economies in the U.S. Yet, unlike America’s 20th<br />

century focus on land grant universities, transportation<br />

infrastructure, and rural electrification, there are largely<br />

no new 21st century place-based economic development<br />

programs that incentivize place-based investment.<br />

We need a bold new agenda that’s focused on new<br />

approaches to economic development that doesn’t<br />

get bogged down in the all-too-common scapegoats of<br />

globalization, immigration, and technology. In fact, with<br />

the exception of the manufacturing sector, there is little<br />

evidence in the U.S., at least, that globalization and<br />

technology are destroying too many jobs. In fact, the<br />

opposite is largely true — we have far too little creation<br />

— both in terms of businesses and jobs — not too much<br />

destruction. While there is no silver bullet, if you asked me<br />

to recommend one core focus area for national, regional,<br />

and/or local governments, it would be to better plant<br />

the seeds of their economic future through a focus on<br />

entrepreneurship and new businesses creation.<br />

Fifth, they have a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem — and<br />

they take deliberate steps to make this ecosystem socially<br />

and geographically inclusive. That means everything from<br />

establishing incubator and accelerator spaces to lower<br />

regulatory barriers for entrepreneurs to publicly funded<br />

angel capital funds.<br />

Sixth, these cities embrace public-private partnerships, and<br />

activate networks of business people, investors, and civic<br />

leaders with a commitment to their cities. I can’t emphasize<br />

this element of the equation enough — these problems<br />

cannot be solved by the public sector alone, they require<br />

private sector buy in and investment.<br />

Seventh, and most of all, successful places are physically<br />

and digitally connected to the world. They’re plugged into<br />

networks of people, goods, and information.<br />

The good news is that America and Europe both have a rich<br />

history of making investments in places left behind as a way<br />

to ensure that prosperity is widely shared. For example, a<br />

defining feature of former President Franklin Roosevelt’s<br />

New Deal was a commitment to developing rural America<br />

and the American West at a time when the agricultural<br />

sector was under a tremendous amount of pressure and<br />

people were fleeing to cities to take advantage of the<br />

Industrial Revolution. Today, Western States in America<br />

Belgium, in particular, has a long way to go here with<br />

extremely low rates of start-up activity connected with very<br />

high regulatory burdens and an unfavorable tax regime.<br />

Surprisingly, at least to me, Belgium ranks last among EU<br />

countries in terms of entrepreneurship culture. A new<br />

approach to entrepreneurship entails a number of policies.<br />

For example:<br />

• Supporting expanded entrepreneurship visas that are<br />

geographically tied so immigrants are incentivized to<br />

seek out new places to grow roots;<br />

• Adopting regulatory reforms that reduce or eliminate<br />

barriers like non-compete agreements, as well as other<br />

more commonplace obstacles like the compliance costs<br />

for starting a business, which in Belgium is about 60%<br />

higher than the EU average; and<br />

• Incentivizing investment in distressed communities —<br />

everywhere from traditional banking to angel capital<br />

to high-growth venture capital. One example here is<br />

a bipartisan proposal in the U.S. Congress called the<br />

“Investing in Opportunity Act” which would create a<br />

simple, but powerful tax incentive for investments in lowincome<br />

communities.<br />

Recently, Belgium instituted tax incentives for investments<br />

in startups, which seems to have had some early success,<br />

but without these incentives being tied to where there’s<br />

geographic need, Belgium risks further reinforcing its<br />

regional inequality.<br />


42<br />

The collapse of business formation in the U.S. has also<br />

coincided with a transformation of America’s corporate<br />

landscape. The 21st century economy is fast becoming<br />

a golden age for global corporate monopolies. In the<br />

U.S., since the late 1990s, a full two-thirds of America’s<br />

industries saw an increase in market concentration, and by<br />

2012, the four largest companies captured at least 25% of<br />

the market in nearly half of all American industries. Perhaps<br />

an even more powerful statistic — in 1 in 7 U.S. industries<br />

— take telecommunications, department stores, hospitals,<br />

and airlines for example — the four largest companies<br />

claimed more than 50% of the market. In Belgium, several<br />

industries show a similarly high degree of concentration,<br />

particularly in sectors like telecom, IT, and transportation.<br />

Meanwhile, corporate profits in the U.S. as a share of GDP<br />

have nearly doubled in 20 years, approaching unprecedented<br />

heights, and it’s happening without the commensurate local<br />

investment in the country’s future.<br />

The growing dominance of large firms can be traced, in<br />

part, to the premium globalization pays just for being big.<br />

And this is where diplomats can and should step up their<br />

game — they need to make entrepreneurship diplomacy the<br />

very centerpiece of modern economic diplomacy. I mean<br />

that both in terms of whom commercial diplomats serve,<br />

and in terms of the tactics used to support entrepreneurship<br />

all over the world. First, commercial diplomacy should<br />

increasingly target the smaller towns and regions, as well<br />

as the smaller companies, that are struggling to break into<br />

international markets. This would be a dramatic reversal<br />

from the existing bias of economic diplomacy, which has<br />

traditionally focused most of its energy around how to<br />

help larger companies secure big deals — through export<br />

financing, political advocacy with foreign governments,<br />

large-scale trade negotiations, and other tools and tactics.<br />

Increasingly, governments need to diversify their<br />

services, and move from a 20th century analog version<br />

of international business matchmaking to a 21st century<br />

digitally enabled hub of information that would connect<br />

more places and companies to the global economy.<br />

Entrepreneurs don’t seek out government assistance, they<br />

avoid the government, and use the internet to find the<br />

resources they need. When I worked for President Obama,<br />

I was tasked with creating a modern website and intake<br />

platform for the 19 trade-related Federal agencies that touch<br />

the thousands of companies engaging in global trade. Yes,<br />

19 Federal agencies and departments. Removing duplication<br />

of how Federal agencies engaged business customers and<br />

increasing information sharing would have enabled the U.S.<br />

government to reach far more small businesses over a far<br />

larger geographic area. But I failed. Badly. And, still today,<br />

commercial diplomats in the U.S. tremendously underutilize<br />

technology in connecting with businesses. Turns out that it<br />

can be just has hard to deal with government bureaucracy,<br />

as it can be to negotiate with the Chinese or the Republican<br />

party. But, I’m sure that’s not a problem here in Europe…<br />

Second, despite all of the flaws and shortcomings of<br />

the U.S. economy, we are still the most entrepreneurial<br />

country in the world by many measures. In addition to<br />

Silicon Valley, Boston, and NYC, you now see robust<br />

entrepreneurial ecosystems in less well-known cities like<br />

Austin, Denver, and Salt Lake City. Europe has its share of<br />

major success stories, as well — Amsterdam, London, and<br />

Stockholm can hold their own with any city in the world —<br />

hopefully, Brussels will join these ranks someday soon.<br />

As Western governments face the reality of having less and<br />

less capital to invest and the corporate sector is even less<br />

invested in places that have fallen behind, it will be the<br />

scrappy, creative, ambitious entrepreneurs that will need to<br />

fill the gaps. Diplomats can empower entrepreneurs, invest<br />

time and resources into them, and deploy more of them in<br />

underserved places throughout the world.<br />

Regional inequality in the U.S. and Europe is not just a<br />

political and economic failing, it’s a moral failure, as well.<br />

And our societies can no longer afford to ignore it. We can<br />

complain about the rise in populism in our societies — the<br />

insecurity, anxiety, and oftentimes, hate expressed by our<br />

fellow citizens — or we can recognize it for what it is and<br />

do something about it. But, to the extent we care about the<br />

American and the EU experiment, it starts here. To the<br />

extent we want to see more global economic cooperation,<br />

not more nationalist outcomes, it starts here. And, to the<br />

text we want to do more economic good for more people, it<br />

starts here. Thank you for inviting me to join you, and enjoy<br />

the rest of the day.



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The Institute of Russian Chambers<br />

of Commerce and Industry celebrates<br />

the centenary this year. Yet the history<br />

of Russian business self-governance<br />

began much earlier. That is what the<br />

interview by CCI of Russia President<br />

Sergey Katyrin is about.<br />

Every organization, especially with such history<br />

as Russia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry,<br />

has its symbols, signs, and emblems. What is the<br />

meaning of the caduceus?<br />

Today, the rod of Mercury (the caduceus) is a golden staff<br />

entwined by two golden snakes looking at one another.<br />

Mercury received the caduceus (a walnut tree branch) from<br />

Apollo. The caduceus was topped by the golden winged<br />

helmet of Hades (the legend says it was Hades, the ruler<br />

of the underworld, who gave the helmet to the god of<br />

commerce and Mercury used it to deter the attack of the<br />

Titans on Mount Olympus).<br />

The caduceus worked miracles: it could reconcile and bring<br />

together any conflicting sides. Mercury once tossed his<br />

branch into a ball of fighting snakes, the snakes stopped<br />

fighting immediately, entwined the branch, and looked at<br />

one another peacefully. This is how the rod of Mercury we<br />

know, the symbol of reconciliation and accord, came into<br />

existence.<br />

44<br />

Sergey Katyrin

The caduceus decorated coats of arms of some noble<br />

families, cities, and provinces of pre-Revolution Russia.<br />

Nowadays, the staff is an element of the Russian Customs<br />

Service’s emblem and the official symbol of the Chamber<br />

of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.<br />

The staff of the Roman god of commerce, Mercury is bound<br />

to stop quarrels and reconcile enemies; in the modern<br />

context, it is destined to reconcile entrepreneurs in an arbitral<br />

proceeding and seek accord in global trade. To a large extent,<br />

the modern caduceus is the symbol of fair competition and<br />

partnership, as well as quality goods and services.<br />

So how did the history of the Russian Chamber of<br />

Commerce and Industry begin?<br />

The government first tried to create an association of<br />

Russian merchants and industrialists in February 1727.<br />

I can assure you that many Russian businessmen, and<br />

above all, members of our Chamber, are aware of the order<br />

of Catherine I. The document, and I am citing it by a<br />

photocopy, prescribed “a certain number of manufacturers<br />

[…] to come together in Moscow for at least one month<br />

in winter and seek counsel, while the Commerce Board<br />

should be informed whenever important matters required<br />

the issuance of an order.” Regretfully, the order signed<br />

almost 300 years ago (its 290th anniversary was marked this<br />

year) was never implemented. The only thing done was a<br />

commission receiving complaints from manufacturers.<br />

In fact, Russian merchants and craftsmen had united before<br />

to agree on rules of commerce and to protect their interests.<br />

For instance, special weighting scales were installed in<br />

places of business, and designated officials verified the<br />

correctness of weight and transactions. A weighting duty<br />

was levied on sold goods. Merchants resolved their disputes<br />

in a commercial court. Besides merchants, industrialists and<br />

seafarers formed commercial unions to lay down common<br />

rules. Craft and merchant guilds, which appeared in the<br />

Middle Ages, can be called forerunners of chambers of<br />

commerce and industry.<br />

Peter the Great established the Board of Commerce in<br />

his government. Its regulations stipulated assistance to<br />

merchants, including their protection from duress and<br />

harassment by the customs, free and unhampered trade, and<br />

measures against monopolies. Hence, the order issued by<br />

Catherine I in February 1727 to unite Russian merchants<br />

and industrialists did not start the process from scratch.<br />

Still whatever orders the imperial rulers created can<br />

hardly be called free civil unions, which chambers<br />

of commerce and industry actually are.<br />

Yes, it so happened then that the structures uniting business<br />

people were an element of Russia’s state machinery rather<br />


46<br />

than civil unions for a long period of time. But businessmen<br />

had more opportunities to represent their interests. For<br />

example, the 1869 Charter of the Moscow Exchange<br />

Committee gave its members the right to discuss proposals<br />

on the development of trade and industry and submit them<br />

to government agencies. I should say that back then the<br />

word ‘exchange’ signified not only the place of trade but<br />

also the community of participating parties. In other words,<br />

in contrast to those in Western Europe, Russian exchanges<br />

(i.e. the community of their participants) assumed some<br />

functions of chambers of commerce via their committees.<br />

In the case of Moscow, the community was<br />

gathering on Ilyinka Street.<br />

Exactly. The first building of the Exchange erected on<br />

Ilyinka Street in 1839 cost half a million rubles. There was<br />

a terrace between two arch entrances to the Exchange, and<br />

brokers who for some reason refused to work in the central<br />

hall for a long time, gathered there, in the open air, at first.<br />

The transformation of Ilyinka into the main business street<br />

of Moscow was completed in the second half of the 19th<br />

century. The square in front of the Exchange was named<br />

Exchange Square. The Exchange was overcrowded, so it<br />

underwent profound renovations and expansion from<br />

1873-1875. Today, it accommodates the Chamber of<br />

Commerce and Industry of Russia.<br />

But let’s go back to our history. In the early 20th century,<br />

once again at the proposal of the authorities, Russian<br />

exchange committees started working on a model of Russian<br />

chambers of commerce and industry. The work was slow.<br />

Why is that? Was it the notorious bureaucratic<br />

red tape?<br />

Oh no, bureaucracy has nothing to do with that.<br />

Interestingly, except for the Moscow Exchange Committee,<br />

every other exchange committee, which, as I have already<br />

said, was executing functions of chambers of commerce<br />

and industry, as well as merchant boards and factory<br />

councils that once called for business self-governance were<br />

obstinately stalling territorial chamber projects. The reason<br />

was simple: they did not want to lose their privileges,<br />

opportunities, and representative capacities. One way<br />

or another, the process was set in motion. First, Russian<br />

chambers of commerce were created abroad, such as the<br />

Russian Chamber of Commerce in Alexandria (1902), the<br />

Russian Chamber of Commerce in London (1915), etc.<br />

A number of bi-national or mixed chambers came into being,<br />

among them the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce in<br />

St. Petersburg (1908) and the Russian-American Chamber<br />

of Commerce in Moscow (1913). In addition, a number of<br />

strictly domestic chambers of commerce were formed with<br />

emphasis on boosting foreign trade.<br />

Nonetheless, the Regulations on Chambers of Commerce<br />

and Industry were approved only on October 19 (formerly<br />

6), 1917, to lay down the institutional foundation of Russian<br />

business self-governance; the document defined principle<br />

objectives, tasks, and powers of chambers of commerce and<br />

industry in Russia. The new law envisaged the establishment<br />

of territorial chambers of commerce and industry and the<br />

mandatory participation of every business entity, the clear<br />

territorial jurisdiction within one province, the obligation<br />

to execute state duties, and the payment of membership<br />

fees. Hence, as I have said before, the national system of<br />

chambers of commerce and industry marked its centenary<br />

in October of this year.<br />

Then you are sort of coeval with the October<br />

Revolution, about which so much has been said<br />

and written?<br />

I am not sure this is symbolic. No doubt, the birth year is<br />

the same. But after the Socialist Revolution, the CCI was<br />

definitely not an organization of business self-governance,<br />

simply because there was no entrepreneurship in its current<br />

meaning in the Soviet Union and the government owned all<br />

means of production. Nevertheless, the All-Union Chamber<br />

of Commerce that was established after the revolution<br />

(renamed the USSR Chamber of Commerce and Industry<br />

in 1971) had the status of a civil organization, actively<br />

participated in the development of the national economy,<br />

promoted contacts with foreign trade and economic<br />

organizations, including chambers of commerce, export<br />

companies, exchanges, etc., or actually performed every CCI<br />

function possible in a socialist state.<br />

The CCI of Russia held a founding congress in 1991 after<br />

socialism fell and the Soviet Union collapsed. Nineteen<br />

regional chambers and several dozen business associations<br />

took part in it. That happened on October 19, 74 years after<br />

the adoption of the first law on chambers of commerce and<br />

industry. A historical circle or, if you prefer, a historical<br />

cycle was completed.<br />

How did you begin?<br />

It was not easy. I was directly involved in the establishment<br />

of the Russian chamber and worked for it from the start, so<br />

I can say there is a huge difference between how we started

and what we are now. I mean we inherited practically every<br />

material asset from the Soviet chamber, including our<br />

building on Ilyinka Street, and we are extremely grateful to<br />

our predecessors for that. However, the chamber was part of<br />

the state in the Soviet Union and had no powers in the field<br />

of legislation, etc.<br />

Our work on the market started from scratch. The old<br />

economy was in ruins, and the new economy was just born.<br />

We had to learn to represent the interests of business under<br />

those circumstances and actually create the enterprise<br />

development institute, which the country barely had.<br />

Now you are the biggest, leading business<br />

community of the country.<br />

Right you are. Today, the national CCI system stands<br />

for 180 chambers, over 50,000 enterprises and entities<br />

of various forms of ownership aligned to the Chamber,<br />

more than 200 unions, associations, and other groups of<br />

businessmen operating on the federal level, 500 regional<br />

business associations, as well as committees and councils<br />

of the CCI of Russia working in various business fields and<br />

branches. The Chamber represents and defends interests of<br />

businessmen with the authorities.<br />

True, there is an important reservation to make — we<br />

defend and represent the interests of small, medium, and<br />

big business unless their interests contravene the public<br />

ones. Our “zone of responsibility” embraces every sphere<br />

of enterprise, such as industry, domestic and foreign trade,<br />

agriculture, the financial system, and services. We bring<br />

together big, medium, and small business. Most of Chamber<br />

members are small companies.<br />

There are lots of problems in Russia, and businesses,<br />

especially small and medium one, sometimes find it hard<br />

to live and work. Still, when there is business in the country,<br />

it is developing. And this is our biggest achievement.<br />

Good of love pro toto: Volker Hildebrandt, “human globalisation: the united states of love”, 2015<br />





If companies and financial growth are linked to<br />

degradation and emission, it means you are<br />

addicted to ruining the planet.<br />

Carl Pendragon is inventor, philosopher and entrepreneur,<br />

with over 25 years experience in energy markets. Since the<br />

early 1990s when he set up his first purchasing group for oil<br />

and electricity, he has been a part of a multitude of projects.<br />

He is the CEO of Skymining, a company and a process of<br />

turning atmospheric CO2 into a renewable solid fuel.<br />

On the panel Discussion: “Climate Smart Agriculture as a<br />

Systemic Response to Climate Change”, he not only names<br />

problems and addresses failures, but shares solutions to<br />

global economists.<br />




“All the CO2 we send to the atmosphere first heats up the<br />

air and then heats up the ocean. Water is 600 times more<br />

dense than air. So heating up the ocean takes a long time.<br />

What we have felt today is global warming until 1992 and<br />

we have not felt the global warming after 1992 yet.<br />

The carbon, we have admitted since 1992 is equal to all the<br />

carbon that was admitted until 1992 since 1750.<br />

So if we stop burning fossil fuels today, we will have 30<br />

more years of heating. Let’s look at the facts. If you look<br />

at the current global energy supply, 82% still comes from<br />

fossil fuels and 10% is burning biomass. That means that<br />

mankind with all its technological advances is still getting<br />

92% of all energy from burning fossil fuels or biomass. We<br />

do have amazing technologies but they are less than 8%. The<br />

actual causes of climate change, in my belief, is that we have<br />

decoupled our minds from our hearts and also decoupled<br />

from nature. What we need is to restore and regenerate.<br />

We need to fix what we have broken. And only nature can<br />

do that.”<br />


‘THE ECONOMY’.”<br />

Carl, DW is pleased to meet you. During the<br />

panel you have made things quite clear. As CEO<br />

of Skymining you transform exponential economic<br />

growth into exponential sustainable growth.<br />

What is your approach?<br />

Well I think the most important thing is to look at the<br />

facts of climate change instead of the thousands of stories<br />

that are floating around. If you reduce it down to the core,<br />

the cause of climate change is twofold. First, too much<br />

carbon that is already in the sky and second the human<br />

behaviour that put it there. Those are the two main causes.<br />

Decarbonizing energy systems but not changing the<br />

behaviour that is putting carbon up there, is like cleaning<br />

everything down here, but never changing the attitude of<br />

the one polluting it up there. We have a false layer of reality<br />

called “the economy” and we need to address the behaviour<br />

of humans putting carbon up there.<br />

48<br />

Barbara Dietrich & Carl Pendragon

Nina Anne Pahnke & Carl Pendragon<br />

What is “ecologically negative”<br />

behaviour?<br />

All of us are in pursuit of happiness and growth and most<br />

people want to have more income the next year, not less.<br />

Most companies are hoping for quarterly revenue growth,<br />

and I have never seen a business model where a company<br />

says to the chairholders: “We are trying to get less<br />

turnover and profits every year for the next ten years.”<br />

Why is that a problem? Because if you expand your<br />

company, and if your growth is linked to the degradation<br />

of nature or a decrease of resources, it means that your<br />

growth is directly attached to degradation and emission.<br />

Why is it a false layer?<br />

It is a false layer, because we use terms like profit and wealth<br />

creation when in fact the way to make profit and wealth<br />

creation for shareholders is to ruin something, for example<br />

distroy a forest to make palm oil. In reality we are actually<br />

reducing the wealth of the planet, and are increasing CO2<br />

emissions to create a so-called-wealth for shareholder<br />

companies and people. The basic and fundamental<br />

problem is our false ideal of wealth creation linked<br />

to the degradation of the real world.<br />

This world is addicted to growth, which is set around<br />

countries, set around companies, especially stock<br />

exchange registered companies that are in pursuit of<br />

quarterly growth increase. Since that growth is linked to<br />

degradation and emission, it means that you are addicted<br />

to ruining the planet. What we see as the problem is<br />

actually the business model of mankind, hidden in a false<br />

layer of reality called “the economy”.<br />


Nina Anne Pahnke & Carl Pendragon<br />

50<br />



On the panel discussion you call for a different<br />

manifest for economy and companies: “being big and<br />

doing good”. What is included in this approach?<br />

What we need to do, and what we try to offer to the world<br />

is to decouple growth, pursuit of happiness and pursuit of<br />

growth from degradation and emissions, and couple it to<br />

restoration and CO2 removal. Skymining is unique, in that<br />

it can be attached to any business model. When we talked to<br />

Amazon last week in London, for example and we proposed<br />

to them, that every time they send a package to somebody,<br />

they remove that emission and a little more.<br />

A fascinating concept, nowadays the bigger businesses<br />

become, the more harm they do. But if you remove more<br />

emission than you emit, then the more business you do, the<br />

more you can improve the world. In other words, you are<br />

repairing the harm you did and a little more.<br />

So imagine if they wake up tomorrow and say: “If we double<br />

our business size we can double the amount of good we do<br />

in the world.” We did the math for Amazon: they have about<br />

1.7 billion packages a year they send to people. The average<br />

value of a package is $80 and it would only take 2 cents<br />

to compensate the emission and more from sending each<br />

package. Every consecutive year the removal of the emission<br />

just of that package becomes a 10th of 2 cents. So you have<br />

to only add 1 thousandth of the price of the transaction to<br />

actually do good instead of harm. Nowadays if a company<br />

like Amazon doubles in size, whatever harm they are doing,<br />

it would double unless they do something drastic.<br />



What we are suggesting, is to attach acts of doing good, like<br />

ecosystem restoration, removing CO2, creating farms, to<br />

our business models. If a company doubles their business,<br />

the farm would be twice as big and twice as good. Twice as<br />

many people working on the farm, creating fuel, fiber, food.<br />

An amazing idea and this is a really important message for<br />

everyone. If we couple pursuit of growth to regeneration<br />

of ecosystems to CO2 to removal, then suddenly growth<br />

becomes a positive thing. Today growth is a negative thing.<br />

That is the most fundamental issue that we need to address.<br />

We need to decouple growth from degradation.<br />

Nina Anne Pahnke & Brita Achberger<br />

Source: http://carlpendragon.com,<br />


Brought to you by<br />

13 March 2018<br />

Paris, France<br />

Financing Innovation for a Low Carbon Future<br />

Join 250+ decision-makers from the investment community,<br />

governments, and think tanks at the inaugural must-attend<br />

Sustainable Investment Forum Europe. Register now!<br />

High-level speakers include:<br />

Olivier Guersent,<br />

Director-General for<br />

Financial Stability,<br />

Financial Services and<br />

Capital Markets Union,<br />

European Commission<br />

Eva Halvarsson,<br />

Chief Executive Officer,<br />

Second Swedish National<br />

Pension Fund (AP2)<br />

Carine Smith Ihenacho,<br />

Global Head of<br />

Ownership Strategies,<br />

Norges Bank Investment<br />

Management<br />

Andreas Hallermeier,<br />

Sustainability Manager<br />

and Assistant to the Chief<br />

Investment Officer,<br />

Bayerische<br />

Versorgungskammer<br />

Joel Prohin,<br />

Head of Portfolio<br />

Management,<br />

Caisse des Depots<br />

Who will attend?<br />

C-Level representatives and investment decision-makers from the European and global investment community<br />

will be present, as well as influent policy-makers, regulators and think tanks.<br />

• Asset owners<br />

• Financial service providers<br />

• Credit rating and indices firms<br />

• Insurance companies<br />

• Large private sector companies<br />

• European, national and local governments<br />

europe.sustainableinvestmentforum.org |<br />

@Climate_Action_ | #SInvEU<br />



On 23 – 24 May 2018, 2.000 high-level EU and national policy-makers,<br />

business executives, civil society and academia representatives will gather at<br />

the Egmont Palace in Brussels for the annual European Business Summit.<br />

52<br />

The European Business Summit (EBS) is a renowned debated<br />

platform offering its partners and guests an opportunity to<br />

exchange views on topics shaping the European and international<br />

agenda. In the upcoming 18th edition, EBS would like to<br />

build upon its ability to facilitate constructive dialogue between<br />

countries’ representatives and business community in Europe<br />

and beyond. By bringing these partners together, EBS contributes<br />

to promoting European competitiveness, entrepreneurship<br />

and innovation.<br />

EBS enjoys the high patronages of His Majesty the King of the<br />

Belgians, the Belgian Minister of European and Foreign Affairs,<br />

Didier Reynders and EU Commission President Jean-Claude<br />

Juncker. EBS is also supported by BUSINESSEUROPE and<br />

Federation of Enterprises in Europe (FEB).<br />


EBS encourages countries or regions to join the event and<br />

showcase their national business and investment opportunities.<br />

Proposing various tailor-made partnership agreements ensuring<br />

country’s needs and expectations are met.<br />

Country or region representations could benefit from speaking<br />

possibilities at EBS during plenary debates, roundtable discussions,<br />

interactive Agora talks or Meet the Expert exchanges. In<br />

addition, EBS partners can host a side or a main event of any<br />

size and scope, open to EBS participants or by invitation only.<br />

The experienced EBS team will ensure high-level organisation<br />

and promotion of this event. EBS also offers branding options<br />

such as a booth in the Networking Village – the most visited<br />

location at the Egmont Palace - placing advertising products<br />

such as technologies, services for food and more, advertising in<br />

the EBS Magazine and benefiting from EBS marketing products<br />

and extensive media coverage.<br />

EBS also recommends that its partners join the brand new<br />

Strategy Group, a unique dialogue platform for countries,<br />

regions, business executives and policy-makers. During the<br />

approximately 6 meetings per year, the Strategy Group members<br />

will participate in private sessions with high-level business and<br />

policy representatives and it will contribute to shaping the programme<br />

of EBS and associated events. The partnership is the<br />

best way to further impact the content and strengthens the voice<br />

at the Summit.<br />


AT EBS 2016<br />

The European Business Summit 2016 hosted a session entitled<br />

“CETA: A New Deal for Europe”, organised together with the<br />

Embassy of Canada to Belgium and Luxembourg.<br />

Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Trade debated the<br />

Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement, known as CETA,<br />

with Chrystia Freeland, Minister of International Trade in the<br />

Canadian Government, Daniel Kelly, President and CEO of the<br />

Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB).<br />

The panelists discussed the advantages and opportunities<br />

of CETA for businesses communities looking to build new<br />

partnerships and establish or expand their operations in Canada.<br />

EBS also facilitated meetings between EU policy-makers, business<br />

leaders and representatives from Canada present at the Summit.


