Nor'West News: July 05, 2017

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TUESDAY jUlY 5 2016 379 7100<br />

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Harewood, Burnside, Bishopdale, Bryndwr, Fendalton, Merivale, St Albans, Mairehau, Papanui, Casebrook, Redwood, Regents Park, Styx Mill, Northwood, Belfast, Strowan<br />

Neighbours fume over BP<br />

• By Andrew King<br />

RESIDENTS ARE standing<br />

up to one of the biggest petrol<br />

companies in the world as it tries<br />

to expand its Edgeware site.<br />

BP Oil New Zealand owns BP<br />

Edgeware and has applied for a<br />

resource consent to expand its site<br />

at the corner of Edgeware Rd and<br />

Cranford St, adding another four<br />

pumps and 22 more car parks.<br />

To do so, it has bought two<br />

properties north of the site to<br />

expand into.<br />

But residents on Cornwall St<br />

are fuming at the proposal, saying<br />

they weren’t consulted and it will<br />

ruin the area.<br />

One of opponents, Rob Hull,<br />

said it was not what the area<br />

needed and what the Edgeware<br />

Village Master Plan set out to<br />

achieve.<br />

“Our main concern is that it is<br />

completely counter to the district<br />

plan and what was envisaged for<br />

the future of the Edgeware village,”<br />

he said.<br />

The master plan aims to restore<br />

the area as a thriving shopping<br />

centre and community hub.<br />

Another nearby resident,<br />

Monique Posthuma, said all<br />

they can do to battle a “big commercial<br />

corporate entity” was to<br />

“jump up and down”.<br />

“Our biggest concern is it is<br />

going into a residential area. It’s<br />

going away from the plan. What<br />

can we do?” she said.<br />

BP Oil communications and<br />

external affairs manager Shelley<br />

Brady said the demand for service<br />

in the area had increased.<br />

She said improvements<br />

needed to be made to keep up<br />

with that demand and make sure<br />

congestion does not become a<br />

common problem.<br />

“We have been following the<br />

council approval process and<br />

it’s ultimately their decision as<br />

to what will and won’t be approved,”<br />

she said.<br />

City council head of resource<br />

consents John Higgins said the<br />

Edgeware master plan does not<br />

cover the site where the expansion<br />

is proposed.<br />

“It’s important to note that a<br />

master plan does not have the<br />

same relevance when making<br />

notification decisions,” he said.<br />

“This is because the notification<br />

decision focuses on adverse<br />

effects, rather than the broader<br />

planning assessment that is<br />

FUMING:<br />

Residents<br />

are opposed<br />

to the<br />

expansion of<br />

BP Edgeware,<br />

saying it will<br />

ruin the area.<br />



required when a decision is being<br />

made whether to grant the application<br />

resource consent.”<br />

HAVE YOUR SAY: Should the<br />

expansion of BP Edgeware<br />

go ahead? Share your views<br />

with us. Email andrew.king@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

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Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />

Inside<br />


FROM<br />

THE<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

DESK <strong>News</strong>.......................3,5, 6 & 7<br />

Isabella Garbett, 17, is a<br />

wonderful example of a young<br />

person unafraid to stand up and<br />

fight for what she believes in.<br />

In this week’s Our People<br />

feature, she talks to reporter<br />

Georgia O’Connor-Harding about<br />

apathy around women’s issues in<br />

her age group. She also weighs in<br />

on the Hornby High School skirt<br />

debate. It’s a great read on page 14.<br />

My friend’s primary aged<br />

daughter loves checking out our<br />

school news pages each week. She<br />

races out to the letter-box to see<br />

if she recognises any of the faces.<br />

Check out pages 8 and 11 to see<br />

if you know any of the schools in<br />

this week.<br />

If your school is celebrating<br />

Maori Language Week, send in<br />

some photos of what you got up<br />

to, we would love to see them – we<br />

may even put them in next week’s<br />

paper!<br />

Hei kona – Shelley Robinson<br />

A St Andrew’s College student is giving young people<br />

a voice<br />

OUR<br />

14<br />

PEOPLE<br />

Your Local Views..........4<br />

Local Schools..............8, 11<br />

Local Sport.............10, 12<br />

Community Events......19<br />

Senior Living..........21-23<br />

Home Heating........24, 25<br />

Real Estate.....................26<br />

Education..............................27<br />


General Enquiries Ph 379-7100<br />

Classified Advertising Ph 379-1100<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

Andrew King<br />

Ph: 371 0777<br />

andrew.king@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Richard McCombie<br />

Ph: 364 7472<br />

richard.mccombie@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Monique Maynard<br />

Ph: 364 7474<br />

monique.maynard@starmedia.kiwi<br />

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NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 3<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

“Dangerous” intersection<br />

• By Andrew King<br />

AN intersection labelled as<br />

“dangerous” by the community<br />

will not be considered for an<br />

upgrade, according to a recent<br />

city council report.<br />

Parents tell their children to<br />

avoid the Breens, Gardiners<br />

and Harewood rds intersection,<br />

and nearby Breens Intermediate<br />

regularly reminds pupils about<br />

the risks of crossing it.<br />

The Fendalton-Waimairi<br />

Community Board requested<br />

city council staff investigate the<br />

intersection and report back to<br />

it with solutions.<br />

Staff reported back to the<br />

board saying: “The multi-laned,<br />

stop controlled intersection<br />

does create some difficulties<br />

for pedestrians trying to cross<br />

Harewood Rd immediately at<br />

the intersection, and there are<br />

no cyclist facilities.<br />

“However, there have been<br />

no reported pedestrian or<br />

cyclist crashes in the last<br />

10 years. There are no current<br />

plans for upgrading the intersection.”<br />

More than 14,000 vehicles<br />

pass through the intersection<br />

every day.<br />

Statistics released by the New<br />

Zealand Transport Agency<br />

NO UPGRADE: City council staff have recommended that a Harewood intersection does not<br />

need to be upgraded.<br />

show between 2011 and 2015<br />

there were seven minor crashes<br />

and four non-injury crashes at<br />

the intersection.<br />

There were no fatal or serious<br />

injury crashes reported.<br />

Shirley-Papanui Community<br />

Board deputy chairman Aaron<br />

Keown said the crash statistics<br />

cannot be the determining factor<br />

as to whether an intersection<br />

is deemed dangerous.<br />

“Under this current council,<br />

we will need a fatality to trigger<br />

an action, and that in my book<br />

is unacceptable,” he said.<br />

Mr Keown said an upgrade is<br />

needed to put the residents and<br />

parents minds at ease.<br />

“It doesn’t take a rocket<br />

scientist to work out that this<br />

intersection will have a fatality<br />

soon and we cannot wait for it<br />

to happen,” he said.<br />

The Fendalton-Waimairi<br />

Community Board received the<br />

report this week and deputy<br />

chairman David Cartwright<br />

said he will be asking some<br />

“pretty big” questions around<br />

what solutions city council<br />

traffic staff can come up with.<br />

HAVE YOUR SAY: Is this<br />

intersection dangerous?<br />

What should be done to<br />

make it safer? Share your<br />

views with us. Email andrew.<br />

king@starmedia.kiwi<br />

In Brief<br />


The Stronger Christchurch<br />

Infrastructure Rebuild Team<br />

has launched a six-month<br />

project in Merivale to repair a<br />

large wastewater pipe. SCIRT<br />

started work yesterday at the<br />

western end of Aikmans Rd<br />

near Elmwood Normal School.<br />

The work will continue for<br />

about six weeks. The western<br />

half of Aikmans Rd will<br />

be open to one-way going<br />

east towards Papanui Rd.<br />

Commuters going west down<br />

Aikmans will be detoured into<br />

Akela St, Cox St, Sterling St<br />

and Office Rd. This is the first<br />

of the wastewater pipe’s four<br />

repair stages.<br />


The Shirley-Papanui<br />

Community Board will meet<br />

tomorrow to discuss a proposal<br />

to make changes to Blighs Rd,<br />

from Papanui Rd to Watford<br />

St, to solve congestion and<br />

safety issues. City council<br />

staff provided the board with<br />

two options. Option one is<br />

to do nothing. Option two<br />

is to remove parking along<br />

the north side of Blighs Rd<br />

from 181 Blighs Rd to the<br />

intersection with Papanui Rd,<br />

remove part of the kerb and<br />

move the cycle lane further to<br />

the left near the kerbside.<br />

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Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />


Your Local Views<br />

The role of community boards<br />

Fendalton-<br />

Waimairi<br />

Community Board<br />

deputy chairman<br />

David Cartwright<br />

writes this week’s<br />

Soap Box about the role a<br />

community board plays in<br />

society and his time in local<br />

body politics over the past<br />

three years.<br />

As we approach the local body<br />

elections, I find myself having<br />

many interesting and sometimes<br />

challenging conversations with<br />

friends, colleagues, and people<br />

in the community regarding<br />

the process and purpose of<br />

community boards.<br />

As with anything, the opinions<br />

and level of understanding<br />

around the role of community<br />

boards covers the entire spectrum<br />

from those who see just another<br />

pointless layer of bureaucracy, to<br />

those who are very supportive and<br />

really value the community level<br />

advocacy and decision-making the<br />

boards can provide.<br />

Often the strongest supporters<br />

are those who have had some<br />

kind of contact with the board,<br />

perhaps through being involved<br />

with a deputation, receiving a<br />

grant for a community event,<br />

or communicating with board<br />

members regarding improvements<br />

to local facilities or infrastructure.<br />

At the heart of it, the success and<br />

relevance of a community board<br />

can be measured on its ability to<br />

communicate with and advocate<br />

for their community – that is our<br />

purpose.<br />

As I come to the end of my<br />

second term on the Fendalton-<br />

Waimairi Community Board, the<br />

range of issues and events we are<br />

involved in continues to excite and<br />

motivate me.<br />

The small things really do make<br />

a difference when it comes to<br />

improving wellbeing, safety, and<br />

engagement at a community level.<br />

Some of the highlights of<br />

this term has been delivering<br />

the new Burnside Park<br />

fitness track, progressing the<br />

replacement Bishopdale Library,<br />

addressing car parking demands<br />

at Jellie Park, and granting funds<br />

to the talented youth of our ward<br />

to attend local and international<br />

sporting and cultural events.<br />

Recently the board has heard<br />

deputations on the intersection of<br />

Gardiners and Harewood Rds and<br />

looked at various short and longterm<br />

solutions to address the ever<br />

increasing traffic on our roads.<br />

Other deputations have covered<br />

issues such as the drying up of<br />

our rivers and streams, increasing<br />

quarrying and land use issues, and<br />

the removal of problem trees on<br />

health or safety grounds.<br />

Of course, not all issues can<br />

be solved at a community board<br />

level, but board members can<br />

elevate any issue with council staff,<br />

request additional information,<br />

and work to find an agreeable<br />

outcome.<br />

All of this means one of the<br />

most important attributes of<br />

an effective board member is<br />

the ability to really listen and<br />

communicate with residents, other<br />

board members, city councillors<br />

and city council staff.<br />

So when you come to complete<br />

your voting papers in October,<br />

take the time to find out more<br />

about the candidates, think about<br />

the issues that matter to you<br />

and your neighbours, and take a<br />

pro-active approach to deciding<br />

who will be your voice in the<br />

community.<br />

HAVE YOUR SAY: What are<br />

the issues the Fendalton-<br />

Waimairi Community Board<br />

should be focusing on? Share<br />

your views with us. Email<br />

andrew.king@starmedia.kiwi<br />

A reader responds to a recent article about a lack of<br />

parking at the Northlands Shopping Centre, forcing<br />

shoppers and staff to park in the surrounding streets of<br />

Papanui, which is creating traffic issues.<br />

P Stuart, Papanui<br />

I would just like to add my<br />

comments to your article about<br />

Kathleen Crisley’s concerns<br />

about all-day parking in the<br />

side streets of Papanui. I agree<br />

with all she has said. I would<br />

like to add that Mary St residents<br />

also suffer because the<br />

street is so narrow. It is very<br />

dangerous as far as traffic is<br />

concerned. We have cars coming<br />

from St Albans heading<br />

north and cars taking shortcuts<br />

off Papanui Rd through<br />

the side streets. Now think<br />

of the residents who want to<br />

get out of their driveways at<br />

peak times, which is almost<br />

anytime. It is daunting to avoid<br />

the traffic and to do a turn to<br />

go either way as cars on the<br />

opposite side are parked, with<br />

4WD vehicles blocking your<br />

exit view. If your property is<br />

two houses away from the side<br />

streets, you have to be aware of<br />

them and it is all quite scary.<br />

When we were notified twohour<br />

parking was going to be<br />

introduced, and were asked to<br />

give views, I did so quite constructively.<br />

Everything I suggested<br />

went the complete opposite<br />

direction. As a ratepayer<br />

on this property for 56 years, I<br />

object to my visitors having to<br />

walk a distance because there<br />

are no parks available close to<br />

my home. I object to the fear<br />

I have of being involved in a<br />

crash. The school holidays and<br />

Christmas are approaching so<br />

the nightmare continues.<br />



Residents say<br />

that malls are<br />

not providing<br />

enough car<br />

parks for their<br />

employees<br />

and shoppers,<br />

meaning<br />

nearby streets<br />

are taking the<br />

load.<br />

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Apples<br />

From the Garden of Eden to Abbey Road and Silicon<br />

Valley, apples have been an enduring motif for our<br />

cultural journey.<br />

Like William Tell and Sir Isaac Newton before him,<br />

Ashley Smith, in this show, uses apples to his own<br />

ends.<br />

Some samples from this tasty crop may very well<br />

keep the doctor away - but, then again, there could<br />

be something decidedly sinister under the skin of<br />

that rosy red apple being offered.<br />

Artist, Ashley Smith escaped into the wilds of<br />

coastal North Canterbury over 30yrs ago and still<br />

finds fascination in its rural myths and practices.<br />

Canterbury’s often crazy weather patterns also<br />

continue to influence his paintings ( and mental<br />

juices).<br />

Ashley’s subjects are rendered in a variety of styles<br />

– many honed during extensive global meanderings.<br />

During these he has worked for publishers in<br />

Australia, England and America, studied batik in<br />

Indonesia, been a member of the Stuttgard Art<br />

Society and met his future wife in the 602 Club,<br />

Madison Wisconsin!<br />

‘An Apple a Day’ original painting by Ashley Smith<br />

‘The Apple of His Eye’ original painting by Ashley Smith<br />

‘Sir Isaac Newton’ original painting by Ashley Smith<br />

Merivale Hearing Clinic<br />

24b Church Lane, Merivale. Call: 356 2324<br />

Greg Foote, MNZAS Audiologist

NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 5<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

