Woodland Gardening by Kenneth Cox sample chapters pps 7-42
Woodland Gardening, Published in May 2018 is the first full colour survey on the history and practice of woodland gardening with acid-loving plants: rhododendrons, azaleas, magnolias, camellias, hydrangeas, trees and perennials.
Woodland Gardening, Published in May 2018 is the first full colour survey on the history and practice of woodland gardening with acid-loving plants: rhododendrons, azaleas, magnolias, camellias, hydrangeas, trees and perennials.
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<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 7<br />
What is ‘<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong>’?<br />
The term ‘woodland gardening’ can cover a very wide range of gardening<br />
styles and practices from planting a pinetum or arboretum to<br />
‘improving’ a patch of woodland <strong>by</strong> naturalising bulbs, encouraging<br />
wild flowers or just making paths through it. For the purposes of<br />
this book, however, we need to narrow the definition a little. Our<br />
woodland gardens generally share all or most of the following characteristics:<br />
Moist acidic soil<br />
Most plants grown in classic woodland gardens require moist but<br />
well-drained, friable acid soil with plenty of organic matter which<br />
delivers moisture and air to the roots of woodland plants.<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> garden layers<br />
The woodland garden is planted in or at the edge of woodland or<br />
trees in a broadly informal or ‘naturalistic’ arrangement. It usually<br />
consists of three layers: the canopy and backdrop of trees; the shrubs;<br />
and the understory or woodland floor layer of perennials and bulbs.<br />
Plants used are predominantly exotic and include rhododendrons,<br />
azaleas, camellias, magnolias, hydrangeas, underplanted with woodland<br />
perennials, ferns and bulbs.<br />
The size of a woodland garden<br />
There are tiny urban woodland gardens of 0.5 hectares and others<br />
100 hectares in extent. Some are woodland gardens in their entirety,<br />
while for other gardens the woodland element is only a part of the<br />
overall offering. A small neglected corner of a garden can be transformed<br />
into a woodland garden using existing or newly planted trees,<br />
underplanted with shrubs, bulbs and perennials.<br />
Moderate temperatures<br />
Most of the best-known woodland gardens can be found in the<br />
climate zones known as ‘maritime temperate’ or ‘oceanic’. Such<br />
climates mainly occur on the western sides of continents, in latitudes<br />
45°–60°, typically situated immediately poleward of Mediterranean<br />
climates. ‘Continental’ and ‘Mediterranean’ climate zones are more<br />
challenging for woodland gardening because of extremes of heat<br />
and/or cold and often less reliable rainfall. In these regions a different<br />
or more restricted palette of plants can be used to create a woodland<br />
garden. Maritime temperate climates are moderated <strong>by</strong> oceans, characterised<br />
<strong>by</strong> changeable, often overcast weather with relatively cool<br />
summers and winters. In Western Europe, this climate zone occurs<br />
in coastal areas as far north as 63°N in Norway and as far south as<br />
Galicia in north-west Spain and the mountains of the Azores and<br />
Madeira. In North America, the Pacific Northwest around the Puget<br />
Sound north to British Columbia has an oceanic climate, while to<br />
the south most of Oregon and northern California have a more<br />
Mediterranean character where most annual rain falls in the months<br />
October to April.<br />
The more favourable parts of the east coast of North America, a<br />
coastal strip from Nova Scotia south to Georgia, have a slightly different,<br />
less benign east-coast maritime climate which can pull in very<br />
cold arctic air in winter and experience long periods of heat and<br />
humidity in summer. In the southern hemisphere, the maritime<br />
temperate zone includes central coastal Chile, most of New Zealand<br />
and parts of coastal south Australia, around Melbourne and Tasmania,<br />
influenced <strong>by</strong> Antarctic winds and currents.<br />
Many of the characteristics of maritime climates are shared <strong>by</strong><br />
regions where woodland plants are found wild, in the richly forested<br />
parts of the Himalaya and those of the mountains of Japan, southwest<br />
China, North Vietnam and Korea.<br />
Opposite. The drive at Mount Stewart, Northern Ireland, with Davidia in flower.<br />
Overleaf. Magnolia ‘Tina Durio’, Arboretum Wespelaar, Belgium.<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 8
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 9<br />
PART I<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 10
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 11<br />
chapter 1<br />
The History and Evolution of <strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong><br />
The style known as woodland gardening is a cross-cultural mélange<br />
of influences from the ancient and classical world, European and<br />
North American taste, the gardens of China and Japan, and the flow<br />
of plant material between Asia, Europe and North America, South<br />
Africa, Latin America and Australasia. This chapter examines all these<br />
strands in turn, and how they came together in the early years of the<br />
twentieth century to produce a style known as ‘woodland gardening’.<br />
While garden historians tend to credit William Kent, Humphry<br />
Repton and William Robinson as the landscapers and designers who<br />
inspired this garden style, many aspects of woodland gardening can<br />
be traced back millennia.<br />
Gardens in the ancient world evolved from being primarily utilitarian,<br />
for growing fruit, vegetables and grains, to being partly or<br />
largely ornamental, with rivers diverted, streams dammed, water<br />
used for fountains and pools, walls and gates fashioned into decorative<br />
and artistic features. Ancient civilisations from the Sumerians<br />
(c. 3000 BC) and the Assyrian, Ba<strong>by</strong>lonian and Mesopotamian empires<br />
established hunting parks where trees were tended, protected and<br />
cultivated. The cult of trees forms part of the Zoroastrian religion,<br />
while the Assyrians viewed the symbol of eternal life as a tree with a<br />
stream at its roots. The ancient Persian empire (600–530 BC) considered<br />
tree-planting a sacred practice and part of the education process,<br />
while the Epic of Gilgamesh, a Ba<strong>by</strong>lonian text of c. 2700 BC recorded<br />
on tablets, explicitly describes the beauty of trees, the value of shade<br />
they cast and the fragrant and ornamental plants grown beneath<br />
them. The garden was integrated into the religious realm in the<br />
paradise gardens of Islam and temple gardens of Japan and China<br />
where imitations of the natural world were created in miniature.<br />
Greek and Roman gardens, often created around temple<br />
Above. The eighteenth-century landscape at Stowe, England: a combination of water, classical buildings, parkland and woodland.<br />
Opposite. Lime Avenue, Hillsborough Castle, Northern Ireland.<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 12<br />
John Evelyn, Sylva, 1662, an influential<br />
treatise on the importance of planting<br />
trees.<br />
in print for 150 years and twelve editions. Some have argued that this<br />
is the first treatise on the idea of sustainable forestry, recommending<br />
that timber extraction is matched <strong>by</strong> young trees planted. The idea<br />
that landowners might like to ‘improve’ their estates <strong>by</strong> creating<br />
woodland caught on rapidly in the eighteenth century and tree<br />
planting became something of a competitive sport, even to the extent<br />
of tree rustling and vandalism between the warring Scottish clans of<br />
the Argyll Campbells and the Perthshire Dukes of Atholl, both of<br />
whom planted millions of trees on their estates.<br />
Formal Versus Informal Garden Design<br />
complexes, featured formal and informal vistas combining scenery,<br />
plants and carefully placed statues and buildings. Pliny the Younger<br />
(AD 62–113), one of the earliest garden writers, describes in detail how<br />
countryside villas should use the borrowed landscape for effect: ‘not<br />
as real land but as an exquisite painting’. Pliny also stresses the value<br />
of the countryside and man-made features revealing themselves<br />
during a tour of the garden. Pliny describes his own gardens at Tusculum<br />
and Laurentinum, with columns, pools and fountains, and<br />
comments that he has little time for statues in the garden setting.<br />
Though formal gardens became dominant in Europe in the<br />
Renaissance period, more naturalistic features co-existed in some of<br />
them, with Pratolino, north of Florence, the most ambitious, described<br />
<strong>by</strong> Penelope Hobhouse as ‘a generous mixture of art and naturalism,<br />
“ordered nature” and “natural nature”’. Italy’s extensive wooded<br />
hillside gardens with spectacular statues, pools and fountains inspired<br />
gardeners all over Europe to imitate this style of horticulture. English<br />
travellers on the grand tour returned with sketches and engravings<br />
of gardens, ruins and landscapes, which in turn inspired the classical<br />
features of gardens such as Rousham, Stourhead, Stowe and Castle<br />
Howard.<br />
Britain’s once extensive forests and woodland had been all but<br />
removed or coppiced <strong>by</strong> the sixteenth century with most of the land<br />
used for farming and grazing. Even Scotland, with its relatively small<br />
population, was largely denuded of native forest: in 1775 Dr Samuel<br />
Johnson wrote that ‘a tree in Scotland is as rare as a horse in Venice’.<br />
It is generally acknowledged that one book changed the relationship<br />
between an Englishman and his tree. Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest-<br />
Trees and the Propagation of Timber in His Majesty’s Dominions <strong>by</strong><br />
John Evelyn began life as a paper presented in 1662 to the Royal Society<br />
in London, of which he was a founding member. Evelyn’s work<br />
inspired landowners to reforest the British countryside, and remained<br />
It is possible to summarise much of the history of European gardening<br />
and garden design in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as a<br />
long dialogue between two opposing sets of views or theories: formal<br />
versus informal, design versus free-form, straight lines verses curves,<br />
order versus freedom, man-made versus natural. The tradition of<br />
formal landscaping: clipping, shaping and parterres, as seen at gardens<br />
such as Het Loo in the Netherlands and Versailles in France, had the<br />
counterpoint of an informal style: the naturalistic or landscape movements<br />
with sub-branches such as arcadian, romantic, picturesque or<br />
gardenesque. European garden styles in the eighteenth and nineteenth<br />
centuries were moulded <strong>by</strong> these competing philosophies and the<br />
debate reached a climax in the spectacularly rude polemical battles<br />
between William Robinson and Reginald Blomfield in the late nineteenth<br />
century.<br />
While the seventeenth century was dominated <strong>by</strong> formal gardening,<br />
many eighteenth-century writers and poets began to describe<br />
gardens as an extension of nature itself, abhorring the artificiality<br />
imposed <strong>by</strong> man on nature in geometric landscaping and topiary.<br />
Alexander Pope’s famous lines stress how gardening should be sensitive<br />
