January 27, 2018 – Program Notes – Los Angeles Philharmonic – CAMA's International Series at The Granada Theatre
CAMA's International Series Presents Los Angeles Philharmonic Saturday, January 27, 2018 The Granada Theatre, 8pm Gustavo Dudamel, Music Director Joseph Pereira, Timpani Maraca2, Percussion Igor Stravinsky: Fireworks, Op.4 (1908) Joseph Pereira: Threshold (world premiere weekend, LA Phil commission with generous support from Marcia and Gary Hollander) Johannes Brahms: Symphony No.1 in C minor, Op.68 “Los Angeles Has America’s Most Important Orchestra. Period.” —The New York Times At the height of their powers, Maestro Gustavo Dudamel and the Los Angeles Philharmonic return to Santa Barbara with a powerful and unique program featuring LA Phil Principal Timpanist Joseph Pereira’s new Concerto for timpani and two percussion. Featured in the concerto are Pereira and Maraca2 (percussionists Tim Palmer and Jason Huxtable), a young percussion duo who are making waves in today’s music scene. •
CAMA's International Series Presents
Los Angeles Philharmonic
Saturday, January 27, 2018
The Granada Theatre, 8pm
Gustavo Dudamel, Music Director
Joseph Pereira, Timpani
Maraca2, Percussion
Igor Stravinsky: Fireworks, Op.4 (1908)
Joseph Pereira: Threshold (world premiere weekend, LA Phil commission with generous support from Marcia and Gary Hollander)
Johannes Brahms: Symphony No.1 in C minor, Op.68
“Los Angeles Has America’s Most Important Orchestra. Period.”
—The New York Times
At the height of their powers, Maestro Gustavo Dudamel and the Los Angeles Philharmonic return to Santa Barbara with a powerful and unique program featuring LA Phil Principal Timpanist Joseph Pereira’s new Concerto for timpani and two percussion. Featured in the concerto are Pereira and Maraca2 (percussionists Tim Palmer and Jason Huxtable), a young percussion duo who are making waves in today’s music scene. •
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Presenting the world’s finest classical artists since 1919<br />
<strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong><br />
GUSTAVO DUDAMEL Conductor<br />
JOSEPH PEREIRA Timpani<br />
MARACA2 Percussion<br />
SATURDAY, JANUARY <strong>27</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Granada</strong> <strong>The</strong><strong>at</strong>re, 8PM<br />
Presenting the world’s finest classical artists since 1919<br />
Michael Tilson Thomas<br />
Anonymous<br />
Dan & Meg Burnham<br />
Ellen & Peter Johnson<br />
Anonymous<br />
Dorothy Roberts<br />
Barbara & Sam Toumayan<br />
George & Judy Writer<br />
<strong>The</strong> Samuel B. and Margaret C.<br />
Mosher Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Nancy Schlosser<br />
<strong>The</strong> Towbes Fund for the Performing<br />
Arts, a field of interest fund of the<br />
Santa Barbara Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Dody Waugh & Eric Small<br />
Bitsy & Denny Bacon and the<br />
Becton Family Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Frank Blue & Lida Light Blue<br />
Robert & Christine Emmons<br />
Ronald & Rosalind A. Fendon<br />
(LA PHIL CO-SPONSORS, cont.)<br />
Dorothy & John Gardner<br />
Jocelyne & William Meeker<br />
Hollis Norris Fund<br />
Alison & Jan Bowlus<br />
Louise & Michael Caccese<br />
<strong>The</strong> CAMA Women's Board<br />
Lynn P. Kirst<br />
Bob & Val Montgomery<br />
Michele & Andre Saltoun<br />
Judith L. Hopkinson<br />
Sara Miller McCune<br />
Anonymous<br />
Peggy & Kurt Anderson<br />
Edward DeLoreto<br />
Jocelyne & William Meeker<br />
Ellen & John Pillsbury<br />
Michele & Andre Saltoun
Isabel<br />
Bayrakdarian<br />
Bitsy & Denny Bacon and the<br />
Becton Family Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
<strong>The</strong> Elaine F. Stepanek<br />
Concert Fund<br />
Herbert & Elaine Kendall<br />
Bitsy & Denny Bacon and<br />
the Becton Family Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Anonymous<br />
Mahri Kerley<br />
Lynn P. Kirst<br />
Jocelyne & William Meeker<br />
Val & Bob Montgomery<br />
Sir András Schiff<br />
PETER SERKIN, piano<br />
CAMA Women's Board<br />
Stephen Cloud<br />
Joanne Holderman<br />
Elizabeth Karlsberg & Jeff Young<br />
Stephen J.M. & Anne Morris<br />
SIR ANDRÁS SCHIFF, piano<br />
<strong>The</strong> Stephen & Carla Hahn Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Stephen J.M. & Anne Morris<br />
Craig & Ellen Parton<br />
Virginia Castagnola-Hunter<br />
Laurel Abbott, Berkshire H<strong>at</strong>haway Luxury Properties<br />
Bridget Colleary<br />
Raye Haskell Melville<br />
CAMA Women's Board<br />
Stephen J.M. & Anne Morris<br />
Robert Boghosian &<br />
Mary E. G<strong>at</strong>es-Warren<br />
Department of Music, UC Santa Barbara<br />
Frank McGinity<br />
Sheila Bourke McGinity
Presenting the world’s finest classical artists since 1919<br />
Board of Directors<br />
(as of <strong>January</strong> 17, <strong>2018</strong>)<br />
ROBERT K. MONTGOMERY president<br />
DEBORAH BERTLING, first vice-president<br />
CRAIG A. PARTON second vice-president<br />
WILLIAM MEEKER treasurer<br />
JOAN R. CROSSLAND secretary<br />
Bitsy Becton Bacon<br />
Edward Birch<br />
Jan Bowlus<br />
Daniel P. Burnham<br />
Stephen Cloud<br />
NancyBell Coe<br />
Bridget B. Colleary<br />
Robert J. Emmons<br />
Jill Felber<br />
Joanne C. Holderman<br />
Judith L. Hopkinson<br />
James H. Hurley, Jr.<br />
Peter O. Johnson<br />
Elizabeth Karlsberg<br />
Lynn P. Kirst<br />
Frank E. McGinity<br />
Raye Haskell Melville<br />
Stephen J.M. (Mike) Morris<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ti Ottoboni<br />
Andre M. Saltoun<br />
Judith F. Smith<br />
Sam Toumayan<br />
Judith H. Writer<br />
C<strong>at</strong>herine Leffler,<br />
president, CAMA Women’s Board<br />
Emeritus Directors<br />
Russell S. Bock*<br />
Dr. Robert M. Failing<br />
Mrs. Maurice E. Faulkner*<br />
Léni Fé Bland*<br />
Arthur R. Gaudi<br />
Stephen Hahn*<br />
Dr. Melville H. Haskell, Jr.*<br />
Mrs. Richard Hellmann*<br />
Dr. Dolores M. Hsu<br />
Herbert J. Kendall<br />
Robert M. Light*<br />
Mrs. Frank R. Miller, Jr.*<br />
Sara Miller McCune<br />
Mary Lloyd Mills<br />
Mrs. Ernest J. Panosian*<br />
Kenneth W. Riley*<br />
Mrs. John G. Severson*<br />
Nancy L. Wood<br />
* Deceased<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Mark E. Trueblood<br />
executive director<br />
Elizabeth Alvarez<br />
director of development<br />
Linda Proud<br />
office manager/subscriber services<br />
Justin Rizzo-Weaver<br />
director of oper<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
2060 Alameda Padre Serra, Suite 201 Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Tel (805) 966-4324 Fax (805) 962-2014 info@camasb.org<br />
Presenting the world’s finest classical artists since 1919<br />
INTERNATIONAL SERIES <strong>at</strong> <strong>The</strong> GRANADA THEATRE<br />
<strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong><br />
GUSTAVO DUDAMEL Conductor<br />
JOSEPH PEREIRA Timpani • MARACA2 Percussion<br />
SATURDAY, JANUARY <strong>27</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>, 8PM<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Granada</strong> <strong>The</strong><strong>at</strong>re (Santa Barbara Center for the Performing Arts)<br />
(1882-1971)<br />
(b. 1974)<br />
Fireworks, Op.4<br />
Threshold<br />
(world premiere weekend,<br />
LA Phil commission with generous support<br />
from Marcia and Gary Hollander)<br />
Joseph Pereira, Timpani<br />
Maraca2, Percussion<br />
(1833-1897)<br />
Symphony No.1, in C minor, Op.68<br />
Un poco sostenuto <strong>–</strong> Allegro<br />
Andante sostenuto<br />
Un poco allegretto e grazioso<br />
Adagio <strong>–</strong> Allegro non troppo, ma con brio<br />
<strong>Program</strong>s and artists subject to change<br />
<strong>Intern<strong>at</strong>ional</strong> <strong>Series</strong> Season Sponsor: SAGE Public<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
<strong>The</strong> Samuel B. and Margaret C. Mosher Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Nancy Schlosser<br />
<strong>The</strong> Towbes Fund for the Performing Arts, a field of interest fund<br />
of the Santa Barbara Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Dody Waugh & Eric Small<br />
Bitsy & Denny Bacon and the Becton Family Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Frank Blue & Lida Light Blue • Robert & Christine Emmons<br />
Ronald & Rosalind A. Fendon • Dorothy & John Gardner • Jocelyne & William Meeker<br />
We request th<strong>at</strong> you switch off cellular phones, w<strong>at</strong>ch alarms and pager signals during the<br />
performance. <strong>The</strong> photographing or sound recording of this concert or possession of any device<br />
for such photographing or sound recording is prohibited.<br />
Biography<br />
<strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong>, under<br />
the vibrant leadership of Music & Artistic<br />
Director Gustavo Dudamel, presents<br />
an inspiring array of music, through a<br />
commitment to found<strong>at</strong>ional works and<br />
adventurous explor<strong>at</strong>ions. Both <strong>at</strong> home<br />
and abroad, the <strong>Philharmonic</strong> <strong>–</strong> recognized<br />
as one of the world’s outstanding<br />
orchestras <strong>–</strong> is leading the way in groundbreaking<br />
programming, both on stage and<br />
in the community, offering a diverse range<br />
of programs th<strong>at</strong> reflect the orchestra’s<br />
artistry and demonstr<strong>at</strong>e its vision. 2017/18<br />
marks the orchestra’s 99th season.<br />
More than 250 concerts are either<br />
performed or presented by the LA Phil <strong>at</strong><br />
its two iconic venues: the Frank Gehrydesigned<br />
Walt Disney Concert Hall and the<br />
Hollywood Bowl. During its winter season<br />
with approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 165 performances<br />
<strong>at</strong> Walt Disney Concert Hall, the LA Phil<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>es festivals, artist residencies, and<br />