Celebrated homes<br />

The architects who<br />

designed three buildings<br />

in the city’s north-west<br />

received recognition for<br />

their work at an industry<br />

awards ceremony on Friday.<br />

Properties on Gleneagles<br />

Tce in Ilam and Brandor Rd in<br />

Fendalton, as well as the Chinese<br />

Methodist Church in Papanui, all<br />

took out awards.<br />

The Canterbury-Westland<br />

Regional Architectural Design<br />

Awards were presented at a ceremony<br />

held on Friday.<br />

Another property on Jacksons<br />

Rd in Merivale was highly commended.<br />

AWARD WINNER: The Chinese<br />

Methodist Church on Papanui<br />

Rd won an award for its three<br />

different celebration areas.<br />

The awards are held annually<br />

and attracted more than 149<br />

entries this year.<br />

The Chinese Methodist Church<br />

on Papanui Rd was designed<br />

by Julian O’Sullivan, of Opus<br />

Architecture. It won the Regional<br />

Commercial/Industrial Award.<br />

The judges were impressed<br />

with the church’s three different<br />

celebration spaces.<br />

One award went to two family<br />

homes on the same property in<br />

Gleneagles Tce.<br />

The homes were designed by<br />

Craig South, of Cymon Allfrey<br />

Architects.<br />

The two homes took out the<br />

Regional Residential Multi-Unit<br />

REPLACEMENT: Built to<br />

replace a house damaged in<br />

the earthquakes, this Brandor<br />

Rd property won an award.<br />

Presents<br />

Dwelling Award.<br />

The Brandor Rd house was<br />

designed by Don Roy, also of<br />

Cymon Allfrey Architects.<br />

It took out the Residential New<br />

Home Over 300 sq m Award and<br />

was highly commended in the<br />

Colour in Design category.<br />

The Jacksons Rd house was<br />

designed by Sean McCurrie, of<br />

SDMC Architecture.<br />

It was also highly commended<br />

in the Residential New Home<br />

Over 300 sq m category.<br />

Regional awards are being held<br />

throughout the country in June<br />

and <strong>July</strong>.<br />

The national awards will take<br />

place on October 28.<br />

FLASH: This Jacksons Rd<br />

property, designed by<br />

Sean McCurrie, was highly<br />

commended.<br />

In Brief<br />


The historic Deans’ farm<br />

buildings on the Christchurch<br />

Boys’ High School site will be<br />

repaired at a cost of more than<br />

$2 million. The school will run<br />

a major community fundraising<br />

campaign after its insurance<br />

payout fell $1 million short of<br />

the restoration cost. The old<br />

buildings are one of the last<br />

remnants of the Deans’ family<br />

farm. The buildings were badly<br />

damaged in the February 22,<br />

2011 earthquake.<br />


Fletcher Construction is<br />

currently undertaking<br />

wastewater renewal work in<br />

the St Albans and Mairehau<br />

areas. Work has begun to<br />

repair earthquake-damaged<br />

wastewater pipes along Forfar<br />

St. Two-way traffic will be<br />

maintained by a stop-go<br />

system along Forfar St between<br />

properties 67 and 100. On-street<br />

parking will not be available in<br />

the immediate work area.<br />


A man in his 20s was taken<br />

to the 24hr Surgery on Bealey<br />

Ave with minor injuries after<br />

he was knocked of his bike on<br />

Wednesday. St John sent an<br />

ambulance to the scene at the<br />

intersection of Condell and<br />

Matsons Aves about 8.15am.<br />


The city council may spend<br />

about $2.5 million to buy seven<br />

Flockton Basin properties<br />

because they cannot be<br />

protected from flooding.<br />

Similar purchases could be in<br />

store for other high-risk flood<br />

areas across Christchurch<br />

over the next 12-18 months.<br />

To date, none of the offers had<br />

been accepted by the property<br />

owners.<br />


City councillor Pauline Cotter<br />

has received a request for trees<br />

to be planted on Edgeware Rd<br />

between Barbadoes and Hills<br />

Rds. Cr Cotter has said an<br />

investigation will be made into<br />

the feasibility of this request and<br />

the person wanting the trees has<br />

been contacted regarding this.<br />


A man was taken to<br />

Christchurch Hospital with<br />

moderate injuries after the car<br />

he was driving went off the road<br />

early Sunday morning. St John<br />

sent an ambulance to the scene<br />

on Marshland Rd about 1am<br />

after they were alerted by police.<br />

The man in his 20s was assessed<br />

at the scene and taken to<br />

hospital for further treatment.<br />

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*Kids under<br />

2 free*<br />

The Christchurch Brick Show is back and is one of<br />

the biggest LEGO® event of its kind in New Zealand!<br />

The Exhibition will showcase fantastic LEGO® fan<br />

creations, and is aimed at LEGO® fans of all ages.<br />

www.facebook.com/christchurchbrickshow<br />

LEGO is a trademark of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor,<br />

authorise or endorse this event.

6<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />


Burwood & Redwood<br />

Graeme is<br />

back at our<br />

Burwood Shop<br />

offering the<br />

same great<br />

professional<br />

& friendly<br />

service.<br />

See us on www.starlive.kiwi<br />

Ph: 383 2114<br />

269 Burwood Road,<br />

Burwood<br />

Ph: 354 4022<br />

290 Main North Road,<br />

Redwood<br />


Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm<br />

Sat 9.00am-4.00pm<br />

Layby available<br />

PARTNERSHIP: Rangi Ruru Girls’ School is teaming up with Crimson Consulting<br />

which will be the first partnership of its kind between a school and a<br />

commercial enterprise in New Zealand.<br />

School forms partnership<br />

RANGI RURU Girls’<br />

School is teaming up with a<br />

21-year-old entrepreneur’s<br />

company to help students<br />

into tertiary education.<br />

Crimson Consulting,<br />

the company set up by<br />

then 18-year-old Jamie<br />

Beaton, will be sending one<br />

of its tutors to Rangi as a<br />

full-time “career pathway<br />

strategist”.<br />

The young Harvard<br />

graduate’s business was<br />

valued at $60 million<br />

earlier this year after<br />

acquiring numerous<br />

smaller educational<br />

consultancies.<br />

Mr Beaton started the<br />

company in 2013 with his<br />

girlfriend Shandre Kushor,<br />

also 18 at the time, and<br />

soon attracted investment<br />

from US billionaires.<br />

His share of the education<br />

consultancy is now<br />

worth $40.5 million.<br />

Mr Beaton’s fellow<br />

Harvard graduate Wen Qiu<br />

will be joining the school as<br />

part of a new partnership<br />

between the college and the<br />

company.<br />

Rangi Ruru principal Dr<br />

Sandra Hastie says this collaboration<br />

is about assisting<br />

students with career plans<br />

and “connecting them with<br />

information”.<br />

It is the first partnership<br />

of its kind between a school<br />

and a commercial enterprise<br />

in New Zealand.<br />

Crimson Consulting is<br />

best known for its mentoring<br />

programmes aimed at<br />

young people wishing to go<br />

to top overseas universities<br />

like Harvard and Cambridge.<br />

One stop shop for<br />

all your dental needs<br />

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DAVID<br />

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welcomes hygienist<br />

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We provide a full range of modern dental services<br />

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SHOPS AT:<br />

14 Yaldhurst Rd, Ph 03 341 5379<br />

251 Ferry Rd, Ph 03 381 3089<br />

94 Victoria St, Rangiora, Ph 03 310 7421<br />

Open: Mon-Fri 10am-4.30pm, Sat 10am-2pm<br />


320 Manchester Street (Bealey Ave end)<br />

Phone 03 365 2<strong>05</strong>1.<br />

Clothes, shoes, whiteware, furniture,<br />

linen and homeware.<br />

Open: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-3pm<br />

Donations of furniture and homewares<br />

welcome during shop hours.<br />

Previously<br />

United Travel<br />

(03) 355 3888<br />

Level 1, 184 Papanui Rd<br />

(opposite Merivale Mall)<br />

www.merivaledental.co.nz<br />

<strong>2017</strong> Early Birds<br />

Book with Viking River Cruises and fly to Europe return for $550pp<br />

8-day Lyon &<br />

Provence Cruise<br />

Avignon to Lyon onboard<br />

Viking Heimdal<br />

$<br />

5,074 *<br />

from<br />

per person in Standard (F) category,<br />

based on 25 Oct <strong>2017</strong> departure.<br />

Fly<br />

to<br />

Europe<br />

$<br />

550 *<br />

for<br />

per person.<br />

15 day Grand<br />

European Tour<br />

Budapest to Amsterdam<br />

onboard Viking Mimir<br />

$<br />

5,074 *<br />

from<br />

per person in Standard (F) category,<br />

based on 27 Oct <strong>2017</strong> departure.<br />

YOU Travel Tower Junction<br />

3/4 Troup Drive, Addington 03 341 8965 sandra@youtowerjunction.co.nz<br />

*Terms & Conditions: Prices quoted are not guaranteed and are subject to availability at time of booking. All prices, itineraries and special programs are subject to change without notice.<br />

YOU Travel Ferrymead<br />

960 Ferry Road 03 384 2700 melissa@youferrymead.co.nz

NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 7<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

Wine auction for chapel<br />

ST ANDREW’S College will<br />

auction off a former student’s<br />

wine to raise money to help<br />

build its new centennial<br />

chapel.<br />

A limited edition range of<br />

China Girl pinot noir, produced<br />

by Crown Range Cellar<br />

in Queenstown, will go under<br />

the hammer on Thursday at<br />

Strowan House.<br />

Crown Range Cellar chief<br />

executive Jing Song, 29, said<br />

the China Girl collection is<br />

derived from grapes that were<br />

hand-picked from a piece of<br />

land known as Chinaman’s<br />

Terrace, on Bendigo Hill,<br />

Otago.<br />

The grapes came from the<br />

site of an early Chinese settlement.<br />

“Since coming here from<br />

China as a 12-year-old, I have<br />

spent most of my life in the<br />

Central Otago region and we<br />

crafted China Girl pinot noir<br />

as a testament to the historical<br />

mining region and the many<br />

Chinese who lived here, often<br />

under harsh conditions, in<br />

those times,” Ms Song said.<br />

She said the auction is a way<br />

of giving something back to<br />

the school which set her on<br />

course for a successful business<br />

career as a wine producer<br />

and entrepreneur.<br />

Auction items on the evening<br />

include four sets of six<br />

750ml bottles of China Girl<br />

pinot noir and six individually<br />

cased, 1.5-litre magnums of<br />

China Girl pinot noir. There’s<br />

also one of only six limited<br />

edition, nine-litre China Girl<br />

pinot noir bottles, handlabelled<br />

and signed by Sir<br />

Michael Hill, Prime Minister<br />

John Key, Mayor Lianne Dalziel<br />

and St Andrew’s principal<br />

Christine Leighton.<br />

Get in touch with the school<br />

for ticket information.<br />

GIVING BACK: Former St<br />

Andrew’s College student<br />

Jing Song will provide the<br />

school with award-winning<br />

wine to raise money for the<br />

new chapel. ​<br />




Drop off or buy<br />

2 family stores in your community<br />

30 Main North Rd,<br />

Ph 352 4581<br />

520 Cranford St,<br />

Ph 352 <strong>05</strong>15<br />

Old timber saves historic bridge<br />

RECLAIMED Australian<br />

hardwood timber is<br />

breathing new life into one of<br />

Christchurch’s oldest bridges.<br />

Helmores Lane Bridge, the<br />

city’s only surviving 19th-century<br />

timber bridge, will live<br />

longer with the help of timber<br />

salvaged from two Waitaki<br />

River bridges built in 1881.<br />

Repairs will take about five<br />

months before the bridge can<br />

be opened to pedestrians and<br />

cyclists.<br />

Thirty bridge piles, made<br />

of the Australian hardwood,<br />

Jarrah, were brought from the<br />

Waitaki District Council for<br />

the cost of a donation.<br />

It was a lot less expensive<br />

than importing new hardwood<br />

from Australia for the<br />

earthquake repairs.<br />

Using re-claimed timber fits<br />

the conservation practice of<br />

sourcing material as close as<br />

possible to the original for the<br />

repair and restoration of heritage<br />

structures.<br />

Helmores Lane Bridge is<br />

listed with Heritage New Zealand<br />

and is the only remaining<br />

example of a propped-beam<br />

timber bridge in Christchurch.<br />

While the bridge has been<br />

repaired and widened, about<br />

80 per cent of the original timber<br />

frame remains.<br />

Stronger Christchurch<br />

Infrastructure Rebuild Team<br />

executive general manager Ian<br />

Campbell said it was a challenging<br />

project.<br />

“You are trying to protect<br />

an original structure and its<br />

character, while providing the<br />

protection of a modern structure,”<br />

Mr Campbell said.<br />

The original 17-metre long<br />

bridge now requires new access<br />

ways which will be about<br />

five metres long at each end.<br />

Restell St<br />

Restell St<br />

Winston Ave<br />

Harewood Rd<br />

Winston Ave<br />

Harewood Rd<br />

Main North Rd<br />

Main North Rd<br />

Loftus St<br />

Loftus St<br />

Horner St<br />

Horner St<br />

We’ve Moved!<br />

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Papanui. Ph 03 352 6416.<br />

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We are proudly Christchurch owned<br />

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range of great wines, top quality<br />

spirits & craft beers. Come & see us<br />

at 17c Main North Rd, with great<br />

We are parking proudly out Christchurch the front & back. owned<br />

& operated, stocking an exciting<br />

range of great wines, top quality<br />

spirits & craft beers. Come & see us<br />

at 17c Main North Rd, with great<br />

parking out the front & back.<br />

17c Main North Road,<br />

Papanui. Ph 03 352 6416.<br />

Super Sonic Deals<br />

Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat<br />


700ML<br />

only<br />

$<br />

24 99<br />

*VALID 6TH - 9TH JULY 2016<br />


CORUBA<br />


1 LITRE<br />

1 LITRE<br />

1 LITRE<br />

$<br />

33 99 $<br />

34 99<br />

1 LITRE<br />

$ $<br />

FREE<br />

36 99<br />

37 99<br />

EACH<br />

Offer ends close of trade 17th <strong>July</strong> 2016, while stocks last. Available at Super Liquor<br />

GORDON’S Papanui only. DEWAR’S<br />

CORUBA<br />

AssEssmEnt<br />


Limits may apply. Trade ORIGINAL not supplied. OR GOLD Terms and conditions may apply.<br />