- 2 - days 2 days of of high-level debates<br />

- 1700 - 1700 participants<br />

- 250 - 250 speakers<br />

- 10 - 10 EU EU Commissioners<br />

- 50 - 50 sessions<br />

- 100 - 100 international journalists<br />

Save Save the the date date for for the the 18 18 th EBS th EBS edition:<br />

23-24 23-24 MAY MAY 2018 2018<br />


- 3 - years 3 years of of debating CETA at at EBS EBS<br />

- - Special session with with EU EU Commissioner<br />

Malmström<br />

- High - High visibility among EU EU policy-makers<br />

and and business community<br />

- - Increased business opportunities for for EU EU<br />

and and Canadian companies<br />


Arnaud Thysen Thysen - - Director General - - at@ebsummit.eu - +32 - +32 (0)2 (0)2 645 645 34 34 83 83<br />

Bartosz Lasota Lasota - - Business Development Manager - - bl@ebsummit.eu - +32 - +32 (0)2 (0)2 645 645 34 34 85 85<br />

Jamie Jamie Nuttall Nuttall - - Business Development Manager - - jan@ebsummit.eu - +32 - +32 (0)2 (0)2 645 645 34 34 84 84<br />




The artist Jean-Marie Waelkens and chef<br />

Marc Clément of the restaurant The Bistronomy<br />

are joining forces with the HOOOP project for a<br />

good cause. With the proceeds, they will support<br />

BelHospice, an initiative that is close to the heart of<br />

Leo D’Aes, the Belgian ambassador in Belgrade.<br />

It is really not to be missed. The award-winning, innovative<br />

restaurant The Bistronomy in Brussels has recently been<br />

occupied by a small army of wooden HOOOP puppets. They<br />

are the handiwork of the artist Jean-Marie Waelkens. In<br />

his daily life, Jean-Marie designs wooden dining tables and<br />

other wooden objects. One day, he was asked to design a<br />

lamp and, while looking for the ideal design, came up with<br />

a figure that closely resembled Pinocchio. This first wooden<br />

puppet soon acquired a series of friends, and so the idea for<br />

HOOOP was born. Jean-Marie Waelkens has been referred<br />

to as a “wood reader”. He goes in search of different types<br />

of wood, the tree rings of which are suited to certain<br />

types of design. These give the puppets their distinctive<br />

expressions.<br />

The Bistronomy. For him, too, the story of the reused<br />

wood was very important, certainly in an era when we are<br />

trying to avoid food waste at all costs. Marc Clément:<br />

“In my kitchen nothing is wasted. Everything edible or<br />

usable in dishes finds a purpose. That is why I feel such a<br />

close connection to Jean-Marie’s art. The inspiration he<br />

puts into his puppets is what I put into my dishes.”<br />


The HOOOP puppets are in reality much more than a<br />

parade of wooden puppets. The marionettes made of wood<br />

have a deeper message. The decision to spell “HOOOP”<br />

with 3 Os was a deliberate one. They stand for “hopen,<br />

dromen, geloven”, Dutch for hoping, dreaming and<br />

believing. The puppets are quite abstract and summon up<br />

a fairy-tale nostalgia. With this the artist seeks to refer to<br />

the carefee days of childhood. Childlike imagination soon<br />

brings abstract forms to life.<br />

Jean-Marie Waelkens: “With my art, I want to create a world<br />

of hope, a world in which one can continue to believe in<br />

dreams.”<br />

54<br />

In this way, the wood scraps left over from his daily<br />

activities are put to a meaningful and artistic use.<br />

This is how the link was made to chef Marc Clément of


Both chef Marc Clément and the artist Jean-Marie<br />

Waelkens want to send a message with this initiative. They<br />

would like to encourage people to realize their dreams.<br />

They hope that the HOOOP puppets, that are now exhibited<br />

in the restaurant will find a place in people’s homes or<br />

offices, and remind them that they should continue to<br />

believe in their dreams. As long as that is possible, there is<br />

hope for the future!<br />

Ambassador Leo D’Aes<br />

The Bistronomy by Living Tomorrow<br />

Indringingsweg 1 - BE–1800 Vilvoorde<br />

www.thebistronomy.com - info@thebistronomy.com<br />

Jean-Marie Waelkens<br />

Marc Clément<br />



The two artists, each in his own domain, are now joining forces for a good cause. Based on the story<br />

of the HOOOP puppets, master chef Marc Clément has developed a HOOOP menu drawing on his<br />

own creativity and vision. The surprising result caresses both the eye and the taste buds. Thus, the<br />

wooden relief of the puppets is translated into the dishes and one can even recognize the profile of<br />

Pinocchio’s head in the chocolate dessert.<br />

A good percentage of both the sale of the HOOOP puppets and of the HOOOP menu goes to<br />

BelHospice. This centre for palliative care accompanies cancer patients in Serbia, and is a project at<br />

which Leo d’Aes, the Belgian ambassador in Belgrade, is chair of the support committee. The centre<br />

offers free palliative care for terminal cancer patients in Serbia. Given the difficult history of the<br />

country, this care is far from straightforward.<br />

If you buy a HOOOP puppet, you are giving the patients there hope and an accompaniment that<br />

honours their dignity. Each of the HOOOP puppets is unique, and comes with a certificate of<br />

authenticity.<br />




100% REAL FOOD<br />


WWW.THEBISTRONOMY.COM OR 02 263 01 33<br />





The technologization of cities has become big<br />

business. Many companies are targeting this growth<br />

market with their products, data services or apps,<br />

and are trying to persuade cities to adopt their<br />

applications. The global market for smart cities in<br />

2020 is estimated at 400 billion dollars. However, a<br />

city is also a complex interaction between social and<br />

technological systems which continually align with<br />

each other and their surroundings; how can they<br />

mutually strengthen each other? A conversation<br />

with Joachim De Vos, CEO of TomorrowLab, which<br />

helps cities and towns to become Smart.<br />



Joachim De Vos: “Cities or regions are ‘smart’ whenever<br />

they make use of innovation, technology or creativity in<br />

order to achieve a certain goal. The goals will vary from<br />

city to city, but you can group them around three different<br />

pillars. The first has to do with increasing comfort, the<br />

quality of life and citizen well-being. Second, you can seek<br />

to make efficiency gains or to limit risks by introducing<br />

long-term thinking. A third pillar is sustainability, whereby<br />

cities and regions try to reduce their footprint. Think for<br />

instance of air quality, the environment, etc.”<br />


58<br />

Technology unquestionably plays a very important role, but<br />

it is not because something is possible that it is always also<br />

desirable that it be done. Human beings are at the centre of<br />

the story, the question is simply how government can create<br />

a top-down environment in which bottom-up initiatives can<br />

grow. For truly long-term vision, you need a larger scale in<br />

order to work efficiently. A typical example is infrastructure:<br />

roads, logistical centres, hyperloops, etc.<br />

Herman Van Rompuy, Wim Dries, Joachim De Vos<br />

They’ll bill everything automatically. They’ll wait for

For that you need a top-down approach by the government<br />

and stakeholders to create the framework. But once that<br />

framework is present, innovative entrepreneurship from<br />

below needs to grow. That should lead to creativity, as<br />

frustration is often the source of innovation.<br />

Facebook, Google, Apple, Uber, etc. already do all that, but<br />

they have a different approach to privacy, of course. Living<br />

Labs can play an important role in that bottom-up story.<br />

Otherwise, it must be clear that Smart City is sometimes<br />

more about fast failure than about quick wins.<br />


A government should be able to ensure that they make data<br />

available from the top, for example. Whenever you talk<br />

about data, sooner or later the issue of privacy comes up.<br />

A government can incorporate privacy into the system from<br />

the outset, creating a context where data is used smartly,<br />

while respecting the privacy of citizens. Players such as<br />



Cities must be aware that they must keep their options<br />

open as far as possible, and not become dependent on a<br />

single supplier, for example, which is known as ‘vendor<br />

lock-in’. That is something to be wary of, and is easy to<br />

prevent.<br />


60<br />

Cities sometimes have the tendency to each work in their<br />

own corner, which is much more difficult to solve. It is<br />

unfortunate, for although it is in a sense understandable,<br />

this approach gives rise to a series of separate silos. That<br />

is counterproductive, since cities cannot, for example,<br />

devise a smart parking policy without the neighbouring<br />

municipalities getting involved. Traffic obviously does not<br />

stop at the city limits. That is why we are so proud of the<br />

S-LIM project, in which we have brought together more<br />

than 44 different cities and municipalities around the table,<br />

in order to develop a single strategy for their region.<br />

That is perhaps the greatest pitfall, the lack of strategy.<br />

Everything starts there.<br />









If a Bugis had to leave his village to seek a better life<br />

elsewhere, he would take with him some soil from his old<br />

dwelling-place. Once he arrived at the shores of his new<br />

home, he would scatter the soil while saying “this is the soil<br />

from my former home, now I spread it here… Thus this is<br />

where I reside now”.<br />

Bugis Beliefs about the classification of the cosmos.<br />

Halilintar Lathief<br />

Alexis Gautier - Pulau Jengekerik (Cricket Island)<br />





November 25, 2017 — March 25, 2018<br />

Fabergé Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia<br />

In November 2017, the Fabergé Museum in St. Petersburg<br />

opened its exhibition titled Modigliani, Soutine, and Other<br />

Legends of Montparnasse, thus continuing its series of shows<br />

on the most famous and influential artists of the twentieth<br />

century. This will be the third major showing at the Fabergé<br />

Museum in the last two years, following the immensely<br />

successful Salvador Dali exhibition this year, and Frida Kahlo<br />

the year before that.<br />

of pilgrimage: in the 1910s, the regulars in its many cafés<br />

were all leaders and ideologists of the European Modernist<br />

movement. Ilya Ehrenburg wrote about the famous café “de la<br />

Rotonde” located on the Montparnasse Boulevard: “Starting<br />

early in the morning, in the hot, stuffy, smoke-filled back<br />

room, at four or five tables sat Russians, Spaniards, Latin<br />

Americans, Scandinavians, people from all corners of the<br />

Earth, utterly destitute, wearing god-knows-what, starveling,<br />

In the exhibition, the Russian audience can see for the first<br />

time a unique collection of paintings by leading artists of<br />

the School of Paris from the first third of the twentieth<br />

century, a collection assembled by their contemporary and<br />

patron Jonas Netter. Works by the most famous names and<br />

the most important showpieces of Netter’s collection are on<br />

display: paintings by Amedeo Modigliani, Chaim Soutine,<br />

Maurice Utrillo, and also works by Moïse Kisling, Maurice<br />

de Vlaminck, André Derain, Suzanne Valadon, and other<br />

legendary masters of Montparnasse.<br />

62<br />

Montparnasse is a district in Paris that became the center<br />

of its artistic, intellectual, and worldly life shortly before<br />

the First <strong>World</strong> War, and retained this unique atmosphere<br />

until the outbreak of <strong>World</strong> War II. An integral element of<br />

Parisian life during this period was internationalism: artists,<br />

writers, politicians, and businessmen from all over the world<br />

gathered there, and many ended up living there. For artists<br />

and poets who wanted to immerse themselves in the latest<br />

schools and trends in art, Montparnasse was a genuine place<br />

© Barbara Dietrich

© Fabergé Museum<br />

where they talked about painting, recited poems, discussed<br />

ways they could get five francs, argued and reconciled. In the<br />

end, someone would inevitably get drunk and be ejected from<br />

the room.”<br />

The new culture of Modernism, inspired by the end of the<br />

First <strong>World</strong> War and the following economic upturn, made<br />

art even more relevant and popular, and in the geographic<br />

center of this movement, Paris, gave rise to the atmosphere<br />

of unprecedented, boundless freedom. Fernand Léger writes<br />

that a man in those years “could finally lift his head, open his<br />

eyes and look before himself; he could shake off tension, and<br />

regain his taste for life, eagerly long to dance, throw money<br />

about, walk with a long stride, shout, wail, and squander.”<br />

Montparnasse was thriving on free living, free love, and the<br />

freedom of the arts.<br />

However, the Bohemian life of this era was far from being<br />

carefree for those who lived it. Young artists — Modigliani,<br />

Soutine, Utrillo, and many others — lived in poverty, and<br />

the public perceived their paintings as scandalous, so they<br />

only rarely found buyers. Modigliani’s friends nicknamed<br />

him “Modi” not only because of his surname, but because it<br />

sounded similar to the French word ‘maudit’, which means<br />

‘cursed’. This nickname became entrenched both for him and<br />

the artists of his circle, whose lives were full of hardships and<br />

failures.<br />

One of the first serious collectors of their work, entrepreneur<br />

and art-lover Jonas Netter played an enormous role in the<br />

fate of these artists. He began to assemble his collection after<br />

being introduced to art dealer Leopold Zborovsky in Paris in<br />

1915. Zborovsky began working for Netter: communicating<br />

with artists, collecting, exchanging, and re-selling their<br />

works. With Netter’s financial backing, Zborovsky concluded<br />

agreements with artists, paid them salaries, gave them money<br />

to rent studios, and to purchase materials for painting and<br />

other supplies. In that same year, 1915, Netter and Zborovsky<br />

signed a contract with Modigliani, under the terms of which<br />

they paid the artist 300 francs a month, for which they would<br />

receive all the canvases he created. By 1917, the monthly<br />

amount paid to the artist had grown to 500 francs and, by<br />

1919, it had risen to 1.000 francs. Similar agreements existed<br />

between Netter and Zborovsky with Soutine and Utrillo.<br />

Netter’s enthusiasm for their creativity, as well as for the<br />

works of Moïse Kisling, Suzanne Valadon, André Derain,<br />

and other masters contributed to the emerging demand for<br />

artists of the School of Paris and created a new segment in<br />

the art market. Jonas Netter died in 1946, leaving his heirs<br />

an invaluable collection of works by artists who are now<br />


fully embodied in his paintings, and in his creation of his<br />

own version of Expressionism. Netter’s collection includes<br />

examples of all the genres in which Soutine worked: portraits,<br />

still lives, and both urban and rural landscapes. Considering<br />

himself a successor of the old masters, Soutine claimed<br />

that the motif of animal carcasses was suggested to him<br />

by a Rembrandt painting “The Carcass of a Bull”. Soutine<br />

painted his version of the picture from life, buying a carcass<br />

in a slaughterhouse and hanging it in his studio. The artist<br />

worked slowly, and the stench became so unbearable that his<br />

neighbors complained to the city’s sanitation service. In order<br />

to give Soutine the chance to finish his canvas, the sanitation<br />

workers offered to treat the bull’s carcass with formalin. A<br />

few days later, the desiccated meat had lost its rich color,<br />

so Soutine obtained a bucket of fresh blood from the same<br />

slaughterhouse. The bull, smeared with blood with the help<br />

of a brush, became “even more beautiful than it had been<br />

before.”<br />

64<br />

© Pinacothèque de Paris<br />

recognized as the most important artists of the twentieth<br />

century. For more than seventy years Netter’s collection was<br />

not available to a wide audience, and only recently has it<br />

begun to be shown in Europe.<br />

The masterpieces of Netter’s collection are, undoubtedly, the<br />

piercing and refined portraits created by Amedeo Modigliani<br />

in the final years of his short life. Among them are two<br />

portraits of his muse, Jeanne Hebuterne. The artist first met<br />

the young woman at the end of 1916. Jeanne was nineteen<br />

years old, a student at a private art school. Despite the<br />

objections of her parents and Modigliani’s taste for alcohol,<br />

Jeanne soon began to live with the artist, and subsequently<br />

gave birth to his daughter. Modigliani created more than<br />

twenty portraits of Jeanne. Their love story, embodied in the<br />

portraits he created, became one of the most famous romantic<br />

tales of the art world of the twentieth century. Jeanne shared<br />

all of Modi’s adversity, and on the day after his death on<br />

January 24, 1920, she committed suicide.<br />

The exhibition also features a wonderful selection of paintings<br />

by Modigliani’s close friend, Chaim Soutine, a Russian<br />

immigrant. Like his friend, Soutine lived and worked in<br />

poverty and was known to be a neurasthenic, morbid, and<br />

hypersensitive person. The feverish nature of the artist is<br />

The paintings of Maurice Utrillo are represented by an<br />

entire series of landscapes drawn from the best of his ‘White<br />

Period’. The first painting lessons Utrillo received were from<br />

his mother, the artist Suzanne Valadon, who had in her youth<br />

been a favorite nude model for both Renoir and Toulouse-<br />

Lautrec. Valadon’s works can also be seen in the exhibition.<br />

Utrillo became a master of monochrome, distinguished by<br />

a refined sense of the tones of urban landscapes, conveying<br />

a sense of loneliness and melancholy. In a vivid contrast<br />

with Utrillo’s ephemeral work are the color-rich paintings of<br />

Moïse Kisling, among which are a portrait of the collector<br />

himself, Jonas Netter. He had become friends with Kisling,<br />

which was not surprising: Kisling was the true soul of<br />

Montparnasse, a man who, according to his contemporaries’<br />

testimony, radiated “energy in which vitality, love, sexuality<br />

and creativity were mixed.” He was a regular visitor to the<br />

cafés “la Coupole”, “de la Rotonde” and attended numerous<br />

costumed balls, which were arranged in studios, private<br />

houses, and salons.<br />

Altogether, the exhibition includes more than 120 works by<br />

artists of the School of Paris, which constitute the core of<br />

Jonas Netter’s unique collection.<br />

The exhibition is organized by the Cultural-Historical<br />

Foundation “The Link of Times” and by Fabergé Museum in<br />

St. Petersburg. The curator of the exhibition, Marc Restellini,<br />

is an art historian and the world’s leading experts on the body<br />

of works of Amedeo Modigliani. The exhibition is open to<br />

public until March 25, 2018.

© Pinacothèque de Paris<br />


© Pinacothèque de Paris © Fabergé Museum<br />

The official opening ceremony of the first privately owned Fabergé Museum in Russia took place on November 19, 2013, in the<br />

Shuvalov Palace in St. Petersburg. The founding organization of the museum is the Link of Times cultural and historical foundation,<br />

which was established in 2004 by Viktor Vekselberg with the aim of repatriating items of cultural significance to Russia.<br />

The idea of creating a series of museums in Russia dedicated to the works of the great jeweler Carl Fabergé first came to the Link<br />

of Times in 2004. In that year, Viktor Vekselberg purchased a one-of-a-kind collection of Fabergé works which had been collected<br />

by Malcolm Forbes. Since then, the foundation has been collecting Russian works of decorative and fine art and has amassed more<br />

than 4.000 items today. In terms of its size, diversity, and the quality of its pieces, many of which belonged to the royal family and<br />

other members of the royal courts of Europe, the collection is without a doubt one of the best in the world.<br />

The most valuable items in the Museum’s collection are the nine Imperial Easter Eggs created by Fabergé for the last two Russian<br />

emperors. Each of them is a masterpiece of jewelry and art, as well as a unique historical monument to the reign and personal life of<br />

Alexander III and Nicholas II.<br />

The exclusivity of the Fabergé collection acquired by the Link of Times foundation also comes from the fact that this collection<br />

represents all of the areas the House of Faberge specialized in: objects of fantasy of all kinds, jewelry, small goods, silverware, and<br />

interior and religious objects. In addition to works by Fabergé, the collection also includes works by his contemporaries, including<br />

famous Russian jewelers and silversmiths such as Sazikov, Ovchinnikov, Khlebnikov, Rückert and many others.<br />

66<br />

Fabergé Museum, 21, Fontanka River Embankment, St. Petersburg, Russia - Fabergemuseum.ru

© Pinacothèque de Paris<br />


Vladimir Medinsky - Minister of Culture of Russia, Silvie Bermann<br />

- Ambassador of France in Russia, Maksim Sokolov - Minister for<br />

Transportation of Russia, Viktor Vekselberg - President of Renova Group,<br />

Vladimir Voronchenko - Chair of the Board of the Link of Times Historical<br />

and Cultural Foundation, Director of Fabergé Museum © Barbara Dietrich<br />

Silvie Bermann - Ambassador of France in Russia, Maksim Sokolov - Minister<br />

for Transportation of Russia, Vladimir Medinsky - Minister of Culture of<br />

Russia, Vladimir Voronchenko - Chair of the Board of the Link of Times<br />

Historical and Cultural Foundation, Director of Fabergé Museum<br />

<br />

© Barbara Dietrich<br />

Viktor Vekselberg, Vladimir Voronchenko <br />

© Fabergé Museum<br />

Vladimir Voronchenko, Viktor Vekselberg, Andrey Shtorkh <br />

© Fabergé Museum<br />

Vladimir Voronchenko, Marina Medinskaya, <br />

Vladimir Medinsky, Marc Restellini<br />

© Fabergé Museum<br />

Viktor Vekselberg, Vladimir Medinsky, Marina Medinskaya <br />

© Fabergé Museum<br />

68 <br />

© Fabergé Museum Vladimir Voronchenko, Ekaterina Puchkova, Rinat Umarov © Fabergé Museum

Roman Thaker, Mikhail Ovchinnikov, Ilya Zlotnik <br />

© Fabergé Museum<br />

Oleg Urazmetof, Barbara Dietrich & Marc Restellini <br />

© Fabergé Museum<br />

Barbara Dietrich & Nic Iljine <br />

© Barbara Dietrich<br />

Barbara Dietrich & Vladimir Medinsky<br />

© Barbara Dietrich<br />

Yury Dormidoshin & Natalia Dormidoshina © Fabergé Museum Viktor Vekselberg & Barbara Dietrich © Barbara Dietrich<br />