to the context and the features of the natural landscape, and<br />
more or less defines a woodland garden:<br />
Consult the genius of the place in all;<br />
That tells the waters or to rise, or fall;<br />
Or helps th’ ambitious hill the heav’ns to scale,<br />
Or scoops in circling theatres the vale;<br />
Calls in the country, catches opening glades,<br />
Joins willing woods, and varies shades from shades,<br />
Now breaks, or now directs, th’ intending lines;<br />
Paints as you plant, and, as you work, designs.<br />
Alexander Pope, Epistle IV, to Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington<br />
In England, the eighteenth-century landscape movement of William<br />
Kent and Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown inspired landowners to replace<br />
formal gardens with naturalistic parkland, while in France, Jean<br />
Jacques Rousseau rejected the formal designs and geometry of Le<br />
Notre’s work at Vaux-le-Vicomte and Versailles in favour of naturalistic<br />
planting, admiring the ‘English style’. Rousseau’s novel La nouvelle<br />
Héloïse (1761) celebrates the garden as a place where man can return<br />
to nature. Rousseau’s theories were put into practice <strong>by</strong> his pupil<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 13<br />
Drummond Castle, perthshire, Scotland, in the formal French manner. The eighteenth-century landscape movement was partly a reaction against this gardening style.<br />
The eighteenth-century landscape at Stourhead, Wiltshire, England: lake and classical buildings. The rhododendrons were added in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.<br />
René Louis de Girardin, who created the garden at Ermenonville,<br />
and his influence reached Germany in landscapes such as Wörlitz<br />
and in the writings of Professor Christian Cay Lorenz Hirschfeld, in<br />
turn inspiring Prussian/German garden and park design in the late<br />
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries at Wilhelmsbad (Hanau)<br />
and the English Garden in Munich.<br />
The English designer Humphry Repton (1752–1818) produced<br />
plans for 400 gardens/landscapes many of which played host to wood-<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 14<br />
land gardens in the centuries which followed, as did some of the<br />
earlier designs such as Capability Brown’s Sheffield Park and Henry<br />
Hoare’s Stourhead. English landscapes and gardens designed <strong>by</strong><br />
Repton include Antony House in Cornwall, Tatton Park in Cheshire,<br />
Sherringham in Norfolk and Harewood House in Yorkshire. Repton<br />
persuaded his clients of the benefits of his designs through his famous<br />
‘red books’ containing ‘before and after’ sketches and watercolours<br />
with hinged or sliding overlays which would show the effect of his<br />
proposed planting plans on the existing landscape. Many of Repton’s<br />
red books are still in existence and they can be seen to have functioned<br />
in a similar way to modern day computer-aided design used <strong>by</strong> landscape<br />
architects.<br />
Before we examine woodland gardening in Victorian and Edwardian<br />
Britain, we first need to head to Asia, the source of so many key<br />
woodland garden plants.<br />
East meets West<br />
The introduction of woodland plants from Japan and China<br />
On the last day of October 1692, after carefully checking the locks on<br />
his boxes, the German naturalist and physician Engelbert Kaempfer<br />
prepared to board the boat at Nagasaki on Japan’s south-western<br />
coast. His precious booty was carefully hidden as he feared Japanese<br />
officials might want to inspect his belongings. Kaempfer knew that<br />
what he’d done was illegal but considered it a risk worth taking.<br />
During his two excursions across Japan to Edo to present gifts to the<br />
Japanese emperor, he had detailed many new plants in his diaries<br />
and it was seeds and specimens to take back to Europe that he was<br />
concealing in his luggage. Kaempfer’s skills as a surgeon and his<br />
Skimmia japonica, first introduced to Europe <strong>by</strong> Engelbert Kaempfer.<br />
supplies of alcohol enabled him to gain Japanese friends who helped<br />
him gather plants, a risky exercise as fraternising with foreigners was<br />
not allowed and could lead to imprisonment or even execution for<br />
Japanese subjects. From 1689 onwards, European travel in Japan was<br />
restricted to the closed and guarded tiny island of Deshima at Nagasaki.<br />
Japan’s rulers were determined to stamp out the recent conversion<br />
to Christianity of many of its people <strong>by</strong> Jesuit missionaries and had<br />
taken drastic measures, killing tens of thousands of Christian converts<br />
and strictly confining foreigners to trading ports. After two years in<br />
Japan, Kaempfer headed for Java, returning to Amsterdam in 1695<br />
and published Amoenitatum exoticarum in 1712 detailing his botanical<br />
discoveries in Japan: amongst them Skimmia, Ginkgo, Hydrangea,<br />
flowering cherries, peonies and many varieties of Camellia.<br />
By 1775, when Swedish doctor/surgeon Carl Thunberg reached<br />
Japan, restrictions to foreign travellers had eased a little. Thunberg set<br />
about introducing to the west some of the plants first described <strong>by</strong><br />
Kaempfer. He started a garden in the foreign compound to grow on<br />
his collections, some collected while searching for essential medicinal<br />
plants, with others purchased from nurseries. Many of Thunberg’s<br />
living plants perished on the long voyage to Europe but some of them<br />
made it into cultivation. Thunberg later became successor to Carl<br />
Linnaeus at the University of U<strong>pps</strong>alla and his books on Japanese<br />
plants were translated into many languages.<br />
Doctor Philipp von Siebold, from Leiden, Germany, arrived in<br />
Japan in 1826 and began making plant-hunting expeditions, while<br />
visiting patients. He fathered a child with a young Japanese girl but<br />
when he was discovered with illegal maps of the area, he was imprisoned,<br />
and a year later expelled from Japan, forced to leave his partner<br />
and child behind. Some of the locals who had helped him were tortured<br />
or committed suicide. Eighty out of the 485 plants Siebold consigned<br />
back to Europe made it back alive, including forms of bamboo,<br />
Hydrangea, Camellia and azaleas which were grown in Siebold’s nurseries<br />
in Leiden and distributed to collections and botanical gardens.<br />
Japanese plant introductions such as the double Camellia ‘Alba<br />
Plena’ became popular garden plants and <strong>by</strong> the early nineteenth<br />
century there were hundreds of Camellia varieties recorded in<br />
commerce, championed <strong>by</strong> the horticultural trend setters of the time<br />
such as Empress Joséphine at her gardens at Malmaison in France,<br />
and in the gardens of the Borromeo islands on Italy’s Lago Maggiore.<br />
In both China and Japan, the wild mountain flora and landscape<br />
inspired a stylised and mannered interpretation of the natural world,<br />
through Japanese Shinto and Chinese Buddhist ideas of the spiritual<br />
value of cultivated beauty. Temple courtyards, sometimes with views<br />
over significant borrowed landscapes, with mountains in the distance<br />
– Mt Fuji for example – were augmented <strong>by</strong> carefully selected trees<br />
and shrubs, often trained and pruned. The view from buildings,<br />
framed <strong>by</strong> door or window, was designed to look like an idealised<br />
forest with water, stone and plants in studied composition. In Japan<br />
the moss garden at Saiho-Ji (Kyoto), much imitated since, is actually<br />
believed to have come about as a happy accident. Apparently it evolved<br />
naturally in a shaded, neglected and overgrown monastery garden<br />
until it was recognised as a masterpiece with the thick carpets of<br />
moss contrasting with azalea flowers and the leaves of autumn maples<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 15<br />
One of the most widely used evergreen azalea species, Rhododendron kaempferi, on Mount Murone, Japan, in pine forest.<br />
Japanese garden: maples in autumn colour.<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 16<br />
Kenrokuen, Kanazawa, Japan, constructed from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries, considered one of Japan’s best strolling landscapes.<br />
turning yellow and red. Another influential garden was Shugakuin,<br />
Kyoto, where the borrowed landscape of distant hills is used to frame<br />
the lakes, islands and trees in the foreground, designed as a strolling<br />
garden with vistas opening and disappearing, and where careful<br />
pruning is used to create illusions of scale.<br />
The eighteenth- and nineteenth-century gardens at Kenrokuen<br />
(Kanazawa) feature tent-like bracing teepees which protect the pine<br />
tree branches from the weight of snow in winter and add dramatic<br />
architecture to the overstory. Kairakuen (Ibaraki) uses the borrowed<br />
landscape of Lake Senba as a backdrop to a garden of plum and<br />
cherry trees in early spring, azaleas in late spring and spectacular<br />
maples in autumn, while Jojakkoji, on the lower slopes of Mt Ogura<br />
(Kyoto), is a temple garden famed for its autumn colour, moss and<br />
steep steps.<br />
The USA, concerned about European influence in the Far East,<br />
sent a small fleet under Commodore Matthew Perry in 1853–4 to<br />
demand an end to Japanese isolationism and to force open Japan’s<br />
ports to US trade, achieving their aims with unsubtle gunboat diplomacy.<br />
As soon as the US–Japan treaty was signed, American planthunters<br />
S. Wells Williams and Dr James Morrow headed for the<br />
Japanese mountains, collecting herbarium specimens. They were<br />
followed five years later <strong>by</strong> Dr George Rogers Hall, who consigned<br />
live plants back to North America in Wardian cases, Nathaniel Ward’s<br />
newly invented portable greenhouse which revolutionised the transport<br />
of plants on long sea journeys.<br />
The Wardian case, a portable conservatory which revolutionised the transport of plants <strong>by</strong> sea.<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 17<br />
Rhododendron fortunei, named after Robert Fortune, who introduced it to the west from China<br />
in the 1840s.<br />
Camellia garden, Kunming, Yunnan, China, with Abbie Jury.<br />
Scottish botanist Robert Fortune and nurseryman John Veitch<br />
both arrived in Japan in search of plants in 1860 and, as well as collecting<br />
in the field, they found it relatively straightforward to buy plants<br />
from Japanese nurseries which they shipped back to England, again<br />
in Wardian cases. Thus another important set of woodland plants,<br />
Chrysanthemum, Chamaecyparis obtusa, Cryptomeria, Taxus, Mahonia<br />
japonica, Anemone japonica, Larix kaempferi, Magnolia and more<br />
bamboos, found their way to the west. Charles Maries collected in<br />
Japan for the Veitch Nursery from 1877 to 1879, introducing many<br />
important woodland plants including Actinidia kolomikta, Acer maximowiczianum,<br />
Schizophragma hydrangeoides, Enkianthus campanulatus,<br />
Magnolia sieboldii and two named after him: Viburnum plicatum<br />
‘Mariesii’, Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mariesii Perfecta’.<br />
most famous gardens of ancient China, a stylised woodland garden<br />
in a large estate with a spectacular borrowed landscape. The garden<br />
was created <strong>by</strong> musician, poet and landscape artist Wang Wei (699–<br />
759), and paintings and etchings of this garden inspired many later<br />