other them<strong>at</strong>ic programs designed to<br />
enhance the symphonic music experience<br />
and delve further into certain artists’<br />
or composers’ work. <strong>The</strong> organiz<strong>at</strong>ion’s<br />
commitment to the music of our time<br />
is also evident throughout the season<br />
Among its wide-ranging educ<strong>at</strong>ion initi<strong>at</strong>ives is Youth Orchestra <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> (YOLA).<br />
Inspired by Venezuela’s revolutionary El Sistema, the LA Phil and its community<br />
partners provide free instruments, intensive music training, and leadership training<br />
to nearly 800 students from underserved neighborhoods, empowering them through<br />
multi-year engagement to be college-ready and on a p<strong>at</strong>h to becoming vital citizens,<br />
leaders, and agents of change.<br />
programming, as well as in the exhilar<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
Green Umbrella series and the LA Phil’s<br />
extensive commissioning initi<strong>at</strong>ives.<br />
Since 2003, the LA Phil’s winter home<br />
has been the inimitable Walt Disney<br />
Concert Hall. Praise for both the design<br />
and the acoustics of Walt Disney Concert<br />
Hall has been effusive, and the building<br />
embodies the energy, imagin<strong>at</strong>ion, and<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ive spirit of the city of <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong><br />
and its orchestra.<br />
<strong>The</strong> orchestra’s involvement with <strong>Los</strong><br />
<strong>Angeles</strong> extends far beyond symphony<br />
concerts in a concert hall, with<br />
performances in schools, churches, and<br />
neighborhood centers of a vastly diverse<br />
community. Among its wide-ranging<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ion initi<strong>at</strong>ives is Youth Orchestra <strong>Los</strong><br />
<strong>Angeles</strong> (YOLA). Inspired by Venezuela’s<br />
revolutionary El Sistema, the LA Phil and<br />
its community partners provide free<br />
instruments, intensive music training, and<br />
leadership training to nearly 800 students<br />
from underserved neighborhoods,<br />
empowering them through multi-year<br />
engagement to be college-ready and on<br />
a p<strong>at</strong>h to becoming vital citizens, leaders,<br />
and agents of change.<br />
<strong>The</strong> orchestra also undertakes tours,<br />
both domestically and intern<strong>at</strong>ionally,<br />
including regular visits with partners in<br />
New York, Paris, and Tokyo, among others.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong> has been an<br />
<strong>Intern<strong>at</strong>ional</strong> Associ<strong>at</strong>e <strong>at</strong> London’s<br />
Barbican Centre since 2009. <strong>The</strong><br />
orchestra’s very first tour was in 1921, and<br />
the <strong>Philharmonic</strong> has made annual tours<br />
beginning with the 1969/70 season.<br />
<strong>The</strong> orchestra has a substantial c<strong>at</strong>alog<br />
of concerts available online, including<br />
the first full-length classical music video<br />
released on iTunes. In 2017, the <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong><br />
<strong>Philharmonic</strong> and Conductor Laure<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Esa-Pekka Salonen were nomin<strong>at</strong>ed for a<br />
Grammy for Best Classical Compendium<br />
for their live recording of Frank Zappa’s<br />
200 Motels.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong> was<br />
founded by William Andrews Clark, Jr., a<br />
millionaire and am<strong>at</strong>eur musician, who<br />
established the city’s first permanent<br />
symphony orchestra in 1919. Walter<br />
Henry Rothwell became its first Music<br />
Director, serving until 19<strong>27</strong>; since then,<br />
ten renowned conductors have served in<br />
th<strong>at</strong> capacity: Georg Schnéevoigt (19<strong>27</strong>-<br />
1929); Artur Rodzinski (1929-1933); Otto<br />
Klemperer (1933-1939); Alfred Wallenstein<br />
(1943-1956); Eduard van Beinum (1956-<br />
1959); Zubin Mehta (1962-1978); Carlo Maria<br />
Giulini (1978-1984); André Previn (1985-<br />
1989); Esa-Pekka Salonen (1992-2009);<br />
and Gustavo Dudamel (2009-present). n<br />
Biography<br />
Gustavo<br />
Dudamel<br />
As an intern<strong>at</strong>ionally renowned symphonic<br />
and oper<strong>at</strong>ic conductor, Gustavo Dudamel<br />
is motiv<strong>at</strong>ed by a profound belief in music’s<br />
power to unite and inspire. He currently<br />
serves as Music Director of the Simón<br />
Bolívar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela<br />
and Music & Artistic Director of the <strong>Los</strong><br />
<strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong>, and the impact of<br />
his leadership extends from the gre<strong>at</strong>est<br />
concert stages to classrooms, cinemas, and<br />
innov<strong>at</strong>ive digital pl<strong>at</strong>forms around the world.<br />
Dudamel also appears as guest conductor<br />
with some of the world’s most famous musical<br />
institutions: in 2017/18, he leads the Bavarian<br />
Radio Symphony Orchestra in Munich, tours<br />
Europe with the Berlin <strong>Philharmonic</strong>, and<br />
takes the Vienna <strong>Philharmonic</strong> on a tour of<br />
the Americas, with concerts in New York’s<br />
Carnegie Hall, Mexico City’s Bellas Artes,<br />
Bogotá’s Te<strong>at</strong>ro Mayor, as well as the famed<br />
Te<strong>at</strong>ro Colón in Buenos Aires. This season also<br />
sees Dudamel’s return to the opera house,<br />
conducting a new production of Puccini’s La<br />
Bohème <strong>at</strong> the Opéra N<strong>at</strong>ional de Paris.<br />
Dudamel is now in his ninth season as<br />
Music & Artistic Director of the <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong><br />
<strong>Philharmonic</strong>, and his contract has been<br />
extended until 2021/22. At his initi<strong>at</strong>ive, the<br />
<strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong> has dram<strong>at</strong>ically<br />
expanded the scope of its community<br />
outreach programs, including, most notably,<br />
the cre<strong>at</strong>ion of Youth Orchestra <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong><br />
(YOLA), influenced by the philosophy of<br />
Venezuela’s admired El Sistema, which<br />
encourages social development through<br />
music. With YOLA and diverse local<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ional initi<strong>at</strong>ives, Dudamel brings music<br />
to children in underserved communities of<br />
<strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong>.<br />
Dudamel’s work in his n<strong>at</strong>ive Venezuela<br />
serves as the cornerstone of his engagement<br />
with young people, and he steadfastly<br />
commits some 25 weeks of his annual<br />
schedule to the orchestras and children of<br />
El Sistema, both in Caracas and around the<br />
country. During his 19th season as Music<br />
Director of the entire El Sistema project,<br />
he continues to lead the Simón Bolívar<br />
Symphony Orchestra in Venezuela, as well<br />
as on tour around the globe.<br />
Recordings, broadcasts, and digital<br />
innov<strong>at</strong>ions are also fundamental to<br />
Dudamel’s passion<strong>at</strong>e advocacy for universal<br />
access to music. A Grammy-winning Deutsche<br />
Grammophon artist since 2005, Dudamel has<br />
also independently produced an all-Wagner<br />
recording available exclusively for download,<br />
a complete set of Beethoven symphonies<br />
for digital learning, and a broadcast of two<br />
Stravinsky ballets with the Simón Bolívar<br />
Symphony Orchestra in cooper<strong>at</strong>ion with the<br />
Berlin <strong>Philharmonic</strong>’s Digital Concert Hall.<br />
Gustavo Dudamel is one of the most<br />
decor<strong>at</strong>ed conductors of his gener<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
He received the Americas Society Cultural<br />
Achievement Award in 2016, and the 2014<br />
Leonard Bernstein Lifetime Achievement<br />
Award for the Elev<strong>at</strong>ion of Music in Society<br />
from the Longy School of Music. He was<br />
named Musical America’s 2013 Musician of<br />
the Year, one of the highest honors in the<br />
classical music industry, and was voted into<br />
the Gramophone Hall of Fame. In October of<br />
2011, he was named Gramophone Artist of<br />
the Year, and in May of the same year, was<br />
inducted into the Royal Swedish Academy<br />
of Music in consider<strong>at</strong>ion of his “eminent<br />
merits in the musical art.” <strong>The</strong> previous year,<br />
he received the Eugene McDermott Award in<br />
the Arts <strong>at</strong> MIT.<br />
Access to music for all has<br />
been the cornerstone of Gustavo’s<br />
philosophy both professionally and<br />
philanthropically. Inspired by his early<br />
musical and mentoring experiences,<br />
the Gustavo Dudamel Found<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
a registered charity, was cre<strong>at</strong>ed in 2012<br />
with the goal of promoting access to music<br />
as a human right and c<strong>at</strong>alyst for learning,<br />
integr<strong>at</strong>ion, and social change.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion about Gustavo<br />
Dudamel, visit his official website:<br />
gustavodudamel.com. You can find more<br />
about the Gustavo Dudamel Found<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong><br />
dudamelfound<strong>at</strong>ion.org. n<br />
Biography<br />
Joseph<br />
Pereira<br />
Joseph Pereira (b. 1974) enjoys a<br />
multi-faceted career as a timpanist/<br />
percussionist, composer, conductor,<br />
and teacher. His work in all areas has<br />
been widely hailed for his cre<strong>at</strong>ivity and<br />
virtuosity, and has been profiled in fe<strong>at</strong>ure<br />
articles in both <strong>The</strong> New York Times<br />