1 LITRE<br />

1 LITRE<br />

1 LITRE<br />

$<br />

33 99 $<br />

34 99<br />

1 LITRE<br />

$<br />

36 99 $<br />

37 99<br />

EACH<br />

Offer ends close of trade 17th <strong>July</strong> 2016, while stocks last. Available at Super Liquor<br />

Papanui only. Limits may apply. Trade not supplied. Terms and conditions may apply.<br />

Super Sonic Deals<br />

Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat<br />


700ML<br />

only<br />

$<br />

24 99<br />

*VALID 6TH - 9TH JULY 2016<br />



TERM 3 NOW!!<br />


<strong>July</strong> School Holiday Mornings<br />

Mon 11 - Fri 15 <strong>July</strong> and Mon 18 - Fri 22 <strong>July</strong><br />

• Maths, Reading, Spelling, English, Science<br />

Merivale 03 355 0345<br />


8<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />



Former CBHS<br />

student wins<br />

US study award<br />

• By Andrew King<br />

A FORMER Christchurch Boys’<br />

High School student has won<br />

an award that will allow him<br />

to travel to the United States to<br />

continue his studies.<br />

Ethan Thomson won a<br />

Fulbright Science and Innovation<br />

Graduate Award which<br />

has opened a door for him to<br />

research ground motion simulation<br />

at Stanford University in<br />

California.<br />

He is currently studying towards<br />

a PhD in earthquake engineering<br />

at Canterbury University.<br />

The awards are for promising<br />

New Zealand graduate students<br />

to undertake postgraduate study<br />

or research in US institutions in<br />

fields targeted to support growth<br />

and innovation in New Zealand.<br />

Ten awards were granted this<br />

year, in partnership with the science<br />

and innovation group of the<br />

Ministry of Business, Innovation<br />

and Employment.<br />

Stanford University, located between<br />

San Francisco and San Jose<br />

in the heart of California’s Silicon<br />


Ethan Thomson received<br />

one of 10 awards that allows<br />

New Zealander’s to head<br />

overseas to further their<br />

studies. ​<br />

Valley, is one of the world’s<br />

leading teaching and research<br />

universities.<br />

Since its opening in 1891,<br />

Stanford has been dedicated<br />

to finding solutions to big<br />

challenges and to preparing<br />

students for leadership in a<br />

complex world.<br />

CHAMPIONS: Burnside High School students (left to right) Charlotte Gillingham, Evan Wills,<br />

Sachin Sakthivel, Sean Ward and head of classics Gina Fernandez won the Logie Cup<br />

recently.<br />


Quiz trophy returns to Burnside<br />

BURNSIDE HIGH School<br />

classical studies students have<br />

won the Logie Cup for the<br />

second year in a row.<br />

The Logie Cup is a classical<br />

studies quiz that has been<br />

running since 1999 and<br />

competed in by high school<br />

students.<br />

Charlotte Gillingham, Sachin<br />

Sakthivel, Sean Ward and Evan<br />

Wills made up the Burnside<br />

team who competed and beat<br />

secondary schools from all<br />

around the South Island.<br />

The questions require general<br />

classics knowledge.<br />

Some are easy, others are<br />

challenging, but usually a team<br />

of four can come up with an<br />

answer.<br />

Burnside classics head of<br />

department Gina Fernandez<br />

said she was extremely proud of<br />

her students winning the cup<br />

for the second year in a row.<br />

“They worked so well together.<br />

Winning it for the second year<br />

in a row is a huge achievement<br />

also, they have done so well,”<br />

she said.<br />

The questions are based off<br />

what has been taught throughout<br />

the year in their classes,<br />

Burnside was studying Alexander<br />

the Great and his conquest<br />

of the Persian Empire.<br />

Mini Makers Day<br />


11am - 2pm FRIDAY 22nd JULY<br />

the creative heart of your community<br />

Designer co-op store of locally handcrafted goods<br />

49 Nancy Ave, Mairehau<br />

9:30am - 4pm – MON-FRI & 11am - 3pm – SAT<br />

payitforwardstore.co.nz – facebook.com/payitforwardmairehau<br />

Pay it Forward is a Neighbourhood Trust community project supported by the CCC Endowment Fund and<br />

Rātā Foundation Social Enterprise Fund. Profits are returned to the community.<br />

Providing Custom Framing of all Artworks<br />

Gallery Space with large Range of Original work<br />

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Closed weekends<br />

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TORLYS<br />

WINTER<br />




TRadING hOuRs:<br />

Monday Closed<br />

Tuesday to Thursday 8:30 to 5:00pm<br />

Friday 8:30 to 4:30pm<br />

Saturday 10:00 to 1:00pm<br />

Sunday Closed

NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 9<br />

NOW OPEN<br />

Hanging Basket<br />

Assorted<br />

flowering<br />

varieties.<br />

188531<br />

$<br />

15<br />

$<br />

4 72<br />

Storm<br />

Mice & Rat Bait<br />

Controls rats and<br />

mice in a single<br />

feed. Centre hole<br />

for secure baiting.<br />

138818<br />

Egmont<br />

Easi Grow Mini<br />

Propagator<br />

$<br />

8 98<br />

Provides an ideal climate for healthy plant growth.<br />

Seeds germinate quicker. 908115<br />

Strawberry<br />

Six Pack<br />

Plant now and pick fresh,<br />

juicy fruit in<br />

summer.<br />

181646<br />

PACK OF<br />

$<br />

9 97<br />

6<br />

30cm<br />

Basket<br />

Number 8<br />

Compost 40L<br />

A mixture of organic<br />

ingredients ideal for<br />

improving soil structure.<br />

$5.10 each<br />

246152a<br />

4 FOR<br />

$<br />

19 40<br />

TWO FOR<br />

$<br />

8 50<br />

Miniature<br />

Flowering<br />

Cyclamen<br />

Easy care plants<br />

for outdoors.<br />

Assorted<br />

colours.<br />

10cm pot.<br />

$4.77 each<br />

188096<br />

Worx<br />

Cordless Shaper<br />

& Edger<br />

3.6 Volt lithium ion<br />

battery. Shrub and shear<br />

blades<br />

included.<br />

183340<br />


$<br />

39<br />

55cm Polar<br />

Fleece Pet<br />

Beds<br />

919376<br />

GREAT<br />

$<br />

7 99<br />

PRICE<br />

EACH<br />

Warrior<br />

Handsaw<br />

550mm<br />

260824<br />


$<br />

2 99<br />

SAVE $12<br />

$<br />

10<br />

Fuller Pro<br />

Chalk &<br />

Chalk<br />

Line Set<br />

30 metre.<br />

235779<br />

Fuller<br />

2 Piece<br />

Wrench Set<br />

6” & 10 “<br />

Wrenches<br />

924074<br />

SAVE<br />

$<br />

9 99<br />

$20<br />

Fuller Pro<br />

2 Piece Circular Saw<br />

Blade Set<br />

Max Rpm 9000,<br />

1x 184mm<br />

x24T, 1x<br />

184mm<br />

x40T<br />

178684<br />

SAVE<br />

$<br />

9 98<br />

$13<br />

Buy Right<br />

10 Piece Brush<br />

Set<br />

174062<br />


$<br />

10<br />


$<br />

15<br />

SAVE $26<br />

$<br />

69<br />

SAVE $26<br />

$<br />

69<br />

Wooster<br />

Super Doo-Z<br />

Roller Kit<br />

Contains Roller<br />

sleeve, Roller<br />

frame and rust<br />

resistant tray<br />

9285004<br />

Accent By<br />

Wattyl<br />

Interior Acrylic<br />

Low odour and<br />

dirt resistant.<br />

Interior. Low<br />

sheen.<br />

Tinting extra.<br />

183107<br />

Accent<br />

By Wattyl<br />

Interior<br />

Ceiling Flat<br />

10 Litre<br />

Smooth interior<br />

ceiling flat.<br />

183049<br />

FREE std<br />

Flue Kit & FREE<br />

gift total value<br />

over $1000<br />

$<br />

1599<br />

Masport<br />

R1500<br />

Wood Fire<br />

14kW Output,<br />

ECAN Clean air<br />

approved<br />

Made in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

18<strong>05</strong>21<br />

FREE std<br />

Flue Kit & FREE<br />

gift total value<br />

over $1000<br />

$<br />

1999<br />

Masport<br />

Wanaka<br />

Wood Fire<br />

20kW Est<br />

peak output.,<br />

ECAN Clean Air<br />

approved,<br />

10 year Firebox<br />

warranty. Made<br />

in NZ.<br />

28<strong>05</strong>91<br />

FREE std<br />

Flue Kit & FREE<br />

gift total value<br />

over $1000<br />

$<br />

2799<br />

Masport<br />

Mackenzie<br />

Wood Fire<br />

26.4kW output<br />

ECAN clean air<br />

approved, 10<br />

year warranty,<br />

Made in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

232192<br />




54 Harewood Road<br />

Phone 03 359 5443<br />

Opening Hours Monday to Friday 7.00am - 7.00pm<br />

Saturday: 7.00am - 6.00pm Sunday: 8.00am - 6.00pm<br />

Specials available at<br />

Mitre 10 MEGA Papanui only<br />

valid until Tuesday 12th <strong>July</strong><br />

2016, while stocks last<br />

www.mitre10.co.nz<br />


10<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />

SPORTS<br />

Challenging children<br />

JUNIOR PUPILS at Wairakei<br />

School participate once a week<br />

in a multi-level sports<br />

programme catering for different<br />

needs through a variety of<br />

activities.<br />

While the year 5 and 6 pupils<br />

head off for their inter-school<br />

winter sports tournament on<br />

Friday afternoons, the year 1 to<br />

4 pupils get outside and take on<br />

many different challenges.<br />

Generally, the year 1 children<br />

participate in the school’s<br />

perceptual motor programme,<br />

which teaches them some of the<br />

most basic elements of sport.<br />

The others are mixed into<br />

different groups and have skillbased<br />

lessons and other physical<br />

activity to encourage wellness.<br />

Principal Shane Buckner said<br />

it is so great seeing the older<br />

children supporting the younger<br />

ones.<br />

“It is absolutely brilliant to<br />

have the parents come along and<br />

support the teachers by providing<br />

extra supervision and assistance,”<br />

he said.<br />

Getting to grips with gym gear<br />

BOUNCING ON trampolines<br />

and learning forward rolls<br />

were just two of the activities<br />

Cotswold School pupils got into<br />

at the Christchurch School of<br />

Gymnastics.<br />

The junior school pupils put<br />

the skills they have been learning<br />

at school into practice and after<br />

a jazzy warm up, pupils were<br />

separated into different stations<br />

around the gym.<br />

They used the big trampolines,<br />

the rings and bars, the beams, and<br />

the forward roll mats.<br />

Eight-year-old Lewis Ashby said<br />

it was great to learn new things.<br />

“We learnt new things on the<br />

beam like backwards dips, bunny<br />

hops and even ribbon throws,” he<br />

said.<br />

Seven-year-old Jayden White<br />

said he enjoyed flipping around<br />

the bar.<br />

A highlight for the year 3<br />

pupils was watching a one of<br />

the instructors demonstrate<br />

his fancy flips on one of the big<br />

trampolines.<br />

Even some of the teachers gave<br />

it a go – showing the kids their<br />

attempts at trampolining too.<br />


FOCUSED:<br />

Seven-yearold<br />

Ella-Rose<br />

Wakeling<br />

concentrates<br />

hard on<br />

balancing on<br />

the beam.<br />

FRIENDLY COMPETITION: Wairakei School pupils in a match<br />

against Westburn School as part of a programme to encourage<br />

wellness.<br />

HAVING FUN: Jay-Xuan Tan, 7<br />

(right), had a good session on<br />

the trampoline. Far right – Eve<br />

McManus, 5, prepares to use<br />

the beam.

NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 11<br />

SCHOOL<br />

COSTUMES: The onesie made an appearance at the talent<br />

quest. (Back L to R) William McIntyre, Ethan Dawson and<br />

Campbell Behrnes. (Front L to R) Lochie McLean and Ollie<br />

Lutton.<br />

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Conor Tecofsky, George Robertson<br />

and Jared Walker dressed up as Star Wars characters.<br />

TALENT: Dian Taganas played the piano and sung for her entry.<br />

FANCY FEET: Seyara de Silva performed a dance for<br />

the talent quest.<br />

St Joseph’s School’s annual talent<br />

quest showcased some of the<br />

pupils’ best acts and thrilled the<br />

audience. All pupils from years<br />

1-8 had the opportunity to enter<br />

the talent quest. There was a<br />

preliminary round held to choose<br />

the acts worthy of being included<br />

in the finals. On the night, there<br />

was singing, dancing, musical acts<br />

and pupils dressed up as their<br />

favourite Star Wars characters.<br />

It is organised and run by senior<br />

students who were also involved in<br />

the judging. Principal Mark Gregory<br />

said it was a great event for the<br />

school. “A gold coin donation from<br />

the audience ensured funds raised<br />

assist a charitable organisation,” he<br />


12<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />

SPORTS<br />

Mud run popular<br />



didn’t slow entrants as they put<br />

on their best fancy dress and<br />

lined up to compete in the UC<br />

Education Mud Run.<br />

The 5km event involved more<br />

than 1000 students and teachers<br />

from 35 schools all across<br />

Christchurch, and from as far<br />

afield as Mt Hutt, Timaru and<br />

Cheviot.<br />

Papanui High School had success<br />

in the best dressed category<br />

and the non-competitive short<br />

team boys’ category.<br />

It was started after the<br />

February 22, 2011, earthquakes<br />

to give people a chance to think<br />

about something different, if<br />

only for the duration of the<br />

course.<br />

Although the temperature<br />

stayed below 10 deg C, the day<br />

was full of excitement and energy,<br />

and spectacular costumes<br />

worn by the runners.<br />

Sport Canterbury event<br />

manager Lucy Ryan said this<br />

year will be remembered for the<br />

calibre of costumes, which are<br />

known for getting “better and<br />

better each year.”<br />

The event has grown from its<br />

start of 200 entries to more than<br />

1000 people lining up to have a<br />

go. •More sport page 18<br />

THEY’RE OFF: Students and teachers<br />

take off for the UC Education Mud<br />

Run.<br />

FUN IN THE MUD: Students and<br />

teachers battled obstacles, mud<br />

and slides.<br />

TOP RUNNERS: Mitchell Small and Ari Graham of St Andrew’s<br />

College were a part of the winning senior Canterbury<br />

relay team at the recent New Zealand Cross Country<br />

Championships. Ari also gained a bronze medal in the<br />

senior girls’ individual event and Mitchell placed sixth in the<br />

senior boys’ individual category. Both have been selected to<br />

represent New Zealand against Australia in August.<br />

TOP DRESSED: Papanui High<br />

School students dressed as<br />

King Kong and the biplanes who<br />

famously circled him won the<br />

best dressed award.<br />

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NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 13<br />