Chinese gardens as well as the American garden at Innisfree in Millbrook,<br />
New York.<br />
In western China’s Sichuan province, Emeishan (Mount Emei)<br />
has evolved, over hundreds of years of human interaction, into wild<br />
natural gardens on a huge scale with paths and astonishing stone<br />
flights of steps criss-crossing the steep mountain sides linking a series<br />
of wooden temples built amongst the native flora and cliffs. Thousands<br />
of pilgrims would ascend the mountain each year in spring to enjoy<br />
the rhododendrons and other plants in flower, sometimes carried<br />
up in sedan chairs. Nowadays visitors can reach the top <strong>by</strong> bus, car<br />
The opening up of China<br />
Western powers were also gaining access to trade in China, forcing<br />
the country to open up to European merchants and explorers <strong>by</strong> the<br />
mid nineteenth century. The British waged their so called ‘opium<br />
wars’ in China from 1839 to 1860 and plant-hunters immediately took<br />
advantage of the unrest. Robert Fortune explored the eastern part<br />
of the country searching for plants from 1843 onwards, and Captain<br />
William Gill and W. Mesny travelled across China in 1877. As well as<br />
taking camellia plants to India to establish the country’s tea industry,<br />
Fortune introduced to Europe key woodland plants including Rhododendron<br />
fortunei, Forsythia, Weigela florida and Jasminum nudiflorum.<br />
Chinese plants and gardens were best known in the west through<br />
paintings and designs on china and porcelain, portraying temple<br />
courtyards, moon gates and plants such as peonies and chrysanthemums.<br />
Wangchuan Villa, near what is now Xi’an, was one of the<br />
A tangle of mature rhododendron trunks, Emeishan, Sichuan, China.<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 18<br />
and cable car, and the summit temples form an overcrowded and<br />
unpleasant theme park. Thankfully most of the rest of the mountain<br />
is only accessible on foot and the peaceful, densely forested slopes<br />
are populated with hundreds of plant species from Epimedium to<br />
Rhododendron. At the base of Emeishan there is a greater level of<br />
human intervention with pools, bridges and grottos built into the<br />
native forest, in what could certainly be considered an early form of<br />
woodland gardening.<br />
The influence of Chinese, Japanese and Korean gardens in the west<br />
Above. Niuxin or QingYin pavilion, Emeishan, Sichuan, surrounded <strong>by</strong> a natural woodland<br />
garden.<br />
Below. Tatton park Japanese garden, created in 1911 and restored in 2000–1.<br />
Western travellers who first glimpsed Japanese and Chinese gardens<br />
were captivated <strong>by</strong> their design, in particular, the imitation of wild<br />
landscapes in miniature. Paintings and, later, photographs of the buildings<br />
and gardens slowly reached the west, inspiring the Chinoiserie<br />
and Japanism movements in Europe and North America, which<br />
included the incorporation of Asian ornament, decorative arts and<br />
garden features such as moon gates and stonework into landscapes.<br />
Less well known in the west are Korean woodland gardens, a tradition<br />
stretching back centuries. One of the oldest is the 30 hectare ‘secret’<br />
Biwon garden at Changdeokgung Palace in Seoul, first laid out in<br />
1406: a hilly, forested landscape with streams, formal pools and carefully<br />
placed pavilions with vistas into the garden. Deciduous azaleas<br />
in spring and magnificent autumn colour from maples are two of<br />
the highlights.<br />
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Japanese style<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page 19<br />
portland Japanese Garden, OR, USA, opened in 1967.<br />
woodland gardens, with teahouses and stone lanterns, became the<br />
latest horticultural trend in Europe. Those who could afford it hired<br />
skilled craftsmen and even garden designers such as Tassa Eida to<br />
create their gardens, often constructed alongside or within the woodland<br />
gardens of the day. Rather than the austere and formal temple<br />
gardens, Japanese stroll gardens were most often imitated in the west,<br />
as these were created on larger scale, with water, ravines, bridges,<br />
cliffs and carefully sited paths which offered a series of framed views.<br />
The formality and stylised nature of western Japanese gardens<br />
did not always sit well in western landscapes and, coupled with this,<br />
the skills to maintain them proved challenging. The First World War<br />
took many gardeners away to the western front and <strong>by</strong> 1918 many<br />
European Japanese-style gardens were lost. Some of these have since<br />
been restored, including Parc Oriental de Maulévrier (1899–1913) in<br />
France and the Irish National Stud’s Japanese Gardens (1906–10). I<br />
was particularly taken <strong>by</strong> the Japanese garden at Tatton Park in<br />
Cheshire, England. Inspired <strong>by</strong> the Anglo-Japanese Exhibition at<br />
White City in London in 1910, Alan de Tatton constructed the Japanese<br />
garden with the help of Japanese workmen in a section of the existing<br />
woodland garden. The Shinto Shrine and stoneware were brought<br />
from Japan, and the design was an adaption of the ‘tea garden’ using<br />
bamboo, maples, clipped azaleas and an overstory of existing and<br />
newly planted pines, around a contoured landscape of ponds, stones,<br />
mounds and paths. I was fortunate to meet Professor Masao Fukuhara<br />
from Osaka who worked on the 2000–1 restoration of the Tatton<br />
garden and I appreciated the professor’s pragmatic approach to his<br />
work on foreign Japanese gardens. He accepts that, in the very different<br />
cultural context, Japanese garden styles can and should be adapted<br />
to local conditions, using local borrowed landscapes and a differing<br />
palette of plants, without losing the essence of Japan.<br />
North America is said to have around 300 publicly accessible<br />
examples of Japanese gardens. The three key elements – stone, water<br />
and plants – form the basis of most designs and they vary from strictly<br />
Japanese in style and planting to something more akin to fusion<br />
cooking, taking some oriental influence and adding attributes from<br />
other styles of gardening. Asticou Azalea garden in Maine, founded<br />
in 1956 <strong>by</strong> Charles Savage, used plants from Beatrix Farrand’s Reef<br />
Point estate in Bar Harbor when it was sold <strong>by</strong> its owner. The design<br />
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Autumn at Stobo Water Gardens, Scotland.<br />
is based on a Japanese stroll garden, with a large lake, landscaped<br />
with rocks, bridges and a dry sand garden. This is a fine example of<br />
a garden where east meets west on an equal basis: bold plantings of<br />
native coastal Maine flora and American azaleas such as R. vaseyi,<br />
with Japanese cherries, evergreen azaleas and Iris to create a substantial<br />
woodland-style garden.<br />
The Japanese Garden Society of Oregon, formed in 1963, commissioned<br />
Takuma Tono to design and landscape the Portland Japanese<br />
gardens, opened in 1967. The 5.5 acre site consists of five separate<br />
sections, the Strolling Pond Garden, Tea Garden, Natural Garden,<br />
Flat Garden, and Sand and Stone Garden, and they are celebrated as<br />
one of the finest examples of Japanese gardening outside Japan. These<br />
gardens in turn inspired Rockford businessman John Anderson to<br />
create the Anderson Garden in Illinois, enlisting designer Hoichi<br />
Kurisu in 1978 to commence work on it. The Nitobe Memorial Garden<br />
at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, opened in the<br />
1960s; it is a more mannered, smaller-scale (1 hectare) garden, in a<br />
style transplanted appropriately to that most Asian of North American<br />
cities, on a site surrounded <strong>by</strong> university buildings. On my visit in<br />
2015 I could see the challenges of keeping to scale the fast-growing<br />
trees and shrubs, so that they did not swamp the structural elements<br />
and the ornaments, but it works well as a little oasis of Japan in the<br />
Pacific Northwest.<br />
Some woodland gardens such as Ramster in Surrey, England, use<br />
Japanese elements, but are otherwise European in design and planting.<br />
Another is Stobo Water Gardens in Scotland, centred on a photogenic<br />
series of pools and waterfalls, trees and shrubs, interspersed with<br />
oriental stoneware and Japanese maples, and it works very well.<br />
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Karikomi, the Japan style of pruning groups of plants into related rounded shapes, here with evergreen azaleas.<br />
Japanese woodland gardens, established in cool mountain climates,<br />
use a combination of the rich Japanese native flora and imported<br />
exotics. The gardens described below have mostly been created since<br />
the 1980s.<br />
Japanese parks and gardens use azaleas extensively in their plantings<br />
in several ways. The practice of shaping plants into mounds and<br />
domes, karikomi, practised both in formal temple gardens and en<br />
masse in public parks, a style imitated in some western gardens and<br />
made popular <strong>by</strong> Belgian garden designer Jacques Wirtz. Lamorran<br />
in Cornwall used this pruning style on their Kurume azaleas and I<br />
think this could be more widely practised in western woodland<br />
gardens. Some Japanese public parks have extraordinary one-colour<br />
massed plantings of azaleas, while others, such as Nishiyama Park<br />
which celebrates the annual Sabae azalea festival, features a spectacular<br />
bowl of pink, red and white azaleas under deciduous trees, a look<br />
shared <strong>by</strong> many azalea gardens in south-eastern USA. More recently<br />
European gardening styles have inspired a less formal, wilder Japanese<br />
gardening approach in spectacular native forest on mountainsides<br />
where rhododendrons and magnolias naturally occur.<br />
Opened in 1998, the 20 hectare Niigata Prefectural Botanical<br />
Garden, in western central Japan, contains 1,000 Rhododendron<br />
species including Vireyas, azalea species and probably the best collection<br />
of old rhododendron hybrids and cultivars in Japan, as well as<br />
other Japanese ericaceous plants, peonies and camellias, and a fine<br />
collection of maples, flowering cherries, crab apples, Styrax, Cornus,<br />
Corylopsis and perennials.<br />
Gomadannyama Forest Park is located at an altitude of 1,372m<br />
on Mount Gomadan, south of Osaka. 60,000 rhododendrons were<br />
planted in the 1990s and are now maturing well. One of the most<br />
spectacular sights is the forest of R. quinquefolium, one of the finest<br />
Japanese azalea species. The forest cover is provided <strong>by</strong> beech and oak<br />
as well as native Chamaecyparis obtusa, which has been found to cast<br />
too much shade for ideal cultivation of plants beneath. The garden is<br />
overlooked <strong>by</strong> the 33m high Gomasan Skytower, with a balcony which<br />
affords excellent views of the garden and valleys beyond.<br />
Mr Junichi Iseki owns and runs the private Santouka Garden,<br />
Osaka, founded <strong>by</strong> his father and opened in 1992. They grew many<br />
of the rhododendrons on the 10-hectare site from seed and planted<br />
Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden, on Mount Rokko, Kobe, Japan.<br />
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them under mature Chamaecyparis and Cryptomeria with Cercidiphyllum<br />
japonicum, Acer palmatum, Hydrangea, Camellia japonica,<br />