© Barbara Dietrich<br />

© Barbara Dietrich<br />






After more than 25 years of experience in the<br />

field of catalogues raisonnés, scientific analysis of<br />

artworks and documentary research in Art History,<br />

Marc Restellini is adding a new string to his bow<br />

by creating his own Institute for Scientific and<br />

Documentary Research in Art History:<br />

The Institut Restellini.<br />

While being a main contributor — during the past two<br />

decades — to the world of culture, of museums and of<br />

successful exhibitions, Marc Restellini has also been a<br />

major pioneer in the scientific area of Art History. First<br />

of all during his studies, when he elaborated, as early as<br />

in his Master’s thesis, a catalogue raisonné based on the<br />

most recent data processing methods, which had never<br />

before been applied to that field of human sciences. He<br />

then created in Paris I — Panthéon — Sorbonne, under the<br />

impulse of Professor Marc Le Bot, a postgraduate seminar<br />

of methodology in Art History, in order to link data<br />

processing to the doctoral students’ research. He oversaw<br />

that seminar in conjunction with the CNRS (represented<br />

by Professor Levaillant) to set up the teaching of the<br />

methodologies, which he had himself developed for his own<br />

research.<br />

He was once again a pioneer when he decided, in 1997, on<br />

Daniel Wildenstein’s invitation, to devote himself to the<br />

elaboration of Amedeo Modigliani’s catalogue raisonné,<br />

70<br />

Marc Restellini<br />

© Pinacothèque de Paris

imposing new scientific criteria never before utilized in the<br />

field of research on works of art. By imposing his own methods,<br />

he has created a new type of catalogue raisonné, whose model,<br />

the Catalogue Modigliani remains unique worldwide. With<br />

its 600 scientific files on the whole of Modigliani’s corpus<br />

(genuine and fakes) and systematic analyses for each work,<br />

Marc Restellini created a unique comparative calibration,<br />

which he associated to a systematic usage of every new<br />

technology as soon as it appeared. He was thus the very first to<br />

set up a protocol of comparative pigmentary analysis, for the<br />

elaboration of a paintings catalogue. He is also the first to use<br />

magnetic resonance, for a non-intrusive pigmentary analysis.<br />

He was the first to systematize, for a catalogue of artworks,<br />

the use of infra-red plates and, later on, the first to employ<br />

innovative methods like the digital processes of “fake colors”,<br />

providing very effective results.<br />

Unique in the world, the Institut Restellini is a pioneer<br />

in the contribution of the most advanced technologies<br />

to the field of art history, and of documentation, by<br />

combining the scientific methods with the traditional<br />

stylistic and historical analysis. The Institut Restellini has<br />

as its vocation — in total and absolute independence from<br />

the art market — to work alongside the best scientists, on<br />

any work of art, and not only on works by Modigliani. In<br />

order to achieve that goal, it closely collaborates with the<br />

SGS laboratory in Geneva, and thus performs complete<br />

research for any work of art: be it ancient, modern or<br />

contemporary. While integrating the latest scientific<br />

techniques, it is able to produce most scientifically<br />

accomplished catalogues raisonnés. The Institut Restellini<br />

has decided to offer an electronic publication of the<br />

catalogue raisonné of Amedeo Modigliani, which is being<br />

elaborated.<br />

For every work, the Institut Restellini calls upon recognized<br />

specialists of the artist, experts, authors of catalogues<br />

raisonnés, scholars and academics, museum curators,<br />

gallery owners worldwide, thanks to the international<br />

network developed by Marc Restellini over the years.<br />

The Institut Restellini can offer a due diligence report,<br />

which summarizes the results of scientific analysis together<br />

with the expert’s opinion, as a complete updated record on<br />

each work:<br />

- Technical examination report (analysis of the medium<br />

and technique)<br />

- Stylistic comparative analysis<br />

- Documentation (history, exhibitions, literature)<br />

- Conclusions of the study.<br />

Amedeo Modigliani (Livorno, 1884 − Paris, 1920)<br />

Portrait de Chaïm Soutine, 1916, Oil on canvas, 100 x 65 cm<br />

<br />

© Pinacothèque de Paris<br />

You are specialised in early 20th century painting<br />

which covers an important period in the period of<br />

“l’Art Moderne”. What is the relevance today of<br />

this period towards our contemporary times<br />

and the 21st century audience?<br />

Each period in art history finds its roots and is nurtured by<br />

previous periods and experiences. Can one imagine Picasso<br />

without Cézanne’s legacy, or Bacon without Soutine, who<br />

himself was inspired and touched by Rembrandt, Corot and<br />

Delacroix? The 21st century artists cannot escape from this<br />

logic and I don’t see a disruptive change from this basic<br />

premise. The old masters, and other artistic predecessors<br />

have laid the artistic fundaments for future generations of<br />

contemporary artists.<br />

How are the artworks created in this early 20th<br />

century period and the practice of these artists<br />

still resonating and influencing our contemporary<br />

artists today?<br />

Today these artworks often live on in a spirit of<br />

breakthrough artistic practices and as part of the<br />

transgressive evolution of contemporary artists.<br />


© SGS<br />

72<br />

(R)evolution is supposed to be part of the contemporary<br />

art practice and conceptual art becomes the new academic<br />

path to follow for a young emerging artist. Transgression<br />

is part of the DNA of our new generation of artists<br />

where they follow new paths in parallel with the mere<br />

academic approach. Yet this doesn’t automatically mean<br />

that this path is the right one to follow because in the<br />

end it would become the new conformism again and even<br />

the new academic style of developing art. But again, it<br />

could mean that opportunities are missed when dogma<br />

starts ruling and this will happen again in the future. It<br />

is clear that academic’s failure to discover and welcome<br />

the Impressionists in the 19th century should not happen<br />

again and we should not miss new art geniuses for<br />

academic reasons. We should create an open atmosphere<br />

that becomes a fertile soil to accept new ideas and<br />

practices. I was worried once that we should also miss the<br />

new wave of graffiti artists and that is why I organised the<br />

expo “Pressionnisme”, to stress that a 100 years after the<br />

first failure, a second one was happening to these graffiti<br />

artists. The world changes more rapidly than ever but still<br />

we don’t always learn from past experiences and mistakes.<br />

The impact of this 20th century period on today’s<br />

art market is still extremely high, thanks to the<br />

enormous amount of creative energy that was<br />

used during those modern and exciting times in<br />

Paris and thanks to the romanticization of the<br />

artistic scenery of the main protagonists. From<br />

a monetary point of view this period is one of the<br />

most acclaimed related to financial values. Can<br />

you explain the relative value of this period in<br />

comparison with other important periods in art<br />

history ?

© Pinacothèque de Paris<br />

First of all we are confronted with an unhealthy speculation<br />

in the art market right now, which goes beyond limits. More<br />

recently a second factor rose up: the power and valuation<br />

of culture that is demonstrated on a global scale. I could<br />

criticise myself here because I have been one of the main<br />

protagonists in the last 20 years to display art all over the<br />

world and bring new approaches in demonstrating and<br />

combining art projects. But I must admit I feel a bit sad<br />

that this display of culture fuels the speculation in the<br />

global art market today. Just the thought that a painting<br />

that is attributed to Leonardo da Vinci could be sold for<br />

such a huge amount (Salvator Mundi was sold at Christie’s<br />

New York in November for 382 Mio EUR), through the<br />

knowledge that it could attract millions of visitors to<br />

museums, is a breakthrough in thinking about the art<br />

market. This will have an impact on price developments in<br />

the near future. It is only the second time in recent history<br />

that this type of museum or should we call it merchandising<br />

and investment-oriented approach was communicated on<br />

such a big scale. The first time it occurred was with a nude<br />

of Modigliani bought by a Chinese collector to advertise his<br />

museum with an iconic piece of art (in 2015 at Christie’s<br />

New York Liu Yiqian bought Modigliani’s Reclining Nude<br />

for approx. 144 Mio EUR).<br />

When we talk about financial value, forgery<br />

and falsification come into play. An issue of all<br />

times, although in the past a copy could be a<br />

‘reproduction’ and when well-executed you were<br />

accepted with honors as a good copyist. Today you<br />

are one of the worldwide experts in analysing the<br />

works of Amedeo Modigliani. Could you explain<br />

how you scientifically approach this task and decide<br />

which artwork is real or could be classified as a<br />

forgery ?<br />

High market values bring in the temptation of forgery,<br />

which has been happening for ages. My approach is simple,<br />

coherent and based on science. My 3 tools are these: first,<br />

I work with my eye, the most subjective tool I’ll admit, but<br />

indispensable to lay the basis for further research steps;<br />

the eye already defines how I will proceed in the process of<br />

analysing the artwork. The other two criteria are objective<br />

ones; diving into documentation, which has to be authentic<br />

and older than the first known falsifications, in the case<br />

of Modigliani best before 1925-1930. The last step is the<br />

scientific analysis, but also in this domain today’s market is<br />

spoiled by would-be analysts who pretend to use technology<br />

and scientific studies on the artworks. To make things even<br />

more complex and dubious, I could say there are false<br />

researchers too. The test results of the laboratory should be<br />

measured via a strict protocol, testing them to a database<br />

that is comprehensive, historically built and correct. When<br />

all the criteria are positive and there is no doubt on any<br />

of these, the artwork can be certified as authentic. But the<br />

smallest amount of doubt should make the analyst dare to<br />

say the painting is hazardous and perhaps not authentic.<br />


Chaïm Soutine <br />

© Pinacothèque de Paris<br />

La Folle, c. 1919, Oil on canvas, 87 x 65,1 cm<br />

Chaïm Soutine<br />

© Pinacothèque de Paris<br />

Le Bœuf, c. 1920, Oil on canvas, 81 x 50 cm<br />

74<br />

I can imagine there is a lot of pressure on the<br />

experts when they start the valuation of a piece.<br />

I am sure you have a sound understanding of your<br />

responsibility towards this matter. How do you cope<br />

with this pressure?<br />

The pressure is enormous and it is important to protect<br />

yourself from it. To control it means to focus on the<br />

research, by studying the painting and performing the<br />

scientific research in the laboratory, but most importantly<br />

by not listening to all the players of the art market. Auction<br />

houses, art dealers in the secondary market, or commercial<br />

agents have no idea about the time needed for thorough<br />

research and making a good evaluation. Sometimes others<br />

have a hard time understanding what I do during my<br />

scientific research.<br />

How come you became so passionate about art, as a<br />

student, and still to this day? Is passion a conditio<br />

sine qua non for you in your daily practice?<br />

In the world of arts, without passion nothing is possible<br />

in the long run. Art has been my life since I was a child. I<br />

was raised in an intellectual and artistic environment where<br />

my grand-father was a painter, my brother a musician, and<br />

another brother a historian, professor and writer of a large<br />

oeuvre of books. I myself am above all a historian and art<br />

historian. Surrounded by paintings and artworks, I was<br />

immersed as a youngster in this world of the arts and rich<br />

culture and finally became a professional. Before entering<br />

the world of museums, I spent 15 years at La Sorbonne in<br />

Paris as a student and teacher. I started as a director in a<br />

state-controlled institution and later in my own museum,<br />

La Pinacothèque de Paris, to develop my own programming<br />

and to install my vision. All of this can only be achieved<br />

with passion; a passion that sometimes makes you do crazy<br />

things, jump and cross borders.<br />

How do you approach an exhibition as a curator?<br />

Could you define your curatorial style?<br />

I would like to define it as universal and transversal. I was<br />

one of the first in my field to experience the closing of<br />

the gaps between different forms and practices of art and<br />

culture. Today this has become evident, but already in 2003<br />

I was talking about a transversal and universal vision, even<br />

before the Louvre at Abu Dhabi was considered. I was also<br />

one of the first to include ‘Wunderkammers’, or cabinets<br />

of curiosity in a museum presentation at the Pinacoteca in<br />

Paris in 2011. The instalment and presentation of light and<br />

colour in combination with the montage of the artworks<br />

are defining for this vision. Since the 1950s museums<br />

completely forgot to create dialogues and confrontations<br />

between artworks, which is something I have always<br />

incorporated.<br />

Bruno Devos & Marc Restellini

Chaïm Soutine (Smilovitchi, 1893 − Paris, 1943), Le Lièvre pendu, c. 1923, Oil on canvas, 61 x 37,8 cm<br />

© Pinacothèque de Paris<br />



Marc Restellini, born in 1964 in Saint-Omer<br />

(Pas-de-Calais), is an art historian and French<br />

museum director. He is the grandson of painter<br />

Isaac Antcher. He is the founder of the Institut<br />

Restellini and is internationally recognized as<br />

one of the leading experts on the artist<br />

Amedeo Modigliani.<br />

76<br />

He is keen to see a more innovative reading of Art History<br />

based on the cross-disciplinarity of works. His novel<br />

approach as an exhibition curator has played a notable part<br />

in the modernization of the French cultural scene.<br />

For the uninitiated, his name will not necessarily conjure<br />

up any images, whereas for all those who are interested in<br />

art, its history, and the places where it can be seen, Marc<br />

Restellini is an emblematic figure in the French cultural<br />

landscape. His work as one of the greatest experts on<br />

Modigliani and as founder of the Pinacothèque de Paris,<br />

has profoundly altered the way we see the organization and<br />

design of art exhibitions. For Marc Restellini, exhibitions<br />

have always been his favourite method of expression.<br />

Through a very particular medium that makes it possible<br />

to create a balanced mix between education for the general<br />

public and scientific erudition, Marc Restellini has offered<br />

the public many cult exhibitions which have sometimes<br />

turned out to be outstanding popular successes. Out of the<br />

10 most visited exhibitions in the past 20 years, at least five<br />

have been curated by Marc Restellini.<br />

In particular, this medium has enabled him to change the<br />

way people perceive artworks and the way artworks are<br />

interpreted among the public. When he embarked on his<br />

professional career, the museum world had been in a state<br />

of rupture for 30 or 40 years with the model of the “old<br />

museum”, where the works were hung against red wall<br />

hangings less than four inches apart, from floor to ceiling.<br />

That break, which occurred in the Malraux years, took<br />

an opposite stance and resulted in hanging works 30 feet<br />

apart on a white wall, with cold lighting. To the point of<br />

removing all warmth from the setting, and sometimes even<br />

killing the work. This approach culminated in making the<br />

interpretation of the work extremely desensitized, rendering<br />

it merely intellectual, by making a definitive break with the<br />

aestheticism, which the fashion of the day railed against.<br />

Marc Restellini, a virulent opponent of white walls, would<br />

reintroduce colour onto walls, by adding an architectural<br />

language to the setting through colour, altering lighting<br />

systems and conceiving specific lighting for works, in order<br />

to reintroduce emotion into the way a work was read.<br />

Putting works closer to one another in a logic of dialogue<br />

between them, and also introducing education to enable<br />

the person reading the work to assimilate those notions of<br />

art history represented by iconography and comparative<br />

science, lie at the heart of his approach. He would thus be<br />

the first person to impart the concept of cross-disciplinarity,<br />

which also makes it possible to compare cultures and<br />

civilizations in one and the same exhibition.<br />

So the very famous Modigliani exhibition at the Musée<br />

du Luxembourg, which he sub-titled “Modigliani, l’Ange<br />

au Visage grave” [Modigliani, the Angel with the Solemn<br />

Face], was a complete re-reading of the Italian artist’s<br />

œuvre. In size, it was also the largest show ever held of<br />

Modigliani’s work, with more than 110 paintings and more<br />

than 40 drawings. That ambitious project was especially<br />

well-acclaimed among the general public: almost 600.000<br />

visitors saw the show, more than the figure for the “Picasso-<br />

Matisse” exhibition which was held at the same time in the<br />

Grand Palais. We should also bear in mind a re-reading of<br />

Van Gogh with the double exhibition “Van Gogh, Dreams<br />

of Japan” and “Hiroshige, the Art of Travel”, which<br />

established the compulsive relation between Van Gogh and<br />

the art of the Japanese print in the 18th and 19th century.<br />

That exhibition was incidentally one of the major successes<br />

of the Pinacothèque de Paris with more than 800.000<br />

visitors in five months.

Marc Restellini, Institut Restellini <br />

<br />

© Pinacothèque de Paris<br />




The ‘Column of Peace’ by the German-Belgian artist<br />

Ulrike Bolenz shall unite and reconcile continents<br />

and peoples. Central to this artistic idea are the<br />

human ideals of peace and freedom.<br />

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the State of<br />

Israel and of the Sheba Medical Center, both created in<br />

1948, the “Column of Peace” will be formally presented<br />

in June 2018 to the Josef Buchmann Gynaecology and<br />

Maternity Center at the Sheba Medical Center in Israel.<br />

This column, created by the German-Belgian artist Ulrike<br />

Bolenz, is part of the PEACE GLOBAL ART PROJECT:<br />


Barbara Dietrich, Art Curator for “Living Tomorrow”<br />

and owner of the <strong>Diplomatic</strong> <strong>World</strong> Magazine, who will<br />

personally present the column during the anniversary<br />

celebrations at the Sheba Medical Center in Israel.<br />

The Josef Buchmann Gynaecology and Maternity Center<br />

at the Sheba Medical Center is Israel’s leading OB/<br />

GYN center of excellence. The center offers high quality<br />

and compassionate clinical care to advance women’s<br />

reproductive health.<br />

To meet growing demand for patient services, and to meet<br />

the demands of modern technology and science, Sheba<br />

seeks to grow the Buchmann Center into a full-fledged,<br />

multidisciplinary, and comprehensive Women’s Hospital.<br />

The beautiful new lobby is just the beginning of a long and<br />

difficult road of comprehensive renovation and expansion<br />

works that will transform the Women’s Hospital into a<br />

modern, friendly and pampering environment for both the<br />

women and the staff.<br />

The ‘Column of Peace’ by the German-<br />

Belgian artist Ulrike Bolenz shall unite<br />

and reconcile continents and peoples.<br />

Central to this artistic idea are the<br />

human ideals of peace and freedom.<br />

The columns contain very finely<br />

created and highly aesthetic images of<br />

women who are expressing joy by their<br />

posture and their laugh. The artist has<br />

chosen women as motifs because they,<br />

particularly as mothers, must convey zest<br />

of life, optimism and courage to their<br />

children. Thus, in reality, the woman<br />

already leads a new member of the<br />

human society to a peaceful joy in life<br />

and harmony between races, cultures and religions.<br />

The final destination of the column is a permanent home at<br />

a museum of the country which will receive the column as a<br />

gift. In the spirit of the artistic idea of this artwork, people<br />

in the country will be brought mentally close to the ideals of<br />

freedom and peace.<br />

The concept is that an institution or a personality who<br />

contributed to human rights and rights for education etc., is<br />

going to hand over the column to a museum in their country<br />

together with <strong>Diplomatic</strong> <strong>World</strong> Global Art Forum.<br />

The column is a gift, thus there are no obligations of any<br />

kind by individuals or by the country !<br />

Behind this idea is a peaceful harmonious central theme<br />

of the Peace Global Art Project, in which country-specific<br />




customs and traditions will be respected and considered.<br />

Additional Columns of Peace will be going to Russia,<br />

China, Israel, Belgium, USA and to countries in Africa and<br />

South-America (to be determined). There will always be a<br />

small but dignified ceremony. In this respect the wishes of<br />

the country concerned will be considered.<br />

The project is headed by Barbara Dietrich, Chairwoman<br />

Global Art Forum at <strong>Diplomatic</strong> <strong>World</strong>.<br />





Freedom, understanding, sympathy, soulfulness, optimism, self-confidence, sovereignty — positive terms which are brought<br />

in conjunction primarily to human laugh. Laughter can be understood as a form of communication between people, which,<br />

in its conflict-reducing effect, encourages the human interaction, creates a community spirit and consensus.<br />

But this positive effect of forming a strong sense of community also contains a hidden essential anarchic feature of laugh:<br />

the critical questioning of and disrespect for authorities. Thus authorities often feel provoked by this openly emotional<br />

expression — as recently became public. The subject “laugh” can rarely be found in the history of art, as on one hand<br />

the early clergy condemned laughter as unchristian and as on the other hand the cause of laughter cannot be pictured in<br />

works of Fine Arts like paintings, sculptures, etc. Nevertheless several early Masters such as Frans Hals, Rubens, etc. have<br />

been dealing with this subject, lately also Chinese artists. In her installations and paintings the artist Ulrike Bolenz often<br />

embeds social, political and scientific time-critical themes and thus broaches the issue of fears of the modern man. Her<br />

artistic works are emotional, touching and are food for thought. For twenty years now, the topic humor in the expression<br />

of laughter is already part of the oeuvre of Ulrike Bolenz. In 1996 an installation of hers, a group of laughing women,<br />

has been on display at the famous Berliner Dom, in the following years in French churches and 2005 in Ghent in the<br />

chapel Campo Santo. The delight, expressed in the artworks with the topic laugh, shows Ulrike Bolenz also understands<br />

it as a resistance against the human atrocities in our time. The latest tragic situation in Paris in November 2015 confirms<br />

“a fortiori” the topicality of her works and can also be understood as an artistic effort to preserve optimism and joie de<br />

vivre, and to reduce people’s fears. The artistic work of Ulrike Bolenz includes sculptures and large-scale installations in a<br />

unique photo sculpture technique and works on canvas and wood in oil, acrylic and mixed media.<br />






Paul Cools’ activities and operations intertwine<br />

from legal entrepreneurship to diplomacy to the<br />

world of performing arts and being a collector of<br />

contemporary art. Since 1992 Paul is founding<br />

partner of LA-ON Lawyers based in Antwerp and<br />

Florence, specialising in international advisory and<br />

debt collecting. In all these legal activities Paul Cools<br />

and his firm focus on mediation and negotiation.<br />

This experience has brought him almost organically in<br />

playing several other roles as Honorary Consul General of<br />

Malta and being for almost 10 years engaged as a member<br />

and president of the board of The Flemish Opera house, the<br />

most important cultural institution in Flanders from political,<br />

budget and number of employees point of view. As member<br />

of the board of the Opera he recently was an advocate of the<br />

larger integration of the Royal Ballet of Flanders into one<br />

organisation, Kunstenhuis, Opera Ballet Flanders. Today he<br />

is active as member of the board of the Fashion Museum in<br />

Antwerp (MOMU).<br />

Consulates are anchor points for smaller countries abroad<br />

and facilitate its introduction and active presence. But in a<br />

large country such as Brazil, Belgium is represented in Belo<br />

Horizonte by Henrique Machado Rabelo, who nowadays as<br />

Honorary Consul General, apart from his legal activities,<br />

is also representing the Antwerp Harbour in the region.<br />

His diplomatic experience and negotiation skills are critical<br />

factors in his daily entrepreneurial life but also into his<br />

diplomatic and cultural activities. As a diplomat, since<br />

1993, with an extensive network in business and politics,<br />

the impact of culture as a soft power has proven its potential<br />

leverage during the course of these 25 years. When dealing<br />

on a human level, either in politics or business, interaction<br />

only becomes successful when there is a mutual respect and<br />

understanding, and often cultural activities instigate this<br />

rapprochement.<br />

As Honorary Consul General, he always serves the citizens<br />

of Malta but often aids Belgian citizens or companies in<br />

their search for tourism or business opportunities in Malta.<br />

Building bridges on all levels is the best reason to keep<br />

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motivated and keep track of the results of his diplomatic role.<br />

Paul Cools<br />

© Herman Selleslags

The harbour in Valletta<br />

So the partnership with local and experienced forward<br />

thinking persons can be profitable in addition to the corps<br />

diplomatique and the services of the Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs, hence a public private partnership can benefit several<br />

parties and institutions.<br />

even offering financial incentives. The tax shelter created<br />

for the film industry, is one of the reasons for collaborations<br />

between Belgium and the Island. The attractiveness of Malta<br />

as a destination for tourism and business incentive has been<br />

increasing recently.<br />

Valletta 2018 as cultural capital of Europe, is the highlight<br />

of 25 years of cultural exchange between Belgium and Malta,<br />

with a wider international horizon. For Paul Cools this high<br />

level event gives him the opportunity to invite his customers<br />

to several events. The program for Valletta 2018 is rich,<br />

especially focusing on performing arts that will create a sense<br />

to experience the famous Maltese Festa and for one year<br />

Malta invites visitors from all over the world to be part of this<br />

cultural party. The contribution of Belgium for Valletta 2018<br />

focuses on performing arts with for example De Munt/La<br />

Monnaie, Muziektheater Transparant and Laika staging and<br />

performing productions and collaborations in Valletta.<br />

In recent years, Malta has become one of Europe’s most<br />

popular film and television locations and the Maltese Islands<br />

— Malta, Gozo and Comino — have been home to several<br />

Hollywood blockbusters, thanks to the islands’ beautiful,<br />

unspoiled coastlines and breathtaking architecture. Malta has<br />

structured the possibilities for international film productions<br />

via The Malta Film Commission. MFC is a government body<br />

set up with the aim of assisting in the production of films<br />

in Malta and promoting the islands as a filming location,<br />

For Cools, cultural diplomacy and art will keep playing<br />

an important role in both his professional and personal<br />

life. As an innovative legal firm, artworks are part of the<br />

biotope of his legal firm. Paul Cools firmly believes the<br />

contemporary artworks that inhabit his home and LA-ON’s<br />

working space add something extra, inspiring employees but<br />

also surrounding them with beauty. The employees at the<br />

company, when not working at home, change seats every day,<br />

which confronts them with a new neighbour, colleague and<br />

artwork every day. It also changes perspectives and leads<br />

to discovering new angles inside the office but also of the<br />

outside view to the river Scheldt or the old port of Antwerp,<br />

with the MAS Museum as neighbouring landmark. Art as<br />

a motivational tool, plays a specific part in creating new<br />

concepts and models of human resources that the LA-ON<br />

firm incorporates in its daily habitat.<br />

Valletta 2018, opens as European Capital of Culture<br />

with a unique celebration that’s worthy of the traditional<br />

Maltese Festa from the 14th to the 21st of January. Valletta<br />

2018 brings an exciting year-long celebration — a cultural<br />

programme that starts in the capital city and reaches out to<br />


towns and villages all over Malta and Gozo. In the opening<br />

week music and entertainment, street artists and performers<br />

will spread word of the opening around the capital’s<br />

streets. Exhibitions set in diverse venues around the city,<br />

open days that re-discover Valletta’s fascinating historical<br />

spaces, community storytelling events centered around the<br />

city’s residents and the spaces they use create a total Festa<br />

experience.<br />

The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme kicks off on the 20th<br />