(2006) and the <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> Times (2012<br />
and 2015). In 2015, Pereira was fe<strong>at</strong>ured<br />
on the PBS series Craft in America.<br />
Pereira was appointed Principal<br />
Timpanist of the <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong><br />
by Esa-Pekka Salonen in 2007. He<br />
regularly appears as a solo percussionist<br />
in the LA Phil’s Green Umbrella new music<br />
series. Previously he was the Assistant<br />
Principal Timpanist/Section Percussionist<br />
of the New York <strong>Philharmonic</strong>, from<br />
<strong>January</strong> 1998 to September 2008. He<br />
currently runs the percussion studio <strong>at</strong><br />
the USC Thornton School of Music and<br />
was previously on faculty <strong>at</strong> <strong>The</strong> Juilliard<br />
School from 2005 to 2013.<br />
Pereira’s works as a composer have<br />
been performed by the San Francisco<br />
Contemporary Music Players, Duo<br />
Harpverk <strong>at</strong> the Dark Days Music Festival,<br />
Iceland, New York <strong>Philharmonic</strong>/Music<br />
Academy of the West, Hear Now/Paris,<br />
Aspen Music Festival, pianists Joanne<br />
Pearce Martin and Vicki Ray, <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong><br />
Percussion Quartet, and the Manh<strong>at</strong>tan<br />
School of Music.<br />
Pereira’s recent commissions have<br />
come from percussionist Colin Currie, the<br />
Miró Quartet, the <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> Percussion<br />
Quartet, Vicki Ray/Piano Spheres, the<br />
Manh<strong>at</strong>tan School of Music, and the <strong>Los</strong><br />
<strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong>.<br />
In 2016, he conducted his piece<br />
for amplified bass quartet, which was<br />
selected for the Hear Now Music Festival<br />
in L.A. Also in 2016, his string trio Blur<br />
was performed <strong>at</strong> the Hear Now Paris<br />
American Music Festival. In 2012, the<br />
<strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong> premiered his<br />
Percussion Concerto with soloist Colin<br />
Currie. <strong>The</strong> work was programmed again<br />
the following season with Pereira as the<br />
soloist with the <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong><br />
and Gustavo Dudamel, in <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong><br />
and <strong>at</strong> London’s Barbican. His works<br />
can be heard on Yarlung Records, Sono<br />
Luminus, Electrum Duo, and New Focus<br />
Recordings.<br />
In 2007, his first orchestral piece,<br />
Mask, was selected by the American<br />
Composers Orchestra’s annual new music<br />
readings for top emerging composers. At<br />
the New York <strong>Philharmonic</strong>, he conducted<br />
the premiere of his Quintet for Winds<br />
in 2005 on the Chamber Ensembles<br />
Maraca2<br />
series <strong>at</strong> Merkin Concert Hall. <strong>The</strong> New<br />
York Times wrote, “it is a restless yet<br />
lucidly textured work with an astringent<br />
harmonic language.” Pereira’s percussion<br />
works are published by Bachovich Music.<br />
Pereira has also performed with the New<br />
York Percussion Quartet, the New York<br />
New Music Ensemble, Alea III, the Boston<br />
Symphony Orchestra, the Robert Shaw<br />
Festival Singers, and the New Zealand<br />
Symphony Orchestra as principal<br />
timpanist. He can be heard on Telarc,<br />
Teldec, and Deutsche Grammophon /<br />
iTunes recordings as well as soundtracks<br />
to major motion pictures. His custom line<br />
of timpani mallets is manufactured and<br />
sold by JG Percussion.<br />
When not performing, writing, or<br />
teaching, Pereira likes to spend time with<br />
his wife, violinist Minyoung Chang, and<br />
their daughters Sophia and Julia. Please<br />
visit jpereiramusic.com.<br />
Maraca2 are prized as one of the world’s<br />
leading percussion ensembles today.<br />
Tim Palmer and Jason Huxtable met<br />
while studying <strong>at</strong> the Royal Birmingham<br />
Conserv<strong>at</strong>oire in England. While there,<br />
they <strong>at</strong>tained the highest degree<br />
classific<strong>at</strong>ions, achieved distinction in<br />
the postgradu<strong>at</strong>e course specializing in<br />
percussion duo, and now teach <strong>at</strong> the<br />
Conserv<strong>at</strong>oire as tutors of percussion. In<br />
2014, they were both bestowed with the<br />
honor of becoming honorary members of<br />
the institution.<br />
Maraca2 perform regularly <strong>at</strong> festivals<br />
and concert halls worldwide and have<br />
appeared as artists <strong>at</strong> many of the major<br />
percussion events including an evening<br />
concert <strong>at</strong> the Percussive Arts Society<br />
<strong>Intern<strong>at</strong>ional</strong> Convention. 2017/18 sees<br />
the duo debut with one of the world’s<br />
leading orchestras and conductors <strong>–</strong><br />
<strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong> and Gustavo<br />
Dudamel <strong>–</strong> in Threshold, Joseph Pereira’s<br />
new concerto for solo timpani, percussion<br />
duo, and orchestra.<br />
<strong>The</strong> duo have visited over 50<br />
universities around the world and<br />
through this activity have inspired<br />
hundreds of young percussionists to<br />
pursue a career within the percussive<br />
arts. Maraca2’s l<strong>at</strong>est project <strong>–</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />
World Percussion Group <strong>–</strong> offers young<br />
up-and-coming percussion artists the<br />
opportunity of touring with Maraca2 in<br />
a professional setting. Read more <strong>at</strong><br />
worldpercussiongroup.com.<br />
<strong>Program</strong> <strong>Notes</strong><br />
Igor Stravinsky<br />
(1882-1971)<br />
Composed: 1908<br />
Length: c.5 minutes<br />
Orchestr<strong>at</strong>ion: piccolo, 2 flutes,<br />
2 oboes (2nd = English horn), 3 clarinets<br />
(3rd = bass clarinet), 2 bassoons,<br />
6 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba,<br />
timpani, percussion (bass drum, cymbals,<br />
glockenspiel, triangle), 2 harps, celesta,<br />
and strings<br />
First <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong><br />
performance: July 21, 1925, Fritz Reiner<br />
conducting<br />
Stravinsky’s Fireworks <strong>–</strong> in spite of its<br />
brevity <strong>–</strong> occupies an important place in<br />
his output for two reasons. First, most<br />
comment<strong>at</strong>ors consider it his first fully<br />
characteristic piece, the work in which the<br />
young composer’s own voice emerged for<br />
the first time, unencumbered by echoes of<br />
his forebears. Second, Fireworks got the<br />
<strong>at</strong>tention of a figure who would play a key<br />
role in Stravinsky’s career, the impresario<br />
Serge Diaghilev.<br />
Stravinsky wrote Fireworks as a wedding<br />
present for Nadezhda Rimsky-Korsakov,<br />
daughter of composer and pedagogue<br />
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Stravinsky’s most<br />
important teacher, and another Rimsky<br />
pupil, Maximilian Steinberg. Steinberg<br />
received the finished composition by the<br />
end of June 1908 and expressed his initial<br />
enthusiasm in a July 1 letter to his friend<br />
Mikhail Gnesin, who would l<strong>at</strong>er become<br />
a famous teacher in his own right: “I<br />
like it very much; the music is typical<br />
of Igor…. It’s brilliantly scored, if it only<br />
proves playable, for it’s incredibly hard.”<br />
Over the years, Stravinsky’s once friendly<br />
rel<strong>at</strong>ionship with Steinberg hardened<br />
into mutual animosity; Stravinsky’s own<br />
biography records a different reaction<br />
from Steinberg, the memory certainly<br />
polluted by those feelings: “<strong>The</strong> best he<br />
could do even for my Fireworks was to<br />
shrug his shoulders.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> audience <strong>at</strong> the work’s first public<br />
performance wasn’t much warmer, but, by<br />
th<strong>at</strong> time, the little “fantasy” had already<br />
made its impression on Diaghilev. He<br />
heard Stravinsky play it <strong>at</strong> the piano <strong>at</strong> a<br />
priv<strong>at</strong>e performance <strong>at</strong> the Conserv<strong>at</strong>ory<br />
sometime in 1909, before the public<br />
premiere in <strong>January</strong> 1910. <strong>The</strong> work gave<br />
Diaghilev the encouragement he needed<br />
to commission a full-length ballet from<br />
Stravinsky <strong>–</strong> the result was <strong>The</strong> Firebird,<br />
a score foreshadowed by Fireworks in<br />
many ways. By the time of Fireworks’<br />
public premiere, Diaghilev was already<br />
laying the groundwork for Stravinsky’s<br />
success <strong>–</strong> a review essentially “planted”<br />
by the impresario praised Fireworks for its<br />
“witty hints <strong>at</strong> the reproduction in sound<br />
of a sens<strong>at</strong>ional explosion of skyrockets”<br />
in music distinguished by its “richness of<br />
substance.”<br />
Fireworks begins with a running<br />
accompaniment in the flutes and a<br />
swinging three-note motto tossed<br />
between horns, first violins (with piccolo<br />
and pizzic<strong>at</strong>o seconds and violas), and<br />
solo trumpet. Horns and trumpets develop<br />
this motto into fanfares; a final explosion<br />
from the percussion leads to a languid<br />
central section. <strong>The</strong> work’s ternary form<br />
(A-B-A) means th<strong>at</strong> Stravinsky brings back<br />
the opening m<strong>at</strong>erial to round things off,<br />
a time-honored structural device. It’s<br />
Fireworks’ musical substance <strong>–</strong> above all,<br />
its quirky harmonic twists and transparent<br />
orchestr<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>–</strong> th<strong>at</strong> points the way<br />
forward, with pre-echoes of several<br />