underplanted with perennials, ferns, lilies and other plants. Challenges<br />
include wild boar, strong winds, rampant Cissus japonica and<br />
longhorn beetles.<br />
Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden, founded in 1940 at the foot of<br />
Mount Rokko, Kobe, at around 450m above sea level, is one of the<br />
largest gardens in Japan covering almost 150 hectares. it holds an<br />
important collection of Japanese trees and a smaller collection of<br />
exotics. The rhododendron zone is planted in a now rather overshaded<br />
forest of Chamaecyparis obtusa, Cryptomeria japonica and Pinus<br />
densiflora. The woodland plantings have a long season of interest<br />
from early spring with Hamamelis, Pieris and Magnolia kobus, cherries<br />
and rhododendrons in late spring, hydrangeas in summer, maple<br />
and larch colour in autumn, and Camellia sasanqua in winter. Challenges<br />
include rabbits, boar, self-sown Robinia pseudoacacia and Alnus<br />
firma seedlings and, more recently, diseases on Quercus and pines.<br />
Japan’s most impressive woodland garden is perhaps Akagi Nature<br />
Park, operated <strong>by</strong> Seibu Saison Group, located on the lower slopes<br />
of Mount Akagi in Gunma Prefecture, north of Tokyo. It opened in<br />
2010 after 30 years of planning and planting and has attracted more<br />
than 300,000 visitors since. The garden is divided into several areas,<br />
and many garden designers were involved in planning each section.<br />
One of the garden sections with mainly rhododendrons and azaleas<br />
was influenced <strong>by</strong> Exbury gardens in England, advised <strong>by</strong> James<br />
Russell, creating a Japanese interpretation of the classic European<br />
woodland gardening style, with a wide variety of rhododendrons<br />
and azaleas, fine magnolias, spectacular autumn colour and extensive<br />
perennial and bulb plantings, including Erythronium and Epimedium,<br />
giving long seasons of interest.<br />
A recently planted Japanese woodland garden is the Tokachi<br />
Millennium Garden on the island of Hokkaido (see p. 85).<br />
Akagi Nature park, Japan, opened in 2010.<br />
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The Introduction of North American Plants to Europe<br />
The introduction to Europe of North American conifers, broadleaved<br />
trees and hardy shrubs plays a key role in the evolution of the woodland<br />
gardening style. The English naturalist John Tradescant made<br />
three journeys to North America in 1628–37 and brought back to<br />
Europe some of the eastern seaboard’s coastal flora including<br />
Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Rhus and Tradescantia. In the eighteenth<br />
century, John and William Bartram sent many consignments of<br />
woodland plants to Europe including Kalmia latifolia, Magnolia grandiflora,<br />
Amelanchier and deciduous azaleas species Rhododendron<br />
calendulaceum and R. arborescens which provided the genes for many<br />
Ghent azalea hybrids.<br />
Scottish botanist John Fraser collected North American plants<br />
and found that having Emperor Paul I of Russia and Catherine the<br />
Great as patrons was more lucrative than his London customers.<br />
Archibald Menzies (1754–18<strong>42</strong>), a Scottish naval surgeon and botanist,<br />
was a member of George Vancouver’s voyage of exploration to the<br />
Pacific Northwest of North America in the 1790s. Landing on the<br />
Puget Sound in 1792, near what is now Seattle, Menzies spent several<br />
weeks exploring the mountains and forests of the area, describing in<br />
his diary the discovery of many plants we now take for granted as<br />
woodland garden subjects:<br />
Right. Introduced to Europe in 1734, Kalmia latifolia, the mountain laurel, is now available<br />
in many colour forms.<br />
Below. Rhododendon calendulaceum in the Appalachians, on mountain tops known<br />
as ‘The Balds’, NC, USA.<br />
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Early rhododendron introductions<br />
Araucaria araucana, the monkey puzzle, in fruit. Introduced <strong>by</strong> Archibald Menzies to Europe<br />
from Chile in 1793.<br />
The Woods here were chiefly composed of the Silver Fir –<br />
White Spruce – Norway Spruce & Hemlock Spruce together<br />
with . . . Oak – the Sycamore or great Maple – Sugar Maple<br />
– Mountain Maple & Pennsylvanian Maple – the Tacamahac<br />
& Canadian Poplars – the American Ash – common Hazel –<br />
American Alder, Common Willow & the Oriental Arbute . . .<br />
the great flowered Dog wood . . . small fruited Crabs & a new<br />
species of Barberry.<br />
Captain Vancouver and Menzies’ relationship was strained throughout<br />
their four-year voyage, and Vancouver was not sympathetic towards<br />
plant collecting, so in the end little seed arrived back in Europe from<br />
this expedition. One important introduction was the monkey puzzle,<br />
Araucaria araucana, from Chile. Legend has it that Menzies took the<br />
seeds from a dining table and stuffed them in his pocket. Many of<br />
the plants Menzies described in his journals were later introduced<br />
to Britain <strong>by</strong> botanist David Douglas on his arduous expeditions<br />
crossing the North American continent in the 1820s. Douglas’s seed<br />
collections fed into commercial forestry (Sikta spruce and Douglas<br />
fir) and gave Victorians the plants that gave rise to many nineteenthcentury<br />
pinetums.<br />
During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, hardy<br />
rhododendron and azaleas species were introduced to northern Europe<br />
from Portugal (Rhododendron ponticum), the Caucasus (R. caucasicum,<br />
R. luteum) and the Americas (R. maximum, R. catawbiense, R. cumberlandense).<br />
These were planted in large numbers in shrubberies, parkland<br />
and drive sides in a style known as ‘American gardening’, even if<br />
the plants used were often from several continents. Nurserymen and<br />
garden owners were soon raising hybrids such as Rhododendron<br />
‘Cunningham’s White’ and the first hardy Ghent deciduous azaleas.<br />
Throughout the British Isles R. ponticum was widely planted as game<br />
cover and used as a grafting understock for hybrid rhododendrons.<br />
Gardens at Kenwood in London, Fonthill and Bromley became famous<br />
for their rhododendrons and azaleas, planted alongside streams or to<br />
be reflected in lakes and ponds. Highclere Castle, now famous as the<br />
location of television’s Downton Abbey, was perhaps the most impressive<br />
with a 6.5 hectare American garden and a complex series of formal<br />
borders filled with deciduous azaleas planted <strong>by</strong> Lord Carnarvon. A<br />
mating of red R. arboreum and purple R. ponticum was named ‘Altaclerense’,<br />
the latinisation of the estate’s name.<br />
Bowood in Wiltshire, England, is one of the best preserved of the<br />
Victorian woodland gardens. The garden was planted surrounding<br />
the family mausoleum designed <strong>by</strong> Robert Adam, on a seam of greensand<br />
(acid soil), in oak woodland, in an area otherwise too alkaline<br />
for woodland gardening. The first plantings were made in 1854 and<br />
hardy hybrid rhododendrons from Waterers Nursery were added<br />
over several decades, many of which are now very rare. The garden<br />
is now a series of dense banks of hybrids, with magnolias and deciduous<br />
azaleas, with rides running along the slopes and through the<br />
gullies. Further plantings were added in the early 1900s and more<br />
recently <strong>by</strong> the current Lord Lansdowne, who has added more magnolias<br />
and woodland hybrid rhododendrons to the mix. Bowood is a<br />
great woodland garden, which could be improved <strong>by</strong> opening up<br />
some of the now largely obscured views into the surrounding countryside.<br />
Nineteenth-Century European <strong>Woodland</strong> Gardeners<br />
The Seidel family<br />
By Spring 1812, Europe was weary of warfare but Napoleon had one<br />
more campaign in mind: he was determined to invade Russia. France’s<br />
army was in constant need of soldiers and anyone fit and young<br />
enough was in danger of being forced to fight. German Jacob Friedrich<br />
Seidel (1789–1860) was studying at the Garden of Plants in Paris from<br />
1810 to 1812 when he was conscripted into the French army. He set<br />
off on the march from Paris with more than the usual army kit in<br />
his luggage, as Jacob had no intention of fighting the Russians.<br />
Jacob’s father Johann Heinrich Seidel (1744–1815), educated at<br />
Kew and Paris, worked for Prince William V of Orange before returning<br />
to northern Germany to garden for the Prince of Saxony. There<br />
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The Robert Adam mausoleum in the nineteenth-century woodland garden at Bowood, Wiltshire, England.<br />
he grew at least seven rhododendron species and frequently entertained<br />
Germany’s national poet Goethe. Camellias had recently been<br />
introduced to France from Japan and Jacob had spotted a commercial<br />
opportunity. He guessed the French army’s march would take him<br />
close to his home near Dresden, and as Napoleon’s armies swelled<br />
with the addition of Prussian and German troops, Jacob deserted<br />
and rejoined his brother, delivering the camellia plants he had secreted<br />
in his luggage. Jacob and his brother Traugott (1775–1858) established<br />
the Seidel nurseries near Dresden, which specialised in camellias,<br />
indoor Azalea indica and palms. The Seidels experimented with peat<br />
beds and rhododendron breeding and in 1843 Traugott co-authored<br />
The Seidel Nursery, near Dresden, in 1904. This nursery has been producing rhododendrons and<br />
woodland plants for well over 200 years.<br />
The earliest Camellia introductions to Europe in the eighteenth century were greenhouse<br />
cultivars such as C. japonica ‘Haku Botan’.<br />
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Schlossgarten Oldenburg, Germany, one of the country’s oldest rhododendron gardens.<br />
the first western book on rhododendrons. The next two generations<br />
of the Seidel family, including grandson Rudolf, raised a huge number<br />
of rhododendron hybrids tough enough to plant in many of the<br />
colder parts of eastern and central Europe, supplying the plants for<br />
woodland gardens and rhododendron parks such as Kromlau and<br />
Graal Müritz.<br />
The Seidel hybrids later reached England and North America,<br />
where they proved equally tough. You can still buy rhododendrons<br />
from the eighth generation of the Seidel family involved in horticulture.<br />
Connections between the extended Saxe-Coburg/House of<br />
Hanover kings, queens and rulers of England and Prussia meant that<br />
English and German gardening styles crossed back and forth across<br />
the English Channel. The owners of German gardens and parks such<br />
as Lütetsburg and the Schlossgarten Oldenburg imported many hardy<br />
rhododendrons and azaleas from England, mainly from the Knap<br />
Hill and Waterer nurseries in Surrey. The American and European<br />
rhododendrons and azaleas were now well established in gardens.<br />
Clark Ross’s 1839–43 expedition around the world, which mapped<br />
the coast of Antarctica in the ships Erebus and Terror, surviving some<br />
dangerous collisions with icebergs. During the expedition, Hooker<br />
had collected plants in South America, Australia and New Zealand<br />
for his father Sir William Hooker, director of the Botanical gardens<br />
Joseph Hooker and the Himalayas<br />
We now turn to a key player in the woodland garden story: explorer,<br />
plant-hunter, writer and later director of Kew Gardens, Joseph Hooker.<br />