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14<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />

Our People<br />


Isabella Garbett<br />

Giving young people a voice<br />

St Andrew’s College student Isabella Garbett, 17, was<br />

recognised at the Canterbury Youth Awards for helping give<br />

young people a voice. She spoke to Georgia O’Connor-<br />

Harding about engaging with the youth of the city, her views<br />

on gender inequality and the time she spends feeding the<br />

homeless every Sunday.<br />

How does it feel to have<br />

been awarded the Advocate<br />

Inclusion and Diversity Award<br />

at the Canterbury Youth<br />

Awards last week?<br />

I was quite surprised. Aside<br />

from that, I am so incredibly<br />

humbled because the people I<br />

was up against do some incredible<br />

things. So good, but at the<br />

same time I wish everyone could<br />

be recognised for the awesome<br />

things they have done.<br />

This award is about ensuring<br />

young people have a voice.<br />

Could you tell me about some<br />

of the things you do to ensure<br />

this happens in the city?<br />

Primarily what I do outside of<br />

school is volunteer for New Zealand<br />

Red Cross project, Bounce.<br />

It came about after the earthquake<br />

and it is centred around<br />

creating a space for young people<br />

to talk about well-being and<br />

gearing them up with some tips<br />

to deal with tough times. It is<br />

run by young people for young<br />

people. I came in when they were<br />

starting to re-brand. It is about<br />

finding ways to engage people. A<br />

lot of people don’t want to read a<br />

text book. It’s targeted at people<br />

aged 12-24. In school, I am also<br />

the head of community service,<br />

the sustainability council, the<br />

student council and head of<br />

debating.<br />

But that’s not all you are doing.<br />

Are you an advocate for<br />

women’s rights as well?<br />

Most things I do with a feminist<br />

lens. There is a real trend<br />

with year 9-11 students where<br />

they are quite apathetic to a lot of<br />

women’s issues. (Men and women)<br />

might be equal in the eyes of<br />

the law, but we are not equal in<br />

the eyes of society. It is important<br />

to me when that younger<br />

generation comes through that<br />

they don’t forget about where we<br />

have come from and we have a<br />

good appreciation of women and<br />

their places in society. But feminism<br />

isn’t just about women – it<br />

affects men, too.<br />

What did you think of the<br />

whole Hornby High School<br />

skirt debacle last week?<br />

That is just another classic<br />

example of ridiculous doublestandards.<br />

Because when you<br />

tell girls that they need to wear<br />

longer skirts because they are<br />

distracting male teachers or male<br />

students, you are telling a boy<br />

he is more entitled to education<br />

than a girl is – and that is just not<br />

the case. A lot of the time people<br />

don’t think about what they are<br />

saying and how it translates. I<br />

know the school’s response was<br />

that it was not what they were<br />

quite trying to say, but as soon as<br />

you start saying those messages<br />

it is really harmful.<br />

Is there inequality in the city?<br />

Yes, it is not horrific, but New<br />

Zealand on a whole has quite<br />

an interesting culture in terms<br />

of gender inequality. Even with<br />

young boys and the messages<br />

we give them – that they have<br />

got to be strong, don’t cry – that<br />

is harmful. It is about ensuring<br />

both genders are given equal<br />

opportunity. We have horrendous<br />

domestic violence, rape,<br />

sexual violence. We have got bad<br />

suicide stats in New Zealand as<br />

a whole.<br />

And you have made a major<br />

contribution to the homeless?<br />

Our school has a relationship<br />

with this taxi driver called<br />

Daniel, who runs a feeding the<br />

homeless thing every Sunday at<br />

Latimer Square. I started doing<br />

that in year 10. I like to give back<br />

when I can. Over time I have<br />

built up some cool relationships<br />

HIGH ACHIEVER: Isabella Garbett was recently recognised at the Canterbury Youth Awards.<br />

(Inset) At the Canterbury A&P Show with Pablo, mascot for the New Zealand Red Cross project,<br />

Bounce.<br />


with the people (involved).<br />

Being able to understand why<br />

the homeless are where they<br />

are, and what is going on in<br />

their lives, is like building a<br />

friendship.<br />

Tell me about some of the<br />

most interesting people you<br />

have met?<br />

I met someone the other day<br />

who has been out of prison for<br />

five years. He is now working<br />

with more recently released<br />

prisoners to help them deal with<br />

getting out of prison. There was<br />

another guy, I’m not sure what<br />

his background was, but he<br />

sleeps on the street. He is one of<br />

the nicest people I have ever met.<br />

He keeps the order (in Latimer<br />

Square), makes sure everyone<br />

stands in a line and the kids get<br />

fed first. He is the last to come<br />

up and that is really humbling<br />

to see.<br />

What is it like seeing people<br />

your own age and even younger<br />

in that situation?<br />

It breaks my heart. I do the<br />

things I do because I have an<br />

education and opportunity,<br />

which means I will be able to go<br />

somewhere. It is people like that<br />

who keep me in check.<br />

You are in your last year of<br />

school. What do you want to do<br />

next year?<br />

I want to go to Victoria University<br />

of Wellington. I want<br />

to do a law degree and major<br />

in gender studies and history and<br />

do a Bachelor of Arts.<br />

What is your big dream?<br />

I want to end up running an<br />

aid organisation. I want to focus<br />

on women’s issues. I would love<br />

to do something in first-world<br />

countries in the lower-social<br />

economic areas. Then, after that,<br />

I want to go to Africa. I have got<br />

a teacher who taught in Uganda.<br />

I would love to do something<br />

like that. It is going to be a lot<br />

of work, but hopefully I am in a<br />

situation raising the awareness of<br />

people who are in the positions<br />

of power. Also enabling those<br />

who aren’t in power to get to<br />

where they want to be.<br />

Do you have any other<br />

hobbies in your spare time?<br />

I play four instruments and<br />

I sing. Violin, piano, guitar<br />

and viola. I love playing in the<br />

school orchestra. Aside from<br />

that, I hang out with my friends.<br />

I would not be anywhere near<br />

where I am today if it was not<br />

for my friends and family. I am<br />

really lucky to have people who<br />

challenge me to think more<br />

critically. I have two younger<br />

brothers and my grandmother<br />

also lives with us. I love them<br />

dearly.<br />



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NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 15<br />

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FLYING HIGH: With just four rounds to play in the UC Championship Christchurch<br />

Boys’ High School are chasing the number one spot.<br />

Race to the top<br />

• Gordon Findlater Ashburton College last The team also has a number<br />

of players from other<br />

Thursday moved CBHS<br />

THE RACE for spots in<br />

to within two points of schools in the Tasman<br />

the UC Championship<br />

Christ’s. The rest of the region including Motueka<br />

play-offs look set to<br />

chasing pack are ten High School and Layland<br />

go right down to the<br />

points back.<br />

College.<br />

wire after an intriguing<br />

Last year’s semifinalist’s,<br />

St Andrew’s see’s STAC slip to eight in<br />

The shock 25-34 loss<br />

weekend of action.<br />

Just four rounds now remain<br />

in round-robin play.<br />

College, hit a road block the standings, now three<br />

in their top-four hopes at points off the top four.<br />

Christchurch Boys’<br />

the weekend, when they Other results from<br />

High School and Christ’s<br />

travelled north to take on Saturday: St Thomas’ of<br />

College have established<br />

Waimea Combined. Canterbury 32 - 17 Shirley<br />

themselves as the teams<br />

Waimea Combined are Boys’; Rangiora High 25<br />

to beat in the competition<br />

new to the UC Championship<br />

in 2016 and are made Timaru Boys’ 12 - 14<br />

- 20 Marlborough Boys’;<br />

and look set to qualify one<br />

and two for the play-offs.<br />

up of Waimea College, Burnside High; Lincoln<br />

However, in what order is<br />

who have previously taken High School 7 - 7 Roncalli<br />

yet to be decided.<br />

part in the competition. College.<br />

A 54-10 win over<br />

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NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 19<br />

Free Tech Advice Session<br />

Friday, 11am<br />

Can’t figure out left from right<br />

on your smartphone? Don’t<br />

know how to use Skype? Are<br />

your younger family members<br />

running circles around you<br />

when it comes to technology?<br />

The tech experts at Geeks on<br />

Wheels have organised with<br />

Fendalton Library to come in<br />

and give free tech advice, right<br />

on the spot. All you need to do<br />

is come along and bring your<br />

laptop, smartphone or tablet and<br />

get one of your local geeks to<br />

help you with any questions or<br />

problems.<br />

Fendalton Library, 4 Jeffreys<br />

Rd, Fendalton<br />

Christchurch Senior Citizens<br />

Join them for Euchre/Whist<br />

on Monday afternoon or Indoor<br />

Bowls on Tuesday afternoon<br />

An old time dance is held<br />

on the first and third Saturday<br />

afternoon of each month. For<br />

more information, phone Vonnie<br />

on 383 4682 or Beth on 388 2375.<br />

Scottish Society Hall, 136 Caledonian<br />

Rd, St Albans<br />

Laughter Club<br />

Sunday, 11am-12pm<br />

Laughter yoga employs no<br />

humour, jokes or comedy and<br />

participants are invited to laugh<br />

for no reason at all. Anyone<br />

can do it. Laughter is a form of<br />

exercise. The group makes eye<br />

contact while taking part in a series<br />

of playful laughter exercises,<br />

including breathing and gentle<br />

stretching. After a short while<br />

the laughter becomes infectious<br />

and genuine. Admission $2.<br />

Scottish Society Hall, Cnr of<br />

Edgeware and Caledonian Rds<br />

Dahl Delights – School Holiday<br />

Storytimes<br />

<strong>July</strong> 12, 10.30-11.30am<br />

Listen to some bite-sized readings<br />

from The BFG and other<br />

Roald Dahl titles. Aimed at<br />

children aged 7-12 years old. No<br />

bookings required but a caregiver<br />

must be present. Stay behind<br />

after the reading to have a go at<br />

making your own bookmarks.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd, Shirley<br />

KidsFest: Funfest Playfest<br />

<strong>July</strong> 12, 9am and <strong>July</strong> 20, 9am<br />

Come along to a ‘sparkling<br />

winter wonderland’ at Redwood<br />

Playcentre during KidsFest<br />

and explore an array of sparkly<br />

and wintry inspired play opportunities.<br />

The event is aimed<br />

at children up to the age of six<br />

years old (older siblings also<br />

welcome). As well as the winter<br />

wonderland, all the<br />

usual playcentre fun will be<br />

available for children to explore.<br />

This will include bicycles, a<br />

sandpit, swings, play shop and<br />

dress-up material. Please register<br />

at www.canterburyplaycentre.<br />

org.nz<br />

Redwood Playcentre, 40 Dunedin<br />

St, Redwood<br />

Knitting for Kids<br />

Monday, <strong>July</strong> 18, 10.30-<br />

11.30am<br />

Join us for some woollen<br />

fun. Learn to knit at your local<br />

library. Learn French cotton-reel<br />

knitting and make a friendship<br />

bracelet. A spool knitter and<br />

yarn are provided. This activity<br />

is aimed at children aged<br />

7-14 years old. Children must<br />

have a caregiver with them.<br />

Bookings are essential. For more<br />

information or to book, phone<br />

941 7923.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Road. Free entry<br />

Go Well Group Play<br />

Rummikub<br />

Thursday, 1.30-3pm<br />

Go along to the library and<br />

play rummikub – an exciting,<br />

interactive strategy game.<br />

Fendalton Library, Cnr of<br />

Clyde and Jeffreys Rds<br />

Shirley Showcase<br />

Wednesday August 3, 2-3pm<br />

Get along to hear veterinarian<br />

John Ingles, of Our Vets, talk<br />

about keeping pets healthy and<br />

well.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd. No booking required. Free<br />

entry<br />

TE REO: The history of the Maori language in children’s<br />

literature will come alive during Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori. The<br />

event will see librarians share treasures from their collections.<br />

The Thursday session, from 4-5pm, aims to celebrate Te Reo<br />

Maori in print. The event will be presented by Christchurch City<br />

Libraries’ staff Caroline Syddall, Terrisa Goldsmith and Aurelia<br />

Arona. Get along to Fendalton Library on the corner of Clyde<br />

and Jeffreys rds and check it out.<br />

Zion Studios 50th Concert<br />

Saturday, 2-7pm<br />

Tickets are available from<br />

10am-4pm at the Northcity<br />

Church office. They are $5 each.<br />

Northcity Church, 95a Sawyers<br />

Arms Rd<br />

Packe St Community Garden<br />

Every Thursday, 2-4pm<br />

A working bee to keep the<br />

Packe St garden going happens<br />

every Thursday from 2-5pm and<br />

Saturday from 10.30am-12.30pm.<br />

Join locals to share gardening<br />

knowledge and then sit down<br />

for afternoon tea. No bookings<br />

required just show up. Learn to<br />

grow your own vegetables, meet<br />

new people and have fun. For<br />

more information, phone Mary<br />

on 022 6994143.<br />

Packe St Community Garden,<br />

Packe St, Edgeware<br />

Reading to Dogs<br />

Today, 3.30-4.30pm and<br />

Thursday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

The Reading to Dogs programme<br />

is designed to provide<br />

a relaxed, non-threatening<br />

atmosphere which encourages<br />

children to practice their reading.<br />

All dogs have been trained<br />

and tested for health, safety and<br />

temperament. Bookings are essential,<br />

please call 941 7923. Both<br />

are free entry.<br />

Today at the Shirley Public<br />

Library, 36 Marshland Rd. Thursday<br />

at the Papanui Library, 35<br />

Langdons Rd.<br />


Purchase 2 x 2L Dairy Dale milk to enter the draw to win<br />

$1,000 worth of bread & milk for your family!<br />

25 WINNERS - 1 PER STORE!<br />

Promotion valid 1st <strong>July</strong> - 31st <strong>July</strong> 2016. Winners will be contacted Friday 5th August 2016.<br />

Terms & conditions apply. Full terms and conditions can be found at couplands.co.nz<br />

