Bay Harbour: May 10, 2017

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PAGE 6 BAY HARBOUR Latest Christchurch news at www. .kiwi<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />

News<br />

In Brief<br />


THe speed limit changes planned<br />

for Little River will be decided at<br />

tomorrow’s city council meeting.<br />

The Banks Peninsula Community<br />

Board has recommended the city<br />

council approve the lowering of<br />

speed limits on various roads<br />

in Little River. Currently, it is<br />

planning to reduce speed from<br />

70km/h to 60km/h on Council<br />

Hill, Morrisons, Barclays and<br />

Wairewa Pa Rds, where they<br />

intersect with State Highway 75,<br />

as well as through the township.<br />


Consultation on improvement to<br />

pedestrian safety in Akaroa closes<br />

today. The document outlines<br />

seven intersections that don’t<br />

comply with the New Zealand<br />

Transport Agency’s guidelines.<br />

The majority of the safety issues<br />

relate to the lack of tactile<br />

paving, which are textured yellow<br />

surfaces that aid pedestrians<br />

who are visually-impaired.<br />

Some car parking will have to<br />

be removed and one intersection<br />

will be changed from a give way<br />

to a stop sign. After the feedback<br />

is reviewed, a decision would<br />

be made at a Banks Peninsula<br />

Community Board meeting. It<br />

is hoped work would begin in<br />

either June or July. To make a<br />

submission go to the city council<br />

website.<br />

Port Hills fire in print<br />

• By Caitlin Miles<br />

A GOVERNORS <strong>Bay</strong> volunteer<br />

firefighter and his partner have<br />

spent nearly three months<br />

documenting the Port Hills<br />

fire in a soon to be released<br />

book.<br />

Firefighter Rob Brown and<br />

his partner Kristie Fogarty have<br />

never written a book before<br />

but they thought sharing the<br />

photos and stories of local firefighters<br />

would be a good time<br />

to start.<br />

Mr Brown said he wanted the<br />

book to be a “great coffee table<br />

book” to show people what it<br />

was like during the fires in February<br />

– from the Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />

side of things.<br />

The couple has spent many<br />

late nights and weekends<br />

dedicated to putting the book<br />

together – with the finishing<br />

touches and last minute edits<br />

being completed at the<br />

moment.<br />

Ms Fogarty said the idea of<br />

the title, On the Burning Edge<br />

was decided early on.<br />

“The location of where the fire<br />

was, right on the edge of our<br />

community just seemed to fit so<br />

well,” Ms Fogarty said.<br />

It was also on the edge of their<br />

property, Ms Fogarty said they<br />

were evacuated as the threat<br />

of the fire crept closer to their<br />

own home – but they were lucky<br />

with no damage.<br />

She said putting the book<br />

together didn’t bring back a<br />

lot of bad memories, since the<br />

community were so supportive<br />

during that time.<br />

“I was still a bit new to the<br />

community at the time but<br />

everyone came together. The<br />

partners were keeping the fire<br />

station topped up and the community<br />

was offering so much<br />

help and support,” she said.<br />

The book consists largely of<br />

photos and the stories from<br />

the Governors <strong>Bay</strong> volunteer<br />

firefighters sharing their perspective.<br />

The proceeds made from the<br />

146-page book will go towards a<br />

new shed being built at the Governors<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> fire station, which<br />

IMMENSE: The<br />

couple chose<br />

the cover<br />

photo to show<br />

the size and<br />

enormity of the<br />

fire.<br />

is expected to cost around<br />

$<strong>10</strong>0,000. Money will also go to<br />

local charities.<br />

Mr Brown said the selling<br />

<strong>10</strong>00 copies of the book is a<br />

dream, but he would be happy<br />

with 500.<br />

The couple aims to have the<br />

book finished by the end of the<br />

month, it will be sold at the<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong> Hotel, She Universe<br />

and from members of the<br />

brigade themselves for $30.<br />

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