At the age of 32, Joseph Hooker was already a veteran of Sir James<br />
Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911), British botanist and explorer.<br />
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peter Hutchison, on the Milke Dande, Nepal, looking north, not far from the Sikkim border in 1985.<br />
at Kew in London. Father and son planned a new expedition to the<br />
Himalayas in search of plants, and Joseph Hooker left England in<br />
1847, with numerous side excursions en route, before arriving at<br />
Calcutta in January 1848, the start of two years of extensive exploration.<br />
The summer of 1849 was a rain-drenched one for Joseph Hooker,<br />
as only fools and foreigners would try exploring these mountains in<br />
the monsoon season. All spring and summer, Hooker had been scouring<br />
the Sikkim mountains as far as the Tibetan border in search of<br />
new plants and he had found lots to excite him. As well as coping<br />
with the terrain and the weather, Hooker’s Sikkim explorations were<br />
dogged <strong>by</strong> politics. Sikkim’s rulers were rightly suspicious of the<br />
intentions of their British neighbours, and Hooker devoted almost<br />
as much energy to negotiating with officials as to exploring the mountains.<br />
In the autumn of 1849, summer rains were easing and this was<br />
the time for seed harvesting, collecting the capsules of the plants<br />
Hooker had seen in flower in the spring and summer. Accompanied<br />
<strong>by</strong> his friend, political officer Dr Archibald Campbell, Hooker reached<br />
the top of the Cho La (pass) at almost 15,000ft in the Himalayas,<br />
which led into the forbidden lands of Tibet. All the way to the top of<br />
the pass, Hooker had been gathering the bounty for which his expedition<br />
had been planned: poppies, primulas and 24 species of rhododendron<br />
from the lily-like epiphytes of R. dalhousiae in the steamy<br />
low-altitude jungle to the tree rhododendrons R. thomsonii and R.<br />
griffithianum, to the tiny alpine R. anthopogon whose aromatic leaves<br />
were used <strong>by</strong> Buddhists in offerings at the gates of monasteries. At<br />
the top of the pass, Tibetan soldiers armed with matchlocks and bows<br />
and arrows turned Hooker’s party back. That evening as they set up<br />
camp, Hooker’s party was attacked <strong>by</strong> a mob who arrested Hooker’s<br />
companion Campbell. Hooker was offered his freedom but determined<br />
to stay with his friend, while still ‘quietly gathering rhododendron<br />
seed <strong>by</strong> the way’. Word reached the British of this altercation<br />
and troops were sent into Sikkim from the India border to force<br />
Campbell’s release. Hooker’s large and important seed haul remained<br />
intact and was consigned to Britain, ahead of his own return to<br />
London in 1851. His account of the expeditions, the best-selling<br />
Himalyan Journals, was published in 1854 and he later succeeded his<br />
father as director of Kew.<br />
Hooker’s plant introductions and writings had a significant effect<br />
on the late Victorian garden landscape. Kew grew some of the seed<br />
themselves and the seedlings were planted in the Rhododendron<br />
Dell. But there was enough seed to send to many other gardens in<br />
the UK and abroad. Meticulous records were kept of all the many<br />
recipient gardens, including Edinburgh’s Royal Botanic Garden,<br />
Castle Kennedy, Kilmory and Stonefield Castle in Scotland; Tregothnan,<br />
Highclere, Heligan, Killerton, Belvoir Castle and the nurseries<br />
of Veitch and Standish and Noble in England; Kilmacurragh,<br />
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Glasnevin, Castlewellan and Ardnamona in Ireland. Seedlings were<br />
also sent to the Arnold Arboretum in Boston, to Breslau, Berlin,<br />
Dijon, Sydney and to three sites in New Zealand. Amongst Hooker’s<br />
key 1850s woodland plant introductions were Magnolia campbellii,<br />
Rhododendron niveum, R. lindleyi, R. campylocarpum, R. griffithianum,<br />
R. thomsonii, R. setosum, R. dalhousiae, Meconopsis paniculata and<br />
Primula sikkimensis. Hooker named many of his discoveries after the<br />
government officials and friends who helped facilitate his trip including<br />
Governor General Lord Dalhousie and his close friend and political<br />
agent to Sikkim, Archibald Campbell.<br />
Before we explore the next great era of plant-hunting at the beginning<br />
of the twentieth century, another influential player needs to be<br />
brought onto the stage.<br />
William Robinson and the Victorian Gardener<br />
The nineteenth century saw an explosion of horticulture in Victorian<br />
England, which both the upper and lower classes embraced with<br />
fervour. This was the age of formal/carpet bedding: shaped beds, cut<br />
out of lawns, would be filled with geometrical patterns of colourful,<br />
tender bedding plants and bulbs, replaced several times a year. The<br />
expanding cities during the Industrial Revolution were beginning to<br />
be dotted with parks, financed <strong>by</strong> leading industrialists, who engaged<br />
designers such as Joseph Paxton to lay them out.<br />
Another important Victorian obsession, and antecedent to the<br />
woodland garden, was the shrubbery, using hardy evergreens such<br />
Rhododendron falconeri, a Joseph Hooker herbarium specimen.<br />
The Rhododendron Dell, Kew Gardens, London, designed <strong>by</strong> Sir Joseph Hooker, photographed in the late nineteenth century.<br />
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The sweetly scented Rhododendron maddenii, one of Joseph Hooker’s Himalayan<br />
rhododendron introductions.<br />
The large-flowered Rhododendron griffithianum, introduced <strong>by</strong> Joseph Hooker, is one of the<br />
parents of R. ‘Loderi’.<br />
Nineteenth-century rhododendron hybrids at Tatton park, Cheshire, England.<br />
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William Robinson (1838–1935), Irish gardener and author of The Wild Garden, portrait <strong>by</strong> Francis<br />
Dodd.<br />
<strong>Gardening</strong> Illustrated for Town and Country, a magazine founded <strong>by</strong> William Robinson in 1879.<br />
as yew, laurel and privet to create shelter and privacy. The problem<br />
was that these shrubberies quickly become large, dark and overgrown,<br />
as William Robinson notes in The English Flower Garden:<br />
the common mixed plantation of Evergreens means death to<br />
the variety and beauty of flower . . . the most free-growing<br />
are so thickly set as soon to cover the whole ground, Cherry<br />
Laurel, Portugal Laurel, Privet, and such common things<br />
frequently killing all the choicer shrubs and forming dark<br />
heavy walls of leaves . . . a dark monotonous effect while<br />
keeping the walks wet, airless, and lifeless.<br />
As luck would have it a new range of more colourful evergreens was<br />
about to become available: plant-hunters, plant breeders and nurserymen<br />
from nurseries such as such as Veitch, Knap Hill and Waterer<br />
of Bagshot began to distribute a spectacular new range of camellias,<br />
magnolias and, above all, hardy hybrid rhododendrons. Informal<br />
plantings of exotic shrubs began to line the drive sides, parkland and<br />
woodland edges of country estates in the UK and Ireland as well as<br />
in parks in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany. For a<br />
few months in spring, the dark Victorian shrubbery now burst into<br />
bloom.<br />
William Robinson was born in Ireland in 1838 and arrived in<br />
England to work at Regent’s Park, then a garden run <strong>by</strong> the Royal<br />
Botanical Society. Robinson was in charge of the native plant collection<br />
and he travelled extensively in Britain looking at both wild flowers<br />
and gardens. With the Victorian horticultural boom came books and<br />
magazines aplenty, which described and illustrated the latest advances<br />
in garden technology and fashion: tools, glasshouses, heating, machinery,<br />
new plants being collected from far-flung corners of the globe<br />
and the latest hybrids bred from them. The most prolific of the Victorian<br />
garden writers was Scotsman J. C. Louden, who wrote 60 million<br />
words on every horticultural topic imaginable. William Robinson<br />
soon saw an opportunity to join the garden writing fraternity, publishing<br />
his first articles in Gardeners’ Chronicle in 1864–65. In 1867 he<br />
became a full-time garden writer, inspired <strong>by</strong> tours of French gardens<br />
and plant-hunting in the Alps.<br />
Robinson’s most influential book, The Wild Garden, was first<br />
published in 1870 and ran to five editions, re-edited and expanded<br />
each time. Robinson’s reputation also rests on his book The English<br />
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If one-tenth the trouble wasted on ‘carpet-bedding’ plants<br />
and other fleeting and costly rubbish had been spent on flowering<br />
shrubs, our gardens would be all the better for it.<br />
By common consent the British statue is nothing to be<br />
proud of, and the spread of the statue mania to gardens –<br />
public or private – is to be deplored.<br />
Few things have had a worse influence on gardening than<br />
the Standard Rose.<br />
Landscape architects, a stupid term of French origin.<br />
Cliveden: the great flower garden, one of the most repulsive<br />
examples of the extra formal school.<br />
No cramming of Chinese feet into impossible shoes is<br />
half so wicked as the wilful distortion of the divinely beautiful<br />
forms of trees . . . The fact that men, when we had few trees,<br />
clipped them into walls and grotesque shapes to make them<br />
serve their notions of ‘design’ is surely not a reason why we,<br />
who have the trees of a thousand hills with trees of almost<br />
every size and shape among them, should violate and mutilate<br />
some of the finest natural forms!<br />
So, having looked at some of the things he disliked, what did he advocate?<br />
Why should we not in these islands of ours, where there are<br />
so many different kinds of landscape and characteristics of<br />
soil and climate, have gardens in harmony, as it were, with<br />
their surroundings?<br />
W. Robinson, The English Flower Garden<br />
Gravetye Manor, William Robinson’s famous garden: an etching <strong>by</strong> Alfred parsons. Many such<br />
illustrations were used in William Robinson’s books.<br />
Flower Garden and the magazines he edited, The Garden and Flora<br />
and Sylva. If one individual can be viewed as the ‘father’ of woodland<br />
gardening it is Robinson, and the adjective ‘Robinsonian’ is often<br />
used to describe gardens heavily influenced <strong>by</strong> him.<br />
What does Robinsonian mean?<br />
Robinson left a huge body of writing, featuring a combination of<br />
brilliance, bombast and bigotry. Robinson particularly disliked most<br />
formal gardens and he spent a decade castigating the leading garden<br />
designer Reginald Blomfield for, amongst other things, designing<br />
terraces in gardens. (This firmly argued position did not prevent<br />
Robinson building a terraced garden at his home at Gravetye.) Robinson<br />
was <strong>by</strong> no means alone as a horticultural polemicist at the time.<br />
William Morris was another, with an equally dim view of carpet<br />
bedding, which he describes as ‘an aberration of the human mind’.<br />
Robinson, however, was certainly the most prolific and vocal garden<br />
critic of this era; his intolerance of rival styles of gardening is almost<br />
unmatched in horticultural history, his invective against his enemies<br />
unceasing and his rudeness almost comical, as he lambasts his<br />