of January 2018: a collection of over 140 projects and 400<br />

events taking place throughout the year. Valletta 2018 has<br />

invested strongly in a programme that sees the involvement of<br />

around 1.000 local and international artists, curators, artist<br />

collectives, performers, workshop leaders, writers, designers,<br />

choirs and film-makers. While a number of international<br />

artists are collaborating with locals throughout the 2018<br />

programme, Maltese artists are travelling to the twin<br />

European Capital of Culture, Leeuwarden in the Netherlands<br />

as well as other cities in Cyprus, Japan, Poland and Greece.<br />

Orfeo & Majnun is an interdisciplinary, participatory musictheatre<br />

project that connects two myths from different<br />

cultures, combining the Greek myth of Orfeo and Eurydice<br />

and the Middle Eastern legend of Leyla and Majnun. A theatre<br />

of emotions about love, loss and longing and the power of<br />

music, Orfeo & Majnun will be an enchanting production<br />

that uses multiple textures, including shadow puppet theatre,<br />

to express a new take on these well-known tales. The project<br />

extends into workshops and collaborations with local citizens<br />

of all generations and backgrounds where students, choirs,<br />

musicians and artists participate in the process of co-creation.<br />

This fascinating piece builds up to a powerful community<br />

experience that makes it one of the biggest participatory<br />

projects on our programme. Local and international artists,<br />

together with citizens participating in workshops, will present<br />

their work for the first part of the Orfeo & Majnun project.<br />

Orfeo & Majnun is produced in partnership with the Valletta<br />

2018 Foundation, La Monnaie in Brussels, Festival d’Aixen-Provence<br />

in France, Wiener Konzerthaus in Vienna,<br />

Operadagen in Rotterdam, Santa Maria da Feira in Portugal<br />

and the Krakow Festival Office in Poland.<br />

Darba Waħda is an intergenerational project giving two<br />

generations the opportunity to meet over a creative platform.<br />

Elderly people have a wealth of information and experience<br />

that makes them valuable members of our communities.<br />

Children, on the other hand, in their simplicity and<br />

youthfulness, are inspirational. Through various creative<br />

methods including drama, games and exercises, arts and<br />

crafts, storytelling and improvisations, the two generations<br />

have the opportunity to relate, to share, to exchange, to learn<br />

and to create… and most of all have fun together. This project<br />

explores this relationship and creates a bridge between the<br />

two generations.<br />

http://valletta2018.org/cultural-programme/the-valletta-2018-<br />

cultural-programme/<br />


La-On Lawyers, founded by Paul Cools in 1992, focuses<br />

on commercial law and debt collection with a branch<br />

specialized in real estate and construction law. The<br />

company has bases in Antwerp and Florence, assisting<br />

customers all over Europe with unpaid invoices. La-On<br />

has developed its own software that allows them to log in<br />

directly to their customers’ IT network and create profiles<br />

for their clients. This in turn gives customers digital<br />

access to the information in the files.<br />

In 2016, La-On was nominated as the most innovative<br />

law firm in Europe. Their drive for innovation has only<br />

increased and in the last year, La-On joined hands with<br />

a scientific analysist and developed a statistic model that<br />

can predict the success of a summons. The algorithm is<br />

being refined daily to make sure La-On can create the<br />

perfect trajectory for each profile, for both amicable<br />

settlements and court cases. Through this system, La-On<br />

is able to get the ideal cost optimization and highest<br />

number of recoveries for their customers.<br />

La-On specializes in mediation. “Our goal, as opposed<br />

to that of some of our colleagues, is to avoid trials at all<br />

costs. This enables our clients to keep their customers<br />

and it contributes to one of our core values: sustainable<br />

business”, says Paul Cools. Every person at La-On is<br />

reminded of the company’s approach each day thanks<br />

to the motto hanging in the office kitchen: “Customer<br />

service is not a department but an attitude”.<br />

www.la-on.eu | paul.cools@la-on.eu<br />


Nightshade: Aubergine<br />

© Lisa Tahon<br />

Aubergines<br />

Spheroid<br />

Fruit, pleasing<br />

To taste, fattened<br />

By water gushing in all<br />

The gardens, glossy cupped<br />

In its petiole, ah heart<br />

Of a lamb in<br />

A vulture’s claws<br />

Ibn Sara van Santarém<br />

1043—1123<br />

“A certain esteem for each other is evident in all who eat together.<br />

This is already expressed by the fact of their sharing.<br />

The food in the common dish before them belongs to all of them.<br />

Everyone tries to be fair and not to take advantage of anyone else.<br />

But the touch of solemnity in their attitude cannot be explained by this alone;<br />

their mutual esteem also means that they will not eat each other.”<br />

Elias Canetti<br />

1905-1994<br />






When I meet Claron McFadden, backstage, an<br />

hour before her performance in the theatre play<br />

L’humanité at Le Théâtre de Namur (BE), I am<br />

enchanted by her presence, attitude and motivation<br />

to bring music and minds together, tearing down<br />

walls, with several spontaneous laughs in between,<br />

as a weapon of mass human bonding. A woman and<br />

female artist who has been on the most prestigious<br />

opera stages in the world, but now looking for<br />

a new mission, focusing, and engaging in deep<br />

musical experiences, in search of common roots<br />

that bring people from all over the world together.<br />

Communicating with or without words, gesture,<br />

music, songs, performance and dance and even an<br />

aubergine turned into a dish; food as an instrument,<br />

being a valuable member of Claron’s band.<br />

84<br />

Claron McFadden goes in search of the common roots of<br />

our various cultures by focusing on one of the most iconic<br />

ingredients on the culinary scene: the aubergine.<br />

Despite the huge migration that it has experienced, this<br />

age-old fruit has always managed to adapt to its culinary<br />

surroundings, without losing its striking identity. Documentary<br />

maker Lisa Tahon and McFadden are retracing this epic<br />

migration back to its origin. During her journey, starting in<br />

The Mediterranean, McFadden spends a few days with a host<br />

in different countries. At each stop, she is taught a traditional<br />

dish and a song, and she takes the recipes and melodies<br />

with her. Together with a group of musical colleagues she<br />

is contributing a new chapter to the tradition of migration.<br />

Nightshade: Aubergine shows how mutual cross-pollination<br />

can strengthen our common identity, and allows the audience<br />

to experience the rich tradition of aubergine-based cuisine,<br />

in combination with live music and a “road-movie” travel<br />

documentary.<br />

“When I look at the map of the world from left to right<br />

and back again, wherever the aubergine goes the first thing<br />

it always meets is distrust and morbid curiosity. Some<br />

considered it an afrodisiac ‘poma amoris’ - the apple of love.<br />

Others called it the apple of madness: ‘mala insana’.”<br />

Around 1600 this English herbalist who’s name was Gerarde,<br />

tried to warn his fellow countrymen against this purple<br />

menace from the East: “In Egypt and Barbarie, they use to eate<br />

the fruite of Mala insana boiled or rosted under ashes with<br />

oile, vinegar, and pepper, as people use to eate Mushroms.<br />

But I rather wishe Englishmen to content themselves with<br />

the meate and sauce of our own country, than with fruite and<br />

sauce eaten with such perill: for doubtlesse these apples have<br />

a mischeevous quality; the use thereof is utterly to be forsaken.<br />

... Therefore it is better to esteeme this plant and have him in<br />

the garden for your pleasure and the rarenesse thereof, then<br />

for any virtue or good qualities yet knowne.”