MILK<br />

Dairy Dale 2L varieties.<br />

$<br />

5 98<br />

2 FOR or $3.19 each<br />

HOT DEAL!<br />


TRAY 12PK<br />

$<br />

1 99<br />

EA<br />

Promotional pricing available while stocks last from 04/07/16 to 10/07/16.<br />

Images are serving suggestions only.<br />

Open 7 days | 8 Convenient local locations<br />

Hornby • Barrington • Ferry Rd • Papanui • Riccarton • Upper Riccarton • New Brighton • Rangiora<br />



20 2<br />

Tuesday<br />

[Edition datE]<br />

<strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />



Working Out SuckS<br />

That’s right people, we are not afraid to say it, nor is the cofounder<br />

of anytime Fitness Chuck Runyon who wrote a book<br />

titled just that Working out Sucks – but what’s the alternative?<br />

Many people find gyms intimidating<br />

and unfriendly so anytime Fitness’s aim is<br />

to be the friendliest gym bringing health<br />

and fitness to everyday people.<br />

So how do we do it? We provide<br />

options. anytime Fitness offers 24/7<br />

virtual fitness classes, personal training<br />

for extra motivation, the latest cardio<br />

equipment with inbuilt smart screens<br />

(youtube, Google, virtual rides, TV and<br />

more), weights and resistance training.<br />

We have flexible membership options,<br />

private bathroom facilities, clean gyms,<br />

full security systems and above all<br />

friendly and motivated staff who want to<br />

see you achieve – no matter how big or<br />

small your goals are.<br />

We are the gym for real people who<br />

want to get to a healthier place. our<br />

goal is to connect with every member by<br />

offering assistance in a safe environment.<br />

We love watching each member’s<br />

confidence grow in all aspects of their<br />

life – in fact it’s a huge driver for us. If<br />

we could, we would get the world to a<br />

healthier place!<br />

The latest anytime Fitness has now<br />

opened at Spitfire Square 544 Memorial<br />

ave. Come in and try out the club for<br />

seven days on us!<br />

If you don’t want to be Goldilocks and<br />

want to find the gym that’s just right the<br />

first time, then come and see us today. you<br />

might find that workouts don’t suck quite<br />

as much as you first thought – in fact they<br />

may be just the very thing you need.<br />

Text Health to 4464 for more information.<br />

We love watching<br />

each member’s<br />

confidence grow<br />

in all aspects of<br />

their life.<br />

Anytime fitness<br />

Christchurch Airport<br />

is now open at<br />

Spitfire Square.<br />

Text HEALTH<br />

to 4464<br />

for your frEE<br />

7 dAy TriAL!<br />

Welcome<br />

back Su<br />

after 15<br />

years of<br />

overseas<br />

experience<br />

Anytime Fitness Christchurch Airport<br />

544 Memorial Ave, Spitfire Square,<br />

Christchurch Airport.<br />

Phone 357 0901 or 021 653 636<br />

chch.airport@anytimefitness.co.nz<br />

80 Derby Street, Christchurch<br />

Tel 03 379 6368 | Mob 027 661 9454<br />


[Edition datE]<br />

NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 21 1<br />


Research Supports<br />

Eye Health<br />

NutritioNal researchers have<br />

discovered a range of nutrients that are<br />

essential for eye health. some of the most<br />

essential nutrients that have been shown to<br />

protect and even improve eye function are:<br />

selenium, is a trace mineral that is low<br />

in N.Z. soils and therefore in many of our<br />

foods. researchers believe selenium may<br />

help prevent cataracts, macular degeneration<br />

(the leading cause of impaired vision in older<br />

people) and may also improve dry eyes and<br />

general eye health.<br />

Zinc is a mineral that a large percentage<br />

of the population are low in. Zinc has been<br />

shown to help protect the eyes from the<br />

damaging effects of light as well as slow<br />

vision loss due to macular degeneration.<br />

Vitamin c, citrus Bioflavonoids, Betacarotene<br />

(Pro-vitamin a) and copper have<br />

potent antioxidant ability and help protect<br />

the eyes from damage<br />

lutein and Zeaxanthin are amazing<br />

nutrients that have been shown in landmark<br />

research to not only provide potent eye<br />

protection but may even help reverse<br />

some of the signs of age-related macular<br />

degeneration (aMD).<br />

Bilberry and Blackcurrant, high in potent<br />

antioxidants may help protect the lens and<br />

retina from damage and reduce the risk<br />

of cataracts. They also may help improve<br />

blood supply to the eye, strengthen the small<br />

capillaries of the eye and may help improve<br />

night vision, may alleviate many eye ailments<br />

including eye fatigue that may be caused by<br />

reading, driving and computers.<br />

eyebright may help normalise eye pressure<br />

and reduce eye allergies.<br />

taurine is an amino acid that is essential<br />

for correct eye function. it may also have a<br />

detoxifying affect on the eye.<br />

Vitamin B2 may help alleviate eye fatigue,<br />

bloodshot eyes and maintain good vision.<br />

Yumberry is the latest in eye protection.<br />

it provides many nutrients, is rich in<br />

oligomeric proanthocyanidins (oPc’s) that<br />

are potent antioxidants that may protect<br />

eyesight.<br />

These nutrients taken in a therapeutic<br />

amount should provide comprehensive eye<br />

protection, may slow and possibly even help<br />

reverse eye damage that could lead to loss<br />

of vision. all these nutrients are available<br />

in an economical one a day easy to swallow<br />

capsule.<br />

Further information is available in store<br />

at Marshall’s health & Natural Therapy, 110<br />

seaview road, New Brighton, Phone: 388-<br />

5757.<br />

We are Always Happy to Help!<br />

Aspire Canterbury reaching even further<br />

asPire caNterBurY is a not-for-profit community-focused organisation committed to<br />

meeting the needs of older persons with mobility issues, disabled persons and their friends/<br />

whanau. our aim is to assist people in making informed decisions about, accessing services<br />

or choosing products that will assist them in their daily lives.<br />

in 2015 we took our services and information on the road and out into communities,<br />

meeting people in their environments to make daily living easier.<br />

aspire Mobile is a response to the need to reconnect, giving disabled people and people<br />

with mobility problems easier access to services and introducing them to new products<br />

which can make their lives more enjoyable and provide them with a sense of inclusion in the<br />

wider community.<br />

We also provide a speaker for community group events and disability support group<br />

meetings. We can give a presentation which includes an interactive demonstration of<br />

assistive products and unbiased information about them.<br />

We show you how to choose a walker or walking stick that is the correct height and<br />

provide information about both their services and other resources available for community,<br />

disability and health organisations.<br />

alternatively, we can tailor-make presentations to suit the interests of a particular group.<br />

if you are interested in booking a free visit, or would like more information visit<br />

www. aspirecanterbury.org.nz, ring 03 366 6189 or email manager@aspirecanterbury.org.nz.<br />

2015 NZ Disability<br />

Information Centre<br />

of the Year<br />

Clinically Proven Nutrients<br />

Support eye Health<br />

Go Vision Protect from Go Healthy New Zealand is the new standard<br />

in eye support formulas. It is one of the most comprehensive high<br />

potency eye formulas available anywhere, with well researched<br />

ingredients in levels needed to support eye health & good vision.<br />

Key nutrients include: Bilberry, Yumberry, Blackcurrant, Lutein,<br />

Zinc + nine other nutrients.<br />

Diminished vision<br />

Tired Eyes<br />

Dry Eyes<br />

Sore Eyes<br />

Poor Night Vision<br />

Poor Focus, Blurry Vision<br />

Macular Degeneration<br />

Sensitivity to Glare<br />

Headaches from Eye Strain<br />

Supports general eye health<br />

30 Capsules<br />

only $29.90, save $10.00<br />

60 Capsules only<br />

$47.90, save $17.00<br />

120 Capsules<br />

only $88.90, save $40.90<br />

Mail order<br />

available<br />

only one capsule daily required!<br />

Bringing You the Best in Natural Health!<br />

MarSHallS HealTH & NaTUral THeraPY<br />


110 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealthshop.co.nz<br />

- We are alWaYS HaPPY To HelP -<br />

Support and Resources for Independent Living<br />

Aspire Canterbury is a notfor-profit<br />

community-focused<br />

organisation committed to<br />

meeting the needs of older<br />

persons and disabled persons<br />

with mobility issues. Their aim<br />

is to assist people in making<br />

informed decisions about<br />

accessing services or choosing<br />

products that will assist them in<br />

their daily lives.<br />

Aspire Canterbury is a not-for-profit organisation providing services to<br />

the community since 1981<br />

Can we help you or someone you support?<br />

New Mobile ServiCe – Fun interactive presentations of our<br />

information, services and easier living equipment. We come to you!<br />

To book our presenter to speak to your group call Shannon at numbers.<br />

Disability information Service – a ‘one stop information service’<br />

which offers unbiased advice to assist people navigate their way to<br />

organisations or services that can provide them with support or advice.<br />

Aspire Canterbury Shop – shop online or call in to our shop at 314<br />

Worcester Street and view our range of easier living products. We also<br />

hire out wheelchairs, ramps and walkers.<br />

Aspire Canterbury is a not-for-profit organisation<br />

providing services to the community since 1981<br />

Physical Address:<br />

314 Worcester Street<br />

Linwood Christchurch<br />

Postal Address:<br />

PO Box 32074<br />

Christchurch 8147<br />

Ph: 03 366 6189<br />

Freephone: 0800 347 242<br />

Ph: (Total Mobility) 03 366 9093<br />

Mobile Service: 022 140 8213<br />

E: admin@aspirecanterbury.org.nz<br />

W: www.aspirecanterbury.org.nz

22 2<br />

[Edition datE]<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />


Rangiora welcomes Nurse Maude’s<br />

Health & Mobility Shop<br />

Nurse MauDe’s health &<br />

Mobility shop in Wairakei road has<br />

long been the go to shop for those<br />

who need specialised products and<br />

equipment that allow them to live as<br />

independently as possible in their own<br />

home.<br />

this month Nurse Maude opens its<br />

second health & Mobility shop in high<br />

street in rangiora with the same range<br />

of incontinence and allied products<br />

with new items added regularly as they<br />

come on the market.<br />

Geared toward facilitating greater<br />

independence and quality of life,<br />

Nurse Maude’s health & Mobility<br />

shops also have an online option where<br />

many of the same range of diverse<br />

and specialised products are available<br />

online at www.nursemaudeshop.org.nz<br />

Nurse Maude’s online health &<br />

Mobility shop has created a strong<br />

following in rural and remote areas<br />

where being able to access specialised<br />

products often means a long trip to the<br />

nearest town.<br />

the staff at Nurse Maude’s health<br />

& Mobility shops work closely with<br />

Nurse Maude’s specialty clinic<br />

nurses and suppliers to make sure<br />

the expertise, advice and support<br />

customers may need is readily<br />

available.<br />

Co-Q10 Reduces all causes<br />

of Mortality by 50%<br />

researchers Were amazed with the<br />

results of how beneficial a natural nutrient<br />

coenzyme- Q10 (coQ10) is to the human<br />

body. co-Q10 is a natural enzyme in<br />

the body’s cells that is essential for cell<br />

function, energy and survival. The heart,<br />

liver, Kidneys and Pancreas require large<br />

amounts of co-Q10 to function well.<br />

in a recent multi country double blind<br />

trial on the possible benefits of coQ10 to<br />

protect against heart failure, 420 patients<br />

with severe heart failure were given<br />

coQ10 or a placebo and then followed for<br />

2 years. it was found to the amazement of<br />

the researchers the patients who received<br />

you can stop him<br />

snoring with a<br />

SNOREX<br />

Why put up with a broken<br />

night’s sleep?<br />

Ph 377-4318 or 027 682 1752<br />



Website: www.snorex.co.nz<br />


the co-Q10 had a 50% reduction in an<br />

adverse cardiovascular event or death<br />

compared to the placebo patients. Not<br />

only this but the patients on the coQ10<br />

had a 50% reduction in death not only<br />

from cardiovascular events but from all<br />

causes.<br />

according to lead study author<br />

Professor Mortensen this study is the first<br />

in over a decade to show a natural nutrient<br />

can reduce heart failure mortality and<br />

coQ10 should be added as a standard<br />

treatment for anyone with cardiovascular<br />

complaints. it is known that coQ10 levels<br />

decrease in the heart muscle of patients<br />

with heart failure as severity worsens.<br />

statin drugs are used to treat many<br />

patients with cardiovascular problems<br />

but these drugs also reduce coQ10<br />

levels further in the body. symptoms<br />

of low coQ10 in the body can be low<br />

energy and endurance, muscle pain,<br />

poor memory, concentration and poor<br />

heart function or heart failure.<br />

coQ10 levels are known to decrease<br />

as we age and many researchers<br />

believe keeping our levels up of this<br />

vital nutrient may help prevent many<br />

chronic diseases including cancer.<br />

co-Q10 is available as a natural<br />

supplement to support good health.<br />

Further information is available<br />

from the Natural health advisers,<br />

Naturopath & Medical herbalist at<br />

Marshall’s health & Natural Therapy,<br />

110 seaview road, Phone: 388-5757.<br />

We are Always Happy to Help!<br />

Co-Q10 Vital for Good Health<br />

Co-Q10 is a nutrient that is absolutely vital to every cell to perform its function & live. It is<br />

essential for energy production, muscle function & required in sufficient amounts for the<br />

heart to keep beating. A deficiency will affect all organs & sufficient Co-Q10 is considered an<br />

important factor in reducing the chances of chronic disease & reduced life expectancy. Co-<br />

Q10 is a fat soluble nutrient & its absorption is enhanced when it is in a base of fatty acids.<br />

This formula contains 150mg of naturally fermented Co-Q10 in a special blend of fatty acids<br />