favourite bêtes noires in works such as Garden Design (1892):<br />
Above all, Robinson believed in observing how plants and communities<br />
of plants grow naturally and then imitating this in the garden,<br />
while banishing the manicured, the topiarised and the artificial. In<br />
The Wild Garden, Robinson describes what became his most important<br />
contribution to the woodland garden, his belief in ‘naturalising’<br />
plants: ‘The placing of perfectly hardy exotic plants under conditions<br />
where they will thrive without further care.’<br />
Not all the plants Robinson recommended are looked on with<br />
favour these days (though at least he notes the danger):<br />
Japanese Knotweed P. cuspidatum is of fine graceful habit, its<br />
creamy-while flowers borne in profusion. It should be grown<br />
apart on the turf or in the wild garden. It is easier to plant<br />
than to get rid of in the garden.<br />
Robinson was at pains to point out that this ‘wild’ style of gardening<br />
was not for the walled garden or formal garden – which he sometimes<br />
granted should still have its place – but should instead be practised<br />
in the ‘outer parts of the estate’.<br />
The first of Robinson’s magazines, The Garden, launched in 1871,<br />
featured articles on the many plant groups which would find their<br />
way into the new wild and woodland gardens: flowering shrubs,<br />
perennials and bulbs. From 1880 onwards, Gertrude Jekyll became a<br />
regular contributor to the periodical and a valuable ally on most<br />
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William Robinson’s home, Gravetye Manor: naturalised Camassia in orchard meadow.<br />
subjects. Robinson, and his arch enemy, architect and formal garden<br />
advocate Reginald Blomfield, battled away in print, and both tried<br />
to enlist Jekyll’s support. Having entered the hitherto largely maledominated<br />
world of garden design, and seeing through the bluster<br />
to what lay behind the feud, Jekyll could see both sides of the argument.<br />
As she saw it, both were right and both were wrong. Jekyll’s<br />
solution, which followed on from the precepts of Humphry Repton<br />
and John Dando Sedding, was to have formality nearer the house<br />
with rectangular beds, terraces and straight lines, with wilder, more<br />
natural gardening further away, which would eventually merge sympathetically<br />
into the surrounding countryside. Jekyll’s approach is how<br />
many of the Edwardian house and woodland garden combinations<br />
were designed. There is perhaps no better example of this than at<br />
Bodnant in North Wales where the house has a walled garden on<br />
one side and a series of formal terraces (just the sort of thing that<br />
Blomfield would build) on the slopes towards the River Conwy, while<br />
the steeper River Hiraethlyn gorge is the centrepiece of a wonderful<br />
woodland garden Robinson would have been proud of.<br />
William Robinson’s role in designing or advising on specific<br />
woodland gardens is hard to quantify. As a typical example of Robinson’s<br />
attributed influence, A. J. Huxley in an article on Leonardslee<br />
in Country Life 1959 writes:<br />
One imagines William Robinson’s writings must have influenced<br />
its design for the earliest plantings were made in 1888<br />
only 16 years after Robinson started publishing his periodical<br />
The Garden and five years after the first editions of his book<br />
The English Flower Garden.<br />
Leonardslee was the first of the great English rhododendron-dominated<br />
woodland gardens to be planted and undoubtedly influenced<br />
other gardeners near<strong>by</strong>, with Sheffield Park, Borde Hill, South Lodge,<br />
another Loder garden at Wakehurst Place and the Valley and Savill<br />
Gardens at Windsor all within easy driving distance. Further afield,<br />
Mount Usher in Ireland and Hergest Croft near the Welsh border<br />
are often described as ‘Robinsonian’.<br />
It turns out that Robinson did not formally design any gardens,<br />
partly because he did not appear to have the skills as a draughtsman<br />
to draw up garden plans on paper, but probably more because his<br />
famed irascibility made the garden designer–client relationship<br />
unlikely to bear fruit. Even his friends and professional colleagues<br />
sometimes found him unbearable. Architect Edwin Lutyens wrote<br />
after a day spent with Robinson: ‘he bores me . . . he goes off on<br />
tangents – his conversation wayward and contradicts himself every<br />
two minutes – until one feels inclined to explode . . .’<br />
If Robinson had a rival in the world of Edwardian garden writing,<br />
it was the equally outspoken Reginald Farrer, who was to rock gardening<br />
what Robinson was to wild gardening. They met at least once, a<br />
spectacular clash of egos. Farrer was not impressed, describing William<br />
Robinson as: ‘unguided and unguidable . . . a thing purely anarchic,<br />
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The River Vartry, at Mount Usher, Ireland, a garden often described as ‘Robinsonian’.<br />
unruddered, unfounded on any rule or depth of knowledge’.<br />
William Robinson did not create the woodland gardening style<br />
on his own, but nobody else had more influence, particularly on<br />
the next generation of gardeners who took advantage of the largest<br />
influx ever seen of new plants from the wild. Whatever his shortcomings,<br />
Robinson informally advised many gardeners and garden<br />
owners. He visited Caerhays in 1899 and advised Leonard Messel at<br />
Nymans, Frederick Lubbock at Emmetts, the Aclands at Killerton<br />
and the owners of gardens in south-west Ireland including Derreen<br />
and Garnish. His influence, above all, was from his periodicals and<br />
best-selling books, many of which ran to multiple editions. Robinson’s<br />
views were central to the zeitgeist for more naturalistic, less<br />
artificial gardening, and Gravetye Manor, where he put his ideas<br />
into practice, was much visited and written about <strong>by</strong> himself and<br />
others. Robinson’s ideas have never gone out of fashion, even if his<br />
name is fading with the passing of time. His greatest long-term<br />
legacy must be his concept of ‘naturalising’. His belief that good<br />
gardening practice would creating sustainable plant communities<br />
has become widely accepted, and his legacy percolates down to the<br />
New Perennial movement, the work of landscape architects, garden<br />
designers and academics including Oehme, van Sweden, Roy Diblik,<br />
Heiner Luz, Piet Oudolf and the Sheffield school of James Hitchmough<br />
and Nigel Dunnett.<br />
Robinson’s naturalising ideal may give the idea that wild and<br />
woodland gardening is simply about planting amenable shrubs and<br />
perennials and watching them grow. If only! <strong>Woodland</strong> gardening is<br />
above all the artful illusion of non-intervention, creating a ‘look’ as if<br />
everything is just taking care of itself. Even marginal gardener Geoff<br />
Dutton spent many hours in his Scottish garden creating the myth<br />
that he had hardly touched it. The ‘naturalness’ of wild gardening is<br />
also questionable, given that most woodland gardens are an assemblage<br />
of exotics: plants from China, Himalaya, the Andes and South Africa<br />
transplanted to Europe, North America or Australasia.<br />
The Golden Age of Plant-hunters in China<br />
. . . it so happened that the great revival in rhododendron<br />
growing, which set in with the opening of Tibet and China<br />
to the plant-hunter, synchronised with a period of our garden<br />
history which could not have been more auspicious . . . the<br />
age of the informal and the naturally grown shrub was in the<br />
ascendency. The soil was ripe for the argosies of Asia.<br />
A. T. Johnson, A <strong>Woodland</strong> Garden<br />
Following the 1885 Sino-French treaty of Tientsin, a series of missionaries,<br />
mainly from France, headed for the mountains of western<br />
China. Père Delavay, Père David, Père Bodinier, Père Farges and their<br />
fellow churchmen spent at least as much time exploring and pressing<br />
plant specimens, as they did converting the tribes of south-west China<br />
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Above. Ernest Wilson’s collecting team and porters in China.<br />
Below. One of Ernest Wilson’s introductions, Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta, at Sherwood, Devon, England.<br />
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to Christianity. Thousands of pressed specimens of Chinese trees,<br />
shrubs and perennials were sent back to Paris where expert botanists<br />
such as Adrien Franchet sorted and identified them and, in the case<br />
of many, describing them in Latin as new species. Delavay alone<br />
collected more than 200,000 herbarium specimens in China. At<br />
around the same time Irishman Augustine Henry combined the<br />
tedium of his customs duties at Ichang in China, with plant-hunting,<br />
collecting specimens which were sent back to Kew, before returning<br />
to Ireland where he was appointed professor of forestry in Dublin.<br />
Three significant Russian collectors were Dr Emil Bretschneider, who<br />
sent some of his specimens to Paris; Nikolai Przewalski, who made<br />
several attempts to reach Lhasa and discovered some important plants<br />
including Daphne tangutica and Meconopsis punicea; and Grigori<br />
Potanin, who explored Gansu, Sichuan and parts of eastern Tibet,<br />
and who is commemorated <strong>by</strong> his discovery Larix potaninii.<br />
Though they discovered hundreds of new plant species, named<br />
<strong>by</strong> botanists in Europe from their carefully pressed herbarium specimens,<br />
the missionaries and Henry collected very little seed, so that<br />
most of their plant discoveries remained confined to the mountains<br />
of China. As European nurserymen and garden owners became aware<br />
of the new plants, they began to cast around for suitable men to travel<br />
to the east to bring back seed. We have already met Ernest Wilson,<br />
who had been commissioned to go plant-hunting in Asia. It is strange<br />
that Wilson’s employer, Sir Harry Veitch, had such limited expectations<br />
of what he might find in China:<br />
My boy, stick to one thing you are after and do not spend<br />
time and money wandering about. Probably almost every<br />
individual plant in China has now been introduced into<br />
Europe.<br />
Veitch’s advice turned out to be one of the most misguided botanical<br />
statements in history, as over the subsequent decades China turned<br />
out to be the greatest treasure trove of hardy new garden plants for<br />
temperate gardens.<br />
Wilson’s 1899 expedition marked the beginning of the greatest<br />
age of plant-hunting and woodland gardening in Britain and Ireland.<br />
On his four expeditions to China, Wilson managed to introduce a<br />
raft of important woodland garden plants including Magnolia sargentiana<br />
var. robusta and M. sprengeri, Rhododendron insigne and R.<br />
williamsianum. In addition to his expeditions for the Veitch Nursery,<br />
Wilson later worked for the Arnold Arboretum, Boston, USA, travelling<br />
to both China and Japan. The Chinese provinces of Hubei and<br />
Sichuan turned out to be rich sources of tough plants, which would<br />
survive in eastern USA and northern Europe.<br />
The next important figure to emerge as a great plant-hunter was<br />
a Scotsman, George Forrest, who set off for China in 1904.<br />
• • •<br />
China: Mother of Gardens, an account of<br />
Ernest Wilson’s plant hunting.<br />
Isaac Bayley Balfour, Regius Keeper, Royal<br />
Botanic Garden Edinburgh, in the early<br />