Nightshade: Aubergine<br />

© Lisa Tahon<br />

As I keep looking at the map of the world I see cultures<br />

on the move from East to West and back again and People<br />

try to stick to their traditions but it’s always too late ‘cause<br />

nothing stays the same’.<br />

with her on her shoulder. In this first part she travelled from<br />

Belgium to the Mediterranean Sea. In the second part (in<br />

2018-2019) they travel from the Mediterranean region to<br />

the far East.<br />

Since 2017 the American-Dutch soprano Claron McFadden<br />

is one of the artists in residence of Muziektheater Transparant.<br />

This production house in Borgerhout (Antwerp, BE) thus<br />

supports McFadden’s artistic creations including<br />

‘Nightshade: Aubergine’.<br />

McFadden has been fascinated for years by a phenomenon<br />

that appears to be universal. “It doesn’t matter if you are<br />

rich or poor, black or white, but when people eat the first<br />

bites of a meal, a silence seems to come over them, just<br />

before they swallow the food, a silence which lasts for a<br />

couple of seconds.”<br />

In 2016 the vibrant and young soul McFadden decided to<br />

explore her fascination by means of her favourite vegetable<br />

from the Mediterranean kitchen, the eggplant. But after<br />

some research it turned out to be originally from Myanmar<br />

and going all the way to China. She decided to follow the<br />

migration routes of the aubergine from the Mediterranean<br />

sea to the Oriental roots, together with documentary maker<br />

Lisa Tahon who followed Claron as if she was travelling<br />


For the first part of this adventure she found five hostesses<br />

and hosts, through friends and acquaintances, in five<br />

countries (Spain, Morocco, Italy (Sicily), Greece and<br />

Turkey) who were prepared to teach her to make a local<br />

dish with eggplant, and also taught her a song. Some of the<br />

hosts had a song ready for her before she arrived, others<br />

chose it after they had actually met her. Coincidence or not,<br />

the melodies often matched her melancholic personality.<br />

“The Greek song, for example, comes from a man who had<br />

cancer. The song is a metaphor for his death in which his<br />

predeceased parents advise him to stay on the other side,<br />

with both feet firmly in life, where it is so much better to<br />

linger.”<br />

“That whole journey was permeated by melancholy. I<br />

heard sad stories but at the same time encountered so<br />

much warmth and sincere affection. For example, I met<br />

an incredibly friendly waiter in Turkey, I will call him<br />

Yusuf, which is an alias. He was sentenced to death in<br />

his homeland because he is gay. He is currently in Turkey<br />


Nightshade: Aubergine<br />

© Koen Broos<br />

86<br />

awaiting permission to go to another country where he<br />

can build a new life. He travels four hours a day to works<br />

as a waiter in a restaurant. He lost everything, his house,<br />

his family, his money. It moved me to see how cheerful he<br />

always was despite all the misery he went through.”<br />

During the performance we will meet the people and stories<br />

that McFadden collected during these three weeks. In the<br />

background we will see video images of the documentary,<br />

while the music will switch from recordings to live<br />

performances. Claron’s classical musical background is also<br />

discussed briefly when she meets a lady who sings opera in<br />

Istanbul. “An amazing experience”. Besides so many others.<br />

For Claron, this trip became an inner journey which made<br />

her realise that she too still suffers from prejudices about<br />

her fellow man, while thinking that she is open-minded. “It’s<br />

an inner journey as well as an outer journey”. That’s why<br />

she selected the photo with the taxi driver from Morocco<br />

as an image of the production that reflects her experience<br />

and perhaps even her life. “It is not a cheerful but rather a<br />

mysterious image. You see distrust in my eyes, fear of the<br />

unknown. Because when you start such a journey, you don’t<br />

know where you will end up. When we boarded the taxi, we<br />

assumed that the driver would cheat us. But as soon as<br />

I started talking to him, my prejudices disappeared.<br />

He turned out to be a very friendly man and he taught me<br />

how to gesticulate in Arabic. We really had a good laugh<br />

during that car journey.”<br />

And that is the feeling Claron and her artistic entourage<br />

want to convey with Nightshade: Aubergine. The feeling of<br />

connection, the questioning of why we build so many walls<br />

between people and the confirmation that we as people on<br />

the same planet have so much more in common than we<br />

think. “If we are not careful, history repeats itself with wars<br />

and large migration flows due to distrust and exclusion.<br />

Life is too short not to learn from each other. Afterwards<br />

we can all eat something and talk about what we have seen<br />

and heard. And who knows, keep silent together for a few<br />

seconds when we swallow our first bite.”<br />

Concept | Vocals: Claron McFadden<br />

Composition:<br />

Tuur Florizoone, Osama Abdulrasol, Yannick Peeters<br />

Composition ‘Evlerine Varagele Usandım’:<br />

Ryan Francesconi, Dan Cantrell, Tobias Roberson,<br />

Paul Brown, Brenna MacCrimmon<br />




Soprano Claron McFadden (b. 1961) is artist in resident<br />

at Muziektheater Transparant. After her studies at the<br />

Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York,<br />

she became a great name in both the baroque and<br />

traditional and modern repertoire. The popular soloist<br />

was nominated for a Grammy in 2002 and received the<br />

Amsterdam Arts Prize in 2007. www.claronmcfadden.com<br />

Lisa Tahon (b. 1989) is an Ostend filmmaker. She<br />

studied direction at the RITS. Since 2010 she has been a<br />

permanent filmmaker at Vrijstaat O. In 2012 she made her<br />

first documentary Upside Down in Palestine. In 2014 she<br />

performed Parallel Lines together with dancer Bui Ngoc<br />

Quan. Lisa also created trailers and dance reports of Bára<br />

Sigfúsdóttir (The Lover), 3art3 Company (Untold) and<br />

Vittoria De Ferrari Sapetto (088). In May 2015 she created<br />

the documentary Gloed about the work of choreographer<br />

Serge Aimé Coulibaly for CC De Grote Post. For the<br />

province of West Flanders, she made the documentary<br />

Tegoare Sterker about the West Flanders poverty<br />

associations.<br />

Nightshade: Aubergine<br />

© Koen Broos<br />

Nightshade: Aubergine 2018<br />

Hackney Empire, London (UK)<br />

20 - 21 January<br />

Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam (NL)<br />

15 February<br />

Handelsbeurs Gent (BE)<br />

17 February<br />

Theater Tilburg (NL)<br />

7 April<br />

St Aloysius College Theatre (Valetta, Malta) 1 September<br />

Concertgebouw Brugge (BE)<br />

18 November<br />


Going from the artistic and social topicality, production<br />

house Muziektheater Transparant enters into an<br />

intensive dialogue with artists from various disciplines<br />

and creates, renews and presents music theatre in its<br />

entire diversity for a wide audience. The voice is placed<br />

firmly at the centre of the projects, and it continually<br />

blends the old and the new. Other disciplines like<br />

visual arts, film, video, graphics are integrated in the<br />

productions. The company pays particular attention to<br />

offering contemporary musicians the chance to develop<br />

and try new work. House artists are for example Wouter<br />

Van Looy, Wim Henderickx, Annelies Van Parys,<br />

Claron McFadden and Luigi d’Angelis. In TRANSLAB<br />

Muziektheater Transparant opens its doors to young<br />

makers of music theatre and offers them support, training<br />

and opportunities for creation like the annual Youth<br />

Opera. In this way there is a long-term commitment to a<br />

new generation of performing artists with inspiring artists<br />

who act as their coach. Transparant is internationally<br />

active and it has performed at many venues, festivals,<br />

opera houses and at several European Capitals of<br />

Culture. This variety of shows, artists and production<br />

methods gives Muziektheater Transparant a unique<br />

national and international character.<br />

www.transparant.be<br />




An intro from Claron McFadden<br />


It seems that we are becoming more and more concerned<br />

with what separates us from our fellow human beings,<br />

whereas I think we have much more in common than we<br />

might like to admit.<br />

About 15 years ago I was invited to spend the day with the<br />

family of a close friend whose roots are Jewish/Yemeni. His<br />

mother welcomed me with open arms, even though not one<br />

word was exchanged between us. Language was not needed<br />

because we were communicating on a deeper level and the<br />

warm reception I received that day planted the tiny seed of<br />

this project.<br />

Several years after that, as a panel guest on BBC’s radio<br />

program FORUM, I was asked to make a 60 second pitch<br />

on how to improve the world. I said that if on a given day,<br />

everyone in the entire world started to eat at exactly the<br />

same time, for the space of about 10 seconds, there would<br />

be absolute world peace.<br />

I believe that something takes place in the brain directly<br />

connected to our survival instinct when we take our first bite,<br />

and this lasts about 10 seconds. The hungrier we are, the<br />

longer and more intense the silence seems to be… Whether<br />

collectively or individually, this tiny unit of time seems to<br />

always be present. This is my starting point for exploring just<br />

how connected we human beings really are.<br />

I’d like to retrace the journey of the aubergine, one which<br />

runs parallel to the iconic silk route, but do it in reverse,<br />

from Spain, all the way to China. Documentary maker Lisa<br />

Tahon will be my travelling companion, filming “over my<br />

shoulder”.<br />

The result of this journey will be a live performance, in the<br />

form of a musical documentary and incorporating music,<br />

film footage and the public getting a sampling the dishes<br />

learnt.<br />

Starting from the most westerly point of the Mediterranean<br />

and moving eastward, I will pass through several countries<br />

learning from a host how to cook an aubergine recipe as<br />

well as learning a traditional song. I also hope to learn a bit<br />

more about their personal “transmigration” and sense of<br />

identity along the way.<br />

I have 5 wonderful hosts on this trip to Spain, Morocco,<br />

Italy, Greece and Turkey, who agreed to spend two days with<br />

me. On my final evening in each country we will eat together<br />

with family/friends, and the dish I learnt to cook will be<br />

presented. And after dinner I will sing the song I learnt,<br />

which might be unexpectedly entertaining at times.<br />

I’m looking forward immensely to starting this journey<br />

of discovery, and I’ll certainly be looking out for that tiny<br />

portion of “world peace”…<br />

Music and food are an important part of most cultures,<br />

today, as in prehistoric times. Due to vast migrations over the<br />

ages and the “cross-pollination” of cultures and customs, it is<br />

becoming more and more rare to find food or music which is<br />

“purely” English, German, Nigerian, etc.<br />

88<br />

In this project, the Aubergine is a metaphor for this musical,<br />

culinary and anthropological “trans-migration”; from the<br />

Orient to the Mediterranean, the aubergine has adapted<br />

itself to its surroundings, yet always retaining its distinct<br />

texture, colour and flavour. It doesn’t assimilate, but<br />

integrates without losing its identity.<br />

Pages 89 - 95<br />

Nightshade:Aubergine<br />

Photos performance ©Koen Broos<br />

Photos film stills ©Lisa Tahon<br />

© Muziektheater Transparant<br />

© Claron McFadden and Lisa Tahon













Cricket Island<br />

Alexis Gautier (1990) has spent two months in Indonesia<br />

looking for the definition of an island: “there is a bored god,<br />

a handful of dust and a floating island. I hear my name in<br />

the speakers of the mosque, a night fisherman with a lamp<br />

on his forehead and a prayer with open hand palms. They<br />

tell me about a buried egg, a hidden door and about one<br />

single cricket.”<br />

About Pulau Jengkerik<br />

By Laura Herman<br />

What makes an island? French artist Alexis Gautier offers no<br />

single answer to this question in his sprawling exhibition at<br />

BOZAR. Through films, artefacts, and drawings, Gautier takes<br />

viewers back to his allegorical floating island moving over the<br />

waters around Flores, a group of islands in the eastern half of<br />

Indonesia. Rather than focusing on the co-creation process with<br />

local craftsmen, the works on view in the exhibition unravel the<br />

multiple meanings and values accrued by the tiny body of artificial<br />

land in an attempt to describe islandness as living experiment.<br />

Though the exhibition may be read as an archipelago in itself,<br />

allowing thought to drift off to its different parts, the works<br />

are loosely hinged around three themes, namely the emergence<br />

of myths, the prestige of discovering land, and the island as a<br />

node in a geopolitical maze. Pulau Jengkerik functions less as<br />

the protagonist of Gautier’s exhibition, than as the pretext for<br />

making a documentary about the fantasy of territorial sovereignty,<br />

geography, and belonging.<br />

First, there was the encounter. As the small island was released<br />

into the sea and travelled to different villages – whose inhabitants<br />

speak various languages and follow multiple religions – it was<br />

first met with suspicion. Then came expressions of astonishment,<br />

enthusiasm and curiosity. The island quickly acquired different<br />

names including Pulau Jengkerik (referring to its sole inhabitant, a<br />

cricket) or Pulau Buatan (man-made island). Yet, most importantly<br />

it brought forth a flood of stories and conversations about the<br />

status and ontology of the island, often linked to shifting territories<br />

and belief systems. If today artificial islands are commonly built<br />

for the love of money or to rule the waves, the floating island once<br />

belonged to the realm of fantasy and mythology. The myth of the<br />

origin of Java Island, for example, goes something like this: moving<br />

freely in the ocean, Batara Guru (Shiva) wanted to make the Java<br />

island stay still. He instructed the gods Bragma and Vishnu to<br />

move the tip of Mahameru and attach it to Java in order for it to<br />

remain still. This story, told as way to mystify the unexplained, is<br />

mimicked in the creation process of Pulau Jengkerik, which was<br />

covered with the peeled off vegetation of the top of a hill.<br />

Myths and stories are closely intertwined with the discovery of<br />

lands and the act of taking possession of them, and it is no<br />

coincidence that the sight of the bare stripped area reminds us<br />

of humankind’s violent venture to subdue or master nature, and<br />

exploit its resources. Simultaneously, the vegetation covering the<br />

island refers to the contemporary legal definition of what makes<br />

an island according to Indonesian law. An island is only an island,<br />

and not a rock in the water, when it appears high on tide and<br />

accommodates vegetation, preferably a tree.<br />

A similar definition has been given for what constitutes a micronation.<br />

The most ephemeral of states requires an office, enjoys<br />

recognition, and fashions its own currency. One may speculate<br />

that the woven banknotes on view in the exhibition operate as a<br />

currency for Gautier’s fictional island. Based on original, historical<br />

currency from the archipelago, but made with a diagonal weave,<br />

the woven notes reflect a drifting perception of space, upending<br />

the standardised cardinal points of the compass: north, south,<br />

east, and west. When leaving the island by boats, many islanders<br />

turned their back to the sea and the future, keeping sight of the<br />

shore and the past. Woven from the experience of time and space,<br />

the notes suggest a different relation to direction, land, borders,<br />

and neighbours. Along those lines, Gautier’s cricket isle can also<br />

be viewed as a meandering landmark, constantly shifting its spatial<br />

relation to the world’s geographical axes.<br />

Finally, many other stories of volcanic eruptions and natural<br />

phenomena permeate and extend from Pulau Jengkerik as it<br />

pushes the imagination of everyone who encounters it. Above all,<br />

the floating island points to the permeability of stories and belief<br />

systems – the capacity to absorb and integrate stories to make<br />

multiple versions of the world we inhabit, and wherein we can<br />

occupy both sides of the divide between fiction and reality.<br />

Pages 23, 61, 96, 129 & 141<br />


© Alexis Gautier<br />




Prof. Dr. Jan De Maere<br />

The geopolitical context changes radically<br />

nowadays. This forces Europe to adapt and to<br />

speak with one voice. This also has implications<br />

for creativity, art and culture, and its relation to<br />

artificial intelligence (AI). The Anglo-Saxon art<br />

market is 60% of the world market, and will soon<br />

be defining its own rules. It is based on different<br />

principles, less regulation and better policing of<br />

the code of conduct by professional art market<br />

organizations. How will the European art market<br />

survive at a bureaucratic excess? Will Europe make<br />

a prerequisite of the respect of intellectual property<br />

rights in its diplomatic relations?<br />

Our democratic institutions adapt with hope and courage<br />

to the new European order, soon without Great Britain.<br />

Regardless of the quality of Brexit negotiators, it is<br />

nevertheless Mrs Angela Merkel who will largely decide the<br />

outcome of European trade regulations with the UK. The<br />

path to optimise coordination between European countries<br />

and their many regions, is strewn with pitfalls. This<br />

provokes some jolts as we see in Cataluña. Some countries<br />

have a tradition of strong centralization, others are a<br />

federation of regions with a central government and great<br />

subsidiarity at each level of competence. The transformation<br />

of the artistic world and creative industry, has to find a way<br />

between a free and globalized market, allowing to shine<br />

without borders, and the ukases of the ‘politically correct’<br />

state management artistic life, inherited from times, not<br />

so long ago, when Marxism was intellectually fashionable.<br />

Stardom, immediacy, short attention-span and social<br />

media, leave little room for poetry, procrastination and<br />

contemplation. The dimension of time is shrinking every<br />

day.<br />

98<br />

Territorial integrity and Western values of free expression<br />

are undermined by revenge and by the disrespect for the<br />

rule of law in many countries. Each century adapts its<br />

Jan De Maere

Leonardo da Vinci, ‘Christ Savior’, Christie’s New York, sold $451.000.000<br />

forms of diplomacy to the requirements of its times. As<br />

two hundred years ago at the Vienna Congress (1815),<br />

a new international system points at the horizon. Based<br />

on the historic primacy and brutality of the great powers,<br />

their desire for regional hegemony modifies more and more<br />

the balance of power and transforms it in geographical<br />

spheres of influence. The great powers are historically<br />

always nationalist and only globalist when it suits them. The<br />

American primacy resulted from the end of the Cold War.<br />

Today, the fragile balance of powers is renegotiated between<br />

the USA and China, both playing on the lack of European<br />

cohesion. Advancing in a dispersed order is never a good<br />

idea, as Ambiorix, king of the Eburones (Gallia Belgica),<br />

and Vercingetorix (Averni tribe) found out, fighting against<br />

Julius Caesar, which exploited Gaulish internal division two<br />

thousand years ago.<br />

In a world obsessed with efficiency, where in most countries<br />

education neglects history and culture, artistic creation is<br />

a fragile area of freedom. Economic Europe is becoming<br />

stronger, socio-political Europe is looking for its identity,<br />

while a Europe of culture has yet to be firmly established<br />


Ioan Sbârciu & Jan De Maere, Cluj-Napoca 2015<br />

100<br />

and defined. In this digitalized world, there is a direct<br />

link between the economics of the art market and cultural<br />

education and consumption. Quality can only be expressed<br />

through the critical sense of a healthy civil society,<br />

imposing the complexity and diversity of its reflection. Free<br />

movement of people and goods is the general European<br />

principle, respected by all. Countries, facilitating exchanges<br />

between different cultural regions and countries, outperform<br />

others. Art intensifies the cultural discourse and<br />

science, which cannot exist without creative hypothesis.<br />

Therefore, it’s on the margins of society that creators<br />

reveal their fragile niches, which, in their individuality,<br />

bear a universal dimension that grabs us emotionally. Selfawareness<br />

has only a lucky outcome when the story we<br />

unconsciously tell about our self, finds its parallel in the<br />

global and lasting discourse of humanity, which is expressed<br />

through its creativity. That is where our doubts are qualified<br />

and hope is born.<br />

A well-functioning world needs an active and critical<br />

civil society that offers solutions and takes interest in the<br />

suffering of others. The desire for discovery, exchange and<br />

innovation should not use ad hominem arguments nor<br />

stigmatization. The search for the common universal base of<br />

our European values requires from public authorities a great<br />

capacity to listen to the fragility of the nascent creation.<br />

Their task is also to organize a common cultural memory<br />

with respect for all nuances of diversity. But, their attempts<br />

bring them far from the roots with which people establish<br />

the foundation of their subjectivity. Public cultural policies<br />

are part of the continuity of the history of peoples. But,<br />

they have to avoid alienation; only meaningful content could<br />

transform emotion into feelings.<br />

The present is conditioned by the past, as much as the<br />

future is by the present. The integration of our concepts of<br />

time and place in our subjectivity is mediated through art<br />

and cultural management. The regulation of the transfer<br />

of cultural immaterial values is part of the economy of<br />

culture, but some great countries hardly respect intellectual<br />

property rights. In a hypocritical opportunist reflex, a<br />

great number of other countries do not contest this bad<br />

attitude in their diplomatic relationships. They do not<br />

want to know that hereby they weaken themselves. It is up<br />

to the democratic state to define the framework in which<br />

his cultural economy can function in an optimal way for<br />

all. Incentive, distributive and corrective measures must<br />

reconcile the terms of cultural exception, free trade and law,<br />

taking into account European values. Countries that have<br />

maintained or developed totalitarian tendencies, if they have<br />

the ambition to trade with Europe, should be required to<br />

respect freedom of opinion. Article 36 TFUE recognizes for

those member states of the European Union that they can<br />

partially derogate from the principles of free movement; but<br />

free expression and information is protected by the Charter<br />

of Fundamental Rights of the EU (Title II, art 11).<br />

threshold set in their category and a procedure for the<br />

return of cultural property unlawfully transferred from one<br />

Member State to another with retroactive effect for illicit<br />

transfers done from 1 January 1993.<br />

The state plays a great role in all markets, it regulates<br />

them and negotiates international agreements. Legal,<br />

administrative and fiscal rules are drawn up in order to<br />

guarantee buyers and sellers a minimum of transparency<br />

and fairness. Each European country has its legal<br />

specificities about intellectual rights and the concept of<br />

authenticity. The Anglo-Saxon market, which dominates two<br />

thirds of the international art market, is based on “common<br />

law”, which considers authenticity a matter of opinion and<br />

due diligence. As for the European continent, it derived its<br />

laws from the Napoleonic code. In France, Jurisprudence<br />

sees authenticity in cultural matters as a ‘fact to be proven’.<br />

But, also there, legal truth and connoisseurship are often<br />

in conflict. Because there, legal expertise is also only a<br />

matter of diagnostic based on an educated opinion and on<br />

material analysis, it’s only a legally accepted opinion. A<br />

good example is ‘Le Jardin d’Auvers sur Oise’. A French legal<br />

decision established the authorship of Vincent Van Gogh.<br />

Nevertheless, the painting has been unsellable ever since,<br />

because a majority of connoisseurs does not believe in it.<br />

Each system has its advantages and its handicaps, but it is<br />

clear that an excess of regulation is harmful and does not<br />

improve the quality of the practice of the art market. It are<br />

its actors and their professional organizations, which are<br />

best placed to ensure transparency and fairness.<br />

Special tax procedures can contribute to the growth of<br />

public collections. This is the case of the ‘payment in<br />

dation’, which allows the payment of tax by handing over<br />

works of art to the State. Those exemptions from taxes can<br />

be, as in the United States, a powerful incentive for the<br />

donation of works of art to museums. Tax measures can<br />

help to foster creation. In many countries, companies can<br />

deduct a portion of the purchase price for works by living<br />

artists from their profits. The state may also encourage<br />

individuals and companies to acquire and preserve<br />

patrimonial assets.<br />

The disappearance of physical checks at European internal<br />

borders has made it necessary to set up a European Union<br />

system for controlling the circulation of objects and works<br />

of art. It is based on two procedures: the requirement<br />

of a license for the export of cultural property outside<br />

the European Union for cultural property exceeding the<br />

The degree of patrimonial preservation is the indicator<br />

of society’s relationship to its history. Private collectors<br />

are the first guardians of the treasures of creation; they<br />

have been generous donors since the Enlightenment. The<br />

distance in time necessary to evaluate the lasting impact of<br />

today’s contemporary art should be the task of museums<br />

and connoisseurs in the coming centuries. This selection<br />

works as an ongoing and informal peer-review of influent<br />

connoisseurs, scholars, art galleries and collectors, essential<br />

elements of the market economy. They shape the eye of the<br />

next century, even if most of them are isolated individuals<br />

with a refined eye. They allowed artists such as Marcel<br />

Broodthaers, Vincent Van Gogh and Johannes Vermeer to<br />

live and paint, while living on the margins of the fashion of<br />

the day. Political correct mainstream art can never become<br />

a creative avant-garde.<br />

Until now, most countries in Europe and the EU<br />

administration have unfortunately considered and taxed<br />

works of art only as a commodity, and seen the professional<br />

art market organizations as a nuisance. This has caused<br />

the decline of the continental European art markets to<br />

the benefit of external markets such as the United States<br />

and Switzerland. Even in Europe, their politicians always<br />

defended Great Britain’s art market privileges by delaying<br />

EU regulations. They have confidence in the professional<br />

law-abiding art market associations which is why they<br />

dominate the world market.<br />

Normativity, i.e. reference systems, dominates the<br />

digitalized world and social media. The word of a simple<br />

honest man, searching for his subjective truth, is rarely<br />

heard in the concert of the interest of nations. The question<br />

of identity, place, history and of what unites us in our<br />

differences, cannot be solved in the contempt of tradition<br />

and culture. Nothing new is ever born out of itself! It is not<br />

by spreading standardized information on the internet that<br />

ignorance will resist media manipulation. Tolerance towards<br />

others begins with doubt and critical self-understanding<br />

and needs time, a rare commodity in a digital world.<br />

When Artificial Intelligence (AI) will imposes more and<br />

more predefined single thought, it will eliminate complex<br />

individual diversity. Art is the only salvation. It has the right<br />

to the last word and the highest price.<br />





The German artist, Yvelle Gabriel, is currently<br />

working on the new Sheba Synagogue project<br />

— located in the main lobby of the most<br />

comprehensive medical center in the Middle East.<br />

Beautiful stained glass windows, which profoundly<br />

touch the contexts peace, hope and consolation.<br />

The Chaim Sheba Medical Center is the most<br />

comprehensive medical center in the Middle East. With 1.5<br />

million people passing through Israel‘s largest and most<br />

important medical facility every year, visiting the Synagogue<br />

is an important spiritual experience. Many of the medical<br />

center’s patients, their families and visitors, as well as Sheba<br />

staff, make daily use of the central synagogue. At times of<br />

medical crisis and uncertainty, all people — from all walks<br />

of life — seek a place to pray. The current construction of<br />

the new Sheba Synagogue triples the size of the old one. A<br />

new concept and architectural design, adding a second floor<br />

and integrating the unique glass art of the German artist<br />

Yvelle Gabriel.<br />

• 2 large front windows, each 1.20 x 6 meters high. Subject:<br />

“The profound journey of the Jews: Genesis: Exodus:<br />

Homeland”<br />

• 1 hanging, oversized glass Torah Ark in the form of a threedimensional,<br />

modified “Star of David”<br />

• 1 three-dimensional glass ceiling diamond, “The tree of life:<br />

7 fruits of Israel”, 3 meters diameter<br />

• 2 large entrance doors each with 12 small windows. Subject:<br />

“12 tribes of Israel”, in cooperation with the famous Bezalel<br />

Art School of Israel<br />

• 1 large window in the staircase leading to the women’s area.<br />

Subject: “Intention of good prayers and wishes”<br />


Barbara Dietrich, Yvelle Gabriel and Ulrike Haen at St. Stephan Mainz<br />


In 1959, Marc Chagall was commissioned to create 12<br />

windows of the then largest Israeli hospital “Hadassah”.<br />

At the inauguration in 1962, he said: “My hope is that<br />

through this, I may extend my hand to the culture seeking<br />

poets and artists among the neighboring peoples.” After<br />

this, he designed many glass windows with his French<br />

partner and friend Charles Marq in collaboration with the<br />

Jacques Simon Workshop in Reims and the unique, mouthblown<br />

antique glass works in St. Just sur Loire.<br />

He completed his crowning achievement in the<br />

St. Stephan’s church in Mainz. Chagall’s windows<br />

in Germany were a very personal statement after the<br />

Holocaust and Nazi Germany: a gesture of goodwill<br />

from a Jewish artist connecting and bridging Jewish and<br />

Christian faiths. Chagall finished this German-Jewish<br />

project in Mainz shortly before his death. Mainz is also<br />

the birthplace of Yvelle Gabriel, where he was baptized in<br />

1969. For many years, the artist had a vision of continuing<br />

Chagall’s very special work. Now he is able to pick up<br />

this delicate thread and return it to the “Holy Land”.<br />

Gabriel grew up close to the first “wild concentration<br />

camp” Osthofen and was beaten by some Neo-Nazis in<br />

his youth. Gabriel illustrates this in some of his art and<br />

performances.<br />


Yvelle Gabriel, Barbara Dietrich and Ulrike Haen at St. Stephan Mainz<br />

“I am dedicated to this art project for the Jewish<br />

synagogue, in the largest Israeli hospital — a place of<br />

healing and recovery, especially for Jews — it is a great<br />

opportunity. On reflection, for me personally, the<br />

conciliatory circle is symbolically complete. A reaching out<br />

of hands in the healing process of our own German past —<br />

between successive generations of Christians and Jews,<br />


a “generation of grandchildren” — German and Israeli. In<br />

the seven years of my Israeli travels, I was invited to many<br />

Jewish festivals. I took an in-depth part in Jewish life and<br />

embraced many sons, daughters and grandchildren, whose<br />

parents and grandparents were killed in concentration<br />

camps in Germany. I can only look back symbolically at<br />

these deep wounds — and soothe the scars lovingly when<br />

they no longer bleed. Only if I am permitted to, of course.<br />

However, as grandchildren we can handle this much more<br />

consciously. Time heals all wounds? Ultimately, the love and<br />

dedication of our and future generations, will be ready for<br />

reconciliation.<br />

I am only too aware that my work will lead to controversy<br />

after its installation in 2018. A German artist, a non-<br />

Jew, creates the windows of the Orthodox synagogue<br />

— the spiritual and religious heart of the most important<br />

Jewish clinic in the Promised Land. But, for me, the focus<br />

will be on a peaceful completion of deep generational<br />

reconciliation, peoples and nations: A world-embracing<br />

artist, whose heart and soul artistically builds bridges<br />

between all cultures and religions — in the spirit of Chagall”.<br />

104<br />

Gilles Florent and Yvelle Gabriel

“My hope is that through this, I may extend my hand to all<br />

the Jews in Israel and that they will ultimately accept it as a<br />

gesture of friendship.”<br />

“During a tour in 2017, my Israeli Studio Partner, Gilles<br />

Florent, and I purchased some unique antique glass from<br />

the last French glass works, St. Just. In April, we visited the<br />

Studio Marq in Reims, where Marc Chagall once built his<br />

windows for Israel and Mainz. Here the inaugural piece of<br />

the front windows was created and transported to Israel:<br />

“the Jewish flame”. Later in the year we opened our new<br />

Glass Studio in Ramlah — inside the old Templar building<br />

of the Arab metal artist Nihad Dabeet. Now that our studio<br />

community has been established, visitors are welcome:<br />

From heart to art.”<br />

“When I look through the stained glass I am fascinated. It is<br />

comparable to seeing my whole life pass by. There are small<br />

bubbles, glittering wonderfully in the sun — interwoven with<br />

countless structures, in the warm back light of this unique<br />

moment. On the surface I perceive thousands of shimmering<br />

facets. The last seven years in Israel, an incomprehensible<br />

period of a thousand moments, seem to have melted into it, now<br />

crystallized and frozen — in a unique matrix, an artistic hologram.<br />

In early 2018, this profoundly expressive glass will be installed<br />

in the synagogue of the largest Middle-Eastern clinic and many<br />

people will be able to read from it in the coming decades — a<br />

deeply touching personal experience. Generational Reconciliation<br />

through the conviction and belief in this holy work, of a German<br />

artist in Israel. The glow of glass is hidden in darkness — one<br />

divine light brings it forth. It penetrates our souls absolutely.”<br />

www.sheba-synagogue.com<br />


BRAFA 2018<br />


133 BELGIAN AND<br />




27 JANUARY TO 4 FEBRUARY 2018<br />

The first international art fair of the year, the next edition of<br />

BRAFA will take place between 27 January and 4 February<br />

2018 at Tour & Taxis (Brussels), and will bring together<br />

133 galleries and art dealers from some fifteen countries.<br />

Continuity and an increased international presence will<br />

be the watchwords of a fair that has not stopped evolving<br />

in recent years and has established itself as an unmissable<br />

event on the art market calendar. Quality and eclecticism<br />

are the golden thread guiding visitors through each of the<br />

specialities represented, which cover the history of art from<br />

antiquity to the contemporary era from every possible origin<br />

and region. From 46.000 in 2012 to more than 61.000<br />

in 2017, the number of visitors to Brafa is growing each<br />

year, in search of top level works of art and discoveries in<br />

disciplines as diverse as archaeology, jewellery, painting,<br />

sculpture, furniture, design, glassware, ceramics and<br />

porcelain, clocks, objets d’art, antique frames, panels<br />

and original drawings by comic strip artists, as well as<br />

contemporary creations.<br />

If this ever-increasing growth in attendance reflects the<br />

steady rise in the prominence of the event, it also creates<br />

ever greater expectations that the organizers must not<br />

disappoint. And so, there is but one credo: that of the<br />

highest possible quality. That became the leitmotif repeated<br />

in unison by each of the exhibitors, of which there will be<br />

133 for the 2018 edition — one more than in 2017 — made<br />

up of a core of faithful galleries that have been present at<br />

the event for many years and the new international galleries<br />

that are joining their ranks.<br />

106<br />

Galerie Schifferli, ‘Santa Conversazione’, ‘Santa Conversazione’<br />

Max Ernst (Brühl 1891-1976 Paris)<br />

As compared to the 2017 edition, then, 13 major new names<br />

will participate for the first time in 2018:<br />

ArtAncient<br />

(London - archaeology, numismatics);<br />

Galeria Bernat<br />

(Madrid / Barcelona - Haute Epoque);<br />

Galerie Chastel-Maréchal<br />

(Paris - 20th-century decorative arts);

Gladstone Gallery<br />

(Brussels - contemporary art);<br />

Galerie Maeght<br />

(Paris - 20th-century paintings and sculptures);<br />

Guilhem Montagut Gallery<br />

(Barcelona - tribal art);<br />

Renaud Montméat<br />

(Paris - Asian art);<br />

Osborne Samuel Gallery<br />

(London - modern and contemporary art with focus on<br />

Modern British Painting and Sculpture);<br />

Galerie de la Présidence<br />

(Paris - 20th-century masters and figurative painters<br />

of the 1950s);<br />

Galerie Ratton<br />

(Paris - tribal art);<br />

Repetto Gallery<br />

(London - Italian post-war art, Arte Povera, Land Art);<br />

Galerie Schifferli<br />

(Geneva - 20th-century paintings and works on paper);<br />

Theatrum Mundi<br />

(Arezzo - 21st-century cabinet of curiosities).<br />



“It’s really a great<br />

source of pride for<br />

Brafa to be able<br />

to present such a<br />

panel, comprising<br />

so many galleries of<br />

international renown<br />

and such strong<br />

sections. I think the<br />

quality will never have been as high, and I am delighted<br />

at the prospect. We have never been ready this early, our<br />

list of participants having been finalized in June. This is<br />

strong testimony to the attractiveness of BRAFA, and<br />

constitutes recognition on the part of our colleagues.<br />

We are looking forward with great anticipation to being<br />

able to open our doors to our visitors!”<br />

Boon Gallery, ‘L’oracle’, Circa 1931, René Magritte (Lessines 1898-1967 Brussels)<br />


BRAFA 2018<br />

GUEST OF HONOUR 2018<br />


108<br />

Christo was born in Gabrovo, Bulgaria. His father,<br />

Vladimir Javacheff, was a businessman and ran a<br />

fabric factory, and his mother, Tsveta Dimitrova, was<br />

the secretary at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia.<br />

Professors from the Academy who visited his family<br />

observed Christo’s artistic talent while he was still of a<br />

very young age. Christo studied art at the Sofia Academy<br />

from 1953 to 1956 and went to Prague, Czechoslovakia<br />

(now Czech Republic), until 1957, when he left for the<br />

West by bribing a railway official and stowing away with<br />

several other individuals on board a train transporting<br />

medicine and medical supplies to Austria.<br />

Christo quickly settled in Vienna and enrolled at the<br />

Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. After only one semester<br />

there, he traveled to Geneva and moved to Paris in 1958.<br />

His life in Paris was characterized by financial hardship<br />

and social isolation, which was worsened by his difficulty<br />

learning the French language. He earned money by<br />

painting portraits, which he likened to prostitution and<br />

signed with his family name “Javachef” while his early<br />

works were signed “Christo.” In 1973, after 17 stateless<br />

years, Christo became a United States citizen.<br />


Jeanne-Claude was born in Casablanca, Morocco, where<br />

her French military father was stationed. Her mother,<br />

Précilda, was 17 when she married Jeanne-Claude’s<br />

father, Major Léon Denat. Précilda and Léon Denat<br />

divorced shortly after Jeanne-Claude was born, and<br />

Précilda remarried three times. Jeanne-Claude earned a<br />

baccalauréat in Latin and philosophy in 1952 from the<br />

University of Tunis.<br />

During <strong>World</strong> War II, Jeanne-Claude lived with her<br />

father’s family while her mother fought in the French<br />

Resistance. In 1946, Précilda married the influential<br />

General Jacques de Guillebon. The family lived in<br />

Berne from 1948 to 1951, then in Tunisia from 1952 to<br />

1957, when they returned to Paris. She was described as<br />

“extroverted” and with natural organizational abilities.<br />

Her hair was dyed red, a color she claimed was selected<br />

by her husband and she smoked cigarettes, and tried to<br />

quit many times until her weight would balloon. She did<br />

not enjoy cooking. She took responsibility for overseeing<br />

work crews and for raising funds. She said she became an<br />

artist out of love for Christo (if he’d been a dentist, she<br />

said she’d have become a dentist).<br />

Jeanne-Claude died in New York City on November 18,<br />

2009, from complications due to a brain aneurysm. Her<br />

body was to be donated to science, one of her wishes.<br />

Former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg<br />

described The Gates as “one of the most exciting public<br />

art projects ever put on anywhere in the world — and it<br />

would never have happened without Jeanne-Claude.”<br />

Jeanne-Claude said, “Our art has absolutely no purpose,<br />

except to be a work of art. We do not give messages.” She<br />

also said, “Artists don’t retire. They die. That’s all. When<br />

they stop being able to create art, they die.” When she<br />

died, she and Christo were at work on Over the River, a<br />

set of fabric panels over the Arkansas River in Colorado<br />

(begun in 1992) and The Mastaba, a stack of 410,000 oil<br />

barrels configured as a mastaba, a trapezoidal prism, in<br />

the United Arab Emirates.<br />

Source : Wikipedia

27 JAN - 04 FEB 2018<br />




‘TOUR & TAXIS’<br />


The former goods station and the multimodal<br />

distribution platform on the site entitled<br />

‘Tour & Taxis’ bear witness to Belgium’s<br />

prominent position within the world economy<br />

at the start of the last century.<br />

For almost a century, the huge Tour & Taxis customs and<br />

warehousing complex was the capital’s freight transport<br />

hub. Its construction (1902-1907) along with that of the<br />

seaport, gave great impetus to the industrialization of the<br />

neighboring quarters of Molenbeek and Laeken and the<br />

entire Brussels area. Its rationalist design by engineers<br />

Bruneel and Zone and architects Van Humbeek, Bosmans<br />

and Vandeveld provides direct access by water, road and<br />

rail. The complex has three vital functions: the speedy<br />

reception of goods, their storage in bonded warehouses<br />

and the collection of taxes and excise duties. The layout is<br />

designed to optimize use of the railway track network.<br />

The site extends over 37 hectares of what was previously<br />

marshy grassland. It is a world-class monument<br />

to the Golden Age of industrialization, a mine of<br />

information on industrial architecture, civil engineering,<br />

metalwork, stonework and the use of natural light. It<br />

is contemporaneous with Orsay and Antwerp railway<br />

stations, where the same materials were used. As European<br />

customs barriers were removed and competition from road<br />


transportation increased, the importance of the complex<br />

gradually declined. Serious iconoclastic threats to the<br />

site have now been safely removed. Thanks to the efforts<br />

of La Fonderie and sympathetic organizations at home<br />

and abroad, Tour & Taxis is now a protected site. The<br />

promoters and the present owners are extremely sensitive<br />

to the heritage aspects. The complex has huge conversion<br />

potential and ideas are being carefully vetted. The heritage<br />

value has become the key asset in the development process.<br />

Consultations have been launched with all the economic,<br />

cultural and social interest groups with a view to converting<br />

this site into a new slice of town.<br />

The cultural heritage, which luckily has been preserved, is of an exceptional<br />

architectural quality and reflects the standard of technical engineering at<br />

the time of its construction. This book analyses and resituates each building<br />

and installation on the site to enable this past to be taken into account when<br />

pursuing development. In this way the history of the site can be preserved and<br />

understood.<br />

Whilst retaining full respect for the site as it is updated, from now on Tour<br />

& Taxis offers undoubted value if you are organizing shows or events or if<br />

you want to make available long-lasting office spaces. In the near future, a<br />

new park will be developed and the site will be welcoming a host of activities<br />

on the theme of the long-lasting business and the economy of knowledge.<br />

Ambitions in terms of an economy based on energy and the re-use of<br />

renewable energy will be particularly daring. The site will inspire feelings of<br />

well-being and will be a place where there is always something to experience<br />

and discover. What is more, top-quality dwellings can be offered right next to<br />

the center to allow optimum mobility. In this way Tour & Taxis will once again<br />

become an important driver of the economic and cultural development of<br />

Brussels.<br />

Baron Luc Bertrand<br />

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Project T&T S.A./N.V.<br />









Organized in concertation with the Estonian Ministries<br />

of Foreign and Economic Affairs, and HE Mr Lembit<br />

Uibo, Ambassador of Estonia in Belgium, the DEAC<br />

Days, in cooperation with CIDIC’s strategic partners,<br />


DIPLOMATIC WORLD, were acclaimed as highly<br />

successful by all participants.<br />

After a number of meetings at the Tallinn University of<br />

Technology and the Tallinn University, the delegation of<br />

about 25 people ended the Mission with the European<br />

CIDIC Awards Ceremony.<br />

HE Mr Carl Peeters, Ambassador of Belgium to Finland and<br />

Estonia, gave a European CIDIC Award to Katoen Natie<br />

Tallinn, Professor Abdellah Touhafi of the Vrije Universiteit<br />

Brussel, Skeleton Technologies Estonia and Lainergy<br />

Estonia. The Ceremony was followed by a reception<br />

offered by the Belgian Embassy to all Belgian and Estonian<br />

participants.<br />




These excellent results have further enhanced our<br />

determination to continue the development of our DEAC<br />

Days concept by organizing DEAC Days and other<br />

activities with the country holding the six-monthly rotating<br />

Presidency of the Council of the European Union.<br />

We are, more than ever, convinced that these six-monthly<br />

DEAC activities contribute to re-dynamising the European<br />

inland economy, and the sense of a shared European<br />

citizenship.<br />


The Belgian delegation at Kumu Museum<br />

Kumu Museum<br />

Kumu Museum<br />

Kumu Museum, Kadriorg park, Tallinn.<br />





The CIDIC (European Centre for Economic,<br />

Academic and Cultural Diplomacy) <strong>Diplomatic</strong>,<br />

Economic, Academic, and Cultural (DEAC)<br />

mission to Tallinn, 10 - 12 October 2017, in<br />

cooperation with UNICA, VUB-Brussels<br />

<strong>Diplomatic</strong> Academy and <strong>Diplomatic</strong> <strong>World</strong>,<br />