(Fish, Flaxseed & EP Oils) to enhance the absorption.<br />

Co-Q10 Supports:<br />

• Cardiovascular health<br />

• Blood circulation<br />

• Healthy blood pressure<br />

• Energy & endurance<br />

• Muscle function<br />

• Blood sugar regulation<br />

• Weight loss<br />

• Immune function<br />

• Antioxidant protection<br />

Super Special<br />

60 capsules only<br />

$<br />

26.90<br />

120 capsules only<br />

$<br />

39.90<br />


Bringing You the Best in Natural Health!<br />



110 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealthshop.co.nz<br />


NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday [Edition <strong>July</strong> datE] 5 2016 23 3<br />




at PaulGer courts owners robyn<br />

and Peter MacDonald truly appreciate<br />

the value of our residents maintaining<br />

their community attachments, hobbies<br />

and independence, whilst knowing that<br />

support and companionship is there if<br />

they need it.<br />

the village’s 34 semi-detached but<br />

private units sit in landscaped grounds<br />

alongside George Manning house, the<br />

purpose-built eighty-one bed rest home<br />

and hospital. on hand at GMh robyn<br />

and her team are available to answer any<br />

questions or organise any assistance the<br />

residents need.<br />

Paulger courts units are designed to<br />

be sunny, comfortable and easy to live<br />

in, whilst relieving the residents of the<br />

burden of home maintenance or reliance<br />

on family for urgent assistance. With<br />

the supplied ‘Never alone’ alarm, the<br />

nightly security patrol and willing staff,<br />

residents and their families can feel<br />

reassured that help is at hand should it<br />

be required.<br />

the emphasis at Paulger courts is on<br />

ensuring that it always remains a safe<br />

and happy place for people live, making<br />

the move to a retirement village as easy a<br />

transition as possible.<br />


Boost circulation and gently<br />

exercise while you sit – it’s so easy!<br />

FOR<br />

Pain & stiffness<br />

Swollen ankles<br />

Night cramps<br />

Painful hands<br />

Balance & mobility<br />

Sore legs/numb feet<br />

Travel & office sitting<br />

Diabetes foot problems Only<br />

Stroke rehab/Parkinson’s<br />

$39 90<br />

Available from pharmacies,<br />

at www.aircycle.co.nz<br />

or by calling 04 569 5013<br />

Winter Warmer - Hot tips<br />

for cold weather<br />

Does that nip in the air make it hard<br />

to get moving? What better way to warm<br />

yourself than getting the blood pumping to<br />

warm up on the inside.<br />

The less active we are, the more we feel the<br />

cold. But it’s easy to warm hands and feet by<br />

working muscles and joints while staying dry<br />

and warm in front of tV.<br />

The aircycle exerciser is an indoor warmer<br />

which gets your circulation going in no time.<br />

The movement is a gentle awakening for<br />

sleepy muscles and joints, warms and loosens<br />

them to ease them into action.<br />

tight, cold muscles mean decreased<br />

mobility and are more prone to injury.<br />

imagine putting a rubber band in the freezer<br />

and then trying to stretch it over a large box.<br />

it snaps. But warm the rubber band slowly<br />

and it will stretch to take the force of your<br />

pull. That band is like your muscles in winter.<br />

it is unnecessary to use the aircycle for<br />

lengthy periods. short, frequent spells<br />

throughout the day and evening are most<br />

effective. a few minutes while sitting with<br />

a coffee or chatting on the phone will keep<br />

blood circulating and feet and hands warm.<br />

a good warm up keeps the body running<br />

like a well oiled machine. Mrs spier wrote, “i<br />

have arthritis and joint problems. When i’ve<br />

been using the aircycle i feel as though i’ve<br />

had a good lube. My joints are more flexible<br />

and i can garden more easily.”<br />

aircycles are available in pharmacies, at<br />

www.aircycle.co.nz, call 04 569 5013 or post<br />

$44.90 to aircycle, Po Box 451<strong>05</strong>, Waterloo,<br />

lower hutt. 5042<br />

A quick winter warm up<br />

Paulger Courts<br />

Retirement Village<br />

(in association with George Manning House Rest Home and Hospital)<br />

EAT<br />

TALK<br />

SMILE<br />

Live life<br />

confidently with<br />

advanced dental<br />

and denture care.<br />



Merivale 03 375 4444<br />

Beckenham 03 375 4443<br />

Fendalton 03 375 4449<br />

Linwood 03 375 4448<br />

Kaiapoi 03 375 4442<br />

QEII Dental 03 388 0881<br />

Dentistry with a Smile 03 338 8210<br />

Halswell Dental 03 322 9577<br />

Canterbury’s leading company specialising<br />

in complete denture services.<br />

www.duchenne.co.nz<br />

Enquiries welcome.<br />

‘‘<br />

Please ring<br />

Robyn MacDonald<br />

on 338-9164<br />

weekdays<br />

Spreydon, Christchurch<br />


1-bedroom unit<br />

$160,000<br />

2-bedroom unit<br />

$260,000<br />

Family owned and oriented<br />

Retirement Village for independent<br />

living in a supportive environment.<br />


24 2<br />

Tuesday<br />

[Edition datE]<br />

<strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />


Get rid of dampness<br />

in your house<br />

NoW WItH the colder and wetter weather<br />

on its way, home owners are focusing on ways<br />

to make their homes comfortable, warm and<br />

healthy for their families throughout winter.<br />

rISINg DAMP is an issue that affects many of<br />

our older properties which suffer from poor, or<br />

no, insulation. In Canterbury especially, postquake,<br />

many people have relocated to homes that<br />

suffer from rising damp which can be associated<br />

with health problems. Independent tests have<br />

shown that up to 40 litres of water can rise from<br />

the ground and enter a house every day, leading<br />

to mildew, mould, condensation and musty<br />

smells. Moulds can produce various allergic<br />

reactions and the frail, elderly and very young are<br />

especially vulnerable.<br />

Canterbury Foam Concrete Ltd is a locally<br />

owned and operated firm. The team understands<br />

the problems caused by rising damp and are<br />

there to help. They will come to your damp home<br />

and pump a lightweight, flowable foam concrete<br />

under your timber floored home. Specially<br />

adapted for our New Zealand conditions and<br />

applications it provides a layer of protection<br />

against rising moisture. An unexpected benefit<br />

that the team at Canterbury Foam Concrete<br />

have noticed recently, is that many owners<br />

of properties which had underfloor foam<br />

concrete installed, reported that it also provided<br />

protection against liquefaction after<br />

the earthquakes.<br />

Contact Canterbury Foam Concrete Ltd<br />

now for your free, no obligation quote and<br />

complimentary appraisal of your underfloor<br />

ventilation needs. Phone 03 376 4608 or <strong>05</strong>08<br />

362626 for more information.<br />

AttAck Rising DAmP<br />

For existing homes with<br />

wooden floor construction<br />

• Stop Mould & Mildew<br />

• Reduce Heating Bills<br />

• Cost Effective Permanent<br />

Solution To Rising Damp<br />

• Free Consultation / Quotes<br />

...at the source<br />

STOP RISING DAMP TODAY www.foamcrete.org<br />

Free Phone: <strong>05</strong>08 362626 Main Office: (03) 3764608 Fax: (03) 3764603<br />


Free Home<br />

Energy Audits<br />

Complete with report & recommendations<br />

(Suit Landlords)<br />

Ph 0800 161 163<br />

L<br />

Fujitsu Hi-Wall<br />

ASTG12 - 4.8kw<br />

$1999 installed<br />

15 (only)<br />

www.airconnz.co.nz<br />

Warming winter with<br />

EnviroMaster<br />

Are you struggling with the heat of<br />

Summer or wanting to get organised for<br />

Winter? With the ever changing weather<br />

patterns, heat pumps have the flexibility<br />

of being able to heat and cool which is an<br />

advantage no other appliance can offer. This<br />

represents great value for your investment<br />

as you can use it all year round. The team<br />

at enviro Master Ltd can help keep you cool<br />

this Summer either at home or work. enviro<br />

Master supplies, installs and services all the<br />

leading brands including Panasonic, Fujitsu,<br />

Mitsubishi and Daikin. This means our team<br />

can show you which system and brand will<br />

best suit your needs.<br />

We currently have savings up to $600 off<br />

the recommended retail price on<br />

selected models.<br />

Would you like to maximise the number<br />

of days you can use your swimming pool?<br />

Heating your pool can do this and one of the<br />

most cost effective ways is with a water heat<br />

pump. enviro Master Ltd can supply, install<br />

and service you swimming pool heat pump<br />

providing you with a comfortable, extended<br />

swimming season.<br />

Servicing your heat pump is extremely<br />

important to ensure that it is working<br />

as effectively and efficiently as possible<br />

resulting in a healthy, hygienic heat pump,<br />

lower power bills and greater comfort. But<br />

beware, not all cleaning companies are<br />

equal. We are constantly hearing of people<br />

being charged huge amounts for servicing<br />

and all they are getting is a heat pump<br />


clean. We at enviro Master, are qualified<br />

engineers and therefore are able to fully<br />

test and diagnose any problems you may<br />

or may not be aware of with your heat<br />

pump. Also, as we are associated with all<br />

major brands, we are able to repair these<br />

under warranty if they are still within the<br />

warranty period.<br />

It is important to remember, when<br />

selecting an installer, the manufacturer’s<br />

warranty does not cover the installation<br />

and consumers could be responsible for<br />

any repair or damage caused to the system<br />

due to poor installation. enviro Master’s<br />

five-star installation guarantee ensures<br />

correct installation, and a demonstration so<br />

customers have an understanding on how it<br />

will best meet their needs.<br />

For a free in home consultation, call<br />

Enviro Master on 366 <strong>05</strong>25 or visit our<br />

showroom at 41A Shakespeare Rd,<br />

Waltham, Christchurch.<br />


SALE NOW ON!<br />

Amazin’ winter Specials!!<br />


Which one is right for you?<br />

• Single-split, Multi-split, Ducted?<br />

• Wall, Floor console, Ceiling cassette, Concealed?<br />

• Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Fujitsu, Daikin, Toshiba...?<br />

Find out with a FREE HOME APPRAISAL<br />

from the Independent Heat Pump Experts.<br />

BOOK NOW<br />

0800 47 48 97<br />

heatpumpguys.co.nz<br />

• We will offer you the best quality brands and<br />

option of heat pump for your home/business<br />

• Providing Heat Pump solutions for over 14 years to Cantabrians<br />

• We personally guarantee all our products & installs for 5 years<br />

(providing annual maintenance has been completed)<br />

Phone us today for your free consultation & quote<br />


PHONE 03 366 <strong>05</strong>25<br />

www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

“A local team for local people”<br />


NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday<br />

[Edition<br />

<strong>July</strong><br />

datE]<br />

5 2016 25 3<br />


At last an energy saving device that<br />

gives your household direct energy<br />

savings on your hot water power bills.<br />

our ProVeN technology helps customers<br />

manage their hot water heating by saving<br />

money without impacting on their hot<br />

water availability. Introducing our breakthrough<br />

technology, the iSmart Hot Water<br />

Controller which can be easily retrofitted<br />

to any hot water cylinder by a qualified<br />

electrician, so no need to replace your hot<br />

water cylinder. More sophisticated than a<br />

timer, the iSmart Controller comes with an<br />

LCD touch screen so you can programme<br />

when you heat up your hot water, plans<br />

for period of high use, can be boosted<br />

when you’ve got unexpected demand and<br />

minimise power use when away on holiday.<br />

How Does it Work?<br />

• easy to use LCD display touch screen<br />

• you can program the times when you<br />

want the hot water available<br />

• Calculates if there is enough hot<br />

water and only heats up when required.<br />

• easily adjust the savings you want to<br />

make<br />

• Boost Mode Function for when those<br />

unexpected guests turn up<br />

• Holiday mode – your hot water can be<br />

safely turned off while you are away.<br />

• Legionella Protection – once a week<br />

automatically gets up to 60deg’s to kill<br />

any legionella bacteria.<br />

• 7 Days Worth of Data<br />

smooth-air products<br />

to eNSure the quality of your air, contact<br />

the experts. Smooth-Air Products can calculate<br />

the required air exchange for your building<br />

requirement. Smooth-Air offers a wide range of<br />

ventilation equipment, from air vents to ducting<br />

for fans, for both the commercial and domestic<br />

markets. They have an extensive range of fans<br />

and ventilation components in-store but they<br />

can also provide innovative solutions tailored to<br />

differing requirements.<br />

VeNtILAtIoN<br />

This includes both the exchange of air to the<br />

outside as well as circulation of air within the<br />

building. It is one of the most important factors<br />

for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in<br />

buildings.<br />

Filtered air supply for summer and filtered<br />

and warmed air in winter creates a healthy<br />

environment in which to live and work. In case<br />

of poor or insufficient air intake from outside,<br />

the oxygen content decreases, humidity and<br />

dustiness levels increase. If exhaust ventilation<br />

is not provided or it is not effective, polluted air,<br />

smells, humidity and harmful substances are not<br />

removed.<br />

Low oxygen with high carbon dioxide causes<br />

stuffiness in the room and occupants can feel<br />

drowsy. Invisible harmful substances like a<br />

high content of dust and tobacco smoke are<br />

harmful and can cause various diseases. even<br />

bad smells can cause discomfort or irritate the<br />

nervous system. In summer, it’s easy to open<br />

windows for cross ventilation, however as winter<br />

approaches, we start to shut up out houses to<br />

trap in the heat and as a result, air quality can<br />

decline.<br />

It is therefore very important to ensure good<br />

air quality indoors through adequate ventilation.<br />

50%<br />

on your hot water<br />

fits any hot water cylinder<br />

Remove<br />

cooking smells<br />

and steam!<br />

Remote<br />

extraction fans<br />

Ventilation Equipment<br />

Suppliers to trade and retail<br />

Call 0800 890 037 for a free quote<br />

or visit www.ismartcontroller.co.nz<br />

Range Hood cupboard insert<br />

● Domestic<br />

● Commercial<br />

● Industrial<br />

Smooth-Air has<br />

a wide range<br />

of ventilation<br />

equipment to bring<br />

fresh air into your<br />

home<br />

0800 SMOOTH (0800 766 684)<br />

www.smooth-air.co.nz<br />

sales@smooth-air.co.nz<br />

264 Annex Road, Riccarton<br />

Christchurch 8024, NZ<br />

Ph +64 3 343 6184<br />

Mon - Fri 7.30am - 5pm

26 2<br />

Tuesday [Edition datE] <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />


Hard steel at heart<br />

75 Kidson Terrace, Cashmere<br />

$849,000<br />

3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 1 living room | 1 dining room | 1 office/study | 2-car garage | 2 off-street parks | Listing#: BE192592<br />