twentieth century.<br />
Professor Isaac Bayley Balfour sat at his desk at the Royal Botanic<br />
Garden, Edinburgh, staring with disbelief at the short letter from<br />
China, dated 17 August 1905.<br />
Foreign Office letter reporting George Forrest’s death 1905. A few days later he was reported<br />
alive and well.<br />
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Balfour reassured Forrest that his safety was more important than<br />
his plant collections.<br />
A few years after Forrest’s narrow escape, J. C. Williams was well<br />
underway with his amassing of new Chinese plants for Caerhays in<br />
Cornwall. Williams was determined to obtain all the Wilson and<br />
Forrest rhododendrons offered from both Veitch and Arthur Bulley’s<br />
Bees Nursery at Ness on the Wirral. On visiting Bees Nursery, he was<br />
dismayed at the way the new plants were being looked after. He wrote<br />
to Ernest Wilson: ‘I am quite sad to see stuff so knocked about, thousands<br />
of things are dead through sheer ignorance of how to handle<br />
them.’<br />
J. C. Williams had an idea. If the nurseries were sending planthunters<br />
to China, why should he not do the same? If his own plantpART<br />
I: HISTORY<br />
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, the old herbarium, with Clementina Traill (far right), later the wife of George Forrest, and herbarium staff.<br />
There seems unfortunately little doubt that Forrest was<br />
murdered on July 21st in the course of disturbances . . .<br />
It was only the previous year that Balfour had seen an advertisement<br />
placed <strong>by</strong> cotton merchant and nurseryman Arthur Bulley in Gardeners’<br />
Chronicle. Having tried and failed to get the French missionaries<br />
to send him seed of their discoveries from China, Bulley had determined<br />
to find a plant-hunter to go to China and obtain seed for<br />
himself.<br />
wanted a young man well up in hardy<br />
plants to go out to the Far East and Collect<br />
Box 15, G.P.O. Liverpool<br />
Balfour had replied to Bulley recommending one of his young<br />
employees. ‘There is a man, Forrest, here who is on the lookout for<br />
a billet such as you describe . . . the right sort of grit for a collector.’<br />
Forrest had been in China for only a few months when on that<br />
terrible morning, with the telegram in his hand, Balfour realised that<br />
he had sent this brave young man to his death. Balfour had to share<br />
the news with Forrest’s family and his fiancée Clementina, who<br />
worked in the Edinburgh Botanic Garden herbarium.<br />
A few days later, Balfour was perhaps even more shocked to receive<br />
news dated 19 August 1907 stating: ‘Further telegram received from<br />
consul, Yunnan, stating Forrest is alive and safe.’<br />
It turned out that George Forrest was the only survivor of a<br />
massacre <strong>by</strong> Tibetans of his colleagues, the Catholic priests and their<br />
Chinese guides and staff, the legacy of a long and vicious frontier<br />
war. The dead included the plant-hunting French missionary Père<br />
Soulié and two of his fellow priests who were tortured for three days<br />
before being killed. It took Forrest over 20 days to walk to safety,<br />
much of the time being hunted <strong>by</strong> his would-be assassins.<br />
Forrest later wrote to Bayley Balfour lamenting his professional<br />
setbacks as well as his fragile mental state:<br />
I have just passed through the worst experience of my life<br />
and I sincerely hope I will never be called upon to suffer the<br />
like again . . .<br />
In the sack of Tsekou, I have lost everything; 700 species<br />
of dried specimens, 70 species of plant seeds, my camera and<br />
over 50 negatives of plants . . . Worst of all I have lost the<br />
greater part of the season and this grieves me more than<br />
anything.<br />
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George Forrest, camp at Lijiang, Yunnan, China.<br />
hunter could bring back seed, Williams could grow any number of<br />
wild-origin plants in his glasshouses and nursery beds at Caerhays<br />
and <strong>by</strong>pass the nurseries altogether. He invited George Forrest to<br />
Cornwall in spring 1911, and was taken with this stocky, self-confident<br />
Scot. The timing could not have been better. Forrest’s relationship<br />
with nurseryman and plant collector Arthur Bulley had broken down.<br />
Bulley had paid Forrest £200 a year for his dangerous expeditions to<br />
China, but was a slow/reluctant payer, quibbling over expenses, and<br />
Forrest had already decided to resign from Bulley’s employment.<br />
When J. C. Williams offered him £500 to go to Yunnan to collect<br />
plants for Caerhays, paid in advance, with no limits on expenses,<br />
Forrest could hardly refuse a more than doubling of his salary. Scarcely<br />
a month after his second child was born, he set out for Burma and,<br />
from Rangoon, up river and over the mountain ranges, back to China.<br />
Not surprisingly, Arthur Bulley was displeased to lose his collector,<br />
but the timing was fortunate. Bayley Balfour’s connections in the<br />
world of botany led him to suggest a replacement in the form of<br />
young graduate, Frank Kingdon Ward, son of the professor of botany<br />
at Cambridge. Ward had already been to China on a zoology expedition<br />
and it did not take much to persuade him to return, this time<br />
in Bulley’s employ. He set off for China in 1911 and had had already<br />
discovered some new plants <strong>by</strong> the time George Forrest returned to<br />
Yunnan in 1912. The Scot did not feel threatened <strong>by</strong> Austrian and<br />
plant-hunter George Forrest in a Chinese moon gate.<br />
J. C. Williams from Caerhays, the major sponsor of George Forrest’s later plant-hunting<br />
expeditions.<br />
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in 1913 despite the well-publicised dangers and strict instructions<br />
from Chinese officials that it was not safe to go. Ward narrowly<br />
escaped with his life in the raging border warfare but lost his collections<br />
and was banished <strong>by</strong> the Chinese from further exploration.<br />
Ward’s paymaster, the rather tight-fisted Arthur Bulley, was not<br />
impressed, as he had already advertised in his catalogue the ‘untold<br />
riches of the Chinese flora’ that Ward would bring back. The two<br />
great plant-hunters never made peace, and as late as 1917 Forrest was<br />
still waging his propaganda battle to keep Ward out of Yunnan, writing<br />
disingenuously to one of his sponsors, Reginald Cory: ‘Results show<br />
that Ward has no interest whatsoever in botanical or horticultural<br />
work . . .’<br />
Reginald Farrer was another plant-hunter sponsored <strong>by</strong> Arthur<br />
Bulley. Farrer wanted to go to Yunnan, but aware that this was Forrest’s<br />
guarded ‘patch’, determined instead to head for Burma in 1919 with<br />
my grandfather Euan <strong>Cox</strong> as a companion. Farrer was livid when<br />
Forrest’s trained Chinese collectors arrived in Farrer and <strong>Cox</strong>’s<br />
Burmese valley, prompting a terse letter from Farrer asking Forrest<br />
to call his collectors off. ‘Regret, cannot recall men’ replied Forrest.<br />
Both collectors wrote in complaint to Isaac Bayley Balfour in Edinburgh<br />
and the Regius Keeper had to stress once again that this vast<br />
region could accommodate several collectors, writing to Farrer in<br />
1919: ‘Twenty men working for twenty years wont exhaust it.’<br />
Frank Kingdon Ward had the longest career of the great planthunters<br />
of this era, from 1910 to the early 1950s, covering China, Tibet,<br />
Burma and north-east India, with his most famous expedition to<br />
the Tibetan Tsangpo Gorges in 1924–25, from where he introduced<br />
the famous blue poppy Meconopsis baileyi. On later expeditions to<br />
India, he introduced the magnificent yellow species rhododendron<br />
R. macabeanum. Ward also wrote excellent accounts of all his expepART<br />
I: HISTORY<br />
Caerhays Castle, Cornwall, with huge magnolias and rhododendrons in the woodland behind.<br />
George Forrest, haul of pressed specimens and seed; the collecting boxes are marked<br />
for J. C. Williams.<br />
German collectors Camillo Schneider and Dr Handel-Mazzetti<br />
working in the same region, but Forrest was furious to find a competing<br />
British plant-hunter in Yunnan, especially one in the pay of his<br />
previous employer. He felt Ward was in direct competition, a rival<br />
who might affect his livelihood. Over the next 10 years Forrest did<br />
everything he could to guard his patch and stymie his rival, often<br />
writing to Bayley Balfour and J. C. Williams complaining bitterly of<br />
Ward’s activities. Both tried to pacify Forrest, believing that there<br />
was work and plants enough in China for both of them. Forrest’s<br />
aggressive reputation forced Ward to make a foolhardy trip to Tibet<br />
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plant-hunter Frank Kingdon Ward, George Forrest’s great rival,<br />
photographed in old age.<br />
Embothrium, from Chile, collected <strong>by</strong> Harold Comber for the Andes Syndicate in the 1920s.<br />
ditions as well as introducing many key woodland garden plants. It<br />
was Ward’s writing that inspired me to follow in his footsteps to Tibet<br />
in the 1990s, which in turn led to the publication of a new edition of<br />
his classic Riddle of The Tsangpo Gorges, augmented with our<br />
photographs of the plants and country Ward describes.<br />
If there was a ranking system for the Sino-Himalayan planthunters,<br />
the number one spot would probably go to George Forrest,<br />
as he had more impact on the woodland garden than any other single<br />
individual. In a 30-year plant-hunting career, Forrest and his team<br />
of trained collectors amassed 31,015 specimens, made 5,300 rhododendron<br />
collections and introduced hundreds of plant species for<br />
the first time, many of which have become staples of the woodland<br />
garden. Just a <strong>sample</strong> of his introductions reveals this: Abies forrestii,<br />
Acer davidii, Acer forrestii, Clethra delavayi, Gentiana sino-ornata,<br />
Incarvillea delavayi, Iris chrysographes, Magnolia delavayi, Michelia<br />
doltsopa, Primula beesiana, Primula bulleyana, Rhododendron<br />
arizelum, R. fulvum, R. forrestii, R. lacteum and R. sinogrande. If one<br />
single introduction could be said to be the most influential, perhaps<br />
it was Camellia saluenensis, parent of the Camellia x williamsii hybrids<br />
including the world’s favourite Camellia ‘Donation’.<br />
At some point in the 1920s, the estate-owning sponsors of planthunting<br />
expeditions had accumulated such a backlog of rhododendrons<br />
to plant in their woodlands that they decided, for a change, to<br />
look to the southern hemisphere for new plants that might suit the<br />
British climate. A group of garden owners which included the<br />
McLarens at Bodnant and the Messels at Nymans formed the Andes<br />
Syndicate in 1925. They commissioned Harold Comber, son of Nyman’s<br />
first head gardener James Comber, to collect plants in the Andes on<br />
two journeys, while a later expedition organised <strong>by</strong> Lionel de Rothschild<br />
saw Comber scouring Tasmania’s plant-rich highlands. Comber introduced<br />
some excellent plants for milder woodland gardens, amongst<br />
them a group of shrubs with tubular red flowers, ideal for clambering<br />
up mossy logs, Asteranthera ovata, Mitraria coccinea and Sarmienta<br />
repens, and the deep-pink-flowered Philesia magellanica and its larger<br />
relative Lapageria rosea. Comber’s collections of larger-growing<br />