Universities and research centres at work during<br />

the Estonian DEAC Days<br />

Report by Jan Cornelis, Academic Attaché, CIDIC<br />

116<br />

The mission’s two academic workshops were undoubtedly<br />

the highlight of the DEAC Days in Estonia. The subjects<br />

were chosen to attract a mixed public of governmental<br />

decision-makers, and diplomatic and private sector<br />

representatives. While we did not succeed in breaking down<br />

the walls separating these distinct communities in Estonia,<br />

the workshops were very successful in bringing Estonian<br />

and Belgian scientists who share a real interest in creating<br />

international societal and economic impact closer together.<br />

The workshop on Digital Society and Big Data took place<br />

in Tallinn Technical University’s Mektory. Mektory is a<br />

special place. The gap between a new idea emanating from<br />

university research or an individual inventor and a good idea<br />

supported by a sound, sustainable business venture is still<br />

a difficult hurdle to surmount. In this “new-to-good idea”<br />

translation process, besides attracting investors, there is<br />

an even more urgent need for training in the fundamentals<br />

of business and (technology) entrepreneurship, and for an<br />

appropriate transit ecosystem including physical facilities<br />

before moving to a business incubator, a science park or an<br />

independent setting. Mektory (Modern Estonian Knowledge<br />

Transfer Organization foR You) provides such an ecosystem.<br />

It is the missing link that exists in many other countries.<br />

Mektory unites all functions that in most countries<br />

are fragmented with only limited cross-fertilization:<br />

technology transfer bringing together scientists, students,<br />

schoolchildren, inventors and entrepreneurs, coaching of<br />

student start-ups, addressing upcoming generations to show<br />

them that engineering is exciting, internationalisation by<br />

bringing together different cultures, working habits, ideas<br />

and out of the box solutions, fabrication laboratories —<br />

small-scale workshops offering personal digital fabrication<br />

to a public of all ages, startup competitions, free office<br />

space for (pre-)incubation activities, meeting places and<br />

show rooms where the latest IT infrastructure can be used<br />

and demonstrated. It is this integrated approach in one<br />

building and the associated network that makes Mektory a<br />

unique and well-appreciated innovation and business centre<br />

without any need for window-dressing.<br />

e-Estonia is a reality, known worldwide, and hence choosing<br />

Digital Society and Big Data as the subject of one of the<br />

workshops was an obvious winner. e-Estonia is more than a<br />

label — it is a very efficient and fully operational information<br />

society. The beauty of e-Estonia is its organizational aspect,<br />

the interaction of different systems that exist in other<br />

countries too but as independent applications, often only<br />

used by early adopters of digital technologies. The story<br />

of digital Estonia started shortly after the restoration of<br />

Estonia’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.<br />

It needed some courage to immediately choose the digital<br />

option to modernize the country, as Rector Jaak Aaviksoo<br />

pointed out in his historical overview. Internet was in its

CIDIC Awards<br />

infancy, mobile communication and digital data repositories<br />

about the citizens were non-existent and digital literacy of<br />

the citizens still had to be developed. In 1998, all schools<br />

were equipped with computers and internet connections.<br />

Later, access to the internet was declared a human right<br />

so that the whole country became “connected”. Estonia’s<br />

digital society is the result of visionary political decisions,<br />

a sustained public effort and consequently a mixture of<br />

public and private initiatives.<br />

In his talk about Online big data analytics — finance,<br />

social nets, smart cities and multimodal imaging, Nikos<br />

Deligiannis, VUB, sketched some state of the art research<br />

issues and challenges of big data analytics. “We currently<br />

experience the dawn of the age of a data deluge, 50 billion<br />

devices on the web by 2020”, says Deligiannis. Extremely<br />

large data sets are analyzed computationally to reveal<br />

new patterns, trends and associations, that hitherto<br />

remained hidden, especially relating to human behaviour<br />

and interactions. VVV, the three initial descriptors and<br />

challenges of big data: volume, variety, and velocity. Data<br />

sets are so voluminous and heterogeneous in nature that<br />

traditional data processing and management software are<br />

failing to deal with them. It is the volume and variety of<br />

data that primarily determines value and potential insights<br />

that can be extracted from them. Velocity refers to the<br />

speed at which the data is generated and must be processed<br />

and hence also to the massive computer power needed.<br />

Nowadays, we speak about the 5V challenges: VVVVV, value<br />

and veracity were added later.<br />

Jüri Riives, of the Innovative Manufacturing Engineering<br />

Systems Competence Centre — IMECC gave a talk on<br />

“What can be expected from Industry 4.0”? Industry 4.0<br />

is the name for the current trend of automation and data<br />

exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyberphysical<br />

systems, the Internet of Things, cloud computing<br />

and cognitive computing. Industry 4.0 creates what has been<br />

called a “smart factory”. Within the modular structured<br />

smart factories, cyber-physical systems monitor physical<br />

processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and<br />

make decentralized decisions. Over the Internet of Things,<br />

cyber-physical systems communicate and cooperate with<br />

each other and with humans in real time, and, via the<br />


Internet of Services, both internal and cross-organizational<br />

services are offered and used by participants of the value<br />

chain. Such concepts are creating a revolution in the<br />

rather traditional sector of Manufacturing. That is why<br />

IMECC is an essential interface for industry to promote<br />

and design novel manufacturing and create preconditions<br />

for the development of efficient, intelligent and competitive<br />

production, based on Industry 4.0 concepts.<br />

118<br />

The subject chosen by Kairit Tammets of Tallinn University<br />

(TLU) was Towards data-driven education in Estonia.<br />

Although the Tiger Leap programme, launched in 1996<br />

for setting up IT infrastructures in schools, updating<br />

educational curricula and providing teacher training, was<br />

a successful large-scale project emanating from a visionary<br />

government policy, we heard a few critical notes among<br />

Tammets’s concluding remarks: “ICT has not supported<br />

the main processes in educational institutions, we miss<br />

the systemic habit to learn from our innovations, although<br />

learning analytics provides a variety of possibilities for<br />

higher education institutes to improve the educational<br />

services, the culture is not there yet but we are on the way.”<br />

Eerik Muuli, a software engineer in STACC (Software<br />

Technology and Applications Competence Center —<br />

University of Tartu) gave a refreshing talk on Recommender<br />

systems. He explained the role of machine learning in<br />

recommender systems that consider peculiarities of<br />

each client, get smarter day by day, emphasize business<br />

objectives, reconfigure business rules. A spontaneous<br />

reaction in the public brought us back to Earth: “How<br />

can we switch off these types of systems?” This poses the<br />

question: are these recommender systems subtle enough?<br />

Do we really want them? How can we control their degree<br />

of intrusiveness in our lives? Do we have to revise the<br />

concepts of privacy?<br />

Innar Liiv of Tallinn University of Technology (TTU)<br />

talked about Predictive e-Government and Big Data. Liiv<br />

emphasized the need for conceptual frameworks that help<br />

to make sense out of Data for Policy as an emerging field of<br />

interdisciplinary study. Liiv’s talk also touched upon policy<br />

challenges and opportunities, cutting-edge technologies, big<br />

data sources and emerging research (computational social<br />

science and political bots). “The next wave of e-government<br />

innovation will be about analytics and predictive models.<br />

Taking advantage of their potential for social impact will<br />

require a solid foundation of e-government infrastructure.<br />

The most important questions to start with are as follows:<br />

What are the relevant new data sources? How can we use<br />

them? What should we do with the information? Who cares?<br />

Which political decisions need faster information from<br />

novel sources? Do we need faster information? Does it come<br />

with unanticipated risks? These questions barely scratch<br />

the surface, because the complex interplay between general<br />

advancements of computational social science and hovering<br />

satellite topics like political bots will have an enormous<br />

impact on research and using data for policy.”<br />

At Tallinn University (TLU), we were welcomed by Rector<br />

Tiit Land for the workshop on Social Entrepreneurship.<br />

First, Nikolay Dentchev, VUB, talked about “Social<br />

entrepreneurs need your help: Let’s care, share and<br />

support”. Dentchev presented the VUB crowd-sourcing and<br />

-funding platform (https://www.vubsocialentrepreneurship.<br />

com/). He launched an open invitation to use and adapt<br />

its model to create several of these collaborating platforms<br />

for augmenting coaching and evaluation capabilities and<br />

improving best practices. The platform created in 2015<br />

is developing sustainable business models for social<br />

enterprises involving universities, profit and non-profit<br />

sectors. The main objectives of the social entrepreneurship<br />

chair are to: generate internationally recognized scientific<br />

research, develop a platform that supports social<br />

entrepreneurs, and create a vibrant interdisciplinary<br />

network that benefits social entrepreneurship.<br />

In his talk on Fablabs and remote digital international<br />

collaboration, Abdellah Touhafi launched an invitation<br />

to establish a network of internationally and fully<br />

interconnected fablabs, with unseen capabilities. His goal<br />

is to create an environment in which students can make<br />

everything. In a first step, his fablab evolved from a classic<br />

clean lab environment to a machine-based digital creation<br />

environment with an outreach far beyond the student<br />

population, e.g. artists, entrepreneurs, architects and<br />

companies. In a second stage, he developed an appropriate

IT infrastructure to support the interconnection of diverse<br />

fablabs wherever they are, through remote user interaction<br />

and collaboration. (http://fablab.hylas.be/fablab-english/)<br />

Merle Ojasoo, TTU, shed light on Social entrepreneurship<br />

in an ageing society. Ojasoo emphasized that “Social<br />

entrepreneurship is also a process of identifying and<br />

addressing neglected problems in society through innovative<br />

sustainable solutions.” On the one hand, there are not<br />

sufficient resources for social services for senior citizens<br />

and on the other hand, creating new purposes with new<br />

opportunities and roles for the elderly has market potential<br />

and reduces social isolation. Even though social enterprises<br />

are often not-for-profit, business plans are essential to ensure<br />

the mixed goal of sustainability and social impact. Ojasoo<br />

advocated entrepreneurial education for older people,<br />

specific financing channels, political initiatives and adapted<br />

regulations.<br />

Zsolt BUGARSZKI, TLU, addressed the subject of Social<br />

impact & problem penetration — Business<br />

metrics for social entrepreneurship. Social return on<br />

investment (SROI) is a principles-based method for<br />

measuring extra-financial value (i.e. environmental and<br />

social value, not currently reflected in conventional<br />

financial accounts) relative to the resources invested. In<br />

a slightly provocative style, Bugarszki mentioned Tesla to<br />

illustrate how traditional business metrics are outdated if<br />

we try to understand the success of Elon Musk’s company<br />

by relying on metrics like profit, market penetration, and<br />

market share. “Tesla is not the market leader in electrical<br />

vehicles. Tesla keeps losing money, so why is it worth<br />

more than Ford?” Tesla is a Category Creator — beyond<br />

incremental innovation, it changes the rules of the road<br />

entirely by creating a new category. In that landscape,<br />

our established modes of measurement just do not work.<br />

Bugarszki proposed Problem Penetration as a metric to<br />

address the core problems and challenges posed by new<br />

product or service introduction. Besides addressing the<br />

immediate problems in the society, and satisfying an unmet<br />

need, this metric also motivates innovative thinking in the<br />

organisation.<br />

Tallinn. The choice of the location was primarily inspired by<br />

Estonian’s membership of the EU.<br />

Skeleton Technologies, represented by Taavi Madiberk<br />

and Oliver Ahlberg. The company has developed<br />

high-performance energy storage solutions based on<br />

breakthrough graphene material. Skeleton Technologies<br />

already received the best start-up award at the Ecosummit<br />

2015. It is currently scaling-up its production capacity and<br />

international customer base. CIDIC wanted to express its<br />

appreciation for a start-up company based on breakthrough<br />

technological innovation and an exemplary early company<br />

evolution since 2009. (https://www.skeletontech.com/)<br />

Lainergy, represented by the whole team, including Nikon<br />

Vidjajev and Jan Trentjev. Lainergy is an entrepreneurial<br />

spin-off residing in Mektory that has developed technology<br />

for affordable renewable energy from ocean waves, based<br />

on its own invention, namely a new type of ocean wave<br />

energy converter. Renewable energy gained from the power<br />

of wind and sun is one of the current global priorities,<br />

but the potential of the sea and its waves remains largely<br />

unexplored. The team deserves encouragement for further<br />

development of both its energy harvesting technologies and<br />

the associated business models. The CIDIC award was given<br />

in support of the challenging endeavour of exploiting a new<br />

eco-friendly energy source technology at its best.<br />

(https://www.f6s.com/lainergy)<br />

Prof. Abdellah TOUHAFI, VUB, received the European<br />

CIDIC award for his multifaceted career as a socially<br />

engaged entrepreneur, self-made man, director of the<br />

RAPPTOR research lab, professor in electronics and ICT,<br />

initiator and coordinator of interconnected fablabs, CEO<br />

of VUB’s spinoff company, Lumency. As a first-generation<br />

Moroccan immigrant, he was automatically pushed to follow<br />

a professional education like all other immigrant students of<br />

his generation (in the late eighties). He successively became<br />

an industrial and later an academic engineer and professor.<br />

He continues his social engagement for the immigrant<br />

Moroccan community.<br />

European CIDIC Award Ceremony in the presence of the<br />

Belgian Ambassador, HE. Mr. Carl Peeters and Katoen<br />

Natie Estonia, represented by Mart Melles. The CIDIC<br />

Award emphasized the immersive economic collaboration<br />

in Estonia of a well-established company. Katoen Natie<br />

launched a logistic site in the harbour of Muuga, close to<br />


Prof. Jan Cornelis, Academic Attaché CIDIC, on Social Entrepreneurship.<br />

Prof. Tüt Land, Rector TLU<br />

Mr. Eerik Muuli of the University of Tartu’s Software Technology and<br />

Applications Competence Centre, on Recommender Systems.<br />

Ms. Kris Dejonckheere, Secretary General of UNICA<br />

Mr. Carl Decaluwé, Governor of the Province of West-Flanders,<br />

Prof. Tüt Land, Rector of the Tallinn University and<br />

Mr. Hervé Jamar, Governor of the Province of Liège<br />

Tallinn University. Group photo of the professors.<br />

120<br />

Mr. Jaak Aaviksoo, Rector of TTU, starting the program on Digital Estonia<br />

HE Mr. Carl Peeters, Belgian Ambassador to Finland and Estonia with Baron<br />

Ernest de Laminne de Bex, President of CIDIC, opening of the CIDIC Awards<br />


Ms. Kris Dejonckheere - Secretary General of UNICA, Prof. Dr Roland GUEUBEL-B-Life Director, Baron Ernest de Laminne de BEX - CIDIC’s President,<br />

Mr. Christian J. Mouvet - Secretary Général CIDIC, Mr. Frederic De Pryck, CIDIC’s Chairman of the Executive Committee,<br />

Mr. Jean Dewaerheid - Communications Officer CIDIC.<br />

The nominees Katoen Natie Estonia, Skeleton Technologies, Lainergy Oü and Prof. A. Touhafi (VUB)<br />





No matter where you work, teams are an inevitable fact of<br />

life — partly because they can achieve things that no one<br />

individual can, partly because they are oftentimes a forum<br />

for resolving conflict, and partly because an effective team<br />

gives its members a sense of belonging. Teams are the<br />

fundamental building blocks of human civilisation. They<br />

sit at the heart of our everyday lives. But that does not<br />

make them easy to lead. Indeed, because they are doing<br />

such important work is part of why they are difficult to<br />

lead effectively. So are there any basic and straightforward<br />

principles for leading a high performance team?<br />

Research has indeed revealed some basic principles and one<br />

hundred plus years of scholarly research suggests five simple<br />

keys to leading high performance teams.<br />


Diversity matters — if you don’t have all of the perspectives<br />

around the table, you can reach resolution, but you’ll never<br />

really solve the bigger problems, and you’ll never have all<br />

of the necessary skills combined to resolve the issues.<br />

So, assemble a team that is diverse in skillset as well as<br />

one that represents all of the stakeholders you need to<br />

involve.<br />


People talk and operate at cross purposes, even within the<br />

same organisation. Someone from marketing will talk about<br />

a topic, and may even use some of the same words, in a<br />

completely different way to someone in operations. We may<br />

think we’re talking about the same thing, but it turns out<br />

we’re not. I’m talking feet and inches and you’re hearing<br />

centimetres and metres. Teams with diverse information,<br />

perspectives and values are likely to experience these kinds<br />

of coordination failures early on. And research shows teams<br />

are very good at dividing up work and pulling apart, while<br />

being notoriously bad at putting those pieces back together<br />

again. Once a coordination problem occurs, team members<br />

tend very quickly to start explaining it by looking for<br />

people who are different. So, why did this not work? Why<br />

are we having problems? It’s not simply that we come from<br />

different worlds, it’s because that person looks different,<br />

they have different values to me, and it’s obviously their<br />

fault that this is not working.<br />


122<br />

Once you have built a diverse team you’ll need to combine<br />

those different views, perspectives, knowledge, experience,<br />

interests, motives and personality types to get the job<br />

done. Your next challenge is to build a team that has<br />

the capacity to deal with the issues. It is easy to see the<br />

absolutely central role of trust. When there is trust, people<br />

can disagree about a task or process without it turning<br />

personal. Without trust, people tend to interpret things in<br />

the worst possible light. Start your team by building trust<br />

before you move onto decision making and action. If you<br />

start with decisions rather than building relationships, you’ll<br />

likely experience unhelpful conflict pretty quickly. With low<br />

trust levels, members will then start thinking: “I’m really<br />

different from them.” Then they start disliking each other,<br />

which leads to a further decline in trust and poor group<br />

performance.<br />

Randall S. Peterson

So the challenge is to create coordination early on, watch<br />

out for problems and, if they do come up, avoid finding fault<br />

and focus more on how to work together going forward and<br />

ensure this coordination failure doesn’t happen again.<br />


Clearly the best situation is a cohesive group that agrees<br />

with the decision. But in reality it is rare that everyone will<br />

come to complete consensus on a single plan of action.<br />

When you are struggling to get agreement, which is most of<br />

the time, there are three options. The best option is qualified<br />

consensus: everybody can live with the decision, even if they<br />

may not think it is the best. Second-best is that the matter is<br />

discussed and the team leader decides. The advantage is that<br />

this doesn’t disenfranchise or disconnect any subgroup that<br />

perhaps doesn’t like the result. It maintains a relationship<br />

between the leader and the individuals so is it a better, more<br />

reasonable way of going about things.<br />

remember that nothing worthwhile is ever that easy.<br />

Prof. Peterson, London Business School, will be in Brussels<br />

for an exclusive leadership programme with colleagues from<br />

Insead, Saïd at Oxford University, Esade Barcelona, London<br />

School of Economics. Organised by Global and <strong>Diplomatic</strong><br />

<strong>World</strong>. For more information and deadlines go to<br />

www.globalmagevents.com<br />

What you should actively avoid is the third option: majority<br />

rule. Most people think this works because it is a wellknown<br />

form of democracy. But it’s associated with really<br />

angry people, disenfranchised or disconnected subgroups,<br />

and really poor team performance.<br />



With all these challenges you might well be thinking:<br />

“Why bother with teams at all?” And indeed one of the<br />

reasons I started studying teams and conflict was because<br />

I couldn’t understand how groups of really great people<br />

can come together and make bad decisions. But much of it<br />

revolves around how they manage conflict, or in many cases<br />

how they don’t manage conflict.<br />

Additional Reading<br />

• Ferguson, A. J., & Peterson, R. S. (2015). Sinking slowly:<br />

Diversity in propensity to trust predicts downward trust<br />

spirals in small groups. Journal of Applied Psychology,<br />

100(4): 1012-1024. doi: 10.1037/apl0000007<br />

• Peterson, R. S., & Ferguson, A. J. (2014). Strategies<br />

for Developing Trust Through Constructive Conflict<br />

Resolution in Teams. In O.B. Ayoko, N. Ashkanasy &<br />

K. A. Jehn (Eds), Handbook of Conflict Management,<br />

p. 193-204. Cheltenham, UK.: Edward Elgar.<br />

• Behfar, K. J., Peterson, R. S., Mannix, E. A., & Trochim,<br />

W. M. K. (2008). The critical role of conflict resolution<br />

in teams: A close look at the links between conflict type,<br />

conflict management strategies, and team outcomes.<br />

Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 170-188. doi:<br />

10.1037/0021-9010.93.1.170<br />

The secret to managing conflict is to tackle it head-on, by<br />

being pre-emptive — that is anticipating the types of conflict<br />

that might emerge in the team and pre-empt the negative<br />

effects of those conflicts before they happen. Secondly, you<br />

need to create conflict resolution strategies that focus on<br />

what is good for the group versus what is good for specific<br />

individuals within the group. Overall, if you can keep<br />

focused on these five basic principles, you’ll have a much<br />

better chance of looking back on your team experiences<br />

with appreciation rather than frustration, and anticipation<br />

for the next opportunity rather than dread. That still won’t<br />

make leading a high performance team easy, but just<br />

Dr. Randall S. Peterson is Professor of Organisational<br />

Behaviour at London Business School and Director of the<br />

School’s Leadership Institute. Randall holds a Ph.D. in<br />

Social and Organisational Psychology from the University<br />

of California, Berkeley. He teaches leadership on the<br />

Executive Education, Accelerated Development and Senior<br />

Executive Programmes. His research has been published<br />

in the leading scholarly journals in the field including<br />

journals such as the Journal of Applied Psychology.<br />

Randall has also published work in important outlets for<br />

managers including Harvard Business Review and<br />

New Yorker Magazine.<br />



“Facing Change!” is an ongoing column by<br />

senior media industry expert and <strong>Diplomatic</strong><br />

Council’s Chairman Global Media Forum, Dieter<br />

Brockmeyer. He throws a light on burning issues of<br />

our digitalization driven global societies from his<br />

own perspective.<br />

124<br />

It’s a pest indeed, the sudden rise of so-called fake news<br />

distributed via the internet and social media channels trying to<br />

influence public opinion. Authorities are panicking and their<br />

reactions may even prove dangerous to our societies, more<br />

dangerous than the fake news itself. Passing legislation making<br />

platforms block and/or erase fake news and their authors is<br />

censorship that opposes the right of free speech! This right<br />

is essential to democratic societies granting to express your<br />

opinions and beliefs, even if it is mere nonsense. There are<br />

other and better ways to tackle the problem:<br />

Yes, in digital environments nonsense spreads rapidly. On the<br />

other hand, they also react to nonsense at the same speed.<br />

The impact of fake news is limited since almost immediately<br />

another wave of corrections will be out. The problem is only<br />

for those serious media adopting to something that appears to<br />

be spectacular too fast and unreflective. For a big newspaper to<br />

have to correct a negative image due to being too unreflective<br />

is painful. However, there is also a learning curve. By now,<br />

everybody knows double-checking is essential. The problem is<br />

with those who believe in fake news.<br />

They can’t be influenced by regular media channels. However,<br />

such filter bubbles are not a new phenomenon. It was hidden<br />

before social media allowed everybody to become a global<br />

publisher in their own interest, and it was hidden from<br />

“conspiracy activists” who found a loud and global voice. Our<br />

societies have begun to recognize the problem. However, the<br />

term “conspiracy activist” sounds as if there was only a small<br />

problem, that it’s people with limited education and influence.<br />

Wrong so! The more people are dissatisfied with our societies<br />

or feel cheated by politics and media the more even academics<br />

are attracted at least by some of these ideas.<br />

The good thing is that we can no longer ignore the problem.<br />

That’s the first step to finding solutions! This cannot be<br />

censorship because that would be hiding the problem again!<br />

There is no covering up in digital networks. Communications<br />

would be hidden again but nevertheless be quite effective, for<br />

instance, via Facebook closed groups or WhatsApp. Certainly,<br />

many of these radical activists can be heard much louder<br />

than ever, and many who hadn’t expressed their discomfort<br />

and fears before are now doing so. Not all of them belong<br />

into conspiracy corners. But their discomfort opens them to<br />

alternative and fake news sources. This creates a spiral that<br />

can’t be stopped with bans. On the contrary: Why do you ban<br />

anything when it is nonsense?<br />

We must return to the values of our democracies including<br />

open debate of ALL opinions, even if we feel hurt. I’m sure<br />

we have plenty of arguments and the better ones! By excluding<br />

opinions, we prepare the ground for more radicalism, in<br />

the worst case we make them mainstream. Even worse, our<br />

defending democracy may itself bury the freedom it stands<br />

for. We must leave our comfort zones and argue rather than<br />

cover up. There are many references to the pre-WW I and II<br />

period from clever minds. We are in times of rapid change<br />

and many have already lost their comfort or social status.<br />

There’s similarity, for sure! However, we are living in a different<br />

environment: Then, international relations were limited to<br />

the elites. Today there is mass tourism and most business is<br />

international. Then, wars still were considered to be “Ultima<br />

Ratio” — the final logic. Today, most people are aware of<br />

the consequence of a new world conflict. Euphoria as in the<br />

beginning of WWI seems not to be very likely anymore.<br />

We have the chance to avoid the fatal mistake of our ancestors.<br />

Let’s take this chance — it will not return!

The Grand Tour<br />

<strong>Diplomatic</strong> <strong>World</strong> presents two remarkable events in Brussels:<br />

one regarding people management and leadership whereby diplomats, civil servants and<br />

managers are confronted with world authorities from no less than 4 of<br />

Europe’s leading business schools: London Business School, Insead,<br />

Esade Barcelona, London School of Economics.<br />

one regarding Advanced Negotiation Techniques with Prof Tim Cullen, Oxford University<br />

Go to www.globalmagevents.com<br />








On the 30th and 31st of October 2017 the small<br />

city of Zug Switzerland was host to a historic event<br />

taking a big step forward in the fight towards climate<br />

change. The SIIA Impact Summit 2017 marked the<br />

beginning of new collaborations and commitments<br />

and highlighted innovations in impact investment<br />

and climate action.<br />

For the second year running the Swiss Impact Investment<br />

Association (SIIA) called to Zug for the Impact<br />

Summit. SIIA invited entrepreneurs, thought leaders,<br />

philanthropists, financial institutions and investors, to<br />

speak and present new ideas for impact investing and<br />

report on new approaches and inspiring changes in the<br />

investment sector. The conference was co-hosted with<br />

the Alliance of Religions in Conservation (ARC) and the<br />

canton and city of Zug, in the heart of Switzerland.<br />

The conference boasted a diverse range of <strong>55</strong> speakers and<br />

topics. Keynote speakers included Jamison Irvin of the<br />

UNDP, Jo Andrews of Equileap, Robert Rubinstein of the<br />

TBLI Group, Jouni Keronen of the Climate Leadership<br />

Council, and Cardinal Turkson of the Vatican, who<br />

touched upon key topics such as sustainable development,<br />

gender equality, and faith-based investing. Panels and<br />

speakers’ series were formed on a range of SDGs,<br />

and presented new approaches of impact investing in<br />

unexpected sectors.<br />

gave a platform to numerous showcases, among them the<br />

innovation of 1bank4all Founding Association, the first<br />

global social bank.<br />

A highlight of the first day was the signing of the Zug<br />

Declaration by numerous Swiss based NGOs and<br />

foundations. SIIA gathered influential and effective actors<br />

to publicly commit the use of their financial means to<br />

contribute to and support the UN SDGs and impactful<br />

investment. Among the first signatories were the Robert F.<br />

Kennedy Foundation, WWF, and Gold Standard, as well<br />

as an Argentinian foundation making the first step towards<br />

expanding the Zug Declaration globally.<br />

126<br />

The conference saw panels held on ‘How to Invest in<br />

Gender Equality’, as well as ‘Block Chain for Good’<br />

recognising the new possibilities in digital technological<br />

advancements. One afternoon was dedicated to the ‘Save<br />

the Forest’-Symposium held by Everland. Speakers of<br />

renowned research institutions and organisations, such<br />

as NASA and the UNDP, addressed the realities of<br />

climate change and its implications to the forests. SIIA<br />

Cardinal Turkson giving his key note speech at the Impact Summit 2017.