passages from <strong>The</strong> Firebird and the l<strong>at</strong>er<br />
Diaghilev ballets. <strong>–</strong> John Mangum<br />
Joseph Pereira<br />
(b.1974)<br />
Composed: 2017<br />
Length: c.25 minutes<br />
Orchestr<strong>at</strong>ion: piccolo, 2 flutes<br />
(2nd = bass flute), 2 oboes, English horn,<br />
2 clarinets, bass clarinet, contra-bass<br />
clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon,<br />
4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba,<br />
percussion (bass drum, scrub brush,<br />
ceramic tile, bongos, congas, almglocken,<br />
thunder sheet, gong, temple bowl with<br />
loose sleigh bells inside, Chinese cymbal,<br />
suspended cymbals, metal wind chimes,<br />
glockenspiel, octobons, tom-toms, tam<br />
tam, Korean gong, r<strong>at</strong>chet, crotales, Thai<br />
gongs, vibraphone, & bell pl<strong>at</strong>es), 2 harps,<br />
piano, celesta, strings, and solo timpani<br />
and 2 solo percussion (timpani with<br />
medium gongs, 4 tom-toms, 8 roto-toms,<br />
congas, bongos, thunder sheets, spring<br />
coils, spiral cymbals, 8 ceramic tiles,<br />
2 rocks, vibraphones, Chinese cymbals,<br />
bass drums, temple bowls with loose<br />
sleigh bells inside)<br />
First <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong><br />
performances (world premiere)<br />
Thresholds, Joseph Pereira’s new score<br />
reminds us, are two faced, looking<br />
backwards and forwards. <strong>The</strong>y separ<strong>at</strong>e<br />
and they connect, they open and they<br />
close. <strong>The</strong>y represent opportunity and the<br />
p<strong>at</strong>h not yet taken; cross the threshold<br />
and you are committed to a new space.<br />
“Music, and art in general, is really about<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ing space, and the thresholds within<br />
th<strong>at</strong> space are wh<strong>at</strong> really interest me,”<br />
Pereira says. “At the time of writing this<br />
piece, I could not help but think about the<br />
world we now live in, how the ‘threshold’<br />
of our current human experience of<br />
each other and the world has changed<br />
drastically. <strong>The</strong>re are so many issues we<br />
are now faced with, issues th<strong>at</strong> get thrown<br />
<strong>at</strong> us every day from the news <strong>–</strong> and now<br />
you have to question if any of it is even<br />
true.<br />
“Whether you agree with certain issues<br />
or not, we are living in a polarized clim<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
In a way, there’s a concentr<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
intensity which questions the thresholds<br />
we live in. Because of this, life has become<br />
s<strong>at</strong>ur<strong>at</strong>ed with tension and anxiety <strong>–</strong> much<br />
like the feeling of this piece.”<br />
Sonic space then is a formal element<br />
of Threshold, and timbre and texture are<br />
its them<strong>at</strong>ic components. This is reflected<br />
physically, with the three soloists spread<br />
symmetrically across the front of the<br />
orchestra, with ceramic tiles <strong>–</strong> literal<br />
thresholds made musical <strong>–</strong> in center<br />
place. Indeed, with three percussionists<br />
of its own across the back, the orchestra<br />
is enveloped in percussion, and most<br />
instruments exploit and share percussive<br />
techniques and gestures, just as there are<br />
bowed and reson<strong>at</strong>ing wind elements in<br />
the percussion array.<br />
<strong>The</strong> piece was written for the Maraca2<br />
percussion duo <strong>at</strong> their suggestion. <strong>The</strong> solo<br />
parts are very virtuosic, and cre<strong>at</strong>e a sense<br />
of vol<strong>at</strong>ility and anxiousness. But though they<br />
are sometimes competitive with each other<br />
and have defined cadenzas, they are not in<br />
opposition with the orchestra, or contrasted<br />
against it, in conventional concerto dynamics.<br />
Th<strong>at</strong> is another freely explored and crossed<br />
threshold, as the sound of soloists and<br />
orchestra merge into a strong collective<br />
presence, expanding and relaxing as a sort<br />
of organic hyper-instrument.<br />
<strong>The</strong> three soloists begin <strong>at</strong> maximum<br />
distance from each other, with a softly<br />
sighing ebb and flow from gongs placed on<br />
timpani. Orchestral instruments soon join<br />
them, and the gliding glissandos merge<br />
into the sound of blown air, and finally<br />
pitched scales, which symbolize “meaning.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> chanting rhythms th<strong>at</strong> come in and out<br />
of time and the temple bowls with bells<br />
suggest religious rituals, representing hope.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> air sounds th<strong>at</strong> come back, mostly<br />
<strong>at</strong> the end of the piece, symbolize n<strong>at</strong>ure,<br />
a reminder th<strong>at</strong> there’s something bigger<br />
than us,” the composer says. “It is not<br />
until the last section th<strong>at</strong> we have all the<br />
elements together <strong>–</strong> air, chanting, and<br />
the barest elements of the pitch m<strong>at</strong>erial<br />
<strong>at</strong>tempting to cre<strong>at</strong>e a vast open space.<br />
<strong>The</strong> soloists’ parts are mostly improvised<br />
here. <strong>The</strong> solo m<strong>at</strong>erial is laid out linearly<br />
against the orchestra, cre<strong>at</strong>ing even more<br />
expansive space.”<br />
<strong>–</strong> John Henken<br />
NO.1 IN<br />
C MINOR, OP.68<br />
Johannes Brahms<br />
(1833-1897)<br />
Composed: 1855-1876<br />
Length: c.45 minutes<br />
Orchestr<strong>at</strong>ion: 2 flutes, 2 oboes,<br />
2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon,<br />
4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones,<br />
timpani, and strings<br />
First <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong><br />
performance: October 21, 1921, Walter<br />
Henry Rothwell conducting<br />
Because of his relentlessly self-questioning<br />
n<strong>at</strong>ure, Brahms waited longer than most<br />
composers to write his first symphony.<br />
When, <strong>at</strong> the age of 20, he met Robert<br />
Schumann, the older composer heard in<br />
the piano son<strong>at</strong>as Brahms played for him<br />
“veiled symphonies.” Although Brahms<br />
tended to destroy the evidence of his<br />
unfinished works, he sometimes recast<br />
scores in new ways; thus, we can hear<br />
in the stormy opening movement of his<br />
First Piano Concerto music th<strong>at</strong> had been<br />
intended as a symphony (as early as 1854).<br />
By 1862, Brahms had presumably<br />
composed <strong>at</strong> least the first movement<br />
of his First Symphony; he sent the music<br />
to Clara Schumann. In 1868, he sent her<br />
a birthday postcard from Switzerland,<br />
quoting a tune the composer claimed to<br />
have heard played on an Alpine horn by<br />
a shepherd. This music would reappear<br />
to introduce the famous striding theme<br />
of the Symphony’s finale. Despite these<br />
indic<strong>at</strong>ions of his occasional <strong>at</strong>tention<br />
to the Symphony, it would have to wait<br />
until 1876 for completion, and even then<br />
the composer would make significant<br />
revisions to the second movement before<br />
publishing the work in 1877.<br />
Brahms opens his Symphony No.1<br />
with music of extraordinary intensity.<br />
Throbbing basses and relentless timpani<br />
strokes cre<strong>at</strong>e an immedi<strong>at</strong>e <strong>at</strong>mosphere<br />
of darkness and conflict. <strong>The</strong> struggle<br />
proceeds in two directions <strong>at</strong> once, rising<br />
from below and falling from above, but<br />
overlapping musical phrases are also<br />
dueling with one another. After the tension<br />
subsides, a sudden single drum stroke<br />
announces the beginning of the Allegro<br />
section. <strong>The</strong>re is hardly wh<strong>at</strong> could be<br />
identified as a theme, since Brahms<br />
continues his motivic expansion, sculpting<br />
the air before our very ears with bold<br />
sweeping gestures. <strong>The</strong>re are moments<br />
of relax<strong>at</strong>ion during the course of the<br />
movement’s progress, but they seem<br />
always to lead us back to ever more<br />
intense activity. Finally, however, the coda<br />
brings serene, almost seraphic resolution.<br />
Between his stormy opening and<br />
turbulent conclusion, Brahms places a<br />
pair of interludes. <strong>The</strong> Andante is dreamy<br />
and withdrawn, almost religious in its<br />
contempl<strong>at</strong>ive mood. Once more, the<br />
scoring is distinctive, this time emphasizing<br />
the exquisite delicacy of a composer<br />
whose gre<strong>at</strong>est “hit” for many years was<br />
th<strong>at</strong> notorious Lullaby. <strong>The</strong> composer’s<br />
chamber-music experience serves him<br />
well in the closing pages of the movement,<br />
with a solo violin flo<strong>at</strong>ing sweetly above<br />
the orchestra. <strong>The</strong> third movement is an<br />
easy-going Allegretto, with wonderfully<br />
bucolic writing for the clarinets. This might<br />
be part of a “Pastoral” Symphony, had<br />
Brahms written one.<br />
Once again, a slow introduction sets<br />
the stage for the movement to follow.<br />
Urgent music for pizzic<strong>at</strong>o strings leads<br />
us through mysterious, disturbing pages<br />
to one of the most truly pictorial moments<br />
in all of Brahms. <strong>The</strong> mists clear away as<br />
we hear the horn call from th<strong>at</strong> birthday<br />
card to Clara Schumann, continuing in a<br />
noble flute solo; as the echoes subside,<br />
a chorale from the trombones introduces<br />
a repe<strong>at</strong> of the horn call, which gives<br />
way to wh<strong>at</strong> Michael Steinberg describes<br />