Eucryphia and Embothrium introduced two outstanding woodland<br />
plants which extend the flowering season into summer.<br />
Austrian Joseph Rock, Frank Kingdon Ward and the team of<br />
Frank Ludlow and Geordie Sherriff were the last explorers of this<br />
golden era of plant-hunting, which came to an end in the late 1940s<br />
and early 1950s; in the post-Second World War world order, with<br />
Mao’s triumph in China, the mountains of Asia were once again<br />
closed to foreigners. A generation of frustrated potential explorers<br />
wondered whether there would ever be another chance to go east.<br />
Happily for them, after almost 30 years, east–west politics changed<br />
and in 1981 a new era of plant collecting began with the Sino-British<br />
Expedition to the Cangshan (SBEC) of which my father was a<br />
member. Roy Lancaster, Bleddyn and Sue Wynn-Jones, Tom Hudson,<br />
Dan Hinkley, Steve Hootman, Keith Rushforth, Alan Clark, Peter<br />
<strong>Cox</strong> and Peter Hutchison, Tony Kirkham, Mark Flanagan, Jens Nielsen<br />
and myself have all been lucky enough to be fit and able at a time<br />
when amazing opportunities presented themselves once again for<br />
the introduction of woodland garden plants. These modern-day<br />
plant-hunters have not only re-introduced plants which had been<br />
lost to cultivation but also collected hundreds of new plants for the<br />
first time, many newly described <strong>by</strong> Chinese botanists. Northern<br />
Vietnam, north-east India, Korea and the Chinese provinces, which<br />
the earlier plant-hunters had missed, have all revealed many new<br />
plant species, including rhododendrons, camellias and magnolias.<br />
Climate change and warmer winters have made less hardy genera<br />
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such as Schefflera more attractive as garden plants. This second golden<br />
era of woodland garden plant-hunting may have drawn to a close<br />
with the ratifying of the Convention on Biodiversity (1992) and the<br />
Nagoya Protocol (2010). Signature countries to these agreements<br />
make plant collecting for anything other than pure research difficult.<br />
Even if collecting slows to a trickle, the woodland garden is already<br />
a much richer place for the endeavours of the last few decades of<br />
exploration.<br />
The Flourishing of <strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> in the British Isles<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> gardens have been so often associated with rhododendrons<br />
that it has become a commonplace that it was the<br />
rhododendron which was the stimulus to their creation. On<br />
the contrary, the older the woodland garden, the less likely<br />
that it was planned specifically to accommodate rhododendrons<br />
. . . rhododendrons only gradually became dominant.<br />
Brent Elliot, Garden History, Vol. 35<br />
While rhododendrons were the stimulus for the establishment of<br />
some twentieth-century woodland gardens, many eighteenth-century<br />
and Victorian gardens had already been landscaped as pinetums,<br />
arboretums and/or shrubberies and only later evolved into rhododendron<br />
and magnolia-filled woodland gardens as new plants were<br />
introduced from China. Such transformations took place at Antony<br />
House, Dawyck, Minterne, Borde Hill, Westonbirt and Abbotsbury.<br />
The pinetum planted in the 1870s at Bodnant in North Wales evolved<br />
from 1910 onwards into a woodland garden with rhododendrons,<br />
magnolias and camellias bought from the Veitch Nursery and later<br />
grown from seed collected <strong>by</strong> George Forrest and other plant-hunters.<br />
The fact that woodland plants grow so well in conifer plantations is<br />
no coincidence. As plant-hunter Keith Rushforth says: ‘If you are in<br />
the zone dominated <strong>by</strong> silver firs . . . you will be amongst the best<br />
rhododendrons.’<br />
I have often found myself scouring distant Chinese hillsides and<br />
gullies looking for the distinctive silhouette of firs and spruce, as<br />
Abies (wetter) and Picea (drier) are the best indicators of rhododendron-rich<br />
forest in China and the Himalayas. By 1900 woodlands of<br />
The nineteenth-century pinetum at Bodnant, North Wales, was used to create one of the world’s great woodland gardens.<br />
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Bluebells in the woodland at Nymans, Sussex, England, a Robinsonian wild garden.<br />
North American spruce and fir were relatively common on the estates<br />
of Britain’s gentry and these woodlands turned out to be ideal planting<br />
sites for the newly introduced Himalayan and Chinese plants, leading<br />
to the creation of some of the largest gardens ever created in the<br />
British Isles. The prosperity of the late Victorian period in Britain<br />
and Ireland from wealth created during the Industrial Revolution<br />
led to a widening of the landowning classes which still included the<br />
aristocracy and ‘old families’ but also empire builders, industrialists,<br />
scientists, city bankers and stockbrokers who purchased properties<br />
and, with them, the chance to garden. To garden on a large scale<br />
required plants with a ‘wow’ factor. Nothing suited them better than<br />
the newly introduced species of rhododendrons, magnolias and<br />
camellias and the new cultivars bred from them. And they planted<br />
them in thousands.<br />
Henry Mangles sold his family’s Indian coffee plantation and<br />
with the proceeds bought Littleworth, Surrey, in 1872. Later he hosted<br />
the tea party where Gertrude Jekyll met Edwin Lutyens for the first<br />
time. J. G. Millais purchased Compton’s Brow, Sussex and later wrote<br />
one of the first rhododendron books, while in 1889 Sir Edmund Loder<br />
inherited Leonardslee, which he filled with a combination of rhododendrons,<br />
magnolias and exotic wildlife including wallabies. In 1890<br />
investment banker Ludwig Messel bought Nymans and sponsored<br />
plant-hunters to bring back treasures for his rock garden, pinetum,<br />
glasshouses, Japanese garden and woodland garden, with guidance<br />
from William Robinson. In Cornwall J. C. Williams inherited Caerhays<br />
in 1890 and set about planting it with purchases from the Veitch<br />
Nursery in Exeter, later sponsoring plant-hunter George Forrest.<br />
George Johnstone inherited near<strong>by</strong> Trewithen in 1904 and began<br />
creating its famous woodland plantings.<br />
In 1915, when the younger generation were suffering and dying<br />
in the trenches of the First World War, a group of woodland gardeners,<br />
including J. C. Williams, who himself lost sons in the battles in France,<br />
formed an exclusive new club with founder members Charles Eley,<br />
J. G. Millais and P. D. Williams. They met at Lanarth in Cornwall and<br />
declared: ‘We are the Rhododendron Society’. To join this exclusive<br />
club you had to be invited and you needed to own a substantial woodland/rhododendron<br />
garden. Early members included Major Arthur<br />
Dorrien Smith from Tresco and Edward Magor from Lamellen, both<br />
in Cornwall, and the Loders, owners of the two Sussex gardens Wakehurst<br />
Place and Leonardslee. Plant-hunters Ernest Wilson and George<br />
Forrest were invited as honorary members; after all it was their expe-<br />
The logo of the Rhododendron Society,<br />
founded in England in 1915.<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong> - prelims and <strong>chapters</strong> 1, 2 and 3 (290mm tall x 230mm wide).qxp 06/01/2018 08:39 Page <strong>42</strong><br />
Himalayan Garden, Yorkshire. Owner peter Roberts delights in spectacular colour in May.<br />
ditions which provided the many new plant species from China<br />
which filled the society members’ developing gardens.<br />
Many of the great British woodland gardens were established and<br />
planted during this period: Muncaster in the English Lake District,<br />
Mount Stewart, Mount Usher, Kilmacurragh and Rowallane in Ireland,<br />
and Logan, Brodick and Lochinch/Castle Kennedy in Scotland. In<br />
1928, a new Rhododendron Association was formed with a less exclusive<br />
membership than the Rhododendron Society, which it soon<br />
replaced. Its first president was banker Lionel de Rothschild, who<br />
moved to the New Forest in 1922 and planted woodland gardens at<br />
Exbury (see pp. 43–46).<br />
By the end of the 1920s, most of the great woodland gardens in<br />
Britain were in full swing and introductions such as Magnolia<br />
denudata, M. sargentiana var. robusta and M. sprengeri, Camellia<br />
saluenensis and Rhododendron griersonianum provided the genepool<br />
for the gentlemen woodland gardeners and hybridisers who raised<br />
enormous numbers of new cultivars of magnolias, camellias and<br />
rhododendrons. Lionel de Rothschild at Exbury concentrated on<br />
breeding azaleas and large-flowered and late-flowering rhododendrons,<br />
while Lord Aberconway at Bodnant, J. C. Williams at Caerhays,<br />
the Johnstones from Trewithen and others would bring their latest<br />
rhododendron, magnolia and camellia hybrids to London shows to<br />
compete for awards, taking the credit for what was often the work<br />
of their head gardeners. The top show accolade was the ‘FCC’ or First<br />
Class Certificate and competition for them was fierce.<br />
During the 1920s, at Caerhays and Borde Hill, the first Camellia<br />
x williamsii hybrids were created <strong>by</strong> crossing the long cultivated C.<br />
japonica with the newly introduced C. saluenensis which produced<br />
freer-flowering and hardier cultivars more suited to northern gardens.<br />
Reflecting the complexity in the taxonomy and the sheer numbers<br />
of taxa which had been named, John Barr Stevenson at Tower Court<br />
edited the first monograph on rhododendron species, published in<br />
1930.<br />
<strong>Woodland</strong> gardens in Britain were supplied <strong>by</strong> a group of pioneering<br />
nurseries owned <strong>by</strong> skilled plantsmen, many of whom were also<br />
hybridising and selecting new varieties which would be launched at<br />
the Chelsea show. In the nineteenth century the extended Waterer<br />
family were the kings of rhododendron production on the acid<br />
Bagshot Sands. The sons and grandsons ended up running rival businesses<br />
under the names Waterer, Knap Hill and Goldsworth nurseries.<br />
The widest range of trees and shrubs was supplied <strong>by</strong> the nursery<br />
firm of Hillier who also had a thriving export business. Standish and<br />
Noble, later Sunningdale Nursery, survived for over 120 years, changing<br />
hands several times but run latterly <strong>by</strong> the extraordinary triumvirate<br />
of Harry White, Jim Russell – who went on to design many gardens<br />
including Ray Wood at Castle Howard – and Graham Stuart Thomas,<br />
whose later career was as the most influential garden advisor at the<br />
National Trust. In Cornwall, Treseders Nurseries, Trehane Camellias<br />
and Burncoose provided a huge range of material to west country<br />
woodland gardens, including southern hemisphere rarities, while<br />
elsewhere in Britain, retail growers and hybridisers included Reuthe,<br />
Hydon and Millais nurseries in England and Glendoick in Scotland.<br />
Dutch nurseries exhibited their latest hybrids at Chelsea and often<br />
named them for the English market; the most popular red hybrid of<br />
this era, from C. B. Van Nes, was named ‘Britannia’ in 1921. Not long<br />
afterwards, Dietrich Hobbie in Germany began hybridising dwarf<br />
rhododendrons with red and pink bells, which quickly became very<br />
popular as ideal evergreens for suburban gardens all over Europe.<br />