Not your usual, this steelframed<br />

home built by our<br />

owner 30 years ago is up for<br />

sale. My owner is downsizing<br />

and moving from his hill home lovingly<br />

crafted and thoughtfully designed in<br />

collaboration with Simon Thompson<br />

Architect, his late wife and himself.<br />

Built of quality materials and built to<br />

last, this home offers all that is expected<br />

from a modern home, including double<br />

glazing and plenty of insulation.<br />

Three bedrooms all downstairs means<br />

upstairs is dedicated to a separate lounge,<br />

open plan dining and kitchen and a large<br />

deck to soak up the sun. My owner has<br />

spent many a summer having breakfast<br />

on the deck in the early morning, and<br />

watching the sunset over the Alps in the<br />

evening.<br />

With extra features in this home,<br />

including the workshop area, this home<br />

will surprise at every turn.<br />

My owner has made the difficult<br />

decision to leave his masterpiece on<br />

the hill and has purchased elsewhere.<br />

This property is sure to impress with its<br />

timeless design.<br />

Open home dates: Saturday and Sunday<br />

1.15pm to 2pm. Make sure you come visit<br />

at one of the open homes, or to arrange a<br />

private viewing of this property call Debbie<br />

Pettigrew from Harcourts Grenadier<br />

Beckenham (Licensed Agent REAA 2008)<br />

now on 337 1316 or 027 777 0411.<br />

LAWyerS<br />

We have over 40 years’ experience<br />

to assist you with…<br />

• Buying and Selling Houses and<br />

Commercial Property<br />

• Wills, Trusts and Estate matters<br />

• All issues facing you and your business;<br />

• Employment Law matters;<br />

• Traffic matters;<br />

• Earthquake related issues; and<br />

• Advice regarding Retirement Villages<br />

Call John, Brendan or Andrew<br />

today on 03 366 8996 to find<br />

out how we can help you.<br />

Email. lawyers@mclegal.co.nz<br />

Airport Business Park<br />

92 Russley Road<br />

Christchurch 8042<br />

Listen Live to<br />

weekdays at 5.30pm<br />

On the mOve? tune in<br />

fOr yOur lOcal news

2<br />

[Edition datE]<br />

NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 27<br />


Horticulture<br />

Training for<br />

Christchurch<br />

Residents<br />

if yOu would like to enjoy gardening,<br />

improve your property value, produce fresh<br />

vegetables and fruit or get a job within<br />

the horticulture industry, this flexible<br />

programme can help you gain the necessary<br />

skills.<br />

skills update training institute has<br />

partnered with ara to offer an introductory<br />

‘no fees’ horticulture blended learning<br />

course which combines both classrooms<br />

and online learning methods.<br />

tutorials have been scheduled weekly<br />

during evenings including the occasional<br />

weekend field trips to suit those currently<br />

working full time or part time. Our<br />

experienced tutors, Ryan young or Hamish<br />

kelland, are also available by phone and<br />

e-mail outside of classroom hours.<br />

Ryan, the winner of various horticultural<br />

awards and titles, says “as your learning<br />

facilitator, i will assist you throughout the<br />

duration of the programme and provide<br />

guidance for each assessment.”<br />

“i am passionate about sustainable<br />

horticulture and really enjoy working<br />

with students to achieve their study and<br />

educational goals” says Hamish, who has a<br />

wide range of experience across the industry<br />

as well as teaching in the tertiary sector.<br />

enrolments are still open for 2016. Call<br />

or email our team today. study over 40<br />

weeks and earn the sought after national<br />

Certificate in Horticulture Level 3.<br />

Pasifika engineer<br />

reboots Plan A<br />

Pasifika students are slowly<br />

gravitating towards engineering. Third year<br />

Bachelor of engineering technology student<br />

at ara institute of technology, Richard Ofa,<br />

urges them to think long term.<br />

Richard is motivated. He has worked at a<br />

semi-skilled level. after graduating from an<br />

it qualification at ara (then CPit), he took<br />

a temporary job as a CnC machine operator<br />

at skOPe. The money was good at the time,<br />

but several years later he was still in the same<br />

position.<br />

Richard took stock and realised he wanted<br />

to be an engineer, designing the products<br />

that he had been assembling at skOPe. He<br />

needed an engineering qualification.<br />

The ara three year engineering degree<br />

offered evening classes, which allowed<br />

Richard to continue working. “i have<br />

a responsibility to my family and the<br />

community, so not working isn’t an option,”<br />

he says.<br />

Richard negotiated to work part time at<br />

skOPe and launched into his engineering<br />

studies. “Coming back to study, working with<br />

computers, doing 3d modelling, it’s what i<br />

have always wanted to do.<br />

“i love problem solving, being creative and<br />

coming up with new ideas. for my third year<br />

project, skOPe gave me a project to work<br />

on. it’s a sliding door design, a new design. i<br />

am quietly confident it will work out.”<br />

The degree will certainly open doors for<br />

Richard. “i am hoping to get a full time<br />

design job with skOPe when i graduate.<br />

My long term plan is project management<br />

– i will probably come back and do some<br />

project management papers at ara in five to<br />

10 years’ time when i have some experience.<br />

“My family are happy, in that island<br />

way, now they can see the value of the<br />

qualification.<br />

Meanwhile, Richard is seeing more<br />

Pasifika students in engineering. “The first<br />

year i was the only fulltime Pasifika student,<br />

but numbers have increased in the last<br />

two years, including the number of female<br />

Pasifika engineering students.<br />

“The biggest challenge is managing the<br />

workload of studying and working. i work<br />

three days a week and study full time, so i<br />

look forward to a sleep-in on the weekend,”<br />

he says.<br />

to find out more about studying<br />

engineering at ara institute of Canterbury,<br />

visit ara.ac.nz<br />

STUDY<br />


Enrolment are now open.<br />

Entry to this programme is open to NZ<br />

Citizens and Residents and students<br />

over 18 years of age.<br />

Intake start dates are subject to<br />

student availability.<br />

No<br />

Fees!<br />

Hamish<br />

Kelland<br />

Ryan<br />

Young<br />

021 222 9678<br />


569a Colombo Street<br />

Christchurch<br />

03 377 6800<br />

www.tocherish.co.nz<br />

28<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />


Sunday 28 August<br />

9.30am – 4.00pm<br />


bliss<br />

Modern<br />

Contemporary<br />

Hair<br />


weddings by<br />

collective concepts<br />

www.weddingconcepts.co.nz<br />

Airforce Museum<br />

45 Harvard Avenue,<br />

Wigram, Christchurch<br />

Tickets: $15.00

NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 29<br />

Caravans, Motorhomes<br />

& Traliers<br />

Car Parts<br />

TYRES Secondhand,<br />

most sizes, from $30 fitted,<br />

217 Waltham Road, 027<br />

476 2404<br />

Celebrant<br />

WEDDINGS, Civil<br />

Union Ceremonies,<br />

Renewal of Vows, Naming<br />

Ceremonies, Funerals<br />

and Unveilings - Jenni<br />

Gibson Ph/Fax 324-8332,<br />

021 723-089. www.<br />

celebrantservices.net.nz<br />

Computers<br />

ALL<br />

YOUR<br />



*$30.00 off your first<br />

service with this coupon!*<br />

No problem too big or<br />

small from home PC’s to<br />

business networks. PC<br />

slow? An end to Viruses,<br />

Spyware, and Clogged<br />

Systems. Safe secure<br />

hassle-free computing.<br />

Lost files recovered.<br />

Microsoft Certified,<br />

MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years<br />

experience. Call Andrew<br />

Buxton this week on 326-<br />

6740 or 027 435-7596<br />

for $30.00 off* Custom<br />

Computers Christchurch<br />

Curtains<br />

www.curtainfabric-outlet.com<br />

Fashion Designs & Colours<br />

Discontinued Designs<br />

End of Lines Bargain Prices<br />

Call at Our Shop<br />


71 Hawdon St Sydenham<br />

Ph 366-5026<br />



Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />



UP? Rose & Fruit Tree<br />

Pruning, Shrub, hedge<br />

& tree pruning, Lawns,<br />

Gardening, consistently<br />

reliable general property<br />

upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10<br />

yrs experience, One off<br />

tidy ups or on-going<br />

service. Nick’s Property<br />

Maintenance. Keeping<br />

your garden beautiful.<br />

Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />



LIA Resort, Ocean Views,<br />

Balconies, Self Contained,<br />

1 or 2 B/R Ensuite,<br />

Heated Pool, Spa, Sauna,<br />

Free Internet, Shops,<br />

Restaurants, Tennis, Surf<br />

Club & Patrolled Beach,<br />

Public Transport at door.<br />

Ask for our SEASONAL<br />

SPECIALS. Phone 61 7<br />

544-35011 Email: reception@mandolin.com.au<br />

www.mandolin.com.au<br />

Public Notices<br />

Rexellent Rentals<br />

Cars, Vans, Brisbane , Coolangatta<br />


0800 601 508<br />

www.rexellent.com.au<br />


With care and respect we<br />

will remove your dwelling.<br />

Our policy is to recycle as<br />

much as we can. We are a<br />

local company specialising<br />

in residential properties. We<br />

will endeavor to cater for<br />

your individual needs.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

021 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

CA$H<br />

Strippers<br />

& Podium<br />

Dancers<br />

Wanted!<br />

18+ TO APPLY<br />

NEISHA<br />

021 193 0118<br />

Phone for further details<br />

(03) 379 1100<br />


PEOPLE<br />

The Star requires<br />

delivery personnel<br />

in all areas of<br />

Christchurch.<br />

The work involves<br />

door-to-door<br />

delivery of The Star<br />

newspaper.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

MUMS & DADS<br />

Would you like your children to<br />

exercise more and earn some money?<br />

WANTED<br />

Please call<br />

Leanne Lucas 364-7451 or<br />

Mark Coulthard 364 7453<br />

email: deliveries@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Assistant Producer<br />

Star Media<br />

Be part of a growing, locally-owned multimedia company!<br />

Star Media is looking for a full-time Assistant Producer for<br />

its busy production team. The successful applicant will have<br />

outstanding organisational skills and a strong passion for<br />

everything TV and Media.<br />

The Role<br />

You will assist our senior production<br />

staff in all stages of commercial and<br />

web video production, with direct<br />

accountability for the execution of<br />

a specific client brief within editorial<br />

guidelines.<br />

You will oversee all day-to-day<br />

operations, such as schedule<br />

planning, brand and product research,<br />

staff and talent management and<br />

more.<br />

Your responsibilities include but are<br />

not limited to-<br />

• Creative script writing, idea<br />

generation and research<br />

• Managing<br />

producer’s daily<br />

activities<br />

• Interacting with<br />

team members and<br />

ensuring excellent<br />

communication within<br />

various departments<br />

• Planning and organising<br />

ahead to establish an<br />

efficient course of action<br />

for yourself and the team<br />

• Leading and motivating<br />

production teams, crews and<br />

contributors, by providing<br />

clear instructions,<br />

support, direction and<br />

feedback<br />

If you’re ready for your next challenge, send your CV and cover<br />

letter to Maria.Virgolini@starmedia.kiwi.<br />

Candidates will be considered as and<br />

when applications are received.<br />

Applicants for this position should have<br />

NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa.<br />

• Establishing clear objectives<br />

for implementing effective and<br />

economic production schedules<br />

• Composing and preparing a variety<br />

of correspondence, reports, and<br />

internal documents in support<br />

of current and new business<br />

development activities<br />

Our ideal candidate<br />

We are looking for an enthusiastic,<br />

highly motivated individual with<br />

excellent time management skills,<br />

able to work on multiple projects<br />

simultaneously and to liaise and<br />

cooperate with external suppliers,<br />

clients and team.<br />

Candidate’s strengths-<br />

• Relevant qualification in journalism,<br />

communications, media studies or<br />

equivalent experience<br />

• Sound knowledge of the production<br />

process<br />

• Video editing experience<br />

• Script writing experience<br />

• Excellent communication skills<br />

• Ability to think creatively and<br />

“outside the box”<br />

• Can work independently and as part<br />

of a team<br />

• Can work effectively under pressure,<br />

react quickly and meet tight<br />

deadlines<br />

• Have a full, valid driving licence<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Appliance Sales & Service<br />

388 4780<br />

Appliance Services<br />

14 Brighton Mall, New Brighton<br />


- Re-roofing and<br />

new roofing<br />

- Quality roofing at<br />

the best price around<br />

- Licensed building<br />

practitioner<br />

Robinson<br />

Roofing Ltd<br />

Call Hamish for a<br />

quote 03 347 90 45<br />

Professional<br />

Movers<br />

Making Local<br />

& International<br />

Moving Easy<br />

0800 4 world<br />

(03) 341 2060<br />

www.worldmoving.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

HOUSE<br />


Are you moving<br />

house?<br />

Let All Clear Canterbury<br />

take care of your<br />

unwanted items.<br />

You identify what you want<br />

to keep & we will dispose<br />

of the rest!!<br />

Mob: 021 078 4553<br />

raewynlcooke@gmail.com<br />

www.allclearcanterbury.co.nz<br />

• Replacement/new roofing<br />

• Colour Steel gutter & fascia<br />

• Flue & log burner installs<br />

• Skytube/light installs<br />

• Earthquake repairs<br />

Licence Building<br />

Practitioner LBP<br />

Member of the Roofing<br />

Association<br />


The Roofing Specialists<br />


027 445 5597<br />

iain@dcmroofing.co.nz<br />


Michael<br />

Gale<br />

Plumbing Ltd<br />


For all<br />

Plumbing<br />

•Roofing/<br />

spouting<br />

•Maintenance<br />

•Installations<br />

8790441AA<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Cleaner<br />

Medical Rooms<br />

We require an honest reliable person<br />

who can work as part of a team<br />

in the Papanui/Merivale area.<br />

Mon to Fri Appox :15 hours per week.<br />

Mon-Tues-Thur: 7pm to approx 9.30pm<br />

Wed and Fri: 7pm to approx 11pm<br />

Ideal Property Services<br />

Ph: 343-5963 or Text 027-258-9824<br />

Email: office@idealps.co.nz<br />

To Let<br />


SPACE?<br />


Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroom or office.<br />

Three convenient sizes<br />

from $70 p/w:<br />

Standard 3.6m x 2.4m<br />

Large 4.2m x 2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m<br />

Visit our display cabins at<br />

95 Beach Road or<br />

470 Cranford Street or call<br />

0211277227 for a free brochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

Small work<br />

no problem<br />

Ph 364 7080 (24 hour)<br />

Mob 027 438 3943<br />


Replace, repair or new.<br />

We are a local company<br />

with over 10 yrs exp.<br />

We also operate a<br />

digger for all other<br />

earthworks.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

021 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Lawns, Gardens<br />

& Home Cleaning<br />

9185885AA<br />

Free Quotes<br />

Professional, personalised<br />

service. Regular &<br />

one-offs. Fixed price.<br />

Ph: 377-5814<br />

For all your property and<br />

cleaning requirements<br />

Trained, insured & security<br />

screened owner/operators<br />

Multi-award winning<br />

systems & Franchises<br />

Franchises Available<br />

www.fviphomeservices.co.nz<br />


Stephen Thom<br />

Glazing 2012 Ltd.<br />

(Under New Management)<br />

• Mirrors<br />

• New Glazing<br />

• Pet Door<br />

Specialists<br />

• Frameless<br />

Showers<br />

• Splashbacks<br />


WORK NOW<br />

9155874AA<br />



Phone Cushla<br />

03 352 6225<br />

or 027 352 6225

30<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />

Classifieds<br />


Trades & Services<br />

Trademaster<br />

Painters & Decorators<br />

Specialist painters of<br />

Heritage & Period Homes,<br />

Villas & restoration works,<br />

All Exterior & Interior paint finishes,<br />

Wallpapering,<br />

Stain & Varnish applications,<br />

Interior paint stripping,<br />

Exterior lead paint removal.<br />

Interior application techniques<br />

French wash, stipple glaze, ragging,<br />

marbleing, fresco<br />

Qualified tradesman 30 years experience<br />

Ph Martin 0212 397 781<br />


Services, tree removal,<br />

trimming, stump grinding,<br />

shelterbelt clean up,<br />

section clearing, rubbish<br />

removals, excavation<br />

work, ph 027 728 5688<br />


full renovation specialists,<br />

LBP, repairs &<br />

maintenance ph 03 387-<br />

0770 or 027 245-5226<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

30 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Licensed Building<br />

Practitioner number<br />

BP1<strong>05</strong>608. Insurance<br />

work. EQC repairs.<br />

Heritage brickwork a<br />

speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governors Bay.<br />

Home 329-9344, Cell<br />

027 684-4046, email<br />

karengeorge@xtra.co.nz<br />


For all building work<br />

but specialist in bathroom<br />

renovations, 30 yrs<br />

experience, with service<br />

and integrity. Free Quotes.<br />

Ph Lachlan 383-1723 or<br />

0274 367-067.<br />


Laying. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Email jflattery@xtra.<br />