simply as “the tune.” Again, we hear the<br />
full mastery of the orchestra as Brahms<br />
approaches the culmin<strong>at</strong>ion of his musical<br />
drama. Instead of repe<strong>at</strong>ing “the tune” <strong>at</strong><br />
the climax, he turns to the horn call for<br />
the final grand chorale th<strong>at</strong> precedes a<br />
vigorous and triumphant coda.<br />
<strong>–</strong> Dennis Bade<br />
Gustavo Dudamel<br />
Music & Artistic<br />
Director<br />
Walt and Lilly Disney<br />
Chair<br />
Esa-Pekka Salonen<br />
Conductor Laure<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Susanna Mälkki<br />
Principal Guest<br />
Conductor<br />
Paolo Bortolameolli<br />
Assistant Conductor<br />
John Adams<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>ive Chair<br />
Martin Chalifour<br />
Principal<br />
Concertmaster<br />
Marjorie Connell<br />
Wilson Chair<br />
N<strong>at</strong>han Cole<br />
First Associ<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Concertmaster<br />
Ernest Fleischmann<br />
Chair<br />
Bing Wang<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Concertmaster<br />
Barbara and Jay<br />
Rasulo Chair<br />
Akiko Tarumoto<br />
Assistant<br />
Concertmaster<br />
<strong>Philharmonic</strong> Affili<strong>at</strong>es<br />
Chair<br />
Michele Bovyer<br />
Rochelle Abramson<br />
Camille Avellano<br />
Margaret and<br />
Jerrold L.<br />
Eberhardt Chair<br />
Mark Baranov<br />
Minyoung Chang<br />
I.H. Albert Sutnick<br />
Chair<br />
Miika Gregg<br />
Vijay Gupta<br />
Mark Houston Dalzell<br />
and James Dao-<br />
Dalzell Chair<br />
Mischa Lefkowitz<br />
Edith Markman<br />
Mitchell Newman<br />
Rebecca Reale<br />
Stacy Wetzel<br />
Lyndon Johnston Taylor<br />
Principal<br />
Dorothy Rossel Lay<br />
Chair<br />
Mark Kashper<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e Principal<br />
Kristine Whitson<br />
Johnny Lee<br />
Dale Breidenthal<br />
Ingrid Chun<br />
Jin-Shan Dai<br />
Tianyun Jia<br />
Chao-Hua Jin<br />
Nickolai Kurganov<br />
Guido Lamell<br />
Varty Manouelian<br />
Yun Tang<br />
Michelle Tseng<br />
Suli Xue<br />
VIOLAS<br />
Principal (Vacant)<br />
John Connell Chair<br />
Dale Hikawa<br />
Silverman<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e Principal<br />
Ben Ullery<br />
Assistant Principal<br />
Dana Lawson<br />
Richard Elegino<br />
John Hayhurst<br />
Ingrid Hutman<br />
Michael Larco<br />
Hui Liu<br />
Meredith Snow<br />
Leticia Oaks Strong<br />
Minor L. Wetzel<br />
CELLOS<br />
Robert deMaine<br />
Principal<br />
Bram and Elaine<br />
Goldsmith Chair<br />
Ben Hong<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e Principal<br />
Sadie and Norman<br />
Lee Chair<br />
Dahae Kim<br />
Assistant Principal<br />
Jon<strong>at</strong>han Karoly<br />
David Garrett<br />
Barry Gold<br />
Jason Lippmann<br />
Gloria Lum<br />
Linda and Maynard<br />
Brittan Chair<br />
Tao Ni<br />
Serge Oskotsky<br />
Brent Samuel<br />
BASSES<br />
Dennis Trembly*<br />
Principal<br />
Christopher Hanulik<br />
Principal<br />
Oscar M. Meza<br />
Assistant Principal<br />
David Allen Moore<br />
Ted Botsford<br />
Jack Cousin<br />
Jory Herman<br />
Brian Johnson<br />
Peter Rofé<br />
FLUTES<br />
Denis Bouriakov<br />
Principal<br />
Virginia and Henry<br />
Mancini Chair<br />
C<strong>at</strong>herine Ransom<br />
Karoly<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e Principal<br />
Mr. and Mrs. H.<br />
Russell<br />
Smith Chair<br />
Elise Shope Henry<br />
Mari L. Danihel Chair<br />
Sarah Jackson<br />
Sarah Jackson<br />
OBOES<br />
Principal (Vacant)<br />
Marion Arthur Kuszyk<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e Principal<br />
Anne Marie Gabriele<br />
Carolyn Hove<br />
Carolyn Hove<br />
Boris Allakhverdyan<br />
Principal<br />
Michele and Dudley<br />
Rauch Chair<br />
Burt Hara<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e Principal<br />
Andrew Lowy<br />
David Howard<br />
Andrew Lowy<br />
David Howard<br />
Whitney Crockett<br />
Principal<br />
Shawn Mouser<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e Principal<br />
Michele Grego<br />
(Vacant)<br />
HORNS<br />
Andrew Bain<br />
Principal<br />
John Cecil Bessell<br />
Chair<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e Principal<br />
(Vacant)<br />
Gregory Roosa<br />
Amy Jo Rhine<br />
Loring Charitable Trust<br />
Chair<br />
Brian Drake<br />
Reese and Doris<br />
Gothie Chair<br />
Ethan Bearman<br />
Assistant<br />
Bud and Barbara<br />
Hellman Chair<br />
Thomas Hooten<br />
Principal<br />
M. David and Diane<br />
Paul Chair<br />
James Wilt<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e Principal<br />
Nancy and Donald de<br />
Brier Chair<br />
Christopher Still<br />
Ronald and Valerie<br />
Sugar Chair<br />
David Rejano Cantero<br />
Principal<br />
James Miller<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>e Principal<br />
Judith and Thomas L.<br />
Beckmen Chair<br />
John Lofton<br />
TUBA<br />
Norman Pearson<br />
Joseph Pereira<br />
Principal<br />
Cecilia and Dudley<br />
Rauch Chair<br />
M<strong>at</strong>thew Howard<br />
Principal<br />
James Babor<br />
Perry Dreiman<br />
Joanne Pearce Martin<br />
K<strong>at</strong>harine Bixby<br />
Hotchkis Chair<br />
HARP<br />
Lou Anne Neill<br />
Kazue Asawa<br />
McGregor*<br />
Kenneth Bonebrake<br />
Stephen Biagini<br />
Jeffrey Neville<br />
Jon<strong>at</strong>hon Heyward<br />
Tianyi Lu<br />
Ruth Reinhardt<br />
* on sabb<strong>at</strong>ical<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong><br />
<strong>Philharmonic</strong> string<br />
section utilizes revolving<br />
se<strong>at</strong>ing on a system<strong>at</strong>ic<br />
basis. Players listed alphabetically<br />
change se<strong>at</strong>s<br />
periodically.<br />
In those sections where<br />
there are two principals<br />
the musicians share the<br />
position equally and are<br />
listed in order of length<br />
of service.<br />
<strong>The</strong> musicians of the<br />
<strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>Philharmonic</strong><br />
are represented by<br />
Professional Musicians<br />
Local 47, AFM.<br />
Presenting the world’s finest classical artists since 1919<br />
Message from the President<br />
As President of Community Arts Music<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>ion (CAMA), I am delighted to<br />
invite you to join us as a contributor to<br />
Santa Barbara’s oldest arts organiz<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
CAMA, the Queen of Santa Barbara’s<br />
non-profits.<br />
CAMA is now entering its 99th season<br />
of presenting the world’s major classical<br />
orchestras and soloists here in Santa<br />
Barbara. And wh<strong>at</strong> a season we have to<br />
look forward to in 2017/<strong>2018</strong>!<br />
<strong>The</strong> Board and I are proud of CAMA’s history,<br />
and we are deeply committed to continuing<br />
the tradition. We look forward to welcoming<br />
you personally to our CAMA community, and<br />
hope you will also consider a sponsorship<br />
opportunity for one or more of our concerts.<br />
Robert K. Montgomery<br />
President<br />
Recognition and Benefits of Sponsorship<br />
n Personal acknowledgement from Executive Director<br />
in onstage welcome before performance<br />
n Acknowledgement <strong>at</strong> CAMA’s Opening and Closing Dinners<br />
and <strong>Intern<strong>at</strong>ional</strong> Circle events<br />
n Listing in onscreen video present<strong>at</strong>ions in the <strong>Granada</strong> and Lobero<br />
<strong>The</strong><strong>at</strong>res on concert night<br />
n Pre-concert complimentary dinner<br />
n Post-concert backstage access to greet the performers<br />
(with artist approval)<br />
n Listing in concert program magazines throughout the season<br />
n Listing in concert advertisements<br />
n Listing on CAMA’s website<br />
n Copy of CAMA’s Season in Review <strong>at</strong> the end of the season<br />
with photographs, previews, and reviews of your concert<br />
n Membership in CAMA’s <strong>Intern<strong>at</strong>ional</strong> Circle<br />
n Valet Parking <strong>at</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Granada</strong> <strong>The</strong><strong>at</strong>re for <strong>Intern<strong>at</strong>ional</strong><br />
<strong>Series</strong> concerts<br />
If you are interested in sponsoring a concert<br />
please contact Elizabeth Alvarez, Director of Development<br />
(805) 966-4324 Elizabeth@camasb.org<br />
diamond circle<br />
$500,000 and above<br />
Suzanne & Russell Bock<br />
Linda Brown *<br />
Andrew H. Burnett<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Esperia Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
<strong>The</strong> Stephen & Carla Hahn<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Judith Hopkinson<br />
Herbert J. Kendall<br />
Sage Public<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
Michael Towbes/<strong>The</strong> Towbes<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
sapphire circle<br />
$250,000 - $499,999<br />
Anonymous<br />
Bitsy & Denny Bacon<br />
CAMA Women’s Board<br />
Léni Fé Bland<br />
T<strong>The</strong> Samuel B. & Margaret C.<br />
Mosher Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
<strong>The</strong> Stepanek Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
<strong>The</strong> Wood-Claeyssens<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
ruby circle<br />
$100,000 - $249,999<br />
<strong>The</strong> Adams Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Anderson<br />
Deborah & Peter Bertling<br />
Virginia C. Hunter/<br />
Castagnola Family<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Robert & Christine Emmons<br />
Mary & Ray Freeman<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Melville Haskell<br />
Dolores Hsu<br />
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hurley, Jr.<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Palmer Jackson<br />
Mrs. Thomas A. Kelly<br />