The Procession reaching the conference centre with banners representing the Faiths, ARC, and the UN.<br />

The second day of the conference was dedicated to<br />

‘Faith in Finance’. Religions are considered to be often<br />

overlooked when accounting global investment assets<br />

and their effective potential for positive change. ‘Faith<br />

Consistent Investing and Impact Investment have much in<br />

common, and we wanted to highlight these commonalities,’<br />

explains Klaus-Michael Christensen, President and cofounder<br />

of SIIA. Martin Palmer, Secretary General of<br />

ARC, also pressed that recognising this new actor in the<br />

investment community is crucial to the future of impact<br />

investing. Their billions of dollars in assets and influence<br />

as global communities should not be missed when thinking<br />

about impacting sociological and economical change. At a<br />

parallel conference to Impact Summit ARC, the UN, and<br />

other key impact investment funds worked closely with<br />

the faith leaders of more than 30 different faith traditions<br />

representing over 500 faith investment groups to write a<br />

Guideline for faith investors.<br />

The Zug Guidelines were ceremoniously enacted by the<br />

Faiths and joint conference attendees of SIIA and ARC.<br />

As the highlight of the two day conference, after an evening<br />

prayer in Zug’s Liebfrauenkapelle on the waterfront of<br />

the Zuger See, the Faiths led a procession through the<br />

centre of the city of Zug. The procession ended on the<br />

conference stage with the signing of the Guidelines by<br />

all representatives of the faiths, pledging to invest in<br />

sustainability. ‘I am so proud that SIIA was able to play a<br />

helping hand in the tremendous effort that ARC has gone<br />

through in preparing the Faiths for the Zug Guideline,’<br />

says Christensen. ‘We found terrific synergies between<br />

the Faiths and business, upon which we now can build to<br />

strengthen the relationship between them in the years to<br />

come. I am very excited that SIIA will be instrumental<br />

in establishing a permanent dialogue on values and<br />

entrepreneurial innovation between Faiths and Business in<br />

Zug.’ The Summit closed with the Handclasp for the Future,<br />

symbolising the Faiths’ commitment and collaboration.<br />

The second SIIA Impact Summit has been deemed a great<br />

success by attendees and the SIIA team. As a next step<br />

SIIA will facilitate a permanent independent ‘Multi-Faith<br />

Impact Investment Conference’ alongside SIIA’s annual<br />

conference. A Multi-Faith Alliance Committee will be<br />

composed of representatives of the Faiths that will take<br />

leadership of the annual Faith Consistent Investing agenda.<br />

As Klaus-Michael Christensen asserts, ’SIIA’s goal is to<br />

bring back an equilibrium between economic and social<br />

development through the means of how we invest in our<br />

collective future.’<br />

Brita Achberger<br />


Klaus-Michael Christensen closing the conference with the Faith representatives at the signing of the Zug Guidelines.<br />

128<br />

The Alliance of Religions and Conservation<br />

(ARC) is a secular body that helps the major religions<br />

of the world to develop their own environmental<br />

programmes, based on their own core teachings,<br />

beliefs and practices.<br />

ARC helps the religions link with key environmental<br />

organisations — creating powerful alliances between<br />

faith communities and conservation groups.<br />

ARC was founded in 1995 by HRH Prince Philip.<br />

They now work with 11 major faiths through the key<br />

traditions within each faith.<br />

SIIA is a non-profit association founded in Zug in<br />

2016 with a mission to showcase investments and<br />

companies with societal impact. The association<br />

was founded with the mission to heighten awareness<br />

in and around Switzerland for impact investment<br />

and aiming to bridge impact with finance, through<br />

conferences and networking events.<br />

SIIA is a platform for best practice impact<br />

investments and seeks credible risk, return and<br />

impact investment opportunities to showcase. SIIA<br />

encourages all stakeholders to jointly develop a<br />

narrative for impact investment for society to adopt.


The words ri olo and ri munri are an interesting study in that<br />

the Bugis equate the front with the past and the back with<br />

the present. This indicates that the Bugi’s time orientation<br />

is towards the past, with the future behind, in a reverse of<br />

the usual order. This reflects perhaps the Bugis’ heritage as<br />

seafarers who are afraid to lose sight of land, hence they<br />

always faces the mountain from where they were sailing.<br />

Their homeland was always the standard reference for their<br />

new home.<br />

Bugis Beliefs about the classification of the cosmos.<br />

Halilintar Lathief<br />

Alexis Gautier - Pulau Jengekerik (Cricket Island)<br />





In life, foresight enables you to identify potential risk. Similarly, the new Volvo XC60 reads the road ahead and<br />

reacts, faster than humanly possible, to steer car and driver to safety. It’s one of Volvo’s world-fi rst and SUV-fi rst<br />

advancements to help keep you moving forward.<br />



Introducing an automotive world-fi rst solution: the digital key.<br />

Bringing greater fl exibility, the XC60’s ‘keyless’ innovation<br />

allows drivers to open, close and start the vehicle from their<br />

smartphones via Bluetooth or the Volvo On Call app. This<br />

pioneering feature saves drivers time and allows you to run<br />

a more fl uid, interchangeable fl eet – with multi-person access<br />

so colleagues can share, drop off and collect cars with no<br />

concern over logistics or physical handover.<br />

And for an intuitive way of working, the XC60’s Sensus Connect<br />

touch-screen interface is now the familiar smartphone portrait<br />

format. The Volvo On Call app delivers new connected services<br />

where drivers can send locations from calendars to the car’s<br />

navigation, fi nd fuel stops, and more. While the app’s redesign<br />

makes it simpler to monitor up to ten fl eet cars.<br />


Aside from reducing the risks, the XC60’s D5 powertrain<br />

innovations supply all the power of an SUV while offering<br />

impressive effi ciencies on CO 2<br />

emissions and fuel. SUV-fi rst<br />

PowerPulse is just one example, where if the accelerator is<br />

pressed at a standstill, or when driving under 2,000 rpm in<br />

fi rst or second gear, compressed air is released to activate<br />

the turbocharger with practically no lag. This means your<br />

business can excel without counting the costs.<br />


130<br />

Because, like you, Volvo looks to the future to prepare for<br />

today, its Scalable Product Architecture replicates and resizes<br />

engine and electrical infrastructures across models. This organised<br />

modular system enables drivers to access new technologies,<br />

while improved weight distribution makes for a dynamic driving<br />


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www.acbrussels-diplomatsales.be<br />

www.facebook.com/volvoacb<br />

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READY<br />

TO<br />






OVER<br />

OVER 8 TO<br />





Management<br />

ACB Management ACB Management<br />

Hadelin D’hoop ACB Group Managing Director<br />

ACB Management<br />

Hadelin<br />

Carlos D’hoop<br />

Romao – ACB<br />

ACB Group Hadelin<br />

Group Managing D’hoop<br />

<strong>Diplomatic</strong> Director – ACB Group Managing<br />

Sales Director<br />

Hadelin D’hoop<br />

Carlos<br />

– ACB<br />

Romao<br />

Group<br />

– ACB<br />

Managing<br />

Group Carlos <strong>Diplomatic</strong> Romao<br />

Director<br />

Sales Director – ACB Group <strong>Diplomatic</strong><br />

Carlos Romao ACB – Diplomat ACB Group Administration <strong>Diplomatic</strong> Sales Team Director<br />

ACB Diplomat<br />

Helga Frenyo Administration ACB<br />

Sales Team Diplomat Administration Team<br />

Admin.<br />

ACB Diplomat Helga<br />

Tilly Frenyo<br />

Serkeyn Administration – Sales<br />

Sales Admin. Helga Frenyo – Sales Admin.<br />

Admin.Support Team<br />

Helga Frenyo Tilly Serkeyn<br />

Alexander – Sales – Sales<br />

Boeckx Admin.<br />

Admin.Support Tilly Serkeyn – Sales Admin.Support<br />

Marketing Coordinator<br />

Alexander Boeckx – Marketing Alexander Coordinator Boeckx – Marketing Coordina<br />

Tilly Serkeyn – Sales Admin.Support<br />

Alexander Boeckx ACB Diplomat – Marketing Sales Coordinator<br />

Team<br />

ACB Diplomat<br />

Benjamin Sales<br />

Melain Team ACB Diplomat Sales Team<br />

ACB Group <strong>Diplomatic</strong> Sales Exec.<br />

Benjamin Melain – ACB Group Benjamin <strong>Diplomatic</strong> Melain Sales Exec. – ACB Group Diploma<br />

ACB Diplomat Matthias Sales Vandevenne Team<br />

ACB Group <strong>Diplomatic</strong> Sales Exec.<br />

Matthias Vandevenne – ACB Matthias Group <strong>Diplomatic</strong> Vandevenne Sales Exec. – ACB Group Dip<br />

Benjamin Melain – ACB Group <strong>Diplomatic</strong> Sales Exec.<br />

Matthias Vandevenne – ACB Group <strong>Diplomatic</strong> Sales Exec.<br />

2,1 - 7,7 L/100 KM 2,1 I 49 - 176 7,7 G L/100 CO 2<br />

/KM (NEDC) KM I 49 - 176<br />

2,1 - 7,7 L/100 KM I 49 - 176 G CO 2<br />

/KM (NEDC)<br />







02 743 81 81<br />

02 686 06 40<br />

02 712 60 70<br />

02 743 0281<br />

743 81 81 02 686 06 40<br />

02 686 02 712 060 40 70<br />

Leuvensesteenweg 381<br />

Brusselsesteenweg 343 Leuvensesteenweg 430<br />

ACB LOUIS Leuvensesteenweg<br />

1030 BRUSSELS<br />

Leuvensesteenweg 381<br />

Schaarbeek ACB OVERIJSE 381<br />

Brusselsesteenweg<br />

3090 343<br />

Overijse ACB Brusselsesteenweg ZAVENTEM<br />

Leuvensesteenweg<br />

1930 430343<br />

Zaventem<br />

02 743 81 81<br />

1030 Schaarbeek 1030 Schaarbeek<br />

brussels@acbrussels.be 02 686 06<br />

3090 Overijse@acbrussels.be<br />

40<br />

Overijse<br />

02 712<br />

3090<br />

60<br />

1930 zaventem@acbrussels.be<br />

70<br />

Overijse Zaventem<br />

brussels@acbrussels.be Overijse@acbrussels.be Overijse@acbrussels.be<br />

zaventem@acbrussels.be<br />

Leuvensesteenweg 381<br />

Brusselsesteenweg 343 Leuvensesteenweg 430<br />

1030 Schaarbeek<br />

brussels@acbrussels.be<br />

3090 Overijse<br />

Overijse@acbrussels.be<br />

1930 Zaventem<br />

zaventem@acbrussels.be<br />

131<br />

AC<br />

02<br />

Leu<br />

193<br />





Mechelen is accessible to everyone. The city is<br />

located in the heart of Flanders about 25km from<br />

Brussels and Antwerp. From the Brussels airport to<br />

Mechelen it takes only 11 minutes by train. Thanks<br />

to its largely uncongested road network, travelling<br />

to and from other surrounding countries/cities from<br />

Mechelen whether by bus, train, plane or car is also<br />

easy and doesn’t take much of your time. Major<br />

commercial and industrial centers such as London,<br />

Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Luxemburg are<br />

only a few hours away.<br />


Wondering where employers will come from for your<br />

business? No need to stress! The biggest college in<br />

Flanders, Thomas More, University College is found<br />

in Mechelen. Therefore, it provides a steady supply of<br />

multitalented workers as it has about 4.000 students and<br />

more than 15 academic programs. Businesses can readily<br />

handpick the finest talent while the brightest graduates<br />

from neighboring universities in Leuven, Antwerp and<br />

Brussels strategically settle in Mechelen. In recent years,<br />

Mechelen has been transformed into the new hotspot of<br />

cross media activities. The young talent pool of highly<br />

qualified, multilingual workers and the city’s own dynamic<br />

business climate has attracted several communication,<br />

marketing and multimedia companies.<br />

nice historical buildings. The city has about 400 inspiring<br />

historical buildings that bring about the cultural diversity<br />

of the city. The restaurants and cafés are charming and<br />

have diverse choices.<br />



This museum is so much more than a collection of<br />

(cultural) historical objects. It also serves as a beacon for<br />

research and experiments and is a hotspot for classical<br />

and contemporary heritage, from where you can follow<br />

the traces of Burgundian influences in today’s culture.<br />



132<br />

There is certainly more to learn and do in Mechelen<br />

during leisure and free time. The fact that Mechelen is a<br />

pocket-sized world city means that everything is within<br />

walking distance. It is also one of Flanders’ prominent<br />

cities of historical art, therefore as you wander along the<br />

narrow streets you will be able to feast your eyes on the


Discover the history of the Burgundian Netherlands in<br />

the new museum Hof van Busleyden in Mechelen as of<br />

March 2018. Learn more about how the Burgundian<br />

court culture left its mark on the contemporary city in a<br />

stately sixteenth-century city palace. The new Museum<br />

Hof van Busleyden is a place for encounters, discoveries<br />

and admiration.<br />

It answers questions like, how did the Burgundian rulers<br />

manage to create such a great empire? Which impact<br />

did the resulting internationalization have on Mechelen?<br />

What is so special about the paintings of the Flemish<br />

Primitives, about Flemish polyphonic music and the<br />

products of Burgundian craftsmen? What prompted the<br />

rapid developments in medicine, botany and cartography<br />

in this era?<br />


A family can easily combine a spot of history with<br />

activities that both the parents and children can warm up<br />

to. One of the largest toy museums in Europe is located in<br />

Mechelen. You can also visit a hands-on science museum,<br />

Technopolis. A walk among the penguins in the city’s zoo<br />

Planckendael is a ‘must do’.<br />


In the last couple of years more and more businesses<br />

have come to recognize Mechelen for its true worth: its<br />

midway location within Flanders and Europe, its high<br />

speed connectivity, access to highly skilled and flexible<br />

employers with an always-on attitude and lastly its<br />

excellent quality of life. Even the mayor of the city himself<br />

agrees with the fact that Mechelen is not only the best<br />

place to live but indeed offers everything for successful<br />

business investments and outstanding conditions for a<br />

growing business.<br />

Mechelen has activities for both children and older<br />

people. In and around the lively city centre, there are<br />

activities that suit every indoor and outdoor taste.<br />

More info:<br />

www.mechelen.be / www.visitmechelen.be<br />


The TAL Center for Integrative Oncology is located within<br />

the largest Oncology Institute in the Middle East, the<br />

Sheba Hospital at Tel Hashomer. The center aims to change<br />

the culture of cancer treatment and serves as a Center of<br />

Excellence in the field. The TAL Center is the first in the<br />

country to offer a combination of complementary medical<br />

treatments and scientific research as an integral part of the<br />

Oncology Center. Today, more than ever, there is a need<br />

for a medical center that meets the unique requirement of<br />

oncology patients.<br />

The Tal Center was created to honor the memory of Tal<br />

Yaakobson. Tal’s name means water and more specifically<br />

“dew”. Water can be both harmful and give life. The morning<br />

dew is just about giving life and has a positive nature. In that<br />

respect we are very much following this line of thought.<br />

Cancer is becoming an epidemic. How can we best provide<br />

a better life for cancer patients?<br />

The Tal Center for Integrative Oncology Medicine<br />

promotes the use of natural therapies that support and<br />

work in conjunction with conventional oncology; meeting<br />

the unique needs of oncology patients, helping them battle<br />

the disease and increasing their chances of survival.<br />

With the aim of proving the efficacy of integrative<br />

medicine in the treatment of both cancer and the side<br />

effects caused by conventional medicine, the Tal Center<br />

conducts clinical and para-clinical studies, examining<br />

the influence of medicinal herbs and their active<br />

mechanisms, on cancer cells and the immune system.<br />

The Tal Center’s uniqueness lies in its ability to conduct<br />

in-depth scientific research, mainly as a result of the<br />

exceptional partnership the center has established with<br />

the Sheba Medical Center - Tel Hashomer. The Sheba<br />

Oncology Center, the largest in Israel, has provided the<br />

Tal Center with a state-of-the-art laboratory to support<br />

its groundbreaking research. This advanced technology<br />

enables the in vitro growth of patients’ cancer and<br />

immune system cells, making it possible to examine<br />

their response to anti-cancerous herbs and provide truly<br />

personalized medicine; while expanding the Tal Center<br />

treatment experience and knowledge-base.<br />

Working closely with oncologists, the Tal Center has begun<br />

the process of ‘translating’ the wisdom of Chinese medicine<br />

into western practices, and conducts pioneering, global<br />

clinical research in a diverse range of fields, including<br />

oncology nutrition, botanical formulas, homeopathy and<br />

immunotherapy.<br />


Chinese Acupuncture decreases the side effects that develop<br />

during chemotherapy, including nausea, fatigue and pain.<br />

By integrating Western practices with the holistic approaches<br />

of Chinese medicine, through unique collaborations with<br />

leading centers in Israel and abroad; the TAL Center is<br />

transforming vision into reality and becoming a center for<br />

international excellence.<br />

“The TAL Center is a center of excellence. It sounds a bit<br />

presumptuous to say but the truth is that we strive for and<br />

we are on our way to be excellent, which is quite an amazing<br />

thing” and thus Dr. Noah Samuels set the bar high in this<br />

interview. This is my second visit to Tel Hashomer Sheba<br />

Hospital and the TAL Center and I feel at home.<br />

The first impressions of my September visit were confirmed<br />

the minute I entered the gates of the hospital grounds<br />

today. This place is the center of energy, empathy, safety<br />

and medicine of the highest standards. The TAL Center is,<br />

as a massive benign growth onto the oncology department,<br />

living proof that the perfect marriage between Western and<br />

traditional Chinese medicine does exist. We meet for a round<br />

table discussion in the heart of the TAL Center.<br />

“My specialty is internal medicine and my sub-specialty is<br />

complementary integrative medicine”, Dr. Noah Samuels<br />

starts.<br />

or medication? Does it have side effects? Is the treatment<br />

going to be dangerous? Is the outcome going to be good?<br />

“Like any treatment we do in medicine everything has side<br />

effects (except chicken soup). We must make sure that what<br />

we are doing, does not go against what the oncologists or the<br />

hematologists are giving. Especially in cancer care.”<br />


Integrative medicine is complementary medicine within the<br />

conventional medical system. Cancer patients are looking<br />

for ways to heal and they are trying all kinds of different<br />

treatments, sometimes taking supplements and most of the<br />

time the oncologists don’t know exactly what they are trying.<br />

Here at the TAL Center the doctor makes the diagnosis,<br />

gives the painkiller, the nurse calls the physiotherapist, refers<br />

to the acupuncture department down the hall, makes all<br />

the other appointments and puts all this information in the<br />

patient file. Everything is one stop, it’s all concentrated in<br />

one place.<br />

“We have all that here at SHEBA. In the TAL Center we<br />

work inside the hospital. Not just geographically, also<br />

logistically. Today doctors at Tel Hashomer referred two new<br />

patients. One patient had hot flashes because of hormone<br />

therapy and another patient was suffering from severe<br />

neuropathy from the chemotherapy. She could hardly walk<br />

and said it was as if she was walking on needles. She couldn’t<br />

close her shirt because she could not manipulate the buttons.<br />

There is no conventional treatment for this, so the doctor has<br />

sent her to the TAL Center. What the TAL Center offers can<br />

be very effective for a lot of side effects.<br />


The TAL Center for Integrative Oncology serves as a Center<br />

of Excellence, advancing the integration of complementary<br />

medicine in standard oncology care.<br />

Integrative physicians are conventional physicians who<br />

believe in conventional medicine but know and are familiar<br />

with the whole world of complementary medicine and the<br />

aspects that are evidence based in that the treatments can<br />

help and not harm. Because those are the big questions: does<br />

it help? Does it harm? Does it interact with other treatments<br />

A Center of Excellence is a team, a shared facility, an<br />

entity that provides leadership, the best practices, research,<br />

support, and training. The TAL Center is working on all of<br />

these aspects. “If you do only one thing, that’s fantastic but<br />

it’s not going to make a change. The nurses, the doctors, the<br />

patients must know that all of these treatments are good and<br />

helpful. We are in Tel Hashomer, the largest cancer center in<br />

the Middle East. We see 5.000 new patients every year and<br />

treat some 20.000 patients per year.”<br />


How the treatments are impacting patients is registered,<br />

everything is evidence based. Studies show what helps and<br />

what does not harm. Patients are all supervised, making sure<br />

that they get healthy without side effects. All of this makes<br />

the treatments very safe.<br />

Dr. Yair Maimon brings with him the vision of bridging the<br />

gap between Chinese Medicine and the Western world’s<br />

pharmaceutical industry<br />

The integrative physician works with the oncologist.<br />

“Everything we do is in the patients’ file so that the<br />

oncologists know what is happening. Our main goal is<br />

for people to feel better and to get through the cancer<br />

treatments which have terrible side effects like neuropathy.<br />

The conventional treatment for neuropathy caused by<br />

chemotherapy, is to stop the treatment or reduce the dose<br />

or switch to something less toxic. We can help the patient<br />

complete their chemo at the intended dose.” There are<br />

studies that show that if you help people reduce symptoms<br />

and help them to feel better, that helps their survival.<br />

“We work from the lab to the bedside. We are closely<br />

working together to get all the results in real time. The<br />

complementary integrative treatments are effective and<br />

not expensive, not just to the patients but also to the<br />

system.”<br />

Doctor Samuels has been doing clinical research for 20<br />

years to observe what happens in real time. There are<br />

different types of research. The main type of research<br />

that the center is focused on is called pragmatic research.<br />

One patient might get acupuncture while at the same time<br />

another patient benefits from other treatments. This is<br />

how a center that offers a multitude of treatments works.<br />

Pragmatic means real time. In order to know what is really<br />

happening, the pragmatic trials are very effective.<br />

It’s not ‘clean’ research, it is not very exact but that’s<br />

how people are being treated, each one according to their<br />

symptoms, liking and results.<br />

136<br />


The TAL Center for Research is conducting state of the<br />

art research into the effect of herbal medicine on cancer<br />

cell cultures and immune cells. “There are 2 big aspects in<br />

the research that we are doing. We are working with other<br />

centers; we are collaborating.”<br />

Dr. Samuels is in charge of the clinical work of the center<br />

and Dr. Yair Maimon oversees the lab studies and research.<br />

The pragmatic trials are very important and work in<br />

a systems approach, a patient approach. “There is a<br />

study on neuropathy that we are doing with Technion in<br />

collaboration with 4 other medical centers. To show the<br />

power of the effect of a treatment you need to work together,<br />

join forces.” In another study with brain tumor patients we<br />

are helping with their symptoms.<br />

There is a project running with the Patient Registry through<br />

the patient files. We published a study on homeopathy.<br />

Yesterday we started a study on neuropathy and we are<br />

running another one in gynaecology.