co.nz, ph 0800 003 181 or<br />

027 2407416<br />


All maintenance and<br />

alterations, fences,<br />

pergolas. Trade certified.<br />

No job too small. 35 yrs<br />

exp. Ph Lindsay 03 323-<br />

5534 or 021 206 4245<br />


$45 Wayne txt 027 669<br />

4681 or ph 359 6970<br />


Replace, repair or new.<br />

We are a local company<br />

with over 10 yrs exp.<br />

We also operate a<br />

digger for all other<br />

earthworks.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

021 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />


REGISTERED for all<br />

electrical installations &<br />

repairs Ph 03 322 4209 or<br />

021 026 73375<br />


SES Electrical for all<br />

types of electrical repairs<br />

+ Installations. Free<br />

Quotes. Please call 027<br />

4928 971.<br />


Staining Quality at a<br />

reasonable price. Free<br />

quotes. Phone Warren<br />

today on 980-1676 or 027<br />

2014713<br />


All aspects of plastering,<br />

no job too small. Ph Heath<br />

022 639-9547<br />


Large Trucks $95 +<br />

GST per hour 7 day NZ<br />

wide, packing & moving,<br />

Professional Company,<br />

Professional Service.<br />

Canterbury Relocations<br />


available for all aspects of<br />

building. Please call 027<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265<br />

Ltd. ph 0800 359 9313<br />


experienced, friendly, PAINTINg<br />

trade-me purchases, single & Decorating interior<br />

items to truck loads, & exterior, gib fixing,<br />

furniture to whatever, plastering, paperhanging,<br />

removals & trade Est 50 yrs in ChCh, ph<br />

deliveries a specialty. Ph Wingfields Ltd, ph Mark<br />

GEH 341-5069<br />

021 171-1586 or 355-5994<br />


All aspects in painting.<br />

Very competitive in roofs<br />

and fences. Please call 027<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265<br />


Gib Stopping, Small<br />

job specialty. 30 + years<br />

experience. Ring 0800<br />

387-369<br />



PLUMBING Certifying<br />

Plumber for all types of<br />

plumbing, maintenance,<br />

spouting, alterations etc.<br />

Phone 352-7402 or 0274-<br />

350-231<br />


A Top Plumbing job<br />

completed at a fair price,<br />

prompt service, all work<br />

guaranteed, Ph Brian 960-<br />

7673 or 021 112-3492<br />

ROOFINg<br />

Qualified & Licenced<br />

Practitioner. Re-Roof &<br />

Repairs, all types. Member<br />

New Zealand Roofing<br />

Association. Over 35 years<br />

experience. Phone John<br />

027 432-3822 or 351-9147<br />

email johnmill@ihug.<br />

co.nz<br />


Belfast engraving. Shoe<br />

repairs, key cutting &<br />

engraving. (10 yrs exp)<br />

683 Main North Rd, ph<br />

027 3113423<br />


Spouting Unblocked,<br />

Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />

Out. Also Full Handyman<br />

Services Available. Call<br />

Trevor 332 8949 or 021<br />

043-2034<br />


BRICK<br />

&<br />


Earthquake Repairs, Grind<br />

Out & Repoint, River/<br />

Oamaru stone, Schist,<br />

Volcanic Rock, Paving,<br />

all Alterations new & old,<br />

Quality Workmanship,<br />

visit www.featureworks.<br />

co.nz or ph 027 601-3145<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027<br />

4311440.<br />


Hedge trimming, stump<br />

grinding, rubbish removed,<br />

small job specialty Ph<br />

Andrew 03 322-8341 or<br />

027 435-8759<br />


Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

stereos, DVD. Aerial<br />

installations and kitsets,<br />

480 Moorhouse Ave, ph 03<br />

379 1400<br />


Dining Chairs, Lounge<br />

suites, Caravan Squabs<br />

etc. recovered. Free<br />

Quotes. Phone Graeme<br />

383-1448<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping, weddings, twenty<br />

firsts, special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Appliance Sales & Service<br />

388 4780<br />

Appliance Services<br />

14 Brighton Mall, New Brighton<br />


Quality Job, Quick Service<br />

by skilled tradesman, Ph<br />

Richard Severin at Jet-X<br />

0800 538 969 Free quotes,<br />

visit www.jetx.co.nz<br />


Average 3 bdrm house<br />

inside or out $40. Both<br />

$70. Phone Trevor 344-<br />

2170<br />


Joiner 25 yrs experience,<br />

Repair of rot or full<br />

replacement of sashes<br />

& existing windows &<br />

doors, Glazing, door<br />

locks, security stays<br />

fitted, New house<br />

installation of doors &<br />

hardware, ph Mykle 027<br />

399 1673<br />


Stephen Thom<br />

Glazing 2012 Ltd.<br />

(Under New Management)<br />

• Mirrors<br />

• New Glazing<br />

• Pet Door<br />

Specialists<br />

• Frameless<br />

Showers<br />

• Splashbacks<br />


WORK NOW<br />



Phone Cushla<br />

03 352 6225<br />

or 027 352 6225<br />

Vehicles Wanted<br />



WANTED<br />

FOR CASH<br />

$ $ $<br />

Ph 347 9354 or<br />

027 476 2404<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture,<br />

Beds, Stoves, Washing<br />

machines, Fridge Freezers.<br />

Same day service. Selwyn<br />

Dealers. Phone 980 5812<br />

or 027 313 8156<br />

A+ Household effects,<br />

fridges, freezers, washing<br />

machines, ovens. Good<br />

cash paid. Ph Paul 022<br />

0891 671<br />

A Records and Hi-Fi<br />

gear wanted, excellent<br />

prices paid for good<br />

records especially kiwi<br />

and overseas bands 60’s<br />

- 90’s PennyLane 430<br />

Colombo St Sydenham<br />

7 days www.pennylane.<br />

co.nz ph 3663278 or 021<br />

2226144<br />

TOOLS Garden,<br />

garage, woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

9155874AA<br />

Heavyweight<br />

luncheon<br />


champion boxer Joseph<br />

Parker and trainer Kevin<br />

Barry are special guests at a<br />

lunch taking place at<br />

Addington Raceway &<br />

Events Centre on Friday, 15<br />

<strong>July</strong> 2016.<br />

Kevin Barry, a light<br />

heavyweight boxing silver<br />

medallist at the 1984<br />

Olympics, took on Joseph<br />

Parker's training after being<br />

headhunted by Duco Events<br />

three years ago. Kevin quickly became a mentor, father figure and friend to the then<br />

“young, shy quiet boy”.<br />

This is your chance to listen to Kevin Barry and ask questions of IBF World<br />

Heavyweight Mandatory Challenger Joseph Parker. Fresh off his gruelling 12 round win<br />

against Frenchman Carlos Takam, Parker is coming to Christchurch to fight Australian<br />

Solomon Haumono in preparation for his IBF World Title fight and in doing so, will put<br />

his IBF Title shot on the line.<br />

Lunch includes two courses and beverages with master of ceremony Gary<br />

McCormick. Pre-lunch drinks are from 11.30am with lunch served at 12noon.<br />

To secure your table call Joanne McMaster now on 339 7908 as seats are limited.<br />

The newly refurbished<br />

Woolston Club...<br />

A classic, contemporary<br />

club experience<br />

Cafe open from 11am<br />

Happy Hour 4.30pm - 5.30pm<br />

TAB & Gaming, Function Facilities,<br />

HOUSIE Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday<br />

SHUTTLE Tuesday - Saturday<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

Restaurant open<br />

from 5.30pm!<br />

Retro Roast Lunch<br />

12pm Wednesdays<br />

$10 Members/$12 Non<br />


LUNCH<br />

12PM - 2PM<br />





8PM SATURDAY (SPORTS BAR, $2 entry)<br />



NOR’WEST NEWS Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016 31<br />


‘Famous for their roasts!’<br />

Open daily from 6.30am.<br />

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner<br />

School's Out<br />

Treat the Kids!<br />

Racecourse Hotel Motorlodge<br />

118 Racecourse Rd, Sockburn,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 03 342 7150<br />

www.racecoursehotel.co.nz<br />

We are family friendly.<br />

Great Kids menu plus<br />

designated play area.<br />

TWO<br />


from<br />

$10<br />


two courses : $20 (conditions apply)<br />

www.newbrightonclub.co.nz<br />

WHAT’S ON<br />

TUESDAYS &<br />


Members<br />

Lucky Card Draw<br />

TAB POD<br />


v REBELS<br />

7.35PM<br />


GAME OF<br />

TONES<br />

7pm SATURDAY<br />

13th August<br />


Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat<br />

New Brighton Club<br />

202 Marine Pde<br />

Ph 388-9416<br />

Members, guests and<br />

affiliates welcome<br />

JOIN<br />

A CLUB BY<br />

THE SEA!<br />

- downstairs -<br />

ClubBISTRO<br />

Open Tuesday<br />

to Saturday<br />

12pm-2pm<br />

and from 5pm.<br />

Midweek<br />


$10<br />

ROAST<br />

Available Tuesday,<br />

Wednesday,<br />

& Thursday<br />

- upstairs -<br />


Restaurant<br />

Quality a la carte<br />

with a view!<br />

Open FRIDAY,<br />


& SUNDAY<br />

from 5.30pm<br />



$19.50!<br />

for a limited time<br />


$25 3-Course Feast<br />

SUNDAY 31st JULY<br />

BOOK NOW for<br />

Sumptuous winter<br />

BUFFET $25<br />

BRUNCH!<br />

By the Seaside!<br />

10.30am-2.30pm<br />

Starts<br />

Sunday 24th <strong>July</strong><br />

H ORNBY<br />


CLUB<br />

«WHAT'S ON«<br />


FRIDAY<br />

8 <strong>July</strong>, 7PM<br />



9 <strong>July</strong>, 4.30PM<br />

AL PARK<br />

8PM<br />

SHALOW<br />

«COMING UP«<br />

SUNDAY<br />

17 <strong>July</strong>, 1PM<br />



CLUB<br />




$30<br />


10th JULY<br />


Hornby WMC | ph 03 349 9026 | 17 Carmen Road | Hornby<br />

www.hornbyworkingmensclub.co.nz | Members, guests & affiliates welcome<br />

Lunch & Dinner<br />

All you can eat, 7 days<br />

Bookings Essential<br />

PH 386 0088<br />

fb.com/GardenHotelRestaurant<br />

www.gardenhotel.co.nz<br />


available<br />

from<br />

9am<br />

Breakfast<br />

HAPPY<br />

HOUR<br />

5PM - 7PM<br />

DAILY<br />

LIVE<br />

Rhonda Campbell duo<br />

6PM FRIDAY 8th <strong>July</strong><br />

MUSIC<br />



www.gardenhotel.co.nz | phone 385 3132

32<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> 5 2016<br />


Spend over $40, fill out the entry form and once a week, for four<br />

weeks, a lucky customer in each FreshChoice supermarket will have<br />

this month’s power/gas bill paid back, up to $350.<br />

Terms and conditions apply. See in-store for details or go to FreshChoice.co.nz. Competition runs 27 June to 24 <strong>July</strong> 2016.<br />

$<br />

12 99<br />

kg<br />

mıti - kau<br />

(beef)<br />

Fresh NZ Beef Blade<br />

Steak/Bolar Roast<br />

$<br />

2 99<br />

each - rahopuru<br />

(avocado)<br />

Hass Avocados<br />

2<br />

for<br />

$<br />

4 00<br />

$<br />

1 00<br />

each<br />

Coke/Sprite/Fanta/Lift/L&P 1.5L<br />

Bluebird Burger Rings/Twisties/<br />

Cheezels/Rashuns 110-120g<br />

$<br />

4 00<br />

each<br />

Signature Range Ice Cream 2L<br />

$<br />

5 00<br />

each<br />

Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain/Special K/Sultana Bran/<br />

Coco Pops 500-730g<br />

4<br />

for<br />

$<br />

10 00<br />

Wattie’s Very Special Soup 520-535g<br />

WINE<br />

DEAL<br />

OF THE<br />

WEEK<br />

$<br />

16 99<br />

pack<br />

DB/Export Gold/Citrus/Tui<br />

12 x 330ml Bottles/Cans<br />

$<br />

11 99<br />

each<br />

Lindauer Special Reserve/Wither Hills 750ml<br />

(Excludes Pinot Noir)<br />

$<br />

7 99<br />

each<br />

Signature Range Mild/Colby/Edam Cheese 1kg<br />

FreshChoice Merivale<br />

189 Papanui Road, Christchurch<br />

Open 7am – 9pm, 7 days.<br />

FreshChoice.co.nz FreshChoiceNZ 355 4432<br />

FreshChoice Merivale<br />

Certain products may not be available in all stores. Savings are based on non-promotional price. Limits may apply.<br />

Prices apply from Tuesday 5th <strong>July</strong> to Sunday 10th <strong>July</strong> 2016, or while stocks last.<br />

Owned and<br />

operated<br />

by locals<br />


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