Shirley & Seymour Lehrer<br />
Sara Miller McCune<br />
Mr & Mrs Frank R Miller, Jr. /<br />
<strong>The</strong> Henry E. & Lola Monroe<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
John & K<strong>at</strong>hleen Moselely/<br />
<strong>The</strong> Nichols Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Nancy & William G. Myers<br />
Michele & Andre Saltoun<br />
<strong>The</strong> Santa Barbara Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Jan & John G. Severson<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stepanek<br />
Jeanne C. Thayer<br />
Mrs. Walter J. Thomson<br />
Union Bank<br />
Dr. & Mrs. H. Wallace Vandever<br />
<strong>The</strong> Wallis Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Nancy & Kent Wood<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yzurdiaga<br />
emerald circle<br />
$50,000 - $99,999<br />
Anonymous<br />
Ms. Joan C. Benson<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Beuret<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Edward E. Birch<br />
Louise & Michael Caccese<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Jack C<strong>at</strong>lett<br />
Roger & Sarah Chrisman<br />
NancyBell Coe &<br />
Bill Burke<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Colleary<br />
Mrs. Maurice E. Faulkner<br />
Mr. Daniel H. Gainey<br />
Mr. Arthur R. Gaudi<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Gilson<br />
<strong>The</strong> George H. Griffiths &<br />
Olive J. Griffiths Charitable<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Mr. Richard Hellman<br />
Joanne Holderman<br />
Michael & N<strong>at</strong>alia Howe<br />
<strong>The</strong> Hutton Parker Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Ellen & Peter Johnson<br />
Judith Little<br />
John & Lucy Lundegard<br />
Mrs. Max E. Meyer<br />
Montecito Bank & Trust<br />
Bob & Val Montgomery<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Parton<br />
Performing Arts Scholarship<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Marjorie S. Petersen/<br />
La Arcada Investment Corp.<br />
Mr. Ted Plute & Mr. Larry Falxa<br />
Lady Ridley-Tree<br />
Barbara & Sam Toumayan<br />
Judy & George Writer<br />
topaz circle<br />
$25,000 - $49,999<br />
Anonymous<br />
Edward Bakewell<br />
Helene & Jerry Beaver<br />
Deborah & Peter Bertling<br />
Robert Boghosian &<br />
Mary E. G<strong>at</strong>es-Warren<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Burnett<br />
Linda Stafford BurrowsMs.<br />
Huguette Clark<br />
Mrs. Leonard Dalsemer<br />
Edward S. De Loreto<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Durham<br />
Dr. Robert M. & Nancyann<br />
Failing<br />
<strong>The</strong> George Frederick Jewett<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia Kaplan<br />
Elizabeth Karlsberg &<br />
Jeff Young<br />
Lynn P. Kirst & Lynn R.<br />
M<strong>at</strong>teson<br />
Otto Korntheuer/ <strong>The</strong> Harold L.<br />
Wyman Found<strong>at</strong>ion in memory<br />
of Otto Korntheuer<br />
Chris Lancashire &<br />
C<strong>at</strong>herine Gee<br />
Mrs. Jon B. Lovelace<br />
Le<strong>at</strong>rice Luria<br />
Mrs. Frank Magid<br />
Ruth McEwen<br />
Frank McGinity<br />
Sheila Bourke McGinity<br />
Frank R. Miller, Jr.<br />
James & Mary Morouse<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia Hitchcock O’Connell<br />
Efrem Ostrow Living Trust<br />
Mr. Ernest J. Panosian<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Phillips<br />
K<strong>at</strong>hryn H. Phillips<br />
Mrs. Kenneth Riley<br />
Judith F. Smith<br />
Marion Stewart<br />
Ina Tournallyay<br />
Mrs. Edward Valentine<br />
<strong>The</strong> Outhwaite Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
<strong>The</strong> Elizabeth Firth Wade<br />
Endowment Fund<br />
Maxine Prisyon & Milton<br />
Warshaw<br />
Mrs. Roderick Webster<br />
Westmont College<br />
amethyst<br />
circle<br />
$10,000 - $24,999<br />
Anonymous<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Adams<br />
Mrs. David Allison<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer Andron<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arthur<br />
Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Bailey<br />
Mrs. Archie Bard<br />
Leslie & Philip Bernstein<br />
Frank Blue &<br />
Lida Light Blue<br />
Mrs. Erno Bonebakker<br />
Elizabeth & Andrew Butcher<br />
CAMA Fellows<br />
Mrs. Margo Chapman<br />
Chubb-Sovereign Life<br />
Insurance Co.<br />
Carnzu A. Clark<br />
Dr. Gregory Dahlen &<br />
Nan Burns<br />
Karen Davidson M.D.<br />
Julia Dawson<br />
Mr. & Mrs. William Esrey<br />
Ronald & Rosalind A. Fendon<br />
Audrey Hillman Fisher<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Dave Fritzen/DWF Magazines<br />
C<strong>at</strong>herine H. Gainey<br />
Kay & Richard Glenn<br />
<strong>The</strong> Godric Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Corinna & Larry Gordon<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Gosden, Jr.<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hanna<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hanrahan<br />
Lorraine Hansen<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H<strong>at</strong>ch<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hawley<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Heeger<br />
Mr. Preston Hotchkis<br />
Elizabeth & Gary Johnston<br />
Mahri Kerley<br />
KDB Radio<br />
Linda & Michael Keston<br />
Mrs. Robert J. Kuhn<br />
C<strong>at</strong>herine Lloyd/Actief-cm, Inc.<br />
Le<strong>at</strong>rice Luria<br />
Nancy & Jim Lynn<br />
Keith J. Mautino<br />
Jayne Menkemeller<br />
Myra & Spencer Nadler<br />
Karin Nelson & Eugene Hibbs, Jr.<br />
Joanne & Alden Orpet<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P<strong>at</strong>ridge<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia & Carl Perry<br />
John Perry<br />
Mrs. Ray K. Person<br />
Ellen & John Pillsbury<br />
Anne & Wesley Poulson<br />
Susannah Rake<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Reed<br />
Jack Revoyr<br />
Betty & Don Richardson<br />
<strong>The</strong> Grace Jones<br />
Richardson Trust<br />
Dorothy Roberts<br />
<strong>The</strong> Roberts Bros. Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
John F. Saladino<br />
Jack & Anitra Sheen<br />
Sally & Jan Smit<br />
Betty Stephens &<br />
Lindsay Fisher<br />
Selby & Diane Sullivan<br />
Joseph M. Thomas<br />
Milan E. Timm<br />
Mark E. Trueblood<br />
Steven D. Trueblood<br />
Kenneth W. & Shirley C. Tucker<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert D. Vos<br />
Barbara & Gary Waer<br />
Mr. &Mrs. David Russell Wolf<br />
Dick & Ann Zylstra<br />
* promised gift<br />
(Gifts and pledges received<br />
as of <strong>January</strong> 4, <strong>2018</strong>)<br />
Presenting the world’s finest classical artists since 1919<br />
“I think too often<br />
people think of the<br />
arts as decor<strong>at</strong>ion to<br />
the experiences of life,<br />
sort of a frosting on<br />
the cake. But to me,<br />
the arts are essential<br />
to understanding the<br />
problems of life, and to<br />
helping us get through<br />
the experiences of life<br />
with intelligent understanding<br />
and grace.”<br />
<strong>–</strong> Philanthropist and<br />
CAMA Friend<br />
Robert M. Light<br />
YOU Ensure<br />
the Tradition<br />
Your generosity through planned giving secures<br />
the future of CAMA. When you include CAMA in<br />
your will or living trust, your contribution ensures<br />
CAMA’s gre<strong>at</strong> classical music performances and<br />
music outreach programs continue.<br />
Thank you for being part of our Community.<br />
CAMA offers the opportunity to ensure the<br />
future of our mission to bring world-class music<br />
to Santa Barbara. By including CAMA in your will or<br />
living trust, you leave a legacy of gre<strong>at</strong> concerts and<br />
music appreci<strong>at</strong>ion outreach programs for future<br />
gener<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
Make a gift of cash, stocks or bonds and enjoy immedi<strong>at</strong>e tax benefits.<br />
Join Elizabeth Alvarez, CAMA Director of Development,<br />
for lunch to learn more. (805) <strong>27</strong>6-8<strong>27</strong>0 direct.<br />
elizabeth@camasb.org<br />
(805) 966-4324 • www.camasb.org<br />
CAMA ENDOWMENT: A Sound Investment<br />
YOU ensure th<strong>at</strong> gre<strong>at</strong> music and world-class artists<br />
continue to grace Santa Barbara stages for decades to come.<br />
Endowment funds are needed to bridge the gap between ticket sales<br />
and steadily rising artist fees and concert production costs. Funds are also<br />
needed to sustain CAMA’s outstanding music educ<strong>at</strong>ion programs.<br />
Our CAMA community members who contribute a cash gift to the endowment of $10,000<br />
or more enjoy many benefits of <strong>The</strong> Mozart Society, including particip<strong>at</strong>ion in our annual<br />
black-tie dinner.<br />
Our CAMA community members who have included CAMA in their will or est<strong>at</strong>e plan<br />
belong to the Legacy Society. Legacy Society members particip<strong>at</strong>e in the Annual Legacy<br />
Event. In May 2017, Legacy members g<strong>at</strong>hered for a Sunset Cruise on the Channel C<strong>at</strong>.<br />
Call Elizabeth Alvarez <strong>at</strong> the CAMA Office (805) 966-4324<br />
to learn more about CAMA’s Endowment.<br />
conductor’s circle<br />
($500,000 and above)<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Russell S. Bock<br />
Linda Brown*<br />
Esperia Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
SAGE Public<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
crescendo circle<br />
($250,000-$499,999)<br />
Andrew H. Burnett Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Judith L. Hopkinson<br />
Herbert & Elaine Kendall<br />
cadenza p<strong>at</strong>rons<br />
($100,000-$249,999)<br />
Anonymous<br />
Anonymous<br />
Bitsy Becton Bacon<br />
Mary & Ray Freeman<br />