Education is the key. We have medical student programs;<br />

we offer conferences for medical professionals, doctors,<br />

nurses and offer lectures for the public, and we have an<br />

internet site.<br />

Dr. Samuels is an integrative physician. When patients<br />

consult him, he recommends different types of treatment,<br />

whatever is most appropriate. There are some 100 studies<br />

on acupuncture, reflexology, touch therapy, yoga and<br />

meditation about how good all this is, how important it is.<br />

It is all evidence based. People also need to hear what really<br />

happens. They need to know that people are affected by<br />

these treatments in a positive way and how it changes their<br />

lives.<br />

As a nurse the most important for me is the patient and<br />

I believe that we can help them. I have seen it. We can<br />

help them reduce stress, relieve pain, see them through hot<br />

flashes or nausea. Their whole well-being is very important,<br />

more important than anything else when you go through<br />

cancer. I hope this field will be more and more integrated in<br />

the regular treatment because it will improve survivorship.<br />

I see it in the patients, I see it all the time.”<br />

“For the patients that survived cancer, we need to maintain<br />

their whole well-being. Usually afterwards they suffer from<br />

anxiety and stress. They can’t go back to their regular life,<br />

because it is not easy.”<br />

“We know some patients will not survive and there is<br />

nothing we can do about it. But it is important to know<br />

that we can help them. The way we do something for them<br />

is more important than the outcome because some of the<br />

patients will die regardless of what we did for them.<br />

On top of that we have the whole administration, the<br />

management guidelines, the accreditation. As nurses, we<br />

have both sides of the job.”<br />

“The patient comes in and is seen by the physician, we start<br />

the treatments and ask the patient to report back to us. We<br />

want to know if the patient did benefit from the treatment<br />

and we need to record it in the patient file for the oncologist<br />

to consult.”<br />


Einat Brinenberg is the oncology nurse with vast experience<br />

in patient care, as well as an Integrative Medicine nurse<br />

with training in Chinese Medicine and Reflexology. Einat is<br />

involved in both the treatment aspects of the TAL Center,<br />

as well as helping us run the center efficiently and effectively<br />

in an administrative capacity. She is involved in the whole<br />

process and in the follow up with the administration of the<br />

patient file. “I have been an oncology nurse for 15 years now<br />

and I have seen cancer patients from all departments.”<br />

“At the center we offer a tailor made and personalized<br />

treatment. Some patients don’t want acupuncture because<br />

they don’t like needles, others don’t like to be touched and<br />

do want the needles.”<br />

“The knowledge of oncology helps a lot. I enrolled in a<br />

course in Chinese Medicine because it is good for all nurses<br />

and doctors to know both sides of the treatment, to know<br />

what you can combine when you give treatment. We care<br />

about the patients and the treatments they get. We keep<br />

patients safe. We know what the side effects are, we have<br />

the detailed computerized medical files. We are the bridge<br />

between East and West.<br />



In a perfect world this would all be funded but we live in an<br />

imperfect world. But that is not what happens. ‘The way to<br />

a man’s heart is through the stomach’ they say, well ‘the way<br />

to an oncologist’s heart is through lab research’ and through<br />

showing proof of the molecules, receptors, and genes.<br />

Bringing in new medications into the clinical settings, ‘from<br />

the lab to the bedside’ is very important.<br />

When the patient comes in, one of his choices should be<br />

whatever we are providing. Patients should not have to go<br />

elsewhere, looking for practitioners and therapists. When<br />

the normal medical system cannot provide them with the<br />

right treatment options, we are a very legitimate option.”<br />

“We are living in very interesting times. Western medicine<br />

is about 50 to 80 years old, that means that all the<br />

treatments patients are receiving are relatively new. What<br />

we observe and what we are pioneering in the center and<br />

in other places in the world, is not relevant just to the use<br />

of natural medicine in cancer. It is also relevant to human<br />

consciousness and deeper understanding of healing. We<br />

believe that will see great change in the next ten years.<br />

Much of it is due to unexpected future discoveries. We are<br />

observing many changes in cancer patients and we keep on<br />

asking the question: “How can we prove what we observe?”<br />

Patients are doing well, but people are asking us for proof.<br />

Prevention, and prevention of recurrence and improving<br />

quality of life is the aim.”<br />

“Even more important, there is the science of medicine and<br />

the art of healing. These two should combine. Hospitals<br />

sometimes focus too much on the science of medicine<br />

and could therefore forget the art of healing. What we<br />

are providing is not just a treatment. We are proving<br />

another point, another important statement to the medical<br />

community: we are stressing that, because of too much<br />

focus on science, there is a tendency to forget the healing.<br />

“We forgot that the healing is within the patient, not<br />

in the medicine, not in the molecules. That has a lot of<br />

ramifications on how you look for a personalized treatment,<br />

how you can improve the quality of life of the patient and<br />

how the patient is treated. Also helping them to die in the<br />

proper way because western medicine tends to concentrate<br />

on the cancer and not on the system and the patient. The<br />

word ‘healing’ is the key word. It is very easy to go into the<br />

molecular world and forget that the healing is not done on<br />

the molecular level.”<br />

138<br />

Doctor Yair Maimon is the head of the research department<br />

and he has a very clear vision about the TAL Center. “The<br />

TAL Center is a visionary place, and it is up to us to fulfill<br />

the vision, one way or another. The vision is very clear: to<br />

do whatever we can do to change the way cancer is being<br />

treated. To bring in different natural treatments we know<br />

are effective. To prove that they are effective. To change the<br />

protocols of cancer patients.<br />

“There is a big difference between evidence-based medicine<br />

and patient-centered medicine. Evidence-based medicine is<br />

a two-edged sword, it does not always work to the benefit<br />

of the patient. Some patients might want something<br />

different.”<br />

“Zoya, the head of my lab is a scientist, she is a molecular<br />

biologist. Last week she came to the clinic while I was

treating a patient. I told her to come in because we are<br />

always in the lab, researching herbs, and it would be good<br />

if she could witness what we can achieve in the practice.<br />

There was a lung cancer patient who had been taking the<br />

herbs since she came to me a year ago. At that time, she<br />

had a terrible cough, was very highly medicated and on<br />

steroids. Her life expectancy was very low. By the expected<br />

medical criteria, she was not supposed to still be here when<br />

Zoya saw her. She still has metastatic cancer, but she is<br />

not coughing. She goes out, she is driving, her swelling<br />

reduced, she reduced the cortisone. To Zoya, the labs’<br />

molecular biologist, to hear this from the patient, to see that<br />

the patient has improved, to her this is evidence that the<br />

treatment is useful and above all safe.”<br />

“Patients should get the very best treatment options, that’s<br />

the bottom line. When they come to the hospital, they<br />

should get the best the medical system provides. What we<br />

are providing makes sense and should be part of it.”<br />

Dr. Yair Maimon is a practitioner and a researcher. When<br />

they started the TAL Center he took charge of the research<br />

department and was very keen on proving that it is a center<br />

of excellence.<br />

“It’s not easy to do research”, he continues, “everybody<br />

likes research, everybody wants to talk about research, but<br />

research is very difficult to do. Especially when it’s not<br />

well-funded and even more so when you research something<br />

which is strange.”<br />

“It is easy to research a molecule, but it is difficult to<br />

research multi molecule herbs. When you research 2 herbs it<br />

is even more difficult. The more variables you have, the more<br />

difficult it is. The classical research method is to research<br />

one molecule for one result. One intervention and one result.<br />

You know the mechanics and you can use the result. We are<br />

totally 180° on the opposite side of this spectrum.<br />

“I know that we will be part of the treatment and I think<br />

all the reasons are there, especially if you look at it from<br />

the patients’ perspective. A concept we are implementing<br />

here, is called ‘patient-centered medicine’. The medicine is<br />

centered around the patient, not around the hospital or the<br />

doctor or anyone else. We are all health care providers, we<br />

provide service, we are here for the patient. A lot of the time<br />

this is forgotten, especially in the care for cancer patients.”<br />



The topic of discussions or studies is always the disease.<br />

In Chinese medicine there is no word for ‘disease’. Western<br />

medicine is focused on disease; Chinese medicine is focused<br />

on balance and imbalance.<br />

One way to create change is to change the belief system.<br />

One of the great advantages of science is the ability to learn<br />


more, to know more. We are in a hospital for a reason, we<br />

are not against science, we are not against progress and<br />

certainly not against progression of modern science.<br />

We use science to prove that what we know is working and<br />

this can be very surprising. It surprises me all the time.<br />

Now I am doing something totally opposite to Chinese<br />

medicine or natural medicine. I go to the molecule. I go<br />

back to see what TCM does in a cell. A cell can teach you a<br />

lot of surprising things.<br />

Let me tell you about one of our findings to illustrate this.<br />

We are using an herbal formula which consists of a few<br />

herbs and is called LCS101 in our research protocol. We<br />

are trying this on cancer cells and on normal cells. To our<br />

surprise we saw that when you put the herbs on the normal<br />

cells, nothing happens to them. When you increase the<br />

dose, nothing happens. Actually, they are very happy, they<br />

even thrive better. When you put the herbs on the cancer<br />

cells, this almost immediately kills them. The formula is<br />

selective, it has its own wisdom: it kills cancer cells and<br />

does not affect normal cells. It goes even further: if you take<br />

chemotherapy that kills both normal cells and cancer cells<br />

— which happens at the same speed and at the same rate<br />

— when you take the herbs, they protect the normal cells<br />

and immediately kill the cancer cells. It offers a selective<br />

protection and that is phenomenal to observe. We published<br />

it already, it is quite unique.<br />

What herbal medicine is doing in the immune system is<br />

exiting as well. We take the patients’ blood and look at<br />

how the herbal formula is protecting the blood. We take<br />

patients tissue and grow their cancer cells in the lab. We see<br />

how the herbs are reacting to the cancer cells. We are very<br />

advanced in our vision of proving that what we are doing<br />

is not only effective but safe. We can provide clinical proof<br />

and laboratory proof that we are not just dreamers. It has<br />

nothing to do with dreaming. The more we can prove in the<br />

lab that what we are doing is potentially very interesting,<br />

should be researched further, and should be implemented —<br />

and herbs are the most difficult to implement in a hospital<br />

setting - the further we can move forward.<br />

of change. Reinventing nature suddenly is going to be<br />

interesting. We talk about “the amazing wisdom of nature”.<br />

The breakthrough in Western medicine will also happen<br />

through researching the immune system. It is not through<br />

providing drugs targeted at cancer cells.<br />

There are three reasons why we are going to see great<br />

change: The first one and the strongest one relates to the<br />

reason why integrative medicine is popular. It creates a grass<br />

root movement: the patients are asking for it. Second: there<br />

is, and there will be an advance in science which will help<br />

to bring in other criteria into what is evidence and what is<br />

not. The outcome of pragmatic studies through observation<br />

will be regarded as evidence. The third issue is money. The<br />

cost of the medicine that is administered to the patient is<br />

ridiculously high and becomes a real burden. The cost is<br />

becoming a burden on the system as well, not just the chemo<br />

but also the cost of drugs like the ones given against nausea.<br />

A patient is being given a medicine that is not really curative,<br />

maybe to help him survive better, maybe even palliative and<br />

it will cost $100.000 to $200.000. This to get a medicine of<br />

which the chance that it will help him is small. But how can<br />

one not allow a patient who is going to die medicine when<br />

there is a small chance that it will help him? The treatments<br />

we are providing in TCM are not only effective but also very<br />

sensible, very cost-effective and needed for cancer patients<br />

on so many levels.<br />

The main reason why I believe we can create a change<br />

in cancer care, by using traditional Chinese medicine as<br />

integrative complementary medicine, relates to the fact<br />

that it is safe and more cost effective than conventional<br />

medicine. We have to look at a ten-year process. What we<br />

are saying now, will come. We are a visionary place.<br />

Everything we do starts with a thought, a believe or a wish<br />

for how things will develop.<br />

It is much easier to implement other alternative therapies in<br />

the hospital like acupuncture or touch therapy because there<br />

already is a lot of evidence backing it up.<br />

140<br />

A hundred years ago herbs were very much implemented.<br />

All the wisdom is in nature. We must go back to observing<br />

nature with respect and care. We are living in a time


A friend of mine had a crazy story about land property, she<br />

is English and she bought an island here in the National<br />

Park a couple of years ago. She knew about some cases of<br />

people taking possession of islands by coming overnight to<br />

build a hut and put a goat, claiming ownership to the<br />

government. So this friend decided to hire a farmer to keep<br />

her island protected. She built a house for him, had a goat<br />

and planted a garden, and the farmer lived there.<br />

When she came back a year later, the farmer had claimed<br />

the island as his, and had received a certificate of ownership<br />

from the government. They are now in a law court and it’s<br />

very complicated because it’s difficult to prove who was<br />

there first. There was always someone first.<br />

Nina. Labuanbajo, 2017<br />

Alexis Gautier - Pulau Jengekerik (Cricket Island)<br />


142<br />




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GET MERRY,<br />


Strolling between shops while<br />

ships glide by, at night,<br />

a twinkling competition between<br />

the trees and the stars in the sky.<br />

Presents on offer, earrings<br />

and ties, high-tech and low tech,<br />

finding is easy, choosing is hard,<br />

Sunday Christmas shopping<br />

in Knokke-Heist,<br />

makes you feel Young at Heart.<br />


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Christmas, or WEIHNACHTEN, is considered to<br />

be the most wonderful time of the year by Germans.<br />

To be “kissed” by Christmas season does not mean<br />

to only worship Christmas shopping! Germans don’t<br />

even celebrate “boxing day”!<br />

The Germans’ most important wish is “happiness and<br />

peace for all”. All of us live different Christmas traditions<br />

such as cutting down a tree at our favourite Christmas<br />

farm, to enjoy “Advents Sundays” listening to grandma’s<br />

music box, but most of all we love our four candles on the<br />

“Adventskranz” sweetened by the smell of Mum’s handmade<br />

“Baumkuchen”. Some of these traditions may have been<br />

passed on for generations. They are perfect to bring the<br />

whole family together to celebrate.<br />


The most popular song, not only on German radio, the<br />

Christmas Carol symbolizes dreams of the deep and merry<br />

wish of a Winter Wonderland. Unfortunately it only snows<br />

about every years in the lower regions (the temperature in<br />

December is mainly about 28-40 degrees Fahrenheit). But<br />

you might be lucky to enjoy snow in the higher regions such<br />

as Bavaria and the Black Forest.<br />



to be picked up by the Christkind at the beginning of the<br />

Advent season.<br />

People celebrate St Thomas day on December 21st, the<br />

shortest day and the longest night of the year. December<br />

24th is THE day of exchanging all the gifts! All kids around<br />

the world would be quite jealous knowing that German<br />

children received their presents 12 hours earlier! The next<br />

few days are rather quiet and peaceful, visiting friends and<br />

family. Germans are a little less consumption-oriented than<br />

the US or Great Britain. December 26th, is our second<br />

Christmas day and we relax in a very festive atmosphere.<br />


Generally speaking, Germans are no big snack or junk food<br />

eaters. But no need to worry, you definitely won’t go hungry.<br />

On Christmas Eve we generally eat light food such as a<br />

simple potato salad and sausages. On Christmas day the<br />

family tucks into stuffed or roast goose (Weihnachtsgans)<br />

with red cabbage and potato dumplings (Kartoffelklöße)<br />

and wine-flavoured sauce. There is no special technique<br />

144<br />

As soon as the first Christmas feeling is in the air the<br />

countdown starts several weeks ahead with the Advent<br />

season. This period is the time of waiting, hope, love,<br />

peace and joy for all. Inviting the family to slow down and<br />

celebrate with the scent of fresh pine green in every room!<br />

Isn’t that lovely smell of baked apples, cinnamon and<br />

marzipan what Christmas is all about? Advent invites us to<br />

take a deep breath and to appreciate this most wonderful<br />

time of the year. In some parts of the country, mainly in<br />

the Southeast, children write letters to the “Christkind”<br />

asking for presents. These letters are decorated with sugar<br />

which is glued to the envelope to make it look attractive and<br />

sparkling. Children leave these letters on the windowsill

in preparing this dish, apart from the sauce of wine, the<br />

juices produced while cooking the goose and a gravy. Many<br />

German restaurants offer this dish during the Christmas<br />

Season and of course many German families cook it as well.<br />


Most likely it was the Germans who invented the Christmas<br />

Stollen, but this was a long time ago! This cake was first<br />

mentioned in 1330 in the village Naumburg/ Saale, as a<br />

special privilege granted by the bishop to the bakers’ guild.<br />

There is no English translation that we know of but this<br />

German cake uses the best ingredients to create an aromatic<br />

and delicious Stollen dough. Each loaf is lovingly formed<br />

by hand. It contains plenty of raisins which are soaked<br />

overnight in rum, candied lemon and orange peel, sweet and<br />

bitter almonds and good butter.<br />



This is a long story. Germans like to decorate a freshly<br />

cut Christmas tree in a bit of an old-fashioned way.<br />

Nevertheless the traditional tree continues to create this<br />

unique atmosphere through real wax candles. We use special<br />

candleholders and know how to manage this safely as these<br />

candles are not meant to burn for a long time! The religious<br />

reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546) is said to have<br />

started this Christmas tree tradition, but the tree was first<br />

mentioned long time after Luther’s death. The Christmas<br />

tree tradition dates back to the early 1<strong>55</strong>0’s, as the first<br />

written “Tannenbaum Ballads” were circulating at that time.<br />

It is very important to any family with young children to<br />

have a Christmas tree at home. Mostly it is the mother who<br />

decorates the tree very secretly in the morning of the 24th<br />

of December. Did you know that every year the world’s<br />

tallest Christmas tree stands in Dortmund’s Hansaplatz<br />

and a 4-meter tall angel crowns the top of it? In total 1,700<br />

fir trees soar 45 metres into the sky! Around 48,000 lights<br />

beam festive illumination for the approximately two million<br />

people visiting Dortmund who come to delight in the<br />

Christmas spirit of the Dortmund Christmas Market.<br />

From traditional handicrafts and quirky ornaments to local<br />

delicacies and sweet-scented mulled wine, there’s absolutely<br />

nothing you can’t find in a German Christmas market,<br />

whether you choose to wander the most popular ones or<br />

visit those hidden in some quaint medieval village. As for<br />

the gifts, no worries, this superb winter display features<br />

stands filled with authentic Christmas handicrafts, pottery,<br />

candles, handmade toys, wooden ornaments, and much,<br />

much more.<br />

This colourful German Christmas tradition has found<br />

its way to parts of France, England and other parts of<br />

the world. Beginning in late November, in almost any<br />

German city of any size, one or more Christmas Markets<br />

will pop up on the local square and often in several other<br />

locations. These markets usually continue through the four<br />

December weeks leading up to Christmas Eve. Frankfurt,<br />

Munich, Berlin, Hamburg and Nürnberg, each town has<br />

its own spirit. The Nürnberg Christkind officially opens<br />

the Christmas market on the Friday before Advent starts.<br />

Dresden “Striezelmarkt” is Germany’s oldest Christmas<br />

market and celebrates its 583rd anniversary in 2017. The<br />

name “Striezelmarkt” is historical and takes its name from<br />

the “Striezel” or “Stollen” which Dresden is famous for.<br />

There is much more to tell about German Christmas<br />

traditions such as Barbarazweige, Christmas Carols,<br />

the Wooden Angels of Erzgebirge and numerous other<br />

fascinating elements of our traditions and values.<br />

Have a Merry Christmas — Fröhliche Weihnachten überall !<br />

Ute Gerhards.<br />



Nothing says Christmas in Germany better than its<br />

charming, quintessential Christmas markets that decorate<br />

the country during this magical time of the year.<br />



Christmas (rus. Rozhdestvo Khristovo) is a<br />

feast deeply rooted in Russian history. While for<br />

Orthodox Christians Easter is undoubtedly the main<br />

event, Christmas remains an extremely important<br />

hallmark in religious life. It has also become part<br />

and parcel of the Russian cultural tradition and<br />

folklore.<br />

In Russia, Christmas is celebrated according to the Julian<br />

calendar, that is, 13 days later than in Europe, on January 7.<br />

This fact gave rise to a unique tradition — celebrating “the Old<br />

New Year” at night of January 13. Of course, not all Russians<br />

celebrate it, but some do, as well as many expatriates who<br />

take advantage of this custom to meet friends in a warm and<br />

completely informal atmosphere.<br />

146<br />

In Soviet times political powers tried to replace religious feasts<br />

with civil ones. Thus, New Year acquired some Christmas<br />

features and became more popular. Though by the end of the<br />

20th century Christmas regained its status, New Year is still<br />

celebrated on a large scale.<br />

Nowadays winter holidays in Russia last all week, from New<br />

Year to Christmas. Russian cities are prepared in advance for<br />

it. In early December, the streets are decorated with lights and<br />

big Christmas trees, traditional Christmas markets are set on<br />

large squares. Christmas wreaths made of spruce branches or<br />

other material with the Nativity icon inside or with figures of<br />

the Holy Family are placed in front of the churches. People<br />

thoroughly prepare their homes for the holidays: they clean up<br />

apartments, decorate the Christmas tree, put colorful garlands<br />

all around, hang flashing lights on windows and chandeliers,<br />

and buy presents for family and friends.<br />

During the winter holidays, everyone enjoys skating, skiing,<br />

snowboarding, driving in a sledge, riding horses, making<br />

snowmen and having snowball fights. Many travel abroad —<br />

some spend a few days at the seashore, others go to different<br />

European cities. Belgium with its fairytale like sites has<br />

become a very popular destination for Russian tourists during<br />

Christmas season. Parents often bring their children to<br />

Christmas shows where they meet fairy characters: Grandfather<br />

Frost (rus. Ded Moroz) and his granddaughter the Snow<br />

Maiden (rus. Snegurochka). Grandfather Frost is an old kind<br />

man who brings presents to children. Little ones often get<br />

ready to meet Ded Moroz, preparing a song or poems.<br />

A lot of people go to churches on Christmas night. The<br />

Patriarch serves solemn Vespers and the Divine Liturgy in the<br />

Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the heart of Moscow. The<br />

service is broadcast on TV live, thus everyone in the country<br />

has an opportunity to be a part of the event. At midnight the<br />

air is filled with merry chimes. There is also a tradition, albeit<br />

not very common these days, of singing Christmas carols.<br />

Young people gather in groups, dress up in colorful costumes<br />

and visit friends with songs glorifying the Birth of Christ and<br />

wishes of a happy and prosperous year. In return, singers are<br />

given sweets or money.<br />

After the church service or in the morning, the whole family<br />

usually gathers around the festive table. The main dish is<br />

supposed to be a goose or a duck with apples. The next<br />

11 days after the holiday are the Holy Days (rus. Sviatki).<br />

It used to be a festive period, but with the holidays spent<br />

before Christmas, it is mostly “back to work” mood, which<br />

nevertheless is lit with bright memories of wonderful winter<br />






Review by Pascale Thielemans<br />

148<br />

First advertised as a “mind-stretching experience,” Nicolas Roeg’s<br />

The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976) stunned the cinema world.<br />

A tour-de-force of science fiction as art form, the movie brought<br />

not only hallucinatory visuals and a haunting exploration of<br />

contemporary alienation, but also glam-rock legend David Bowie<br />

in his lead role debut as paranoid alien Newton.<br />

Based on Walter Tevis’s 1963 sci-fi fable of the same title,<br />

The Man Who Fell to Earth follows alien Newton from his<br />

arrival on earth in search of water; his transition to wealthy<br />

entrepreneur, leveraging the advanced technologies of his<br />

native planet; his sexual awakening with the young Mary-Lou;<br />

and then the discovery of his alien identity, his imprisonment,<br />

abandonment, and descent into alcoholism. Throughout, Roeg<br />

coaxed a beguiling performance from his cast, presenting not<br />

only Bowie in ethereal space-traveler glory, but also pitchperfect<br />

supporting performances from Candy Clark, Rip Torn,<br />

and Buck Henry.<br />

TASCHEN’s The Man Who Fell to Earth presents a plenitude<br />

of stills and behind-the-scenes images by unit photographer<br />

David James, including numerous shots of Bowie at his playful<br />

and ambiguous best. A fresh introductory essay explores the<br />

shooting of the film and its lasting impact, drawing upon an<br />

exclusive interview with David James, who brings first-hand<br />

insights into the making of this sci-fi masterwork.<br />


In the fall of 2016, I had the opportunity of going to London to<br />

view the musical Lazarus, written by David Bowie before<br />

his death at the beginning of 2016. The musical is a sequel<br />

to The Man Who Fell to Earth, the 1976 science fiction film<br />

by Nicolas Roeg with David Bowie in the lead role. In order<br />

to fully prepare myself for the musical and in order to fully<br />

understand the story, I felt obliged to watch the film. The film<br />

comes across as very experimental, even now 40 years later,<br />

and tells the story of an alien who comes to earth in search of<br />

water. Thomas Jerome Newton as the alien is named on earth,<br />

uses the very highbrow technology of his planet to become<br />

a very wealthy person planning on building a spaceship to<br />

transport water to his planet, saving the arid planet and with it,<br />

his wife and two children.<br />

Sadly enough he is discovered<br />

as an alien and becomes<br />

the subject of a scientific<br />

investigation. He is locked in<br />

his house, unable to age and<br />

fighting an alcohol addiction.<br />

Despite his technological genius and efforts he is not able to<br />

bring back water to his planet. In Lazarus the same hopeless<br />

situation continues. Newton is still stuck on earth, emprisoned<br />

in his own house, he is sad, sad because of his lost family, sad<br />

because of his addiction, wanting only one thing, being able<br />

to meet his family and live on his planet. Will he be able to<br />

escape?<br />

The book is filled with stills from the film but also from Bowie,<br />

and his young son Duncan, and the other actors on the set.<br />

It gives us the opportunity to see a very young Bowie playing<br />

a very strange role. The essay included by Paul Duncan is<br />

anecdotal and talks about the making of the film, how Bowie<br />

reacted to the script, apparently not even reading the script but<br />

accepting the role based on Roegs reputation. “It was probably<br />

the best decision based on absolutely nothing, other than a<br />

man’s previous work, that I have ever made.” It is the time of<br />

his Diamond Dogs tour and the recording of Young Americans.<br />

Bowie plays a magnificent role, he manages to get all the things<br />

right, perhaps aided by his cocaine addiction in that period. As<br />

he confesses himself: “I actually was feeling as alienated as that<br />

character was. It was a pretty natural performance… a good<br />

exhibition of somebody literally falling apart in front of you.<br />

(…) I was stoned out of my mind from beginning to end.”<br />

Thank you Taschen for this wonderful book, giving us an<br />

insight in the making of one of the most alienating films<br />

I have ever seen, bringing back to life one of the most talented<br />

performers I have ever seen. One can only hope that there will<br />

be a similar publication of the sequel Lazarus.<br />




Paul Duncan, Taschen Bibliotheca Universalis 2017




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