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hurley Jr.<br />
William & Nancy Myers<br />
Jan & John Severson<br />
Judith & Julian Smith<br />
Michael Towbes<br />
rondo p<strong>at</strong>rons<br />
($50,000-$99,999)<br />
Peter & Deborah Bertling<br />
Linda & Peter Beuret<br />
Robert & Christine Emmons<br />
Stephen R. & Carla Hahn<br />
Dolores M. Hsu<br />
<strong>The</strong> Samuel B. & Margaret C.<br />
Mosher Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Byron K. Wood<br />
concerto p<strong>at</strong>rons<br />
($25,000-$49,999)<br />
Linda Stafford Burrows,<br />
in memory of Frederika<br />
Voogd Burrows<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Jack C<strong>at</strong>lett<br />
Bridget & Robert Colleary<br />
Mrs. Maurice E. Faulkner<br />
Léni Fé Bland<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Melville H. Haskell, Jr.<br />
Sara Miller McCune<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Miller, Jr.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Hutton Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Efrem Ostrow Living Trust<br />
Craig & Ellen Parton<br />
Walter J. Thomson/<br />
<strong>The</strong> Thomson Trust<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Toumayan<br />
son<strong>at</strong>a p<strong>at</strong>rons<br />
($10,000-$24,999)<br />
Anonymous<br />
<strong>The</strong> Adams Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Adams<br />
Else Schilling Bard<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Edward E. Birch<br />
Frank Blue & Lida Light Blue<br />
<strong>The</strong> CAMA Women’s Board<br />
(Sally Lee Remembrance<br />
Fund and Marilyn Roe<br />
Remembrance Fund)<br />
Dr. Robert Boghosian &<br />
Ms. Mary E. G<strong>at</strong>es-Warren<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Butcher<br />
Virginia Castagnola-Hunter<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Chapman<br />
NancyBell Coe & William Burke<br />
Dr. Karen Davidson<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Durham<br />
Dr. Robert & Nancyann Failing<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Jason Gaines<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gainey/<br />
Daniel C. Gainey Fund<br />
Arthur R. Gaudi<br />
Sherry & Robert B. Gilson<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hanna<br />
Ms. Lorraine Hansen<br />
Joanne C. Holderman<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia Kaplan<br />
Elizabeth Karlsberg &<br />
Jeff Young<br />
Mrs. Thomas A. Kelly<br />
Mahri Kerley<br />
Lynn P. Kirst & Lynn R.<br />
M<strong>at</strong>teson<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kuhn<br />
Mr. John Lundegard/<br />
Lundegard Family Fund<br />
Keith J. Mautino<br />
Jayne Menkemeller<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Max Meyer<br />
Bob & Val Montgomery<br />
Mary & James Morouse<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Spencer Nadler<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia Hitchcock O’Connell<br />
Performing Arts Scholarship<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
John Perry<br />
Mrs. Hugh Petersen<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Phillips<br />
Ellen & John Pillsbury<br />
Miss Susannah E. Rake<br />
Mrs. Kenneth W. Riley<br />
Michele & Andre Saltoun<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Sheen/Peebles<br />
Sheen Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Sally & Jan E.G. Smit<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stepanek<br />
Betty J. Stephens, in<br />
recognition of my friend<br />
Judy Hopkinson<br />
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Stewart<br />
Mark E. Trueblood<br />
Dr. & Mrs. H. Wallace Vandever<br />
<strong>The</strong> Elizabeth Firth Wade<br />
Endowment Fund<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Waer<br />
Mr. & Mrs. David Russell Wolf<br />
* promised gift<br />
Anonymous<br />
Peter & Becky Adams<br />
Bitsy Becton Bacon<br />
Else Schilling Bard<br />
Peter & Deborah Bertling<br />
Linda & Peter Beuret<br />
Lida Light Blue & Frank Blue<br />
Mrs. Russell S. Bock<br />
Dr. Robert Boghosian &<br />
Ms. Mary-Elizabeth G<strong>at</strong>es-Warren<br />
Linda Brown *<br />
Elizabeth & Andrew Butcher<br />
Virginia Castagnola-Hunter<br />
Jane & Jack C<strong>at</strong>lett<br />
Bridget & Bob Colleary<br />
Karen Davidson, M.D &<br />
David B. Davidson, M.D.<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia & Larry Durham<br />
Christine & Robert Emmons<br />
Ronald & Rosalind A. Fendon<br />
Mary & Ray Freeman<br />
Arthur R. Gaudi<br />
Stephen & Carla Hahn<br />
Beverly Hanna<br />
Ms. Lorraine Hansen<br />
Joanne C. Holderman<br />
Judith L. Hopkinson<br />
Dolores M. Hsu<br />
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hurley, Jr.<br />
Elizabeth & Gary Johnston<br />
Herbert & Elaine Kendall<br />
Mahri Kerley<br />
Lynn P. Kirst & Lynn R. M<strong>at</strong>teson<br />
Lucy & John Lundegard<br />
Keith J. Mautino<br />
Sara Miller McCune<br />
21<br />
Raye Haskell Melville<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Miller, Jr.<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Spencer Nadler<br />
Ellen & Craig Parton<br />
Diana & Roger Phillips<br />
Ellen & John Pillsbury<br />
Michele & Andre Saltoun<br />
Judith & Julian Smith<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Toumayan<br />
Mark E. Trueblood<br />
Dr. & Mrs. H. Wallace Vandever<br />
Barbara & Gary Waer<br />
Nancy & Kent Wood<br />
* promised gift<br />
(Gifts and pledges received<br />
as of December 1, 2017)
Join us for delightful garden parties, the <strong>Intern<strong>at</strong>ional</strong> Circle Wine Intermission,<br />
and other elegant events.<br />
Call Elizabeth Alvarez for an Invit<strong>at</strong>ion Packet. (805) <strong>27</strong>6-8<strong>27</strong>0<br />
($10,000 and above)<br />
Anonymous (2)<br />
Bitsy & Denny Bacon and<br />
<strong>The</strong> Becton Family Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Suzanne & Russell Bock<br />
Robert Boghosian &<br />
Mary E. G<strong>at</strong>es Warren<br />
Alison & Jan Bowlus<br />
NancyBell Coe & Bill Burke<br />
Dan & Meg Burnham<br />
<strong>The</strong> CAMA Women's Board<br />
NancyBell Coe & William Burke<br />
Robert & Christine Emmons<br />
<strong>The</strong> Elaine F. Stepanek<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Carla Hahn<br />
Hollis Norris Fund<br />
Judith L. Hopkinson<br />
Joan & Palmer Jackson<br />
Ellen & Peter Johnson<br />
Herbert & Elaine Kendall<br />
Lynn P. Kirst<br />
John Lundegard<br />
Sara Miller McCune<br />
Jocelyne & William Meeker<br />
Mary Lloyd & Kendall Mills<br />
Bob & Val Montgomery<br />
Stephen J.M. & Anne Morris<br />
<strong>The</strong> Samuel B. & Margaret C.<br />
Mosher Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Efrem Ostrow Living Trust<br />
Craig & Ellen Parton<br />
Ellen & John Pillsbury<br />
Michele & Andre Saltoun<br />
Nancy Schlosser<br />
<strong>The</strong> Shanbrom Family Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
<strong>The</strong> Walter J. &<br />
Holly O. Thomson Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Barbara & Sam Toumayan<br />
<strong>The</strong> Towbes Fund for the<br />
Performing Arts<br />
George & Judy Writer<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia Yzurdiaga<br />
($5,000 - $9,999)<br />
Peggy & Kurt Anderson<br />
Helene & Jerry Beaver<br />
Frank Blue & Lida Light Blue<br />
<strong>The</strong> Wood-Claeyssens<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Elizabeth & Andrew Butcher<br />
Louise & Michael Caccese<br />
Stephen Cloud<br />
Bridget Colleary<br />
Edward De Loreto<br />
Ronald & Rosalind A. Fendon<br />
Dorothy & John Gardner<br />
Raye Haskell Melville<br />
Preston & Maurine Hotchkis<br />
Elizabeth Karlsberg & Jeff Young<br />
Winona Fund<br />
Frank McGinity<br />
Sheila Bourke McGinity<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Miller, Jr./<br />
<strong>The</strong> Henry E. & Lola Monroe<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Montecito Bank & Trust<br />
Performing Arts Scholarship<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Dorothy Roberts<br />
Judith F. Smith<br />
Irene & Robert Stone/<br />
Stone Family Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
($2,500 - $4,999)<br />
Annette & Richard Caleel<br />
Virginia Castagnola-Hunter<br />
Sarah & Roger Chrisman<br />
Fredericka & Dennis Emory<br />
Nancyann & Robert Failing<br />
Mary & Raymond Freeman<br />
Ronda & Bill Hobbs<br />
Shirley Ann & James H. Hurley, Jr.<br />
Jill Dore Kent<br />
Lois Kroc<br />
Shirley & Seymour Lehrer<br />
Ruth & John M<strong>at</strong>uszeski<br />
Dona & George McCauley<br />
<strong>The</strong>odore Plute & Larry Falxa<br />
Steven Trueblood<br />
Department of Music, University<br />
of California, Santa Barbara<br />
Nick & P<strong>at</strong>ty Weber<br />
CIRCLE ($1,500 - $2,499)<br />
Todd & Allyson Aldrich Family<br />
Charitable Fund<br />
Deborah & Peter Bertling<br />
Linda & Peter Beuret<br />
Edward & Sue Birch<br />
Diane Boss<br />
Suzanne & Peyton Bucy<br />
Jill Felber<br />
Renee Harwick<br />
Renee & Richard Hawley<br />
Maison K<br />
Karin Nelson & Eugene Hibbs/<br />
Maren Henle<br />
Joanne C. Holderman<br />
Karen & Chuck Kaiser<br />
Barbara & Tim Kelley<br />
Connie & Richard Kennelly<br />
Kum Su Kim<br />
Karin Jacobson & Hans Koellner<br />
<strong>The</strong> Harold L. Wyman<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Chris Lancashire &<br />
C<strong>at</strong>herine Gee<br />
MaryAnn Lange<br />
Cynthia Brown & Arthur Ludwig<br />
Gloria & Keith Martin<br />
Sally & George Messerlian<br />
Gail Osherenko & Oran Young<br />
Anne & Daniel Ovadia<br />
Carol & Kenneth Pasternack<br />
Regina & Rick Roney<br />
William E. Sanson<br />
Linda Stafford Burrows<br />
Marion Stewart<br />
Vera & Gary Sutter<br />
Suzanne Holland & Raymond<br />
Thomas<br />
Esther & Tom Wachtell<br />
Barbara & Gary Waer<br />
Westmont College<br />
Victoria & Norman Williamson<br />
Ann & Dick Zylstra<br />
CIRCLE ($1,000 - $1,499)<br />
Leslie & Philip Bernstein<br />
Wendel Bruss<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia Clark<br />
Lois Erburu<br />
K<strong>at</strong>ina Etsell<br />
Audrey Hillman Fisher<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
C<strong>at</strong>herine H. Gainey<br />
Tish Gainey & Charles Roehm<br />
Perri Harcourt<br />
Glenn Jordan & Michael Stubbs<br />
Peter Karoff<br />
Sally Kinney<br />
Dora Anne Little<br />
Russell Mueller<br />
Ellen & Thomas Orlando<br />
Diana & Roger Phillips<br />
Maurice Singer<br />
Diane Sullivan<br />
Milan E. Timm<br />
Shirley Tucker<br />
Hubert Vos<br />
Nancy Englander &<br />
Harold Williams<br />
Your annual <strong>Intern<strong>at</strong>ional</strong> Circle Membership plays such an important role in continuing<br />
<strong>CAMA's</strong> grand tradition of bringing the best in classical music to Santa Barbara.<br />
Thank you!<br />
(Gifts and pledges received from<br />
June 1, 2016 <strong>–</strong> October 2, 2017)<br />
Your annual gift is vitally important to continuing <strong>CAMA's</strong> nearly 100-year tradition.<br />
Thank you for your generous annual don<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
Benefactors<br />
($500 - $999)<br />
David Ackert<br />
Shelley & Mark Bookspan<br />
Edith M. Clark<br />
Betsy & Kenneth Co<strong>at</strong>es<br />
Wendy & Rudy Eiser<br />
Thomas & Doris Everhart<br />
Elinor & James Langer<br />
Christie & Morgan Lloyd<br />
Phyllis Brady & Andy Masters<br />
P<strong>at</strong>riicia & William McKinnon<br />
Pamela McLean &<br />
Frederic Hudson<br />
Peter L. Morris<br />
Maryanne Mott<br />
N<strong>at</strong>alie Myerson<br />
Justyn Person<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia & Robert Reid<br />
Lynn & Mark Schiffmacher<br />
Maureen & Les Shapiro<br />
Halina W. Silverman<br />
Barbara & Wayne Smith<br />
Carol Vernon & Robert Turbin<br />
Dody Waugh & Eric Small<br />
Cheryl & Peter Ziegler<br />
Contributors<br />
($250 - $499)<br />
Sylvia Abualy<br />
Antoinette & Shawn Addison<br />
Jyl & Allan Atmore<br />
Howard A. Babus<br />
Doris Lee Carter<br />
Lavelda & Lynn Clock<br />
Michael & Ruth Ann Collins<br />
Joan & Steven Crossland<br />
Peggy & Timm Crull<br />
Ann & David Dwelley<br />
Margaret Easton<br />
Ghita Ginberg<br />
Linda & Antony Harbour<br />
Debbie & Frank Kendrick<br />
June & William Kistler<br />
Andrew Mester, Jr.<br />
Myra & Spencer Nadler<br />
Carolyn & Dennis Naiman<br />
Maureen O'Rourke<br />
Hensley & James Peterson<br />
Julia & Arthur Pizzin<strong>at</strong><br />
Bette & Claude Saks<br />
Ada B. Sandburg<br />
K<strong>at</strong>hryn Lawhun &<br />
Mark Shinbrot<br />
Karen Spechler<br />
Beverly & Michael Steinfeld<br />
Jacqueline & Ronald Stevens<br />
Mark E. Trueblood<br />
Julie Antelman & William Ure<br />
Lorraine & Stephen We<strong>at</strong>herford<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>es<br />
($100 - $249)<br />
C<strong>at</strong>herine L. Albanese<br />
Nancy & Jesse Alexander<br />
Carol & Gilbert Ashor<br />
Esther & Don Bennett<br />
Myrna Bernard<br />
Alison H. Burnett<br />
Margaret & David Carlberg<br />
Polly Clement<br />
Melissa Colborn<br />
Janet Davis<br />
Marilyn DeYoung<br />
Lois & Jack Duncan<br />
Michael K. Dunn<br />
Julia Emerson<br />
Barbara Faulkner<br />
Eunice & J.Thomas Fly<br />
Bernice & Harris Gelberg<br />
Deborah Branch Geremia<br />
Dolores Airey Gillmore<br />
Nancy & Frederic Golden<br />
Elizabeth & Harland Goldw<strong>at</strong>er<br />
Marge & Donald Graves<br />
Marie-Paule & Laszlo Hajdu<br />
Carolyn Hanst<br />
M.Louise Harper &<br />
Richard Davies<br />
Elizabeth Hastings<br />
Lorna S. Hedges<br />
Edward O. Huntington<br />
Gina & Joseph Jannotta<br />
Virginia Stewart Jarvis<br />
Brian Frank Johnson<br />
Monica & Desmond Jones<br />
Emmy & Fred Keller<br />
Robin Alexandra Kneubuhl<br />
Anna & Petar Kokotovic<br />
Doris Kuhns<br />
Linda & Rob Laskin<br />
Lady P<strong>at</strong>ricia &<br />
Sir Richard L<strong>at</strong>ham<br />
Lavender Oak Ranch LLC<br />
Barbara & Albert Lindemann<br />
Barbara & Ernest Marx<br />
Jeffrey McFarland<br />
Terry McGovern<br />
Meredith McKittrick-Taylor &<br />
Al Taylor<br />
Christine & James V. McNamara<br />
Renée & Edward Mendell<br />
Lori Kraft Meschler<br />
Betty Meyer<br />
Susan Levine & Jack Murray<br />
Carol Hawkins & Larry Pearson<br />
Marilyn Perry<br />
Francis Peters, Jr.<br />
Ann Picker<br />
Eric Boehm<br />
Constance Pr<strong>at</strong>t<br />
Sonia Rosenbaum<br />
Muriel & Ian K. Ross<br />
Shirley & E.Walton Ross<br />
Joan & Geoffrey Rutkowski<br />
Sharon & Ralph Rydman<br />
Doris & Bob Schaffer<br />
Naomi Schmidt<br />
Anitra & Jack Sheen<br />
James Poe Shelton<br />
Joan Tapper & Steven Siegel<br />
Anne Sprecher<br />
Florence & Donald Stivers<br />
Laura Tomooka<br />
Mary H. Walsh<br />
Judy Weirick<br />
Judy & Mort Weisman<br />
<strong>The</strong>resa & Julian Weissglass<br />
Donna & Barry Williiams<br />
Deborah Winant<br />
Barbara Wood<br />
David Yager<br />
Taka Yamashita<br />
Grace & Edward Yoon<br />
Friends<br />
($10 - $99)<br />
Anne Ashmore<br />
Robert Baehner<br />
Barbara Bonadeo<br />
Cholame Vineyard<br />
Thomas Craveiro<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia Ericson<br />
Hannelore Foraker<br />
Susan & Larry Gerstein<br />
K<strong>at</strong>herine B. &<br />
Richard D. Godfrey<br />
William S. Hanrahan<br />
Lorraine C. Hansen<br />
Carol Hester<br />
Jalama Canon Ranch<br />
C<strong>at</strong>herine Leffler<br />
Margaret Menninger<br />
Ellicott Million<br />
Edith & Raymond Ogella<br />
Jean Perloff<br />
Cherie Topper & Mark Rodgers<br />
Judith & Frank Salazar<br />
Joanne Samuelson<br />
Alice & Sheldon Sanov<br />
Susan Schmidt<br />
Diane & Morris Seidler<br />
Allan Serviss<br />
Ann Shaw<br />
Laura & Alan Smith<br />
Julie & Richard Steckel<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia & Edward Wallace<br />
Shela West<br />
(Gifts and pledges received from<br />
June 1, 2016 <strong>–</strong> October 2, 2017)<br />
$25,000 and above<br />
<strong>The</strong> Walter J. & Holly O. Thomson Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
$10,000 - $24,999<br />
Ms. Irene Stone/<br />
Stone Family Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
$1,000 - $9,999<br />
Sara Miller McCune<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Miller, Jr./<br />
<strong>The</strong> Henry E. & Lola Monroe Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Performing Arts Scholarship Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Westmont College<br />
$100 - $999<br />
Lynn P. Kirst<br />
Volunteer docents are trained by CAMA’s Educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Committee Chair, Joan Crossland, to deliver this<br />
program to area schools monthly. Music enthusiasts<br />
are invited to learn more about the program and<br />
volunteer opportunities.<br />
CAMA Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Endowment<br />
Fund Income<br />
$10,000 AND ABOVE<br />
William & Nancy Myers<br />
$1,000 - $4,999<br />
Linda Stafford Burrows <strong>–</strong><br />
This opportunity to experience gre<strong>at</strong> musicians excelling<br />
is given in honor and loving memory of Frederika Voogd<br />
Burrows to continue her lifelong passion for enlightening<br />
young people through music and m<strong>at</strong>h.<br />
K<strong>at</strong>hryn H. Phillips, in memory of Don R. Phillips<br />
Walter J. Thomson/<strong>The</strong> Thomson Trust<br />
$50 - $999<br />
Lynn P. Kirst<br />
Keith J. Mautino<br />
Performing Arts Scholarship Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Marjorie S. Petersen<br />
(Gifts and pledges received from June 1, 2016 <strong>–</strong> <strong>January</strong> 4, <strong>2018</strong>)<br />
Call the CAMA office <strong>at</strong> (805) 966-4324 for more inform<strong>at</strong>ion about the docent program.<br />
3 In Memory of 3<br />
Joanne C. Holderman<br />
Bridget Colleary<br />
Lynn P. Kirst<br />
Bridget Colleary<br />
Bridget Colleary<br />
Lynn P. Kirst<br />
Lynn P. Kirst<br />
Robert Boghosian<br />
& Mary E. G<strong>at</strong>es Warren<br />
Edward & Sue Birch<br />
Joanne C. Holderman<br />
Judith L. Hopkinson<br />
Lynn P. Kirst<br />
Betty Meyer<br />
Diana & Roger Phillips<br />
Joan & Geoffrey Rutkowski<br />
Judith F. Smith<br />
Marion Stewart<br />
(Gifts and pledges received from<br />
June 1, 2016 <strong>–</strong> <strong>January</strong> 4, <strong>2018</strong>)<br />
American Riviera Bank<br />
James P. Ballantine<br />
Belmond El Encanto<br />
Wes Bredall<br />
He<strong>at</strong>her Bryden<br />
Ca' Dario<br />
Camer<strong>at</strong>a Pacifica<br />
Casa Dorinda<br />
Chaucer's Books<br />
Cottage Health System<br />
DD Ford Construction<br />
Eye Glass Factory<br />
First Republic Bank<br />
Flag Factory of Santa Barbara<br />
Gainey Vineyard<br />
Colin Hayward/<strong>The</strong> Hayward Group<br />
Steven Handelman Studios<br />
Help Unlimited<br />
SR Hogue & Co Florist<br />
Indigo Interiors<br />
Maravilla/Senior Resource Group<br />
Microsoft® Corpor<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Montecito Bank & Trust<br />
Northern Trust<br />
Oceania Cruises<br />
Olio e Limone/Olio Crudo Bar/<br />
Olio Pizzeria<br />
Pacific Coast Business Times<br />
Peregrine Galleries<br />
Performing Arts Scholarship<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Renaud's P<strong>at</strong>isserie & Bistro<br />
Sabine Myers/Motto Design<br />
Stewart Fine Art<br />
Santa Barbara Choral Society<br />
Santa Barbara Found<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Santa Barbara Travel Bureau<br />
<strong>The</strong> Upham Hotel &<br />
Upham Country House<br />
UCSB Arts & Lectures<br />
Westmont Orchestra<br />
Contact He<strong>at</strong>her Bryden for inform<strong>at</strong>ion about showcasing your business in <strong>CAMA's</strong> <strong>Program</strong> Book.<br />
(805) 965-5558 or He<strong>at</strong>herBryden@cox.net<br />